#anyway i had this group called black rose that was a organization that specialized in hits and hired crime
sundaysodas · 2 years
it is 4am and classes start wednesday but i just watched john wick and boy am i having crimeverse thoughts
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ecargmura · 1 month
Crimson-Shell Manga Review - Mochizuki's Debut Work You've Probably Never Heard Of
Every great creators have their small starts before becoming big. Take God, for example, he started off small on the first day of creation by creating light and then went off to create more things until he got to Adam and how humans came to be. Jun Mochizuki is no exception to this. When people think of Mochizuki, either Pandora Hearts or The Case Study of Vanitas comes to mind. However, did you know that Pandora Hearts is NOT Mochizuki’s debut work? Yes, she actually has another story that’s her debut work and it’s a one shot. Meet, Crimson-Shell, Mochizuki’s long forgotten first child.
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The story is about a world where people have powers given to them by roses. There is a special organization called Crimson-shell and its members who are trying to capture the Black Roses. The star member of the group is Claudia, the Crimson Rose. Her mission is to capture Black Roses as they are dangerous and rampant, but there is a rumor that someone in the organization possess the Black Roses and suspicions lie on her dearest friend Xeno.
While I love Mochizuki’s works, I can tell that this isn’t her best one at all. It makes sense given it’s a one-shot and her first dabble as a mangaka. It’s practically a sounding board for her writing style and storytelling prowess in a way. Think of Crimson-Shell as like an experiment of sorts. If you look through it, you can tell that a lot of Pandora Hearts’ details and story-telling came from this story, making it a Mochizuki signature before she became more polished.
Out of all of her three stories, Crimson-Shell is the fastest in terms of pacing and development. Heck, it’s way too fast. There’s never really time to develop a concrete plot or delve into what Roses are in general. It was definitely a story with a lot of potential, but alas, it was never meant to be.
Reading this manga really shows what Mochizuki got better at and what she’s not good at. Mochizuki’s style needs to be a slow-paced story that needs a lot of buildup before dropping plot twist bombs. Crimson-Shell had a lot of interesting concepts that fell flat. The story has a lot of interesting characters, but only Claudia, Xeno, Shion and Wilheim are of interest. Everyone else is just there. Though, I can tell Mochizuki LOVES plot twists given what happens at Chapter 5 with a big reveal on who the Black Rose traitor is.
Regarding her characters, I can tell Crimson-Shell has a lot of characters with characteristics and details that Mochizuki likes. Claudia has long black hair, which is practically a staple of Mochizuki’s story. There’s also Xeno, the tall protector of sorts, which is present in PH and VNC. There’s Shion, a cute twink. There’s Wilheim, the mysterious and suspicious person. These four character types are probably her favorite because you can find them in her succeeding works. However, because this is so short, not much comes out of them. The ending with Xeno and Claudia did get me a little emotional, however.
The story’s art is also good because there’s a lot of details and the scenery is good too. One can tell Mochizuki’s art was already good from this debut work alone. Mochizuki is good with expressions, hence why not everyone looks too same-faced.
Anyways, you can tell that this is the foundation for what Mochizuki becomes present-day. It’s crazy how much she has improved since her debut and I’m just so glad I was able to discover a wonderful mangaka because she works so hard. I honestly wouldn’t recommend Crimson-Shell because it’s a one-shot, but I would tell people who like both Pandora Hearts and The Case Study of Vanitas to read Crimson-Shell at least once in their lifetime to get a sense of how Mochizuki started and compare the past to her present. This is probably the only three-star story that I’ll give to a Mochizuki work. If you have read this manga, what are your thoughts on it?
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alexiessan · 4 years
Never alone - Chapter Eleven - Soulmate AU
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Tumblr must hate me or something ‘cause it seems to love deleting my chapters and other posts from the tags. You may have missed Chapter Ten, so don’t hesitate to go read it and give me your opinion.
In other news, my back has seized and I’m hurting so much... I swear I’m going to have back problems like old people... Anyway, here is Chapter Eleven!
Marinette smiled as she hung up from her call with Robin. Summer vacations have been very busy for her. She has done commissions for Jagged: an outfit, a poster and the cover of his new album. Marinette was not a professional, so it took her more time to do, but Jagged was very satisfied in the end.
But that meant that Robin’s outfit has been delayed since her trip to Gotham. She managed to send it to a safe address he gave her only last week and he showed her the result during their video call — it was so weird for Marinette to see him in a regular outfit, even if he had his mask on.
During the summer, she also made a lot of plans with her friends: several outings with Alya and Nino — and Adrien when he was allowed and in town. She also watched Kitty Section repeat at least once a week and would go get ice cream with them. She would take Kagami out to get out of her home and her mother’s influence as much as possible.
That summer where she got to see all her friends almost made her forget that their class would change when they would go back to school in September, the very next week.
Max and Adrien would be in Première S, in a class with a science specialty. Rose, Juleka, Nathaniel, Mylène, and Ivan would be in Première L, in a class with literature specialty. The rest of the class all chose to go in Première ES, in a class with economics as a specialty. But even with this same speciality, there was no way to know if they would be in the same class.
She could do without Lila, Chloé, and Sabrina, but she would like to stay in the same class as the others.
For once, the Eurasian girl was organized, and all her things were ready for their first day in class. She just had to pray that no one would get akumatized again. Hawkmoth had a habit to take advantage of someone’s feelings about going back to school, and it was not good for her record to miss an hour or two on the very first day of school.
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Luckily, Marinette got the people she wanted in her class. Unfortunately, Chloé and Sabrina were still in her class, but Lila was in the other ES class.
So for this year, she would be in a class with Alya, Nino, Alix, Kim, Chloé, and Sabrina. Aurore Beauréal, Mireille Caquet, and Jean Duparc from Mrs. Mendeleiev’s class were also in her class along with three other students that she didn’t know: Claude, Allan, and Allegra.
It was a small class of thirteen students but Marinette preferred it that way. The professor could help their students better when there was a small number of them in the first place.
Like usual, Marinette brought macarons from her parent’s bakery and shared them with all her classmates. She got to get to know them and had a feeling that they would all get along well.
As for Chloé, well… She still had hope that the girl would start to be kinder.
She was Queen Bee once, so she had the potential to be a good person/ She just had to put the effort into it.
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The Akuma didn’t strike during class, but at the end of the day. A kid that didn’t get to be in the same class as his best friend. Chat and Ladybug did a quick job in defeating him and got to talk a little about their first day in class.
Chat was sad as he only got one of his friends in his class. All his other friends were scattered in other specialties and his close group of friends was in the same class.
He told her that he was scared that they would grow apart from him since he wasn’t with them all day anymore.
Ladybug tried to reassure him that if they were really friends, that wouldn’t happen. After all, she thought, she would never allow Adrien to drift apart from them, and she will do everything in her power to maintain her friendships.
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A month passed and Marinette was once again elected as the class representative. Except, this time, Alya wasn’t her deputy, but Aurore was.
Aurore was the former class president from Mrs. Mendeleiev’s class and did a very good job, so the fashion designer was confident that they would both work well together.
October was also the month where her parents took a week off from work to travel a little. This year, they would spend a week in Ireland.
Marinette was a bit envious, but she was happy that they could take a little time off for themselves now that she was old and mature enough to stay at home by herself for a week. Her parents made sure she had enough stock of everything to last her for a week so that she didn’t have to buy groceries. They left her some money for emergencies too, but the bluenette knew that she wouldn’t need it.
She hugged her parents tightly and waved them goodbye.
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Damian’s new school year, so far, has been pretty good. His new classmates were still idiots, but they were tolerable. He talked to some of them, but he wouldn’t call them friends. At least, they knew that him calling them by their last name meant that he held some respect for them, and they didn’t look for more.
So, yeah, it was good, contrary to his former class where they were always trying to befriend him and would take offense every time he opened his mouth.
Calling Marinette every week made it more tolerable too, as she told him that he didn’t have to be friends with them if he didn’t want to, but should still refrain from insulting them when they didn’t do anything that would deserve such words.
It took a bit of work, but he eventually managed to not insult the people that tried to talk to him.
In September, his best friend, Jon — he would never say that to him, the youngest Kent would never leave him alone if he knew that — found out about him finding his soulmate. He asked questions, a lot of questions, and Damian reluctantly answered. The bespectacled boy wouldn’t shut up until he got answers, so he gave him just that.
He didn’t want to think about the similarities between Jon and Marinette.
Those two should never meet, he promised himself. It would be his end if they did.
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Damian came back from school, thinking about Marinette. He wanted to call her after dinner. He knew her parents were gone for a week, so she probably won’t be sleeping until the early hour of the morning back in France.
He didn’t expect to find his family reunited at the dinner table, all looking solemn and worried.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
Todd looked at him, handing him his phone. The youngest Wayne took it, seeing a video from the Ladyblog — the blog from Césaire, Marinette’s best friend.
“Take a seat and look at that.”
He really didn’t like the look on his brother’s face so he did just that. As he looked at the phone, the video waiting to be played, Damian suddenly got a bad feeling. He could feel knots in his guts and he looked up at his family once again.
Marinette has “met” Red Hood a few times on their video call. Todd thought it would be funny to crash his video call with his soulmate and to Damian’s misery, the two got along very well and were now thick as thieves.
Like her getting along with Drake wasn’t enough, she had to get along with Todd too.
He knew that Jason liked her a lot, and his face right now made him worry more than he would like.
He finally pressed play.
The video began like any others from the Ladyblog. Césaire explained the situation: a boy from their high school has been akumatized because he got bullied for his love of mangas and animes. The Akuma was named Animechara and his costume looked like this character from Naruto, the one with black hair and red eyes with a sword.
Damian watched, satisfied as Ladybug fought him. She took his advice to heart and took martial art classes. She was fairing very well and he couldn’t help but wonder how much she had progressed since the last time they sparred.
He watched as the Akuma took notice of Césaire.
He watched with dread as Ladybug and Chat Noir noticed that the Akuma’s attention shifted.
He watched as the cat-themed hero tried to distract Hawkmoth’s victim, only to get knocked a few feet away.
He watched with widened eyes as the Akuma threw the sword towards Césaire.
He gasped when Ladybug pushed her friend out of the way and she screamed from the pain as the sword impaled her.
Screams from Chat Noir, from Césaire and from the witnesses could be heard. There were a few more seconds of video, showing Ladybug on the ground, a pool of blood slowly appearing under her as Chat Noir tried to get a response out of her.
Then, the video stopped.
He was silent for a few moments before he looked at his family.
“Do-” he cleared his throat, trying to get his voice under control, trying to not show how worried, how scared he was. “Do we know if she’s ok?”
Todd shook his head and Damian didn’t wait for a verbal answer before he took his phone out, calling Marinette.
The dial tones seemed to last for hours for Damian, until, finally it stopped.
“Marinette! Are you-”
“Salut ! Vous êtes bien sur le répondeur de Marinette Dupain-Cheng ! Je ne suis malheureusement pas disponible pour le moment, mais laissez-moi un message et je vous rappellerai !” (Hi! You've reached Marinette Dupain-Cheng's voicemail! Unfortunately I'm not available at the moment, but leave me a message and I'll call you back!)
Dread settled in Damian and his stomach was in knots. He hung up, not leaving a message.
“I got her voicemail, she’s not answering.”
He tried to call her a second time but to no avail.
“Why- Why is she not answering?!”
He had to calm down. He could not panic. Marinette was probably fine, the Miraculous Cure healed every injury. She must not be near her phone, that must be it. She’s alive and healthy, and probably sketching in her room.
A hand to his shoulder almost made him jump, and he turned to see his father’s hard face.
“Go change into your costume. Take the Zeta tubes and go see her.”
“But, the zeta-”
“I know that we can’t use them just like that, but it’s an emergency. Go.”
He didn’t wait for his father to tell him a second time.
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Marinette was in her bed, agonizing. The Miraculous Cure healed her after Chat ended the fight in record time and handed her the akumatized object, but as usual, the pain was still there.
The sword has impaled her right between her breast. Without her suit, she would have been dead in less than five minutes, but the miraculous’ magic kept her alive enough for her to purify the akuma and to cast the cure.
She didn’t tell Chat how much pain she was in. She told him goodbye after telling him to have a talk with Alya about her safety and went back home.
Thankfully, he didn’t try to get her to stay.
So, here she was, two hours after the fight, feeling like her chest was burning from the inside. She took painkillers an hour ago, but it didn’t work at all.
She was glad her parents weren’t home, she didn’t know how she could explain that to them without revealing her identity.
But, maybe she should. She would have to talk about it with Tikki first, and she knew that she wouldn’t approve at all, but the girl was the new Guardian, so she could set new rules if she wanted, right?
But it was a discussion for another time, she thoughts as she couldn’t hold back tears of pain. Right now, she wanted the pain to stop.
She felt guilty about the two phone calls she received. Her phone was on her desk, and the blue-eyed girl was in too much pain to move and answer it.
As she closed her eyes trying to sleep when she knew it wouldn’t come, she heard three knocks. Groaning, thinking it was Chat Noir, she opened her eyes, ready to tell him to go away.
But it wasn’t Chat Noir.
It was her soulmate.
She could feel tears in her eyes once again. Both from her pain and from the happiness to finally see her boyfriend after five months apart.
Tikki flew up to open the skylight. With her tiny body, she only managed to open it a few inches, but it was enough for Robin to slip his finger in and lift it.
In a few seconds, he was by her side, his hand stroking her cheek. She could see the worry in his eyes.
“I saw the video on the Ladyblog. How are you feeling?”
She gave him a small, strained smile. Taking his hand in hers, she kissed his palm.
“The Miraculous Cure healed me but the pain is still there. It hurts so much.”
“Did you take something for the pain?”
She nodded. “It didn’t work.”
She saw him looking around.
“Do you have a heating pad or something? It won’t make the pain go away, but heat can appease it a little.”
She pointed at a dog plush at the end of her bed.
“It’s actually a… a bouillotte. You can put it in the microwaves.”
He frowned, trying to remember what a bouillotte was.
“Oh! A heat-storing cushion! But as a plush.” he smiled at her. “It’s cute.” He kissed her on the forehead and stroked her hair. “I’ll be right back.”
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Robin came back from the kitchen after heating the plush. He handed her the dog plush and lied beside her, bringing her closer to him and resting his hand on her hip. He watched as she sighed when she put the plush on her chest. He could see she was still in great pain, but at least the heat appeased it a little.
She looked at him with eyes full of happiness, and he couldn’t understand how she could be so happy and in so much pain at the same time.
“Hey.” she stroked his cheek and kissed him on the lips. “I’m so happy to see you.”
His only answer was to kiss her again, longer this time. He hoped that she knew it meant he was happy to see her too.
“I wish it was in other circumstances, though.” he said after breaking the kiss.
He looked around, taking in her room.
She laughed.
“I know, it’s a lot of pink.”
“Yeah, but that’s totally you. Can’t say I’m surprised.”
She yawned.
He kissed her temple. Then, her jaw, her nose, her neck, and finally her lips.
“You should get some sleep.”
She nodded, grasping his cape, as if not wanting him to go.
He took the hand grasping the clothe in his, kissing the top of her head.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
He felt more than saw her nod and took her in his arms when she tried to get closer to him. he waited until the pattern of her breathing changed and he was sure that she was asleep before he closed his eyes too, taking in her scent.
He fell asleep five minutes after she did.
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misstvirus · 3 years
I decided to put this on tumblr so I could hide spoilers from Twitter and full explain why I gave Resident Evil 8 the score 5/10
These are my opinions and my personal review of Resident Evil Village. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I am in no way saying that anyone’s experiences or enjoyment of the game are invalid.
Please excuse me - I had a hard time trying to put my thoughts in order. This is a game summary and commentary after the first few paragraphs.
I first discuss the graphics, music, etc but it turns into me basically explaining the plot so I could express my dismay at the end. Skip to the last few paragraphs to read my mental nerdy breakdown.
The gameplay, graphics and mechanics are perfect. Each installment since of series since Resident Evil 7 - has improved. The game mechanics while in combat such as switching weapons, healing and guarding are smooth, it’s damn near perfect. The Duke brought a lot of nostalgia and memories of Resident Evil 4’s Merchant. I enjoyed being able to interact to upgrade weapons, buy supplies and sell treasures. The games over all aesthetic, atmosphere and attention to detail. Each location was beautiful and you can see the love, sweat and dedication put into the game. The music is there, it is eerie at times but it’s not as memorable as other installments of the game. Resident Evil 7 had its featured title song, “Go Tell Aunt Rhody” - Resident Evil Village’s “Yearning for Dark Shadows” was not as heavily featured and did not get the hype like it’s predecessor.
Resident Evil Village had a good story (please note this is my thought strictly AS A REVITALIZED RE GAME BEFORE THE CHRIS REDFIELD SEGMENT). The story starts by continuing with Ethan and Mia Winters after the events of Resident Evil 7. I knew Capcom moved in a different direction and accepted that as long time RE Junkie that although it’s from the same universe - they would not be the same type of games. Chris Redfield’s end game appearance in RE7 and a few Easter eggs were the only MAIN (not DLC content) links to the previous RE installments. The new set of villains and interesting tie-ins to village folklore story was a great way to foreshadow the events to come. The village and story behind Mother Miranda and her reasoning for creating the big baddies because wanting to bring back her dead child were good and had this been a stand alone or continuation WITHOUT TYING THE GAME INTO THE RE UNIVERSE I would have liked it fully.
The game starts with Ethan and Mia Winters, a new baby, Rose and are Having marital issues not dealing with Louisiana/RE7 events and Chris Redfield shows up and kills “Mia”. Chris’s team takes the baby and Ethan and knocks him out. When Ethan wakes up in wreckage of a van, without his baby and dead drivers. As Ethan wanders into the woods and makes his way to the village. He discovers something is killing the people and meets up with a group of people who worship Mother Miranda and quickly die by monsters. These monsters are called “lycans” who are products/monsters of the Cadou mold similar/same thing in RE7. Ethan finds himself apart of weird meeting of all five villains - who stole baby Rose and want do some weird shit.
Tada! Ethan has escaped and ends up in Lady Alcina Dimitrescu or “Tall Lady” “Vampire Mommy” castle. You are confronted by her and her three daughters Bela, Cassandra and Daniela.
Let me step in to rustle the jimmies and ruffle the feathers of the Lady D hype group. What you see in the previews is what you get. No more, no less! There is nothing special and there are no redeeming qualities or mentions past notes in game files of Lady D outside your castle encounter. The story isn’t based around her, she’s just a tiny part in a larger story plot 1 of 5 villains/baddies. The daughters are overly sexual and have the most cringe worthy dialog. I love me some sexy characters and villains but the daughters were just so cringe. They could’ve AMPED up the horror with them and created a stronger scare factor but dropped the fucking ball. They were not creepy or scary and brought nothing to the story with delivering lines about wanting to “consume Ethan’s manflesh” “not stale as mother said - tastes so good.” Also to be noted they were not actually vampires but bioweapons. Lady D being a good result to the mold “Cadou” and the daughters the result of the Cadou and mixing of insects. You kill the daughters, get chased by Lady D who eventually mutates into a flying tentacle bat-dragon and it’s done, she gone. Sorry to fuckboys who thought she was bigger player.
After Ethan beats Lady D, he grabs a yellow flask that’s apparently filled with the juice and parts of baby Rose - and each of villains has one of these baby-juice boxes. Ethan will have to collect them all to be able to put Rose back together.
Next visit is House Beneviento. This was the scariest of all five villains and village locations in my review of the game. It reminded me of a Silent Hill installment less a Resident Evil installment - the use of light, sound and overall paranormal factor did bring in a successful horrifying portion of the game . The mutated baby chase was comical yet creepy. You have to hide to escape it and you ended up playing hide and seek with possessed dolls. The entirety of House Beneviento will definitely give you an uneasy feeling. Donna, the woman controlling a doll named Angie is another baddie who you later learn is mentally unstable and uses her abilities to manipulate plants - to cause hallucinations to create the creepy doll house scenario. (Oof it’s hard for me to stay on track). Part 2 of 4 of Baby Rose - which yes it what your game objective says.
Next Moreau, a mutated fish man - gives Ethan the Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 game play feel - having to complete actions while some oversized bioweapon is looming around and can take you out with a misstep, like falling in the water or moving too slowly. Moreau did not gain any abilities with the Cadou mold, basically his body wasn’t compatible and he just mutates uncontrollably. Mentally slow, weak and kind of a sad story. Ethan runs into Chris Redfield who tells him to stay out of it and than runs away. Ethans fights Moreau and gets another baby juice jar.
Next Ethan faces off and explores a laboratory with Karl Heisenberg - a bioweapon who can manipulate metal (think a less cool and weakly motivated Magneto). He one of the last big baddies - and motivated by being essentially rejected by Mother Miranda. He is the most stable reaction to the Cadou mold. Before Ethan and Heisenberg face off - Chris Redfield comes in - to reveal he was not the bad guy Ethan thought in the beginning of the game. Mia wasn’t Mia but in fact Mother Miranda in disguise- who was attempting to steal the baby Rose which she ended up doing anyway because Chris’s team wrecked with the baby. At this point I’m say FINE WHATEVER, I guess this works
Chris goes into kill Mother Miranda, we the audience discover the BSAA is now not what is used to be. Chris isn’t affiliating with them and his team hides away from them as they attack. BSAA gets struck down attempting to kill Mother Miranda’s mutation - a megacyte squishy organ (that’s keeping her alive and immortal). Chris puts a massive bomb on big Miranda squishy thing and discovers that Lady Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Moreau and Donna Beneviento are all attempts to create a perfect vessel to bring back her own dead child Eva, who died in 1912 of the Spanish flu. It is revealed Eveline, the RE7 little girl mold baddie wasn’t another failed attempt. Miranda has turned baby Rose into baby juice to use with the Cadou mold in a ceremony to bring her dead child back.
AND drum roll please - we find out Ozwell Spencer, founder of Umbrella and the progenitor virus the big Daddy of it all was in cahoots with Miranda at some point in his youth and supported her crazy ass research but had his own stuff going on. WHY?! WHO KNOWS? NOT ME! WHY WAS THIS PUT IN THE GAME. To piss me off? Yes. Chris has also discovered Mia is still alive in jail cell for what reason? who knows? And Mia reveals that Ethan is special!
Cue black screen, Ethan awakes to see to Eveline - the mold baddie from RE7. Eveline explains - that Ethan has been dead and died back during the events of RE7. Jack Baker had killed him and dragged him into the house. So he was dead the entirety of RE7 - That explains why Ethan is constantly dismembered, beaten and walking the mold keeps him alive. Ethan will not survive much longer because his missing heart but is determined to bring back his baby. Weakly he carries himself to fight Mother Miranda with Chris. Mother Miranda performs her ceremony with the baby juice boxes and out comes not Eva (her baby) but Ethan’s baby Rose.
They fight and Ethan kills Miranda, carrying Rose off to Chris but that missing heart is the end of Ethan so he takes the trigger for the squishy bomb and pushes Chris away and sacrifices himself for his daughter. Chris boards a helicopter with Mia and baby and the body of a BSAA solider. Ethan blows himself and the Miranda squishy up. The BSAA soldier turns out to be a bioweapon and Mia is distraught at Ethan being for reals dead and Chris is annoyed and directs the pilot for BSAA Europe HQ. Credits Roll, now we see Adult Rose (baby juice reborn as mold human) visiting her Dads grave it’s apparent Chris has been training her and her bodyguard (?) pulls up and they argue and she goes all combative on him. It’s implied she’s not normal since she was DUH she was turned into baby juice and put back together with Cadou mold they drive off - apparently you can see a ghostly Ethan in photo mode - I don’t know I don’t give AF enough about The Winters family and this game at this point
The End
5/10 - Story (read below)
9/10 - Everything else
- Katie’s Dismay and Final Review and Rating-
Graphics: 9/10
Setting: 8/10
Music: 6/10
Game Mechanics: 10/10
Story: (pre Chris Redfield tie in): 7/10
Story: (post Chris Redfield) 4/10
As a modern game, it was great, exceptional. It checks all the classic horror boxes but isn’t the scariest entry, Resident Evil 7 was a much more scary game. The story is why my rating is slow and it’s based on my biases and years of following the story.
STOP! Don’t want to hear my angry ranting? SKIP THE REST
THE ANGER OF a grown ass Resident Evil Fan.
They should’ve omitted the entire BSAA story and BSAA bioweapon-man and not included those notes about Spencer and Umbrella. This game was solid as a next installment and sequel to Resident Evil 7 until they decided they wanted to tie the original Resident Evil storylines into the new story.
When Capcom decided to breakdown and rebuild the franchise, it was a blow because so many storylines were unfinished. I understand they needed to keep evolving and I was blown away by the result. RE7 was not and did not feel like an old RE Game but it was new and it brought back the horror and fear the RE Games early installments were known for. A new RE for a new generation!
But TO ME PERSONALLY - The positive thoughts and opinions I had of RE7 are sullied by Resident Evil Village. Why try to tie it in as an after thought after such a successful overhaul? It’s a slap in the face! Capcom has created some of the best characters in video game stories just to say fuck them for this overhaul but WAIT WE REALLY LIKE CHRIS AND THE BSAA STORY LINE LET’S BRING IN THE OLD STORY NOW.
Fucking NO.
I don’t know what’s worse reading that fucking note from Spencer or the BSAA bullshit.
So now one has to say... WHAT happened to all of the characters who worked for BSAA or worked with affiliates of the BSAA? Chris goes on his own way - Now what? What happened??? There’s nothing explaining what happened between RE5 and RE6 to RE7! They failed to create that bridge. If they had established ANYTHING in RE7 it would be easier for me to swallow.
If you want to overhaul and change the series FINE but don’t back peddle now. Don’t try to throw it the last few minutes of the game with some lazy writing and a vague cliff hanger just leaving it like this.
And of course one could think - “maybe they will make a new game, maybe another sequel?”..... BUT HAVE Y’ALL seen what’s happened at the end of every RE game since RE4???? We are finally getting a Netflix series in 2021 to fill the time after RE4!!! That was 16 YEARS ago! So how can crazy ass fans like myself really expect them to fix the plot holes?!
My theory is that - in between RE7 and RE village They were working on the RE2 Remake and the RE3 Remake and it was if someone at Capcom finally asked - “If all these new RE players are going to play RE village - don’t we need a way to connect these stories????”
And someone jumped up in a conference room and replied. “FUCK IT LETS JUST TIE IN SPENCER AND THE BSAA IN THE LAST 10 MINUTES!”
I have cried, laughed and loved these games my entire life. Some of my major life events happened because of this series! I have followed every game, collected merchandise, gotten tattoos and met the most amazing people because our mural obsession over this series. That’s why it hurts me that’s why I’m tear it apart so viciously and also why I keep playing. There’s always hope that someone will fix the plot holes and finish the stories that lured in the older RE fans and I will always hold Capcom to a high standard and expect them to do right by the fans. I’m not speaking for ALL older RE Fans or ALL fans and I’m definitely not gatekeeping the fandom. This is how I feel - I’m grateful there is a new generation breathing life into RE but I’m screaming a warning - BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUPS - there’s a strong chance your favorite characters new or old aren’t going to get an ending or be reduced to a brief snippet in a file you may not not find.
Happy to those who loved it, condolences to those who are pissed off like myself
I’m annoyed but I’ll power through!
Happy 25th Anniversary to my longest obsession!
RE Verse coming in the summer, the Netflix series and the remake Live Action Movies.
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felicia-cat-hardy · 3 years
20 Asian American Musicians To Add To Your Playlist Now
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Over the past several years, the K-pop industry in the U.S. has grown exponentially. The fan enthusiasm behind bands like BTS has drawn parallels to The Beatles, and so many K-pop groups have received the same passionate reception. The attention is well-deserved, but Asian artists represent a multitude of musical genres (even just within the K-pop industry) — a fact that should not be overlooked. Whether you're a fan of indie rock, R&B, hip-hop, or dance music, you won't want to sleep on these Asian American musicians.
Asian artists have recently received some long-deserved recognition in the entertainment industry, primarily in film. In 2020, Bong Joon-ho's Parasite won big at the Oscars. The following year, Youn Yuh-Jung won the award for Best Supporting Actress for her work in Minari, which also scored The Walking Dead alum Steven Yeun a nomination for Best Actor. However, there's still plenty of work to be done within the music landscape to ensure equal representation is achieved.
BTS, most notably, has seen unprecedented success in the U.S. Still, despite being invited to attend the last three Grammys, they've yet to take home an award, highlighting the discrepancy between their immense success and the Recording Academy's willingness to acknowledge it. Additionally, Asian artists have a harder time landing record deals. As American Idol alumni Paul Kim explained to The New York Times, he was blatantly told by industry execs he would have been signed to a label faster had he not been Asian.
By streaming these artists, you're not only supporting them and their art, but you're subsequently showing industry insiders just how valuable they are. Consider this list sonic proof Asian artists are making exceptional, diverse music that can't be boxed into one genre or sound. Each of these artists prides themselves on breaking boundaries and creating their own rules. You may have heard of a few, but many have been flying under the radar for far too long. Your ears will thank you soon enough.
Melissa Polinar
Polinar got her start in the late 2000s when viral YouTube covers paved the way for success. While artists like Justin Bieber and Lennon & Maisy were sharing music covers, Polinar focused on posting her original music — and her soulful vocals were a hit. In 2019, the Filipino-American songwriter actually re-recorded one of the songs that propelled her career forward, "Try," on its 10-year anniversary.
Eric Nam
Born and raised in Atlanta, Nam moved to Korea to pursue music because he felt he had a better chance of succeeding there. “Even if you look at American Idol, or X-Factor, or The Voice or anything, it was always difficult to see an Asian or an Asian-American make it to a certain point,” Nam told TIME in November 2019. Today, Nam is a highly visible and respected name in the K-pop industry. While he's very proud of his K-pop success, he considers himself a pop singer first. He hopes to grow his success stateside and told TIME, "I want people to hear my music and say, 'I don’t know who this person is,' and I could be Black, white, Latino, Asian — it doesn’t matter, but it’s just a great pop song."
Clinton Kane
Kane's got every making of a great singer-songwriter, and his lyricism will make a fan out of loyal Ed Sheeran or Sam Smith listeners. The Filipino-American singer's impressive vocal range captivates, and his emotion-driven lyrics will melt your heart. One of his more popular tracks, "Chicken Tendies," has upwards of 2 million views and is a must-add to your heartbreak playlist.
Jhené Aiko
As a mixed-race Japanese, Creole, Dominican, and European woman, Aiko has proudly championed her diverse roots throughout her accomplished career. The R&B singer is a six-time Grammy-nominated artist and is well respected within the industry for her philanthropic endeavors. She launched the WAYS foundation in 2017, an organization dedicated to helping cancer patients and their families.
Steve Aoki
Steve Aoki is hardly a newcomer to the EDM scene, but as one of the most prominent DJs in the industry, and one of the biggest Japanese DJs ever, it would be a crime to leave him off this list. Aoki even has his own record label and, in 2016, Netflix released I'll Sleep When I'm Dead, a documentary about his career.
Karen O
As the lead singer for the rock band Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Karen O has solidified her spot as a rock music legend. Not only is the Korean-American singer's discography with the band a must-listen for any rock music fan, but her 2019 album with Danger Mouse, Lux Prima, earned her a Grammy nomination for Best Rock Performance.
Hailing from the San Francisco Bay Area, H.E.R. (aka Gabi Wilson) has become one of the most prominent names in R&B. At just 23 years old, the singer-songwriter already has four Grammy wins and 13 nominations. Along the way, she's never shied away from praising her Filipino mother and Black father, Agnes and Kenny Wilson, for giving her the unique perspectives that propelled her musical success.
Toro Y Moi
Toro Y Moi is actually one person (Chaz Bear) and he's become the unofficial king of chillwave. Born to a Filipino mother, the South Carolina native later relocated to California to further his music career. If you need some chill vibes on your playlist, Bear's got you covered.
Ruby Ibarra
Ibarra is a Filipino-American rapper from San Lorenzo, California who also dabbles in spoken word poetry. Her music is meaningful in more ways than one. A number of her songs touch upon her experience as an Asian American woman. In April 2021, she released a powerful song and video called "Gold" with Ella Jay Basco, which exposed the harmful effects of the skin whitening industry.
Ella Jay Basco
You may recognize Basco from her appearance in Birds of Prey, but her music is not to be slept on because it's making major waves. Her song "Gold" with Ruby Ibarra highlights her Filipino heritage. As she told People, "From top to bottom, we wanted to make sure that our Asian-American community was represented with this project."
Meet your new favorite alt-rock queen. Mitski's dreamy melodies appeal to the indie-rock crowd more than anything, and, if you're a sucker for a sad bop, this Japanese-American songstress has plenty of those stacked up.
Yaeji was born in Flushing, Queens in 1993 and grew up between the U.S. and Korea. Since she moved around so much as a kid, she found friendship on the internet, where she first connected with the bossa nova, jazz, and Korean indie music that drove much of the Korean DIY scene. She soon returned to the States to attend college, where she discovered a love for producing and DJing. Now, she meticulously blends hip-hop elements with her house-driven sound for a listening experience that is unlike anything else.
Hayley Kiyoko
Kiyoko has been given the nickname Lesbian Jesus since she’s so outspoken about LGBTQ+ representation in the music industry. The Japanese-American singer is a true trailblazer and her pop music genius has landed her hits with Kehlani, MAX, and AJR.
Jay Park
Park is an industry heavyweight. The Seattle native got his start in the K-pop industry as part of the band 2PM, but he went solo in 2009. Today, not only does the star have dozens of hits under his belt, but he has two record labels of his own that specialize in R&B and hip-hop music: AOMG and H1ghr. Park uses his superstar status to give others the spotlight, and he's put his support behind other artists like GOT7's JAY B and Yugyeom, and Raz Simone. Whether you're a self-proclaimed K-pop stan, or you're just recently getting acquainted with the genre, Park's discography is required listening.
Jin Au-Yeung
Born and raised in North Miami Beach, Florida, the Chinese-American rapper, aka MC Jin, has some seriously impressive accolades under his belt. After becoming popular among his musical peers for his epic freestyles, he was signed to Ruff Ryders in 2002 at just 19 years old, becoming the first Asian American solo rapper to be signed to a major record label in the U.S. He's since parted ways with the label and now travels back and forth between the U.S. and Hong Kong, seeing success in both places. In May 2021, the rapper released a single called "Stop the Hatred" with Wyclef Jean to raise awareness about hate crimes toward Asian Americans amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Olivia Rodrigo
Rodrigo needs no introduction, but I'll do it anyway: This Filipino-American actress-turned-singer-songwriter's mega-hit debut single "drivers license" was unavoidable in January 2021. Its heartbreakingly relatable lyrics about a crush moving on with someone else struck listeners to their core and immediately soared to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. It also went viral on TikTok, before making its way into a Saturday Night Live sketch. Rodrigo's songwriting skills have fans likening her to industry heavyweights like Taylor Swift, so it's no surprise her debut album, Sour, is one of the most highly-anticipated albums of summer 2021.
Run River North
Run River North is not just one musician, but three. The band formerly known as Monsters Calling Home is an indie rock band from Los Angeles. The group has an eclectic sound that draws inspiration from each member: Daniel Chae, Alex Hwang, and Sally Kang.
When ZHU first entered the electronic music scene, he used an alias and remained anonymous. By 2014, the artist also known as Steven Zhu was ready to share his identity with the world. ZHU got his start in San Francisco, California, but has made his mark on the EDM scene globally.
Darren Criss
Criss rose to fame starring on the television series Glee and he's since proven himself to be a true triple threat. His work can be seen across TV, film, and music. In September of 2018, Criss became the first Filipino-American to win an Emmy in the lead actor category for his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan in FX's The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. He’s also got several full-fledged EPs under his belt.
Amber Liu
Amber Liu (also known mononymously as Amber) is of Taiwanese descent and grew up in Los Angeles. She made a big splash when debuting as a member of the K-pop girl group f(x) in September 2009, but has since gone solo. Her 2019 solo track "Other People" racked up millions of streams, and she’s gearing up to drop her first album of 2021, called y?, very soon. In the meantime, she’s continuing to grow her superstar following on social media, where she has 5 million Instagram followers and over 2.3 million on Twitter.
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sharinluna · 5 years
Chapter 15 Gavin Analysis - The Name of Faith
NOTE: Please read this in PC because in mobile tumblr app the chapter quotes are not shown properly.
1. In Need of Something to Hold.
I put down the phone and stared blankly at the ceiling and my unchanged room, trance-like. It felt like if I closed my eyes, I’d still be able to feel that weightlessness of falling. I felt the ginkgo leaf on my wrist and tried to drive this surreal feeling out of my head. Then I just kept telling myself, that’s all in the past. That my life had returned to normal, that I could go back to the same, peaceful life.
Gavin: Did you have another nightmare?
Maybe because of all I’d been through, I found myself less and less able to control my emotions.
At the beginning of chapter 15 Yōurán is showing signs of depression, revisiting her trauma and having doubts of reality due to repeated nightmares. It doesn’t occur to the readers right away since we’re viewing the story from a distance. But having prophetic dreams and visions constantly is bound to shake your sense of what’s real and not. It must be really stressful.
To deal with this she is using Gavin’s ginkgo bracelet as an anchor to hold her steady.
The gingko leaf on my wrist glittered in the moonlight, like it was sighing in relief too. My heart slowly settled back down.
Yōurán: It’s because of you that Gavin is always able to sense me, isn’t it…?
Gavin: That’s not it. I can find you whether you have that or not.
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The truth was in the game profile all along.
NOW I can finally say this without spoiler tags. For those of you who thought Gavin’s tracker was creepy: There is no tracker! He just made that up because he was too shy to give you the bracelet and say “I made this because I love you.” He is nothing but a sweet, sweet boy.
Anyway, remember the significance of the ginkgo bracelet to Yōurán. Because I will bring that up at the end of the analysis.
2. You saved me and I saved you.
Gavin: Without you, this Ferris wheel would’ve stopped construction long ago, and those people wouldn’t be back to living their lives. You saved them. And you saved me. Don’t let yourself feel that you’re useless. I was falling, and you caught me again.
If I had to coin a phrase that explains Gavin and Yōurán’s relationship it would be “mutual salvation.” This is a relationship where the two people save each other. And in here “saving” doesn’t just mean saving your life from physical danger. It means enabling you to go on with your life, to giving you a purpose to keep going.
When Yōurán thinks back about their fall from the TV tower, I couldn’t help but notice some interesting parallels from Gavin’s Campus Date.
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Feeling that he was falling rapidly, Gavin reached out his arms trying to grab something. Suddenly a heavy, rapid, surging melody sounded. It’s like the world has no use for me. If I die, they’ll be happy, right? The piano melody suddenly rang out in several harsh, heavy notes. No, it’s not true. His life didn’t need validation from his so-called father, his so-called friends. - Campus Date
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I couldn’t help but think of that moment in despair. But it wasn’t until that moment when Gavin caught me that I realized, I was scared to death. I didn’t want to give up this place, all these people, and the bonds I’ve formed. So I grabbed on for dear life. - Yōurán reminiscing Ch 14
Campus Date is when Yōurán saved Gavin and caught him from falling. The same thing happened to Yōurán at the end of chapter 14.
They were both falling with nothing to hold on to. They both felt they were going to die and had no hope left of living. But something caught them in their fall. Yōurán’s piano for Gavin, and Gavin’s wind for her. After that they both realized that they wanted to live. Their reason to not give up on life is each other.
But it’s interesting that Gavin’s and Yōurán’s reasons for not wanting to die are quite different. Gavin said that his life doesn’t need validation from other people (mostly his father.) This led him to be pretty much detached from others and living like a lone wolf. He found his reason for life by breaking free from other people. Even when others mistake him as violent and scary, he doesn’t care. His own faith and principle that came from Yōurán is what matters
On the other hand, Yōurán said she didn’t want to give up the bonds she’d formed in her life. To her, attachments to other people are important. Not just the LIs. Her work colleagues like Kiki and Willow. Family and friends, her viewers, even the people she just passes on streets. The bonds she formed with people she’s met, places she’s seen, tether her to the living world.
The importance of “bonds” is a key element to explaining Yōurán’s nature and her actions throughout the whole story. Why she constantly throws herself to danger for other people. She is “bonded” to them. Connected to them in a way that reaches down to the core of her existence.
3. STF’s Dark Side
I already said this in chapter 14 analysis. The Special Task Force is not what it appears to be. It is supposedly an organization that upholds justice and protect the citizens. But, in chapter 14 Leto asked Yōurán - who is despite her Evol a plain citizen who hasn’t received any sort of training - to go to the source of danger without offering any back up or protection. Any military or semi-military group that’s asking unarmed citizens to do such kinds of things are using them as tools to maintain order.
And when Gavin gets in contact with his friend Litton it’s confirmed that the STF has done more dirty work.
Litton: No matter how big or small their crime, they all died. Cause of death undetermined, while at STF, and their cases were changed to someone else. Sounds impossible, but with enough patience, cunning, and authority… like the Commander perhaps.
Every Evol offenders Gavin arrested were killed, regardless of the weight of their crimes. Without going through a trial and without receiving a proper sentence. Their death is kept secret from the world as if they were assassinated.
Extrajudicial killing is when a person or group of authority kill a person without following due legal process like respecting the person’s rights to a trial. What they did is not execution, it’s murder.
Leto to Yōurán: STF has been monitoring the boy you encountered today. We guess that it’s an attempt from Black Swan to get close to you. We need you to gain this boy’s trust and possibly protect him to a certain extent.
Now, Leto is trying to get to Litton through Perry, using Yōurán. Baiting her that Perry is related to her father’s death.
Gavin: I don’t know why the Commander said this is related to your father’s death, but this mission isn’t simple at all. You’d best stay away from the boy.
Yōurán: I won’t accept. But I think this boy really does have something to do with the truth I’m after. So, I want to go see him, on my own terms.
She decides to approach Perry for the truth, but rejects Leto’s offer. She is unaware of STF’s dirty secret, but her “strong intuition” is telling her not to trust Leto’s words completely.
Since Lucien who is the smartest person in this story advised her to “trust her instincts.” When she has a gut feeling about these things, it’s usually right.
4. The Loss of Faith
  Litton: Gavin, what if one day everything you believed in turned out to be a lie. What would you do?
Gavin is a man who believes in the most ideal concept of justice. He chose his job in order to protect Yōurán and to ensure that the world is a good place. Because Yōurán is part of the world and the world is part of her. But he is not keeping justice just for her. Rather, the reason started from her and spread to the others.
Gavin’s Summer Loving call demonstrates this perfectly.
Gavin: (When asked why he saved a strange girl on the streets) I just acted on instinct. … In that moment, I suddenly thought of you. I thought, could there ever be a situation like this, you in danger, and me unable to be there? So no matter who the girl is, I would hope someone would stand up and help her.
Yōurán inspired Gavin to become who he is, but that doesn’t mean that his identity is borrowed or not his own. He said he acted on instinct without thinking. It was in his nature to choose to live like this, and Yōurán’s presence helped him discover that.
Litton: I thought I was serving the faith, but now I know my faith was stained with blood. Later I understood. Faith is what you have when you don’t want to know the truth. We were just executioners, that’s all we were.
Slow-gathering doubt, sudden truth. It hit him like a tsunami, assaulting his once unshakable faith. His right hand started tremoring suddenly. A black wind surged up, slight and sharp, slicing through the rain and scarring his hands. Beads of blood rose from the wound and were washed to the ground by the rain. Gavin clenched his fists again, and the blood oozed out, but no wisps of wind surged.
However, in chapter 15, Gavin’s belief of justice and right and wrong is shaken. Enough for his Evol to be unstable again and fail him.
He lost his faith of justice. He lost his faith in his Evol. He even lost his faith that he could protect Yōurán.
5. How to Overcome the Wall Between Us
Yōurán: What happened?
Gavin: It’s nothing major. You don’t need to worry. I’ll take care of it.
Yōurán: Maybe I can’t help you, but I at least want to share the burden with you.
A stinging feeling welled up. I thought after last time, Gavin wouldn’t hide things from me again. I thought he trusted that we could face the truth and take on everything together.
I understand why Gavin is like this, but I also feel the hurt of Yōurán. After what they faced together in chapter 12, this feels like a step back in their relationship.
Gavin: You don’t need to see Perry anymore. I’ll send someone to look after him.
Yōurán is looking after Perry for mainly three reasons. 1) She believes that Perry is related to the truth that she’s looking for. 2) She is naturally a caring person and took compassion on him. 3) She related to him because she has experience of missing her dad too. Looking after Perry came to have a personal meaning to her.
Gavin: My agreement before (about Perry) was on the precondition that you’d be safe. But now, the situation’s changed.
Most of the time, Yōurán respects Gavin’s wishes when he insists that she step back to be safe. But, she’s not going to back away when she suspects that he is not being completely honest with her.
Yōurán: Gavin… you’re hiding something again, aren’t you?
In that instant, a swirl of complicated emotions flickered in Gavin’s eyes. I felt as if I’d been punched in the chest. My heart ached. I almost couldn’t take it.
Gavin: There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. But this thing… I can’t let you.
An unspoken barrier of silence and stubbornness had been erected between us.
Gavin and Yōurán usually agree with each other about everything. But this is a topic that they cannot agree nor compromise. So they avoid each other instead of talking things out. Maybe they’re afraid that having an argument about Perry will lead to a fight.
As someone who comes from an abusive family Gavin is extremely careful to avoid any situation where he might be violent to her. Like yelling at her or getting angry at her during a fight. Yōurán firmly believes that Gavin will never hurt her. But right now, Gavin cannot believe himself.
Almost in all cases fights are detrimental in relationships. But you can never not go on without a fight in your life. And among couple fights the silent non-fighting war is the worst one.
I thought Gavin and Yōurán would have to lash out and yell at each other to solve this, even if they have to upset each other. But I was wrong. There was a way to overcome this without resorting to verbal abuse.
Gavin: The moment I saw you fall from the tower was the first time I wasn’t sure if I could protect you. But then I was unable to control my Evol, unable to take you somewhere safe…
And herein lies the root of the problem. With his unstable Evol he lost his confidence, his faith that he could protect her. It wasn’t that he couldn’t trust her,
Gavin: Even without Evol, I can still protect you. Trust me, okay?
He couldn’t trust himself. Losing his faith, he is desperately clinging on to  Yōurán for her faith.
 Gavin: I trust your precognitions. Put your trust in me too.
This was his absolute faith in me, and his absolute reassurance for me.
Gavin and Yōurán saved each other. They try to protect each other. They inspire each other to become good and brave. They also put their faith in each other.
6. Her Growing Powers and Precognitions of Impending Tragedy.
When Perry ran into me, I was holding his shoulders. Last time beside the hospital bed I held Gavin’s hand. And those sudden flashes of visions all happened afterwards, one after the other. Could it be that… because I touched them, I can see what’s going to happen to them in the future?
Yōurán’s power is known to be precognition at this stage in the story. But her visions foretelling the future comes to her involuntarily. She had no control of her powers and she couldn’t start seeing visions whenever she wanted to.
Now, her powers have awakened enough for her to practice some level of control and agency. Physical contact enables her to see other people’s future. Before this, she could see other people’s future only if she was directly in the picture.
Also, she can see not only the future but also the past from her visions. In chapter 12 she already saw young Gavin in her visions being terrified in front of a fire that killed his mother. In chapter 15 she actively used her powers to figure out where Perry was taken. In small steps her powers are growing.
No matter how uneasy I felt or how sure I was of my new ability, I chose to believe Gavin anyway.
Maybe she should have believed in her growing powers more. The LIs keep telling her that everything will be fine but her foreboding sense of calamity has never been wrong before.
I can see people’s futures, but since it hasn’t happened yet, maybe I can change it?
Well… this game seems to have a depressing tendency to lean towards fatalism… as she would soon find out in the future to her dismay.
7. Doing the Right Thing.
Countless gun barrels were trained on us. A team of armed units surrounded the entire warehouse. On their chests, STF special ops badges glinted in my eyes. For a split-second, I felt that all of these men before us were like devils. I wanted to ask them why. Why would harm a little kid. How could sworn protectors turn into ruthless executioners?
Gavin: I will not let another child die in front of me.
The concept of right and wrong is subjective, but harming innocent children is a big NO that cannot be compromised. At least to me. Child protection is one of the most important things in humanity. If a society needs to neglect, exploit, or abuse children to keep going perhaps that society shouldn’t exist.
Leto: It was my order.
Gavin: You don’t have the authority to do that!
Leto: The special ops team has its reasons. I don’t have the obligation nor the time to explain it to you.
Gavin: But you have the obligation to explain the first rule of STF code. Every single bullet is fired for justice!
Gavin: I’ve put 76 Evol offenders behind bars. And all 76 have either died or disappeared. If anyone believes in that justice, then those people will answer to me.
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Gavin: From now on, there is no more Agent B-7.
Mostly, the government is the one who decides what is right and wrong by law. But what if the government is wrong? Do you bend? Or do you defy? I love that Gavin chose the latter as his answer. He is standing up to the corrupt, authoritative, dictatorship government to pursue what is truly just. A path that is not by any means easy to walk on. Gavin is the Captain America of MLQC.
Yōurán: Gavin, don’t use your Evol again! You’ll be injured!
Uh…. but you should probably keep in mind the current state of your Evol, Gavin…
8. The Name of Faith
“The Name of Faith” is also the title of Chapter 15.
Gavin: The dangers aren’t just coming from the dark, but from the world we thought we once knew as well.
That the danger is from STF. For Gavin that would mean… the faith he once kept, the justice he once upheld, it all crumbled in this instant.
Gavin: I’ll take you to a safe place and then go back and take care of all this.
If we were to put a name on Gavin’s faith. It would be Yōurán. The Name of Gavin’s Faith = Her.
9. Against the Light
(Against the Light is the name of Gavin’s chapter 15 karma)
In the next instant, I saw Gavin’s solitary figure standing all on his own on the horizon. Half a second later, he disappeared out of my sight, like I would never see him again.
Yōurán: Are you going to leave without saying goodbye?
Gavin: Not at all. I made a promise to you.
I saw a cold, gleaming object taken out, pointed straight at Gavin. My body moved faster than I could think, and I shielded Gavin. Something sharp pierced my skin. The intense pain almost forced me to cry out. The next second my ginkgo bracelet split and slipped off my wrist. I snagged it in my hand.
After she foresaw Gavin disappearing, she shields him and gets shot instead of him. But it wasn’t enough to change the future she saw.
Gavin: Don’t let go!
All I could do was hold on to Gavin with all my might and let him focus. I was getting hotter and felt like my blood was rising to my throat. … I couldn’t breathe. I had no strength…
Yōurán: Gavin… Don’t… leave…
I used what strength I had to clutch Gavin’s clothes. The ginkgo leaf bit into my palm.
Gavin: I’ll be back soon.
In that moment, the image of Gavin receding away from me appeared once again.
Yōurán: No… don’t…
An indescribable fear gripped my heart. With my last ounce of strength, I grabbed Gavin’s hand. Don’t leave. Don’t go over there. Don’t walk off like in my vision alone and suffering. Don’t let it be like that again, walking off without even looking back.
Gavin: I won’t leave. I promise you.
With my last scrap of will, I clung to the bracelet that connected us.
Even when she got shot and is feverish, she tries to hold on to the bracelet and Gavin. Words like “don’t let go”, “clutch”, “cling to” is used to describe her desperate will to grab onto this object that means so much to her life. Remember what I said about the bracelet at the beginning? The meaning of the bracelet is revisited again, full-force.
Gavin’s Father: Gavin, weakness is the original sin. You go back with me and accept the NW Plan. This is the order you were born to accept. You and your brother are both no exceptions. Gavin, you have no choice.
Gavin’s father is using Yōurán’s life to threaten Gavin into accepting the NW plan. This is something that is so against Gavin’s idea of justice and morality.
Gavin: …You’ll keep her safe?
I never thought that seeing someone stripped of their will and pride could be such a painful sight.
But he accepts it. Everything was taken away from him. He cannot lose the only thing that’s left to him. Yōurán means that fateful autumn day at the campus with winds and piano music. Yōurán is the source of all his faith and purpose in life.
In the name of faith, Gavin is walking down the path against the light.
Yōurán tries to clutch on to Gavin like she clutches on to the bracelet, but she can only watch helplessly as her vision comes true before her eyes.
10. The Only Thing Left to Hold
I lowered my head and saw the bracelet on my hand shining exquisitely, but I couldn’t find the crack from before. It was like I had made up the whole thing.
Gavin left, leaving the bracelet behind. Her mental state is back to the beginning of the chapter 15. Empty, alone and doubting whether anything is real.
The gingko bracelet was her connection to Gavin. It gave her reassurance and courage to carry on despite the hardships. It was what anchored her down to be stable.
Now, the bracelet is only a faint reminder of Gavin’s absence and his echo of promises.
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datorchoe · 4 years
TES Hero’s
 Bruh I’ve never written this much in my life. This is a description of all my main TES ocs from ESO, Morrowind, Oblivion, Legends, Blades, and Skyrim. Read all under the cut :)
Cahira Stegan - Breton, 21 years old, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes  
- Cahira was born to a small family in a village called Krratch in western High Rock. Her family wasn’t able to take care of her so they married her off to the Kings son, Tan, when she was 14. She is a prodigy with a great sword, being the one of the strongest people in the village at only 16.
- She is 21 when ESO kicks off. Manimarco attacked Krratch and she gave her soul in turn that way he doesn’t decimate the village. She looses all memories when Manimarco takes her soul.
- Cahira is the strongest of all of the characters on this list. In addition to being a master great sword wielder, when she defeats Molag Bal, she keeps the Aedric powers she is given by the Amulet of Kings.
- After about a year of adventuring & training with her Aedric powers, she has fought and defeated about half of the Daedric Princes shes come across, including Molag Bal, Clavicus Vile, Vaermina & Mehrunes Dagon. After defeating so many Daedric Princes, Cahira absorbs a ton of Daedric energy, and becomes immortal. 
- (One thing I did change lore-wise is that Darien doesn’t disappear for a while after Coldharbour so he travels with Cahira for quite a while.)
- Cahira is mother to 5 children. Her first child is named Garbashur. He is an orc that she adopted when she was 14 and living in Krratch. Her next child is a breton named Dynar Gautier, which she had with Darien. Sadly, he never got to meet his son, but after news of her pregnancy, she retired to Camlorn after General Gautier offered to help her raise Dynar. He is named after the Ayleid king from The Hollow City. Her next child is a half-breton half-redguard named Maya, who she bore with Merric at-Aswala who she married after 3 years in retirement. The next two children are half breton half orc half, well, Daedra. Agroh is the older child, and Motkh is the younger child of the Daedric Prince Malacath who Cahira consorts with after her and Merric divorce. 
Montague Tesari - Altmer, 718 years old, gold skin, gold hair, green eyes.  
- Montague was born in the Summerset Isles in the second era. His biological parents couldn’t take care of him, so they gave him to a family of Bretons living in the Isles, hence his name. 
- Monatgue has very few responsibilities he actually cares about. His biggest priority is his son, Denken, who is a half-altmer half-dunmer. His ex wife, Neryn, divorced him 5 years after their son’s birth because he couldn’t keep a stable job. Despite his fathers absence, Denken has nothing but love for his father and vise versa. They sent letters between each other for years until Denken was old enough to go out on his own. 
- Monatgue is a very powerful mage. Using mostly Daedric magic, Alteration magic, and Destruction magic. Montague trained with Divayth Fyr for three years after the events of Morrowind. But, it doesn’t last long since Divayth & Montague had a falling out. However, his strongest ability is the ability to commune with animals. 
- After spending time with a Hircine cult, he developed a special connection with a lot of animals. This connection is one of the major reasons that Emperor Uriel Septim VII asked Montague to travel to Akavir. As a trusted blade of Uriel, Montague has a lot of political backing to his name. His strength is known and respected by many. This is another reason that Montague was asked to go to Akavir. However, Uriel Septim was assasinated before Montague could return to mainland Tamriel. 
 - He is still very much alive and kicking during the events of Skyrim. After Uriel Septim’s death, Montague returned to Cloud Ruler Temple to see what was happening. Montague teaches Risiki (HoK) blood magic to help her combat the Mythic Dawn. He also teaches Koraan (LDB) a new shout he learned on Akavir. 
Hero of Kvatch
Risiki “R248″ Utherd - Nord, 30 years old, black hair, green eyes 
- Risiki was part of an experiment by some scientists who operated out of a cave on the border of Skyrim & Cyrodil. One day when she was eight, she was awoken to the scientist being slaughtered. She runs from the cave and comes apon a small village in the Reach of Skyrim. The villagers turn her away, as she is covered in blood and will only repeat the phrase “R248″. She leaves to the outskirts of the village and meets a man named Urgmard Utherd. Urgmard takes her in and raises her. 
- When Risiki was 25, a massive group of bandits comes and attacks the village, killing all of the patrons, including Urgmard. Risiki makes it her lifes work to hunt down and kill all of these bandits. After 5 years, she finally learns the location of the leader, who is posing as a citizen in the Imperial City. She enters the city and slays him once and for all. However, the guards catch her and throw her into prison. Thats how the events of Oblivion kick off. 
- Risiki became involved with the Thieves Guild after hearing rumors of Mythic Dawn agents within. She quickly rose to the top and became the Grey Fox. However, after her retirement, she passed the Cowl on to Armand Christophe. She is also the Grand Champion of the Arena, going by the name “The Gatekeeper”
- Risiki’s main weapon is a battle axe, but she was also taught ice magic. After Montague returns from Akavir, he teaches her blood magic, which he believes will be helpful in the fight against the Mythic Dawn. 
- Risiki becomes incredibly attached to Martin Septim, seeing as he becomes one of her only friends. Her and Martin had a child named Uria Martin Hassildor. After Martin’s passing, Janus Hassildor takes her under his wing, knowing the pain of loosing the one you love. 
- She spent twenty years in Skingrad with Uria before being murdered in The Shivering Isles. Uria went with her mother and got trapped in the Shivering Isles till the events of Skyrim, when Koraan (LDB) rescues her from her suspended time. 
Forgotten Hero (Legends) 
Carwhien Balfwood - Half-breton half-bosmer, 27 years old, light brown hair, green eyes 
- Carwhien comes from a very large bosmer family in Grahtwood. Having 4 half siblings and 17 cousins living under the same roof, she struglled to keep up with her family, being considered the “odd one out” since she was half breton. She never had a good relationship with her father. So when he ran off to join the Thalmor, an organization she deeply despises, her hatred grew more. Eventually, she decided to track him down and make him answer. Being caught snooping around in the Thalmor’s records, they threw her into the Arena with Tyr, the former Blade. This kickstarts the main questline. 
- Being bosmer, Carwhien is very agile and light, using mostly daggers. She is also a master of shock and lightning magic. Her bubbly personality and worship of Y’ffre and The Green sometimes makes it hard for her to kill, especially animals. When Tyr and Carwhien encounter the wolves in the woods, she cannot bring herself to kill the wolves and takes one in, naming him Boomie. 
- After the main questline takes place, Carwhien returns back to Grahtwood with Tyr, Swims and Laaneth to reunite with her family. They spend a few months there before spliting off. Tyr & Carwhien go to Skyrim and get married and have three kids, Uurfin and Fortar (twin boys), and a girl named Svail. 
- They are still alive by the events of Skyrim, when Tyr hears of the Dragonborn’s return, his pride as a former Blade tells him to track down Koraan (LDB) to see what she’s about. 
Blades Hero
Holkom at-Muraak - Redguard, 30, Black hair, brown eyes. 
- Holkom is a former member of the Blades, who was friends with Tyr, as they were in the organization together. For as long as he can remember, Holkom lived in the small town of ‘Swordbreak’ training with a blade. When he turned 16, he went to Cloud Ruler Temple and joined up with the Blades. After most of the Blades were wiped out, Holkom decided to return home to Swordbreak. The events of the main quest then kicked off. 
- Holkom’s main weapon is a greatsword, but being trained by the Blades, he can also use katana’s very well. Holkom has a very “heroic” personality. He enjoys being the center of attention, but would never pull the “people love me” card to flex on anyone. But his massive muscles do flex often. 
- After completely rebuilding Swordbreak, Holkom became the new mayor. He then married Sabina Clovia, a breton mage living in Swordbreak. They have two children. An older male named Rhani, and a young girl named Prollie. 
- Like Tyr, Holkom was very curious about the new Dragonborn. So, after Tyr met Koraan (LDB), he invited her to Swordbreak to meet Holkom, cause ya gotta look out for your bro’s. 
Last Dragonborn
Koraan Buxom - Nord, 24 years old, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes.  
- Koraan was born in Cyrodil, close to the border of Skyrim. Her mother is actually a desendant of Risiki’s (HoK) brother, Brarius Velldo. Akatosh thought it would be a funny coincidence. Anyway, Koraan’s parents were doctors in Anvil, and they trained Koraan in medical sciences. At age 10, Koraan’s parents were attacked by vampires. Her mother passed away, and her father became a vampire. However, they were saved by a Khajiit vampire named Raizin, who brought them back to their little vampire sancutary, where Koraan would train for the rest of her life. After many years of being with them, a rival vampire group rose up and killed most of them, including her father. Raizin was kidnapped and sealed away by the other vampires so that he couldn’t fight back. Koraan then ran and spent three years hiding in a cave, living off the bandits that would take refuge there. Afterwards, she went to Skyrim, hoping to find her father. That kicks off the main events of Skyrim. 
- Koraan is mostly a restoration mage, however, she is also very adept at telekinisis, being able to hold up the entirety of the College of Winterhold in an effort to keep it steady as it broke off. However, when she first comes to Skyrim, she joins up with the Companions to make some money and begins training with swords. She prefers katana’s but is capable of wielding a greatsword of battleaxe. 
- Koraan is the Harbinger of the Companions, but is also the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. She got mixed up in the Brotherhood before Alduin’s defeat and became Harbinger literally hours before going to defeat Alduin. Being the only doctor in the Companions, she has a lot of work on her back trying to keep them alive. Her passive and patient nature is definetly put to the test. 
- Koraan adopts three children in her time in Skyrim. Lucia in Whiterun, Zenneth (a Nord boy based in Falkreath and his dog Paku), and Rylu (a Dunmer boy they found on Sothstiem). She also technically adopts Aventus Arentino, but he begs her to let him stay in Dawnstar with the Dark Brotherhood. A couple of years after Skyrim’s main quest, she marries Farkas and they have two twin girls, Kodlin and Parthurn, and one boy, Jergen. 
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saltylikecrait · 4 years
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Like, A Date? - Jannah/Rose Fanfic
I’ve been wanting to write a Jannah/Rose fic for a while, but other stories distracted me. It can also be read on AO3 here.
Ajan Kloss was a world full of beauty. Jannah almost forgot how beautiful many places could be. Life in the First Order hadn’t taught her how to appreciate the natural, she had to learn that on her own.
This was her first time on a proper Resistance base, making it feel all the more official to her. She was part of something better than the First Order – an organization trying to takedown the remains of the very people who raised her to be a soldier.
As she walked down the ramp of the Resistance shuttle, Jannah found herself distracted by everything in sight. There was so much going on between the unusual wildlife singing in the trees to the activity around the base. She stopped to watch a group of volunteers run past the shuttle, together, but not in unison like the First Order had preferred.
A group of mechanics stood around a grounded A-wing, watching one of their own give a lecture about repair. She glanced over at them, trying to get a look at what they were doing. A petite woman was in the center of the group, holding up some sort of tool while addressing her team. She couldn’t get a clear view of the woman, but she could see she wore her black hair in a ponytail and her beige worksuit had a marking on the left chest pocket to show she held rank. Jannah thought the woman looked familiar, but she had encountered so many Resistance members in passing, she couldn’t be sure if she was just imagining things or not.
“Jannah,” a voice called behind her. She turned around to see General Calrissian standing a few feet away from her. “Welcome to Ajan Kloss.”
She looked back at the engineering group one more time before walking over to the general.
Standing next to General Finn, Jannah listened in to a rundown of what First Order activity the Resistance was tracking when the engineer leader reappeared.
“Oh,” Finn stopped mid-sentence. “Rose, have you met Jannah yet?”
Their eyes locked. Suddenly, Jannah felt at loss for words, which was a rarity for her. She swallowed before she held out her hand, heart beating a bit harder than normal.
“Nice to meet you.”
The other woman took her hand with a smile. “We briefly encountered each other on Exegol, but it’s nice to meet you in person. I’m the head of the Engineering Corps.”
That’s why she looked familiar, Jannah thought. She must have seen her then, but never got a chance to really look at her.
Still, the explanation didn’t make it clear why her heart was still fluttering in her chest.
The whole meeting, she tried to pay as much attention to Finn, Lando, and Poe, but she kept finding her gaze drifting towards the other woman. Rose was a quiet presence, but Jannah found there was strength within the woman too.
After that, the two ran into each other on base more frequently, exchanging shy smiles and chatter about whatever latest news came to their ears. She learned that Rose was a talented mind with recycled parts and gained a fondness for animals through her deceased sister – a hero of the Resistance herself.
“Hey, I was wondering…” Rose began but hesitated for a moment.
“Yeah?” Jannah asked.
Rose took a deep breath. “I was wondering… would you like to get a drink tonight? You probably know the cantina isn’t anything special, but it might be nice and-"
Laughing, Jannah stopped her. “Breathe, Rose. I would love to.”
She exhaled and beamed. “Great. Find you at 1900 hours?”
“Sounds good!”
As excited as she was, Jannah tried to keep her thoughts about the evening to the back of her mind. She had things to do, Resistances to plan for. Still, she couldn’t quite keep the corners of her mouth from twitching upward.
“You look happy,” Finn observed as they were looking over terrain maps together. “What’s up?”
“Hmm? Oh. Umm… I’m just looking forward to this evening,” she answered. “Rose and I are getting drinks.”
“Like a date?” His eyebrows arched.
Jannah felt her heart race. Was it a date? Rose didn’t indicate it as any more than a friendly get-together, though her nerves implied there was something more to it. She might not have a ton of experience with attraction, but Jannah knew when someone wasn’t acting like they were only interested in being friends. She knew they both snuck glances when the other wasn’t looking, thinking they were being sneaky. If she was being honest with herself, she was hoping this was exactly what the evening was supposed to be.
“I dunno…” she admitted.
Finn’s eyes widened. “Really? The way you two are always around each other, I thought… Well, I guess I shouldn’t assume…” He looked embarrassed.
“It’s all right,” she told him. “I kind of hope that’s what it is.” She felt her cheeks warm.
“I hope you two hit it off then,” he chuckled. “Hope you don’t mind… but I think you make a nice couple.”
If it were possible, Jannah’s skin felt hotter from the teasing, but well-meaning smile Finn shot her.
She waited outside when the time drew near, walking around the area of the hangar closest to the command center. While she doubted Rose would miss her, she didn’t want to make her walk around to look for her.
Rose didn’t keep her waiting long. A few minutes before their set meeting time, she wandered out into the hangar, looking for Jannah.
When they spotted each other, Rose waved warmly to her. Jannah couldn’t help but wave back enthusiastically.
“I was so worried I was going to be held up,” Rose confessed when she got withing hearing range. “Thank goodness for Finn. He knew we were meeting up and ran in to cut Poe short.”
Jannah made a mental note to thank Finn when she saw him next.
“Still up for drinks, then?” she asked.
“Of course!” Then, Rose paused. “Could we… go for a walk first? I’ve been hunched over all day.”
“Sure.” Jannah didn’t mind. She understood how a day of hard work could be on the back. Engineers and mechanics probably had the worst time for that. “Where to?”
Rose looked around. “Rey’s training grounds, maybe?” It was one of the cleared areas of the jungle, not known for housing anything dangerous, though the Resistance was encouraged to carry blasters if they had to go out into the flora, just in case. Rey kept the area well-traveled, especially now that she wasn’t the only one training there. She and Finn wanted to make sure they were safe to train without running into too many problems during exercises. They needed to concentrate if they wanted full control of the Force… or, that’s what Jannah assumed anyway.
They headed over in that direction, taking the time to appreciate the nature around them.
“Hayes Minor wasn’t quite this beautiful,” Rose told her. “It was icy most of the time.”
“Is that where you’re from?” Jannah asked.
She nodded. “Yeah, I lived there most of my life. I thought I was going to drive ore diggers for a living. That’s what a lot of us did. My parents got my sister and I out when the First Order… Well, they didn’t make it.”
“I’m sorry.” Jannah didn’t know what else to say. “I’m sorry about your sister too.”
“She died a hero,” Rose replied. “The Resistance would have fallen on D’Qar if it weren’t for her.” She said this proudly, but Jannah knew pain when she saw it. Some wounds would never heal.
“Does it bother you,” Jannah swallowed thickly before she continued, “that I was a stormtrooper, I mean?”
Rose shook her head. “You were brave to leave. Finn too. We wouldn’t have been able to defeat the First Order without you two.”
“Oh, I don’t know…”
“It’s true!” Rose grabbed her hand suddenly, the brush of skin feeling like an electrical tide down Jannah’s arm. “Finn helped us destroy Starkiller. You helped us defeat the fleet on Exegol.”
Once again, Jannah didn’t know what to say. “Thank you,” she whispered.
They paused for a moment, staring at each other, until Jannah felt herself blink and looked down at their linked hands before she looked back up at Rose.
Face flushing pink, Rose scrambled to let go. “S-sorry,” she stammered.
“It’s all right,” Jannah assured her.
They kept walking forward, before making a loop at a crevasse they couldn’t cross and heading back to camp. When they returned, nothing really happened in the time they were gone.
The cantina was really a makeshift counter with upturned crates situated around it for seating. A few of the pilots had cut down logs and thatched together a roof of straw and leaves to give it more of a “tropical” aesthetic. It still looked a lot nicer than the bars the First Order had, with far more personality than durasteel walls and cold, uncaring metallic furnishings. Being a lowly stormtrooper, Jannah had never been allowed in those. The bars were strictly for commanding officers.
She would bet that even without a proper bartender, the drinks were better too. Resistance members with some experience in mixing drinks volunteered when they wanted, though the alcohol was locked away when unattended. Poe was concerned about drunk Resistance members working on machinery, flying starfighters, and shooting.
Tonight, a human man named Imrie was bartending. They told him what kind of drinks they liked and he made up something for them.
Rose was given something green that smelled tropical under the alcohol. Jannah, meanwhile, found herself with something called Jet Juice. She was almost afraid to ask what was in it, but when she took her first sip, she found herself tasting flavors of citrus with a slight kick to it. She liked it.
“So how’d you end up with the Resistance after you fled Hayes Minor?” She tried to pick up the conversation where they left off.
“Our parents told us to find them,” Rose explained. “But we knew the First Order was looking for us, so we had to lay low while also trying to find an in. We got lucky and found a Mon Calamari crew that knew how to find Ackbar.” Her face fell. “I miss him too.”
Jannah felt like she was bringing up too many bad memories for Rose and worried she would make her upset. “Was it hard to adjust?” she asked, one final question on her mind.
“A little,” Rose admitted before she looked Jannah straight in the eyes. “I bet it was hard for you, right?”
She was reminded of the days after Exegol when she was starting to get used to life on a Resistance base. Finn had jumped into his new role as a co-general, but quietly retreated when he was done for the day, taking solace with his friends Rey and Poe. Particularly with Rey, who he had feared for dead back during the battle. Jannah didn’t blame him for wanting to be close to his friends after all they had been through, but she didn’t know many of the other Resistance members back then and felt at loss of where to go.
“It was a bit rough,” she agreed. “I wasn’t sure you would trust a former stormtrooper. I didn’t know Finn was a defector at first either.”
“You two are a lot alike.” Rose smiled when she said this. “Both brave; both good people.”
“You think I’m good?” No one had ever described Jannah like that before.
“Yeah.” The smile Rose gave her was genuine.
Her heart began to beat just a little faster. Was it getting warm? Warmer than usual?
“We should… get together like this more often. I like our date.” She hadn’t meant to use the D-word, but it came out on accident. Jannah mentally kicked herself.
Rose was mid-sip when she said this, and the moment the word was uttered, she spluttered, her drink dribbling a little out of her mouth and down her shirt. Jannah gasped and looked around for anything that could be used to wipe it away, but the only thing she could find was cloth rags someone probably left behind.
“Your shirt-"
“Is this a date?” Rose gasped.
“I-" Jannah wasn’t sure how to answer. “If you want it to be…”
This was the moment everything could go wrong. She braced herself for rejection.
But it never came. Instead, she watched as Rose beamed at her.
“I’m glad you thought so too. I was hoping…”
“So we’re on again soon?” Jannah tried not to sound too hopeful, but it was hard not to. Not when Rose was looking at her like that.
“Well, I’ll have to wash this shirt first, but I think soon would be a nice idea.”
The two women went quiet again, drinks forgotten as they stared at one another with smiles on their faces.
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elopez7228 · 4 years
Scenic Route 15/47
Read on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/18268208/chapters/43229774  
Start over : https://elopez7228.tumblr.com/post/620919089893933056/scenic-route-0147
Rey woke up around six in the afternoon. Her clothes stuck to her sweat-drenched skin, much like her hair. BB8 was lying in the back seat, chewing on her old sock.
She shuffled out of the car, wondering how on earth she was going to make herself presentable. She’d showered yesterday but it felt like ages ago—in a matter of hours she had sweated, taken a tumble in the leaves, wandered into a thorn bush, rolled around in a pile of nettles, fought with an actual bear, and managed to sweat even more in the aftermath. She was covered in dirt, scratches, and leaf litter. Not to mentioned that she reeked of dog slobber. At this point, a shower seemed less of a luxury and more of a necessity. But where was she going to do that?
She recoiled at the thought of calling Ben Solo again. Better not get too dependent, too burdensome...what kind of post-breakup-soul-searching-road-trip would this be if she was constantly relying on the first man that crossed her path?
She opted for a campsite, she would have to spend the night somewhere anyway. And since she was sleeping in the car she wouldn’t have to bother with the whole tent business. She was carrying a lightweight dress and makeup essentials in her bag. It would suffice for this evening. As for BB8, she would be coming along—the poor girl—she didn’t have to spend the evening chained to the car.
Cigarette in hand, Ben reviewed Snoke’s responses to the leaked information from Rey’s phone as he sat on the terrace of the Town Square Tavern.
According to his files, her employer—Smart Berries—was a London-based startup specializing in targeted advertising. Their app used a patented algorithm to identify potential customers for various businesses. It was nothing remotely compromising. They had zero presence abroad. Just a team of fifty people, most of them myopic computer geeks or Frappuccino-guzzling business newbies. No connection whatsoever with Earth Soldiers or FORCE. Rey’s primary contacts consisted of her ex-fiancé Finn Storm who also worked in IT, and his boyfriend Poe Dameron who was a mechanic. She went out for lunch every afternoon, paid her taxes on time, donated regularly to cancer research initiatives, and lived a generally uneventful life. No prior political engagement, revolutionary plotting, activism, or discernable link to any ecological organizations whatsoever. The investigation into Jessika Pava returned similar results. The one thing that stood out to Ben was that Rey was born to absentee parents and raised by an adopted family.
“That makes two of us,” he sighed as he picked up his phone to text her his location. She would likely show up on time.
In the central plaza, a crowd of onlookers had gathered to watch a group of comedians perform an Old West skit. Saloon girls strutted around in billowy red satin bloomers. Military men paraded in on horses waving the Stars and Stripes, and daring cowboys performed a mock duel with toy pistols. The crowd was in full swing, laughing and cheering along.
Night fell slowly, the air still humid, the sky eventually turning pitch black. Kylo and the band dispersed into the crowd, with the exception of Syed who was still under orders to shadow Rey. Wherever she went,  Syed was never far away. Syed tore through the crowd in Ben’s direction, silently wishing she was slicing through something else entirely.
Ben couldn’t help but find her beautiful, in her black leather pants, studded belt and combat boots. She stood in front of him, raising the cigarette she twirled between her fingers to her lips.
“So, how was your day?” he asked, feigning indifference.
“I went on a twelve mile hike, confronted a bear, saved your girlfriend’s life, and then watched her sleep for three hours. I wasn’t exactly idle. What about you?”
“You saved her life?” He exclaimed, no longer able to maintain a poker face.
“Yeah. She’ll probably tell you, she’s going to be here any minute now.” Syed responded, looking behind her as if to pick someone out of the crowd. Ben followed her gaze.
That’s when he saw her.
To this day he had only ever seen her in jeans and a t-shirt, her feet clad in ankle boots and her hair tousled at best. But now he hardly recognized the woman approaching him.
Rey was wearing a blush pink silk dress and high heeled sandals that accentuated her elegant figure. The silk flowed effortlessly down her body, held up by thin straps. She had evidently forgone a bra. Her hair was swept into a loose updo, with a few rebel strands escaping to frame her lightly  made-up face.
Ben suddenly felt overly warm. He swallowed the lump in his throat, cursing his own weakness as he felt a blush creeping up his face. Syed tapped him under the jaw.
“Close your mouth or you’re going to catch flies.” She intoned.
Rey held a small purse in one hand (just big enough for her phone and wallet) and a leash in the other. BB8 trotted along nearby, chewing contently on a red rubber ball that was too large for her jaw and wagging her tail excitedly.
But the dog froze as soon as she caught sight of Ben, growling viciously. The sound that came out was garbled, muffled by the rubber ball. Ben rose to pull out a chair for Rey. He had a hard time finding the right words.
“Good evening. You look...beautiful. What will you be drinking?”
“Margarita, thanks.”
She sat down, hanging the leash on the back of her chair. BB8’s eyes were still glued to Ben as the growling continued. He looked down on her disdainfully and contemplated a swift kick in her direction. The dog was easily within  range of his boot—but that would surely ruin the evening. He gingerly moved his foot away.
Syed broke her silence, crushing the end of her lipstick-stained cigarette into an ashtray. “I’m going to see what Saul is up to. Call me if you need me Kylo, I’ve got my cell.”
Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heels and disappeared into the sea of passers by. A waitress brought a margarita for Rey and a  pint of Rainier for Ben. They clinked glasses.
“So, did you have a good day?” Ben asked finally, strangely hesitant.
“I don’t know,” Rey replied, taking a long sip of the sugary tequila concoction through her straw. She looked up at Ben with gleaming eyes. “I fought a bear...”
“Oh, you too?” Ben asked, immediately regretting his untimely slip up.
Rey frowned, obviously perplexed. “What do you mean, me too? Do you know a lot of people who have fought bears?”
“Er no I meant—I thought it was just some British expression or something—to say that you’ve had a rough day?”
Rey burst out laughing.
Nice save.
“No, but it could be! Believe it or not, I fought an actual bear.”
Ben’s eyes widened. “If you fought a bear there’s no way you would have escaped, unscathed, to tell the tale.”
“You don’t believe me?” Rey feigned offense. “Would you bet on it?”
“A bet?” Ben took a gulp of his beer. He didn’t like where this conversation was headed. What the hell was the story with this bear? He knew Rey was danger-prone but this was too much even for her. “Alright, you’re on. What are the conditions?”
Rey lit up instantly. She had Ben right where she wanted him. He wasn’t particularly well dressed this evening but she found a surprising amount of grace, watching him in the dimming glow of twilight. His shoulders were massive and his mouth too large, his nose too long and his ears slightly too big for his face. She had lost count of his beauty marks. But it all seemed to work, his features coming together in atypical harmony. What she really liked was his hair. It fell in thick waves to the nape of his neck and she suddenly had the urge to run her fingers through it. The idea of sliding her nails through was enough to make heat bloom in her stomach.
She crossed her legs to clamp down on the impulse as she feigned an air of nonchalance. “If I can prove that I fought a bear today, you have to...let me pleat your hair.”
Ben broke out into a laugh—the genuine  sort of laughter that Rey had never heard from him before. She smiled. It suited him, tracing dimples along his cheeks and revealing a row of slightly imperfect teeth. The nth little flaw that added to the equilibrium of his face.
“No way,” he finally managed after he caught his breath.
Disappointed, Rey pressed her lips into an exaggerated pout. “Tell me, what would you counter, then?” Rey asked politely.
“If I win you have to teach your dog to like me,” Ben replied without missing a beat.
Rey smiled inwardly, she was touched by the fact that he wanted to make friends with BB. She couldn’t help but find his intentions adorable.
“Alright,” she agreed, but only if you let me do your hair.”
That would cost him. He wasn’t afraid of looking ridiculous—what he was really afraid of was the feel of her fingers running against his scalp. Would he be able to keep himself in check? What if she noticed he was half-hard? But the truth was he had a lot to gain if he won the bet.
Rey grinned triumphantly, reaching into her bag to take out a piece of metal which she placed on the table.
Ben held it between his fingertips. “What is this? A bullet?”
“Yep. It belongs to the hunter who scared the bear off,” she confirmed.
“The bear...that you fought with?” Ben had a hard time buying it.
Rey launched into a story, gesticulating wildly as she recounted her adventure: BB8, the chipmunk, the bear and the invisible shooter.
Ben licked his lips. It all corresponded with what Syed had so succinctly reported: Confronted a bear, saved your girlfriend’s life. He could have denied it, could have asked for additional evidence that she would never be able to supply. But he already knew it was true. What point would there be in antagonizing her and calling her a liar?
He nodded. “Okay, you win.”
Rey raised her arms in victory, it was her turn to laugh. “Are you ready for a makeover?”
“Here?” Ben sputtered incredulously.
Rey grinned mischievously. “It’ll happen whenever and wherever I choose tonight,” she countered, sipping on the rest of her cocktail. She was hungry too, her stomach growled in complaint.
And so they ordered pizza. BB8 perked up at the scent. She didn’t hesitate to butt the table with her snout in begging for a slice.
Rey caught Ben’s attention. “Give her a little piece,” she whispered, “and then pet her gently. She’ll warm up to you.”
Ben obeyed, albeit with caution. The dog growled, but was unable to resist the temptation of hot pizza. She swallowed the piece whole with a single movement of her jaw. Ben slowly retrieved his hand. BB reclaimed her rightful place next to Rey, who stroked her affectionately.
“That’s it, good dog. See him? That’s Ben. You’ll get used to him eventually. I’m sure he’ll give you more pizza, and you’ll be friends. What do you say, Ben?”
“I...suppose, yes.” He wasn’t quite at ease with the animal but in order for the mission to succeed, he would have to be able to approach Rey.
She finished her pizza and ordered a second margarita, all the while licking the salt on the rim of the glass from her fingers. She raised her honey colored eyes to Ben.
“So l’ll summarize what I know about you: you play music, you drive a big pickup, and you have history with the lead guitarist. Who are you, Ben Solo? Is music your business or your pleasure?”
He diverted his gaze. He had no intention of stumbling this time. “I tour with the band for a month at a time but...the rest of the time I work at a multinational company in Silicon Valley.”
“Oh? You’re in tech?”
“No, it’s in the industrial sector. What about you?” He turned the tables on her ”I know that you’re British, that you’re single as of late, that you like music and hiking, and that you fear solitude. What do you do in life, Rey?”
She blushed. “My title is Office Experience Manager. I work in HR at a startup where I handle the well-being of the team. I make sure that they like what we do and are happy with where they are.”
That was definitely her calling. There was something luminous about her, she was like sunshine. He didn’t doubt for an instant that she brought happiness wherever she went. Ben himself was so taciturn—more like moonlight—and yet he found himself changing in her presence.
“Why do you think that I fear solitude?” She asked, dreading the response.
Ben’s hand reached out and gently swept a loose lock of hair behind her ear. She trembled slightly, making his palm brush against her cheek. She was warm to the touch. He didn’t move his hand, somehow frozen in the moment. Rey closed her eyes.
“You say you’re travelling alone, but you keep coming back to me, again and again,” he murmured breathlessly, “why?”
“You’re the first person I met here, when I was in the depths of hell. You helped me,  in your own way. Brash and intrusive...quintessentially American.”
Ben’s palm cupped her cheek. His hands were massive, he could have held her whole face in that palm.
She blinked, coming back to her senses.
He rose, depositing a handful of cash on the table. She took the hand he offered her.
“What about BB8?” She asked softly.
“We’re not going very far. She can wait a few minutes.”
Rey let Ben pull her away—pull her in—far from the crowd. He lead her down the alley, a shelter away from prying eyes and public lighting. He grabbed her wrist, pinning her against the wall. Rey gulped. He was so close, and his gaze was so intense. He licked his lips, a tick that she had noticed on the first day they met. It gave away his apprehension. Or was it anticipation?
Slowly, she lifted her hands, and with a slight tremble, buried them in the dark waves of his hair. Obeying an irrepressible instinct, he took her face in both hands and crushed her mouth to his.
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advernia · 5 years
F and M for the ask game? 😊
reply’s late but thank you for asking, anon! happy new year to you! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
dialogue scenes… (ʃ⌣́,⌣́ƪ) i skimmed the last 10 fics i posted for this, and i think this wins:
“Though the thrones are numerous and never vacant, the crown still remains unworn.”
i think i’m proud of this bc it was one of my favorite results of thinking about different angles to see the black army’s meritocracy system, haha! i’m awfully fond of thinking about stuff like this… anyway, the beauty of the system is that you base worth on skill and ability, rather than other given factors (wealth, bloodline, etc). in-game, the approach is pretty straightforward: it seems that anyone(?) can claim the title of the chosen thirteen, given that the individual can beat the current titleholder in a fair one-on-one fight. it’s still vague to me and tbh i hope there’s more explaining to this, but this seems to be the case presented in ray’s route……
for the person speaking though, rather than seeing the system as something like champions defending their titles, he sees it as a matter of choice - the black army’s thrones are created by the hands of those who wish to be chosen, not the black army creating the thrones for the chosen… and while the crown does go the strongest soldier, does it belong to the strongest throne? no, not necessarily… and why is that? who decides this?
…. the choice falls onto the soldiers of the black army themselves. if the throne of the strongest soldier doesn’t appeal to the majority and is built on lies, is there a reason for an army to support him? if the throne of the weakest soldier is as weak as his body but as strong as his will, is there a reason for an army to support him? if the throne of the king has been built alongside his fellowmen and its foundation is made of his hard work, is there a reason for an army to support him? it goes on and on, and on………
… thrones are made by choice, but ultimately, it is the army that decides - who chooses - whose throne they will and shall serve.
that is because the soldiers - the black army as a whole - form the crown, and if it is left unworn… it means that there’s yet a throne to fascinate them, or there hasn’t been a throne worthy enough yet to serve in their eyes.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Σ(゜゜) b-b-back burner premises!?!?! got a lot of that…. but two premises have been bugging me for months tho, so here’s one of them!
it’s an ikerev mafia!au, inspired from the game’s actual mafia cards! i saw the posts about them pretty late but still, bless the kind souls who posted those cards bc wOW…. my eyes???????? they have been cleansed + my crops have been watered??????? ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ
i guess it clung to me pretty bad bc 1) i like mafia themes, 2) it reminded me that otomate’s piofiore no banshou is gonna be localized and i’ve been pretty interested in it despite polarizing opinions, and 3) those gacha cards look great???????? i was half expecting cybird to make an event about it lolol!
anyway, here’s my outline about it! excuse the odd formatting, i wrote it to be play-like the day i plotted it out!
welcome to cradle, all you ladies and gentlemen gathered here today! here, in this seemingly quaint crescent-shaped city, the citizenry live like they’re dying, so watch your back! always think twice before you act, or else you may end up in a sack!
what’s the reason for that, you ask? well now! you see, here in cradle, families run rampant! and we’re not talking about some happy household kind of family… we’re talking about men, women and children of all ages unafraid to spill blood, if only to protect their families or their families’ interests! are they noble, or simply selfish? are they justified, or simply paranoid? was this for survival, or for profit? all the lines have blurred!
what interests are we talking about, and why exactly has this beautiful city turned this way, you ask? tsk, tsk! you’ll never learn if all you do is question others for answers! so instead, why don’t we look around first? do follow me closely as we observe this place we call cradle, this city that is our stage!
enter stage left!
there goes a raven-haired lad and with him his band of merry men, forming a renegade group that bows down to no family or any other ruling power in cradle (except the government, what model citizens they are!). 
it’s been at least three years since the group has entered + made themselves known in cradle, and sometimes the citizens start to think they’re a family, too - they’re the good kind, though!(?) they help the powerless citizens, watch over clueless tourists, assist the government in maintaining order (in their own ways - while they help, they also refuse to be fully bound to the government), and even go as far as keeping tabs on all the families present in cradle! 
but why are they here, and why do they do what they do for cradle? it turns out the lad who appears to be their leader is searching for answers about a certain major incident that happened years ago in cradle. not everyone in the group knows about this purpose of his, though - refusing to get the whole group involved in his business, the lad allows only a select few to (grudgingly)assist him in his search for the truth.
one day, things get complicated: unfamiliar men are suddenly after the lad’s head! this was not an unusual occurrence for him or in cradle, but what throws everyone off is that these hitmen are different and dangerous: they’re incredibly skilled, annoyingly hard to brush off, and will do anything to complete their task… and that includes killing themselves off with their own blade / poison / hands once they are defeated / failed their mission.
the lad’s been on the run for three whole months without rest until he finally discovers a lead about his pursuers… deciding that it’s better than nothing, the lad and his trusty men follow this lead… even if it would make things more complicated, because the lead points the way to investigating five certain families in cradle that they’re not too keen in getting involved with at all.
will the lad ever find the answers to both his old and new questions, or will he eventually end up dead? will he ever know why he’s being hunted in the first place and discover who’s after him? where will this lead bring him: who will he meet, who will he trust, what will he do? destiny has quite a lot in store for him and his friends….
enter stage right!
if you cross paths with a beautiful man with hair spun like fine gold threads but with eyes as cold as ice, it would be wise not to offend him - he is the son and the future boss of a highly respectable family in cradle! this family has a long history and is still the leading voice in the council, an organization created by the government that enlists the aid of five special families in maintaining a semblance of balance and order among the many families and powers in cradle (think something like one piece’s shichibukai).
everything is fine and dandy until one day, the son’s father is found dead in cradle’s central square, his mutilated body hung up in the fountain for everyone to see……… naturally, this becomes a very serious issue + hot topic in cradle: who would do such a thing, why a man from the council from all people, and how mad was this person to display a corpse in such a gruesome  fashion? so many questions….
but the son has hardly any time to pay attention to such whispers - his family has suffered a grave loss + a blow to their reputation and is now seen as vulnerable, the four other families of the council see an opportunity to claim the power of the leading voice, and there are no leads about his father’s murderer. hardly having any time to mourn, he takes up his father’s mantle and goes about to set things right.
in the short span of four months, he succeeds: he picks his family up again and gives no one any doubt that their family is stable and still not to be underestimated, manages to maintain the position of the leading voice and keeps the greedy hands and prying eyes of the other council members at bay, and also restores the public’s respect for his family.
while he was busy doing all that, he had ordered a handful of his men to search for any clues about his father’s death - it seemed like the search was going nowhere, until one rainy day one of them discover a tattered letter stuffed away haphazardly in an unsuspecting dark alley - it bears the family’s rose seal and a single word is spelt on its surface through messy, bloody fingerprints: jabberwock.
was this some sort of code? did the word actually mean anything to the family, to anyone? was this the name of a family, a person, or the murderer? was this even related to the murder, or a different issue entirely? it’s a pursuit with not much to start with………..
finally, center stage!
enter the algarde, cradle’s “most notorious crime” family. why the quotation marks? simple: despite being a prime suspect in perhaps every crime that happens in cradle, they have never been caught. all evidence against them always happens to be circumstantial and never incriminating enough to pin them to the crime….. how was this even possible????
the algarde is one of the oldest families reigning in cradle, and going against them is a guaranteed swift trip to death. both the government + council have never been able to tame the algarde, nor have they been able to keep proper + regular track of their movements. one thing is really for sure about the algarde, though: once you get directly involved with their business, you might as well start to treasure + be thankful for each day you’re still alive…
their current head is an odd middle-aged man known for his sharp silver eyes - his name is farlan, and he’s really quite charismatic as he is elusive. he’s said to have the whole of cradle dancing on the palm of his hand, but he claims he’s not that influential… what a joke. he’s constantly on the move to find something that amuses him and depending on his mood, the whole of cradle can be subjected to his whims - what a fearsome man!
what role does the algarde family play in this story, you ask? who knows! are they the ones after the lad’s head? do they hold the key to understanding the word jabberwock? better yet - are they responsible for both incidents, or are they shockingly unrelated to them? the plot thickens….
ah, before i forget! you didn’t hear this from me, but it’s said that farlan has a child, of all things! a son or a daughter??? who cares! it’s a joke, a made-up tale on the streets!
………………………………… or is it?
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pcy-babygirl · 5 years
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Pairings: Lee Taeyong x Female!Reader, NCT x Female!Reader (platonic) Genre: Dark!AU, Criminal/Gang!AU, Superhuman!AU // angst, slow burn, smut Series Warnings: dark themes (experimentation/human enhancement, kidnapping, thievery, murder), blood, sex, alcohol consumption, (more will be added if needed)
Chapter Warnings: alcohol consumption, angst if you squint (i think that’s it)
Word Count: 3.2k
Notes: Hey, so this is my first fanfic so I hope it isn’t terrible. I spent a long time writing this first chapter, trying to perfect it. I don’t make it super clear in this chapter, but this story takes place sometime in the near future or maybe in an alternative universe that has advanced technology than what we have today. I had cyberpunk aesthetic in mind when writing (i.e blade runner, cyberpunk 2077, etc.). This story won’t have humaniods or cyber enhanced people, but their will be biological and chemical experimentation involved. If you are uncomfortable with this then I suggest not reading. Anyway, happy reading! ♡
Heathens Masterlist
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- Synopsis -
Heathens; this was what they called each other. People who didn’t fit into society nor were like other humans. A group of outsiders who had a plan, one that involved a naive and confused girl.
They were given numbers as names, but she knew them as NCT.
“We are the used and forgotten; you babygirl, are the innocent and brainwashed. In the end we’re both heathens to this unacknowledged dystopia.”
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     Neon lights, holographic billboards, and heavy traffic was all that you could see from the high level your room was on. Days were dull and desolate, while nights like tonight glowed fluorescent by technology and culture. Seoul had become the center for all advancing technology. The world calls it the future; where cures for fatal diseases would be discovered and life moved twenty times faster, it seemed. They call it: Neo City. 
The alarm on the glass screen brings you back from your absent mindedness, alerting that it was time to leave for the fundraiser dinner. Walking away from the window and to the object mounted to the wall, you tap the glass and dismiss the reminder. You slip your uncomfortable heels on and check your appearance in the mirror. The sleeveless, cut-out dress was minimal yet elegant. The black material complimenting your skin tone nicely. 
“You look stunning Y/N-ssi.”
“Thank you, Athena.” You reply back to the artificial intelligence system. Something the movies predicted, eventually the high class started living like Tony Stark with their own personal Jarvis. It was something that you found unnecessary.
Satisfied after smoothing your hair another time, you take the elevator down to the ground floor. A car was waiting for you when you stepped outside the apartment building. Rolling your eyes as you get in; you thought, “how typical of him”. 
The fundraiser dinner was a get together for investors who were interested in your father's corporation, a research organization for cancer. Dinners like tonight were important, so you were told. It was to bring in new investors while also encouraging current investors to donate more based off of the newest research found. They were nothing compared to the annual gala your father holds for the corporation, which was his form of gratitude for his employees. As the founder's daughter, you were expected to attend all formal events.
The self-driving car pulls up to your destination and the backseat door opens automatically. You step out of the sleek vehicle and onto smooth, city concrete. Staring up at the tall building you get the feeling of déjà vu. 
Always on the ground floor but never exploring what was above. Curiosity eats at you every time you go to one of these events. The opportunity to go next door and take a look upstairs in the labs was so close to you, yet so far away. You would get caught by security immediately.
You enter the reception hall that your father added next to the research center a few years ago. It was modern and expensive looking like everything else in the Gangnam District. The room was filled with round dining tables, all decorated with silverware, wine glasses, and floral centerpieces. Men and women were all dressed in formal cocktail attire, some being the company's staff but most were investors. You spotted your friend Yuri, a biochemistry research assistant, who worked at the lab. She smiles cheerfully when you step in front of her.
“Hey, are you excited for your trip to Japan?”
Remembering my planned trip abroad, my smile widens. “Very excited, it's going to be the first time I leave the country, the city even.”
It was true, you never left Seoul. Ever since you can remember, you were always sheltered from most of the world. Your father never allowed you to go past city boundaries; but you were an adult now, he couldn't stop you. So when the opportunity to go on a two week, college trip to Japan was available you took it. Your father was furious with you but settled. 
“I'm surprised Minjun Choi-ssi is even letting you go. You're barely allowed to go to school, let alone out of the country.” Yuri huffed in annoyance. You two have known each since your first day of college. It was just a coincidence that she was getting her research experience time at your father's lab.
“He's just very protective,” you explain. Yuri's focus on your conversation was diminished and was now centered on someone else. He couldn't have been much older than you, maybe a year or two younger. He stands tall in his grey suit, brunette locks styled up and away from his pale face. He's stunning, you think.
Yuri must of thought the same thing because she turns her eyes back to you. This time they are filled with curiosity. “Do you know who that is?”
I shake my head; “No-” I turn my head back in his direction to see him walking our way, “-but he's coming over here.”
Before Yuri can do anything more than take in an anxious breath, the mysterious man is in front of us with a charming smile.
He bows to us in greetings. “Hello ladies, who do I owe the pleasure of meeting this evening?”
You grin, knowing your friend is probably too busy malfunctioning to answer him. “I'm Y/N, and this is my friend Yuri.”
He gently takes her hand and bends down to place a kiss on her knuckles. “It's lovely meeting you two. Yuri, a beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl. It means ‘lily’, yes?”
Yuri stands in a daze of fascination and a bloom of dark blush on her cheeks. Amongst it all though, she nods her head and smiles. 
This makes the man's smirk widened. “Their beauty couldn't even compare. I'm Yoonoh.”
You quickly made an attempt to leave knowing you've became the third wheel. “I think I'm gonna get a drink at the bar.”
Yoonoh looks over at you, with his hypnotic smile still present. “I'll keep Yuri company in the meantime. I suggest getting the red wine, it's a special one tonight.” 
He gives you a final wink before taking Yuri off to his table. Walking to the bar, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why did he say it like that? Shaking your head from your thoughts, you make it to the bar and order the wine suggested. You take small sips while looking at the large crowd of people; spotting your father talking to a young man with silver hair. He was shorter than most and currently laughing at, what you presume, was a joke your father just made. There's more young men here than usual, you thought. Were these men new staff or are they possibly chaebols? Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a deep voice next to you.
“Isn't it ironic that these people pour money into this organization even though they don't know half of what's actually being researched in the labs?”
You turn your head to the right to see the owner of the voice. Your eyes meet glimmering yet sharp, brown ones. The man in front of you is dressed in a black suit, the first few buttons of the white shirt underneath unbuttoned to reveal a silver chain underneath. His jaw could cut glass and his lips resembled the color of cherry blossoms in spring. His hair was stained bright red like blood, something that made you want to know who the hell this man was.
Not fully knowing how to comment; you stutter out, “I-I guess it's their blind faith. They believe this organization is going to cure cancer. If they see progress then, why stop?”
He scoffs before finishing his glass of soju. “It's easy to believe in a lie, little one. These days people want something to believe in. The promise of cures, tech innovation, the end of poverty and war are all just weapons used against us to keep the cycle of corruption going. Neo City is supposed to be the world's savior, but what if the people in it are the cause of our destruction?”
His words took you back by surprise but also made you curious. You've never known someone who speaks the way he does. He didn't view the world through rose colored glasses like everyone else. Who the fuck was this guy? Why was he here if he, seemingly, hates your father’s company? 
“I have to go.” 
You grab hold of the mysterious man’s jacket sleeve before he could leave, to his and your own surprise. “Wait…”
The red haired man gives me a warning glare, making me loosen my grip on him. “Sorry but, you never told me your name.”
His gaze drops from mine to the ground and he lets out a dry laugh. It was barely noticeable, because within seconds his eyes are back on you and he smirks.
He was gone immediately after, vanishing through the crowd of who he called the naive and hypocritical. You couldn’t even spot his wine colored hair anymore. You turn back around to the bar and look down at the glass filled with red, smooth liquid. A reflection of yourself could be seen, one that was glazed over in tones of crimson. All the drink did was remind you of his words. Of the veil of lies he talked about. He couldn’t of been right. Your father runs a good company, your father is good. He adopted you as a child and raised you up, without a wife. Your father’s company makes cures, nothing else.
Not being able to stomach seeing red anymore, you step away from your wine glass and go to sit down at your reserved table. You wished your father had enough time for you to ask about Taeyong. Maybe he doesn’t even know who Taeyong is. Questions spun in your mind like a whirlpool, going over the same questions just to come up with another possibility. Your thoughts are put on halt by the tapping of a microphone. On the stage, behind the podium, in the center was the director of research for the Neo City's branch and company headquarters: Dr. Oh Daewon. He has been you father’s right hand man for as long as you can remember. There was something about the man that was always off putting to you. You could never figure out what it was, but you tried keeping as much distance from him as you could.
The doctor cleared his throat before giving the guests a forced smile. “Hello and thank you everyone for attending the investors’ dinner this evening. It is nights like tonight that aid our progress for the future. I would like to thank all the newcomers who are now joining us on this groundbreaking quest for a better human society. With the help of our international branches, the Seoul Mutations Division is just a few steps closer to a cure for cancer and alzheimer's. By creating mutations of different stem cells, we have discovered a revolutionary change in our trials. This could be the start of a healthier, stronger, human race. We are happy to announce that at this year’s gala, in two weeks, we will be presenting the final product that has been in the works for the past seventeen years.”
The audience applauded his influential speech, everyone except the young man with silver hair you noticed. Instead of a praising smile, he gave a stone cold glare at the doctor. He was unmoved compared to the people around him. He painted on the same expression on his face as Taeyong. Turning back to the front, you see your father replacing Dr. Oh at the podium. You only can take it bits and pieces of what he's saying, your mind was too distracted thinking about the list of questions you'd have for your father if he knew who Taeyong is. 
Finally, your father's speech was over and everyone was welcomed to their entrees. You waited until your father was settled in his seat next to you to ask about the handsome red haired man.
"So, I met someone tonight I had never seen at one of these dinners before."
Your father hummed while chewing his kobe steak before swallowing. "He must be a new investor then."
You continue, "His name is Taeyong. He didn't give me his surname though, just 'Taeyong'."
"Ah", Father beamed. "That is probably Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul-ssi's associate. He mentioned that his associate would join the dinner at some point."
"Who is Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul?" You ask, the name being completely foreign on your tongue. 
“He’s an investor, a very young one at that. He runs a business specializing in medical technology in Thailand. He’s interested in contributing to our Thai branch.”
You nod your head and continue to pick around your food, not having much of an appetite tonight. After a pregnant pause, your father sighs. "I think it would be best if maybe one of my men go with you on your trip tomorrow. For your safety."
You roll your eyes at this repetitive argument being brought up, of all places as well. "Father, I'm twenty-one years old. I don't need a babysitter."
"It's for your protection Y/N, you still need to know more about the world. I intend to give you a protected lifestyle for as long as I can. You are valuable to bad people."
Shaking your head, you throw your dining napkin on the table. "You've given me a secluded and sheltered life. I'm just now getting to experience things people my age do. I'm a grown adult now, I need to start making decisions for myself. I'm going without your security."
You could see your father physically holding back his anger, his ears started to turn red and his hand was balled up into a fist. You almost recanted, fearful of this side of him. When his eyes would grow darker and his mouth would turn into an ugly sneer. His expression took an unexpected turn though when he spotted Dr. Oh and his assistant approaching. It was like you could actually see the lightbulb flicker on in his head. 
“How about you take Dr. Oh’s assistant with you?”
It seemed like you were never going to get out of this without him winning in some way. Your father gives the scientist the smile he gives when he wants something from his staff, already knowing he will get it because he’s their superior.  
You move sideways to see the young assistant behind Dr. Oh. He was about the same height as the latter, his jet black hair styled up making him look more mature than what his actual age probably was. To you, he barely looked out of high school.
“Father, I’m sure Dr. Oh’s intern is my younger. How can he look after me if it will feel like I have to look after him?” You argue. 
"Think of it as bringing along a friend, you two don't even have to talk to each other on the trip. It will be educational for him as well. If I remember right, Jeno is a first year at your school. I will ask a favor of the dean to add him to the list of students traveling." Father exclaimed with a triumph smile.
“What if Jeno doesn’t want to go? You can’t just send him to Japan without his consent first!”
“I’ll go…” All three heads, including yours, snap to the young man behind the scientist. He seemed unbothered by the situation, like this request was to go get coffee for everyone.
“Wonderful!” You silently glare at the younger you barely knew as your father spoke.  “You will both leave at eight tomorrow.”
This was unbelievable, you thought. You were officially going to be babysat by someone who’s barely an adult. You didn’t blame Jeno, your father was to blame, but he didn’t help the situation by agreeing. You could of won the argument and would be flying with just your classmates tomorrow. Shaking your head, you lurch up from your dining chair and grab your clutch.
“I think it's time for me to return home.” You announce, bidding everyone a short bow before walking out of the banquet hall. The sharp, night, Seoul air brushes up your bare arms, sending uncomfortable chills down your spine. You shiver as you wait for valet to bring your car to the front. The wind is cut off suddenly by what you realized was a blazer suit jacket. Shocked, you look around for the owner of the jacket only to find silver hair and a dazzling smile.
“You should bring a jacket if you’re going to wear that beautiful dress, baby. It doesn’t accommodate the cold.” 
His voice was sweet sounding, reminding you of lollipops. Something sweet and syrupy; if lollipops were melted down, they would be his voice. Although, behind the sugar there was a hint of mischief and seduction. Too much of him is an addiction, you think, he has the ability to rot your insides if you let him.
Shaking out of your thoughts, you stutter and hold back from a blush rushing to your already rosy cheeks. “Uh, thank you-” then you notice the invitation in the inside pocket of the jacket, “Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul-ssi?”
He gives you an impish smirk, “You can call me Ten.”
Confused, you question why he wanted to be called a number but never ask. The name oddly suited him well, better than his real name even. Ten was smaller than most men, his figure almost feminine in a way. Everything, from his nose to the fingertips of his hands were slender. He was somehow pretty and handsome at the same time. Elegant yet a sense of edge. Something though that Ten, Taeyong, had in common was that they were mysterious and obscure.
“Thank you, Ten.” 
“You seem distressed,” he comments.
You instantly lie, not wanting your problems to be someone else’s. Especially a complete stranger’s. “I’m not.”
He hums soothly, “You’re lying, sweetheart.”
Looking up at him with anxiety, you knew you were caught red handed. You laugh lightly, just wanting to move on from the subject already. "Am I that bad of a liar?"
He moves closer to you, enough to reach out and tuck the blowing strand of hair from your face. "No, I'm just really good at detecting lies from the truth. Although, I myself would be lying if I said you didn't have stress written all over your face."
You return his smile slightly, not fully mirroring though. Looking behind you at the building next door again, it only clouds your mind up more.
"Do you ever feel like your life isn't in your control? That it's in someone else's hands? Just playing you like a puppet? And you're wishing to be released from their grasp, from their watchful eyes?" You look back at the unique man whose brown eyes have never left your own.
"All the time, Y/N."
There's a silent but not uncomfortable pause between you two. Nothing more than starting at each other and the black sky that's lit with neon. 
Finally the valet brings around your car, apologizing for the wait and opens your back door. You hand the jacket back to Ten.
"Thank you for letting me borrow this. It was nice meeting you, Ten."
He folds the blazer jacket over his arm and gives you a warm smile. "We'll see each other soon sweetheart."
Give one last wave, you step into the vehicle, and tell the automated system you home coordinates. Soon enough you're rolling away from the silver haired man and towards your apartment. It wasn't until you were blocks away did you start to question.
How did Ten know my name?
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smoldinopup · 6 years
Taemin @ Music Bank 2018.09.15 #fan account
I hope it’s okay that I tag everyone who liked my post about writing a fan account. If you don’t care about reading it, please just ignore it. ^^”
 @choiminoh @killyth (tumblr won’t allow me to tag you D:) @moshiznik @chocolatcandy @jinkirella @gone-with-the-bling @frostymist13 (I can’t tag you either - what is this sorcery?) @jasthelion @petitshinee
The people who have read my previous fan accounts know that I ramble a lot in them, so I apologize for that in advance. I will talk about the whole experience which will also include the time before the actual concert. If you don’t want to read the before you can just scroll to the part titled “Concert”
I flew to Berlin on Friday morning and had to get up in the middle of the night (3:30 AM) for it. While I boarded the plane at 7 AM in the morning all I could think was “I’m getting too old for this – for all of this!” Funnily enough I already spotted other fans at the gate flying to Berlin as well. In the morning I met up with a friend of mine who happened to be in Berlin as well on that weekend. We had breakfast and went to a museum; one of those you in which you stand in front of an object, wondering  if “this this art or can it be thrown away?”. Later on I checked into my hostel and met one of my roommates. I shared a room with two other SHINee fans who I met on a Discord channel that was created for the sole purpose of Taemin at Music Bank. She was very lovely, but quickly vanished because she had to wait in line at the concert hall for a number. The numbering system for the standing tickets was a complete mess and people already camped in front of the concert hall on Thursday. My other roommate only arrived at 2 AM in the morning, because after his flight from Denmark he immediately went to the venue to get a number as well. I was just glad that I had a seat and didn’t have to worry about getting a number.
Friday afternoon I met up with @sobeautifulitkillsme which was very frightening and terrifying! I’ve met her on tumblr in July of 2016 and have kept talking to her ever since. I think it was the longest time I’ve talked to someone online that intensely without having them met in real life before. But good news! We don’t hate each other’s guts now and still talk just as much *throws confentti* 
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We went to a planetarium because that’s what you do people! Anyway, we had a fun time together and when I came back to the hostel at around 11 PM I just showered (the washroom was awful) and fell into my bed.
The next morning I grabbed breakfast with one of my roommates before we drove to the hall at around 10 AM. The lines were already incredibly long at that point. A lot of fansites and support sites handed out banners, balloons, photocards, and in the case of shawolseurope even lightsticks at the park right next to the venue and the lines for the goods were ridiculous long. You automatically meet a lot of people while waiting for stuff or just hanging around, so I talked to a lot of people though I’ve never learned any of their names. I still wonder who that girl from Norway was. She seemed very nice but I lost sight of her when I had to get into another line. :(
After getting banners I joined my Danish roommate beneath a tree in the park because I didn’t know anyone there and had no idea what I was supposed to do until the concert. My roommate happened to know taedelight who sat beneath the tree as well to give out her super beautiful postcards, therefore I witnessed a lot of Shawols squealing over meeting her. That was very adorable to witness from an outsider point of view. ^^ Anyway, we sat beneath that tree until 3 PM before the people with the standing tickets went into their standing sections (cages - we called them cages) and I went back to the hostel to grab something to eat.
I came back to the venue at 6 PM and sneaked in line for the seating tickets because I spotted Gitte (bblingspot) and while doing so I discovered an old student of mine sitting on the ground (I already feared that would happen because I had so many Kpop fans sitting in my classes). My seat was in Block P and funnily enough I ended up sitting next to a Taemint. The people to my right were all EXO fans and when I stored all my stuff beneath the seat I turned towards her and asked “Are you German?” because I noticed that she was alone in this Block as well. After she answered with Yes and I went on to ask “Whom are you here for?” and she said “For Taemin <3” all I could say was “That’s the correct answer” and we talked throughout the show. She was still super young (either 17 or 18, I forgot) and her friends were in the standing section. She had been a Taemin fan for five years already and was so nervous and excited to finally see him live. I more or less mothered her through the show, told her that it’s okay if she has to cry and if she needs some support that I’m right next to her. She already lost it when Taemin came on stage for the entrance. It was very cute, because I could relate to this so much since I still remember how I felt when Jonghyun came on stage during my first concert of his
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Everyone screamed their lungs out when the show finally started. It was insane. Really. One by one the artists came on stage with Korean and German flags in their hands and the volume of the screams only rose. Before the actual start of the show the organizers had already shown videos of the participating artists on the screen and that was already insane. I think I’ve never screamed and cheered as loud as I did during Taemin’s performances before, but as a Shawol I felt the urge to let Taemin know that many people also came to Berlin to cheer for him.
Taemin looked soooo beautiful!! I’ve already seen him live with black hair, and with blue hair, and with blond hair ….but the way they styled his hair that evening! That was incredibly beautiful. I was already in awe after he had just entered the stage. At first I thought he might be not in a good mood because him and the EXO members all looked bored out of their minds in the background while the MCs spoke to the audience, but later on he smiled so much and looked so genuinely happy to be there that I thought the sun was up.
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After the introduction all the performers disappeared from the stage again and the concert started with Stray Kids. Except for EXO and obviously Taemin I had no idea who the other artists were, only knew them by name but had not heard a single song by any of them. However, I was pleasantly surprised by Stray Kids! I liked them a lot. They were fun to watch, the songs were nice, and they performed well. Since this wasn’t a SHINee concert it was fun to watch the single SHINee lightsticks stand out from the rest of the audience. Even while Taemin wasn’t performing Shawols supported the other artists by waving their pearl aqua lightsticks around to cheer for them which I thought was very nice. I wasn’t too impressed by either G-Idle’s nor Wanna One’s performances. They both performed really well and sung really well, but the songs just weren’t my cup of tea but it was lovely to hear how many cheered for the only girlgroup in the mix since girlgroups always have it harder at these kind of events (or let’s be honest - in general).
I remember how everyone on tumblr speculated what mysterious performance Taemin could do in Germany after performing Despacito in Chile and Reality in France. My neighbor and I really hoped he would pull a Rammstein or something, but then Chanyeol came on stage with a song that was such an obvious choice that I facepalmed myself for not having it on my mind beforel. Oh my! I mentioned only a week or two ago that in another life I’d be a total Chanyeol stan, because in my world we support talent and musicality, and his performance of Wind of Change was just so lovely?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I melted into a puddle of goo. He performed it with a guitar and his pronunciation was so good and I was all heart eyes.😍
The thing is Wind of change is an incredibly old song, and I’m quite sure 80% of the audience who were 18 or younger had never heard this song before which I think was sad, but I sang along very, very loudly while waving my SHINee lightsticks around (me an actual old person getting all nostalgic). There were also other special stages with Boney M. songs, but just with the Scorpions I’m quite sure most of the audience had no idea who Boney M. were. :’)  
Stray Kids, Wanna One, and G-Idle also performed other popular Kpop songs from BTS, GOT7 and Big Bang and the whole venue was shaking. There were also quizzes in between the performances and during one of those quizzes the audience had to decide whether the statements were true or false by making an O or X with their hands. All the artists’ questions were very simple to answer but then the Taemin question was “Taemin’s bloodtype is B” and the whole audience fell silent except for Shawols who all formed an OOOOOOOOOO with their hands. I only said to my neighbor….a question only Shawols can answer. I don’t know why they chose that question to be honest?!! But there was also the statement “Taemin looks very pretty” and the screen showed a short clip of Taemin backstage looking all cute and angelic and everyone was losing it. LMAO
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I’m not biased when I say that Taemin got the most standing ovation. I mean EXO-Ls were insanely loud, but the cheers were still very different. Taemin came on stage and everyone was like
Myself included!
Even on the way home fans from other groups praised him. He just has that effect on people. But I also heard someone next to us say before the concert “When Taemin comes on stage my friend is going to leave the venue. She hates him and I was just like ???? Why? How? How can anyone hate Taemin? For what? For being awesome???? I was very confused by that statement to be honest.
Taemin started off with MOVE and I was so happy to finally see that performance live. Oh man, he looked so good *cries* The fanchants were so good! The best fanchants during the evening! I was so proud of Shawols! I even received comments from Korean shawols on the video I uploaded, praising Ishawols for their fanchants. They were really good and all on point! You did well Shawols!!!
Taemin was all professionally sensual during the performance but as soon as he song was over he smiled so brightly. It was soooooo adorable. Unlike the other performers he didn’t say anything in German or English, which I thought was a pity. (Addition: Apparently he did say “Hallo ich bin Taemin von SHINee” but I didn’t hear that. It must have been drowned out by cheers) Either way, in that moment I had the very sad thought that if Jonghyun would be standing there on stage (as a known lover of the German language) he probably would have said “Achtung Achtung! Ich bin Jonghyun” unleashing all his German skills. :’)
So, Taemin continued talking and joked around with the audience, being his playful and dorky self and I think at this point everyone in the audience was already in love with him. I mean how can you not? He’s just so precious. He performed Press Your Number next (that’s the point when I started filming as well). After Press Your Number Taemin showed us his surprise and all the Shawols went crazy when Minho and Key appeared on the screen behind Taemin. I already expected something like an introduction for Taemin like Key did for the Music Bank in Chile but hearing them sing together was too much for my poor heart. It was soooo precious. Taemin’s face lit up so much when he saw his members on the screen, it was so cute, all my mother feels awakened and I cheered even louder.
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Taemin also performed Hynposis and Danger and both performances were soooooooo awesome. The Shawol ocean looked so beautiful during Hypnosis and I was so touched by how many pearl aqua lightsticks lit up during it. Taemin sounded absolutely fantastic through all of his performances and his outfit was sooo nice and he looked so handsome in it. I was so sad when he left after his last performance because he could have stayed there forever. I don’t think EXO-Ls would have approved of that, but it was so nice to see him live again after over a year.
For the final everyone came back again to the main stage, holding banners in their hands and when Taemin turned to our side I started waving both my lighsticks very frantically and he waved back almost as frantically with both arms ;_; It was adorable. In general, Taemin made sure to walk to every section and wave at all the pearl aqua lightsticks he could see. Such a precious human. The show ended with Gangnam style and while Taemin held back at first he then wandered over to Kai, whispered something into his ear and the two of them walked to the middle of the center stage together with someone from Wanna One (don’t know his name…I’m sorry) and then they went completely nuts, acting like absolute dorks. I think you can find a video of that as well. All this couldn’t be seen on the main screen though, because the people behind the camera had a thing for Daniel Kang (who I only know from  watching Master Key) and filmed him throughout the final stage – literally only him – nobody else. I was very confused.
When everyone threw their banners into the audience I already expected great things from Taemin and he didn’t disappoint. He went to the edge of the stage and threw his banner – very poorly. It fell down right away and didn’t even reach the first row. I laughed so hard at that. He threw it so gracefully and yet he failed completely….He was the only one who didn’t manage to throw the banner accurately I might add. I don’t know what happened to it later. One of the staff might have picked it up to hand it to one of the fans.
Everything went by so quickly and before I knew what was happening I was outside of the venue already, looking for my roommates. It was such a nice experience, really. And it was so lovely to see Taemin smile so brightly and look so happy to see so many Shawols in the audience. It warmed my heart. Really. 
This was very fragmentary but Taemin only performed 4 songs + the “I want you” duet with MinKey, so there is not much else to say. But you all probably have seen photos/videos of his performances already and know how beautiful he looked that night – he really did.
I hope he will have a splendid time during his Japan tour and will rock the audience. But I also hope that he will have time to rest in between, because this tour surely will bring him to his limits. Please take good care of yourself, Taeminnie! Eat well and rest well! You deserve the world!!!
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novaislost · 5 years
The Neo
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Group: Block B
Genre: College!au
Word Count: 3630
The air was crisp, and the sun shone brightly when Dahye and Jisoo walked out of the building and made their way towards the park. They had a lot of things to set up and were on a tight schedule—things would have to move fast.
“Do you know where the others are?” Jisoo asked when they arrived at their assigned spot for the day, a large box in her arms. The plan was to meet at 9 am to start setting up, but it was 9 and the others were nowhere to be seen. So typical of them.
“We’re both here together aren’t we?”
Dahye’s answer came out a lot more aggressively than she’d intended it to be, but she was irritated that her sorors would just casually not show up on time. There were a lot of things to do before the barbecue began and she and Jisoo couldn’t do it all. The poor girl had just crossed too.
All around them, other greek organizations had begun setting up, each aware of the urgency. There were coolers everywhere, and grills were being assembled as the DJ for the day began installing his equipment. Just a few meters over stood a blue tent under which the boys of Kappa Mu were busy setting up for the big day. They had come on time at least.
“I’m gonna go get the meat from the boys,” Dahye called to Jisoo, who was attempting to set up their tent. She would make one of the boys take care of that.
Jaehyo, one of the seniors, was seated at the picnic table they had placed under their tent when Dahye arrived, a smile on her face.
“Well if it isn’t Dahye the friendly ghost, you’re alive?” he asked with a chuckle, in response to which she giggled.
“Wow Jae, it’s like that huh?”
“The last time I saw you was at Yukwon’s party—two months ago.”
She thought back to the party with a smile as she took a seat, trying to remember how long it had been since. “Damn, was it really that long ago? I really have gone MIA,” she sighed. “Anyway, where is the meat? It’s almost grilling time.”
He pointed to the red cooler that sat right next to their own and Dahye walked towards it with a thank you, but stopped in her tracks when she remembered her other reason for coming.
“Oh right, can one of you guys come help us with our tent? I’ll make a special cocktail for you.”
He would have helped either way, but the promise of a cocktail was far too good to pass up. “I’ll send someone over” Jaehyo replied with a chuckle, waving to her as she walked away.
When she made it back to the Beta Rho tent pulling the cooler behind her, Jisoo had made quite a dent in the tent set up, actually. She was a lot more savvy than Dahye would have thought.
”I come with meat,” she said with a smile, pointing to the cooler . “And help.”
As if by magic, a man appeared behind her, smiling and ready to help.
“Oh, hi,” Jisoo said with a quick bow, tucking her short black hair behind her ear. She seemed surprised and when Dahye turned around, she saw it was none other than Yukwon, the man whose smile had turned her into a puddle so many months ago.
“Oh Hi Kwon,” she hugged him before turning back to Jisoo. “Jisoo, this is Yukwon. Kappa Mu. Yukwon this Jisoo. She’s Yerim’s neo.”
“Hey Jisoo, nice to meet you,” he bowed to her before turning toward Dahye. “So what do you need me for?”
“Actually I need you.” Jisoo interjected quietly, holding her hand up. “To set up the tent.” She nodded toward the pile of tent parts next to her foot.
“I can do that. Do you need help with anything else?”
“No we’re good. Thanks.”
Yukwon was Jaehyo’s neo, and for the better part of the year, had been the object of Dahye’s crush. She’d told her sisters about her crush, which resulted in a giggle fit every time he so much as breathed around her, and it made her want to crawl into a hole. As he began working on the tent and her on putting the grill together, she thought back to the last time she saw him, at his party. It had been on that night that she’d confessed her feelings, and while he didn’t quite feel the same way, he had wanted to stay friends. He’d really meant it too. She wasn’t hurt that he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, in fact she was happy he’d been honest.
Yukwon was just about done when Yubin arrived, wearing shorts into which she had tucked her favorite Beta Rho shirt. Her long blonde hair had been put into a ponytail for the day—it was gonna be hot.
“Hey guys, whats happening here?”
“Wow, 9 looks really different on you” Dahye said, looking at her wrist as if a watch sat there. “Nice of you to join us.”
Yubin rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “At least I came within the hour of nine. Hyunah’s not gonna get here until like 11.”
The worst part about it was, she was right. Hyunah didn’t come late to events because she enjoyed it, it was just that as one of the three seniors (The other two were Yubin and Yeeun) and in the nursing program, she had a lot more things to deal with than everyone else.
“She has a reason.” Dahye winked, turning to the grill, where she was attempting to turn the fire on. The bi annual greek barbecue was mainly for new members to meet their sorors/frats, and to mingle with other greek students, but also for non-greek members to have fun and learn more about the orgs. This was Dahye’s third since she’d crossed in the fall of her sophomore year. It was always a pleasure to hang out with the new girls and introduce them to the other orgs.
“Hey y’all!” Yerim arrived, pushing a cart full of supplies. She and Sunmi had been charged with purchasing supplies for the barbecue, and they as usual, they had gone above and beyond. They were both wearing Beta Rho shorts, and while Yerim’s hair sat on her head in a messy bun, Sunmi’s brown locks had been pulled into a high ponytail.
“Where do you guys always find these cute plates?” Yubin asked as she took the plates out of the boxes they came in.
“We order them,” was Sunmi’s answer. She really thought the others knew by now that all the utensils and cutlery used at organization events were ordered online. It was so much easier than getting them in store.
The next hour and a half was a busy one: Yerim and Sunmi attended to nicely arranging the plates and cutlery onto the picnic table—they were the queens of dining arrangements at Beta Rho. Dahye on the other side, got Jisoo to help her marinate the meat in preparation for grilling. Upon her arrival, shortly after Yubin’s, Yeeun tended to starting the grill up, and by the time it was noon, Hyunah arrived with the neos of the semester. “I’d given up on seeing you today,” Yeeun chuckled when she saw her friend, who hugged her.
“A million things invented themselves this morning, I’m so sorry. But I do bring our new sorors!”
There were four girls total, coming from various majors and years, sporting the shining eyes all neos seemed to wear. Jisoo was a second semester freshman, Haein and Sojung were both sophomores, and Jihyo was a junior. The four of them had  made a spot for themselves in the sorority over the months, and finally they were officially a Beta Rho, it was cause for celebration and this was only the beginning.
“Do you guys need any help?” Haein asked Dahye, whose hands were busy taking bowls wrapped with saran out of the cooler that had just arrived.
“Yeah that would be great. Can you help me get these out of here?”
The girl moved quickly to get the bowls onto the table. The older girls had spent the week making side dishes for the barbecue: they’d made kimchi, kkadugi, and Hyunah had insisted on making japchae that morning. She was phenomenal, that woman.
“Wow, you guys made so much.” Jihyo was genuinely surprised at the amount of food there was, she didn’t think it was all that big of a deal.
The park was bustling with greeks and non-greeks alike, all talking and eating as they danced to the music blaring from the speakers. It was a sunny day, so those who had been unable to find a space to call their own under the tents moved to the grass to sit with friends. A few of the boys had started an intense game of soccer and had forgotten all about the food around them.
“We wanted to welcome you as best as we could!” Yerim answered with a grin, always the most sociable one. No wonder she was the chapter’s spokesperson.
“Okay girls, it’s time to eat!” Yubin, who had been assigned grill duty, called out. She wasn’t the youngest, but no one trusted anyone else with grilling, so she always ended up grilling the meat.
The girls sat around the table, passing the side dishes around and engaging in multiple conversations at once as was the case when many people ate together.
“Thank you for the food,” Sojung said, picking her chopsticks in one hand and the bowl of kimchi in the other. When she began serving the girls around her, a cloud of protest rose from the older girls.
“Oh don’t worry about us,” Sunmi took the bowl away from her.
“You just make sure you eat as much as you want okay?” Yeeun said as she handed Sojung a can of coke.
The girls of Beta Rho were always excited to welcome new members, and they loved taking care of each other. It was a sisterhood of support and love, and they were the prime examples of that.
Once the first round of meat had been grilled, some of the prophytes took the new girls to meet the other organizations while Dahye and Yerim stayed behind, sipping their drink around the table. They were line sisters, which meant they spent a lot of time together in general. Not very far from them and in their line of sight, stood Yukwon and few other boys that Dahye did not recognize, but were probably Kappa Mu if the blue shirts were anything to go by.
“How did everything go with Yukwon, by the way? You never told us how that ended,” Yerim said, taking a sip from her can of soda.
“We decided to be friends…” right next to Yukwon was perhaps the most beautiful man she’d ever seen—and that was saying something, considering he was standing next to Yukwon. “Wait who’s that?”
Yerim’s who was answered by a nod in the boys’ general direction, which really wasn’t a good answer, but words came soon after.
“In the grey shorts. Dark hair, brushed back,”
“Oh him? Yeah, he just crossed. I don’t remember his name though.” A pause ensued as Yerim took time to really look at the guy. He was pretty tall, but the most attractive thing was his face: small but intense eyes, high cheekbones and thick, full, pink lips. He was a good looking man, she had to admit it. “He’s cute. Go talk to him.”
She would have, except at that very moment, a group of freshmen girls walked over to them, asking for more information about the organization. What great timing they had. Dahye would just have to wait.
When four pm rolled around, everyone began cleaning. It had been a long day and despite the fun they’d had all were more than excited to head back home. They put the leftovers into their coolers and tossed the trash around them in the bin the school had provided for the day. Cleaning wasn’t difficult, considering they’d eaten in the same plates all day, but a ridiculous amount of people had come under their tent that day, and not all of them had cleaned after themselves.
Once all the coolers had been loaded into Hyunah’s car and all the girls had made their way home, Dahye, Sunmi and Yerim walked over to the Kappa tent to bother them as they often did.
“Hey Kyung!” Sunmi called out with a wave, taking his attention away from the trash bag he was holding.
Kyung was Yukwon’s line brother, but the two couldn’t be any more different. The former was a fool at all times, although a loveable one, while the latter was reserved and collected. How they managed to become friends was beyond everyone.
“Hey girls, madam Kim,” he greeted the other two with a nod, but winked at Dahye, getting an eye roll form her.
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that” Dahye replied before turning to Jihoon and hugging him
The sophomore was currently the youngest member of the chapter and was hands down the sweetest, most wholesome person Dahye had ever met. She really just wanted to put him in her pocket.
Kyung placed his hand on his chest, feigning offence, “that hurt my feelings, Dahye. I’m out here rooting for you and him and I’m constantly attacked.”
“Park Kyung, college student by obligation, matchmaker by calling,” Sunmi said with a snicker, and everyone laughed.
The funny thing about it all, was that Kyung didn’t know that Dahye had had a crush on the man and that she’d told him about it. He didn’t know that she’d told him and that he’d said that he didn’t quite feel the same way and that he would rather to be friends with her. Kyung just openly shipped them because of the amount of time the two spent together, that was all, but to say it amused the girls, who knew what had happened, was an understatement.
“Where is he anyway?”
“He’s dropping some stuff off at the house” Jihoon answered Yerim’s question and she nodded, picking up whatever trash she found around her.
Around them, the boys were tying up trash bags and loading things into cars nearby, talking as they worked. Among them was the man she had seen earlier in the day. Now that she was closer to him, she could read what his t shirt said. It didn’t make sense to her at first but when she nudged Yerim with her elbow, asking what two seater could possibly mean. She realized.
Her friend looked at her suggestively and Dahye felt stupid for even asking. She knew exactly what it meant and instead of disgusting her as it would have, had he been anyone else, she all but cackled at the hilarity of it all. This guy was a character, and she wanted to know more about him. Except he was surrounded by the other boys and as confident as Dahye was in herself, these boys ran in packs and entering them to talk to one of them was terrifying. Knowing some of them made no difference.
“You guys look just about done, so we’re gonna head out.” Sunmi said, waving her sorors along with her. The girls had made plans to hangout at Dahye’s dorm for a night of netflix, ice cream, and gossip. They couldn’t miss it.
Finally back at the dorms, the girls took a shower and made their way to Dahye’s room, where they put in a movie and sat on the bed, each with her pint of ice cream. The movie of the night was The Princess Diaries, and Mia’s private jet plane had just flown into the small European country of Genovia when Dahye put her spoon into the half empty pint of Haagen Dazs dulce de leche flavored ice cream.
“I’m gonna ask Yukwon who that guy was.”
The words ‘Are you crazy?’ and ‘What guy?’ came simultaneously from Yerim and Sunmi respectively, who looked at her from their spots on either side of her.
“A guy I saw at the park today.” She answered Sunmi’s question before turning to Yerim “and why would you say that?”
“You were trying to jump on the man’s dick literally last semester!”
“She’s right, you know.”
Dahye rolled her eyes at her friends’ response. Things changed! It was time for something new! “Well it’s now fall semester, and I no longer want to do that. Besides he’s the one who wanted to be friends. Don’t blame me for moving on.” she shrugged, putting a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.
“Okay yeah, but going through him to get to your next hookup? I don’t think that’s the kind of friendship he signed up for.”
“Hah!” Dahye cackled at Sunmi, who had since paused the movie and was currently retying her ponytail. “Well that’s the kind of friendship he’s gonna get!”
Her friends sighed in resignation. If the three semesters they’d spent with Dahye had taught them anything, it was that the girl was going to do what she wanted to do regardless.
She wasted no time in texting the man, who up until then had been focused on a very heated game of cards. Jaehyo had invited all the boys over to his place for beer, chicken and cards, claiming he couldn’t really claim to know anyone unless he’d seen them drunk. It was really just an excuse to drink, but he wasn’t complaining.
Yukwon had just opened a can of beer when his phone buzzed and he checked it to see a text from Dahye.
[ 8:34 p.m. ] Dahye: hey Kwon!
He put the can down and leaned on the counter behind to answer.
[ 8:34 p.m. ] Yukwon: What’s up?
Sunmi had unpaused the movie by then and her and Yerim were focused on the adventures of Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, but Dahye was immersed in her phone. She had to figure out who that guy was.
On his side, Yukwon had yet to join the game that had just started, having missed the roll call because he was getting a beer in the kitchen. When he made his way back to the living room, a text came in from Dahye, making him chuckle.
[ 8:36 p.m. ] Dahye: Nothing much, I was wondering, one of the Kappa neos, what’s his name?
“Who’s got you smiling like that?” Jaehyo asked with a smirk.
“Damn, can’t a guy smile at his phone in peace?”
“We all know it’s Dahye, man.” Kyung answered with a shrug before turning back to the cards. It was evident the neos wanted to know who this Dahye girl was, considering the boys spent all their waking hours making fun of his friendship with her. He never got offended though, he often did the same to them.
[ 8:39 p.m. ] Yukwon: Well we have five, so you’re gonna have to be specific lol
[ 8:40 p.m. ] Dahye: Grey sweats, black hair, combed back you were talking to him. He was wearing a shirt that said two seater.
Yukwon chuckled again because not only did he know exactly who she was talking about, Jiho was also sitting right in front him.
[ 8:40 p.m. ] Yukwon: Well damn, detailed much. Yeah I know who you’re talking about. His name’s Jiho. Why?
There was no way he had just asked that. Yukwon could be stupid sometimes but this was too much. What did he think she was going to do with his name? Write it in her notebook? She wanted to shoot her shot! Her friends noticed the change in her face and although they wanted to say something, Mia’s adventures in Genovia were much more riveting in that very moment. She was going to tell them all about it later anyway.
[8:42 p.m. ] Dahye: Are you seriously asking this question right now Yukwon? Do you even want my happiness?
[ 8:43 p.m. ]Yukwon: I’m just asking, sorry lol. I’ll introduce you guys next time!
At that, Dahye’s face lit up. Finally he was telling her what she wanted to hear.
[8:43 p.m. ] Dahye: Thanks. You’re the best.
[8:43 p.m. ] Yukwon: Anytime lmao
He slipped his phone back into his pocket with a chuckle, taking the cards Jaehyo was handing him.
“What’s up?”
“Oh you know, Dahye doing Dahye things. Nothing new,” he replied, and although Jaehyo didn’t know exactly what was happening, he nodded with a chuckle because Dahye was always up to something, and it was always entertaining to watch.
Back in Dahye’s dorm room, she turned to her friends with a triumphant grin, “He says he’ll introduce us. Told you.”
“Did you ever actually like the guy?” Yerim asked with a smile, still in awe that she had just done all of that, but Dahye was not moved. She did what she had to do.
“Shut up Yerim,”
Dahye’s answer had the girls laughing, mostly at how crazy the situation was, but also at how determined their friend was. There truly was never a dull day with her.
“Don’t you think it’s weird? You were literally in love with him six months ago.”
“Like I said, that was then, this is now, Sunmi.” Dahye shrugged. “Now, we worry about Jiho,” the name rolled off her tongue so beautifully. She was excited to see what the future held.
It was going to be an adventure—all three of them knew it—and no one was more excited to begin it than Dahye.
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hoynovoy · 3 years
20 Asian American Musicians To Add To Your Playlist Now
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Over the past several years, the K-pop industry in the U.S. has grown exponentially. The fan enthusiasm behind bands like BTS has drawn parallels to The Beatles, and so many K-pop groups have received the same passionate reception. The attention is well-deserved, but Asian artists represent a multitude of musical genres (even just within the K-pop industry) — a fact that should not be overlooked. Whether you're a fan of indie rock, R&B, hip-hop, or dance music, you won't want to sleep on these Asian American musicians.
Asian artists have recently received some long-deserved recognition in the entertainment industry, primarily in film. In 2020, Bong Joon-ho's Parasite won big at the Oscars. The following year, Youn Yuh-Jung won the award for Best Supporting Actress for her work in Minari, which also scored The Walking Dead alum Steven Yeun a nomination for Best Actor. However, there's still plenty of work to be done within the music landscape to ensure equal representation is achieved.
BTS, most notably, has seen unprecedented success in the U.S. Still, despite being invited to attend the last three Grammys, they've yet to take home an award, highlighting the discrepancy between their immense success and the Recording Academy's willingness to acknowledge it. Additionally, Asian artists have a harder time landing record deals. As American Idol alumni Paul Kim explained to The New York Times, he was blatantly told by industry execs he would have been signed to a label faster had he not been Asian.
By streaming these artists, you're not only supporting them and their art, but you're subsequently showing industry insiders just how valuable they are. Consider this list sonic proof Asian artists are making exceptional, diverse music that can't be boxed into one genre or sound. Each of these artists prides themselves on breaking boundaries and creating their own rules. You may have heard of a few, but many have been flying under the radar for far too long. Your ears will thank you soon enough.
Melissa Polinar
Polinar got her start in the late 2000s when viral YouTube covers paved the way for success. While artists like Justin Bieber and Lennon & Maisy were sharing music covers, Polinar focused on posting her original music — and her soulful vocals were a hit. In 2019, the Filipino-American songwriter actually re-recorded one of the songs that propelled her career forward, "Try," on its 10-year anniversary.
Eric Nam
Born and raised in Atlanta, Nam moved to Korea to pursue music because he felt he had a better chance of succeeding there. “Even if you look at American Idol, or X-Factor, or The Voice or anything, it was always difficult to see an Asian or an Asian-American make it to a certain point,” Nam told TIME in November 2019. Today, Nam is a highly visible and respected name in the K-pop industry. While he's very proud of his K-pop success, he considers himself a pop singer first. He hopes to grow his success stateside and told TIME, "I want people to hear my music and say, 'I don’t know who this person is,' and I could be Black, white, Latino, Asian — it doesn’t matter, but it’s just a great pop song."
Clinton Kane
Kane's got every making of a great singer-songwriter, and his lyricism will make a fan out of loyal Ed Sheeran or Sam Smith listeners. The Filipino-American singer's impressive vocal range captivates, and his emotion-driven lyrics will melt your heart. One of his more popular tracks, "Chicken Tendies," has upwards of 2 million views and is a must-add to your heartbreak playlist.
Jhené Aiko
As a mixed-race Japanese, Creole, Dominican, and European woman, Aiko has proudly championed her diverse roots throughout her accomplished career. The R&B singer is a six-time Grammy-nominated artist and is well respected within the industry for her philanthropic endeavors. She launched the WAYS foundation in 2017, an organization dedicated to helping cancer patients and their families.
Steve Aoki
Steve Aoki is hardly a newcomer to the EDM scene, but as one of the most prominent DJs in the industry, and one of the biggest Japanese DJs ever, it would be a crime to leave him off this list. Aoki even has his own record label and, in 2016, Netflix released I'll Sleep When I'm Dead, a documentary about his career.
Karen O
As the lead singer for the rock band Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Karen O has solidified her spot as a rock music legend. Not only is the Korean-American singer's discography with the band a must-listen for any rock music fan, but her 2019 album with Danger Mouse, Lux Prima, earned her a Grammy nomination for Best Rock Performance.
Hailing from the San Francisco Bay Area, H.E.R. (aka Gabi Wilson) has become one of the most prominent names in R&B. At just 23 years old, the singer-songwriter already has four Grammy wins and 13 nominations. Along the way, she's never shied away from praising her Filipino mother and Black father, Agnes and Kenny Wilson, for giving her the unique perspectives that propelled her musical success.
Toro Y Moi
Toro Y Moi is actually one person (Chaz Bear) and he's become the unofficial king of chillwave. Born to a Filipino mother, the South Carolina native later relocated to California to further his music career. If you need some chill vibes on your playlist, Bear's got you covered.
Ruby Ibarra
Ibarra is a Filipino-American rapper from San Lorenzo, California who also dabbles in spoken word poetry. Her music is meaningful in more ways than one. A number of her songs touch upon her experience as an Asian American woman. In April 2021, she released a powerful song and video called "Gold" with Ella Jay Basco, which exposed the harmful effects of the skin whitening industry.
Ella Jay Basco
You may recognize Basco from her appearance in Birds of Prey, but her music is not to be slept on because it's making major waves. Her song "Gold" with Ruby Ibarra highlights her Filipino heritage. As she told People, "From top to bottom, we wanted to make sure that our Asian-American community was represented with this project."
Meet your new favorite alt-rock queen. Mitski's dreamy melodies appeal to the indie-rock crowd more than anything, and, if you're a sucker for a sad bop, this Japanese-American songstress has plenty of those stacked up.
Yaeji was born in Flushing, Queens in 1993 and grew up between the U.S. and Korea. Since she moved around so much as a kid, she found friendship on the internet, where she first connected with the bossa nova, jazz, and Korean indie music that drove much of the Korean DIY scene. She soon returned to the States to attend college, where she discovered a love for producing and DJing. Now, she meticulously blends hip-hop elements with her house-driven sound for a listening experience that is unlike anything else.
Hayley Kiyoko
Kiyoko has been given the nickname Lesbian Jesus since she’s so outspoken about LGBTQ+ representation in the music industry. The Japanese-American singer is a true trailblazer and her pop music genius has landed her hits with Kehlani, MAX, and AJR.
Jay Park
Park is an industry heavyweight. The Seattle native got his start in the K-pop industry as part of the band 2PM, but he went solo in 2009. Today, not only does the star have dozens of hits under his belt, but he has two record labels of his own that specialize in R&B and hip-hop music: AOMG and H1ghr. Park uses his superstar status to give others the spotlight, and he's put his support behind other artists like GOT7's JAY B and Yugyeom, and Raz Simone. Whether you're a self-proclaimed K-pop stan, or you're just recently getting acquainted with the genre, Park's discography is required listening.
Jin Au-Yeung
Born and raised in North Miami Beach, Florida, the Chinese-American rapper, aka MC Jin, has some seriously impressive accolades under his belt. After becoming popular among his musical peers for his epic freestyles, he was signed to Ruff Ryders in 2002 at just 19 years old, becoming the first Asian American solo rapper to be signed to a major record label in the U.S. He's since parted ways with the label and now travels back and forth between the U.S. and Hong Kong, seeing success in both places. In May 2021, the rapper released a single called "Stop the Hatred" with Wyclef Jean to raise awareness about hate crimes toward Asian Americans amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Olivia Rodrigo
Rodrigo needs no introduction, but I'll do it anyway: This Filipino-American actress-turned-singer-songwriter's mega-hit debut single "drivers license" was unavoidable in January 2021. Its heartbreakingly relatable lyrics about a crush moving on with someone else struck listeners to their core and immediately soared to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. It also went viral on TikTok, before making its way into a Saturday Night Live sketch. Rodrigo's songwriting skills have fans likening her to industry heavyweights like Taylor Swift, so it's no surprise her debut album, Sour, is one of the most highly-anticipated albums of summer 2021.
Run River North
Run River North is not just one musician, but three. The band formerly known as Monsters Calling Home is an indie rock band from Los Angeles. The group has an eclectic sound that draws inspiration from each member: Daniel Chae, Alex Hwang, and Sally Kang.
When ZHU first entered the electronic music scene, he used an alias and remained anonymous. By 2014, the artist also known as Steven Zhu was ready to share his identity with the world. ZHU got his start in San Francisco, California, but has made his mark on the EDM scene globally.
Darren Criss
Criss rose to fame starring on the television series Glee and he's since proven himself to be a true triple threat. His work can be seen across TV, film, and music. In September of 2018, Criss became the first Filipino-American to win an Emmy in the lead actor category for his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan in FX's The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. He’s also got several full-fledged EPs under his belt.
Amber Liu
Amber Liu (also known mononymously as Amber) is of Taiwanese descent and grew up in Los Angeles. She made a big splash when debuting as a member of the K-pop girl group f(x) in September 2009, but has since gone solo. Her 2019 solo track "Other People" racked up millions of streams, and she’s gearing up to drop her first album of 2021, called y?, very soon. In the meantime, she’s continuing to grow her superstar following on social media, where she has 5 million Instagram followers and over 2.3 million on Twitter.
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
New Releases 11/7/17
Happy New Release Day!
In Books --Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju Volume 4 by Haruko Kumota “After Sukeroku’s expulsion, Kikuhiko’s path to stardom seems clear, but the idea of inheriting the Yakumo name is a cold comfort. Sukeroku, disgraced, makes the heartbreaking decision to put his art aside and take responsibility for his new relationship with Miyokichi. As years pass and distance grows, Kikuhiko decides it’s up to him to bring his friend back to the theater. His determination takes him to the country, where Sukeroku now lives with his spirited young daughter. Kikuhiko is ready to stay as long as he needs to convince Sukeroku, but old wounds may come back to haunt them both.”
I haven’t had a chance to pick up volume 3 yet because we did not get a copy in where I work. And I haven’t had a chance to order it yet either. 
--Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Edition When I first head about this illustrated edition I thought it was going to be of the movie Fantastic Beasts so I wasn’t very interested in this one. But it turns out it is for all of the creatures mentioned throughout the HP universe. Now I really want this one. Just not sure when I’ll be able to.
--My Hero Academia Volume 10 by Kohei Horikoshi “The League of Villains has kidnapped Bakugo, and the resulting negative publicity has thrown U.A. into a huge uproar. With the public’s trust in heroes threatened, the faculty convenes to figure out what to do. But Midoriya and the students of Class 1-A have plans of their own - an operation to rescue Bakugo that could get them thrown out of school.”
Picking up right where volume 9 ended. Midoriya and his crew try to take back Bakugo but fail. And a few pro heroes are lost in the conflict. After their recovery in the hospital some of Class 1-A devise a plan to legally (meaning without using their powers) to try and save Bakugo. Which sounds like a bad idea all around. 
It’s a really good volume that ends on an evil cliffhanger. I need volume 11 but that won’t be out till 2/6/18.
--Perfect Shadow by Brent Weeks “Gaelan Starfire is a careful, quiet, simple farmer. He’s also an immortal, peerless in the arts of war. Over the centuries, he’s worn many faces to hide his gift, but he is a man ill-fit for obscurity.
When Gaelan must take a job hunting down the world’s finest assassins for the beautiful courtesan and crime lord Gwinvere Kirena what he finds may destroy everything he’s ever believed in.”
I HAVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR THIS MOMENT. I love Brent Week’s Night Angel Trilogy so when I heard there was a prequel novella I was pretty excited. Until I noticed it was ebook only; after a brief limited printing run that I found out much later on. But after waiting and waiting, it is back in print. Right when I was about to break down and buy it digitally. I am ecstatic to finally have it to go with the others. Now I just wish I had the trilogy in hardcover. I just have them in the mass market paperback box set. 
It includes the novella Perfect Shadow and a Night Angel short called I, Night Angel. 
--Renegades by Marissa Meyer “The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies - humans with extraordinary abilities - who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone...except the villains they once overthrew.Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice - and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both.“
From the author of the Lunar Chronicles series comes a new series. I really like the Lunar Chronicles. I recommend it a lot at work. Though I still need to finish it. Cress (book 3) has been sitting on my shelf for a little while but I’ve been trying to focus on the arcs I have. And have been failing. Anyway, I really like her other series and am excited to try out a new series by her.
--Twinkle Star Volume 4 by Natsuki Takaya “The second semester of school is starting, and Chihiro's kinder attitude toward Sakuya is making her heart race! When he recommends her a book to read, she's positively overjoyed. But on the way home from a night of stargazing with the Star Appreciation Club, Chihiro suddenly approaches her! What does he want to talk about...?”
After this just one more volume of this series should remain. I still haven’t had time to go past volume 1 of this series. I’ve had to put a lot of series on hold while I tried to cut back during the second half of this year. I will pick it back up again someday. Hopefully by next year.
In Movies/TV Shows --Cheer Boys “Catch an exciting new take on the high-flying team sport, inspired by a real all-male squad in Japan. When Haruki Bando and his friend Kazuma leave judo martial arts, no one would have guessed they would turn to cheerleading! Rocking the college campus with a killer routine, these amateurs manage to draw in a crowd and enough new members to compete in regionals.”
I started streaming this on Funimation during its season. I watched about half before I got into another gaming kick and haven’t picked it up again yet. I did like what I saw of it but it probably isn’t my favorite sports series. But I think it is still worth checking out. 
--Project Ito: Genocidal Organ “In Genocidal Organ, while developed countries rely on advanced surveillance to free them from the threat of terrorism, other nations are plagued by genocide within their own borders. Strangely, these massacres all link back to one American by the name of John Paul. Special agent Clavis Shepherd is sent to capture the target, but nothing can prepare this soldier—or the world—for the truth behind humanity’s darkness.”
The third and final Project Ito film. At least for now. I have been waiting on this one ever since the films were announced. I did watch Empire of Corpses and enjoyed it. Though I need to rewatch it soon because when I first watched it I was exhausted from work and kept having to rewind cause I kept nodding off for a few minutes at a time. I finally picked up Harmony a few months back but haven’t had time to start it yet.
--Revolutionary Girl Utena Set 2 “Utena and Anthy have become close during their time as roommates. So when Anthy casually mentions she has a brother, Utena can’t help but feel shocked. She thought she knew Anthy, but the longer she and Anthy are friends, the more she discovers she doesn’t know. What other secrets could Anthy be keeping? However, Utena won’t have time to dwell upon such matters. A new group of duelists has emerged from the shadows. These new challengers wear black rose signets and also seek revolution, but their methods are different than those of Ohtori’s Student Council. They don’t wish to possess Rose Bride. They are want kill her.”
Set 2 of the 20th Anniversary is now out. Contains episodes 13-24 of this great series. I have only seen it once all the way through. It is one of those series that you’ll have to watch over and over to get all the references and to catch all the imagery it contains. 
--Westworld S1 “Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, explore a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged without consequence.”
Season 1 of this series is out today. I don’t have the channel that it is on so I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. I’ve heard nothing but great things about so I can’t wait to try it out sometime. Though I would like to watch the movie it is based on before I try out the show. I have heard the soundtrack before because we used to have it as an in-store-play where I work. It is an awesome soundtrack. It was a staff favorite and we played it a lot.
--Your Name “Mitsuha and Taki are complete strangers living separate lives until they suddenly switch places. Mitsuha wakes up in Taki’s body, and he in hers. This occurrence happens randomly, and they must adjust their lives around each other. Yet, somehow, it works. They build a connection by leaving notes for one another until they wish to finally meet. But something stronger than distance may keep them apart.”
Was very disappointed when this came out in theaters because it never came anywhere close to where I live. I don’t think it played anywhere in my state for that matter. I did pick up a copy because I want to know if it really is worth the hype. I haven’t watched it yet because I decided to wait till my friend and I could get together to watch it together. 
There is a standard version (DVD and a combo pack) as well as an LE. The LE, “contains two-piece double-sided collectible chipboard box with rainbow holographic finish.” Like what they did for Death Parade’s LE. Which both are nice but makes me nervous that it would fall out if I picked it up wrong. It also comes with a 60 page art booklet, an art digipack, and a two disc OST. The second OST is shorter. It has five songs; if I remember correctly, that are sung in English by RADWIMPS.
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its8simplejulesblog · 4 years
Tomorrow I’m Getting a Haircut
a HaiRcUt?!?! It seems almost ridiculous at this point. I feel almost ashamed about being excited to get it in lieu of everything that has been going on. In the peak of quarantine my mom and I would always make jokes about how we “needed them SO bad,” but they were just that..JOKES. There’s a part of me that is even thinking that it’s selfish to get a haircut when I could be at a protest. The point is though. You can’t shut this out, you can’t. 
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One of the most prominent mentors that I’ve ever had in my life was a woman by the name of Rene. She mentored me (and was technically my boss) during my internship last summer in Philadelphia about educational inequities. We had so many conversations about white privilege and one that especially stood out to me was when we talked about what saviorism. 
If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, it’s essentially the belief that work done by a white person, whether internationally or domestically, is “saving the underprivileged.” When I think of the term, I immediately imagine various instagram posts I have seen of friends that participated in mission/ service trips abroad and have posted photos of them with black children. Of course, I would never want to assume that the work that they did wasn’t beneficial to the community that they were working in. I would never want to assume that the connections that they made with those kids were not genuine. However, the SECOND you make a service trip about you, you have to be so careful that it’s not only about you. That should never be your endgame. 
I worry about this constantly. When I think about a post I currently have on my Instagram account about my trip to China, I think about what it took for me to post that in the first place. My caption is long and discusses how the kids “had nothing, but were still so happy anyway.” I’ve used similar language in my blog post about that same trip. It makes me think about what that implies. It really makes me look like they were so lost until we got there. I posted photos of me hugging the kids and how inspirational the trip was for me and none of that was a lie, but that shouldn’t have been my priority. 
To be fair, it wasn’t. But I can’t lie and say that the only reason I went to China was to help the kids. I was looking for an experience that I would remember forever, I was excited to see the sights and practice Chinese and eat Chinese food, but the fact that I recognize that I was not their saving grace is important. 
So I want to tie this back to my internship and life today and perspective in general. Rene was dark-skinned. I’m sure you all are educated enough to know that skin color is a range and it���s not just one or the other. There are countless sociological stats reporting the effects that even MINOR differences in your range affect the way you are treated in the workplace. Rene’s supervisor was mixed. In my discussion with Rene, she said that even within the organization, there were implicit biases between the two of them. She was often talked over by her supervisor, her supervisor would say something and be called “profound,” while she would say something and be called, “aggressive.” Privilege is real people. It’s real and blatantly apparent as long as you take your rose colored glasses off. 
My boss was a goofy woman. She made me laugh until I couldn’t breathe, but it pains me to think that she had to amplify that personality at work because if she didn’t, people would be genuinely afraid of her. I remember there was one day where she got feedback from a coworker that they thought she was ridiculing, lecturing, and yelling at them. Rene nearly cried to me. She was very clearly hurt and it was the first time in my life where I had no idea what to say. This was a grown woman...a grown woman WITH A PH.D getting in trouble because she “was perceived as aggressive.” And what do you know, she was nothing of the sort. 
We had an interesting group dynamic on our special operations team. It was Rene and I as well as a gender neutral coworker. So, when it came to the finances (we had to manage the 2 million dollar non-profit budget) Rene put me in charge, because I was “the most personable.” Our office was very open minded and we recognized that this was likely to be the perceptions of the rest of the organization and not necessarily the truth. There was a chance that Rene would be seen as aggressive asking people about their finances and my coworker was not necessarily as social as me so I used that privilege of being the most “societally normal” to my advantage. 
These were conversations that we frequently had in our office, and yet, they aren’t had in the White House, they aren’t had around dinner tables of suburban white families, they aren’t had in schools. Why not? Because they make people uncomfortable. You know why they make you uncomfortable? Because they threaten your societal advantage, and what do Americans know better than a superiority complex? 
I’ve been staying as on top of the protest information as possible. Thankfully, my friends keep each other informed as well and aren’t fading into the shadows of their comfortable lives. Our generation holds the responsibility in our hands to inform and protect each other. We need to have the conversations that we fear. Nothing good ever came out of running from a problem. I’ve been watching Legend of Korra lately (which is actually a FANTASTIC show) and a quote that really hit me lately is this “at our lowest points, we hold the highest propensity for change.” 
So step out of your comfort zone. Every day there is history being made. Please continue to educate yourself about everything that is going on. Donate to reputable causes. Have difficult conversations and brainstorm solutions. Do NOT just post a black square and leave. Don’t post arsty protest photos that fit your Instagram aesthetic as your only means of calling awareness to this topic. Listen to your black friends and acquaintances and limit your opinions. Never tell them how they should react or feel. Ask them for articles or books or ways that non-black Americans can contribute and learn. 
This is not about you. Remember that. 
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