miyuskye · 9 months
ready to fight anyone slandering pudding and sanji x pudding
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ask-sanji · 3 years
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M!A Real Geezer (10/??)
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maplejordan22 · 5 years
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Episode 871 💏
"If you love something set it free. If it comes back it’s yours. If not, it was never meant to be."
If Sanji ever does come back for her, it's going to be his choice and his alone. And I like that.
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sirreptiloid · 6 years
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torosiken · 6 years
What's your opinion on Sanji and Pudding?
hello anon i really appreciate you sending me an ask!! I don’t know if you meant my opinion on Sanji and Pudding or Sanji AND Pudding. But either way here is my thought on all of them:
Thoughts Regarding Sanji
*cough* all of you probably know that he is my *cough* favourite *cough* character in One Piece. There are sooo many stuffs I like and wanted to talk about about him.
First of all, what made me really interested in Sanji is because how he is written. He is portrayed as a ladiesman, but in same time he is just a huge ass dork who is so soft inside. Yet having anger issue, and many problematic traits like his sexism and all. It makes Sanji really a complex character and a 3 Dimentional one at that.
I have so many things to say about him and I am just trying so hard to cut it short in this talk because… God. I know it’s going to be so hard for me to do that. And in same time my mind went blank on what to really type here lmao
I liked him so much especially during the pre-TS. He show so much love to people and he is trying so hard to protect everyone he loves, even if he likes to deny that he only cares for the ladies. There are a lot of foreshadowing regarding his past, but I have to really say to be honest I didn’t enjoy writing of WCI as much as I thought I would have. However, I did get the satisfication of how Sanji is portrayed during the arc.
The writing was sloppy and all, but he react just like how a human would have in that situation.
I actually dislike how Oda piled too much things on him. It’s kind of weird how he has an “extra backstory” while the other Mugiwara doesn’t. But the writing on Sanji as a character is not disappointing me at all. He sounds human. It’s the writing of the story that disappoint me than the character itself.
I kind of wish his pervertness doesn’t go off as a simple “joke” that everyone in OP let it slide off. It’s fine Sanji is a pervert and problematic bc that’s just how human works in real life. However I really want him to not be treated “fine” for that in OP itself. That’s why I quite enjoyed when everyone called out my sanji in ask-sanji for being a pervert or homophobic. I want him to embarrass himself.
I see Sanji as a relatable character and I just hope future arcs doesn’t disappoint me as much as WCI does. At least the core of his nature stays on the line.
Thoughts on Pudding
Let me tell you just HOW WEAK I am around cute girls with cute actions and when she appeared for the first time… fuck. I am hella weak. Take me pls //shot
It kinda fade as soon as Oda pulled plot twist within plot twists. Pudding is just a mess of a writing. I know he probably planned her to be something else. But, God. This writing is just too sloppy. I get the idea and I liked the idea of it. And “Evil” Pudding looks cool, but it’s just… too off for me. Starting from cute into evil into the dokidoki? It’s just too much. It felt enfoced. And I have to say my interest into Pudding actually dropped really fast because the messy writing.
I don’t know how to really put it in words. One part of me actually is fucking Gay^TM for her because GOD she is cute and she is amazing, and the other part of me is just too disappointed with her rushed writing along with the rest of WCI arc. Like Vinsmokes… god. I have the same mixed feeling about Vinsmokes.
I kind of feel Oda is kind of focusing more on Sanji’s character writing in this arc so he pretty much went too sloppy on everything else. I actually liked how Sanji “ignored” her after the whole ordeal. The only Pudding writing I could actually enjoy is probably the last part when she wiped Sanji’s memories on the last request(presumably a kiss) and she ran away, thus cried aftermath. It felt more human than the rest of the arc writing for Pudding.
A part of me actually liked the idea if Pudding’s first persona was the real one than we go back and forth on stuffs. Maybe the “evil” part could be pulled out a little bit better if it has more build up. I like how Pudding still point the gun and shot on Sanji after she calmed down from crying, even if the whole incident still kind of stupid :/
But my biggest disappointment actually on how she barely use her power in the end of the arc. There was actually more chances than that. But oh well, in the end I couldn’t really hate her as much because I am weak for her cuteness even if her swooning-then-switching-to-tsun!evil-jokes are really forced. I guess that’s that? At least the characters in the manga itself already got tired from her switching personalities joke that everyone including Sanji ignored it in the end.
Thoughts on Sanji and Pudding
Relationship wise, I have to say… they are very cute! And I wouldn’t lie that I do ship them. Even if I don’t ship them as strong, I do ship them. (Note that I use the word “ship” to describe any kind of interaction i like to imagine that could work between two characters)
Sanji is always been swooning on ladies, and I have my own extra headcanon why he often turn himself into a Love-Cook mode. Just as you can see when he was in stress, he told himself to be the love-cook he is to drown himself out of the bad thoughts. It’s actually a quite effective method to focus on one thing you like and ignore the others, even if that technique is actually still bad on your mentality. Sanji does tend to “run” from his problems into the “joy” he can find in something else he likes: the beauty of ladies.
It’s just cute to see finally a girl actually swoon backs at him, and then what? He actually “ignored” her.
Sanji is the person who likes to appreciate a woman’s beauty- but he mostly does it for himself to be “happy”. He likes seeing the response to that, but mostly he is doing it for himself- focusing on what is good and ignoring what is bad, so he could be less stressed- when he could care less about the person he is facing all in same time, yet caring about them because the person is another human being. -at least that’s my headcanon for him.
Pudding, on the other hand- experienced issue that no one actually ever opened up that they liked her and fell hard into Sanji for that. While I dislike the buildup, the result is actually really cute?
The writing for their interaction aftermath is kinda forced, especially that whole interaction double with urgency to bake a cake and the whole stuffs. But at least I love the closure to that.
Being pirates, they would separate ways and go on their own path. It’s not a happy end, but it’s not a bad end. Maybe they would meet again, and maybe they would not. But their interaction is a whole unique one I couldn’t help myself from shipping them.
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innerttt · 6 years
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-This is not mine- –This thread belongs to Satarmini on Oro Jackson– Here is an interesting theory, I keep hearing everybody says that Pudding took Sanji’s cigaret to kiss him or erase his memory, or both, I was starting to believe so, but then I read this, now this theory could be the real deal, what do you guys think? Credits to Satarmini.
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toroshitken · 6 years
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nur-is-tired · 7 years
In the mood for doodling, send me OTP/Character prompts ?
Mainly for these One Piece Characters/Ships but feel free to send any prompts in general.
Sabo, Koala, Charlotte Pudding, SaboxKoala, SanjixPudding, SanjixNami, ShanksxMakino, ZoroxTashigi, NamixSanjixPudding (OT3)
Or you could also send me your OC (One Piece or not) too if you’d like (not for prompts, but I’d love to try and attempt to quick draw some different and new characters for a change)
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maplejordan22 · 5 years
Jealousy? Naah.
Yeah Pudding saw that hug, but keep in mind she also saw Nami dodge that hug. Pudding literally witnessed Nami go out of her way to not stay in that hug. Which tells Pudding a lot about Sanji and his chivalry around other woman and how a lot/ the majority of it is indeed one sided.
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Yeah, Pudding isn't jealous of something that doesn't exist. If I recall she only was "jealous" once. And I've already done a discussion on why that particular incident was important. Any other incident was filler.
Now hopefully this terrible love triangle can begone, As this dispels it.
In some alternate universe Pudding and Nami are best friends. And that's good, because Pudding deserves a great friend like Nami.
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maplejordan22 · 6 years
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Pudding is hilarious. 😂😂😂
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maplejordan22 · 6 years
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WHY IS PUDDING JEALOUS AND IT’S PURPOSE TO THE STORY MY OPINION. I just want to start off and say I’m a one piece fan first and a Sanji and Pudding shipper second, I know that’s a generic thing to say about ships in general. As if abandoning your ship is something you do with a snap of your fingers. It’s not easy, and if one piece were to end with Luffy and Nami or Sanji and Pudding not ending up together I’d be devastated, but naturally I’d eventually come around and be like: Fine, aight, it’s not what I wanted but is cool. Unlike some shippers in the Naruto fanbase. Regardless, I wanted to emphasize why this moment meant more than it was being shown in the manga and here.
As you can see above the anime version of this scene, Pudding’s reaction was small and Minscule. It felt lesser than it actually meant, and that’s Oda’s trademark. He’s not going to emphasize romance when their is much more important things going on other than love and kisses. But it’s definitely there. Opposed to toei, they like beating you over the head with it, and of course it’s an adaptation. Realistically Oda wasn’t going to draw an entire page dedicated to Pudding’s reaction to Sanji saving Nami. It wasn’t going to happen. Opposed to the anime who can allocate a few seconds to the reaction and put proper emphasization on how much Pudding’s reaction really mattered.
If we take a look at Pudding’s reaction and put it in a vacuum, with the last five episodes in mind. I’d say Pudding wasn’t 100% sure about Sanji. His compliments to her definitely put her in a funk emotionally and definitely confused her. Especially since she was gonna kill him. XD Anyways She never thought someone would think her third eye was beautiful. She’s confused, she’s not sure about it, Pudding wants to confirm those words, she wants the things Sanji says to have weight too them and for him to genuinely mean them. For which he does.
Essentially, this is a Barrier and a layer of protection, Pudding doesn’t want to look foolish if she tries to reciprocate and reiterate these feelings back to Sanji. But even having said, Saying the least about Sanji’s character is this. He’s always cordial to woman. And maybe your saying he’s only saying those things to pudding because he’s a nice guy. And that’s true, he’d never insult Pudding, or any woman for that matter because he’s a suave lady’s man. It’s in his nature to always forgive the ladies.
So what have we learned so far, Pudding at this point is unsure about Sanji’s compliments and is naturally bitter against him in order to protect herself from possibly being made a fool of. So she watches him and his mannerisms, in this short amount of time she watches him like a hawk. I assume other than to get a safe distance away from big mom’s rage she has her eyes peeled on Sanji. Because she wants to study him, She Wants To reciprocate these feelings.
So low and behold as soon as Sanji interacts with another woman in a way that’s in a vacuum sight romantic. She’s jealous, as I said before it’s a eagle eye vacuum sight, Pudding doesn’t see Nami as his crewmate here, Pudding sees her as another woman in an eagle eyesight Getting rescued by Sanji. In this sight for Pudding she interprets it as romantic and something snaps in her.
Later on in the manga when Sanji and Nami reunite on the sunny Pudding isn’t jealous because she remembers they’re crewmates. So she’s not jealous. It’s not shown at least. But it’s evident that’s she’s not. Pudding doesn’t even hint at Nami after the event on the sunny. While Sanji and Pudding are flying to Cacao Island. Because Pudding knows it’s not a romantic relationship between the two they’re Nakama.
What snaps for Pudding, and take it that she doesn’t appear until she goes to retrieve Chiffon to bake the cake. And this isn’t for a few chapters. Pudding says something along the lines of Sanji Dishonored her with his compliments to her family members. But when she gets to Chiffon. She’s worried about Sanji because Big Mom is going to hunt the strawhats down and probably wreck them if she doesn’t get subdued.
What snap’s exactly? And why is this certain scene of her jealousy so important? Because it’s like this.
Pudding sees Sanji with another woman in a romantic setting, this causes her to react dramatically. Because this one act sets this fact straight for her.
It’s possible for Pudding to lose him, at the time she was on the fence about the compliments. However, this act of Sanji Rescuing Nami changed the narrative for her. She’s jealous in this one panal because Pudding doesn’t want to lose him before she can determine if the compliments were genuine. And this mindset she was set in because of the rescue is the one for her to go ahead and ACCEPT the compliments as FACTS.
Anyways TLDR:
That’s why her jealousy is important, that’s why she wants Sanji to live. Because Pudding realized Sanji was telling the truth about her third eye. That’s why Oda used SaNa to further along Pudding’s character development. Because realistically she was on the fence about Sanji because as we just learned everyone used to tease her about her eye. Except Now that she knows that she can lose him, to death, to another woman ETC: She knows she has to jump on this possible fleeting chance for happiness. That’s why she goes ahead to accept the complements, because in her mind she finally realized Sanji actually meant those compliments. And to her, the only person to ever call her true self beautiful was Sanji, and that meant the world to her. ❤
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ask-sanji · 7 years
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...this... is unusual for me. ;;
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