#anyway pls enjoy a cal
thewanderingmask · 7 months
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it's cal!
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mushiewrites · 1 year
Got Your Back
Hiya! So I’ve had this fic since last September, I wrote it for @emmadoodlewrites when we both went insane for tickle machines and made up a few in a flustered frenzy. I recently rediscovered this fic and shared it with @wishitweresummer, who encouraged me over and over to upload it. So, I reworked it, somehow added 1K words, and here we are. Thank you @awkwardtickleetoo + summer for reading this through for me and for hyping it up and making me want to post it! (and thank u cal for the title ur a genius). I love how it turned out, and I hope you do too!
After George confessed his love for tickling to Dream, he decides to make him something special in support. Dream gets curious, and before he knows it, he’s stuck
(lee!Dream / tickle machine : 3.6K words)
Dream had always been curious. Everyone who knew him was aware of this fact, mostly due to the blonde getting himself into trouble because of it. Whether he was exploring new places without a map or tinkering with things he shouldn’t, he was used to things backfiring. But he didn’t really mind. He much preferred taking the risk in favor of trouble in order to learn everything he could about anything and everything he was interested in - including people.
Another thing Dream was known for was his generosity. Gift giving was absolutely one of his main love languages, and he constantly used it to show his friends and loved ones just how much he cared for them. Dream was thoughtful, always collecting things that reminded him of specific people and being so excited to give it to them, relishing in the way their faces would light up at the unexpected gift.
Recently, George had revealed some very personal information about himself with Dream. A few weeks ago, while sitting underneath an oak tree in the rain, George had told Dream his thoughts and feelings on tickling - about how much he loved it, and how much he adored the feeling of it. He told Dream how warm and safe the action made him feel, sputtering and whining through it all. It took some much needed coaxing and reassurance from the blonde, but in the end, George got it all out. Dream was there to support him through the whole thing, wrapping him into the biggest hug he could while showering him in praise.
Immediately after George had left that day, the cogs in Dream’s brain began to turn. He was set on creating things to show George that he didn’t have to be embarrassed about his secret adoration for tickling, wanting to make him something special and just for him. Dream spent many nights hunched over his crafting table drawing up blueprints, feeling like a madman whenever he came up with a new contraption to torture George with. After coming up with a few solid ideas, the building began.
It started with a small tickle machine.
It was around the same size and shape of a normal backpack, and designed to sit against the back the same way. There were eight retractable arms that sat over the shoulders, ribs and sides, much like how a koala would cling onto a person. The arms were designed to be able to perform the meanest of tickles that George could handle (or not, but that wasn’t Dream’s problem). The ends of the metal rods were covered in small rubber nubs, molded to glide expertly between ribs, to skitter up and down squishy sides, to poke and prod against sensitive stomachs - the possibilities were endless on someone as ticklish as George.
The machine was still in the prototype stages, but it was ready to be tested to make any final adjustments. He planned on waiting until the next time he was with George to test it, wanting to see how the machine worked on the smaller boy and hoping to find ways to make improvements. But the longer the device sat idly, waiting for its first victim, the more Dream’s curiosity grew.
So he decided to test it himself.
After a lot of pacing and contemplating, he walked over to the chest in the corner of the room where he kept the machine, opening the lid and chuckling nervously when he saw it. It looked like some kind of giant upside down bug, with the legs curled in on themselves while in the ‘off’ position. Dream lifted it from the chest, holding it in his hands and inspecting it while the butterflies in his stomach erupted into a whole new wave of panic. It took a bit of self convincing but he finally decided that yes, he was absolutely going to test this now. What George didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
Dream let out a nervous giggle as he pressed the little green power button on the middle of the machine, reaching around and holding it against his back the best he could to try and secure it. He struggled with the positioning, taking a few steps back until he felt his heels hit the wall. Dreamed leaned against it, using the wall to help hold the machine in the correct spot and allowing the arms to finally extend out and over his body, clinging on and tightening to hold itself in place. The blonde watched in amusement as the arms reached over his shoulders and hugged around different parts of his ribs and sides, settling down after a few minutes and becoming still against him. He smirked to himself, happy with the way the machine was working so far.
Dream jumped forward with a yelp as the arms began to move, pulling him from his thoughts and bringing his attention to the new sensation that was spreading across his torso. It was only the first stage of the tickling, Dream having set different settings and stages for different tickling speeds and techniques. But even at the lowest stage, it had Dream doubled over, squirming against the wall as the ends of the metal arms pressed lightly against his ribs. The drew small, slow circles into the bones, pulling strained laughs out of Dream even as he tried his hardest to hold them in. He didn’t expect it to be this bad, but it was, and all he could think about was how much this would get to George. Through his panicked giggles he cheered at his success in making a functioning tickle machine.
The arms slowed to a halt, giving Dream time to catch his breath. He stood back up on his feet, turning around to face the wall and leaning his forehead against it with a groan. He closed his eyes as he continued to take in deep breaths, smiling at the thought of George screaming and squealing having to endure this himself. Suddenly the arms sprung back to life, digging in with a little more pressure at a quicker speed. Dream was thrown into loud cackles almost immediately, pushing off the wall and throwing his head back, his arms pressed as tightly as he could to his sides in an attempt to block out the tickly feeling.
“Ohoho my Gohohod, fuck! Thihis is bahahad!” Dream knew no one was around but couldn’t help but narrate the feeling. It was just so much more ticklish than he ever thought it would be, and it was only the second stage. He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes still squeezed shut as he let out a wheeze through his laugh, hiccups and high pitched squeals following closely behind.
The arms that rested over his shoulders were prodding into his top ribs, just below his armpits. They dug in slightly, vibrating over the bones every few seconds and making Dream feel weak in the knees. The other three sets of arms were poking into his ribs and sides, moving slightly every time they lifted up and touching down, always tickling a new patch of skin to keep him squirming. He leaned forward as he cackled, trying his best to stay standing as he laughed himself silly. He couldn’t remember the last time he was tickled this much - in his defense, he couldn’t really remember anything anyway with how fiercely the machine was tickling. Through it all, though, he did have one consistent thought; it tickled, and it tickled bad.
Dream gasped for air the minute the machine came to another pause, his giggles remaining as the metal arms stayed pressed against the bones of his ribs. He couldn’t shake the ghost tickles that had his stomach doing somersaults, even when he used his hands to rub the areas around where the arms were resting. The blonde found himself giggling helplessly, deciding he’d done enough testing for one day and reaching back in an attempt to power off the machine. George could try out the more intense settings the next time he stopped by.
But as Dream felt around blindly for the power button, he realized he couldn’t reach it from this position. He opened his eyes in a panic, quickly looking around on the table beside him for anything he could use to help reach it.
“Shit. Uhm….” Dream was mumbling under his breath as he searched through different tools, eventually giving up and turning around to gently press against the wall behind him to try and successfully hit the power button. But it was no use, and the familiar sound of the machine whirring to life echoed through the room once more.
Suddenly the arms were digging into his ribs and sides, only this time, the bottom set of arms made their way over to his very sensitive tummy. He let out a shriek as they vibrated into the pudge of his lower tummy, between his belly button and the waistband of his pants.
“No no nahahahaha! Fuhuhuck, plehehease! PLEHEHEASE!” Dream wailed, feeling the second lowest set of arms moving over either side of his belly button and pressing in, vibrating again, but at a much faster pace than before. He doubled over once again, his back arching off the wall before leaning over with his elbows to his knees, cackling towards the floor with his eyes squeezed shut.
Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, the top two sets of arms began seeking out even more sensitive spots on his very ticklish torso. The lower of the top two sets found their way to the back of Dream’s ribs, a spot he had programmed purposely to fuck with George. He cried out at the feeling, never having been tickled there before and realizing how absolutely torturous it was. The top set framed themselves perfectly to wiggle their way under Dream’s arms, sending him flying back against the wall with his arms crossed over his stomach tightly.
“Nohoho, oh fuhuhuck, stohohop!” His knees began to wobble and he allowed himself to slowly slide down the wall, only stopping when he hit the ground with a thump. Dream pulled his knees up as much as he could, attempting to try and protect himself from the tickling but finding that it only further pressed the arms into his skin. He quickly straightened his legs out against the ground, kicking as he grabbed fistfuls of his pants, needing to hold onto something.
As the tickling continued, Dream fell to the ground on his side, turning onto his back and rolling back and forth a few times to try and hit the button against the floor. The third set of arms moved a little closer on either side to his belly button and he squealed, thrashing and squirming and kicking out as much as he could. No matter how much he pressed the machine into the ground, no matter what angle, it was no use - Dream was well and truly stuck.
The tickling finally stopped, but Dream couldn’t stop laughing. He was overwhelmed with the vibrations from the ghost tickles, still feeling the tingly circles and pokes over his torso as if they were still happening - even in the spots left untouched. He heard a noise from across the room and opened his eyes quickly, almost choking on his own breath as he saw George standing in the doorway, whose cheeks were bright red with his jaw dropped to the floor.
“G-George! I cahahan-”
“Dream?” George interrupted, his blushy cheeks somehow also appearing to be drained of all color as his eyes focused on the machine still wrapped around the blonde. “..What is that?”
The younger boy opened his mouth to try and explain, to try and make any excuse he could, but was cut off with a loud cackle when the machine clicked back on, the arms back in motion and making him scream.
“Noho not again! Nohoho plehehease! NOHOHO!” Dream let out a squeal that bounced off the walls of the room, startling George with the force of it. The older boy ran over and kneeled next to the blonde, trying to figure out what it was and what exactly was happening.
He watched with wide eyes as the metal arms poked and swirled and vibrated against Dream’s torso, focusing on his ribs and under his arms. The blonde let out a scream when the machine began to pick up speed and the bottom arms moved, making him arch up against the ground before falling back down against it, writhing and kicking as he did. Dream’s hands were wrapped around the bottom set of arms, pulling as much as he could to try and dislodge them, but finding it useless. George’s eyes trailed down to where they disappeared under the blonde’s shirt, moving a hand to grab the bottom of the fabric to slowly pull it up. George felt his face burning up as he saw the two bottom arms tickling at Dream’s belly button - one circling around the edge as the other pulled at it, occasionally dipping in and making Dream cry out in ticklish agony.
Dream swore he saw stars from how hard his eyes were squeezed shut. He knew he was screaming through his laughter, yet everything sounded muffled. His senses were on fire. The arms of the machine were sinking into every sensitive spot with precision, and with the two taunting the small indent in the center of his tummy, he thought he might seriously pass out at any second. His face was hot, and he could hear George talking to him and saying his name, but he couldn’t focus on anything else besides how horribly everything tickled. He attempted to open his eyes, but he was laughing so hard that his cheeks were keeping them squinted, blurring his vision and making it essentially impossible to see. Dream had no choice but surrender to the tickles, throwing his head back and letting himself laugh as much as he needed to.
He felt a hand grab his shoulder and pull him onto his side, and suddenly he could breathe again, taking in gulps of air and gasping through his cackles. George had managed to find the power button, finally freeing Dream from the ticklish hell he had been enduring. The brunette was carding his hand through the blonde waves, adjusting the two so that Dream’s head was resting against his thighs.
“Thank you, ohoho my God…” Dream managed through his left over giggles, turning to lay flat on his back as he draped a hand over his chest, letting out a deep sigh when he felt how fast his heart was beating. His eyes were still shut but he could hear the brunette laugh from above him, feeling his hand being moved from his chest and being replaced with one much smaller than his own. Dream moved his hand back, laying it over George’s and holding it for comfort.
“What even was that thing?” George asked hesitantly. Dream could sense the nervousness in the elder’s voice, opening his eyes slowly to adjust to the light and allowing them to focus on the brunette. George’s face was closer than he expected, making him giggle when George realized and pulled back quickly, clearing his throat and looking away from the blonde. Dream watched with a wide smile as George’s face grew an even deeper shade of red, clearly flustered at the situation he had walked in on.
“Well,” Dream spoke through his teeth, grunting as he moved to sit up slowly and cracking his back before turning around to face George. “You were nice enough to trust me with the whole tickling thing, so I wanted to do something special for you!”
Dream laughed as George physically cringed at the mention of the dreaded word, turning his attention from the blonde once again and looking down at his lap, picking at a loose thread in his pants to distract himself as he continued.
“O-Okay, and what? You decided you wanted to torture yourself to relate, or….?” He let out a squeaky giggle when Dream scoffed at the accusation, squirming to the side when a poke landed on his ribs.
“No, idiot. I actually made it…for you. For fun for us, but I was also thinking about it for the times where I can’t be there to help, you know?” Dream spoke gently, suddenly feeling shy about the whole thing and reaching behind him to pick up the small machine to hand to George. He watched as George’s face continued to turn a bright red, biting his lip to hold back the giggle that was threatening to escape to try and remain calm, knowing how embarrassing the subject was for the brunette.
“Dreeeeam,” George whined, holding the machine in one hand and bringing his free hand up to cover his face. “That’s…that’s just…”
He was struggling to find the words, torn between wanting to scream out in embarrassment, and wanting to cry because of how lucky he was to have someone like Dream supporting him. The younger boy giggled at the response, leaning forward and pulling the smaller boy into a hug. He smiled when he felt George lean into him, letting out a shaky breath as Dream used a hand to rub up and down his back soothingly.
“You’re welcome, Gogy.” Dream smirked, feeling George hide his face into the crook of his neck, whining about how much of an idiot he was. He let George pull away after a minute, using the floor to push himself up onto his feet and leaning down to offer George a hand. The brunette accepted it, grabbing the bigger hand and laughing when Dream yanked him to his feet as if he weighed nothing.
“I have a feeling this thing is gonna absolutely destroy you, Georgie.” Dream teased, poking at the machine and giggling when George turned his hips to prevent him from touching it. He noticed the elder’s blush had spread to the tips of his ears, the light pink color slowly turning a lighter shade of red the more flustered he became. George rolled his eyes at the blonde, hugging the machine to his chest as he spoke.
“Well, it sure did destroy you, didn’t it, Dreamie?” Dream made a move to walk towards the door, George suddenly stepping in his path and making the two almost collide together. He felt his own stomach flip at the question, taking a small step back and bringing a hand up to run through his hair as a way to cope with the nervousness he suddenly felt.
“I don’t know about that, but-” he tried to excuse the accusation away, but George was having none of it. He got a sudden wave of confidence, and mixed with his normal cockiness, Dream was doomed.
“No no no, you’re not gonna act like that didn’t just wreck you to pieces, Dream.” The blonde felt himself swallow hard as George took a step forward back into his space. “Which is kind of questionable, actually, because why would someone subject themselves to such torture if they didn’t like it? Care to explain?”
“N-No! No, I-”
“You liked it, didn’t you?” George held up a hand, slapping it over Dream’s mouth when he opened it to protest. “You wouldn’t have tried it if you didn’t think you’d like it at least a little bit.”
George removed his hand to let Dream answer, bursting into bright giggles when the blonde pressed his lips together tightly, his cheeks burning up and turning a dusty pink.
“I don’t!” George laughed at the way Dream was immediately defensive, not having any real excuse to offer other than a denial.
“Don’t worry, Dream. Your secret’s safe with me.” The older boy poked a finger into Dream’s tummy, making him jump back with a squeal. When he looked up again, George was walking towards the door, laughing as he went. Dream groaned, looking down at his shirt and bringing a hand up to his stomach, rubbing out the lingering tingles that George had left behind. He heard the door opening, looking up and being met with a very menacing smirk.
“Just to let you know, I absolutely will be using this against you. Watch your back, Dream. Your very, very ticklish back.” Dream felt a shiver run down his spine as he watched George flash him one last smile before turning to step through the threshold of the door with a wave, closing it lightly behind him.
Dream walked over to the crafting table, leaning back against it and letting out a deep breath he didn’t realize he was holding in. He sat down on the stool next to him, letting his head fall into his hands with a flustered whine, giggling to himself at how ridiculous the whole thing was.
When the flustered feeling finally passed, Dream was back on his feet, scribbling over blueprints of other ideas he had, making little improvements and upgrades as he worked. Dream decided he needed to up his game. If George thought that machine was mean, he decided to show him just how bad it could get. Dream was about to create George’s worst nightmare. Dream was determined to make George cry.
And he had just the idea on how to do it.
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hausofmamadas · 2 months
JOHNNY DAVIS | Cheers to a (real) wild one
The Bikeriders (2023)
At the request of my beloved df (dear friend) @narcolini, who wrote this fucking FIIIIREEEEEEEE disgusting, amazing, beautiful, ridiculous, obscenely and downright upsettingly well-written Johnny Davis x Reader fic -> called white room, and also brought my attention to the s e v e r e lack of Johnny gifs out on the interwebs, I am hereby dumping some of my fav Johnny moments from The Bikeriders aka just S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders for grownups nvm that they’re contemporary stories shshhhhh shhh it still works. So that we may all join hands together in a kumbayah-my-lordt prayer circle to levitate to the ceiling chanting spells appreciate and enjoy and gaze creepily lovingly at his beautiful, grizzled bisexually lovestruck sweet bb angel face that launched a thousand choppers eat your heart out Helen you got nothin on our golden boy and so that my df (dear friend) might regale us with additional installments of possibly the most in-character fanfic I’ve read in my life bc this man is in their bones, yall, dejame do TELLLL you like seriously go check it out, pls and thnku.
And so, without further ado I present to you the tumblr equivalent of my 7th grade diorama honoring golden boy, Johnny Davis:
Yeah, so this👇here is just him being fucking perfect and adorable, laughing at his malewife Benny’s red-light/stop-sign-running shenanigans, pretending like he’s not half as in love with him as he clearly is, him being so perfect it stuck in my memory, like gum to a subway seat and I knew, before I even got the request, before I even started screenrecording, that I was forsure, 1000000% gonna gif these
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This👇here is him being fucking perfect, gazing sexily from across the bar, pretending he ain’t the big man in charge, going over to assure a reasonably sketched out Kathy of her unequivocal safety in his bar, all rolling up his sleeves, casually slow-walking over, like he doesn’t own the damn place even tho he abs does, like idc if it’s not canon (tbh bc I only saw the movie twice) but no one will convince that man’s name is not on the deed to that bar bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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Oh this👇one right here is just him being a perfect fucking commiserate professional club leader, offering to fight some dude who was challenging Her Majesty’s crown bc Her Majesty won’t let said dude start a Milwaukee chapter get real Milwaukee, you don’t even go here even tho after the fight, Her Majesty Johnny’s just gonna fuckin let the dude start it anyway, he wants to test a homie’s dedication, bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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These ones👇here are just him being fucking dreamy and perfect, all enjoying a Sunday afternoon ride into the sunset with his malewife Benny the fam, hair blowing in the breeze, ain’t got a care in the world bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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This here👇is him being fucking perfect, doing his best Brando-mugging at the camera, cigarette expertly hanging out his mouth by a thread, eyebrows up nearly to his hairline, all squinting like he about to fail a vision test at the DMV n giving them no choice but to take his driver’s license away, except jokes on them bc nothing and I mean n o t h i n g can keep him away from these mean streets or from his girlfriend that’s he knows is way too cool for him, Benny bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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This here👇is him being fucking perfect and positively heartbroken getting the news that his malewife has been attacked by some clowns in a bar from my malewife, a one Ponyboy-coded, Mr. Cal from California aka Boyd Holbrook in greaser drag and I normally am so not for blondies but by god am I here for that and plotting his inevitable revenge on those no-good mfs who did his girl so dirty, nearly taking away her ability to ride bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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This here👇is him being fucking perfect exacting said vengeance on behalf of his malewife, Benny aka The Girl Everyone Wants To Take To The Prom by finding the dudes who beat him up and then setting the bar on fire for good measure bc gottdammmititfkdjd nobody messes with MAH WOMAN bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is. It’s also him hilarious with the comedic timing like look at how funny his face is just telling Brucie to burn it down SKSKSK
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And this here👇is him being fucking perfect, watching the world burn enjoying the fruits of his labor, a Labor Of Love in fact, bc that’s the kinda fuckin guy Johnny is
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And what’s more gold than that, right guys?? Never change. Stay gold, Johnny. Stay gold.
taglist: @drabbles-mc, @when-did-this-become-difficult, @complete-nonsequitur, @ashlingiswriting since yall read the fic
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It's been a while since New York received any love, so may I request any New York headcanons you may have? :3
*pls don't feel forced to answer this! <3*
Omg you are absolutely right the most loveable rat boy hasn't gotten enough love in a while ):
Time to change that!
[Using your idea of these four being brothers for this post though I do love me a good Yorksey fic (not incest!!)]
He loves cuddles, even if he pretends he doesn't. Mass, Jersey, and Cut will just see him standing there and whoosh! Grab him by the waist as quickly as they can and create a hug pile wherever they are at the moment - couch, bed, floor, basement filled with tiny children [/j], doesn't matter (they can lift him up easily because he may be tall but he's a thin bean pole okay <33 He's like if you stretch pizza dough too long and get thin pizza sticks)
All pigeons and rats love him. He can be anywhere outdoors and one of them is bound to approach him and nuzzle him lovingly because he deserves it (: Also crows. You know how they collect shiny objects and bring them to people they like? Yeah...Yorkie has quite a collection because of this now <33
Speaking of giving people gifts, my headcannon is that New York was a mentor as well as a semi-father figure to IDC because hey most of the UN bodies aren't in the state of New York for no reason okay. She regularly brings him fancy and exotic gifts from the countries she visits. I bet New York is one of those people obsessed with expensive pens or watches; and she really really indulges him with those. He deserves nice things okay (:
Yorkie is a very huggable person. You agree, very easy to hug. And since I hc that most of the NE helped raise the Western States - or at least make them accustomed to the US - Yorkie, Jersey, and surprisingly even Mass [Cut was more of helping the governmental organisations at this time] are very parental to the West; which is why if it is an especially bad rainy day for Washington, you might find him in the corner of the living room gripping onto New York's hoodie like a bird attached to its last feather. And California is practically attached to York's hip. Enough said. Some people say New York is a magnet that attracts and strongly sticks to the metal Cal is. Yorkie is just very loveable okay <33
Anyway, my brain isn't braining much right now because my stitches are being mean to me ): but that's the best I could come up with at the moment. Hope you enjoy!
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calkestis · 1 year
I FINISHED THE GAME OMG 😭 DID YOU SHARE ANY OF YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT?? (ive been avoiding spoilers so if you have pls link) but if not, please share! i wanna scream with someone
i did not share my thoughts because i needed time to process everything lmao but now that you asked, consider this the thoughts sharing post (below the cut, cause it turned into an essay ofc 💀)
i won't be talking about performance issues because i didn't run into many of those (game crashed just once in over 75 hours of play and i've only had some small issues with the fps) - for me it was amazing and i enjoyed every moment of it!!
it didn't leave the mark that jfo left on me, but i think that's because jfo totally took me by surprise, i never thought i'll end up loving that game as much as i do. i love having so much to explore in survivor and so many customisation options as well as many saber stances (i love them all, it's so hard to settle for just 2, but right now the blaster is my new best friend - also because it has some of the most badass finishers)
narratively, i think what carries the game is the characters and how well most of them are written. it's amazing to see the mark that all the loss and nonstop fight has left on cal and the thin line he's walking between the light and the dark - but like i said before, it makes total sense for him to tap into the darkside without being overwhelmed by it or totally falling. and it's great to see that by reflecting on the villains; unlike dagan, cal's main goal is not driven by ego, it's driven by his selfless need of protecting others, and unlike bode, cal is not trying to gatekeep his loved ones, he understands that sometimes people need to walk their own paths even if it means that they'll be in danger at times.
and speaking of villains, i adored rayvis, it was my favourite boss fight and also my favourite villain. i just have a thing for characters that put loyalty and honour above all else and it was so easy to understand and relate to his desire for freedom; the way he asks cal to free him after all this time, even if it meant dying (and the parallel with the ninth sister, which was also a very bittersweet moment, but set up the tone of the game very well).
the entire part that starts with bode's betrayal and all the way to cal finding cere's body put me through a roller coaster of emotions; i was expecting bode to betray them after the conversation he had with cal the night prior (kudos to noshir dalal for showing so much emotion), but my jaw was on the floor when he revealed himself as a former jedi. then the awe of seeing cere fight, the absolute terror of the fight against vader and the way i felt like someone pulled my heart out of my chest when cal was hugging cere one last time. it was some top tier storytelling not just for a video game, but for any media.
the only thing that didn't totally work for me was cal and merrin's relationship. i never actually shipped them (even if i understand why people do) and imo the romance was pretty cliche, even if i understand why they went that way narratively, what they wanted to show regarding the characters. i would've loved to see more of how the closeness between them develops, the dinamic of a friendship maybe or even a more implied kind of relationship, the kind that we saw with jyn and cassian in rogue one. i feel like the way the did it takes away from merrin's character and kinda turns her into a plot device for cal's character. it didn't bother me much, i would've just preferred they went a different way
anyways i'm playing the main story again right now so there might be more thoughts coming ajksdabh
but feel free to come to my ask so we can scream together
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quick spoiler talk under the cut :)
BODEEEEEEEEEE OH MY SWEET SWEET MAN I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM HES SO AWESOME and he n cal are totally dating okay it's great so gay
.......look i am so happy to have merrin back. i really am. but FUCK OFF CAMPFIRE SCENE. NOOOOO THANK YOU. GO AWAY. PLS. THEY ARE BESTIE SIBLINGS AND THAT IS ALL FUCK OFF (idk if we see her again im not even halfway i think so maybe this will be fine- i don't trust it tho)
GREEEEEEEEZY MONEY BABY 😭🫶 he's my favorite i think 🥺 i love greez so much he's just so nice oh my god 😭 i got so upset when cal snapped at him tho when he first got to the tavern :( pls don't fight :(
okay that's about as far as I've gotten ahaha. all the mechanisms i don't know how to interact with yet are driving me crazy. why no work. help. anyway back to not being here until im doneee teehee
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tragedyforthcoming · 16 days
How to not feel like passing out in the day no glue no borax. But anyways I feel like shit again. I need control and all my urges have spiked quite a bit I haven't rlly felt this way since yr 8/9. It's quite scary tbh. I already have my own fear of death but this tops the cake. Sometimes I just want to rip my skin apart and not be a being at all. And then there's others day where I want to keep my skin but take out the stuff I don't need/want and exist. But only to exist with control. I think that's what i need I need control and unfortunately there's only a few ways I know how to do that.
No one ever rlly sees these so I'm glad it feels like im talking into a void. But if anyone sees this feel free to like ot reblog it or follow me. I post depressing stuff half the time and think everyone's out to get me. Even drop a question down for me I don't mind them.
But anyway imma just rant about my day tbh. The first thing being how tf am I only 54kg??? I dunno it feels weird. I've always fluctuated around that area. Plus the fact have I've only lost 0.5 kg in 19days is iffy (was originally 54.5kg). I always feel like im struggling with control with my food and it's so weird, like somehow there's something ahead of me trying to force shit down my throat. I guess that's just my parents mild concern but all i have to say is that I jave a small appetite or I wasn't that hungry to end up only eating a little. Cause whenever I eat something not only do i feel sick. I feel guilty and I would get the guilt if it was always unhealthy food, but it's with EVERYTHING! this low cal food you made which is rlly good for you. You feel guilty. The teeniest amount of fruit to keep to going. You feel guilty. Coffee. Guilty. And it's so fuckign annoying. My only fear is others catching on especially my college. That would end up in disaster. Esp with it probably ending with me having to recount my whole mental health shit (one day clean woo!). But yeah like I said before I still get the urges they're so strong now for no reason? I guess because I seem to be more paranoid than usual cause of one of my classmates who quite literally hates My guts even though I've only interacted once (I love getting harassed at the bus station /j)
Even worse is that I'm getting a wellbeing session that I myself agreed to. And I can't be arsed to even like cancel it. So I'm just gonna have to suck it up And hope that they don't think anything bad I guess?
Also something I hate rn is my coffee. I love it so much cause it's iced (warm coffee makes me sleepy) but it is a but if cals and I know I don't eat as little as the others on here but I don't think 144 cals is acceptable. If anyone has any substitutes for Iced coffee pls recommend I'm quite desperate lol. I enjoy it so much but always feel like shit after it cause yknow the cals??? But yeah I need to stop these side tangents otherwise this post will be long as shit (my bad)
Anyways my day. There was an earlier post abt me saying how much of a crybaby i was cause my mum yelled at me for wanting to go shopping for my brother (all I got out if it was a coffee cause I was tired and desperate but I did 6k steps so I'm hoping that did something to even it out). Then all I did was scroll through tumblr and other social, but mainly tumblr secretly cause pulling it up is like a ticking time bomb if anyone looks at my screen lol. But I have my final off day tmr before having to go back to college for two days. My plan is to make it appear that I'm eating to my mum. So I'm gonna hide my lunchbox and just only put food in my metal container which traps warmth in it. Just so that I can have smth low cals fir lunch instead of the whole full lunchbox thing. I'll have to also convince my 'friends' that I keep on forgetting my lunchbox or that I got full too fast or smth. God I hate sitting with them so much cause it feels like an obligation but I have to do it so I'm not the weirs autistic trans kid who sits by himself.
I'm just purely glad over the fact that I have to do practical work in the subject I chose. So either way I still burn cals!!!
But yeah I should rlly go to sleep now cause it's 2:46am but ill prob scroll tumblr for a bit more and plan on how I should post my vent oc (I just finished digitalizing my first drawing of him). But other than that I'll disspaear now. Hoping that I can only eat two meals tmr aswell that would be nice :)
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
Hi Cal!!!!!! I'm free from work for the first time in months and I've been dying to tell you that I read (devoured) All The Lovers In The Night and I LOVED IT!!! I thought about you when I finished it and I understand now why you love the author so much, will give the rest of her books a try!!
Also, I'm so excited to read The Notebook Theory!!!!! it is so long that my phone won't even let me reblog it though haha
Anyways, how was your trip to Japan?? Are you feeling sick still? Hope you're feeling better💞
OH MY GOOOODDD!! YESSS MIEKO KAWAKAMI IS MY FAVORITE AUTHOR IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!! if i could recommend another one of her books to you, 'Heaven' is FANTASTIC n it's about the same length as All The Lovers In The Night!! i've reread it three times and it's so so so good!! Breasts and Eggs is also SO good and a little closer theme wise to All The Lovers In The Night (30ish year old female protagonist and dealing with themes of femininity), but it's longer at almost 400 pages. Still tho... honestly ALL of her books are so good and im SO happy u wanna read more of it bc NFJEWDBAGNVRJE i cannot praise it enough!!!!
my trip was lovely!! the world has a lot of really beautiful things in it and i got to see some of them and it was an incredible experience! i'd like to go back on a solo trip one day in maybe the fall or winter if i can afford it / the time off in the next few years!!
and i am no longer sick <333 woke up feeling better this morning and will be heading back up to my house at uni for my final month living with my friends tomorrow <333
i hope u enjoy reading the notebook theory!!! and OMFG that's actually hilarious 😭 i think some people had the same problem with the inbetween too. maybe i should start posting my long fics on ao3 only and then post links / summaries here when they go out 😭
anyway, thank you for the update and for checking in!!! i'd love to talk abt mieko kawakami more so pls lmk if u have any thoughts on All The Lovers bc i've read that one too!!!!!
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callilouv · 1 year
It’s so fun trust- like I think it’s slightly more fun for me since I’m hyperfixated on it, but regardless the game is so so so fun
I am America servers but, I may end up making an alt account (aka I really wanted himeko as my guaranteed 5* but instead I got Bailu- but Bailu has been carrying my team with heals LMAO, so I want to try my luck and see if I get her) on the Asia server
Also have you seen the banner line ups for hsr? If not I can get a screenshot but Kafka is getting a banner soon, so if you wanna save your golden tickets up for her than it would be advisable lol
Like I was gobsmacked when the mc’s voice happens- it’s mainly just the thoughts of me that are voice over we buts it’s such a awesome detail
I actually finished the Belobog chapter of the main story last night (someone help the time went by so fast it was 3am when I stopped playing I am so tired now😭)
Good morning Cal! (Sorry for the cluttered ramble, I’m just v excited hehe🫶❕)
ngl i feel like a lost cat wandering around in this game but enjoying it anyways LAMOO<33 PLS idk what characters r good or which r bad, i just want 2 get hot ppl so yeah.... i want himeko too... FLHKEFJ if u ever make an alt asia acct add me plepspssl<3
OK SO AS I WAS TYPING, I DID 1 PULL AND GOT SEELE????? so uhm yeah im saving the rest for kafka bc ohfirubffgif kafka.........ough she makes me so weak in the knees...
ALSO IKR . i was so surpirsed when i heard the voice bc i got so used to MC not talking wwww (LoZ link and traveler💀)
yk i have to wake up early for tmr but haha fuck sleep im gonna stay up playing<33 HDLKEJKF GOOD MORNING 4 U!! get some mor rest l8er<3
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sucrosia · 3 years
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he loves you, you love him (general headcanons)
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let's start off with, drumroll please, love language! first of all, crepus has money. he has a lot, so i feel like that he'd enjoy spoiling you rotten with gifts. whether they be small, large, or nonetheless just a gift - it'll always be meaningful and usually somewhat expensive. hey, only the best for you, right? i feel that quality time is also a big one for him. he lo-oves spending time with you, whether it just be you keeping him company as he cleans up the tavern or just watching a movie together. either way, he loves it.
date nights are always fun with this man. he'll never take you to the same place in a row. crepus is willing to always put you first in dates and just in general. sometimes, date nights are helping him take care of diluc. it's fun i promise, maybe, perhaps, it may dissolve into chaos but you two enjoy it.
to crepus, dates are just spending special time with the love of your life and he's already found it. so long as you two have fun and enjoy the date, crepus will be more than happy to take you on more dates.
cuddles? you know it. being the small spoon or big spoon really depends on crepus' mood (like father like son). most ot the time, crepus is the big spoon. he loves holding you, and feeling like he could protect you from all dangers. shhh don't tell him i told you this but crepus is really insecure about the fact that he may not be able to protect you and eventually lose you so being the bigger spoon gives him a slight ego booster and tons of relief. sometimes though, crepus just wants to desperately be held by you. something about your touch makes this man go crazy. it's like a drug, he will never be able to get enough. let this man smother his face in your chest while you hold his head pls
what would crepus love about you? well, in short, everything. he loves running his hands through your soft hair, the color of your eyes and the way he can stare into them for forever, your huggable and absolutely stunning body, he loves the way your hand fits perfectly into his, the way your face is so cuppsble, the way your cheeks get red and hot whenever he compliments you, and so on and so on. you must get the hint by now: he quite literally adores you. if you were to ask him specifically, he'd say your lips. he loves kissing them. insecure? dude, just hit my man up and you'll get an ego boost immediately.
would you guys have more than just one kid? slim chance but he wouldn't be opposed. i feel like he'd love love love the image of having a family with you, i just don't think (considering how old he is), that he can really handle more than one kid. plus he's off busying himself with work, barely having the time. yeah he has maids but he wants to watch your guys' kids grow up, not just be an absentee father (like mine /hj). so, it was a blessing and a curse when kaeya arrived at your guys' doorstep.
crepus would be slow with the relationship, not wanting to immediately rush you into something you may not be prepared for. and honestly, he also has to prepare himself, not in a bad way though. to think that he'd spend the rest of his life with you, a beautiful, stunning, smart person, is enough to give him butterflies.
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after notes... CREPUS MY BELOWVD <3 anyway, if you've seen me on my main lingering with cal, talking about dilf!crepus shhhh... speaking of cal, @cxlrose helped me (and got some spoilers too..) with this somewhat <33
taglist... @darlingxannie
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caramelcal · 3 years
His Favorite Girl
a/n: HELLO. (sounding like the guy in the cinema cba lol) anyways I have returned for a brief period of time to share this update with you guys. It’s based off of this request here: “ Do you think you could write a Luke x gang again where maybe he has to leave for work during sex and the reader touches herself out of frustration and he comes back and finds her ?” 
STOP BECAUSE THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT WHAT THE REQUESTER WANTED BUT ILL WRITE SOMETHING AGAIN BUT LIKE JUST TH REQUEST IF THATS WHAT YOU GUYS WANT SDGHGDFGBH but this is kinda a part 2 to the Bambi/His Favorite Secret series thingy cause a few people wanted that! thank you guys so much for all the love mwah
i should literally be studying rn but im not so <3 im very sorry for this abomination lol
sorry for the long a/n guys! :( enjoy x 
word count: 3.4k
warnings: smutty stuff (fucking, fingering, anal and all that...ive never written this before so PLS PLS PLS give me feedback omg) uh choking, doesn’t have a daddy kink in this but sir is mentioned. talks of being tied up and being tied up? talks about overstim... he calls her little girl at one point...
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“Luke! Stop moving!” She lightly slapped her boyfriend’s hand, to which he groaned in return. Her tongue stuck out slightly from between her lips in concentration, eyebrows furrowing as she returned to the task she had firmly put her mind to. That was, until the blond giant moved again, “Luke!”
“Bambi,” Luke echoed lightly, using his nickname for the smaller girl in front of him who looked up at him with an unimpressed facial expression.
“You’re gonna ruin it,” She mumbled lightly, pointing back down at her artwork which Luke only then first looked at. It was safe to say, although he shouldn’t have been, he was thoroughly shocked.
His nails, which his girl had somehow managed to convince him into painting weren’t black, or blue. No, they were bright, blasting, hot pink. He groaned lightly, wondering just how exactly she had managed to rope him into this and just how he was going to hide his nails from the rest of the gang later on tonight when he -they- met up with them tonight.
She was a bundle of both nerves and excitement, finally getting to meet Luke’s closest friends. It had been about a week since their argument, and now she was meeting his friends. It seemed like everything was moving in the right direction, thankfully. She couldn’t wait to be honest, very much looking forward to being able to hear more about Luke from his friends, and just meeting them in general.
They seemed fun.
Well, as fun as gang members could be. She probably should have been more cautious surrounding them, but Luke got her guard down so quickly and she was yet to regret that. How scary could they possibly be considering the man in front of her, soft blond curls held back by her bunny bath headband, nails painted hot pink, was supposed to be the scariest man in the whole city.
“Cal’s gonna rip the piss outta me for this, Bambi,” He complained softly, with no plans to take the polish off of his nails as he looked at his girlfriend, between his legs, small hand wrapped around the bottle of nail polish with her other hand laying against his knee.
She couldn’t help the small upturn of her lips as she blew softly against the nail polish on his fingernails, not patient enough to let it airdry despite it being a fast-drying polish. She shrugged lightly, head flopping to the side adorably as Luke stared down at her, resisting the urge to run his hands through her hair; another issue he had with the wet paint on his fingernails.
“I think it looks great, we’re matching,” She then flaunted the bright pink color that coated her own nails, and Luke’s lips twitched into a grin, careful not to ‘aww’ at the cute words that came out of the smaller girl’s mouth.
He hummed lightly, leaning back against the couch but his baby blues never leaving her face, “They look a lot better on you than they do me, Bambi.”
“I think they’re cute,” The girl climbed onto his lap, making Luke take a deep intake of breath as she sits barely an inch away from a rather sensitive area of his. She, however, seemed to pay no attention to the risen area of his jeans as she leaned against his chest, face hidden in the crook of his neck, soft breaths from her mouth fanning against his neck.
He twisted to give her a small kiss on the forehead, to which she responds by kissing his neck softly, lips staying against his neck as her hand traveled up his stomach up to his neck, holding him close as she began to kiss the base of his neck more.
“Lu,” She whispered softly, “How much time have we got?”
“Like an hour, baby. Why?”
However, the girl never replied verbally, and instead repositioned herself carefully, Luke’s neck void from her warmth before her hand started to travel down, painfully slow, until it landed right above the tent in his jeans. His eyes traveled up to meet hers, eyebrow raised as she dropped her hand down barely, lips struggling to pull the smirk away.
He lifted his hands to her back, going to reposition her before she shook her head, “Your nail polish, Lu. Hands down.”
His hands didn’t move, frozen in place around her clothed waist. His nails were long since dried, she knew that, but she liked this. She liked the intake of breath he took when her hand ghosted over the hardened cock in his jeans, the way he couldn’t lift his hands; scared to smudge the pink on his nails.
He was restricted. Oh, how the tables had turned.
Her hand gently palmed against his hardened, clothed cock, causing a grumble to emit from his throat. It was a deep rumbling sound, -something that the girl had heard numerous times but would never get used to.
To her, everything about Luke was perfect, even his moans.
“Bambi, you know the rules about teasing-”
Her lips attached to his, cutting him off rather efficiently, pressing softly as she continued to palm him through his jeans, gently rocking on his thigh. He moaned into their kiss, her tongue, as a reflex, finding its way into his mouth. Their tongues pressed against one another, lips still pressed together as her spare hand crawled up to the back of his neck, playing with his soft curls.
Her palm pressed into his fully hardened cock now, his tongue swiping over her lips before tugging on it, pulling apart, breathless. His hands found a place on her waist, guiding her softly but firmly, taking back the control he craved.
Looking her straight in the eyes, one of Luke’s hands went around her neck, thumb pulling her lower lip down as he unbuckled his belt with one hand, taking his cock out of its confined clothing and bringing her hand down to hold onto it. It wasn’t the first time that she had given him a handjob, and it wouldn’t be the last, but she still couldn’t help but be nervous.
Despite not being a virgin when she met Luke, she still lacked a lot of experience that Luke definitely had. She knew that he would never judge her, but that never stopped the nerves that festered.
“All shy all of a sudden, Bambi?” He mocked, hand around her neck tightening as he bit down on her ear lobe, gently tugging at it before letting out a breath, “All big and brave, teasing Sir, aren’t you? If you’re going to start it, then you’re going to finish it. On your knees. Now.”
Releasing a shaky breath, the girl clambered out of Luke’s lap dropping to the floor, in a similar position to the one she had been in minutes before, only in a more sexual manner. Her lips met the tip of his cock, tongue lightly swiping across the base.
His hand grabbed firmly onto the hair on the back of her head, holding her steady as she got used to the feeling of his cock in her mouth before thrusting against her. She gagged as it hit the back of her throat, sending vibrations up him, releasing a deep moan from his throat.
“Suck, little girl,” Luke commanded deeply, leaving no room for argument as the smaller girl abided to his command, tongue swiping over him as she reached up to cover the last part of his cock with her hand.
Yet, she didn’t get much further when a ringing sounded through the room, Luke groaning but ultimately pulling away from the girl who stayed on the floor, watching Luke as he grabbed his phone.
“What?” He gritted his teeth lightly, trying to keep his frustration at bay after being interrupted.
He sighed softly, not looking at the small girl with furrowed eyebrows still on the floor as he pulled his jeans back up, clambering to get shoes on and getting ready to leave, hanging the phone up.
“Luke what’s going on?”
“Gang shit, Bambi. I gotta get going, be ready for six, we’re meeting Cal, Ash, and Mike later, remember?” He offered her no more words, but she can tell he isn’t angry at her, just due to their interruption.
However, she can’t help but be frustrated at the interruption, waiting until after Luke leaves to huff and puff about it before starting to get ready.
. . .
“Luke has this old penguin fan account on Instagram from like seven years ago. There’s this one picture on there with him with a penguin hat-”
“Cal, stop,” Luke interrupted Cal swiftly, an arm going around his smaller girlfriend’s waist who looked far too amused by the embarrassing things about Luke that Cal was telling.
“No, no, Calum please keep going. Please,” The girl begged, feeling very comfortable around the Maori boy. They were pleasant, to her at least, and so far they had made her feel very comfortable and very much at home. It was hard to believe that the people joking with her where infamous mobsters, ones that were feared all across the city, and state. 
They had met in Ashton’s house, who she had already met before, at six o’clock. It turns out gang members like to be punctual, or maybe it was only these ones.
Luke was in a bit of a hurry once he arrived back home, with no time to finish what he and his girl had started before he had to leave in a hurry, leaving her oh so frustrated. This was only magnified when she saw him afterward, ready to head to Ash’s in that pale pink silk button-up that only seemed like it would suit him; like it was made specifically for him.
Maybe it was.
Luke was never shy of customized clothing, cars, or anything he wanted honestly. If you have the money, why not? Was always his answer when she asked why he seemed to wear all of these expensive items. If it wasn’t custom-made, it was a high-quality designer that he wore, she rarely ever found him in anything that didn’t smell of cash and high-class, -far too expensive but albeit intoxicating- cologne.
This money of Luke’s also happened to extend to her also. He was never shy of picking her up a few things, letting her have his card for shopping and now, he started going out shopping with her too. He didn’t look like the type that would go out with his ‘girlfriend’ or anyone, but in the case of her, he followed her around like a lost puppy; willing to hold her bags, let her drain his bank account. Not that she did, anyway. She was still mindful, even if Luke had more money than he knew what to do with.
“Nah, can’t. Don’t want Luke to kill me for embarrassing me in front of his precious little girlfriend,” Calum teased lightly, shaking his head as his eyes darted to meet Luke’s baby blues. Truthfully, Luke could pretend to be annoyed at Cal and the rest for exposing his old penguin Instagram account but he was just glad to see them getting along with the girl that owned his heart.
She was the first girlfriend that his best friends seemed to approve of. He didn’t normally bring his girlfriends to meet them, but the ones he did, the boys he called his best friends didn’t usually like them. For the first time, Luke could actually see a future with the girl in front of him, beamingly smiling as Cal and Michael joke about with her and laughing at their attempts of humor.
God, he loved her.
“So, do you think they like me?” She asked the moment they got home, the door shut behind them. Luke turned around, staring at the wide-eyed girl with a small smile on his lips.
Did she seriously not realize how much they liked her? Especially with how much joking that they had done with her, he was certain that she would have realized but then again, she wasn’t the most self-assured person when it comes to new people. He nodded his head, “Yeah, Bambi. They really liked you.”
Luke would never get over the way her eyes sparkled, his smile only growing. She looked amazing in that red silky dress that he had bought her, and he looked just as good in the coral colored button-up he was wearing.
Their lips met softly, Luke bending down slightly to meet her lips as the girl went up on her tiptoes, bare feet on the top of Luke’s shoes. He didn’t mind, in fact, he barely even realized as he swiped his tongue across her bottom lip for access which she quickly gave him. Her hands wrapped around his neck, one entangling in his blond curls, while his went around her waist and one under her ass, lifting her up.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, lips never breaking away from his as she moaned into the kiss. She pushed herself closer to him as the kiss heated up, eyes closed as Luke tried his best to navigate the way to their bedroom. Thankfully, even with his eyes partially closed and completely distracted by the soft lips on his, he managed to get there, fumbling with the doorknob before kicking the door open.
Luke pulled away quickly to get a breath, now at the edge of the bed as his mouth went to the side of her face, pressing kisses along her neck before whispering in a sinfully sultry voice, “Let’s finish what we started earlier, huh?”
With that, she was placed down on the bed, staring at Luke with a glaze in her eyes, lust, lips slightly swollen as he pushed her dress up, nudging her underwear to the side. His fingers ghosted over her pussy, making her take a ragged intake of breath. He was on top of her, watching her as she awaited every movement of his fingers, completely helpless under his touch.
“So wet for me, baby,” He murmured, pressing a few chaste kisses against the base of her neck as he rubbed her slit. She didn’t reply just yet, whining lightly when he slowed down his movements, coming to a stop, “Tell me what you want baby.”
“You, Lu. I want you, sir,” Her words flooded out of her mouth quickly, the aching between her legs becoming too much. If Luke didn’t do something about it soon then she would have to. She stared up at his smirking face above her. His fingers pulled away from her, making her whine as he reached for his belt, skillfully unbuckling it and letting his cock spring free from its confines.
He looked up at her as he repositioned himself, her squirming with need beneath him before he lined his tip at her entrance, baby blues meeting her eyes, “You sure?”
She nodded vigorously in return, but Luke didn’t move, commanding lightly, “Words, baby.”
“Please Luke, I’m sure. Please fuck me.” He swatted her thigh at the sound of the swear falling from her lips but obliged nonetheless, plunging deep into her letting out a moan, her strangled moan following behind.
He plunged in once again, hitting a spot that made her whimper and moan at the same time, hands reaching around to his back, clawing on the now exposed skin. Luke’s hips are flushed against hers as he goes deep inside of her once again, both moaning.
“Fuck, Bambi,”
Luke’s pace quickened, thrusts becoming sloppier as he continued to thrust into her, hitting her sweet spot over and over, moans filling the room with small pleads from her and soft curses from him.
Then a phone went off. Luke froze inside of her, and she groaned, sweaty, a mess, and incredibly sexually frustrated. She could feel Luke sitting inside of her; how big he was. She thought that he was going to ignore the phone call, to continue something that they were robbed of earlier. He wasn’t really going to let them be interrupted twice today, was he?
He reached over to the bedside table, picking his phone up and looking at the caller ID before sighing. He pulled out of her, baby blues looking at her with a frown, “I need to take this.”
“Luke,” It was a plead. For him to stay with her, to let them finish what they started. She shuffled lightly until she was sitting in front of him, on her knees. Her hand went to the side of his face, caressing it gently as she put her face at his neck, “Stay with me, Sir. I need you.”
He knew exactly what she was trying to do, but he wasn’t going to fall for it. He pulled away from her, gripping onto her side as a warning with his free hand, “No, Bambi.”
His voice was low, a warning for her to stop what she was doing as he sent her a pointed look. He didn’t even let her make another move or get another word in before he was back in his jeans and walking out of the room, leaving her alone.
The seconds that she was alone turned into minutes, and those minutes turned into ten, then fifteen. She shifted uncomfortably, still on edge and incredibly frustrated. It didn’t seem like Luke was coming back as he had left without saying goodbye or telling her where he was going to be or how long. Was this all because she had tried to get him to stay?
Well, if he wasn’t going to get back, she would have to take stuff into her own hands. Leaning back, her hand reached her own clit, rubbing desperately, basking in the feeling once again. This time, she would get the job done.
Her fingers slipped inside of her, curling into her, moans softly filtering out of her lips. She was close, her fingers covered in her own slick as she continued to curl her hands into herself, soft pants falling from her lips as she spread her legs more to get a better angle, trying to go deeper.
Her hands would never be as good as Luke’s though, her small fingers not holding a torch to his digits. He knew everything that made her squirm, even better than she did, he had her all decoded, knew how to navigate her better than anyone else ever could.
“Baby I need to get-” Luke opened the door, stopping when his eyes met her figure on the middle of the bed, fingers inside of her as soft breaths fell from her lips. Her head titled back, eyes lidded as he froze on the spot before a smirk made its way onto his face.
“Really?” He asked incredulously, sauntering up to the bed before grabbing onto her wrist, pulling her fingers out of her desperate cunt making her whine. Her eyes met his, which never strayed, even after he brought her hand up to his mouth and swirling his tongue around her slick-covered digits.
“Quiet,” He shut her up quickly, voice hard and commanding, something that made nerves bundle in her stomach and turned her on even more. He stood up again, sauntering over to the dresser before pulling a belt from the top of it, grabbing her hands and confining them with the thick leather, “Since you can’t keep your hands off of that pretty little pussy of mine, I guess we’re going to have to do something about that.”
Luke pulled her up to the headboard, hooping the leather around there and tightening it. When he let go, she pulled against the leather restraints, only to find her hands unable to move from their position at the headboard.
“So desperate to cum, baby? Well, you’ll be desperate to stop after I make you come over and over until there’s no more cum left in your body and you're writhing beneath me. Do you understand me, baby?”
“Yes Sir,” She whimpered out in return, nodding her head as she breathed heavily, watching Luke’s hand as it trailed teasingly down her side until it reached her pussy, a finger flicking up and down it, making her hips jerk up.
“But first of all, I need to go deal with the drug run. See you later, Bambi.”
And with a smirk on his face, Luke left his girlfriend there, tied up to the bed, whining for him to come back. And he would, and when he did, she wouldn’t be walking for days afterward.
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wonderlandhatter · 3 years
Angelic in my clothes.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x femReader
Summary: Spencer knew a lot about a lot of thing and topics, but he doesn't know a lot about relationships, but you help him understand them.
Word count: 3400
Warnings: none, just a whole lot of fluff, itsy tinny bit of angst for like half a paragraph.
Prompt 4: “Why do you like stealing my clothes so much?"
A/N: ok but this was supposed to be a short little blurb, oops. anyways thanks for the request I hope this is ok, pls tell me if it wasn't what you'd imagined or feel free to send in another request.
A/N2: My old account got deleted so I'm just reposting my fics I would appreciate if you could bust this so i could get back to where my account was thank you for your time.
Taglist: @pinkdiamond1016  
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Spencer did not like not knowing, he knew he was smart, and he knew a lot about different topics, one topic he didn’t know a lot about though were relationships. He wasn’t very experienced with them and there’s only so much you can learn from books and Derek honestly wasn’t a great insight.
Since you two had started dating he had begun to understand some of these thigs, one of which he understood fairly quickly. Which was why couples loved cuddling so much, he had never been a person that expressed affection through touch because it made him uncomfortable, and you were very understanding of this and waited for him to be comfortable and took baby steps. The first time you properly cuddled was while watching doctor who on his couch, and you fell asleep lying there with him, all the statistic and worries  about germs left his head, they were the last thing  in his head at that moment, they had been drowned by the beauty of your sleeping form, for another time in this relationship you had taken all his thoughts out of his head and you were the only thing that mattered. Emily was truly right, a pretty girl and his IQ is slashed to nothing, but you weren’t just any pretty girl you were the single most wonderful person he had ever met and he didn’t care about his IQ slashing, you were all that mattered mattered now.
And then he knew why people liked it, it was comforting and the most wonderful feeling in the world, hearing your cute little snores, that you flat out deny even exist, and seeing your hand keep a tight hold of his shirt. He liked holding you, it made him feel close to you in a more intimate way. That’s when he knew for sure he loved you, and he said it, you subconsciously smiled in your sleep at those words but had no knowledge of them when you woke up, but he didn’t care he would say them to you soon enough and he wasn’t sure but you would say them back with no hesitation.
Another thing he now understood about relationships was how good it felt to have someone to come home to, someone who you trust with your whole heart and who you can tell anything too, someone you love.
He understood this quite early into the relationship, you had been dating for a little over two months, you hadn’t had many dates because of his work but you talked on the phone all the time, and you were friends before for a while so it felt longer than it had actually been, but at the same time not long enough he wished you had met a long time before, but you’re together now and he wouldn’t waste any more time with you.
He understood this one night/very early morning after a case. He had missed you so much, the case was long, tiring and incredibly tough. He didn’t say anything, but you could hear it in his voice how tired and how mentally and physically exhausted he was. The truth is the victims looked a lot like you, the victimology fit you too perfectly for his comfort and it scared him, the thought of the unsub going after you terrified him, he couldn’t stand it so as soon as he got on the jet he called you, he just needed to hear you, to make sure you were still there alive and well, he however hadn’t realised how late it was until he heard a very groggy hello.
“Oh no Y/N I didn’t notice how late it is for you, I can call you when you wake up, I’m sorry I’ll let you go back to sleep” but just before he hung up you rushed out a response. “wait, no Spence wait a second, I want to talk to you”, you were definitely awake now,  “are you sure, its ok if you want to sleep, it is very late and you had a long work shift and”, “Spencer, of course I want to talk to you, I missed you” he smiled at this and before he could reply  you said something again, more quietly than before “I missed the sound of your voice Spencer”, god he loved you so much “I missed the sound of your voice too”, you sat there in comfortable silence relishing in the sound of each other’s breathing letting your words dance in the air.
After a minute you spoke again “how was the case”, Spencer sighed remembering the victims and your shared resemblance, “it was fine”, you knew it wasn’t “spencer talk to me I can tell it wasn’t”, how could you tell from just his voice.
“Well it was, agh it was just a lot, I don’t want to talk about murders though I missed you, can you just talk to me I want to hear your voice”. You didn’t push him any further with it, you knew he would talk to you if he needed to. “ok love, well………..” you talked for around an hour nothing of massive importance just pointless chit chat, but to him it was the most heavenly sound in the entire world, he was however fighting sleep from taking over, he didn’t want to stop talking to you, he felt like he needed you right now. He snapped back when he heard you calling his name “spencer…. Spence…. Love!!” “oh yeah, yeah I’m here, sorry what did you say”, “I’m going to hang up your falling asleep, I’ll talk to you later ok” “no I want to keep talking, I’m wide awake”, “Spencer I can hear your exhaustion its fine, go to sleep, I’ll go to sleep and we can talk later ok love”, he let the words sit for a  minute before sighing “ok, bye bug, I’ll talk to you later, we are landing soon so I’ll call you then, ok bug?”, “ok love sleep well”.
And with that the two of you hung up, and even though he missed hearing your voice he was exhausted and sleep over took him, you however did not sleep you got out of bed, and made your way to your door and put shoes on, you were going to go see him, you didn’t bother to put clothes on he had seen you in pjs before, you were wearing sweats and one of his Cal-tech crew necks stylishly matched with lilac crocs, wow you were hot.
You were now making your way to his apartment, it was about a half hour drive, it took a little longer since you had decided to drink some coffee before leaving so you didn’t fall asleep at the wheel. You knew he needed somebody right now, you didn’t know why but you didn’t need to you could hear it  when he first called you almost in a panic to hear you, plus you missed each other.
You arrived at his apartment and used your spare key to get in, once you were in you made your way to his kitchen to turn the kettle on to make some tea while you waited  for him. He texted you while you made your tea that they had landed and was on his way home, you chose to send him a text  saying “I’m waiting for you at yours <3” , you didn’t think it would be smart to surprise him and scare an FBI agent.
Spencer made his way home quitter than he usually would after he saw your message, he didn’t bother replying just rushed there as soon as Hotch said they could go home. He’d never been in such a rush to get home after a case, sure he was always happy to go home and sleep but this felt different this felt like a scratch he hadn't been able to itch and once he could see you he would feel the relief.
Once he got to his apartment building he ran up the multitude of stair until he got to his floor, he might have had to take a couple brakes between stairs but what can he say, he isn’t used to doing the physical stuff on the field, Morgan normally takes care of that.
As soon as he got to the door, he stood there for a minute to calm down his breathing before putting the keys in and unlocking the door. He stepped in and your sent engulfed him in the most comforting way, as soon as that scent reached him, he could physically feel himself intense.
He took his shoes off and placed them beside your discarded crocs with a quiet laugh at your ridiculous shoe choice, he then hung up his satchel with his blazer, and walked to his room assuming you’d be there but on his way there he stopped at the sound of cute little snores and saw you sitting on his couch with a half empty cup of tea on the side table and a book laid open on your chest, he should have known you would try to stay up for him.
He kneels in front of you and leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead, you slowly opened your eyes as you were only in a light sleep. Once you could make out the blob of colour in front of you to be your boyfriend you smiled and wrapped your arms around him nearly knocking you both backwards onto the floor before he stabilised you both. "Spencer, I missed you" you said nuzzling your face into his neck. "I missed you too bug, so much" he said closing his eyes and holding you tight to him.
You stayed there, just like that enjoying each other for a minute before you heard him sniffling, “Spencer are you ok love", "I... I just... I just really needed to see you, and feel you, I needed to know you were still here" before you could reply he spoke again tears clear in his voice "thank you so much for coming here tonight", "Spencer look at me", he reluctantly looked at you tears streaming down his face, you wiped his tears with your thumbs while holding his face gently "any time you need me, I will be there for you ok. I don’t care if you just finished a case and its an ungodly time just call me and I'll be here ok, I miss you to when you’re gone  and I love being with you, when I heard your voice over the phone I knew something wasn’t right and I needed to take that away, even if it's just for a little bit. You never need to thank me for being here for you ok" he decided the best way to reply, the best way to get all the words he needed to say to you was by kissing you, and so he did and you knew exactly what he meant by the kiss you understood every unsaid word that travelled through his lips to you.
It didn’t take long after that for Spencer to tell you why he was so upset and why he needed to see you so desperately, and you understood and held him and he felt safe. After you talked and held each other it was unspokenly decided you would spend the night, you went straight to bed while Spencer took a quick shower, if you could call it that he was in such a rush to get back to you he barely got wet. He got dried and dressed and then excited his bathroom to find you curled up on his bed, he loved the sight, it made all his worries from previously wash away, you had that effect on him, you seemed to be a source of good, and he loved it.
He got into bed and as soon as he got under the covers you were reaching for him, he welcomed the touch and held you back. So there lying with you he understood, while the worries of the past week washed away, he knew, he knew why people liked having someone to come home to so much. And he knew he would have to ask you to move in sooner than later.
At this point in your relationship spencer had come to understand many things, but there was still one he didn’t. He didn’t know why you enjoyed wearing his clothes so much, he wasn’t complaining not at all in fact he loved it when you wore them. It was a slightly possessive thing, he knew you were his and he was yours but when he saw you wearing his clothes it was just a visual reminder that you were in fact his and only his, but that’s why he loved it, so he didn’t know why you did, but boy was it irritating him.
You two had been living together for the past 5 months and it had been amazing, he had also seen a lot more of you in his clothes, as time went by he saw you sleep in his shirts and boxers many times, you were especially fond of his old Cal-tech sweatshirt and button ups. He loves you wearing them it’s one of his favourite looks on you, when you’re comfortable and cosy and simply adorable in the articles of clothing that are too big for you.
But if he’s being honest a very close second is when in the mornings after you have ‘exercised’ the previous night, when he wakes up to the smell of bacon and coffee and sees you in nothing but a pair of cotton panties and the button up he had discarded the previous night, he loved coming up behind you in those mornings and slipping his arms around your waist and holding you while whispering sweet nonsense to each other.
They had just gotten back from a case. It hadn't been long or a particularly hard one but boy did he miss you, he always did, he thanked whoever it was for it being a Friday night because it meant he would arrive home to you. In no time he was at the door of your shared apartment, you had both decided moving into his would be the best choice since it was bigger.
He opened the door and almost immediately heard your sock clad feet hitting the floor of your apartment, he quickly hung up his coat and satchel before opening his arms and catching his girlfriend in his arms "I missed you so much Spence" he laughed lightly in response and replied "I missed you too bug, it was only a week" you pulled away from the hug and leaned your forehead against his before whispering "a week without feeling you" he smiled at that and leaned in lighting bumping your noses together before connecting your lips together, god he’d never get tired of kissing you, it honestly felt like heaven.
You gasped into the kiss and pulled away abruptly, Spencer looked confused but you had the biggest smile on your face and all of a sudden he didn’t care you  broke of the kiss, “what was that for?” he asked feign hurt, “I made something” you said sheepishly rocking back and forth on your heels, “what did you make?” spencer asked imitating your tone. “come and see” you replied excitedly while pulling him into the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen you very excitedly showed Spencer the cupcakes you had made, “I baked cupcake” you announced while placing him in front of said cupcakes, Spencer went to reach for one when you slapped his hand “no Spencer I still need to put the icing on them”, “but they look so good” he pouted giving you puppy eyes, “oh, you’re cute when you pout” you leaned in and when you were only a breath away from kissing his lips you spoke “but still no” and with that you kissed his pout and pulled away, you made your way to the counter were you were putting the icing into piping bags and piped up saying “but you can help me ice them and then you can eat one”, “can I only eat one?”, you turned back smiling and handed him one of the piping bags “you can have as many as you want love”.
You were currently both icing cupcakes in comfortable silence, Spencer had noticed you were wearing his Cal-tech crew neck and a pair of cotton shorts along with a mismatched pair of his socks, you looked adorable, he loved that you wore mismatched socks like him even before you’d met, the fact you were sporting his at the moment was just the cherry on top.
And so he thought no would be as great a time as any to ask “Hey love can I ask you something”, without looking up from what you were doing you hummed in agreement, you were concentrating so hard on making the cupcake look perfect you just barely registered what he said, god he thought you looked so cute when you concentrated  so hard you had your tongue sticking out the side of your mouth.
He shook himself out of the trance you put him in and just asked "Why do you like stealing my clothes so much?", you looked up at his question with a worried expression on your face, you didn’t realise it could bother him, you never meant make him uncomfortable, should you have asked for permission before you took them?, Spencer saw your concerned expression and was going to clarify he didn’t mind when you rushed out first, “Spencer I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I should have asked I’m so sorry, oh god I’m wearing your clothes now I’ll go change”.
You put the piping bag down and passed Spencer when you were about to leave the kitchen but Spencer gently pulled your arm and pulled you into a hug, “Y/N, love, you just spiralled,” he pulled back from the hug and gently held your face in his hands, he could still see the sad and worried expression on your face and he hated that he had caused it, and needed to take it away, “I love that you steal my clothes, I absolutely adore seeing you swamped in my crewnecks and wearing my socks and specially in my button ups after certain events have taken place” he smirked at the blush that crept up your cheeks at the last part of his statement, he loved your shyness, “believe me I love it when you steal my clothes, you look angelic in them I just want to know why you like it, I know its dumb but I just can’t figure it out and not knowing is really bugging me”.
You smiled at this and all your previous worries washed away, you weren’t making him uncomfortable he was just being his usual curious self, you slid your hands up his chest and played with the collar of his shirt as his hands moved from your face you your waist and you began “well there’s a lot of reasons I like wearing your clothes, for one they’re really big on me so they are soooo comfy, they also smell like you so they remind me of you when you’re gone on cases”, he smiled at this and you looked down before continuing “and when you’re gone and I’m scared something will happen and I won’t see you again, it comforts me, it makes feel close to you when I can’t be” you looked up at him when you finished and he could see the glossiness in your eyes of the tears forming from your memories of all the times you were scared you wouldn’t see him again and he gave you a sad smile while he wiped a stray tear falling down your check.
“Honestly, they just make me feel warm and loved, when you’re gone”, his eyes were now glossed over too as he leaned in and kissed you, “I love you bug”, “I love you Spencer”.
And now Spencer knew, he knew why having a crew neck of his meant so much to you and how it could bring you comfort in a time when you needed it most.
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hi can i pls just say how much i love and appreciate your period hcs. nothing helps me through *that time of the month* better than imagining star wars characters helping me through it 😭 could you maybe do some period hcs for cal kestis? maybe some nsfw too bc i feel like he'd be totally down for sex that time of the month ;)
Aww, I'm glad I can help ease the woes of Aunt Flo with some headcanons. And Cal is a babe so you know he's going to be the best caretaker during this time...
Granted, you will need to do some explaining at first. I can't imagine the Jedi had a comprehensive course on human reproductive anatomy, and even if they did, Cal was quite young at the Academy...
He may seem awkward hearing about it at first, but make sure to explain as much as you can anyway, especially about your specific experiences
The more info he has, the more confident he'll be in jumping in to help you
And he has a really good memory, too, so you won't need to ask for the same treatment the next time, he's already on it
He will ask questions of you, though. He's very quick to accept this is a normal part of life for you and you shouldn't feel uncomfortable talking about it together
Even around others, he won't beat around the bush if you need to cancel plans or take it easy because you're on your period.
He is your supporter, caretaker, and hero. He will do anything to make you feel happy and loved.
(18+ only below the cut, please and thank you)
Which means... yes... he will sleep with you on your period, if that's something you want.
He may be a little hesitant with the idea at first. He's not sure if it'll somehow hurt you, or if you're really interested or just trying to make him happy.
Once you convince him it's definitely something you want (maybe even need), then he's into it.
He'll probably enjoy it most in the shower, so there's no extra messes to clean up afterward. Not that he's ever been afraid of a mess before, but if he's already changed the sheets a few times for you, best not give him another chore to worry about.
He'll take you however you want, just as he always does, but he is just a tad more gentle. Just in case. He really doesn't want to hurt you.
Going forward, he'll come on to you regardless of your period, knowing you have a healthy relationship and can say no to each other when you're not in the mood, no problem.
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outivv · 3 years
hiya cal!! I've been here before as u already know but except I'm here to send in a request >:D so I don't know if you write for sucrose or not but I'm assuming you do!! feel free to ignore if not :O but anyways, may I request the general pining stage with sucrose? sucrose courting the reader to be specific >:D OH AND! hcs with blurbs if you don't mind, or anything you're comfortable with really :> Basically, my request is "how sucrose acts when she has a crush on someone and attempts to court them" >:D and with female!reader pls because i want lesb content, sorry to the guys who like sucrose :( But that aside! I hope you have a great rest of your day >:D take care of yourself luv and here's your reminder that I still think you're cool xoxo byee! — cal !!
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Synopsis: sucrose in love!
Warnings: not proofread
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Character: sucrose, and albedo (platonic)
Pronouns for reader: she/ her
A/n: hello again! I haven’t written for sucrose… I think, so this is something new for me :D! I’m gonna try not to pain her “UwU shy girl” cause that’s not really what she is, but if I do write her that way I apologize. Anyway! Hope you enjoy, and take care of yourself! Drink plenty of water!
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I feel like this would be a friends, to one sided pining, to lovers kinda thing. You start out as close friends, hanging out on the weekends when she’s not busy working with albedo, and then sucrose thinks, “ wait… she’s kinda… she’s kinda hot” and we get to where we are now.
Sucrose talks about you all the time when working with albedo, just imagine.
Pouring the chemical into a test tube sucrose talks on and on about you, how pretty your hair looks in the moonlight, imagining what a date with you would be like, but she’s cut off by none other that albedo. “Sucrose…” he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose “just ask her out already” “what?!?!? No no I couldn’t do that! What if she’s not into girls, what if she doesn’t like me that way! What if-“ “sucrose take the day off.”
Sucrose walks by shops everyday and sees things that you may like, and is tempted to buy it thinking, “maybe I could win her over with gifts! No no… that’s stupid because then…” she then begins to work herself into a tizzy thinking of all the possibilities
When you start getting feelings for her too, she doesn’t pick up on it. Just thinks you’re being friendly! “Yes sucrose blatantly flirting with you is being friendly” - albedo 2021
After many many nights of planning she decides to finally ask you out. She brings you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, or if you’re not a fan of flowers brings you another gift that you may like, for example a little trinket that may have some sort of significance to you.
She hopes and prays that you’ll say yes, and when you do she’s so happy she puts down her gift and hugs you. She has a big smile on her face for the rest of they day. Albedo is also proud of her.
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cryonme · 4 years
fallingforyou- calum hood.
word count- 1.5k
tw- drinking, smoking, cursing, a couple of tears. other than that just calum being sexy and also cute.
mentions- calum, fiona, luke, michael
a/n- hi! sooooo, this is the first part in my “series” of Calum and Fiona. this series will not have to be read in any order, just a bunch of one shots of Cal and Fi been cute. BUT this ons should be read first, as its the start of their relationship. im very excited abt this and I hope you all are too!!! also, i know a lot of my followers are from the HP fandom but I've been really wanting to branch out with my writing so here's this little number. I still write for HP, btw! not to worry. anyway, I hope u all enjoy this. I love it a lot and I worked very hard!!!! inspired by fallingforyou by the 1975. I recommend listening to the song for dramatic affect.
Calum sipped on his drink as his eyes danced around the kitchen that was filled with drunk and high 20-30 somethings, unimpressed until his deep brown eyes landed on her. Dressed in a little halter top and flared jeans, head thrown back in laughter at God knows what, she laughed at just about anything, especially when intoxicated. Her dark hair cascaded down her back and her lovely brown eyes squeezed shut, she looked like a goddamn angel.
He told Luke a million times that he wasn’t coming to this party, just like he had done with every party that rolled around in LA, but once Luke promised her attendance, he still declined.
But snuck in anyway 3 hours in, trying to go unnoticed by his 3 idiot friends.
His plan failed, of course. Why wouldn’t it? Michael had caught him at the worst time, 4 jack and cokes in, grinning at her like an idiot from across the kitchen island.
“She’s your friend, mate. You know you can like, talk to her.” He had said, nudging his best friend with his elbow.
Calum rolled his eyes, “I’m not 7, Mike. I’ll talk to her when I want.”
“You’re never gonna land a girl like Fiona if you don’t say anything.”
“Who says I’m trying to land her?”
Michael nearly choked on his drink, “Good one, Cal.” He patted his friend's shoulder and pretended to wipe a fake tear. “Hey, Fi!”
Calum had known Fiona since 2013 when 5 Seconds of Summer first toured with One Direction, when she was an assistant to their tour manager. She was the same age as the guys and they all bonded quickly, and to this day she still tours with them. She’s still just an assistant, says she doesn’t want to take on the responsibility of manager, she mostly just makes sure the guys are all where they’re supposed to be at all times.
Fiona turned away from her friends and smiled at the two Australian goofs, excusing herself from the group of girls and making her way over.
“Calum Hood? Enjoying himself? At a party? Insanity!” She smiled that radiant smile of hers and took Calum’s cup from his hands, treating herself to a sip.
“3 of those things are true, and I’ll give you a hint, I’m not enjoying myself.” Calum retaliated and Fiona raised her eyebrows at Michael.
“Hi, Fi.” Calum smiled and slung his arm over her shoulder.
She playfully rolled her eyes and leaned into Calum, “Hey Mr. Buzzkill.”
“I’m gonna go play pong with Luke, you know how he gets when I’m not his partner. Bye Fifi!” Michael rushed out and ran out of the kitchen, no doubt going to gush to Luke and Ashton about Calum and Fiona being cozied up in the kitchen.
“You look pretty tonight.” Calum said flatly, not making eye contact.
He could say those kinds of things to her, they had been friends for 7 years, but the drinks definitely helped him get it out.
“Don’t look too bad yourself, Hood.”
Calum brought her small frame around in front of him so he could look at her. She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him with her doe eyes, and he made a vow right then and there that he would absolutely get to call her his one day.
This happened often. Calum and Fiona would cozy up to each other when drunk, hugging and touching, never once kissing, and nothing ever came of it.
“Like, you look really pretty.”
Fiona threw her head back again and laughed, “You, Mr. Hood, are drunk.”
“Yeah,” Calum took her hand and spun her around so her back was to his chest and rested his chin on her shoulder, “And you’re really pretty. Look at us stating facts together.”
Fiona giggled again and grabbed Calum’s cup from him, taking another sip.
Calum slowly snaked his arms around her waist and she held onto his arms with her hands, Calum swore he would have melted on her right there.
Fiona spun again and looked up at her friend of 7 years. She wanted to know what went on behind those intense eyes of his. Ashton, Michael and Luke confided in her with almost everything, she knew all about what went on in their heads, but Calum had never told her a thing. Not one detail. She had no idea that Calum was falling for her, on that night, in that shitty lighting, and he was falling for her hard.
“Beer pong?”
The two had been waiting for their turn in beer pong for 20 minutes and finally decided to sit down on a nearby bench and just watch. Calum pulled her onto his lap and she hummed happily, with her arms around her once more.
The brown eyed boy took his arms off of her for one second while he dug through his pockets, then put them back in their rightful place, holding a joint up to her lips. She gladly took the weed into her mouth and allowed Calum to light the end for her while she took in a drag.
She held the joint between her fingers and blew out. “You’re a good friend, Cal.”
Calum frowned at that. He had been drinking a little bit more than usual and the word “friend” made his heart drop.
“Don’t wanna be friends.”
Fiona snorted, “Shut up.”
“M’serious.” Calum mumbled against her shoulder. “I don’t wanna be your friend.” He turned his head so he could place her lips on her neck, “I wanna kiss your neck.”
“I’m falling for you, Fi.”
“You’re drunk.”
“So you don’t get to do that!” Fiona suddenly jumped up off of Calum’s lap and faced him, catching the attention of a few people, but no one seemed to care enough.
“Fiona-” Calum started and reached to grab hold of her thigh but she slapped him away.
“Fuck you.” She spat and stormed away. She was probably just going to sit on the front steps. She was too drunk to drive and she left her phone with Calum.
The dark haired boy sighed and hoisted himself up off of the bench to follow after her, at least to give her her phone. He made his way through the crowd of people and was stopped by Luke right before he made it to the door.
“I don’t know what you did, but fucking fix it.” The blond poked his finger into his chest so hard he stumbled back.
“Wha-” He started but by the time he could he finish the one syllable word Luke was long gone.
Calum shook his head and pushed the door open, finding his favorite girl slumped over on the steps with her shoulders shaking. He hurried so he could crouch in front of her and rest his hands on her knees, and refused to move when she tried to push him away.
“I know you’re mad at me but you’re crying and nothing hurts me more than that.” He said softly, trying his best to get the girl in front of him to stop shaking.
After a couple minutes of letting Calum stroke her knee gently with the pad of his thumb, Fiona finally brought her head up and Calum wanted to kick himself for making her cry like that.
“I have loved you” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, “For 7 fucking years Calum.”
Calum felt like he just got all of the wind kicked out of his lungs, but he didn’t move a muscle.
“I’ve watched girls who treat you like shit come and go and I don’t even get to pick up the fucking pieces because you don’t fucking talk to me, then one night you have a little bit too much to drink and suddenly you’re falling for me?”
“I love you.”
Fiona froze.
“Fuck, Fiona I’ve loved you for 7 years. Every girl who’s come and gone has been a distraction from you because in my head, you’d never feel the same way. I never opened up to you or talked to you because I was scared that if I did I’d let it slip that I love you and I’d lose you. Every time I see you my chest feels tight and I feel like I can’t breathe, every time you laugh I can’t help but smile to myself like a fool and whenever you cry I can’t look at you because I’m afraid I’ll cry too. Screw falling for you, Fiona. I fell for you.”
Fiona didn’t move, she felt like she couldn’t move. Calum had just shared more with her in 30 seconds than he had in 7 years, she was shocked.
“What the fuck took you so long.” Her question came out as more of a statement.
“I’m an idiot.” Calum breathed out before finally leaning in and kissing the girl he had loved for so long.
//pls remember to leave a comment or reblog if you enjoyed it, kind words mean a lot🖤and so begins the life of cal and fi, i can’t wait! hope u all are excited too. xx roxie
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ironhoshi · 4 years
1- “Don’t look at me, I was still dead at the time.”
I am begging you to do this one with Boba and a second character that can be Cal, Luke or Din or all of them xD
They are dumb, your Honor.
Pls enjoy a bunch of space idiots~!
The air was cloudy with cigar smoke and the aroma of backwater moonshine seemed to impregnate everything. Cal leaned back in his seat, ankles resting on the edge of the table, and weighed his options. Mando had practically shackled him to the seat, which amused BD to no end. If he abused the Force he could easily slip the cuff, but he found himself overly curious as to why a bounty hunter had gone to such lengths to track him down. 
"What do you think, buddy? Should we just wait and see what happens?" 
::May as well. We can always blow this place up later,:: the droid said cheerfully. 
Cal snorted. Yeah, that was their usual plan.
He rocked further back in the chair to relieve some nervous energy and instantly regretted that decision. His stomach dropped while he suddenly found himself falling backward. The sensation was akin to wrecking a ship. Awful and fast. The crash was loud. He lay there stunned. The door slid open because of course it did. Cal flopped over onto his side, chair following him, and glanced at the boots in the doorway.
"...what are you doing," the modulated voice asked. 
"Escaping, clearly." Why did the modulate voice sound familiar? 
The boots moved further into the room and Cal narrowed his eyes. That set was followed by more and then suddenly a tiny green blob was rushing at him. BD whistled loudly just as the green gremlin hugged Cal's face. An intense feeling of joy slammed into him and he tensed.
"Ease up," he croaked out. "You are battering my shields, youngling." 
A loud coo escaped the child and then a gloved hand was peeling him off his face. That was strange. He glanced at his rescuer and had the delightful experience where his brain just stopped. He knew that armor. He hadn't seen that armor in years. His gaze was fixated on the helmet while BD let out an ear splitting shriek.
::BOBA!:: Boba. Boba Fett.
Memories rushed by.
He felt like he had just swallowed an entire jar of butterflies.
"What happened to your armor," he blurted out.
A snicker sounded from somewhere in the room and he thought he heard the name Luke uttered in a slightly scolding way.
"That is what you want to say after all this time?" Oh, Boba seemed unimpressed. Cal smirked up at him and merely raised his wrist so the cuff clanked loudly. 
"How about you free me and I'll say all sorts of things?" He could sense the annoyance from Boba, but the bounty hunter knelt down anyway to undo the cuff. The second his arm was free the youngling latched on. Cal blinked. There was a vague feeling of familiarity and not just because he was faced with a tiny version of Yoda or Yaddle. 
"Where have you been?" 
Cal raised his arm and a happy sound escaped the kid. Those small hands were strong. He shifted just enough to sit comfortably on the floor. BD settled on moving to sit on Boba's feet, rather like a tooka. He didn't answer the question, no, that could wait until later. They had an audience he didn't know.
"Where were you when I resurfaced? I called." He gave Boba the most disapproving look he could muster while a youngling was hanging off of him. 
Ah, so they were both going to be children about this.
"Why have I heard rumors that Merrin is on Dathomir?" Cal hoped this topic change would work. 
Again silence. 
Cal pulled a face out of annoyance. The youngling just clung to his arm, distracting him. Suddenly hands were grabbing the front of his gear and yanking him upward. A faint sound of surprise escaped him. 
"Not in front of the kid," he blurted out.
"Kid's fine," Mando retorted. So much for that defense!
"I want you to answer me truthfully." Cal stared at Boba and just gave a slight nod. He didn't know what he was in trouble for, but he was pretty positive it was huge. 
"Did you have anything to do with the destruction of the Imperial Base on Zeffo?" 
Cal blinked. Did he? He couldn't remember. There was just a void where a lot of his memories should have been. “Don’t look at me, I was still dead at the time." The words left his mouth and the whole room was plunged into icy water.
::We talked about this. You can't just keep saying things that don't compute with others,:: BD chided him.
"I'm with the droid," Boba snapped. "What the kark do you mean dead?"
A snort of laughter escaped the stranger in the room. A gloved hand covered their lower face while Mando went full awkward. Hands stretched out to comfort, but ended up just flailing in the air slightly. 
"Sorry, it's just-" More laughter escaped them and Mando just sighed. "How perfect are you two for each other? You both died and came back!"
"Wait, Boba died," Cal cried out in shocked horror.
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