#anyway i’m gonna smoke my feelings and watch dnd shows
idiotlovesongs · 1 year
The Letters pt. 5
tw drug use
Will flipped the page to the next letter and was a little taken aback by how messy the handwriting was. Mike already didn’t have the best handwriting; It was loose and sharp all at the same time and the letters were kept tightly together, huddled for safety and warmth. Now, Will looked down at the words and frowned. The letters were connected, but not like in cursive. It was more so like Mike just didn’t pick up the pen when he moved on to the next letter. It was careless. He also noticed how much more often words were scratched out. It made him nervous about what Mike had to tell him.
Dear Will,
I have something to tell you. It’s a secret though. I’m seriously praying the government, or, even worse, my parents, doesn’t open this letter.
I’m, like, really high right now.
I made friends with a dealer a while back. Really he’s more of Dustin’s friend and he runs a DnD group. Dustin and Lucas were here with a few of his friends, but they went home. His name isn’t super important right now. Whatever. 
I’m here with him, so you don’t have to worry at all. It’s all good. 
There was a little burn mark at the edge of the page between these two lines.
Should I be writing to you right now? Would it even be a good idea to send this? This is a bad idea, but I’m committed now. Fuck it. 
The night started out good. He set up a one-shot for us. Don’t hate me for playing DnD without you. Honestly, that was the closest thing to being with you without actually flying to you. I kept looking at where you would sit in my basement (next to me) and getting pissed when it was some random guy. Why couldn’t it have been you? You should have known we were playing and then teleported. Will the Wise would have been able to.
Anyways, this DM is fucking brutal. He shows absolutely no mercy. I think he gets a kick out of watching us fail saving throws. I got a nat 1 at some point! Will, I feel like I brought shame to our party. We really needed you back here. You should sneak out, hop on a plane, and meet us here.
Do you even want to? You have a good life in Lenora. All that’s left is to find a new party, right? How hard could that be? Just hang out in a comic book shop enough and one will walk in looking for a cute wizard or cleric and there you will be, looking at the newest issue of Daredevil.
Promise you’ll come back for at least one game? God, I sound desperate. Ignore me.
Okay, so something not about DnD.
After the game, we were offered some weed. It wasn’t like he pressured us or anything. It was really casual. He pulled out his metal lunchbox and asked if we wanted to smoke. Lucas can’t because of basketball and Dustin was too freaked out to try. Most of his friends had to head out so they declined too. Now, I’m here with his bandmates, and the air smells really fucking bad, and I’m kind of freaking out, but that’s normal. He said weed either makes people loosen up or freak. 
I hate how it feels. Kinda. It’s like all my limbs are corkscrewing at different speeds, in different directions, and through different dimensions. He tells me I have to relax and lean into it. ‘It’s like floating in a pool. You have to relax or you’ll drown.’ It’s really hard to let go. I keep trying by just thinking of stuff, but my train of thought keeps veering off the tracks. I feel like if I don’t correct its course, it’s gonna just crash and burn. I don’t think this is for me.
I can’t really go home right now either. I’m pretty sure I reek. Although maybe my parents wouldn’t notice. I can imagine exactly how me walking in would go down if they couldn’t smell it on me. 
“Hey, mom, dad,” I say as I walk in.
“Hi, sweetie. How did hanging out with your friends go?” My mom is on the couch with Holly while my dad is on the recliner. He doesn’t even bother to look up, just hums.
“It was fine. I’m tired though.” I’m already on my way to the stairs so she can’t trap me in a conversation.
“Okay. Goodnight, honey.” She looks over to my dad like she’s trying to make him lift his head up with his mind. 
And then the smell of marijuana reaches them and I’m sent to live on a farm with my uncle Eric in Montana. I think they would just ship me over in a cardboard box. 
Whoa. It just started pouring out of nowhere. Maybe if I stood outside in the rain, the smell would wear off faster. He said it wouldn’t and laughed. I think I want to die.
Will, Will, Will, Will, I don’t know what else to say. I’m spacing. I’ll just call my parents and stay here I think. It’ll be embarrassing in the morning, but that’s a problem for the future. I don’t think I can write another sentence. I just did. And another. Okay, I’m done. Don’t tell anyone about this. I hope this letter doesn’t also smell.
Will leaned down a moment and sniffed the letter. He winced and confirmed that it did smell vaguely like weed.
Love, Mike
P.S. I think the munchies might be fake. I’m nauseated right now.
P.P.S. Don’t be worried. I swear I’m fine. I just really need to sleep this off.
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
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sharkieboi · 2 years
i don’t have anywhere else to say it cause no one else really knows the situation well enough but
shot my shot with a friend last night and got very politely turned down and everything is fine but also just bury me in a hole 🫠
0 notes
misterewrites · 3 years
Cheers from Newton Haven ( Mirror’s Edge)
Hey everyone E here with a surprising amount original works. haha so you can blame my good friend @hains-mae for this because she enabled me. So long story short I love writing. I love creating ideas, story plots, characters all that jazz. Often there's a lot of leftovers that i put away in word document just so I have stuff to work with or ideas i can use later. Most of the time I might write something just to get it out of my system but it usually just ends up gathering dust in my computer.
I've been getting more into modern urban fantasy stories and watching the unsleeping city which is a modern dnd show (highly recommend it. first season's free on youtube over at the dimension 20 channel) and naturally I wanted to write some so here we go.
I don't know how often I'll be writing this because this accidentally became my side project whenever I need a break from the underground but who knows might turn into another big layered project.
so basic summary is there are a group of friends, associates, reluctant allies, organizations and frenemies who work together to keep the peace of the supernatural world in check and to ensure it remains secret to everyone else while living their lives as best as they can. Today's chapter includes Finnrick Drift a private investigator wizard and his best friend Casey Remington, cleric of the hearth
that's it for me. have a great week! stay safe, take care of each other. wear your mask, wash your hands, get the vaccine if you can and I'll see you soon!
and if you wanna an easier place to read and leave me some good old comments or reviews you find the chapter right here https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/75486005
Not gonna lie i promised I’d try to promote myself more and it’s weird. it feels so weird. haha 
It was a busy Friday afternoon in Midtown. People in designer named suits and dresses bustled across the sidewalks in all directions, too caught up in last minute phone calls or sudden late night work orders to notice anything else. The buildings that scraped the bottom of the sky were clean with a fresh coat of paint and maintenance, a testimony to the wealth and power that was found here.
So naturally Casey felt as out of place as fish out of water in his purple baseball jersey and black shorts just standing outside some fancy restaurants doors with his friend.
“Finny” Casey started awkwardly, his sea green eyes darting back and forth awkwardly “Any reason we’re out here being creepy? I got a Neighborhood Watch meeting at like 6.”
Finnrick or Finny as Casey referred to him, was no better dress than he was for the environment. A long black trench coat that was more stitching than fabric, a matching frayed faded fedora sitting comfortably on his head. He wore a nice collared dark red shirt tucked in a black vest but even that felt cheap and tacky compared to the thousands of dollars worth of clothing that passed them on the street every second. At least his black dress pants were dark enough to hide the patch up jobs and naturally the only kept squeaky clean were his loafers.
Finnrick sucked on the thin white stick for a moment before speaking up “I’m debating if it’s worth the trouble. I didn’t realize you had a meeting tonight.”
“Well we always meet up on the fifth. You know talking about treaties, clean up jobs, if any undead hordes have been spotted. My birthday cake.”
“Ah shit” Finnrick rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, his dark brown eyes apologetic “It’s your birthday? Did you want to go? I think I can handle it alone.”
Casey lifted the hat off Finnrick’s head and playfully ruffled his already messy black hair “You getting old Finny. My birthday is the tenth.”
Finnrick waved off his assault “I’m six months younger than you.”
“But” Casey gestured to the smattering of sliver streaks in Finn’s hair “You look older.”
“At least I don’t look like I’m 15. Dude you need a haircut. Everyone here thinks you’re a hippie.”
“A good looking hippie.” Casey gave a dramatic shake, his wavy dark brown hair flowing in the breeze.
The pair burst out laughing, doubling over trying to catch their breath as the business suits eyed them distastefully.
“Alright, let’s get this over with.” Finnrick made his way over, smiles and charm as they approached the doorman.
“Your cigarette sir.” The doorman spoke dully.
Finnrick pulled out the now finished lollipop “Don’t smoke but done anyway.”
The doorman gestured to the nearby trashcan but Finnrick opt to tuck it away in coat pocket. Disgusted but professional, the doorman gave strained smile as he allowed them entry into the building.
Casey nudged Finnrick curiously “Wizards? Warlocks? God not druids.”
“Probably. This is guy doesn’t have an ounce of magic in him but I wouldn’t doubt he’s got some casters on the payroll. Try not to leave anything behind.”
“I’m a freaking walking carpet here!”
“That” Finnrick grinned playfully “Is why you need haircut.”
Casey gave a fake snarl “Shut up and call the elevator.”
Finnrick whistled, amused by the near silence of the opening doors “Such fance. Barely a sound.”
“So what’s the plan?”
Finnrick scratched the little bush of hair he had on his chin thoughtfully “Ask some questions. Probably get no answers. Be threatened more than likely.
Casey cracked the tension in his neck “Think it’s gonna get ugly?”
“Depends on how many witnesses.”
The two made their way to the seventh floor, the elevator smoothly slowing to a stop before the doors opened with a ding. Two burly men in suits were waiting, flanked on either side as they gestured to an empty restaurant dining room.
“The boss will like to speak to you.”
Finnrick and Casey shared a look.
“Sure!” Finnrick beamed cheerfully, patting both the brutes arms as he passed “I was hoping to talk to him anyway.”
The men growled in annoyance but did nothing as Casey and Finnrick made their way to the center talk, unsurprised to find two glasses of wine waiting for them.
“After you” Finnrick joked, pulling out Casey’s chair for him.
Casey gave a mocking smile “Such a gentleman.”
“Only one I bet” Finnrick whispered before taking his seat.
Casey could hear the low hissing of whatever spells were on their chairs being dispelled.
Yep there was going to be trouble.
Casey eyed the room carefully in search for options: The room itself was pretty dark, dark reddish walls with dim lights to set the mood. Most of the tables had been left alone for whatever event this room was scheduled for later with the chairs stacked in the corner. A few feet to their left was the bar, unmanned but well stocked and a window to the outside nearby.
“Well, well, well!” A voice called out from some shadowy part of the room “Who do I have the pleasure of meeting this fine Friday afternoon?”
Finnrick rose to his feet, politely motioning to himself and Casey “My name is Fredrick and this is my friend Charles.”
The man’s hazel eyes shone with suspicion “No last names?”
“Of course” Finnrick grin “But there’s no need for friends, right? We are friends Robert?”
Robert paused, a barely contained rage shimmering just under the surface. His slicked back graying hair and tailored perfect dark blue suit were signs of a precise, irrational control. This was a man that was never told what to do and considered himself above everyone and anyone.
“Of course.” He answered a moment too late. He was not happy. “Of course. What are polite manners among friends?”
“Thanks Bobby!” Finnrick gave a friendly wink before retaking his seat.
Robert fumed but followed Finnrick’s example as a trio of secret service wannabes took their spots across the room: Inhumanly beautiful men with dark suits and shades. Something was off about them but Casey couldn’t put his finger on it.
“What do I owe the pleasure Freddy?” Robert sneered, hoping to see how Finnrick a taste of his own medicine.
“Well Bobby.” Finnrick went on, purposely ignoring the older man’s jab “As you know you have been stealing countless money from your employees.”
Robert chuckled darkly “I am afraid wherever you have been getting this claim is very misinformed. I am a simple, honest businessman.”
Finnrick nodded in agreement “Of course. Of course. That’s how you can say that with a straight face. Honest businessman of mundane practices.”
Casey felt his hair on his arm stand on end as the atmosphere in the room tensed. The brutes growled unhappily, the trio of bodyguards shifted uneasily and Robert’s eyes shone with understanding.
“I see.” He spoke simply “You’re from the other side.”
“Naturally.” Finnrick confirmed “No need to peer around the bush, is there?”
“No need at all. It is refreshing for such transparency. You don’t get that often in the world of business.”
“I doubt you give much either Mister Walker.”
“Enough games. What are you doing here? Some kind of union rep for magical freaks? Blackmailing me?”
Finnrick sat up with pride “Private investigator. Building a case against you actually.”
Robert carefully studied both men before him, trying to piece together their plan, their angle.
“Either.” He spoke after a few moments “You have all you need or more than likely you have nothing and you are simply here to smoke me out, hoping I will give you something to use against me.”
Casey felt Finnrick’s hand move underneath the table and a rush of chilly air brushed his leg.
Casey gave a quick nod to let Finn know he understood.
Finnrick cleared his throat “You’re aware of the works of Tolkien Mister Walker?”
Robert was caught off guard “What?”
“Elves.” Finnrick answered with a calming voice “Elves are the most famous of his characters that aren’t humans of course but there’s more: Elves, dwarves...”
“Hob…” Robert began but Finnrick cut him off.
“That’s a legal matter but yes. Wonderfully fantastic creatures.”
Robert narrowed his eyes “And?”
Finnrick leaned in close, smile mocking and cold “I hate when people take advantage of them.”
Robert was a cold, calculating heartless man who was used to being the smartest one in the room. The one who rigged the playing field in his favor, held every ace in his hand and led his prey exactly where he wanted them to be. He played with people before he destroyed their hope. He was the apex predator in the world of business.
It was satisfying to see that swagger and pride drain out of his face.
The businessman went for the button hidden underneath his side of the table, no doubt the switch to trigger the holding spells on Casey and Finnrick’s chairs. Of course Finnrick had dispelled them first chance he got and since the only other caster in the room was Casey, no one else noticed.
Robert’s face was the second most beautiful thing Casey had ever seen (first being Jaime but there was no need to tell her that). The panic, the fear, the utter confusion. Just poetic justice at its finest.
Finnrick shot to his feet with a surprising speed given his unremarkable build. He muttered the words of power, a magical incantation as his hand made the proper gestures to complete the spell.
The shades squad went for their weapons but Finnrick had gotten the drop on all of them. He pulled his hand back, a burning flame sitting peacefully in his palm. He pitched the flame forward, lobbing directly at the closet goon. The inhumanly beautiful man rose his arms to defend himself in time. The flame, mostly pressurized air, splashed over him harmlessly as the force of the attack shoved him back into the wall.
Casey followed Finn’s example. He stood as well (not as quick as his friend), a soft gentle light glowing from his hands. He glanced at the two remaining shades and aimed directly for them. A bolt of pure light burst forth from his palms. One goon got a chest full of holy energy and skidded backwards but the other was ready. He leapt to the side and narrowly avoided the attack as he slid out of sight.
The brutes charged towards the pair, murder in their eyes. Finnrick barely spared them a look as he snapped his finger. The two flames sigils he had imprinted om them when he grabbed their arms ignited, twin fires eating at their sleeves and sending them into a panic.
“What’s the plan?” Casey shouted, sending more holy bolts towards the shades.
“Up and over the counter.” Finnrick answered, tossing another fireball.
Casey quickly made his way closer, prepping to leap over the bar when Finnrick crashed into him, a strange whistling sound piercing his ears one moment then silent the next.
“Over buddy over!” Finnrick repeated, grabbing Casey by the collar and heaving him ontop of the counter. Casey flailed for a moment before glancing backwards. Finnrick was right behind him, hand outstretched as a blue translucent field of protective magic hung before the two while the shades opened fire with crossbows, the jet black bolts barely visible in the dimness of the room. They bounced harmlessly off the barrier but Casey could see the cracks starting to form.
Casey hopped over the bar gracelessly, struggling for a moment before clearing the jump. Finnrick tucked himself backwards, allowing himself to roll over the counter top and land on the other side with a thud.
“Remember when elves were honorable?” Casey huffed, quickly scanning the various bottles.
Finnrick scoffed “They were never honorable. They just acted better than everyone.”
“Remember when we were kids?”
“Vaguely. Pass the absinthe. I want to really make this hurt.”
“Blue bottle? These are all in German and Russian.”
“Green liquid. Come on Case I taught you better.”
“Right. I miss when the cartoons used to tell us the mafia was honorable.”
“Criminals these days.” Finnrick shook his head disappointingly “Just don’t make them like they used to. It’s all corporate shit.”
Casey began picking other bottles at random, wrapping them tightly with the tape he brought “It’s disillusioning I tell you. How right is he?”
Finnrick smashed a pane of glass. He took the jagged edge and slowly inched it over the counter, catching sight of the trio of shades for a moment before a crossbow bolt shattered the glass.
He flexed his hand, trying to relax his muscles. They were elves alright. They might be dressed in suits and ears hidden by some sort of glamour illusion magic but old habits died hard. Elves habits never died given their long lives. The trio had fallen into a close knit triangle formation: one fires, one reloads with the last taking aim.
“He had this whole operation locked tight. No one was talking. Either bribed them or made an example of them. Broken bones or horns. I had enough evidence to implicate him but bringing him to trial in the mundy court was going to be pointless.”
Casey moved the bottles back and forth to ensure they wouldn’t come loose midair “So what are we doing here?”
“Given his limited knowledge and the numerous magical violations I counted in this building alone, I figured he’s not registered with the Council.”
Casey’s eyes lit up in understanding “Gotcha. How long we got?”
Finnrick shook his hand back and forth “I’d say 10 minutes knowing the Council. Magic in an unregistered area requires a subtler approach for them. “
Casey snorted “Fake beards and stilts for the gnomes you mean? Robert will be gone by then.”
Finnrick’s face scrunched in concentration “He’s still here. Cowering under the table. He’s not used to dangerous wizards up in his face. Let’s scare him put huh?”
Casey spared his friend a glance “Big shot?”
Finnrick nodded in agreement “Aim high Case.”
And with a synchronicity only achieved through years of friendship, the two stood up at once. Casey threw the makeshift bomb high into the air as Finnrick formed the magical shield once more. Arrow after arrow bounced harmlessly off its surface as the bottles sailed through the air. Finnrick focused directly in the center of the payload. The shield dropped but the elves had broken formation and were all reloading at once. Finnrick pinched his thumb and finger together, murmuring under his breath. A small spark of flame fluttered wildly on his finger. He flicked it as quickly as he could towards the bottles. The spark spun and twisted as it floated towards the payload. The spark expanded, growing in size, and intensity, rapidly without warning. The air warmed as the spark exploded, smashing the bottles and engulfing the alcohol within. Flaming liquid, glass and hot air shot out in every direction. The elves were blasted off their feet and crashed against the far wall with sickening series of crunches. The floor above now had a massive hole in it and the brutes sprawled across the floor. Robert himself was thrown onto the ground, ash and soot covering his face as he struggled to breath.
He tried to call for someone but his ears were ringing and everyone was down for the count. He tried to search for the trouble makers but the smoke that filled the room was too thick.
The elevator dinged open once more and three pale suits came scuttling out. They clung to the walls on all fours, unnatural and repulsive. Their blood red eyes shone in the dimly light room, their fangs barred and ready for blood.
“Vampires!” Casey rubbed his eyes tiredly “This fucker has vampires. Loose by the way.”
“Right?” Finnrick shook his head “There are just so many regulations being violated right now.”
The vampires did not care. They dropped to the floor, gliding effortlessly midst the smoke and flame.
Casey took a step closer to the encroaching undead. He outstretched one hand towards them while the other clasped his necklace tightly. The vampires tilted their head quizzically at the symbol that adored the chain: It was a house of all things, a simple shape of rectangles and triangles no different than what a child would draw.
The vampires chuckled, their eyes bright with hunger.
Of course in their bloodlust they had forgotten something important: It was not the symbol but the faith behind it that was their bane.
Casey held the symbol as high as he could. The vampire shrunk away from him as his eyes blazed with holy energy, the symbol of home glowing with a harsh light. The vampires barred their fangs as a symphony of noises overwhelmed their senses: the soft hum of an air conditioner, footsteps thundering about, the chill of winter, the heat of summer, the overlapping sounds of cars and buses as the roar of crowds boomed in their ears. The city, the hearth of so many people, filled this room for a moment.
The vampires drew back, white smoking curling off their charring flaky skins. They ducked back into the elevator, hiding in whatever corner they could manage until the doors shut with a satisfying ding.
“Come on” Finnrick gestured to the window “I don’t want to be written up for unauthorized magic in an unregistered area.”
Casey and Finnrick scampered to the window. Casey’s face turned a sickly green when he realized how high up they were.
“Ugh I don’t feel good.” his stomach churned queasily.
Finnrick broke the window with his elbow, the fresh smoggy air of the city bringing some color back into Casey’s cheeks “I know buddy but it’s only eight floors up.”
“I hate you so much right now.”
“Okay cool jump now!”
Robert regained enough sense to see the troublemakers leap out the window without hesitation. He struggled to his feet when flickers of something began to form. Before he knew what was going on, the previously empty room was now filled with various creatures: Elves, dwarves, a gnome on silts had appeared out of thin air. They weren’t dress in any ancient medieval garb but rather dark blue jackets, jeans and combat boots with the initials M.R.R.D stitched on their clothing. They were no different than any one on the street aside their more unique physical features.
“M.R.R.D!” the gnome cried out, brandishing a strange clockwork pistol “Everyone freeze! We sensed a magical disturbance and a violation of the Arcane Veil!”
Robert rose to his full height “I am Robert Walker and I…”
The gnome opened fire and Robert could feel exhaustion overtake him. Sleepiness began to ebb at his resolve and before he could mutter another word, he closed his eyes. A dreamless sleep until he woke up in a council prison cell a few hours later.
Casey didn’t scream as he fell through the air. He was too busy trying to keep his lunch in his stomach.
Finnrick waited a moment to make sure everything was in place and with a wave of his hand, the two began to fall much slower. They landed on their feet as if they had taken a step off the sidewalk instead of several stories up.
Casey began hyperventilating, trying his best to get his stomach settled. Finnrick began fanning his face when a man walked up to him.
Casey and Finnrick said nothing, waiting for the Arcana Veil to fill in any blanks they were missing. They could’ve told this man anything but they found from experience that it was just easier to roll with whatever the magical blanket that separated the mundane world from the magical decided.
The man peered at them, his gaze unsure and confused.
“Hey, you guys okay?” he asked helpfully.
Casey and Finnrick remained silent.
His eyes glazed over for a moment, a strange shimmering sheen within his pupils telling the duo that the veil was in effect.
“You guys are oddly dressed for window washers.” the man chuckled.
Finnrick glanced back to find a ghostly image of an electrically operated scaffold behind them, water buckets and squeegees included.
They shared a look.
“Would you believe it’s national window washer day?” Casey filled in.
Finnrick added “Yeah, they let us wear whatever want today. It’s only one day out of the year anyway and most of the time we work by ourselves so no harm done.”
the man nodded like that was the most reasonable thing he had ever heard “Right sorry. I’ll just be on my way.”
Finnick and Casey ducked out of the alleyway behind him, heads low and nonchalant as the human M.R.R.D members began to shut down the restaurant from the outside.
“Well that sucked.”
“Just a little. Here let’s go some dinner on me.”
“Damn straight on you Finny. Brutes, elves, vampires?”
“Oh my.”
“Now I’m ordering extra bread for that.”
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howlingheartdemigod · 6 years
Fantasy U. What are the Bad Kids like in college?
@kickmuncher3 oh god i’m sorry this is so late my buddy but here it is i hope it’s okay
oh my god okay so. first, yall should know i dropped out. true story, had a mental breakdown, didn’t show up to a final, called my mom and my sister came and drove me home, SO
all my knowledge here is based on one year where i was VERY depressed/generally mentally ill, and a lifetime of college movies.
Let’s just. I can absolutely will do a post campaign college version, but also let me just tell you about them sans campaign college first. I’m AUing. watch out world, I’m making a new one.
Kristen, sweet, sweet Kristen, is the Clerical/pastoral Studies major (who was homeschooled (probably in the Helioic version of that ‘to raise up a child’ cult,)) and knows that she’s there to find a good husband and bring her friends into the faith, and become a wife.
Needless to say she loses her goddamn mind. The only thing that can break faith faster than your God refusing to answer your questions to your face, is a freshman year ethics class. She full on has a breakdown in the stairwell heading out of the psych building. That’s where Fig finds her, actually.
Fig is… bless her, but, Fig is the girl who you want to deck because she constantly derails class conversations with her bullshit. She found out her dad wasn’t her dad and her parents got divorced the summer after her senior year. She doesn’t even see the point of being in school because she’s just going to go become a hard rock musician anyway, but she got a full ride bard scholarship for piano so FINE MOM I’LL GO BUT I’M NOT GONNA LIKE IT.
She meets Kristen when Kristen is having a breakdown in the hallway and offers her a cigarette, which Kristen takes with no idea how to smoke. They talk for a while, most Fig going, “yeah man, it’s bullshit,” every time Kristen looks to her for assurance. the Fig rants about how you should never believe in anything, because even your family turns their back on you because OF COURSE THEY DO THEY’RE ALL TRAITORS AND LIARS. Kristen doesn’t know what to do with that exactly, but she decides to factor it in as she’s figuring stuff out just in case. Kristen and Fig become friends because nothing makes you become friends with someone faster than having a breakdown in front of them. I speak from experience.
Adaine, sweet sweet Adaine, is at Aguefort, a small liberal arts college, instead of the DnD version of Oxford or Cambridge (whichever rings more pretentious) and it is a SCANDAL. Like her sister is there, but she couldn’t get in! what! what!! but, honestly, she’s happy where she is. She is. She really is. She had a cry her first night in her dorm (a single, which, I’m jealous) but she’s happy. because she’s away from her parents and away from her sister, and wow, her first day on campus, when she walked out on the quad (grassy area? some kind of gathering place? I don’t know we didn’t have anything called a quad we just had lots of sidewalks because of how old our school was you couldn’t walk on the same sidewalk as someone as the opposite gender. so i don’t know what it would be called.) So she walks out on the quad and takes this deep breath and feels a little relieved, and very excited.
Adaine meets Kristen in the Cafe when (surprise surprise) Someone knocks her books out of her hand. It’s not the bullying of high school, but it wasn’t totally an accident because assholes are assholes. It was probably a pseudo intention ‘bump into’ which makes Kristen drop what she was holding. Adaine helps her. Kristen asks if she wants to join her at her table, where Fig already is, and Adaine, half a world away from anyone she knows, agrees without question.
They become friends when Fig gets Adaine to crack and say something nasty, and Kristen gets to act a little scandalized, but she’s not, she’s excited. it’s great. Quality shit, man, quality shit.
Fabian is a legacy on his mom’s side and he is there to make is dad proud, and get laid, in that order. his mom tells him lots of stories of her time there and he thinks it sounds LIT. she also somehow got a fucking degree in between shenanigans. Fabian… it’s kinda up in the air. he forgets about class for a minute? he gets cornered by his advisor in the Cafe and is assigned a student buddy essentially who’s whole job is to make sure he goes it class. It’s Gorgug.
Gorgug, my son, is just trying to make friends, honestly. He joins like six clubs on the first day to try and do that. Accidently offers to his Advisor to be a student counselor. He’s also there on a Blood Rush Scholarship. Just. you know. Because he’s good at it. he’s also taking band for fun, and that’s how he and Fig meet. 
Gorgug and Fabian are walking from the one class they share into the Cafe when Fig sees Gorgug, and invites them over. Fabian is certain he will not be cool if seen with these people but, there is a cute Elf girl sitting there, who looks with in his standards, so they join the girls at the table. 
Riz is there to hone his detective skills, and because his mom said so. She saved for years, and years, and years to make sure he got to go to college. He is NOT fucking that up for her. He has to be 21 (or the goblin equivalent I guess?) to go to the police academy anyway. So he gets to go get a criminal justice degree, gotdamnit. 
Riz becomes friends with them fully by accident. They’re all leaving the Cafe and Riz, being Riz, is pretty sure he’s hot on a case. He thinks one of the department is a vampire who’s slowly picking off his students, including his former baby sitter. (The professor isn’t a vampire. He’s just a really bad professor and people are dropping either that major or out of school all together.)
Fig notices him ducking behind a trashcan, and they call out to him, and he ropes them into the search. They’re all mostly in it because, hey, this is something to do that will make a good story. they love Riz though, all of them. Fabian especially tbh. Riz is pretty sure they’re just contacts, not friends. 
It’s like that comic page 
Superman; “This is a love story” 
Batman; “This is a detective story”
or the accompanying text grab of 
                      “Fellow Associate”
It’s high quality. It takes Fig inviting him for ice cream after it is all over for him to realize that he made friends. He calls his mom on the way home. she’s very proud of him. She should be. 
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9/15/19 11:35pm - Never Forget Your First lol
Ah another week of work almost done. This one felt pretty fucking nice since I only had the two days from switching. After that post on sunday night at work, I had a pretty stellar week.
Monday I played a DnD one shot where I rp’d Finn the Human in an investigative mystery story. Tuesday I hung out with the gang and played waifus and melee. My Supreme jacket came in and unfortunately it was just a little too big to be comfy. The sleeves came down a little low and they were really stretchy, so I had to return it. By the time I got credit for it being returned (today) size Small is the only one out of stock, so I had to buy the jacket Again from a private seller, so I had to buy for $100 over retail, plus mailing mine back for 20 and the original shipping cost being lost means I’m basically taking a $150 bath on buying a small instead of a medium. Sucks, but whatever. Fine. It’s fine. It makes me a little salty that now I’m committed to spending Another $500 on supreme shit since I could only get store credit lol. But I’ll get the hat I was planning on buying, and maybe get some gifts for maya and manu or save it for stuff coming out this year or maybe get a tracksuit or something. All good ideas. I’ll be content with getting more cool stuff eventually lol. It’s just initial salt. AND on the plus side the fucking weird lewd Rita Ackermann Supreme dress shirt I got looks brillllliant. I love it to death. It’s so funky and fits great. So not all is terrible. Whatevz.
I’m feeling kinda broke because I paid for another 2 grand in stocks too. So I’m at about $500 in the bank. LMAO. What a dream. I’m so happy that I can be so fucking wild and have a cushion. I’ve gotta...pay rent and shit next month. But that’s a paycheck away lol. Idk I’ve still gotta go buy pants for the wedding, and I saw this vinyl copy of rocky horror at a thrift shop that I went to with Jill last week. And I bought a spare laptop charger and some cds for my car and I got a bunch of snow leopard print stuff for reasons and idk maybe NOW i’ll stop spending a bunch of money and shit and chill for a sec lmao.
Or maybe i’ll just buy more kink shit. Who knows.
But anyway back to Tuesday, got to chill with Jimmy for a while too, we were watching Konosuba and I love it. Gotta watch more. 
Went to karaoke and hung out with that girl! It went pretty well I thought, she was laughing her ass off at like everything I had to say. We drank and I sang and I introduced her to all my karaoke peeps and Skylar came to hang, and we popped over to circa to chill for a sec. It was a nice night. When we said goodbye I kissed her and then we got cheered on by a homeless dude. But she wouldn’t come home with me. :/ She said she had to study and shit.
But wednesday.
Oh, wednesday. 
Man first off I mailed that jacket back and UPS worker cracks some jokes about 9/11 to me and that was a fucking riotttt. It wasn’t anything bad but like I was like “goddamn air fare is too much” and he’s like “yeah but it’s not a good day to complain about the inferiority of air travel.” then he looks at my package “especially when you’re mailing something to New York.” lmfao.
But I was super happy. My supreme boxers came in that afternoon, which gave me plenty of time to cut a slit just big enough for my tail to get through. And I went running, because I needed to feel as fit as possible for that night lmfao.
I went to Spice at Legends, and it really was my first time going in. It felt like a wonderland, I swear to god lmfao. People on crosses getting flogged, people wearing next to nothing at all. Beautiful women and people dressed up as kids and cats and leather and oh my GODDDDDD. I drank a beer and watched a girl cum on stage to some impact play she was receiving. I stepped outside to smoke and watched a girl get whipped with flames for a half hour.
I actually ran into one of the other girls I met from Night Rider, Brie, and she was so happy to see me. She apologized for being standoffish which I thought was cute, but she was crazy impressed that I came out in my getup not knowing that it was a pet play night. Everyone made me feel so happy and welcomed and they were all so pleasant to talk to.
Terri showed up and after a while she encouraged me to go in the pet play area. I got to hang out with these two other kittens Neko (m) and Lux (f) and we had a bunch of people like my new furry friend Wolfy tossing strings and whatnot at us, and I got REALLY into it. We’d like rub up on each other and purr once in a while. We just played with people and would giggle at EVERYTHING and it felt so. fucking. good. I don’t even know how to describe it. It was like... Acting? but like... Relaxing. If I got bored of playing with people I’d ignore them on purpose and watch the shibari going on in the background because it was more interesting and that’s my fucking right as a cat lmao. I knocked over an empty cup with some used up limes off the counter onto the ground and everyone thought it was hilarious. Everything WAS hilarious. I don’t even know how to describe it but it was like... very not sexual but had the potential to be, but it just felt like a fun acting exercise that you were a little more committed to the bit. But it felt so naturallll and freeing kind of too. I hung out in there for like an hour with them, and got compliments from people all night for it. Not just for how I looked playing, but people liked my look, my tail, my ears, everything about me. Except I got dissed on by this 18yo who said I needed to do my eye makeup better lmfao. True though, I was like scribbling on myself with this new eyeliner that I couldn’t get right.
Anyway, Terri and I hung out with this married couple and talked for a while, we watched some more scenes. Eventually Terri dipped out though because she had to study. I implored her to come home with me instead but she wasn’t about it. So Idk where I stand with her, but I’m not too concerned. She’s fun to chill with, and I’m not really trying to force anything and hooking up is cool and all but I’m not really prioritizing it or anything lol.
So she left, and I went around trying to meet more people, and my eye got caught to where these two cute girls were giving a few guys lap dances and rotating around. One guy got up after his was done, so I asked if I could take his seat and everyone was like yeah of course.
The cuter of the two girls, skinny, short, very young looking, said she loved my ears and asked if I wanted a lap dance. I said of course, I just need to sit weird for my tail plug if that’s okay. She said oh man I love those, I had one in last week it’s so much fun swooshing them around lol. Got a lap dance, asked her if I could touch during it, everyone laughed their ass off at me. This gay guy I met later named Robin said “do you know where we are?” and I’m like Idk better safe than sorry and they’re all like yeah true but lol. So I started rubbing her back, and her tits, and kissed her a little, and sucked on her tits (all nips have to be covered, but she had just a bit of tape over hers) and motor boated her while I’m getting a lap dance with my tail plug in and I have to say it was exhilarating lmao. She hopped up and danced with some other guys.  I started sucking on the other girls neck while she was dancing on another guy. The place was fucking crazy. I feel like I’ve literally entered a whole new world. It was incredible. I’m in love with it. When the girl who danced with me started putting on clothes to leave, and I asked if I could get another lap dance with her in sweat pants which she obliged too. Idk why I wanted a sweat pants lapdance I just thought it looked great. She was SO hot. She kissed me goodbye and gave me her fet name and said I was fun.
I’m not gonna lie I kinda creeped overhearing that they were going to boxcar afterward, and I wanted another drink before I went home. So I took my tail out in the bathroom and got changed and headed out. As an aside, Kinda funny, my first experience of the night was trying to put my tail in in the bathroom and getting walked in on by this ~40 y.o blonde woman, luckily I was in the process of pulling my pants up by that point. Ended up seeing her getting fingered on the porch by her girlfriend while she made out with an older guy. I was never really embarrassed but I’m glad I had no reason to be, either. Everything is just like.. .right lol. Anyway so i got to boxcar, ran into the girl who danced with me and the guy and another guy who was complimenting my shoes and clothes, and he wanted to play some guitar hero. I wasn’t as good as the guy which was kind of a bummer, but I played it up and powerslid and shit instead of tryharding lmfao. Roan thought it was hilarious, and she had to leave during our second song and kissed me a few times goodbye. like 4 or 5? idk. We talked BRIEFLY on fet since but maybe one day I’ll get to have some group sex with her or something. She’s got a lot of content on there I love it. Deffffinitely fapped to her later -_- hahahhaha.
So I’m sitting there at boxcar, and I go outside to smoke and start talking to this girl Jessica who had complimented the cat ears I was still wearing. We’re talking about breath of the wild and this other girl slides over to us to join in on the conversation. Jessica dips and I end up talking to this girl Alexandra until the bar closes about how she’s got a lvl 120 wow character and is into star trek and we’re just nerding out about shit and ragging on furries (LOL, I’m Furry Adjacent, thank you very much). She walks me back to my car and we didn’t kiss or anything but I added her on FB and we’re gonna talk about hanging out sometime. She seems a little shut-in-ey, and she doesn’t like karaoke so Idk how compatible we are, but idk I’ll hit her up to do Something.
And then I went home and got a lettuce wrap burger from cookout and fapped and passed out.
The next day I went running Again (twice in one week even in WoW season POGGERS), and I hit a new benchmark of 165.6.
Unfortunately Immediately after I went out to dinner with Skylar to where he works, and it was so fucking fancy and beautiful that I had to just devour everything. I had foie gras, and crabcake, and split a little bit of key lime pie with him. and it was some of the best food I’ve ever had in my life. I honestly can’t think of anything that compares except for the MGM casino food I got with dad and tessa. It was so fucking incredible.
And then I headed into work after having one of the best 24 hour stretches of my life. Everything start to finish was just... so. amazing. I don’t know. I got invited to start doing dinners with some of these Littles and so I want to meet a bunch more kink people. I even got invited to her birthday party, but unfortunately it’s on a friday so I’ll be working. 
I know it was recent, but I just had to write about all this. I loved it so much. Asked my coworker to trade shifts next week, and if she doesn’t want to I’m gonna use PTO. I feel like I’ve gotten a taste of something beautiful and I can’t wait to have another bite lmao
Love ya <3
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