#anyway ep 8 was seriously so good. the acting was so good. everything was perfect
shimamitsu · 4 months
AUGHHHHH tsukutabe thoughts. i've been thinking about this since s1 but i think the drama adding more side characters to the story was such a good idea. in the first 2 vols of the manga nomoto and kasuga don't really have anyone to talk to besides themselves, and they can't tell everything to each other for obvious reasons. nomoto never externalizes her feelings or issues about her sexuality until she meets yako in vol 3. that whole process is depicted through internal monologues, and while that's good enough for manga, adding the character of her co-worker makes everything much more dynamic and interesting in the drama. plus it's nice to see her have a supportive friend. for kasuga, i loved the addition of the lady that works at the supermarket. the manga doesn't discuss kasuga's mom situation in detail iirc (at least the 3 volumes i read), so i really appreciate the drama touching the subject in more depth. besides kasuga's talk with nomoto at the end, the conversation that she had with that lady was my favorite scene. it was great to have the perspective of a mother. and the closing scene was insane. idk if that's a drama original or a conversation they have later in the manga, but god it was my favorite scene in the entire series. "do you think i'm heartless?" "i can't forgive your father for ever making you feel that you're heartless" "please stay in a place where you can be kind". GOD. it shouldn't be physically possible for a human to cry this much in only 15 minutes but here i am. anyway the drama is seriously so good. it brings new stuff to the table while remaining faithful to the source material and it explores the characters personalities and stories even more. it's great. i'm very excited for next week bc this is where vol 3 of the manga ends so i have no idea what's gonna happen next. yippee!
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non-bee-knees · 5 months
Alright Sinners,
My ranking of every Hazbin Season 1 Song, (purely based on how much I like them for whatever reason)
Starting With:
16. Welcome To Heaven:
St. Peter pisses me off. Idk if it's his voice or whatever, but he's annoying and unnerving and I hate it. :((((
15. It Starts With Sorry:
This was originally bottom of the list, before i remembered tht Welcome to Heaven exists. I think it's a cute song, sure, but it's just...meh. It's kinda lost when its surrounded by other bangers, and especially when it's preceeded by Stayed Gone - it had no chance. I love Pen, but this isn't it for me
14. Whatever It Takes:
If I had a nickel for every time a musical series had and wasted JAMES MONROE IGLEHART, I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice (the other time is Tangled the Series)
Seriously though, when it's just Carmilla singing, this song is great, it's powerful and passionate. Then Vaggie starts singing. And don't get me wrong, I think Stephanie is a great voice actress and singer, but from the start I just didn't like her as the voice of Vaggie. It seems off to me, and it feels even worse here. Great song, but I think this is a person preference sort of thing bringing it down :(
13. Happy Day In Hell:
Opening song, pretty good. I was planning on using this as a sort of middle ground for the rest of the songs, but once you get into it, it's clear that while it's good, so many other songs are better, sadly. It is such a fun song, and I love the background voices, they're fun. Plus the little tempo change is cute halfway through, I like it a lot. It just doesn't hold up in comparison to the rest of the soundtrack
12. More Than Anything Reprise
Cute little thing right before the end, it's sweet and I'm glad that Charlie and Vaggie are good again. It suffers the same issue as Happy Day in that while it's good, there are other greats. It wins over it because I like the vocals here, and the change in the music from the original More Than Anything is neat.
11. Hell Is Forever:
My boyfriend is very very bummed that I put this one this low. I like this song, but again, there are others I like so much more. Adam is a dick, Alex does a fantastic job voice acting, and I do like the way he emphasises bits like 'pearly gates' its neato. Plus the whole 'guitar solo' bit is fun :))
10. Out for Love:
The first listen, I thought it was meh. As I relistened, it just got better and better. Idk who voices Carmilla but she is FANTASTIC, the mix of the guitar and the heavy beat, and her sining/speaking on beat is good. As well as the bit where the music stops for a second before the second chorus. Fabulous stuff honestly, if being an Overlord doesn't work out for Carmillia she could become a singer instead like holy shit.
Also this is the second Carmilla/Vaggie song... the whole Carmilla was from Heaven theories are looking stronger by the minute
9. Poison:
Shit. Banging song. Blake does such an AMAZING JOB>?!?!?!?! Like holy fuck what a banger. I like this song, the way it's used in the show is brilliant, the ENDING?????? OMG. The bits around "Anyway you want me baby thats the way you got me baby" Are my faves, like those longer notes are so good ffrrrrrrr. I very like this song.
8. Respectless:
GIRLLLLLLL????? VELVETTE?????!!!??!?! OMG BABY GET IT. Vox is my fav V but shit Velvette is such that Bitch fr. This song is so fun, she's so right, and Unpopular Opinion- I think her voice is absolutely perfect for her charcter. Couldn't imagine her without her shitty little british accent. Also Velvette changes clothes every Ep; such a fun detail
7. More Than Anything:
such a sweet, genuine song, i love hearing them realise that they really love each other and learn about each other, I love the duet at the end, I love charlies solo bit, the fucking "Apple doesn't fall far" sbdfbhhb'bvofvj ADOREEEEEEE Such a cute song FR kisses
6. Finale:
So many elements here that are just *chefs kiss* JEREMY JORDAN I WANT TO KISS YOU. The gang all singing together is just so fucking cute, Vox and Val are Gay and Canon and theyre so cute thinking they're gonna rule Hell T-T - I need to see how Vox reacted to Al not being dead. AND SPEAKING OF: AL's VERSE???? SIRRRR?? ARE YOU OKAY??? mans was loosing it frrr (i also wanna kiss him on the forehead and put him to bed) (Some one pointed out that he doesn't have his staff in the last moments of the song) (also it's cute that he headed back to his radio shack to breakdown, babe really said 'safe space')
5. You Didn't Know:
We all knew this was gonna be this high up, WHAT A BANGER?????? I adore Sera's voice, it's so good, and Lute singing?? get it girl. And we all know the 'Hell is Forever' Reprise is absolute PEAK soooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking good. ANd the end??? ADAM YOURE A CUNT but also Drama ✨✨✨
4. Stayed Gone:
NFBHBH{B@OUFE@OF Alastor and Vox are two of my fav fiction men Types: Suave sassy cunts with way too much power (with fun voice effects for extra Style)
Seriously this song really outlines them so well??? Like Vox is desperate for control, hence the fucking new's cast, and he's erratic and insane, trying his best to make absolutely sure that his viewers stay his viewers, instead of pivoting to Radio. In contrast, Al is still and calm, staying in one place while Vox flicks all over the place through his screens. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE END PART He really went Sicko Mode to bully a man after 7 years of ignoring him, FUck i love Alastor
3. Loser, Baby:
Need more be said? It's Loser, Baby, it has it all. Smooth vocals, fun jazz, cute choreography, a dancable beat, a wonderfully approachable message (my bf got worred that i liked it so much because he thought it was concerning at first, but it's so comforting to be told, 'hey we're all fucked, let's be fucked together 😊'
Blank and Keith work so beautifully together vocally that if we don't get another duet in S.2 imma riot I swear.
also "They're fucking singing???" GOLD
This song put Husk right into my top 3, only for Ep 5 to push him righ to Number 1(*)
2. Hell's Greatest Dad:
'from the big boss of hell himself' FUCK ME (/hj)
Seriously tho, an electrojazz duet between Al and Lucifer was such a gorgeous idea whoever made this song needs a fucking RAISE the differences in their music while they're soloing, only for it to 'clash' when Lucifer brings out the fiddle (yes its a fiddle, not a violin)
(also violin and piano are complimentary intruments, so while its not a violin, it's still neat to know that they still work 'together' as they hate each other)
The end with Mimzy?? Funny, I liked it. I hate mimzy, she's annoying and she's bound to return, but yeah, I liked her interuption as her intro, it's fitting. Also Lucifer's little 'who' at the end makes me giggle.
Ready for This:
D ;bvb'obvrgo#rjhprb#o#RPGNR
I quite like this song. In case you couldn't tell by the way it's No.1. Its a mix of the vocals being FUCKING GORGEOUS, the changes in style as the song goes on 'come on boys hop in the saddle' IMMA KISS ERIKA. Also the way the Cannibals get on board so fast is so funny, their verse is so fun
And don't get me started on ROSIEjf bhfb'au#bf'h[bfb#ru "That's enthusiasm darling" I LOVE HERRRRRRRRR
Her and Al are so sweet, thier little verse at the end is lovely. I think in trying to convince Rosie to trust Charlie, Al accidentally realised how much he cares about her 🤭
You can tell how much I like each song as I slowly loose my sanity as the list goes down 😅
(*) My fave is Husk, the Rosie, then Al, then Vox, then Angel 😊
This is all just my opinons; Please let me know what you agree with, what you disagree with, where you would put each song and why - id love to hear it xxxx
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myshyyangel · 3 years
BLs of 2020 *year in review(>×<?) *
Hi, it's me again. I just wanted to say first, this is my opinion, second, please, do not send me any message to tell me how wrong I am. THIS IS MY OPINION, feel free to comment on the post BUT don't send me messages threatening me. Anyways, as I said yesterday, today I'll do my list of bls that stood out to me and why, I mean the best lol.
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7. Gameboys - good.
So gameboys, Woah! It was good. Great script, acting on point and direction. It was different obviously, but it managed to stay on top of "bls based on the pandemic that we are living while the bl was being filmed". The acting is on another level, it's funny in the right places and serious too. There was not much of one side and then nothing from the other. My problem with bls is how they tend to be unbalanced, and even if Gameboys was filmed during dark times, it managed to surprise everybody *I'm sure*. The side characters were not overwhelming, and the acting was good too. Yes. We love to see it. Re-watch value 8.5/10
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6.Why r u - good-ish.
Why R U, so I was skeptical with this one, but I wanted to see how Saint (whom character I hated so much in LBC) would turn himself around and prove that he is a good actor. And boy, he did not come here to play. Zee was good too, and Tommy and Jimmy. Now, aside from them, it was a mess. So that's why my grading is good-ish. I skipped half of everybody else's story. These two couples were the saving grace, and like here's my thing... Overload. Wanting to cover a lot but you don't have to. Anyway, I'm glad we got to see the whole story completed now. It was a good series, the writing was a little questionable but the acting was there. The story was cliché, but still. Puuur. Re-watch value 8/10 but like only if it's the main couples. 6/10 if it's the whole series.
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5.Mr. Heart - good, cute, aksjaks melt my heart.
Sooo... I just loved this series. The thing is, the actors were so likable and loveable that I didn't even care about how short it was. But I did re-watch it and some things need some work. The script was one of them, it was kinda confusing, but as I said, the actors are so charming that you need to watch it again just to pay attention to the whole thing. Anyways, the direction was good, and the color palette... LOVED IT. The story itself is a little cliché like almost every bl that came out this year. Re-watch value 8/10
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4.Where your eyes linger - excellent
First off, LET'S GO KOREAAA YAAASS. second, mmm Viki girl- I had to subscribe just for this series. Third, ugh It was so good. The acting, the script, the direction, the colors, the acting, aksjaksk what else can I say?. The production team did know where to take the series and in such a short time. Both actors shine and their chemistry is palpable. The music was perfect. I mean, best of the best when it comes to bls. I hate to compare but, how come Korea made this bl and it became UNFORGETTABLE and half of the bls that came out were all the same? I think it was bold to separate the main characters, I thought it wouldn't happen cause you know... Cliché. BUT IT DID HAPPEN and the best part is how the end comes fully in circle. Anyways, re-watch value 10/10.
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3.Gaya sa Pelikula - unforgettable
This series is everything you wish every bl was in 2020. The lessons that they tried *and succeeded*to teach the audience, how to call an LGBTQ+ person, HOW YOU CAN BE RAISED BY PARENTS WHO ARE CONSERVATIVE and still not act like an AS*HOLE, the script was magic, the direction was on point, the acting. This series would go down in history as one of the best bls. Thank you to the actors, to the crew, and everybody else. Re-watch value 10/10.
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2. 2gether - excellent
Polarizing at best. 2gether marked me, yes, it did. From the acting to the story. Yes, I know, "there are hundreds of bls similar..." not to me. And there's just so much I can take from this series, I even wrote a long character analysis on this app, but I'll summarize. Growers, there's character development, there are jokes and seriousness. And the plot is new *to me* so I was surprised. No character falls into the same category as other bl characters, and the energy the actors bring is just amazing. The color palette (yes, I am obsessed with it, it gives me different moods that's why I feel like it is important in a series) was beautiful, the music used was EVERYTHING, my only complaint is the direction, too many cuts (GMMTV girl you better stop). The cast shines. The finale is what was polarizing, no kiss, but I was sooo okay with it. Re-watch value 11/10, yes, I've seen it many times after it ended.
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1. Cherry Magic. Excellent, unforgettable, chef kisses, best BL IN THE WORLD.
Cherry magic is the perfect example of why you don't need to have 45 minutes to make a good ss series. 20-24 minutes and we still got this much. Character development was there, cute moments... Everywhere to be found, the script is A HUNDRED for me, the director did not get me dizzy *giving actors screentime TOGETHER IN JUST ONE SHOT was just loveable, thanks*, the acting: out of this world. When you watch Cherry Magic, you feel like you are part of Adachi's world, or like you are watching a little kid growing up and you feel proud because of the decisions he takes. The same thing with Kurosawa, I've never seen a bl character like his, the guy is confident but respectful and it just makes you wonder if you'll ever find someone like that. The side characters didn't outshine but were not at the corner. That's what I call BA LAN CE. This is my favorite bl series of all time (which used to be DarkBlueKiss). I hope we get to see more, NO SPECIAL EPS PLEASE DONT RUIN IT. Re-watch value 1000000/10
What you guys think? What are y'all favs bls of this year? Some series I'm still on it like ITSAY and Hello Stranger. While there are some new bls that I'll review when they end.
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0ceanoflight · 4 years
My thoughts on Gaya Sa Pelikula now that I've watched all 8 eps.
Cause I need to write down my thoughts and Twitter's character limit just isn't enough so thank you tumblr. This is gonna be a rant
Also, just wanna say this is from the point of view of a gay trans masc enby, aka me.
First impression
Gaya Sa Pelikula is just.... Wow. It's hard to describe. I originally watched it cause some moots on Twitter kept talking about it and they recommended it to me. It doesn't take much for me to watch a gay show, so of course I checked it out. At the time I think maybe 2-3 eps were out.
I knew nothing about the plot. I had no expectations for it. Just hoping it didn't have any problematic stuff in it, hopefully some cute stuff, same as any other gay show. It was just some show to watch to pass the time. I was wrong. It's so much more than just a good show. It's rare for me to get THIS emotionally invested into a show.
From the first ep I thought "Oh, this is pretty realistic lol. I've said stuff like this", referring to Vlad's lines. That continued as I watched the remaining available eps. Later my moots mentioned that it was written by a gay man and I understood right away. GSP is a gay show with the intention of being very realistic. It wasn't just gay for entertainment's sake. It was gay for the sake for real gay people.
The characters are so well written. They are flawed. They're not perfect. They all have their own struggles that you wouldn't know until you sat down and talked to them. Their lines and personalities are real. They feel real. I've met people like that. I have friends like that. I see myself in them. Also the acting is incredible. Really brought it to the next level.
The Music
A golden sound track. Every song just fit. It felt like the songs were made for that scene. The lyrics, the vibe. There were so many times when I thought that lyrics perfectly fit the scene in a way that would make me connect even more to what was happening. Really couldn't have been better. 10/10.
The visuals and plot devices
The way everything seems to have a purpose. Everything seems to be interconnected. There were so many things that were mentioned earlier in the episode, or I'm previous episodes that you originally didn't fully understand, then they would come back and suddenly *mindblown*.
The lines in the first prom dancing scene in the first ep. The ghost stories (still blows my mind). Vlad not liking his hair being touch which wasn't explained till later. The keychain. The theme song test. The movie they were watching about the imaginary beach (I forgot the name). The reason behind Judit's seemingly fake/weird ally speeches. The reason why Karl always seemed so stiff and awkward. The closet. The orca. The remote. Ect.
All of that came back later in the show and added so much depth. The metaphors used seemed to almost add extra explainations. Like... they didn't just give more layers of complexity, but it gave us a stronger understanding of what was going on. Or at least it made it more emotional. Idk. I was just one of he people who read posts of others dissecting the show cause I'm not as good. Lol.
Also there were beautiful scenes visually. Karl's dance scene. Beautiful. The film scenes outside, looked gorgeous. The use of mirrors and the TV. Great. Awesome
There were a lot of things I connected to.
Vlad's lines like I mentioned above were among the first. I've personally said or thought very similar things. Or even those exact things. I was actually shocked at first. By how real that felt for me.
Vlad being lonely, but faking it. Aha. I'm an introvert, and people know it. As much as I need space, I get lonely very easily as well. And friends online sometimes aren't enough. It's not the same as having someone there. With covid, and the fact that all of my friends live far away or are normally too busy to meet up, I very rarely am actually with friends. It almost hurts tbh. Especially since I'm a very affectionate person. Also the gay yearning hours are real and powerful.
Karl's dance scene, letting out the inner femininity. So I'm a bit different. I never came out as gay. I'm a gay trans guy. People already knew, or assumed, I liked men. However I did have the struggle of inner femininity. I hated fem things up until I was maybe 15-16, maybe almost 17. I didn't know why I hated it, I just did. Clearly now I know why. However my evolution to being a fem guy from hating fem things happened around the same time as discovering I'm not actually a girl. It was confusing 3 years (yes it took me about 3 years to piece everything together, a bit longer to settle). My point is, once I opened up to fem things, it was beautiful. It really really was. I felt more comfortable. I felt freer. I went from "ew makeup, skirts, leggings, pink. I hate it". To wearing makeup, wearing leggings, liking pink, often painting my nails. I've worn pretty short shorts with a loose t-shirt and a cardigan. Peak fem. Felt great. I want to wear a skirt, but I'm too afraid to do that. I may feel better with being fem, but society is still society and I might get looks cause "wtf, a man wearing a skirt?". Maybe one day. Uhhh anyways. The times I've grown to become more fem felt like how watching Karl dance felt like. Just like that.
Karl's struggle with his sexuality. Ok again I can't relate on the gay part, cause my coming out was coming out at trans. However yea. That was an adventure. I remember being so confused in 8th grade & 9th grade. God that was.... something. At first I thought I just wanted to be more tomboyish, more androgynous. So I found androgynous girls with short hair and said "I want this". Everyone was confused. My friends said "is there a reason you cut your hair so short?". I was afraid of that question. At the time I didn't know why I was so afraid. I don't remember exactly what I said, but tbh I was pretty defensive. Of course I later realized why I felt that way. I remember finally figuring things out after I settled into knowing I was trans, I didn't know how to come out. I couldn't say it directly. In fact, I never did. To my friends I just said "he/him, they/them pronouns" when asked at events, and of course they knew, but didn't ask more. In fact one friend found out cause I wrote "agender" on a form cause he looked over my shoulder. For my family... I just dropped a big hint, and they understood something was up. I wasn't able to explain it well then either. It took another 2-3 months till I couldn't take it anymore and did my best to explain it better so they would take it seriously. I was afraid. I couldn't say it directly. I actually didn't come out to my my high school. I was too afraid. I had friends who were out and I was jealous. I was jealous of their bravery. Same as Karl to Vlad. I was out to friends, but couldn't be open in the real world, much like Karl. I was only out within the space of the GSA, and of the local lgbt center. That was my "apartment". It was only until after i graduated where I promised myself I would live my real self.
The prom dance scene. I missed my high school's prom too. I wasn't brave enough to wear a suit. That would be like coming out and I wasn't ready. So I missed that. I wouldn't have been able to be open of course. I went to the senior dinner. I guess that was the start of me trying to be open. I went in a suit. Tailored men's dress pants too. I went with friends.
Wanting to write my own stories. That's a big one isn't it? I never really do see myself in films or tv. An autistic mentally ill gay trans masc enby? Yea, not a thing. Not a popular role in hollywood, will never be. I'm not a writer, I wanted to be as a kid, I was going to go to uni for writing, but I'm not really good enough for that. I really really do want to see more of myself in media. I wish I could be able to create such things for other people as well. Cause things like Gaya Sa Pelikula are truly magical. It literally made me cry whenever something I related to happened.
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shellyb04 · 4 years
After watching kdramas on the streaming services I had, I kept seeing recommendations for weightlifting fairy, Kim Bok Joo.  So I found Viki.  Where I have been trapped, falling in love with a new show after new show ever since.
Shows and my ratings are below the cut.
Weightlifting Fairy, Kim Bok Joo Kim Bok Joo is a weightlifter who is finally realizing there’s more to life than just sports.  This features crushes, sweet sweet boys, wholesome ladies, and fluffiness. 10/10  This was SO GOOD!  IT still gives me the happiest of feels to even think about it.  I just fell head first into this drama.  If I had one, teeny tiny nitpick, it would be that I think the 2nd lead is a bit wooden in his acting.  I could never get a good read on him. Marriage not dating Fake dating-Plastic surgeon wants his mom off his back and to stay single.  He falls into real feelings.   10/10  I straight up love this one.  There's drama (the hair pulling in the mall made me shout with happiness).  I love fake relationship dramas and that is what this is, until it's not.  I just seriously adore this one. Princess Hours AU History, Girl finds out she’s engaged to crown prince in an arranged marriage.  She marries him and DRAMA ensues. 3/10  I liked parts of this one a lot, but I just felt like it dragged way too long and kept repeating itself.  Plus the 2nd leads Mom was horrible and I felt no pity for her ever.  The kiss in the middle between the leads was extra good though.
Goblin First supernatural kdrama.  An immortal can only die when his “bride” comes along to pull the sword from his chest.  He meets his bride and the Grim Reaper moves in with him. 9/10  It took me a bit to get use to this one as it was my first supernatural drama.  I had to look up some history for it, which I love doing so that was cool.  Once I was in though, the main couple HAD ME!  The Grim Reaper was also fantastic and I wanted more of his friendship with the leads. Super big BROMANCE in this one. I liked all the supporting cast members as well and the last few episodes had me legitimately sobbing.
What's Wrong With secretary Kim Secretary Kim is the perfect secretary until she quits and her boss will do anything to keep her (cause he loves her, but shh, don’t tell him that.) 10/10  The chemistry is on fire, the leads are amazing and I like the secondary and tertiary stories that are going on all around.  This just lit me up from within.  The only problem was I felt like the reveal of the flashback plot took a bit too long toward the end.
Full House (2004 version) Girls house is accidentally sold to famous actor.  Contract marriage ensues.  MORE FAKE DATING!! 9/10  I'm a SUCKER for fake married, so they had an easy lead. (Also a sucker for couples who fight to cover their feelings so add another check mark there) Once again, it took me a few eps to get into it, but once I did, the Main Couple were my jam.  Fighting to cover feelings is something that I understand and these characters do it in spades.  The family dynamic made me super happy as well.  My only complaint is I HATE HATE HATE the female leads “best friends.”
Fated to Love You Accidental pregnancy becomes marriage of convenience becomes so much more. 7/10  While a bunch of the side plots in this are super cringey, I bump it massive points for the middle to the end of the show.  Now do I think some of the stupidity went on a bit too long? Yes.  Just tell the woman you bought her painting and why!  Could have cut most of an episode out.  But the scenes with the Main Character talking to the baby…just ugh!!! And when I realized he had taken the baby furniture into his room….and eating cake with the baby!!  I was a mess for a few of those eps. Also the main guys laugh freaked me out. But be prepared to CRY in a few places.  
All I want for Love is You Follows a couple who go to school together and she follows him to medical school (even though she is scared of blood).  She’s a dumb jock, he’s a smart sweetie and both are crushing on each other, but hiding it. (He had REASONS, but bleh) 9.5/10  I love almost everything about this Cdrama except the last episode.  They cram months and years of stuff into like 5 seconds.  We don't have time to process that the lead character may be dead before oops nope he's back.  Now kiss and run off camera…what?? But everything leading up to that episode was so good.  The horrible were horrible, but ultimately slightly redeemable.  The main guys stole my heart.   It was everything, (just wish the last ep stuck the landing)
1% of Anything  Girl saves an old man, not knowing who he is.  The old man without her knowing makes her a condition of his will.  His grandson has to marry her to inherit.   9/10  Fake RELATIONSHIPS GIVE ME LIFE!  But seriously this one is pretty sweet, once again it does bog down in a couple of places, but overall, super sweet experience
Oh My Venus Girl who was super hot in high school gains weight and then gets dumped by her bf (of like 15 years).  She decides to lose weight.  Her trainer and she fall for each other in the process. 7/10-the Main relationship was great once it got going, but I struggled with the family/company drama.  I got slightly annoyed at the very end of the show when she was bigger again because of her pregnancy and the man wasn't cool with it.
Fight My Way Four best friends (2 girls, 2 boys) live in a apartment block.  Main leads are stuck in dead in jobs, missing out on their dreams.  But not for long.  Also they realize they are stupid in love with each other along the way. 10/10  A bit of a slower start, but after the like second episode I was in love with it.  I wish the girl's plot had been moved a bit faster earlier on, but overall, SO SO GOOD.  Although the ex-girlfriend in this one serves little purpose.  
The World Owes Me a First Love CDrama, Mobile gaming company CEO and his first employee fall in love while dealing with a new dungeon release for their game. 8/10  Perfectly lovely story with sweet people.  I was pleasantly diverted
Love in the Moonlight Historical Drama-Woman poses as man for plot reasons and accidentally becomes a eunich in the palace.  The Crown Prince falls for her anyway. 8/10  Apparently I really struggle with the historical dramas.  I liked most of this one, until the end when it got bogged down in its own plot.
Coffee Prince Girl poses as a guy to get a job.  The boss is super confused, but falling in love anyway. 9/10  A ton of sweet moments with some fake relationship and gender misunderstandings.  I really liked this one over all.  The moment that the main guy kisses the main girl (thinking she's a guy) is one of my favorite moments. Also a later kissing scene is in my top five favorite kdrama kisses.
You're Beautiful Once again, Girl poses as boy, this time as her twin brother, to help him get into a kpop group.  And while there...falls for one of the members.  The boys do figure it out fairly quickly and decide to help her.  6/10  Okay, but nothing special.  The main girl is good, but probably good she never played the brother.  But that was part of what made it weird.  We heard about the brother for the whole series, but we never saw any personality from him, just sort of heard about it.  And the 2nd female was super evil!
Drunken to love you My first Taiwanese drama.  Leads get drunk and married. They stay that way for the plot. 8/10  Stupid in all the best way.  It did drag a bit and the introduction of the character Daniel felt super forced.  Seriously just super campy and I loved it.
Master Devil Do Not Kiss Me Season 1  Cdrama. Poor girl moves into rich house and Rich boy falls for her (with mother rooting for it all)   1/10  The dubbing was bad, the music was bad, the acting was atrocious and I barely made it though and could not do the second season.
My Princess 9/10 Normal girl finds out she's the Princess of Korea. Love the main couple. A few confusing plot bits in the middle and the two politicians add very little to the story. Ending was a bit confusing, is she still the princess or not? Mask 7/10 Woman is forced to take the place of her doppelganger and falls in love with her new husband. melodrama Main couple is too precious for words. Their romance is wonderful. The 2nd leads (and villain couple) are delicious. The sister is layered and understandable while the man takes moustache twirling to a new meaning. Suspicious Partner 10/10 Law student accused of murdering exbf, works with Prosecutor who loses his job over her case. They fall in love and solve murders. Also Super Adorable and ridiculously attractive. A few slow moments made up for by some really intense ones. Could have probably been tightened up into fewer eps, but all bad points made up for by supporting office characters (Investigator Bang and the CEO are the BESTEST)  Bromance!
And that’s what I’ve seen so far.  Currently watching Touch your heart.  Will let you know how it goes!
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Episode 61 “Deku vs Kacchan Part 2″
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This is gonna get kinda emotional.
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Deku is turning Kacchan’s fight proposal down. Dammit Deku! He’s being serious!
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Hoo boy that Kacchan face. No light in his eyes. That realization, just…just bleeding through…hoo boy.
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“If the way you admired him was correct, does that mean my way of thinking was wrong?” OMG ITS HAPPENING. HE’S REALIZING IT YA’LL.
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The flashbacks to bb Deku and Kacchan the feels.
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The white void, it’s just the two of them. 
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That Deku line from the first episode. I’m transported right back, ya’ll. It’s that first love again, that same feeling I had when I first discovered this series all the way back in summer of last year.
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So Deku starts by thinking too hard about what’s going on and immediately gets blasted.
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“You think too much” hoo boy recently Mother’s Basement posted the analysis of this fight and pointed out that this is actually a flaw of Deku’s that he can learn to remedy by adopting some of Kacchan’s impulsiveness. Never has the phrase “you complete me” been more accurate.
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This freaking animation. It’s so beautiful. OMG.
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Cause he loves ya you dope.
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Cute overload
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WHY WHY WHY hoo boy Kacchan flashbacks.
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Dat little trip oh man. He’s so bummed Deku doesn’t wanna fight and Deku’s little kick actually knocked him down.
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Ooh boy. Here it comes. The music went out
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Hold his freaking hand some day dammit
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Oh god I can’t watch this again I can’t I can’t
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“why is to you became strong…while I - “ OH GOD HERE IT COMES HERE IT COMES
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OH GOD. Slow clap. Okamoto and Chapin both deserve freaking awards for that performance. I mean holy shit. That voice acting. Those cracks. That hit. It makes me cry. I’m tearing up right now. Cause you see, this whole episode, it really rests on the ability of Bakugou’s Seiyuu and VA to pour everything into the performance. It’s not going to hit without both of them giving the vocal acting performance of a lifetime, and they both knocked it out of the freaking park. I actually love them both as his voice; I don’t have a preference for dub over sub, as regards their performances (not the dialogue translations), because both are incredible. Just. Slow clap. All of the awards, please.
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Look at how Deku looks at him. He’s the best. He just…he cares, so much. I mean, you’d admittedly have to be a pretty heartless bastard not to feel a little compassionate after hearing that speech but still. Kacchan’s so fucking lucky he has Deku and he doesn’t even know it. I want one too.
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He’s crying. Me too.
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Kacchan no Kacchan no nononononono 
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Oh god Deku you beautiful darling
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“May not be any meaning in winning or losing” lol are you just saying that in hindsight, Future Deku, cause you know you lost?
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Deku didn’t have to do this. He didn’t have to fight Kacchan or even let him know the truth.
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And note, he didn’t accept until he realized there was someone he could save. Someone who needs saving, to be helped. And this is how to help him.
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“The only one who can accept his feelings is me.” Ya’ll heard that haters? Say it a little louder for the people in the back, Deku. He’s got his heart.
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And look who’s smiling again, eyes lighting up again, the minute Deku started fighting back?
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“I couldn’t just completely reject him” Guess who also sad that about their fiery spiky blond spouse in BNHA? Kacchan’s dad in that omake about their marriage.
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Their relationship was wrong, but now it’s right. 
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They never talked about how they really felt. Communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, folks. Go on. Talk about your feels. Your real feelings.
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Of that was one hell of a hit.
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That speedy recovery though. Deku is fast. 
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Oh wow Kacchan hit it too
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That smile. That smile OMG that is THE HOTTEST, by far, that Deku has ever looked in animation. And I don’t say that lightly.
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The translation here is either “I’ve” or “you’ve” gotten stronger. Both fit fine, which is the crazy part. Deku could be either saying that he himself has improved, or complimenting Bakugou, which does admittedly make more sense with what he was saying before, while ‘I’ve’ fits his cocky grin here better. I want him to flash a cocky grin more. It suits him. (BTW The English Dub compromises between the two and says’ we’ve both’.
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Katsuki assumes Deku has a plan. Always overestimating him.
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“That’s what I hate about you” OMG HE FINALLY TELLS HIM HOW HE FEELS. “I can never tell what you’re thinking” Because ya know he’s so good at understanding how everyone else thinks and feels.
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He’s always being mean to Deku. Deku has seen him at his very worst and yet still admires him. Maybe that’s scary, you know? Unconditional love is…kinda terrifying. But so, so beautiful. So he has to rationalize it that Deku is just looking down on him.
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Wow Deku sure took you long enough! He’s been saying that since day 1!
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“I wouldn’t want anything to do with them anymore” Deku there you go being empathetic and wonderful and perfect again. So understanding you darling, darling boy.
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 “Along with the parts I hated about you, I saw all the amazing things you could do.” THAT’S ADMIRATION, FOLKS. ADMIRATION WITHOUT IDOLIZATION. Without hero-worship. Acknowledging the good and the bad. Seeing a person for who they really are and always, always seeing the best of them, even at their worst.
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“MUCH CLOSER TO ME THAN ALL MIGHT” Do you hear him guys? The closest person to him, closer than All Might. Closer than his freaking #1 favorite hero. The dub version has “actually in my life”, which isn’t a bad idea either. Both are true. That is so powerful. The person who
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Oh yeah and again how does Deku advance in power? How does he Go Beyond? KACCHAN. Full cowling, he found from him. OFA itself, he gained by saving him. And 8%.
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THAT SMILE. “I thought you were amazing.” He loves you you idiot. 
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He kept chasing after him. He’ll never stop. He won’t just give up.
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He passed him. And Bakugo looks happy. Possibly because he wants Deku to do better. Possibly because it seems to be confirming his might-makes-right theory. Possibly both.
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I’m serious. They brought out all the stops for this one. Of course. they knew, they had to know, that this was it. The animation, too, had to be perfect, or else it wasn’t gonna come across. And it is. Even better, in my opinion, than the animation in the stuff that came before it. Bones you are incredible. 
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Higher gear. Can anyone doubt that Katsuki is important to Deku’s journey after this?
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“This is gross, so I can’t say it”.. “I love you?” A reactor I follow actually said that after that line. That’s how intense they are.
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Anyway IMAGE OF VICTORY SPEECH. The Ep that keeps on giving. 
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Kacchan is his image of victory. The other side of him. And he adopts some of his traits.
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“The part of you I hate and yet” How much love can you have for a person when you can somehow still admire the darkest, meanest parts of them? I don’t have a very perfect definition of love but I think that’s probably a big part of it.
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“my image of victory is of you” feels overload. Feels O.D. 
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dat crane shot.
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My one disappointment with this episode is that they used the US of Smash OST instead of the Katsuki and Izuku OST for this scene. CMON GUYS. SERIOUSLY. THE KATSUKI AND IZUKU THEME HAD TO HAVE BEEN WRITTEN FOR THIS EPISODE AND THIS MOMENT ALONE. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING. 
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“I have to beat you” the music the feels omg
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Hahaha psych. Kacchan wins anyway. 
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WOOF. Like OK this is in the manga, this positioning, but it’s only for one frame. In the anime it goes on for like, an uncomfortably long time, with the slow panting, and the close-ups on the twisting body parts, and…combined with the fact that all of Deku’s admiring girlfriends in this arc have also landed on top of him in a similar pose, and you can’t blame me for the fact that my mind went into rather…R-rated territory. 
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Kacchan’s disappointed. He didn’t want Deku to lose. He wanted Deku to win.
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That breaking  voice again. Don’t make me cry more dammit it’s too late.
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ALL MIGHT! I need an MST3K style All Might commentary-reaction to this entire damn thing. Seriously Hori. If you ever do an extra, please make one that’s a serious of All Might panel reacting to this whole thing. I NEED THAT. 
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Finishing each other’s sentences again.
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This is such a great moment of catharsis. Why Deku indeed? Well, you’re about to learn.
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THAT LINE DELIVERY AGAIN. That Broken voice. Both voice actors are too good.
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Deku’s legs though. WOWSA. A little detail I’ve noticed is that Kacchan has really buff, sexy arms and Deku has really buff, sexy legs. Because those are the body parts they use, while the reverse parts are more average.
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“I’m weak too” You’re making me weak I can’t take it. His voice his voice that fucking voice
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I also need an All Might in my life. I kinda blame myself all the time for things outside of my control. Deku AND Kacchan both blamed themselves for what happened. For All Might’s end. And neither one was really responsible, but they’re just like that. I relate, painfully, to both of them. I have a Deku side and a Bakugo side - deep down, I think we all do. Maybe one more than the other, but that’s what you get when you create two characters who initially act as kind of…distilled embodiments of two sides of the super-hero coin. One all super with no hero, the other all hero with no super - at least, at the beginning.
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Ooh boy All Might’s BKDK Speech! Both of their teachers ship them, you guys. All Might AND Aizawa both give big, beautiful speeches about their compatibility. In case you somehow missed it. 
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Being fixated on victory like you, young Bakugou…and wanting to save those in trouble, like you, young Midoriya…both of those feelings are necessary.” “You guys are perfect for each other”, says the reactor I mentioned earlier (who isn’t even a hardcore BKDK shipper, mind you, it’s just that it’s that obvious.) And it’s true. You need both. They want each other, they need each other, because they have what the other lacks. They complete each other.  
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This is the shonen rival equivalent of having the couple in a rom-com confess at the end of act one instead of act three. It upsets all the cliches and is all the better for it. Though even the most hardcore, dedicated anime rivals, I don’t think have ever gone this married-couple with the ‘mutual respect’ and ‘making each other stronger’ thing.
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WIN AND SAVE SAVE TO WIN. They look each other in the eyes.
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Oh god not that voice again I’m dying. Don’t make me cry again Kacchan.  
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“Of the students only you.” ONLY YOU. 
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I put this moment really high on my list of Kacchan’s nicest moments, because it means a lot to me and to All Might. All Might acknowledges it. He’s a good secret keeper.
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Oh and Deku thanks him too in the English Dub, BTW. Not the manga but nice dub touch. 
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OMG he’s such a Tsundere.
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He told him everything. HE KNOWS. The only one who knows. None of Deku’s other love interests do. And he has no interest in telling them. 
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Kacchan asks why he told him. And I’ve got an answer, after obsessively rereading Chapter 11/rewatching Episode 8 a lot: BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU, YOU IDIOT. You were mad at him for lying about his quirk to you. You asked what was going on (loudly). You accused him of lying to you your whole life. So he told you the truth. Because he can lie to his mom, and he can lie to his friends and teachers and the entire freaking world. But he cannot lie to YOU. Because he loves you. Idiot baka. 
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Oh and what’s that music playing there? Why does that sound familiar? YOU SAY RUN YOU SAY RUN YOU SAY RUN IT’S BACK. And you know? That’s I think because YSR symbolizes Deku’s heroic inspiration. The inspiration he both takes in and gives to others. And here, he’s both being inspired by Kacchan, and inspiring him at the same  time.
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Now Kacchan is doing the same. “Chosen one” He knows. Deku is better. He’s gotta surpass him.
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This shot composition. Get it? ALL MIGHT’S THE THING BETWEEN ‘EM.
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Oh and this. Yay some character development from Kacchan! Another nice moment of his in this ep. Three times! 
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All Might Meta’s a bit about how Kacchan took responsibility and felt bad and does a Mom guilt trip on Dadzawa. They’re getting to be kinda married too now.  
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“I went in pretty HARD”. OMG stop it you’re making me think bad things again. Just F*CK already.
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Their first act as a married couple is to clean the house together. OMG domestic fluff. 
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And now for the best Post-credits scene ever. 
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Wow Uraraka ships it so bad. 
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Oh and some Todobaku bonus! Aw I guess Bakugou just turned down his 3some offer. 
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Ooh awkward silence. 
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YAY! Though they did kinda wreck it by having Deku bring it up instead of Kacchan 
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Kacchan just praised me. Life is good.
Episode 61 is my favorite episode of my favorite show. I think it’s the best and will never be topped. Feels, left and right. It’s really just perfect. Funny, all 3 of the transcendent, best-of-the-best BNHA eps (This, 49 and 23) are basically just two characters fighting for 20 minutes. Nothing more or less. Yet they’re all so, so good. And this one is…I don’t even know how to put it into words. It’s a phenomenal tour-de-force of acting, visuals, animation, music, and of course, writing, all combining together to be just absolutely unsurpassable. Everything that makes this series good, boiled down to it’s essence. And yes, this did seal the deal for me with BKDK. I liked it before, but this made it a done deal. No going back. And I love it.
BEST GIRL OF THE EP: Uraraka for being so supportive.
RANKER: Top 5 Best Moments of This Episode: (it’s really more like a top 50)
5. Deku’s little Dance number
4. True Rivals at Last
3. True feelings at last
2. The Image of Victory Speech
1. “Why did I become...”
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inkerii · 6 years
So I actually liked vld season 7
Some of it anyway. I still have some beef with it. Normally I don’t really post my thoughts but I wanna get it out of my chest c: gonna stick just to the Good Things on this post since it got out of hand!
Warning: LONG POST and since I’m on mobile idk how to put it under a read more!
*** [Good Things]
So many good things honestly.
• FIRST OF ALL: THE MUSIC! THE ANIMATION! THE BACKGROUNDS! THE CHOREOGRAPHY!! More than any plot these workers deserve so much credit <333
• Everything about episode 1. From learning of the beginning of Keith’s and Shiro’s friendship to the shenanigans with the yelmore. As a med student though, I wish they would explain a bit more about this mysterious disease he had and why is it apparently “gone” now.
• Cosmo. Everything about this space pupper. I love that he’s being included far more than the other pets because it was always pretty clear to me he’s very protective of keith and doesn’t appear to like leaving his owner’s side. ALSO I LOVE HOW BIG HE IS. HE’S BIGGER THAN PIDGE IN SOME SHOTS.
• I’m digging the Generals’ new outfits. Noice.
• LANCE DEFENDING PIDGE. Yes yes yes. I love how much he cares for her. I really wish she had become his love interest instead of Allura. Still! They had quite a few sweet moments c:
• Space mice are back to helping the team too heck yes
• “The Feud” is both kinda endearing but also my least favorite episode of the series. Since this part is about the good things: Everything about Lotor. Zarkon calling Lotor names. It was so DOTU I loved it so much
• THE DRUID IS BACK!! I loved that the druid was back. I really really wish they had expanded on WHY the druids are like that and HOW do they get their powers. They appear Galra. Are they a breed Haggar experimented on? They seem to almost idolize her. Gimme more info on the quiznaking Druids season 8 plEASE
• KEITHS WEIRD QUINTESSENCE POWERS VOLTRON PLEASE -PLEASE- EXPLAIN - as a side note I 110% believe the purple quintessence coming from Keith’s hands in when he unlocks Black’s wings in season 6 is that very power of his, not Shiro’s spirit or whatever
• Keith’s and Krolia’s goodbye. It was so emotional. I love that Keith has the maturity to understand that she has to leave- not because of a “mission” but because so many Blades she was shown to CARE FOR were gone. For all the “greater good” the Blades were about, they did seem to care. I love how gentle Krolia was with Kolivan too. I wonder if Kolivan is the Shiro to Krolia’s Keith.
• I originally had mixed feelings about the Floating In Space episode because both Keith and Allura felt OOC at first. But y'know what? I’ve come to like it. Keith had been acting like the Perfect Leader™ since he came back, as if his issues had all faded away when he and Black really became a team. But truth is, they weren’t. Keith was responsible for his team now, and they were floating in space, nearly dying, and the paladins were talking about QUITTING. Keith didn’t do his job well enough. Keith failed, failed them and FAILED as a leader, or so he felt: he let them down JUST LIKE IN SEASON 4 and now they’d all die. He was tired and not thinking properly so OF COURSE his basic instinct flared up: “leave them so they wont kick me out first”. As someone who likes the idea of keith and allura together, I really didn’t get Keith’s sudden outburst against Alfor, but… He might have done it to push Allura’s buttons. He KNOWS her, he KNOWS she’s the one who would argue the most (like in s4), so he instinctively tries to get her off him already- and because he knows her so well he goes for something that he knows is a low blow. Thing is, that made Allura’s own hurt feelings flare up (and the rest of the team’s). Allura might have understood where he was coming from in s4, but she was clearly sad that he still chose the Marmora over them. Even if she GETS it, it still HURTS. The whole team HURT. And now Keith was trying to push them away AGAIN. They were PISSED. They had trusted him 100% even though he abandoned them and now he was leaving again?!
BUT THEN!! DEVELOPMENT!! This time team Voltron WILL NOT let Keith go. Will NOT kick him out no matter how hard Keith tries to make them do it (thanks Hunk!!). And that helps Keith to FINALLY admit how much he cares and allows him to put them right up there with Shiro and Krolia when it comes to people HE wont give up on, people he now KNOWS wont give up on him. He may have called them “friends” but.. Keith isn’t that good with expressing how much he cares. He’s always a little hesitant when it comes to sharing his feelings (you’re LIKE a brother to me vs you’re MY BROTHER). He does mean family. He’s just being Keith :)
• I actually genuinely liked the Earth two-parter. I never thought Sam could carry an episode like that but damn. U go babe. I loved Colleen too. AND VERONICA YEA GIRL
• Kincaid and Griffin OWN MY HEART I SWEAR-
• Bless non-evil-Galra-Prince AJ LoCascio. Even though I got whiplash in some scenes like “wait he sounds like Lotor wtq” most of the times I didn’t even notice. So glad they decided to keep him around! He has a superb voice.
• Katie reuniting with her family!! LANCE reuniting with his family!! “uncle lance” yes pls ;w;
• Hunk’s flashbacks ;-; I feel so bad for the baby I’m so glad his family is safe now. I loved seeing how cooking isn’t really just for food when it comes to Hunk, I love that his mom and aunt (i’m assuming??) actually let us viewers understand that every time hunk cooks he’s more interested in sharing company and spending time together. Just. Yes <3
• Iverson apologizing to Keith + petting Cosmo heck yea. Griffin and Keith ignoring their differences, nice.
• KEITH COMFORTING HUNK. He might not be as comfortable saying emotional words like “love” or “family” to the team as he is around Shiro and Krolia (understandably), but you can see he cares just as much. Also YES let him be hugged more. He clearly loves it.
• All those conformations of paladins!! Keith/Pidge/Allura -> Pidge and Keith. Yes!! Keith and Hunk! Lance and Hunk!! A+ hell yea
• All the shoutouts to previous seasons!! The reflective shields from S6ep1. Keith understanding sign language this time!! Pidge distracting the guards by being silly (but in a very Pidge way) while Keith goes around like in season 1!!!
• Really nice touch of having Allura give up the crystal in her tiara to save Shiro. Their friendship is so precious <3 Also bonus points since this was likely what allowed Shiro to sense Atlas’ quintessence- the new arm still DOES have a connection to his brain so, like, so does the crystal :’D
• Speaking of Atlas, I’m neutral on it? So long as it doesn’t keep showing up as a robot I’m good. I just don’t get why it gets defense upgrade when it turns into a robot? Regardless though, it seems wayyy too big and clumsy. So hopefully it’ll remain just a ship in most eps.
• I did love the smaller earth fighters tho! Blonde + Freckles Whose Name I Can’t Spell Sorry grew on me. Also, ships’ designs are awesome. Honestly so long as Earth Team doesn’t end up in the LIONS I’d be happy. I feel like they might though. Oh well.
• LANCE. JUST HOW MUCH LANCE MATURED. THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT THIS SEASON. He barely joked around this time!! He really showed how he supports the team. I LOVE to see Keith depending on and trusting Lance to be his second in command. THAT’S what I always wanted for the two of them. - Bonus: I loved how Keith fell back for a second on his old habits by going all “don’t miss the shot” or whatever cause really that’s exactly what their rivalry was about. Early Series Lance would get back at him without batting an eye. But he remained focused and alert! Lance’s development is more subtle but this is EXACTLY the same point Keith was when Kuron started calling him worthless. Keith had GROWN, and those things didn’t bother him anymore. Likewise, Lance has GROWN. He’s an adult who takes things seriously now and doesn’t waste time with silly bickering. Just. Yes. While lowkey, this is just as satisfying to me because unlike Keith we actually SAW all the stages of Lance’s growth. (We didn’t see all the conversations Keith and Krolia had on the space whale). Just. Lance. Bless him.
• I still prefer Sendak’s season 1 design. That said, he was a marvelous villain- more than any other he really represented all that was evil in the Galra Empire so I enjoyed him. Zarkon was into the lions for personal reasons, Haggar is more about the Altean thing, Lotor didn’t really care for Voltron since he built Sincline. So yea. I didn’t expect him to be the main villain but I don’t mind.
• Speaking of which, loved the Sendak/Shiro fight! It really felt like all that encompassed the Paladins vs all that encompassed the Galra. And even though I actually didn’t like that Keith was the one to deal the final blow, Keith IS a mix of Galra/Paladin who has good intentions. So… like Lance said early in the season. He’s the future.
• not so sure what to think of the final EP and that weird robot but eh. Assuming it’s from Honerva, I DID like how it showed that Honerva IS different than Haggar… And more dangerous. This was literally a Haggar Robeast but upgraded, because YEA Honerva is much better than her quintessence-cursed counterpart.
• THE FAMILIES!! Shay!! Y'know I’m not usually a multishipper - actually I’ve never done it before - but I love both hunay and hunelle. I’m totally ok with hunelle in an AU and hunay in voltron canon (Hunk clearly cares for her so much that even though I prefer Romelle I can’t go against that precious bean teary smile when Shay showed up.). Besides!! Platonic hunelle is really precious too. ALSO ALSO KOLIVAN AND KROLIA and Krolia is wearing a Leader's version of the BoM suit?? NICE
• Matt is back and looks more handsome than ever! I love the ponytail. I love his design. And his colors. And his new girlfriend?? If I remember correctly from the Naxzela episode the helmeted alien sounded like a girl. ALSO ARE THOSE PUPS BESIDES OLIA HER KIDS?? PRECIOUS PUPPERS
• ROMELLE. we need more of her gdi-
• Lastly, another of my favorite bits: Piloting the Lions through their bond. It just goes so well with my headcanon that the quintessence of the pilot actually MERGES with the quintessence of the pilot, so much that when they’re connected like that even if the body dies the mind still goes on. The difference for me between this season and what Shiro went through is that the paladins still have their bodies to ground them and help them keep control, while Shiro was just… Lost in the astral plane, barely able to separate his consciousness from the Lion’s (so much that this only happened twice when the paladins were purposely trying to connect with his quintessence/spirit in the astral plane). It’s not as “romantic” as the whole ‘black SAVED SHIRO’ but I really think his time in the Black Lion was really unsettling: not being Shiro and not being Black, but some weird mix of the two (his sarcastic confusion towards lance early in the season also supports this: he wasn’t HIMSELF anymore. Thinking like a normal person and not like a robot is WEIRD for him). It’s a headcanon though but it’s mine and I will fight you on this (actually no pls don’t fight me).
*** Overall!! While not my favorite season (that’s 2 and 6), season 7 wasn’t BAD. Maybe I just had lower expectations since I spoiled myself out of anxiety. It wont be like s2 and s6 where I’ll binge watch the eps over and over again, but it’s pretty comfortable with s1 and s3 in “eh it was fine, ok, I like it”.
[That said, there WERE quite a few things that pissed me off about this season, but everyone is so negative rn and quite a few people already covered part of those reasons, so I wanted to post about good things!! I’ll probably do another post on the Bad Things of this season.]
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 10-11, 2019 // the car crash
-"stop acting offended" oh god sis 😰🥶
-"lucy knew hudson family secrets in the past, tiffany knew hudson family secrets in the present. both of them are dead." and you ARE a hudson family secret, hes trying like a pretty little liar to keep it 😭
-"you suspect everyone of everything, you always have since you were little" 🤔 *professor voice* "the ad hominem is a fallacy of relevance where someone rejects or criticizes another person’s view on the basis of personal characteristics, background, physical appearance, or other features irrelevant to the argument at issue.
An ad hominem is more than just an insult. It’s an insult used as if it were an argument or evidence in support of a conclusion. Verbally attacking people proves nothing about the truth or falsity of their claims" https://thebestschools.org/magazine/15-logical-fallacies-know/#adhominem
-"if you keep suspecting the people closest to you of horrific crimes you're gonna end up alone" this quote becomes fascinating in the context of our future knowledge of nancys parentage foreshadowing "i've been alone my whole life" threatening nancy with solitude comes off weird. the price of being too perfect i suppose.* wonder about ryan's take on this as a parent. strangely i think she honestly wouldn't mind being alone (on some level anyway)
-wonder what exactly makes captain tom a "legend". he was featured so prominently in the press that a serial killer engaged w him and made him out to be a hero.
-"didnt want his mom to see" where was aces mom this ep and w the poisoner? wonder why they only chose to reveal her s2. maybe to give captain tom more of a feature?
-"he was letting us down" ...or just you?
-"you two are that kinda close" its been like 2 months since they met sis i guess that is 'close' to you
-"how are you and your family?" laura says that to ace in the recording --> s2 ironyyyyy
-love how mcginnis forces the nurse to update these random strangers at the hospital lmaooo
-i love how nancy kinda thinks shes the only one doing supernatural things like shes always surprised to find people who think its legit, even hannah gruen who takes it so straight faced and seriously, nancy always respects her but gives off a little "you might be taking this a bit too seriously" vibe imo
-bess w that unintentional save on the phone to nick lmaoooo
-rawley side eyes the fuck out of nancy as she literally breezes past him to get to mcginnis 😂
-wonder how mcginnis owes tom exactly
-mcginnis looks just as reluctant to admit he cares about ace as nancy does lmfaoo
-damn she knows him really well, all he communicates to her are fucking facial expressions (and her back lmao)
-"theyre not my friends" vs "i'd try anything to save my friend" - is ace the first one she calls a friend? like, the actual f word? 👀😳
-in sharp contrast to nick, george is ironically good at mysteries bc shes always suspicious of everyone
-"okay. dead lucy-" *everyone groans* 😂
-*breezes past carson in his own house* what a mood lmao
-wonder if adam beach supported this feature or if he thought it was disrespectful/cringe
-"there are many things you and i need to discuss" 👀😳🙈👗👑🤰😰🥺🤱😔
-so do we think ted has been corrupted by simon when bess opens that door orrrr was that just ted doing 8 year old things
-love this nick/bess bonding tho
-so carson-wolf, nancy-whale, george-turtle and ace-bear. wonder if those specific animal choices have any particulr meaning. 🐢"a turtle, cool" 😂
-carson definitely has his white "do not understand but dont wanna offend" face on 😭🙈
-when i first watched this ep i could not stop saying "nifty!" the whole time 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
-carson's like "okay ive had enough of indulging this make believe crap dont tell me somethings wrong w my very clearly wrong kid"
-"this is serious" lmfaooooo at this point nancy only appeases mcginnis' beliefs bc shes desperate for answers at any cost (ie "i can just ask tiffany what happened")
-wonder how long carson has worked on this cover story for when nancy inevitably asked (the fact that he got the most curious child in the world is so fucking painful yet funny)
-nancy like 😌👉🏻👈🏻"hey mom, my friend accidentally wandered into your world for a minute, could u help find her?" lmaoo
-"are we even dating?" its been a week baby chill lmaooooo
-lisbeth + hairstroking 💙
-okay bess nails her with this clothing/fashion analysis but everyone dismisses fashion so readily as frivolous that bess gets underestimated on sight
-15 years ago + "i made you that promise when you were six" = ace is 21
-"the moment he thought his father was going to die" i'll take carson - irony for 1200 alex
-wonder who tom was chasing before his crash
-"these boots dont belong" god damn george's big sister instinct activated on sight 😭
-wait how tf did she get that bear in her hand
-"you made a difference, right?" whens the last time someone told you that
-nick and bess are the weakest fucking links w mysteries lmfaoooo
-UNPOPULAR OPINION : "you're a cop!" nancy + cops - mcginnis and rawley fuck her over/view her sexually/as competition and let her down along with karen- but she likes lisbeth who is the opposite, suspected her from the beginning due to the previous people "betraying" her (she and the chief start this show in an odd place with zero trust bc she thinks she can do it better) but lisbeth passes the test; lisbeth is willing to bargain with them and doesnt question where they got the hudsons info. now nancy does not hesitate to call lisbeth for the murder of owen (ie the hand prints) and going after josh on the roof, even tells her the blunt truth about calling the agleaca (lisbeth is NOT woke to the supernatural btw) "use me" she does want to work with police, which she is infamous for not doing previously, because of her connection to bess? because they were men? karen didnt have enough power, or didnt take her seriously? what makes lisbeth so trustworthy? or is it only nancys desire to avenge owen? but she just didnt trust the other cops to get the job done- maybe she still doesnt, but at least she trusts lisbeth for the time as an authority figure when all others have failed. all cops (karen, chief and rawley) in nancy's trust lose her respect/secrets out but Lisbeth has to prove her worth to get in. maybe its something about engaging w women. i mean women can still fail her of course (lucy kind of, kate+reveal, karen) but in terms of feminist themes, the show capitalizes on these exchanges between women for the living and the dead: ghosts/demons who are male (ie simon) are pure evil (think "mr roper" at the asylum being in particular focus when it was the whole family who died) but something like the agleaca (of human origin) is made to be a sympathetic case/highlighting how women have suffered historically and are take revenge as ghosts, able to find power in death that they did not have in life, and circling back to nancy trying to give them previously denied justice through working with other women.
-"let me do it" 👀👀could it be? empathy? a sacrifice on behalf of someone you still wont call a friend?
-"killer boots." *struts like a badass with 'im a bitch, im a boss' playing in the background*
-okay lbr. how on earth did lucys dress come off her body in the ocean? like. is that legit??
-"it's just so not how i would handle things" SIS THIS SHIT COULD ALMOST PROVE YOU TWO ARE DNA RELATED FOR HOW YOU FUCKING HANDLE THINGS like nancy? are u on crack? lmfaooo carson absolutely came for u and he absolutely should have
-"i understand that impulse, it runs in the family" make it a true daily double, alex🙃
-"you stole evidence and sent it out of state because you believed it was the right thing to do" no, you just think you know better than everybody else tbh
-wowwwwwww i cant believe lisbeth really decked her but another half of me can i fucking love lisbeth
and lastly
-oh ted. 💔🥺
0 notes
Ep. 3: “Quite honestly it was a train wreck” - John
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Zack M
really disappointed in my tribe right now. 
we are about to some telephone challenge and we needed 3 people to do this. literally excuse after excuse after excuse from everyone on the tribe as to why they couldn't do it .... and we wonder why we are losing. ugh. anyways, i'm going to do this shit with my crappy wifi because i rather act like i'm helping than bow out out of fear. and honestly i want to show that i'm committed to the tribe. it would be fucking beast mode to pull out the first win of the season for us. literally let me be the first to do everything for this tribe.
also my game feels strong so if we lose again lol whatever. 
oh yeah, amy went home. *as we go on, we remember....*
James Hayden
Zack M
storytelephone confession time: i killed it. at least with the information that made it's way to me. i only missed one question that ben told me. the main reason we got 9.9/10 is because leanne forgot 6 of the 8 animals when telling ben and then we had the 10% disadvantage. i know leanne is to blame for 5% of that. curious about who got the other 5%. but like here's the thing, i love leanne. i feel confident in her loyalty so i'll smile and let that one go. i got her back. ben told me at the end of the challenge that aimee shared with him that i'm "social". so like i guess i have to stop being nice to her. i don't really want her to be the next one eliminated but strike one was how upset she seemed to be with me after telling her the only reason we didn't tell her was because neil threw her name out as someone he was talking to. i really wish she would have listened to me and not messaged everyone. i feel like that put a target on her back. strike two is mentioning my name once. right now she isn't my target but she is on the edge. i don't know who my target is right now tbh. really there's only aimee and najwah that i would consider. i hope we don't get a tribe swap because at this rate, making the merge isn't even a question for me and i'd like to keep it that way. also, ben and i are starting to call each other a power duo. i really would like to make it to the final two with him even though i've promised cody a final two. cody is hilarious but he gives me anxiety. he seems to be losing his cool and going into messy territory. he has too many conversations going which gets him worked up. i need him to focus on what's important. i want someone who i can work with. i'm not trying to babysit. but no plans of cutting that tie until the merge happens and then i will revisit the thought. cool calm and collected. you get like one freak out "what if" moment a day with me and then i'm done. what ifs ... it's what kills people's games. if my 5 alliance would just let me vibe and feel people out we would be perfect. i haven't been wrong yet. *knocks on wood*
Pedro A
i feel like those two tribals were completly different...Neil was voted out for talking too much.....and Amy was voted out for being quiet...and coming late
These stupid idols... I feel like im so close every time! Who knows, maybe im way off? I seriously just want, no NEED that extra layer of security, even though I'm feeling alright right now
John B
Another Challenge, another time when our tribe can't seem to make a decision. I totally get why nobody ever wants to step up when it comes to taking charge in a challenge, but honestly I have no clue how we keep winning when the other tribe seems to have no issue making group decisions. There must totally be a Head Honcho over there running things behind the scenes. I have some new juicy details about the tribe now thanks to Pedro. Pedro, Amy-Louisa, and Ryan have started their "outsiders" alliance and this is stressing me out. Pedro says I'm his number one and then goes and makes an alliance without me. I think I'm getting too hung up on Pedro and I being a pair I need to worry about myself and nobody else. Obviously I'm not going to break things off, but I don't really feel like he needs to know everything I'm doing now. At least I think we are in a pretty good position. I am pretty tight with Kalle, Grae, and hopefully Maddison, and He's really tight with Ryan and Amy-Louisa and we both had a good relationship with Alan and Olivia. Between the two of us we are in an ok spot for the time being. If Tyler goes first if we lose, which still feels like the case for now, I am not sure what we are going to do after that, but we will cross that bridge when we get there. I'm going to keep working on my relationships with everyone for now and hopefully I can keep my paranoia in check. WISH ME LUCK YALL!
Alan B
Tyler put a huuuge target on his back by calling the other tribe trash when they've been doing so well, like not only they probably want to get him out asap but now everyone on our team also wants him out? and also he fluked his first challenge? How on earth did he think that comment would do anything but lower his chances at winning and make him look like a jerk to everyone playing? It's honestly kinda hilarious how bad a move that was
So, tribal was nice and easy and went as planned, which was a very good thing, albeit with a couple of downsides. The most obvious of these is, we’ve had our easy vote... now what? I seriously do not even have the first inkling of how things are going to go next time we have to have a vote. Either I don’t realize the wind is blowing in a certain direction, which is scary, or there simply aren’t any real targets right now... and I’ll expand on that possibility later. For now let’s talk about another downside. Yesterday afternoon I got a message from Najwah asking if I’d heard the whispers about someone possibly having an idol. I said no, I didn’t know anything, and asked her where she heard it from. She said, one of the guys. Well, which one? That’s when she asked me to video chat. Finally she told me it was Cody who said to her, *we* think someone has the idol. We. I haven’t heard about this from anyone else, and I know Cody and Zach are tight. I hesitate to ask Zach about it. Who would I say I heard it from? I had to drag Cody’s name out of Najwah, and I don’t want to give her up as my source. I don’t think she made it up. Either Zach or Cody or both are stirring something up. I want them separated. I want Cody out but I don’t think I could get enough people together to make it happen, not to mention the fallout if I tried and succeeded, or failed for that matter. The thing is, I don’t know which of the two is instigating this stuff. First it was the weird vote out of the blue, now this. I’m not going to do anything with it for now except sit on it, but I see they are both schemers who came to play. I’d rather have Cody gone because I haven’t spoken to him individually, but he talks to plenty of other people and I don’t like what he’s up to. Zach, at least, has the appearance of being loyal to me. He hasn’t said word one to me about this potential idol. We check in fairly often with each other, how are you feeling, what are you thinking, we still on?, we got this. Like I said I don’t know what to make of this and don’t want to act rashly. The good news is that Najwah and I had a really nice talk, about all sorts of things. I’ve been trying to get personal with her, telling her things about my life, telling her about things like my ex and our relationship then and now. She seems to respond well to things like that, and I’m grateful for the chat because it’s a good way to make a stronger connection. So we talked about the personal life stuff, and also some game talk. She says she isn’t as close to Sarah as I thought she was. Plus we discussed how much to trust Zach and Cody, which is still an open question. And we compared notes on the idol search. We both made the same error and got the disadvantage in the same place. I asked her if the perfume was an advantage and she said yes. So now we know, and we each told people about the perfume so maybe we can increase our odds of winning something, and hopefully we don’t have to spend our own coins to do so. Really the best thing I got out of the conversation was that I feel even stronger about my relationship with Najwah. I think she is trustworthy and we’ve exchanged info completely upfront, at least I think so anyway. Right now she’s my most important ally. Last night, just after tribal, I reached out to James for the first time one on one. His answer caught my eye. I told him I appreciated that he’s willing to fight for us, and then we got to talking. It was mostly a conversation about what it would be like to be on the real show, but we talked about our shared ineptitude when it comes to anything physical, and debated whether or not we wanted to be on for real. Him, Hell yes. Me, 39 days with no food and no sleep, no thank you. But it was a start. A really good start. No game talk yet but at least we’ve got a foundation. The thing I noticed about James from that conversation was that he’s very hard-core about this. I made some comment like, this game is intense, to which he responded, when I got that buff I was in it to win it. He means business. His love for the show is so strong and shines through everything he says. He’s taking this seriously in the extreme. That’s something to watch out for. A quick sidenote about his answer regarding the potential for a swap. The question said there had been talk of it. Talk? What kind of talk? None that I knew about. Something else to consider. Finally, the challenge. I was having such a hard time deciding whether to step up for it or not. For one thing I was just plain terrified about freezing up under the pressure and letting the team down. But I’d like to think I have a decent memory. Najwah even commented about my memory a couple of times prior. And she was urging me to do it for a few minutes before I told the tribe I would. My thinking was, if there’s something down the line that we don’t all have to be in, maybe something with pictures or something that I really suck at, well, I will have already taken my turn and it’s someone else’s. At least if I try this I might have *some* success. Besides, I owe this tribe after I got us part of that disadvantage. But oh wow was it hard and scary! I take reassurance from Jay saying that was one of the better scores she’s seen in this challenge. Still there was so, so so much that I missed. And now that it’s over I fear I may have miscalculated. Remember how earlier I said there doesn’t seem to be any real public targets right now? Yeah... that. If we lose it’s going to be because I dropped the ball. So either we win and I am the big hero, which doesn’t hold much weight as we saw with Neil, or I lose and there is one clear culprit for the loss. Nice going Leanne.
Zack M
welp. it's happened. someone has sent a message to the wrong group. my literal nightmare. 
leanne: That’s what I’m thinking. I’m just deciding whether I want to use up all my coins that way, especially when I don’t know how to get more. najwah: ya sure 
LOLOLOLOL what? look i know leanne and najwah are close so this isn't a surprise. also, leanne is the reason for our disadvantage so she is obviously out hunting for the idol. just something to keep in mind when it comes to voting out leanne or najwah. definitely going to have to split the votes in the chance one of them has an idol. nothing exciting is really happening today. this is low key why i like losing. it keeps people on their toes and active. when they are active they don't have time to think. less thinking = more time for zack on this island. 
Zack M
this is a post to just to shout out najwah. it's so fucking nice when someone is like i'm available to talk to you about real life stuff and not just game. i love having open honest conversations about feelings. i do feel a little bad saying how much i want to work with her and leanne. it's not a lie but like i have a majority 5 alliance going with 3 choices to vote out and i think those 3 are talking. who am i supposed to say? i refuse to be the first one caught throwing an alliance members name out.
Kalle N
WE FINALLY LOST AND I'M SO HAPPY!! I'm excited for people to start throwing out names, although Tyler seems to be on everyone's chopping block from what I've heard so far. This should be exciting
Amy A
We lost the challenge and I KNOW it was my fault. I didn’t remember half of the stuff Jay told me. Urgh I feel so terrible for my tribe. Fingers crossed I don’t leave the game first.
Cody A.
Hey all!!! I am happier than a white girl at Starbucks in UGGS. I’m so pumped we FINALLY won immunity!!! 🤩🤩🤩 That being said... I’m kinda sad we won’t get to vote Leanne’s ass off tonight. LMAO. But if we’re being honest.. I think she might have the idol anyways, and Aimee would have taken the hit 😭 which is sad. I like aimee. I REALLY like Amy, but we saw how that worked out. Anyways.. I’m thankful we’re not losing another number, with a tribe swap looming, that could have been bad! BTW, I do like Leanne, quite a lot actually, but the girl literally has not had a single conversation with me. Amy missed half the game and still found time to talk to me about her badass hair and struggles with relocating! I guess I should try and end this confession now, TTYL. 
Pedro A
we LOST...and i kinda feel like me and jonh are kinda running this tribe....i hope a swap doesn't screw us over
Pedro A
Tyler is the name that everyone came up with ..hes rubbing people the wrong way 
Olivia A
I was disappointed about losing our first challenge but I feel better because everyone seems settled on voting for Tyler. The message he sent after the other tribe lost for the 2nd time seemed to rub everyone the wrong way. I think it’ll be an easy vote. 
John B
That challenge was rough, honestly I was crying laughing the entire time. Quite honestly it was a train wreck. Im not going to say it was Amy but like.. It wasn't not Amy. I'm not going to throw her under the bus though. Luckily I have my new core four alliance. My dream alliance of me, Pedro, Grae, and Maddison. I am super close with Kalle and Pedro has the outsiders and we both have Olivia. I am cautiously optimistic that this can be an easy vote for Tyler. We will see what happens though.
Zack M
we won! huge shout out to leanne + ben. #teamwork look at god. i'm so glad i was a part of the first win for our team. 11 to 4.5 lol whatt?!? (i don't count the disadvantage because i am not responsible for that) it's been too silent today and i feel like my alliance members are starting to get annoyed with me because i'm may be spiraling a little bit but honestly i've proven myself to be a threat. this isn't for no reason. in this game + real life .... give me validation and i'll shut up. it doesn't have to be the truth.
James Hayden
https://elysiankardia.tumblr.com/post/623755743585255424 This is what I will be doing tonight after that INSANE WIN! Love these legends getting it done 👑 👑 👑 It was great getting to video chat with Ben and Cody! It finally felt like we had camp life in the game instead of just challenges and tribal. Right now with the bonds I have formed at this point in the game... I am working closest with Najwah and Ben. They are my ride or dies! 💞💖 I trust them to the moon🌙 and back. We really needed this win and I’m so happy Leanne, Ben and Zack were able to pull this through! We all needed a night off. https://64.media.tumblr.com/908f7a445a41c1e3b6c3c0fd4820ebfe/a53f344a539857da-cb/s540x810/80e7cf8f5ad8a99a80784a359c7f03d683aa3efe.gifv
Pedro A
tonight is our first tribal council....Tyler will probably go home...i hope this is the last time we go to tribal....cause after this vote...idk who will be eliminated from our tribe
The plan is to vote out Neil tonight and cause a blindside. Everyone is on the same page tonight about not trusting him so I am confident that the plan will go through but also scared as heck. 
Kalle N
So far everything has been relatively quiet and simple which terrifies me. Either this will be a 9-1 vote against Tyler, or there are things happening that I'm not involved in... I just have to trust the people I'm talking to and hope it's not me going home I guess. I'm like 75% sure it'll be Tyler that leaves tonight though. 
Zack M
i really don't like days off. low key wish someone else would have done the challenge so we could have lost. i get paranoid everyone isn't actually taking today off. cody also shared that najwah and aimee are close so i hope najwah doesn't share that i mentioned aimee because that's bad news for me. should we have kept amy t? ugh. 
Inevitably our tribe is attending tribal tonight. This seems to be a comprehensive easy vote, but there is never an easy vote in Survivor. Hopefully an idol doesn’t come into play and shock us all. Alliances have definitely been formed and the game is well underway. I have to remember that everyone is playing, regardless of their outward threat level. 
John B
Well, we are quickly approaching the first tribal council and I think things are pretty set in stone at this point. Unless I am being completely bamboozled which will make me cry. This vote is going to be too easy which is going to mean trouble for the rest of the votes after this, everybody is getting along too well so if we go to tribal again after this, lines are going to have to be drawn in the sand. I am getting worried about Pedro, I think he may start to become a bit of a liability. He is too nervous for literally everything which is making it impossible to make plans for down the line. He was saying he was wanting to vote out Maddison and I'm like would it be so hard to just vote out someone we aren't in an alliance with?... like... hello?? Alan may be a good next vote because we know they have the idol, on the other hand, them having the idol could come in handy down the line. I think if we lose again before a swap or something Olivia or Alan may be a good plan. I still do not trust Ryan at all, I really don't think he likes me and I am putting in the effort here. If we can bring the "outsider alliance" in with the core four, we would have a solid six that I think would take us far in the game, I am just worried that Pedro is going to start something I don't want to do. Hopefully we can get through this first vote and get back on a winning streak 
Ben Kessler
Baba booey! I helped win the challenge for our tribe, so you can just call me Joe Anglim. On a serious note, Zack is very paranoid about people throwing his name out, which I like because it makes him feel like we are close. I would like to vote Leanne out because it looks like she has connections I do not have. Leanne definitely worries me that she has an idol. Just need to keep tabs on everyone and make sure my name isn't thrown out. SarahI found the hidden immunity idol! Yesterday was the first time that I went hunting. I had been told information about the idol hunt through Cody and when he told me what was in the clothes and antique store I had this gut feeling that the idol was in the jewelry box. I had gotten 10 coins yesterday from searching the boat and then I got 5 from Cody and 5 from James, my closest allies, so I was able to buy the jewelry box today. I have spoken with Zack about wanting to share coins in order to get it. I plan on telling Cody because he is my number one and ride or die. I haven’t decided if I am going to tell anyone else or make it known to my alliance. I do feel better knowing that no one else has the idol, and I do not plan on using it anytime soon. This is such a crazy game aishshfbrhe
I'm so happy we finally won a damn challenge! So basically Leanne and I had a long video call and we were discussing our advantages and disadvantages etc. In finding the immunity idol. She then accidentally sent a message in the main group lmao. Luckily only Cody and Zack so it so we used that to our advantage and told them where to go when they land in town. Thing is, they gave us no info back? So now we are idol hunting on the places they've been to chacke whether we can actually trust them coz we'd like to work with them. I love Zack as a person but I think he's dangerous as a player. I haven't connected with him as I have with Cody. Trying to connect with Aimee but she seems to keep us all at a distance. We have to go through a crazy winning streak now bc I am not in the mood for my trials. Fes great to have the evening off. Two evenings off actually. Its shark week so that's perfect. I
I need to reconnect with Sarah. We haven't spoken much since Day 1. I know Cody talks to her. The only problem I have is that Leanne would like Cody out of the game solely because he's close with me and close with Zack. I'll do everything in my power to protect Cody though. I do feel as though he has loose lips and tells Zack everything which is a liability. Zack has the ability to win this game. He's smart and he has a ruthlessness about him. I'm definitely weary about him. I'll be watching him. He says we can trust him but idk. We will see. Pedro AIf tyler plays an idol...i have no ideia who he will write down Pedro A3 hours till tribal ...and im scared if tyler has an idol
Grae G
I formed a tight alliance w John Pedro and Maddison. I’m still working w the girls and actually like them more but it’s clear John and Pedro are very much in control and I’d love for them to continue believing it. Tyler is gonna be the first to go, just because he didn’t quite fit with the group vibe. Which sucks but you know it happens! No hard feelings if you’re reading this Tyler. Hey it could be me tonight you never know. Its still early yet in this and I’m trying to play a low key game and if it bites me later than so be it lol I honestly don’t have much time between work and life to put more time into it then I am. I think it’ll be basically everyone voting against Tyler maybe a few stragglers but I’m really expecting full majority. If anyone has an idol as of now I’m absolutely shocked and don’t think Tyler has one but who knows  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Amy A.
So everyone keeps saying Tyler is being evicted today but the game is scary so you really never know. First tribal for Maola so I’m excited and scared. Fingers crossed it’s NOT me. I hope it’s an easy tribal and tomorrow morning I’m still in this game. 
James Hayden
Today's Day 7. I found 10 coins this morning during my idol hunt. As promised, I gave five to Sarah so she could use them to find the idol. She said she trusts me and is with me 100% and wants to go far in this game together. Clearly, I trust her 100% - or as much as one can in a game like this - and like our odds together. We are also talking about adding a third person from our five. Ben is my pick and she seems on board. From the outside, I don't think we are an obvious trio. I just this move won't bite me in the ass later down the line. God, I hope she's not playing me. If she's, then good on her and she's good at this game. 
Tyler H
Not much happened for me for the past few days during this round, but I still think I’m better then everyone 
Alan B
My confession is that I procrastinated way too long on my confession XD
I believe the plan is simple tonight... well, let's find out
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kvndeathmusic · 4 years
if you thought the last post was long, you just wait. ive also decided to actually number this list, but pls keep in mind my opinions change often and drastically so dont think anything is set here.
please read my other post too if you want to know about the records i like a little less than the ones here as well as some honorable mentions
#10: Some Rap Songs  -  Earl Sweatshirt (2018) 
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This record is a perfect fusion of rap and lofi hip hop. Nobody makes a beat like Earl, and this record is a perfect example. Earl uses his samples to create layered soundscapes of distorted vocals and sounds, paired with his emotionally blunt flows. It’s short, but it really doesn’t feel that short, and frankly I could re-listen to it a handful of times in a row and probably not care that much. Not to sound like Todd Howard, but it just works dude. 
#9:  ゼロコンマ、色とりどりの世界   -  Mass of the Fermenting Dregs (2010)
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According to Google, this record’s title translates to Zero Comma, Multicolored World. Which is interesting. I wish I knew Japanese just to understand this kind of stuff to be honest. But that’s besides the point.
Zero Comma, Multicolored World is a fantastic collection of tracks from my personal favorite J-Rock band, Mass of the Fermenting Dregs. Like for context, I got into this band around the same time as I got into Nirvana. I spent the entire summer of 2016 crying to In Utero, playing Overwatch while listening to MF DOOM, and jamming to Mass of the Fermenting Dregs. I managed to find a copy of their fantastic self-titled EP when I was in Tokyo a few years back. Anyways I’ve gotten off track. 
This record is a breathe of fresh air for those tired of American “alt-rock”, incorporating elements of shoegaze, post-hardcore, pop, and more to create a totally unique and explosive record. Every member of this band is playing out of their minds on some of these tracks, and lead singer/bassist Natsuko Miyamoto’s vocals are powerful and blend so well with everything else this record offers. At this point in most paragraphs I’d gush about some specific tracks but I don’t have a Japanese keyboard to write the track titles and I’m lazy, so just trust me and go listen to this record, their self-titled EP, the reunion record No New World from 2018, and their EP World is Yours if anything I’ve said interests you. 
#8: Fetch  -  Melt-Banana (2013)
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This record melts my fucking brain dude. Melt-Banana is some of the most eccentric and weird music I’ve ever heard, blending noise, punk, and just plain absurdity to create music that I want to simultaneously describe as cursed and blessed. From the wailing walls of pure volume coming from the guitars to the sporatic and often manic vocals, this record sounds like no other I’ve ever heard. My personal favorite tracks are Hive, Candy Gun, Zero, and Schemes of the Tails. Seriously, if this sounds interesting to you, set aside 32 minutes to just appreciate this record. It’ll be worth your time. 
#7: Joy as an Act of Resistance - IDLES (2018)
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On Joy as an Act of Resistance, British band IDLES offers up some of the best punk of the decade in a package that is full of hope, anger, and love. From singer Joe Talbot’s cries for unity in tracks like Danny Nedelko and Great, to self love anthems like Television and I’m Scum, Joy offers an alternative to their much angrier and sad 2017 debut record Brutalism, which I now realize I forgot to include on my fucking honorable mentions god damn it. Anyways, this record isn’t all sweet. IDLES tackles some heavier topics on this record as well, with songs like Samaritans dismantling toxic masculinity, Rottweiler tearing into sensationalist news and media, and the introspective June seeing Joe speak bluntly about his experience being the father of a stillborn. It’s also some of the unique punk out there at the moment, with jangly guitar “riffs”, Joe’s accent heavy shouts, and noisey drums. IDLES is definitely a band to pay attention to going into the 20s. 
#6: Adults!!!... Smart!!! Shithammered!!! And Excited By Nothing!!!!!  -  Bomb the Music Industry (2010)
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Adults!!! is short, coming in at 21 minutes over the course of 7 tracks. And yet, this EP contains some of the catchiest and refined ska punk of the decade. The record acts almost as a condensed summation of BTMI’s entire career, featuring some of the repeated themes that has defined Jeff’s whole discography. Not only that, but some of BTMI’s best tracks are on this EP, from Jeff’s strained vocals on You Still Believe in Me?, to the peppy and depressing Planning My Death, to the defiant Slumlord and the explosive penultimate track, The First Time I Met Sanawon. I could wish it was longer, but I’ll be honest, with the quality of tracks here, I don’t care. It’s a near flawless EP that represents everything I love about one of my favorite bands ever.
#5: The Money Store - Death Grips (2012)
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Like Fetch, The Money Store is similarly mind melting in completely different ways. This record is brutal. MC Ride’s “vocals” are like no other, with some describing them as the shouts of a drugged up homeless man. Paired with ear bursting, stereo busting beats, and esoteric dark flows, the picture this record paints is one of filth and primal violence. And I love every minute of it. And despite the harsh nature of this record, some of these beats fucking slap. This record features some of the weirdest uses of sampling, like seriously who the fuck finds Arabic Nokia ringtones and thinks “yeah let’s sample these in like half the tracks on this record” and make it sound this good. And at times I have no clue how they even managed to make some of the sounds they did. All of this is backed with Zack Hill’s extremely technical and wild drumming. I contemplated putting other Death Grips records in this spot, but The Money Store is the complete DG package. It also has Hacker on it. im in your area 
#4: Teens of Denial  -  Car Seat Headrest (2016)
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I’m a fucking moron and I’ll tell you why. When I initially heard the first few tracks from this record when I was 17, I wasn’t that blown away. Like, I added Fill in the Blank, Vincent, and Destroyed by Hippie Powers to my big ass shuffle playlist and didn’t bother digging much deeper. Here I am now, 20 years old, kicking myself in the ASS for overlooking Car Seat Headrest for this long. I only gave this album a proper listen to back in January! And I LOVE it! Teens of Denial is a fantastic record, full of complex, multilayered tracks that are not only incredibly catchy, but full of heart and passion. Lead singer and songwriter Will Toledo has voice that sounds equally uneasy and leaking with confidence, and that confidence spills over into every aspect of this record. While not as emotionally intense as their only other studio LP as of February 2020, Teens of Denial is just track after track of some of the greatest indie rock made this decade. Including the songs I mentioned before, you’ve also got Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales, 1937 State Park, and the powerful Cosmic Hero. And if you like reading, the narrative of this record is interesting to follow.  And while I was working on this list they literally just announced a new record so like I’m fucking hyped dude. 
#3: To Pimp a Butterfly - Kendrick Lamar (2015)
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Ok. Look. I know everybody is putting this at their #1 spot. And they probably have even more to say about this record than I do. There’s probably nothing I can say that hasn’t been said a million times by literally everyone. But that’s just a testament to the quality of this record. This is one of the greatest hip hop records ever made, if not the best depending on who you ask. Some of my favorite rap songs are on this record, Wesley’s Theory, King Kunta, Alright, The Blacker The Berry, and more. TPAB offers detailed glimpses into one of the biggest rappers in the world’s psyche and pain, mixed with profound social and political messages. The beats on this record are beautifully mixed with jazz and gospel influences, starting a trend many artists have since continued. And Kendrick’s signature flow from gkmc are at their absolute finest on TPAB. There is something to enjoy out of this record no matter your background, which would explain this record’s near universal appeal. To Pimp a Butterfly is just full of life, energy, and passion. It’s weird to think this record is only 5 years old, because it feels just as powerful as it did when it came out.
#2: Twin Fantasy - Car Seat Headrest (2018)
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Twin Fantasy is a rare kind of record. The emotions expressed on this record are intense and laid flat out for you to hear, dissect, and empathize with. The entire record being structured around the idea of reflection works both as a fun way to organize a diverse and varied track listing, while also playing into a handful of the record’s motifs and themes. Speaking of which, each song on this album has a unique identity, both in terms of sound and feeling, and how it plays into the larger narrative of this record. Some songs have multiple tonal shifts, such as the epic Beach Life-In-Death, split into three distinct parts making it a song that, despite its 13 minute run-time, is a song I never grow tired of listening to. What each track shares, however, is the same fantastic songwriting, with layered instrumentals and some of Will’s greatest vocal performances. It also helps that all the tracks are just flat out catchy, like the fantastic Bodies, the chill Sober to Death, and the energetic Nervous Young Inhumans. While the 2011 original is great, the 2018 rerecording adds so much new complexity and clarity to this record. In addition to the original themes, the 2018 version adds new perspectives and meta commentary to the 2011 original, with Will reflecting on the feelings he was experiences at the time he wrote the original record, 7 years afterwards, adding an additional layer to this record’s larger narrative. The final 22 minutes of this record provides a strong emotional climax to the record, sending off a fantastic and absolutely classic record. There’s a good chance that, in 10 more years or so, I may look back at this record and put it above my #1 record. Hell, while I write this I really question whether or not I should do it. What I’m trying to say is, take that #2 with a grain of salt, because I love this record just as much as my #1 at this point. No record has managed to leave such a profound and strong impression on me this quickly after my first listen a few months ago, besides Twin Fantasy. Because Twin Fantasy is a rare kind of record. It’s a perfect record.  And now it’s time for my favorite record of the decade. It’s probably obvious what it is considering some of the things I’ve said on this list, so without any more delay...
#1: WORRY.  -  Jeff Rosenstock (2016)
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WORRY. is my personal favorite record of the decade and of all time. It is an absolutely triumphant record. Every song here is a classic. WORRY. radiates pure, unfiltered energy that I haven’t been able to shake for the nearly 4 years this record has been out. Songs like Festival Song and Wave Goodnight to Me still get me pumped, and the so called “WORRY. medley” that spans the back half of this record rivals the medley of Abbey Road. And the opening track, We Begged 2 Explode, fuck man it’s a hell of an opener. Hell, I know every line spoken on this record. This record is a product of a man who has spent over 20 years perfecting his music, never compromising to trends or demands. Jeff has always been open about what he loves and what he believes in, and it’s no more apparent than on this record. Trying to describe every way in which this record works for me leaves me grasping for the right words to describe the feeling. It’s a record that makes you wanna chant along to it, move your body to it, and tell everyone you love about it.  So just listen to it. I don’t care if you don’t like punk, or ska, or ska punk, or just garage/indie rock in general, or if my enthusiasm hasn’t sold you. This is one of the best records out there and you can either realize it now, or regret it later. 
I know the record literally says that the perfect sound doesn’t exist. But it does. And it sounds like this.
And that’s it for this list. I’m excited to see what the new decade brings. If my mind ever changes about these records, or I get around to listening to a record that deserves to be on this list, maybe I’ll do an updated version, but like right now? This is how I feel.
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kazliin · 7 years
Are you going to tell us now how you changed the story after you saw episode 10? You said you had to go back and re-outline the whole thing. I am interested in knowing how it differs.
i’m sorry if someone has already asked you this but can you share with us the original plan you had for umfb before episode 10? or can you not tell us until after the companion fic?
How Episode 10 Changed Everything (and other fun stories):
So as I’ve said a couple of times before, episode 10 was anabsolute game changer for Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches and now thatthe fic is finally done I’ll try and explain how although this may get a bitlong and I wont go into too much detail about Viktor for companion fic reasons.
So the main three things that episode 10 changed in the ficwas Viktor’s entire character, Yuuri as an unreliable narrator and the programmusic.
The most significant by far was Viktor’s character. Becausepre episode 10 we really still didn’t know that much about Viktor and we had noidea about the banquet. So before episode 10 I assumed that Yuuri fell in lovefirst and Viktor came to coach Yuuri out of curiosity because he likessurprises and doing something different and eventually and unexpectedly foundhimself falling in love. In a draft for another fic I was tossing ideas aroundfor it actually centred on Viktor only realising he was in love with Yuuri justbefore the kiss in episode 7. Viktor was always very mysterious and I’m surepeople who were in the fandom pre ep10 will remember all the theories that hewas just using Yuuri and all that and while I didn’t believe that, I did assumethat Viktor’s character trope was the ‘workaholic slowly learns how to love bybeing loved’ one.
But then episode 10 comes and completely knocks that out ofthe water because we find that Viktor is actually this adorable sappy romanticwho calls Yuuri sleeping beauty and adores him and fell in love with him whenhe was wasted and dancing and brought life and love back into Viktor’s world.And that completely changed Viktor in the fic because after an episode from hispov I had a much better handle on his character and realised he absolutelywouldn’t act like he had been planned to act in the fic.
In the original plan he wasn’t ever a bad person or anythingbut he was actually a rival for Yuuri and he didn’t fall in love until muchmuch later. But with episode 10 we also found out that Chris and Viktor arebest buddies and Viktor likes skating with Chris and can’t imagine a seasonwithout him which means that in the fic there’s no way that Viktor would feelthreatened by Yuuri as a rival because in canon he’s besties with hiscompetitor and he’s way too much of a sweetheart for that. So in the fic itchanged from Viktor reciprocating the rivalry to Viktor actually enjoying thechallenge and excitement it brought into his life.
As for him falling in love, in chapter 10 the singing thingwas always planned but that was originally the first sign that Viktor was feeling deep affection for Yuuri and was just the very beginning of himfalling in love. It chapter 10! But after ep10 I realised that Viktor ‘love atfirst drunken dance’ Nikiforov would definitely not be having a solid two yearsof a ‘relationship’ and just be starting to fall because that would be seriouslyooc and we finally saw just how much he adores Yuuri through his own eyes. Andso in the fic I reworked the whole thing to fit with Viktor as a character as Inow understood him and that included him falling first, falling hard andfalling early.
Episode 10 also showed us just how much of an unreliable narratorYuuri is, with the banquet and also how different everything seemed from Viktor’seyes. And so that meant that I started to play with the idea of Yuuri being aseriously unreliable narrator and trying to tell a story where his version isvery different to the version the audience see, which is obviously now prettycrucial to umfb&mha.
I also went back and reworked all the program music for thefic once episode 10 came out. Before it was all important and did havesignificance but after I knew that Viktor was going to fall early, I decided toplay around with the idea of showing the audience how he was feeling throughhis music. So I went back and completely changed the program music to tell aproper story (funny story, originally Yuuri was going to be the one skating toSun and Moon. And then episode 10 happened and I looked at the new outline ofthe fic like ‘this is such a Viktor song oh my god).
Another thing that episode 10 changed was originally, Chriswasn’t involved in the fic at all until we found out about his and Viktor’sfriendship and that he’s actually such a good bro not just a weird guy who gropesYuuri and comes on the ice. As well as that, in episode 10 we also found outthat Yuuri was actually the unknowing playboy in the Eros story not Viktor,coming into Viktor’s life, stealing his heart and then leaving without a word, whichlead me adapting the fic to umfb!Yuuri becoming a perceived playboy by others, throughcertain things that will be explored fully in the companion fic, as a referenceto that. There were also some smaller changes like the inclusion of the drunkenOlympics and Yuuri knowing how to pole dance as a shout out to the episode.
Episode 12 also changed a lot. One of the things was Yurioand his role in the fic and how he feels about Yuuri which will be exploredmore in the companion fic. Also the original end of the fic was that Yuuri wasgoing to try and fail to do the quad flip which ruins an otherwise perfectskate and potentially loses him the gold but he was willing to sacrifice it totell Viktor. But in episode 12, we see that Yuuri can do a quad flip with hislove for Viktor as motivation so it changed to Yuuri still risking ruininghis perfect skate because he isn’t sure if he can land the jump but doing it anyway andactually succeeding because every time he tried and failed before it wasbecause he was doing it out of bitterness trying to beat Viktor and this timehe was doing it out of love.
The fic also changed a lot over the course of writing itjust because characters take on a life of their own and my first draft was veryrough and done before I’d written anything so I’ll try and do a chapter bychapter run down of the big changes from the rough plan I wrote before startingthe fic to the end result.
Chapter 4:
·      There was originally going to be a discussionbetween Viktor and Yuuri that went badly and they both ended up annoyed andoffended which sparked Viktor’s side of the rivalry but there was no way to dothat without making them both dicks and ooc. After episode 10, it changed toViktor trying to be helpful but phrasing it badly and being a bit too blunt and unreliable narrator Yuuri taking it wrong andcutting the conversation short before things could be explained
Chapter 6:
·      Yuuri was originally going to be watchinginterviews and stuff of Viktor and thinking how arrogant and self-assured hewas but this changed with Viktor’s character change because that’s just not him at all
·      Viktor was going to make a comment about Yuuri’squads but this one was actually going to be an insult and again changed whenViktor’s character changed because Viktor wouldn’t insult a fellow competitor like that
·      The idea for the dream sequence only came later
Chapter 7:
·      Pole dancing only became a thing after episode10
·      Viktor was going to only miss the GPS and comeback for Worlds but lose because he wasn’t fully recovered but I decided I didn’twant the first time Yuuri won against Viktor to be so unsatisfying
·      The watching Yuuri skate at the rink didn’toriginally happen at this point in the fic until after I saw ep 10. It was actually planned for somewhere around chapter 10/11
Chapter 8:
·      Yuuri never lost motivation originally but Idecided at that point it was important in his character to almost give up butthen come back with a vengeance
·      The drunken Olympics never originally happened
Chapter 9:
·      Yuuri was originally still going to be veryhostile before I realised it was ooc and a dick move after Viktor was beingnice to him so it changed to him congratulating Viktor after Viktor won. Thatthen changed the sex scene from the mutual hatefuck it was going to be pre ep10to Yuuri and the comments thing that sent him spiralling. The not-talking thingwas also added as a plot device because Viktor as he became acted verydifferently to him as he was originally planned to be, and it would have been tooeasy if he had been allowed to talk.
·      Viktor was originally going to take Yuuri out todinner at the WC purely out of guilt
·      There was originally going to be another sexscene after the WC and dinner where Yuuri was angry at Viktor for ruining hisskate but it would be ooc for both of them and got changed early on
Chapter 10:
·      Number swap was supposed to be just for hookingup but changed after ep10
·      Yuuri’s theme was originally going to besomething related to hatred but it changed as his character developed and Irealised how he was being affected by the events of the fic was different tothe plan and that would be doing him a disservice as a character. He had already let go of almost all his bitterness by this point and was falling for Viktor, not hating him.
·      Conversation with Phichit was very short anddidn’t involve a lot of the stuff it did in the final chapter
·      Viktor was going to be acting verydifferent in the second sex scene with none of the need or desperation thathappened, which all came about during his character change
·      Conversation with Chris never happened until thethird of four re-writes of ep10 when I realised Viktor’s actions needed somemore context for people who were ignoring the music (A lot of people still hadn’t caught on that Viktor was head over heels in love yet and I felt it needed a more explicit hint)
Chapter 11:
·      Lots of domestic sex was supposed to happen in thischapter in a very very early first concept but I changed it early on for plot reasons and also companion fic reasons
·      Sex scene was supposed to be all about Yuuriacting like Eros Yuuri in the concept drafts before I started writing the fic, but those two idiots in love were very sappy andsentimental instead and it became a crucial relationship shift point instead
·      All domesticness from that chapter was plannedout later in the fic as the details were not specified  in the first plan,including the borscht scene
Chapter 12:
·      Meal with the other skaters never happened, that idea came later
·      In the rough draft of the chapter, the revel about Yuuri’s virginity happened at thesame time as the second reveal but I split them because it worked better thatway
·      Yurio wasn’t originally involved at all andYuuri left after getting jealous. The love revelation never happened
Chapter 13:
·      Yurio appeared in this chapter instead althoughthe conversation was very different in the rough plan because everything hetalks about in the final version came about after episode 10 changed everything
·      Yuuri was originally going to be much more angryat the scandal and use his anger to win while Viktor still fucked up his skate. This changed very early when I realised it was ooc and Yuuri would actuallyreact very differently due to how in love he was, and that emotional devastation and heartbreak would ruinhis skate instead. 
Chapter 14:
·      None of the conversations with Yuuri’s familywere planned in detail in the first rough plan, I just knew he needed to goback to Hasetsu and have some revelations
·      Yuuri was supposed to convince himself thatViktor never loved him and never could and only realised Viktor’s feelingsafter seeing stammi vicino. This changed because it was very important forYuuri to go and get some distance and time and then decided to come back anddecided to try again with Viktor before he saw stammi vicino. It also changedbecause with Viktor as he became after ep10 and how he reacted, there was no waythat Yuuri would convince himself that Viktor never cared for him. He’s a bit emotionallydense sometimes but not an idiot
·      Yuuri was going to fall on the quad flip
So yeah, all this is from the very rough draft before Iwrote any of the actual fic (and while the show was still on about ep 7 or 8) and the story adapted and changed along the way as I got moreinto the characters and got a better handle on how they would act until it becamewhat you see today. It definitely became a much better story and I’m very happywith all the changes that I made! Having a plan is great for a framework butletting the characters grow and change naturally during the writing process ismuch more fun and I think makes for a better story
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bhjournalismblog · 7 years
Charlie Mees: Musical Crossover, Collaboration and Creativity
For the past 3 years Charlie Mees has been working towards an album in the wake of his smaller releases. His music is a true embodiment of the word crosspollination. Taking a bit from here and there in order to craft his own unique hip-hop come jazz, come down-tempo Frankenstein body of work acting a reflection of anything and everything that crosses his ear more than once. It’s an exciting time for music, for better or for worse music is all too accessible. Charlie Mees represents the ‘for better’. His music shows a true respect for what he’s listening to and does the Internet generation the justice it deserves. So I caught up with him to find out how it began, what makes him tick and what gumbo pot of music we can expect from him next…
Ben Haskins: So where did the musical journey begin for you?
Charlie Mees: “I’d been having guitar lessons since I was a kid. I got some piano lessons too; quit that because kids just don’t want to learn classical music. I just wanted to be a rock star basically (laughs). Anyway my mum said if I’m going to learn guitar I’ve got to learn Spanish guitar first. So I did a bit of that and dropped it as soon as I could get an electric guitar.”
I was just messing around with friends and stuff for a while it wasn’t until about the age of 17 that I started taking it seriously, enrolled on a college course and started playing and writing all the time. I had a really great composition teacher who wrote music for film and TV. He was very encouraging and made me believe I could do similar stuff.”
BH: So where do you influences come from? Now and then
CM: “Carlos Santana was the first big obsession for me. Got that straight out of my dad’s CD collection. But my influences have always been changing as long as I can remember. Lately I’ve had a lot of hip hop and jazz on the headphones. Tribe Called Quest, De la soul have been staples for a while. Marika Hackman has been a big discovery for me she’s got a new album coming out this year. Alfa Mist has been another little watershed for me. Real good mix of jazz and hip-hop.”
BH: You do the Leeds Student radio show to right? What kind of stuff can we expect to hear on that?
CM: “I just play whatever I really like at the time; last show was a lot of jazz. We had a bit more rock this week. It started out as a down tempo and hip hop show but it’s become an outlet for anything that crosses my ear. I’ve had a few local guys on. Recently played some of the Tetes De Pois new EP, I also got the guys from the Tight Lines label in Leeds on the show to have a little chat. I try to keep supporting the local music scene as much as possible. We’re all in the same boat you know.”
BH: How does the creative process work for you?
CM: “It depends what I’m working on. I spend a lot of time noodling on the guitar. With my electronic compositions, I usually start with a sound or an aesthetic before hand. It could just be a tempo, or a little sample that I really like. Just to set the general theme or mood of the track.”
BH: Where would you put your music in today landscape?
CM: “Hmmm, that’s always a hard question. I have an album coming out soon but there’s quite a spectrum on genre involved. There’s quite a lot of jazzy hip-hop based stuff and some tracks I guess fall in to a down tempo/trip hop category. Each track has been a reflection of what I’ve been listening to while writing it so it can vary quite dramatically. I’ve got a big range of tracks and its all just kind if put together as my creative output from the last year or so.  It’s a bit random, but that how I like it.”
BH: If you could collaborate with one on you influences who would you pick?
CM: “I’ve been listening to a lot of band-based music recently so I’d like to start writing more for that context. At this moment in time I’d say Portico would be a good shout. They’ve really managed to bridge that gap between electronic music and band-based music. That’s what I find really exciting; this line is getting more and more blurry every day.”
BH: Talking gear, is there any bit of equipment that you use religiously or consider the center of your studio?
CM: “There’s three main bits of equipment I really couldn’t live without. Firstly my guitar, its just a real weapon when writing. I guess you might say my Synth is the flagship of my studio. I really love my prophet 8. Lastly my MPD controller is something I couldn’t work without. It’s perfect for drum programming and sampling, it makes my work flow so much smoother. It means is don’t have to be constantly clicking the mouse and tapping the keyboard.”
BH: What would be you best advice for someone who is starting out writing and producing their own music?
CM: “Just let loose! It sounds cheesy I know but there’s so much out there you can do these days. As long as you have a DAW you can get started. I would also say find some people you want to work with. Its much more rewarding and exciting when you’re working with other people. So go for it and find anyone with similar interests.”
BH: What’s next for Mr. Mees?
CM: “I’ll be putting out this album, so keep and eye and an ear out. They’ll be some hard copies but most of it will be on bandcamp and all that jazz. And then after that… I don’t really know yet, get started on the next project I expect. I’ll probably put the production thing on hold and work with (or in) bands. I’ve been writing some stuff with Joel Maudsley and we have a potential band in the pipeline.”
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