#anyway i am. so glad to finally be able to post this bc it's literally been in the works since last august
zukkaoru · 1 year
“How did you figure out that you weren’t a boy? Or a girl?” Megumi opens their mouth, then snaps it shut again. They shake their head slightly. “It felt right. There wasn’t really anything else to it.” “Really?” Maki questions. “You just…woke up one day and decided you weren’t a boy anymore?” “Pretty much.” Is that really all there is to it? Maki can just…declare that she isn’t a girl? Will other people even listen? She knows her family would laugh in her face, which is why she figured she’d have to draw up some defense for herself. Maybe write a paper detailing her life experiences and why she thinks there’s a possible chance she may not entirely identify with being female. “And everyone’s okay with it?” “No,” Megumi admits. “But the people I care about are, and that’s what matters.”
five times megumi transed someone else's gender + the one time someone transed theirs
15.3k words || megumi & others written for @jjkgenweek day 7: free day
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broken-synchronicity · 4 months
Firstly, I really liked how the chapter flowed and I thought you did a great job translating what was essentially a shadow slideshow in the game into an actual scene. Plus, we get to actually see RoseDad! He's an actual person and not a vague namedrop in some card line somewhere.
Secondly, I absolutely still hate RoseMom, always have but you wrote it in a way that feels...real?? Like before, she was just a vaguely awful Karen figure with no detail. Kinda like how the game has her as just a shadow figure with no details. But now she's real. I've met/heard of women/parents exactly like that and its awful to see a realistic(ish) reality that Riddle could have suffered through.
Poor, poor Riddle. And that final bit with Riddle and RoseDad was a kick in the teeth. Literal parent alienation and RoseDad knowing he wouldn't be able to see his son if he went for a divorce? But he still lost his son to his overbearing wife anyway?? Here's to hoping that Riddle and RoseDad manage to reconcile in the real world, especially since Riddle IS almost an adult (like Kal pointed out).
So excited to see what's coming next!!
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Omg I promise you, finally posting the new chap, and then waking up to 20 emails of a bunch of welcoming me back??? It was just
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And AAAAAAAAAA THANK YOU!!!!!! I had a pretty clear picture of how I wanted to depict the flashbacks in story (minus the song lyric part, that was an almost last minute addition 🤣) and I'm really glad everyone liked it!!!
I'm also very happy about everyone's reactions to Mama and Papa Rosehearts!!!! Several people commented on how realistically I've depicted the two and Riddle's situation, and I'm glad I could achieve that in some way since it's not a situation I've seen personally in my own life IRL. (At least in the strict/abusive parent side of things. I've very familiar with Mama Rosehearts brand of "I am the most talented doctor here, therefore I know everything about medicine and am therefore correct in all health decisions made for my son", thanks to a number of family members who work in medical 😅)
I'm not entirely done with Papa Rosehearts though, don't y'all worry 😉 I've got a particular bonus chapter for TA planned for him and Riddle.
Speaking of! Here's a couple picrews of Mama and Papa Rosehearts! Under the cut so not to clog anyone's dash
Isibéal Rosehearts (Age 41)
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Riddle gets his hair from Mama. She's the type of person to be pretty obsessive with her self image, so she uses a lot of anti-aging products to hide any wrinkles and dyed out the grey in her hair.
Lewis Roseheart (Age 43)
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Papa on the other hand, has aged rather gracefully despite everything (going entirely grey pretty quickly from stress). Riddle had his Papa's eyes.
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zroqravity · 4 months
no you are literally so right about the patreon thing though
i don't wanna be a hater on my blog so I'm gonna be on anon, but it is genuinely a stupid financial decision.
also like.
why the fuck was the update on patreon only??? if it concerns riptide, their main campaign??? like at least make a community post (they didn't have a problem making community post for merch for an exclusive campaign but they can't talk about hiatus on there??? weird)
also a thing that annoys me is the fact that they still have ads and shit on episodes, they have sponsorships. and it's not weird, every single podcast with a patreon I listen to has that (dndads, which they actually made a reference to once in an intro, naddpod) but they're the only ones that have activity on patreon and NO activity on main feed. it's weird!
and those podcasts manage to have active main campaigns while also having successful patreons! i understand that for the boys it's like a main job and so the pressure to have it pay off is high. but it's just not gonna if they move to patreon completely. it never works! I've seen people try so many times and it never works because patreon just doesn't work like that. it literally advertises itself as a place for exclusive content and it ain't exclusive if it's The Only thing that exists.
anyway I think they should have prioritized getting wanderlust out first (if they make it like the suckening I swear to fucking god I'll explode), THEN doing a patreon mini-campaign and then coming back with riptide. or better yet, posting the mini campaign along with riptide coming back to lure people in. would work on me if patreon wasn't locked away from regionally
they're just managing it all rather poorly tbh. like I get it? they're making money and I would also prioritize that shit, I understand. but at this point some of it just feel disrespectful. like posting the update on patreon of all places (not even fucking twitter???? or smth?)
anyway anyway. sorry for getting all of this off my chest in your askbox I just. most people I follow and/or am mutuals with for jrwi have patreons and i just feel like I can't complain about it. yknow? it's probably just in my head but yeah. you're so right
THE UPDATE THING YEAH I DIDNT KNOW I COULD ACTUALLY WATCH IT FOR FREE FOR QUITE A WHILE! It'd reeallllly weird to only put it on patreon especially when they have posted things of this sort on twitter in the past and at least made a community post abojt it on youtube, I can't think of exactly why they did this honestly but just the fact that they did it makes me suspicious despite there not being anything technically wrong with it and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
also they have ads enabled on patreon stuff?? Yeah that is kinda weird and something I've never thought about before. Also a big fan of dndads here, in my original repay to the ask I actually mentioned them as a podcast who uses their patreon well but decided to delete it.
yeah they are handedly this shit very poorly, I'm glad my asks could be somewhere for you to talk about this bc I know how frustrating this is, I'm really glad I finally got the guts to speak more about this bc its something I've had a big problem with for a while and it's really nice to see that it's not actually all in my head and I'm not just being a hater unreasonably like I tent to think i am
Sorry for the late reply, my reply to your other ask will come even later, sorry again o7
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conduitandconjurer · 8 months
Hi! Sorry I took so long to share. This is the picture from season 4:
I’m not sure if links work through asks but the official account (umbrellaacad) posted it on instagram. I don’t think having an account is necessary to be able to see it.
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It worked, thanks, friend!!!
Hm. Hmmm. Yeah that...is a thing that they posted. Huh. lol.
I mean. This will seem shallow, but Klaus's appearance has always seemed intentionally tied to his inner emotional and psychological (and yes, spiritual) journey--his tattoos alone attest to that--so I think I'm particularly critical of what doesn't seem aligned to his character development visually. That said, I can see how he'd maybe revert to a point in his life when he chopped off and straightened his BEAUTIFUL CURLY hair ( =_=;;;; lol) since the excruciating journey he just embarked upon in order to START seeing himself as worth more than the mastery of his powers ...has kind of been...nullified lol by losing them (I get it, it's a Gerard Way esque thing to be totally nihilistic). Klaus may feel as if he can go back to his younger years (the tennish years preceding the start of Season One) and relive them totally detoxed, harm to his brain and organs also reset, sober. And that's valid, plus I know Klaus has a penchant for going through phases to distract himself from his real problems.
Which is why I'm So Tired™ when I see the nitrile gloves. They have to be in a "still-no-powers" timeline in this shot because Luther is still not fused with ape DNA. I am guessing this is going to be some kind of dumbass ableist gag (lbr, TUA has never cared about stepping right in it when it comes to ableist tropes) a la Adrian Monk and "hoho haha, compounded, severe and complex trauma gave him germaphobic OCD!" (in Klaus's case, because he now has remembered all the murder-experiments Reg did on him in the crypt, and he's no longer immortal, so that makes him hyper-aware of anything that could kill him without his safety net). On the one hand, if this is true I'm happy he has something to lose and therefore cares about how to spend his limited remaining days. On the other hand, no, I don't want Klaus to die, I want him to still have his powers but also CHOOSE to do the work of slowly recognizing he doesn't need them to be worthy of unconditional love.
Is the potential germaphobia good writing? Probably, in many respects.
Is it what I want, because I'm a soft-touch who just wants to see her favs heal because it gives her comfort? Nah.
Is reducing Klaus and his character development to a punchline what I want? God no. I'm so tired of it. I don't care how satirical the show is. Pick on someone else, lmao. I know he's the fandom fav which translates somehow into making him the target for the worst disastrous twists, but LET THE DUMB GAY DANDELION REST.
I saw someone write an alternate theory which I now have forgotten but I KNOW I reblogged it so please feel free to go digging in my reblogs.
Other thoughts: You can tell by the way he's the only one looking a different direction, Five is still the real leader, and I'm glad Luther gave up on that, bc he's Ferdinand the Bull and it doesn't suit him to be all stressed out and bossy. He picks up siblings and throws them down stairs or strangles them when he's overwhelmed, haha DDDDD: Anyway, poor Fivey never wears civilian clothes, except that One Time when he and Klaus went looking for Klaus's birthmother (they are good for each other and need to just like...get in a fucking car and leave again. LOL).
Ben and Viktor look hot but also confused which, fair, especially in Ben's case since he's a Sparrow and a moody Edgelord who needs hugs, lol. And possibly a more dangerous enemy than Reginald, which I frankly hope brings out Klaus's "I'm a big harmless sweetheart who finally snapped a la Katara bloodbending in Avatar" moment. I Need It. Literally every other sibling has had the chance at a minor nervous breakdown, come on. Let Klaus not be okay and acknowldge it to anyone who'll listen! And yeah I know his siblings all love him, I've never disputed that once. Sometimes love ain't enough, and needs to pair up with respect. Sad but realistic truth.
Finally, I wanna know if Allison has reconciled with the family and if so, how. She is fascinating and I think her villain era in s3 was 100 percent in alignment with her character development and her lifelong issues with consent (also Reginald's fault!)
This all came out spicier than I meant LOL. Im not snarking at you, anon, I swear. Thanks for sharing <3 I just expect VERY little out of Season 4. Hopefully I'll be wrong! I was similarly wrong with the Loki series, which gsve me a perfect final-arc scenario for my favorite character of all time.
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airenyah · 5 months
You know, my day started really shitty and the weather is all gloomy, so I put all my hopes on a JD show in GMMTV p2. I was cautiously optimistic. So as soon as I got home, I checked Twitter and the first post I saw was Joong and Dunk kissing next a car. And I was like OMG!!!!! So I watched the trailer, and I actually squealed, because the concept is amazing and they are with FirstKhao (who GMMTV loves), so the script will also be great, and I feel like my whole day is made. (I actually had a stray thought about this leading up to part2, like if JD and FK get a series together, JD will finally be in a quality production. Maybe I should invest in lottery tickets 😂). I finally completely understood the etymology of the word 'fan', because I'm the "unfollow me right now" meme. I'm an adult with an actual job and I still squealed and flailed like Ongsa because JoongDunk finally get a chance to shine.
But, that's not everything. Because then I logged into Tumblr and I saw that you posted an essay about Dunk to my ask from last week, and now I'm close to tears with how overjoyed I am. Thank you very much for taking the time and writing this manifesto that I'll use as a guide to better understand performances in the future. I love you too, you made this day way better than it already was 💜
P. S. As for the DMs, maybe when I'm less shy 😅
anonnnnnn i'm sorry it took me so long to reply to your last ask!! but yeah, i think you see why and i'm glad it made your day even better 💗💗💗
edit bc i forgot to mention: take your time about dming me, the links won't run away 😌💕
re: "I finally completely understood the etymology of the word 'fan', because I'm the "unfollow me right now" meme." I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING I LITERALLY MADE THIS POST THIS AFTERNOON:
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so yeah, me too. me too. i too am that meme. i was already close to posting it hahahaha
as for the new JD show....
ok ok ok so i lucked out completely bc usually tuesday is my uni day but this week i don't have classes, so i was able to watch the entire stream live. and i was already mentally prepared for no JD bl again?? first of all because as i explain in my manifesto, i do want to see them in more solo projects (esp dunk bc out of all the series he's had or will have a major role in 3/4 are with joong which... as a fan i'm absolutely not complaining about but from an acting perspective it would be good for him to branch out)
and second of all, because i'd been talking and speculating with @moonkhao and a couple of days ago joong tweeted something about "this year i will get to play with that phi"?? and @moonkhao mentioned that win had recently followed joong and how it seemed like the two of them were gonna be in a series and we were all like "oh it's gonna be a het show for sure" (HA HA LOOK AT US NOW @moonkhao 🤡🤡🤡🤡) (ive never been more happy to be wrong tho fjkdfkkjdsg)
anyway so i went into the stream fully prepared for them to be in solo het-projects, right?? and when the trailer came on, in the very first shot it's joong and khao, right? but i totally didn't notice joong at first, bc i was too distracted by khao and the fact that first appeared right after and i was all "oh that's gotta be the rumored p'jojo FK mafia show"
and then joong appeared and i finally saw him and i went JOONG??????????
my eyes went big and my jaw dropped on the ground and my head was spinning with thoughts all "is joong gonna be just a side character in this?? or will dunk be there too?? holy shit what is happening????"
i was literally shaking oh my god dfjkjdfkjdfkjdfjkdsjk
anyway. i'm not gonna be normal about this thanks
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nonclassyparty · 1 year
it’s kind of funny bc i was just thinking about SR today and then i suddenly got a notif that you posted the final chapter!!
anyways, i just finished reading and man - you really have a way with words. like i can’t remember the last time i was so immersed in a series but you really are such an amazing writer. thank you for letting us read your stories because i know how tiresome and draining it can be :( but thank you thank you, i appreciate you and your work.
moving on to my reaction to this final chapter!! AHHHHHHH i loved the ending and am so content. like i was so curious on everything with mingi, san, wooyoung and hwa and you summed it all so perfectly in this last chapter. with mingi - i totally understand what you did there and honestly thought it was perfect. ngl i did think mingi would be end game but the reasoning behind why she can’t be with him was so valid. san - oh san, what a character. even though i hated college san and how he treated y/n, i really think he was just protecting himself and obviously that hurt a lot of ppl, but he had his reasons. that scene with him and y/n in the hotel room really brought closure, i think, for the both of them and i love how when y/n was like “let’s not meet again”, san accepted it so graciously. wooyoung - omg i love wooyoung so much. the scene where he was like “you b-bitch” broke me but made me laugh out loud bc he is so adorable and you can definitely tell how much love the two have for each other. i’m glad those two worked out their problems (i had no doubt they would but they both were valid with their initial feelings that started the argument). wooyoung is my favorite character <3 hwa - girl i literally was so happy when san brought up his name bc i wanted to really see where their relationship lied at the end of this all. i’m so happy they were able to mend everything. i’m still upset at how hwa treated her back then but again, siblings have this relationship where it’s really hard to not forgive. i could see how much the two regretted not talking to each other and how much they wanted to make up for lost time and that make my heart so full. lastly y/n - the amount of hurt, sorrow, anger, admiration, love, and understanding i felt for this character was crazy. the amount of growth we see her go though in this series is actually so interesting and felt so natural. initially, she was selfish, only thinking for herself. she wanted san and despised anyone who stood in her way. but then she met wooyoung, mingi and started to care for others. fast forward to her adult life, she only is thinking of others, not herself, and is so scared of being selfish but then after that convo with san, she realizes she needs to be a little bit of both. idk it just felt so full circle for me.
wow this was a long ass reply and i’m so sorry - like you don’t have to read this bc i literally just went on a tangent. but just wanted to say thank you again for your work and all the time and effort you put into your writings <3 i’m sad SR is over but i’m looking forward to more of your work and am forever a supporter :’)
ahhhhhhhhh thank you so much, you explained everything so well that i truly have nothing left to add except to thank you for reading ❤️
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crest-of-gautier · 1 year
pq posting before i go to bed! a shorter session (3 hours) but it was nice and i'm happy to say that i finished you in wonderland!
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THIS WAS SO FUNNY... honestly i don't think i give enough credit to akihiko and mitsuru's dynamic they're literally so good i really enjoy how well they know each other but also they're like.. a constant in each other's life and i do enjoy their interactions a lot even if i never vocalize it...
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wow yosuke, who would've thought that you two are partners, this guy literally introduced himself as your wife /s (i kinda regret naming souji yosuke wifey but im glad i wrote the y in lowercase bc otherwise i wouldn't be able to tell their dialogue apart 💀
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and finally, yosuke <3
some more elaborate thoughts (aka speculation) under the cut because i learned my lesson from last time
ok unfortunately i can't say that im going to go AS INSANE as i did last time when i was spitballing in the tags for the second pq posting just because i feel like i aired out most of my "AAAA WHO IS ZEN AND REI??" there but.
i do have to say that i'm very glad i'm at the point where p3 and p4's casts are able to interact! i can't tell if it's because the writing feels like it shines a little bit better here rather than the solo casts (sometimes i roll my eyes at how junpei and akihiko are with some of the traits the writers play up), or if it's because i'm a guy who's very endeared by crossovers and interactions from characters who didn't exist in the original source material.
i had a lot of times where i was writing things down in my notes software during the crossover segments and im just?? really endeared and creatively inspired by it, to be honest. i really like this aspect of pq.
i think something that catches my interest with zen and rei at the moment is the difference in how they're.. regaining their memories. like... it's interesting to me that zen is able to get some of his memories back from the stuffed rabbit marked with "niko," but rei doesn't. i don't really know how much i can speculate off of this atm (i feel like this is something i'd get more info on when i progress through the second labyrinth, or it's something i'm missing out on because i can't use intertextuality to piece things together. i dont know shit about alice in wonderland.)
like it does make me think that maybe these two are like.. separate entities in that respect (rather than a shared one? but i could be wrong, and i welcome that!). but also there's something that makes my brain go "AAA" about how adamant zen is about wanting to protect rei despite not having any memories, because my brains like "WELL WHAT IF ZEN'S TRUE IDENTITIES AND MEMORIES ARE ACTUALLY THE OPPOSITE, AND DON'T WANT GOOD THINGS FOR REI." poorly phrased but like, it's about the irony, y'know.
i have no fucking clue what rei is supposed to be if we're going under the notion that they're two different things that have lost their memory (she is so head empty only food and its precious tbh). but like my brain just thinks that zen is just... going to end up being some awful incarnation or something like idk. there's something about persona characters with amnesia that make me raise my eyebrow... like just look at ryoji and marie and teddie...
and i guess as another thought on the matter, the way zen and rei work mechanically speaking does make me ponder a bit because like.. obviously, yeah, they can't equip a subpersona because they're... GESTURES. not persona users but FUCK, the way zen and rei have very distinct skillsets just make me wonder if those can allude to what they symbolize. like zen's skills are much more.. destructive and im just like (AIGIS VOICE) "YOU ARE DANGEROUS."
anyways. i am very much invested in the identities of zen and rei but i am also glad that the crossover stuff is here too because i think the sillies will keep me inspired... and also im just happy to see yosuke... i really like yosuke even if i forget that i do a lot of the time..
last thought, after seeing souji talk and move, i think i'd definitely want to look into p4 side... because um. 🥴 i'm really simple guy. i need more minato in my life. (everyone rolls their eyes. i'm predictable!) i want to see minato move and talk. i want to think about him. he's my boyfriend. he's my wife. he's my universe. im being so cringe about him but I DONT THINK THIS IS A SURPRISE TO ANYONE... i like him a lot (NO SHIT, LIZZ). but!!! idk if this'll be something that i watch or play, it depends on what the NG+ functionality in this game is like...
anyway gn!! thanks for reading my delusions im very much enjoying this game and im happy to be playin git.
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surrealsunday · 2 years
helloo! wow it’s been a little while ngl! but when when chap10 was posted i was like “do i read it now or wait till the epilogue is posted? 🤔” and i ended up waiting for the epilogue, idk in my head it’s as logic sjsbdb. meanwhile i decided to rewatch stranger things + skamfr kinda at the same time bc it’s been way too long (for the latter). then the epilogue was posted and haven’t found the time or energy to settle and read the last two chapters (we love uni for that). till tonight!! so here’s my not so little review of the chap10 + the epilogue 😅
-> chap10
woaaah im at loss for words for how cute and beautiful that chapter was omg! the vulnerable moment right after the intensity of their love scene hit me right in the feels, lucas’ “please don’t hurt me (again)” and then eliott hugging him tight saying “i promise” 🥺MY HEART🥺
also these little acts had me giggling and kicking my feet
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gosh i’m just so giddy when it comes to them like- THEY. ARE. IN. LOVE. 🥹
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OH YEAH the moment when idriss came back home and said “I swear, if you fucked in the kitchen, Eliott -" made me think of that one scene in tempo (i think) when he discovers they did it on the counter and there was like evidences or sth and i just burst out laughing 😭 like i imagined him being so done already with them (/affectionate of course)
-> epilogue
MY HEEAART!! i know i’ve said it like a million times already but i’m so soft for theeem 🥺
i really loved how eliott reassured lucas during the moving, how they once more opened a little to one another. then lucas asking him to say something true abt himself, eliott’s little story was very cute despite starting kinda sad :(( but that little parallel to the minute par minute scene but this time it’s eliott calming lucas down ☹️
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but goosh i’m in love with their love, in every universe istg 🥰 like i smiled SO BIG here!
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now real thing: i cant believe it’s over now :/ i’m gonna miss them so much, these version of elu is definitely one of my favorite! i wanna thank you for writing this fic that, i’m sure, helped a lot of people (including me) escape their boring ass work/uni life ahah. every time it truly has been an amazing time, even when pain was dominent sometimes. but as always i’d say sjsbsb
wishing you a wonderful friday and weekend, i’m gonna spend mine mourning elu!10things and thinking of how much their love is incredible in every universe 😭💞
gosh i just realized i forgot about to say some more things in my previous message 😭 in my defense it’s 1am so- anyways
i’m also very thankful you listened to the little voice in your brain and wrote that little epilogue, the quote of kat is one of my favorite and it’s really well included! would have been such a waste not having lucas saying this tbh.
also the last pic of chap10, eliott’s post with the shadows…wow i literally stared at it for 10 good minutes it was so well done! especially lucas’ wild hair sbsjsb (also i see you have been generous for some parts 👀)
finally, i thanked you for the fic but i also wanna be grateful to your friend julie for pressing you making this fic alive ahah, bc yeah your elu fic are really one of the most emotionally amazing and still being able to read elu content in, now, 2023 is truly incredible ♥️
Oh my gosh I somehow completely missed the notification for these messages in my inbox. I'm so sorry! I was not ignoring you, I just am a useless human 😂
As always I absolutely love hearing your thoughts. I'm so glad you liked chapter 10 🥹. It was interesting pairing smexy times with some super raw emotional nakedness. I liked it tho. It felt right and natural in the moment.
Your memes btw aldfkjalsdfkja. They kill me 😂😂😂
I thought about Idriss in Tempo too at that moment! I truly don't know why I keep doing these things to poor Idriss lmao. But I make it up to him with Manon. So I don't feel too bad 😌.
Ok, so I very much got minute-by-minute vibes in that moment of the epilogue too, but it wasn't pre-planned that way. I kinda love that you had the same reaction. It just sort of happened and as I was writing it occurred to me that it very subtly nodded to that classic Skam moment. It seems they're determined to be that way in every universe.
Ahhhh the shadow pic! It's one of my faves! I get obsessive about most things (this is not news lmao) so it wasn't surprising that I obsessed over getting those shadows right, but in the end when it did look like them I was sooooo satisfied. And yes, satisfied with the very lovely booty on Lucas too 😌. It makes me so happy you liked it too!
Really it was my absolute pleasure to share this fic, most especially because I seriously do have the best readers in the world, and you all are so generous in leaving me your thoughts and feelings about the story (there is really nothing better than that as a writer). It's a big part of me coming back to Elu over and over, I think. I love reconnecting with all of you. And of course I'm more than happy to provide distraction from real life!
P.S. I told Julie what you said and lemme tell you... the way she got all proud and puffed up on herself 😂😂😂. I told her to take it down a notch but she's already kicking into high gear on harassing me for new stories lol.
Anyways, all the love to you. Thank you again so much for sending me your thoughts as you read the story. 💖💗💞💝
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enhypendiaries · 3 months
Im not into enhypen anymore but the things u write reminds me so much of when they used to be my everything, my comfort and happiness and its reassuring to feel that way.
Especially when you write about sunoo. Sunoo quite literally saved my life and he was someone i really admired for a long time but for the past few weeks I've started to lose the spark and love i once had for him and enhypen. Of course i still like and support them but it just doesn't feel the same ykwim? I feel really guilty and im afraid to fully get over them bc they were all i ever had during my lowest moments and my feelings suddenly changing is a little scary and confusing. But im glad at the same time because now i am finally able to explore more topics and get over my 'obsessive' kpop era lmfao
Im so sorry for venting but i really wanted to share my experiences with your amazing writing. I love youuuu🫶🫶🫶 (platonically)
hi! this answer is so long overdue. sorry about this, i had to take a break from social media for personal reasons.
anyways, i think my writing feels reminiscent of that feeling because i am in that kind of mentality and mood at the time of writing those posts. when i write, i feel so in touch with my emotions – so you relating to that means you feel a deep connection and adoration to the group which makes me happy to know bc it goes to show the magnitude of impact the boys have to countless lives all over the world 🩷.
i do suffer from a similar dilemma myself, but speaking from experience – i believe there's nothing wrong with losing touch with that part of yourself, it's still a part of you albeit dormant. i'd like to think the boys would prefer that we love them, not out of obligation, but of true respect and admiration for their craft and character. love them in a way you are most comfortable and in tune with your real emotions. only you would know that.
so sorry this took so long, but i hope this answer provides u a semblance of comfort 🩷 xo
0 notes
Episode 17: "I wanna gag these mfs so hard and randomly win the final challenge so these hoes can scramble 🙄"—Jack
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In this round: Jack gags these mfs so hard and randomly wins the final challenge so they all have to scramble; Michael, Kaleigh, and Alex take matters into their own hands and tie the vote on Alex and Kaleigh; Alex wins the fire-making challenge
This sucks. Good on Jack. He demolished that. This sucks. I don't want to vote for Kaleigh. Kaleigh was my number one this entire game. But I've gotta consider FTC arguments. This sucks.
OMFG BORING!!! Kayleigh is so lame for literally doing no moves. Out of the 3, Michael gets my vote if I’m on jury cause he at least has balls to make moves and own it. Kayleigh is fake af like bffr w me like??? Why lie??? I wanna gag these mfs so hard and randomly win the final challenge so these hoes can scramble 🙄
as of right now I’m excited to enter the final 3 🥰 I hope Kayleigh walks out the door but even if she doesn’t I’m still actually confident in my ability to sway the jury my way
So this may be my final confessional, who knows, but I'm really proud of the game Alex, Kaleigh, and I played. We were able to even have one last call together before the vote. The plan is to tie up and go to fire, let's hope it happens! I think it'll be a great display of how much we ran this game if at the end even Jack with the final immunity win in the came can't control the last vote
Even at Final Four I'm gonna go out on my terms if I go out. And if I go out I'm gonna boost Kaleigh up in the process. LOL at me saying I'd play a villain game back at the start. Anyways if this is my last confessional: this was a fun fucking time. It was great meeting new people and seeing how creative this community is when it comes to game creation. This was what I thought it would be and it wasn't at the same time and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it. Thank you for the invite, Trin. Thanks to all the players who helped make this the ride it was. At least if I go out tonight it'll be a few drinks deep at a concert for one of my favorite bands.
WELL! THIS GAME IS REALLY ALMOST OVER! jack won that nonsense challenge so … alex and i are going to fire, i think. or, i guess, we are going to embarrassing towel game. jack told alex this morning that he wants to target me bc i’m such a baddie and everyone would vote for me - thx jack - I’M NOT BUYIN IT BUT OK I GUESS I AM VERY LOVABLE AND COOL AND PLAYED A KINDA SICK GAME BUT W/E!!!! INSANE TO GO FROM TARGETING MICHAEL OVER AND OVER TO ME SUDDENLY BEING THE BIG THREAT!!! alex suggested to me that we could have… michael and i vote for him, he votes michael, and jack votes me, to get alex out cuz he thinks i have a better chance with the jury than he does and wants to give our alliance the best chance at winning. but we are going to go to fire bc either way whichever of us wins gets that on their resume, and i think both of us are just… not that keen on pleading our cases to this jury LMAO i really don’t want to ;__; anyway. i loved this game i’m so happy and feel so lucky that i got to play such a long game with alex and michael, two angels from heaven, watched over by trinica, who i got to know a lot better and also love and cherish <3 i also truly loved steven he was gone way too soon <3 anyway i’m guessing this towel game is a guess who situation. and i told alex that bc i love him and want him to have as much of a chance as i do if i’m right. and i love michael he is a gem. can’t wait for game night :*
This is... bittersweet. But, hey, I said I wanted to play like Todd Herzog and now's my chance. Let's win it for Soca.
Tribal Council
Kaleigh: Alex (ILY)
Alex: Kaleigh (❤️❤️❤️)
Michael: Alex (This is just how we planned it. I had a great time playing with you and getting to know you, and I hope we can continue to be friends post this game! Let's hangout!)
Jack: Kayleigh (ily girlie I would vote for a female over a male in every sense so u gotta go babes)
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half-of-the-story · 2 years
hey, I really hope I got the right person and you actually are the one that wrote it... bc I am here to say I spent the weekend reading Pathetic Fallacy and I LOVED IT!!! a friend recommended it to me bc she said you wrote the best human shironeki and WOW. that is the best human shironeki. also the best human au I've ever read for tokyo ghoul. like, the transplant of ghoul wars -> drug wars fit perfectly and made perfect sense, especially when you hit all the major plot points WITH YOUR OWN SPIN ON THEM. the way it starts out with shironeki and we only get his past in flashbacks is really effective in my opinion. it makes him feel more real bc we didn't personally know the kaneki before. I also love your hide. I love how smart he is and how /self aware/. especially the times when he NOTICES and ACKNOWLEDGES that saying whatever he was going to say would be manipulative for kaneki. like, if only everyone had that kinda self awareness. your supporting characters are also great: Akira, juuzou, touka. hell, even Takashi was well written. and I wish I could give you a thousand kudos for the way you wrote amon and kaneki. you did them such justice. now, I've spent a while waxing poetic about your characters, but I gotta spend some time fangirling over your ability to plot. bc the plot of Pathetic Fallacy is TOP TIER. the way it ties together, the way it arcs, the balancing between plot development and character development... I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
ok, I'm done vomiting words in your inbox. I hope you are doing well and get to pet a cute dog soon <3
oh ;_____; yes u got the right person. thank u so much for reading pathetic fallacy my first child. it means the world that u think that fic is good since it literally rekindled the love of writing fanfic i had abandoned since middle school. looking back i find it really cringey to read im ngl i was a teenager when i was writing it but i am so So glad u enjoyed it its like a time capsule to me and im glad my writing is able to be enjoyed even in that form.
i want to write you more sooooooo bad but i just dont know that ill ever do it. i will find the outline i have on my old laptop and post a summary one day so there is SOME closure i promise. i had it all planned out ; w ;
um... i doubt u will read more of my more recent writing bc its kpop cringe but i was planning on writing a new fic for tkg soon! its an idea i had when i was writing pathetic fallacy but i finally think i have the skills to pull it off now. it will be under a new ao3 acct but um? maybe ill post abt it on here?
anyway thank u so much for the lovely ask seeing the little notification on the inbox icon gives me so much fucking serotonin and you are so lovely, seeing all your comments appear in my email over the last few days has been absolutely wonderful thank you so so much for giving your time to my old fic.
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diviner-alva · 2 years
12/30 - The way they care for each other
Okay boys this is one of my favorites. I think the video with the title speaks for itself BUT I WILL TALK ABOUT A FEW THINGS ANYWAY (proceeds to talk about all the things).
I know the first thing is... Tekotteh who only looks like a big man if he make others look small. I just thought it was nice of Kotallo to defend her honor in front of him even though she doesn't need it, she also doesn't seem so bothered of him doing so. Next we have my favorite moment, after Tekotteh calls him a cripple she immediately goes for the cannon like that was the last straw for her, omg why are they already so protective what instinct is this? Her urgency is what confirms at least to me that she also kinda blew that wall up for him. Also her calling Tekotteh a jerk only happens after you talk with Kotallo at the base about his past, I made a few test runs and all of them have confirmed this so far.
Other similar moment to this is if you choose to kill Regalla, she will glance Kotallo's way AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT HER SAYING "After all that you've done" GODDAMNIT MY BRAIN TRANSLATES THAT TO "After all that you've done to him" because I am crazed for them don't listen to me. Plus we have her running immediately towards Kotallo at the Kulrut even though he wasn't Regalla's target and everyone was screaming at Aloy "get to the chief!" when she was on the way to the throne room.
Next we have them at the Zenith Lab, I think him assuming she's worrying (and she is) and saying "I'll be fine" is the most adorable thing ever, plus how her voice sounds like when she is looking for the parts for his arm (I'll tell ya folks I barely hear her sound like that, the only other time was at the start of the game when she was looking for a GAIA backup, tho that one sounded more desperate for obvious reasons). BUT THEN HER "Something wrong?" IS SO SOFT I JUST GOT 7 CAVITIES FROM ALL THE FLUFF JESUS CHRIST (also wtf he sounded exactly the same as he always sounds and yet she was able to tell he was a little off, like mam you paying a lot of attention to this man to notice something so subtle).
Then I just think it's also cute the first thing she asks him after he returns to the grove is how he's feeling after being back to the tribe, this probably to know if he's uncomfortable? If he's having any problems because she knows what it feels like.
NOW ON KOTALLO'S END, those greetings man... he knows she's capable and yet he asks how she's doing if she's fine to be careful to be safe LIKE, BRO. And then the longing after GEMINI and What was lost he starts with the "I was wondering when you'd return" "Finally you've returned", do I can hardly blame him, I imagine how dreadful he might have felt after the long ours after GEMINI.
And finally, we have a few moments that Aloy shows she doesn't want to lose him, the one about "if I live it will be in victory" is before GEMINI, she doesn't sound afraid but I wanted to include this anyway. Later we have her voice literally cracking with even the thought of losing Kotallo, her voice is twice as high and with much more emotion compared to how she speaks the other names. We then have her body language again at the thought of losing him and Alva, she shakes her head viciously while staring at the floor, but then her voice is soft and I might be just crazy but she sound afraid of the thought.
NOW ACTUALLY FINALLY BCS I'M AN IDIOT AND PUT THE TRIMMED VIDEOS IN THE WRONG PLACE. But I just think they care for each other a lot and hers "I'm glad all this brought us together" she shifts on her feet and looks down before staring him in the eye, was she building her resolve to say that or am I just on crack?
Anyway those are the chapter for today boys, sorry if it's late. And omg that was a long one.
<- Previous post "11/30 - The way she always has time for him"
-> Next up "13/30 - The way he wants her by his side"
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miss-smutty · 4 years
hii i just discovered ur blog and whew wow- tumblr is severely lacking some daddy hemsworth fics so tyyy
idk if your taking requests rn but could i please request something with thor or chris where he’s had a rough day at work or something and is very angry so he’s really rough in bed with you that evening and you love it! also could it include lots of dom!thor/chris and dirty talk bc that’s my weakness
tyyy if u do this sorry if it was too detailed idk ive never sent a request lol but ty hunny <3
So first of all thank you @mysticbonkoperavoid , I'm so glad you like my fics ❤️
And secondly thank you so much for your amazing request, I literally got lost in this filth 🥵🥵 I hope you like it 😘
A/N- This is just pure filth, so consider yourself warned 😂🥵🥵 strictly 18+ only. Dom!Thor literally had me ✨ clenching ✨
Summary- Thor's had a tough day and nothing you do is helping until you let him take out his frustration on you and become his little slut.
Word count- 3,243 of pure filth
Pairing- Thor x reader
Warnings- Smut, filth, dirty talk, rough sex, swearing
18+ only!!!
Taglist-: @innerpaperexpertcloud
Posted: 22nd Feb 2021
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⚡A Push Too Far ⚡
Thor had come home from a mission in a foul mood, you'd tried everything to cheer him up. You'd made him his favourite snack, put on his favourite show and even massaged his big, worn out feet. Nothing was working and you were exhausted with the effort. You selfishly couldn't stand the negative atmosphere and just wanted to know how to make him feel better. If he wouldn't tell you what was wrong how could you help? You were so used to him being overly enthusiastic about everything and hated when he was in one of these moods. Something pretty bad must've happened to dampen his mood this much.
"Just tell me what's wrong and I can help" You huff.
"Will you please just forget it? I don't want to talk about it" Thor said, pushing you off gently when you try to touch him. 
"I want to know what's happened to put you in such a sulky mood." You said teasing him, trying to get his attention. If you couldn't get him to talk to you then you would just have to help him take his frustration out in the best way he knows how.
"Please Y/N, stop talking about it" He says exasperated, you're pushing the last of his nerves and you know it. It's exactly what you want, you know what he's capable of when he's angry.
"Make me." You say, seeing the switch in his eyes as his jaw clenched tightly, the muscles in his neck straining against the skin. You backed away from him slowly, knowing all too well what was coming.
The ground shook around you as bolts of lightning flew from Thor and his eyes glowed brightly making you shield your own eyes from the sudden glare. Immediately knowing you'd pushed him too far. You were frightened but more than that you were massively turned on, your pussy clenching with ferocity. You knew he'd never hurt you, well never more than you could handle but still, angry Thor was a feast for the eyes. Delicious.
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"You better shut that pretty little mouth of yours before I put it to work" He bellowed, his eyes still glowing and his jaw clenched together tightly.
"Is that a promise?" You say under your breath, watching Thor through your eyelashes as he towered over you.
"On your knees" He commanded, with the power of a God, making you weak as his voice rebounded from the walls of the large, almost empty room with a dramatically high ceiling. 
"But..." You start before he cuts you off.
"Did I stutter? do as you're told" He urged, looking down at your petite frame before him. His powerful demeanor making you do exactly as you were told. Looking up at him with innocent eyes as you knelt on the hard, wooden floor.
He circled around you, like a wolf and his prey, taking in the sight of you kneeling like a victim. Purposefully not touching you, the anticipation of when he would strike making you hold your breath. Your panties are already soaking wet and the buldge in his pants is straining against his trousers.
Thor moves to stand in front of you, his legs planted a foot width apart while he gazes down at you, a slow, wicked smile appearing on his lips. Tortuously, slowly unzipping his trousers and pulling out his lofty length, gripping it firmly with his two hands.
"I think that pretty little face deserves to be fucked" oh fuck, Thor, now you're talking. Now was your turn to smile devishly at Thor, ready and waiting for him to feed your slutty little mouth with his fat cock.
He disappears behind you, you try to turn around to follow him with your eyes but he grabs your hair, pulling you back. It made you ache but not your head, it made your pussy ache. 
"Don't move" He whispers into your ear, still pulling your hair back so you're looking up at him. Pulling a hair tie from his wrist and wrapping it around your hair at the nape of your neck. Wait a minute, where did he get that from? It dawns on you that he's had this planned since the minute he'd got home, the only way he knows how to take his frustration out. Probably knowing you wouldn't be able to take his silent treatment and push him too far in the end anyway. Oh you sneaky man, Thor. 
It feels like a painstakingly long time before he's finally back in front of you, his trousers and boxers now discarded on the floor behind you. Taking in the sight of his thick, muscly thighs and his long, thick cock have you licking your pouty lips. You want to reach up and pull his t-shirt off too but he grabs hold of your wrists as they snake their way up his torso. 
"Ah ah ah, are you going to be good? or am I going to have to tie you up?” He asks in a gruff tone making you put out your bottom lip as you sit back on to your ankles. Your knees beginning to ache from the hard floorboards.
"Does it hurt?" He asks, watching you whince with a satisfied look on his face "Do you want a cushion?" He says in a teasing voice while you nod your head with pleading eyes.
"What do you say?" Bending to pick up the cushion from the couch and holding it out of arms reach, smiling sinfully.
"Please" You say sweetly, more than happy to play his game. Your whole body aching with need. At last he pulls his t-shirt over his head, his biceps flexing as he does, your heart racing at the sight of his ravishing nakedness. That perfect body is all yours.
"Strip" he says seductively looking you up and down, throwing the cushion on the floor by your knees and pulling you up and against his rock hard cock. A squeel emits from your mouth, his hands gripping your cheeks firmly.
You look at him for a second, dumbfounded. You're used to him taking the lead and ripping your clothes off in a heated frenzy, this is new.
Elated with the fact he's allowing you to give him a show for once, you drape the straps of your dress over your shoulder, pushing him down on the couch with a hard shove to the chest. Watching that slow smile spread on his lips and his cock bounce, satisfyingly, with the impact.
Pulling the dress down to your feet and stepping out of it, standing proudly in your lacey underwear. Cocking your eyebrow at him as you hook your thumbs into the side of your panties, pulling them down a fraction. You stop to move closer to him, reaching your hands out to touch his bare skin.
"No touching or I swear I'll tie your hands" He says nonchalantly, his eyes hungry with lust, you pout at him, disappointed you can't touch him.
He watches you intensely as you finish taking off your panties and bra, holding in a giggle when you throw them at him and they hit him square in the face.
"You smell, delicious" He surprises you when he licks his lips, no hint of a smile on his face just that deep intense glare of a predator. The word 'delicious' rolls of his tongue, delectably. The way he stares into your soul, taking in every inch of your nude body, makes your stomach clench, your pussy dripping with arousal.
"Now back on your knees" He says, standing back Infront of you, his cock eye level.
Grabbing your ponytail with one hand and guiding his cock to your mouth with his other. You open your mouth instinctively, widely, like the good little slut you are.
Thor takes no prisoners and rams his cock deep into your mouth, making you gag instantly. Your lips wrap around his cock, the length and thickness filling you up. He yanks your hair backwards so your looking into his eyes while he slams his cock in and out of your mouth.
"Look me in the eyes while you take my cock" oh for the love of God... and Thunder. your pussy is dripping, aching for it. "Good girl" 
He pushes your head down on his cock, as far as you can go. You can feel the tip hitting your tonsils and the shaft throbbing in your mouth. You're gagging, spit dribbling down your chin in a disgusting manner. Your eyes brimming with tears as he rams his cock to the back of your throat. 
"Choke on it" he groans, his head hanging back. You feel the confidence to reach out and cup his balls, knowing he wouldn't chastise you when he's too consumed in the ecstasy of your lips and tongue wrapping around his cock.
"Is that better? Are you satisfied now you've got my full attention?" He looks down at you, a deep hunger in his eyes. You were nowhere near satisfied yet, not until you felt his cock stretching your walls but you couldn't tell him that, he'd just tease you for even longer.
"Mmm" you mumble around the length of his dick.
"Don't talk with your mouth full" he scolds huskily, his voice filled with lust.
You hold onto his firm cheeks while you suck his dick, letting your tongue do the work, running over the full length and teasing the tip. Sucking on the tip, hard, while you grip the base with your hand. You can feel his cock throbbing in your mouth, amazed with how hard he is. You know he's struggling with restraining himself, just as much as you, he'll just never admit it. 
Thor lets out a deep growl, thrusting his dick into your mouth one last time before sharply pulling out with a pop. You were actually upset he'd stopped you, you were enjoying sucking his fat dick. He pulls you up to stand before grabbing your cheeks in his hands and lifting you up, wrapping your legs around him.
You want to kiss him so bad. You hang on to him as he pushes you back against the wall, hard enough to leave a bruise. The feel of his cock thrusting against you has you mewling as he bites hard on your neck. Shivers travel through your entire body, finally feeling his lips against your skin and the thrill of his teeth biting against your neck. The fine line between pain and pleasure being well and truly explored.
You're lost in the feel of his teeth against your skin and muscle, moaning loudly, you barely notice when he sets your feet back onto the ground. Sucking loudly on your neck, your head hanging to the side giving yourself to him freely.
"Im gunna leave marks all over your skin so everybody knows you're mine." He says breathlessly against your skin, his breathe tickling your neck making your hair stand on end, your pussy clenching, agonisingly.
Thor pushes his forearm against your throat so you're locked in between him and the wall, no where to go. Staring into your eyes, making you blush as he pushes two fingers into your mouth without warning.
"Suck" he commands, his voice gruff and deep, oozing authority. You know his fingers are going to delve into you and you can't wait, sucking eagerly on his legthy, stocky fingers.
Before you have time to draw breath, he thrusts his fingers into your opening. Immediately curling them around to find your G-spot. Satisfaction plastered on his face when he hears your moaning, knowing he's got you right where he wants you. 
"You love this, don’t you? Let me hear how much you love it.” He whispers into your ear, his arm still pushing against your throat. You can barely take anymore, his sultry words and his thick fingers making your head spin. Nothing else in the world matters right at this moment, he fills you with narcotic desire. Like a drug to you, you can't get enough, always wondering when you'll get your next fix. If you could get away with making him lose his temper on a daily basis, just so could feel this amount of pleasure, you would.
You moan for him obscenely, you're eyes pooling with desire and hunger. His fingers repeatedly hitting your spot, harshly, bringing you over the edge. Your mouth hangs open, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your pussy clenches around his fingers.
"Does that feel good" he asks captivatingly, holding is arm against your throat and fucking you with his fingers.
"Amazing" You say breathless, the huskiness of your voice surprising you. His face is so close to yours and your senses so hightened that his masculine scent hits your nostrils. His otherworldly fragrance. The smell you long for on those long nights he's away. It hits you and you're consumed by it, your legs starting to shake as your mind loses control. The orgasm rushing from your core.
Then it's gone, just like that. You open your eyes, noticing they're about to burst with tears. You were so close!
"I don't care how good it feels, don't you dare come yet" he says venomously, you honestly feel like your about to start crying. The build up was so intense and then it was just gone and you still feel that deep need. Thor is looking pleased with himself and if you weren't so turned on by the look on his face, you would've slapped him straight across it. Cocky shit! 
You were about to protest, but he saved you from the punishment when he stuck his fingers into your mouth again. Your slickness coated all over them.
"Now see how good you taste, how wet I make you" you looked him in the eyes resentfully and for just a moment you saw his eyes soften. Only a moment before they're filled with fire once more and he's pulling you to the bedroom across the room. Still fighting the urge to finally have his way with you, taking his precious time to tease you beyond your limits. To show you who's the boss around here. As if you ever had any doubts.
Throwing you onto the bed and pushing your knees open with force. You can feel your pussy throbbing with anticipation knowing it's not long until he finally gives you what you've been craving from the start.
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Thor effortlessly clamps both of your wrists above your head in a vice like grip with his big, manly hands, leaving you writhing, like his prey, on the bed below him. You breathe a sigh of relief when he finally reaches down to kiss your lips, biting on your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.
"Keep your hands here" Emphasising 'here' with a squeeze of your wrists. You try to stay perfectly still while he moves down your body, straining your neck to watch what he does next.
“What a perfect sight, you, all spread out for me to do whatever I want to” he says, positioning himself in-between your legs. Seeing you in all your glory, your pussy dripping wet making him lick his lips.
You gasp when his lips latch on to your inner thigh, so sensitive to his touch. Biting and sucking all the way down each thigh, your going to be covered in hickies come tomorrow morning. You know that's his plan, he loves to see the remnants of the night befores dirty sessions. Even if no one else can see them, he knows they're there, a reminder that you're his.
"Just marking my territory" he reminds you, confirming your suspicions.
"I know exactly what you're doing" you say through gritted teeth, the pain and pleasure unbearable.
"Let’s find out how much you can take before you're begging me for my cock.”
All you can do is nod your head while you bite down on your bottom lip, afraid how shaky your voice will be if you try to speak. 
The sudden slap to your pussy makes you shout out, completely unexpected but hot as fuck all the same, sending shockwaves throughout your whole body.
"You like that?" He slaps you again, hitting your clit with his fingertips and making you convulse uncontrollably. You can see the restraint on Thor's face, the vein protruding from his neck and the tightness in his jaw are the tell tale signs. You know he's about to burst.
"I love to see you squirm now I want to hear you moan" he grabs onto your hips and turns you over, pulling you on to your knees. His movements getting sloppy and desperate now, the lust taking over him.
You inhale as Thor presses the tip of his cock to your opening, brushing it up and down and gathering your wetness. Your legs threaten to give way as he teases you with his cock, you can't stop yourself from pushing yourself back onto him.
"Do you think you deserve my cock?" his voice was heavy with desire. 
"Yes, Thor... Please" you plead, more than worthy after the torture he's put you through.
Thor eases himself in gradually, while you push yourself backwards, no more patience left in you. Holding on to your hips and exhaling, the satisfaction of finally feeling your walls clamping around him. You whince as he slams himself into you with full force, his balls slapping against you. The sounds of sex filling your ears in a glorious way.
"You won't... be able... to walk... after I'm done... with you" he says between every thrust, knocking you forward with every slam. Your orgasm is building already, you can feel your walls tightening, trying to push him out as he holds on to your hips relentlessly.
He grips hold of your ponytail, yanking it backwards, so your head is as far back as it can go, your neck straining. He squats above you, dipping his dick into you, so deep you can feel it in your stomach. This position is fucking everything, he knows you're about to come and sends a slight electrical charge straight through your core just as you release around him. It feels fucking amazing! 
Thor reaches forward and hooks his finger into your mouth, pulling your cheek back as he continually pounds into you. Orgasm after orgasm gushing all over his cock, dribbling out of your aching pussy until you're kneeling in a puddle of your arousal. Your screaming his name, your pussy throbbing, squeezing against his cock. You know he's struggling to restrain when he inhales sharply.
"Dirty fucking slut" he says venomously.
"You fucking love it don't you?" His voice is breathless and deep, you can't take much more. The power of your come is pushing him out, making you ridiculously tight. You can feel his cock twinging as his powerful come shoots into you, he roars so loudly the bed shakes around you. You finally collapse into the bed head first, your knees giving way as he rests against you with his cock still inside of you, twitching and convulsing.
"Are you ok, baby?" Thor asks sweetly, his frustration finally dissipated, rubbing your ass cheeks tenderly.
"More than ok" you say breathless and tired, rolling over onto your back underneath him and pulling him down on to you.
Finally his lips are on yours, passionately, forcing your mouth open and stroking your tongue with his. Kissing you like his life depended on it, making up for the hours spent without the feel of your lips on his. A deep feeling of satisfaction washed over you, he's yours and you're his and you can fuck like animals but still collapse into each other arms lovingly afterwards.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" You tease, making him laugh a great big belly laugh as he pulls you over on top of him.
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dwter · 2 years
What do u think the big dsmp update is i think itl be something like a memory wipe or so idk idk what else it could be unless its like some big fight but ik cdream has something planned and lots of people on the server kinda like him ish (remmeber the line "everyones gonna think i changed while i make ur life a living hell") i think maybe wel get that also in dre and wilburs reddit post they make the point of cdream tormenting ctommy by bring back cwil clear 🤔
this shit is so long brah im so sorry but IM SO GLAD IVE FINALLY WRITTEN EVERYTHING IVE WANTED DOWN 😭🌟 ok click for my. Thoughts 🙌🏽
if its a memory wipe im killing myself Hope that helps BUT i also have a few reasons why i dont think it will be. a) i dont think the smp would be as enthusiastic as they seem to be for whatever dream has planned if it was a memory wipe. we can look at it from a passion/sentimentality point of “they care too much abt what theyve already put into the story/developing their characters” but even from a logic standpoint it makes no sense. no one on that server that very few ppl have motivation for would suddenly become excited at the idea of having to “start fresh” but not even genuinely start fresh as theyd still have to adhere to whats around them. plus having to remake dynamics that were heavily cc-based anyways takes so much effort specifically bc they would be different from the original lore which was build on, again, the ccs actual dynamics that evolved over time. i just dont see the ccs, esp someone like tommy for instance who has said hes excited for what dream has planned, to be motivated by any form of a memory wipe.
b) i feel like dream (cc) sees and understands the value in the dynamics that currently exist in the smp and wouldnt change and discard them to that extent, both as a storyteller/lorehead but also career/retention-wise. do i see him creating an event that fucks up/twists/moves around the dynamics? absolutely. completely amnesia tho? no. hes a smart guy and one of the people most invested in the lore (and probably the lore-based community as a result) he KNOWS what ppl like and what keeps them here and there no way he doesnt see the personalities, histories and evolved dynamics as what does that, at least partially
c) it would be too much work + wouldnt make people log on a lot or in massive crowds. usually what makes ppl log on both in large amounts and consistently is 1. a set goal/focus 2. knowing other ppl are on 3. being able to do what makes them comfortable. 1 and 2 are self explanatory but with 3 i mean that ppl who dont want to do lore/dont enjoy doing heavy intense lore where they have to be in character all the time would not like or be comfortable with a memory wipe where they have to pretend and stick to that basically the whole time, esp if they cant rmr each other. imagine someone like tubbo for instance wanting to slip into casualness and just play and half talk to chat half be involved and slipping up about the memory stuff and getting frustrated like thats super real. amnesia would be terrible for morale and is just too much investment for a ton of them and wouldnt motivate ppl to log on (at least in the long run)
ok now that ive explained myself about this: what do i think it could be
i am a huge believer in the apocalypse theory/things similar. it would be a perfect ripple in the dynamics currently set without damaging, eroding or erasing them. it also would be able to give a goal/focus for the ccs which is one of the biggest motivators for ppl logging on which is also part another motivator which is literally just ppl being there when u log on/logging on with u. and it also lets ppl interact with lore and intensely or casually as they want as there is nothing they have to commit to the whole time or force them to go in and out of “lore mode” awkwardly. they can do whatever they want and say whatever they want, it is just up to them how in character they want to be and they can hang out and be with whoever fits their vibes the best in that sense, or go back and forth.
it just does what the reboot/update SHOULD do: give purpose in playing again, refresh whats already there, make things less ridged, let ppl start fresh without actually starting fresh and most importantly: LETS PPL HAVE FUN! and whether fun is lore breathing into a mic for an hour or a chill mining stream to prepare for whatever the apocalypse has caused/is or just fucking with your friends—this specific kind of reboot lets all of those co-exist if they want it to.
as for ur ideas: in my heart of hearts i dont want to believe it but the “im going to make ur life a living hell etc” line seems to be referencing the boy who cried wolf plot which is. Dead in the ground i fear <- says through gritted teeth. i would LOVEEEEEE if that line became important again but i just feel like all its implications have kind of been abandoned, at least what they used to be. and about ppl mostly liking cdream hmmm ….. i dont know how much that will play a role if things got rebooted, especially regarding ctommy. i dont think anything like final disc finale but with cdream and ctommys role reversed will happen. no one/not enough ppl on the server is cdreampilled OR ctommynegpilled enough for anything like that. plus a big fight wouldnt cause this much excitement (although i do wonder if the revamp is partially pvp based bc with how excited cctommy sounded about it, it definitely could be. thats something he rly enjoys and likes about minecraft and dsmp like he mentioned it in the tribute video (like the battles he had with dream being his fav)). that last point IS interesting tho hmmm ….. maybe it was just stating a fact rather than it being foreshadowing? although cdream hasnt used cwilbur enough as leverage for me to think theyre done/didnt have anything else planned for that. either way tho, im not sure how much that involves the update since i think for it to make EVERYONE excited, it has to be something that involves the entire smp/affects it all/everyone, not just the big three
ANYWAYS thank u for reading all my rambles and thoughts if u made it this far anonnie or anyone else. i feel at peace now. mind body and soul. all at ease. 😊❤️
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toranekooo · 2 years
hello! i hope you dont mind me sending this message i aha~ ok where do i even begin UM
first of all your edits are actually SO pretty!! i love looking at all of them and just. soaking in how good they look ejdjxjejsi!!! like if ur edits were people id flirt with them constantly BUT YEAH I THINK ALL UR EDITS ARE VERY NICE!!!
okay continuing onnn youve actually done so much for the community with all of your informative & your editing resources and i can tell you put so much effort into everything you do and i actually appreciate everything you do so much and im sure that so many other people find your posts so helpful and motivating too!!!
okay im done now i just. really like your blog wanted to send a nice msg I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY & A NICE BREAK!!!!
I. I ALMOST MISSED THIS. SOBBING SCREAMING CRYING EVERYTHING i most definitely do NOT mind and i. im so touched??? i could literally cry rn if i wasnt dehydrated BC ANYONE sending me nice things would probably make my heart flutter sob and. and I COULD LITERALLY SAY THE SAME FOR U! i always see your posts circulating amongst editors and your words r always so nice so UNO REVERSE CARD—
anyways. im. so incredibly happy ppl appreciate it bc. even now i stare at it and wonder if i shouldve delayed it longer so i can add this and that but seeing everyone's nice words and all the notes make me so happy and. as cheesy as it sounds im genuinely glad i was able to help people (local cat starts to sound like a shounen protagonist SCREAM)
FINALLY, being complimented by someone w one of the most distinct editing styles MY HEART ACKKK HOW. HOW DO I PROCESS COMPLIMENTS AGAIN. what are words oh god i am SO SORRY i am terrible when it comes to being complimented but pls know i could literally jump up and down with glee rn cries i love your editing style too i feel like your edits r pillows and they're so fluffy i could sleep on them SOB
if i could keep this in my inbox forever i literally would google how do i tattoo someone's ask or eat it SOBBING
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stefanswhcre · 3 years
Stefan fucking you from the behind while you are on a call with Caroline headcanons
summary: Stefan’s horny after seeing you work on the dishes, and he doesn’t care that you are on a phone with Caroline.
genre: smut
warnings: smut, kinda dom!stefan, risky sex (the reader is on a call with caroline), unprotected sex, mentions of edging, choking, slight degradation, language, mentions of blood, implied smut again.
a/n: SKSKSKSK i had the idea to write this after i read my recently posted imagine. Do lol, I’m glad that I’m more active than before and I’m making new content often. But since my tenth is here I’m posting this shit to keep my blog alive. Bc then i have exams soon and I won’t be much active. So like have fun with this. And these may be the only imagines I post in a while and I’m so fucking sorry for that. Anyways, I hope yall like this and I’m sorry if this is terrible!!!
inspired by my imagine.
*gif not mine*
Okay so like, you are working on your dishes, while also talking to Caroline on the phone.
She’s like busy ranting to you about her boyfriend Tyler, and how they’re always fighting and all.
You aren’t speaking much, letting her rant while you nod along to everything she says, and putting a little “he shouldn’t have done that,” randomly.
So like then, Stefan walks into the kitchen, wanting to take a blood bag from the refrigerator because he’s super hungry.
Then, his eyes wander off to your barely covered butt, and his mouth begins to water.
He has a flashback of last night and how he fucking ruined you.
And oh god, he’s horny again.
So he just walks up to you, puts his arms around your waist, caging you in them.
You smile as he leaves small kisses on your neck and jawline.
Because it looks so innocent right? It isn’t though.
His kissing turns into sucking, and you purse your lips together, to keep yourself from moaning in pleasure and risk Caroline hearing you both being horny.
Stefan’s hands start slipping upward to your chest, and unbuttoning your button up dress.
His other hand slips right under your dress, sliding off your panties down your legs, and you kick them off, leaving your pussy only being shielded by your too small dress.
You are letting out soft, inaudible gasps of pleasure, being too scared that the blonde over the phone would hear anything.
Then you hear the sound of a belt unbuckling, and you just know that Stefan is about to fuck you.
He dips in to fingers into your heat, checking how wet you are.
And oh god you are practically dripping on his fingers.
He smirks to himself, and then kisses your earlobe, teasing you even further.
“That wet huh? Looks like someone’s needy today,” he whispers in your ear.
You nod along to his words, you both knowing that you can never get enough of him.
“Well lucky for you, I’m super horny today,”
And then before you know it, his long, rock-hard dick is stuffed inside you, completely stretching you out.
You let out a throaty moan as he slides inside you, not being able to control your mouth.
It’s not your fault he’s so fucking big.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Caroline asks.
“Yeah, yeah I am,” you answer her.
Then Stefan takes your throat in his hands, knocking the air out of your lungs.
“One more noise, and I’m gonna fucking edge you. Got it?”
Oh god, you definitely do not want to get edged. Especially by Stefan.
This man has a fucking P.H.D in edging and you do not want to be his victim.
So you nod at his words, getting out a small “got it” out of your mouth.
He finally lets go of your throat and slowly starts thrusting into you.
You are letting out small whimpers and gasps filled with pleasure, as he has his face buried in your neck, letting out small groans and grunts along the way.
The dishes by now are long forgotten as you’ve already turned off the running tap.
“Tyler yelled at me,” Caroline complains.
You are planning to let out a small “mhm” at her words but then Stefan whispers a “don’t be rude. Just answer her doll,” in your ear.
And you both know that he’s not asking you to do it. He’s fucking ordering you.
And trust me on this one. You do not want to disobey Stefan Salvatore. Especially not when he’s horny and hungry.
So you open your mouth to answer her.
But then Stefan acts like a little asshole and starts rubbing your clit into figure eights.
“She’s waiting for you to say something Y/N,”
“Tha- That’s not very nice thing to do Care,” you reply, and then bite back a moan, when the tip of Stefan’s dick hits your G-spot.
“I know right!”
Soon enough, you start feeling closer to your orgasm.
And you know that Stefan knows this, since your walls are literally squeezing on his cock.
But he’s nowhere even near close.
Your pace is a lot faster than him.
“You gonna cum? You’re gonna fall apart on my cock? God you’re such a cumslut,”
you just let out short whines at his words, too hung up on the feeling you’re getting right now to respond to him with words.
He then pinches your clit, and that is what triggers your orgasm.
You grip the hand he has on your hips tightly, your nails digging into the flesh and drawing out blood.
Whispery moans are coming out of your mouth as your face upturns into a frown as you cum, his dick still moving in and out of your hole.
You are clenching hard on him, and it is now that he’s getting close to his own orgasm.
His thrusts get more and more faster, chasing his own high, and you feel nearing yourself a second orgasm. And it hasn’t even been five minutes since you last came.
“Ste- Stefan, oh my god! I’m gonna fucking cum again,” you yelp out in pleasure as his cock is repeatedly hitting your g-spot.
“Let’s come together,” he whispers in your ear, making you nod.
He finally spills inside you as you approach your second orgasm, and now he’s completely filling you up.
Stefan knows you’re about to expose yourself to Caroline, so he shuts you up by pulling you into a kiss and swallowing your moans.
And then soon enough, he pulls out of you, putting his pants back on, and helping you stay on your feet as you’re about to trip over the sink.
Stefan literally knows it’s his fault that you can’t even stand up on your own now, and he’s fucking proud of his achievements.
You smile up to him lazily, placing your lips on his and pecking them lightly.
“Oh baby, we’re not done yet,” he simply says before walking off and smirking at you.
And now, you just want more.
“Caroline, can I call you back later?”
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