#anyway guess who just watched the baseball episode
kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Benjamin Sisko is an amazing man, but it's still hilarious that so many people to fixate on him as their personal rival.
Dukat, Eddington, and Solok are the most notable three. And all three all wind up completely changing their personalities to revolve around one-upping Sisko and he winds up beating them anyway.
After Dukat destroys his career, he re-fashions himself into what is essentially the Emissary of the Pah-Wraiths. He's always been fixated on Sisko to some degree, but the final season takes it up to eleven.
Eddington becomes fed up with his career and projects his frustrations on to Sisko, re-imagining their relationship to be one where he's the noble criminal and Sisko the evil, relentless enforcer. But reality was never going to conform to his imaginings.
Solok, the Vulcan who was so obsessed with one-upping Sisko that he also developed an obsession with baseball. He drags his crew into it. He taunts Ben with it, makes things personal in a way the other two can't. In part because Solok is so incredibly petty. The other two are so grandiose in their methods, but Solok takes the petty route every time.
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winchesterwild78 · 8 months
Chance Meeting
This is my first ever fan fiction. I adore Jensen Ackles and have no hate towards his family. In this he’s single. I’m not sure exactly how to do this so any suggestions or feedback is appreciated. Please be kind and all mistakes are my own.
Please don’t take my work. 18+ Only!
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut (later on), Jensen being a sweetheart
You guess in order to tell your story you have to start when you and Jensen first met. It was a chilly day in October. You were so excited about your first ever Supernatural Convention. You had been a fan of the show since it started and watched every single episode, several times over. Like everyone else, you have your favorites and of course like everyone your least favorite being the very last episode.
Anyway, you’re rambling. You tend to do that when you think back on moments where your world turned upside down. Like you said before, this was your first convention. You’ve seen videos on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, but nothing could have prepared you for being there in person.
You spent the money for the gold admission, because hey go big or go home, right? You had every outfit picked out for each photo op and panel you knew you were going to attend. You had paid for single photo ops of Misha, Jared, and of course the green eyed angel himself, Jensen. You’ve always been a “Dean” girl, and a fan of Jensen. Between his shows, movies and his music. Damn is he a talented man. You also had a photo op for Jared, Jensen and Misha. *swoon* The photo ops were all scheduled for Saturday as were most of the panels. You didn’t know exactly what to expect for Friday, but the air was electrified with anticipation, excitement and curiosity. You opted to stay at the hotel that was hosting the convention because you seriously didn’t want to have to Uber back and forth. Plus you wanted to come and go when you got tired or needed a break you’d head to your room then back down again.
You finally arrived at the check in desk and got my room key. The front desk clerk was super nice but gave you a weird smile and wink when she told you your room and floor. “You’re on the 7th floor, room 714” *grin and wink* Um, thanks you said as you grabbed the key and your stuff. As you waited for the elevator you heard some fans talking about the actors who were already there. One of them asked about Jared, Jensen and Misha. The first girl who was obviously a Dean girl by the look of her outfit said they don’t get there until late tonight so they shouldn’t expect to see them at all today. You laughed at the disappointment on their faces and put in your earbuds and turned on Radio Company to just relax. Something about Jensen’s voice just made you relaxed. Of course one of your favorite songs started right up and you couldn’t help but sing along. “Ain’t No Tellin” was playing as the elevator opened up.
*Ding* went the elevator and you stepped in. You couldn’t believe you were alone in the elevator. Or so you thought. You must have missed the man standing in the corner. In your defense he had on a dark pullover and a baseball cap. You continued singing this time louder because again, you thought you were alone. Then there was a tap on your shoulder and you screamed. The man standing in the corner threw his hands up apologizing for scaring you. It was then you realized you knew that voice. Oh my god! It was Jensen Ackles!! You pulled your earbuds out and told him you were sorry you screamed and you didn’t see him there. He smirked that half cocked smirk and said I figured since you started singing louder once you got in. Your face instantly turned three shades of red. He extended his hand and said “Hi, I’m Jensen, and you are?” You take his strong calloused hand in yours trying not to melt and trying to remember your name. Oh my god, my name, what’s my name?!?!? His beautiful green eyes staring straight into your soul. You felt his thumb rub circles on your hand and you suddenly remembered how to speak. You smile brightly with your y/c eyes and finally say My name is y/n, nice to meet you. Your hands held on just a few seconds longer before you both pulled away. Well nice to meet you y/n I hope you have a great time this weekend and I get to see you again soon. Yeah, thanks you too is all you could say with a smile.
The elevator stopped on floor 7 and you stepped out looking at the signs on the wall for which direction your room was in. You were talking to yourself when you heard that honey whiskey voice in your ear “Find your room yet?” His warm breath was on your ear and neck and it sent shivers down your spine. You spin around and you realize just how close you two really are. Damn his eyes are beautiful you think to yourself and those plump lips. Mmm I could get drunk off of those you thought. You manage to whisper out “yeah, I’m in 714, it’s this way.” Jensen smiles and nods as you walk away.
You make it to your room and go around checking everything before you start to unpack. You’re halfway through unpacking when there is a knock at your door. You sigh walk over and look out the peephole and see Jensen standing there with a grin on his face. You start to panic thinking you did something wrong. With a deep breath you open the door and smile. “Jensen, what are you doing here?” He looked at you smiled and asked if he could come in for a minute. You step aside and let him in before closing the door and locking it. This was a habit you picked up long ago being single and living alone. He came in and took a seat at the foot of the bed. You stood near the door trying to figure out what was going on. The silence seemed to go on for hours, but it was really seconds. Jensen told you he really enjoyed hearing you sing and he wanted to know if you would join everyone tonight for the Karaoke party and maybe sing something with him. I’m sorry what? Was all you could say. He chuckled and said it again. I don’t really like singing in front of people, if I knew anyone was on the elevator I wouldn’t have sang. You said and shyly smile at him. He stood up and took your hands in his. Y/N, please consider coming. I really would love to sing just one song with you. You look up into his emerald green eyes and look away. You take your hands out of his and sit in the chair at the desk.
“Why” you ask him in a very low voice. Why would you want me to sing with you. I’m nobody. Hell I don’t even look like the right type of woman to be standing next to you. I’m not a model, I have extra weight every where, stretch marks and I love chocolate. I don’t think it’s a good idea. Jensen sighed and bent down in front of you taking your hands again. Y/N please look at me. He spoke softly this time. You could smell his woodsy cologne and the mint gum he was chewing and it drove you wild. God he smelt like heaven and every time he touched you it was like electricity shooting through you. You kept your head down to hide the tears that pricked your eyes. You’ve never been beautiful in the eyes of the world and you’ve always carried extra weight. You’ve had your fill of insults and people judging you for your looks and you really didn’t want to stand up in front of a room full of strangers next to one of the most gorgeous men on the planet and judged. When you didn’t lift your head, Jensen slowly took his hand and placed it under your chin to lift up your face. He saw the pain in your eyes and you saw the regret and sadness in his. Hey sweetheart, don’t cry. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to push or upset you. If you don’t want to I’m okay with it. I don’t want you to feel pressured. I just wanted the world to hear that beautiful voice I heard. A single tear left your eye and you felt his thumb wipe it away. You looked in his eyes and you have no idea what or why, but you both started to move towards each other. Your lips were inches from his and he smiled. Jensen whispered “can I kiss you” and you nodded. He placed a sweet kiss on your lips then pulled away. You looked at him and smiled. As he walked towards the door Jensen turned around and said I hope to see you later y/n, even if you come just to enjoy the show. Then he turned around and left you standing in your room. Your head was spinning and you could feel the ghost of the kiss still on your lips.
You stood there for a few minutes trying to gather your thoughts. Did Jensen Ackles really just kiss me, and why? You had a decision to make, go to Karaoke or not. So many things running through your head. The loudest thing was how desperately you wanted to see and kiss Jensen again.
Next part coming soon
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psychickiss · 1 year
— saiki kusuo x reader (gn, 2nd pov)
— summary: You’ve been eyeing the guy with pink hair that tags along with Nendou sometimes when he comes over to help out PK Academy’s baseball team. Luckily, something happens to make you two meet.
— notes: reader insert season 2 episode 15 / chapters 198 - 200. youre friends with satou btw but its just for plot
— things: platonic romantic. dont know.
— masterlist | request form | retrospring
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You’ve always been a fan of the baseball team at your school. You weren’t a diehard sports person, but you were supportive, nonetheless, for you had a friend in the team. Satou Hiroshi.
You always waited for him during his practices, so you were well-acquainted with the team... Some of them, anyway.
You knew of Abe, and the... conflict he got himself involved in– the one that temporarily halted any games that PK Academy’s team were scheduled to play in.
However, that didn’t stop the team from practicing. “For Abe,” they’d say. You’re well-aware of everyone’s quirks, sometimes it even felt cliché.
“Satou, has your team got practice today?”
Satou nods at you. With a smile, he asks, “Will you watch again? I heard Nendou from 2-3 is joining us as a substitute.”
“Oh! The one who saved you guys during that one game! I hope his friends tag along.” You laugh.
Satou has a surprised look on his face. “Are you friends with them– Do you like one of them?”
You shake your head. “Not really. But, the one with pink hair is kind of cute.”
“Ehh? The... What’s his name... Saito? Wait, no, Saiki? Really?”
You nod at Satou, though the slight judginess in his tone has you confused. “Why? Do you not like him?”
Satou quickly shakes his head. “It’s not like that at all! I just think he’s, erm, kind of weird? I don’t know, I saw him once by the gate reading Weekly Jump and drinking peach juice–”
“Aren’t those things that you like too?”
A blush spreads across Satou’s face as he nods, and you can’t help the laugh that escapes you.
Satou doesn’t say anything else. You continue talking, “I mean, I don’t know. There just aren’t a lot of cute people in school that aren’t... weirdos? No offense.”
“Are you... calling me weird?”
You excitedly point to Nendou and his friends, changing the subject of the conversation. “Look, there they are!”
Satou turns to where you’re pointing, and a slight smile graces his face. “I’m glad. Although, just Nendou wouldn’t be able to fill in all the missing positions.”
“Ah, you guys are missing Abe, right?”
Satou nods, a mix of sadness and hope present on his face. “If only he were here... Surely, the whole team would be all the more motivated.”
You just give a slight chuckle in response. You think, Yeah. With the way things seem to work for you guys, there’s going to be something cliche, like, Abe showing up. Haha.
The day for the game finally came. You weren’t expecting to see Abe on the stands (maybe you were), yet, there he was.
He walks away from his seat, seemingly in defeat. You’ve seen the team practice for the last few weeks for this game– there is no way in hell were you letting the old star walk away just like that. You follow him outside, quietly.
So does Saiki.
Okay, I tell him not to quit on his own team, yes–!
Abe gets hit on the head with a lost ball and falls down to the ground.
You make yourself hidden somewhere, fumbling around your uniform for your phone in the hopes of contacting Satou and getting Abe the first aid he needs. As you do all that, you take quick glances at Abe.
Preoccupied by his own thoughts, Saiki doesn’t quickly pick up on your presence. This isn’t until your thoughts start to get louder. You witness him using his astral projection to take possession of Abe’s body.
You can only watch in terror as Abe’s once unconscious body stands up and boredly dusts himself off.
Okay. Just walk up to Abe and... Wait– Abe-slash-Saiki, and ask what the hell is going on.
Abe/Saiki starts walking towards you. You frown. This is it, I guess.
“What– What happened? What did you do?”
“Astral projection,” Abe/Saiki calmly replies. He says the next thing like it isn’t a big deal. At all. “I just took over his body. His spirit’s still in here, don’t worry. I’m telling you all this since you’re a witness.”
“You make this sound like a crime...” You crouch down to Saiki’s actual body. “You’re Saiki, right? Saiki Kusuo?”
Abe/Saiki nods. It takes everything in you to not curiously remove Saiki’s tinted green glasses and put them on for yourself.
Strictly, he tells you, “Don’t touch me. I’ll hide me somewhere.”
Oh. Okay. You don’t question his words. (You try not to.)
“I’m classmates with Toritsuka. He talks about you a lot.” I’ve got to stop thinking I’m talking to Abe. It’s so clearly not him! His face is devoid of emotion... I’m talking to Saiki. Yes. I’m talking to Saiki.
Saiki hums in response. “I know.”
You continue talking, “I didn’t immediately realize you were both the Saiki that Toritsuka talks about, and the cute guy with pink hair that tags along with Nendou sometimes. I guess you’re different around him.”
“Well, I have to keep him in line.” Saiki jokes. He turns to you, “He hasn’t made any weird comments towards you, no?”
You shake your head. “He’s actually kind of nice. Just have to treat him like you would anyone else.”
“Oh.” Saiki pauses. “We have to get back to the game.”
You nod, but you don’t immediately follow Abe/Saiki’s footsteps.
“What is it?”
“You’re bleeding.”
There’s a streak of blood down Abe/Saiki’s face. “It’s okay,” Saiki replies. “It doesn’t hurt.”
You sigh as you take out a handkerchief from your pocket. “Of course, but,” you stretch your arm a little to reach the blood on Abe/Saiki’s face, “but it’s going to freak someone out on the team.” He lowers himself a little to make it easier on you. “The manager, actually,” you specify. “Blood scares her.”
Saiki doesn’t say anything else.
“Okay. We’re done. You’re good to play. You know how to play baseball, right? The same way Abe does?”
Saiki nods before you two walk back to the field. Saiki walks towards the team’s manager, and you choose a seat in the stands. This time, you pick a seat that gives you an even better view of the game.
You watch Saiki as he continues the game as Abe. He doesn’t do a flashy pose before pitching, which you brush off. It could be easily ruled off as training, or whatever. Abe’s the one who would have to explain himself when Saiki’s spirit is out of his body.
Time passes by, and PK Academy’s baseball team wins the game.
Excited, you head to Satou to congratulate him.
“Oh, I didn’t do much... it was all Abe, actually. It’s really glad to have him back!”
You just nod. Mhm. Totally Abe in there. Not Saiki.
“The team and I are going out to celebrate later.” Says Satou. He asks if you want to tag along, and you decline. You do get along well with the team, but that celebration belonged to them, and only them.
You make your way towards Saiki, whose spirit was now back in his own body. You beam at him, “Congrats on the win, Abe.” You laugh lightly at your own joke, but quiet down at the lack of a reaction from Saiki.
Saiki looks at you blankly. Seeing that facial expression on his face felt much more correct than it did on Abe’s face. Hm.
“Satou and the team are going out,” you pause. You suddenly glance side-to-side, avoiding any eye contact with Saiki.
“Would you... maybe want to go out with me as well...? Not, like, on a date. I don’t really dig that... and especially not with people I’ve only talked to, like, two times–”
Saiki answers, to your relief. He stops you from rambling any further. “I suppose we could do that. It’s the least I can do since you had to see me use my powers.”
“Really? I’m glad you aren’t offended, or weirded out. There’s a café that just opened up! My treat.”
Saiki nods. “I might enjoy that. Thank you.”
You smile at him. “I’ll make sure you do have fun, don’t worry. The desserts there are really good! The cheesecake? To die for!”
“I’ll have to tell Nendou and the others they can go without me.”
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scifirice · 11 months
The game Doomed in danny phantom has insane implications.
Before you go typing stuff, I am aware it's the result of needing a video game to have stakes and the writers needing a plot. I understand watsonian and doylist reasoning, im a writer myself. this is purely for the in-universe implications which I believe are crazy.
In episode 12: Teacher of the Year, danny and his friends are playing some kind of online game where the grand prize for beating it is full access to the World Wide Web. I re watched this episode prior to writing this, though it has been a hot minute since ive seen the other episodes, so i don't know exactly if they've actually used the internet prior to that episode. But i do remember technus escaping because Danny deleted his old save of Doomed so i guess that does imply he beat it at some point after episode 12.
The mere fact they can even play an online game in the first place would imply they have some access but not as much as they could. Kind of like how when you have a learners permit you can only drive in the daytime with an adult in the passenger seat. Can you imagine getting online and only being able to access wikipedia and facebook? Thats what I'm seeing from this.
So as far as we know, anyone who wants to get full access to the internet has to play and beat this game. We see danny and tucker make it to the final level multiple times, it takes them all night but that assumes even an average player can make it far if they keep at it. So the game itself couldn't be too difficult.
But what bewilders me the most is what Sam's doing. Why does this game have PVP? Sam hasn't beat the game either, she was likely doing it just to fuck with danny and tucker but she also blasts some random dude at the beginning. The trio seemed to all be able to win the game together at the very end, meaning there isn't any actual reason for pvp since there's no need to claim the prize solely for yourself.
Then there's Lancer. He's already beating the goddamn game! Yet he comes back just to beat it again and fight people! Is he gaining anything from this? Probably not. But why would this be an option for returning players? It's like someone who gets a doctorate degree and then goes around a middle school with a baseball bat bashing any student they see trying to learn and the school staff do nothing about it.
Why is the world set up like this? Did the government decide full internet access is something someone should have to take a test for? Did everyone have to take the test or were they grandfathered into keeping full access? I dunno how old Lancer is but unless we assume he was only playing the game for fun, he had to have beat Doomed when he was younger. so that implies his generation and the one after were all subject to this rule.
Is Doomed the only game like this? are there other games for other kinds of people since not everyone is good at FPS games? Could there be other things like make a character on the sims live for a whole year on max difficulty and then you win? Beat halo on legendary with all skulls on? speedrun mario 64 below the allowed time limit? Whose idea was this!? Not everyone is going to want full access when they're teens like danny, but what about when you get a job? Do you need to put "I beat Doomed" on your resume? this whole this is just fucking bizzare,
It's a minor detail never really brought up again, but the wider implications of it are immense. Anyway, im using this episode as inspiration to write a story because I cannot let this idea just get swept under the ecto-rug.
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oneinathousand · 10 months
I'm halfway through Gravedale High and I think I get the gist of it, so here are my random thoughts about it:
Of all the celebrity cartoons, this is one of them. Joking aside, this probably is legitimately one of the better ones from this time period. I am not distracted by Rick Moranis's presence, and I'm glad he's not going full nerd as in his usual typecasting. I keep expecting to see a Ghostbusters or Little Shop of Horrors reference, since this show sure does love its pop culture references, but so far, they've had the restraint not to do it in a direct way except for one of the background characters in one episode looking like a terror dog, but that could be a coincidence. I guess I'll find out eventually if they actually do make a reference.
I can't watch a lot of it in one sitting because if I try, I know I'll be filled with homicidal rage at all the constant catchphrases and verbal tics and schticks that every character has.
Gotta love how the creativity of the main cast ranges from "Personifying the trope of zombies as commentaries for consumerism with a wealth-obsessed, literal mall zombie" to "what if creature from the black lagoon but surfer".
J.P. doesn't seem to be any kind of monster in particular, Peter Lorre parodies are just their own Halloween species lol
Vinnie may be the Fonz as a teenage vampire, but it was very big-brained of whoever the character designer was to give him black nail polish in 1989-90. For all this show's problems, the character design for the most part is not one of them, even with how dated many of them are fashion-wise they're still very charming.
Sure, I ship Vinnie and Reggie. Before I watched this show, I assumed it was just typical shipping of best friend characters, but when I got to the famous ear-scratching scene from episode four, I was like "yeah okay I can see where they're coming from".
Of the main cast, Sid is probably my favorite because everything about him is so hilariously dated above all the rest, which is saying something: The rapping, the baseball cap, the pattern on his shirt, the random impressions... he's so lame that he circles back around to being funny. And apart from the irony, an invisible kid becoming a class clown so people won't ignore him anymore is one of the more genuinely creative concepts here.
Oh, but speaking of Sid, who's voiced by Maurice LaMarche... It was pretty awkward to watch Sid whenever he talked about his dreams to become a stand-up comedian, knowing what I know about what happened with LaMarche's own desire to rise up in the stand-up world on the same month that Gravedale High coincidentally premiered in. I don't know if this is common knowledge, but I won't go into it here because this post is supposed to be about a silly cartoon. If you're curious and can handle emotional matters, go read about it on his Wikipedia page under the Career section and see the events leading up to him becoming a full-time voice actor after September 1990.
Anyway, this is one of those cartoons where you can see a lot of potential, but since this came before or at the same time as other more ground-breaking cartoons like Ren and Stimpy or Tiny Toons, you get the feeling Gravedale is still shackled by 80's cartoon trappings despite its occasional dark jokes and pop culture references. If I were to make a new version, with or without Moranis, I would go for something a little edgy to make it stand out from Monster High and other shows of its ilk, do for horror what Clone High does for teen shows, either in a PG or TV-14 way.
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eldritchsurveys · 3 months
Are any of your friendships on a fine line? .
If I search your room, will I find birth control? >> You don't really have to search. It's right here on my nightstand.
Do you expect any of your ex’s to call or text you? .
Have you ever witnessed a birth? >> Animal ones. Where’s your favorite place to be when you feel depressed? >> The Configuration. Outworld, I guess I just prefer to be in my room. Which is where I usually prefer to be anyway.
Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow? >> Not particularly. Nothing special is happening tomorrow.
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? .
Have you ever faked sick? >> I have never done this.
Do you wear hoodies to bed? >> I've done it before, especially in the winter since we can't afford to properly heat this place.
Are you currently wearing jeans? >> I am not.
Do you buy eggnog around the holidays? >> If I remember. I do love a good eggnog.
Have you gone to a coffee shop within the past week? >> I have not.
Would you like to be able to read thoughts? >> I would not.
Are you often the last one to understand a joke? >> Not often.
Your first black eye: Did you give it or get it? >> I don't think I've ever had one, and I've certainly never given anyone one.
Do you think baseball is a dying professional sport in America? >> I don’t know, and I definitely don’t care.
Does playing the guitar make a guy more attractive? >> I think artistic skill is generally attractive, but even if I’m attracted to the skill level or the virtuosity of the player, that’s no guarantee I’ll be attracted to the player as well.
Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? >> I have. What does your hair look like at the moment? >> It looks like a buzzcut.
Are you mad right now? >> I am not. Who did you spend your summer with last year? .
Did you eat a cookie today? >> I haven't, but I might have a couple of lemon shortbread cookies later.
Have you heard of wreck this journal? >> I have, but not recently. Do they still make those?
Do you know any one who lives in California? >> I do.
Have you ever been told you were a good writer? >> I have.
What do you put on your baked potatoes? >> I don’t make baked potatoes.
Have you ever been on a farm? >> Sure. Last three texts on your phone are from? . What are you listening to? >> Nothing. Are you one to take naps? >> Occasionally. I do tend to get really sleepy in midday. Did you ever have braces? >> I did not.
Have you kissed anyone in the last five days? >> Not outworld.
Are you afraid of flying? >> Not at all, I love flying.
Do you have freckles? >> I do not.
Do you have plans for today? >> Just some gaming. Oh, and my laundry.
Would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger than you? .
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? .
If you had to live off one type of fruit, which would you pick? .
What were you doing at 7:45AM this morning? >> I'd just gotten back from my walk, and the next thing I did after I changed clothes was get some cereal and put Frasier on to watch an episode whilst eating said cereal. So, one of those things. What was the last thing you drank? >> Black tea.
Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? >> It's just an undershirt, it came in a pack from like Target or Meijer.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? . How often do you drink Monster? >> Never.
Are you easy to get along with? >> I suppose that depends on the disposition of the person trying to get along with me.
Are you short? >> In comparison to some people, sure.
Can you ever get enough of mac ‘n’ cheese? >> I most certainly can get enough of it. I'm really particular about mac and cheese, I don't like most varieties.
Are you allergic to nuts or dairy products? >> I am not.
Do you have trust issues? >> Something like that.
Is there someone you want to let go of? .
Do you think age matters in relationships? >> Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t.
Has anyone ever called the cops on you? >> Not on me specifically, no.
How old are you? >> 37. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? >> I did not.
Do you go to church every Sunday? >> I don't go any Sundays. Can you recall the last time you liked someone? >> God, I would so love to know what this feels like... About a billion fictional crushes did come to mind, though. If anything, I'll always have those~
Do you like your height? >> I have no feelings about it. It's really unremarkable.
Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? .
Could you go a week without brushing your teeth? >> I don't think so, that would feel and taste and look so awful. What day is it? >> Thursday. Are you usually awake at midnight? >> Ideally not. The firecracker fervour has finally died down, so now I'm back to being asleep before midnight, thank the fucking gods. Does it get really cold where you live? >> Not recently. The climate here has kind of flattened out in recent years; milder winters, milder summers. Although, of course, winter is still too damn cold for me personally.
When you get home from school / work do you change into your pjs right away? >> I change clothes whenever I get home from anywhere.
Have you ever been peer pressured to smoke pot? >> People did try to peer-pressure me into it, but it just doesn't work that way for me. When I did eventually try it, it was just out of curiosity.
Have you ever played the game Sims 3? >> Sure.
What is the temperature currently in the town you live in? >> 69° (nice) Fahrenheit (20° C).
Do you ever actually drink milk alone? >> I don't.
If you don’t have one already, would you consider getting an iPhone? >> I have no interest in iPhones.
What year were you born in? >> 1987.
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elderflowergin · 1 year
Heya, me again! Thank you for getting into it with me. I finished Hot Stove League, what a fun and learning time. I honestly do not find baseball to be at all interesting but this one made me sit through it, and enjoy learning! I agree about Mr Bark and Mr Kwon here, I think they would have, at some point, loved to pulverize eachother from the face of the earth, but in the end came together for Dreams! And Park EunBin! I adore her so much, too much. AHH, what a delight, how amazing is she!
About JangHyun, I am looking forward to his growth. I think Part 1 was about GilChae's growth and part 2 will be his, I'm looking forward to seeing him unlock all of that trauma from his body and release it. Their parting was so horrible horrible horrible. I'm glad I wasn't online much after watching ep10, just so I could l figure out my own feelings about that ending without the many voices getting into my head.
Anyway, I think he will repent.
I'm so team GilHyun or JangChae that my assessment of both in the last EP is that they are both in the spectrum of the the five stages of grief, him: shock and her, maybe anger or somewhere further along the line. I hope I'm making sense. Because he returned to Joseon with the idea that he and GC will be talking about their future, he said they would when he 'proposed' to her before he left. And GC was probably overwhelmed when she saw him alive after thinking that he was dead for so long.(PS: what a horrific way to realise that you love someone). Maybe after a long time reflecting, he may, may, understand that he was asking far too much(the fact that YeonJun said things that make sense before Janghyun was able to see it says a lot.)
I'm very interested in how GC feels about RyangEum.
Extremely proud of GilChae( very sad that we have to keep emphasising this). I'm looking forward to their conversations in the future. To GilHyun or JangChae.🥂
Dearest Anon, I still don’t know how baseball is played but I’m glad that wasn’t necessary to enjoy the show.
I loved Park Eun-bin so much - she’s so smart and gutsy and hotheaded and full of love for her team. I deeply enjoyed her protecting Baek Seung-soo (and on occasion his one cheap suit) by throwing a shot glass at a player built like a tank. I enjoyed Oh Jung-se’s character very much as well - there’s a wonderful scene where he’s with his cousin who drops his key and waits for Oh Jung-se to pick it up - which of course Oh Jung-se does since this cousin will be his boss someday, and Baek Seung-soo observes this moment from his car. Lovely character work in that single thirty second scene.
Thank you for those amazing observations about Gil-chae and Jang Hyeon - it makes so much sense! I think they are deeply misaligned and I agree with you that they are also in two different stages of grief. I think Gil-chae tries to meet him in the middle, but Jang Hyeon didn’t wish to move at all (perhaps partly because he was in shock, as you pointed out). I hope like you do that he reflects on and regrets how he treated her. If there is one very sore point I have with the show, it is that they made Yeon-jun of all people (!!!) say the right thing to Jang-hyeon.
I think you were completely right to stay mostly offline for the post episode 10 discussions. I read very little and backed out. I think it’s just part of a larger cultural conversation that we tend to give men far more grace and leeway than we offer women. I find it ironic here because the characters literally live in an era where men had a lot of leeway to begin with and women had very little (and the show takes pains to address this too!), so it’s a real choice to place even higher expectations and tighter leeway on the women and doing the opposite for men. But this has been going on longer than the internet has been alive, I guess.
Anon, thank you so much for coming by and making these very cool and wise observations. As you progress in your Namgoong Min deep dive, please always know you can come hang out here, link arms virtually and tell me (and us!) all the Namgoong Min feelings. Here’s a hug if you’ll have one! 🫂
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honeycombhq-22 · 6 months
Episode 3: Inazuma Japan +Pineapples
[Jap Dub] | [Eng Dub]
*insert intro music*
Taken place in:
Episode 69: The birth of Inazuma Japan!
"I AM."
"I AM!"
Natsumi's eyebrows furrowed, "...What... are they doing?"
"Megane's hyping his brother up. I think he's a bit nervous." Haruna replied, dusting her camera, unfazed.
The younger twin took a deep breath, "I AAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM!"
The girls blinked.
The daughter of the chairman turned away from the twins, "Anyways, Aki. Did Team A like the new uniforms?"
"They loved it. Some more than others." She chuckled glancing to the side at the trio.
"Like yeah, bros, don't you see how good this looks on me?" Masaru gushed holding out the bottom of his blue team-jersey, admiring its quality.
The pink haired middle triplet, Tomo, massaged his brother's shoulders encouragingly, "Very, like, very nice, yeah!"
The youngest, Tsutomu, nodded enthusiastically.
The eldest triplet posed. "Like yeah, I know. I took sooo many pictures. I can't wait to post them on MySpace!"
"Can we go nooooow?"
"UUUUUGH-GAAAAH, I don't get it! Why would you want to watch Japanese football?"
"There's always a benefit from watching strong players, Luca."
"Strong players? PUH-LEASE! Japan is known worldwide for many things: baseball, Sumo, judo, snow sports and even golf but football? Even Japanese players, like YOU, go to European countries to play football!"
"You're right. But them, they might be able to make a change. Especially that goalkeeper there."
"You said his name is Mamoru, right?"
"Endou Mamoru. The captain of the football team for this here school. He turned a bunch of nobodies to the best in the country. He could do the same thing at the FFI."
"I'm guessing he's your favourite."
"But Endou isn't the only one."
"Oh gosh, you're going to give me a whole rundown of every single player aren't you?"
"You know me so well."
"Now who's that one?"
"That guy's twin brother."
"GO KAZUTO! YOU. ARE. THE. MAN!!!" Kakeru screamed through a megaphone cone. "WOOOO!!!"
"He doesn't even have the ball anymore..."
"And Gouenji is cornered by Matsuno and Mukata. It seems the whole of Team A is cautious of the Flame Striker, and rightfully so! What will he do?!"
Gouenji spotted Toramaru running towards the goal with Yamino trailing behind. He then kicked the ball through Matsuno's legs, passing, "Go for it Toramaru!"
Toramaru recieved the ball and was about to kick it when something made him hesitate and instead he passed the ball back to a now surprised Yamino.
Then the whistle blew.
"And that's the end of the first half! The match we have today is a tight one with the score only being 1 All. The fight for a place in Japan's national team will continue after half-time!!!" Kakuma announced.
"Great job, guys. We just need to keep pushing the good work until the end of the game!"
Everyone in the team responded back to their captain enthusiastically except for one red head who rubbed the lower half of his back.
After scoring the goal that tied the game, Hiroto didn't expect EVERYONE to jump on him. The only one who gave him grace was Alex, who gave him a high five after Team A got off of him.
I don't know if I should try to score again after that. He chuckled to himself with a sweatdrop as he walked towards the field.
"Here you go Kabeyama."
Kabeyama beamed. "Oh, Megane! Are you a manager now?" He asked then chugged down the water.
His face scrunched, "Manager? Please, that stuff's for girls. I'm too smart to be a manager." He adjusted his glasses as they beamed under the sunlight. "I, Megane Kakeru, shall serve as the strategy advisor and support my brother in his undoubtedly successful efforts to team Japan!"
The dark green haired defender sighed in satisfaction and gave the bottle back. "Thanks for the water Megane!"
"Sure thing." He grinned... then his face fell as his junior walked away from him. "Hey, were you even listening to me?!" He yelled shaking the empty bottle violently. After realising Kabeyama wasn't listening, the brunette grumbled as he put the bottle away.
The girl tightened the sleeves of her tracksuit jacket wrapped around her waist, a troubled look on her face.
The first half is already finished... and I haven't done anything...
She thought back to the first half. How Kidou, Kazemaru and Gouenji wizzed right past all the midfielders and defenders after the kickoff. They didn't score thanks to Endou being the only one awake.
On the positive side, yes, she did collect a few rebounds before the other team got possession of the ball, but that was the bare minimum compared to the clean interceptions others were making. What she should have been making.
What can I do—
Her thoughts stopped at the presence of the Blizzard Striker staring at her side with a curious glint in his eyes. "Are those pineapples?" Fubuki asked.
"Yeah. Do you... do you want some?"
He flashed his signiture gentle smile, "Yes please. I've never had these before." He said before taking a small bite.
Her eyes widened, "Really?"
Fubuki hummed then paused his chewing, "Aren't you going to have one too?"
"Oh, right." She bit a piece of her own, her shoulders began relaxing.
I needed this.
"Um Alex..." Fubuki called. The teal-eyed boy stuck the tip of his tongue out, "my tongue's starting to tingle a bit. Is that a good sign?"
Alex's eyes widened as her shoulders tensed up, "N-nothing bad should happen. I must've not prepared them properly— I'm sorry!"
I was so sleepy last night I didn't properly make them!!!
I must've not cut them properly— Did...did I put salt?
Did I not leave it out long enough— Did I even notice if the pineapple was ripe enough?!
Her racing thoughts paused when she heard the boy chuckle, "It's okay. Maybe I need a little kick," Fubuki said, then looked at the field. "I haven't really woken up yet."
He hasn't woken up...
All those tackles, the number of times he marked players from advancing into their side, his interceptions... He was being a better defender than the majority of the defenders.
And that's him... when he hasn't woken up?
The grey haired player swallowed the last bit of the pineapple piece, "These are really good! Do you always eat them during halftime?"
"Y-yeah! And sometimes before I compete." She chuckled nervously putting the container away. "They're kind of like my good luck charm."
"Well if it's your good luck charm, I shouldn't worry too much then." He smiled with a thumbs up.
"And just so you dim-witted co-ops know, I'm playing for myself only."
What a selfish little—
He snapped out of his head, "Yes Gouenji."
"Don't focus so much on him. You have a team to lead." The number 10 reminded, a hand placed comfortingly on Kidou's shoulder.
He nodded, letting out a deep breath. He stepped in front of the group making everyone pause what they were doing, "Team, I have a strategy."
"Kidou seems to be on a mission in these last few minutes of the game. He's cutting through the defence like a knife!"
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"Are you done yet?"
Midorikawa stared with wide eyes as he watched the power of his Astro Break decrease from the ball.
"And Kabeyama blocks Midorikawa's shot!"
They weren't joking when they said he got stronger... What if I'm not—
"Don't give up yet Midorikawa, we still have 3 minutes left!"
He shook his head at Kidou's words, "Right!" Then raced to the ball as it was about to go out the corner. "Take it Yamino!"
Yamino recieved the ball, chesting it into the air. Dark energy began to surround him as he jumped into the air.
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Tsunami was about to race down to block the shot when he spotted Gouenji and Kazemaru running down the pitch. His eyes widened.
Oh SHOOT— What if they're gonna do Honoo no Kazamidori WITH this guy's shot? I have to keep them out of it. The pink haired defender then looked behind him to the purple haired player staring at him with wide eyes, "Go for it, bro!"
He replied with a hesitant nod before running in front of the incoming ball.
Here goes nothing.
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Everyone froze in confusion, including Tobitaka himself as the ball landed softly in front of him.
Did...did I really just do that?
"And Team B is without a goal thanks to..." Kakuma squinted his eyes, staring at the field, "that Number 3 in Team A! It's almost time before this tense game comes to an end, and the representatives will be announced. The question is, WHO WILL MAKE THE TEAM?"
"Great job dude!" Tsunami praised giving Tobitaka a thumbs up while running down the pitch, "Now you gotta pass it over here!"
Tobitaka blinked out of his mini daze and kicked the ball.
However his pass wasn't accurate enough to connect and was intercepted.
Fudou's teeth gritted into a forced smirk as he landed. Then he dribbled past Tobitaka making his way towards the goal.
"You're not getting past!" Sakuma yelled and slid on the ground about to tackle him.
"Heh," Fudou backheeled the ball into the air as he jumped over Sakuma making his tackle unsuccessful. His mouth widened into an evil grin, "Too slow Cyclops."
But he didn't realise—
"What the—"
Then, it was like time slowed down.
There, in the air her tracksuit jacket and hair blew with the small breeze while a concentrated look coloured her face.
"Did you see that! While mowhauk was busy mocking Sakuma below, he created a blindspot for the girl to get the ball above him."
"Yeah. That's a mistake a player makes when they get too cocky on the field. A rookie move."
The corners of her mouth rose ever so slightly. Her eyes shimmering.
His teeth gritted.
Her eyelids closed before she then passed the ball.
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"GOAAAAAAL!!! Endou's team pulls through with a goal within the last few seconds!" The umpire's whistle blew. "And that's the end of game!!!"
"Hey. Where are you going? They're about to select the players."
"You can stay to watch. It's obvious who's going to be on the team, though."
"...It is?"
Seeing all the players drop to the ground due to exhaustion, the girl sat down and stared at the field.
Sixteen spots...
Her honey eyes glanced at both ends of the field, Endou taking off his gloves and Tachimukai resting against the goal post. The two goalies are in by default, that's 14 positions left.
Gouenji's, of course, going to make it. He was the first to score a goal and the only one who scored against Endou.
And Hiroto... His move was way more powerful compared to practice. That's another great forward.
He's great at dribbling. His move looked powerful, too, but he had to shoot against Kabeyama.
Even though he isn't very muscular, he's like a barrier. A great defender.
Kidou is so much more impressive in person. His dribbling, footwork... the ability to make or break the flow of the game...
And I can't forget him. Especially after the trap he made, he's way smarter than people want him to be, I think.
He did an amazing pass even when he lost balance after a tackle... and he doesn't even look tired.
He's strong.
He's very fast.
He was able to dribble past three people.
He's great at dribbling too.
He can read who the ball goes to next.
And Fubuki... Fubuki's just so good.
The white haired candidate pushed herself off the ground. She began rubbing her palms against her shorts as she made her way to edge of the field line.
Am I really talented enough... to play with players like them?
Hibiki stepped before the lined up teens with another man.
"Before we announce the results of the selection match, I'd like to introduce you all to the coach of the national team."
Said man stepped forward. "That's right, I will be the coach for the team: Kudou Michiya. Pleased to meet you all." He then looked down at his black book, "The following are on the team."
"What a way to cut straight to the chase—"
"Number 14, Team White." He called and there was a brief silence.
Then Kidou stepped forward, "Here sir."
"He's going based off our shirt numbers." Someone murmered in the bunch of players and everyone immediately twisted their heads to double (triple) check their numbers.
"Number 10, Team White."
Gouenji Shuuya stepped forward, "Yes sir."
"Number 10, Team Blue."
Fubuki Shirou
"Number 11, Team Blue."
Kiyama Hiroto
"Number 2, Team White. Number 4, Team White. Number 4, Team Blue."
Kazemaru Ichirouta, Kogure Yuuya, Tsunami Jousuke
"Number 5, Team White. Number 1, Team White. Number 10, Team White."
Hijikata Raiden, Tachimukai Yuuki, Midorikawa Ryuuji
"Number 8, Team White."
Fudou stepped forward with a smirk, "Here."
"Number 2, Team Blue."
"Yes sir."
Then his face fell as he watched the player— the girl who stole the ball from him step forward.
Alex Jones.
"Number 7, Team White. Number 3, Team Blue."
Utsunomiya Toramaru, Tobitaka Seiya
"Number 5, Team Blue."
Kabeyama Heigorou
"And finally, Number 1, Team Blue."
Endou Mamoru
"And that's it, our chosen 16."
Someoka's shoulders slugged as he sighed.
"Hey. Keep your head up, you've come far." Gouenji encouraged holding his fist out.
"We'll meet again Someoka, I'm sure of it!" Endou chimed in.
Someoka fistbumped Gouenji with a smile, "Thanks guys—."
"I kno—"
He patted his wailing brother's shoulder. "You'll always be the man Kazuto."
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Kidou gulped the sudden heavy lump in his throat, "...Hey,"
Sakuma flashed a small smile, "Congrats, you really deserve it."
Kidou froze, not knowing how to respond to the compliment. He couldn't just say 'thanks' and move on. Their history became too complicated. He didn't want to make him feel like he wasn't enough, but at the same time, he didn't want to look like he pitied him, because he really didn't.
Everything's not like how it used to be after what happened.
His fists clenched, "I really think you should've—"
"It's okay Kidou, really." Sakuma said then looked at the audience. He was there too. The candidate smiled again, holding his hand out. "We'll be cheering you on."
The playmaker shook his hand, "Thanks, Sakuma."
Then they parted way again. Kidou sighed. He'll only be able to talk this out after the tournament now.
He straightened his posture as he made his way back to the group, Inazuma Japan.
"From this moment on, you are the representatives of our country. Those of you who were chosen, you all now bear the hopes and dreams of everyone who did not make it. Don't let their dreams go in vain."
"Yes sir!"
"This road will be long and hard. My job is to take you to the top, but you'll have to bring you're all into this. Are you all committed?"
"Yes sir!"
Alex heaved a sigh, her shoulders relaxing.
"I knew you'd make it, that was a really great pass." Fubuki complimented.
"Not compared to your sho—" She stopped herself with wide eyes when she saw Fubuki place a finger in front of his mouth.
"Don't remind them or else I'll end up like Hiroto." He whispered, a chill running down his spine at the thought of Kabeyama jumping on top of him.
I heard he weighs about 150kg...
Alex nodded pretending to zip her lips with an invisible zipper.
"I wouldn't have done it without you though! I'm sure it must've been the tingling." He playfully winked making the corners of her lips rise in heartwarming relief.
"Fubuki Shirou~ You scored a goal," Hiroto began with his bangs covering his eyes. "you know what that means, right everyone?" He asked looking upwards revealing a smirk everyone last saw on Gran.
It was only then that Fubuki realised Team A was closing in on him.
Fubuki stepped back onto his heel, ready to turn the opposite direction and run. He chuckled nervously, "Do you maybe have another slice of pineapple?"
🌄[24 Mar 2024]🌄
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moghedien · 2 years
So I just realized that Greta is wearing the same red outfit in the “if coach says it’s okay, then it’s okay!” scene, as she is in the goodbye kiss scene. And quite possibly in the scene where Charlie is giving Carson a pep talk and she is glancing at them sadly. How are we feeling about this?
I have autism and am kind of tempted to make a spreadsheet or something similar of what outfits they were wearing for what scenes, and try to see if there is any meaning from it. (Aside from the obvious peaches outfit, their original practice/night/day practice outfits, and the ones that people have made posts about already like Greta’s date outfit and Carson’s favourite dress etc.)
Imma be honest, I don't really think much into the clothes symbolism
I'm not saying there isn't symbolism there, and I know that someone else has done a break down of it before (apologies I don't know who it was but feel free to link their post if anyone knows), its just not really where my brain goes, I guess.
honestly the most I think about clothes is like, I'm glad they have all of them repeat outfits fairly often because it shows that they all really are just living from what they brought with them. and also I like the detail of Carson saying that one dress is her favorite and then she wears it to the gay bar. and then she's still wearing it for most of episode 7 to the point where she leaves with Charlie still wearing what she wore to the gay bar because she and Greta never slept after it got raided and thus never changed. but I just like that detail because its painful.
Anyway, that red outfit. like I said, I don't really like think on the symbolism of their clothes much on my own (and I haven't read what others have said about it so I have no idea if I'm repeating takes here).
Idk, you could draw some connection with Charlie, I guess. Because even though Charlie was in no way involved in the first instance of that outfit in episode 4, he kind of was? That scene is immediately followed by the scene where Carson tries to have sex with Greta for the first time and is overwhelmed so Greta stops it, and the first thing Greta asks when she stops them is if Carson is thinking of Charlie. Then later when they're having their snacks, Greta makes a point to acknowledge to Carson that she will go back with Charlie once the season is done and that she and Greta are just having an "adventure" (someone ask me about the use of that word because I have lots of thoughts on that lol).
Then yeah, Greta wears the red jacket twice in episode 8, like you mentioned. First is when Charlie is trying to give Carson the pep talk and you can just kinda see Greta watching them in the background and not looking happy about it. She isn't wearing it once they're inside, but once they're inside, Greta sort of has that conversation with Carson about how she needs to not be so focused on Charlie. Like in this instance she 100% means when it comes to baseball and how she's treating the team but like....you know. We know what else this could apply to, even if Greta definitely didn't mean it like that.
Then when they kiss before leaving, Greta asks if Carson if she's going back with Charlie and Carson says no (to which Greta looks genuinely so happy, you don't immediately see it because the camera is on Carson but its clear). Then like, we also know Charlie saw them kissing. So its like....idk what this all means but its something.
Also you can see those three scenes like 1) Carson making an active effort to be with Greta despite being with Charlie, 2) Carson seeming to make an effort to be with Charlie and not with Greta, and 3) Carson deciding not to be with Charlie but not ready to be with Greta completely
idk this all probably means nothing but I will dig until I've convinced myself there is gold, so I'll just stop here lol
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mysdrymmumbles · 1 year
I was gonna say I watched the worst movie yesterday, but honestly it wasn't? Like, I've definitely seen worse. But it was just so...idk
Like, the whole thing takes place on this lady's front porch and is viewed through the doorbell camera.
She's a schizophrenic off her meds, and the story starts with her telling her boyfriend that someone keeps coming by her house and knocking and shit, and he's like, "well, you're not taking your meds."
And she's like, "Okay, but this is real."
That's why he got her to doorbell cam, to prove that she's just 'having an episode' or w/e. I guess she was seeing some little boy in her yard who wasn't there, before?
So you see some weird camera interference and shit over the next couple days and once or twice this woman is standing out there barefoot in a dirty nightgown being creepy.
And there's two completely pointless scenes with a door to door salesman.
But then the creepy woman in the nightgown shows up begging for help, and says that the heroine can't call the cops or they will both die.
So the chick tells her to back up into the yard and she will give the woman food. I don't remember how we got from "Oh god don't call the cops" to "have a sandwich" but.
Well, the creepy woman backs up, and our heroine brings out food, but the woman has disappeared.
So she freaks out and calls her boyfriend.
Who does not believe that anyone was there.
And as he's being a douchebag, the ghost woman shows up and attacks our heroine. And the boyfriend stabs the ghost woman to save her.
Now she's dead(er).
So instead of calling the cops, the boyfriend is like, "we have to get rid of the body," and is super verbally abusive to our heroine. He says it's gonna look bad for someone off their meds to have a dead body on their porch.
And our heroine just follows along with what he says because she's panicking.
So they wrap the ghost woman in a shower curtain and he takes the body out to a lake.
He comes back and he's being a douche, and suddenly the ghost body shows back up, still in the shower curtain.
So he's like, I'll bury the body.
And he does.
And the ghost body shows back up.
So he takes it off screen and dismembers it and puts the pieces in a trashcan.
As he's rolling it out, an arm falls out and there's some noise or something and he's got a baseball bat and he's menacing the shadows with it.
And our heroine comes out of her house like, "wtf"
And then runs away because he's a douche.
And then our heroine wakes up sobbing because she's got like a broken face and she's fumbling around trying to get help or something and I think she calls 911? I don't remember.
But her boyfriend shows back up and he's like, "Omg babe what happened to your face?"
And she's like, "You did this you dickweed"
And he's like, "omg nooooo, i'd never hurt you babe."
And she's like, "no you did this."
And he tells her that he's just now arriving after getting her message for him to come over because the creepy woman disappeared.
And for like half a second his gaslighting works.
And then the doorbell cam starts playing the conversation where he's talking about getting rid of the body. And our heroine is like "omg i was right. you did this you fuck"
And so then he hits her?
Oh, also, the trashbin and the severed arm disappeared before he arrived.
Because the ghost is just trolling them at this point.
So anyway. It is revealed that it DID happen and he like smacks her down onto the ground and breaks her phone (Not necessarily in that order).
And he goes to the doorbell cam to try to get it to stop playing the conversation back, and the ghost grabs his head and bashes his head in against the doorbell cam.
And the movie ends.
And like.
What the ever loving fuck did I just watch?
What was the point?
Did our heroine die? Why was the ghost there? Was it just looking for blood? Was it somehow tied to the boyfriend or something? Like what the fuck happened? And why?
Like, one or two sentences tying things together could have made the plot so much better, but instead it just...falls apart because wtf was the ghost after?
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xreynadel · 1 year
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Reyna Antonella Delgadillo
Playing Next: 🎶
Sunday Kind of Love by Etta James [x]
Oh Yeah by Foxy Brown [x]
hope is a dangerous thing… by Lana Del Rey [x]
tw: mentions of abandonment issues and child neglect
Reyna was fun to develop because where the others this far had been inspired by my surroundings, Reyna was completely based off of a wanted connection and a conversation with Katie. Reyna was the product of the wanted connection for Rafael’s stepchild and a crazy idea. Not stepchild, what if Rafael had a child he never knew anything about? I mean, nothing shakes up one’s world like an 18 year old showing up claiming to be your kid. But plot twist, she’s not actually his child. Shoutout Katie for being all in, not knowing Reyna’s favorite talent would be giving Raf gray hair! <3
In all of this, FC choice was the easiest. Mexican-Italian decent and in her thirties, Selena made perfect sense. Funny story, the same week I applied as Reyna the episode of OMITB where we met Mabel’s dad aired, and guess who was playing her dad! lol just thought that was a funny little coincidence — anyway! Reyna grew up fairly well off financially, especially in comparison to my other characters. While some would consider her lucky, it made sense that her financial privilege be countered with a fairly emotionally neglectful upbringing. Though not intentional, being raised by a single mother with a demanding job until she remarried and started a new family that Reyna never felt quite a part of, it left Reyna with feelings of unworthiness and deep craving for love in any capacity. This was further heightened upon her arrival in town. Especially in the shadow of just how deeply Reyna was affected emotionally in learning who she thought was her biological father her whole life, he was in fact not.
Now Reyna’s life since meeting Raf was another adventure. She very quickly acclimated and attached herself to the lifestyle that not only working for Raf but being a surrogate daughter provides her, which made the transition from New York to Maine a lot easier. Being unofficially adopted into the Bardales family and learning all she knows about real estate from the best has allowed for her success to back up the overly confident, princess persona she puts on. And though it is mostly an act, a part of Reyna is that spoiled princess who believes that she is loved just enough by a very select few to not deal with consequences. This is how she gets away with what we lovingly refer to as her bullying people to show them she cares. And while her lack of affectionate upbringing plays into that as well, there’s a sort of you may not have created the monster but you feed it and have to live with it type of relationship to those closest to her.
However, just under the hard exterior, femme fatale aesthetic, and princess attitude is a very broken little girl. Reyna may have mended her relationships with all parental figures in her life on the surface, but she has a long way to deal with the emotional damage she has acquired due to the situation.
The broken off engagement was just for added drama. Reyna has had exactly two long term relationships in her life, the second ending in a broken engagement. That has only further built up her walls and discomfort with genuine affection. Though she isn’t entirely shut off to the idea of finding love again, she considers it to have been sound advice having been raised to prioritize her career over men, at this point.
When it comes to her interests and hobbies, Reyna is the girliest girl who considers herself one of the boys. She lives in a world of wearing diamonds and full glam to watch her beloved Yankees play. The Yankees may be the only team you hear her follow closely, due to baseball being the only sport I understand, but sports as a whole are a huge love for her. Her classic car collection is something inspired by my family. The only part of my own personality pulled into Reyna is our shared love of air conditioning and the fact that I too was one of the boys growing up with almost all brothers. That.. And our love of clothes.
Her fashionable aesthetic does not negate that has an easier time relating to and bonding with men, likely due to both her tumultuous relationship with her mother on top of having attended an all-girls catholic school, and desiring the sort of power that men hold in society at large. It was very much instilled in her growing up, that her career would be the path to that power. Her career is essentially, in her eyes, all she has. And maybe all she needs? That career is what allows me to relate to Reyna, as once upon a time in life, I too worked in real estate. Making her a luxury agent specifically provides for keeping up as close to a lifestyle in Maine as she was accustomed to — and working a food service job again being her worst nightmare. She is simply trying her best, while keeping up a persona she has put on long enough not to detach herself from.
Once solely out of insecurity though, she now has achievements and successes to stand on, unbothered that she may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Unless someone implies that she gets preferential treatment on the job. That’s probably the greatest offense in her eyes.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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Squidbillies #17: “Terminus Trouble” | November 27, 2006 – 12:00AM | S02E11
There are a lot of episodes of Squidbillies (can end that sentence right there; THERE ARE A LOT OF EPISODES OF SQUIDBILLIES) that are bad. There are a lot of episodes of Squidbillies that are merely “not bad”, and when those happen I tend to wanna celebrate those episodes. There are a small number of Squidbillies episodes that I’d say are “good, actually”. This is merely “not bad”, sorta pointless, but has one funny scene that is “good, actually”.
This episode is about the sheriff, Early, and Rusty going to “Hotlanta”, they visit the CNN building, they view the world’s largest rotating painting, and they check out a Braves game. Early gets in trouble for beating up a player on the field and has to go to court. It sorta resembles a later-day “Simpsons go to ___” episode, where it’s just a string of gags that are specific to that place, and then a quick bit of plot.
There’s that thing people like to repeat that Shakespeare once said there were six types of stories in existence and that they are just being told over and over again. I might be mixing stuff up but I refuse to google it, or learn the correct thing. My point is, I truly think that “The Simpsons go to ____” is a modern invention, and that it began with not The Simpsons, but with National Lampoon’s European Vacation: pointless gags about European countries and then the actual story begins and ends in the third act with some lame pick-pocket plot that nobody who has seen the film even remembers. I’ve watched it multiple times in my life despite the fact that it’s terrible and unfunny, and that bit of story remains as unmemorable as the first time I watched it.
Anyway, this one isn’t so bad. There is a very funny bit where they are at the baseball game and get heavily invested in an animated CGI ad where home and garden products race each other. I love this bit, and I might even say they make the episode worthwhile. I mean, barely. Also of note: the voice of Emory from ATHF is in this as a counselor when Early goes to court for beating up a ballplayer. I guess his voice is good. Nice hearing it. Uhhhh... okay, this write-up is done.
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thelovelybitten · 1 year
vera’s first watch of south park — season five (part 2)
i am sick and in need of a giggle so this is WHAT I WANT
wait what
no cartman NO STOP UR EIGHT
this is so awks i can’t ew
and one other finaly idk yet ig oops
stan i s2g
sharon and randy being parents as they should
oh god sex ed
this is very traumatizing
girls slayed
girls are traumatized
*cue girls screaming and running away*
mini stendy conflict
god miscommunication does wonders huh
boys on the move 2 get protection
not the mackey/choksondik tension
tweek coming in CLUTCH
*it does nothing*
i just can’t imagine 8 year olds learning this shit
like wtf
kindergarteners ??????@#?@?@?
garrison ?!@?@?@!@ WHAT THE FUCK
not the girls watching a video of childbirth… i’d be scarred too
the random video of a calf birth at the end??
oh fuck here comes the boys vs girls war
rip kenny tho
hc: bebe is good at karate/taekwondo
makes clyde/kyle/kenny go wild for her
anyways end hc
boys vs girls WAR BABY LET’S GOOO
oh shit OH SHIT
chef so real rn
STAN: “well, i guess we have a while to wait before we worry about sex and diseases, huh, Wendy?”
put that in my hc book rn
stendy crumbs my beloved
i’m fucking crying oh my god
ignore cartman being an idiot but STENDYLEEEE
awkward episode but AWSOME EPISODE
boys are so cute looking at the gamesphere
who the fuck is towelie
ofc the boys play all weekend
“u wanna get high?” bffr
misses baseball practice and now it’s monday and they gotta go to sckewl
not them stealing towelie but at the same time i don’t care
what is this merch launch
garrison pls
stan: we don’t care
they have PRIORITIES
oh lord towelie pls
this is so odd ok
last ep for tn i think
butters !!
oh so butters gonna pass out
no bc this is tweeking tweek out
oh it’s the core four… but not.
oh OH
marsh family UNDER SIEGE
tweek baby boi it’s okay
towelie… wtf
kyle has claustrophobia ?? noted
stan. babe. please.
oh wow okay they rly going this route
i don’t rly wanna talk abt the subject in this ep bc it’s just. not appropriate
cartman pulling a road runner
what is with the bugs bunny refs
kyle: “i’m confused” me too babe
alr bedtime GOOD NITE
happy 2 have a day off today to keep binging
lets goooo
stan infact, did not smile.
butters OMG :’))))))) his little pink shirt
Cartman didn’t have to do all that pls he’s so extra
kenny my son ur a bit psycho for that but i digress
butters my baby boy you did nothing wrong i’m so sad
cartman bro ur DERANGED
ass cheek family I’M SCARRED
stan and kyle bringing ALL THE BOYS to see butt face parents (all my sons, icons really)
i’m mad he didn’t deserve this
butters pls don’t degrade urself i love u
cartman that’s so wild
kenny and kenny’s mom are scarred too
it’s actually kinda nice for cartman to be chill
“what a terrific audience” jimmy is so funny
a paper bag???? his parents are so mean :’((((
accusing of butters putting on makeup ??? BUT WHAT IF HE LIKES IT???
butter’s dad transphobic he told me so
cartman having a heart <3
“our little man is growing up” style being in charge of cartman is so real of them
“things will start getting more sophisticated around here” stan sweetie i wanna believe u but i can’t. this is south park god dammit.
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snowlessknitter · 1 year
The Masked Singer: S9 E11 (Battle of the Saved) Commentary
Last week was a week off for these commentaries because it was essentially a recap episode. But not tonight. Tonight is a special round between the three Masks saved by the Judges from each group earlier in the season: Medusa 🐍 from Group 1, Gargoyle 🪨 🦇 from Group 2, and Mantis 🐜 from Group 3. One of these three will move on to the Quarterfinals (final four), while the other two will be unmasked tonight. I think I know who Medusa is, but the other two…not so much. We’ll see if the clues help me out a bit.
As always, I post before I see any unmaskings, so don’t take these guesses as spoilers. I am watching on a delay, so this will be posted after the episode has already aired, but I otherwise have not looked at any spoilers.
Medusa 🐍: As a refresher, I was pretty certain that this is British singer Bishop Briggs, although several clues could have also pointed to Fergie (as well as the sound of her voice). However, there was a ticket to Tokyo with a specific year printed on it in a past episode, which indicated the year that Bishop Briggs’ family moved to Japan. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up winning the ticket to the Quarterfinals tonight. The clue for tonight is: a mosaic reading “ALIAS”. This indicates that she performs under a stage name, which Bishop Briggs does. (Her real name is Sarah McLaughlin, and obviously she didn’t want to be confused for Canadian singer Sarah McLachlan, so she chose her parents’ hometown of Bishopbriggs, Scotland as her stage name.)
Gargoyle 🪨 🦇: I had no clue who Gargoyle is going into this week. I think Robin’s right in that this might be a professional athlete. We saw a golden gummy bear, so maybe he plays for the Chicago Bears, as Jenny suggested? Unfortunately, I don’t pay much attention to football teams apart from the Miami Dolphins, so I think I’m still stumped. I have a feeling he’ll be unmasked tonight anyway, so I look forward to finally learning his identity. He’s not that bad of a singer for someone who seemingly doesn’t sing professionally. The clue is: a large coin with the tails side reading “pregame”…perhaps as a coin flip before a football game? There was also a captain’s hat, and team captains are normally the ones present at a pregame coin toss. He also said he makes his own music. Just as a wild guess, I’m going to go with Arian Foster, a former football player who also records music under the name Bobby Feeno. But that’s a very wild guess.
Mantis 🐜: His daughter watches the show, and he doesn’t sing professionally. He considers himself to be “out of the box” and “not the first choice” to be a leading man. We also saw a baseball diamond. I’d seen some YouTube commenters suggest this person, but it didn’t confirm it for me until the baseball diamond: Lou Diamond Phillips. (I’m not sure if his last name has one L or two in it, so don’t throw tomatoes at me. 😂) The clue is: a sword reading “Movie Maverick”. He also mentioned “independent spirit”, which means he could have won an Independent Spirit Award. Lou Diamond Phillips won a Spirit Award in 1988 for his performance in the movie Stand and Deliver. And he’s been in a lot of movies over the years.
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reidsnose · 4 years
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overview: spencer has a new upstairs neighbor who arrives at the same time as the BAUs newest agent
genre: fluff
a/n: this one isnt very romantic but i think its cuteee and could definitely maybe have a part two or something if yall want so lmk what you think :)
Spencer could not stand his new upstairs neighbor.
she had moved in a few months ago. he had never met her (he assumed she was a girl based on the fall of her footsteps and the music she would sometimes blast) but she always seemed to be up when he was getting home from a case. infact, she was always home when he was and she paid absolutely no heed to her downstairs neighbor when she was walking around at 2 in the morning. not that Spencer could sleep anyway, but if he could, it would be exponentially more annoying.
he assumed she was some sort of first responder, maybe a nurse or doctor, because she had incredibly weird hours. or maybe she had no job, or worked from home. after all, he had never seen her and he had no proof of whether she was home when he was not.
he would come to work and occasionally complain to the team about her, how she was walking around and keeping him up.
"why don't you knock on her door and ask her to stop? thats what i would do but all my neighbors are quiet as a mouse." you offered, spinning nonchalantly on your chair one morning.
"yeah newbie is right. just ask her." morgan agreed.
"i cant do that! that would be rude." Spencer shook his head as he spoke.
you laughed, "think of it as being neighborly."
"i dont think telling someone theyre bothering you is very neighborly." he chuckled.
"bake her a cake that says 'kindly shut the hell up' in icing."
"i cant bake!" he whined
you laughed, ruffling his hair, "i dont know what to tell you. just suffer i guess."
he groaned, stifling a smile at the obscurity of your sentence. or maybe at the entire essence of your being. you could always make him smile, and that was a difficult thing to do. you had only been welcomed to the team a few months ago but in a matter of days he decided he probably liked you best on the whole team.
you definitely felt the same about him.
after some regular banter, everyone got to work, filling out and organizing old case files. paperwork days were a breeze for Spencer, almost therapeutic. writing up a report on a case and then being done with it, never having to think about it again after that.
you were breezing through work today as well, wanting to get home as soon as you possibly could. there was a new episode of your favorite show airing tonight and you did not want to miss it. and you had another reason.
theres is a rumor in your building about an elusive man that lives in the apartment below yours. all the old women on your floor always talk about him to you. they said he's rarely home, and when he is, you wouldn't know the difference. but he's very kind, often rushing to help them up the stairs or with groceries. and apparently, you always just miss each other by a matter of minutes.
so you've been trying to arrive home at different times, switching it up by a matter of minutes. but so far that hasn't worked.
when the clock struck 5pm you were ready to practically run out of the doors of the bullpen, excited to finally be on time to watch your show and maybe hopefully run into mystery man.
the team sent you confused glances as you rushed to stuff your belongings into your bag.
"my show!" is all you said explanation, as you slung your bag across your shoulder and speed walked out of the building, "bye guys!"
"she is something," prentiss chuckled after you left, sitting on the corner of your now empty desk.
"how does she have all that energy?" morgan laughed, shaking his head slightly.
"she takes her coffee/tea [ur coffee/tea order]. and she naps all the time." spencer's responded eyes glued to his computer screen. all eyes were now on him and his vast knowledge about you. he looked up and felt his face flush, "i- i think." he looked back at his computer in attempt to hide his embarrassment, "or maybe she just doesn't have an annoying upstairs neighbor keeping her up."
a couple of snickers followed as they dispersed back to their seats and began getting ready to go home as well. Spencer thought about his neighbor, wondering if he hurried home, maybe she wouldn't be there yet.
so he packed up and began heading out, hopping on the train and wondering if his hypothesis would be correct.
it wasn't.
when he got home he heard the rhythmic stomping of his upstairs neighbor dancing. he rolled his eyes; she was dancing to some short song that was likely the intro to a tv show. he sighed. there was no point in complaining now, it wasn't late at night and she turned down her tv volume once the song was done.
he collapsed exhausted on the couch, turning on some quiet piano as his eyes drooped closed.
your show finished after an hour and you started getting a little sleepy so you decided to take a nap on your couch.
you weren't sure how much time had passed but you woke up on the floor, your hip aching. you had fallen off of your couch in your sleep. you groaned as you sat up.
Spencer jolted awake at the sudden thud from upstairs, his eyes shooting open and his heart racing. he wasn't sure if he was more annoyed at the fact that she woke him up, or how she woke him up. but he felt bad, it sounded like a person falling. was she ok? what if she was hurt and he was sat here rolling his eyes about it? it was very late, his clock read 1:34am.
he was curious to meet her finally...and maybe going upstairs would make her more conscious and considerate of her poor, tired downstairs neighbor.
should he check on her?
you were startled by the knock at your door, glancing over at the clock and seeing how late it was. you cursed yourself for putting an obnoxious wreath on your door because it was covering your peep hole. you grabbed a baseball bat that you kept hidden under your table.
just as Spencer was about to walk away, the door opened and his eyes gazed up from the floor to finally see the face of his insufferable upstairs neighbor.
"Spencer? are you alright? come in. what are you doing at my house in the middle of the night?" you chuckled, tossing the baseball bat aside.
"no way.." he breathed in utter disbelief, looking around for a roommate that could be the one making all the noise.
"um...what?" you furrowed your eyebrows.
his mind moving a mile a minute and suddenly it all made sense. the music was the same as what you played in the car because it was your playlist. the steps were obviously female because they were yours that he'd often heard echo around the office. and you had never crossed paths because he took the train, and you took your car, so you would never leave at the same time. and you were always home when he was because you'd come back from cases at weird hours.
"i should have baked you a cake," he said finally breaking the silence.
you let out a confused laugh, "why?"
"so i could write 'kindly shut the hell up' on it with icing." he laughed as your eyes widened as your brain connected the dots.
"IM THE ANNOYING UPSTAIRS NEIGHBOR?!" your hand flew to cover your mouth, embarrassed at your volume level this late at night.
"i cant believe i didn't connect the dots!" he laughed, dumbfounded.
"wait.." your eyes grew impossibly wider, "if i'm you're annoying upstairs neighbor...that makes you mystery man!"
"mystery man?"
"can i explain tomorrow its like ass o'clock in the morning right now."
he laughed, "yes but only because someone woke me up from my nap."
"i was just being neighborly."
"mhm," he hummed.
you were sleepily staring at each other, dopey smiles complimenting the comfortable silence settling in the air. the sudden butterflies erupting in your stomach startled you into breaking the silence.
"goodnight Spencer," you whispered.
"goodnight y/n." he smiled, giving a small wave before heading down the stairs back to his own apartment.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @coffeereid-deactivated20210303 @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9
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uten4 · 3 years
Significances of Saiki K Character Names
Note: I got all info about the names from the wiki
So, as many fans already know, all the main characters aside from Saiki have a name related to a psychic ability. The names for the actual psychics correspond to their own abilities-- Toritsuka Reita is a pun on "being haunted" (toritsukareta), and he has the ability to see ghosts and become willingly possessed (sort of like being haunted) by them. The kanji in Aiura Mikoto's name are related to fortune-telling, which she can do.
There is another character who has a very clear connection to their name-- Hairo Kineshi is a pun on pyrokinesis (pairokineshisu) and he has an incredibly high amount of body heat; able to melt ice and snow immediately just by being in its presence, and able to act as a heater in his class in that episode where it was very cold.
Going by the principle set by these three, we can theorize that many of the other characters have names based on psychic abilities that they, in some form or capacity, can be said to have. This is my breakdown of some of those relations.
Nendou Riki - Telekinesis (nendouryoku)
Nendou, while unable to lift objects with his mind, is incredibly powerful and can lift and move things that a normal person couldn't, like three other people at once in the first beach episode. He can cut trees down in the half the time Kuboyasu can, and is generally very skilled in sports, managing to land an incredible home run even though the baseball bat he's using breaks.
Kaidou Shun - Teleportation (shunkanidou)
Kaidou has a hero complex and a very active imagination. Though he can't teleport physically, he does have a tendency to get lost in fantasies, mentally teleporting himself to a different place or situation. These fantasies are pretty detailed and imaginative, perhaps even more so than an average person.
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Teruhashi Kokomi - Telepathy (terepashii)
At first Teruhashi seems far from being telepathic, considering that she is completely unable to understand that Saiki simply isn't in love with her. However, she is very correct in her estimations of people aside from Saiki. She is able to manipulate and influence people around her by knowing that they love her, and guessing how they'll respond to actions of hers.
Also, in the same way that Saiki calls people to him using telepathy, Teruhashi can instantly call armies of men to her using skills such as Angel Tears.
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Kuboyasu Aren - Clairvoyance (kureaboyansu)
Kuboyasu has very fine-tuned instincts and senses. We can see this several times in just the love letter episode, where he punches someone sneaking up behind him without even looking. Then, he's able to sense Saiki's presence from afar and catches him spying, which surprises Saiki, suggesting that it is something he's usually able to prevent-- which the viewer can confirm as well. Saiki spies on people countless times throughout the show, and on the majority of occasions he's able to keep from being caught. Yet later on, even when Saiki is using invisibility in his presence, Kuboyasu feels as though he is being watched. Clairvoyance allows Saiki to view things that are obstructed from him or far away, and Kuboyasu is able to sense people who are some distance away or just reasonably shouldn't be perceivable to him.
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Mera Chisato - Clairvoyance (same kanji, 千里眼)
Mera is always on the lookout for free food and opportunities to acquire it. It is almost like she has a clairvoyant sense for it. For example during the cooking class episode, she was immediately present to consume each of Saiki's group's failed attempts.
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Yumehara Chiyo - Prophetic Dreams (yochi yume)
Uhhhh okay this is where the connections get less clear to me lol. We know that Yumehara is quite a dreamer with all her love fantasies, but as far as I remember none of them come true-- actually they're hilariously incorrect-- so can they really be counted as prophetic? So there's definitely a connection between her name and her personality, but it's not quite the same as the connection for everyone else.
Rifuta Imu - Time travel/time leaps (taimu riipu)
At first I thought her and Akechi's name meanings were switched, which unfortunately is not the case since that would've made more sense to me (despite being popular, Rifuta feels practically invisible next to Teruhashi). BUT ANYWAY. Going with what she actually has... sometimes Saiki's time leap ability can activate subconsciously and create a time loop. Perhaps Rifuta is in something of a time loop, since she first fell for one Teruhashi, and then for the other Teruhashi.
As for Saiko (psychometry) and Akechi (invisiblity), I have no idea at the moment; feel free to share if you do 💚 But those are my thoughts!
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