#anyway random ramble haha
skyloftian-nutcase · 15 days
To all my lovelies who frequently like my posts but don’t really interact much… I am sending you all hugs and I hope you’re doing ok ☺️❤️
To all of my lovelies who are always interacting and reblogging and tagging… you guys make me smile, love having fun with you ☺️❤️
To all of my lovelies who are writers… you’re fantastic and talented, go have adventures with your blorbos ☺️❤️
To all my lovelies who are artists… how the heck do y’all do it like holy cow art is hard, you’re amazing ☺️❤️
To all my lovelies who are just lurking in the corners… I hope you’re having fun here and am leaving blankets and warm drinks and comfort food in hidey holes for you ☺️❤️
I feel like I haven’t been giving everyone a whole bunch of my time lately, so anyway, love you all ❤️
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bleaksqueak · 6 months
see, ppl can say what they want about the resi 3 remake, but the remake got Mikhail perfect. Also i actually really love weird Puppy Nemesis lmao
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raycatz · 3 months
Oh, LMAO there's trampolines in the Echoes of Wisdom gameplay shown. There they are xD
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
There is a faraway forgotten land in another dimension. In that land, there is an abandoned city. And in that city, there is a lone radio. When that radio is not playing the newest hit by superstar artist Neichel, it’s playing the tastiest, funkiest jams the people of that world had to offer.
(AKA the chaotic Spotify playlist with several of my favorite classic jams that I like to listen to when working on stuff like the Roleswap comic >:D)
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kyuhu · 1 year
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ahhh okay listen, they are so much fun?? Not only because no one would expect these two of all people to end up together and I like the comedic potential of others going what?? Feliks and Ed?? NO WAY?! Liet would get a stroke just imagine. But also because they are kinda different personality wise at least on the outside and I feel like that would be exactly what fascinates them about the other. They'd be flustered/taken off guard by the other one all the time even if they won't admit it. Ed seeming all calm and cool going wow Feliks is so carefree and lively just spurting out whatever he feels at the moment which is something Ed might find admirable. Sometimes. (Other times it would annoy him to no end haHAH). While Feliks would be so impressed by Ed's ability to think rationally and get him back to the ground to breath.
They're actually just the same type of trainwreck just at a different end of the spectrum which makes them such a good fuel for each of their self-esteem and anxiety issues v.v they'll only need ages to discover that, if they even discover it at all.
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avirael · 10 days
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FFxivWrite 2024
Day 15 - Kindness (Free Day)
“Haurchefant!”, A’viloh yelled as he noticed the Elezen at the lower end of the staircase while looking down into the entrance hall. Quickly he followed him downstairs. “Rael told me you were looking for me.”
“Right.”, he said with a bright smile. “And here you are! I have to admit when you weren’t home yet when I arrived back home from the Congregation earlier, I was a little worried something might have happened to you on your way home.”
“Oh! No, I’m fine! I just brought Chloé to the stables and walked a bit through the city.”, the Miqo’te explained. “I am sorry if I caused you to worry.”
“No, it’s alright. I should have known you could take care of yourself after this impressive show of strength today.”, Haurchefant chuckled.
“Well... then let me use this opportunity to thank you once again for such a wonderful gift and also for your support and cheering me on like this.”, A’viloh said and smiled at the Elezen. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without your and Rael’s help.”
But Haurchefant shook his head. “I’m sure you would have anyway. And it of course goes without saying that I should support such a good friend as you are.”
“I don’t think it’s that obvious.”, the Miqo’te pondered. “At least I am not taking it for granted. Also that you spent so much time with me the last few weeks. First at Camp Dragonhead, when I wasn’t feeling well, and now here. Your kindness helped me a lot in this strange city.”
Haurchefant laughed slightly and A’viloh realised what he had said. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to insult your home of course. Ishgard is beautiful, as is this house. Very comfortable in fact… but still… it’s so unfamiliar for me. And some days I feel horribly lost and lonely.”
“That’s only understandable…”, Haurchefant offered reassuringly. “But I am glad to hear I could help you. I only wish for you to be happy. After everything you’ve done for all of us, you certainly deserve it.”
“I don’t know…”, A’viloh said and the sadness still lingered on his face. “I am not as special as all of you make it sound sometimes…”
“Of course you are!”, Haurchefant protested but A’viloh just shrugged. For a moment the Elezen seemed to think, then he exclaimed, “Oh! I know something that might cheer you up! Have you ever seen northern lights?”
“Have I ever seen what?”, A’viloh replied in confusion.
“Oh, splendid!”, Haurchefants beamed and asked a servant to fetch their coats. “I think you would love the northern lights, come one!”
Too puzzled to protest A’viloh followed him to the door, where a servants already handed the Elezen their coats. Quickly Haurchefant put on his own coat before helping A’viloh into his and then opened the door for him.
“Thank you.”, the Miqo’te whispered. “But where are we going?”
“Only to the pavilion.”, Haurchefant explained. “Don’t worry, you won’t freeze! There should be a fire. I can’t promise that we will see any northern lights though. It is rare for them to be visible from the city, but at least the sky is clear enough to see the stars tonight, so there is a chance...”
So far the night sky had mostly been hidden by clouds since they arrived here in Ishgard. At least the stars had never been so clear and shining as they were this night.
A’viloh found it strange how the stars over such a far-away and cold city could remind him of the night sky in the desert. The constellations were slightly different of course but the sea of glimmering lights was just as infinite and beautiful as he remembered.
There in fact was a small fire lit in a crozier inside the little pavilion at the side of Fortemps manor. The tiny building had been positioned so you could overlook some of the rooftops of Ishgard and also have a free view at the snowy mountains and the night sky above.
Since A’viloh had forgotten his gloves he stretched out his hands to warm them at the fire. Meanwhile Haurchefant stepped closer towards the lookout over the city and let his eyes scan the sky.
“There!”, he suddenly exclaimed and raised an arm to point at the sky. “It’s not much, but look, there in the distance!”
Curiously A’viloh looked up and followed with his gaze where the Elezen pointed. At first he couldn’t see anything but after a moment he caught sight of the faint, green glowing whirls in the sky. He gasped and hurried to Haurchefants side, leaning onto the banister of the pavilion to get a better look at this curious, beautiful appearance. For a few moment he just wordlessly started to the sky, his eyes shining brighter with wonder than the stars in the sky.
“This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…”, he whispered.
“Truly…”, Haurchefant replied but it wasn’t the sky he looked at. “There it is again, that pretty smile of yours.”
Startled A’viloh turned his eyes to Haurchefant who looked back at him smiling fondly.
Carefully the Elezen rested one hand on A’viloh’s and although it surprised the Miqo’te he didn’t pull it away. He wasn’t sure what this was but it felt comfortable. So often he felt horribly lost and hopeless and lonely but not when Haurchefant was around. His courage and cheerfulness were so contagious.
Tentatively the Elezen raised his other hand to caress A’viloh’s cheek and A’viloh couldn’t help but lean into the warmth he provided.
“I like you, A’viloh.”, Haurchefant confessed quietly and a little hesitantly the Miqo’te replied. “I like you too…”
He didn’t know if he really meant it the same way as him. But maybe this was enough for now.
“I would like to kiss you…”, the Elezen whispered almost silently and although it wasn’t a question it sounded like one.
What does it matter anymore?, A’viloh asked himself and nodded barely visible. Maybe I can be happy after all…
But he knew it felt wrong even before Haurchefants had leant down to him, about to close the distance between them.
He wanted to try, he wished it felt different but —
Wordlessly he raised a hand to the Elezen’s lips and turned away. Why did this feel so wrong all of a sudden? Why couldn’t he just he happy?
“I’m so sorry”, he whispered. “I can’t…”
Carefully he glimpsed to Haurchefant who looked so confused.
“There is someone else…”, A’viloh explained without really knowing anymore who it was he was talking about. But did it really matter? The result was the same. “There was, I mean… He is gone…”
“I am sorry…”, Haurchefant offered but A’viloh shook his head.
“No, I should be sorry.”, he repeated and evaded Haurchefants eyes with a sad expression on his face. “I’ve given you false hope. But I thought I could…”
“It’s alright.”, Haurchefant said softly and instead took A’viloh’s hand and pressed a light kiss to his knuckles. ”You really don’t need to explain yourself to me. And no need for such a sad face. Wasn’t this a wonderful evening until now?”
“It was.”, A’viloh agreed and smiled as he noticed the Elezen was still smiling at him too.
“Do you want to tell me about it?”, Haurchefant asked but A’viloh didn’t want to ruin the mood a second time. “Maybe another time…”
The Elezen reassuringly put a hand on his shoulder.
“Fine. But you can always talk to me if you want. You are a friend, A’viloh, and you will always be, no matter what.”
A’viloh felt so silly for rejecting someone as kind as Haurchefant. He was such an unconditional, wonderful friend. He himself on the other hand…
“I just wished I could be such a good friend for others as you are…”, the Miqo’te admitted and looked to the ground.
This seemed to surprise Haurchefant. “What makes you think you are not?”
Sharply A’viloh laughed. “Oh, only their faces when they look at me. Lately all I do is cause them to worry. Have you looked at Rael recently? Ever since we fled, every time I talk to them, they seem more and more troubled and withdrawn and I cannot tell why…”
“Hmmm…”, Haurchefant tilted his head in thought. “Rael certainly seems like something is bothering them and indeed they were worried about you. But are you sure this change is your fault? Do you think I should try to talk to them instead?”
“If Rael doesn’t talk to me, I doubt they will talk to you…”, A’viloh explained with a sigh. “If I just could so something to cheer them up…”
“Why don’t you?”, Haurchefant asked. “Certainly there is something Rael likes that would make them happy?”
“Books?”, A’viloh offered but didn’t sound convinced.
“I think there’s more than enough in our library already…”
“Magic and potions? But what do I know about that?”
“Isn’t Rael already studying with the astrologians? But maybe they would like to talk about it… what else?”
“Nature? Yes! And animals!”
“Ah! That’s something we can work with!”, Haurchefant exclaimed. “Sit down! I’ll pull the fire a bit closer. I’m sure we can figure something out….”
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starswirly · 3 months
[ * uhhhhh um uh. Nightmare <3 ]
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insectappreciator · 2 months
more on why i can't look at social media (pinterest) in public: i accidentally clicked on a sex toy ad ONE TIME and now i am guaranteed to see more ads for that every time i fucking go on there. >:(
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lieutenantselnia · 2 years
Some thoughts on the choice of Carina Smyth's first name
Ngl even though there are many things I don't like about DMTNT, I think that Carina is like one of the best names that could be chosen for Barbossa's daughter. It sounds like a pretty regular name at first, but I think the backstory is what makes it actually a really great choice.
"Carina" is the name of a star constellation which is also known as "keel of the ship". In the german dub of the movie this is actually made more obvious, as Carina says that she's named after said star constellation, whereas in the original she says the the brightest star in the north (which is part of the constellation) gave her her name. Being named after a star constellation which resembles a ship (or at least a part thereof), her name is connected to both the stars and the sea, two focal points in Barbossa's life as a pirate and as a captain. He's a man of the sea and an exceptional navigator, and I think it's safe to assume that he has a very good knowledge of astronomy, particularly for navigational purposes. As he said himself, he knows which stars to follow home.
I like to think that Barbossa consciously chose his daughter's name because of its meaning. However, we unfortunately don't know under which conditions it was chosen, since we simply don't have enough information about his and Margaret Smyth's relationship. How many months before the birth did he learn that he was going to be a father? Were he and Margaret able to prepare for the changes in their lives that might come with having a child, did they make any plans for the future? Did they think up names together, and he suggested Carina, should they have a daughter? Or did Hector just return to land one day to learn his partner had died while he was at sea, and left him a child, and he had to come up with a name on the spot and the first thing that came to his mind were the star constellations?
I kind of doubt that we will get any canonical answers to those questions, so they are left to the realm of headcanons. I personally like to imagine that Barbossa chose the name carefully, and because of what it meant to him personally. Even though he kind of said in the movie that he never wanted his daughter to be associated with pirates (which happens to include himself), I think as her father he still wanted to make at least one meaningful impact on her life, which happened to be the choice of her name. Maybe also, in that way he would never forget her, since whenever he observed the sky and saw the star constellation Carina, he would also think of his daughter.
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gemwolfz · 1 year
keronian technology is leaps and bounds above our own. which is why keronian tamagotchis have always been rechargable ever since their first release
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iceunhie · 11 months
Are you the suicide hotline? Because I really need to get your number/p/j
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
Man, I love the asks on Tumblr. Some of you guys (take note of some because definitely not all of you are included in that word) send the best asks and I have lots of fun answering them!
Once again please take note of the definitive use of "some", which means not all, or really even most. I say this because a few of you have sent the most fucking braindead asks I have ever seen and they will never be answered because why would you 1) send me that random ass shit and 2) expect me to spend time replying to it when it means nothing to me OR you, really
This was supposed to be a compliment driven post wherein I pat all your heads and tell you "gambare gambare! keep it up!" but you know what whichever of you guys sent those asks I'm talking about and you probably know who you are, you deserved that 🫵
I hope you know I showed it to all of my friends and we all made fun of you, and then the whole room clapped and I was crowned the king of Spain
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samgelina-jolie · 2 years
"Robin x Nancy" this and "Vickie x Robin"
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randomvoices · 1 year
A: "Don't open the closet."
B: *laughs* Why not?
A: "Because.. *B screaming in the background* there's a monster in the closet."
B: "Why didn't you tell me!?" *screeches*
A: "I tried!"
B: *screams*
A: *holds out chocolate* "Come on, ya little closet beast!"
C: *the monster eats the chocolate*
B: *runs out of the closet*
C: *the monster goes back into the closet*
B: "That was terrifying."
A: "I did tell you not to. Anyway, that was Hector. He likes sugar, so keep some on you at all times"
B: "How are you so calm?"
A: "One word: school."
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Just realizing I have 25 NSR OCs. Though technically Ex-Jay and the Mermaid Club aren't TRUE OCs since their designs were already made, I still count them as OCs since I changed things up and gave them names.
But also, if you need names to be an OC then I only have 23 since DJSS' parents don't have names yet lol
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insectappreciator · 3 months
look what i've learned on this website is that if you say 'damn i wish my name was xyz' or something to that effect you now have another name. just so you know.
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