#anyway back to the last one and a half matchup!
koushuwu · 1 year
do yall know that adhd feeling where, like, you’re SO excited to do something that’s very longterm, and then a couple of days later, you just cannot bring yourself to care, and you just can’t do it?
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
hi!!! could i request pro hero!bakugo & pro hero!reader where bkgs doing an interview and they ask about relationships and his answer is “I thought you people already knew that im married”
i have no idea how to word things but i hope that was readable🙏🙏
keeping it in the family
wc: 1.6k
cw/tags: swearing, mentions of drinking and alcohol, established relationship, dialogue-driven
note: RAHHH I LOVE HUSBAND BAKUGO. anyways !!! i hope you like this, i did get a little carried away when writing it so hopefully it makes sense. thank you for your ask!!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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“And we’re on in five, four, three, two…give ‘em hell.” The roar of excited applause jumbles together with the late-night show’s opening theme and the screams of excited fans can still be heard even as Kirishima flashes a blinding smile to the camera. 
“Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Heroes on Heroes! We’re so glad you’re joining us tonight, seeing as this is the finale of season one!” The audience cheers with fiery passion and it makes the three heroes onstage chuckle nervously. This was going to be a long night, especially if the superfans were crying after every word they spoke. “I’m Red Riot,” he pauses while the cheering erupts once again, “and I’m joined by my fellow pros, Chargebolt and Dynamight.” You wince from your place at sidestage from the sheer wave of noise that slams into your eardrums when the latter is introduced. 
“Thanks for having us tonight, man,” Denki grins. He eagerly drums the armrests of his chair, to the left of Kirishima. “I’ve been looking forward to doing one of these since I saw Deku’s a few weeks back.” 
“It’s a great concept, really. I love being able to just chat with you guys and shoot the shit about hero stuff. It’s so manly.” Kirishima turns expectantly to the other hero sitting to his right, whose hot-headed nature was blatantly obvious by how he was slumped in his chair, squinting slightly at the burning spotlights and clicking cameras. You admire Kirishima’s confidence in forcing Katsuki to say something. “What about you, Bakugo? How’re you feeling tonight?” 
“I’m alright,” he shrugs indifferently. Your breath catches in your throat and you can hear the Dynamight agency’s publicist put his head in his hands. “It’s been a while, so it’s good to see you guys,” he adds with unexpected fondness and you exhale in relief. His eyes meet yours for half a second and he shoots you a wink that makes your knees wobbly. “I saw that save at the bridge collapse last week, Shitty Hair. Pretty decent work.” Kirishima blinks once, twice, and then glances at Denki. Katuski’s blank look narrows into a scowl. “The hell are you looking like that for? I got shit in my teeth or something?”
“No, no. Sorry, man,” Kirishima laughs. “I just wasn’t expecting a compliment from you so early in the show.”
“Yeah, we thought we’d have to booze you up a little more to get you to be nicer,” Denki jokes and he recoils a bit when he’s struck with a molten hot glare from the hero across from him. 
“Whatever you’re about to say, bro, don’t say it,” Kirishima warns and the crackles in Katsuki’s palms gradually dissipate. “But, I’m wondering too. What’s with the good mood?” 
“I guess I feel like playing nice tonight,” he answers cryptically, his gaze flicking over to you again with amusement. You can almost sense the fainting girls falling over each other in the front row. Kirishima’s attention subtly darts over to you and a knowing smirk grows over his face. It was the first time you and Katsuki were at the same press event, since you both thought it was too dangerous to sneak around until now. “But, talk about that bridge save. I don’t think a lot of people know that the guy was wanted by several agencies.”
“Ooh, yeah,” Denki agrees with a quick sip of his drink. He swallows and sets the glass down with a light thud. “He’d been giving us hell for weeks. It's not really the best matchup for a sand villain to be going up against an electric hero.”
“It was the sand villain and his wife, wasn’t it? That chick with the melting Quirk?”
“Yep, they were a nasty couple to deal with,” Kirishima confirms. “I had to keep track of this guy’s damn sand spikes and his wife turning the floor to goop at the same time.”
“Goop is a weird-ass way to put it,” Katsuki points out with obvious distaste. 
“Yeah, but he was a pretty goopy guy.” Chuckles ripple through the audience and you can’t help breaking a smile too at Kirishima’s joke. 
“I think for me, at least,” Denki adds, “the biggest pain was the fact that they were married, and they had, like, marriage telepathy or something.”
“Bro, I thought that was just me! Here I was, thinking that I’d incapacitated one and split them from the other, when bam! Both of them appear in front of me like a damn genie.” 
“You ever have to deal with villain couples, Bakubro?”
“Nah, not recently. We’ve been doing a lot of big raids on all the crime families downtown.” He flexes his right bicep and pulls back the sleeve of his shirt to show a gnarly purple spot growing on his skin. “Got this little beauty three days ago from a neo-Hassaikai asshole.” You're not fazed by the ugly shade of the wound because you were the one who stitched up the...less visible results of the raid.
“Jeez, man,” Denki says in disbelieving awe at his friend’s injury. “If you ever need backup, we’d love to do a team up with you.” 
“I think I’d rather die–”
“My agency would also love to team-up with you,” Kirishima interjects before Katsuki can finish his thought. The heart rate monitor of his publicist begins to rapidly beep behind you. “We can have a threeway team-up! That’d be pretty cool, don’t you guys think?” 
“What if we all just merged into one big super agency? Like a big family?”
“That sounds like the stupidest shit–” Again, Kirishima cuts off Katsuki���s brash protests and saves them from being taken off the air.
"That would be so awesome."
“Would that mean we’d have to get pro-hero partners, too? Keep hero work in the family?”
“I think Salonpas would have heart palpitations if we said we were trying to keep hero work within the family,” Katsuki points out and his friends nod in agreement. “On another fuckin’ note, that Half-and-Half idiot keeps hogging the number two spot and it pisses me off.” Though you didn’t often encounter Todoroki while you were on patrol, you knew that he was adamant about keeping work life and family life separate. It made him even more of a dedicated hero and a recent bust of a notorious crime ring bumped him into the number two spot over Dynamight for that month. You didn’t hear the end of it from Katsuki. 
“He and Deku just work really efficiently, Bakubro.”
“I can efficiently slam both their skulls into a–”
“You know what would solve that problem?” Denki butts in unceremoniously, covering up his harsh words for a third time. Katsuki grunts in response and the lightning-decorated hero gives him enthusiastic finger-guns. “Combining and making a family agency.”
“What are the chances that Sero would want to join too?”
“Probably pretty high,” Kirishima guesses. “He’s at my place every other week, anyway, so he’s basically my brother.”
“Alright, maybe this could actually work, then. I just need to find a smoking hot hero wife.”
“That’ll probably be the hardest part, buddy–”
“What about Bakugo?” You stiffen and the three guys turn their attention to a voice calling out from the audience. Speaking during the interviews was strictly prohibited until the question and answer section, but getting Katsuki’s attention was a surefire way to derail the entire episode.
“The fuck do you mean, what about Bakugo? Who the fuck said that?”
"Dude, just ignore them."
“Can’t be a family agency if Bakugo never gets into relationships,” the same nasally, irritating voice argues and your face feels like it’s been set on fire. Kirishima’s attention jumps to you for a moment and then back to his friend, whose palms are starting to spark like fireworks. “Do you just get no bitches, or something?” The audience gasps and security finally arrives to escort the disturbance out of the building. The director is ready to stop the cameras and jump to a commercial break, but Katsuki speaks before he can order the sound crew to cut the mics. To everyone’s surprise, his voice is nothing but amusement, like the insinuation didn’t bother him in the slightest. 
“You think I don’t get into relationships?”
“It’s alright, Pikachu. I really don’t give a shit about whatever that guy said,” Katsuki reassures his friend with a sly glint in his eye. His friends watch him warily, like a grenade on the verge of exploding. Once again, burning red eyes meet yours with a single question that you answer with a resolute nod. “I’m not gonna blow up, so stop looking like that. Really, I don’t care.”
“Why not?” A tense beat of silence passes, then–
“I thought you people knew that I’m married.” A shit-eating grin spreads across your husband’s face as gasps of shock burst from the audience. Kirishima and Denki both shake their heads in exasperation. They knew already, of course, but they didn’t expect him to reveal his relationship status as a result of a heckler. “Yep, going on a year and a half, now. Around five years together total coming this winter.” More collective cries of jealousy, surprise, and betrayal shake the building’s foundation. "If you don't believe me, ask these guys."
"Yeah, we were at the wedding, too. It's hard to keep it a secret when all of your friends are also high-profile heroes."
“Can you guys believe that he fell in love during the winter?” Denki’s thumb juts out toward his friend, who frowns at the mere mention of cold weather.
“I fucking hate the winter,” he grumbles. 
“We know, man,” Kirishima says sympathetically, unsuccessfully hiding a chuckle. “You’ve been saying that since high school.”
“Yeah, and shit hasn’t changed,” Katsuki bites back with lighthearted indignance. “Look, they saved my ass when it was cold; how was I not supposed to fall in love with them?” To your delight, his complexion has turned a slightly darker shade of pink. “Yeah, I love them. What about it, asshats?”
“Is this a bad time to bring up the family agency again?”
“Let’s go to commercial before I blow this fucking chair to pieces.”
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Online Matchup 4
Summery: Y/N makes a trip back home last minute, ruining Jason's plan for a breakfast date, but that won't stop him from coming up with a different plan.
Warning: swearing, talk of surgery, Jason's being a sweetheart, fluff
A/n: this is becoming one of my comfort fics to write, and I can't be mad about it. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. Feedbacks always welcome
Words: 3097
Series master list
October 8
Jason (6:40am) Good morning How are you this beautiful morning?
Y/N Why in the everloving fuck are you awake at six in the morning?
Jason Aren’t you a potty mouth in the early mornings Someone should teach you a lesson
Y/N It’s to early for anything right now
Jason’s May I remind you, that you’re awake this early too
Y/N My sister decided it was the perfect time to call me Apparently it couldn’t wait until I was awake enough to call her back And now I can’t sleep
Jason Everything okay?
Y/N Define okay?
Jason It’s your dad isn’t it?
Y/N Yeah I don’t know, I don’t want to talk about it
Jason Fair enough
Y/N Now answer my question
Jason Demanding Wanted to know how you were doing after last night
Y/N Better now that I’ve slept I wish I could sleep longer tho Though my eyes hurt and it feels like I have a hangover
Jason Consequences of crying before bed
Y/N Make it go away
Jason Wanna meet for breakfast? Y/N?
Y/N (8:35am) Oh, sorry I fell asleep
Jason Uh huh It has nothing to do with the fact that I asked if you wanted to go for breakfast
Y/n Mm don’t know what you’re talking about And isn’t there a rule where a guy has to wait a least three days Before you ask the girl out again
Jason Apparently My brother advised me the same thing But since I could care less what he thinks about my relationship I have decided to ignore him and take the plunge and ask you anyways Besides he barely listens to his own advice So to each their own I guess
Y/N Why do I get the feeling that you ignore your brother a lot
Jason Couldn’t tell you So, breakfast?
Y/N Uh, wish I could But I have a train to catch 
Jason Where’s it going?
Y/N Metropolis 
Jason You're going home? Why so sudden?
Y/n The call with my sister? Apparently my dad is having surgery and my mom wants everyone there until he’s done Don’t know why I have to go, by the time I’m there it’ll probably be over
Jason Yikes What’s the surgery for?
Y/N Dunno, something to do with something? I’m not sure, I was half asleep when she called And she used that to her advantage and got me to agree to go home today
Jason Don’t you have class tomorrow?
Y/N Not until the afternoon
Jason Work?
Y/n Not until Tuesday 
Jason Huh
Y/n Yup tbh I rather spend my Sunday with you then go home But it’s family and I can’t say no to my sister
Jason I get that family’s first But I would choose you over my family
Y/n … You can’t just say that!
Jason But flustering you is becoming my favourite past time
Y/n Get a new one!
Jason Nah, don’t think I will Okay, so no breakfast How about I drop you off at the station?
Y/N Tempting But if you do, then I’ll miss the train Because I wanna kiss your stupid face And besides, I’m almost there
Jason My face isn’t stupid … You wanna kiss me? Colour me flattered
Y/n I rescind my statement 
Jason Can’t do that, it’s in writing Hold on, when you said you were sleeping You were actually packing, weren’t you?
Y/N Guilty I’m sorry I’ve spent thirty minutes debating on whether or not to ditch my family for you
Jason But in the end you’re ditching me Feels like your running from something I see how it is
Y/N I’m sorry D: I’m not running away or anything 
Jason It’s okay, really I’m not mad or anything Okay, maybe a little disappointed But he’s your dad and you don’t know when’s the next time you see him So it’s okay, don’t feel bad I’ll wait around until your back And I know your not, I just took the joke too far and I’m sorry
Y/n I’m still sorry
Jason Can I call you?
Y/N Uhhhhhhh Give me a minute 
Jason Take as much time as you need I can wait
Y/n Sweet of you But I needed to find a seat first And then my headphones
Jason So You’re good now?
Y/n Yup
It didn’t take more than a second before your phone rang after you sent the message.
“I thought you wanted to call?” you answered, moving your phone so Jason could see your face. He shrugged, shooting you a smile.
“Wanted to see your pretty face is all,” he said, and you could feel your face heat up at the compliment. Averting your eyes, you sink in your seat, trying to hide your face in your sweater. “Awe, is this what you look like when you get flustered? There’s no way I can't stop flustering you now. If this is what your reaction is going to be every time I do.”
“I’m hanging up now,” you mumbled into your sweater, and wondered if he heard that. Judging by the smile he gave you, he did.
“Nah, I don’t think so. You called my face pretty and you wanted to kiss it,” he said. That made you come out of your sweater and glared at him.
“I think I said stupid face,” you corrected, “you have a stupid face.”
“That you want to kiss,” Jason pointed out with a smile. You stuck out your tongue at him, making him laugh. “How’s the train ride?”
You shrugged, shifting in your seat trying to get comfortable. “A train ride I guess. We just left the station and it’ll be two hours until we get to Metropolis? My butts gonna hurt once I get there.”
“Gotta walk around once in a while,” Jason reminded, “did you bring anything for the ride?”
“Yeah, homework I still need to finish, my sketchbook and some books I’ve been meaning to read.”
“Sounds like a party,” Jason joked. You huffed out a laugh.
“Oh yeah, real life of the party over here.” 
Before either of you could continue, you faintly heard a door slamming open and closing before hearing a faint call of Jason! You promised me breakfast! From what you could make out, it was a female voice and you pushed down the bout of jealousy that came from nowhere. You didn’t have the right to be jealous. Jason wasn’t yours, he was his own person and you two weren’t seeing each other officially. He was free to do what he pleased. Still, you couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt.
You watched as Jason scowled, and turned towards the voice. “Yeah, give me a minute I’m on the phone.”
You schooled your features and raised an eyebrow as he turned back to his phone. “You already had breakfast plans, yet you still tried to make them with me? Wow Jason, didn’t know you had that in you.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m not a two timing bitch,” he clarified and you blanched at the statement. Damn, and you thought you hid it well. “And like I said before, I’d ditch my family for you any day of the week without question.”
“Aw Jason, you’d ditch your own sister! I see how it is,” the female voice said. Jason made a face as a blond haired girl came into frame, hanging off of Jason’s shoulders. Her nose pressed into his cheek and she smiled. “Tell me how you really feel, Jason.”
“Okay, I will,” he said, shoving her off, “you’re an annoying little shit.” She laughed and turned towards the phone. She was pretty, you had to admit.
“Oh, Tim’s right. You are cute,” she said, and you pulled your sweater over your mouth, trying to keep a laugh in as Jason looked offended.
“Steph!” he yelled, shoving her face out of frame. “Go away.”
“No, you promised me breakfast last night, and I demand pancakes,” she said, coming back in, shoving Jason out of frame as she did so. She turned to you and smiled. “Hello, I’m Jason’s sister Stephanie. You must be Y/N, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard virtually nothing about you.”
“And I’m trying to keep it that way,” he grunted, pushing her away. The two fought until finally they settled with Stephanie leaning on his shoulder. “How’d you even know their name?”
“Tim,” she answered. You raised your eyebrow in question. “He gets bored when he has nothing to do. And he decided to snoop around Jason’s life.”
“Well I’ll try not to be offended,” you said, though you furrowed your brows in concern. “Should I be worried?”
“I don’t think so,” Stephanie hummed, “not unless you have something to hide.”
“Do you have something to hide?” Jason pressed, a teasing smile dancing on his lips. You puffed out your cheeks and looked away.
“Oooh you do,” Stephanie sang, “tell us before we find out from Tim.”
“Tim needs to mind his own fucking business,” you muttered to yourself, causing Jason to laugh. “And no, I have nothing to hide. Lived a pretty boring life.”
“Don’t know, you tried killing your sister once,” Jason mused. 
“I didn’t try on purpose! I pushed her off the deck into the lake,” you corrected, “and my dad got to her before anything could happen. Man, he was pissed. I feared for my life that day. I’ve never known fear until I saw the look he gave me.” You shuddered at the memory.
“How old were you?” Stephanie asked, worry laced in her words. You shrugged, staring at the corner of your phone, avoiding their gaze.
“Ten I think? Could be younger, I don’t know. Thought it would be funny, and it was until it wasn’t.”
“Did he hurt you?” Jason asked, you shook your head and moved your gaze to him.
“No. But the way he looked, he wanted to. If we were alone he probably would have. I booked it into the car and hid there until we went home. Then I hid in my room for the rest of the day.”
“Yikes. Why was he so mad? Bruce wouldn’t have been if we did something like that.”
“That’s because we knew how to take care of ourselves and we knew how to swim,” Jason pointed out.
“And he probably doesn’t have favourites,” you chimed in. You hummed in thought, ignoring the worried looks the two siblings were giving you. “But he doesn’t strike me as picking a favourite among his kids, unless he’s really good at hiding it. But no parent is that good at hiding that.”
“Have experience, do you?” Jason asked, you only hummed not wanting to elaborate. You aren’t sure how, but what was supposed to be a lighthearted conversation turned sour. You scrunched up your nose as a thought occurred to you. If it was this easy to talk to both Jason and Stephanie, you were afraid how the rest of his family would be. “Whatcha thinking about?”
“What you guys are having for breakfast,” you said instead of you voicing your thoughts.
“Ooh yes. I did come here for breakfast,” Stephanie said, as if she had forgotten the reason for being here. She turned to him and poked his cheek. “Make me pancakes with bacon and ham and eggs and everything.”
“How can you eat so much and not gain anything,” Jason grumbled as he moved off the couch and towards the kitchen. Stephanie shifted slightly so she was more centered to the camera.
“I work out,” she simply said with a shrug. Jason grumbled something, and since he was too far away you couldn’t hear what he said. “So, how’d you meet Jason anyways? Tim won’t say and Jason doesn’t want to talk about you when asked.”
��That’s because you pester me so much that I don’t want to talk about them,” Jason called, “and you don’t have to answer anything you want too, Y/N. Don’t let Stephanie bully you into answering questions.”
“It’s okay, Jason, I don’t mind. I know what it’s like to have siblings,” you said with a smile. “We met online. Started talking a few weeks back and haven’t stopped since.”
“Ah, you guys are still new,” Stephanie mused, “that means you can still back out before you guys get too serious.” You laughed at the same time Jason yelled hey! “Kidding, I’m kidding. I haven’t seen Jason happy in awhile. Please stick around, he’s more bearable when he’s happy.”
You watched as Jason stalked towards her, and plucked the phone from her. “If all you came here for was to make fun of me, you can go home without your food.”
“Noooo, Jason I’m sorry,” you heard Stephanie whine. And you couldn't be sure, but you saw Stephanie grovel a little bit on the floor. Although Stephanie couldn’t see Jason’s expression, you could and smiled at the little smile he shot you.
“Then go take a shower, you stink,” he said, and she was quick to race to the bathroom. “Your clothes are still here from last time!” he called and set the phone down so watch him as he prepared breakfast. “Sorry about her. I completely forgot she was coming over today.”
“No worries,” you dismissed, watching in awe as Jason cut up some vegetables with ease. “She was fun to talk to.”
“Prefer her over me, huh?”
“Nope. I like you more,” you said. “Where’d you learn how to cook?”
“Alfred taught me when I was young, and I kept going afterwards. Found it helped me when things got too stressed,” he explained. “Stress cooking is a lot healthier than other ways to deal.”
“I get that,” you mused, “I stress clean.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” he grunted. He stopped for a moment and looked towards you; eyes narrowed. “Did you have breakfast this morning?” You bit the top of your lip and avoided looking at him. “Y/N,” Jason said in warning.
“It was too early to eat!” you cracked, “I had a coffee and that was it.” Jason shook his head, going back to his food.
“I hope you eat something soon.”
“I packed some snacks. But they’re nothing compared to what you’re making for breakfast.”
 “Well next time actually eat something or else I’ll just have to come over and cook for you.”
“That a threat?”
“No, more like a promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you said with a smile. 
“Stop flirting and cook me my food!” Stephanie yelled after the quickest shower you have ever seen someone take. 
“So fucking demanding,” Jason grunted as you laughed.
“I should let you go so you can focus on the food instead of getting distracted,” you mused.
“But you’re the only kind of distraction I’d like,” he said, and you heard Stephanie gag. Laughing, you shook your head, trying to keep from blushing. “Okay maybe you’re right. Or otherwise, I’m going to throw Steph out the window.”
“Ha! I would like to see you try!”
Jason rolled his eyes and flicked them towards you. “Let me know when you’re there?”
“I can do that.”
Y/N (11:30 am) Ugh, I hate train rides
Jason Could have flown
Y/N Yeah but train tickets are cheaper
Jason True Made it in one piece?
Y/N Yup Now I’m making my way to the hospital
Jason Someone picking you up?
Y/n Nah, I’m taking the bus Need the extra time before I get there
Jason I get that 
Y/n How was breakfast?
Jason Good Though it would be better if it was you
Y/n Stoooooooopppppppp
Jason Never I’m sorry about Steph, we can be a handful sometimes
Y/n No worries, I like her Is the rest of your family that energetic?
Jason Some yeah, the rest are just tamed
Y/n Sounds fun
Jason Oh yeah, the best
Y/n I can hear the sincerity from here 
Jason Almost to the hospital?
Y/n Yeah I gotta go
Jason Tell me how it goes
Y/N (2:40 pm) I shouldn’t have come Why did I say yes?
Jason Because you were sleep deprived and you can’t say no to your sister Also because your dads in the hospital 
Y/n Right He’s fine by they way, now he’s just recovering Doctors say they did what they could and he’ll be out of here in a couple of days
Jason Figured out what the surgery was about?
Y/N Nope and at this point I’m too afraid to ask
Jason Wow Why do you have regrets?
Y/n I don’t know how or why But somehow my sister figured out I was seeing someone Or at least talking to someone and kept pestering me until I told them I’ve been bamboozled 
Jason Guess I’m not your dirty little secret anymore huh
Y/n Guess it wasn’t meant to be Oh well can’t be helped
Jason So now that your dads fine, you coming home?
Y/n No Somehow I have been convinced to stay the night and take the morning train in the morning Which sucks, I already bought my ticket for tonight 
Jason That’s rough buddy
Y/n Can’t be helped I guess Now I get to play 20 questions 
Jason But at least you get to spend time with your family
Y/n True
Jason you know, if you want I can drive up there and take the train with you
Y/N That is very sweet of you and very tempting But you have work and I don’t want to inconvenience you
Jason You’re not an inconvenience If anything, you’d be doing me a favour I have the day off tomorrow and I’ve been meaning to do something I’m not very good at doing nothing
Y/N What about your bike?
Jason When I said drive, I meant the loosely I’d take the train or fly Or I can drive us back I have a car too, you know
Y/N Where would you stay?
Jason I have a friend living there that I’ve been meaning to visit Plus we can go for breakfast tomorrow before making the trip back
Y/N Very tempting But ultimately I’m not going to tell you what to do It’d be your choice
Jason See you in the morning then
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neetily · 21 days
꣑୧ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── MATCHUP EVENT: Date #8
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♡ cupid's victim number eight!! ♡
AHHHHH i finally got to you <3 please don't think im biased with these picks hehe... i genuinely think they just fit you sooooooo well <3 i hope you enjoy !!
─ you have one new message from...
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Shane . . .
promise to make it up to you on a later date, if you'll let me? wanna give you want you deserve, sorry for interrupting last nights date x
Why? foodie cuties? i think shane would love to taste test all of your favourite and new meals cooked at home, as well as travelling around the world to try lots of new dishes with you! but also, while i don't think shane is the best cook at the beginning of your relationship, he certainly adores spending time with you learning how to be better! he just wants to make dishes that you can be proud of, that you enjoy. you encourage and inspire him, and he's so thankful to see you smile and eat well <3 he's also just a mushy gushy guy, a hopeless romantic at heart, and i think you would appreciate how unconventionally romantic he would be with you </3 and of course, he is BIG. both in fat and in his age, i think. which i know you love!! big cuddle bug shane who loves to your you into big bear hugs every chance he gets, pulling you into his lap for hi to dote upon you with nose kisses and cute petnames. he gets all shy calling you darling and baby girl to begin with, but it rolls so well off his tongue eventually. something he slips in to every day speech without noticing, even in public. i think he'd be BIG on physical touch, actually. always wanting his big paw on you some way or another, just to know that you're still there, to let you know that he still loves you.
he'd appreciate how much you can yap at times, especially in private with him. looooves listening to you talk. and he enjoys the fact that you have a mediator personality type! you help him relax just by existing, offering him so much comfort through small acts of love.
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Burning Love . . .
he can't help himself. you just looked so cute with that little frilly apron on... but it looks even cuter when scrunched up out of the way, don't you think?
the smell of burnt food fills the farmhouse, wafting through the open plan kitchen and into the living room where shane rocks behind you, feet firmly planted on the old creaky floorboards under him, wood groaning about as much as he does with the heavy thrusts he offers your poor little cunt. so puffy and pretty when he pulls apart your ass cheeks to get a better view of how his cock bullies in and out of you, his brows furrowed in sheer concentration of your bent over position, upper half over the couch armrest, your ass hanging off the edge.
so cute how easily you've forgotten all about the meal overcooking in the kitchen too, legs all trembly and throat all scratchy with the high pitched whines he fucks out of you. even he finds it difficult to remember how he got there, chewing down on his bottom lip in faux thought, too busy ogling the ring of cream forming at the base of his cock to properly sift through his memories, cute little cunt sucking him off so well— leaves his mind a lil fuzzy and empty headed from how good you're making him feel.
and he can barely smell the burning food anyway, a small hint of it hitting the back of his throat to bring slight remembrance. right, he was visiting for a secluded dinner date. he's not the best at cooking, so the resulting burnt mixture currently dying in the kitchen fits him well. but he appreciates your help; perhaps a bit too much given how eagerly he humps into you, his voice rough and rushed as a hiss escapes him with how fucking tight you are around him.
"enjoying your meal, darling?" he half laughs, deep and low, cut off only by a greedy moans when your cunt squelches extra sweet around him at the sound of his voice, his head naturally thrown back in pure enjoyment from how stupid you sound on his fat cock, small little girl as compared to his big strong hands, keeping you pinned nice and snug to the couch under you so that he can pull your ass back against his every thrust. tugging on your apron ties, it won't be long until they're undone. shame, right?
at the very least, he's enjoying this little diner date with you. and he'll be sure to feed your cunt her fill soon enough, maybe then your belly soon after.
— you like to... text your friends when alone! here is a text convo that i think fits your matchup!
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Hayden . . .
can't get the image of you out of my head, love... im afraid that means that we'll have to meet up again soon! if you'll allow that, of course!
Why? big oy. big man. big muscles. big heart. big tummy. big love. BIG!!!! he's big in every respect, i think... if yknow what i mean hehe... also in his age compared to you! everything you could ever want, right? a big teddy bear who isn't ashamed or afraid to show just how much he loves you, in private and in public! completely smitten with you, i really think he'd love dressing you up? i kn ow you made no mention of this but im almost certain you'd like it! putting you in cute dresses, pretty coords, consistently praising you and kissing you and touching you and ah... he's just a big ol puppy for you! but, in reality, you're his little pup, and he takes looking after you very seriously! you make him feel younger i think, which he really appreciates. even when you call him daddy, cheeks brightly blushing in the face of your submission. he'd be deceptively sweet with you, in that he does genuinely express sweet affection, ut man switches SO FAST into something more dominant when he feels like you need/want it. someone you can rely on, who keeps to himself well already, so you can be sure that he's going to be making use of the land he owns to gather all the fresh ingredients to cook well for you! i think he'd also be a foodie, which gives you guys something to bond over!
im imagining you both cooking together in the kitchen, all giggles and smiles and puppy love shared in the early hours, last night, and in-between!
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Picnic Panic . . .
the excellently prepared picnic spread sits idly on the cute blanket you had brought along to the dater, a selection of homemade sweets and treats, as well as some savoury options provided by both parties for a nice balance. he's always loved your food, and he's always loved preparing you food. it looks good, tasted even better, for what he got to eat of it, anyway.
his fingers remain sticky, licked clean of all the sugar and sauce the picnic has thus provided, and yet still; he wants to lick at them again. suck up all of the cream you've stained his fingertips with, praise you for tasting sweeter than anything laying before him right now. because he just knows that he'll prefer your taste over anything else right now, licking his lips at the mere thought.
"so cute, sweetheart." he smiles innocently down at you, in love with the way you squirm in place, knuckle deep in your tight little cunt as if it were the most normal thing in the world. like if someone were to walk down to the farm and find you creaming the blanket that twists below you, nothing would be amiss. because you're his, and he's just helping feed your sexual appetite, right? "thank you for the meal, truly."
his tone is light, almost idle as he spreads you wide open, finger fucking slick from your wanting and twitching hole with such ease. he's hard too, of course. but dessert comes last, right? he still has his main to work through, cooing and tutting down at you so softly, hearts in his eyes at the way you cling to him for support, babbling a sweet little daddy up at him to prompt his eyes to squeeze shut in pure concentration.
"love it when you call me that..." he huffs honestly, doing his best to focus on the task at hand instead of indulging in his selfish wants and desires. cause if he got his way, the lovingly prepared meal you made for him to share today would be all forgotten about in favour of shoving his big fat cock into your tiny little hole; but he's got manners.
even if you tempt him out of them at times.
— you like to... text your friends when alone! here is a text convo that i think fits your matchup!
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awesomealienshowdown · 4 months
Awesome Alien Showdown: Third Impact
We're back for round 3! Naturally, I'm taking rules into account here from last time, as well as trying my best to seed things so matchups can be at least somewhat fair. But anyway, time for the rules!!
Notes on nominations:
You may submit as many characters as you like! The form is set up so you can do that easily.
Only 2 characters per series will make the cut. This is to prevent half the entire tournament being one entire thing. If anything gets more than two, the ones with the highest number of votes will be chosen. If there's a tie, I'll flip a coin (or if I know it well enough, I'll be tiebreaker)
Previous winners cannot enter again, but will have their own special poll in the post-tournament fun polls. Past winners are Starscream (Transformers as a whole) and Talita Dospaco (Runaway to the Stars).
The deadline is June 5 2024, Jun 15 2024, 12 PM EST. This should give you guys plenty of time to get in your space blorbos!
Acceptable characters:
Must be fictional.
Must be from another planet (or anywhere outside of Earth's orbit) and not human (but they can look human). They may be part human, however.
Extradimensional life counts, so long as they are depicted more like aliens and less like eldritch horrors.
The character being an alien must be canon, not headcanon. When canon implies but is not obvious about it, characters will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. (sorry Jojo fans, Mikitaka is too ambiguous for me - but I think he's pretty cool!).
Any form of media is fine - books, TV, games, you name it! If it’s fiction, it works!
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tsukkismoonlight · 10 months
the sky is fading as the night draws near. The soft purple hues melt away into a deep and dark blue. Stars start to peek out from half formed clouds, and the moon watches down on you fondly, and you seem to hear a familiar name…
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Hakkai Shiba
-Hakki is the kind of guy who is hard to read, everyone knows that
-He generally takes a while before he opens up to people, so for the most part, everyone just thinks that he is a quiet guy
-so in your case, Hakkai wasn’t exactly someone you thought you’d be super close with, as both of you tend to be a bit introverted
-but as you spent more time with Toman, you found yourself around him more
-you two shared a lot of quiet moments together, walking side by side, waiting to be dismissed from a meeting, or even just sitting next to each other at a cafe watching as the usual Toman trouble makers cause chaos
-eventually you two warmed up to each other enough to spend time together without everyone else, and boy was that something
-a lot of the times, you and Hakkai stay in, listening to music while one of you reads and the other scrolls through their phone
-your favorite moment was most likely when you introduced Hakkai to the FNAF game (this is my timeline now, fnaf exists in tokyo rev now thank you anyways)
-Hakkai is not very fond of jumpscares, but watching him focus, brows furrowed as his eyes dart back and forth over the screen, and watching him pull away from the screen as one of the animatronics pops out at him
-“you think this is funny?!” He would say as your laptop shows a dismal message of defeat, “how can anyone like this sort of thing?!”
-you'd only reply with a chuckle and tell him that its all about the story that lies behind the game.
-since that night the two of you are practically inseparable, where you go, Hakkai goes
-he doesn’t care when you act a little childish as he finds it nice to not be so serious all the time, and as much as he protests he loves when you tease him and flirt playfully (he would be absolutely red in the face and stuttering every time you did)
-he’s probably the only person you let be around you when you’re upset, and he knows exactly what you need in order to help you
-when it comes to being together, in a more romantic sense, Hakkai would want to make sure that it’s something you want (he would ask over and over again, at least twice a week)
-he would brush his hand on yours when you’re walking and eventually twine your fingers together
-he would love hugs, especially when he comes up behind you gently, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close to his chest
-he would want to treat you to any and all of your favorite things, you notice something in the window of a shop? He goes back to buy it for you later.
-anyways i feel like i could keep going but i feel like i'm rambling please feel free to let me know what you think !!!
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Lockscreens/homescreens (i made a couple because i wasnt sure i liked them but i actually love the last one!!)
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Matchup for @grellsglasses
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tubbypeddle · 14 days
Hi, could I get a jjba male romantic matchup from you? Part 1~7 since I haven't finished 8 yet.
I am an ENTJ, Leo. I consider myself as intelligent and rational, so I'm a pretty serious person for most of the time, but around people who are very close to me I'm way more relaxed and fun. Even though I'm an extrovert, I do prefer spending time alone or partner and the few close friends I have rather than socializing with a big group of people. Though I am pretty confident and stylish so I won't be shy about presenting myself when meeting new people.
As for my partner, I tend to be attracted to people who are more similar to me. So I would love someone who is also levelheaded and mature, who I can have deep conversation with (yes I believe smart is the new sexy hahaha). I admit I could be a bit bossy and hot tempered at times, so I'd need someone who knows how to communicate and could bring my calmer side back. My love language is quality time, I would love to spend time with my partner either engaging in activities we both have passion for, having discussions over something we're both find interesting (maybe a book we're both reading), or it could just be us chilling watching shows or gaming together. It'd also be great if they're fun in private so we could have inside jokes and just relax within each others presence. When It comes to people I care about deeply, I would be a great listener and could give useful advice, and is willing to help them feel better in whichever way I can. I could definitely fall for someone who would do the same.
So, appearances:
-166 (5'5) at height
-Pretty average bodytype, leaning towards the skinnier side
-Long wavy black hair with curtain bangs, black eyes
-I usually dress in classic style while also playing around with colors
That'd be all! Thank you for taking this request!
so. as I was finishing up the last bits of this. my laptop restarted AGAIN. I swear, Tumblr hates me
(author's note: credits to gif owners, of course <3 also please, I know everyone is sending me in asks for matchups, but please DM me for more information on them. I have questions that I'd like to ask to make this easier for me to write for you 🥺)
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It's a lovely day in Morioh when you meet him.
Koichi Hirose
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Hear me out now.
Out of everyone in Morioh, Koichi's probably the one you'll find the most meaningful conversations with, other than one other person I can think of.
Out of everyone in Morioh, he's probably the most emotionally stable. Which is. Saying a lot. Because there are a lot of people in Morioh.
He's had the most stable childhood environment, so he's the most emotionally competent.
He enjoys talking about his feelings with you. Talking about something deep and meaningful, anything you want to talk about, Koichi is your best bet.
Not that I'm giving you someone you'd have to settle for. He's actually quite the amazing boyfriend.
He's attentive, and kind, and he takes the initiative to take you out on some wonderful dates.
He keeps his friend circle small, despite knowing half of Morioh. His closest friends consist of Josuke, Okuyasu, and you. Which tracks, with you liking to keep your friend circle small.
He personally doesn't mind that you have a tendency to get a little bossy.
See, he's a Pisces; a water sign. And you mentioned that you're a Leo. A fire sign. Now I know some people say they're not super compatible, but I don't care about that.
All I'm seeing here is that you're a fire that he's able to put out when he needs to.
He can calm you down when you might get a bit too bossy. He personally doesn't mind when you boss him around. (as i've said before) But he knows other people can be put off by it. So he's sure to stop you when he feels people might get too irritated.
He also enjoys when you two have time alone. He may not be as video game crazy like Okuyasu and Josuke, but he does like playing games like that. Especially with you.
Playing games alone like this leads to many inside jokes between the two of you. Jokes that not even I am privy to in this separate world, so enjoy those jokes between just the two of you.
He also loves the way you look, admittedly. Koichi isn't so shallow as to prefer the way you look over anything else about you, but he does appreciate that he has such a pretty girlfriend. And with him being so short, he's happy that you're not too much taller than him.
It would put an awkward distance between the two of you.
But Koichi isn't the only one you have the option of having in Morioh.
Okuyasu Nijimura
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is also a very viable option.
He is a teenage boy, so admittedly, it's your looks that draw him in to you initially. He thinks you're real pretty. He doesn't think he has a chance with you at all, but he tries anyway. Just to get it out of the way.
If you say no, at least he tried. If you say yes, he has a girlfriend way out of his league.
He may not "seem the type" for mature conversations, but he really is. He thinks he's stupid, and he may not be the smartest in school, or impulsive, but he's not stupid.
He likes these deep conversations. He likes talking about mature topics, and he likes hearing your opinion on things.
And if you're looking for advice or insight on something from him, he offers some of the most eye opening words. He looks at problems in an angle that you could've never imagined.
He offers words of advice that are so simple that they're complex. It's amazing having these conversations with him.
He's a very kind boyfriend, too. Very observant.
He likes seeing you, in everything that you are. He stares way too often, and he's surprised he doesn't get caught staring at you, even before the two of you are dating.
So he notices. When you show interest in things, he gets you tiny trinkets or gifts related to them. He gets you sketchbooks, and writing journals, and pretty pens and pencils. Video game figurines, or new games you expressed interest in.
He also loves quality time with you. Any moment that he can spend alone with you is a moment well spent. He also just can't get enough of you. Similar to Koichi, he has to have his hands on you whenever he can.
He likes playing video games with you, he likes it when you read whatever you're reading aloud to him (he's not big on reading himself, but he loves listening to your voice). Anything you're doing, he wants to do it with you.
He loves your private jokes, shared only with him. He's the only one who will ever get to see you like this. I mean. Hopefully. He wants to be the only one you'll ever have these kinds of jokes with.
You two will meet eyes across the room after someone mentions your inside jokes privately, and he'll try not to laugh. Or he'll nudge you when someone says something related to your special jokes.
Special moments like these mean a lot to him.
Honorable mentions!
Hot Pants
She's oddly attached to you as soon as the race starts. She likes your rather calm nature and deems you hers. It's just a shame Diego also seems to like you.
Noriaki Kakyoin
He adores debating with you. He loves sharing opinions, or even not having the same opinion as you. He loves to hear what you have to say anyway. It's a nice break from Polnareff and Mr. Joestar, who are more immature than he would've thought for men their age. Or Jotaro and his one word sentences.
god, I am so sorry this took so long. I've had way too many problems with this one.
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gachagon · 1 year
Can you write fluffy and slightly angsty BachiSagi where Isagi misses Bachira while they're on separate stratums in NEL
Aw this was such a cute yet sad idea, and I just had to write it! BachiSagi angst really gnaws at my heart strings since I don't like seeing either of them sad lol. Here is what I cooked up for you though!
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Words: 749
Pairing: BachiSagi
While staring at the rankings after a match, Isagi can't seem to get his mind off of the past, and his thoughts keep circling back to one person in particular. His eyes have been locked onto Bachira's name on the ranking board for quite some time...
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“Wow, he’s really moving up huh?” Isagi was shaken from his reverie by Chigiri’s voice. He had been staring at the most recent ranking’s posted in the main hall of the Blue Lock facility, when Chigiri had decided to join him as well. Though, Isagi’s eye wasn’t trained on his own name, and neither was Chigiri’s. 
“Yeah, Bachira’s amazing…” Isagi said wistfully. He glanced at Chigiri who laughed softly. 
“And how do you know I was talking about Bachira, hm?” He asked Isagi with an amused smirk. Isagi looked away then, his embarrassment showing clearly on his face. Great, could you be any more obvious? He berated himself as he searched for an answer. “Forget it, I’m just teasing. You have been staring at the board pretty hard, though.” Chigiri said.
“Have I…?” Isagi asked as he continued to stare upwards at Bachira’s name. It was right next to his own now, they were evenly matched in terms of price as well. Isagi wondered how long it must have taken for them both to reach this point on the ranking’s board, and how impossible it had seemed so long ago to achieve anything close to it without the other right beside them. Actually…how long has it been…? He tried to remember the last time he and Bachira actually got to train together or even play in a match as opponents, but no matter what his memory came up short. The last memory he held of them being next to one another was when they both had lunch the day before they were assigned to different teams. 
Bachira had been so excited then, he wouldn’t stop talking to Isagi about which team he was going to pick. Back then, Isagi was happy to just support him in his endeavors no matter what choice he made. He had even bitterly thought to himself that it was ridiculous to think Bachira would want to follow behind him. Or that it’d be pathetic for him to try and follow Bachira. He couldn’t bring himself to possibly say any of that, or make some desperate plea to try to be on the same team. 
Because Bachira looked so happy. He couldn’t possibly take that away from him. So he kept his mouth shut, and when Bachira went off to BarchaSpain, Isagi said nothing still. Except to tell him it was a good choice. 
“Training’s been kinda hellish hasn��t it? I feel like passing out every time it’s finally over…” Chigiri spoke from beside him, and Isagi gave a half hearted reply. “But you know…I heard from Anri that Bastard Munchen’s getting a special matchup. Some kind of game not associated with the whole NEL thing…like a promotion?” 
Isagi craned his head in interest, yet he still had his eye trained on the ranking board. 
“It’s supposed to be a big game between Noa and Lavinho. That’ll be a crazy match to see, certainly. Too bad I won’t be there to watch…” Isagi’s head swiveled in Chigiri’s direction who was nonchalantly checking his nails out. 
“What did you say?” Isagi asked. 
“Oh? Are you interested, Isagi? Those ranking’s seemed to have you really enamored, so-” 
“Noa and Lavinho are going to…have a match soon?” Isagi’s heart leapt into his throat as Chigiri smirked. 
“Did I not just say that? Anyways, good luck you’ll definitely need it. They’ve got some pretty good talent on that team.” Chigiri said with a smile. “Though, you knew that already. After all, you’ve been watching the ranking’s all day.” 
Before Chigiri could turn to walk away, Isagi grabbed his arm. “W-wait! When is this matchup exactly…?” 
Chigiri’s head tilted to the side, “Oh I don’t know, I think Anri said they were planning for it to be…this weekend?”
This weekend…in 3 days…I can see him in 3 days…
“Thank’s Chigiri!” He ran past him then. 
“Hey, where are you off to now?” Chigiri called after him. 
“To train!” Isagi answered. He wanted to be at his best for this. It was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up even for a moment. He also didn’t want to disappoint Bachira somehow, his blood thrummed with an excitement that usually came when he was going up against someone more talented than him on the field. 
He was going to see Bachira in 3 days, and he was going to make sure he was the best he’d ever been for him. 
3 days…it chorused through his mind as he headed for the training room. 
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2023 Cookie of the Year: Kingdom Edition
☁️ Heya! I’m sure you got the note my colleague Kit sent you and pinned at the top of the blog. She’ll be working her way into being part of our main contributor panel over the next couple months just as I and Strawberry Crepe Cookie have, which is how we ended up becoming frequent contributors on this blog. How she got into this is a long story, and one for another time. But moving on to the main topic here, it’s time to vote for 2023’s Cookie of the Year! In case you missed it last year like Vanilla Meringue Cookie (Your ACTUAL Editor, who also goes by Meringue) did, here’s how it works:
Every playable Cookie (minus the collaboration Cookies including Sonic, Tails, and BTS) in CRK will be split into a tournament bracket full of 1v1 matchups
In each matchup, pick the one you like more. There WILL be matchups where your vote will force you to choose favorites OVER your favorites.
Finalists will receive special prizes of all kinds which we don’t know yet!
Everyone might receive different matchups.
All times listed below are in KST (GMT+9)
R1: Update launch - 12/17, 11:59 AM (top 64 of 110 will advance)
R2: 12/17, 1 PM - 12/20, 11:59 AM (top 32 of 64 will advance, this is where the bracket goes to the real 1v1 situations where one goes home in each matchup)
R3: 12/20, 1 PM - 12/23, 11:59 AM (top 16 of 32 will advance)
R4: 12/23, 1 PM - 12/25, 11:59 AM (the top 6 of 16 will advance to the semifinals, more than half of the quarterfinalists will be eliminated)
Semifinals: 12/25, 1 PM - 12/27, 11:59 AM (the top 3 of 6 will advance to the finals)
Finals: 12/27, 1 PM - 12/29, 11:59 AM
Results Announcement: 12/29, 1 PM
☁️ Anyways, let’s move on to the first round with some matchups that appeared on Meringue’s end. There WILL one-sided matches because of high rarity or reputation and splitting-hair rounds because you gotta choose between favorites. It’s possible you could have different matchups though, as more than half the competition is still moving on. Once you make your vote in a round, you can’t take it back. Vote in every matchup in a round for 200 Crystals.
Sorbet Shark vs Peppermint (Good luck choosing between them…)
Kouign-Amann vs Twizzly Gummy
Lilac vs Frilled Jellyfish
Strawberry Crepe vs Cherry Blossom (So pink! And also so loud!)
Oyster vs Financier (Which side of the Crème Republic is YOUR favorite?)
Werewolf vs Blackberry (Since the beginning and somewhat found a place in the meta)
Pastry vs Schwarzwälder (A continuation of a closing story.)
Chili Pepper vs Sea Fairy (The first Cookies of their rarity to be seen in the game)
Almond vs Black Pearl
Frost Queen vs Sherbet (They did this on purpose.)
Herb vs Onion (Since the beginning and left behind…)
Burnt Cheese vs Milky Way (Introductory guides in the latest World Exploration updates)
Affogato vs Muscle (Brains or Brawn?)
Golden Cheese vs Vampire (Back row Arena Destroyers)
Clover vs Prophet
Fettuccine vs Raspberry
Wizard vs Carrot
Custard III vs Tea Knight
Icicle Yeti vs Alchemist
Crimson Coral vs Tiger Lily
Candy Diver vs Cotton (Witnesses to Legends)
Fig vs Kumiho (Forest residents)
Pancake vs Crunchy Chip
Devil vs Stardust
Cherry vs Capsaicin
Pinecone vs Carol (The second holiday round)
Parfait vs Moonlight
Ninja vs Gumball
Strawberry vs Pitaya Dragon
Adventurer vs Dark Cacao
Mala Sauce vs Cream Puff
Moon Rabbit vs Snapdragon
Tarte Tatin vs Poison Mushroom (Boss Destroyers)
Captain Caviar vs Crème Brûlée (the newcomer)
Licorice vs Pure Vanilla
Princess vs Dark Choco (Royal descendants)
Pumpkin Pie vs Latte
Milk vs Avocado
Knight vs Cream Unicorn
Linzer (the other newcomer) vs Red Velvet
Sparkling vs Rye
Angel vs GingerBrave (Consider this a practice round /j)
Beet vs Mango
Royal Margarine vs Shining Glitter
Macaron vs Clotted Cream
Purple Yam vs Caramel Arrow (Fierce fighters…)
Eclair vs Mint Choco (They have the same EN voice actor)
Rockstar vs Squid Ink
Snow Sugar vs Espresso (Since the beginning, new Magic Candies!)
Space Doughnut vs Black Lemonade
Blueberry Pie vs Black Raisin (Intelligent. Reserved. They both know what they’re doing.)
Madeline vs Pomegranate (The vanguards of light and dark.)
Hollyberry vs Wildberry (Did they seriously do this on purpose???)
Olive vs Prune Juice
Mozzarella vs Cocoa
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hello-imasalesman · 1 year
Saw that you reblogged the ‘shipping meme’, and was curious to ask you about these ones:
1. Jimmy/Gord
2. Bryce/Chad
3. Gord/Vance
4. Derby/Johnny
+ your story with Bif/Derby (how did you start to ship them, etc.), because your works are amazing! 😭❤️
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Oh wow anon thank you 😭 by shipping meme i assume the bingo i just posted? i did them all on one and actually got bingo for once, hah
Jimmy/Gord: cute pairing, and I think they’re compatible in a opposites attract way but I’m very much a fan of jimmy kind of dating around and not settling w anyone so not a long term ship in my opinion
Chad/Bryce: LOVE THEM. Love that they’re canon. They’re also sort of a foil to derby and bif in left hand man in that Derby and Bif could have that same sort of caring, mildly secretive but still supportive relationship if Derby was not so constrained by his pursuit of power.
Gord/Vance: I think they can be a neat enemies attract sort of couple, especially given how much Gord loves to slum around. They bond over hair care.
Derby/Johnny: ironic, but I’m not super big into them anymore. Especially since Derby, in canon, is so against ‘slumming it’. Truthfully i just find the themes of Derby and Bif much more compelling than the like enemies to lovers of Derby and Johnny (and prefer Johnny/Peanut for the same reasons). Even them being mortal enemies tbh is less interesting, to me, than say Derby and Tad because Johnny has no real power over Derby. Can he beat up Derby? Sure, but the prep parents have Crabblesnitch in their pocket, and he can get them expelled, or press charges as i always assumed Johnny was 18/19 depending if he got held back or was a December baby. And once they graduate highschool, he has even less power in relation; its just not a fair matchup.
Anyway, i started shipping derby and bif because it was 2007 and I was 13 years old :’) my first ever novel-length fic was them way back on ff.net, and while I’ve played bully in its multiple editions many times throughout the years, last year or so i just… got really nostalgic for it, went through the tags on AO3, and realized there had been no other fics of them since the one i wrote as a kid. So, i wrote something new that I thought was much more fitting for my first big pairing. It’s the themes of leader / right hand man, the secretive nature of it, the way Derby doesn’t really seem to trust anyone half as much as he does bif, all while Derby and Pinky are coerced into this loveless pairing that Derby continues to go along with because it promises him the power and prestige that he thinks is his birthright.
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sycamorality · 1 year
another ask i thought of after sending the previous one
what games besides rw do you like
i like minecraft :]
i used to play it a bunch but recently i just... can't get myself to? void knows why. loved doing hardcore, modded hardcore, half heart hardcore ... u name it. i did Things. and it was fun. fond memories
cattails too! wildwood stories is coming out in a few months.... that's gonna be so fun to play
century age of ashes is fun sometimes. i do like competitive games, i used to play time of dragons before it became abandonware (which sucks because it was so much fun. i spent so much time playing it when it was on facebook of all things) and honestly best time of my life. love games where you can be a dragon/have dragon and fight people. its fun. but you're never getting me to touch a regular fps game. y'better give me a dragon or i'm not touching it
otherwise other games ive played "recently" (within the last 3 years) are henry stickmin, spore, purring quest, slime rancher and a bunch of among us back in mid-late 2020. i met one of my current friend groups through it! really fun
otherwise uhmmm. not sure? i used to play animal jam and a few roblox games a bunch when i was younger
speaking of roblox let me name a few games i play on there actually
sekaiju is SUPER fun, it's like. pokemon but not pokemon and you get to be silly creatures. there's so many typings and it gets hard to remember matchups but eh. also theres LORE. and there's args. actual args that the devs make. it's insane. it's a successor of sorts to doragon's garden and fierce and i played both'a those and they were also fun
shard seekers is fun to just chill in. i like being silly dragon
arcane odessey and world of magic were also fun, though i havent played those in a while
ive also played creature survival games like malgamation's island and creatures of sonaria (please never play cos the community is awful nowadays, void forbid a minawii spam calls and gives you a headache 'n you kill it, suddenly everyone's at your throat because minawii is like. most people's favorite creature an dohhh theyre so innocent they didnt do nothing. anyway)
i used to play pokemon fighters ex back when that was still a thing. prime days ass kicking with the speediest fucking jolteon you've ever seen. now it's monsters of etheria and i still play it from time to time, i love the electric kitty. totally no bias or anything because its like if jolteon was a cat
there's also dragon adventurers, i don't play it a bunch but it's fun just hopping on and running around w any of my dragons
& sometimes i play rp games like foxkin valley, felandia, sundown island, be an alien renewal, dragons life and the early access wof game (though those two not as much as the others)
honestly you could prompt me on any of the rp games & i'd show you the characters i have in them. i'd also be willing to show any of the dragons i have in dragon adventures or creatures i have in sekaiju. they're silly to me
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dotster001 · 2 years
Aaaa I love matchups, so I hope this is alright! Uh, if it isn't taken then maybe 🖍️ anon? I haven't seen anyone else use it (yet) oh yeah, Obey me is the fandom I'm currently in, so the matcbup would be for that! Thank you!
I guess I identify as non-binary? I don't care much for my own gender, so I mostly go by any and all pronouns (My friends call me gender evil as a joke. I'm not that short , roughly 5"2 (160 cm) I present mostly androgynous, but I have moments where I dress very feminine, as a treat. O don't know much about the personality stuff, other than I am a INTP, also a Capricorn - if that means anything ; v ; I have social anxiety, so I stay away from social events, but I usually manage fine in other situations or if I'm with someone I trust. Also I have piercings and dyed hair, I don't know, if that's needed but it's here!
I draw a lot (hence the 🖍️) and spend most of my time doodling and drawing for my own entertainment and for my friends. I also like to watch funky fact videos about random stuff, just for haha funny knowledge.
I see myself as funny, as I can laugh at my own jokes, and other people seem to like them too. Tho I consider myself a bit of a gremlin, with the whole being short , kinda rude and being a jester. I'm kinda absent minded, and mostly speak in memes since it's easy - as English is not my native language (this also makes me switch between languages a bit, the other language being Norwegian) my humor ranges from bad puns and dad jokes to dark humor. If it doesn't hurt anyone, I can laugh at it.
I guess that makes me kinda chaotic? But I do have moments of extreme calm, I study business - so im well versed with Excel and similar software, being serious is something I can easily switch to when needed, which can kinda put some people off.
I dont know the new ones yet so, I don't mind if matched but I wouldn't understand any of it. :v
Hopefully this is alright! Thank you again! ^^
(Kay so it's the perfect time for me to finish this, because we reached 666 followers. Anyway, I heard chaos gremlin and I knew exactly who you should be paired with 😂 Also, that's so badass that you know multiple languages, I'm so jealous of people who are bilingual 😭. Anyway ...)
I match you with Mammon.
Let's start with your serious side. It is canon that he is ridiculously good at math, and that he is also a chaos gremlin. I can totally see the two of you opening a successful side business until one of the brothers (probably Levi) find out and demand Mammon pay them back. But it will be fun while it lasts.
Draw him something sometime. He'll die. Especially if it's like a fan art of the two of you. It doesn't even have to be good, literally draw him two stick figures kissing with your names above them, it'll distract him for hours. He'll bury his face in his hands, leave the room to go squeal and roll around his bed.
He may not seem to be someone who would understand social anxiety, but he is really quite close to Levi. So he understands when it becomes too much for you. He'll literally wrap you up, arms tight around you, his head on top of yours, looking like a puppy, and steer you away from anxious situations. But he really hopes he can be your person, so that you guys can steal food from parties together.
He doesn't really care what you watch as long as you let him cuddle with you while you do it. That said....fun fact videos give him some delightful scheme ideas, and funny videos make him laugh, so I think you'll never have to fight about what to watch.
Mammon has been giving you the details of his latest scheme for the past two hours. He'd charged you with taking down notes as he spoke. Being the good secretary you were....you zoned out a half hour in and started sketching Mammon.
"Kay, watcha got so far?" He said abruptly. You looked down at your paper, then up again, and started subconsciously fiddling with an earring.
"Um," you started, looking at the half hour of notes you took at the beginning. "Basically, we are starting a human world pizza chain in the Devildom, that covers up an underground gambling ring."
"yeah!" He said grinning happily. "What else have I said so far?"
"Um...." You decided to just hand him the sketch you'd been working on. Rip the band aid off.
He immediately turned red, and covered his face with his hands.
"Mams?" You asked. No matter how many times he did this, it still concerned you.
"The Great Mammon will return presently, I just gotta go do somethin'," he left the room, and you heard a delighted giggle and squeal sound that you thought only Asmo was capable of.
Guess he liked it.
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zoeology31 · 16 days
Belated recap because I was eepy this afternoon
Y'know, I'll take a series split. Would've been nice to win Tuesday, but I kinda had Wednesday pre-marked as a loss (sorry Varland, but. yeah). This stretch of running out the triple A roster with predictable results would feel a lot worse if every other team in the top half of the AL wasn't also tripping over themselves at the moment.
Pablo and the back end of the pen pitched great, as we've come to expect. It truly can't be overstated how big Pablo's season turnaround has been for us, with our Jenga tower of a rotation, having a stopper like him every five days is so important. Festa looked good too, just got let down by the offense not for the first time. And shoutout to the bullpen Monday, covering Sim's short start and getting out of a ton of jams in a classic Twins/Rays one-run game.
Man I wish we were able to snag someone like Odorizzi in minor league free agency, or that DeSclafani's arm hadn't fallen off in spring training, that way I wouldn't have to watch an obviously non-starter-caliber Varland or a very very rushed Matthews every five days. But, y'know. Just make it to the playoffs and pitching depth matters a lot less. And our potential 2025 rotation is shaping up to be pretty exciting.
Julien finally remembered how to hit home runs 🎉 It was a good series for our lefties overall with the homers from Larnach and Wallner too, and DaShawn Keirsey Jr's way overdue debut (the trials of being a lefty OF in the Twins org lmao). Overall the offense continues to struggle, but they scraped enough across to take two wins.
We're not gonna talk about the defense on Wednesday. This team needs Correa and Buxton so badly, and the likelihood/imminence of either continues to be not great. On the moral victory side, if any other AL playoff team was missing its two best hitters, they would probably not be hanging on as well as we are. With the exception of Kyle Tucker, Giancarlo Stanton, and very recently Vinnie Pasquantino, every other AL contender has had all its top hitters healthy all season, but here we are in the thick of it anyway.
This Royals series is gonna be tough. We haven't played well at the K late in the season (as in getting swept by much worse Royals teams the last two years), and as demonstrated tonight the pitching matchups aren't great for our already struggling offense. But we're still in a good spot, just need to stay afloat and have that haterism on tap when scoreboard watching.
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neetily · 30 days
꣑୧ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── MATCHUP EVENT: Date #1
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♡ cupid's victim number one !! ♡ (psst, wanna take part? click here!)
thank you soooo much for taking part in the event my love! i super appreciate all of the information you sent my way, as it made matching you that much easier! i think i have a good idea of who might be most suited for you... i hope you agree ♡ !! or at the very least, that you enjoy my reasonings hehe...!
─ you have one new message from...
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Sebastian . . .
y'know, i really enjoyed our date last night... keep thinking back to how pretty you looked from my angle. hope thats not weird to say lol... anyway, how about the same come friday? promise to make you feel even better x
Why? the fact that you both have similar personalities types was the first thing i noticed! in that you both appear to favour being alone and more introverted than others, and that you both offer straight forward, honest discussion. i think you and sebastian would get along great in a platonic sense, but especially romantically, able to understand each other almost instantly because you share a similar personality! and it only gets more in tune the longer you spend time together! the fact that you both have a rather direct way of communicating is only a bonus, i think... leaving no room for error or miscommunication, easing both of your anxieties. i can imagine you both having the kind of discussions with each other that you might struggle to have with anyone else, simply because he's the only one who gets it, y'know? also, i think you two would do so well at bringing out what the other feels like they're lacking, if that makes sense? seeing the best in each other, offering support and helping each other become the best versions of yourselves! where he might struggle to initially accept physical affection, you'd help him grow more accustomed to it in time <3 and where you might struggle with low self esteem, sebastian would do his best to openly and honestly build you back up! you can rest assured that he'd never lie to you. oh!! i almost forgot, the fact that you're also big big NERDS (affectionate) together means that you'll never run out of things to say to each other/do together, because he'd love to indulge you every chance he gets! also hello?? matching gamer skins in game B-)...
i can imagine you both getting all snuggly during the colder months together, given that you both enjoy autumn/winter months! spending late nights just existing together, enjoying the peace and quiet that comes from each others company. you are his safe space, just as much as he is yours. introvert x introvert, he appreciates just how easily you'd understand him, and how he needn't have to put on a faux show for you ever! content enough in each others company, i feel like your whimsical nature would bounce so well off his more logical outlook on life.
though i do believe that you two are more similar than different, opposites do attract! and i think where your differences lie together only help strengthen the bond!
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Night (A)f(t)er the museum. . .
in truth, it's a miracle that he's been able to last as long as he has with you today. seething the second you started rattling off facts, one after the other in rapid succession, that pretty twinkle in your eye when passing by the larger than life exhibits at the museum catching his attention far more often than he cares to admit. and your voice, all rushed and excited, tripping over itself just like your feet did when you tugged on him to hurry up, we're gonna miss the special showing! that he didn't even know existed; but that he quickly learned he, too, was excited for. especially if it meant getting to stare at you instead, nursing a half chub the entirety of the day thanks to your incessant babbling, god. you've got no idea just how hot you look when indulging, how painful it's been for him not to jump you the moment he was left alone with you in grand halls and hidden corners of the museum.
"c'mon—" he finally heaves against you, cheeks squished against your soft, sticky thighs, only taking a brief break to goad you, because he's got far more important things to focus on at the moment. "tell me again," another pause soon cut short, tongue flat against your sopping slit to suckle on some more of that sweet taste, a heady groan escaping him as he takes a brief huff of your scent, fuck— he can't stand it, how all it takes for him to get going is to simply listen to you talk. and it'd be wholly pathetic if he didn't feel the way your hole twitches around his tongue every time he slips it inside of you, you know how down bad he is, and you like it, don't you?
"Tell me what your favourite thing at the museum was today, again, please." he manages to rasp out, begrudgingly so. he doesn't wanna stop.
but honestly, he's not even fully listening to your reply. catching mumbles of dinosaurs and something about guessing which was which; he's already heard it in depth before. on the ride to the museum, at the museum, on the way home, at home— he could probably recite exactly what you're saying, and what you've been saying, back to you word for word by now. but fuck if his cock isn't rock hard just from hearing you talk about what you love, bobbing between his legs as his nails dig into your thighs, pulling them apart, spreading you wide open for his tongue to lap and suck at your puffy little clit as you at least try to answer his mundane question properly, but he makes it difficult for you.
the relatively boring and routine conversation has his tummy filling up with butterflies, flipping at the way you so desperately try and try and try to keep up with him, but your voice ends up all pitchy and crackled with choked out moans, and he honestly feels a little dizzy with just how much blood rushes to his cock to leaving his tip a drooling, throbbing mess for you. you could say anything at this point and he's sure that just from the way his cock jerks and twitches from between his legs every time he swallows another gulp around your clit, fucks his tongue deep into your cunt, that he'd cum on the spot.
it only makes matters worse for him that you're talking about something you love, because there's something so incredibly attractive to hear you struggle with his flicks, making out with your cunt with sloppy sucks and messy kisses; he's sure that his chin is stained all tacky with your slick by now, and yet he doesn't stop. because you're still talking, and he's so fucking thankful that you picked todays date spot.
if only because he gets to make you feel good while you talk about what makes you happy, making sure to thumb at your clit with imprecise circles as he tongues the slick from your hole directly, moaning openly at the taste and sending vibrations up your pretty little pussy with furrowed brows. your voice is but mere background noise at this point, and yet he still loves it. can still feel the way his cock pulses with need, humming out mumbled words of praise and affection and fuck he's so close— and you haven't even touched him yet! in fact, all he's really done is eat you out a little, hitting that sweet spot rhythm he knows you enjoy with wet kisses against your hole and it's no surprise that he's cumming with you, still focusing mostly on helping you ride out your orgasm as opposed to milking his untouched cock.
but what can he say.
he just loves seeing you happy and confident, loves to hear you be so self indulgent, without worry or fear over being weird or annoying. he loves it, and every part of you too.
— you like to... listen to music when alone! here is a personalised playlist that i think fits your matchup! ♫ Fitz And The Tantrums - Out Of My League ♫ Stephen Sanchez - Until I Found You ♫ Matt Maltese - As the World Caves In
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Alex . . .
ya better get your ass back to the farm soon as, babe. especially after your display last night, fuck meee... hurry on home, will ya? xxx
Why? because alex is just so so sweet, isn't he? big, strong, and reliable Alex who owns plenty of farmland for you to spend your days on... what's not to love? honestly, i think alex would be really good for you mostly because he's so opposite of how you are, but above all else, he's kind, yknow? so the differences don't seem so huge when you think about it, because it's second nature for him to soften the blow and to coddle you when he sees fit, versus pushing you. though he does push you when he needs to which is key! he's not afraid to give you that little extra boost when you need it, even if you find it difficult to swallow in the moment. he also matches your high energy bursts very well i think! he'd be so silly and goofy with you without even questioning it, able to make a fool of himself to maybe compensate for your down periods. he's also a big yapper which i think would compliment your more introverted personality well! doesn't matter if you're more naturally quieter than him, he'd babble on an on about anything and everything, but especially about just how much he loves you, how you're worth more than you think, how he loves you more than anything in the whole wide world, all in an attempt to help build up your self confidence and esteem as much as possible </3 he'd do so literally any chance he gets! not only through his silly words, but especially through his touch! big bear hugs, lots of fluttering nose kisses, grabbing you with such ease in his big strong arms to spin you around just because. in turn, i think you would help ground alex a lot. be that grip on reality he so sorely lacks sometimes; because while i understand that he might grasp the gravity of his situation on the surface, i believe he prefers to avoid his problems first and foremost. you'd do so well at helping him grown and learn how to deal with things without it becoming too overwhelming with how honest and direct your communication style is! i just think he'd find it so easy to adapt to whatever you need, y'know?
i'd imagine living on a farm, far away from society and its judgements, would be a blessing to you, right? better yet with your wonderful amazing himbo husband right by your side <3 you'd benefit from living off the land so much i think, and with alex's consistent help, you'd blossom. he'd be so proud of you, and remind you of that fact every day to try and encourage you some more <3! and he would appreciate your ability to help him calm down, relax him, and give him that stern talking to he so often needs!
plus, imagine all of the yummy treats you could bake during autumn together given his farm land! he'd plant you whatever you wanted, so long as it made you happy!
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Work of art. . .
despite how much work and effort he puts into maintaining his trained muscles, exercising his strong physique whether he wants to or not thanks to his line of work, his legs still ache to stay open for you. not because it's too much effort for him, but rather, because you're too cute, and he has to fight with himself not to ruin the moment. that, and he likes to pride himself on being a strong man, especially for you... and yet, he feels weak in the knees upon the sight that greets him when his fluttering lashes finally open, a sheepish smirk making its way to his lips at the way your cheeks appear to be so full.
A soft, barely audible pretty slips past his tongue, drawled out with a moan when you swallow around his tip that's pressed right against the back of your throat— oh, but it's so true. you look so pretty like this, the idle late afternoon sun dancing across your cheeks so lazily, lulling him into a sense of comfort that only you could provide him on his little break from work.
well, he had only intended for this to be a short break anyway. a quick little hang out, teasing you with tight hugs and brisk ass pinches; nothing too risqué, but enough to have you swatting his hand away with a giggle. there it is, that pretty smile he oh so adores! and he was content with this. spending time with you is precious, and he never excepts anything from you.
but alas, when you pout up at him for a little more attention, reminding him that you aren't able to stay at the farm tonight and that soon you'll have to head home, well... he can't quite decline you, can he? not when your idea of ending the perfectly tranquil at home date includes having his legs spread for you to drool at, a light thud ringing in his ears as the old wooden floorboards from under you soak up your dripping saliva.
"slut," he sneers down at you, tone light-hearted at best, but he doesn't miss the way your eyes roll back just a little at the demeaning name. "strugglin'?" he's quick to follow up, but it's obviously not a question, not when you sputter and choke on the end of his cock when he lifts his hips up the smallest amount, inadvertently shoving his cock further down your stuffed full throat as a knowing hum rumbles in his chest. "y'like that anyway, dont'cha? c'mon, y'can take it— y'wanted this, right?"
still, his expression is one of adoration, in spite of his otherwise harsh words. a hidden reprimand behind the easy smile he wears, doting down at you from above with hearts in his eyes when you tentatively start to bob up and down— slowly, that's it, fuuuuck.
no matter what he ends up doing with you on date night, he always has the time of his life. buuuut, he can't deny that getting to degrade you from his holier than thou position on his favourite armchair as you slobber all over his fat cock is perhaps, no, is his favourite way to end things. made all the better because of how much he loves you, how he wants for nothing more than to make you feel loved; and yet here you are getting off to his tutting tone and forceful juts of his hips. pretty princess likes it when big strong men are mean to her? baby, he thinks you're too cute for your own good!
which is to say that he understands it now. might not have in the beginning, fearful of hurting you— physically and emotionally, but he finally gets it. mimicking your pretty pout back at you only to bark down laughter at the way you try to cough around his size, the feeling of your tongue squirming around his cock as if trying to find space as opposed to sucking him off sends a shiver down his spine, only causing his hips to stutter a little more for you. like you meant for that to happen, right baby?
"Good girl—" He moans for you, all breathy and exhausted from the hard days work so far, his tired muscles melting into your sucks and licks so nicely, he can't help but to grasp at the back of your head in return. fuckin' slut probably enjoys it anyway, right? you like it when he's a little rough with you, giving in to his more primal instincts as he holds your head in one place for a second or two.
he, too, pauses for a moment. admiring the way your eyes widen at his touch, how your body trembles with anticipation. fuck yeah, this is by far his favourite date yet. and he can't stop a genuine compliment from spilling out at the realisation.
"prettiest picture ever, like a work of art..."
and he means it, even as he starts face fucking you without warning and your vision gets all glassy and drool foams at the corners of your mouth for him to fish hook at, turning you into a genuine fuck toy from how unfairly he treats you; just like what you've asked of him. and he'd do anything to make you feel good about yourself, even if that's something like this. because he can see the way you squirm with pleasure and he can hear the way you gag on sobs, tugging desperately at your hair to help get you off faster— cause he's close. you and that fucking tongue, god, he'd kill for you, y'know?
it's only a couple seconds after catching you fingering yourself—because he doesn't have the mind to tend to you himself right now, jaw slack with whines and muscles taut with broken restraint—that he can feel your body seize up. taking advantage of the opportunity you so kindly offer him to hunch over you now, cock right down your throat for him to pump against once, twice... he's never actually made it to three strokes with you.
"drink up," he sighs as he shoots ropes down your tight throat, deep and heavy gulps of air as he attempts to catch his breath for you. "it's what pretty sluts get for being so good."
— you like to... listen to music when alone! here is a personalised playlist that i think fits your matchup! ♫ Arctic Monkeys - I Wanna Be Yours ♫ Paramore - Still Into You ♫ WILLOW - Wait A Minute! 
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I've been reading your responses for the tr toxic trait matchups and oh my god do you characterize them all so well I'm absolutely obsessed with your writing Toxic traits of mine: -MASSIVE procrastinator. Like, the kind that waits until the last day of a semester to do months' worth of late work in one night. -I have a VERY low social battery and once it runs out ill cut people off for months then come back like nothing happened. -I refuse to set boundaries with people because I'm afraid of making things awkward or making them think I'm weak. -I've been told that I come off cold and intimidating, and I find it hard to care when my bluntness upsets people. -I completely refuse help, I don't like giving other people my burdens or feeling weak In short, I'm a mean lazy shut in :') Anyways congrats on the milestone! All ur writings are all so amazing and I wish you the best of luck in everything you do <3
Ran...wants you to stay toxic
Ran is no stranger to having people in and out of his life and I'd go so far as to say that he's a bit of a whirlwind relationship kind of guy. So what if you two have a series of fun, passionate flings? He loves to show you off, the beautiful, intimidating thing you are - you match his energy like no one else. He thinks not-so-secretly that you'd make an incredible partner to a career criminal. Acting under pressure, knowing how to make decisions that serve you, not needing limelight (beyond that which he insists upon). Maybe things will change, or maybe you two will continue to get tangled in complicated half romances off and on forever.
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Hey mod if you are a death battle fan what is your tough about the death battle symbol hints for season 10
//I've just sort of had a look at it now, and here's how I'm looking at it, but I think each symbol represents the upcoming episodes, and is a hint to what we might be getting. So here's what I think:
The atom refers to, obviously, the premiere episode of The Atom vs Ant Man.
The Crossing Swords probably refers to Chosen Undead (Dark Souls) vs Dragonborn (Elder Scrolls) which is another confirmed episode.
Question mark I'm not too sure about, I do however think it could refer to Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) vs Discord (My Little Pony) which was also confirmed.
The last confirmed episode, Alex Mercer (Prototype) Vs Cole MacGrath (inFamous) I think could be the Yin and Yang symbol, but I'm not sure. It could just as easily be the scales.
The Dollar Sign symbol could mean more than one thing. It could be referring to bank heist matchup, like Grand Theft Auto Vs Payday or something, or it could be symbolic of money-obsessed characters from other media, like Scrooge McDuck or Mr Krabs (Not a matchup I expect because it's very one-sided in my eyes)
Lotus Flower makes me think we might get some kind of Mortal Kombat Vs Avatar battle, since both franchises have a faction named after a Lotus. Maybe Liu Kang Vs whoever the Bloodbender bad guy from Korra is.
The Skull and Crossbones either refers to pirates or characters who use poison.
The Star is either the Jostar Star, or Captain America's Star. For matchups, I think we could get JoJo Vs Persona 5 for the former, or Marvel Vs Rising of the Shield Hero or something.
I think the Recycle symbol may be referencing Captain Planet. I don't know who his opponent would be, but I don't see it being anything else.
Going back to the scales, I really really really want this to possibly be referring to Ace Attorney Vs Danganronpa. While I'm not expecting most reasonable matchups to win against Phoenix given that he's already in 2 fighting game series, I still want to see it. It could also be referring to heroes with a strong focus on justice, so maybe Judge Dread Vs Punisher or something?
The Half Circle I'm not too sure about, but I think it could be referring to the moon. In that instance I think it could be implying RWBY, Assassination Classroom or Soul Eater. With RWBY Volume 9 now being over and done with, I think we'll almost certainly get a RWBY matchup at some point.
The man in a suit makes me theorize two things. It could be a secret agent face off, but we already had that last season with John Wick Vs James Bond. My personal theory is it could be, going back to JoJo vs Persona, Yoshikage Kira Vs Tohru Adachi.
The Pentagram could also be Bill Vs Discord, but it could be referencing many different franchises, namely Hellboy, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil May Cry.
The lab bottle makes me think of some scientific battle, but there's so many scientists in media, I wouldn't know where to begin.
The wave is definitely referring to some sort of sea battle, possibly something like Kyogre vs Chaos (Pokemon Vs Sonic) but I have no idea where to start with this.
The Shuffle Symbol makes me think we could get something Yu-Gi-Oh/Card game related.
//Anyway, that's all I got. I'd rather wait and see.
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