#anyway back to our regular schedule
vellichorom · 1 year
i will give something to anyone who downloads the hallownest vocalized mod & clips me all of godseeker’s/the godhome voices by the way,
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didyoulookforme · 1 month
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bluishfrog · 4 months
I know this isn't dnf as animals but could you draw dream with a derpy expression Iike :3 or :p
Now what happened that made him look like that? 🧐 Let me know your guesses
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@ anon and @ everyone: "this isn't dnf as animals" and that's completely fine, you can leave any kind of prompts in my inbox :D I love the variety!
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highlordofkrypton · 4 months
my last post is stressing me tf out, I hate sharing and self-promoting i'm giving myself an ANXIETY ATTACK
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pronounrespector · 10 months
I find it really funny how people on Twitter are always like, "believe victims!!" But then the victim is someone they don't like, aka dream. And then they're suddenly like "Oh well he probably deserved it" like girl you can't have it both ways ☠
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justanartistiguess · 4 months
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I’m still not over this special btw
Original photo + colored image under read more
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The way Aziraphale leaves is so heartbreaking because it is so in character for him. This is the angel that will only go against Heaven to a certain extent, never leaving though. Unlike Crowley who (even gave up the position of power of being a Duke) was happy to leave it all away, the idea that Heaven is always good despite everything is so ingrained into him. Even Gabriel didn't denounce Heaven just said he found something better, the key difference is Gabriel has always been in a position of power. Unlike Aziraphale, leaving Heaven would be an "institutional problem".
Aziraphale has always chosen Heaven, always choose good and even when Crowley is on the line he will find a way to make it Crowley and Heaven come out on top. Some have already pointed out and I agree, this is reminiscent of a the rebellious child from a toxic home/religious traumatic background.
Not to mention The Metatron appealed to Aziraphale's better side. Brought him a coffee and told him he also ingested things, something Shax had just mocked Aziraphale for. He pretty much bombed him with compliments and reassured him of his leadership status, something Aziraphale has been cautious about since Eden. He dangles what Aziraphale wants, to go to Heaven. To be GOOD again. But Aziraphale has been on Earth for so long, surely there is something to make him stay? I mean he lied to God, the archangels and is regarded as a traitor what could make him really want to go? Crowley. If Metatron can guarantee that Crowley will be there too Aziraphale will surely go and he does.
Yes these two are in love and like Nina said, they don't talk. THAT is their downfall. Crowley never told Aziraphale everything. As @baggvinshield put it in their post, Aziraphale has no reason to believe none of this won't work out.
"We could have been us!" in Aziraphale's mind is "We can, in Heaven!"
“Nothing last forever,” in Crowley mind is “We were never going to work out.”
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menelaiad · 1 year
I'm so curious, if you want to indulge me where does Penelope fit into Menody? 👀
as .... odysseus' wife????
this is ancient greece (monogamy? who is she?) and also stupid as hell ... and also talking about stuff that's old as shit.
y'can still have your odysseys and your iliads and your helen's .... just insert deleted scenes (and not deleted in the case of odyssey 4....) of menelaus pining.
i mean, we actually know that post-troy they went to lesbos together for a bit and menelaus literally just watched odysseus mud-wrestle dudes for fun ... like ....
menelaus and odysseus can have their stupid-as-fuck-cooked-in-my-head love affair at troy and then go home and be equally as loved by their wives and all is a good time fun time. yknow?
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rott3nleav3s · 4 months
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magical miku - wip ☆
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supercasey · 2 years
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Meet my Grumpus OC, Tedissifer! I’ve been obsessed with Bugsnax all month, so I finally caved and made an OC, though I couldn’t resist tying him to Wambus and Triffany, my favorites in the game (save for, well, everyone. They’re all fantastic)! Here’s some basic info about ‘im, though there’s way more under the readmore including his main quest, side quest, and interview with the Journalist!
Name: Tedissifer “Tes” Troubleshoot
Pronouns: He/Him
Loves: Wambus, Triffany
Likes: Gramble, Chandlo, Floofty, Filbo, Eggabell
Neutral: Lizbert, Snorpy, Shelda, Beffica
Dislikes: Wiggle, Cromdo
Favorite Snak (To Eat): Fryder
Favorite Sauce: Ketchup
Character Ideas
+Has a pet Bunger (named Lil’ Mac) that’s been following him around since he arrived on the island. Snorpy helped him put a bow-tie on him to keep him from accidentally getting captured by Lizbert (the bow-tie has a tracking device/trap neutralizer installed in it). Tes goes to the edge of Snaxburg every night to visit Mac, but after completing his side quest, Mac moves in with him and Gramble, and follows him around during his morning routine.
+Wants to be helpful, but oftentimes just comes off as annoying/tiresome, leading to most of the other grumps avoiding him, save for his friends and relatives.
+He can usually be found either petting the Snax in Gramble’s pen, or visiting his aunt and uncle around town. Sits on the ground in front of the campfire every night beside Wambus.
+He has a lot of repressed issues due to a sense of hopelessness from watching Wambus and Triffany lose their farm; his personal quest helps him open up about this to the journalist.
+Through his personal quest, Tes attempts to please both Wambus- who he admires and loves- and Gramble- who's taught him to tame Bugsnax- leading to an altercation between the two older grumps that Tes has to resolve. In the aftermath, Wambus relents and allows Tes to keep his Bunger/help Gramble with the rest of his Bugsnax, opening the town to having more snax as Tes convinces Gramble to let at least a few be available to eat for emergencies.
Main Quest Tie-in (takes place after Small Celebration!)
(Note: I’m following the format of the IGN/Bugsnax Wiki page for character side quests, so that’s why things may be worded weird.)
Summary: During the fight between Gramble and Wambus during Small Celebration, Gramble mentions that the only person who isn’t a “hungry maniac” isn’t back in town, and that he wishes it was him who came back and not Wambus, prompting Wambus to warn him to stay away from his nephew. The next morning, Filbo suggests that the Journalist try to find Tes, as he can help Gramble keep the Snax well taken care of in his barn.
Find Tes: Filbo said something about Wambus’s nephew being able to help Gramble with his barn. I should be able to find him somewhere back in Flavor Falls. Objective: return to Flavor Falls and search for Tes.
Lil’ Mac: There’s a weird Bunger wearing a bowtie that’s running around Flavor Falls. I should catch it for Gramble’s barn! Objective: catch the mysterious Bunger.
Escape Arsonist: Despite having caught the Bunger in my Snaktrap, the trap rejected the Snak and let it loose. This is no ordinary Bunger! Objective: follow the Bunger and find out it’s secrets.
Where There’s A Will: I followed the Bunger to a  secret encampment, but it disappeared behind a makeshift wall that I can’t get through. If I can make it to the other side, I might be able to find Tes. Objective: find a way past the wall.
Tes Craves Flavor
Inferiority Complexion: Tes seems eager to return to Snaxburg, but he’s embarrassed to come back when he has nothing to show for his time away. I can relate. Objective: catch and feed 2 Baja Tacroach.
It’s The Inside That Counts: Apparently certain snax don’t taste very good to Tes, but he has an idea on how to “fix” them. Objective: collect 10 hot sauce and catch 1 Inchwrap.
Seasons Is The Reason: Tes has discovered how to change the flavors of Bugsnax, but he wants to experiment some more. Objective: collect 5 ketchup, 5 ranch, and 1 Fryder.
Get Tes Back to Snaxburg: Now that Tes has a handle on his new discovery, it might be a good time to convince him to go home. Objective: convince Tes to go back to Snaxburg.
Side Quest (takes place after Ghost Stories)
Summary: Tes wants Wambus and Gramble to get along so he can stop feeling like he’s choosing a side, leading him to enlist the Journalist’s help to make it seem like they’re doing nice things for each other. After feeding a Crystal Sweetiefly to Wambus (his favorite) and donating a Sweet Fryder and BBQ Bunger to Gramble (they seem like Wambus-like gifts), the two of them get into another scuffle, forcing Tes to come clean about the plot. Both Grumpuses end up being disappointed in him, leading Tes to consider leaving town again, since he thinks they hate him now. After some convincing from the Journalist (and creating some more Bugsnax variants as make-up gifts) Tes invites Wambus and Gramble to the campfire for a late night talk. Tes finally tells both men the truth; that he loves to eat Bugsnax, but still thinks they can be tamed and kept as pets. He goes on to admit that their fights have been making him feel like he needs to pick between them, but he just can’t bring himself to do so, as he loves them both. While they still aren’t anything close to friends, Wambus and Gramble agree to try tolerating each other better, both for the sake of Snaxburg and their relationships with Tes.
Tes Finds Compromise: Tes looks upset about something. I should probably see what’s bothering him. Objective: speak with Tes.
Family Knows Best: Tes is frustrated with how much Wambus and Gramble hate each other, and wants to find a way for them to get along. Obviously, this means I have to do most of the heavy lifting. Objective: Catch and feed 1 Crystal Sweetiefly to Wambus, then tell him it’s from Gramble.
Roommates Know Better: With Wambus’s gift having gone so well, Tes wants to give Gramble something, too. Hopefully he has something good in mind. Objective: Catch and donate 1 Sweet Fryder and 1 BBQ Bunger, then tell Gramble they’re from Wambus.
More Than He Can Chew: It looks like there’s a commotion at the front gate involving Gramble and Wambus. This can’t be good. Objective: Witness the confrontation between Wambus and Gramble.
Honesty Is The Best Policy: Thanks to Tes’s (stupid) idea, both Gramble and Wambus are giving him the cold shoulder. I should try to patch this out before there’s another fight. Objective: Talk to Gramble and Wambus, then meet them at the campfire anywhere from 10PM-12AM.
Journalist: Who are you?
Tedissifer: I’m Wambus and Tiffany’s nephew! 
Journalist: Can I get a little bit more than that, namely a... name?
Tedissifer: Oh, sorry ‘bout that; I’m Teddisiffer Troubleshoot, though most everybody ‘round here calls me Tes :3
Journalist: Why come to Snaktooth Island?
Tedissifer: Truth be told, it didn’t interest me that much when I heard about it on the news- figured it was nothin’ but fairy tales ‘n gossip- but then I heard that my uncle was going, so I got in touch with him and, well, I suppose the rest speaks for itself.
Journalist: Are you and your uncle close?
Tedissifer: Grump yes we are; he’s been my idol ever since I was a pup! Every summer my folks would send me ‘n my siblings over to Uncle Wamb’s to help with the farm... also it was nice to get a break from us for a season. Can’t say I’m particularly bitter about it or nothin’; those summers were the best days of my life!
Journalist: Let’s circle back; what are your thoughts on Bugsnax?
Tedissifer: They’re pretty grumpin’ tasty, if I do say so myself! Tricky to catch ‘n swallow, ‘specially when they're so darn cute, but they’re worth the trouble.
Journalist: Any info on Lizbert?
Tedissifer: Sorry to say, but my well of knowledge is as dry as it gets with her. We got along perfectly fine when she was around- as fine as acquaintances can be- but truth be told, I’m not much for talkin’ to newcomers unless they're aimin’ to stay awhile, and she just wasn’t built for that like her partner was. To each their own, I reckon.
Journalist: What about her partner Eggabell?
Tedissifer: Aw, Eggsy’s the sweetest! She’ll chew you like a snak if you go 'n rough yerself up real bad, but she’s great company! I used to sit by the fire with her ‘n chat the night away with all kinds ‘a stories, mostly ‘bout our lives before we settled out ‘ere. She may not be an adventurer like her missus, but I honestly think she’s way tougher, at least in the brain. I reckon she’s only gotten tougher out there, wherever she’s off to.
Journalist: What happened to Snaxburg?
Tedissifer: What didn’t happen? As soon as Elizabert ‘n Eggsy vanished, everyone up ‘n lost their grumpin’ marbles, even Uncle Wamb! Sure, we had less food without ‘em around, ‘n no one’s all that good at huntin’, ‘specially compared to Elizabert, but we shoulda been just fine with sauce.
Journalist: How can a community only survive on condiments?
Tedissifer: Grumpit, I don’t know, but we weren’t as helpless as everybody made it out to be! ...Look, I know I’m young ‘n all, ‘n I haven't been through nearly as much as most of these Grumps, but you’d  think we coulda held it together for at least a week or so, right? Grump knows me ‘n my kin have survived through worse, and we’ll do it again if we gotta!
Journalist: What do you mean by that? What else have you survived?
Tedissifer: Um… nothin’, forget I said anything.
Journalist: We’re just about finished here; any closing remarks?
Tedissifer: Actually, yeah... before I forget, Eggsy told me somethin’ important before she went missin’; said she was headin’ up to the mountain to “prove herself”, or somethin’ like that. I wanted to stop her, but she looked so happy ‘n excited... supposed that’s gonna haunt me ‘til I’m dead. I figure you're gonna look for ‘er, right? Lemme draw ya up a map, try ta give ya a good idea where to search. And, by the way... thanks. For everything. Some ‘a us ‘round here aren’t very good at sayin’ as much, but I’m not afraid to be appreciative. Good luck with your investigation!
Oh my g-d that was so much, why tf did I type all this out?? I doubt this’ll get any traction, but at least I can share my unhinged rants with my bro and his fiance. To anyone whose read this far, I love you <3
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fauxvvounds · 4 months
reworked my tagged post again so if u wanna read thru it, now's ur chance 😸
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the sex education ep about disability rep and accessibility has me bawling on the floor i'm a fucking mess. FINALLY. finally we're talking about this.
watching all the students have a sit-in until the lift gets fixed made me break down crying like oof. ok. yeah 😭
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battle-subway-ghost · 5 months
// pinned post updated!
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jokermoreau · 1 year
It enrages me the amount of love, energy, and literal years of my life I wasted on someone who fundamentally didn’t give a single shit about me at all (among other things)
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makofan100 · 9 months
Uh pretend yall saw nothing:3
Anyways happy new year
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goldensunset · 10 months
one more thing to do for this semester. one more. one more. one
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