#2 pudding is mentally insane
miyuskye · 1 year
ready to fight anyone slandering pudding and sanji x pudding
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hauntingrabbits · 4 months
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More Batman/My Little Pony au art because these are ridiculously fun to draw. Part 3 here! Part 1 here!
More info under the cut!
1. Sweet Talk/The Harlequin (Harleen Quinzel)
Originally contracted to work as a psychiatrist for the Tartarus villain redemption program, Sweet Talk had a unique relationship with the Joker. This relationship was proven to be even stranger than her coworkers had originally assumed when she broke him out and joined him in his life of crime.
Devoting herself entirely to her new life and relationship with the joker, she covers her original cutie mark at all times. Snce her horn was snapped she can no longer cast precise spells, leaving her magic mostly emotion-based and intensely volatile, (typically manifesting in the form of sparks, zaps, and explosions).
Other Notes:
-Using Tartarus as a substitute for Arkham Asylum for this au because why not.
-The villain redemption program did NOT go well. Sorry Twilight.
-Mostly based on BTAS Harley because I adore the original costume.
-Her horn was cracked by the Joker
2. Pudding Pie/The Joker (The Joker)
Batpony’s most notorious foe. Said to have been just a regular pony until he fell into a vat at an Ace Potions factory during a conflict with Batpony.
He doesn’t have a Cutie Mark, but it’s unclear whether this was always the case or instead a result of his accident. The effects of permanent Cutie Mark loss—the only known cases of which occurred via long-banned magic and/or traumatic injury—are largely unstudied, and it’s ramifications are unknown. Some ponies theorize this may be the reason for the Joker’s mental state and general disposition.  
Sundown has a different opinion on the matter.
Other notes:
-Based mostly on BTAS joker and the ‘89 Nicholson joker.
-His name is just based on Harley’s “pudding” nickname for in in a lot of versions, but I think it would also be hilarious if he was a distant relative of Pinkie Pie.
-I could leave it ambiguous but. Yeah the potion vat didn’t actually do anything beyond slightly altering his physical appearance. He’s just like that and he never got a cutie mark in the first place.
3. Gadiel/Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
Raised among ponies, Gadiel was relentlessly bullied for being gangly and birdish, earning him the nickname “Scarecrow” in his youth. Though he later successfully became a professor and psychologist in Gotham, Gadiel was eventually fired when he was found to be testing his fear-inducing potions on his students and purposefully putting them through terrifying and dangerous situations. Deciding to take his experiments to the masses, Gadiel donned the mantle of Scarecrow and weaponized fear to become a career criminal.
As the Scarecrow, he’s known for his skill in manipulation, psychological torture, and crafting dangerous potions and gas. The effects of fear on magical creatures are unique and intense, much to Gadiel’s delight and interest.
Other Notes:
-I wanted to make his front half a crane but I couldn’t get the long neck to work right with the mask, so he’s more crow-like instead.
-according to the wiki 1/3 of Griffin names start with a G so naturally I was extremely tempted to name him Gonathon and you should all be very grateful I did not. The name Gadiel has origins in the bible as the name of an archangel which I thought was fitting given the insane religious trauma some versions of the scarecrow went through. I thought about trying to do something similar for this version but given that the mlp universe uses Princess Celestia as a replacement for God in expressions like “Celestia knows where” and “Oh my Celestia” I wasn’t really sure how to go about it. There’s probably some kind of sun-worshipping thing in equestria idk.
-I spent a long time on the mlp wiki but from what I could find the only “fear” magic in the show is just used by one guy and its just called “dark magic”. I thought for sure there would’ve been some random plant or magical creature they dealt with at some point that maybe did something similar I could use for his blurb but unfortunately there was not.
4. Mandible/Falseface (Basil Karlo/Matt Hagen)
Hungry and deeply resentful of the changeling queen for forcing her underlings to share what little stolen love they had with her, Mandible went rogue early on and split off from the hive to pursue his own ventures. Finding success under the name Claypose as a pony actor in Gotham, he was sustained primarily by the one-sided love of his fans for years, despite the false identity having no real prior personal relationships to leech from. 
After a magical special effects accident on set revealed his true nature, he went into hiding and immediately started crafting a new persona, but soon found in his distress and rage over losing his identity as Claypose that he could no longer sustain any disguise long enough to keep up a long-term facade. Blaming the accident, he targeted the unicorn responsible by posing as his wife to leech his love, but ended up killing the pony in a panic when his disguise failed much faster than he’d anticipated it would. Unable to keep up a new identity or return to the hive, Mandible turned to a life of crime instead, doing dirty work for the bigger criminal names in Gotham and leeching love from his employer’s targets to survive.
Other notes:
-Clayface being a changeling was an obvious pick given his power set but I really wasn’t sure how to tackle the main issue of him being unable to keep a solid form for long. I went with his distress and frustration being the main thing keeping his disguise flimsy (so he gets put in kind of an ourobouros cycle where his disguise being bad makes him upset but him being upset makes it harder to fix his disguise), but the magic accident probably also contributed somehow.
-Why are all the changelings straight up just named after body parts in this show whats that about. The “Clay” in Claypose is obviously a reference to his title/schtick in the comics while the “pose” comes from both his job as an actor and the fact that he’s posing as a pony. Mandible is the name for the jaw part of an insect.
3. Winglon/Killer Drake (Waylon Jones)
Originally intended to be used in an entrance exam, his egg was stolen from a Canterlot delivery cart on its way to Celestia’s school of magic and sold on the black market to a Pony Island circus. Raised to be part of the freak show, Winglon was pitted against circus performers and overconfident challengers in ring fights for money and entertainment. Enduring abuse and injury throughout his life from ponies that he was always fundamentally stronger than, it was only a matter of time until he snapped. Garnering the name Killer Drake for his actions, Winglon escaped into the Gotham sewer system.
Not knowing how to return to the dragonlands or whether he’d even fit into dragon society at all, he continues to lurk in the dark away from any life, deeply resenting ponies and all other manner of magical creatures that make friends with them.
Other notes:
-I like silly names ok. Winglon Jones. -I like the theory that the dragon egg used for Twilight’s entrance exam was actually fake/meant to be a no-win scenario, but I also don’t think it would be that hard for enterprising ponies to get their hands on dragon eggs. The practice probably stopped in the later seasons when they made friends with the dragonlands or whatever though.
-Given that dragons threaten to eat or kill ponies at multiple points in the show, the cannibalism is actually kind of understandable. And also not even cannibalism anymore. Still murder though.
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sockendrache · 3 years
freedom-fighters, but instead of orphans chilling in a forest terrorizing the fire-nation they're just a bunch of mentally ill kids chilling in a psych-ward
Jet's been there for the better part of 3 years or so; not a single kid can walk through these doors and not get adopted by him.
kid: im not here to make friends
jet: *leaning back, chewing on his wheat* we'll see about that
either hes everyones first crush or first gay experience. or both (looks at longshot)
duke: i think i have a crush on jet...
smellerbee: dont worry we've all been there.
Jet refers to his and everyone's medication as serotonin-tictacs. it drives the nurses insane. also he swallows his dry. which also drives them insane.
nurse 1: one of these days he'll choke on his antipsychotics
nurse 2: ??
jet: my party trick is swallowing 13 pills at once without any water or jogurt
every time the younger patients have playtime outside they bring jet a whole bundle of freshly picket wheat to chew on. also drives the nurses insane. they've tried to give him lollipop-sticks to chew on, chewing necklaces... jet just argues that his wheat is better than smoking. so far no one has succeeded in invalidating his argument.
jet knows how stingy the nurses are with period-products. so instead of teaming up with zuko (cough Li cough) to steal food they just steal period products for the kids on the ward that need em.
when nurse katara shows up Jet tries to impress her and fails miserabely-
jet: nurse Katara, can i show you what i did during quiet time?
katara: yeah sure go on
jet: *pulls out a portrait of katara made entirely of his chewed up wheats*
hes the reason why theres constantly lice-alarm on the ward. "no hugging, what kinda bullshit is that?! *hugs smellerbee and longshot and promptly spreads the lice he got from the younger kids to all the others on his floor*"
theres a rumor going around that you have to shower and pee with the door open and a nurse supervising because Jet once tried to show nurse katara he can "waterbend" too by stuffing his toilet with towels and flooding the dntire floor. neither jet nor katara confirm nor deny said rumor.
if you want an extra cup of pudding after dinner, go ask jet. no one knows how he does it but he can and he will get his grubby little raccoon-hands on another pudding for his honorary-siblings.
the nurses dont let him near trees anymore during outside-therapy because he keeps climbing them and injuring himself in the most impressive and creative ways.
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manjuhitorie · 4 years
Shinoda’s Instagram Q&A July 18th 2020 - Part 1
👋How are Retro Tone’s Saddles? 🗣The steel saddles are way worth a shot   👀 http://astronauts69.com/retrotone/ - https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1019548356383682561
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👋What bandsmen have you been keeping in touch with? 🗣I got calls from Hiroki-san of Lego Big Morl And Adam Touch Takahashi of Bed In (honorifics omitted) I’m usually never the one to hit people up first... 
👋What are you doing awake this late? (approx 3AM JST) 🗣Listening to Audrey on the radio  👀 Audrey are a manzai comedy duo! https://wow-j.com/en/Allguides/other/tips_manners/02304_en/#2
👋 Have you eaten any pudding lately? 🗣I deeply apologize for waiting so long to make this clear. The pudding phase has long ended. We had a good run everyone.
 👀 https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1245973638550917121 Shinoda had found a pudding recipe on cookpad which requires only a microwave, a single egg, then milk, sugar, and a sprinkle of vanilla essence! This discovery sparked a trend among Hitorie fans, as many were giving it a shot themselves and joining in on the sweetness!
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👋 What is your favorite? 🗣My favorite what?
👋 Are you sleepy? 🗣No problems here
👋 What’s your opinion feeling on cicadas? 🗣My opinion is that they’re dogshit
👋 I’m knee-deep in depression right now, what do I do.. 🗣Watch Audrey videos on youtube You’re bound to laugh and whisk the time away, it’s ideal
👋 How are you? 🗣Physically I’m healthy. Mentally I’m so-so.
👋 Did you get ygarshy any presents for his birthday? If you did, what did you get him? 🗣I can’t tell ya bastards.
👋What happened to your smoke machine? 🗣I still have it  👀 https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1269167465499521025 
For SND’s birthday, ygarshy had gotten him a smoke machine. The kind commonly seen at concerts to add effects.
 To quote Shinoda’s reception, he said, “I’m sure y’all got a taste of the level of insanity our bassist is, judging from the MC chat reports of last year’s tour but… This should really set in stone just how insane he is.” 
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👋Any new song recs? 🗣SUTENEKO by Siamese Cats  👀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVSBarQH6ZY
👋Are you still working out? 🗣If it’s okay to say that I’m still at it then.. Yeah I’m still at it.
 👀 He had been developing aches/feeling like he had muscle atrophy due to drawing so much manga. Thus, after even Hitorie’s manager urged him about the necessity to work out, he finally picked it up. Though he did tweet “I was working out while I slept last night, and now I can’t stand up… Fuckkkk thissssss!!” https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1264486160211951617  So… Fight on, SND!
👋I want to know what you’ve been eating lately! 🗣I’m cooking hamburgers and hotdogs at home
👋What have you been up to? 🗣Listening to Audrey on the radio
👋What are you up to right now👀 🗣Listening to Audrey on the radio
👋 Do you create distortion by using your amp, or by stomping around by your feet? 🗣By my feet
👋 What’s next after the pudding phase? 🗣I’m in a hamburger phase now
👋 Who manga artist you especially like 🗣I’ve always loved Douman Seiman sensei  👀 https://myanimelist.net/people/12266/Sayman_Dowman
👋 What’s good about Jaguars? (*the car I think) 🗣They look all robotic
👋 What cigarettes have you been smoking? 🗣Marlboro gold
👋 You strike me as the type who talks to himself a lot, so I ask, do you talk to yourself a lot? 🗣Kinda, yeah
👋 What Hitorie songs are best to start out with? 🗣Like Senseless Wonder Or any relatively simple one
👋 What shampoo do you use? 🗣The Seven Eleven one
👋 I can’t make a song.. The day is going to end in vain again..
🗣The day you finally make it will answer everything Or at least we can hope...
👋 How’s your kitty? 🗣I don’t fucking have one
👋 I want to go to a concert 🗣I wanna go tooo
👋 Any RPG recs? 🗣Landstalker You can play it on a SEGA Genesis Mini, go ham on the ungodly maps
👋 I like you? 🗣What?
👋 Do any movies hold a special place in your heart? 🗣9 Souls probably  Chihara Junia is so awesome  👀 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0370244/
👋Please take a selfie 👣 🗣I can’t right now fella
👋What onigiri filling do you like? 🗣Spicy cod roe and/or tuna
👋I just want to give up on studying for entrance exams. But I can’t. How do you achieve that which you don’t want to do? 🗣I feel like I’ve never ever even achieved that which I don’t want to do.. 👋 Any recent purchases?
 🗣 *https://www.jimdunlop.com/cry-baby-mini-wah/
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👋 Who’s the greatest genius you know? 🗣Shimoyaka  👀 Check them out here: https://twitter.com/simoyaka - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9qsoxiPKaY - Tanaka Bunko is the name of Shimoyaka’s doujin group.
👋 Do you ever have troubles or worries? 🗣I do
👋 Which do you recommend out of the great Ghibli 4 playing in theaters? 🗣Well, anything but Mononoke Hime..
👋 My ex girlfriend introduced me, so when I listen the memories come flooding back... 🗣What are you talking about?
👋 I’m torn on whether to cut my hair or not, should I? 🗣Enough already, just cut it.
👋 Do you have a favorite Tanaka Bunko song? 🗣High Score Girl (👀 https://ch.nicovideo.jp/simoyaka/video/so36488388) It sounds like Dinosaur Jr. ( 👀 The western band)
👋 Have you gotten good at any cooking recipes lately? 🗣Do hotdogs count as cooking?
👋 What to do when you can’t sleep 🗣Listen to the radio and stuff
👋 Why don’t you get a kitty?
 🗣Laziness and allergies as a joint force are preventing my kitty endeavors
👋 Will you sleep after this? 🗣I don’t know
👋 For my Coming of Age Ceremony, I’m not sure if I should cut my hair into a short bob or let it grow long so I can style it. Which suits your tastes more Shinoda-san?
 🗣The short bob 100%
👋 So you like girls with short hair.. Then, what hair color do you like? 🗣I don’t really care as long as it looks good
👋 I slept as this time yesterday, but I woke up at this time today. I want to be reborn as a Marlboro gold cigarette.
🗣It may be wise to not aspire to turn into consumables much
👋 What kind of gear is on your current pedal board? 🗣 *A picture consisting of a BOSS TU3W, Xotic EP Booster, WEED MDW-1 wah, Crowther Hotcake, Electro-Harmoni Nano Bass Big Muff, Arion SCH-Z Stereo Chorus, and BOSS DD-20.
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👋 I just woke up, good morning 🗣Good morning
👋 Then I want to be reborn as a bed or sofa 🗣Chill
👋 Time to go to work! Cheer me on! 🗣Have a swell day
👋 I’m job-hunting right now, tell me something 🗣I hope it all works out…
👋 I’m a fan from Taiwan and a guitar newbie, do you have any tips and tricks for pressing chords? 🗣Make sure you’re pressing cleanly, I think
👋 Good morning~ Due to various circumstances I’m living in Tokyo for one month starting today, cheers to our battles to come 🗣Battles!?
👋 After drinking all night yesterday, I fell back to sleep 3 times before finally waking up just now. I woke up out of fear after remembering the news about the man who’s bladder exploded. 🗣That shit’s scary as hell?  👀 https://nypost.com/2020/06/23/mans-bladder-explodes-after-holding-pee-for-18-hours-after-beer-binge/
👋 As a guitarist/vocalist what are you most careful of? 🗣Don’t wiggle around too much and wear yourself out
👋 Alco and Peace’s radio segments are just too damn good, ain’t they…? 🗣I’ve listened to the skit about Ichiru at an international tournie so many times that I’ve lost count, they’re seriously the best  👀 They’re a manzai comedy duo too!
👋 What temperature do you keep your air-conditioning at? 🗣It depends but, when I do use it I’ll bring it all the way to 24 degrees celsius.
👋 What are you going to do now? 🗣No idea
👋 Have you ever been approached by fans at festivals or out in town? On that note, is it okay to approach you? (;.Д.) 🗣I have. It depends on the time and place.
👋 I love you. Time to go to work… 🗣Have a nice day
👋 Do you ever go to cat cafes and stuff? 🗣I’ve been.
👋 I’ve been job hunting with no resolution in sight, please give me words of encouragement! 🗣You can do it~
👋 Good morning,,, I bombed my mock exams and would love a picker-upper,,, 🗣Well, mock exams aren’t the end so
👋 What do you think of girls who cheat? 🗣I think they’re girls who cheat
👋 I keep doing Hitorie cover bands but I can’t seem to improve the skill* (I’m the drummer) 🗣I’m amazed that you’re even trying at all
👋 Good morning.. Please cheer me on,, 🗣You can do it~
👋 Can you tell me what entertainer you like! 🗣Kamomental  👀 Another nother manzai duo!
👋 How to restore absolute exhaustion 👀Find something immersive, or laugh-inductive, or just go to sleep…
👋 What’s your favorite out of all the Hitorie merch released thus far? 🗣The album art pins
👋 What is the philosophy behind men who have affairs? 🗣They’re the type who can do it and stomach it, so they just do it, I think
👋 The album cover pins are so cool that I hesitate to use them, Shinoda-sensei what pins do you use? 🗣I always lose pins in a matter of minutes so I’m too scared to use them..
👋 I miss Shinoda-san’s girl and cat drawings 
🗣I haven’t been drawing much huh
👋 Do you listen to anything besides Audrey on the All Night Nippon radio station? 🗣Not much, only like Creepy Nuts (👀 They host a hip-hop/rap battle station!) or Sakuma (👀 He takes letters from listeners and digs into various hypothetical or real events)
👋 What’s the most recent movie you’ve watched? 🗣Lost Paradise in Tokyo  👀 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1519647/
👋 It’s Sunday yet I have to wake up early and go to work, please put my heart at ease,,, 🗣I pray for your health…
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the-royal-butterfly · 5 years
Ego Descriptions Cause I'm Bored
So, I'm bored and in pain and not doing much, so here, have some ego descriptions. I will be doing Natewantstobattle (2), some of Jacksepticeye (4), and a small portion of Markiplier (4). If there are other you want me to do, comment or message me, and I'll do them. 
Natewantstobattle - 
  Natemare: If an emo grew up and had a psychotic break. Interesting features include purple tear tracks down his face and a whole lot of eyeliner. Also psychopathic tendencies (he likes torturing and killing people). Favorite type of torture includes music?? I guess that's ok.... Probably eats soup with a fork cause he can.
  Phantom: the cooler version of Natemare. Has a staff that sucks peoples' souls and knows how to dress fancy smancy. The only person allowed to wear vests without a jacket. Also guyliner on point. Probably sits on a couch wrong on purpose.
Jacksepticeye - 
  Chase Brody: Depressed and suicidal baby who needs protecting from himself and the world. Has two kids who he loves with everything he has but also has an ex-wife who won't let him see them. Drinks to ignore the pain. Wake him up (wake him up inside) Probably pets every dog he sees so none of them get lonely.
  Jameson Jackson: Is a mute boy who is great at what he does and what he does is puppets. He also has a pumpkin friend named Gerald. Makes the 1920's seem cool. Has a pocket watch collection and polishes each one daily. Probably has a tea time that he never misses.
  Marvin: The best magician around. Can and will turn into a cat just to be a jerk or to get cuddles. Sews little patterns into his cloak when stressed. Was probably an accident on Seán's part but no one's complaining. Probably has plans to have 15 cats at once. 
  Antisepticeye: Watch out, it's the glitch demon! Favorite thing to do is to play puppets that he made himself because he may be a murderer but he can still be crafty. Also likes to kill people, favorite way of doing this is throat-slitting, which is not the most effective way to kill people but I ain't tellin him that. Has killed Jack a total of two (2) times and yet he is still alive. Probably takes candy from kids and eats it in front of them.
Markiplier - 
  Darkiplier: Less emo than Natemare but not by much. Is actually three souls with a sprinkling of evil house entity. Will only wear suits and band tees. Practices evil villain speeches in the mirror so he doesn't mess them up. Tried to take over Mark's channel but failed in epic kid-movie-villian style. Has a pet demon-dog that he forgot to feed once and she was so angry she tried to take over the world. Probably kicks squirrels just to spite his acquaintance King of the Squirrels.
  Wilford Warfstache: is actually clinically insane and should be in a mental institution but is not for reasons I have no idea about. Pink is his thing and he gets mad when anybody else wears it. Would do interviews naked if Katherine wasn't there. Probably still watches Glee even though it's almost 2020.
  Yancy: Everyone's favorite parent-murderer for.... Some reason..... I'll get back to you when I figure out why people like him so much. Will, without question, punch someone's lights out to get extra pudding when it's on the menu. Would have a cat if he wasn't in jail. Is a Greaser and will force you to listen to him sing the entirety of Grease. Probably bird watches. 
  King of the Squirrels: maybe more insane than Warfstache or maybe not insane at all. Maybe actually talks to squrrels, maybe not, who knows?? Can grow a beard but chooses to have a almond butter bead anyway. Does not eat peanut butter cause he sometimes hangs around Blankgameplays and Blank's severely allergic to peanuts. Never washes his clothes so is always covered in almond butter. Probably has a human-sized drey to sleep in.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Life & Style, February 24
Cover: Jessica Simpson’s exes tell-all -- kinky sex, insane demands and crying fits -- she’s a really good liar 
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Page 1: Photo Flash -- date night for Demi Lovato and Machine Gun Kelly leaving Soho House 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: The top 10 BAFTA looks -- Charlize Theron, Emilia Clarke, Renee Zellweger, Zoe Kravitz, Saoirse Ronan
Page 5: Margot Robbie, Ella Balinska, Laura Dern, Naomi Harris 
Page 6: Twinning -- Amber Valletta vs. Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian vs. Hailey Baldwin, Kaia Gerber vs. Gigi Hadid 
Page 8: Nearly three years after going into remission Shannen Doherty revealed she has stage IV breast cancer 
Page 9: Princess Beatrice is set to wed Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi on May 29 at Buckingham Palace, Throwback -- Will Smith, Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Michelle Williams, Kelly Dodd, Jennifer Lopez, Donnie Wahlberg, Hailey Baldwin 
Page 10: Reese Witherspoon and husband Jim Toth got into a nasty sideline spat at their 7-year-old son Tennessee’s soccer practice, Kim Richards is releasing a tell-all memoir 
Page 12: Fears for scary-skinny Duchess Kate Middleton 
Page 13: Ellen DeGeneres is rude to fans at her talk show, Jim Edmonds’ girlfriend Kortnie O’Connor was set to move into his St. Louis home but Jim’s estranged wife Meghan King Edmonds scared her off, VIP Style -- Alec Baldwin (pictured), Jason Tartick and Kaitlyn Bristowe, Luke Bryan (pictured), Jeremy Renner and Eiza Gonzalez, Jamie Foxx, Tiffani Thiessen
Page 14: The Week in Photos -- American Idol’s Katy Perry and Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan and Ryan Seacrest and Bobby Bones in Hawaii 
Page 16: Christie Brinkley celebrated turning 66, Prince William and Duchess Kate inspected a local steel plant in South Wales 
Page 18: Eva Longoria and son Santiago on the playground, Pete Davidson at a NY Rangers game 
Page 19: Elizabeth Banks is named Woman of the Year by Harvard’s Hasty Pudding Theatricals 
Page 22: Claire Danes drops son Cyrus at school, Liev Schreiber and son Samuel on a bike, Jennifer Garner goes for coffee, Hilary Duff with kids Luca and Banks 
Page 24: Stars Behaving Badly -- Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin pack on the PDA, Noah Centineo threw a pitcher of water at Jimmy Fallon, Kevin Smith pretends to pick his nose 
Page 26: Say What?! Kristen Doute on Stassi Schroeder’s wedding, Taylor Swift on Cats, Brad Pitt on Leonardo DiCaprio, Blake Lively on having three kids, Margot Robbie on her beloved childhood toy 
Page 30: Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli headed for divorce 
Page 31: Nikki Bella wants to walk down the aisle in the wedding dress she picked out for her doomed wedding with John Cena and new fiance Artem Chigvintsev isn’t happy about it, Nicole Richie has caught baby fever from Cameron Diaz’s new daughter Raddix 
Page 32: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez wedding of the year 
Page 36: The Bachelor Peter Weber’s hometown dates from hell 
Page 38: After years of physical and mental and emotional struggles Lady Gaga is hopeful for her future with new beau Michael Polansky 
Page 40: Cover Story -- Jessica Simpson’s nightmare -- revenge of the exes 
Page 42: Who Lives Here? Darren Criss 
Page 44: Entertainment 
Page 45: Star Review -- Alyson Hannigan
Page 48: Beauty Beat -- grown-up glitter -- January Jones, Gigi Hadid 
Page 52: Diva or Down-to-Earth? Down-to-earth Dove Cameron helped clean up Santa Monica beach, diva Kate Middleton has a door opener, diva Joaquin Phoenix gets a touch-up on the Louisiana set of his new move C’mon C’mon
Page 53: Down-to-earth Colton Underwood carts his own boxes moving himself into his new LA digs 
Page 54: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Chloe Sevigny, John Stamos and wife Caitlin McHugh, Zooey Deschanel
Page 55: Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormi, Sofia Vergara, Arie Luyendyk Jr. and daughter Alessi
Page 56: Horoscope -- Pisces Rihanna, They’re Not Together But They Should Be -- Gemini Colin Farrell and Aries Kourtney Kardashian
Page 58: Made Ya Look -- Lisa Vanderpump and Lance Bass after lunch at Villa Bianca 
Page 60: What I’m Into -- Maggie Q 
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Favorite Episodes from Season 5 and Why
Episode 8 “Changing Channels”: 
1. The first 3 minutes or so are incredibly cringy. 
2. Dean’s face when he sees the doctor. It was a cross between fanboying and crushing. 
3. The Japanese game show looks absolutely awful. Those don’t actually exist, do they? 
4. “I’ve got genital herpes.” That’s one of the worst ads to possibly be in. 
5. They finally figure out that Gabriel is an archangel. 
6. They put an oil fire out with water. You’re supposed to smother those. 
Episode 11 “Sam, Interrupted”: 
1. I have a fascination and a fear of mental institutions. When I was younger, I read everything I could about insane asylums until it scared me half to death. Now mental institutions scare me even though I know they’re not like the old days. So this episode is equally interesting and scary.
2. It’s kinda funny that they get admitted to the hospital after telling a doctor about their lives. 
3. “Pudding!” The look on the nurse’s face was hilarious. You could tell stuff like that had happened before. 
4. Sam doped up on sedatives was funny. 
5. It’s interesting how the brothers respond to the hallucinations. Sam exploded while Dean retracted into himself. 
Episode 16 “Dark Side of the Moon”: 
1. Ah yes. One of the many deaths the Winchesters have had. 
2. I like how they showed that the brothers have very different ideas of heaven. For Dean, it was being with his family. For Sam, it was not being with his family. 
3. It was nice to see Ash again. 
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dcarevu · 6 years
Batman TAS: Feat of Clay (Part 1)
“Sweet dreams, slime ball”
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Out of the three two-parters so far, the two best ones have involved a villain with the word “face” in their name. Maybe if Red Claw had been Claw Face, we would have gotten a better conclusion?
Episode: 20 Robin: No Writers: Michael Reaves (story), Marv Wolfman (story/teleplay) Director: Dick Sebast Animator: Akom Airdate: September 8, 1992 Grade: A
Now this is more like it! It’s like the writing process of Prophecy of Doom was someone taking the Renuyu cream and dumping it all over Batman TAS, turning it into a blob. But then for this one, Marv Wolfman and Michael Reaves took that blob and meticulously sculpted it back into something awesome. We’ve seen from Pretty Poison what Michael Reaves can do, and back when we covered that episode, I gave most of the credit to Paul Dini, due to him being the only name I recognized at the time. That is part of why I love doing this blog series. I am learning so much more about the series than I would otherwise! I’m learning about different members of the creative team, breathing new life into the DCAU for me. I swear, it’s like watching something I’ve never seen before sometimes! Looking through Michael Reave’s episode resumé, I’m seeing some very mixed results, and he’s very much responsible for a future episode that many people seriously pan. But he’s also done a handful of potential top 10 material. This shows me that back when tv show episodes were ordered in bulk, it gave a lot less room to throw out potential bummers. When a standard 13-episode season is ordered, you can overshoot a little bit easier and then streamline the selection. I can’t even imagine never producing a show before, and then being told that I gotta make over 60 installments for the first run. I think that being a great writer is only partially about writing awesome things. It’s also knowing what to get rid of and what to cut down. I don’t care who you are, you’re not going to have good ideas always, and your mindset can be in a weird place for one day out of seven, causing something you regret.
Most of what stood out to me for this one was the sheer intensity of it, and I think that stands true for Char as well. She mentioned that the fight was pretty violent in parts, that the origin of Clayface was enjoyably gruesome/messed up beyond belief, and that Batman’s interrogation moment was batshit insane! Going through these aspects one by one, we first have the fight scene. The one that happens right after the phony Bruce Wayne tries to kill Lucius Fox (happy first appearance, by the way). I love the way that Batman just punts Germs (one of Roland Daggett’s thugs who is ironically a germaphobe) across the room, into a switch. It makes me consider doing a post called “Top 10 DCAU Kicks” or something. And then right after that, Germs tries to shove Batman’s head between notches on some interconnecting, spinning gears.
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The amount of times Batman comes so close to death during even little scenes like this against ordinary thugs… Like, I get that he’s Batman, and he’s awesome, and he’s not to be messed with, but I feel like he must be so settled into the mindset of “I could die any night”. I know I’ve talked in the past about Bruce having a hard time forming meaningful relationships sometimes, but this adds to that. It’s not just a matter of keeping a secret or physically exerting yourself so often. Being Batman is also about accepting the very real possibility of a gruesome death, no matter what you’ve got scheduled for the rest of the week.
Clayface’s origin is kind of a fight scene as well I guess, and it’s no less pulse-pounding. Roland Daggett mentions to his thugs that he wants them to get rid of Matt Hagen (who was on a magazine cover a couple episodes back), as he has “outlived his usefulness”. They know that he will come around the area, looking for more of that face cream, because it has made him an addict. And it’s not even a simple mental addiction, like how I am addicted to cereal (totally legit). It apparently has chemically addicting properties, and on top of that, Matt obviously has some huge self esteem issues. Not to say that I blame him. He does sorta have a face that only a mother could love.
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He’s not just concerned with looking “attractive” for when he’s acting, though, he doesn’t want anyone to see him at all when the face cream wears off. He yells at his best friend, Teddy, to shut the door of his dressing area in a hurry so that no one catches a glimpse of what he looks like. It’s sad to see Matt and Teddy interacting the way they do. They’re supposed to be friends, but Matt has obviously let his situation get to his head, much like what can happen with drug addicts in the real world. And with Matt at probably the worst he’s ever been, Roland Daggett is nothing but a heartless monster. These crime bosses in this show piss me off! 
This is the second episode that we’ve had which has tackled the subject of drug addicting in a very respectable way. If we didn’t get the heaviness and great story with the drug elements, it would seem as preachy. But they use the idea of drug addiction as a plot element rather than revolving the plot around that. It helps make the story flow like Matt Hagen’s eventual skin. And speaking of that, to apparently kill Matt Hagen, what the thugs do when he arrives at the location they predict he will, they take a big container of the Renuyu face cream and dump it all over his body. I think. That’s what I always thought was happening, but it has come to my attention that maybe they were just aiming for directly into his mouth. That is honestly just despicable of them.
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That silhouette has way more of a dramatic effect on me than just showing it would have. 
Injuring him in one of the nastiest ways possible (basically turning his body into liquid shit) with the very thing running his life, and ultimately destroying it. If Matt never found that face cream, he probably would have been alright. Maybe not a famous actor, but he could have gotten by. Probably found love. Not this way. At least, not for now. I’ll admit, I really couldn’t tell you if Matt Hagen was a decent person before getting into this mess, and I will talk a little bit more about that next time. But to say he deserved what he got? No way! And this is what makes him another oh-so-tragic rogue for the DCAU.
Okay, and then can we talk about that interrogation scene where Batman stabs the pointy ears of his Batwing through a thug’s car, rips the door off, and then grabs him by the wrist with this little robotic extendable arm, high above the rooftops of Gotham City?
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Jesus Christ, Batman! I get that someone is impersonating you (and this time it was in purpose, not coincidental like with Man-Bat in episode 1), and that it may piss you off a little bit, but watch how you’re swooping, man! You’re gonna sever that guy’s wrist and turn him into pudding as he hits the concrete below! Ha, no, but in all seriousness, this scene was just awesome. Probably the most hardcore Batman has gotten yet when it comes to getting the answers that he wants. Even though the guy passed out before he could actually get them… And then I love how when the cops surround Batman (Gotta note their nonchalant reactions too…like, “Batman, c’mon, man, we’ve talked to you about this!”), he releases the guy by dropping him into a rooftop swimming pool which has gotta be several stories below.
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Imagine if his aim was just a little bit off! Batman’s like, “Hey, the sign only said ‘No Diving’.” See, this is why you keep your rooftop pool covered when you’re not using it. Hell, the dude probably shit his pants in that pool out of fear. I would have!
Feat of Clay (Part 1) also brought up the subject of fame, and the repercussions of it, much like how Beware the Gray Ghost did, but we take a much different approach to the character, one that I will be going more in detail with…next time! How will Feat of Clay (Part 2) hold up? I’ll give you a hint: TMS.
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Watching this episode with Char and noticing her confusion as Bruce acts so shady was perfect.
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I don’t remember their eyes glowing like this when I took the screenshot! Their eyes must have reflected the camera flash...
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Lucius Fox debut episode. Don’t know much about him yet, though.
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Picture that case as a pizza box.
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Matt Hagen movie poster. If only the poor guy realized that he still had the ability to play these parts, even if the public found out about his face.
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Him licking his lips here was a little odd.
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I think that this might be our first time that we’ve had a villain so established and successful among the public. The corruption of his company doesn’t seem to be common knowledge.  Look at his foreboding building!
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Ed Asner plays Daggett, an original character to this show. No, I’m not gonna make any “soulless ginger” jokes. What is this, 2012?
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There is no way that stuff wouldn’t be all over the conveyor belt.
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More satisfying typing noises! Yeah, baby!
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The shittiest shots in the episode. Happen as Batman zooms by the camera in the Batwing.
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You’ve pissed Batman off if you see this face.
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It’s one thing to frame Batman, it’s another to frame Bruce Wayne! And unlike a lot of superheroes, Bruce Wayne is a big enough public figure where it would make total sense for criminals to frame him.
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We’ll be seeing more of what kind of monster he’s been turned into next time!
Char’s grade: A
Next time: Feat of Clay (Part 2) Full episode list here!
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frostbitepandaaaaa · 6 years
oligatory “i’m still here and still writing” post (part 2!!!)
so, not only was may just insane, but starting early june i had some family shit to deal with. to top it off, i’ve started taking new meds that i am only just now leveling out on and it was severely dampening my creative process for weeks. additionally, i put my other stuff on hold to work on “what’s west of westeros” with the fabulous @ashleyfanfic. i’m still working on that, but the pressure has eased.  
with that in mind, i am finally starting to feel like the waters are calming mentally and my family stuff will still demand time, just not as much as it was. also, my husband was recently promoted, so hopefully i can quit my second job in the coming weeks so i can write every evening instead of just two or three. 
i am absolutely still here and still want to tell my dumb stories about these two idiots in love. 
so, without further ado, here are some snippets for you under the cut. 
The fics appear in the order that they will be updated
Thumbprint Scar
She slid her hands under his shirt as he pulled back on the reins, coming to a halt before the stable doors.
They had barely made it out of the main stable at the house, where she had watched him catch his pale horse from the runyard. She had vainly tried to distract herself as she stood in the empty stall by texting Gendry, telling him not worry about driving her home-- if he was even planning on going back to Olenna’s tonight… she seriously doubted it.
She had taken Jon by surprise, showing off a bit, as she had not allowed herself during their first ride together. She had taken the lead line from him as he drew closer and deftly pulled Ghost into the stall before she began running a bristled brush over his dusty coat. Jon had stood back, watching her with dark and hungry eyes as she swung the heavy saddle over Ghost’s back, had cinched up the girth, fed him his bridle with ease. She needed to do this, for more reasons than one. So that he may see her true self, the side she had tried to keep from him not a few weeks before.
It definitely had the desired effect, for when she had finished her task, she turned back to him and he had her in his arms within one long stride. It had been a proper, maddening kiss, with open mouths and shared moans. She had been near to begging him to just have her right there against the stall wall. A literal roll in the hay.
But he had tore himself away, lifting her up and placing her behind the saddle in a move so swift and dizzying she yelped in shock.
Robbed of her fun, she had decided to torment him on the thankfully brief ride to his cabin. She had nipped at his neck and ran her hands over the firm flesh of his back and chest. He had moved very little, trying to pay attention to where they were going, but she had felt the rumble of his pleased groans through her chest, pressed to his back.
What’s West of Westeros
Before his wife could respond to his japes, Missandei walked out onto the terrace with a curtsy. “Your Grace,” she said to him-- though he had insisted for years that she could call him by his given name. “Your sister here to see--”
As usual, Arya strode in before Missandei could finish, ever the hater of stuffy, frivolous things like manners. Jon and Daenerys had spent many a dinner postulating, how, exactly, Arya made such a good diplomat, as she was not the most graceful person-- at least among the company of family and friends. “Good morning. Sleep well?” she asked briskly. She walked up to Jon and examined the contents of his bowl. “Oo,” she crowed, “is that cassava pudding?”
“I believe so,” he answered, a bit astonished. “Would you like some?”
“Yes, please,” his sister replied and without further ado, grabbed up his bowl and spoon and sat down on the little wicker chair behind her, taking great heaps as if she hadn’t eaten in days. “Okoye,” she managed through her stuffed mouth, “wants to see you in the yard before we all head out.”
“Okoye?” Jon asked, feeling his stomach drop down to his feet. “Why does she want to see me?”
“Oh, you know,” Arya sniffed as she ran her index along the side of the now empty bowl and popped it in her mouth. “She just wants to have a bit of a fight, that’s all.”
Daenerys glanced over at him, a sly smile forming over her lips. Jon spread his palms at his sides in confusion. “You can’t be serious.”
“What is it?” Arya said with a wicked grin. “Afraid you’ll get knocked on your ass by a fair lass?”
He huffed, having already heard this stupid jibe, but before he could protest further his wife butted in. “You did agree to such an arrangement yesterday, love.”
His shoulders fell. “I don’t…” Then memory hit him, coming in bright and vivid through the fog left over from his festivities the night before. “Seven hells.”
Arya smirked like a cat with a canary and came to her feet, handing him the empty bowl as if he wanted it for some reason. “See you down there, brother.”
He wished he had thought to bring his bloody wine.
Sitting on a damp dirt floor in a cold, dark chamber was not exactly what he would call an ideal way to pass the time during a siege.
And it was bloody crowded to boot. Every last resident of Winterfell unable to fight had been crammed into the crypts along with a cadre of Unsullied and a company of skittish, screaming horses.
“This is maddening,” Sansa muttered at his side, pulling her handsome cloak further up her shoulders. “I can’t stand being down here while…” she trailed off, looking to the ground, face pained and sad.
“The consequences of being named heir, I’m afraid,” Tyrion replied sourly. “Can’t have us dying as well.”
Sansa shot him a dark look and he sobered, realizing that his usual gallows humor would not be appreciated by a woman who’s remaining family walked the walls of a castle under attack by a force that was as wicked as one could ever imagine.
“Where is Bran?” Sansa asked, craning her head to search the faces of the crowd. “He is supposed to be here with us.”
“I don’t know, but wherever he is, he’s probably with Sam,” Gilly replied, her eyes worried and fearful as she bounced a grumpy little Sam upon her hip. She shook her head, despairing. “I hope someone finds them soon.”
“Grey Worm has sent out scouts to find stragglers,” Sansa comforted, her previously worried eyes turning soft with warmth. “They’ll be found soon enough.”
Gilly said nothing, looking toward the direction of the entrance as she worried at her bottom lip with her teeth.
“Lord Varys,” Tyrion said, leaning closer to his friend next to him. “Please tell me you managed to slip a flagon under those billowing sleeves.”
The man shook his head. “Why would I think to bring wine, my lord?”
Tyrion scrunched his nose in mock hurt. “Well, because you are my friend.”
Varys lifted his shoulders and Tyrion sighed. He looked pointedly to Missandei, sat across from him, fear carefully hidden behind her brown eyes. She shook her head in quiet dissent before he could even open his mouth to ask.
“Lady Brienne,” Tyrion called to the tall, solemn woman standing beside them, now truly desperate. The woman was as still and stolid as the statues at their backs. He idly wondered if she had ever had a sip of wine in her life. “You wouldn't happened to have snatched any wine on your way here?”
Brienne slid her eyes to him, looking at him as if he were joking. He wish he were. If he was to be stranded in what amounted to a dusty cellar while the world ended around him, he might as well get drunk.
“You should be with my brother,” Sansa interjected, looking up at the woman with some amount of derision. “You’re useless down here.”
“It is by your brother’s command that I am here, my lady,” Brienne responded coolly.
“I seem to remember releasing you of your oath to me, Lady Brienne.”
Brienne turned more fully toward her, looking surprisingly put out. “So that I may serve the king, my lady, and the king wishes to see you and Lord Tyrion safe. He has honored me with this task.”
Sansa looked angry enough to spit fire, but obviously knew there was to be no victory with the stubborn Brienne of Tarth. Tyrion frowned, fiddling with the rucksack he had snatched from his belongings in his chambers. Desperate for distraction, Tyrion turned his attentions from the procurement of wine to joining in Sansa’s campaign to cajole Brienne to join the fighting. “It must drive you mad, Lady Brienne,” Tyrion began airily, “stuck down here with the old and the sick and screaming babes, while your compatriots fight for Winterfell. For their king.”
Brienne’s shoulders twitched, but her face remained as impassive as stone. She brought herself up straighter, the top of her head nearly brushing the low roof of the crypt. “There are many ways to serve, my lord,” she replied tightly. “And protecting the king and queen’s heirs is an honor few ever know.”
“Oh yes, to be sure,” Tyrion responded with an earnest nod. “And even fewer sing of those few who die in a dusty, dark cellar.”
Brienne bristled at that, but said nothing, turning her head about. “Does anyone have any wine for the Hand of the Queen?” she shouted over the murmuring masses, clearly annoyed. A hush spread over the crowd, but no one came forward. “You will be well paid.”
At that, an old woman stepped through the crowd, a flask gripped in her gnarled fingers. She shoved it toward him, holding her other hand out expectantly. Tyrion looked to Brienne, who only shrugged. Grumbling, he pulled his money bag from his rucksack and pressed two silver into the woman’s hand. He unstoppered the flask and drank deeply. He coughed, the taste foul compared to the fine spirits he was used to, but it would do.
Sansa leaned closer to him. “Thank you for trying, at any rate.”
He shrugged, managing to smile as he passed over the flask. She took it with some hesitation before taking a swig. Her face screwed up in disgust as she sputtered and gasped, a fist beating at her chest. “To surviving, my lady.”
“Aye,” she gasped with another look to Brienne. “To surviving.”
The Symptom of Time
“It’s time, Your Grace,” Jorah said solemnly from behind her, shifting forward to perhaps take her arm, to drag her away from her lonely vigil.
“It isn’t,” she returned sharply, pressing worried fingers to her aching chest. She knew well what death felt like. Had known it intimately, had seen it etched carefully within her very flesh, burning and withering the petals of her mark until only an ugly scar remained.
After delivering her precious cargo, after seeing that everyone Drogon had borne on his back were safe in front of a fire, she had shut herself in her room, scrabbling at the collar of her dress, yanking the front of it open with wind-numb fingers. The mark was there, petals wilted and withered, but very much there. She had wept so fiercely she thought her heart would surrender, would fail and falter against the force of her desperate hope and terrible loss.
She looked to Drogon and Rhaegal, shifting through the clouds above her, calling out in grief. She remembered her sons had answered her immediately on that windswept cliff, after she had awoken in her twisted sheets, drenched in sweat and shivering like a sapling, clutching her chest and gasping as good as a landed trout. Tyrion had chased after her, nearly sprinting on his shortened legs, calling out exclamations of confusion and protest that she swatted away as easy as gnats.
Her sons had answered, and had paid dearly for it.
Jorah drew level with her, eyes slanted with worry. “You seem rather certain that Jon Snow somehow escaped,” he said carefully. “He is as mighty with a blade as any I have ever seen, Your Grace, but he is not a god.”
“Quiet, my lord,” she said somewhat crossly as she leaned over the icy parapet. A horn sounded, lonesome and dreary over the empty land as a tired horse with a lone rider trotted from the line of the distant forest.
She nearly cried out in relief. She had been so certain… the proof of his survival emblazoned on her very skin, but as the hours had crawled by she could not help but doubt, if only a little, and even that small dose had proven to mingle in her blood like a slow-working poison.
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gxldentrio · 7 years
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here
Prompt: you’re trying to toilet train your 20 pound cat and you sent me this photo and now I can’t stop crying out of laughter in public.
A/N: Happy birthday to my favourite human @fetchalgernon - I love you. Thank you for making it impossible for me to write modern!jily and not include algernon. So here you go, 100% of fluff and shenanigans, with next to 0 plot. I hope you enjoy <3
Thank you @yourbcky for the stellar beta job x
Read on FFN or AO3.
It’s three in the afternoon on a Saturday when Lily drops a bag of frozen peas all over the floor of her local supermarket.
It really isn’t her fault, to be perfectly honest. Yes, she’s making a fool of herself, crying with laughter as she struggles to gather the peas that have spilled all over the floor. and the others down the aisle - from the old woman looking at the yorkshire puddings, all the way to the middle aged man studying a ratty shopping list - probably think she’s mental now, but it really isn’t her fault.
Picture this: you’re running errands, casually making your way through every different sodding aisle of the nearest Tesco Express because Sirius and co. are coming over for dinner, and the only things you have in your fridge are mustard and cheese crackers – and even though you know full well they wouldn’t mind, you actually feel like trying for a change.
Your phone buzzes with a message notification, and when you slide your finger over the screen, you’re met with a picture of Algernon, your boyfriend’s insane and alarmingly orange cat, sitting next to an empty litter box. Yes, empty, because all of the litter is strewn across the midnight blue carpet, and you can practically feel James’ despair simply by looking at his face.
If this was the case, you’d probably be cracking up like an idiot as well.
   [15:02] james: toilet training algernon is not… going as expected
[15:03] lily: I dropped my peas.
[15:03] james: ???
[15:04] james: tht was a typo right
[15:05] lily: I was getting food for tonight and the picture you sent me made me drop my bag of peas.
[15:06] lily: They rolled everywhere, James. I hope you’re peased with yourself.
[15:06] james: :(
[15:06] james: btw i cant believe YOU made a pun
[15:06] lily: I know, you’re a terrible influence
[15:06] lily: Also, you’re cleaning that up.
[15:07]: james: just like u cleaned up the peas right
   After that, he adds an emoji, the one with the cool pair of sunglasses, and if it wasn’t so damn endearing, it would probably make Lily want to set her hair on fire. Or maybe she’d set his on fire, he likes it so much, the prat.
Then, Lily does the worst thing she could probably do in this moment – she takes another glance at that damn photograph, and cracks a smile, one that quickly turns into loud and uncontrollable laughter. Especially when she notices Algernon’s satisfied face, almost smirking at her, except not really because he’s a cat.
“Ma’am, are you alright?” one of the store clerks asks her, tentatively placing one hand on her bicep and the other one on the nape of his neck.
“Y-yes!” she answers, struggling – and failing miserably – to contain her amusement. She can already picture tomorrow’s gossip magazine headlines: “SUPERMODEL LILY EVANS LOSES IT AT LOCAL TESCO.”
The thought of it only makes her laugh even more, even harder, and she can feel it tugging at her core. At this point, Lily is pretty sure there are tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Are you quite certain?” the employee asks, looking a tad frightened. He looks about seventeen, a whole six years younger than Lily. She guesses no one warned him about redheaded madwomen when he signed up for the job. Still, Lily mentally praises him for the courage it must have taken to even approach her in the first place. She doesn’t really look threatening, at least she doesn’t think so, but Lily can only imagine what passers-by must be thinking.
  [15:18] james: I can’t believe u left me on read
[15:18] james: what kind of betrayal is that
  Lily glances at the screen, grinning at her boyfriend’s absolute lunacy. but nonetheless places her phone back in her pocket, choosing instead to pick up some peppers. It’s a tedious task, analysing vegetables, and Lily soon grows bored of it. She hears the tell-tale ping of her phone, and rolls her eyes.
  [15:19] james: answer me woman
[15:20] lily: Jesus Christ, James. What is it?
[15:20] james: can u pick up some toiler paper
  Quirking up one of her eyebrows, she replies.
  [15:21] lily: We have 20 rolls already?
[15:21] james: see the thing is luv
[15:21] james: algernon really likes 2 play
[15:22] james: [Photo Attachment]
 “Oh my god,” she whispers, staring at her screen in disbelief. “I leave them alone for ten minutes,” she says, running one hand through her hair, effectively ruining the pretty ponytail situation she had going on.
Quickly, she one-handedly scrolls through the contacts on her phone and presses ‘call’, all while still holding the damn peppers.
“Remus?” she sighs. “Are you busy right now?”
“Not really, why?”
“Would you mind popping over to our place for a bit? Just to keep an eye on James?”
“Is he still trying to toilet train the cat?” but it comes out more like a statement instead of a question.
She hears him swallow through the call.
“I’ll be there in ten.”
“Thank you, you’re a star.”
It takes Lily around thirty minutes to finish up her shopping and for her to reach her house. It takes her around twenty-nine minutes and twenty-seven seconds for her to get over whatever internal fit she was having.
Sure, James may act like an idiot seventy percent of the time, but he’s her James and she loves him. More than she can count on all her fingers, more than she can stretch her arms around her back.
Carefully hoisting up her way-too-many shopping bags, she rings the doorbell with her elbow, the usual smile on her face, because really, how could she not smile when this is what she’s coming home to? Her boyfriend, his ridiculous cat – and, in this case, Remus.
It’s James who answers the door, immediately asking, “are you mad at me?”. Lily is pleased to notice that there’s not a piece of kitty litter in sight.
“Nah, I think I’ll keep you around for a little longer,” she replies, successfully pressing her lips into a line as thin as the horizon. She’s not mad, she just likes watching him sweat a little. Then, because the poor sod looks like he’s about to choke, she adds “so as long as you keep providing me with entertainment, that is.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he says, and a smile stretches across both their lips, as James leans in to quickly peck Lily on the cheek. “Let me help,” James adds, taking some of the plastic bags from her hands.
“Where’s Remus?” Lily asks, removing her pair of aviator sunglasses from her incredibly tangled hair.
“On the couch,” replies James, and she can practically hear the smirk on his voice when he adds, “apparently BBC One is playing Bake-Off reruns.”
That makes Lily stop dead in her tracks. She turns around, back to him, and asks “are you shitting me?”
“Nope,” James answers, popping the ‘p’ and swinging back and forth. “Season five, too.”
Lily gives her boyfriend a toothy grin, and her eyes light up like a kid’s at a toy shop. After shouting a quick hello to Remus, she bolts straight to the kitchen. In the heat of the moment, she pulls out a chair, and mentally curses James for always storing things in the highest possible cupboard.
Unfortunately, her excitement for the bake-off is suddenly cut off when she slips on the recently-wiped countertop and falls on the floor. After letting out a string of colourful ‘fuck’s, she sees James enter through the door and the picture of her covered in cornflakes and sprinkles sends him over the edge, laughing like a complete madman.
“Couldn’t you just have asked for help?” he asks, grinning as he reaches for a Winnie-the-Pooh ceramic bowl. He hears Lily huff from the ground, and it makes him throw his head back as he laughs even more.
To be perfectly honest, she actually likes that he’s a giant compared to her. Even if it means he teases her every time she can’t reach the higher cupboards, because when they hug she can hear his heartbeat closer than she knew was possible. Still, it’s not like Lily could ever admit that.
Instead, she shoots him down with a playful, “do tell, how is the weather up there?”
Surprisingly enough, James decides to stop being a cocky arsehole and stretches out one hand to help her up. As soon as they’re done preparing all the snacks, she heads to the living room, obviously leaving James to carry the tea and cereal by himself.
Lily plops down on the sofa and snuggles closer to Remus. However, instead of her semi-healthy snack options, what she gets is the sound of the doorbell.
“I’ll get it!” James says, the sound of one sharp knock echoing all throughout the house – Sirius.
“I brought wine,” is the first thing he says, and upon hearing Peter’s clumsy footsteps, Algernon comes running from the kitchen and jumps into his lap.
There’s a shriek, followed by Sirius Black’s murderous voice, “get. that thing. away from me.”
Lily gets up to grab some glasses, and the five of them – plus Algernon, of course – curl up on the sofa, with cheese crackers and whatever alcohol Sirius decided to bring this time.
“This tastes like bleach, Padfoot,” complains James, and at the same time Sirius counters with a “it’s an ’83 Chateau Margaux, mate”, Lily says “oh shut up, you love it.”
James pulls her closer to him and murmurs “I love you” into her hair, while Remus makes a point to tell them how disgustingly nauseating’ the pair of them are, but they don’t care.
As long as they have this, they’re happy.
It doesn’t matter that the newspapers make up new rumours every five days, or that Peter is about thirty-seven percent in love with Mary Berry – or Sirius with Paul, for that matter.
Later that night, when their friends have left and it’s about two in the morning, the two of them lay in bed, James’ fingers threading through Lily’s damp hair, their noses touching, whispers of love floating back and forward.
James guesses it must hurt, to have your heart so full that it feels like it could burst at any moment. It’s been so long, and they’re so young, and so, so in love. It’s not like it makes any sense, but then again, things hardly ever do whenever he’s involved.
It’s intoxicating, how in love he is. Every single thing about her feels overwhelming, in the best way possible. From her blood red hair, to the vivid green of her eyes, or the freckles trailing down her shoulders, he’s in love, love, love.
His mind races back to the velvety box hidden somewhere between his socks, all black and from the same brand he’s been using since he was fifteen.
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wanderlust225 · 7 years
Fresh, strange and mature tastes
The morning was relatively relaxed and I gave myself a day off from running as my ankles have started singing a bit lately if I am too active. We met Gaj and little Lara for lunch on Marylebone High Street at Coco Momo which is a fantastic little cafe at the bussiest part of the street. It was always the go-to cafe when I lived in London for a Full English (the traditional breakfast plate full of all the exact ingredients for a heart attack - eggs, 2 types of sausage (sometimes blood or bone), often ham (desguised in the name of bacon) and a few redeeming qualities -- beans, a roasted tomato and mushroom. I decided to go for a salad instead as I feel like I've eaten more red meat in 4 days in London than I typically do in a month in SF. It's weird the little things like this that you don't realize until you change your habits. Anyway, we had a super lazy lunch that lasted about 4 hours and I paired the healthy salad with wine and "pudding" (dessert). Oops! Lara was a little angel and held court with Gaj and I as Dave and then Tara joined for bits of the everlasting lunch. That evening Dave had booked tickets at the Royal Haymarket Theatre to see one of the mots popular performances on in London right now. I had no idea what to expect, and was utterly unprepared when the lights dimmed. The star was Damien Lewis who is at the pinnacle of his career right now (first starring in Homeland, now Billions). He palyed an uber successful architect who has a seeminly perfect life home life to match his career glories. Then he confides in his best friend he has been unfaithful... with a goat. It is being applauded as genius for its originality and insanity -- I clapped but am not sure I could do much more. The best compliment I could give is that Damien's character flexibility was very good -- his mental breakdown was different than in Homeland. After the play we went to a fancy, cool and very beautiful restaurant in the Edition Hotel. Dave explained that the concept for the hotel was to create a boutique, but very upscale feeling, something that couldn't be crowded out by Airbnb. And for sure, you would never compare this to someone's apartment! The restaurant was within the old ballroom but they did an incredible job of making such a gigantic space feel intimate with the walls covered in pictures (no, different than the Buca de Beppo theme). One of my bosses in NYC, Eric, once told me he always orders the pork chop as a test of a good restaurant and I did. And it was fantastic. We also had an incredible bottle of 2003 pinot noir -- older than even Dave and I being friends which is really a testament to it's staying power! Delicious all around.
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swearronchanel · 8 years
As per request, 2.05
You guys have been so freaking sweet and kind  to me with your feedback since I started making these ridiculous posts, it’s insane but I love it!❣️ I literally started these as a joke because my one friend who watches call the midwife didn’t pick up the phone (and bc I was under the influence whoops hahaha it happens) but now I have so much fun posting every week! I’m sure I won’t stop these any time soon (what will I do when this series is over until Christmas? Yikes lets not talk about it yet)  Anyways @marialujan22 requested I rewatch and post for 2x5 & shit it’s been a while since I’ve watched series 2 but I couldn’t say no! Besides Im in a good mood because I have 10 days till spring break & only like 8 weeks left in the semester so here we go ..
idk if I’m mentally prepared for this
“Somewhere far away, scientist we’re working on a magic pill, rumored to make pregnancy a case of choice..” Hell yea birth control, deff a magic pill in my opinion
Crazy that it took 3 series for the pill to become a thing & then there was still lame ass government guidelines
Jenny Lee! lol I often forget about her sorry not sorry, I liked her but she left. ya no importa
I love how “mature jenny” still narrates even though her character is never even mentioned anymore #letmenarrate lol jk I like Vanessa Redgrave’s voice
“Meanwhile other scientists were trying to send humans to the moon” fuck yea Hidden Figures
If CtM went up until 1969 that’d be lit, like the episode on mad men when they watched the moon landing! Just replace them with nuns and nurses and babies & replace the liquor for tea 😂
Shit I’ve said typed so much already
SISTER MJ💕 I wanna smack myself she’s brushing her teeth & I thought of that stupid toothbrush song from last week’s episode kill me
Nora’s pregnant again uh oh
Cynthia! SISTER E! Jane! It’s been so long
My bby Trixie 💕😍 I miss her pin curls! But now she’s serving those 60s looks so I’m here for it all
“Take that off this minute before you go to hell” LMAO TRIX YOU CANT TELL KIDS THAT
lol who am I kidding I would’ve said the same
I love sister Monica Joan, id quote everything she ever says but that’s too much work
Vicar’s wife? But who was the vicar?
anyone else really wanted to know how she was going to tell Sister Julienne “um i was already done with being a nun and now im love sick, I can’t stop thinking about Dr Turner so  I gotta ditch this habit”
damn I feel so bad like she did not want another baby & had no choice but to deal with it
No Jenny, tea is not gonna help right now
And heres the lady that scammed her
How much is 2 guinnis ? Idk how to spell that u already know I’m an ignorant American
Did she really tell a married woman keep her legs closed? It Doesn’t even matter if she was married or not like who are u anyway?? I would’ve bitch slapped her too, good for u Nora
Sister MJ saying her horoscope was right, we are the same😭
Wtf is spotted dick? Also I laughed because I’m immature Lmaoo
Sister J eating the pudding, she knows how to get to sister MJ 😂 I love them
Trixie teasing Jane about the Reverend lol aw
“I can’t knit I had a heart attack this morning” ME TRYING TO GET OUT OF THINGS
8 kids in one bedroom though yikes
Cute and classic bedroom moments 😭💕
“Naughty version of eggnog” like coquito? Lol nah, coquito is the bomb
Who is this irrelevant ass vicars wife? “Cherrio”
I’m so sorry Nora
Ew wtf a rat just bit the baby?
“Just tell me what you want sister” SHE WANTS YOU DOCTOR
sister MJ wants to roll bandages, make it happen! lol I love that Cynthia and Jane unwrap them all for her 😭
Aww i love babies !! but that one with a funny nose uhh
Aw I wish Trixie could have another scene going through old pictures and maybe share old stories with the new nurses💔 unlikely but you know I can hope. SHE DID HAVE THAT PHOTO OF HER AND CYNTHIA ON HER MIRROR LAST SUNDAY💕
“I’m a woman on a mission” beatrix, light in my life
Curly locks lol, when I was younger I  was called Shirley temple and when I dyed my hair I was called Goldie locks.. mind u that lasted into high school 😂 I’m staying blonde for good though, I don’t think I can pull off anything else
Laura Main’s angelic voice ✨👼🏼
who am I kidding she’s an angel
you know what would be fun and a dream? to go out with the ctm cast and get drunk and take trashy snapchat videos singing
Gin & a hot bath??
Trixie looked him up lol, good move
BUT HE’S STILL TRASH and an asshole
Pickle knife ?
again, this irrelevant vicar’s wife? vete ya
Everyone thinks Sister MJ is senile but she knows what’s up with Sister Bernadette..
“..but is all blank sadness and continued tears”  MY HEART💔 sister Bernadette/Shelagh has spent the majority of this show crying/being sad/distressed ugh!! Laura Main plays is beautifully but I CRY!? Let her be uninterruptedly happy please 😭💕
she (and helen) ruined me tbh, I used to have dignity
Is Jenny really naive or is she just pretending not to understand??
Remember when I started the show and didn’t know it was gonna ruin my life? Or before I grew attached? Yea me neither lmaoo those were the days when I thought downton killed me. I Didn’t know what was coming 😂 still love downton though rip #downtonmoviepls
Knitting needles?? aye dios mio
Again how much is a gunniea and how do I spell it? I could google it but I’m busy here
She was willing to sell her wedding ring and risk her life for an unprofessional abortion. DO YOU SEE THE ISSUE? This isn’t just the a period drama either. Shit is real
“Are babies more valued because they can survive or do they survive beside they are more valued?” good question sis
lol Jane was so sweet and just bounced with no word
Trixie being a babe and getting ready to do her nails 😍💕 I wish I could do mine well but I’m trash and so I pay to get them done
The cross cutting in this scene is crazy but so well done (& yes look at me using real terms lol, I took a Music in film class last semester and had to know editing techniques 😂, I did fairly well too)
I really don’t know how she survived this
My bby trixie looking gorgeous as per usual. I love her so much, Helen u kill me
Haha why did I not remember the Gone With The Wind reference? Cynthia was so cute, I miss her carefree and happy
my poor bby😭💔 it is not your fault , he’s trash!! But this moment between the nurses warmed my cold heart
“Matrons in charge, virgins of iron” 😭😭
Aw Earth Angel playing, ✨🎼 I highkey pop to 50s/60s pandora stations
Jenny yes it’s illegal but do you think that matters rn??
Sister Bernadette looking at Dr Turner ah omg 😭they’ve come so far.
It’s not your fault Jenny but you should’ve told someone
Sister B & Tim won 👏🏼
and she’s down, and the glasses flew
“You’ve hurt your hand” “well I’m sure there’s no need to amputate” ah sister b/shelagh lowkey has some of the funniest lines she just slips them in and people miss them !!
Here it comes ..
“Would you like me to have a look at that?” UHM YEA
No but seriously I can barely remember what I thought when I first watched this but I knew something was gonna happen because a nurse can handle her own damn cut & well you know, she was in love with him
for real, this is when I really knew that I was never going to love any other show like this and I allowed it to ruin me
What if she would’ve freaked tf out or told sister Julienne? I don’t even know. I’ll just be grateful for how things turned out
“At this moment I only know I’m not turning my back on you because of you but I’m doing it because of him” AHHHH, DONT WORRY BBY GOD LOVES U AND UNDERSTANDS YOU LOVE HIM AND THE DOCTOR, LOSE THAT HABIT AND GO PROPERLY KISS PATRICK 😭
Sister MJ judging the baby contest is the purest thing & I need it to cleanse my disgusting soul that wants a dr to get with a nun #notsorrythough
“In Nonnatus we were good at tending other’s wounds and there were times I felt we were all each other’s children..” brb I’m crying I love that they’re like a family 😭💕💔
I’m so happy they didn’t kill Nora and she actually was happy in the end. I really wasn’t sure for a moment (obviously when I first watched lol)
“ Free reliable contraception came too late to help her, but in time the scientists triumphed. Her daughters and granddaughters lives remained transfigured, long after man left fleeting footprints on the moon.” Vanessa always knowing what to say in the end.
Lets see how the pill is going to be reintroduced this series, I’m interested  in how it’s going to play out.
I’ve said that so many times though so I’ll be done
The End.
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impatient14 · 8 years
The Sign of Three Sixes
I recently read two wonderful metas that sent my brain into a tailspin. On their own- they are very contradictory to each other, but I think both people are on to something big here and have at least nailed down the largest hunk of what is to be deduced about one Mary Morstan.
These metas by  @consultingeastwind and @marcespot  here and here talk about the possibilities of “Mary’s” origins. In one meta it is theorized that “Mary” is a set of triplets: Gabrielle, Rosamund, & Mary Ashedown (or Sherrinford) going off several very convincing ideas which include my favorite one: “It’s never twins!” and “Identical triplets, one in half a million births. Solved it without leaving the flat.” In the other it is theorized that “Mary” is coded as being the anti-christ to Sherlock’s Christ coding and is in fact Sherlock’s twin sister. We know there was a girl on the beach with Sherlock when he was playing pirates on the beach with Redbeard (and collectively we say awwww). The girl was singing in a voice over and had a blonde braid running down her neck as she ran after Sherlock. 
Both theories have amazing ideas and excellent work to back up their thoughts. However, together they contradict each other. This problem had me reeling this morning so I decided to take a closer look at both metas and my own ideas and came up with something I think rather...well, insane, but something our fathers might do. 
Fall down yet another rabbit hole with me below the cut.
Alright, so as the title implies we will be discussing numbers today. Even the most casual of viewers has to recognize a pattern when it comes to the numbers 3 and 6 in BBC’s Sherlock. 
There are sets of three’s literally everywhere you look, but they become more apparent after and during the The Sign of Three. Funny that. In that episode we have the title (obviously), the third (fetus) Watson, the triplet deduction, and the Water’s triple robbery (in which they were caught the third time- more on that later). Going from there, we have a very interesting set of three in HLV. 
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Well, hello there Mary, Gabrielle, & Rosamund.
We also have an interesting piece of dialouge from MP Moriarty that will lend more to another thought I have about sets of three in BBC’s Sherlock. He says, “Pain, Heartbreak, Loss, Death.”  There are four words here, but that is because the third word is a failure. A failed third attempt. Once again, more on that later.
From here we go to TAB.
 (Quick shout out to an amazing line at the beginning as I speed-watch it again, “In all our adventures together, no case pushed my friend to such physical and mental extremes as The Abominable Bride.”  Um, Yeah. I’ll say. Considering that fact that “The Abominable Bride” is a title best bestowed upon John Watson’s wife and the amount of physical (shot in the chest) and mental (EMP) extremes Sherlock has had to go through since “Mary’s” abomination became apparent, I’d say TAB”s Dr. Watson described Sherlock’s present situation perfectly.)
Alright, back to numbers.
We’ve got Ricoletti saying “You” three times, before she says “Me” and fakes her death, we have Mycroft predicting his death in three years (And Sherlock agrees on the 3 years if Mycroft eats the plum pudding)-
(Holy shit re-watching TAB is a fucking goldmine for TST. I know I touched on it in my EMP meta but I’m going to have to dissect it further and make it its own Meta.)
- and 3 more plum puddings are brought to Mycroft at the end of that scene. 
In TST, we have the word “Vow” spoken three times, we have the three watsons (which was the original name of the episode), three Sherlocks in the mirror in Mycroft’s office (just like Mary in CAM’s office- but I don’t think this implies Sherlock’s a triplet, but that Sherlock’s mind is being fractured into three pieces of his EMP- Pain, heartbreak, loss- more on that in my upcoming TAB meta!), three godparents (this is weird to me), three different AGRA sticks shown, three psat world leaders are listed:Thatcher, Regan, and Stalin, during Craig’s Ostalgie explaination, three AGRA members are assumed killed,and “Mary” tells Sherlock to Save John Watson three times.
So, the number three is important and I think it is most important to Sherlock. The number 3 represents Beginning, Middle, & End.  Sherlock gets three chances, three tries at getting it right. If he doesn’t get it right on the third try- he doesn’t get a fourth. Pain (TAB), Heartbreak (TST), loss (TLD), death (TFP). Sherlock has until the end of The Lying Detective to figure out how to defeat the abominable bride or he will die. Remember, Staying Alive is the Final Problem. 
Now 6.
6, is “Mary’s” number. 
There are sixes everywhere once she is introduced. 
Six months of bristly kisses, six months of Sherlock in exile before his death, AGRA was destroyed six years ago, there was about six months of unaccounted time between the Watson domestic at Baker Street and the Christmas Reconciliation. And there is (obviously) The Six Thatchers. 
If “Mary’s” number is 6, and there are three individual “Marys”- so you don’t add them up) that would make “Mary Watson” equivalent to 666. The title she gave her own daughter.
Enter the Anti-christ Meta above. 
I love this meta. I love it because it is so goddamn dramatic. And who is the fairest drama queen of all? Sherlock Holmes, of course. OF FREAKING COURSE Sherlock would equivocate “Mary” (the woman who took his love and almost his life) to the anti-Christ, when he himself is coded as being a Christ figure. (Resurrection, outstretched arm imagery multiple times, and a close friend who betrayed him)
The theory of “Mary” being a set of triplets that make up the Anti-Christ, who together work to destroy Sherlock and John by orders of The Devil (Moriarty), is something Sherlock’s overly dramatic morphined-out mind would come up with. 
But wait there’s more.
We get this image when John gets off the bus in TST:
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I know, could be a coincidence, but hear me out. 
Its not 666. Its 626. Meaning one of the 6′s, isn’t really a 6. Its a 2. Its different.  It is sandwiched between the other two 6′s. EDIT TO ADD: OH SHIT. 6 when divided by three is 2. The third “Mary” may have become a “2″ or not an evil “6″ with Sherlock’s (3) influence....
 So, going along with the triplet meta above, what if one of the “Mary’s” wasn’t so evil afterall. Gabrielle and Rosamund were apart of AGRA, but Mary was not. The real Mary. The meta above theorizes that there was a real Mary at some point, who did work with her sisters for a time before her emotions got the better of her and she was captured. Enter Sherrinford. Now, this could be a codename or it could be the triplets real last name. The man who had a daughter with a braid swimming in a pool, whose Thatcher bust was smashed by Sherlock, his last name is Sanderford. 
Soo...what can we deduce from all of this information?
I haven’t the slightest. No, im kidding. I have a thought. 
Two of the “Mary’s” have been working together to take down Johnlock since TGG. The third is locked up somewhere Mycroft can get in touch with her. He calls her to tell her of her sister’s death at the end of TST. I’m more inclined to believe that one of the “Mary’s” faked her death, rather than sacrificing herself for the sake of drama though. Remember, her motive is Jealousy, as deduced by Sherlock in her Mirror - Norbury. “Mary” is jealous of Sherlock. Most likely for his genius, for his ability to distract her boss- Moriarty, and for the attention and love John gives him. 
So what does all of that mean for the girl with the long braid on the beach in Sherlock’s memory flash?
Obviously, both metas can’t be correct. Sherlock can’t have a set of triplet sisters that he forgot or deleted and then brought one of them home and his parents don’t recognize her. Even with mind altering drugs, this seems implausible. However, he could have deleted ONE sister. A sister that drowned while playing pirates in the ocean with her brother. His parents would happily go along with not mentioning her if it meant the destruction of Sherlock’s mental health. The MP room he keeps Moriarty in is a padded cell and we know that MP are created from rooms Sherlock has been in. (insert crying gif)
So what does this mean for EMP?
All that stuff about “Mary” up there, is just a deduction from Sherlock. Its part of his mind palace scenario. He is just trying to figure out how to survive and how to beat her. Does that mean “Mary Watson” is really triplets? Maybe not. But Sherlock has definitely seemed to deduce that she is in his mind. He’s also labeled her the Anti-christ. 
Someone give that man a bejeweled crown please and just be done with it. PURE DRAMA!
This got long. It might get longer. Sorry not sorry.
Tags: @monikakrasnorada @isitandwonder @gosherlocked @tjlcisthenewsexy @ebaeschnbliah @may-shepard  (let me know if you want or dont want to be tagged in these)
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dezza-who-blog · 7 years
Neighbors Chapter 3
"I don't know if this is a good idea..." The whispered words barely made it past my lips. A glimmer of uncertainty flashed in his eyes as he gazed down into my own. Jin swallowed and glanced away, and I started to move from my spot between his too-near body and the wall behind me. He wasn't going to let me go that easily. Before I could even manage a gasp, he'd gripped my waist with one hand and shoved me back against the wall, just rough enough to let a sliver of his desire show through his gentlemanly exterior. He moved even closer, cutting short any idea I might have had of trying to leave this spot again. He rested the forearm of his free hand against the wall above my head and leaned in slowly, never taking his eyes from my own. I couldn't breathe. My heart beat erratically in every vein of my body, and everything was so hot, the atmosphere too thick. My lips parted slightly to allow more air into my lungs, and his eyes finally left my own, locking on my lips. His gaze was intense and hazy and hungry and nervous, all at once. He lowered his head further, slowly, his perfect lips only a mere couple inches from my burning face now. They parted, barely, mirroring my own. My eyes drifted closed and his forehead came to rest gently against mine. For a few heavy, feverish moments, that's how we stayed, his skin against mine, our bodies centimeters away from pressing into each other, our lips close enough to feel each other's every breath against our cheeks. "Why?" he whispered, his voice shaking just slightly, his words ghosting against my cheek. I opened my eyes and took in the too-calm expression on his handsome face. Seeing him so serious did something to my heart. I wanted his smile back but didn't know how to bring it out. "Why?" I managed, not understanding what he meant. It earned me a smile, but it wasn't the cheerful one that I missed. It seemed sad. His eyes met mine again. "Why wouldn't this be a good idea?" His fingers gripped my waist a little tighter and my breath caught, my eyes half closing again as his chest brushed lightly against mine beneath the thin cloth of our shirts. His smile slowly grew more confident and his thumb traced back and forth along the bottom of my ribs, sending delicious tremors across my skin. "Because from where I'm standing," he breathed, "it looks like the best idea I've had since I met you." His face lowered again, but not to my mouth. His soft lips skimmed my cheek and came to rest against my ear as he sighed, and my blood caught fire from the feeling of his breath against that insanely sensitive spot. My knees went weak, but I'm not even sure he noticed. His strong grip on my waist held me firmly in place. And then he pulled away and took a step back. I stared at him in confusion and he smiled again, a bit ruefully. "I won't push you. I respect your decision." I blinked, realizing that I sort of didn't want him to respect my decision. He slipped one hand in his pocket and brushed the other over the back of his neck, clearing his throat and suddenly looking everywhere but at me. "Just know... I plan on getting you to change that decision." His eyes cut back to me, sweeping from my eyes to my mouth and back up as his tongue eased out to moisten his lips. My face flamed and he smirked. "I will get you to change it. So look forward to that." My eyes snapped open, a thin film of sweat on my skin and my heart pounding against my ribs. Jesus fucking christ. What the hell was that about? The dream had already started to fade, but the fever remained. I blinked rapidly and ran a hand over my face. I'd had dreams like that before, of course, but never with a man I'd actually met. They usually starred Johnny Depp, or Shemar Moore... or Jason Momoa. I took another few breaths and shook my head as I climbed out of bed. I was in desperate need of a cold shower. I had just stepped out and barely had time to pull on an oversized t-shirt and cotton shorts before the knock came at the door. I skipped down the stairs in a suprisingly good mood, answering it with a smile. "Tae!" I exclaimed brightly. "What's up?" His own cheerful smile outshone mine a million times over. "Are you really coming to have dinner with us?" I was confused for a moment, and then the events of the day before came flooding back. Ah. I had said that. A tiny bit of my good mood ebbed away, but looking at the hopeful excitement on Tae's face, I guessed it didn't seem quite so terrible an idea as it'd seemed yesterday. I grinned and nodded. He literally bounced and clapped, before grabbing me in a hug that was already over before I could protest. "Namjoon said so but we thought he was teasing. Jin said he's going to start cooking at 3, if you want to help." I laughed and nodded again. His energy was infectious. "Of course I do. Is it okay if I bring some stuff as well?" His eyes lit up. "Like more food? Yeah!" I found myself laughing again. I asked what Jin already had to cook, and Tae named off a couple Korean dishes I was familiar with (including my favorites, spicy kimchi and galbi), then checked if everyone was okay with seafood and liked veggies, receiving another enthusiastic yes. He finally left after enveloping me in yet another of those two-second hugs that I was quickly beginning to adore. Shaking my head, I made my way back inside and ran a brush through my mostly dry hair, before searching out my purse and throwing my shoes on. I glanced over at the neighbor's house as I climbed into my car, waving at Jungkook who was once again on the balcony talking on his phone. He smiled and returned the gesture, then I was off to the store. Tae had confirmed that there were, indeed, seven boys at the house, so I made sure to pick up twice as many ingredients as I would have normally. I grabbed lobster tails, along with shrimp, bell peppers, onions, and baby red potatoes to make skewers. It was something I'd been making since I learned to grill, and I'd never met anyone who didn't love them. After a moment of debate, I also searched out the ingredients for my homeade banana pudding, since Tae hadn't mentioned Jin making any sweets. Satisfied with my haul, I checked out and hurried back to the house. I was actually a bit excited. I hadn't had anyone to cook for since Hye-ji, my best friend, had moved back to Korea to take care of her mom, and even then I'd only had her and her boyfriend to feed occasionally. I hadn't cooked for a family since I moved out of my parents'. Smiling to myself, I started to unload the groceries, only to be bombarded by Tae again, this time with Jungkook tailing rather shyly behind him. This close up, I could see he was just as gorgeous as my initial impression of him had seemed, though he had an underlying adorable, almost bunny-like look about him. I greeted them as Tae took the bag from my hands, telling me to let them help, and passed it to Jungkook, then grabbed another couple bags himself before I could say another word. I stuttered out a suprised thank you as they went ahead and carried the food over to their house. Grabbing the last couple bags- the puddding ingredients- I headed inside to go ahead and throw it together, glancing at the clock in the hall to make sure I had enough time to let it chill for a couple hours. It was only noon, so I was good to go. About an hour later, I stuck the finished product in the fridge to set and climbed the stairs to my room. I still had a little bit to relax before having to get ready, but I went ahead and dug through my closet for something comfy enough for the heat but also cute enough to make me feel good. I ended up settling on an airy, slinky blue and black babydoll shirt and soft black shorts, already knowing I just wanted to wear my flats. I had a half dozen pairs of heels and at least as many different types of boots, but this California heat made me cringe at the thought of any extra effort in the wardrobe department. I hadn't even really worn makeup since I came out here, and didn't plan on it tonight either. Chapstick would do just fine, thanks. Glancing at the clock, I realized I'd taken a lot longer deciding what to wear than I'd been aware of. It was already 2:15. I hurridly threw on the outfit and brushed the tangles from my hair, tieing most of the thick, curly mass back in a high ponytail. After taking a moment to wash my face again, I slipped on my flats, descended the stairs, grabbed the desert from the fridge and was out the door, making sure to lock it behind me. Some of my excitement started to ebb away to be replaced by nerves as I crossed from my yard to their's. I mentally kicked myself. This was no big deal. I'd hung out with guys before. Granted, Hye-ji had always been there, but with the way she and I acted we may as well have been guys ourselves. This was no different. Stepping up to the front door, I took a few deep breaths, collecting myself and fighting back my ridiculous nerves. I wasn't some hormonal teenage flirt, and so far it seemed like the neighbors I'd met so far were genuinely nice guys. Though I still wasn't sure what Namjoon's deal was. And then there was the fact that I hadn't met the other three yet. "Knocking would probably help." My soul left my body as someone spoke from directly behind me. I spun around, nearly dropping the dish in my panic. Strong hands steadied me, then immediately let go, grabbing the dish from me as well. "Can't have you wasting food." I'm sure I was staring. The man in front of me stood a few inches taller than myself but not as tall as the others I'd met, with a slender frame, fashionably tattered skinny jeans, and a plain, baggy black shirt. What stole my attention, however, was his shaggy, pale, bubblegum pink hair. He cocked his head slowly to the side, his eyes squinting a little in concentration as he took in my appearance as well. A small smirk tipped his lips. "Do you see something interesting?" I blinked, feeling my face warm as I quickly lowered my gaze. "Ah, sorry," I laughed nervously. "Um, I like your hair. I'm Dezza." His smirk spread to a small smile and he nodded. "I thought so. I'm Yoongi." He bowed his head slightly before stepping around me to the door, pushing it open. "It's just me and Hoseok right now, but come on in. Namjoon and Jimin are still at work, and the others went to pick up some last minute stuff for dinner." I hesitated then nodded and swallowed my nerves, following him inside. Great, no one I'd met so far was here. I would have been more on edge being in a house with two guys I didn't know, but something about Yoongi put me at ease. He had a no-bullshit air about him that was oddly comforting. I glanced around as he led me through to the kitchen, setting the dessert in the fridge before sweeping me into the living room. Another guy was sprawled on the spacious couch, one leg thrown over the arm, playing a game on his phone. He glanced up as we walked in, quickly sitting up and combing his fingers through his touseled black hair as his eyes passed between Yoongi and myself. After a brief awkward moment, he beamed at me and bowed his head. "Dezza, yeah?" I smiled back and nodded. "Hoseok? Nice to meet you." He clammered to his feet, rushing over to clasp my hand, still wearing that contageous smile. "Would you like something to drink? We have juice and tea. And Sprite!" I laughed and told him Sprite was fine, since he seemed so excited about it, taking a seat on the couch he'd vacated. I wasn't really sure what to do with myself, and Yoongi didn't seem to know or care, since he just propped himself against the doorframe and looked at me. "So..." I ventured. "All of you guys live together?" He nodded. "Makes traveling and working together easier." "Cool. What kind of work do you do?" He eyed me for a moment, seeming to think something over. "Studio work." Vague. Okay. I supposed maybe it was too personal a question. "We do choreography and stuff like that," Hoseok offered, walking over to hand me my Sprite and take the spot beside me. I stared at the drink. He'd added both a lemon and a lime wedge to the glass. "Fancy," I grinned. "Only the best for our honored guest." I laughed outright at that one. "Honored?" Yoongi chimed in. "Well, you did willingly agree to cook for us. That basically earns you our undying loyalty." He pondered something and grinned. "At least, if it's good." We all laughed, and just like that, I was completely at ease. Yoongi suggested playing video games to pass the time since the others would probably be a moment, and I proceeded to kick both of their asses in Smash Bros, earning some shocked yet impressed looks and sarcastic bows feigning respect. We were having such a great time that we didn't even hear the door open or notice the others come in until a round of applause met my third Yoongi victory. Startled, we spun to find Namjoon and a guy I still hadn't met leaning against the wall by the door as if they'd been there for a while. I blushed and gave a mock bow, and Hoseok introduced me to the seventh and final neighbor, Jimin. He had an adorable, innocent looking face complete with round cheeks and an easy smile, and his expertly styled hair was a striking gray. Despite the innocent face, the guy had a suprisingly masculine stature, not to mention a killer jawline... I stared for a bit longer than was necessary, as I was doing more and more often lately. He smiled wide, extending a hand for me to shake. His hands were almost exactly the same size as mine, odd for most guys, but it seemed oddly fitting with his youthful appearance. "I should probably head up to shower," he admitted, not taking his eyes from mine. "I'm all sweaty. Promise you'll still be here when I get back?" The tease made my face flush and I laughed a bit nervously. "Of course. Didn't they tell you? I'm playing assistant chef for the night." He raised his perfect brows at the others, almost accusingly. "I hadn't heard, no." Namjoon cut him a look. "Well, if you'd come home more than 3 or 4 hours a night to sleep, you'd have known. She's our neighbor, we invited her to dinner. She didn't want to 'impose', so she's helping Jin out in the kitchen." Jimin glanced back at me appreciatively. "You can cook?" It was my turn to tease. "I guess you'll find out in a couple hours, huh?" He nodded again and excused himself to go shower just as the door opened again and Jin, Jungkook and Tae poured in, laughing about something. They were a bit suprised to see me in their living room, but Tae, at least, recovered quickly, bolting forward to catch me in his signature hug, which I returned this time. The guy had grown on me, fast. Jungkook smiled and nodded a bit shyly before asking where Jimin was and rushing up the stairs after him, and Jin smiled warmly and apologized for them taking so long. "It's us you should be apologizing to!" Yoongi exclaimed in mock seriousness, gesturing back to the television. "Thanks to you we've had our asses handed to us and our pride shredded trying to entertain the girl!" Everyone laughed and Tae begged to play so I handed him my controller and promised I'd play him after dinner, following Jin back to the kitchen to get started. After a few moments of washing hands, finding dishes, suppressing unwelcome reminders of the dream I'd had, and him expressing his thanks, we got started. Prep didn't take very long on my part, and I made my way out back to throw the lobster tails and skewers on the massive grill that looked like it must have cost a small fortune. Namjoon was already out there and had the charcoal going, so I was able to go ahead and throw everything on. He watched me with a curious look, and I found myself flushing under his gaze. "Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing or something?" He startled, as if he hadn't even noticed I'd seen him looking, and it was his turn to blush. "Ah, no. You look great. I mean, it's fine. What you're wearing." I nodded. "Uh, thanks." "I was just wondering if maybe you wanted some help or something." I smiled but shook my head. "I've got it, but thank you. I love working with grills. How's the hand?" He looked confused, so I gestured to his bandage. "Oh, yeah, it's good. Thanks again for the first aid stuff. Thought I was gonna bleed out before Jin could get to a store." He laughed nervously. "And uh, sorry for the flower pot, by the way." My cheeks heated. "W-why? It's not like you made me do it. I'm a klutz. It wasn't your fault." A knowing smirk tipped his insanely attractive lips. "Wasn't it though?" I lost concentration for just long enough for me to brush my hand directly against the grill rack, gasping and leaping away when I felt the sudden flash of pain. "Shit." I cursed, shaking my fingers as if that would help. Namjoon rushed to my side as the patio door flew open and Hoseok popped his head out. "What happened?" He saw me clutching my hand and put it together before we could say anything, ducking back inside. Namjoon grabbed my hand and snatched his glass of water from the rail beside him amd slowly poured it over my red fingers, cooling the burn a little. "Told you. Klutz," I groaned. He tried not to laugh. "Point proven." I grimaced. "I should probably head home to put something on this." "No need," Jin said, stepping onto the patio with a first aid kit in hand. "Picked a new one up today. Someone usually gets burned when we grill." Namjoon cringed. Jin sat me down on one of the patio chairs and gently and skillfully spread burn cream over my injured fingers. "It doesn't look like it will blister," he mused, deftly wrapping my fingertips in gauze in a way that wouldn't make using my hand awkward as I tried not to focus on how his gentle fingers felt on my skin. By then everyone had made it out to the patio to witness my medical attention with concerned looks on their faces. "It already feels better," I assured everyone, flexing my fingers once Jin was finished. "I'm fine." The guys smiled and nodded respectively. "I dont think it's best for you to take Tae up on that match tonight though," Jin continued. "Best if you don't use your fingers too much." I glanced over at Tae apologetically, and he made a ridiculously cute pouty face before his bright smile popped back out. "That's fine. Just means you have to come back another day." I laughed and nodded. "I guess so." The guys (Yoongi in particular) refused to let me near the grill again, so Yoongi ended up helping Jin in my place. I instructed him on when to flip and season and butter things, and before long everything was heaped on the patio table and we were all fixing plates. I sat by the pool, kicking my flats off and dangling my feet in the cool water, and the guys followed my example and seated themselves around the edge. Jin explained to everyone that they could speak Korean around me and I'd still understand, and soon we all lapsed into comfortable company, enjoying the food and how the temperature had mercifully dropped a few degrees. When everyone had finished their plates I made my way to the kitchen and brought everyone bowls of pudding. I had to coax Yoongi into at least trying it, because apparently he wasn't a huge fan of sweet stuff. The cotton candy hair was a lie. Once he finally tasted a bite, his eyes lit up and he cleaned the bowl in record time, making everyone laugh and tease. After the sun had set and the dishes were packed into the washer, Jin brought out and passed around shots of soju, making sure to state beforehand that he only got enough for everyone to have a couple, since they had work the next day. I took one eagerly; it was something else I had missed since Hye-ji had went home. Everyone toasted to me and Jin for the meal, and I made sure to include Yoongi since he'd done half my work for me. I'd started feeling a pleasantly warm buzz by the time someone started playing music. I layed back and closed my eyes, loving the cool night air and the feel of the water around my ankles, until someone started singing. I turned my head to see who had such a beautiful voice, my eyes settling on Jimin. He was sitting a few feet away, leaning back on his elbows, face turned to the sky and eyes closed, the perfect picture of peace. "Eonje buteonga jeom jeom, yeonlakage dwae naega meonjeo." I smiled, and then Jungkook joined in, his voice just as sweet, just as flawless. "Niga eopneun goseseon beolsseo, neol baby-ro bulleo nado cham ugyeo." The melody stirred my memory and I smiled. It was a song I knew, one that Hye-ji had sung for me more than once. Tae and I joined in at the same time, his voice much stronger and deeper than I would have ever expected. "You're my chocolate, my sweetest chocolate, and I really wanna have you..." The singing stopped and everyone stared at me, making me blush for the millionth time. "Sorry. Didn't mean to intrude on your moment. My Hye-ji... my best friend... Taeyang was her favorite. She used to sing it to me when I was... down." "Don't be sorry," Tae said, at the same moment that Jimin uttered "You're beautiful." My blood heated as everyone turned to stare at him. He flushed and backtracked. "Your voice. You have a beautiful voice. Mianhae." I nodded. "Thanks. Nothing compared ro you guys though. You should seriously look into music as a career." Hoseok choked on his soju, and the heavy moment was gone as Yoongi beat him on the back. Jimin looked confused and turned to Jungkook, but Jungkook just shook his head at him and tossed back the rest of his shot. I glanced at my phone, finding it to be 11:30 already, and sighed, clambering to my feet and brushing my clothes off. "It's about my bedtime, and you guys said you have work tomorrow, so I should probably head home." I smiled at all of them. "Thanks for dinner, it was amazing... We should do it again sometime." The way every one of their faces lit up was enough to stop me from kicking myself for letting that last comment slip out. Everyone scrambled to their feet to head inside, and Hoseok was the first to offer to walk me home. I declined, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. I said goodnight to the others at the door and we made our way across the lawn in companionable silence. He waited for me to unlock the door and step inside before waving his hand and stepping off the porch. Right before I shut the door he turned on his heel and said my name. I looked at him. "I don't think Jimin just meant your voice." Confused, I waited for him to continue. "You're a good person. You have a beautiful heart. I think we can all see that already." He paused. "I think after tonight we're all glad that you moved here, even if we don't know you too well yet." I smiled softly and nodded, blinking back the wetness gathering in my eyes. "Thank you," I managed. "I'm glad too." He smiled his ridiculously bright smile and waved the hand that wasn't in his pocket, then turned and jogged back across our yards. I closed and locked the door before kicking off my shoes, shaking my hair down, and making my way to my bed. Collapsing back onto my sheets, I let snipets of the day replay through my head. Tae's face when I said I'd be there, he and Jungkook rushing to take my bags. Yoongi's hands steadying me before I could lose my balance, preparing food with Jin. The embaressing conversation with Namjoon, and his careful touch when I hurt myself. I breathed deep. Jin's hands holding mine so gently, taking care of me. Yoongi refusing to let me near the grill and taking over for me. The boys' chilling voices. Jimin calling me beautiful and stumbling over his words. The way everyone beamed when I suggested hanging out together again. Hoseok walking me home, making sure I got inside safe, and the words he spoke. A smile crept to my lips. Maybe these boys weren't nearly the nuisance I'd originally thought they would be. For the first time since Hye Ji left, I felt at home.
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lenaglittleus · 7 years
The BEST of THM 2017 + What’s Coming Up in 2018
It’s crazy to think that this is the last post of 2017! It’s been a wonderful year and a tumultuous year. It’s gone by at lightening speed and crawled by at times. It’s been deliciously sweet and scarily overwhelming. But all in all, it’s been another year for the record books!
In case you’re unfamiliar, each year I do a recap of the top posts of the year based on your favorites and my favorites. For past year’s posts check out: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016.
This year I decided to break it up into two posts: travel and everything else! My Best of THM Travel 2017 went up last week and today’s post is a recap of everything else + what’s coming up in 2018. If you’re also curious to see the behind-the-scenes of blogging as a business, check out my THM Business Recap as well.
I’m also sharing my Top Favorites of 2017 on my YouTube channel. Every month (with the exception of one!) I shared my favorite health, wellness and green beauty products so I decided to round-out the year with the best of the best. It was so fun putting this together!
,?center>More thoughts on everything below so let’s just jump into the post. Here is The Best of THM 2017!
1. How To Make a London Fog – This was your favorite post of 2017! I love this recipe and it also reminds me of home even though I still don’t have confirmation if the London Fog is a Canadian thing?!
2. The Engagement – No surprises here…besides my own surprise! This was such a special moment for me and C and while we didn’t capture it while it was happening (I love that it’s special to just us!), I was thrilled we could share in the celebrations with you.
3. Easy Veggie Egg Bake -My go-to potluck dish! It’s literally the easiest thing to make and especially great for big holiday gatherings…Christmas breakfast anyone?!
4. The Best All-Natural Products for Acne-Prone Skin – Lots of green beauty and skincare talk went down this year! To all my falks struggling with acne, I feel ya! Plenty more skincare talk to come in 2018.
5. Vanilla Bean Chia Pudding – Simple recipes were the name of the game this year, and this easy vanilla bean chia pudding was no exception.
6. What I Wish You Knew About Sponsored Posts – Besides our engagement post, this was actually my favorite post of 2017! It certainly ruffled some feathers, but it also provided a level of transparency that is so needed in the blogging/influencer space.
7. 8 Healthier Store-Bought Snack Bars – I cheated on balls in 2017 and shared my favorite store-bought snack bars. Yo girl doesn’t always have the time or the desire to make everything from scratch so sometimes store-bought is best!
8. To The Woman Addicted to Working Out – In many ways, my history of overexercising and disordered eating feels like a thing of the past, but this year I explored what it actually means to be recovered and to thrive!
Top Podcast Episodes of 2017:
Episode 22: How to Find Your Set Point and Stop Fighting Your Weight with Robyn Nohling from The Real Life RD
Episode 18: How to Quit the Dieting Cycle and Manage our Blood Sugar with Kelly LeVeque from Be Well By Kelly
Episode 28: Self-Acceptance and Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams with Sophie Gray from Way of Gray
Top Videos of 2017:
How To Make Chia Pudding- 5 Ways 
What I Eat In a Day – Healthy + Balanced Meals
Israel Travel Vlog
1. The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies (gluten-free!) – When it comes to cookies, 2017 was a good year but I have to say that these cookies come out on top! I was afraid to post them because I worried about how you’d react to the butter and sugar and all that but man are they healthy for the soul!
2. Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Farro Salad – C said this is his favorite recipe of the year and I have to say that I totally agree! We’ve been eating this non-stop for the last few months and it’s been my go-to for all events and potlucks. It’s really a crowd pleaser.
3. Things I’m Afraid To Tell You -I was so scared to share this post with you because I felt so awful for keeping so many secrets from you. In the end, I’m glad how it all played out and am happy I took the time to sort out my feelings before sharing such big news with you. Thank you for being so supportive!
4. Our Engagement Photos and Wedding Planning Update – I’m still in awe at the amazing pictures Bettina was able to capture in our home and hood. I feel so lucky to have such a dear friend who is also an insanely talented photographer. C and I love you B!
5. What is an Emotional Support Animal? – I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expected the flack I got for this post and perhaps should have prepared myself more. In the end I think it ended up being a productive and helpful conversation and I was also blown away by how many of you reached out with support. Thank you!
6. Why I Won’t Be Losing Weight For My Wedding – while I’m not sharing much regarding our wedding, I did want to share this. I will not be losing weight for my wedding and I don’t believe you need to either.
7. How To Greenify Your Makeup Bag – More than anything else, I get SO many questions about green beauty and where to start. This post was written for anyone who is just getting started on their green beauty journey and I’m thrilled it’s been so helpful for many of you.
8. My San Francisco Apartment Tour – Only took me 9 months to share! Now that the apartment is done, I feel like I want to decorate it all over again, but for now we’re relishing in its completion and I was so happy to share it all with you.
My Favorite Podcast Episodes of 2017:
Episode 31: The Power of Intuition and Authentic Entrepreneurship with Sadie Lincoln from Barre3
Episode 29:Essential Oils and How to Use Aromatherapy to Improve Your Health with Jean-Pierre LeBlanc from Saje Wellness
Episode 32: What is Ayurveda and How to Apply These Practices in Your Everyday Life with Sahara Rose
My Favorite Videos of 2017:
A Week In My Life 
What Bodhi Eats in a Day
Yosemite Travel Diary (My bestie is singing the background music and I’m obsessed!)
Whew! That’s a lot of posts and content. Clearly it’s been a great year! At the same time, I’m also very excited to kick off 2018 and start exploring some new topics and jumping deep into some old ones. In terms of posts, you can still expect a lot of healthy recipes, green beauty/skincare and self-reflection posts. A few other topics I want to explore more in-depth are: mental health, work-life balance and stress-management. These are all topics we’ll be chatting more about on the podcast as well.
For video, I’m hoping to do more “vlog-style”content as well as providing more recipe videos for you. I have so many delicious recipes that I’d love to create more videos for to make them easier to understand and follow. In addition, I want to do more DIYs to show you guys how to make more household and body care products. I feel like I’ve gotten a bit lazy this year and deviated toward store-bought brands instead of making my own. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all the products I share, but I know they aren’t always accessible to everybody so I want to make sure there’s options for everyone at all levels of accessibility and price points.
Beyond that, I’ll be slowly down the global travel (besides one exciting trip in January!) and spending more time in San Francisco, exploring our home. I find myself craving more local adventures and challenges and I’m excited to see what comes my way.
Stay tuned for more events (don’t forget to join the events list!) both near and far and one VERY exciting event coming in the Spring. I cannot wait to share the details with you!
* * * * *
I’ll be taking a much needed vacation until the New Year. There won’t be any new posts, videos or podcasts until 2018 and while I know you guys certainly aren’t sitting around waiting for me, I just wanted to give you a heads up! I also hope that you can all find some time to take a break and enjoy time off with your loved ones. I know the holidays can be very busy and overwhelming at times so don’t forget to carve out a little R&R for yourself.
I’m so incredibly grateful to be able to call THM my job. It’s been an incredible 5 year adventure and I couldn’t ask for a better tribe to come along for the ride. I know I say this all the time, but I truly am so grateful for all of you. In many ways, THM feels like a collaborative process and I love that we can work together to make the world a healthier and happier place. So much love to you all and wishing you a very happy holidays! -Davida
What were your top favorites of THM this year? What do you hope to see more of in 2018? Podcasts, videos, posts??? LMK!
The post The BEST of THM 2017 + What’s Coming Up in 2018 appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health https://www.thehealthymaven.com/2017/12/the-best-of-thm-2017.html
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enigmog · 8 years
All the even ones :3c
Ash you little shit I will remember this
2: How long have you known your best friend?
Since we were in year 4. I have no idea how old that made us, I think I was 7 and she was 8?
4: Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?
Yes the does not fit in to any other group so we all hang around together, then when I moved schools I hung around with what I dubbed (though never discussed) the soft nerds. Super sweet bunch. Sixth form god I’ve got no idea what you’d call us.
6: Do you wish to travel a lot?
Hell yes. Whether I can find the time, money and mental fortitude is a completely different matter.
8: Show a sample of your handwriting: 
I’ll post it in a post after this one and tag it
10: Do you like the way that you grew up?
There is a lot I would change. I guess it got me where I am today but at the same time it got me where I am today.
12: How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?
I was a smol lonely child that they thrust a new kid on to try and help them “make friends”. Whether picking me was intentional we shall never know but I’d put money on it being the case.
14: Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?
16: What song are you currently listening to?
Mornings: Shut up and Dance with me
Walking: Unknown by Imagine Dragons
18: A random memory from you childhood:
Being introduced to a pair of swans on my aunty’s pond. They were called Ron and Yvonne, didn’t particularly like me but I was like 4. They used to meet my aunty and uncle when they came to the pond and even “talked” to my aunty.
20: What was the last thing you watched on tv?
Uhhhhhhh good question? Probably something at Christmas
22: Would you like to meet any of your Tumblr friends in person?
I know some of them in person. As for ones I’ve met solely on Tumblr heck yes, y’all sound like awesome people!
22: What was the last dream you remember having?
Saturday just gone, kind of a nightmare? Made a deal with the devil in a game show type thing and got awesome powers but then some random journalist was determined to “expose me” for being a horrible soulless monster which somehow led to the end of the world with me on a submarine that I recognised from the we need to go deeper game with a few other people I vaguely recognised and an insane jokeresque serial killer. For some reason I knew he was the serial killer but nobody else did and I couldn’t tell anyone so it kind of went to shit from there until I woke up after opening the door and letting water in. Yeah, your guess is as good as mine.
24: How many pillows do you sleep with?
Just two, positioned in a triangle so I can hug one whilst another supports my back
26: What color is your hair?
Dark brown. There was an attempt to dye it blue but looks like that won’t work without bleaching
28: What is your favorite soda?
I hate fizzy drinks as I can’t burp so my stomach hates them. If I’m desperate for a sugar boost coca cola has my back (diet coke tastes like shit)
30: How’s the weather right now?
Can’t really tell, it’s dark and my window has permanent condensation on it. Been good during the day though, almost clear blue skies and the smell of spring in the air. Wore a t-shirt and didn’t even need my coat.
32: Who do you miss right now?
One of my aunties, my dogs, my bosses
34: Are you still figuring out who you are?
Definitely, doubt I’ll ever have it fully figured out.
36: What is your favorite restaurant?
A pub back home called the Black Bull. Bit pricey but soooo worth it. Guy who earns it personally sources all meat and fish from local supply and god does it taste good because of how fresh it is. Puddings are a bit meh but the main meals are to die for. Properly done onion rings and chips!
38: Would ever adopt kids?
Officially? Probably not, I’d be scared of ruining them same as if they were blood. Unofficially I will take in anybody who needs me.
40: What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
Mmmm sun feels nice on my face… shit I’ve slept through my alarms! Wait… wow I’ve woken up before my alarms. Fuuuuuck now I have to get out of bed for uni.
42: What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Pizza soaked in WKD. Yeah don’t ask, the creators were already drunk and I was curious. Tasted surprisingly okay.
44: What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?
Does Hamilton count?
46: Do you have a bucket list?
Sort of. More places I want to visit than things I want to do. Ultimate end goal is a little cottage where I can grow plants and have a couple of dogs running round.
48: When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
Earlier today. Achievement Hunter’s Slamrock Shake video. Good god those guys are idiots and I love them.
50: 5 random facts about yourself:
1) I suck at giving random facts
2) I am currently on 100mg dose of Sertraline
3) I go to the gym and enjoy rack pulls (purely because I could lift 90kg first try at them)
4) I get way too awkward when first meeting people and my mouth goes a mile a minute, if you ever meet me, please just punch my arm and tell me to chill
5) I am 5″2 and a half but if you think that means I get pushed around boy are you wrong
@ofbonesandink you will pay
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