#anyway i love that these guys bike everywhere
benevolenterrancy · 2 years
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sometimes those hills just jump at your out of nowhere
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rindousbbg · 1 month
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Summery: You guys broke up due to a stupid reason and he's getting you back no matter what.
Genre: Fluff
Warning: None
Requested: No
A/n: took so long, finished it long time ago but forgot to post 😭. Reblogs are appreciated.
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Mikey wasn't certainly good at most of the things but love. He never understood the concept of the word called love. Surely he never dated, he was too occupied with gang shit that he never really thought of love and to give any attention towards it.
Until you came and swept him off his feet. You weren't more special than any girl, you were simple and kind like the rest of them. But what made his heart flutter when you respected his passion for his gang? Brought him his favourite snack-dorayaki. When you comfort him all the time whenever he gets upset because of his dead brother. You never left him or made him feel small.
He was very glad because of that but yet after getting into a relationship you both shortly broke up after 1 year. Why? You still questioned yourself.
Was it because you have gotten chubbier? Or was it because you have gotten skinnier and it made you look like a skeleton? Or was it because he was ashamed to call you his girlfriend in front of everyone or was it because he was simply tired of you, your nagging and the simple gesture of being worried for him? You still wonder about that.
But why does it hurt Manjiro so much to look at you with another boy instead of him?? Something isn't right when you are with someone else, you should be with him. He was shameless after practically breaking up with you for no reason and a proper explanation he still wanted you to look after him and only him. Call him possesive but isn't what he is?
"Are you dating him?"
A cold voice spoke out behind you making you immediately turn.
"What are you...doing here?"
You spoke slowly, too shocked to say anything. He was the least expected person to be here.
You were waiting for your name co-worker to come back from the store since you needed some food supplies.
"You didn't answer my question"
"You didn't either"
He blankly stared at you.
"You have bad taste"
You questioned him.
"What do you mean?"
"Your taste has gotten worse"
You widen your eyes at his statement, what does he mean by that? Was he thinking you and your co-worker are dating and that's why he is saying? Or something else.
Questions after questions keep flooding inside your head making your head spin.
"We aren't..dating"
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his statement.
"What you are doing here anyway?"
"To buy dorayaki what else...don't think I'm stalking you or something"
His tone changed after your last statement, which makes you wonder if was it really because he was relived you weren't dating your co-worker or if was it because he has bipolar disorder.
"Okay, I guess"
You decided to walk away from him. But he keeps catching up with his bike. You stopped in your tracks.
"What do you want?"
"Aight, let's get back together"
You stared at him as if he was talking gibberish.
"Are you for real?"
"For real"
he smiled confidently.
"No, we broke up already"
"Well we did but it was your fault anyway"
He gasped dramatically and shook his head at you imitating a hurt expression.
"You ate my dorayaki".
He exclaimed once again.
"Geez Mikey it was just a dorayaki"
You rolled your eyes.
"See, that's a valid reason"
you stared at him for some seconds and started to walk away as fast as you could.
"What now?"
He took a deep breath.
"I took this matter too far"
"You did"
He wondered everywhere except you, he was trying to find words to tell you but looks like he could not find any.
"Ken-chin told me that it was too childish and I was immature acting like a kid"
"He is right and you are a kid though"
His eyes darkened.
"I'm sorry. Please don't leave me. I couldn't fall asleep nor eat peacefully"
"So you are bringing me back just for your own benifit?"
He shakes his head.
"No. You are kind of my habit. Just like people can't spend a day without blinking their eyes I can't spend my day without you, I need you. Please forgive me and let's get back together"
"That was... lowkey cringe"
You murmured to yourself.
"I heard that"
"I missed you"
He smiled.
"Hop on my bike already"
You did as he said and drove off somewhere. It was already evening. He stopped, parking the bike somewhere.
He hummed.
"Will you leave me ever again? For somebody else?"
You asked him.
"How can I believe you? You broke up with me because of a dorayaki."
He realized how big of a matter it was to you. He felt bad for making you feel this way.
"Come here!"
You did and closed the distance between you and him.
"Would you mind?"
He pointed at your lips. You understood what he meant and slowly nodded.
Soon he brought his lips closer to yours and placed his lips onto yours, it was a soft and gentle kiss. Mikey didn't have to say anything after it. The kiss said enough about how he misses you. The slight desperation was visible that he had missed you.
Shortly after, he pulled away.
"I don't know about promises or keeping them but I promise that I won't do that again"
You both stared into each other's eyes once again.
"You sure?"
He gave you a small smile and leaned once again to let his lips collide with yours to tell you the answer.
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paymechildsupport · 3 months
Ryomen Sukuna x Reader // A Troublemaker's Love
@manikosii --> "What do you think about Bully!Sukuna who is madly in love with the reader? I just like the small Sukuna who has known the reader since childhood and does not know how to express his feelings" -.-.- -> hsisikaiss I love this sm :D Kinda made him more of a bully with a soft spot, -- more delinquent than anything, but I absolutely kept your lovestruck lil' Sukuna, so cute <3
> Modern!School!AU 
   > Bully!Delinquent!Sukuna x Reader 
*I made him a biker too,— he’s such a lil’ biker bitch 
-!! CW: depictions of violence, (not aimed at Reader), -- smoking [don't actually smoke please, that shit kills you :(]
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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(he's my lil' cutie patootie)
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Ryomen Sukuna— who from a young age could never really communicate his feelings. Who would push all the other kids off the playground because they were clogging up the slide. Who never once expressed remorse when setting fire to that poor ant colony with his mini magnifying glass. Who was labeled as a “troubled” child. Who skipped grades because he was so freakishly intelligent. Who never had to try in school. Who fell off his Lightning McQueen bike the second he saw you on the playground. He immediately shoved his way through the swarm of other kids, butted his way into your lil’ game of tag, invited himself to play and proceeded to shove your tiny body into the grass, laughing maniacally. 
Pissed, you grabbed him by the hair, yanked harshly and threw him down on the ground next to you, — engaging in the most intense wrestling match either you had ever had in your short lives. Stuck in the nurse’s office with his Despicable Me bandaid and getting scolded by every staff member in the school, Sukuna could only stare at you, completely enamored by you and your fiery spirit so akin to his own.
Sukuna would pull up to school everyday on his motorbike, making as much noise possible and spewing exhaust everywhere, just to spite the Environmental Club members who continuously berated him for air pollution. 
He didn’t vape— no no, he wasn’t a lil’ pussy bitch. Sukuna was a man, he smoked straight cigars, the kind you’d only ever see your grandpa piping,— and it was disgusting
He’d do it just to annoy you too. When you walk outside for lunch, he’d exhale a rather generous amount of smoke right in your face, earning him a string of curses in response. He’d just smile, chuckle and walk away 
Sukuna is a rather intimidating individual, — towering over everyone in a room,- tatted up with the most gorgeous inky designs you’d ever seen. His favorite shirts always revealed a generous amount of his beefy, muscular arms. The thin fabrics clung to his figure, showing clearly defined muscles (and those phat milk jugs hoooooly cow) 
He’d be that guy wearing fucking kakis in the middle of winter 💀 
Fucking shit his muscular thighs too?? Holy smokes I’m drooling 🤤
Sukuna was always alone, and he preferred things that way. He didn’t have a band of lackeys behind him all the time— though plenty deeply admired him— he didn’t need them anyways to look every bit the tough guy delinquent who was unafraid to get physical. 
—- and he was physical. Like, he was always finding his way into a fight,— and always came out on top. Starting something with this guy was a death wish. Everyone in the school knew who he was, and everyone in the school— including the teachers — respected him out of fear
He never picked on anyone who’d be considered an “easy target”. No no, that’d be way too easy. Where’s the fun in that? Nah, he goes straight for the person on top— the cockier the better. He’s more than happy to beat up a fellow delinquent 
You, however, seem to catch his eye in particular. So fiery, so fierce,— you take everything he throws at you and chuck it right back at him. There’s a deep sentiment of respect between the two of you, underneath all the petty arguments and crude insults 
He never hangs out with anyone, but Sukuna loves to spend his time tailing you wherever you go, teasing and nagging every step of the way. He nitpicks everything you do, whether it be simply reading a book, talking to a peer, or even just eating. He’s always there, always watching your every move. 
You’d be talking with a friend, discussing plans for the weekend, when all of a sudden pure horror etched itself onto their face, a massive shadow looming over the two of you. Confused, you swivel around, face almost colliding with Sukuna’s chest. He looked down on you, a shit eating grin on his face. Your friend only slightly stammers a “gotta go see ya later” before making a run for it, (you really couldn’t blame them, Sukuna really was a weirdo sometimes). 
He likes to scare everyone who approaches you, making them run off practically screaming 
For all the verbal grief he gives you, for all the times he’s called you a “brat” and told you how “annoying” and “unbearable” you are,  Sukuna absolutely blows up the second he sees some other bastard berating you. 
One time, Mahito and his creepy lil’ gang of goonies thought it’d be funny to corner you after school. Laughing, they mocked you, turning almost borderline physical as they made an effort to manhandle you into a locker. 
Sukuna was livid, saw shit going down and immediately rushed to the scene, coming up behind Mahito and giving him the gnarliest death stare you’ve ever seen,— crimson eyes practically burning with barely restrained fury. Mahito pissed himself on the spot immediately, — and was lucky he even made it out alive that day. 
Sukuna grabbed the goon that had reached out to touch you, twisted his arm, and smashed his head in on the locker door. 
Then after school he almost “accidentally” plowed them all down with his bike 😞 
Needless to say, no one ever gave you trouble ever again— minus Sukuna, of course
He just wants you all to himself,— is that so wrong? He wants that raging passion in your eyes to be reserved for him and only him. He loves seeing you all pent up, face red and scrunched up in anger. That delicious heat in the center of his stomach threatened to boil over every time he laid his eyes on you. Sukuna was down bad. The beefy, all scary delinquent was smitten, — he of all people had a big, fat crush. He never wanted you to look at anyone the way you looked at him. He’d beat their head in, then you’d have to look at him
Shotgunning- this guy absolutely loves inhaling the smoke from his cigar, grabbing and yanking you close just so he could exhale it down your windpipe. Lips lightly brushing, sometimes he’d stick his tongue in, just to taste the smoke in your mouth. He adores the way his smoke and saliva mixes with your own, especially loving it when he kisses you stupid, drool pooling in the corner of your mouth, all for him to lick away  
Sukuna would mark you up good. Even if they don’t know who, everyone knows you're taken with the way hickeys adorn your pretty little neck. He loves your neck, loves biting into the soft, pulsating flesh and leaving his bite marks all around. —Same with your shoulder, anywhere that isn’t covered by clothing he makes sure is branded 
He delights in the way you grab him by the strap of his tank top, pulling him into whatever unoccupied room is available: janitor’s closet, a closed bathroom, the locker rooms- anywhere. You’d kiss him silly, hands gripping at his tough, muscular thighs, your nails digging into the hard flesh. Your fingers tracing over his slutty thigh tattoos always had him going feral. He loved the aftertaste of your chapstick / lipgloss on his tongue, there still even hours after you’d make out 💋 😋
Sukuna was in absolute heaven on those rare occasions you’d both stay after class. Empty classroom, blind drawn and door locked as you’d get down on your knees and suck his cock. Your pretty lips wrapped around him always had him coming quick. You’d swallow him whole, throat bobbing from his spurting cum. He’d bend down afterwards— feeling like he’d die otherwise— and kiss you sloppily on the lips, licking away his cum from the corner of your mouth, groaning at the taste of himself. 
His breasts are so sensitive, all you’d have to do is just swirl your tongue around a nipple and he’s puddy in your arms. You loved his breasts, cooing about his “man boobs” just to see him turn a brilliant red to match his crimson eyes. 
His big digits always did wonders to your body, rubbing small, purposeful circles into your pulsating heat / hard on,— sometimes right in the middle of class, just to fuck with you. Your glassy-eyed glare while you fought to bite your lip always had him hardening within his pants. He really couldn’t get enough of you. 
Yeah, you were stuck with Ryomen Sukuna and his merciless teasing. Was it all that bad?— No, no, not at all. Were you complaining? — absolutely not. (At least he had some nice phat jugs for you to fondle). 
He loved you too much to stop his cruel words and affectionate touches,— and he was going to make sure you stayed right beside him,— exactly where you belong. 
A/N: i love him and i'd die for him
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carolmunson · 1 year
we better make a start (older!modern!eddie)
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continuation of orange colored skyorange colored sky setlist
inspired by the fact that i fall in love with someone new every time i go to trader joe's and @loveshotzz new older!steve series. tw: outside of an age gap, not much. super fluffy it borders on gross. eddie is in his late 30s/early 40s, reader is late-late 20s/early 30s. music inspo: everywhere - fleetwood mac
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Wednesdays at two… You wished you’d met this guy in the fall when you still felt cute getting off the train. It was like being in a sous vide every time you got on and off, walking back out into the hot sun of the city. Would your hair frizz? Was your makeup melting? You were at least smart enough to wear bike shorts under your skirt to avoid the rubbing of your thighs – hopefully he wouldn’t notice. Your feet hurt in your 90s looking wicker sandals but at a passing glance in a store window you figure you don’t look half bad. You look infinitely better than when he first saw you in your ‘errands ugly’ clothes. Maybe he’d even think you look cute. Y’know – if he’s even there. Why’re you meeting up with some random stranger anyway? A sick flare of nervous embarrassment slides through your chest like a snake – this is stupid. He probably forgot about it. Whatever, you wanted to pick up a couple things anyway – it’s totally fine – this isn’t weird at all – and if he’s not there? It doesn’t matter. Who cares? You’ll be fine. You’ll go home and sift through a never ending collection of left swipes and ‘haha not much, just chillin naked. wbu?’ messages on whatever dating app you feel like opening that day. 
A block and an escalator later, you’re in the depths of the shopping center where Trader’s is. You swallow the sick creeping up in your belly — this is so stupid — but it doesn’t take long for you to spot him at a small table near the coffee stand across from the store. His hair sits in a low bun this time, most of his wavy curls spilling over and framing his face. He looks nice, black tee shirt that he might’ve pressed, smarter looking black chinos with a belt he likely got at a vintage store. The silver buckle looks pretty and polished, shining like the rings on his fingers and the rim of the wire glasses he had perched on his nose. He’s typing away on a laptop, black iced coffee melting next to it that he occasionally reaches to sip.
“Um…You’re Eddie, right?” you stammer out as you walk toward the table. He looks up from his laptop, the glow of this screen reflecting back in his glasses. He stops to look you over, straw still in his mouth. 
“Yeah, that’s me,” he grins, a breath of relief puffing out of his nose, “Didn’t actually think you were gonna show up — was sort of a shot in the dark.” He stands up, hand outstretched for yours to shake, “I never caught your name.” 
You take it, his handshake is firm and you can make out some of the tattoos on his fingers and hands. You introduce yourself and he mumbles a ‘nice to meet you’, your name sounds nice coming out of his mouth. “This feels like a business meeting,” you laugh, “Like I’m here for an interview.” He laughs back, “I did just come here from a meeting so I might still be in work mode, sorry.” He takes off his glasses, hanging them off the collar of his shirt. He packs up his bag, a well worn Jansport backpack covered in patches like the vest he had on the last time you saw him. You could tell it was old since there was a patch right at the center that read ‘METALLICA 1997 - Poor Touring Me’. A few other concert patches with ranging dates, 2003, 2009, 1998 littered the black canvas, you smile at it. 
“1997?” you ask, “Metallica concert at what – nine? Your parents were cool with that?” 
He looks down at it and his cheeks go pink, letting a breath puff out of his lips that makes them push out and motorboat, “What year were you born?” “‘92,” you answer, “Why?” 
“Jesus,” he mumbles, rubbing his face with a tight smile, “You’re a young thing, aren’t you?” 
“How old were you in ‘97?” you ask while you both make it through the double doors of the grocery store. He grabs a basket and raises his brows with another big breath. “Seventeen,” he says, “Got this backpack two days before that show actually.” “You still have it?” you ask, trying to do the math in your head of how old he is and how long he’s had it. “Jansport has a lifetime warranty,” Eddie smirks, “I’ve been putting it to good use.” “So why’re you back here,” you ask, following him to the back aisle where the bread is, “You just went food shopping a few days ago.” “I went for my neighbor,” he explains, grabbing two baguettes, “He fractured his foot and hasn’t been able to get up and down the stairs. Been running errands for ‘im in the meantime.” “Oh,” you smile, “That’s nice of you.” “Thanks,” he says, “You like bruschetta?” 
“Why do you ask?” 
“Well,” he starts, “I didn’t really think that Trader Joe’s was an ideal date so I thought I could ask you out here and also get some stuff for it ahead of time.” “Oh,” you repeat, heat creeping up on your cheeks, “What did you have in mind?” 
“Well if you’re free tomorrow afternoon…” he begins, but gets sidetracked. He sneaks behind you to grab some yogurt covered pretzels, “I saw you grab these the other day and got some too, they’re fuckin’ delicious.” 
The spicy suede scent he had last time is replaced with a bright citrusy cedar, it matches his overall disposition. Your mouth waters when you inhale. 
“Anyway, as I was saying,” he starts again, “If you’re free tomorrow afternoon, I’d love to treat you to a little something cute in the park. It’s supposed to be not so swampy.” “Like a picnic?” you ask with a hint of a tease. “Yeah,” he says, a glow of pink perking up on his ears hidden by his hair, “Something like that. If you’re into that – like – if you even want to go on a date with me.” “I showed up here. I feel like that’s answer enough, right?” “Right, right.” The conversation quiets while he tosses a few more things in his basket. “So what was your meeting for?” you ask, watching him look over the cold cuts and cured meats in the open refrigerated section. He was one of those, a ‘stand-and-starer’ instead of just knowing what to get. You try not to grind your teeth. “Oh, new client meeting,” he says, like you know exactly what he’s referencing. 
“For what? If you don’t mind me asking.” He reaches for a package of salami and prosciutto before turning to you, “Do you eat meat?” You nod while he continues to pick up and compare products, “New client for my side gig.” “Which,” he says, tossing his selections in the basket, “If you can believe it, pays a shit ton more than my main gig.” “What’s your big money side gig?” you laugh, following him to the next aisle. “I’m a web developer,” he says, squatting down to look at granola. He hopes you don’t hear the way his knees crack, the way his face winces at the slight tightness in his joints. In Eddie’s defense, he didn’t get a chance to stretch this morning – normally he’s much more limber – he promises. “Like making websites and stuff?” you squat next to him, your own knees cracking. You hope he doesn’t hear it. “Just like that,” he says. He reaches in front of you, grabbing your arm to steady you as you wobble to move out of his way. His grip is gentle but firm, the spots beneath his fingertips buzzing with electricity, “Careful there, sugar.” A smile spreads deep across your face while your eyes make friends with the floor under you, both of you rising back to your feet. His keys jingle on the same carabiner from before, clinking against a silver chain that you’re pretty sure connects to a wallet in his back pocket. He has Nike Killshots on today, the white with a black check instead of the navy. Everyone and their father has the white and navy. “Do you like it?” you ask, holding in a giggle while he grunts getting up. “Writing code and doing graphic design? Sure,” he shrugs, “Got into it really ahead of the game. You were probably still in grade school.” You roll your eyes and he snickers, “But mostly, I make websites for trust fund kids who use daddy’s money to start new businesses. So it’s sort of like my side gig is uh…” “Exploiting the rich?” you grin, he grins too, “Super punk.” He shakes his head while you both walk out into the produce section, “No, no, super metal.”
“What’s your main gig?” “Oh, come on – don’t break my heart,” Eddie’s dramatic flare shines through when he leans up against the flat edge of the pillar holding up the bananas. He holds his free hand to his chest, looking at you with a faux forlorn face that makes his brown eyes shine. Now that you’re really taking stock, you see the thin silver hoop hugging his right nostril – something about it makes your heart thump harder in your chest. “The tattoos don’t give it away, huh?” he asks, passing the basket to the other arm, both biceps flexing against the well tailored t-shirt’s sleeves. 
“A tattoo artist?” you wager a guess with a grimace and half shrug. “No,” he says, the word covered in a soft laugh, “But I’ve been in my artist's shop enough that I might as well get paid to be there.” “I can see that,” you nod, pulling a bunch of bananas from behind him and cradling them in your arm, “So what is it then?” “C’mon, it’s obvious,” he smiles, “I’m a rockstar.” 
“Are you?” you ask, your laugh bubbles out of you and it makes the back of his neck get hot. You’re too pretty to be flirting with him in Trader Joe’s but he can’t stop trying to make you laugh and smile. 
“Well,” he shrugs, kicking off the wall, “Sort of.” “Sort of a rockstar?” your brow lifts while you scan some of the fruits, hand reaching down to a display in front of you, “If you’re doing food food, how about I do dessert?” 
“Peaches, huh?” he asks with a smirk, wrinkling his nose, “A little messy, don’tcha think?” 
“They’re nectarines,” you correct, putting a few in one of the produce bags, “They’re not the same.” 
“Hm,” he shrugs, letting his finger trail over the smooth waxy skin of one of the nectarines in the display, “Whatever you say, Peach.” “Pfft,” you shake your head the same way he did to you, tying off the bag while you try to ignore how the butterflies in your stomach multiply at him calling you Peach. “So if you’re doing dessert that means you’re free tomorrow, then?” he raises his brows, waiting for your answer while you both walk to the checkout line, “You never said if you were.” “Yes I did,” you protest. His tattooed hand reaches out for the nectarines and bunch of bananas you’re holding. You look down at them and then back up at him, Eddie gives you a look, encouraging you to hand them over.
“No, you said you’d go on a date with me – gimme these, I got ‘em–” he beckons you with his hand to take them until you relent, putting them both in his basket, “And trust me, I’m glad you’re down to go on a date with me. But I just wanna make sure you’re around tomorrow so I know to turn on my charm in the morning.” 
“Oh, it’s not on right now?” you flirt. Eddie’s smile gets boyish and shy, tucking a loose salt and pepper collection of strands behind his ear. He’s too blushy to respond, thankful that the Trader Joe’s worker directs you both for the next cashier. He hands you your bananas and nectarines and you plop them into your canvas bag while he finishes up, walking together out of the double doors. 
“Um, could I - uh – damn why am I so nervous to ask you this? What am I, sixteen?” he thinks out loud to himself, furrowing his brow at his own ridiculousness, “Fuck, could I um – get your number?” 
“You already asked me on a date and you’re nervous to get my number?” you tease, “For real?” 
“Long story, I’ll tell you one day,” he says, handing you his phone. He tucks in his lips while you take it, watching eagerly while you put in your information. You save it under ‘Peach 🍑’ with your real name in the second line. 
“Oh what, did it happen all the way back in the 70s or something? Hard to remember?” Your mean girl tone of voice has a hold on him that thrums in his chest. 
“So you’re one of those girls, huh?” he releases his lips, tip of his tongue pressing against one of his canines, “I’ll keep that in mind.” He takes his phone back when you offer it to him, taking a quick second to shoot you a text that just says ‘eddie m.’ Your phone dings in your hand, going to save his number while he watches. 
“M’gonna put it in as ‘Sort of Rockstar’,” you giggle to yourself. “Please don’t.” “Too late.” 
You drop your phone into your canvas bag, giving him a final once over. He does the same and his stare almost makes you nervous with the way his brown eyes soften when they find your face. Not one for awkward silence you reach your hand out like he did when you met outside of the store. “Pleasure doing business with you, Eddie,” you say, a lightness to your voice that has him swooning. His hand takes yours, big and slightly rough, calloused fingertips slightly brushing your wrist. “Pleasure doing business with you,” he says, giving you a firm shake, “Same time tomorrow? At the park?” 
“Sounds good.” 
“I’ll um, I’ll text you. I’ll drop a pin,” he offers. 
You’re both quiet for a moment, anxious with anticipation for tomorrow – for a real date. You say your goodbyes, your ‘see you tomorrows’. Only to both start walking the same direction towards Target. 
“Oh,” you laugh, “Are you going to Target, too?” 
He laughs back, slightly hoarse and rough, smokey sounding, “I am. Should I wait a little? Don’t wanna cramp your style or anything. I know we just said goodbye.” 
“No, no, we can go together,” you smile, big and bright, “We can both decide on what I’m making for dessert.” 
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soapywankenopy · 20 days
SDV car headcannons
[this gets pretty specific because i've had way too much time to think about it]
1. Harvey
Harvey drives an old, beat-up red Ford Ranger. It's a standard transmission, and the clutch is super finicky, so when he tries to drive other cars, he has a bad habit of shoving in the clutch too hard (or if it's an automatic, slamming on the break, thinking it's the clutch). It was a gift from his parents when he started med school. It was old when they bought it, but Harvey does his best to maintain it. He's not a "truck guy," but he changes his own oil and keeps it running well. He would like to buy a Subaru because quote, "they're very safe cars," but he doesn't use his truck a lot as it is, so he doesn't see a need to get a new car.
2. Leah
Leah drives a silver Subaru Baja. You can not convince me otherwise. She views cars as a necessary evil. It wasn't really all that useful in the city, but she's glad to have it now that she lives in Pelican town. It's well-loved, and it's pretty beat-up, but Leah says it works fine for what she needs it for.
3. Shane
He drives a 1999 Ford Taurus in that weird pinky-gold color. It smells like pizza and pepper poppers, and there are feathers in the backseat. Sometimes, he'll let Jas sit on his lap in the driver's seat and let her steer while he works the pedals. Mayor Lewis caught them once and was not happy. Shane does it anyway because it makes Jas happy.
4. Sebastian
He drives a motorcycle, lol. I admittedly do not know very much about motorcycles, but it looks like a blue Kawasaki Vulcan to me, but idk. (If you know more about motorcycles, feel free to give your two cents)
5. Sam
Sam does not have his own car, but he frequently borrows the family van. It's a silver 2003 Honda Oddysey. The van lands him with driver duty for the band and their equipment.
6. Elliott
Elliott disagrees with cars ideologically. He had a grey 2004 Mitsubishi Outlander that he inherited from his aunt. He sold it before he moved to Pelican town. He thinks it's more romantic to walk everywhere, but if you ask him why he walks everywhere, he'll say, "Because of the environment."
7. Penny
Penny doesn't drive. Pam tried a million times to teach her, but Penny just doesn't want to. She doesn't trust herself with such heavy machinery.
8. Maru
Maru does not have a car but will borrow Robin's work truck if she needs to. Sebastian definitely taught her how to ride a motorcycle. One of her many ongoing projects is a custom bike for Sebastian. Demetrius was very insistant that she learned to drive stick.
9. Abigail
Abigail does not know how to drive. Pierre was too busy, and Caroline never felt the need to teach her. She's happy to explore by foot, so it doesn't really bother her.
10 & 11. Emily & Haley
Their parents bought them a 2012 light green Toyota Prius to share. Haley thinks it's cute and Emily likes that it's a hybrid. Haley says eventually she might buy a blue Volkswagen Bug.
12. Alex
Alex doesn't drive and it's a sore subject for him. Don't bring it up. He might end up crying. He's always said that he would want a green Dodge Charger as soon as he learns to drive.
I have more headcannons about the other characters, so I may put them in another post
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ozzgin · 7 months
WORST Characters x Reader
Featuring Tsukishima Hana, Kawachi Tesshou, Hisashi Amachi, the Muroto Brothers, Tsukimoto Mitsumasa and a reader in her senior year of high school.
If you’re not familiar with the characters and want to give it a try: it’s high school delinquents, the leader of a biker gang and a pair of hired thugs that got out of juvie. (Once again I’m begging y’all to read the manga so I can share my delinquent daydreams with other people ;-;)
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Tsukishima Hana
Hana is such a sweet and honest boyfriend. At first he can’t even tell he’s in love with you. He really enjoys spending time with you, just like he does with his other friends, like Sakota, Renji, Tora, Takumi…Which can only mean you’re also part of the group. Right? It takes a whole intervention for him to understand it’s an entirely different feeling. The rest of the Umehoshi household members are gathered around the table and offer him examples to make it clear: he wouldn’t hold Sakota’s hand and Tora would probably be dead if he tried to kiss him on the cheek (not that he’d ever want to, anyways). So no, whatever he has with poor (Y/N) is not just friendship. It finally clicks.
He will be very shy initially. He’s barely interacted with girls before and has no idea how to handle you. Before he would just treat you like any of his friends, but as a girlfriend? He’s a fumbling mess. Once he becomes comfortable with the idea, he’s extremely affectionate. He’ll insist on holding your hand everywhere and loudly introduce you as his girlfriend to everyone. Often he’ll get an incredulous reaction of “How the hell did you pull someone like her?” and he’ll scratch the back of his head, goofy and proud. He has no idea either.
Hana can’t wait to introduce you to his grandma. You know once things get serious he’ll insist on bringing you to his village in the middle of nowhere. Unlike the time Tora accompanied him, though, he’ll be hovering all over you making sure you’re not tired or uncomfortable. The moment your breathing becomes audible from the effort he’ll pick you up and carry you the remaining way. He lives to serve you.
Kawachi Tesshou
Similar to Hana, Tesshou is incredibly awkward and wary of you at first. He’s head over heels the instant he meets you, but the idea of dating you is just too ridiculous to him. He might be the leader of a fearsome biker gang, but when it comes to you he feels like a scoundrel that has no business being around a pretty girl. So there’s two possibilities: either the other members will eventually let him know he’s an idiot and should just ask you out already, or you’ll have to confess first. He’ll stare at you in disbelief and ask you to repeat yourself several times, wondering if you’re joking or just teasing him, his blush gradually turning into a deep red.
Let us assume that no tragedy happens in this scenario. Tesshou is extra careful on his bike and he frequently takes you on rides, so he can’t afford any accidents. Now that you’re dating, he might as well be a cool boyfriend for you, eh? He likes to wait for you outside the school or part time job, resting against his motorcycle as people pass by whispering and glancing over. He wants everyone to know you’re his.
Naturally you’re now a package deal, so you often hang out with him at the junkyard belonging to TFOA. If you sneeze or mention it’s getting cold, he’ll instantly rip his jacket off and carefully place it over your shoulders. He’s thought of getting you your own custom leather jacket, but if he’s being honest, he just loves having you wear his instead. It emphasizes your small frame compared to his, and afterwards it will smell just like you. The other guys may or may not be planning his assassination, having to deal with his constant cocky grin and offhanded comments about having a cute girlfriend. Sometimes they will tease him by approaching you with “Hey (Y/N), if Tesshou’s ever being an asshole, you can always date me instead.”
Hisashi Amachi
In a way, Amachi acts a lot like a spoiled child. Things must go his way and rejection only challenges him to press further. So if he sets his eyes on you, in his mind, you either accept it now or after some convincing, but at the end of the day it will be a yes. He has money and authority, what else could you possibly want? So his initial approach will be rather cocky, mainly focusing on impressing you with his plans of ruling the city. Once his army crumbles and he loses to Hana, he finally begins to accept that you’re not with him for money or influence. He will be terribly frustrated and ashamed for losing, although this motivates him to try harder for your sake. He’s not like his father. You’re his reason to continue living no matter what.
I feel like he has the biggest potential as a yandere. He probably has significant trauma around abandonment and would immediately cling to you once in love, but in a not so obvious way. He doesn’t want you to see him as weak or needy, so instead he’ll act jealous and possessive towards anyone that could pose a threat. Hell, he might even doubt his own subordinates. He needs the occasional reassurance and secretly adores being praised by you. He wants to be the kind of man you trust with your life.
Amachi is more of a stoic boyfriend and prefers to listen to you talking, quietly going along with whatever you’re doing. While he has dropped his arrogant act, he still has some leftover tendencies, mostly in the shape of gift giving. Every now and then he’ll show up with some ridiculously expensive item he thought you’d like. Old habits die hard. Especially when they involve spoiling his Princess. I suspect he might be into slightly kinky jewelry, like dainty necklaces that need a key to be opened. He enjoys the visible, tangible proof of owning you.
Muroto Zenmei & Koumei
Now, the Arson brothers were paid for a very specific task. That doesn’t mean, however, they can’t take their time and have some fun while at it. The town has plenty of cute girls, but you really caught their attention. And they’re not very fond of sharing, but they can always figure it out as they go. What’s certain is that they won’t give up easily in their almost predatory pursuit.
Koumei is the more reserved sibling. He’s a bit cautious about parading you around, because he doesn’t want to put you in any danger. He has a lot of enemies and he worries about you becoming a potential target. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be able to protect you, he does have quite the reputation after all. He’s a bit clumsy when it comes to romance, but he does his best to spoil you. He’s always been preoccupied with fighting, so he hasn’t really considered the scenario of having a girlfriend. If he’s completely honest, he didn’t even expect you to actually accept his confession given he’s…well…the worst of the worst. Worry not, you won’t regret it. He’ll prove to you no other guy compares.
Zenmei is the cockier sibling. If he had patience or self-control, he wouldn’t have landed in juvie. He wants you and he won’t make it a secret. In fact, he’s a big fan of PDA and loves letting everyone know you’re his. Your designated seat whenever you’re with him is his lap. He’s not too worried about others harming you because either him or his twin lackeys will always have you under their watch. Additionally, who would be mad enough to mess with the girlfriend of Muroto Zenmei? Most small fries will cross to the other side of the street if they see you. And you can’t blame them, really. Zenmei can be very territorial and dominant. He can’t help it. You’re his pretty little thing.
Tsukimoto Mitsumasa
Mitsumasa has two younger sisters, so he’s probably the most relaxed when it comes to approaching you. He can be very charismatic if he wants to, and what better motivation than the girl of his dreams? I also feel like he’d be so easygoing in general. He’s one of the strongest students in Housen, yet one wouldn’t know it when he’s with you. He’s all smiles as you brush and braid his hair, occasionally blushing at your compliments. God forbid anyone messes with you, though.
His biggest hurdle are his brothers. It’s an inside joke that in terms of looks, he’s the least threatening. They didn’t expect the statement to come bite them in the ass once the blonde brings you home for dinner, introducing you as his girlfriend. His mom is over the moon and immediately begins to call you “daughter in law” (to Mitsumasa’s great embarrassment), occasionally asking you if her son didn’t somehow coerce you to date him. You reassure her awkwardly while simultaneously avoiding the burning stare of the other boys. “This bastard, landing a cute girlfriend out of nowhere” is the unified inner monologue at the table. You don’t know it yet, but poor Mitsumasa will be harshly interrogated after your departure.
Bonus points if you like playing video games or have nerdy interests. Mitsumasa spends most of his time playing, so he would absolutely love to share this hobby with you. Then he could spend his lazy days with you in his arms as he finishes quests or levels up, and you could do your own thing, whether reading, watching something or also playing a video game. As long as you’re cuddling him. He’ll be giddy all day in anticipation and can’t wait to hang out with you. Even better, he gets to brag about it the next day. He’ll yawn dramatically and apologize with a cheeky grin: “Sorry guys, I was up all night with (Y/N). Time sure flies when you’re having fun, you know~?”
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monicahar · 2 years
how would being in a relationship with them feel like?
; gn! reader, fluff and fluff aha, fk this app
characters; xiao, childe, ayato, kazuha, scaramouche, thoma
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Being with him is nothing short of peace and quiet. Even if you're a loud type of person, you're bound to enjoy the soothing atmosphere he brings whenever he shyly links his pinky with yours, or when he's just sitting around you with a book in his hands, your arms against each other while you scroll through your phone nonchalantly at 7 am in the morning. Of course, there's the occasional lovey-dovey jabs at each other, whether it'd be you teasing him, or him uncharacteristically smirking against your neck when you grow flustered at one of his once-in-a-blue-moon advances. Xiao is love, Xiao is life.
It's the causality with this guy. The pillow fights when one of you sleeps over at the other's home or the terrible jokes you'd tell each other and snort laugh throughout the night. Funnily enough, he'd act as more like your best friend rather than partner at times like that. Don't worry though, he constantly remind you that you're his romantically and vice versa when he suddenly positions himself at your doorstep, a huge bouqet of flowers on one hand, with a bunch of luxurious branded eco bags in the other. What monstrously expensive shopping spree did he go out on this time?
The most expensive relationship out of everyone honestly. Extravagant jewelry and clothing as gifts, weekly dinner dates at extremely high rated restaurants and bars, and he even once took you out on a private jet date, but you being unaccustomed to such am activity, inevitably threw up everywhere, including his designer shirt that which he could probably sue you for. But he won't, since duh, you're lovers?? If it weren't for the fact that he practically worships the floor your walk on, you'd probably long be in jail now, tearing up over the amount of debt you owe him.
Chill relationship for real. Joining him on his bike ride towards your school, sneaking out to the rooftop together during lunch, sharing ear buds when you're both studying in the library...sorry, I just can't get highschool sweet heart kazuha out of my head. Anyways, he'd definitely vibe with almost anything you do, as you'd do the same for him. Picnics in the park during spring, dipping in waterfalls during summer, jumping on leaf piles during fall, and cuddling with hot chocolate during winter. 11/10 boyfriend, no question whatsoever.
Most brat-like partner out of all of them. If he isn't wasting his time picking on you and teasing you for absolutely no reason other than getting your attention, then he's probably waiting around for you to say or do something stupid so he could retort like a smart-ass or just make fun of you. But in all those layers of his shitty personality, he's still the one you chose to be with. The boy who would no doubt pinch you just to get your mind straight, or the one who, though seemingly reluctant, is always lending a hand in your times of need. You're still his lover after all.
SUNSHINE GOLDEN RETRIEVER BOYFRIEND AWOUGHAWOGH- he's literally perfect. Sometimes, you could feel yourself crying over his kindness everytime he always somehow has an extra bento whenever you forget lunch, or whenever you'd remember the fact that he ran over 10 kilometres just to comfort you after losing your dog. But your eyes would probably go blind before you actually cry since his smile is just so, breathtaking...or sight-taking...💀 Thoma would probably laugh at this. He's that considerate.
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probably gonna make a part two is this doesn't flop
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blissfulraine · 7 months
Duedett: a Bayveres 2014 fanfiction
intro: okay so this is just creative writing to up my games for in general fun and creative outlets, (if you have requests or math cup i still write them,message me separate in my ask box) anyway like it or dont this is here for amusement and personal gain. Enjoy <3
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          Chapter one 
Maddie could not sleep whatsoever, the hustle and bustle of New York city seemed to encapsulate and  surround her with noise. huddling closer to her laptop, she folded into the soft gray comforter, glaring at the half finished story in her google docs labeled  “to be conjured”. As much as she loved to write, it was difficult for her to sometimes put herself into the shoes of her much beloved favorite owl house characters, Eda  the Owl Lady without making it cringe and sounding painfully inaccurate. Huffing out a sigh, she fell back into the mountain of multi-colored pillows that her cat had made a home out of.The poor cat darted away from its falling mother with an annoyed meow, only to turn back a moment later to sit at the base of the pillow mound.  Bringing her tiered blueish-gray eyes to rest on her cat, maddie sighed sitting up in a half slouch.
“I wish cali was here to edit with me.” she murmured, patting the spot next to her fleece clad hip, peaking the calicos interest.
“She’s just so much better at doing this kind of perspective than I am.”
 Reaching over to offer her left hand, the cat took the opportunity to rub his soft and furry face into her face avoiding the gesture entirely. Maddie giggled pushing him onto the mattress next to her, causing an eruption of loud thrumming purrs to ensue, as she aimed to grab the phone sitting on her shiny birch bedside table.
 The first thing she noticed was the time, at the top of her lock screen, the bright white numbers of 8:46 pm read out, as the soft purple light of her home screen illuminated her face in the dark bedroom, along with the other apps on her cell phone. She pulled up the one labeled as “spotify” turning on the first playlist she could, but just as the music started, a hand tapped maddie on the shoulder. Blue eyes met dark brown ones as April 'o'Neil began to explain an incident that had occurred at the docks where she had recently interrogated a dock worker on the latest foot clan crimes, cutting Maddie off.
“ hey i’m gonna call cali-.” the sentence never finished.
“ Okay I already told skylar but like you have no idea what I just went through,” she inhaled, taking a deep breath and running a hand through her messy dark locks,”I am really freaking out right now.”  concerne and confusion twisted maddie's facial features as she looked up at april who was pacing the tan carpeted floor of the bedroom.
“April are you alright, do you want to sit down and explain?” she stopped, foot in the air as she whipped her head around to face the concerned blond. With a huff, she flopped onto the soft covers.
“Just take a breath,” maddie demonstrated by taking a loud deep breath to which April did as well “,and explain to me what happened.” she finished with a soft smile. For a few moments April sat there collecting and going over the events of the last two hours, pulling it all into words.
“I was riding my bike by the docks, and it's already dark out but there were Foot Clan soldiers everywhere.” it seemed as if she was reliving the memory lost in thought.
“ Then all of a sudden there was this guy,” she turned her head as maddie nodded on trying to comprehend the fact that her roommate was now going off to tell her about how a man threw a several ton cargo box and fought off dozens of terrorists.
Maddie snapped out of there trance as April took a few steps back, not even realising April had gotten up.
“There will be no more froth and foam for me,” she huffed out cocking a hip. Blond brows furrowed as her eyebrows knit together, maddie looking up at april in bewilderment.
exasperated, April sighed.
“You know what, never mind,” she began to walk away but stopped immediately, slurring her head slightly to look back at Raine’s confused expression.” Do you have drama after school tomorrow?”  They smiled and nodded,“Yea, I'll be taking the subway after school.” At April's concerned eyes she quipped an,”I'll be careful, won't talk to anyone I don't know.”
 April smiled tentatively and nodded, closing the wooden door behind her, leaving maddie toe continue writing.
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blackacre13 · 1 year
idk if you have done this yet but: The crew doesn't know Lou an Deb are married or even together (Except for Tam of course) and basically they start putting the little things together like how they sleep in the same room or always touch each other in that way; They start debating if they really could be a couple and Tammy finds out what they are all talking about an starts laughing and says "their married for fucks sake." :)
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The loft was quiet until the sound of Lou revving her bike’s engine permeated the air and the group burst into conspiracy theories.
“They’ve gotta be boning right?” Nine asked. “I mean they’re always eye fucking.”
“Boning? Don’t be so crass,” Amita gasped. “But no. They can’t keep their hands off each other.”
“And boss only has eyes for dad,” Constance grinned. “I mean we’re invisible when she pitches an idea.”
“We should get them together!” Rose cheered. “They’d be so lovely together, don’t you think? They’re clearly pining for reach other.”
“Wait,” Daphne snorted. “You don’t even think they’re together?”
“Maybe the Fuck,” Constance provided, with a mouth full of chips. “But I’ve never seen ‘em date. And you know Lou has to be chivalrous as hell.”
“Didn’t know you knew the word chivalrous,” Daphne wrinkled her nose.
“When would they have time to go on a date?” Amita squeaked. “In between robbing the Met gala? I mean they’ve been a little busy.”
“We’ve had time to eat pizza, they could go on a date, Mita,” Nine rolled her eyes. “But I don’t think either-a them do relationships. Picture Deb in the suburbs.”
“Picture Lou picking up some toddler in a motorcycle with a sidecar,” Daphne grinned.
“Oh! Here’s the expert!” Rose called, as Tammy came into the room, pocketing her phone.
“Sorry, I had to talk the husband through getting the kids to bed. You know how it is,” Tammy sighed. She was only met with blank stares. “On second thought, none of you know how it is. Right. Anyway. What are we talking about?”
“You used to run jobs with Lou and Deb right?” Amita asked. “Back in the day?”
“Back in the day?” Tammy grimaced. “In what, the 1920s?”
“You know what we mean, Tam. You were a fence for them. Right? Like when you were all—“
“Constance,” Tammy sighed. “If you finish that sentence with the word young, I swear—“
“Can we just get on with the question?” Daphne exhaled, looking bored. “The fact is, you know them Tammy. Are they fucking?”
“Wh-what?” Tammy laughed, practically choking. “I mean isn’t it obvious?”
“That they want to fuck? Well, yeah,” Nine chuckled. “But are they?”
“Like wouldn’t they make a great couple?” Amita asked. “Rose thinks we should set them up.”
“Oh, you guys are too much,” Tammy laughed, her eyes starting to tear as she clapped her hands together. “This is amazing.”
“Don’t say we’re crazy! There’s a spark!” Constance shouted, sputtering chip crumbs everywhere.
“Of course there is, you morons,” Tammy laughed, clutching at her ribs. “They’re MARRIED. I mean for fuck’s sake. Come on. Isn’t it obvious?”
“Obvious?!?” Amita screeched. “How is it obvious? Since when?”
“Then where is Lou going? I thought she said she had plans,” Daphne smirked. “Shouldn’t she be spending time with her wife? Debbie, allegedly?”
“She’s meeting Debbie,” Tammy rolled her eyes, finally catching her breath. “For dinner. Out. You know, because they’re married. For like a decade in June.”
“A DECADE!” Rose shouted. “Well, I thought they’d make a fit couple.”
“I can’t wait to tell them this,” Tammy shook her head. “
“Well then what else don’t we know?” Daphne asked, scanning the room. “Who else is fucking?”
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yessoupy · 1 year
harry, i love u. (part 1)
but more to the point, i love my harriatrics.
i am home, emotionally exhausted, physically ill, and still awaiting my delayed luggage to be delivered, but here is my slane and wembley 1+2+3 review.
i spent a few days roaming around counties clare and galway prior to linking up with the ladies in dublin for slane. straight off the plane i hired a car and drove to the west. i needed to kill some more time before checking into my airbnb so i hit the cliffs of moher (again) because it was SUNNY and DRY. it turns out, the west is/was in a drought. dust everywhere.
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my airbnb this time around was in fanore. perfect for one person and a nice location for what i like to do. my next day i took the doolin ferry to inishmore and rented an e-bike. rode around the island, had a lovely lunch of a salad and a coke, and hiked up to dun aonghase where it was WINDY and i almost lost my tourist hat but i have catlike reflexes. view from the fort:
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aran goat cheese salad:
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kilmurvey beach, where i did not get in but will next time for sure:
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on my final full day, i went to the doolin cave to see the third-largest stalactite in the world. the scale is hard to convey in a picture:
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it was really cool! literally and figuratively. also a pleasant 95% humidity which i needed because it was SO DRY the whole time i was there.
on saturday morning i lit out from the west and dropped my car off at the airport, then got a taxi to the hotel to meet up for the rest of my harries for breakfast. @papiermachecat did a great job of summarizing that except she left me out, which i'm not bitter about at all. lol.
marathon did a great job of organizing all of us to get to and from slane. here is an employee manning the coach pickup:
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here's mitch opening!
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annie mac in the "rain"!
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wet leg!
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and our boy!
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it's hard to convey the size of the crowd. i took some pictures, but i'm sure you've seen overhead shots that are much better. knowing about the historical nature of slane shows ... i'm so glad i got to be there with some of my very best fandom friends. also, much like the men of easy company would say, "at least it's not bastogne" whenever they had a cold winter, after every trek home post-show we can all say "at least it's not slane."
the day after the show, @chasm2018, @aggresivelyfriendly, and i walked around dublin. we had dinner at the bank which was cool, and i got some very good fish and chips:
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dublin put on a show for us, sunny and warm:
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we tried to find ice cream and failed:
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but eventually ended up at instagrammable cloud nine and it was very good, will try the gelato in july. no pics, because ice cream.
one environmentally regrettable thing about the impact of the 2021 grammy outfit are the molting boas. here is the day-after shot of where the coaches let us off in dublin:
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after a final breakfast at our hotel (my eggs florentine below), we took a (delayed) flight to london.
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my relationship with london is .... like yes, there are cool old buildings but i hate the monarchy? the one thing i wanted to do in london besides see harry was go to the british museum, which we did on our off-day. anyway. @chasm2018 and i stayed at an airbnb in fitzrovia. we had a late lunch/early dinner at wahaca (yes i know) which was surprisingly good! the rainbow bowl:
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(i took a lot of food pictures for my dad and sisters, so this is what you get too i guess.)
me in front of wembley!
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wembley 1 saw us in bishopsgate, which was a much smaller pod than at slane. @chasm2018 and i helped to remove an interloper (some guy who was being obnoxious and bragging about sneaking into the pod who didn't end up having a ticket at all?). look don't brag about sneaking in AND be obnoxious.
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harry was incredible, of course, and when i have the energy to go through the pictures on my camera (this is ALL from my phone) i will share those with you.
london was done up for pride month:
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on wednesday, @chasm2018 and i got bottomless chai (chocolate chai pictured) at dishoom and gorged on indian food.
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also apparently that night (or the next? idk) my platonic baseball soulmate spent 3 hours behind olivia in line for that restaurant. she was offered a pass to go to the front of the line but refused it! what a woman.
idk what this was but it looked neat and that far building looks suspiciously like the dorm in maynooth that looks like a prison on the inside.
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for wednesday's show i had seats with my friend from the leadership conference i do in ireland, so i entered separately and hanging out by the red zone was this guy
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our boy was ALSO great during night 2, from the seats:
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he played love of my life and i just love YELLING that at him!!!! from the seats I got a better idea of just how fucking massive the crowd is, and how full of love the stadium is when he plays. more of that later.
post-show activities included leftover indian (wow was it spicier) and harry talking to zane lowe about absolutely nothing.
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thursday we had afternoon tea at the savoy (fucking delicious) with @accidentalharrie and went to the british museum to see things stolen from other places. this included THE rosetta stone (wild) and bits of the parthenon.
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i really do love a greek vase!!! they can be so funny, like this one with drunk satyrs:
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on the reverse is a .... kylix-stand?
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by friday, the hay fever had put me into quite a state. i was a bit of a drag!! we walked around the tower of london and westminster abbey. goddddddd i hate tourists so much.
here's white tower, the oldest bit of the tower of london, built by william the conqueror. my 27th great grandfather invaded england with william, so we're like family. lol.
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notice not a cloud in the sky. so much sun and no rain which means .... every bit of pollen was in the air, wreaking havoc.
and i'm out of room for photos, so hang on for part 2.
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quodekash · 8 months
oh! yeah that's right there's the rest of the episode. whoops i fully just kept rewatching the guynawa scene, i completely forgot that im only halfway through the episode
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lmao they rly had to squeeze that in there one last time
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le gasp
shock horror
no one had any idea at all
who could have possibly seen this coming
i think most of their classmates knew
they had to know, right?
they were not very quiet about it lmao
kang being like "why is my boyfriend so sweet" and kissing him on the cheek several times while there's people very close nearby
i feel like everyone had to know
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i genuinely have no clue how he didn't know, maybe he should go to an optometrist, he might need glasses
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"sailom and i are dating" and everyone clapped
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bro why you just standing there alone in the rain
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but also all of kang's fears and worried are very valid right now and i totally get it and i love him and support him BUT HES SO STUPID but also valid BUT STUPID
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jeez man, it took WAY too long for that to be revealed to him
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yes, because wind is important to the windmill, we've been over this a thousand times
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wait but how did they find that
did they just come up with that without realising it's been said by kangsailom, or did they somehow find out iconic kangsailom lines?
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nooooo so guynawa aren't going to the same uni?
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i fully forgot schoolies was a thing lmao
is it called schoolies everywhere or is that only an australia thing?
anybody, pls answer here: what country do you live in, and what do you call the trip that people go on for like a week with their friends a few weeks/months after they graduate high school, where they usually go camping and get drunk? or do you not have that?
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guynawa better see a shooting star
and theyd better kiss under the night sky
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also: guynawa in the background, it looks like nawa's looking out the window. in other words: SOUNDWIN PARALLELS, WIN KNOWS SOUND LIKES LOOKING AT THE VIEW SO HE SAVED HIM A WINDOW SEAT ON THE BUS which sound didnt take because he's awkward and gay BUT STILL
side note: who the hell drove the msp gang on the bus ride to the beach? we literally see all eight of them sit in the back, we dont see anyone go to the front seat to drive. we also dont even know if any of them have their license, other than win but he's only got his bike license
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ohhh he's trying to find a comfortable position to sleep
holy shit its 2:30 in the morning
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lovethewayyoudoso · 3 months
Another thing that us normies wouldn't think about that affects the famous or relatively famous would be the hate mail and hate messages, specifically on social media. My latest thinkings have been around when Toshiya and Rosaire have finally kind of become official, or serious. Not sure what the right word is. Anyway when Rosaire makes some social media post declaring that he loves Toshiya, after some sort of epiphany he hand where he realizes such, he quickly realizes he needs to warn his man.
Toshiya doesn't have social media, see, and he never has. He understands the gist of it, he's seen the memes and the funny screen caps, but he's never seen how downright cruel people can get. Rosaire is careful to only ever include his man's given name, never his surname, and he's pretty good about obscuring locations when they're not particularly calling out something (like 'wow last night we had an amazing meal at Fancy Restaurant!'). So when he makes the revelatory post, something like a picture of them together and that says 'I love him', some of the depths of social media scum go frothy.
Rosaire isn't as famous as actors and singers but he has a decent following, even if most of them don't know exactly who he is. He's beautiful and says catty things and is obviously wealthy so many young people desire his lifestyle. There's a particular following of young queer men who lust after him and a subsect of those people is who really lose their shit. They try to dox Toshiya, to get any info about him. Someone comments, meaning well but being oblivious, that they went to school with both of those guys. This helps narrow it down for the crazies.
For some reason the weird racist groups come out stronger than usual. Some of them are straight up anti-interracial relationships, other are just plain racist against Asians or blacks. (Toshiya is most horrified when he somehow sees the comments on a post that call him 'some gay-ass chink'. "That's so rude! I'm not gay! This is bi-erasure!" He's not sensitive to racism about himself.)
Beyond social media, Rosaire has to explain some things about how he might be treated going forward. He's given a separate mobile phone for use with Rosaire and given other obfuscations to apply to his life (as a 'normie' I can't imagine what these are but I can imagine you'd change bank accounts and take weird routes everywhere, etc). He really doesn't like some of it. Toshiya is just a guy! He's never been anything special, never been wealthy, never been particularly popular outside his friend group... He doesn't really like this limelight being imposed on him, but he loves Rosaire so much..!
He learns to deal with it, and honestly by the time the worst of the initial adjustment period and the psycho online trolling is done he's able to return to relative normal. He can go back to biking to work, to riding the train in peace, and gains a new level of respect for the thick skin that Rosaire must have.
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babblingstacey · 1 year
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BroBestBuds Gideon & Avery have graduated from college and are striking out in the world in their first home. It's in pretty rough shape - scratches on the wall, leaks in the bathroom, not a garbage can anywhere - but the guys don't care. They have enough room for their important stuff like the foosball table they "borrowed" from the local bar. The kitchen - which they never use - is nice though. But what really sold them on the house was the bike area right in their own back yard - perfect for practicing those sick jumps.
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Yet another from James Turner's build challenge. I just can't stop, but this was fun, even if I'm not an expert at terrain manipulation. Yes those bikes are floating; I did fix them before I put it on the gallery.
My challenge:
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I did use do the optional & used the first single story I found (Sandy Run by onuipoo). It's a lovely build but I'm afraid I pretty much ruined it.
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Took the first home as "a rental" more than a home and had a lot of fun dirtying it up and giving it the presonality of my dum dum bros. Like I added so much scratches & peeling wallpaper - which they will never fix. Gideon is a slob so he has junk everywhere and these dudes turned the office into a home gym. Oh and they have so much random crap shoved in. While the "afaids" were not a problem (I tend for forget the trashcans anyway) I decided to go all out on the "loves cycling" and build a mountain bike path, which I'm sure isn't useable.
My dum dum bros.
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(they are just 2 of the autocreated ones CAS, I just gave them some different clothes/hairs)
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I even left them a whole §8.
Gallery name is BabblingStacey if you really want this, it's such a dumb build but eh, I had fun. No CC but uses a bunch of packs/kits.
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cquackity · 1 year
i miss cwilbur like wow hes literally everything in the world i started crying an hour ago due to thinking about him to much
you and me both anon. I miss him bad bad☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ i see him fucking everywhere in everything. this morning i saw some guy riding his bike and i thought about going on a bike ride with c!wilbur well he would get winded on big hills but he'd love the sun and wind on his face. i reckon he doesn't have great balance so he'd fall a lot but he'd have a good time anyway. ohhh and i'd love to go hiking with c!wilbur i want to turn over rocks and look at cool bugs together and birdwatch ...
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makiiato · 2 years
Top 5 Voltage being dumb as a brick moments? (I love her btw, she seems very fun ^^)
@skullchicken Hi I'm a dumbass and completely forgot about this ask while it sat in my inbox untouched for, like, multiple months.
ANYWAY. Everyone should love Voltage, she's very fun. Stories under the cut!
A majority of her backstory is essentially "you fucking dumbass." Voltage is from Miami, which was Caribbean League territory until it was taken over by the CAS in a war that's never actually described or explained. (To everyone reading this who doesn't know Shadowrun geopolitical lore, I'm sorry. I can try to give you a condensed explanation in PMs if you'd like.) I ran a campaign in Miami in the past and basically had to construct the setting from the ground up because there's nearly nothing about it in official sourcebooks, and was salty about the lazy writing decision, so I decided to make Voltage a character who was very directly affected by the aftermath of a war that basically got covered up. I digress. Here's the actual relevant part: It's Miami, so a ton of rich assholes from the CAS are obviously going to want to snatch up some beautiful beachfront property without regard to who lived there first. Among them is a shitty metaracist politician who's rolling in corporate money and doesn't hold back when it comes to his opinions on elves, so Voltage, like any reasonable thrill-seeking go-ganger, decides: "Fuck it, I'm gonna blow up this guy's fancy beach house with him in it." And she does: but he's out on the campaign trail, and not at home. To further complicate things, there are security cameras everywhere in ultra-rich neighborhoods like this one, and they get a very clear view of her while she gloats about pulling the deed off. Luckily, her bike is fast enough for her to evade the cops, and her lieutenant in the Ancients cares enough about her to quickly get her onto a smuggler's truck bound for Seattle. But they know her face and identity in the CAS, and there's a warrant out for her arrest for arson and terrorism that comes with a hefty ¥200k bounty. Whoops. (The others are a little shorter from here, but I had to tell that one first to set the tone.)
She fought a kraken with a flamethrower, just for fun. Her squad was on a smuggling mission from Seattle to San Francisco, and part of their trip was spent on an Aztechnology cruise ship (passage secured by a teammate's contact, don't worry about it). The GM did not plan for us to be on the ship, and in an attempt to hastily figure out how to get us off of said ship, they decided to have it be attacked by a kraken. Now, that's reasonable, but I'm honestly a little surprised that the GM didn't plan for Voltage being Voltage. She runs to get her flamethrower, which she's taken with her on this trip for some reason, and starts blasting the absolute hell out of it until a mage on board the ship manages to summon enough guardian spirits to chase it off.
Accidentally flung her best friend out of a flying car. In her defense, she was able to pilot it shockingly well considering her entire flight experience at the time consisted of casually playing a few flight sims, and the seat belts didn't work. Again, in a classic case of Voltage being Voltage, she gets overambitious and decides to do a fuckin' barrel roll with it, sending Zero (played by @nightingales-thighs ) flying out of the car. Fortunately, Zero is a spellslinger and had Levitate ready to go in just such an instance, but since she doesn't return immediately, Voltage is incredibly distraught and fully convinced she's sent her friend plummeting to her death. (It's okay. Zero landed dramatically on the hood of the car a minute later, and Voltage was overjoyed to see that she was alive.) Unfortunately I can only come up with those three at the moment, but if/when I think of others I'll include them in a reblog.
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lyuniephantasy · 1 year
a year ago
if i woke my self from 365 days ago up and told her all of these, she’d just look at me with confused eyes. where that tattoo on my arm came from, why sanremo is more important than eurovision for me now, how i got get this glow up, who the fuck alessandro and riccardo are, what the heck this thing i call brividi is and associate with diamonds, pearls, and bikes, how i am going to italy for 1/2 of that thing this summer, how i met my best online friends, how all of these happened… little does she know…
it was the last saturday of my midterm holiday and i was like “oh god tonight we have sanremo right? maybe i can watch it.” and made my preparations for the night (buying a couple of packs of snacks for the whole evening, energizing enough to stay up until 6 am, having a nice dinner etc etc) i don’t remember what i ate tho. i just remember where i was sitting in the table and how i persuaded my parents to stay up with me - but they left to sleep after the sevent song and the magic started… the magic started at the fifteenth song. there was a so beautiful boy, out of this world, he was making magic up there in the stage. he was next to mahmood, an artist i had known before thanks to eurovision. i was just about to celebrate his comeback but there was this boy with him called “blanco”, white in spanish, wearing all white, just like a “higher era” boy for me - that i was so longing for, with that trancing beauty, that magical deep voice, and the song he sang whith mahmood.
the song was what made me bring the memory of my first love back. it was 2019, i had just started high school and there was a boy in my class. the tall blonde boy with the character in my imaginary - it was so real for me back then. but i realized it was all my imaginary later on in the pandemic. anyways, i loved this guy so much. i was always taking my guard (staying next to him everywhere i can) to talk to him and tell about my feelings and also to feel safe for a bit. because his shoulders were there on that bus we took to get back home after that one earthquake in september 2019. anyways we had so much memories in our first six months at school anfd then a global pandemic seperated us and told us to go home. and never get out for a while. during that times, the big flower in my heart slowly started to fade.
two weeks before brividi’s release. i sat opposite to a young looking pretty woman who said me that she’s going to embrace me. with that faded flower and so much pain in my heart. i cried it out. i talked about that flower.
“let’s revive it.”
then two boys from italy came to give the first drops of water to that newly wakening flower. the flower is now put away somewhere in my heart but it’s always living and will always do. thanks to the that two boys that watered them, and later introduced themselves as “alessandro” and “riccardo” and did so more job in this garden, my heart, than just helping me revive the flower of the first love. they helped me love myself as well, they allied with that woman whose opposite chair i was sitting and crying out for weeks, months, and slowly started to heal me. they made me move on for my life, reminded me that this life is mine and i should be no sad anymore because of things and people who don’t even know about my existence, make all my past selves proud with everything i accomplish, live on. and just live it like this.
thank you mahmood and blanco, or should i refer as alessandro and riccardo, for everything. for all the memories. for all the glow-up. for all the magic. for all the amazing people i met on this rollercoaster. for all of the positive emotions you give me even in desperate times. for all the telepathic hugs when i was crying alone every night on my bed. for the motivation to get up on every day i wake up to the dark. for whispering life on a diamond bike to that beloved dead flower. for making me embrace all of my past, present and my future. for literally everything.
let’s ride on our diamond bikes of life to the sky full of pearls. let’s sing forever, let’s love forever 🚲
vi voglio bene 💎
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