#anyway one doctor literally asked me if I heard voices or similar (routine thing not picking me out)
neon-angels-system · 1 year
me reading about how DID patients rarely volunteer information about their dissociative symptoms and remembering the several occasions where I have had the opportunity to mention my symptoms to health professionals and consciously chose not to
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Déjà Vu (Or are we losing our minds?) -Modern!Shirbert
A/N: That’s right! I’m starting a new (old if you ask the fellas in Ao3 lmao) AWAE series!! I was waiting to have enough chapters and now that day is finally here! I hope you like it -Danny
Words: 3,961
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Chapter One: Make Your Own Decision.
'Two souls don't find each other
                                      by simple accident.'
Gilbert wasn't a morning person.
Medical school was a pain in the ass, he didn't need to say that to anyone– He didn't like to complain at all if he was honest, after all, it was thanks to school that he was going to become a doctor. Still, he missed the lazy mornings on his bed, no worries in the world apart from what his father would make for breakfast.
That was years ago, though. Now he was an adult (or the closest thing to it, anyway) and he had bills to pay, he didn't have to pay rent and that was certainly a good thing, Bash and Mary were a gift sent from heaven after his dad had died, but he still helped around their house, along with the schoolwork he worked on relentlessly while trying to ignore the uncertain future knocking on his door almost every day.
After all the sleepless nights pacing around the kitchen, lights on and coffee maker ready to go, memorizing things and finishing research papers, he's pretty sure this isn't exactly healthy, but if he's bound to have similar routines for the rest of his life, he might as well get used to it.
He tries not to think a lot about that, his future, that is. All around him friends start to settle down, move out to their own places, find love, travel, having adventures while he spends all his weekends locked in his room learning about a new subject that is just as thrilling as any date he could possibly have.
That's a lie, of course. He longs for a break, an excuse to run wild and free just one night.
Luckily for him, that opportunity comes this Friday.
Anne's in love with the early sunlight, that warm, clear light that slips through her window every morning to announce a new day with no mistakes in it yet was about to start.
She loves the quiet, how time slows down for her while she pours a second cup of tea for her morning readings before heading to school. She loves the muffled noises Diana and Cole make while getting up, letting her know she has to hurry if she wants to start her routine on time.
She's a simple young woman (a very new one at that, if she was honest) and the little things still manage to give her a thrill that parties or any kind of social interaction simply can't.
That's half a truth, of course. She misses the weekly reunions with her Highschool friends, the bike rides with Jerry, her old neighbor, whenever they needed someone to rant about stupid things and none of their friends was around to do so.
Despite all this, she is fine. Anne follows the path to her dream: to become a successful writer for all kinds of people, to tell the stories that people need most at the moments when all hope seems lost and love is scarce.
However, when her Highschool friends text her and Diana about a much-needed reunion, she didn't have to think twice before replying with 'Oh god, YES.'
The Orchard was fairly known for its homely 'aesthetic' as some would call it, which attracted the younger people that needed a break from their crazy student lives. The diner had originally belonged to Gilbert's dad, but when he passed away, it fell onto Gilbert's hands and him, not wanting to close the place that had so many memories of his childhood, decided to add Bash's name into the papers.
Their dads had been good friends most of their lives, and although Gilbert and Bash aren't the same age, he thinks of him as some kind of older brother who always helped him get through the hard times, especially right after his father was gone. It was only natural that Bash owned half of the diner, after all, he loved the place as much as Gilbert, for his father had worked there in the bar while Mr. Blythe served the costumers.
The two lousy boys had dedicated most of their free, youthful time, to run around the place like they owned it. Now that they did, it was pretty much the same, only that this time they run around placing food on the tables and scribbling people's orders.
After a few months of hectic confusion, Bash's mother practically forced them to hire more staff, since they had their hands full and Gilbert was breaking under the pressure that it was to keep the business going the same as his career.
They hired one of Gilbert's old friends and a few students that lived near the diner. Moody Spurgeon, Prissy Andrews, Charlie Sloane, and the Pauls (They weren't related, they just happened to be named Paul).
That Friday was the last before their winter break, so it was packed with tons of eager students wanting to eat their money away now that most of them were returning home for the holidays. This meant two wonderful things to Gilbert:
One, the diner was going great.
Two, he was getting the well-deserved sleep he'd been lacking for months.
Excluding that night, because that night he was going to get utterly shitfaced with Moody and company after their evening shift.
"I've never heard of that place before," Anne replied distractedly as she kept grabbing things from the table and putting them inside her bag.
"Students love that place, Ruby says they serve the best food and she's always there, but Jane says she's actually crushing on one of the waiters, though Ruby refuses to either confirm or deny..."
"Ruby's always crushing on someone, though," Cole replied. "If she's still going after all this time, the food must be worth it as much as any cute boy."
"I honestly don't care as long as there's enough room to sit and have a long, long chat with all of you," Anne smiled dreamily. "I've missed them so much! Even Josie– And you know how often she tends to get on my nerves!"
"You wouldn't be missing them so much if you could put the books down every once in a while to hang with us," Diana rolled her eyes. "Honestly Anne, it's a miracle you're not blind or wear glasses at all after all the hours you stay with your face glued to the pages."
"I'd look awful with glasses!" Anne grimaced. "I hope my eyesight stays the same for the rest of my life."
"Well then, take care of your eyes and take a break from those books. Leave your bag here, you won't need it," Cole grinned.
Anne's eyes landed on the bag laying on top of their table. That bag was used for one thing only: To carry as many books as possible in case she got bored, so she could read at any time, any place. Also to carry her keys and pads, but those weren't as important.
"But... what if the girls arrive late?"
"You can talk to us, or are we too boring for you now, Miss Literate?" Diana teased.
"You know that's not it," She rolled her eyes. "Okay, if you want I'll leave the books."
"Perfect," Cole clapped once and got up excitedly. "Let's go!"
"Gilbert, come back to earth and take this to table three, will you?" Charlie hissed, putting the plate in front of his nose and waking the boy abruptly.
"Sorry!" He jumped, walking hurriedly to said table.
When he got back, Charlie was still there, examining his face.
"Are you sure you want to go out, man? I can tell you're worn out, maybe you should take a–"
"No!" Gilbert growled. He cleared his throat and continued on a much lighter voice after noticing this. "I- Uh, I'll be fine. I'll sleep all I want tomorrow, but today I really want to go out, before you and the boys go back to your homes for Christmas."
Charlie nodded with uncertainty.
"Maybe you should change places with Bash? The kitchen might keep you alert instead of sitting here and wait for people to call you over."
"I'll get him," His friend decided, walking back to the kitchen.
Gilbert heard the entrance's bell ring and turned to see Ruby Gillis and a few other girls enter.
Ruby was a good and constant client. He was glad about Bash taking his place because he believed that Ruby had a crush on Moody, and the waiter always took her orders no matter the table she was in, he didn't have enough energy to watch them ogle at each other.
"You okay, Blythe?" Bash patted his back once he and Charlie reappeared behind him. "You're sure you want to go out? With that look, you're likely to scare all the ladies away instead of getting a date for our Christmas party."
"Very funny," Gilbert scoffed. "I'm fine, I just need to stay active."
Before either Bash or Charlie could reply, he rushed into the kitchen, missing the exact moment when three new costumers arrived at the place.
"I see why people love it here," Anne said. "I feel cozy just by looking at it!"
"Yeah," Cole agreed, frowning slightly. "We are going to a bar after this, aren't we?"
"Cole!" They replied.
"I'm just asking!" He exclaimed. "It's lovely and all, but I'm not spending my last weekend away from my maniac siblings eating a freaking burger."
"It's likely," Diana retorted. When she noticed Anne's eyes widening, she quickly added. "No one will force you to get drunk, I know you hate how... uhm– Well, how crazy you get."
"I love drunk Anne!" Cole laughed. "Last time I saw her we were playing truth or dare and she was dared to kiss one of my friends, but then I convinced Josie to change the dare and after that Anne grabbed me by the collar and whispered very loudly. 'Thank you Cole. I actually want to kiss you now' and when I reminded her I was gay, she retorted 'Oh, sorry Gay, I thought you were Cole' "
Diana and Cole chortled, Anne shook her head in horror.
"Drunk me is terrible!"
"No! Only her puns are."
"Can we just get a table, please?"
"Oh!" Diana grabbed her arm, pulling her to a distant corner. "They're here already!"
The next few hours passed way too fast. Anne, finally reunited with her best friends, felt as if she was finally coming back to life.
As Diana had predicted, they decided to go to a bar a few streets down the road from The Orchard. A place their waiter, a young man named Moody and who Anne suspected was the waiter Ruby had feelings for, had recommended to them, casually letting them know that he was going to be there after work with a few of his friends. Ruby practically dragged them to the bar as soon as they paid the bill.
"Bet Ruby ends up declaring her love to that waiter in less than an hour, and ends up spending the rest of the Holidays mourning because she scared him away," Josie whispered audibly to Jane and Anne. The former sniggered and nudged Josie's arm. Anne frowned worryingly towards her friend, really hoping that wasn't the case.
"Who's ready to lose all memories from whatever happens tonight?" Paul asked loudly over the music, placing a bunch of drinks in front of the group.
The boys answered by chugging down drink after drink, getting clumsier as time went by.
Gilbert was having a blast, most of his days he wishes he could go back to being a teenager, slightly more different than the one he was. One that wasn't all that quiet and reserved and bitter about his dad's fate.
He longed for his lost youth, where he would attend parties and go to prom looking sharp, accompanied by a pretty girl beside him. All those teams and clubs he had to leave to stay home and spend the last days of his father's life next to his bed, all those gatherings he missed with people from other places because he had to get the best grades so one day he could be a doctor, so he could save the people he loved... so he didn't have to live through the uncertainty and the uselessness again.
Tonight he was finally getting that, he could pretend he was still just a boy, a stupid boy who didn't know how to drink and most certainly would end up throwing up half his stomach out of his body, but a happy boy at least.
"You know," He yelled to no one in particular. "Did you know, that you guys are my best friends?"
The boys replied with words of appreciation, patting his back harshly. Charlie even hugged him.
"I mean it!" He continued. "These last few months have been shit. There, I said it. Shit."
"What you need," One of the Pauls said, he wasn't as drunk as Gilbert, but he was definitely almost there. "What you need is to get laid."
The boys erupted into mayhem, agreeing with Paul. All of them except for Gilbert.
He frowned, not understanding what they meant.
"I said I'm not tired," Gilbert shook his head, his whole body losing stability and crashing against Moody, who held him in place as if it was normal to lose your ground while sitting on a chair. "I don't need to lay in bed just yet."
"I meant sex," Paul retorted, chugging down half of what he had in his glass.
"Oh," Gilbert sat back, eyebrows raising as if he'd never thought about it before. "Well, that's different."
"You need a break," Charlie slurred. "Or is the good doctor too much of a saint to touch a strange girl?"
"I'm not," Gilbert huffed, drinking what was left of his drink. "I can have sex. I like sex!"
"But Gilbert, you've never had–" Moody started, but was soon cut off by Gilbert's sudden movement.
The young man stood up, leaning on the table and losing all the color on his face. The rest of the group moved away as Moody grabbed Gilbert by the shoulders and straightened him up.
"Gilbert?" He asked, slightly coming back to his senses.
"Bathroom," He said quietly.
"Alright," Moody gulped. "Be right back, guys. Gilbert needs a moment."
Anne spent the majority of the night talking with everyone, and the problem with that is that she gets thirsty when that happens. Which is a dangerous thing to be at a bar.
Still, Cole -what a great friend he was- made sure to always keep her glass full so she could take sip after sip without having to wait.
She knew she was far from sober when she found herself in the middle of an argument with Josie and Tillie about zodiac signs. Anne was talkative on the daily, but after a few drinks she was simply unstoppable- There was no soul on earth or heaven that could follow her train of thoughts, and right now she wasn't even sure she was following them herself.
"I have to pee," She said, interrupting her own story and sliding out of their booth to stand up.
"I'll go with you," Ruby said, impatient to have an excuse to stand up and look around for Moody, she'd barely touched her drink all night.
"Okay, but it's not like I need help or anything," Anne rolled her eyes, accidentally stepping on Tillie's foot. "Woops! Sorry, Tillie!"
Cole watched her along with Diana, both raising their glasses and making a silent toast for their friend. Anne was finally having fun after such a dull term and it was simply amusing watching her act so recklessly during her drunken state.
"Don't stay for too long Anne," Ruby warned her. "Last time you fell asleep inside the stall and Diana had to crawl underneath to get you out!"
"It wasn't my fault!" She replied loudly. "I hadn't slept at all that week, and the alcohol makes wonders to my insomnia."
"I think you've had enough for tonight as well," Ruby grinned. "I'll get you a cold glass of water once where back in our table, okay?"
Anne nodded, silently making her way into the girl's toilet. Since it was just one bathroom, Ruby had to stand outside, leaning on the sink and examining her reflection on the mirror. Two men, one dragging the other, walk past her in a rush and opened the boy's bathroom harshly, the one who'd been dragged quickly fell to his knees and started vomiting his guts out.
"Oh my god!" Ruby gasped, covering her mouth in horror. "Is he okay?"
"He's fine," The guy said without turning to see her. "He doesn't drink this much often, that's all."
The young man stood up once he made sure Gilbert was doing fine on his own, not choking or anything, and turn to meet the blonde's eyes.
"Oh," His cheeks reddened. "Hi!"
"Moody!" She exclaimed happily. "You weren't lying, you came here after all!"
"Yeah," He smiled. "We wanted to give our buddy Gilbert a good night before we return home. Now I'm not so sure about it..." He grimaced at hearing his friend's grunts and gags.
"I'm with my friends as well, but I..." Ruby blushed lightly, even that she managed to make enchanting. "If you have time, we could seat together for a moment? Just the two of us?"
"Right now?" Moody asked in surprise.
"Well, no," Ruby peered over his shoulder at the boy's bathroom. "Not if you can't, I see your friend is feeling terrible..."
"He'll recover," Moody brushed it off. "He's studying to become a doctor, you know? I bet he'll see his way out now that the alcohol's out of his system"
"You're sure?" The girl inquired.
"Are you able right now?" Moody looked behind her to see the girl's door. "Were you waiting in line or is one of your friends there?"
"A friend, she's also wasted," Ruby said, pondering her options. "But... I guess if she managed to walk all the way here on her own... she can walk back just fine?"
Moody's smile widened.
"We better go get those drinks, then?"
"Sure!" Ruby exclaimed, holding Moody's wrist and dragging him back to the bar.
A minute after her friend had left, Anne walked out of the toilet, mid-conversation with a Ruby she didn't know was no longer there.
"... and the toilets here are so comfortable, I almost felt tempted to have a nap right there, but a promise is a promise– See, Ruby? I didn't stay for too long!" She looked up to find the spot empty, her confidence falling. "Or perhaps I did..?"
Lightly stumbling her way over to the sink, she focused on washing her hands before going back. Her reflection looked back at her and smiled happily, putting some strands of loose hair behind her ear and failing to notice the boy's door opening.
There was a small slate on her right with the words 'Wash your hands before you leave! :)' written with purple chalk that she found adorable. She picked it up to examine it further when a body clumsily crashed against her side.
"Woops!" The man said, not looking up. "Sorry."
Anne raised her brow for a second before turning her attention back to the slate.
Gilbert washed his face and hands, the world less blurry than before but still awfully intoxicated. Paul's comment came back to him and feeling the girl's presence behind his back he decided it was rather convenient.
"Excuse me," He asked, looking up and facing the girl's reflection. "Can I ask you something?"
It took her a moment to realize he was talking to her, the man kept staring at the mirror instead of turning to face her, but she could sort of see his face under the dim lights looking back at her though, and since she was feeling rather chatty, she obliged.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Do I look like I need sex?"
Anne laughed.
"Dunno, why're you asking?"
"My life sucks," Gilbert shook his head casually. "And I'm about to have the worst hangover ever."
"That makes two of us, dude."
Gilbert tilted his head, turning to see her now, taking in her appearance.
"You would have sex with me?"
"Excuse me," Anne frowned. "I barely know you!"
"Yeah, but am I attractive?"
"It doesn't matter, I wouldn't have sex with a stranger."
"Very well, then imagine that I'm not a stranger," Gilbert rolled his eyes, having to hold on to the corner of the sink so as not to lose his balance. "Would you do it?"
Anne started to imagine, she imagined a great deal so she could give a precise answer.
"Well, I'd have to know your medical records cause I don't wanna get any diseases, and then I'd have to find you likable because looks aren't everything– and if I'm having sex with you I probably want something that lasts–"
"Nevermind," Gilbert snorted. "I think we're both better if we don't have anything at all."
"Why's that?" Anne asked irritatedly, this guy was making no sense to her.
"You overthink a lot and I already do that way too much for my own good," Gilbert explained.
"Oh, so you'd rather take advantage of a dumb girl, is that what you're saying?"
"That's what you're saying," He scoffed. "I only asked if you'd have sex with me in a hypothetical scenario but you rambled on with the rest, Carrots."
"I was giving an honest reply," She stated. "And don't call me, Carrots. You sound like a child."
Gilbert laughed loudly at that.
"Better a child than a grumpy librarian," He walked up to her, grabbed a strand of her hair and pulled lightly, with a taunting voice, he added. "Carrots."
Anne's fingers gripped the slate harder than ever as she flung it to the man's head. It was small and thin, so it didn't cause severe damage, but the slate broke in half with a nasty 'crack' that pleased her a bit too much.
"How dare you!" She yelled in drunk anger. "I don't know who the hell you are, but I'm certain no one would have sex with a jerk!"
She stormed off, giving Gilbert no opportunity to apologize. Although he didn't seem to mind that much at the moment, the things around him spun once more and he had to return to the toilet to vomit what was left of his evening drinks, dreading the following morning.
Anne, Cole, and Diana returned home with rosy cheeks and loud laughter surrounding them. The trio intoxicated in happiness and many, many margaritas and shots.
"Best night ever!" Anne yelled as she let herself fall on the couch, kicking off her shoes.
"Told you it was going to be fun!" Diana grinned, laying beside her.
"My favorite part was to find Ruby making out with the waiter when I went to ask for the check," Cole cackled. "No wonder why she abandoned you in the bathroom!"
"Don't even tell me about it, I had the most unpleasant encounter–"
"Oh my god!" Diana sat up, looking at her phone with wide eyes. "It's four in the morning! We have to be back in Avonlea in less than eight hours!"
Cole and Anne groaned.
"Can't we have a nap first? We packed all of our things already!" Anne whined.
"Please?" Cole fell on the couch opposite to them. "I'm exhausted!"
"Fine..." Diana sighed. "But I'm certain my mom's gonna kill me for arriving late."
"What can she do? Forbid you to go to their Christmas dinner?" Cole chuckled. "Just sleep, Diana."
"Goodnight, guys."
"Sweet dreams," Anne mumbled, half-asleep.
Next Chapter –––––––––––>
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Paris | Day One
When your parents decide to travel with your best friend’s family that you haven’t talked to in a while, who you have a massive secret crush on, what could go wrong, right? Right?! (best friends to lovers)
*It’s my first series, hope you love it!
*Word Count: 6.3k
*Warnings: cursing, slight angst and Shawnie boy being cute.
*Posted: December 7th, 2019
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Pants? Check! Gloves? Check! Fuzzy socks? Check! Charger? Check! Passport? Check! Phone? Shit! Where’s it again?! Oh, yeah, I’m holding it.
I rolled my eyes to my own stupidity finishing my mental packing checklist. I think I might have everything I needd with me. Well, I’ll only find out whenever I need something from across the ocean and notice that I probably forgot it on top of the sea of clothes that I decided not to pack laying on top of my bed.
I don’t even know why I’m so apprehensive about this whole family trip thing. We always travel together at least once a year, the only difference is that this time, the Mendes’ family would be joining us, which wasn’t the first time as well. I mean, maybe the first time in a few years, but still, nothing that I haven’t been through before. Shawn is not even going to be joining us! I mean, not that I care.
The buzz from my nightstand captured my attention from my thoughts and I stretched as best as I could to reach for my phone without getting up from the soft spot on my bed. I internally rolled my eyes at the photo of my younger sister lighting up the screen.
“Sup, kiddo?”
“I’m not a kid anymore, you know?” She said trying to contain the anger laced on her tone.
“Yeah, sure, whatever you say, kiddo”
“God, sometimes I really hate you”
“Awn, I love you too, Flo, so, why did call the most amazing human being on the whole wide world?”
“Y/N, seriously, you’re so annoying”
“Whatever, but, ‘seriously’” I said mocking her tone, earning a light chuckle from the other side of the line “what can I do for ya?”
“I’m just calling you to check if things are ready, mom’s been driving me crazy” Florence said and I swear to God that I could imagine her rolling her eyes in annoyance, but I could not blame her.
I mean, I love my mom, but she is a general when it comes to traveling, she needs to double check every little thing possible, finding mistakes where you could not even imagine. But after all that stress, you could be 100% sure that nothing would go wrong if she planned everything, because she had a plan “D” for everything. That’s right, a plan “D”.
“Everything’s in the right place, double checked and ready to go” I said between giggles.
“Great, she said you can leave in ten if you want, dad’s just finishing some stuff so that we can go to the airport”
“Kay, I think I’ll just go now, I’m pretty bored anyway”
“Fine, see you in ten”
“See you, kiddo” I said ending the call before she could kill me.
I took a deep breath and got up, closing my huge suitcase, but not before going through the whole mental checklist thing, and with all the strength I had, getting it on the floor. I grabbed my phone and tossed it on my backpack, put my sunglasses on the top of my head and got out of my small apartment. Took a deep breath again to lift my suitcase to put it on my car, and got it, starting it to go to my parents house.
It was weird saying their house, I mean, they bought it, so it’s theirs, but I sort of grew up there and I just recently moved out, so I guess I’m just getting over the fact that I don’t live with them anymore. It’s not like I live that far, it’s just that I decided to move closer to college to make my daily routine easier, so I moved to a small apartment that’s just a seven minute drive to campus, or a twenty minute walk. But it’s not like in a non insane traffic rush it would take me more than 10 minutes to get to their house. And since we moved almost five years ago to Toronto, we got much closer, since we had to readjust and make new social circles in the Big City, so I guess that’s why it’s so weird to me to not be around them the whole time.
After the whole nostalgic thoughts and a few jamming sessions on the car, I entered the building and parked on my spot, typing quickly on my phone saying that I was already there to my sister. She replied almost instantaneously, telling me to wait in the garage and that they were on their way down. So I just sat on the car, waiting for them, scrolling through social media and feeling my heart beat a little faster when I saw a picture Shawn posted on his stories, on a FUCKING airport. That had to be a coincidence. He wasn’t going to Paris with us, he simply couldn’t.
Let me get this story straight. My family and I used to live in a small town in Canada, called Pickering, and we used to be the Mendes’ neighbors. Our parents clicked almost automatically when they moved, because someone took French classes with someone when they were like seven and whatever, you know what I mean. So me and Shawn, Florence and Aaliyah kind of didn’t have an option on not becoming like best friends. Flo and Aaliyah had a similar age, my sister is 17 and Liyah is 16. Shawn is 21 and I’m 20, and since we’re literally at each other’s houses all the time, we automatically became best friends basically since the day we were born. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.
The problem is that Shawn Peter Raul Mendes is the definition of perfection. He’s not just the hottest person to live on earth and probably the whole galaxy, but also the funniest, kindest, most talented and caring human being I’ve ever met. And there’s a bonus, he knew me better than anyone. So it was impossible to not fall for him when I discovered what that is/was. Okay, maybe not fall for him, but I did have a major crush on him growing up, but I never said anything, cause, duh, who would?! I’d never do anything that could make our relationship weird. Even because he never showed any signs telling me he felt something as well.
So yeah, I had to swallow seeing him with other girls, having a heartbreak because of other girls and all that with a smile on my face, like it didn’t feel like having someone pinching my heart every damn time. But what made everything worse was the day I found out we were moving to Toronto when I was like 15. I ran into his house, straight into his room and cried the whole night, and when I told him the reason why, he couldn’t hold it in, so he cried with me. In the end, he helped me pack and promised me that we would still be best friends, no matter where I was moving to, that he would call and text all day, that he would be only a couple miles away, and I believed him. And I can’t say he didn’t keep his promise, at least for the first year.
We would se each other every holiday and text non-stop, but than he started dating some random girl and suddenly, he couldn’t come on the holidays or answer my phone calls. And to avoid another heartbreak, I decided to let it go. It’s not like we don’t talk anymore or don’t see each other in years, it’s just that, it’s not the same as before. But I don’t blame him, this is inevitable, our lives are so different. He’s one year older and he travels a lot, he took a whole year just to wander around the globe with his friends, he’s in music school somewhere and is dating a girl that looks like just got out of a runaway. I’m just someone who finished high school and went straight to college to become a doctor, so my life is quite boring, I study a lot, work an insane amount of hours for a student with my stepfather to gain experience (and that’s it, no money for me), I’m finishing a research and my last fling didn’t go as well as I expected, turned out I was not his only one. So yeah, completely different lives.
He cannot come to this trip and mess with my head that I took many years to get in the right place. He simply can’t.
“Darling?” The voice of my mom reverberated through the whole garage startling the shit out of me.
“Geez, mom, are you trying to kill me or something?” I said jokingly standing up from the seat and going to greet them.
“It’s just a little revenge for every time you scared me”
“Hi, Y/N, where’s your suitcase?” Dad asked me kissing my forehead.
“Hi, dad, it’s in my car”
“Okay, you girls get your stuff on the car and I’ll grab the suitcases, Okay? Karen said they’re already here, waiting for us to go to the boarding area”
“Kay” Flo said getting her backpack and jumping on the backseat of the car. Mom was already on the passenger seat.
“Do you need help, dad?” I said as I watched him get my bag from my car, putting it into his.
“No, sweetheart, I’m done, the rest is already here, thanks”
With that, I just nodded and climbed on the car, that a few moments later was already on the streets of Toronto heading to the airport.
“Oh my God, is that Shawn?!” Flo whisper yelled to me, getting my attention that was on my phone to her. We were close to the check-in desk where our parents where checking-in our luggage.
“Dunno, don’t care”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, he’s your best friend and there’s like ages since you last saw him, it was on summer!”
“Yeah, so? Six months it’s not that much”
“God, you’re so annoying”
“What are you two already arguing about? This is vacation you guys, try to chill a little bit and behave, please” Mom said as they approached “Now let’s find Karen and Manny”
“I think they’re there, love” Dad said pointing towards what Flo said Shawn was, but I just didn’t want to look just yet.
“Oh, yes, that’s them, let’s go!”
“Karen!” Was the first greeting to be heard as we got closer to the them, obviously it came from my mom, cause she was born without the power of being embarrassed.
“Oh my god! You look amazing!”
And than everyone started talking and hugging and all that stuff. I was a little behind, too focused on the level I was on CandyCrush to look up, but when I bumped into a wall I immediately looked up and tried to stabilize myself, but that was just a stupid idea. It wasn’t a wall. His scent was the first thing to make me weak on my knees. But than my eyes met his honey colored ones and that beautiful grin that showed all his perfect aligned teeth. And before I could fall on my butt, his strong hands gripped my waist firmly, steadying my body and keeping me close.
“Sh-Shawn” I sighed practically a whisper “oh, shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you” and all I could hear was my heart beating wildly and his melodic chuckle.
“S’okay, honey, still playing CandyCrush?”
“Uh... yeah, yeah, it’s a nice game”
“Yes, it is, God, you look so...”
“Y/N, my dear!” Karen cut her son in the middle of the sentence, making my heart skip a beat. I don’t know if I should thank her or be mad at her “Shawn, can you please let her go, I didn’t see her in a while too”
“Sure” He said, cleaning his throat and letting go of me, scratching the back of his neck. Am I really missing his hands on me?!
“Hi, Karen, how are you?” I said smiling politely before being engulfed in a bear hug.
“I’m extremely happy to be here with you guys, and you? Oh, you must have so much to tell me! You look so good, you get prettier everyday! Are you dating someone new? How college?” She asked too many questions making me dizzy for a second.
“Sweetie, calm down, you’ll be with her for a long time, don’t make her regret coming just now, hey there, Y/N” Manny said giggling, making Karen smack his arm playfully.
“I’m good, college is amazing, too much in such a little time, but still amazing. And thank you?!” I said trying to answer everything.
“That’s really good, dear, but don’t worry, we’ll have time to catch on everything”
“I’m pretty sure we will”
“Liyah! Loved your hair” I said hugging her.
“Oh, thanks!”
As we walked down the aisles to the boarding area, everyone was talking cheerfully to each other, catching on everything they could. I was a little behind in the middle of Flo and Liyah, listening to her new crush when I felt something reaching for my wrist, making me look back, seeing Shawn with a shy smile on his face, so I went a little to the side to walk beside him instead.
“I never greeted you properly”
“I guess you didn’t”
“Hi, Y/N, how are you?” He said reaching his hand out, I grabbed it smiling and you shook them.
“Hi, Mendes, I’m fine, and you?”
“So much better now” he said winking in my direction, making me blush lightly “I can’t believe that I can still make you all flushed that easily”
“Oh, shut up, pink cheeks”
“Oh, drop it, you’re sister’s right, you’re annoying as heck, but I still missed you”
I froze as the words fell off his lips.
“Everything okay, honey?” Shawn asked turning around with concern written all over his face “did I say anything wrong?”
“You stopped out of the blue”
“Oh, I just remembered that I have no idea who I’m sitting with on the flight, ya know?”
“Oh, didn’t know that was a issue, are you still afraid of turbulence? Is that why?”
“Hm, yeah”
“Oh, than you can chill, you’re with me, your parents and mine put us together to catch up”
Great. Just what I needed.
“Oh, that sounds nice”
“So, how’s life?”
“Really? But what about that guy... Roger?”
“Rick? Oh, turned out you were right and he was a dick”
“What did he do?! Did he hurt you?!”
“Well, he did cheat on me, so he kind of hurt me, but not physically”
Shawn mumbled something I couldn’t hear.
“What was that?”
“Hm? Nothing”
“Nothing, honey, I swear” he said looking straight ahead. So I decided to just drop it. He’s just too stubborn.
“So... how’s your life?”
“Mine? Great, I’m moving back to Canada”
“Really? When?”
“Actually, just moved back to Toronto like two days ago”
“I can’t believe it!”
“Me neither” Shawn chuckled “I was supposed to surprise you, don’t know, just show up at your door or college”
“You thought about surprising me?”
“Of course, you’re my best friend, honey”
“‘Oh’? Why do you sound this surprised?
“I don’t know, we just aren’t that close anymore, and we didn’t see each other for like six months, and you didn’t call on my birthday and...” I couldn’t finish because someone was asking for my documents and stuff.
So we went through the whole process and going through the gate, sitting down close to each other on the plane without a word. After what felt like ages, I felt something brushing the sides of my thigh. I look down and it’s Shawn’s knee bouncing. And for now, I just ignored it, knowing he had a lot to say, just wasn’t comfortable enough to do it now. So we got in the plane and sat on our seats, I sat next to the window, and I let him take the aisle due to his gigantic legs.
My headphones were quite loud when I felt the plane starting to move, making my hands grip the seat tighter involuntarily. Before I could start feeling sick to my stomach, I felt a hand covering my knee, giving it a little squeeze. I just breathed in a little deeper and looked at his face, but he was already looking at me. He leaned in, kissing my forehead and letting go of my knee, turning his palm up, so I instantaneously held it, threading my fingers with his.
“It’s okay, princess, you’re fine and I’m here with you, okay?” He said in a calm and low tone near to my ear, making my whole body melt into the seat “do you want me to do anything to make it better?” I just shaked my head “no? Is this enough?” I nodded “okay, so just breath for me, eh? Can you do that for me, honey?”
I nodded starting deep breaths and felt my hand being lightly squeezed, in encouragement.
When the plane was finally stable, I slowly let go of his hand and snuggled into the wall. I could feel Shawn’s stare on me, but I couldn’t simply look at him, so I just closed my eyes and focused on whatever artist’s voice was playing through my earphones.
An hour or so later, when everyone seemed to be asleep, including mister “I miss you”, my bladder decided to work, so I really needed to go to the bathroom. I got up and started trying to jump the sleeping giant by my side, but something made him stir wake while I was literally in the middle of jumping him, with his legs between mine, and he just grabbed me by my hips.
“Hm, Sorry, did I wake you?” I practically whispered, trying to gain some balance I placed my hands each side of his head on his seat.
“No, baby, whatcha doing?”
“I need to go to the bathroom”
“Oh, sorry” he said with his eyes not completely open, in a zone between sleep and consciousness.
I just gave him a tight lip smile and ran to the bathroom. Okay, did he just called me “baby”? I shook my head and threw cold water on my face. Getting back there made my heart get a little warmer. Shawn was laying with half of his body on my seat, with his arms crossed and the softest look on his face.
“Shawnie?” I whispered laying my hand on his chest and he whined still asleep “handsome, I need to get back to my place”
Shawn slowly opened his eyes again, rubbing his whole face, mumbling a “sorry” and sitting straight. I jumped his legs back and sat down.
“Do you want to lay on me, big guy?”
“Can I?”
“Sure” and as I said, he quickly lifted that seat divider and placed his head on my chest, snuggling on my side and wrapping his arms around me.
“Thank you, honey” he said as I started running my hand through his hair, making him groan softly, and in a matter of seconds, drift off to sleep again. So I just chose a random movie to play and tried to fall asleep, since I didn’t have much to do other than stay quietly because of Shawn standing basically on top of me.
Fortunately, I ended up dozing off pretty quickly, but half and hour later, I felt something on my neck making me wake up, but I didn’t want to open my eyes just yet.
“What?” I groaned as lowly as I could.
“Shh, baby, you can go back to sleep” Shawn murmured against the skin of my neck.
There he goes again with the baby thing.
“Shawn? What are you doing?”
“Nothing” he said nuzzling his face even deeper in my neck.
“Shh, baby, there’s people trying to sleep, and you should be doing the same” he said and I felt his lips brush against my skin, giving me goosebumps.
“Seriously, what the hell are you doing?”
“I just missed you, do you want me to back off?” He asked and I pondered for a while, than I shook my head  and he mumbled a simple “good”.
He peppered light feather kisses along the side of my neck, making me feel those damn butterflies on my stomach, and also making me feel like I’m 13 all over again.
“Go back to sleep, honey” he said running his nose through the extension of my neck.
“You woke me, I can’t”
“Sorry, you’re just so warm and cozy, I couldn’t resist”
“You” Shawn said like it’s obvious giving a longer kiss on a particular sensitive spot, pulling from me a little whine and making me thread my fingers between his curls. Shawn chuckled lightly against my skin “yes, honey, anything you want to say?”
“What about me?” He said leaning his head against my shoulder, turning my head by my chin to look at him.
“You’re just confusing”
“I’m confusing?”
“Yes! Why did you wake up?”
“The person behind me tripped on my feet on their way back to his seat”
“Oh, I see that, do you... hmm...”
“Do I...?”
“Do you want to go back to sleep?”
“I wouldn’t mind” he said straightening his back and getting back to his seat.
“Where are you going?” I asked pouting involuntarily and he just smiled. More of a cocky grin than anything else.
“Just adjusting so you can lay on me”
“Oh, okay”
“C’mere, honey” he said patting his chest and I just laid there, wrapping my arms around his middle, and having him do the same “now sleeps, I’ll be right here”.
“Kay” and with that, he kissed the top of my head and held me even tighter, starting to play with my hair. How can you not immediately go back to sleep with that?
I woke up a while later with the sound of the flight attendant offering dinner to another people a few seats ahead of us. I grabbed my phone and saw that we still had a four hour flight to Paris and sighed. Well, at least I had a giant warm pillow by my side. I tried sitting properly but Shawn wouldn’t let go of me, so I just gave up and relaxed against his chest, grabbing my sketchbook to look through it.
I got so lost in over analyzing my past few drawings that I didn’t notice that he was awake and looking through them with me. At least, not until I quickly went through one that I didn’t finish and he placed his hand over the page, stopping me from turning it. I looked up to meet his honey colored ones already looking at me.
“What is this one?” He said extremely low due to the nap we took, making me warm inside.
“It’s nothing, I didn’t even finish sketching it”
“Is it us?” He said taking his hand from the page and looking at it.
“It was supposed to be, it’s a recreation of that picture we took at your place on Christmas, wrapped up in christmas’ lights”
“Dunno, guess I just missed you a little bit more than usual that day”
“No, why didn’t you finish it?”
“Oh, sorry, I... I guess it seemed odd to draw the both of us, especially because at that time we weren’t even talking because of...”
“Yeah, and I’m sorry about that”
“It’s okay, I guess, it’s over”
“She was wrong though”
“Your ex? Obviously, she was jealous for no reason, you’ve never seen me as more than friends”
“And neither have you”
“Yes, I know that, she didn’t”
“I made a lot of dumb choices, eh?”
“Yeah, you did, Shawn”
“And I wish I could just go back and fix them”
“Fix what’s not broken? You don’t need to fix anything, I’m right here, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but you are hurt”
“Am I?”
“Honey... we need to talk about it, we’ll never go back to normal if we don’t”
“I don’t have anything to say, Shawnie”
“But I do, honey” he said taking a deep breath “I know I’ve been the shittiest friend in history, that you didn’t always come first in the past few months and I’m truly sorry for that. I’m also sorry for promising things to you that I didn’t keep, like always being there for you when you need me and stuff. And sorry for the ex girlfriends that made us go further apart, obviously for my mistake, but anyway, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that...”
“Please, Y/N, I really need to get that off my chest”
“And I will let you do that, is just that she’s...” I didn’t finish the sentence, just pointed to the flight attendant offering dinner.
“Oh, sorry” he said flashing her a smile that probably almost killed the poor woman. Yes, that’s Shawn Mendes effect.
We grabbed our trays, thanking her and placing them on the little table thing.
“Okay, keep going”
“Okay, and I’m sorry for everything I did you wrong, for example, not calling you on your birthday, just a quick text, but I just did that cause I was so ashamed of all of the things that I did to you, I almost didn’t come to this trip to not put any sort of pressure on you for forgiving me. But specially, the most important thing I should be apologizing for is for making you feel like you don’t mean the world to me and that you aren’t one of the most important women in my life, and I love you with my whole heart and I missed you like hell, and being away from you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my entire life. And I never want this to happen again. I’m sorry, Y/N, for everything”
I couldn’t breath. Really, all the air that was on my lungs simply disappeared. I just stared my shoes for what felt like a really long time.
“Honey? Y/N? Are you okay? Do you need me to leave?”
Oh, okay, it was a long time.
“Hm, Sorry, I’m just trying to, ya know, absorb everything”
“Okay” he said stating the back of the seat in front of him.
“Hey” I said placing my hand on his thigh squeezing it lightly “it’s okay, big guy, I’m not mad at you, I love you too, and it’s okay, I just figured we were going through different times in life and stuff... but it’s okay”
“It shouldn’t be, you should hate me”
“Not really, but I just can’t” I said and he placed his hand on top of mine.
“I love you so much, Y/N”
“You’re my best friend, dude, you kinda have to”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s it” he said sighing.
“Isn’t it?”
“Of course it is, honey”
“Good, now can we eat? I’m starving” I said and he giggled.
“Yes, we can, Y/N”
After that, we chose a movie and started watching it. His hand made a discreet way to my knee, and I just looked at it, but didn’t say a word. The movie was a random rom-com movie and I can say it was starting to get boring, but since people around us were falling back asleep, we didn’t have much to do. I felt his fingers starting to come higher on my leg, stopping in the middle of my thigh.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching the movie”
“Hm, yeah?”
“Yup” he said popping the ‘P’.
“What’s the name of the main character?”
“Yeah, you’re such a bad liar, where are you, big guy?”
“No, you’re not”
“I’m just... enjoying you...r company” he said tracing random figures with the pad of his thumb “I really missed you”
“What do you mean?”
“I just feel the need to touch you”
“Well, you are”
“I know”
“Do you mind?”
“Not really”
“Okay” he said squeezing my thigh and than grabbing both of them and putting them over his lap, pulling me even closer.
“Dear?” Karen called making us both jump in our seats “oh, sorry, didn’t mean to scary you”
“It’s okay” I said chucking and trying to take my legs from Shawn’s lap, but he wouldn’t let me move “what happened?”
“Nothing, I was just going to the bathroom and wanted to check on you guys on the way back, do you need anything?”
“We’re fine, mom, I think we can handle this”
“I know you do, sweetheart, doesn’t mean I don’t get worried”
“Well, everything’s great, Karen, thank you” I said giving her a smile, which she gave back.
“Okay, I’ll just go back to my seat, we have another two hours” she said going away.
“Shit, she scared me” I said and Shawn laughed “shhh”
“Oh shit, sorry”
“It’s okay, dummy”
And that’s pretty much how we spent the rest of the flight, laughing, talking and watching that movie.
A few hours later, we were already at the hotel, checked in and heading to our floors. Both of our parents were at the same floor. Me, Shawn, Flo and Liyah were almost at the top, both of our sisters were in the same room at the left of the hall, and me and Shawn were to the right, but each one in one room.
Five minutes after I closed the door, someone knocked on it, so I turned around and opened it. Shawn was standing awkwardly in the middle of the hall scratching the back of his neck.
“Yes? Can I help you?”
“Hm, nope, I thought maybe you needed some, with the bag and stuff”
“Well, I didn’t even take a look at the view, so I guess maybe? Well, you can come in, I don’t think I’ll be sleeping any time soon, we slept a lot during the flight”
“Yeah, exactly... so, where do you want me to place your bag?” He asked stepping into my room.
“Hm, there?” I said pointing to a random corner of the room and going to the balcony, opening the doors and heading outside, just staring at the view of the Eiffel Tower.
“Holy shit” Shawn mumbled behind me.
“Yeah, it’s so... magical”
“Mhmm” he said standing by my side “we’re lucky we both got his view”
“My room is right next door”
“Is it?”
“Yeah, I think we even have a door between them”
“Oh, wouldn’t you like that, Mendes”
“What do you mean?” He said flushing hard under the moonlight, making those stupid butterflies appear again, making me remember everything I’ve ever felt for him “honey?” He called making ME flush for being caught staring at him.
“Oh, shit, sorry, well, you always like to scare me randomly and stuff, so that would make things a lot easier”
“Do you think I’m twelve?”
“No, of course not, big guy, I’m 100% sure”
“Oh, please” he said rolling his eyes at me playfully and chuckling “let me check that door thing again”
I just laughed as he walked back to the room. I just leaned on the balcony railing, enjoying the view and the light breeze from the cold night, that was giving me light goosebumps. And for a second, just a little moment, I allowed myself to imagine what would be like to have something with Shawn. I mean, I’ve done that a lot when I was younger and stuff, but nowadays I just don’t allow myself to do that, not anymore.
But being with him would probably be amazing. He always do this thing where he just puts his whole heart into everything he does, especially when he loves it. So just imagine being with someone so passionate, and caring, and kind, and sweet, and smart, and hot as him. I just can’t see any bad points in it.
“What’s going on on that pretty little head of yours, honey?” Shawn said lowly next to my ear, making my heart skip a beat and almost die.
You see, I wouldn’t mind the closeness and stuff, cause that guy has no idea of what personal space means. BUT, I would always see it coming and prepare myself to not freak out. But I did not see him coming, and did not expect him to be right behind me, close enough so that I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck, since I was with my hair in a messy bun. His hands grabbed the railing in front of me, standing beside mine. Shit, he’s close.
“Mhmmm, I don’t believe you” he said pressing his lips gently on my skin, making me bite me bottom lip to hold back a whimper.
“I... it’s nothing”
“See, it is something” he said rubbing the tip of his nose against the extension of my neck “I know you, baby, just tell me”
“I was just thinking how this trip would be a perfect scenario for me to be with someone... you know... romantically involved with someone”
“Oh” he said and I could feel his arms tensioning around me “anyone in particular?”
“Hm?” I said playing with my fingers but I felt one of his hands on my waist, turning me around to face him, but I just couldn’t, so I stared at our feet.
“So...? Anyone?”
“Oh, shit, sorry, no... not a single soul in particular, no one, no”
“Yeah, sure”
“Yeah, don’t believe you right now, but I think I’m going back to my room to let you rest, you seem really tired”
“Do I?”
“Yes, you can’t seem to concentrate on what I’m saying, and you were staring at nothing in particular when I got here, so I guess you’re just tired”
“Yeah, that’s probably it”
“So... let’s go back inside?”
“Hm?” I mumbled looking up for the first time since he turned me around, and I regretted it almost instantaneously, why did he have to look so fucking good? And than he smiled, making me feel like my legs were turning into jello, making me grab his arms for support.
“Do you want me to carry you to bed?”
“I need to take a shower first”
“Okay, let’s do it like this, I’ll take you to the bathroom and I’ll let you shower and I’ll leave the door between our bedrooms open, so I can shower and come back before you, than I’ll tuck you in bed and go back to my room, okay? Sounds nice?”
“You’re perfect” I said without thinking and than flushing, because I noticed what just left my mouth.
He just chuckled wrapping his arms around my middle, taking me off the ground and to the bathroom, placing me on top of the sink. He went back to the room and returned a few moments later with my PJs, my shower bag and my bag of underwear.
“I’ll leave you to shower and stuff, and whenever you’re ready, I’ll be waiting for you in your room, okay, honey?”
“Okay” I basically whispered and he smiled, placing a delicate kiss on my forehead before leaving.
I just hopped off the counter top and locked the door, stepping into the shower a few moments later. A nice steaming hot shower later, I had my hair in a messy ponytail, makeup free face, lotion on my body, fuzzy socks and sweats on, and with that, I stepped out of the bathroom only to die a little more.
The room was already dark, only with the tv on, my things were nicely organized on the nightstand or on top of the suitcase, and Shawn... He was laying in the middle of my bed, with his curls a little damp, wearing his flannel plants and hoodie, barefoot, scrolling through some social media, oh so casually. God, he’s going to kill me without even trying.
“Hi” I said in a really soft tone, softer than I intended.
“Oh, hi, honey, are you ready for bed?” He asked and I just nodded “c’mere” he said opening his arms for me and I just crawled into bed with him, getting lost in the warmth of his body and scent.
“You’re the most caring person I’ve ever met”
“Thank you, I truly try to be”
“I know, and you are, and I love you”
“I love you too, Y/N, you have no idea”
Oh, I do.
“Thank you, for everything”
“You don’t have to thank me... but I won’t turn this into a discussion, so... what time are we getting up tomorrow?”
“Dunno, what time is it?”
“A quarter past midnight”
“8:30? So we can be downstairs at 9 am for breakfast? They said they’re going to leave the hotel at ten o’clock sharp so if we do this, we’ll have time”
“Yeah, that’s nice, but since I’ve been to Paris before, if you wanna do something separate or something they don’t want to, just tell me, and I’ll take you anywhere”
“Okay, great to know I have my own tourist guide” I said between a yawn and he chuckled.
“Okay, I really need to let you sleep” he said letting go of me and getting up, straightening the duvet on top of me and kissing my forehead “goodnight, honey, knock if you need me, okay?”
I nodded and held his hand.
“What, baby?”
“Thank you, for apologizing and making up for it, I missed you too” I said and he gave me a half smile.
“I’m still on the process, I hope someday I’ll be able to make it up to you”
“You already have... I... goodnight, Shawn” I said nuzzling on my pillow and letting go of his hand, but not before squeezing it lightly.
“Goodnight, Y/N” he said almost like a whisper as he left the room and I let the slumber take over me.
                                        ��                -*-
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I'll know if I'm supposed to keep posting this series thing.
*I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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