#anyway pudding is just misunderstood leave her alone
miyuskye · 1 year
ready to fight anyone slandering pudding and sanji x pudding
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for stella // @shimmerleaf // inspired by one of our stupid conversations
Something was wrong with Yaku. Kuroo didn't think of it during morning practice – the short libero had lectured Lev about his receives, he saved more balls than he let out, and he made jokes and laughed at them. Now, he spun a pen in his hand, his eyes continued darting between his phone and the window, and he looked kind of pissed. Well, more pissed than usual.
"What's up, Yaku? Something bothering you?" Kuroo brought it up during lunch. The third-years were sitting on the roof in a patch of sunlight, bentos and bread in front of each of them.
Yaku broke his chopsticks apart with more force than necessary. "No. It's not your business anyway."
"Ah. Really?" Kuroo took a sip of his milk. He placed the carton down. "So, how's that girlfriend of yours?"
Kai spoke up. "Is that all you have to say?"
"I thought we were friends." Kuroo shook his head in disappointment. "I was the one who got her to talk to you in the first place. You kinda owe me to tell me how the relationship is going."
Yaku glared at him, but there was no force behind it. His friends gave him pointed looks and he turned away. "I think she might be cheating on me."
"What did you say?" Kuroo said. "Your tiny, adorable girlfriend? No way."
"I don't believe it either," Kai added, shaking his head. "Do you have any proof?"
"Kind of…not physical proof…okay, so we were together over the weekend studying. She's…not always on her phone, but this time, she checked it pretty often."
"And you didn't think to tell her to stop?" Kuroo interjected.
"I'm not rude. Anyway, she goes to use the washroom and she leaves her phone behind. It goes off continuously so-"
"I didn't think you'd invade your girlfriend's privacy like that."
Kai gave him a look. "Let Yaku finish. Go on, Yaku."
"Her phone was open to a message thread. I didn't recognize the name and I know she has online friends so I thought they were just talking. I accidentally scroll up and…and I saw…some messages. About another guy."
"Was there a name?" Kuroo asked.
Yaku shook his head. "I don't remember. It started with a Y though."
"Guys' names that start with a Y are pretty common. You sure it wasn't actually your own?"
"No! It didn't look like my name. It looked…longer."
"So, a name that starts with Y and is longer than Yaku Morisuke," Kai concluded. "Are you thinking of Yamamoto Taketora, by any chance?"
"No! Definitely not. I can't remember…" Yaku scratched his head in frustration. "I noticed her coming back so I put her phone back. She didn't say anything about it."
Kuroo took his own phone out. "Well, why don't we call her and ask? Your girlfriend doesn't seem like the sort of person who'd cheat anyway. You're too fragile for that."
"Is this the reason why you aren't with her today?" Kai asked.
Yaku shook his head. "She said she's having a Love Live contest with Kenma. I didn't want to bother her."
"Oh. Better not call her now, then." Kuroo put his device back. "I'll just ruin her combo. I'm a nice guy, after all."
The rest of the day went by without incident. Yaku walked home alone since his girlfriend had to study for a test and for days afterward, they started spending a little more time together, but they ultimately had to go their own ways. Kuroo kept his amusement at bay when comforting his friend.
"Is this her subtle way of rejecting me?" Yaku was hunched over his desk, face down on the surface. Kuroo was standing over him, scrolling through his phone.
"I don't know, Yaku, the two of you are cute together. I don't think she'd dump you for someone else. You're Nekoma's guardian, after all." Kuroo sat down, shoving Yaku in the shoulder. "Come on, I'll call her. Let's get this thing solved."
They moved to the clubroom for a quieter atmosphere, finding Kai there, reorganizing some of the equipment. He sat in the back as Kuroo brought up Yaku's girlfriend's number, placing his phone on speaker mode.
"Hello? You don't usually call, Tetsurou."
"Yeah, well, we haven't talked in a while. Where are you, anyway? It's pretty loud on your end."
"I'm with Kenma. Yamamoto and the others are nearby too."
"You've been spending a lot of time with Kenma lately. He told me some stuff about you two meeting up."
"He has a lot of tips to share so the feeling is mutual."
"I bet you tell him all about your boy too."
There was a pause. "He hasn't come home yet, but all his brothers have. Kenma knows how it feels."
"Oh. He does? He never mentioned anything like that to me."
"He said you wouldn't understand."
"What about Yaku?"
"What about him?"
"He wouldn't understand either?"
Another pause. "He wouldn't. He hasn't replied to my texts lately though. I hope he isn't practicing too hard."
"Oh, he isn't. I've got an eye on him." Kuroo glanced up at him. "I gotta get going now. Have fun, all right?" He hung up, watching his phone fade to black. To Yaku, he said, "Okay, feel free."
"What's going on?" Yaku spluttered. "I mean…what? Coming home? Brothers? She has a sister! Where did the brother come from? Where did any of them come from? Does she want a harem? If she becomes our manager, she'll get one!"
Kuroo placed a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, all right? First, I'm not interested in her so you can have her. Second, we're a volleyball club, not a host club. Third-"
"You don't need to continue, Kuroo," Kai cut in. He turned to Yaku. "Why don't you ask her directly? She did mention you haven't been replying to her messages."
"Because I don't want to meet up with her and meet her new boyfriend - or boyfriends, now," Yaku mumbled. He groaned into his hands. "I didn't do anything wrong, did I? I thought I was a pretty model boyfriend. I guess not."
"Not all hope is lost. Kenma knows about it so let's just ask him before practice. You can wait that long, right?" Kuroo asked.
"No." Yaku didn't have a choice anyway. He dragged his feet out of the clubroom, sliding the door shut behind him. Kuroo shook his head, unable to help but feel sorry for him.
Yaku flew out of the clubroom as soon as the last bell rang. Kuroo caught up to him quickly and the duo sat facing the door, waiting for Kenma's arrival. The pudding-haired setter arrived shortly after. "Hey-"
"Kenma!" Yaku grabbed him and started shaking his shoulders. "Who's my girlfriend seeing? What's his name? Where does he live?"
"Huh…?" Kenma stared at him until he stopped. Kenma took his shoes off and took his seat beside Kuroo. "Isn't she seeing you?"
"No- I mean- yes, but - you were with her! She said you know what it means! Her boy hasn't come home! She has a harem? Tell me, Kenma!"
There was silence. The second-year placed his bag down and he took his phone out. His voice was calm. "I think you misunderstood something, Yaku-san."
"How do you misunderstand your girlfriend cheating on you?"
"What do you mean, oh?"
Kenma didn't look up from his phone. "First, your girlfriend started a game called Touken Ranbu. Do you know what it is?"
"Oh, that game?" Kuroo said. "Where you collect sword boys? The opposite of Kantai Collection?"
"Yeah. She recently got into it and I played it before so she's been asking me for help."
"What's the coming home phrase for?" Yaku asked.
"It's an expression. You can collect swords by forging them or finding them on the map. She hasn't gotten her favorite yet so he hasn't 'come home'."
Yaku felt realization dawning on him. "Oh."
"And this favorite," Kuroo said, "happens to be someone with a name that starts with Y and is longer than Yaku Morisuke? Has a lot of brothers?"
"Um, yes. Yagen Toushirou. He's her favorite."
There was silence as Yaku absorbed the new information. "So…all of this…was just a misunderstanding? She isn't cheating on me?"
Kenma gave him a look. "No."
"We're still…a couple?"
Yaku slowly reached for his phone. He dialed his girlfriend's number from memory and slipped it to his ear. Her voice echoed around him. "Morisuke-kun? Why-"
"I love you," he blurted out.
There was a pause. "I-I love you too. Um…don't you have practice right now?"
"Yeah, but I miss your voice. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you."
Her tone grew soft. "Oh…I love you very much, Morisuke-kun. Do your best during practice."
"I will!" he hung up shortly after. With renewed resolve in his eyes, he jumped to his feet. "Let's start practice! Time's wasting!"
He flew out of the clubroom. Kuroo laughed, grateful that his friend was no longer a lovesick fool. Kenma started gathering his gear. "They're cute together."
"Right?" Kuroo grinned. "I hope they'll stay like that for a long time."
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Title Lyric from “Patience” by Guns and Roses
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We really aren’t sure what to do with this ep. (I vote cry, rage, and then pick up the pieces and move forward.—Marge) On the one hand, it was a really good episode, beautifully written by Robert Berens and a perfect setup for the backdoor pilot to Wayward Sisters, the much anticipated SPN spin-off. On the other hand, they fucking killed one of our favorite BAMF WOC characters, and they did it off-screen AGAIN, and they kinda fridged her AGAIN. Yes, her death was noble and she was bad ass to the very end, but it still felt a lot like we—and she—got screwed.
Anyway. So apparently there is a wraith (one of those creepy-ass human-looking things with the stabby-spiky-appendage that descends from their wrist so they can eat your brains. Remember the ‘Pudding’ episode – 5×11?) and he eats nothing but psychics. Real psychics, mind you, not the ones that litter every major thoroughfare of every street from the suburbs to the big cities, with the neon hands of fate and TAROT CARDS and quite often “for rent” signs, which always make us wonder how they didn’t see that coming, hahaha. But this is Supernatural, so there are real psychics, and he eats them.
DAWN: How many REAL psychics can there be, though, even in SPN-land? That wraith looks pretty well-fed for someone whose only food source is relatively rare. MARGE: I wondered about that too but then I thought about how many we’ve seen in comparison to how many we’ve seen of other creatures… Seems like psychics might be plentiful? Possible, not probable? ERICA: Y’all think of things much differently than I do. My main thought was “what happens when he runs out?” MARGE: I mean, I think it’s just a taste he’s acquired. He can go back to eating us regular old humans, I guess. It just won’t be as satisfying for him. Poor little-dissatisfied wraith… Ugh. ERICA: I don’t know though…the way he phrased it, it struck me as an addiction thing, sooo…. MARGE: Wraith rehab? No? lol
Back at the bunker, Dean is isolated in his room, listening to music, drinking lots of beer, and being sad in general. Sam is checking on Jack, who hasn’t left his room since they got there and he got settled in. Sam gives Jack the video message that Kelly recorded for him while she was still pregnant. Just as Jack begins watching his mom, which was so very sad, Sam’s phone rings.
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This psychic-eating-wraith from the opening scene is the lead-in for the return of our favorite BAMF-but-soon-to-be-dead character who is also our backdoor for the Wayward Sisters spin-off: none other than Missouri Moseley, folks, played by the inimitable Loretta Devine (yas queen). We’ve missed her and we’ve always wanted her back so the fandom was THRILLED to learn that she was going to re-appear this season. She tells Sammy she’s been out of the life for a while but now she needs some help on a case with which she has a personal connection.
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We’re just gonna come right out and say it. No point in teasing this one out. Missouri comes back for this one episode, y’all, and they kill her ass off in the first 20 minutes without breaking a sweat, breaking the hearts of the entire fandom and enraging more than a few, us included.
MARGE: I actually threatened to riot on Twitter… It was an emotional moment. DAWN: I am displeased. Very displeased. ERICA: “Displeased”….such a gentle word for the rage that consumes me. MARGE: I also scream-tweeted at Robert Berens. Oops. Sorry, sir… ERICA: Ditto, fam.  
So it was awful, it hurt, but did she go out like the badass that she is? Yes. Yes, did she ever. She chose her death, in order to save her son and granddaughter from the wraith because she saw that it was the only way they would live—literally she saw that, because Missouri is psychic AF, and she checked to make sure. And then she sends Dean into the fray, with the directive to save her family. So, he did. Kinda. Really, her family sort of saved her family, with Dean’s assistance, but we’ll get there in a minute.
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Missouri sent Dean and Jody to find her son James Turner (played by Adrian Holmes), and granddaughter, Patience (played by Clark Backo), and to protect them while she stayed behind at the murder scene of her protege, Dede, knowing that she was going to die. Then she basically told the wraith to get fucked:
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DAWN: Their last name is Turner, not Mosely. Rufus’ last name was Turner. Headcanon accepted. MARGE: Definitely! I LOVE the idea that Missouri and Rufus were a thing… Maybe that’s why Rufus was such a hateful old cuss. He had an awesome thing with someone as badass as Missouri and lost it?… I wanna feel like they had the kind of love folks write fairytales about. Ok, enough speculation on that or I’m gonna get all misty-eyed. DAWN: Yeah, I’m going to need that fanfic in a hurry. Somebody get on that. MARGE: We should add it to our ever-growing list of things we want to write… LOL
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SO, Jody and Dean run off, find James and Patience, who Missouri believed was psychic before James cut her out of their lives (initially because Missouri ‘incorrectly’ predicted that James’ wife would survive an illness but also for fear that Missouri would ‘influence or poison’ Patience).
MARGE: Total speculation, but I think Missouri probably told her boy his wife was gonna live because she didn’t want to break his heart… maybe that was it. Geez.
Patience dreams of being attacked by the wraith and then goes to school, which is where she was attacked in the dream, and just so happens to be… guess what… attacked by a wraith. Everything looked a little deja-vu-ish, of course. Who would’ve thought? Channeling a little of granny’s badassery, Patience knees the wraith in the dangly-bits and then breaks off his stabby-spiky-thing. Signs of spunk—we like it. Patience is pretty cool so far. The acting could use a little bolstering, but we definitely believe she’ll get there. It’s hard to judge based on first appearances but who are we kidding, we do it anyway. Dean and Jody show up just in time to confront the wraith but he manages to elude them and almost hits Dean with his van while escaping.
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Cut to the Turner home where Dean, Jody, and Patience break the news to James about the attack and the likelihood that Patience is, in fact, possibly psychic (DUH! Missouri Moseley is like never wrong.—Marge) He decides it’s time to run, sends Patience to her room to collect her things, and then, gee, what do you know, the fucking wraith is hiding in the closet. Cue – classic-horror-genre-girl-scream and Dean, Dad, and Jody scrambling upstairs to find an open window. The wraith has kidnapped Patience so Dad uses a little divination he learned from his mama to find her… yes… the skeptical father who cut MISSOURI MOSELY out of her granddaughter’s life is like, meh, desperate times… let’s do some magic real fast to find my girl. Which is reasonable… but still. What an asshole.
Patience is in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse, tied up, and the wraith is being a total fucking creep—talking about how he’s going to feed on her over and over and really draw it out… just…ewwwww. And then, what a shock, Patience has a vision… in which her father, Jody, and Dean all get stabbed to death. It doesn’t look like a vision at the time though, so yano, we think everyone just died horribly painful deaths. It was sort of awful but then we realize quickly it was actually a vision and Dean, Jody, and Dad are just arriving on the scene to save the day. This is the part about how Missouri’s family actually saved themselves with Dean’s assistance. Because of her vision, even though she is tied up and can’t fight, Patience is able to warn her Dad, Dean, and Jody all before the wraith can land the stabbing blows that supposedly killed each of them earlier. Dean manages to take the wraith out and Patience is freed. Hooray for happy endings… except MISSOURI IS STILL DEAD.
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Meanwhile, back at the Bunker, Sam is trying to “train” Jack to use his powers and Jack is basically a surly teenager who doesn’t want to do his homework. Sam pressures him; Jack freaks out; Sam leaves him alone to cool off.
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And then we see Sam, reading a book about parenting gifted children while surveilling Jack via his laptop, which honestly was the cutest thing ever and very likely caused the entire fandom to spontaneously ovulate. Even the men.
MARGE: That takes talent.
Sam is distracted by his reading, so it takes him a few minutes to notice that Jack is no longer on-camera. Cue Dad-panic at it’s finest from Sam Winchester. He runs to the library and finds Jack hiding in the corner.
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They have a heartbreaking talk about being different and misunderstood, how hard it is, and why Dean can’t deal, and honestly, Sam would have been such an amazing daddy and it’s horrible that he will (probably) never get that chance. *SOBS* Jack confesses that he already believes he is probably evil because his powers have never presented unless something negative was happening. Sammy gives him a little bit more sunshine and rainbows and Jackieboy seems to be feeling better about things.
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MARGE: Seriously folks, we talk a lot about Jensen Ackles’ award-worthiness, but for real Jared Padalecki deserves just as many accolades. He is just as capable of an amazing emotional portrayal of Sam Winchester and it hits us in the feels just as hard as Jensen’s Dean. This scene was so incredibly well done.  Also, while we’re throwing praise, Alexander Calvert, is absolutely killing it as Jack so far! Excellent casting choice, for sure! ERICA: I think this is the point in our live-tweeting that I thought about what a good dad Sammy would’ve made if only JOHN WINCHESTER HADN’T DISAPPEARED DURING A FUCKING HUNT. GodDAMNIT John. MARGE: I tweeted something about how Sammy and Jessica’s kids would have turned out. *crying in the corner*
Back to Dean, Jody, James, and Patience. They’re back at the Turner house and discussing the future, of course, because Patience has just found out she’s psychic… Dad tells her to bury her gift (proving that he has learned NOTHING from all of this), Dean gives the typical ‘this life is nothing but “pain, horror, and death” so if you’ve got a shot at normal you better take it’ speech, and Jody, (ALWAYS mother of the year even when they aren’t her kids) drops some truth about what happens when you try to suppress some part of yourself to please others. She lets Patience know if she ever needs anything, Jody is just a phone call away.
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And this is how you set up a spin-off folks! We are SO PUMPED about Wayward Sisters. Dean and Jody head out and we are left to wonder what will come of Patience Turner.
Dean returns to the bunker, he and Sammy briefly discuss the case and Missouri’s death. Then Dean asks Sam if Jack’s gone dark yet, of course. Sam confronts Dean about telling Jack he would kill him if need be and then we have another emotional brotherly battle because Dean lets loose about his animosity towards Jack. He tears into Sam about how he shouldn’t pretend to care about Jack since he only cares about what he can use him for. He says Sam just wants to use Jack as a “can-opener” to the dimension where Mary is trapped with Lucifer. Dean screams at Sammy about how he can’t even look at Jack because when he does “all he sees is everyone they’ve lost”. Sam remarks that their Mom took her shot—she chose her path. Dean replies with “What about Cas?”. Ouch. This is where we see broken-boy Dean Winchester at his finest. He lets Sammy know that the reason he can’t get on board with being Jack’s care-taker is because Jack is the reason they lost Castiel. That Jack made Cas promises, Cas believed everything he said, and what did it get him?
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ERICA: Let me preface this next comment by saying that I love Jensen Ackles and his acting–it’s exceptional. But I’m not gonna lie–I’m having a REALLY hard time with Dean this season. Like. We get it. You’re pissed at the world. We get it. Guess what, booboo, this is the life you signed up for. This is the life you dragged Sammy into 13 years ago. You flat out told Patience that it’s all death and horror and blah blah, and yet here you are, acting like you DIDN’T drag your brother into that life. Time to stop acting like a child. I expected this 13 years ago, but you’ve grown from here. Time to act like it. (Addendum: I’m also super salty lately, so there’s that.) MARGE: I’m with you on a lot of that. I just wanna scream STOP BEING MEAN TO SAMMY in order to process your grief. I know it’s a normal psychological response, and that he doesn’t have anyone but Sam to take his frustrations out on, but come on man, Sam loves Cas too… Sam just lost his mom too, AGAIN! What makes your pain more important, Dean? End rant.
Jack is in the hallway, listening to every single word of this heated exchange of course and somehow, through his powers that are yet to be determined, he reaches out to Castiel. Final scene: CASTIEL IS ALIVE! We actually get to see Cas alive (at least he appears to be). We don’t know where he is, but he looks relatively normal, if a bit confused. At first he’s on the floor looking dead, but evidently, he is actually asleep, knocked out, or ???, and as Jack whispers his name, he wakes.
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We didn’t get to see any apocalypse world action in this episode, which made us sad since that is what we’ve been living for so far this season. We did, however, get the promise that it is coming via a few interactions on Twitter (Fan-girl Squeal!):
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Roll credits. I guess there’s some hope left from this episode after all.
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“All we need is just a little Patience” Supernatural recap 13×3, “Patience” Title Lyric from “Patience” by Guns and Roses Courtesy canonspngifs.tumblr.com We really aren’t sure what to do with this ep.
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