#anyway sorry for venting so much because I'm well aware that I'm just freaking out really badly right now from being overwhelmed
thethingything · 1 year
anyway as always I'm just overwhelmed by a bunch of stuff at once and I'll be fine but wow it fucking sucks in the meantime and I'd like to maybe just get some time to rest and recuperate but what we're probably gonna get instead is either some unforseen bullshit to deal with, or just like 2 weeks of desperately sorting out the stuff we meant to do but couldn't keep up with before immediately being hit with the anniversary of some trauma that we didn't really cope with so much as repress as much as humanly possible so we could still function
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Oh your requests are open! By the way I’m “hey thanks for helping me not be depressed anyway wanna see my fanfic” anon, I guess? Hi there? Hope you’re doing well?
How about Withered Foxy, The Puppet, and Withered Bonnie with this prompt?
Reader is autistic and was pressured by her parents to get whatever job she could and not complain/ask for help. She became a night guard and handled it better than most for the first two nights. Then on night 3 she finally cracks and has a massive panic attack. The music box winds down, the mask isn’t on her face, and her flashlight has no batteries. As the animatronics are about to finish her off they just find her sobbing while struggling to say sorry over and over again. How do they react?
(In case anyones wondering: I’m autistic and I ended up in a call center because I was so desperate to please my parents by finding a job, even if it wasn’t good for my physical/mental health. I broke after three months of working there, and I am still recovering from it… NEVER work at a call center by the way. It’s arguably worse than FNAF2 in terms of inducing panic.)
(At the time I post this, requests are still closed)
Hi again! I'm sorry you've had a rough experience at the call center and I hope these hcs cheer you up <3
Withered Foxy
With BB’s obnoxious laughter playing on a loop and Foxy ready to charge down the hall...it was all just too much for you.
So you ended up sobbing in your seat, hands too shaky to put on the Freddy mask as you ended up dropping it anyways.
What good was it gonna do when Foxy wasn’t fooled by it?
Then you heard metal footsteps, but they’re not running ones that were going be followed by horrific animatronic screeching.
Instead they’re calm. And you look up and see Foxy standing over your desk. “Aye, lassie..no need for th’ tears..” He speaks softly, with a lisp, but soft nonetheless. “Sorry for th’ scare.”
But you’re still crying--not in terror but from being so overwhelmed over everything that happened tonight.
He realized the main source of your stress is BB and promptly tells him to shut up and return the batteries.
Then he gives you a soft Foxy plush, and you squeeze it, trying to calm down as he crouches beside you. He continues speaking softly and gently. Even if you can’t fully pick up everything he’s saying..his voice is soothing and helps you out of your meltdown.
All the while, he keeps his hook on the button, keeping the music box wound for you.
Being so overwhelmed by the other animatronics, you neglected the music box entirely and freaked out as its tune changed.
A fast-paced Pop Goes the Weasel definitely wasn’t calming you down.
So as the Puppet showed up seconds later you just cried and keep mumbling “I’m sorry” over and over again.
You’re so upset. You made her mad..and now you were gonna pay.
Yet..she doesn’t kill you, realizing you weren’t the evil man she was looking for--quite the opposite, in fact.
She sees how panicked you are and does her best to comfort you. 
Of course, she does this the best out of all of the animatronics, being calm and handing you plushies and reassuring you that you’re safe. She even turns off the music box as she knows how anxiety-inducing it can be.
As for the others, she’ll make sure they stay out of the office so you don’t get overwhelmed again.
Withered Bonnie
Putting the mask on and off constantly was sensory hell for you. The material itched your face badly and it was so stuffy.
It didn’t help when you had to ramp up how fast you multitasked on the third night.
At some point you forgot about Bonnie in the vents and freaked out when he showed up in your office.
The mask slipped from your hands, and you just cried about how you couldn’t do it anymore and just accepted your death.
But the faceless rabbit tilts his head, standing there looking concerned.
He’s aware of how scary he looks and isn’t the best at comforting, but he sees the mask that fell in front of the desk.
When you realize you’re still alive you look up at him, only to see him put the mask over the gaping hole in his face.
“Guess I should put on my best-t-t face” He jokes in a choppy broken voice.
Once you get the punchline it makes you laugh/grin a little as you calm down.
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Sorry to... get a little dark here... and if it makes you too uncomfortable, you can ignore this, but it's been in my thoughts off and on recently.
So, um, when it comes to self-harm, when I bite, it's never enough to cause like actual harm -- I don't work at one spot. Except once. About a month or so ago. I chewed the base of my finger almost enough to make it bleed, and would casual gnaw on it absent-mindedly, or when stressed, 2ould bite down hard because the sharp pain calmed like 75% of my nerves and made it easy to think again. But it's honestly not my preferred way, so I left it alone. It's still a blatant scar, and I occasionally chew lightly still, sometimes on the opposite hand, but that's usually because I just need something to do, not a means of harming myself.
But when I was chewing my finger, I did it right in front of my friends -- in front of my mom even -- and nobody noticed what exactly I was doing. They didn't recognize it for what it was. On the one hand, I was grateful, because I liked being able to do it whenever without anyone bringing attention to it, but on the other hand, it comes back down to that idea of -- no one ever knows what they do. They just let me do it and don't try to stop me, except maybe with a few worried words, but I'm careful, I have no intentions of leaving this world anytime soon. It's just something to stave off the anxiety or the boredom. Sometimes I just get the urge because, well, I'm a bit addicted. But it's off and on, those bouts of harming myself, and there's no real pattern. If I don't feel like it, I won't do it.
Anyways, what I'm trying to say it, what if the Choi twins caught their MC *in the act*? Biting or scratching or cutting, although the former two are the most on my mind. And I mostly can't stop thinking about it because, yes, they'd obviously be concerned and wouldn't want me to do it, but what would they think when I told them that... that I'm not depressed? I may be driven by anxiety or anger sometimes, but most of the time it's just a random urge. And I... and I like it. This whole thing started from mere curiosity. Sometimes I feel like a bit of a freak... but at the same time I'm conflicted, because while one part of me is sure that I am a freak for liking it, the other part is like who cares? I'm not hurting anyone, only myself, and even then I'm always careful...
And on rarer occasions, I have urges of... something to the level of "self mutilation" (if I understand the term right) like... wanting to just line the topside of my forearm with as many cuts as possible. Vent fics help me assuage(?) those, though, and I'd never be able to actually do that. I have enough self control for that at least...
Sorry again, especially if i was too detailed. Its just been on my mind so much here and there...
TW: Self-Harm
I’ve mentioned to you before that self-harm comes in more forms than cutting. It’s also about self-denial, isolation, shame, guilt, and more. 
There are many kinds of self-harm and they are all equal on the same of causing harm to yourself and I understand that it’s hard to stop once you’ve stopped. It can become what they call second-hand knowledge, but you have to be aware that it’s hurting you no matter how you balance it and no matter how you try to angle or postulate the thought. I don’t think you’re a freak, nor are you strange for the morbid curiosity. Some people like pain but there’s a difference between someone liking pain and inducing pain to yourself as a punishment or even to ground yourself from anxiety. 
You’re too young to explore the first one that I mentioned, and the latter can be harmful to your emotional health and physical health. Again, I’m not ashamed of you or trying to scold you, I’m sincerely worried that you’ll hurt yourself more than you intended in an instance and you’ll have more than a scar to think about when that happens. I don’t want you to get hurt! 
Remember when I told you other ways that you could cope when the feelings spring up? If you have a habit of biting a lot, you can get a stim toy to use rather than biting yourself. If it’s about an oral fixation, that can be the case with people who bite nails or suck their thumbs, the stim choice can be safer for you! There’s nothing wrong with that. 
I need you should explore that avenue to help yourself from getting overwhelmed and worked up over these latter properties. You know that you’re doing it and you know that it’s not making you feel better and that it won’t help you in the long run. Know that is an uphill battle for many people, not just you, so you’re not alone. 
But, once you’re aware of what you’re doing, you have to try to find healthier ways to cope. Relapse happens, we’re only human, but you need to hold yourself accountable and work on this. Write, stim, etc. I know you can figure out what works. 
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thisiskatsblog · 4 years
Hi Kat, I'm feeling sad and sort of mad here so I might rant, I'd like to know what you think I don't know if you're gonna post it or answer it to avoid controversy and negativity in your blog but I appreciate you got to read it bc I needed to vent, tysm in advance...
I see so many people hating on Harry because he said "clothes are fun" without "making any social statement about it and that he doesn't recognize his privilege of wearing what he wants cause he's rich and famous" and can I just say that it's because of that same privilege he's so influential and has helped so many queer fans to be who they want to be, he's using his privilege for good and also, I hate when people try to force activism out of everyone...
I understand being critical but activism should be genuine and intentional. It just seems to me that they're people from the q community who had an agenda against him before this interview got released, sometimes it doesn't even seen this is about social justice. I've seen the most cruel and hateful comments wishing for him to be miserable and unsuccessful (that's not happening anytime sooner, honey, go off)...
And they don't really know him, they don't know he does more than waving flags and putting stickers on his guitar, he has donated to non-profits, spent money on queer artists, he protested and signed petitions for BLM, he has helped fans to come out, he does have talked on social issues, they're just looking for a reason to be mad tbh...
He might not get too deeply political because he has stated that politics divide people and that is 100% true. He has INDEED recognized he is privileged on a RS interview and that he just wants to show people he sees them and he's here for them. Everybody does activism in different ways, and Harry's certainly isn't performative, he's not obnoxious about it but he's not tone deaf either, he's self-aware.Honestly, I don't understand what this people want?...
If they see this cis boy speaking on gender issues and gender expression on a Vogue interview and talking about trans/nb/gnc people who are opressed then they may fill Twitter with comments like "he doesn't do anything for us, why is he talking about it? he's not our icon" but if he doesn't do it then he's pandering? Do they want an ally who leads a movement and speaks on issues or an ally who does acts of service for the movement and doesn't speak for it? I don't understand, idk if I will..
Finally, no one should be a certain sexuality to be allowed to break gender roles, yes, straight people do have privilege even when they dress androgynous but they shouldn't be cancelled for that...
Now, entering hypothetical (basically confirmed) field, can we talk about how problematic is accusing a closeted person of pandering? If someone have ever told artists like Bowie or Mercury to "stop profiting of queer people" while they weren't out in the public eye, then no one would have paved the way for other men to express themselves, break toxic masculinity and help other gender non-conforming kids. Kids like Janelle Monaé, Billy Porter, Lil Nas, P!nk, Sam Smith and yes, Harry Styles.
(that was the end of my rant btw, it was like 8 asks, I think, hope nothing got lost, sorry for the length but this people literally want Harry to fail because of freaking wearing a skirt and not getting too political about it and I was certainly not having it)
----------------------- Hi anon,
They all arrived! 
I’m glad it helps you just to be able to vent, without expecting to be published, so anyone who needs a vent: do feel free to use the service of my inbox 😊
I will publish because I think you are making a few interesting points.
It’s true that Harry can do the things he does because he is privileged – and I completely agree with you that it’s a good thing he is using that privilege to the fullest and thereby changes things for the better for other queer people.
On the other hand, I do understand the frustration of queer people who are less privileged when they wish he would recognize that privilege. It isn’t true that in this day and age anyone can dress the way Harry does on the cover of Vogue, and it could make his “statement”, which in itself is positive for queer people, all the more powerful if he recognized it and expressed his wish for that to change. To me, it’s a question of gradation. Wearing a ruffled dress is really good and changes lives; saying that you wish everyone had the freedom to wear that dress in the way you now have that freedom is even better and raises awareness of intersectionality (when you are LGBTQ and poor, being LGBTQ is more difficult than when you are LGBTQ and rich).
I don’t think Harry is the kind of person you’d need to force activism out of, I do see him as someone who has been activist as well as political on many occasions. Maybe not as political and activist as I’d like him to be, maybe not in the way I would be in his position, but definitely committed to the same causes that I find important, and not afraid of using the position he has to influence when he feels comfortable to do so. I wish he’d been more vocal on a great number of occasions, but I agree with you in that you cannot look at your idols in music and simply expect them to be fervent and perfect political activists. Art can be activist, but it doesn’t have to be, you cannot expect it to be.
Furthermore, I think Harry definitely has some privilege that he’s shown to be unaware of, and I’ve also seen him take things in, learn, change his position (see the RS interview you also mention), and become more vocal politically. In other words: Harry is human.
I have not seen the criticism you are talking about, and it seems there have been various different ones, so I won’t be going into them, some seem more valid, others are not. In any case I would be very hesitant to put it all aside as “queer people who had an agenda against him” or “they’re just looking for a reason to get mad”. That thinking may put you at ease, and stay on your side of things, but it won’t help the conversation. I think it’s important when you’re on two sides of an argument, to try and understand where the unmet need is on the “other” side.
Since I haven’t seen the original arguments, I am not completely clear on this – but it seems that the common thread in your understanding of the criticism he receives is that Harry’s ambiguous identity (while having amply suggested he may be not cis/straight, he hasn’t been straightforward about it) makes it possible for people to criticize him both ways.
I agree with you that you do not need to be queer to be allowed to break gender norms, and that closeted people should not be criticized for breaking gender norms and paving the way, to come out themselves, and for others. But I do see where the frustration on the other side comes from – I don’t think it’s necessarily evil willed towards Harry. What I see, a strong wish and urgent need to have out and proud role models who do these things; and – guessing that a lot of the people criticizing him suspect he is indeed closeted – an enormous frustration that closeting still happens, and about the mixed messages Harry, as a role model, may implicitly gives to queer kids in this way. It’s okay to dress outrageously and challenge norms but it’s not okay to be explicit about your identity and orientation, do keep that vague. I personally feel extremely frustrated about that, even if I also believe this is outside Harry’s will.
“We don’t talk enough, we should open up, before it’s all too much…”
Anyway, long story short anon: I get you. And I think I get the other side too. In the end we all choose whether we want to see the glass as half full or half empty. And I’m siding with you that it’s half full, and with the critics that I wish it were completely full, but then again with you that you cannot really fault Harry for that not (yet) being the case... But it’s okay for it to be said: I wish the glass were full.
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Hello! Could I get a Ship? I'm 5'8, Brunette with big blue eyes and I'm very pale. I'm athletic but also kinda curvy. I adore cuddling lol. I'm a very shy and quiet person at first but open up once you get to know me. I'm kinda the Mom of my friend group. I'm a good listener and will help you with any of your problems the best I can. Lowkey not good with showing emotion lmao. I also love Art and History. :))))
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Floyd Talbert
by god is this an iconic ship-
i’m sorry but i just thought of something and now it’s canon... Floyd totally calls you sapphire i’m so sorry he’s so cheesy
a n y w a y s
floyd thinks you’re really pretty
like i’m talking like you could literally barely glance at this man and he’d be swooning
it’s kind of comedic at this point how whipped he is for you
once he stared into your eyes for a few minutes.... he thought he was being romantic by admiring your eyes, you thought he was being a creep, so you threw water at him
it’s what he deserves
he likes how curvy you are too
it literally wouldn’t matter what body type you have anyways, if Floyd thinks a girl’s beautiful then she’s beautiful
he doesn’t mind how shy or quiet you can be, he can carry enough conversation for two people by himself
it’s a very good thing that you enjoy cuddling because Floyd needs to touch you like ALL THE FREAKING TIME
it’s getting ridiculous
hand holding, arm around the waist, spooning, etc
he likes to be the big spoon because he likes to bury his face in your neck
Floyd likes it when you becoming more talkative around him, it makes him feel special and like there’s a side of you he gets to see that no one else can
Floyd likes that you’re a good listener because he knows that you’ll always be there for him when he needs to rant, but sometimes he worries and wishes you would vent to him as much as he does to you
your relationship with Floyd isn’t all peaches and cream though
Floyd wears his emotions on his sleeve, while you tend to bottle up/conceal yours more
he gets frustrated that he doesn’t know what your feeling or if he’s doing something wrong in the relationship, and that is the primary cause of most of your arguments
nevertheless, you and Floyd always make up at the end of the day
Floyd will never go to bed with an angry s/o and that’s on periodt.
Floyd likes taking you to art and history museums because he loves to see how your face lights up when you step into the exhibit
he literally hates museums but he’ll never tell you that because he enjoys them when you’re there
he’ll also always hype up your art too
how you two met
you were apart of Easy Co., and naturally, being the only woman in the paratroopers, you were a prime target for random men to flirt with
and it drove you nuts
Floyd Talbert was one of the worst though
every single day, he came up with a new shitty pickup line, and by god were they awful
if the man told you you were the cat’s meow one more goddamn time...
it wasn’t the worst thing you had to endure at Camp Toccoa
Floyd was more of an annoying gnat buzzing too close to your head that you just couldn’t seem to swat away
Floyd on the other hand, was confused at to why you weren’t reciprocating his advances
he was so hell bent on getting you to like him, he thought you were amazing
besides, couldn’t you tell that he was interested in you?
well, Luz informed him that maybe you weren’t aware because he flirted with literally anything that walked
after Luz whipped him into shape, he started being more helpful and polite to you
always holding open doors for you, making sure no guy was being too mean, always inviting you to sit next to him during lunch, etc.
you were confused as hell the first couple weeks, until you realized that this was his way of getting you to realize he liked you
however, you weren’t gonna make it easy for him, and neither were Luz and Perconte
they were basically your gremlin children, and you were their mom
they made it so hard for Luz to get close to you, even physically
they’d always purposefully sit next to you, always joked about dating you, etc.
and ngl.... Floyd was getting a little jealous
so jealous, in fact, that he started planning a massive plan to ask you out
one day, as you walked into the barracks to find your missing PT shorts, you caught Talbert stowing away chocolates and a historical novel underneath his bed
Floyd jumped, clearly startled as you began to talk, “ya know, you could just be normal and ask me out.”
Floyd rose to his feet, briskly walking towards you
“Is that an invitation?”
I’m so so so sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoyed this, I had a little too much fun writing it. Anyways, have a lovely week! 💕
~ Ky
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