#anyway this has brought me so much joy the last couple months!! we are all so lucky <3
annarubys · 2 years
i love you theory posts about night five i love you refreshing the dash every two minutes to see pixels i love you liking posts by the same five tumblr users on the dash for two hours straight i love you all the people i’ve forced to blacklist mcr i love you seeing the same urls in my notes every concert night even though we don’t follow each other because we’re experiencing something together i love you random teenagers dedication i love you everybody hates the eagles i love you streamers i love you people who scream and cry in the tags of posts i love you going crazy about deepcuts i love you welcome to the black parade i love you documentary/live album truthing i love you gerard i love you frank i love you ray i love you mikey i love you my chemical romance
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mamaestapa · 1 year
Room For One More
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•pairing : Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/n Hubbard, the younger sister of Cincinnati Bengals Defensive End Sam Hubbard, finds herself in a difficult situation after a steamy hookup with her brothers best friend, who just so happens to be the quarterback for the Bengals. In just nine months their lives will be changed forever. How will Y/n and Joe manage to to go through parenthood together? more so, how will Sam take the news he is going to be the uncle of his best friends baby?
•chapter summary: You and Joe take an important step to make sure your baby will always have both parents present. Soak in the sweet moments before the angst begins…
•word count: 3.3k
•warnings: pregnancy, fluff, mentions of confrontation and angst, mentions of sex, I think that's all?
series masterlist
March 17, 2023
4 months pregnant
You did one last look through your apartment before you headed down to the front office of the complex to return your key. Today, you are moving out of your little one bedroom apartment in Cincinnati, and moving into a much bigger and better space.
That space being Joe's home.
That's right, you are moving in with Joe.
Joe asked you to move in with him when the two of you shared a moment with each other after the gender reveal party. Dancing to music with the sunset in the background brought out all of the emotions shared between you and Joe that day...
~7 days earlier~
Joe smiled down at you as you confessed your love to him. He felt his heart swell with joy at your words. It made him feel like he was 20 years old again, telling you how much he loved you at Ohio State.
Well, he never did get to tell you he loved you all those years ago. That moment was ripped away from Joe by your older brother...
But he has been, and always will be in love with you.
As "Crash Into Me" finished playing, the opening chords of Lifehouse's "Everything" began to play. You and Joe continued to sway along to the slow, soft music. The two of you cherishing the moment with just each other, and the little boy in your belly. As much as you enjoyed the moment, both of you knew there was still so much you had to talk about.
Your relationship status...well, you did just confess your love for one another. That's enough reassurance for now.
Sam not coming to the gender reveal...you'd be seeing him in a couple weeks for his wife Emma's baby shower anyways. You could confront him then.
The OSU situation the came to light that you have yet to discuss...that can be saved for another time. No need to ruin a perfect moment with something like that.
But Joe knew that right now, in the moment, there was something more important he needed to discuss with you than those three things.
“Y/n” Joe said softly, making you hum in response. The look on Joe’s face made you furrow your eyebrows slightly. His adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped nervously. Joe averted his gaze from yours, making you move your hand from behind his back to his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Joe brought his gaze back to you as he smiled softly. He seemed like he had something to say, something important.
“What is it Joe?” You asked as you began to absentmindedly rub his shoulder with your thumb.
Joe sucked in a breath before giving you a look of apprehension. The look on his face was starting to concern you a bit.
He let out the breath he was holding before saying, “I was thinking a couple days ago. It’s just a thought and you don’t need to give me an answer yet.”
You cocked your head to the side, slightly confused, “Okay?…”
What was it that Joe could be so worried to talk to you about? You pondered as he had
“I want our baby—our son, to,” his hands traveled to the sides of your swollen tummy as he sighed, “to have both parents around in his life, all the time.”
“He will Joe, I-.”
“We don’t need to rush into anything—relationship wise that is, but I think it would be good if you,” he sighed, closing his mouth and deciding not to finish his thought.
You frowned, “Good if I what?”
“If you move in with me.” Joe finished, his mouth forming in a straight line and heart pounding in his chest as he waited anxiously for your response.
Your mouth fell open at his suggestion. Move in with him? That’s a pretty big step.
“You don’t have to, Y/n. I just thought-.”
“Okay.” You cut him off. You know it’s the right thing to do for your baby. Even if you and Joe aren’t together, it’s a good idea for your baby boy to have some stability in his life when it’s time for him to enter the world.
Joe’s breath hitched, “Yeah?”
A small smile pulled at your lips. “Yeah,” you nodded, “I’ll move in with you.”
~4 days later~
Moving your sunglasses up to your forehead and off of of your face, you took a deep breath as you knocked on the door in front of you. You stepped back from the door and crossed your arms over your chest, letting them rest on your belly. As you stood outside the door, you heard a muffled voice and heavy footsteps grow closer. The door swung open, Joe greeting you with a small smile as he dried his hair with a towel.
"Y/n, hi." He sounded a little shocked to see you.
"Hey Joe,"you smiled slightly, sucking in a breath and letting out a light laugh, "got room for one more?" you asked, gesturing to the car in the driveway full of your belongings. A grin broke out on Joe's face at your words. He was so excited for you to move in with him, spending late nights and early mornings cleaning the house and preparing rooms for both you and the baby.
"Yeah," he nodded, his smile growing, "I think I do."
You smiled in response, "Good because I've already packed everything up and i'm too lazy to move it all back to my apartment." Joe tossed is bath towel to the floor. He chuckled as he stepped onto the concrete and walked up to where you stood. Joe grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with your as he walked with you to your car. You didn't have much, but you still had a significant amount of boxes piled into your car. You knew you wouldn't be able to carry everything in yourself, nor would Joe even allow you to do that. So it was nice to have Joe's help carrying in everything.
About four trips to the car and ten boxes later, all of your belongings were now inside of Joe's house.
Joe grunted as he picked up and placed the last box labeled "kitchen items" on the granite island. He wiped his forehead, "Phew," he breathed out, "that's the last one." You smiled, "Thank you for helping me."
Joe nodded, "It's no problem. I didn't want you to carry anymore than you already did at your apartment," he gestured to your bump, "I don't want you or the baby to get hurt." He cared so much for that little peanut growing in your belly. It just warmed your heart. Joe is going to be a great dad.
"Don't worry," you reassured Joe, "I had help from a really nice guy who lived down the hall from me. He happens to be an athletic trainer, so carrying all those boxes was nothing to him."
Joe scoffed, "I wish i could say the same..." he begrudgingly glanced at his biceps, "You've got a lot of stuff, Y/n." Joe finished as you reached out to touch his bicep. It was bulging out of his black compression shirt more than usual. "It looks like you're working on it though..." you trailed off, "you've got some more muscle than usual. I like it."
Joe just chuckled at you as you scrunched your nose up at him. Pulling your hand away you sighed softly. "But I know, I do. If it makes you feel any better though, I think you looked much better carrying those boxes than Ryan did." you said with a teasing smile. Joe just smiled sheepishly, "Thanks."
The air was tense as the two of you stood in Joe's kitchen, surrounded by boxes full of unpacked items and memories. As you stood together, Joe's blue eyes left yours, traveling down to your lips instead. His chest rose with a deep breath as he then brought his eyes back to yours again. The air was so tense in the moment as your breath hitched, expecting to feel Joe's lips on yours. Joe wanted to lean in for a kiss, but he held back, instead snapping out the moment as he nervously rubbed his palms on his shorts.
"So uh," he cleared his throat, "how about we unpack all this tomorrow?" he gestured to the boxed behind him. "I'm sure it's been an exhausting day for you, and you need rest."
As Joe said the word "rest", you yawned. You were pretty exhausted. Moving is a lot of work, especially when you're pregnant.
"Yeah" you said, rubbing your tired eyes, "sleep does sound pretty great right now." Joe chuckled as he nodded. He pushed himself off of the counter and waved you over as he exited the kitchen. "Follow me, I'll show you your room."
You followed Joe up the flight of stairs to where the bedrooms were. You followed him down the hallway, walking past his film room, an empty bedroom and his bedroom, before finally making it to the guest bedroom at the end of the hall. Joe stopped in front of the door, opening the door for you and letting you walk into the room before him.
"You're welcome to stay in the guest bedroom, but," his voice grew soft as he gestured down the hallway, " just know there's room in there too..."
Joe was referring to his bedroom. You gave him a teasing smirk as you said, "Your film room?" Joe rolled his eyes at your playful remark. "Duh." was all he said, making both of you chuckle softly. You thought it was sweet of him to offer his room to you too, but you figured you would stay in the guest bedroom.
It just makes things easier. For both you and Joe.
"I appreciate that, thank you." you said genuinely. You gestured to the queen sized bed with the dark gray comforter, "but I think I'll be fine in here."
Joe nodded, "Yeah, I just wanted to offer that space to you. What's mine is yours now, I guess." You smiled, "Yeah, I guess so."
It felt weird to be living in the same house as Joe. But it was a good weird. This was something you dreamed if years ago, and now that dream is finally coming true. And boy would Sam kill you if he found out...
Speaking of Sam, you still haven't talked to him since the night you told him that you're pregnant. You're still upset that he didn't show up at the gender reveal, and you know that Joe is just as upset as you are, too. However, the two of you will get to confront him in a few days.
His wife Emma is having her baby shower soon. She invited you and Joe, meaning you'll have to see Sam. Seeing Sam means you will finally get the opportunity to confront him about everything. His reaction to the baby...why he's been avoiding you and Joe...why he didn't show up to the gender reveal...why he was responsible for Joe leaving you behind all those years ago...
It all made you so angry. He's your brother. Your built in best friend. Why did he have to be such a dick about the whole situation? Yeah his best friend knocked you up, but Sam has done much shittier things to you and Joe.
If anyone should be the dick in this situation, it should be you and Joe. Not Sam.
But you have some piece of mind knowing that you will get the chance to confront him about everything in just a few days.
You and Joe stood in the guest bedroom that is now your bedroom, silence falling between the two of you. You glanced around the room, taking in the simplicity of it. The room was just like Joe's whole home. Simple and Cozy.
You couldn't help the yawn that escaped your lips as you looked longingly at the bed, ready for a good nights sleep in your new home.
Joe must have noticed your yawn because he couldn't help but chuckle at you before speaking up. "I'll let you get ready for bed." he said softly, giving you a small smile. You thanked him quietly as you moved to pull the covers down. You stopped yourself as you realized that all of your things were still sitting in their boxes downstairs in the kitchen. You didn't feel like going back downstairs to find your clothes, and you certainly didn't want Joe to either. You pulled your hand away from the bed, turning to look at Joe who had just stepped out of the bedroom.
"Hey Joe?" you called out. He stopped in his tracks and turned around, giving you a soft smile as he made eye contact with you. "Yeah?"
"I don't have anything to wear tonight. I mean I do, but, all of my stuff is still downstairs, and I don't really feel like going down there right now." you explained. Joe nodded, "I'll bring you a shirt."
You smiled, "Thanks Joe." He just smiled at you before turning back around, and continuing to walk down the hall to his bedroom. He returned a couple minutes later with a purple LSU t-shirt in his hand. He stood in the doorway, "Here," he said as he threw the t-shirt at you. "you can sleep in this tonight."him.
You caught the shirt, smiling softly at him as you did so, "Thanks, i'll be right back."
Joe nodded as you went to the bathroom to quickly change. After you finished changing, you went back into the bedroom. Joe was laying on the right side of the bed, scrolling through his phone. His head snapped up when he heard your footsteps on the vinyl floor. Joe smiled at the sight of you in his t-shirt. It reminded him of the morning after your hookup. What great memories...
Joe looked up at you with his soft blue eyes as he patted the left side of the bed. You walked over to the bed and carefully sat down next to him. Once you were comfortable, Joe sat up against the headboard. His eyes made their way to your lower tummy.
"Awe," he crooned, "look at that." he smiled, pointing to your clothed abdomen. You looked down, smiling when you saw the tiny baby bump poke through the shirt you were wearing. When you were standing, the shirt hung loosely on your body. But while you were sitting up in bed, it hugged your small bump. You brought your hand down to your belly, stroking over the fabric of Joe's shirt. You let the palm of your hand rest against the side of your belly as you grabbed Joe's right hand, gently placing it on the side opposite of yours. Joe smiled as he stroked your swollen tummy with his thumb, giving his unborn child a hello. The moment making your heart swell with so much love and happiness. You would stay like this forever if you could.
You closed your eyes, humming in content, "I could stay like this forever." Joe hummed in response, "Mhm, me too."
The two of you sat in your bed for a few more minutes, both of your hands sprawled out over your bump as Joe spoke to his son. He finished talking to the baby boy, giving your tummy a soft kiss before pulling away and getting out of your bed.
"You should get some sleep." he said softly, "come get me if you need anything, OK?" You nodded, a warm smile on your face as you said, "I will. I think I'll be fine though."
You and Joe bid each other goodnight, both of you going your separate ways for the night. You turned on the ceiling fan above the bed and turned the lights off before you crawled into bed. As soon as you were comfortable, you placed a hand on the middle of your bump and closed your eyes, trying your best to fall fast asleep.
You promised Joe you would be fine...but you weren't.
A couple hours had passed and all you had done was restlessly toss and turn, with your eyes wide open. You couldn't seem to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Huffing out a sigh, you sat up in bed and grabbed your phone from the bedside table. You let out a groan as you read the time.
You let out another sigh as you pulled your phone off of the charger. You pulled the covers off of your body and got out of bed. You didn't want to bother Joe, but you knew you wouldn't get any sleep tonight if you didn't. The truth is, you just didn't want to be alone. You wanted someone to hold you close tonight. You wanted that someone to be Joe. You reluctantly walked down the hallway, stopping in his doorway as you saw Joe's face lit up from the screen of his phone. He looked so comfortable and at peace as he just laid in bed. Part of you felt guilty for disturbing him, but at the same time, he did tell you to come get him if you needed anything, and you did need something...
You took a deep breath before you spoke, "Joe?"
Joe reached over and turned the bedside lamp on, his face immediately etched with concern as he noticed you standing in his doorway.
"Are you OK? Is something wrong with the baby?" He asked, reaching for the covers and getting ready to jump out of bed. You shook your head, "I'm fine, so is the baby." you reassured, smiling slightly as you noticed his shoulders and face both immediately relax at your reassurance. "I just can't sleep is all." You said, voice barely above a whisper. Joe frowned as he gazed at you. His eyes fell to your middle. He sighed softly as he reached over to pull the covers down on the other side of his bed.
"C'mere." was all Joe said. You smiled softly at him as you cautiously made your way over to his bed. You laid down next to Joe as he leaned to the side to turn the lamp off. Once you were both laying in bed, Joe pulled the covers up over both of your bodies.
"You comfy?" he asked. You nodded as you closed your tired eyes, "Yeah."
A couple minutes of silence passed before Joe spoke again, "Do you need anything."
You opened your eyes, debating on what to say. You could lie and say "no" or you could tell him the truth.
"Just you." You said quietly in response. You felt Joe shift next to you as soon as the words left your mouth. He brought himself closer to your body, slowly bringing an arm down to your waist. He gently pulled you close to him, holding you against his body. The hand on your waist migrating over to the middle of your tummy. This felt so right. For both you and Joe.
"Better?" he asked. You hummed, putting your hand over his as you closed your eyes. "Much."
You could hear the smile in his voice as he said, "Good."
"Good night, Joe." You said quietly. Joe squeezed you gently in his warm embrace, "Good night, Y/n. Sleep well."
With that the two of you fell asleep in each others arms. Neither one of you even knowing about the craziness that was about to impact your lives in a few days...
hey loves!!
first of all i want to apologize for how rushed and bad this was lol. definitely not my best work! BUT it is just a filler chapter.
there’s some pretty angsty/crazy/heavy stuff coming very soon, so be prepared and like i said, soak up all the sweet moments in this series while you can…
i’m so sorry this took me forever to update. i had a little writers block with it, but i knew i just needed to push through it! thank you for your continued love and support. it means so much to me!!🤍🤍
tags: @dandelionwrites8 @joeburreauxsworld @theflawedwriter @mrsshiesty @ann288 @ijustcrypretty @theoneandonlyfanz @wickedfun9 @venus-b @hummusxx @stainednailpolishremover @a-moment-captured @alternativemadchen @erinmartin1987 @sirlewisworld @kkrenae @unhingedfangirl @sublimemusic-rebel @meameagirl @ilovejoeburroww @hallecarey1 @j-worlds-blog @blinkloverx3 @jordyn14 @kristencochefski1125 @ryiamarie @unsaidjaelinrose @sinners-98-world @ozwriterchick @hearts4papayas @emherb10
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Fable SMP Finale - Analysis & Thoughts
Holy shit, I cannot even begin to describe how much of an emotional rollercoaster watching the finale of Fable SMP was. I was sobbing one second, screaming in joy the next, laughing and smiling not soon after, and feeling anger or sickness. The pure emotion that the cast of Fable SMP put into this masterpiece is undeniable. And yes, I know it's silly little block people playing silly little stories, but their our silly little block people and their stories are huge! There were cutscenes with commissioned art!
The joy and comfort that Fable SMP has brought me over the past many months is massive. Their streams were around for me to watch when I was having bad days or needed something in the background while studying. Fable SMP was a multimodal storytelling wonder. And whilst I'm sad it's over, I'm happy it was there to start with. I came into this fandom at the mid-point of S2, and from then on, have been hooked. I love the art and the cosplay and the nice fandom with friendly, cosy chat communities. But anyways, let's get into this analysis. (also RIP Rakai, thankyou for romantically distracting Ick and making them forget about hunting the child, a.k.a Athena) Spoilers!!!!!!!!!! For anyone who hasn't watched the finale!
To start with, watching the complicated emotion portrayed by Sherbertquake through Icarus was incredible acting. The whole cast, including Fable himself (aka Mr. HeyHay's husband), displayed awesome acting that I'm jealous of and one day hope to be able to express. I loved watching Sherb change their expression, even minutely, as everyone just unloaded their trauma and screamed at Fable. I loved watching as they realised that maybe their dad wasn't the best guy, even though they knew it in the back of their mind the whole time. Hearing the raw emotion that each member of the cast poured into their act was impressive, and reminded me that you don't just have to be an actor to be good at acting. As of now, I'm still yet to watch HeyHays POV, but trust me I will, I just need to emotionally heal over the next couple of days.
Now onto the storyline of the finale. Now of course, I've only watched from Sherberts' POV, but here's what I think as of now. I started watching the episode effectively knowing what would go down, but I still came out surprised. At the start, I could definitely see the hesitance for action in Icarus but also their want for relief and the freeing of burden, still mostly trusting in their father. Of course, Icarus would always trust Fable at the start, he is their dad. Their dad who they've been missing all their life, whenever they actually needed him, he couldn't be there. Fable was also the one that promised Icarus what they wanted; peace, freedom from Quixis, their mother back, a happy united family, no more resets. Why wouldn't Icarus believe everything their father said? It's like a preacher in a pulpit. But as we moved further through the episode, we started to see everything fall apart. We could see pain, pain as people had to fight others they didn't want to. And then things started to unravel more as everyone entered Purgatory for the final show down. Our beloved Violet of course swooped in to save the day in the final second, saving Athena from Reaver by Fable's hand. Fable was then chained, which is ironic, as this whole scene reminded us of Fable's new mortality. That without the Reaver, he was nothing. And then, we finally got to see Icarus redeem themselves. I thought the glitching trident through the chest was very poetic and very Icarus. The creation destroying their creator in more ways than one. Fable was both Icarus's dad but also the creator of who Icarus had become over the last couple of months. He poisoned Icarus and turned them against their friends, so it was nice to see Icarus make things right and put Fable out of his misery. And then everyone was together again. The brothers were reunited, and I cried when we finally got to see Icarus and Rae get that much needed hug. Athena didn't immediately forgive Icarus, but that's fair, and Icarus understood that and was willing to move towards restoring their relationship. I suppose that's what happens when you push Athenas boyfriend off a tree and hurt Momboo. I think Arisanna staying back in Purgatory and working to restore it was a good move, and I'm excited to watch everyone else's epilogues. When it was time to Icarus to pass on, I was also really sad, because this meant the actual end for the series, especially for Icarus. It was nice to see Violet/Centross and Ick get closure and emotionally heal? And for Ick and Rae get a final goodbye.
Okay, so the art cutscenes? Awesome! They added finesse to the final scenes and made the project really elaborate and put together. I love @fruitsalad864 art, and I could definitely see bits of Silco in Fable. *chefs kiss* I think putting the art in grey background and black ink with touches of colour for emphasis and embellishment was a good creative choice and didn't make anything too busy. I loved the flashes of peoples eyes as they casted the spell to trap Fable, it was a nice way to include everyone into the art. But what do I know? I had to quit high school art classes in Grade 10, which is sad.
Anyways, Sherberts filmed end scene. Let's look at that. Well, we finally got to see Quixis' face, in fact we got to see all of Quixis and the world port. Does anybody know if the creators made the world port prop or they went some where to film. Because if so, kudos for being brave enough to film in a large public setting. The emotion and ambience in the moment was great, and finding out why all the wack has been happening to Icky was a big relief to know. Thankyou Quixis for protecting the wet bird from carrying the burden when they were too young and giving them time to grow up. You're our favourite god/not god kinda' person! Finding out that when Icarus were to take the position, everyone would forget about them past the point of when they died in the first reset, saddened me. But also, seeing Icarus accept this and take up the mantle with no hesitation was a good character development, showing that they're now a selfless person who will do anything for their family. But it's sad that Ick won't see them for a while and they won't remember what happened. But I was also happy, happy to see Icarus move on and happy to see the relief on all their alternate selves faces as Icarus took the spot as Quixis. The filming as we spun through the reel of Icarus's AU's was beautiful and had a good use of angles. The cosplays were awesome, and I've just got to say, the use of that piece of music was perfect, it gave a sense of hope, peace, and new beginnings. It was fresh and I almost felt the wind on my face. Thankyou @sherbertquake56 and your film crew for doing these scenes for us, they added the closure we all needed.
For now, I think I'm calling this a finish for my analysis. But I'll be back! Don't worry! I'll be doing some short analysis's of everyone else's epilogues and also ticking off the predictions I made earlier this year.
Signing out,
The Lady
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mmkin · 3 months
Ouroboros of Assholery
I was a Harry Potter fan when I was a kid, and have the books and seen the movies. Though I'm not as much of a fan as I used to be, HP is still one of my blorbos and I was chatting with a friend about HP and we were talking about Merope Gaunt. Our conversations inspired me to write this oneshot about Tom Sr and Merope Gaunt.
Dumbledore assumed that Merope bewitched Tom but I've come across discussions and a video picking apart that theory and honestly, it makes a lot of sense. So I present to you this tale.
Summary - In the story of Tom Riddle Sr and Merope Gaunt, it's generally believed that Merope bewitched Tom Riddle, but what if Tom was the real villain of the story? (although one could argue that there's more than one villain here and it's not Merope…)
Ouroboros of Assholery on AO3, also included under the cut.
Content warning - emotional abuse/bullying, but teen safe (no explicit scenes, etc)
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Ouroboros of Assholery
The title for this story originated as a tongue-in-cheek comment between me and my friend while we were discussing what happened between Tom and Merope and what little was said of them in the books compared to some interesting fan theories presented about their relationship which made a lot of sense.
But the more I thought about it, the more the title appealed to me on multiple levels because of snakes, self-destruction, and the cycle of abuse and hatred. In mythology, the Ouroboros signifies a more positive or neutral meaning, but as they say, every coin has two sides.
A bit of trivia for my readers – I decided to look up how much weight a pound sterling carried back then. One pound sterling in 1925 is worth about 76 pounds today as of 2024. (97 USD, or 90 Euro)
… man, inflation really bites, doesn’t it? Anyway, enjoy!
Little Hangleton, late 1925
It’d been a couple of months since Tom had gone down this road. Due to the topography in this region, the safest and most practical path happened to run by the small Gaunt property nestled against the thick woods that hugged much of Little Hangleton. The path was a perfectly pleasant one unless one of the Gaunts happened to be out and about.
The young man shuddered as he remembered the hives that had erupted on his skin during his confrontation with Morfin – not that he even went after the other man. All he had done was ride on the path as he often did.
He still didn't understand quite how the hives happened. Sure, he'd heard the old stories of witches being burned at the stake, and of spinster women who grew herbs in their gardens for medicines and poultices. Morfin hadn't touched him though, and Tom convinced himself it had to have been some sort of powder.
The Gaunts had been a thorn in the side of Little Hangleton for generations. It was said that the Gaunts had been a wealthy family once, but one would scoff at that if they ever laid eyes upon the Gaunt shack. The men of the Gaunt family were known for quarrels with their neighbors and on occasion, passersby.
Attempts were made to evict them from the land or buy them out, but the Gaunts were as stubborn as they were irascible. His parents told him that it was a surprise that old Marvolo Gaunt even found a wife, for what sane woman would share a home and bed with such a man?
The wife had perished, though her son and especially daughter were not so fortunate. Tom and the other village boys made fun of Morfin when they were children, but learned to avoid the young tramp when he showed a mean streak that went beyond ordinary boyish mischief. He didn't hear or see much of Merope until years later when he noticed her peeking at him several times as he rode along the path on his horse.
Yes, she was ugly and poor, but she was a female, and she admired him. She wasn't the first and surely not the last, and unlike the rest of her family, she'd never troubled him. So let her look, if his handsome face brought a bit of joy to her harsh existence, he'd allow it.
Now here he was, slowing down as he approached the border of the Gaunt property, ready to urge his horse to run if needed. He peered through the trees cautiously. Morfin had not been seen since that strange day with the hives. Less was seen of Marvolo than his son, but there had not been one peep of trouble for a good while now. Perhaps they’d all gotten sick and passed away. If so, he’d offer a few pounds to pay for their funeral expenses, as a show of magnanimity from Little Hangleton’s most respectable family.
He was almost startled when a pale face appeared in the window. Last he'd seen her, she'd looked especially forlorn, which did her sickly, wall-eyed face no favors. He felt a brief tap of disappointment that one of the Gaunts was still alive, but he supposed it was better the girl than the others. He beckoned her out of the house.
She was still quite ugly, but she looked somewhat clean as if she'd done the best with what little she had. She did not see the sneer that was affixed to her face as she stood there at the gate, her head bowed as she shivered there in her shawl.
She said that her father and brother were gone. He politely inquired about her welfare. Mother talked about charity, but he was certain she would have never considered a Gaunt to be one of her recipients. Still, Merope had never caused any trouble – not to him or any of the other people of the village. She looked and sounded quite pitiable – and pliable.
One pound sterling – almost nothing for him – would mean so much to this waif, he thought, thinking of the silver he had in his pocket. He was bored and in need of amusement. But he wanted something different than his usual frolics. It looked like Merope Gaunt could amuse him for a good while. He casually dropped the coin in her hand, like he was a mighty king dispensing a small favor to one of his subjects.
He would not hold the actions of her father or brother against her, he told her. Cause no trouble, and there would be no trouble for her. Let there be a new era between the Gaunts and the Riddles. All he had to do was pluck a few lines and choice words from the classic books he was privileged enough to have in his family's library, and she was so easily dazzled by his charming words.
Early 1926
As part of the winter holiday celebrations, the Riddle family handed out bonuses and parcels to their servants. Bottles of whiskey, bolts of cloth, butter, sugar, a few shillings, and perhaps for a few favorite servants, a trinket, enough to add some good cheer and spring to their step. Far less than what the Riddles spent on one another for their gifts.
These small gifts were a lifeline to Merope. She had no real means to support herself. Perhaps if she entered a household as a maid or laundress, but it was not certain that the better-off folk in Little Hangleton would want to hire a girl with the history she had.
He certainly didn’t want her in the Riddle house. But without her father and brother around, she seemed to be doing all right by herself. When he rode by to drop off the Christmas parcel, she looked none the worse for wear, now wrapped in a coat that belonged to her father or brother, which seemed to engulf her. He gave her the parcel and bade her a happy Christmas.
The holiday celebrations kept him busy. There were the parties and visits, so he did not think much of Merope. However, after things settled down, he paid her another visit a few days after New Year's.
With Marvolo and Morfin gone, he gave in to his curiosity and made his way past the gate, riding his horse up the path to near the door, seeing Merope come out. This time, she didn't keep her gaze averted to the ground and actually looked rosy-cheeked as she looked up at him. Or at the very least, she didn't look so sallow or well, gaunt.
I hope you made good use of the money and parcel I gave you, he said. Your kindness meant the world to me, Master Riddle. He expressed a curiosity to see the inside of the shack, remembering the jibing comments he'd made with his friends in their boyhood. Even the poorest folk who lived within the borders of Little Hangleton lived in homes that looked more sturdy than the Gaunt shack.
As he looked around, Tom Riddle thought of the stories of how the Gaunt family had once been wealthy and was morbidly curious how, if the stories were true, had the family come down to this. He'd never seen such poverty. The only saving grace was Merope's efforts to keep the place clean and tidy. Such an industrious little creature, doing her best despite the circumstances that she had been born and raised in.
And from what he had seen, she was also a creature that lived off crumbs. From what he’d witnessed of Marvolo and Morfin, it was easy to imagine they were not easy people to live with or be related to. So he felt a glimmer – only a glimmer – of sympathy for Merope Gaunt. It took so little to make her happy, and for one such as him, how easy it was.
However, he knew that if he were to continue to visit Merope, people would notice, and talk, especially once the weather got warmer and people ventured more outside of their homes. There was only so much he could do in the guise of charity or horseback riding, and he’d been getting bored of Little Hangleton. Things had gotten better since the Great War, and there were some nice places by the sea or in the mountains.
Instead of spending his money on more expensive hotels or villas like he might have done with Cecilia, he found little cottages or flats, amusing himself in the villages along the coasts of the United Kingdom. When he was younger, he’d seen boys only a few years older than him go off to fight in the war. Some of the men, including older brothers of his chums, who returned home told of adventures on the Continent, and he’d felt a tad envious.
At least he didn’t have to fight or risk his life when he left home, and could simply enjoy life without the curious eyes of the villagers on him. Often, he would wander away, exploring the town or its surroundings while Merope kept house for him – at least she spared him the expense of hiring a maid.
He decided to take the game further. He paid a man to perform a quick ceremony for them, giving Merope a plain silver ring. The man wasn’t actually a judge, so the marriage was not valid, but Merope was so taken in by her happiness and his charms that she had no idea she’d been given a wedding that was miserly cheap, even by the standards of the poorer folk of Little Hangleton.
But it suited Tom and his game well. She was almost like a pet, easy to take care of and amuse, and the nice thing was, he didn’t even have to clean up after her.
Tom asked things of her he did not dare ask Cecilia or any other respectable woman, nor did he have to pay for such services or worry about diseases if he’d hired ladies of the night. It didn't take much to get her to agree to such things. He didn't even have to threaten her. It took a few kind words and gentle touches, and the naive girl was putty in his hands. He just had to close his eyes so he didn't see her wall-eyed face, or have her facing away from him when he used her, and at least the view from the back was better.
When it came to intellectual pursuits, Merope seemed none too bright. He bought her a couple of books to see how she might take to them. Reading was a struggle for her, but she was willing to do it if it pleased him, so there was a useful distraction for when he wasn’t in the mood to use her.
One night, he recalled being curious about the Gaunt family history, so he asked her. He’d always thought she was simply a bit feeble-minded, but what spilled out of her mouth made him certain she was also mad like her father and brother were. The locket she had was the last treasure of her family, passed down from a man who had helped to found a great school of magic that was hidden in Scotland, taking in students from all over the British Isles and elsewhere.
She'd never been to the school though, as it turned out. Her father did not approve of how the school took in students who were born of non-magical folk.
Such nonsense. If these people really were wizards with all that power, what the hell were they doing living in such an impoverished state? Nay, this was madness, carried on through the generations. This feeble-minded creature eagerly devoured the crumbs that were left for her, and he seriously wondered if she could even support herself if these crumbs disappeared. He considered dropping her off in a sanitarium somewhere, perhaps in remote Scotland or somewhere overseas.
Besides, it’d been a few months and he was getting bored of her. He’d shown this poor, poorly-bred girl the most kindness she’d ever received in her life. She should be grateful for that, at least. She could find someone else to pity her or hire herself out, her housekeeping skills had proved itself. There were crumbs everywhere if the pitiful girl cared to look.
He continued his games with her, making good use of her before he found the right time to get rid of her. He thought he was careful.
Apparently not, when Merope revealed her pregnancy to him.
He thought of her madness and her health. Of the embarrassment of producing a child with this wretched creature. He did not want to think about how his parents would react. And he most certainly did not want to think – or care – about how Merope would feel.
It all came crashing upon him. The last few months, the casual flirtations, the carefully chosen sweet words and touches, the intimacy. It'd all led down to this. He'd always told himself that when he had a child, it would be one he and his parents would be proud of. A suitable girl would be found, and the Riddle house would be filled with the sound of the pitter-patter of little feet. His mother had had a very difficult childbirth with a stillbirth when he was young and was not able to have more children.
He’d been able to tolerate Merope thus far for the amusements and services she gave him. But now, seeing how far his game had gone, he could only feel anger and revulsion.
Perhaps with a clearer mind, he might have avoided his fate, but that night, he showed Merope a level of cruelty she had never seen from him before. Wretched creature, wall-eyed cretin, madwoman, the words came tumbling out of his mouth as he mocked her and tore her apart in a way that even her father or brother had not been able to accomplish.
You think any of this was real? That someone could ever actually care for the likes of you!
All he wanted to do was get out of there, away from her, and forget that any of this had ever happened. He would find a respectable girl have his family, and continue the Riddle legacy.
He could never recall too clearly what happened next. When he was at his most depressed or contemplative, he would look back upon this and wonder if what Merope said about magic was indeed real.
But something had overcome Merope. She grabbed her wand, one of her few possessions and had belonged to her mother. He'd never given much notice of it before because he never saw her use it, figuring it was nothing more than some silly sentimental knick-knack.
Her eyes fixed upon him with a focus he found disconcerting, and she pointed her wand at him, letting out a screech like a wounded animal.
That was the last clear memory he had of her. He was not to know, or care, that his words had devastated her beyond repair. Her father and brother had abused her so much that the sliver of light Tom Riddle shone into her life had almost literally revived her, and with that light gone, she had no reason to live, not even for the son she carried in her womb.
Little Hangleton, August 1943
There was no denying it. There were several pictures of Tom as a child throughout the house, and the teenage boy standing before him could very well be a doppelganger of his younger self. The confusion and shock were evident in his parent's faces as well, and they stared at the intruder.
You abandoned my mother, the boy accused. Tom tried to deny it, of course. For a few seconds, he genuinely did not know who the boy was referring to, he had buried his time with Merope into the deepest recesses of his memory. All he could do was seethe in impotent fury when he understood what Merope had done to him.
Outwardly, he looked healthy and normal, unchanged in all senses. But he lost his ability to have children, and no doctor could help him. He'd become bitter under the weight of his shame and his parents' disappointment in him, unable to cope with his role in the position he'd been in for almost two decades. Merope was long gone, and so was whatever was in her belly, he'd been certain of it.
A few months after Tom's return to Little Hangleton, Marvolo Gaunt came back to the shack for a bit of time, but without his daughter to care for him, he passed away, and the town of Little Hangleton breathed a sigh of relief. But Morfin Gaunt remained a thorn in the side of Little Hangleton for years after his release from prison. Naturally, the brother of Merope Gaunt inquired after her and got belligerent when told that Merope left the town several years ago, never to look back – which was the truth, if not the whole of it. It had taken the threat of being thrown back in jail to stop Morfin from harassing him, but Tom Riddle avoided the path that ran by the Gaunt property.
He’d been so excited when Merope said they were gone after he’d inquired about them. He didn’t think to ask any more questions about them, and had never thought that ‘gone’ simply meant ‘in prison’. Figures that even after that dumb cunt was gone, her brother was still around to cause trouble. Fuck these Gaunts, what were they good for?
She bewitched me, Tom argued. He saw more than simple rage in the boy’s face. There was nothing of the Gaunts in these features, and for a moment, Tom felt regret as he recalled how he was so certain that any child Merope could bear would be defective. What would things have been like if he’d kept tabs on Merope and taken the child from her, giving him to someone else to raise to spare his parents the embarrassment of having a bastard grandchild? He certainly wouldn’t have been the first person to do such a thing.
Filthy Muggles, the boy called him and his parents. He recalled hearing that word many years ago, and he saw a streak of Marvolo and Morfin’s irascibility in the way the boy spoke to him. But the coldness in the boy’s eyes mirrored his own, and as he and his parents were to discover in a few fatal moments, magic was indeed real.
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midnightmah07 · 8 months
Not just about colors
🏷️ tagging: @justm3di0cr3
(A/n: Short scenario but I am proud of how it turned out- Also I think it is a little ooc, idk… I HOPE IS NOT— 😭😭 But anyways, hope you both enjoy it though)
The girls laid on bed with tiredness in their eyes, long sigh coming out of them two. The day was by far the worst pain in the ass from all days of them in Twisted Wonderland.
“Out of all the overblots…” Daisy begins to speak. “Idia’s was the worst.”
It has been a very long day, if not week or month for the girls of Ramshackle. Idia’s overblot by far it was the most torturous, specially with all the titans. And if not bad enough the trio weren’t magic users and trying to use physical strength and surviving is no such of an easy task, specially with Crowley throwing them around to solve the issues of it all.
“I don’t think I have enough energy to go to my own bed.” Says Emory looking to the ceiling thoughtfully about everything that happened. With Grim laying on her belly making it even harder to stand up and try to walk.
There was only one of the girls that weren’t in the room, and that is: Yuuna. Who was trying new clothes giving for her by Vil as a gift, since Crowley cannot do it himself, neither help. The both have been dating for a little while,  but both Emory and Daisy can confirm how happy is Yuuna, specially since she had a puppy crush on him since the spelldrive episode; for the girls it was a joy to see her like that. 
“Wonder how Yuuna able to be testing the new clothes Vil brought her after today…” Says Emory out loud.
Daisy giggles. “Well, they are only dating for a two months, Vil is love language is definitely gift giving and probably Yuuna is as well. So she must appreciate them dearly.”
Whispered Emory to herself, yet, Daisy could hear the cursing, wondering what Emory was suprised about after what she had said.
“It’s been so long since when we first arrived… We didn’t knew each other, and bang! Kidnapped.”
Daisy laughed at the description of Emory to when they first arrived; now, so many time has passed and is not even the end of the first year. So much has changed… They’ve made friends, such as, Grim, Ace and Deuce. Emory is dating Riddle, even after so much denial. Daisy is with Ruggie, almost opposites… They are like soulmates! And for the last, Yuuna with Vil, now, that was unexpected, but still they blended in as the sweetest couple so well. The last thing that happened around was the Idia’s overblot, which they prayed to be the last one. 
The silence falls when Yuuna finally comes out both of girls raised their heads to see her going to the big mirror give herself a look. Grim yawns opening his eyes to see a gray haired girl with a dark purple dress with black details that formed roses drawings on the dress bar and the final detailed that is a white pelerine. Yuuna gave a nice twirls with her friends’ faces amazed by the gift. 
“So?” Asks Yuuna with a princess twirl.
Daisy claps her hands together. “It looks perfect on you! Yuuna, you look amazing.” She assured her friend.
“Vil does know how to dress you up.” Complimented Emory her friend who kept her eyes on the mirror. 
“Waah! Did Vil gave this to you, Yuuna?” Asked Grim. “It looks amazing! Wish he would give me pretty clothes like he does to you.”
A soft chuckle comes out of Yuuna as she turns to face her friends, the dressed spins with her with a smooth move.
“I don’t know… I’ve always loved purple so much. But never thought it fits me.” 
Daisy and Emory sit up in bed, with a curious look. Until the blond one speaks first. “Well, I think it looks lovely on you.” Daisy says.
“I mean, you always had the green tones in you. Green and purple are such a beautiful combination, it reminds me of lavender.” Emory speaks.
“Maybe they are just a unexpected combination.”  A smile comes up to Daisy’s face, the bright one, the same one that didn’t showed up a little while in her lips. She was right, purple and green matched surprisingly well, as if belonged together. “I mean, I usually only wore pink and brown because I didn’t thought light blue matched me at all. Just because I used to think yellow and blue weren’t good colors, because I never had tried them together before.” 
Who would’ve guessed that Daisy’s favorite color wasn’t wore because she thought it wouldn’t match her, which it was the extreme opposite, the colors bland together like the skies and the sun, just like soulmates. Grim watches the girls talking about their experiences with different colors.
“What about you, Emory?”
The girl looks to Grim, humming as she thinks, hugging her knees she looks down at her fingers with a final answer.
“I was maybe in denial that red and white are a good combination… Maybe I liked white so much, and neglected red because it wasn’t a color liked, when in reality I did.” Said Emory.
Yuuna smiles at her friend. “I think red and white is just as beautiful as roses covered in snow.”
“Or blood on the snow.” Emory gives a wicked grin, in a jokingly manner.
“Uh-oh, Emo-ry is back.”
Jokes Daisy making both girls laugh in friendly way at Emory who huffs slightly. Yuuna stands up making her way to bathroom to change her outfit again. But she stops by the door.
“What is it Yuuna?” Grim worriedly asks.
The girl turns to both of the other three, standing’s on the door frame with her head leaned in it. “It almost feels like we weren’t actually talking about just colors…” 
The silence falls down as the both girls came to think, what was Yuuna talking about? It was a conversation about colors that matched, no?
“Wait…” Emory thinks in further.
“Was she talking about…” Daisy eyes winded in realization.
And Grim let out a surprised noise in understanding of what Yuuna meant. Their favorites colors were specifically unmatched by the signature colors of three other people… And they could only found out it matched by testing it, this time, not talking about colors.
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frootyrooties · 1 year
plot: American photographer Leah Walker is ecstatic when she’s presented with the opportunity to spend the summer of 1975 in Stockport, UK to take photographs of local English groups. Given her history of taking photos of big acts such as The Rolling Stones and The Doors, she is taken by surprise when told that her first clients will be the up and coming Manchester-based group, 10cc, who have kept a low-profile until recently, after gaining worldwide stardom from their hit I’m Not In Love. Leah knows little about the group and gets acquainted fairly quickly, but what she doesn’t know is how much trouble she’s about to get herself into with the group’s beloved lead guitarist, Eric Stewart. She has all summer, come to think of it. The possibilities are endless.
themes: moody eric, eric’s love for food :3, feisty leah, venting, consoling, first mention of eric’s divorce, first date!, whole lotta fluff
a/n: After spending one month in Europe, I finally found inspiration to write this chapter. I had the pleasure of visiting Mr. Stewart’s pride and joy, Strawberry Recording Studios. I was over the moon! I am still in disbelief that I went. But enough about that, everything I’ve written so far is almost historically accurate based on interviewing a few individuals who know the boys personally (so grateful for that opportunity). Spending a few weeks in England, including one week in Stockport where this lovely tale takes place really brought on some much needed inspiration into writing this chapter. I’ve also been cooped up in my feelings lately so I really poured my heart out into this one. Cheers!
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“You know I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left the studio that night.”
It is morning. The past couple days have been such a whirlwind, I haven’t got a clue what time or day it is. The telephone on the nightstand rings unmercifully loud, waking me from my deep slumber. My eyes feel heavy, and I can only manage to open them halfway as I struggle to sit up to answer this call. I turn to my side and lean on my elbow as my other hand reaches for the phone. I bring the device up to my ear.
“H-hello?” my voice is soft, with undertones of confusion and anxiety as I await to identify the caller.
“Hi. It’s Eric.” the man on the other line is curt. I sense tension in his voice.
Understandably, given the amount of people I’ve encountered these past couple days, I struggle to remember who this “Eric” is.
“Eric? Oh dear..I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong num—“
“I am speaking to Miss Leah Walker, yeah?” The man interjects, his tone now growing slightly irritable. It suddenly hits me like a freight train. A wave of embarrassment crashes into me the moment I realize who it is. It’s Eric Stewart of 10cc.
“Oh, Eric! Hello..I..Christ, I am so sorry I didn’t recog—“
“That’s alright, no need to explain yourself.” He says this matter-of-factly. He sounds aggravated. But, what about?
I sit dumbfounded in silence and wait for him to supplement his response.
“Right. Anyway, I’m calling because a young man hand delivered your pictures to me last night just before I left the studio and I thought I’d give you a call this morning to talk about some thoughts I have about them.” Oh dear..am I in trouble?
He now has my full attention and I am properly awake. I finally manage to sit up against my pillow, clutching onto the phone. I twirl the cord around my finger to ease my anxiety as I mentally develop a response.
“Of course, absolutely..I’m all ears.”
“Hmph. Well, I thought I’d let you know how atrocious these pictures turned out. There’s too much exposure in most of them, you can hardly see our faces! We look like the bloody ghosts of Christmas past! And for fuck’s sake, do you even know how to get your point of interest in frame?! I’ve done photography for years, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to get your focal point in center view. You know, for someone who claims to be a seasoned photographer, you’ve made some very amateur mistakes here. Perhaps, it would behoove you to take a refresher course.”
I can feel my blood boiling. I don’t think I have ever met anyone so irreverent, so condescending, so..unnerving.     
You little arrogant son-of-a-bitch! Just who the hell do you think you are, talking down on me like I’m an imbecile?!
At this point, my temper has reached its peak and I decide to give him a piece of my mind. I struggle to maintain composure.
“Eric. Mr. Stewart. Perhaps it would behoove you to give those photos another look. My work has not faltered me, and I am confident that I captured your group’s pictures with great finesse. If I am wrong, feel free to reach out to me again and I will rectify my mistakes. Oh, and might I suggest that you be a little less rash towards people who are doing you a favor? Then perhaps people wouldn’t find you so unlikeable.”
I said the word unlikeable through almost gritted my teeth. I slam the phone down with such force, I can feel the nightstand tremble.
I am fuming, absolutely livid. That might’ve been the very first proper insult I have ever received from a client. I suppose I’ve been spoiled with how mild Americans are with their insults compared to these Brits, but I was not expecting this degree of aloofness from anyone I would meet here. And especially not from someone like Eric Stewart.
God, where is a cigarette when I need one? After only recently having smoked one cigarette for the first time in my life, I am already finding myself craving for another. I should bear in mind the addicting properties that cigarettes have. Most people in my family smoke, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise just how easily people get addicted. I feel my anger beginning to subside as I preoccupy myself with this random thought. It is too early in the day to be stressed, to be flustered, to be worked up about a man who otherwise seems..just..so wonderful, so wonderful. I ought to call him, Mr. Wonderful.
I roll my eyes and sneer at this utterly ridiculous deviation in my thoughts. He’s probably got a girlfriend..or worse, a wife even! Stay out of other people’s turf, Leah. You’re here to work with clients, not sleep with them. I give myself a gentle reminder that I shouldn’t meddle with what belongs to other people.
I jerk slightly as I hear the phone blaring once again. Hmph. It must be that bloody arrogant bastard again..I roll my eyes, crossing my arms as I make a presumption about who is calling. I let the phone ring a few more times before answering. You’re going to have to wait for me to pick up, your highness. What an annoying little thing this Eric is.
I finally decide to reward him for his patience.
“Hello, this is Leah Walk—”
“Hi.” A familiar voice interjects.
“Hi..erm..may I ask who is speaking?” Playing possum. A smirk breaks across my face.
“Oi, have you forgotten all about me already?” Eric stifles a laugh at my response.
Oh why do you have to be so gosh darn adorable? Makes it hard to stay mad at you.
“Oh it’s just you..” I speak sarcastically American.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah..it’s me, your favorite person.” Eric says with such overinflated confidence. The nerve. The audacity. After relentlessly insulting me, he hits me with ‘it’s me, your favorite person.’
“How can I help you?” I am curt with him. My tone quickly switches to one that is rather business-like. I am not here to play games with you, Eric.
“Leah, listen..I—” he pauses briefly and I hear him sigh deeply on the other line, “I am sorry to disturb you again but I just wanted to apologize for how irrational I was on the previous phone call.” Oh? It’s impressive how quickly an epiphany can occur to someone.
I listen quietly as I await for him to finish his soliloquy.
“Erm..I know you’ve just met me but..I have just been so desperate for some form of consolation from anyone, and I hope you don’t mind me saying this but..I feel like I can comfortably express my feelings to you without fear of judgement. I feel that I can trust you enough to keep this conversation between us. Have you got a free second? May I vent a little?”
My heart sinks at his willingness to be vulnerable to me. Our working relationship is only in its embryonic stage, but that certainly doesn’t mean that I cannot sympathize with him. I refuse to be cold-hearted. It makes people feel uneasy around you when you’re cold. It makes me feel uneasy at even just the thought of being cold. I devote to giving him my full, undivided attention at this very moment. I sense pain in his voice. I want to know more about you, Eric Stewart.
“Well carry on, I’m listening.” I sound a bit whimsical, I hope I am not coming off aloof.
Just for this moment, I would like to forget about our professional relationship and be a friend to him with open and patient ears..to be a shoulder to cry on.
“Right. Erm..where do I even start?” he lets out a nervous laugh. There are undertones of frustration in his voice. A damsel-in-distress
“Start wherever you feel comfortable, Eric.”
“Right. Okay, thank you..” he sighs deeply then continues his monologue, “I’m just one man, Leah. Yet people that I work with, the same people that use the studio that I’ve put my blood, sweat and tears in feel that it’s alright to toy me around. They expect me to function as if I’m made up of five people. If I could clone multiples of myself, I would. To keep these people happy. They all know very well how hard I work at recording and producing music, and they’ve used that to their advantage. And even after all my efforts and all that I’ve done for them, I’m still not good enough. Not a single ounce of acknowledgement from any of them. Pity, isn’t it?”
I sense bitterness in his voice. I attempt to process all that he’s said to me so far. That angry feeling I had for him has now been lifted. Or perhaps he’s just trying to gain my sympathy so I can forget about how upset he made me this morning. Eric, whatever you’re doing it’s working.
“Are you still listening to me, love? Or am I boring you to death?” he lets out a soft laugh. Am I allowed to swoon a little?
“Yes Eric, continue. Please.”
“Well no, I don’t think you understand how this works. You see, I speak my mind then you’re supposed to validate my feelings.”
“Oh, is that right? So you’ve called me up just to get a free counseling session? You know I oughta charge you extra for this.” Again, sarcastically American.
“You best believe I will pay you however much quid you wa—”
“Eric, you know I’m joking, right?” I chuckle as I interrupt him, “okay, so let me get this straight..it sounds to me that you’re not getting along with your band mates, yeah?”
“Sure seems that way.”
“Right so, I don’t know if I am the right person to be giving you advice on how you can rectify your situation as I am not a licensed psychologist, however do you think it would benefit you and the rest of the group to talk it out?”
“Well you see, that’s what we’re struggle with at the moment. All four us—myself, Graham, Lol and Kev usually have these ‘truth sessions’ throughout the day while working in the studio. These are opportunities for us to take a break from songwriting and recording and talk about our strengths and weaknesses as musicians. What we like and don’t like about our progress on a record, for example. But lately, it seems that these sessions have become less..frequent. I don’t understand it, I mean why the sudden change in routine?”
“I see. Well in that case, have you tried to initiate these sessions?”
“No. I don’t know if I want to. I’m just—”
“Afraid of rejection?
He remains silent for a brief moment then produces a response.
“Tell you what. From what I observed during our initial encounter, you seem very competent in your musical abilities, Eric. Do you agree?”
“Yes, but—”
“Hm. See? There’s the problem. You’re full of doubt. The word but says to me that you are doubtful about your abilities to create initiative. Not even as the leader of the group, but just as an equal member.”
He is mute on the other line.
“Eric? You see, the way this works is that I give you my two cents, and you give me yours. Tit-for-tat.”
“Tit-for-tat.” He chuckles.
“What are you doing right now? Are you free?” Funny how he changes the subject.
“Well let’s see..it’s 8:30 in the morning and you’re lucky you’ve caught me during my day off so to answer your question, yes I am free. Why do you ask?”
“Erm..I was just thinking..would you mind if we carried on this conversation in person? I’m not really fond of long telephone calls, you see?”
My goodness, bossy AND primadonna.
“It’s gonna cost ya.”
“I’ll pay for breakfast. Please say yes?” He’s ignoring my sarcasm this time. Begging, are we?
“Fine. You’re only getting an hour and a half out of me. Two hours if you’re well behaved.” I smile through my words.
“Hm..I promise to be on my best behavior.” The bastard’s probably smirking right now. Bet you’re proud of yourself. Jerk. He’s lucky he’s cute.  
“I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m about one block away from your studio. 11 Alberta Street. I’ll be waiting for you.”
“I know Alberta Street. Give me 10?”
“Great. See you in 10.”
“Fantastic. See you soon. Goodbye.”
“Bye.” I hang up and I don’t quite know what to do with myself at the moment. I feel happy, giddy even. A date? With Eric Stewart of 10cc? However, I do not consider this a date as I am just helping to console an emotionally distressed client.
For some strange reason, I feel I am doing something wrong agreeing to go out with a client. However, this man seems like he is in peril and is in need of a friend to comfort him.
“Gosh, what do I even wear?” I mutter to myself as I get myself sorted.
It seems as though we will blessed with lovely weather again today so I settle for something more casual and weather appropriate. I dig through my closet to find my yellow sleeveless sundress and scoop it out. I stride over to the mirror and lean the dress against myself, mentally critiquing whether this will be a good fit. I smile as I gander at the mirror, picturing myself with the dress on. This should do.
I slip the dress on and flatten out any wrinkles with my hands. I take another look in the mirror and not meaning to toot my own horn, but this dress looks rather fetching on me. What will he think of it?
I quickly apply some mascara and a little cherry red lipstick for good measure. My hair has maintained its curls from the day before so I decide to leave it be. And just as I am finishing up with the beauty works, the doorbell rings. My heart begins to pound. I snatch my purse then make my way downstairs and open the front door slightly at first to make sure it is who I think it is. I proceed to open the door all the way to ogle at the Adonis that’s standing right before me. I scan him from head to toe—black button down shirt, a navy blue suit jacket, denim bell bottoms and a pair of light brown platforms. He could be doubling as a runway model!
“Hi, Eric.” A teethy grin spreads across my face as I look at him in his eyes.
He examines me from head to toe, his eyes pausing briefly at my bust (eyes up here, pal!), then our eyes collide.
“Hello, Leah.” His voice is soft. It’s so comforting. “You look really lovely.”  
“Why thank you sir, you don’t look too bad yourself.” We both stand in silence for a brief moment, then simultaneously chuckle at our unspoken banter.
“So are we just going to stand here, then? I’m a hungry boy. I need fuel.” He rests his hands on his stomach, indicating his need for food.
“Well show us the way then, sir!” I chirp.
“Aren’t you going lock your door?” he looks at me with a boyish smile.
“Oh, you’re right. Where’s my mind?” It’s all your fault for being so uncanningly attractive. It’s so distracting.
“Would you like me to lock it for you? After all, you’ve done more than enough for me thus far this morning. It’s the least I can do.”
“Erm..if you insist, go right ahead.” I smile as I hand him the house keys.
“Right..er..” he swipes the keys from my hand and somehow correctly selects the key to the front door. He proceeds to close and lock, then hands me back the keys.
“Why thank you, kind sir.” I curtsy in front of him.
“Pleasure is mine, my fair lady.” He bows, then just before he straightens up, he takes my hand and plants a gentle kiss on my knuckles.
“Shall we, love?” He stands erect, smirking at me.
“Please, lead the way.” I gesture to the open road in front of us.
“Yes, madame.” He links his arm with mine and we proceed to stroll towards the alley way leading to the main road.
The smell of his cologne lingers against my nose. It’s gentle to the sensitive nose—a fresh clean linen scent, so it appears. I pat his upper arm gently as we continue to pace.
“So where are we going?” I smile up at him.
“The Red Bull. It’s this pub just around the corner from the studio. Me and the guys usually go there for lunch but I like to go there for breakfast as well on the days I’m working in the studio. Their full english breakfast is to die for!” he says those last words with such enthusiasm.
“So I take it breakfast food is your favorite kind of food?”
“Well I don’t discriminate when it comes to food, love. Breakfast, lunch and dinner food all sound appealing to me. I’ll have you know, I’m a bit of a foodie. Food makes me happy.”
I giggle at his vivacity in discussing food.
“Well then you wouldn’t have any second thoughts about finishing my leftovers? In case I don’t finish my meal this morning?” I raise an eyebrow at him, a girlish smile broadening across my face.  
“Say no more, love!” he widens his gaze at me, leaning his face into me.
I chuckle at his playfulness. I admire his quirky tendencies. I take note of how he hasn’t peeled his gaze off me. I feel my face growing warm. I look at him from the corner of my eye then tilt my head slightly as I gaze up at him.
“Eric, why do you keep looking at me like that?”
We take a brief pause in our walk. He looks at me earnestly.
“Like what? Like you’re the most gorgeous thing I’ve seen today?” he lets out a tiny smile, maintaining his gaze on me.
I gaze up at him dumbfounded, my mouth ajar.
“Erm..” I can only manage to let out a nervous laugh as I am at a loss for words. I feel my face growing warmer.
We lock eyes with each other, not saying a word. He smiles at me meekly.   
“You know, I was once asked how I would define the word ‘beauty’ and I simply said ‘woman.’ So pardon me for saying this but, I think you’re the most beautiful woman I have seen in a long time. And believe me, I’ve seen plenty in my lifetime. I think I’m entitled to that opinion.”
“Don’t you think it’s a bit too early for this kind of talk?” I bite my lower lip as I attempt to stifle my smile.
“Right. We’re stalling and I’m hungry. You must be hungry, too.”
“Not as hungry as you, Mr. foodie.”
“Well let’s quit larking about and get a move on!”
We quicken our pace through the alley way, then he grabs my hand as we turn right and make our way towards the crosswalk. We both look left and right to gander at oncoming cars, and clasping his hand with mine, we run across the street. Just from that short excursion, we’re both now filled with exhilaration and adrenaline.
He shakes his head, chuckling as he catches his breath.
“You alright?” I look at him a bit perturbed.
“Yes..” He responds breathlessly, “I’m..just..out of shape.”
“Ah, that means less food, more exercise for you, young man.” I tease him.
“Oi, keep it up you’ll see what happens.”
“What are you going to do to me, hm?” I smile at him girlishly.
“I don’t think you want to know my answer to that.” He smirks.
I playfully smack his arm. “Eric!”
“Oi! What was that for? You ask a guy a question like that, you will get a guy answer.” He says matter-of-factly.
I shake my head at him, chuckling. “Unbelievable..”
I begin to walk ahead of him, leaving him behind.
“Hey! Where are you going?!” he runs up behind me.
“I thought you were hungry? I’m growing hungry myself with all this stalling we’re doing.”
“Ah, we’ve got to feed the girl then. Come on.” He snakes his fingers through mine and he leads the way to the pub.
We climb the steps that lead to the front door and enter the abode. From first glance, I only see a couple sitting in the corner and eating their meal in silence.
“There he is! The man of the hour!” A voice echoes through the pub in that sing-songy Mancunian accent. A woman with long, flowy strawberry blonde hair gracefully walks towards Eric and I.
“It is I indeed and today I have company.” Eric snakes his arm across my shoulders and pulls me closer to him, smiling at me.
“Ellie, this is Leah our talented photographer. Leah, this is my good friend Ellie. She runs the pub and the kitchen. Power woman, she is.”
“Oh, you stop it.” she giggles at Eric’s remark and extends a handshake to me. “Lovely to meet you, Leah.”  
“Lovely to meet you as well, Ellie.” I shake her hand, a tiny smile breaking across my face.
She smiles at me briefly then turns her attention back to Eric.
“Table for two, is it Stewart?”
“Right on, El.”
“Well go on, you know where to sit. Are we doing the usual brekkie, Stewart?”
Judging by the way this woman talks, she knows Eric like the back of her hand. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a history together. I want to roll my eyes at the thought.
“For me, yes. And for the lady..” Eric turns to me, prompting me to respond with my food order.
“You mentioned you were getting the full english breakfast, yeah?”
“Yes, madame.”
“Then that’s what I’ll have. Please and thank you.” I turn to Ellie, smiling meekly.
“Right. Eric knows where to sit. Make yourselves at home. I will bring you your breakfast shortly.”
“Cheers, El!” Eric chirps.
He weaves his fingers into mine and leads us to an isolated corner booth adjacent to the window.
“After you, madame.” He gestures for me to sit in the booth.
I slide into the booth and he follows suit. He rests his arm over my shoulder then gazes at me with admiration.
“What do you think?”
“Of this place?” I take a second to glance at my surroundings. “I like it. It’s quite cozy, isn’t it?”
“Exactly. One of the reasons me and the guys love coming here. And the workers here are all just lovely.”
“Hmph..I bet they are.” You don’t say. You seem to get on well with little miss blonde there.
“You alright, then? You’ve been quiet since we got here.”
I gaze up at him and study his eyes. “Eric, can I ask you a personal question?”
“You can ask me anything. It seems I’ve been doing most of the talking this morning, I think it’s time I hear from you.”
“Are you seeing anyone?”
He chuckles. “Is that what’s got you worried? No, love. I’m single. Divorced.”
What? Divorced?
He leans into my ear, seeing the deer-in-headlight look on my face. “That may be a story for another time. Today, I just want to get to know you more and to pick up where we left off in our conversation from earlier.”
“Okay. Sure.” I smile at him modestly.
“As I was saying earlier—”
“Eric, listen. You’ve got to stand up for yourself and show that you’re more than just a man with all these tricks up his sleeves. People will continue to take advantage of your good work ethic and kind heart. Sometimes, it’s good to let people know what’s on your mind so they understand you better.”  
He gazes at me with a demure smile. “Now where have you been all my life? Where were you when I was at my lowest?”
I lean into him. “Quit doubting yourself.”
“Right, you two. Make way for brekkie. Leah, I made this just the way Eric loves it. I think you’re going to love it as well.” Ellie deftly slides our breakfast platters in front of us. I can see our food steaming. Now I’m hungry.
“Thank you, Ellie. So lovely of you to do that!” I smile at her broadly.
“Cheers! Right, drinks. Eric, would you like your Guinness this morning?”
“No, thanks. I would like to take it easy today. Thanks, El. Perhaps Leah would like one?”
“Oh no, thank you. This is too early for beer. A glass of water would be nice.”
“Make that two, El.” Eric adds.
“On it!” Ellie scurries off into the pub then quickly comes back with a couple glasses of water and places them in front of us.
“Are you sorted now, then?” Ellie inquires.
“Sorted. Cheers, El!” Eric proclaims.
“Cheers! Enjoy breakfast, you two.” Ellie smiles at us both briefly then hurries back into the kitchen.
I take a gander at my plate and decide where to start. Everything looks delicious. Two hearty looking sausages, over easy fried eggs, baked beans, juicy red tomatoes, fried mushrooms, two slices of wheat toast and two dark patties that I’m assuming are what the English call ‘black pudding.’ I take a tiny scoop of the baked beans and nibble on them. Perfect. Just the right amount of flavor in the sauce. I proceed to slice into a sausage and take a bite. Mm..delightful. I turn to Eric who’s almost halfway finished with his meal.
He looks at me. Face stuffed with food like a chipmunk. Brilliant.
“Wait. Don’t move.” I snatch my smaller back up camera from my purse then snap a picture of him, giggling.
“Oi!” he groans through his food. He swallows his food quickly. “I’m going to get you for that one!”
“Your face..it looked cute. I couldn’t help it."
“You just can’t help yourself sometimes, can you?” His smile is demure again. He examines my face. His drops his silverware onto his plate then proceeds to caress my face, tracing my jawline his thumb.
“You know I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left the studio that night.” His tone has become more gentle, more vulnerable. Not aggravated, and rash like he was over the phone earlier.
“Is that right?” I’m imploring.
“Listen, Leah. The main reason I called you again was to apologize for being so harsh on you earlier. I went on a deep dive with my emotions this morning for you to understand why I may have acted the way I did. I’ve just had so much shit to deal with lately and not enough guidance. Regardless, it was not right of me to act that way towards you. Please, forgive me.” He’s genuine in his apology I can tell. But there’s more here that I don’t know about. I will let him decide when he feels comfortable to open himself up to me. When he’s ready. For now like he said, we should just try to get to know each other.
“Eric, I’ve already forgotten all about what happened this morning. Please, eat up. I love watching you eat. The joy on your face..it’s priceless. The delight of my day.” I place my hand against his rosy red cheek and I feel the full weight of his head as he rests his head against the palm of my hand. He plants a kiss on my palm then turns to me with a boyish smile.
“May I ask a favor from you?”
“Hm? And what does this favor entail?”
“Will you come to the studio again and do another photoshoot of me and the guys? I’m not going to tell King about it. It’s just for us as a group. For keepsake. I am willing to pay ext—”
“On one condition.” I interject.
“Eh? condition? what condition?”
“I get front row seating to one of your upcoming shows. I want to see you and the guys perform.”
He grins broadly at me. “Well that’s easy enough, love. Consider it done! We will be in London next week. We’d love to have you there. Me especially, I would love to see you again. I think you’ll enjoy it.”
A sudden wave of excitement and elation crashes into me. “Eric, you’re kidding! You mean you’re serious?! I can come to one of your shows?!”
“Am I bluffing, love?” he smirks.
Without hesitation, I scoop him into me, embracing him like he’s a lover of mine who’s been away far too long. And without hesitation on his part he returns the favor, embracing and almost melting into me. It quickly occurs to me that this may have been a very bold move on my part so I peel away from his hold.
“Eh? You alright, love?” he sounds concerned.
“Yes..er..I hope that wasn’t too forward. I’m just so ecstatic to be seeing you all in concert. This may be one of the few I will have gone to since seeing the Beach Boys back in my teens.”
He chuckles. “Well not to burst your bubble, love, but we’re nothing like The Beach Boys. A few of our songs may have that sort of sound, but overall it’s like apples to oranges.”  
“Sadly, I do not listen to The Beach Boys as much as I used to. I’m all grown up now and it’s the 70’s. The music is hip, and bands these days are all just far out!”
“Far out!” he says mockingly in his best midwestern American accent. “Aren’t you just the cutest little thing?”
“You know you could pass for an American with that accent. It’s pretty darn good!”
“Well you see, that’s the way we do it out here in good ‘ole midwestern America.” he says maintaining his pseudoamerican accent.
I fail to stifle a giggle at his little commentary. “Talented. Mr. Stewart. It’s as simple as that.”
“Eh, I was really enjoying our hug. May I have another one?”
My smile is demure this time and without hesitation, I scoop him into my arms again. We sit in this silent embrace. Feeling each other’s warmth. In this booth. In this pub. In this glorious place called Stockport. Life can’t get any better.
<<previous chapter next chapter>>
please visit my masterlist if you would like to see some of my other work :))
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
The Prequels Strike Back!
Originally posted December 14th, 2015
Why is there a new hope for lovers of the Star Wars prequels?
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Back in 2005, not long before Revenge of the Sith was released, my eleven year old self had fairly recently discovered the Star Wars fandom. It was the first time I’d ever been part of a group united by its shared love for something, and I quickly fell in deep, taking part in forum discussions, reading blog posts analyzing characters and their motivations, and discovering the joys of the (now retired) Expanded Universe.
But while I was in this community, I noticed something peculiar: everyone, regardless of age, race, class, or gender, hated the prequels, with a particular amount of derision going towards The Phantom Menace. This made no sense to me; I had fallen in love with Star Wars after seeing Menace, and while I had to concede that the original trilogy was better, it struck me as incredibly strange that these films which had brought me such joy would be so thoroughly reviled by its own fans!
Fast forward to today: it’s 2015, The Force Awakens is coming out in a few days, and in the last few months leading up to its release, I’ve seen a number of articles and opinion pieces looking back at the Star Wars prequels and defending them from the scorn and criticism they’ve constantly received. And as much of a change as that is, it’s even stranger still to see that the people defending the prequels are using the same essential argument my eleven year old self did: the prequels aren’t bad, they’re just not as good as the originals.
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Now, I’m incredibly happy to see these pieces being written, but I have to question why they couldn’t have been written by other critics back when I was a kid and needed my love for the prequels to be validated.
I’ve come up with a couple of explanations for this. The first and most cynical one is that the reason prequel defenses have been written more recently is because all of the people who were previously cynical about the prequels have been blinded by the hype surrounding The Force Awakens.
I see this as being entirely possible, though unlikely; it’s possible because people were still excited for The Phantom Menace when it was released despite Lucas’ special editions of the original trilogy being met with a lot of derision, but it’s unlikely because from what I’ve seen, most of the excitement for The Force Awakens has been tempered with an appropriate amount of caution and skepticism, since as a fan community we are all already familiar with the pain of a disappointing Star Wars film.
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Except, we’re not all familiar with that, and that’s where my second explanation comes in. See, Star Wars fans that are currently my age were, like me, children when the prequels came out, and for a lot of us, The Phantom Menace was our first Star Wars film. But in spite of the prequels’ inferiority to the rest of the Star Wars saga, we fell in love with Star Wars anyway, and were forced to hide our love for them at the risk of being ridiculed by the rest of the community.
Now though, we’ve grown up, and those of us who have become writers have matured enough and gotten clever enough to defend the prequels from its detractors; the only reason our defenses of the prequels are popping up now are because there’s a new Star Wars film coming out, and it’s a topical subject.
The second explanation makes the most sense to me, because as anyone who has ventured into the comments section of a YouTube video will tell you, the internet is an echo chamber of endless hate and derision, and this leads to minority opinions being silenced extremely effectively. And so I didn’t see any defenders of the prequels when I was younger because to attempt to defend the prequels was going to be a waste of time and energy, since your defense would be quickly drowned out by the thousands of fans who disagreed with you.
Of course, perhaps the reason these defenses aren’t being shot down now is because the fandom is too wrapped up in excitement over The Force Awakens to continue in their derisive ways, and that means that if The Force Awakens turns out to be a Phantom Menace-esque disappointment, the hate for the prequels will resurface, and I’ll never get to see anyone defend them again.
Here’s to The Force Awakens being good so that that doesn’t happen!
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the-worst-gryffindor · 10 months
Actually, I think if I saw Aphrodite, I don’t think I would see her as any celebrity or something. I think I’d see her as some of my friends over the years. My friend from early childhood that ended up being popular and we grew apart. My friend from middle school that I always thought was too cool to be friends with someone like me. My friend that was a junior when I was a freshman that I absolutely idolized in an unhealthy way. My friend from right after high school that always talked down on me and made snarky comments about my looks and my skills and my personality, but who also made me laugh more than anyone back then.
But, and I don’t know if this is even possible, but I think she would shift through all of those, like she shifted through them for Percy, before settling into a semblance of… me. Because the person I am now can recognize all of those friendships, all the joy they brought me, and I can look at them now as good times then (and good times still in the case of those I’m still friends with), but ultimately, I have been through so much and what is more beautiful than something that the entire world seems to be trying to destroy yet it perseveres. Against everything. After all I have been through, increasingly traumatizing events, I am still going, day after day, even when I don’t want to.
This post started out as a Percy Jackson post, and has turned into me waxing poetic about my trauma, but quite frankly, I think I needed it, so TRIGGER WARNING for the rest of the post for loss of pet, grandparent, loved one, and mentions of suicide.
I’m currently rereading The Hunger Games series, and it’s transporting me back to sixth grade, and the day I got off the bus, and found my dog in the garage. She was old and it was her time, but that didn’t make it any less painful for eleven year old me to sit with her while she died.
Every time I hear the a certain name, it takes me back to being a sophomore, and desperately trying to talk someone I had only known for a couple months, and only online, out of suicide. Trying to get in contact with her the next day to discover that I failed. More than that, that I was the last person she spoke to.
Seventeen years old, and my senior year was cut short to COVID. The week after school ended, my grandma passed away. It was her time, we all knew that, she was 98. But she was the matriarch of the family. We were all shattered. Myself included. But I felt the need to be strong for my family. So I didn’t let myself cry in front of them. So they knew they had me to support them if they needed it.
At twenty, I got my first boyfriend. I had fallen in love with him at seventeen, but life is complicated, and we didn’t get together for another two and a half years. We didn’t work out and I last spoke to him in August of this year. At the end of October, he lost control of his car. And at twenty one, I lost the only person I’ve ever been in love with. He was in a car I drove him to buy, loaned him money to help pay for, and encouraged him to get it. I still loved him. I assumed we would end up together because we always came back to each other.
My brother told me I’ll be okay because I’m strong. And usually that would mean something. But right now I am just so tired of being strong. Why do I have to be strong over and over and over? Why do I have to keep going and moving on when I feel like a cobweb: built to last through frost, through wind, through rain, and through storms? I just want to be happy and lead a happy life. And yet… and yet. I am out through hardship after hardship. And for what?
Anyways, I started this thinking I was going to talk about how I would see Aphrodite as past friends that a small part of me was always jealous of, and then it got away from me. And I wouldn’t usually post something so… personal, but I can’t bring myself to delete it, so it’s getting posted, sorry to whomever has read this.
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magicbystarlight · 3 years
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy - Part Five
Masterlist, Part One
Part Five of Eighteen
Summary: For the last three years, you’ve been working a repetitive Ministry job and wrapped your life around an unhappy relationship. After realizing how empty your life has become, you leave everything behind and stumbles across an unlikely job for you - Office Manager for Weaselys' Wizard Wheezes. There you wish to find something you lost in the war: hope.
Word Count: 3937
Warnings: 18+, drinking, angst. Minors DNI.
HP Tag List: @bamboozledflamplant
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You stormed out of the Leaky Cauldron and Apparated outside the shop. You went straight to the office, avoiding human contact along the way. You didn’t want to risk snapping at a customer today. There were piles of pre-orders and an ever growing list with everyone's info, anyways
A lot needed to be done and you needed a distraction.
It worked, maybe too well as you didn't even notice when George came in. Not until he was waving his hand right in front of your face. "Hello?"
You blinked up at him. "Yeah?"
"I asked if you heard the show today."
You nodded, looking back at the paperwork in front of you.
You scribbled a couple of things down. "It was fine." Four hundred seventy six orders so far. Mostly from Hogwarts students. How much would it cost to send these all out at the same time? Did you even have access to enough owls?
"Fine?" George asked, putting his hand on top of the parchment, blocking out the numbers. "Did I say something wrong? If it's about the donation, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I thought it would be a nice surprise." He looked sincerely concerned as he sat at the edge of your desk.
"No, George," you said, covering his hand. "You were wonderful, I'm so happy you're doing the donation. I'm sorry, I - I ran into someone and it put me in a terrible mood."
"McLaggen?" he asked. He must have seen the confusion on your face and added, "I noticed you got uncomfortable whenever his name was mentioned at dinner the other night. And I remember the night of the battle, that you, um, were with him. Figured there might be some history there."
You confirmed with a small nod, leaning back in your chair and pulling up back of your collar that had rolled down. "We had gotten close in the last month of the war. We were inseparable, even ended up working together. Moved in together not long after that. It wasn't perfect, but we were partners. At least we were until I caught him naked on our couch wrapped around another woman."
"The arse cheated on you?"
"Yeah. I haven’t even talked to him since then. I quit my job the next day, moved out of our apartment, ignored all of the letters he sent me. Seeing him today just...it just brought back some painful memories."
George sympathized. He told you that you were better off without him and that you deserved much better, all the usual things someone says to a person after a nasty breakup. He was right, but it didn't soften the pain of someone you loved and trusted betraying you in the home you had built together.
You and Cormac didn't have a great relationship. You were distant and uninterested in doing things he enjoyed. He wasn't a good listener and cared more about the image you gave the public than the actual goings on behind closed doors. The two of you should have either worked on your problems or ended the relationship long before. But he chose the easy way out.
"I appreciate the support, but I really just need to distract myself for a bit. Can we just focus on work for a bit? We only have a few more days before the release, anyway."
Hours passed as you added piles and piles of the joke items only to have them dwindle as you assembled the boxes. It was nearly midnight before you finally stopped.
Stretching out in your chair, you admired the huge stacks of Fred's Fantastic Funboxes compiled. The sound of clinking glass caught your attention as George pulled out something from his desk.
It was a large bottle of Firewhiskey and a couple of glasses. He said nothing as he poured out a small amount into one and slid it across to you. There was something etched on the side. You turned it to find the Gryffindor House Crest.
"Really?" you asked, holding up the cup to him.
He smiled as he poured himself a shot, amused at your feigned distaste. "A toast," he said, raising his glass, "to you. Without you, none of this would have been possible."
The liquid burned your throat as you gulped it down and you took a moment to close your eyes and enjoy the sensation. It had been months since you had a drink.
George looked at you as you set the glass on the table and slid it across to him. You tilted your head towards the bottle and he poured you each another round.
"To us," you said before letting the Firewhiskey slide down your throat again. This time the sensation made its way through your whole body, letting you relax. "You know," you put the glass back on the desk, "he said he missed me? He actually had the nerve to tell me that?"
George responded by pouring another shot.
You held the glass up, about to drink, before setting it down untouched. "The worst part is I don't even think it was because he actually missed me. He seemed more concerned whether or not you and I were dating. Said you Weasleys always want what’s his." You nursed my shot, hoping it would help make more sense. "He's comparing our years-long relationship to a Quidditch position and one date he had with Hermione back in school. That's how little he actually cares. Over three years –literally fighting in a war for our lives together–to a couple of hours at a dinner party and sitting in front of a damned goal post."
"It's not your fault."
A humorless chuckle escaped your mouth. "Isn't it? I spent years expecting him to change, but I did nothing. I wasn't willing to change or compromise either. I didn't try to talk about our problems. I didn't leave." It was impossible to keep the tears away and they fell freely down your face. "I could have done a hundred things different. If I had tried harder, maybe...maybe he wouldn't have done it."
"Just because you made bad choices, it doesn't excuse his shitty one." George kneeled beside you. "Maybe you could have done things differently, but you didn't cheat. You didn't force him to do it, either. He made that idiotic decision on his own. So no, it is not your fault."
Your sleeve became drenched as you wiped your face. "It hurt. Merlin, it fucking hurt. But, at the same time, it felt like such a huge relief. I wasn't happy. Not for such a long time. I think I was too scared of change, of hurting someone I loved, of being alone. I'm not glad that he did what he did, but..." you trailed off, unsure of how exactly you felt.
"Hey, I get it. I'd love nothing more than to kick his arse right now, but I'm also grateful that his fuckup brought you here. I meant it when I said none of this would be possible without you. You've brought life back to this place. To me. So McLaggen can go fuck himself. He lost out on an incredibly beautiful, intelligent woman."
George's small smile didn't miraculously make everything better, but it did make the burden easier to bear. Part of you wanted to tell him more, tell him everything. You wanted to explain why you stayed. Why you were even with him in the first place. But you couldn't. You weren’t drunk enough for that conversation just yet.
"Let's get you home."
After another hectic day, George and you were sitting back in the office, nibbling on the dinner he'd bought. Neither of you had taken a day off that week, you’d been too busy fulfilling another influx of mail orders, trying to keep up with the normal day-to-day tasks, and helping in the shop.
"That's done," you said, straightening the pile of parchment. The invoices were cleared, paid for, and, with a tap of your wand, organized. It was the last thing you had to do today.
George didn't look up from his letter. It was the same one he'd been looking at for several minutes, despite having a pile of more next to him. "Thanks. Go ahead home, I'll see you tomorrow." Something in his voice was off.
"Hey, are you alright?"
"Yeah," he said, unconvincingly.
Looking at the letter, you could see dark spots where water had fallen. "George, what's wrong?"
He finally looked up, his eyes and nose were red and puffy. He handed over the letter. "It's from Dennis. Dennis Creevey."
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I wanted to congratulate you on the new product. Seeing you commemorate your brother inspired me to do something I've been too afraid to do: I went through Colin's old film rolls and got them all developed. Can you believe he had nearly thirty rolls of film? Almost half were from his first year- a great feat considering he was Petrified for half the year.
It was cathartic to finally go through them all. It gave me a piece back of my brother.
I've decided to send everyone the photos Colin took of them, but I wanted to send you yours first.
Dennis C.
Something heavy landed with a thud on the desk. It was a sealed envelope that you assumed was full of pictures. "I can't open it," he croaked.
"Would you like me to?" He gave a small nod. Pulling out the stack, it seemed like it must have been at least a hundred pictures. The first third of the photos were of Fred and George during their fourth year, when you were a Second Year. There were a lot of Quidditch pictures. One where George was yelling at the former Gryffindor Captain, Oliver Wood.
Then the pictures made a sudden change to the next year. Their hair was longer and they'd gotten quite a bit taller. More Quidditch. A few around the castle. There was a more natural transition into the following year, when Hogwarts had the Triwizard Tournament. There was a photo of the twins putting their names in the Goblet, one of them celebrating, followed by another of them growing white hair and beards.
Then there was a photo of you.
Well not of you. It was of the betting booth they had set up during the First Task. But you were there, with Sarah, talking to them. Sarah had dragged you over so she could place her bet on Krum. You’d even been talked into placing your own by the three of them, but on Harry.
It was the first time you’d seen a picture of Sarah in years, all the ones you had of her were hidden away in your parent's attic. You didn't realize you were crying until George's hand squeezed your shoulder. His curiosity had gotten the best of him and he'd come around to see what had made you stop.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think you or Sarah would be in there."
Your thumb slid across the image of your giggling friend, taking in the details you’d forgotten. Your heart ached at the hole her loss had left. She was your best friend and had been since your second day at Hogwarts. You had been together constantly, even spending most of your holidays together.
"You know, she spent half the Task talking about Fleur? She went on and on about her and how she smelled like roses last time she had passed her in the halls. She didn't bet on her, cause, you know, Krum and all. But she was a very big fan."
George chuckled. "Ron asked her to the Yule Ball. His face when he found out that Bill had started dating her was priceless. Couldn't talk to her for the first couple months after he started bringing her over. Fred loved it, teased him constantly. Even asked him if he was going to interrupt the wedding and declare his undying love for her."
The two of you stared down at the photo fondly, letting the good memories wash away some of the grief. It'd been a long time since you had let yourself remember more than your failures with Sarah.
"Can't believe Colin actually got a picture of the first time you and I met," he said.
"What?" you laughed. "That wasn't the first time we met."
He stared in confusion. "It wasn't?"
"No! Oh Merlin, you really don't remember, do you? The second day of my first year I got lost heading back to the Common Room after hours. Came across you and Fred. You walked me back to the tower!" You had had a growth spurt between Third and Fourth Year, but had you been so unrecognizable that second meeting?
Recognition flashed across his face. "You were the little Ravenclaw!" His eyes were wide, as if he'd been told you had a tail. "Wow, I can't believe I never realized that. I mean you looked very different, but still."
Rolling your eyes, you put the photo of the four of you aside and continued on. No photos of Quidditch that year, but plenty of Fred and George in the stands or their Common Room. Even one of them before the Ball, both dressed dapperly in dress robes.
The last dozen photos were of their last year. Most of them in the DA. There was the group picture where Sarah had strategically placed the two of you in front of the twins. And then there was another one of you.
"How on earth did he take this one?" You marveled as you stared at the photo of George and you smiling triumphantly at each other, your hand clutching his wrist. It had been the only time you and George had worked together in the DA, when you were struggling to produce a Patronus. Colin had managed to capture the moment right after you produced your first non-corporeal Patronus.
"Blimey, Colin," George said, taking the photo from you. "I didn't even know he had his camera that day."
Colin had managed to capture not one, but two of the handful of times you and George had actively interacted with each other at school. You’d spoken to Fred a few more times after and you’d fought alongside the both of them in the Battle, but otherwise you had barely spoken to each other over the years.
"Did I ever thank you? For helping me that day?"
"Now that you mention it," he said, lifting his eyebrow, "I don't think you ever did. Pretty rude of you."
Your eyes rolled again. George Weasley: The Drama Queen. "My apologies, oh great teacher. Please, accept my humble offering of thanks." He let out a snorting laugh as you raised your middle finger at him.
It was impossible for you to resist nuzzling further into the sheets, they seemed softer and more plentiful. It was incredible that you were ever able to actually leave it. And it smelled like Gingersnaps and coffee. Inhaling deep, you let out a content sigh. This was heaven.
Your sheets were scratchy and cheap.
They smelled like basic detergent.
This wasn't your bed.
Oh Merlin, this wasn't your bed.
The realization caused you to bolt out of the bed. The room was familiar, but your brain couldn't place where you’d seen it. It wasn't too familiar, so at least you hadn't found yourself back with Cormac. But whose bed was it? You’d never had a one night stand before, and, while you didn't mind the thought of it, you would still want to actually remember doing it. And, more importantly, who you had done. Your eyes adjusted to the darkened room as you attempted to recall the night before.
You had been at work with George. You were organizing all the orders, stocking the shop for the release. You wanted to write thank you notes to some of the larger orders and the two of you had gone up to his loft so he could sign them too.
You drank a bottle of mead.
An entire bottle.
This was George's loft.
This was George's room.
This was George's bed.
Did you...?
No, you don't think so. You were still wearing the same sweater and pants and it really didn't feel like you had done anything with anyone.
But would it be so bad if you had?
Of course it would. He was your boss and you would not start another office romance. This job meant too much to you. George did too.
Shaking the thought from your head, you went in search of him. Tip toeing past the empty washroom and peeking into the living room, you could see him lying on the couch asleep. He laid there peacefully with his chest rising rhythmically. His mouth was slightly open and it seemed like there was a bit of drool on his chin.
His head turned, revealing the disfigured remains of his left ear. You saw it nearly every day. But it was a shock compared to his child-like slumber. A bitter reminder of the innocence you two had lost. A reminder of why today was important.
Your back ached as you silently crept out the front door, doing your best to open and shut it as quietly as possible. It was still dark outside and it was all too tempting to go back to the bed you had crawled out of. With a quick pop home to clean up and change, you got back to work.
There had been a lot of packages, too many to deliver each one by owl. Only those going to private homes or businesses would be sent via owl service, the rest would be a bit more...magical.
A special breakfast fireworks display had been planned for Hogwarts, each package enchanted to go to the right student. No classes would be interrupted on a Saturday and the kids would hopefully enjoy the theatrics. It was loud, obnoxiously bright, and–most importantly–McGonagall approved.
The Headmistress had been very supportive, each of you receiving a letter from her telling you how proud and excited she and the other professors were. She had been the one to give you the idea for the display and had been all too eager to participate. She'd made it mandatory for any student who had purchased a box to attend breakfast that morning so that she could have a 'discussion' about the rules. You’d made sure to send Argus a bottle of Scotch and a box of cat treats in a preemptive apology.
It would be spectacular to see, but youhad other things to attend to. Stopping by Cho's to give her the most recent donation for the home, ensuring the owls were sent out on time, picking up coffee and pastries for the team, conforming lunch delivery, and double checking everything in the store was ready for opening.
Twenty minutes before opening George slipped in the store past the mob that had formed at the entrance. He was beaming as he came in, greeting Bini, Amber, and Naenia with enthusiasm. On seeing you, he jokingly chastised you for not waking him up before you left in the morning. You could see the clerks exchanging curious glances with raised brows. You made sure to mention him sleeping on the couch during your quick apology and thanked him for letting you crash. "I would have been fine on the couch, you know."
"So you could tell Mum and have her yell at me for being a poor host? I think not." He looked around and began to nearly bounce in joy. "I can't believe it. Today's the day!" In a flash he picked you up and spun you around.
"George!" you squealed, clinging on tightly at the fear of him accidentally letting you go. But he gently put you down, leaving you both giggling like children.
Before you opened for the day, he thanked the team for all they'd done recently and for staying with him before. A couple jokes later and the doors opened. Within minutes the display was empty and Bini was quick to replenish it. The day continued, slowing down a bit before picking up again around lunch and after office hours.
George continued to be the center of attention. He seemed to have many female admirers who openly flirted and would wait until he was able to help them. It was hard to tell whether he was flirting or not as he smiled and laughed with them. It was distracting to hear all the pathetic one liners they would throw at him.
But you also got to watch a couple of them glare in envy as he pulled you into a picture with him for an article about the day's success. That almost made up for their gag-worthy attempts. Almost.
Dean greeted as you watched George be pulled into a conversation with another round of women. "Busy day, eh? "
"Yeah," you agreed. Determined to ignore the scene with George, you focused on Dean. "Didn't you preorder? Did you not get your box?"
"Oh yeah, I got it this morning. It's brilliant. Damn near scared the Irish out of Seamus this mornin' with that spider. But I wanted to see the action, you know? Everyone's been talking about it at the shop."
You tilted my head in confusion.
"Flourish and Blotts. I'm the shopkeep there."
Had you really not been to the bookstore recently? "Oh, of course." Maybe you needed to get out more. "Yeah, we've been crazy since we opened. I didn't think we'd have so many people since school is in session, but I guess nostalgia and curiosity got the best of everyone. You included."
He chuckled a bit as you finished restocking some Spell Checking Quills. "I guess it did. You know, I was hoping to talk to you. Maybe we can grab a cup of tea soon? I know Seamus misses you, too."
You shifted uncomfortably, knowing just what he wanted to talk about. "I actually am pretty busy the rest of year, you know, with the store and the holidays coming up. Maybe after the new year?"
He didn't skip a beat. "Yeah, both our shops are closed on New Year's Day. We can have lunch at The Three Broomsticks."
You couldn't think of a worthy excuse. You agreed, hoping he wouldn't notice your reluctance. You’d have to think of a reason not to go later, but at least he'd be satisfied for a few weeks. He left happily and you continued to stock and help customers until the shop finally closed.
You said goodbye to the last patron and sent the clerks home before closing down the registers. You didn't realize George was missing until you heard voices towards the back of the store. A quick check revealed George speaking with Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell in the back. Part of you wanted to step in and remind him that the shop had closed, but you thought better of it. He hadn't spoken to many people in years and they had been close friends at Hogwarts, he deserved to enjoy their company. You finished up restocking the front of the store and left him a note saying you had to go.
He had always had a large social group, always been surrounded by people. Normal for him was a crowd and being the center of attention. That's just who he was.
Bonus Content:
The First Time You Met George
Colin’s Photograph’s #1
Colin’s Photographs #2
Part Six
168 notes · View notes
bukojuiice · 4 years
What happens when the bakusquad babysits Katsuki’s daughter? (Dad! Katsuki Bakugo x Mom! Reader) Headcanons + One-shot
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ೃ pairing: (dad! katsuki bakugo x mom! reader)
ೃ  warnings: none
ೃ genre: fluff overload, parent fic/hcs
ೃ word count: 5,141 words
ೃ 1/4 of @bukojuiice’s 800 followers special!
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ   A  sequel in the form of headcanons + one-shot to my dad! Bakugo fic “like the soul of honey” I recommend reading that first before going through this! Don’t worry if you don’t want to though! Both are standalone and not really connected with each other. 
ೃ   This was originally just going to be headcanons, but I didn’t want to keep writing it in hcs style halfway through so be treated to both headcanons + a one-shot instead! as you can tell already, this was so so much fun to write and i felt so soft after writing this uwu
ೃ  shoutout to two of my loves @sparkykatsuki for coming up with this idea!  I just knew i had to do it bc i love bakusquad sm!! they give me such a serotonin boost and I find it really fun writing about them!! Thank you for having such big brain energy and for conspiring this concept franz!  And to @chibishae34​ bc i know she loves baby fics as much as I do HSHSHSH
ೃ   your daughter’s name is hikari which means light. bakugo thought of that name because light is essentially a part of his quirk and hikari is a part of him.
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!) ♡
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—  Hikari is blessed with the best uncles and aunts she could ever ask for!!
—  Both Bakusquad and Dekusquad take turns in helping you and Katsuki get your well deserved rest and relaxation at least once a month ever since Hikari turned 6 as... she became quite the feisty girl. Too feisty to handle actually.
—  She was energetic and playful 24/7. And so, it was hard to keep up with her energy most of the time.
—  She still remained kind and obedient yet she was also an absolute bundle of joy who would just run around the house, play with her toys, and go on roleplaying adventures with you and Katsuki. She had absolutely no idea how much she would tire you and Katsuki, however, and sometimes she would go on for hours and hours just running around the house and interacting with everything she sees.
—  She had an inquisitive mind, and although you always encourage her to be smart and be intrigued with everything, she tends to question almost everything she lays her eyes on and you end up having to come up with a witty and a very childlike answer for her to understand.
—  A good example of this is when she asked you ever so innocently about where babies come from and your husband was ABOUT TO TAKE HER QUESTION LITERALLY and give her the science talk about sexual reproduction. When the two of you agreed to only give her that talk when she turns 8 as she might not even entirely understand it in the first place.
—  “Mommy, Daddy, where do babies come from?”
—  “I guess it’s time for the talk.” Bakugo shrugs, remarking sternly. He takes his daughter’s little hand in his and bringing her to the living room. “You see, Hikari, babies come from the wo-”
—  “Storks!” You cut Bakugo off before he could say another word, nudging him on the elbow. “Hikari-chan, the babies are brought down to this world by the white and strong birds in the sky!” You whisper the last bits of information to her ear. “The storks told me that once you get older, they’ll tell you the secret of where they actually pick up the babies.”
—  “Really!?” She says in disbelief, her eyes gleaming in excitement. “YAY! YAY! YAY! I can’t wait!” She goes back to running around the house looking for even more things to ask about and you breathe a sigh of relief as soon as she leaves.
—  Although it was nice that you are able to bond as a family, it does get pretty tiring sometimes. Of course your weariness is worth the risk if it’s just to see Hikari smile.
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— Especially since you and Bakugo were both pro-heroes (although you mostly do stand by pro hero work meaning you work from home almost all the time.) You found it much more enriching if both you and bakugo are guiding her and working together to create a loving and supportive family for Hikari.
— Both of your respective friend groups, whomst you remained close to ever since high school, noticed how the both of you looked tremendously exhausted and looked like you were in dire need to have 9 cups of coffee every time you would meet up with each other in between your pro hero duties.
—  And so both squads came into an agreement, that they would help the two of you out by giving you a 48 hour day off every month to do whatever the heck married couples do as they would babysit Hikari and have fun.
—  This was also a great way to get closer with their niece even if they dote on her so much already.  As you and Bakugo are the first persons in your friend groups who got married and have a child together.
—  This month, the Bakusquad is in charge of taking care of Hikari and just from the fact that Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero are going to babysit your daughter alone, you know it’s going to be chaotic.
—  Things didn’t go swimmingly last time (literally), as only Kirisihima and Kaminari were the only ones available the last time they came to babysit. They took Hikari to a community pool, and she came back with a missing tooth and some scratches on her legs from playing too much. Katsuki was NOT pleased and you had to restrain your husband from trying to obliterate his best friends even if Hikari had little to no injuries and it was normal for kids her age to have these things happens to them at least once in their childhood.
—  With your assurance and the look that was on Hikari’s face and how she would not shut up about how she loved spending time with Uncle Eijiro and Uncle Denki, Katsuki eventually let it slide and just gave his friends the usual “Katsuki Bakugo treatment” where he acts cold and angry at them, paired with his easily irritated and idgaf attitude.
—  This month however, was going to be different because Mina and Sero are finally joining along and making sure that Hikari has the best weekend since they weren’t able to babysit last time.
—  Hikari loved her Aunt Mina because she would braid her hair and style her with different cute outfits that only Mina, with her love for fashion and all things girly and pink could attempt to do and end up doing perfectly. She also taught Hikari all the dances to disney songs and nursery rhymes she knows how to do so far. Hikari affectionately refers to her Aunt Pinkie whenever Mina isn’t around.
—  Kirishima, who was the most frequent to visit the 3 of you, out of all of the Bakusquad, considers Hikari as his new #1 best friend. Dethroning and kicking her very own father from that spot. Hikari is a much more gentle and sweet version of her explosive father, and so Eijiro is able to interact and play with Hikari because he already knows Bakugo and his mannerisms very well. Hikari calls him Uncle Sharkie and she always asks her dad about how he and Kirishima became such good friends. To which Katsuki would reply with, “It’s a long story princess.”
—  Kaminari was the fun uncle. He always gave off those vibes ever since high school anyway. Giving Hikari candy behind Katsuki’s back (although you made sure Kaminari didn’t give her any that were tooth rotting sweet ones) Buying her ice cream whenever he came to drop by, and bringing her to the nearby playground amongst many other things. He spoils her a lot (in a good way) and Hikari calls her the fun “sparkie” uncle.
— Then, there was Sero. He retained his love for Spiderman since he was a kid, and he was able to pass that on to Hikari. His way of playing with her was cute since Sero is super tall, he would let Hikari ride on his shoulders, trying to imitate airplane noises as they would “fly” around the house. He gifted Hikari some child-friendly comic books for you and Katsuki to read to her before. bed. Although she never fails to say that the best heroes are her mommy and daddy. She calls Sero her Uncle Spidey.  
—  Uncle Sharkie, Uncle Sparkie, Aunt Pinkie, and Uncle Spidey. The Holy Quaternity.
(One-shot starts below this!)
“AUNT MINA! UNCLE EIJIRO! UNCLE DENKI! UNCLE SEROOO!” Hikari rushes to the door as soon as she hears the doorbell ring, she jumps into Eijiro’s arms and the red-haired pro hero twirls her around. The rest of the Bakusquad forms a circle around her, and can’t help but look at her adoringly.
“How’s my little ball of sunshine!?” Mina squeezes Hikari’s cheekies, earning giggles from the little girl. “I’m fine Aunt Mina! I mished chu!” She begins to talk in a cute accent as she just can’t contain her excitement.
“Hikari-chan! Do you still remember our little handshake?” Sero kneels down to the little girl’s height, offering her his hand. The little girl nods, shakes it and their thumbs twiddle together, as if they were thumb wrestling. They do a few more quirky hand shakes and then end it with a bang by saying “BOOM!” Sparks suddenly fly out from Hikari’s hands, her aunt and uncles coo since noticing how much her quirk has developed ever since they started babysitting.
“Okay you two!” Mina turns to you and Katsuki, as she had noticed you had some distinct luggage packed for a quick hot spring getaway, she practically pushes the two of you out of the door when Katsuki stops in his tracks, turning to his friends.
He glares at them and points his fingers to his eyes in a “I’m watching you” type of gesture. “Not one single scratch on her or all of you are dead to me.”
Kaminari laughs, patting his friend on the back, “We gotchu buddy. Your little ball of sunshine is safe in our hands. She’ll have the best time with us!”
Hikari quickly runs to you and Katsuki, giving you both a tight hug. “We love you Hikari. We’ll just be gone for two days oki? Your uncles and your aunt here will keep you safe this weekend alright? We love you!” You peck her lightly on the cheek, a pout forming on your daughter’s face.
“I’ll miss you Mommy. Daddy.” She doesn’t let go, hugging the two of you even tighter. “I loaf you! See you soon!”
“Be a good girl okay Hikari?” Katsuki kneels down to meet his daughter’s eyes, orbs that were as passionate as his, planting a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll miss you kiddo.”
You could hear Kaminari and Sero silently snicker in the background since they still can’t wrap their head around the fact that their friend could become so soft when in front of his child as opposed to his usual rough demeanor he shows to everyone else.
Katsuki wraps his arm around your waist, holding you tightly, with you dragging along the luggage that the two of you were going to bring on this trip. You bid your final goodbyes with ease and relief, knowing that your daughter will be in “safe hands” the entire weekend.
“We’re going to have so much fun!” Mina squeezes Hikari and the rest of the  Bakusquad into a hug. “What do you want to do first Hikari-chan?”
“Oh! Um! I don’t know if I should ask this b-but..” The blonde little girl hides her hands in her pockets, her feet tapping the floor. “I actually want to know how Mommy and Daddy met! Not the marry or the lovey thing! Just how they met and fell in love!”
“Hikari-chan!! You’re so cuteeeeeeee!” Kaminari begins to weep crocodile tears, pulling Hikari into another hug. “If that’s what you want to do for today, then we’ll gladly tell the story of how your mom and dad met!”
The Bakusquad formed and sat in a circle on the floor. Hikari was sitting on Mina’s lap as the latter braided her hair into what was called a Fishtail braid. Kirishima, with the help of Sato, baked some chocolate chip cookies a few days ago for all of them to snack on while they babysit Hikari.
Sero clears his voice and begins the story. “Your mom and your dad met each other in High School. Along with all of us and your Uncle Izuku, Uncle Tenya, Uncle Shoto, Aunt Ochaco, Aunt Tsuyu-” He continues to recall the names of all the other people Hikari know and love. “They were total opposites actually.”
“O-opposithes?” Hikari tilts her head, a puzzled look on her face as she tries to process what her Uncle Sero had just said. “D-does that mean that Daddy didn’t like Mommy?”
“It’s not like that Hikari-chan. Don’t worry.” Kirishima saves Sero from making the little girl misinterpret what he had just said, nudging his raven-haired friend in the arm. “It’s just that your dad was hot-headed and angry all the time, but he fell in love with your mom because she was sweet, patient and understanding!” Kirishima reiterates, a soft look on his face, looking back on the sweet sentimental memories of high school. “They were perfect for each other!”
“Oh! So daddy was angy all the time? Since mommy is really nice she told Daddy to be nice and they fell in love!?”
Mina giggles, continuing to style Hikari’s hair. “Yes Hikari-chan. That’s exactly what happened! You’re so good!”
“I am!?” Yay!” She claps her hands together, a wide smile present on her face, she was becoming more and more intrigued. “Tell me more please!”
“Well...” Kaminari continued where Kirishima had left off, “Your mom and dad got closer because they got teamed up to fight our pro hero teacher for our exam! They fought and they had a hard time talking to each other but they passed the exam in the end! It was hard at first. Your dad kept on telling us that he didn’t like your mom in a lovey way but we kept on pushing him until he accidentally said that he liked her! Your mommy heard what he said and then she told him that she liked him too!”
“F-fight? I thought Daddy only fights bad guys...” Her voice begins to crack as if she was about to cry. The Bakusquad were about to speak up and explain but failed to because as soon as Mina was done braiding her hair, Hikari immediately stands up and bows politely to the four adults. “I’m going to play with Mr. Rilakkuma for a while. See you later!” She grabs a cookie from the plate and rushes into her room, locking the door behind her.
“See you later Hikari-chan!” Kaminari waves cluelessly, not realizing what he had just said that prompted Hikari to leave the room in the first place. Mina stands up on her knees, shooting him a glare and flicking his forehead, “Did you not realize what you just did!?”
“Ahh what did I do!?” He rubs the spot on his forehead that Mina had just hit, and looks at his two other friends for a clue as to why they were ganging up with him.
“I guess Chargedolt will always be Chargedolt.” Sero shrugs, shaking his head in disappointment.. “Hikari misinterpreted what you said. She thinks that Bakubro used to fight (Y/N) like she’s a villain or something back when we were in High School.”
“Guys. Guys. There’s nothing we can do about it. Both of you slipped, so let’s give Hikari-chan some space first then talk to her later.” Kirishima cuts Kaminari off before he and Sero would start an argument,  which would prompt Hikari to further think more negative thoughts.
“(Y/N) said that Hikari-chan’s been liking Tonkotsu Ramen recently, so I think it’s best if all of us help out in cooking her favorite comfort food to cheer her up.” Mina sighs deeply, crossing her arms. She heads straight to the kitchen without uttering another word, the three other guys follow suit.
After several hours, it was finally night time and time for dinner! At the orders of Mina, Sero and Kaminari came to pick up Hikari from her room.
Sero knocked softly. “Hikari-chan? It’s time for dinner!”
“We cooked your favoriteee Tonkatsu Ramen!” Kaminari added in a playful voice.
No reply.
“Hikari-chan?” Sero knocks again, a bit louder this time. He then turns to Denki and whispers, “Maybe she’s asleep?”
Before the two men were to retreat and go back to the living room, the door to the little girl’s room was unlocked with a long click, as if there was hesitance..
Denki quickly turns the knob to be surprised at the sight of Hikari... packing her clothes into a cute backpack?
“Hikari-chan! W-what are you doing?” Kaminari runs to her, trying to stop her from folding her clothes.
“I’m going to go see Mommy and Daddy! I’ll go take a bus and find them!” She wipes the tears streaking down her cheeks, sniffing her nose while attempting to stuff her teddy bear inside her backpack. “Daddy took Mommy so that they’re going to fight aren’t they!? I don’t want that!”
“No no no no no Hikari. It’s not like that!” Kaminari wipes the little girl’s tears with a handkerchief, he gestures Sero to call Kirishima and Mina whilst he tries to comfort the girl. “Your dad took your mom out because today is their lovey anniversary! It wasn’t because they were going to fight!”
“Ah! Owkay!” Hikari suddenly raises her head, taking the handkerchief from Denki and wiping her tears.  “Can I visit Daddy and Mommy then!?”
“O-oh well...”
“Of course we can go Hikari-chan!” Kirishima barges in, Sero and Mina close behind him. “Let’s surprise them!”
“Yay! Surprising them! I love surprises!” The little girl jumps up and down in her place. “What time do we go!? What time do we goooo!?”
“After dinner you little cutie.” Mina smiles at the younger Bakugo’s sudden shift in mood. “We cooked your favorite Tonkotsu Ramen!”
“AH! TONKOTSU RAMEN TONKOTSU RAMEN!” Hikari wiggles her arms, slightly pushing the adults out of the way and runs out of her room, Sero catches up to her, only to find her sitting properly on the dining table. “I’m ready to eat now! Just waiting for all of you!” She shouts from outside.
“She’s absolutely fricking adorable.” Kaminari remarks. “But Kiri.. are you serious? We’re actually going all the way to a prefecture and bring her to her parents? Isn’t our job supposed to be keeping her here while they rest and relax in the onsen?”
“W-well... It’s not like we can do anything about it right?” Eijiro shrugs off Denki’s concern, holding on to a stress ball that Hikari had in her room. “She’ll be moping around and going back to overthinking about what her parents are doing right now. We’ll take her there and besides, once we do get there, (Y/N) and Bakugo already had a day’s worth of rest. And I think it’s time for us to take Hikari on a road trip and have fun with her!”
“Uncle Eijiro.. Aunt Mina... Uncle Denki... what’s taking you so long?” Hikari yawns and rubs her eyes, still holding on to her chopsticks. “The ramen is going to get cold...”
“Oh no! It is!?” Mina reacts quickly, taking Hikari’s hand and leading her to the table. “Let’s get there before Elsa makes it even colder!”
“NOOOOOO!! Elsa’s going to do that!? Whyyyyyy!?”
“Let’s just hope that this isn’t a repeat of what happened when we took her to the community pool.” Kaminari shakes his head, recalling the past event. “Bakugo almost killed us if it weren’t for (Y/N).”
“I don’t think it will. Besides, Sero and Mina will be with us, so the more the merrier!”
Oh and the merrier it was.
“HAKUNA MATATA! WHAT A WONDERFUL PHRASE!” Bakusquad along with Hikari, sing in unison. Bopping along to the iconic song from Lion King.
“IT MEANS NO WORRIES! FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!” Hikari belts out, the others clapping along to her singing, doing their best to hype her up
Kirishima was singing Timone’s lines, Kaminari was singing Pumba’s, Sero and Mina were the background vocals and and Hikari was singing Simba’s lines.
It was 6 am in the morning and they were finally on the road and on the way to a Hot Springs Resort in Chiba Prefecture, where you and Bakugo were staying in for the weekend.
Kirishima was driving the SUV that he immediately bought when he got his first Pro Hero paycheck, Denki was riding shotgun, and Hikari was seated at the middle squeezed in by both Mina and Sero.
Disney Songs were set to be played for the entire morning to tire out Hikari and so that she can sleep peacefully and rid Bakusquad of the slight annoyance they will receive when she asks “Are we there yet?” every 2 minutes.
Denki had unfortunately messed up the spotify playlist that Jiro had given him, and the piano opening of A Thousand Miles begins to play.
“OMG IT’S OUR SQUAD SONG!” Mina’s eyes lit up as soon as the well-known piano keys blared out from the speakers. “MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN, WALKING FAST, FACES PASS AND I’M HOMEBOUND!”
The iconic part before the chorus begins to play and the boys sing along, “AND I NEED YOU! AND I MISS YOUUU!” They shake their shoulders to the beat, and Hikari giggles along.
“CAUSE YOU KNOW I’D WALK A THOUSAND MILES IF I CAN JUST SEE YOU TONIGHTTTTT.” Bakusquad sings dramatically in unison, raising their hands up high and just vibing to the beat.
“Hikari-chan! You should totally hear your dad sing this! He loves this song!” Mina turns to the little girl who continued to laugh at how chaotic her aunt and uncles were being. “Really!? I want to learn it then so that Mommy and Daddy would know that I can be a singer too!”
The song ends and yet everyone else was still vibing. After the current song, the hype and the energy has died down and Hikari is fast asleep on Mina’s lap and her feet were lying on a pillow that was placed on Sero’s lap.
“She really is a spitting image of both (Y/N) and Bakugo. They’re really great parents.” said Sero, who wanted to break the silence and keep the atmosphere lively.
“My mind is still shook over the fact that Bakubro would turn so soft every time he’s in the same room as his daughter. It’s a complete 180 on his personality, and I really wanna tease him about it when we finally get the chance.” Kaminari interjects. “Do you think Bakugo would get mad when we arrive there?”
“Trust me on this guys.” Kirishima says casually, stepping on the gas pedal, as they go up the highway. “Bakugo won’t. In fact, I think both he and (Y/N) would be delighted to see their daughter travel for 180 miles just because of a misunderstanding.”
“Suki-kun... do you think I should call up Mina to ask how Hikari’s doing?” You reach for your phone on the bedside table. “It’s 6 AM maybe Hikari forgot to drink her gummmy vitamins-”
“She’s going to be fine.” Katsuki murmurs in his bedhead voice, turning to your side of the bed to spoon you and nestle his head on your neck. “I trust Kirishima and the others.”
“This is surprising. You’re very casual about this now. What happened to your skepticism? Weren’t you too worried about how they were going to babysit Hikari after the pool incident?”
“To hell with that. If Hikari loves them, and they love her back just as much, might as well just roll with it. They’re my friends anyway and it’s better than Ilda scolding her for eating 4 M&Ms at 9 in the evening.”
You chuckle, holding his hands that were wrapped around your waist. “That’s harsh but you got a point. Although Hikari loves my friends and yours equally, they do think of Hikari as a little Bakugo so, they’re able to connect with her more.”
“What time do the private mixed gender hot springs open up again?” He grumbles suggestively and you giggle. “They open at 9 am. Should I reserve that time slot?”
“You should.” He growls but before you could even reply, he falls back to sleep.
“WE’RE HERE!” Kirishima announces, waking Kaminari, Mina and Sero up from their sleep.
“W-what if this isn’t the right onsen?” Denki yawns, looking around to take in the view.
“I asked (Y/N) last night where they were staying. This is the place! She even gave me their room number for some reason.” Mina stretches her arms then pats Hikari on the forehead lightly. “Hikari we’re here...”
The little girl slowly opens her eyes, sitting up, then looks out the window.
“HOT SPRINGS! ONSEN!” She hastily tidies up her backpack and gets down the car as soon as Sero opens the door.
“Hikari-chan! Wait for us first!” Sero runs after her, making sure she doesn’t get too far.
“It’s 9 AM... I wonder if those two lovebirds are awake already.” Kaminari looks at the watch on his wrist, as he brings down their stuff from the trunk of the car.
“I looked this place up last night. It’s a family friendly hot springs resort, but it’s famed for it’s private mixed gender onsen. I wonder why though...” Mina mused, helping Denki out with bringing their stuff down.
Kirishima gets out of the car and bobs his head up as soon as he heard what Mina had said. He looks at Kaminari trying to tell him something through his stare. The mustard-haired man’s eyes widened when he realized why Kirishima was looking at him, then he turns to Mina who finally realizes what the mixed gender onsen meant.
They enter the beautiful and lush resort, spotting Sero and Hikari who were sitting near the reception area, waiting for their reservation and for the rooms to be confirmed.
“Can’t believe we had to pay double the price for a standard room.” Kaminari pouts, whispering to Kirishima as the red-haired man hands him over the credit cards of each of his friends and then he hands it over to the concierge. He notices how excited Hikari looked and couldn’t help but smile.
As soon as the reservation was confirmed, Bakusquad and Hikari were able to check in immediately. Mina takes Hikari to her room while the three other boys were sharing their room with each other.
“Hikari before you can surprise your parents, you have to wear this Yukata first okay?” Mina helps fasten the bath robe on Hikari, but the little girl can’t help but be energetic and start dancing in her place. “Have you memorized the A Thousand Miles chorus already to sing to your mommy and daddy?”
“I have!”
Mina takes Hikari outside, the other boys were already out too and were wearing their bath robes.
“I saw (Y/N) enter this onsen. Maybe that’s where she and Bakugo are in? Should we take Hikari there?” Kaminari asks his three other friends, sipping on a fruit-flavored ramune, and handing one to Hikari.
“Yes please! I want to see Mommy and Daddy as soon as possible and then surprise them!” She sips on her ramune, looking at her aunt and uncles pleadingly, begging them to bring her there.
“I could have sworn I heard Kaminari-kun’s voice outside.” You tell Katsuki, closing the screen door to the open air bath. You were holding a plate full of sliced Watermelon. Your robe was still on and you wanted to eat something first before getting in.
“Tch. Probably just your imagination.” Bakugo breathes a sigh of relief, slipping in further in the hot water. “I could get used to something like this every month.”
“Oh really?” You raise your eyebrow, and lick your lips. “Could you get used to-”
“If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass us ByYYY?”
You jolt up at the sweet and all too familiar voice that was echoing from the outside. Before you could even react properly, someone knocks on the door to reveal...
“Mommy! Daddy!”
She jumps to you and pulls you into a tight hug. “I missed you so much! I thought you and Daddy were fighting that’s why you left!”
“Fighting!?” You look back and forth to Bakusquad then to your daughter. “Of course not! Why would we-”
“Uncle Sewo and Uncle Denki told me that you guys would always fight when you were in school! That’s why I thought that-”
“They did... what?” Bakugo’s tone becomes slightly irritated at the mention of Kaminari and Hanta’s name. The Bakusquad were about to face death and the consequences until...
“Oh! But! They also taught me a song today! It’s called A Thousand Miles! They said it was Daddy’s favorite!” She then turns to her father with such admiration in her eyes as she begins to sing the chorus. “Cause you know I’d walk a thousand miles just to see youuu~”
“Nice one sunshine. Did you learn that for me?” He gestures Hikari to approach him, ruffling her hair as she kneels down to peck him on the cheek. “I did!”
“It’s your favorite song! So, I also traveled a thousand miles to see you and Mommy!”
“Not necessarily a thousand miles, dear. But you’re close enough! You still traveled to see us! Yay!” You clap at the genius remark your daughter had made. You turn to the Bakusquad, nodding your head at them and smile. “Thank you for taking care of Hikari and bringing her here just because she wanted to. We’ll see you later at lunch?”
“Of course! Of course!” Mina waves goodbye, a tired but loving smile formed on her face. “We had a fun time with Hikari and we just couldn’t help but bring her here. But, you have Kiri to thank for all of this though!”
“No, I shouldn’t get all of the credit. This is a Bakusquad group effort, if Kaminari and Sero didn’t slip and if Hikari didn’t misunderstand their words, then we wouldn’t be here in the first place.” Kirishima cuts Mina off in a respectful way. He claps his hands together and pulls your other friends out of the room. “See ya guys later!”
“Thanks guys.” Bakugo nods generously to his friends. It was something he didn’t always do, but when he does, well, it’s worth seeing.
“Bye Uncle Sharkie, Aunt Pinkie, Uncle Sparkie and Uncle Spidey!” Hikari waves goodbye jovially, not realizing that she just called them the affectionate nicknames that she’s too embarrassed to say in front of them.
The four laugh at the little girl’s slip-up and they leave the hot springs in good spirits.
After that wonderful weekend, you explained to Hikari about why you’re taking a rest every month in the first place. She didn’t quite get the concept at first but after a little bit more of explaining, she came up with the idea that the two of you get four rest days in a month. One weekend just for you and Katsuki then the other weekend is for the three of you and if any of the Bakusquad or Dekusquad would want to come along.
It was the perfect agreement and if Hikari was going to grow up in an environment where she had the best aunts and uncles in the universe, then she’s going to grow up to be a great kid. Just like the adults in her life once were.
The End.
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544 notes · View notes
sankyeom · 4 years
tattle-tale | l.sy
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pairings: lee sangyeon x reader genre: teacher au, tooth-rotting fluff summary: in which teacher!sangyeon has a crush on teacher!you and anonymously leaves little gifts for you on your desk, only to one day be caught by your entire class word count: 5.9k series: sankyeom’s 2k followers celebration
You loved your job, you really did.
Teaching little kids all day long was an absolute joy for you. But if you said recess wasn’t your favourite time of the day, you’d definitely be lying. “Finally,” you groaned as you took a seat on a sofa in the teacher’s lounge, a large cup of coffee in your hand as you closed your eyes.
Sangyeon, Jacob and Hyunjae – three teachers at your school that you considered close friends – shared knowing smiles. “Rough morning?” Jacob asked.
“I love my students,” you said, eyes still closed. “But they can be little devils sometimes.”
Hyunjae burst into laughter as Jacob and Sangyeon grinned. “They can’t be that bad?”
You opened your eyes to observe your colleagues. “It’s Emma’s birthday today. She brought cake for the entire class, and they ate the entire thing within the first ten minutes of first period,” you recalled in a monotone voice.
Jacob winced. “Sugar rush?” he guessed.
“You have no idea,” you complained, having flashbacks to your students running around the classroom and causing absolute chaos. “I would literally kill for some coffee. Or at least maim.”
Hyunjae pointed at your mug. “What do you call that?” he teased.
“Terrible teacher lounge coffee that hasn’t been warm for, like, an hour,” you observed as you took a sip of your coffee. Then, you winced and pushed the mug away from you. “I may be desperate for a good caffeine fix, but I’m not that desperate,” you mumbled as you got up to toss the contents of your mug down the sink.
Sangyeon’s eyes trailed after your retreating figure, a mindless smile on his face as he observed the way you glared at your, now empty, mug in disgust as if it had betrayed you. His gaze drew towards Jacob when his colleague cleared his throat, a knowing look in his and Hyunjae’s eyes as Sangyeon gave them an innocent smile. “Are you ever going to ask her out?” Jacob asked with a lowered voice.
Although he knew he had been caught, Sangyeon still made his attempt at playing innocent. “Ask who out?”
Hyunjae rolled his eyes. “Don’t pretend. You’re a really bad liar and you’re just way too obviously in love with Teacher Y/n,” he said, imitating your students when they call out to you.
Despite his best efforts, Sangyeon couldn’t hide the blush that appeared on his cheeks. As he opened his mouth to protest, you took your seat on the sofa opposite the trio, muttering to yourself about terrible coffee. Noticing the shift in atmosphere, you raised an eyebrow at your colleagues. “Did something happen while I was gone?” you wondered.
“No,” the three men chorused, which only made you more suspicious of them. With a shrug, you dismissed their odd behaviour, deciding that it was best not to pursue your curiosity. “So Y/n, did you ever find out who your secret admirer is?” Hyunjae wondered.
A small pout appeared on your lips. “No,” you sighed, clasping your hands together to rest on your knees.
For a few months now, you had been receiving little gifts on your desk when you stepped out of your classroom for your breaks or free periods. At first, they were just little things that lifted your mood in the middle of the day; sticky notes with funny faces and encouraging quotes, or small gummy and snack packets to give you energy at the end of your long day.
Then, the gifts started becoming a little more personal.
A gift certificate to your favourite coffee chain, packs of stickers or staples that you just so happened to be running out of, muffins from your favourite bakery, and even a beautiful leather-bound journal that you had mentioned you wanted to a few friends and coworkers.
You didn’t know who the gifts were from, but you desperately wanted to meet them.
Not only did they brighten your day every single time you got a new gift, but they seemed to be presents that were specifically purchased for you.
“Has anybody else been getting gifts?” you inquired.
“Not as far as I know,” Jacob denied, Hyunjae and Sangyeon humming in agreement. “Besides, aren’t the gifts all perfect for you?”
You nodded. “Most of them are things that I vaguely mentioned, or silently pined after. Sometimes they’re just little pick-me-ups like snacks, but they still seem to know my taste perfectly.”
Jacob smiled. “That’s kind of romantic,” he mused, causing Sangyeon to choke on the water he had been sipping. He coughed, leaning forward to place his mug down, and covered his mouth as he tried to catch his breath. You, Hyunjae and Jacob gave him looks of concern, which he immediately waved off.
“I’m good,” Sangyeon assured the three of you. “You-“ he coughed. “You think it’s romantic?”
“Of course!” Jacob said cheerily. “Gifts that fit her taste without ever revealing who sent them… A secret admirer. Super romantic,” he assured his friend, sending him a subtle wink when you weren’t looking.
“I just wish I could repay them somehow,” you sighed. “I feel like they make my days easier and I don’t even have a way to thank them.”
“I’m sure they’ll reveal themselves with time,” Hyunjae told you, probably in an attempt to cheer you up. “Maybe they’re just a little shy.”
“Maybe,” you echoed half-heartedly. The bell rung, indicating that recess was over and class would start again in five minutes.
“Coming?” Sangyeon asked, standing up to walk you to your classroom. Your classrooms were in the same corridor, even though Sangyeon taught fourth grade and you taught second.
You shook your head. “My kids have Gym right now, so I have a free,” you said. “I have some grading to do, so I’m just going to hang out here.”
“Not going to hunt for a better cup of coffee?” Sangyeon teased, copying the horrified face you made when you took a sip of the cold teacher’s lounge coffee.
With a laugh, you merely shook your head. “I’m too lazy to leave campus. Plus, I should probably cut down on my caffeine consumption anyway.”
“Right,” Hyunjae nodded. “I’ll remind you of that in three hours when it’s lunchtime and you’re completely worn-out from your seven-year-old students,” he said, saluting you in lieu of a goodbye. You waved to him, Jacob and Sangyeon as they left the lounge, taking out your bag to get to grading your students’ tests.
Since they were only second graders, the grading wasn’t exactly difficult, just time-consuming. By the time the bell rang to indicate Gym class had ended, you had just finished all of their maths tests. After stretching, you made your way over to your classroom so that you could be there before your students changed after Gym class.
Entering your classroom, you could already feel a bit of fatigue kicking in, and you cursed yourself for not getting a cup of coffee after all. Before you could wallow in your regret any further, you noticed the paper take-away cup on your desk. The bright blue sticky note on the cup instantly brought a smile to your face.
Don’t let the little devils wear you down too much. x
You picked the cup up, delighted that the coffee was still warm to the touch and relishing in the taste as you took a sip. “Secret admirer, you must be from heaven,” you muttered, grateful that your secret admirer had gone out of their way to make sure you were properly caffeinated.
“Teacher Y/n!” someone shouted, barreling into your classroom. Several students trailed behind, giving you similar greetings coupled with large beams.
“How was Gym?” you asked, putting your coffee down and listening to your students’ excited stories about who won the dodgeball game that day. “Well while you guys were having fun, I was working very hard to grade your math tests! Do you want to see how you did?”
Their cheers were enough for you to burst into laughter as you took their papers out of your test. “Teacher Y/n,” one of your students, Minho, raised his hand with big eyes.
The sight was absolutely adorable. “Yes, Minho?” you smiled.
“What did your secret Santa give you today?” he asked.
“Secret Santa is for Christmas time,” you corrected. “The person leaving me presents is just a nice friend,” you explained.
“Okay,” Minho nodded, eagerly absorbing your words. “What did your nice friend give you?”
“Something warm to drink,” you explained, pointing in the direction of your take-away cup before handing the seven-year-old his test back. “The teacher’s lounge has coffee but the coffee from my friend is from my favourite store.”
“Do we know your friend?” Sana, a little girl who always wore pigtails and a huge smile, asked.
“I think so,” you mused. “They work here at school.”
“Who is it?” she wondered. “Is it your boyfriend?”
You laughed. “It’s not my boyfriend,” you assured Sana. “I actually don’t know who it is yet. It’s a mystery.”
“Like Sherlock Holmes,” Minho piped up.
“Yes, like Sherlock Holmes,” you agreed.
“We can try and solve the mystery together, then!” the boy decided. “We just need to look at the clues.”
“Alright,” you allowed, having finished handing out the tests. “We can do that after we go over this test. Does anybody have any questions on the test that they didn’t understand?”
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“That’s adorable,” Hyunjae laughed as you told him, Sangyeon, and Jacob about your students’ interest in your secret admirer. The four of you were sat outside at one of the picnic tables to enjoy the last few days of sunshine that autumn had to offer you. “Did they come up with anything?”
“They actually did,” you admitted. Sangyeon’s back straightened abruptly, curious about what your students figured out. “They decided that it’s definitely a teacher.”
“Really?” Sangyeon exclaimed, earning a weird look from Jacob and Hyunjae. “What makes them think that?”
“Well, I always get a little post-it note with all of my gifts,” you explained with a laugh. “And who uses post-it notes?”
“Teachers,” your three colleagues chorused.
“That’s pretty decent detective work,” Jacob complimented.
“My class certainly liked to think so,” you allowed, amused. “Anyway, my theory is that the admirer really is a teacher,” you added. “I doubt anyone other than other teachers have heard me talk about my favourite cafe, or which of my stationary is running low. I only ever talk about those kind of things in the teacher’s lounge or when I’m on lunch duty.”
“Sherlock Holmes indeed,” Hyunjae grinned, eyes crinkling at the outer corners. “Any theories on who it is?”
You sighed, shoulder drooping. “None at all,” you confessed. “Makes me feel kind of pathetic.”
“Hey, you’re not pathetic,” Jacob denied, putting his hand on your shoulder. “A little slow? Maybe. But certainly not pathetic,” you laughed, pleased at Jacob’s attempt to make you feel better.
“Teacher Y/n!” you heard Sana’s familiar voice as she ran up to you from the playground, her best friend Emma trailing after her.
“Hi girls,” you greeted. “Are you enjoying your lunch?” the two girls nodded.
“Emma, it’s your birthday today, isn’t it?” Sangyeon recalled from your rant at recess. The girl’s eyes lit up at his question, prompting her to nod her head excitedly.
“I’m turning eight,” she told him proudly.
Sangyeon beamed at her excitement, a fond look in his eyes. “Well I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Emma. You’ll have to tell me what presents you get when you come to school tomorrow,” he asked, which she immediately agreed to.
“I will, Teacher Sangyeon!” she promised.
Suddenly impatient, Sana crossed her arms. “Teacher Y/n, is Teacher Jacob your nice friend?” she wondered, pointing to where Jacob sat across from you.
“He’s a nice teacher friend, but he’s not the one who’s leaving me gifts,” you explained to the two girls. “Why do you ask?”
“We saw him touch your shoulder,” Sana explained. “We thought that meant he was your nice friend.”
“Sadly, you have the wrong guy,” Jacob said with a shrug. “But I’m going to try to help Teacher Y/n to find out who her nice teacher friend is. You guys already did a great job at helping her,” he added. Sana and Emma looked proud at the thought before they said their goodbyes, rushing off to grab the vacant swings before anybody else did.
“They’re so cute,” Hyunjae almost whined. “Why did I decide to teach sixth grade? Those kids aren’t cute anymore, they’re just savage.”
You grinned at the idea of Hyunjae being lightheartedly bullied by his twelve-year-old students. “You adore those kids, don’t lie to me,” you retorted. “And they’re still plenty cute.”
“They’re not that cute in sixth grade,” he denied, pointing in the direction Emma and Sana went. “And they don’t look at me with big, adorable eyes, or cling on to every word I say.”
“That’s just Y/n,” Sangyeon told them, smiling to himself as he dug into lunch. “My students are just two years older, and they don’t do any of those things to me.”
“You’re being modest,” you argued. “Emma looked at you like you told her she was the most special girl in the world when you remembered her birthday.”
“Maybe because it’s her birthday,” Sangyeon allowed, looking up from his food to smile at you. “But they look at you like that every single day. And it’s not just your students, either.”
His compliment made you blush.
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The gifts started coming on a daily basis after the day you got a cup of coffee.
Almost every time you had a free period, a fresh cup of coffee would wait for you when you returned to your classroom, and sometimes baked treats from your favourite bakery would accompany it.
You tried staying in your classroom to see who your gift fairy was, but on days you stayed your admirer never came. It was almost as if they knew every move you were making; like they had heard it before or could somehow read your mind.
“Is one of you giving out my plans?” you questioned your colleagues one day.
Hyunjae simply raised an eyebrow at you. “Explain.”
So you did: “I feel like my secret admirer is always a step ahead of me,” you mumbled. “If I ever wait for them, they don’t show up, and if I send students ahead to wait in the classroom, they still don’t show up. I don’t know how they do it.”
“Maybe it’s one of us,” Jacob said, causing Sangyeon to send a small kick to his ankle as a warning. Hyunjae snorted, covering it up by pretending to cough. “Have you ever considered that?”
“I hadn’t, actually,” you realised absent-mindedly. “But if it was one of you guys then you’d just tell me.”
“Sure,” Hyunjae nodded. “Eventually.”
“Right,” you said, as if this was enough evidence to suggest it couldn’t be Hyunjae, Jacob, or Sangyeon. “So I’m back to square one.”
The bell rang, indicating the end of recess, and you stood up to go back to your classroom. “I love art class,” you sighed as you waved your goodbyes to Hyunjae and Jacob, and made your way to your classroom with Sangyeon. “It’s the only time they get to be rowdy and excited and I don’t have to make them calm down.”
Sangyeon laughed. “Sounds nice,” he agreed.
“What do you have next?” you asked.
“I’m free, actually,” Sangyeon said. “I always have a free after recess.”
“How come you’re always rushing off, then?” you wondered, since he had never sat with you in the teacher’s lounge during recess.
“I use it as my lesson-planning time, which I prefer to do in my classroom because I’m always forgetting little things that I need,” he admitted.
“Well you should hang out with me in the lounge some time,” you offered. “It has terrible coffee but I hear I’m pretty good company,” you joke, stopping at your classroom.
“I might take you up on that,” Sangyeon grinned, winking at you before he made his way to his classroom a few doors down.
You cursed yourself for feeling shy at his wink. Sure, Sangyeon was incredibly handsome. But you had enough to worry about with your secret admirer; you didn’t need a schoolgirl crush on one of your closest colleagues to top it all off.
You sighed. “Control yourself, Y/n,” you muttered to yourself, entering your classroom and starting to hand out the worksheets for the period.
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You regretted ever saying that you loved art class.
After a sugar-filled recess, your class was more hyper than you had ever seen them and there was nothing that could be done to stop them. You had attempted multiple times to get them to listen to music or talk quietly, even going as far as to threaten them with staying on after lunch time to make up for the time lost during art class. You were about to lose your patience out of pure irritation and frustration when a knock sounded on the door of your classroom.
Sangyeon’s head popped in, a look of mild concern on his face. “Y/n, is everything okay?” he asked.
“Not really,” you admitted, running a hand through your hair in an attempt to curb your oncoming headache. “They won’t calm down. I’ve tried literally everything I can think of.”
“Mind if I give it a try?” he asked, earning an enthusiastic nod and a grateful smile from you. Sangyeon let himself in and stood at the front of the room. “Hi everyone!” he greeted loudly, causing your students to start to quiet down at the sight of a new face. “Thanks for waiting to start art class until I came,” he smiled, as if he was supposed to be there all along. “I’m Teacher Sangyeon from the fourth grade class down the hall.”
“He teaches big kids,” you heard Emma whisper to her desk mate. Cute.
“Teacher Y/n was just telling me how advanced and mature her second graders are. She even thought that I could come and teach them a little bit of fourth grade art since you’re all so far ahead,” Sangyeon complimented.
Gasps rang around the room, and you couldn’t be more grateful to him in that moment. “But you guys were pretty noisy when I came in. I’m not sure if you guys are really mature enough,” he trailed off, a look of concern on his face.
“We are!” Sana exclaimed, shushing her classmates with a stern expression. “We promise we are!”
“Well...” Sangyeon pretended to think for a moment. “If you guys can promise to be calm and good listeners, maybe I can still teach you like I teach fourth grade art. But only if you’re well behaved.”
In that moment, you were almost as entranced by Sangyeon as your students were.
Sangyeon took their silence as a promise and made his way over to your whiteboard, writing down his name and a few bullet points down. Then, he began to talk about being in the fourth grade and how different things would be from the second grade. He spoke with an air of confidence and kindness that made you realise why he became a teacher, and why all of his students loved him so much.
He was patient and informative without being condescending, and he took any questions and comments happily at any given moment. Sangyeon was definitely in his element, and it made him glow with relaxed joy.
You had always thought Sangyeon was attractive, but this was on a different level. He commanded the attention of all of your students and the way he just swooped in, giving up his entire free period to help you, made your heart swell with something akin to admiration. Sangyeon had your students giggling at his cheesy comments, and you found yourself smiling along with them, just as enchanted by him as your students were.
When he was done teaching, your students looked at him in awe and their eyes were dripping with respect and admiration. He dismissed them to lunch with your approval, and you practically leapt onto him when all your students left.
“Woah, what did I do to deserve that?” he wondered, wrapping his arms around you to return your hug nonetheless.
“Saved my class, and myself from a migraine,” you replied, sighing in relief. “Thank you, Sangyeon. Really. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate this,” you acknowledged, squeezing your eyes shut to relish in the hug. Sangyeon tightened his grip on you and sighed back, butterflies fluttering around his stomach.
Maybe he should just tell you that he’s your secret admirer, he considered.
“Of course, Y/n. You know that I’m always here if you need anything,” he said instead, pulling away from your hug to offer you a genuine smile. He wasn’t ready yet.
“I do,” you agreed with a nod. “And I can help you out anytime as well. Thank you. Let me buy you coffee or something as a proper thank you,” you offered, grabbing your bag without letting him reply.
“Not everyone is as obsessed with caffeine as you are,” Sangyeon retorted, gently nudging you with his hip to tease you.
“Hey, until they start selling it in an IV bag, I’m going to have to get my caffeine the old fashion way. C’mon, coffee shop three blocks away. My treat,” you smiled hopefully, holding up your wallet to jokingly entice him.
Sangyeon broke out into a large smile, eyes shaped like crescent moons. “I would love that,” he agreed, starting to erase his notes on the whiteboard as you clapped.
You watched him. “Your handwriting is beautiful,” you complimented, seeing the letters disappear. “I feel like I’ve seen it before,” you thought aloud, wondering why it looked so familiar.
“Really?” Sangyeon said, eyes wide as he sped up his process of erasing his lettering. “Probably in the yearbook or something.”
“Probably,” you dismissed the thought with a smile. “Now let’s go get our coffee on.”
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After Sangyeon saved your art class, and your head from a brutal migraine, he started spending more time with you during your mutual free periods. Usually, you sat in silence in the teacher’s lounge as you did any grading or class prep that needed to be done, but with Sangyeon’s presence, your free periods were much more colourful and laidback.
Sangyeon had a lighthearted way about him; everything he said was assuring kind, and didn’t fail to make your heart flutter. Usually, you only ever spent time with Sangyeon when Jacob and Hyunjae were around, but being alone with Sangyeon was a different situation entirely. You had always known he was handsome and considerate, but he exuded a different kind of energy when he wasn’t surrounded by your friends.
As he sat next to you at one of the tables in the teacher’s lounge before the school day started, you couldn’t help but admire his profile; he was practically flawless. He had a long, slender nose and high cheekbones that made Sangyeon look more angular than soft. His deep brown eyes and pillow-soft lips-
“Y/n?” you snapped out of your trail of thoughts, realising that you had been blatantly staring at your coworker. Sangyeon gave you a concerned look. “You okay?”
“Oh, I’m fine!” you promised, clearing your throat and adjusting your shirt to give your hands something to do. “Sorry. What were you saying?”
The bell chimed, indicating that the school day would begin soon. You and Sangyeon stood up from your chairs and started collecting your papers. “I was just saying that I can’t stay with you during my free, I have some errands to run,” he explained, giving you a wave before he ran off to grab something from his car before class started.
You rose an eyebrow. “I don’t have a free today,” you mumbled to yourself, making your way to your classroom to start your first period class.
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Sangyeon grinned, lifting the flower bouquet in his hand to smell the fragrant flowers once more, relishing in their sweet scent. You had told him about a little flower shop nearby that you noticed the other day, but you couldn’t bring yourself to buy yourself flowers because it felt a little embarrassing. Since you had a free today, Sangyeon figured it would be the perfect time to buy you some flowers and give them to you.
Anonymously, of course.
As Sangyeon snuck past the teacher’s lounge, he saw your bag on one of the chairs and quickened his steps so that you wouldn’t spot him as he made his way to your classroom. Checking the hallway, Sangyeon entered your classroom as quietly as he could as to not alert any other classes of his presence.
As carefully as he could, Sangyeon closed the door behind him and let out a relieved sigh when it silently shut. Smiling, he turned around to put the flowers on your desk.
Only to be met with the little faces of your entire class.
Sangyeon’s mouth fell open in shock, his eyes widening simultaneously as he realised the situation.
“Teacher Sangyeon,” Emma exclaimed, waving excitedly at him. “What are you doing here?”
“Um, hi class,” Sangyeon greeted awkwardly, making his way towards your desk. “I’m just leaving Teacher Y/n a little surprise, that’s all.”
Minho gasped. “You’re her nice friend that’s leaving her presents!” he realised, pointing his little finger at Sangyeon.
Knowing he was caught, Sangyeon nodded, hurriedly pulling a blue post-it note from his shirt pocket and writing you a little message to go with your flowers. “Yes, I am. But I would really like it if you guys could keep it a secret between us?” he pleaded. “Since I know you guys are so mature and clever.”
He knew that appealing to seven-year-olds’ will to be grown up was a low blow, but he didn’t have much time before you would return to your class.
“Of course,” Sana nodded her head. “We’ll keep your secret. Teacher Y/n is looking for her bag, she’ll be back any minute now!”
Sangyeon thanked her for her warning, giving your students a little wave before he darted out of the classroom and rushed to his own.
That was close. And he was probably screwed.
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“Okay class, thank you so much for being patient,” you exclaimed, entering your classroom with your bag. “I’m sorry I left you guys to grab my bag but I’m so proud of you all being so mature and understanding,” you buttered up your students, feeling guilty for running around school like a mad person trying to find your bag.
“Teacher Y/n!” Minho raised his hand as far in the air as he could. “We know who your nice friend is!”
You froze in place from where you were writing on the whiteboard, knowing exactly who he was talking about. “You do?” you echoed.
“Hey,” Sana cried out. “We’re not supposed to tell!”
That’s interesting. You knew that if whoever your secret admirer was had convinced your class to keep their identity a secret, it meant that your class trusted and respected them.
“I don’t care,” Minho retorted, crossing his arms. “We’re supposed to be Sherlock Holmes and help Teacher Y/n, remember?”
You smiled; those kids were truly too cute.
“Oh,” Sana seemed to be struggling with making up her mind. “Well, I suppose you’re right. We did promise Teacher Y/n first.”
“Was my nice friend here?” you asked, spotting the bouquet of flowers on your desk, accompanied by the usual blue post-it note you received with all your gifts.
“He was,” Minho nodded. “Teacher Sangyeon came while we were waiting for you and he brought your flowers.”
Something fluttered in your stomach, excitement at the revelation of your secret admirer making your heart pound just slightly faster. “He did?” you said, so quietly it was almost a whisper.
“And he wrote you a note with a blue post-it!” Emma added. “We were right! Your nice friend is a teacher.”
You smiled, picturing Sangyeon trying to convince your students to keep his secret. He must have snuck in because he thought I had a free period, you realised. “Well, you guys are very good detectives,” you complimented. “Just like Sherlock Holmes.”
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When you dismissed your students for lunch, you couldn’t help but sit at your desk as they all filed out to admire the flowers. It was a beautiful mixture of white roses, pink peonies, and beautiful green and purple wildflowers. The post-it note must have been more rushed than usual, because it had a simple message that said he hoped you liked the flowers instead of their usual buttery, warm message of encouragement.
No wonder Sangyeon’s handwriting looked so familiar, you thought as you traced the letters on the post-it note with your pointer finger. The loops of his lettering perfectly replicated those that were written on the whiteboard when he helped you with your art class a few weeks ago.
After assigning your students their work for the last class, you couldn’t help your mind from wandering to Sangyeon, and how you should confront him about being your secret admirer. Making up your mind, you got up from your chair and plucked the flowers and post-it note from your desk before exiting your classroom and walking down the hall.
Knocking on the door of Sangyeon’s classroom, you waited patiently for him to greet you at the door. “Y/n,” his eyes lit up when he recognised that it was you. “Come in, you don’t need to knock,” Sangyeon ushered you in, opening to door for you.
“Thanks,” you smiled, stepping inside. “So, I got another gift from my admirer,” you told him, holding up the flowers. “If I can even call them an admirer.”
“Why shouldn’t they admire you,” Sangyeon said with a small shrug, moving to wipe his whiteboard.
“Say,” you began, holding up the post-it note. “This looks a lot like your handwriting.”
Sangyeon dropped the whiteboard eraser with a loud clatter, cursing quietly before apologising for the noise and going to pick it up. “Oh, um, really?” he wondered, panic rising in his chest.
“Really,” you confirmed, making your way next to him and holding up the post-it for you both to compare to the white board. “See? Your lettering is super similar,” you said, as if you didn’t already know that Sangyeon was your secret admirer.
“Huh,” Sangyeon hummed. “Weird.”
“Isn’t it?” you agreed, smiling. “These flowers are beautiful though, aren’t they?”
Feeling nervous, Sangyeon only gave you a weak smile. “As long as you think so…”
“They’re from that little flower shop I was telling you about the other day,” you told him, recognising the name of the shop on the ribbon that held the bouquet together. “Isn’t that ironic? That they got the flowers from there.”
“Well it’s only a few blocks away so I’m sure other people know about it,” Sangyeon retorted, pretending to go through the papers on his desk to act as if his heart wasn’t beating at the sound of a tuba.
“I also got coffee from my favourite cafe, pastries from my favourite bakery, and any piece of stationary that I complained to you about being low on,” you listed off the different gifts you had received.
Sangyeon opened his mouth to retort, but when he lifted his head to meet your eyes, he knew immediately that he had been caught. “You know, don’t you?” Sangyeon mumbled, red flushing the tips of his cheeks and ears.
“Minho ratted you out,” you confessed, not wanting to take credit for figuring it out.
Sangyeon laughed. “Tattle-tale,” he muttered, eyes gleaming with mischief. “So you were just having fun, teasing me as if you were figuring it all out right in front of me?”
“Hey,” you exclaimed. “I figured the handwriting thing out on my own.”
“No. I just connected the dots after Minho told on you,” you admit, shrugging your shoulders. Sangyeon chuckled, picturing your class telling on him as you lean back against his desk. “I’m glad it’s you,” you revealed, making Sangyeon smile shyly at you.
“How come?” he wondered.
“Well, you’re pretty cute,” you teased, earning an eye-roll from Sangyeon. “And you’re just… I don’t know. You’re really special. The way you interact with your students and how you never fail to give up your free time to help me, or keep me company…” you trailed off, noticing how a more serious expression fell across Sangyeon’s face. “Why didn’t you tell me that it’s you?”
“I didn’t know if you wanted it to be me,” Sangyeon said, tucking his hands into his pant pockets. “You’re one of the most loved teachers at this school, by the students and the faculty. You’re funny, and kind, and beautiful, and I thought you were out of reach.”
“I’m not out of reach,” you shook your head, moving closer to the brunet man. “Not at all.”
“And you’re really happy that it’s me?” he wondered.
“Hm,” you pretended to think. “Let me get back to you on that one,” you teased. “Yes Sangyeon, I’m really happy that it’s you.” Sangyeon beamed, pleased with your response. “That’s your cue.”
“My cue?” he asked.
“Yes, your cue,” you emphasised, trailing your hands up his chest to play with his tie. An understanding look filled his eyes and Sangyeon leant down to kiss you, closing his eyes as you felt each other’s breath against your faces.
The door to Sangyeon’s classroom opened noisily.
“Yo, we were just-“ Hyunjae’s shriek cut off Jacob’s words as the pair realised the position that you and Sangyeon were in.
“Guys, you can’t do that during school hours!” Hyunjae exclaimed, looking scandalised. “Jacob, I’ll cover your eyes and you cover mine,” he said dramatically, causing the two of them to flail about in an attempt to cover each other’s eyes with their hands.
You rolled your eyes, releasing Sangyeon’s tie and leaning back with a sigh. Sangyeon gave you a sheepish smile but cast your friends an exasperated look. “You guys are lame,” you accused.
Jacob laughed, releasing Hyunjae. “So you finally figured it out?”
“I wish. Some little tattle-tales told me all about it after catching him,” you motion to Sangyeon.
Hyunjae cackled. “Genius. C’mon, let’s get lunch. I’m starving,” he moved on quickly, uninterested in your new relationship with Sangyeon. “No kissing on school grounds, either. Let’s go,” he cheered, marching out with Jacob in tow.
You laughed, always amused by your coworkers and friends. “Let’s get lunch,” you agreed with Hyunjae, sending Sangyeon a smile.
As you moved away, Sangyeon caught your arm and gently pulled you back. “School hours are over in two periods,” he reminded you with a cheeky smile.
“Dinner?” you offered, earning a nod.
“I’d be crazy not to go,” Sangyeon exaggerated. “You’re paying, though. I’ve bought you enough food and drinks to last at least a few dinner dates,” he winked.
Laughing, you nodded, pulling him out of his classroom by his hand. “It’s a deal.”
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note: the first fic in my 2k followers celebration event is up!! i’m so excited to see what you guys think about it, please let me know and thank you again for 2,000 followers 💛🌻
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nat-20s · 3 years
for @jonmartinweek day 8! (which I definitely realized was happening and for sure did not forget lmao). The prompt was free day/au, so I picked my own theme of “pets”. The last few fics have been pretty loaded, so please enjoy some pure post canon (literal and figurative) fluff
“I can’t believe I married a dog person.”
They weren’t even supposed to be in the shelter. They had made no plans to visit a shelter. However, as Jon has been learning over the course of the past couple years, a Martin not under duress and given free time outside will inevitably end up trying to befriend any living nonhuman creature in the immediate vicinity.
“I’m not a dog person.”
“The lapful of beagle puppy would indicate otherwise.”
“Just because I appreciate the company of a very good boy, yes you are, doesn’t mean I’m a dog person. Dog person implies I have a preference. I like cats equally as much as I like dogs. Unlike some of us, my heart is open to all manner of furry friends.”
“I don’t...hate dogs.”
“Uh-huh. Is that why you won’t pet Rufio here?”
“He’s nippy, I don’t trust him. And it’s just that dogs are A Lot. I find most of them a bit overwhelming. And needy.”
“Pff, that’s no excuse. You’ve been best friends with overwhelming, and you married needy.”
Martin lets out a distracted giggle as Rufio finally gets in a lick on his face. Okay, maybe it is a pretty adorable sight, but that’s hardly sufficient enough evidence to actually let such an energetic ball of fluff into their home. Still, it’s enough to convince Jon to sit down next to them, and give Rufio a very tentative scritch behind the ears. “I think we both qualify as the needy one in our relationship.”
“Pretty sure that’s called codependency. What would our therapist say?”
“She’d probably say that’s a bit harsh. And that we still need to work on our separation anxiety.”
“Hey, you know what helps with separation anxiety?”
“A dog!”
They get a dog. Their flat is decently sized and they both have steady incomes and enough free time between them to take proper care of her. They don’t get Rufio, but instead a 7 year old mutt named Daffodil who is, admittedly, the most gentle and sweet creature Jon’s ever met. They also get a cat, a rambunctious 2 year old tabby named Jack (“We can change the name.” “Jon! How dare you! Jack responds to his name, clearly he likes it!”) who had already decided Daffodil was his mom, and they couldn’t possibly bear not adopting them together.
“You know, we could get a tarantula.”
“Fuck off.”
“I’m serious! They’re not, like, evil in this universe, and some of them have cutest little pink toesie woesies.”
“You’re not serious, you’re being a bastard, and I hate you.”
Martin wraps his arms around Jon’s waist and presses a kiss to the side of his face, which Jon gives a half-hearted swat at, because, again, the man’s being a bastard. Stubbornly ignoring Jon’s pout, Martin presses his cheek to the top of Jon’s head, cheerfully replying, “I’m fine with that, as long as you promise to hate me for the rest of our lives.”
“Well, I certainly can’t make that promise. I won’t even hate you ten seconds from now. I suppose you’ll have to settle for love instead.”
“Hmm. Deal.”
“We’re still not getting a fucking tarantula.”
They do not get a tarantula. Their home remains admirably spider free.
Martin’s gasp is loud enough to echo, and Jon can feel him begin to vibrate next to him. The excitement is perplexing at first, they’ve been to this bookstore dozens of times, and it’s never elicited this sort of response. Then Jon looks over to the front counter, where a medium-sized cage and a “For adoption” sign have been put on display. With a wild, jubilant glee, Martin asks, “Sonja! Are those baby. Dumbo. Rats?!”
“Sure are! I’ve got a friend who’s a breeder, I take it you’re interested?”
“Yes, absolutely, 100%, we’re getting two immediately.”
Martin snaps his head over to look at Jon with a look of betrayal the likes of which Jon hasn’t seen since the panopticon. “Jonathan, no!”
“You can not tell me you you don’t like rats! Dumbo rats especially!”
Ticking off on his fingers, Martin lists, “They’re adorable, they’re smart, they’re cleanly, they’re extremely empathetic, they’re tickilish, which is stupidly cute, they can be trained to use a litter box and do tricks, they’re snuggly and playful and perfect! They’re all the good parts of dogs combined with the best parts of cats in one tiny portable package! Look at their little ears, that are like that because of a slight difference in skull shape that has no negative health effects! Plus, we can set them up in the project room, since Captain Jack isn’t allowed in there anyway. How can you dislike rats?”
“I don’t know! They just sort of..freak me out. Or not all of them, just their feet. I don’t like their little man hands.”
Martin throws his arms in the air, proclaiming, “Their little man hands are one of their best qualities! Look, Jon, are you genuinely afraid of them, or just slightly discomfited?”
“I would say mediumly discomfited. This isn’t like spiders.”
“Cool. ‘Cause in that case, we’re getting the light tan one and the solid white one, their names shall be Peaches and Cream, and you will love them as much as you love our dog and cat children.”
“That’s a rather bold claim.”
“It’s an accurate one. You’ll see.”
Within a week, Jon is transporting Peaches ‘n’ Cream in the pocket of his hoodie, and he can feel Martin’s smug aura from two rooms away. Damn him.
“Did you know snakes don’t have an amygdala?”
“Okay? You didn’t have to bring me to a reptile store to tell me that.”
“I didn’t bring you to a reptile store to tell you that. I brought you to a reptile store because I want to hold a cornsnake.”
Jon rolls his eyes, but the fondness in his voice somewhat undercuts it. “Of course you do.”
Martin makes a scaly acquaintance in less than two minutes, and as the snake coils around his fingers, he continues, “Anyway, if they don’t have amygladas, do they feel fear in a way similar to us, or is it only a recognition of threats and instinctual response?”
“Martin, my love, I have no idea. Is this going somewhere? It’s fine if not, I’m just checking in.”
“Yes. Because if they don’t feel fear, I’m getting this snake and naming her Georgie.”
That makes Jon let out a sharp bark of laugh, and, for a moment, he’s able to reminisce without any pain. “You know, I think she’d actually love that? She also had a proclivity for all creatures great and small. And a terrible sense of humor.”
“Wow, you really have a type, huh. Also hey! My sense of humor is fantastic! It always makes my husband laugh, and he has very exacting standards.”
“Liar. Your husband finds joy with you at the slightest provocation, no good sense of humor needed.”
“Hmm. He is a bit of a softie, isn’t he? Which is why he’ll let me get this snake.”
“He most certainly will not.”
“But….look at her….”
“It’s not a matter of how cute she is, dear. It’s a matter of you made us get pet rats less than a month ago, there’s absolutely no way you’re going to be able to feed mice to a snake.”
Martin looks at the cornsnake, looks at Jon, looks back, and his shoulders slump. With a wince, he asks, “Maybe frozen mice won’t be too bad?”
“What if she’s picky?”
“...There are species of snake that only eat bugs.”
“Cornsnakes aren’t one of them.”
Waving over an assistant, Martin puts the cornsnake back with a defeated, “Fine. When you’re right, you’re right.”
Jon doesn’t particularly feel like he’s won an argument. In fact, he’s a bit disappointed himself, he always liked snakes. Big fan of reptiles in general, actually, which is probably what drives him to say, “Lizards don’t usually eat mice.”
That’s how they walk out of the store with three leopard geckos.
Jon’s helping Martin set up the gecko tank in what can now be affectionately called a zoo when all of the sudden it strikes him. Some of the animals in their home right now have life spans of 10-20 years, and never once had the necessary longevity of care come up as a reason to protest against them. Jon had felt so at ease with the concept of a future that he hadn’t even thought about it, hadn’t been steeling himself for the other shoe to drop. He’s stopped having bated breath every time something good happens, instead taking reassurance in a sense of permanence that he wasn’t sure he’d ever feel again. Martin must hear his breath hitch, because he immediately stops what he’s doing to take Jon’s hand into his own. “Something wrong, love?”
Jon shakes his head. “No, nothing. I suppose I’m realizing that we have time, don’t we?”
Martin must know exactly what he means, the weight behind the words, because he brings Jon’s hand to his lips and says, “Yes. Yes, we really, really do.”
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clairecrive · 3 years
hi i know your requests are closed but could you do headcanons about how it would be to work through almost getting a divorce with nikolai lantsov after kind of falling out of love then deciding not to and working on getting their relationship back to how it was before because that unbreakable love for each other is still there and its noticeable. ive always wanted to read abt this and im asking this request from a number of writers cos i find it so cool to read everyone write their take on it.
cant wait to see what you come up with! thank you<3
A/n: taking a lil break from studying to write this. btw, hc take me less time to write so if you have more you can always send them in and I'll do my best to answer.
(tags are at the end)
okay so, the idea of letting Nikolai go is absurd to me. However, I can see how there could be some strains in a relationship with him.
if we remain in a canon situation, I'd say that the biggest thing that could come between you two up to the point of almost divorce is his ambition and dedication to Ravka
Nikolai is a strategist and the thing he wants more is seeing Ravka free and thriving and he'd do anything to make that a reality
so, he'd be plenty busy
busy to the point that you'd go months without seeing him
whether he's in Ravka working on his projects with David and Nadia or he's in another country on a diplomatic visit
of course, he has invented flying ships and all but those kinds of journeys still are long and tiring
however, since you are in the picture, I'd like to believe that Nikolai would try to find a balance between his country and his love
if not simply for the fact that he loves you and he loves being with you
if he's married you, there's a reason. right?
so, I feel like whenever he's back from a long trip away he'd take some time to spend it with you. First days in between the sheets and then doing some of your favourite things together.
just to spend some quality time with you
that's until he slips away more and more to take care of something
at first, it's a couple of hours before dinner
then he misses dinner entirely but spends the afternoon together
then only mornings together
until it comes the time you wake up and his side of the bed is cold
of course, you were aware of the life he led
his ambition and dedication were two of the things you loved most about him
but you missed him
he was gone so much that it didn't feel like a relationship anymore
it seemed like a free trial for widowhood
you had confronted him about this
many times
but he was still the King of Ravka and he had responsibilities he couldn't forfeit
and despite his best intentions, it seemed that they didn't match with his marriage
and you understood that. his role and the many things he had to take care of. really.
but you were tired of being alone a feeling unimportant
so, one day you decided to wait for him. Nikolai was the first to wake up and the last to fall asleep.
but that night, you waited for him. sat in your bed, hoping he'd come too late
when he did step into your room, he was surprised to see you awake. at first, he was delighted. he missed you too and the idea of being able to spend some time with you brought him endless joy
however, he soon noticed the expression on your face, your arms crossed on your chest and he understood that whatever reason had made you wait for him, wasn't anything good.
as much as it broke your heart to say the words, you told him what you had been thinking about for months now.
"this marriage is not working out for me anymore."
Nikolai's heart broke. truly shattered at your words.
he knew he'd be walking on a fine line and it was only a matter of time before you'd snapped again
but he never thought it'd come to this
what a wretched word
Nikolai hated it. he hated the fact that he had been such a shitty husband that you now wanted to have nothing to do with him
he tried to change your mind, promised that he'd do better, that he loved you and you were his whole heart even though he'd done a shitty job to show you.
but you knew that despite his words were genuine, his promises were empty.
and you were simply done. you couldn't take any more of this.
when he understood that he had pushed you too far, Nikolai relented. He accepted your decision and told you that he'd take care of it.
in the meantime, you went away.
there was no reason for you to stay. you were alone anyway so staying just to sleep in the same bed as he felt ridiculous
the time apart was agonizing for both of you. unironically, knowing that he was just a few feet away made it easier for you to bear the loneliness. And Nikolai?
Well, he had forgotten how to function. The absence of your presence affected him more than he would have thought. To the point where he could only think of you and how he couldn't lose you. The divorce wasn't official yet and he was already miserable.
So he took some time off and he joined you.
Again, he asked for forgiveness. pleaded for you to give him a second chance and if not, to at least allowed him to spend the days before signing the papers together.
and you agreed. you agreed because you had missed him so much. because you still loved him.
those remaining days were spent in utter denial. neither of you acknowledged the truth of your situation but unspokenly decided to make the most of it.
and saints, it did nothing but remember why you had fallen in love with each other and decided to spend the rest of your lives together in the first place.
when the time was almost up, neither of you wanted for it to end.
but the problem remained: you couldn't go back to the same routine
but letting Nikolai go wasn't possible neither
so you talked to him. explained your reasons and your motives and that above all you loved him
he felt so much relief in knowing that there was still a tiny chance of making this right
he renewed his promises of being a better husband, of changing his work schedule so that he could be more present.
he had even handed you a sheet where he had drafted his new schedule and well, it was completely different
of course, you knew that there would be times where he'd be inevitably busier but as long as he made an effort, you'd be fine with it
and so you agreed, you gave him a second chance and you were proud to say that Nikolai was living up to his words
and you were happier than ever
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
DIWK - Chapter ten: "Set me free my honey bee"
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Word count: 11,6K
Summary: Let's jump 19 months in time and see how painful it has turned for reader and Spencer to hide their feelings for each other. JJ leaves the team, and a new member joins the BAU.
Warnings: Angst and hurt. Fools being assholes. Cursing, of course. Mention of CM cases and spoilers on S06E11.
A/N: Please don't hate me. Just remember things usually look like the shit before they get worst, and then everything is better. I hope.
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen |
(Y/N)'s point of view
Time is a weird thing. I remember when I was in school and time didn't pass fast enough. Semesters were eternal. It felt it had been years by the time summer vacation arrived. The complete opposite happened to me at the BAU. Suddenly, time passed too quickly. A whole year and a half went by in the blink of an eye.
I told Spencer about it, and he sent me a paper published by Professor Adrian Bejan that presented an argument based on the physics of neural signal processing. He hypothesizes that, over time, the rate at which we process visual information slows down, and this is what makes time 'speed up' as we grow older.
My answer was that I thought it happened 'cos as we grew older, we did things that actually gave us joy, which made us feel the time was passing faster than before. So we argued a whole Saturday afternoon about it and created our own theories for that event.
My theory was my personal favorite, 'cos it was the only one that could easily explain why so much time had passed in the BAU, and it felt like it had been just a few weeks.
It hadn't been easy, though. Those nineteen months had been filled with some of the worst situations we had been through as a team.
After I got shot, JJ finally admitted her relationship with Will and got pregnant. That was shocking, the first BAU baby: Henry.
Sadly, Henry was the only little good thing that happened that year. Because to sum it up, a bunch of awful shit happened to all of us: Hotch was in a car explosion that almost killed him. Spencer and Prentiss got trapped in an undercover mission into an underground cult to investigate child abuse, and Emily was beaten up pretty badly. Also, Spencer got infected with anthrax and nearly died. That was probably the most agonizing moment I had lived since the whole Tobias Hankel situation two years earlier.
Also, that year Prentiss had to investigate the case of the death of one of her best friends, and I was in a pretty nasty fight with an unsub that got me out of the field for three weeks. Not to mention, Spencer was shot in the leg.
Hotch was stabbed by the only unsub that has actually won against the BAU: Foyet. He attacked Aaron and got on the lose for months, but we all knew his next move as torture Hotch's family. That's why his ex-wife Haley and his little son Jack had to go into protective custody, and he couldn't see them for months while we tried to catch Foyet.
Things didn't go as planned. And without a doubt, the worst moment that year was the day Haley died. Foyet killed her, and Aaron lost it. He literally killed him with his bare hands the moment he got him. For a solid week, I was sure Aaron Hotchner wouldn't be the unit chief anymore. Strauss actually opened an investigation related to everything that happened that day. But in the end, somehow, she understood the "bloodbath" that had happened in that house was all in Foyet's hands.
However, there's no way to deny that the whole team had changed in many ways after that year. The concept of being a family was now more present than ever. After chasing Foyet for months, we were all onto him as if he was chasing our own family, because he was.
You don't work this kind of job with a team like mine and don't get attached to them. And this goes beyond how in love I was with Spencer. The (Y/N) who first stepped into the BAU, scared to show her true self, was long gone. And despite my deepest fears, letting them in and showing them who I really was had been one of the smartest decisions I have ever made.
Do you want to know which was my stupidest decision? Falling in love with Spencer Reid. It hadn't actually been my choice. I just didn't fight the feeling either. I don't think I could have even if I tried, though. Those nineteen months brought us so close, my mom thought we were living together, and the teasing from our friends was so common we weren't even affected by it.
For Christ Sakes, even Strauss thought we were dating! She forced us to attend a seminar on fraternization, concerned after she realized we always took our vacation together. We had a lot of fun trips, though. First, we visited his mom and had an amazing weekend in Las Vegas. Then we took a few days off after the anthrax incident and went to Hawaii. Picture Spencer Reid in an "all-inclusive," drinking all the coffee and eating all the pastries possible while reading a million books underneath an extra-large umbrella. We had fun that week, did some local touring, but most of all, sleeping in and relaxing. Spencer hates the beach but got those tickets anyway.
Did everybody think we were a couple? Yes
Did it help that we shared rooms, 'cos we were already used to it? No
Did it feel like a honeymoon without sex? Yes
Could I stop thinking about sex with Spencer? No.
And all that led us to the nightmare our relationship was going to become.
Penelope Garcia was drunk. She kept pouring shots and pushing them to us. Emily was wasted as well. But she kept acting like the classy lady she is. Not like JJ. My poor baby had mascara smeared under her eyes after crying for like an hour.
We found out she was leaving the team, and it was a hard blow on us. And by hard, I mean the worst thing that had ever happened to us. We had suffered without JJ when she was on maternity leave. And we struggled without her. Now knowing the Pentagon had taken her away from the BAU was torture.
We had a goodbye party for her at Rossi's, but this was our goodbye girl's night, and neither of us was holding anything back.
We had cried, we had sung sad songs. We drank all the champagne, wine, and vodka we could find. And now, holding our tequila shots, we knew it was time to call it a night.
- "I just love you girls so much,"- JJ whispered, crying- I don't wanna work without you.
- "Boo, come here!!"- I opened my arms and wrapped them around my friend, kissing the top of her hair a few times- "I love you too, and you are going to come back so soon you won't have time to miss us. You'll see. Papa Rossi and Dada Hotch are gonna fix everything."
I was drunk. Seriously drunk. But that wasn't the reason why I was so sweet with JJ. The truth is, I was broken-hearted. Like Penelope and Reid, I didn't manage change very well, and the fact that JJ was forced to leave made me feel frustrated and mad. But most of all, it made me think of every time I had been a little bitch with her during the years. And I regretted each one of them.
- "And we won't be far!"- Emily added and caressed JJ's arm, smiling kindly- "You will still be in town, and we will not leave you alone"- JJ chuckled and nodded.
- "I know, girls. Shit, I love you all so much!"
- "We love you too!"- Penelope sobbed and moved closer, wrapping the three of us in her arms.
- "Please, take care!"- JJ wiped off the tears from her eyes and looked at us- "Emily, don't do anything stupid! Don't rush in the field, and please don't take your fucking vest off!!"
- "I won't! I promise!"
- "You have to live to be Unit chief one day!"- JJ added, and Prentiss widened her eyes, shocked.
- "That's not really my gold."
- "But you'd be queen, baby!!"- Jareau added and turned to Penelope- "And you, please make sure Hotch eats. I kept a stack of granola bars on my desk to keep him fueled during the day. He usually forgets lunchtime and skips dinner, so..."
- "Don't worry, JJ,"- Penelope nodded, and we all felt our heartbreak a little thinking about all the things JJ did in her daily basics to take care of the team, and we didn't even know.
- "How are we going to survive without you?"- I mumbled, pouting. JJ chuckled and held my hand.
- "You are a rock, and you will do a fantastic job keeping this team together. Just, please, can you and Spencer start dating now?"
I wide opened my eyes and stared at JJ. The comment surprised me. I shouldn't, 'cos the whole "you and Spencer should start dating" joke was getting old. Only this time, JJ wasn't joking. She held both my hands and looked right into my eyes.
- "(Y/N), he loves you"- I was about to argue with her, but she covered my mouth with her Cheetos smelling hand.
- "Don't say a word! Spencer loves you so much you really must be blind not to see it. And I know you love him too. It's implied in all the little things you do for him every day. So don't take it for granted. Don't think this will last forever 'cos look at me! A week ago, I was happily working at the BAU, and now I'm drinking at my goodbye party! So don't waste any more time! You are in love with Spencer, and he loves you! It doesn't take a profiler to see it. So please! Act on it!"
There was a dramatic silence after. I didn't know how to break it. I could just joke around, but somehow, it didn't feel right. It had been too quiet for too long, and that made everything harder to deny. Finally, Emily put her hand on mine, just like JJ was still doing, and smiled at me.
- "There's nothing to be ashamed of, (Y/N). You are not the first person to fall for her best friend."
- "And the Junior G Man loves you so much,"- Penelope added, landing her hand on our hands too.
- "As his friend"- I corrected and sighed. I guess that was it. After three years, I could probably start facing my feelings in front of my friends.
- "No, (Y/N)"- Garcia tried to argue, but I shook my head and stood up, 'cos all that sudden attention and affection was bothering me.
- "PG, I was in Hawaii with the man, sharing a room, walking around in a bikini, and he didn't do anything."
- "That's because he is shy!"- Emily excused him right away.
- "My bikini leaves pretty much nothing to the imagination. Do you know what he said when he first saw me on it?"- I looked at my friend and poured us another round of tequila- "And I quote, "I don't think I brought enough books. This one is too interesting."
I air quoted with my fingers as we spoke, and the three of them looked at me, speechless. I made my point and drank my shot, feeling the alcohol burning down my throat. My friends opened their mouths but didn't produce a word. I sighed and looked at them.
- "But he hates the beach, and he took you there anyway,"- Emily pointed out
- "Did he give you his speech about how he hates sandy food?"- JJ asked me, and I chuckled, nodding.
- "And about pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, and of course, the real reason he hates the beach: drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces."
- "And the man took you to the beach!"- Penelope argued.
- "But he didn't do anything! he didn't make his move, didn't even hold my hand!!"- I nearly shouted- "That's why, among a lot of reasons, is how I know Spencer is not interested in me! If only I'd tell you all the shit we've been through!"
- "Please!! Tell us!!"- Garcia begged and grabbed one of my legs- "I won't live another day 'cos I won't be able to deal with the mystery!"
- "No! 'cos you are gonna tell Morgan"- I slurred- "And he is going to embarrass and tease my honey bunny, and my honey bunny is gonna get all nervous and nervous around me, and we are never going to..."- I stopped talking and looked at my friends. I was sharing too much.
- "(Y/N)?"- Prentiss looked at me, but I just shook my head and looked down.
- "I think I better go home."
- "No, you can't drive like this,"- JJ argued immediately and held my hand- "I'm not gonna let you go intoxicated. Will is gonna come pick me up, and we'll drop you in your place."
I nodded at her and stayed still. My friends smiled at me, and slowly very slowly, I leaned on JJ's shoulder and rested my head on it.
- "I love you, boo,"- I whispered, and she giggled- "I don't think I'll stay sane without you there with us anymore."
- "Hotch is gonna manage to get her back,"- Penelope assured me, and I just nodded.
- "Meanwhile, we won't replace you, and if anyone tries to push someone new into the team, we are not gonna take them,"- I added, feeling JJ's hand holding mine.
- "Don't be mean with people just 'cos you miss me. If there's a new teammate, it won't be their fault I was pushed out of the BAU."
- "But, JJ,"- I tried to argue, but she shook her head right away.
- "No, (Y/N). You can't be mean to people just because."
Clearly, my friend hoped I could be the better person. The simple question was: did I want to be the better person? Right there, drunk and sad, the answer was no.
Spencer's point of view
I kept finding myself awake at four in the morning, walking around my apartment, not able to read or to write anything. For the last months, at least twice or three times each week, I would stay awake, no matter how tired I felt, and I would haunt my own apartment, listening to my vinyl records.
The sudden lack of sleep wasn't really something weird in me. I have always been nocturnal. Besides, the news of JJ's departure had hit us all pretty hard. I had already shared my share of tears and tried to manage the fury that caused me to know we were helpless to the government's decisions. There was nothing we could do, neither us, Hotch, or even Strauss. Not that she would if she could.
My family was in crisis, and all we could do was hope for the best and stay together.
It was scary losing JJ. It made me think of all the things that could go wrong every day on the field daily. It was bad that we could get hurt or even die on our work. But that they divided us that way made no sense. Like Rossi said: our loss was someone else's winning, and in the FBI, no one cared if we lost.
I poured myself a cup of herbal tea and inhaled the smell of it. It smelled like home. Like (Y/N). She had some of her favorite teas in my apartment. She had a bunch of all her things there, actually. When mom visited, she thought we were living together. She is still sure we are dating and that I don't wanna tell her. I don't longer argue with her about it. It's useless, and it somehow feels good to imagine in another world. It was actually true.
That year my feelings for my best friend had grown in a way that made it all more difficult to deal with. I didn't just love her. I was in love with her. She was in everything I did, in each and every one of my thoughts. I could hear her laughter in my head, like a record playing my favorite song over and over again.
When she was out there in the field, I couldn't stop running all the probabilities of her getting hurt, and most of the time, I would do my best to keep her safe, knowing it could somehow interfere with the case.
Hotch had called me to his office a few times, aware something was going with me. He could read it on my face, I guess. It was scary to know everybody could read my feelings for (Y/N) but her. And it was sad to think of the worst: that she knew how much I loved her, but she didn't feel the same, and she was just being my friend 'cos she was never going to be anything else but my friend.
I drank my tea and hummed the song that sounded in my house at four in the morning: Love is a losing game. Seemed pretty accurate for my mood. I remember the day I got that vinyl. We were out with (Y/N), Frank, and Lu, looking for a present for Mikey's birthday, and we ended up in a record store, getting a million vinyl records for ourselves.
- "Are you getting all those?"- (Y/N) asked me and looked at the seven albums in my hand.
- "Yes, why? I can't?"- I answered and raised an eyebrow.
- "Sassy!"- she giggled and grabbed them- "You can get all the albums you want. But I have to give my approval first. No, you are not getting this!"- she grabbed The Beatles' Revolver and left it aside.
- "What? Why? It's only one I need to complete my collection."
- "I know, but when you get it, you'll force me to listen to it, and I don't like the Beatles,"- she argued, and I just shook my head, taking the album again.
- "Sorry, chipmunk, I'm buying it."
- "Fine. I won't go to your house for the next couple of weeks then."
- "Why don't you tell me which album you wanna listen to when you are in my house then?"- I looked at her, smiling at me and looking for a record on the shelves.
- "This! You need some Amy in your life."
And I did. Now, at four in the morning, all alone walking around, I could see her in my apartment, singing along to her favorite songs while cooking dinner, feeling at home. I wished she was there, with me, doing nothing. Watching tv, or reading. Just hanging out. I knew it wasn't healthy being in love with my friend, seeing her every day, and also hanging out with her every chance I got. But even when I knew she was never going to love me the way I did, I was going to take every chance I had to enjoy her company. If that was all I was going to get.
My phone took me from my thoughts, and I quickly walked to my room to get it. I thought it was Hotch announcing a case, but it was JJ.
- "Hey! JJ, everything ok? Is Henry ok?"
- "Yes, hi Spence. We are all ok."
- "It's four in the morning."
- "Sorry I woke you up... I just..." - she made a pause and sighed at the other side of the line- "Spencer, you know I love you."
- "I love you too. You are one of my best friends. Is everything ok?"
- "Yes, I just wanted to... remember a bunch of years ago, when you asked me to that football game?"
A million years had passed since the one and only time I had asked JJ out. It was the only move I tried to do on her, and I failed incredibly. It was awkward, and she had no idea it was a date, so she invited Garcia to come along. I was so embarrassed I never even mentioned that single event ever again, and our friendship grew after.
- "Yes, I remember, JJ. Why?"
- "When you asked me out, did you have a crush on me?"
- "JJ, are you drunk?"- I had to ask 'cos that conversation was starting to scare me.
- "Yes, but that's not why I'm talking about this. Just answer the questions, Spence. When you asked me out on that date, did you have a crush on me?"
- "Yes, I did."
I closed my eyes, embarrassed to face feelings that were far forgotten.
- "You see, I had a crush on you too back then,"- JJ said and chuckled- "But neither of us acted on it, and life continued, and now I'm in love with Will, and we have a baby, and you are his godfather."
Of all the things I thought I would listen to that day, never in a million years, I imagined I would hear JJ drunk telling me she had a crush on me when we first met.
- "Now, do you want that to happen again?"- she asked, and I didn't get it, 'cos I was still trying to process what I had just heard. So I might have had a relationship with her if only I had said something, act on it. Kiss her, ask her out again?
- "What?"
- "Spence. Do you want to miss the chance to be with the girl you like?"
- "No, but JJ, what are you talking about?"
She sighed, frustrated, and used that tone of voice with me, that very maternal specific tone of voice she used to explain things she knew were hard for me to follow.
- "When you like someone, Spence, you have to tell her. 'Cos sometimes, life gets in the way, and if you don't do what you have to do to be happy, no one will do it for you."
- "Are you ok, JJ?"
- "Yes, Spence, I'm ok. I'm home with Will. We just got here after dropping (Y/N) off her place."
- "How was she?"
- "She might have had a few too many drinks, but she'll be ok in the morning. Maybe she'd appreciate it if you brought her coffee and donuts."
- "She doesn't like donuts,"- I corrected her- "She likes cupcakes and brownies."
- "Sorry. Coffee and cupcakes... just tell her you love her, Spence. She deserves to know."
I held my breath and closed my eyes. I didn't get why JJ was telling me that, but I knew I didn't want to talk about it. So I said good night and hung up.
What was the point of telling me we could have been a couple of years had passed already? Why didn't she say a thing before? Or even better, why didn't she ever say a word about it at all? So I missed the chance to be happy with her. Great. One more regret to add to my list.
I laid on my bed and tried to remember that date. I was so nervous that day, my hands shook inside my pockets as I walked to JJ's door. She looked beautiful that day, especially when she looked at me and announced she had invited Penelope to join us.
That was when I realized she would never see me as a proper date, just like a friend. And I learned to make my peace with that over the years. My crush for JJ lasted a few more months, but it vanished when I fell for (Y/N). What if she had never joined the team? Would I have been in love with JJ forever? Jeniffer always made me feel like her little brother, and I guess that's the mechanic that works for us. We were good friends ever since we met, and yes, I had a crush on her, but we work more like siblings than anything else.
What was the point in telling me I had missed a chance with her now? I just couldn't see it.
(Y/N)'s point of view
The next few weeks were us trying to survive without JJ. The team was making the best it could, but it was hard. Penelope took the lead during the second case without JJ. She turned into our tech analyst and communication liaison, only to collapse under the pressure of having two roles.
No one was going to replace JJ. We all knew it. Literally, no one, 'cos Hotch decided he and Garcia were going to split the job, and we were all going to collaborate as much as we could, 'cos we were a team. A family. And that's what families do.
And families were the target of the unsub we were hunting the day everything changed. Again. I hadn't recovered from the departure of JJ when Rossi and Hotch walked to the bullpen and introduced us to Agent Trainee Ashley Seaver.
My nemesis.
- "Agent trainee Seaver"- Rossi smiled at her like a proud father and looked at us as we stood up, wondering who she was- "Supervisory Special Agent Prentiss, (Y/L/N), and Morgan."
- "I've heard so much about the three of you,"- she said with the sweetest tone of voice I had ever heard. Something about that felt odd.
- "I hope it is all good- Morgan flirted right away, of course."
- "Very, sir."
- "Anything specific? I mean about me in particular?"- I turned to him and failed in holding back my chuckles.
- "Please, don't encourage him, or he will never stop talking,"- I said, and Derek elbowed me playfully. Seaver smiled at us and even blushed a little bit. She was nervous.
- "Agent Seaver is on loan to us from the academy while she is remedial training with an injury."
Hotch announced. And my stomach tightened right away. There was something wrong with that whole scene. I could feel it in my guts. But I didn't know why?
- "Concussion. Hand to hand got a little out of control."- Seaver explained and kept a silly smile on her face.
- "How's the other guy?"- Prentiss asked.
- "Don't ask."
- "I was remediated in the academy also,"- Spencer said, walking over us, and suddenly I understood why I had a bad feeling about everything.
- "Agent Seaver, Dr. Reid."
As soon as I heard Rossi say those words, there was a part of me who just wanted to hold Spencer's hand and push him away from her, even before they could say hi. She looked at him like he was eye candy, and I clenched my knuckles as I stared at the scene.
- "Uhm... What was your issue?"- she asked him, and I could see the pink on her cheek intensifying as he looked at her, confused.
- "What was my issue? Marksmanship, physical training, obstacle course, Hogan's alley. You know, pretty much everything that wasn't technically book related. They ultimately had to make exceptions to allow me into the field."
Seaver stared at him and kept nodding, though I wondered if she was listening to what he had said. Spencer looked exceedingly handsome that day. His hair was very short for the first time in years, and he still had no idea how to comb it, so it was all over the place, making him look as hot as fuck.
I was so in love with him, I didn't know what to do with those feelings at all. It was hard working with Reid at that point. I just wanted to kiss him.
- "Agent Seaver's going to accompany us to New Mexico,"- Aaron announced, and I couldn't help but question him right away.
- "She is?"
- "As a consultant."- he assured me.
- "On?"- Morgan raised an eyebrow and looked at Hotch, wondering what a trainee agent could help us with as a consultant.
- "She has a unique perspective,"- Rossi tried to explain, but it sounded like bullshit.
- "They don't know?"- Seaver turned to the elderly agents, and they shook their heads.
- "Well, we weren't sure how you wanted to,"- David whispered.
- "Uh... Seaver's not my original last name. It's my mother's maiden name. Mine used to be Beauchamp. My father is Charles Beauchamp"- Ashley was supposed to explain the circumstances of her consultancy to the whole team, but she just looked at Spencer as she spoke.
- "As in the Redmond ripper, Charles Beauchamp?"- he asked her, and suddenly, it clicked. It was like my whole body was telling me I couldn't be close to her for a reason.
- "That's him,"- she whispered and kept her eyes on my best friend as he continued talking.
- "He killed 25 women over 10 years in rural North Dakota. I think that you caught him, right, Rossi?"- and David nodded.
- "Hotch was on that team, too."
- "Based on her life experience, we were hoping that agent Seaver might recognize something in the family dynamics inside the community that could be helpful. We have a plane waiting,"- Hotch announced and looked at us, but none of us said a word.
I kept my eyes glued at my feet the whole time Aaron talked. Then, Spencer nodded and walked with Seaver and Rossi out to the hangar. I couldn't even blink. I think I was in shock.
- "Her father was a serial killer?"- Prentiss asked Hotch, not getting what he was thinking.
- "That's definitely a different set of parameters,"- Morgan added. Neither of them was sold on the idea, which made me feel a little bit better.
- "I don't want her presence to get us sidetracked. It's a long shot that she's gonna see anything helpful. We work it like any other case,"- Hotch was clear, and Prentiss and Morgan nodded.
- "You got it."
But I disagreed with that.
- "(Y/N), is everything ok?"- Aaron asked me, and I tried my best to lie and be cool.
- "Yeah, I'm ok."
- "Ok. We work this like any other case. Wheels up in twenty."
But everything was far from being ok.
I sat next to Spencer on the jet, and we reviewed the case files together. Hotch briefed us, and we all pretended it wasn't weird having Seaver there. And I guess we had to pretend it wasn't odd knowing her dad was a serial killer.
- "You are very young, (Y/N),"- she said and smiled at me. She was sitting across from Spencer and me, and you could tell she had been trying to join the conversation for a few minutes now.
-" Twenty eight,"- I answered and looked at the files again.
- "And you, doctor?"
- "You can call me Reid. I'm twenty eight too,"- Spencer cut her a short, awkward, and nervous smile, and I turned to him.
- "Honey, did I leave my Mets jersey at your house?"- it was the only question that came to my mind at that minute. It was completely random, but somehow it showed a part of our dynamic that Ashley didn't know. Our friendship. Our closeness.
- "Yes, I found it last night,"- he answered and sipped his coffee- "I was gonna bring it over, but then I remembered you always borrow all my sweaters when you are home or when you stay over, so I thought maybe it was a good idea to keep it at my place."
- "I don't know, Batsy. It's my favorite sweatshirt- I raised an eyebrow, and I'm pretty sure I even flirted a little bit."
- "So? You need to keep one there."
- "But I like wearing your clothes when we are at your place. It's extra large and extra comfy."
- "Is that why you keep taking my sweaters back to your house?"- he asked and chuckled- "Last Sunday, I found four of my sweaters in your closet."
- "Sorry, I'm not even sorry,"- I said and laughed- "And what were you doing in my closet?"
- "Lucy, Ricky, can we focus on the case?"- Morgan asked and waved at us with one silly grin on his face- "We love hearing your adorable daily adventures, but we've got a psycho killer to catch."
Spencer blushed and flustered right away. I stuck out my tongue at Morgan and just shook my head. The way Seaver looked at Reid was still driving me nuts, but I felt I had shown her he was mine, childishly.
It's embarrassing to think that's not the most childish thing I did around her those days. Or in the weeks to follow. But I didn't like Ashley, and I didn't want her around my team. And it wasn't just her constant flirting with Spencer. It was the fact her father had killed my mother's sister when she was in college, and I was making my best effort to keep that fact aside from work. My personal life had to stay out of the FBI, especially when working a case.
I had to do some serious mental work trying to remember it wasn't Ashley's fault her father was a sick bastard. She hadn't hurt my family, and her father had ruined her life too. It wasn't her fault.
But one thing is knowing. Another thing is being rational about it. Spoiler: I wasn't so rational about it.
- "So, (Y/N). Do you like working at the BAU?"- Ashley asked me and looked at me through the rearview mirror. We were in the SUV, and Prentiss was driving. I was in the back seat, trying to ignore her, but she made it impossible.
- "Yes, very much,"- I answered and nodded, not taking my eyes from the window.
- "Everybody is very friendly,"- Seaver added and made a pause. I don't know if she wanted me to say something or if she was trying to find a way to say what she wanted to say.
- "Yes, they are,"- I humored her, and she quickly responded.
- "Are you and Spencer dating?"- I could feel the blood raising my cheeks as she spoke. And Prentiss flashed me a look through the mirror as Ashley continued talking.
- "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I just wondered because of the fraternization policy."
- "Right. Sure. Of course."
Those three words were meant to let Ashley know I wasn't buying her bullshit, So I literally spit them.
- "Spencer is my best friend. We are not dating."
Facing that simple truth had never been harder before, especially after how I saw Ashley's face light up.
- "You just seem to be so close."
- "Oh, they are close,"- Emily smiled at me and winked- "They are so close, they sometimes freak us out."
- "We freak you out?"- I raised an eyebrow and carefully hit her arm, pretending to be upset. But honestly, I was glad she was teasing me.
- "I am just saying, we are all pretty suspicious about you two. I am actually surprised you didn't share rooms tonight. They usually share rooms."- Emily explained to Seaver.
- "He was paired with Morgan,"- I pouted and looked at my phone. I thought maybe I could send him a funny text. I actually wanted to hang out with him.
- "He is very nice,"- Ashley added- "I mean, everybody is nice."
- "Yes, you mentioned it"
I was clearly not being nice. Seaver nodded and looked at the files again. I assumed she was trying to find a way to keep asking about Spencer, and I was making my best not to kill her.
- "Working with a genius must be somehow intimidating,"- she said after a few minutes. Damn it, she wasn't going to let that subject go.
- "It's fun working with Spencer,"- Prentiss said, trying to humor Seaver. And mostly, I guess trying to ease my mood and keep me from killing the trainee agent.
- "I'm sure it is,"- Seaver added. I hated her.
- "He is more than just a genius, he is a nerd."- Emily pointed out and chuckled at her words, making Seaver giggle too. I looked at my book again, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to concentrate on it at all. He was my nerd. Mine.
- "Well, it's very refreshing to be with a group who trusts and works so well together,"- she added- "I had never felt less judged and more welcome in my entire life."
I know I should have felt sorry for her. But I honestly couldn't. That was the day I realized I wasn't the good person I thought I was. There was a part of me that was a scumbag. I'm guessing knowing that is pretty helpful and positive 'cos you can work on your flaws. But I wasn't planning on working on anything at that minute, though. I just wanted to break Seaver's face.
Spencer's point of view
I didn't like working without JJ. I've never been good with change, and that was a massive alteration of our routine. I missed her, and adding Ashley to the team made things even weirder for me, even for a case. I didn't want to be judgemental, but her father was a serial killer. Of course, that would make things weird.
Besides, everybody kept bugging me, teasing me, trying to see if I liked Seaver. Penelope called while we were on the case and started taunting me, saying she knew I thought Ashley was cute. I could see she was beautiful, but I couldn't see her that way. And I didn't want anyone to say those kinds of things around (Y/N).
Why did I care so much?
I didn't want to face it 'cos I knew it was completely platonic, but I didn't want (Y/N) to think I had a crush on Seaver. I knew my best friend didn't have romantic feelings for me, and I also knew I wasn't going to make a move on her or anything. But I didn't want things to change more than they already had. And most of all, I didn't want anything to alter my dynamic with (Y/N).
But at the same time, somehow, it felt everything was already different between us.
- "Hey, honey bunny,"- (Y/N) walked to me and handed me a cup of coffee- "I thought you might need one of these."
- "You are a lifesaver,"- I whispered and sipped the cup. It was perfect.
We were on the jet on our way back home. The whole team was mostly quiet. The mood was weird. Ashley had done something quite reckless earlier and nearly got herself killed. She walked to the unsub's house all alone, not knowing he was our guy. She almost died, and none of us can even imagine what went through her head to do such a thing.
Rossi and Hotch walked to her. (Y/N) looked at me, and I could read on her face that both of us knew what was going to happen.
Ashley was alone when David sat in front of her, and Hotch stood in the middle of the aisle. Maybe that had been insensitive of us. Neither of us tried to contain her. Neither of us really knew her that well. Or at all, as a matter of fact.
- "You were not supposed to go off on your own."- Hotch went straight to the point.
- "I know,"- she whispered, and I could see how (Y/N)'s face changed. I tried to read her, but all I was able to see was... anger? I had to be wronged. She had no reason to be mad at Ashley.
- "You could have been killed,"- Hotch crossed his arms on his chest and stared at her.
- "I know that, too."
- "Why, Ashley? You're smarter than that"- Rossi sounded like a worried father. I didn't look at him 'cos I kept my eyes on (Y/N)'s, still trying to read her emotions. But what I saw made no sense. She really looked like she was angry at Ashley. Like she hated her.
- "I never got to apologize to any of the victims. The families of the women my father killed. I thought if I could just apologize to one family that had been hurt that way..."
And that was when (Y/N) snapped. She jumped from her seat and walked to Seaver. Aaron and David looked at her surprised, and Morgan turned to me, taking off his headphones. Neither he nor Prentiss got what was happening until that moment.
- "Ok. Shoot!"- (Y/N) sat right in front of Seaver, next to David, and looked at her. But she didn't get it.
- "What? What are you talking about?"
- "You just said you wanted to apologize to one of the families. So go ahead. Try."
The silence on the jet was so deep and awkward it felt no one was ever going to talk again.
- "I'm sorry, (Y/N). But I don't get what you are implying,"- Ashley's voice was a whisper. I knew she was sad and affected, embarrassed even. But I also knew (Y/N), and I could read it on her face. She wasn't joking.
- "You said you wanted to apologize to the family of one of your dad's victims, so go ahead. Apologize to me."
My first instinct was to stand up, which I did. But I froze and didn't take a step closer to (Y/N) when I noticed the severe and cold look in her eyes. I didn't know what she was talking about. But I knew she wasn't bluffing.
- "Why should I... apologize to you?"- Ashley asked her, and her voice broke at a certain point, probably scared of the answer.
- "Your dad killed my mother's older sister. She was in college,"- (Y/N) spit each word with hate and looked at Ashley, waiting for her reply. But Seaver didn't know what to do. She widened her eyes and stayed still. She barely kept her breathing steady.
- "(Y/N), maybe we should let Seaver rest,"- Hotch landed a hand on her shoulder, but my friend shook her head.
- "No, Hotch. By making that choice, she put everyone at risk,"- (Y/N) didn't take her eyes from Ashley as she spoke- "As far as I remember when you are at the academy, they teach you that in the field, we are responsible to and for your team."
- "(Y/N)... I had no idea..."- Ashley tried to apologize, I could see it, but it was clear she wasn't going to win that argument- "I am so sorry."
- "I don't know, Seaver. Did you think saying "sorry" would make those families feel better? 'Cos it ain't working here. "Sorry" won't make my mom stop feeling guilty about what happened. And, if things had gotten ugly back there, "sorry" wouldn't have made your mistake go away in case anyone would have gotten hurt. So no. Sorry doesn't help. Maybe it can ease your conscience, but when you really fuck it up, it never makes things better."
(Y/N) stood up and walked back to her seat in front of me. I let her pass and didn't say a word. I knew she wouldn't want to talk about it there. And, of course, Seaver didn't say a word. She just stood up and walked to the back of the jet, to the bathroom. Rossi and Hotch looked at each other and then looked at me.
David poured a glass of whiskey and walked to (Y/N) slowly. He didn't say a word, he just handed it to her, and she just took it and sipped it with shaky hands.
- "Thanks,"- she whispered, and Rossi nodded. Hotch raised an eyebrow, and for a moment, I thought he was going to say something, but he didn't. He just walked to his seat and opened a case file.
I moved back to my seat and opened my satchel. I had run out of candies earlier that day, so I didn't have much to give to her that could make her smile. So I picked a book and handed it to her. She took it and smiled at me kindly. I knew she was fighting back the tears, and I am sure she has held back all the emotions than being with the daughter of the man who killed her aunt since she knew who Seaver was. And she managed to do the job well. I was proud of her.
- "Wanna grab something to eat when we reach DC?"- I whispered, but for the first time ever, she shook her head.
- "I'm gonna have to catch a rain check for that dinner. I think I wanna go straight to my bed today, honey."- she sipped her glass again, and I nodded.
- "Don't worry, next time."
I was waiting for the train to go back home later that night when I saw Seaver sitting at a bench at the station, staring at her hands on her lap. I didn't see her leaving the BAU, though to be honest, I was really focused on finishing my paperwork to go home. (Y/N) had left as soon as we reached DC, but I had stayed a little longer.
I hesitated for a few seconds before I took a few steps closer and waved at Seaver. She looked at me surprised, as soon as she saw me, but didn't move. I smiled, trying to look friendly, and sat next to her.
- "Hi. What are you doing here?"- I asked her, and she shrugged.
- "I was going to go home, but I think I sat here half an hour ago and haven't been able to move,"- I turned to her and shook my head.
- "Do you want to eat something?"- after what had happened at the jet, I figured Ashley wasn't feeling so good, and maybe talking with someone could help her. She looked at me and blushed; I don't know why. But at least, she smiled and nodded.
- "Great, pizza?"
- "Pizza sounds good."
We were waiting for our food and making small talk. I kept giving Ashley pizza facts to fill the silence 'cos it was weird hanging out with Ashley. I didn't know her, really. We had worked a case together, but that didn't mean I knew her. And, of course, we had the whole jet incident. I felt a little guilty about what had happened, though it wasn't my fault at all in retrospect. I just felt like it was my job cheering her up a little bit after everything she had gone through.
- "How do you do it?"- she asked me all of a sudden- "How do you deal with the pressure of this job?"
- "You get used to it, I guess. I don't know if it's a good thing to get used to, but... it comes with the job, I think,"- I didn't know if I was doing ok comforting her. Then again, I have never been particularly good at it. Not then, not now.
- "Did you always dream about doing this?"- she asked me, and her eyes locked into mine in a way that made me feel slightly uncomfortable.
- "Y... yes. Ever since I was a kid, catching the bad guys,"- Seaver nodded and sipped her coke- "You? Why did you get into the academy?"
I regretted my question right after I asked, just 'cos I realized she might have done it to understand her father's behavior. It was only apparent that had shaped her actions.
- "I guess you know that..."- Ashley answered and smiled, her eyes looking straight into mine. I know I blushed. She is a beautiful woman, though I wasn't thinking about her that way. It was an odd feeling being observed that way.
I was glad our pizza made it to the table, and we were forced to stop talking, and I could focus on anything else but her. Not that I didn't want to look at her, but... I think the right way to explain it is to call it "uneasy." That's how I felt. I wanted to be friendly with her, she had a horrible experience consulting with the team, and I was sure she wasn't really having a good day.
- "This might sound weird, but... do you think I can call you sometime?"- Ashley asked after a few minutes. We were eating and talking about nothing important. I nearly chook at her words and looked at her, nodding.
- "Sure, why?"- I didn't mean to be rude. I just didn't know why she might need to talk to me again.
- "I just think maybe you could help me with a few assignments at the academy."
- "Yeah, of course."
Ashley Seaver smiled and nodded at me, pleased. She took a sip of Sprite, and I could read her, trying to find the words to continue speaking.
- "I'm glad. I was sure you were going to say no."
- "Why?"- I furrowed my brows, confused- "I'm not a big fan of phones, but I can handle a casual phone call."
- "No, I just didn't think your girlfriend would like... I mean, I think (Y/N) hates me, and as her boyfriend, I thought you... would... I don't know."
- "I'm, we are... we,"- I was completely flustered as I tried to rearrange my thoughts. Seaver looked at me innocently and waited for my words.
- "(Y/N) isn't my girlfriend"- it bothered me to admit that simple fact. Why? 'Cos it hurt to think we looked like a couple, but we weren't. Why did Seaver think we were together?
- "Really? But..."
- "She is my best friend,"- I explained poorly. She nodded and hesitated before saying what she was thinking. It was obvious she was trying to arrange the words in her head.
- "It's just that you two... sorry, I'm overstepping,"- Ashley blushed and shook her head- "She is... strong."
- "Yes, very."
- "I think I started with the wrong foot with her."
- "Well, I don't mean to justify anything, but if your father hurt,"- I made a pause, trying to find a way to say it that wasn't so painful.
- "Killed. My father killed her aunt,"- she corrected me with a cold and monotonous tone of voice. I just nodded and sipped my water.
- "She is an amazing person,"- I don't know if I was trying to excuse (Y/N)'s earlier behavior or if I just loved her so much I needed to tell people how awesome she was.
- "I'm sure you will pass this,"- I assured her- "Once you get to know her, and she gets to know you."
- "I don't think she will give me that chance. Besides, I was just clear to assist with only one case."
- "If you want to stay, you can request your remedial training be here. And if Hotch approves it, I could talk to (Y/N). I'm sure she will like to know you better."
Why did I say all that? I had no idea.
- "Thank you, Spence. You are really sweet,"- Ashley moved closer and held my hand. I stayed very still, absolutely awkward.
- "Yeah, I don't... like... holding hands,"- I quickly moved it away and tried to smile at her. She stayed still, not understanding my reaction but trying to act normal.
- "Sorry."
- "That's ok. I'm a germaphobe, that's all."
After pizza, we left the place and said goodnight. I told Ashley I was weary (which was, in fact, the truth) and got her a cab to take her home. After that, I walked to my place. I felt like I needed to be alone for a while. My head was overwhelmed, and in the latest couple of weeks, I had severe trouble sleeping.
I had migraines that nearly blinded me. I was scared they meant I could develop the first signs of schizophrenia, like mom, 'cos they were coming more and more often. It wasn't that bad yet, the light didn't hurt my eyes, and I didn't have any sign of hallucination, but still, I knew it could be serious.
I tried to think of a reason why I might be having those severe headaches. I was eating correctly, mostly 'cos (Y/N) forced me to eat. No, she didn't force me, but she made sure I had all my meals at work, not just coffee. And usually, at the weekends, we would spend our time together, and she was a fantastic cook. So it wasn't an alimentary issue.
I wasn't sleeping well. That wasn't new, but it was getting serious. I wrote and read a lot at night 'cos I couldn't fall asleep until late. I didn't know why. I just couldn't rest. My body ached, and my brain wouldn't sleep. The only nights I could actually get some rest were the ones when (Y/N) stayed with me. It was a blessing when Hotch paired us to share rooms, 'cos I could easily fall asleep when she was around. Her presence soothed me in a way that I didn't understand. Let me put it this way, I know it might sound cheesy, but the beating of her heart set the rhythm for my own, and at night it would bring me peace.
I reached home that night and sighed. I knew I wasn't going to rest easy. (Y/N) wasn't there with me. So I made myself a cup of herbal tea, (Y/N) had a lot of those in my house, and I drank them when I missed her. The smell coming from the cup made me feel like she was close.
How pathetic I had become! But I could only share those thoughts with myself. No one knew I had feelings for her, and I was going to deny it till the end, no matter what had JJ said. I couldn't take that phone call from my mind, and on those sleepless nights, I kept overthinking and overanalyzing everything.
I got into bed with a few books and my cup of herbal tea. I took a look at my cell phone, two new messages.
- "I miss u"
(Y/N) sent, and a warm feeling spread on my chest as I imagined her whispering those words as I read them
- "Breakfast tomorrow before work?"
- "See you at seven-thirty."
I typed and sent it.
What could ever happen if I told her how much in love I am with her? I would lose her, and I'd be alone. She didn't feel that way for me. It was a fact. I was just glad she was my best friend, and I could share everything with her. Was I pathetic? Yes, very, but in a way, it felt it was just all I deserved. Not more, not less. Just being in love with a girl who didn't love me back.
At least she wasn't dating Paul anymore. I hated that guy.
(Y/N)'s point of view
Spencer was waiting for me outside our usual coffee shop, already holding two cups of coffee. His short hair looked dreamy as she smiled and took off his sunglasses. It had to be illegal being that hot. But, seriously, how didn't he get laid? He was fucking dreamy. In the four years we had been best friends, I saw Spencer in many hairstyles, and each of them made him look like a model.
Falling in love with Spencer Reid had been a process I hadn't actually been fully aware of. But I was completely conscious I needed to hide those feelings from him and from everybody at the BAU.
Ok, fine, I had somehow faced part of those feelings in front of my drunk best buddies at Penelope's house, but I never actually confirmed anything. I had just... shared some of my frustrations, I guess.
- "Good morning, honey bunny,"- I smiled and sighed as I stood in front of Spencer, watching him grin back at me and hand me one of the coffee cups.
- "Good morning, chipmunk. Did you get some rest?"
- "Yes, I fell asleep as soon as I reached my bed. I was exhausted."
- "I'm glad you are fully rested."
- "What did you do yesterday?"
- "Nothing,"- he answered quickly and turned around- "I got you a carrot muffin to go."
- "Thank you so much. I'm starving. I didn't even have dinner yesterday."
- "Really?"
- "I told you, I reached home and crawled into my bed."
We walked outside the coffee shop in silence. Spencer bit his donuts, and I ate my muffin. It was nice and calming being with him doing domestic things in life.
I hated how much in love I was with him 'cos I knew I had to shake that feeling away. He was never going to have feelings for me. I was a regular human being, and Spencer Walter Reid was a genius. He deserved better, he was actually never to think about me that way, and I refused to ruin our friendship with those feelings.
- "So, Comic-con is coming. What are we doing this year?"- I asked as I drove us to Quantico.
- "I was thinking we should do something classic,"- he looked at me, nearly beaming on his seat- "We haven't done Star Wars yet."
- "Really?"- I frowned, confused- "All these years? Are you sure?"
- "(Y/N), eidetic memory,"- he argued, and I chuckled- "So, how do you feel about Leia?"
- "Do I have to be Leia 'cos I'm a girl?"- I asked him, and he flustered right away.
- "What? No, you can be whoever you want to be. I was just, it came to my mind... I didn't,"- I giggled and looked at him for a second.
- "I'm messing with you, Batsy. I always wanted to dress as Leia. Surprisingly, I never had. Padme once, it was a mess, but never Leia. Who are you planning to be?"
- "Maybe Luke... or Obi-Wan. Morgan suggested C3PO once."
- "If I'm Leia, you should be Han,"- I don't know why I said that out loud. I thought about it, I pictured it in my head, but I knew I shouldn't have said it. Then why did those words leave my mouth? I don't know.
- "Han Solo... yes... yeah, sure. Of course! We can pick our outfits this weekend."
- "Great! What do you think would look better? Slave Leia or classic all in white Leia?"- Spencer didn't answer. He just sipped his coffee and looked outside the window.
- "You would look good in both,"- his cellphone interrupted our conversations, and I thought it might be a case. But I was so wrong, it hurt.
- "Hello? Oh, hi, Ashley,"- I nearly hit the break as soon as I heard him saying her name, but instead, I turned around and looked at him.
- "Good, yes. On my way to work with (Y/N). Oh, that's good."
I didn't care what she was saying. I just needed to know why that bitch was calling him. I was blind in jealousy, and I was having a hard time hiding it.
- "Really? Emily? That's... that's great. Sure, we'll see you around, gotta go. Bye."
- "What the fuck?"- I swear, I didn't think what I was saying. Those words just slip through my lips straight from my guts. I hated Seaver.
- "That was Ashley."
- "Figured when you said "Hi Ashley." What? Are you best friends with her now?"
- "What? No! No way! She just wanted to say hi... and... She.... asked for my number 'cos she wanted to help her with some of the academy's projects,"- Spencer was so nervous he actually stuttered as he answered my simple question.
- "Of course, she did,"- my voice was bitter and hurt, but most of all, ironic. And I don't know if Spencer didn't want to understand me or actually didn't get the hint, but he just continued talking.
- "She wanted to tell me she requested her remedial training be at the BAU."
- "What?!"- that wasn't subtle. I actually yelled- "I'm gonna have to see her again?"
- "If Hotch approves..."
- "Fuck!! That's awful!!"- I hit the wheel, frustrated.
- "She's not a bad person, (Y/N). Her dad was a murderer, but that doesn't mean..."- I turned to look at Spencer for a second, and he just shut up- "Sorry."
- "I don't like her, Spencer."
- "Yes, I know."
- "Her dad killed my aunt!!"
- "I know..."
- "And on top of that, that bitch is..."
I had to bite my lips and focus on the road, actually holding my breath for a few seconds, just not to open my mouth and ruin it all.
The main reason why I hated Ashley Seaver wasn't just because of what her father had done. That itself was enough to keep her away. But on top of that, she was flirting with Spencer. She wasn't even subtle about it; she was nearly all over him. I saw her! She wanted him, and he had no idea! He was blind to her attention. Unless he liked it. Did he? Shit, I hoped not.
- "She what?"- Spencer whispered, scared of my reaction.
- "She plays the pity card the whole time. Bad things happen to all of us. You don't have to make it who you are, she does, and she expects sympathy."
I grabbed my muffin and took a big bite of it. Spencer sighed and stayed quiet for a moment, giving me space to decompress, I think.
- "Did you know the origins of carrot cake are disputed by many countries?"- I looked at Spencer, and he nodded- "Many food historians believe carrot cake originated from the English recipe of carrot puddings, eaten by Europeans in the Middle Ages when sugar and sweeteners were expensive, and many people used carrots as a substitute for sugar."
- "My mom would fight all those historians and convince them she invented it. Her carrot cake is the best."
- "And I would agree, the cake she baked for your last birthday was amazing."- I nodded and heard him chuckle as I kept my eyes on the road. I wanted to focus on the memories of my last birthday and how fun it was, but something was bugging me.
- "And why did she call you to tell you what she wanted to do?"- I parked the car outside the BAU and turned to Spencer. He opened his mouth, but no word came from it. So I asked him again.
- "Honey, why did Seaver call you to announce she would take the remedial training at the BAU?"
- "It... might... had been my idea,"- he whispered and held his satchel tight against his body. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't believe it.
- "Why on earth did you do that, Spencer?!"- I shouted as I got out of the car, grabbed my purse, my clean go bag in case we had a case, and started walking towards the building.
- "It wasn't like a suggestion. She just..."
- "I can't believe it!!"
- "It doesn't have to be that bad! It's just for a few weeks..."
- "Hopefully, Hotch won't accept."
- "(Y/N), come on,"- Spencer held my hand and stopped me- "This is not like you. Yeah, you don't like her, but you are making it a big deal, and it's not."
- "I'm starting to think you are crushed on her,"- I didn't want to say those words. They just slipped.
- "What!? Why? No!! I'm not!"- the high pitch on Spencer's voice was a clear sign of how uncomfortable he was with the conversation.
- "Then why are you defending her?"
- "I am not! I'm just saying maybe you are acting a little bit... irrational about this whole thing. She hasn't done anything bad."
- "Other than jeopardizing the whole case yesterday?"
- "Right, other than that..."
I felt Spencer's hand in mine, and I swear, I couldn't stop thinking about how it felt. It kept sending shivers all over my body. His thumb rubbed small circles on my skin, probably trying to calm me down, and it worked. I followed it with my eyes for a second as I took a few deep breaths and nodded.
- "Ok, I won't make a big deal if she stays."
- "Thank you."
- "Just... don't ask me to be her friend."
- "You don't have to be her friend."
Spencer stood in front of me and smiled. I swear all I could think of was kissing him. And a part of me felt it was getting harder and harder to resist. He put on his sunglasses and kept his hand in mine for a moment until Penelope's voice took us from our little bubble.
- "Good morning, my wonder babies!! Ready to fight crime?"
I actually didn't know what I was getting into.
Hotch had taken the day off. We were around the one-year anniversary of Haley's death, and according to what Rossi explained to us, Jack wasn't feeling so good. It was said it would be just a day or two, but I had the feeling it might be a couple of weeks. Hotch would always put himself second, but he would do whatever it took to keep him safe when it came to his son.
Morgan had been asked to take a trip to Petersburg Federal Correctional Complex to do a risk assessment on a case, so Spencer, Prentiss, and I were in the bullpen. Garcia was in her office, and Rossi was in a meeting with Strauss. I'd say it was a very calm morning, catching up with all the pending paperwork we had. Spencer had just gotten me a cup of coffee when I heard Seaver's cheerful voice.
- "Hi guys!"- she walked in with a big smile and waved- "How are you?"
Spencer looked at me as we all said our hellos. I could almost read "Please, be nice" written all over his face, and for a moment, I was willing to do as told. I didn't want him to suspect why I was so annoyed by her after all.
- "I talked to Hotch"- Emily smiled at Seaver and moved a chair for her- He signed off your remedial training, and I'll be your training agent. I'll supervise your work. I already told Rossi too, so it's official.
Ashley jumped from her chair and hugged Emily. I rolled my eyes and stared at the file on my desk. I really wasn't ready to deal with her. I wasn't prepared to deal with someone trying to steal Spencer from me.
Ok, Spencer wasn't mine to keep, but we had been inseparable for four years, and I didn't want to lose that. I didn't want to lose him.
I had never been ready to deal with Spencer dating other girls. The few times girls had hit on him had been awful. Once, Morgan took him to a club when we were on a case, 'cos the unsub was picking his victims there, and he taught him how to pick up girls. The bartender ended up giving him her number 'cos my dorky best friend was charming. Derek still remembered that moment from time to time, quoting it as "The day he turned Spencer into a man."
I loved Derek, but fuck, I hated him sometimes.
- "Welcome to the team,"- Spencer waved at Seaver from his desk and turned to me, raising an eyebrow.
- "Yeah, welcome,"- I added and cut her a short smile.
- "I'm thrilled to join you guys for a few weeks. I always dreamt of being here. I'm ready for making it up after the last case."
- "Don't be so hard on yourself,"- Prentiss interrupted her and smiled friendly- "You remained calm under pressure, and the case was solved. That's all that matters."
I had to control myself not to snort after Emily's words. Instead, I kept my eyes locked on my desk like I had done before. I was so focused on it that I could have actually developed telekinesis skills and moved the freaking file with my eyes.
- "I just wanted to say thank you to all of you,"- Seaver's voice was soft, in a mix of fear, excitement, and... something else I couldn't read.
- "Especially you, Spencer. I really enjoyed our talk last night, and I have the feeling I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Thank you for the pizza. I owe you dinner."
- "Don't, it was nothing,"- Spencer flustered and stood up quickly, grabbing his pile of files and walking away, arguing he needed to ask Garcia something.
I did my best not to move a muscle. I didn't want Seaver to know how much I hated the fact she had shared what seemed to be a lovely evening with Spencer. One he didn't actually mention when we talked about what we had done the previous evening. Why did he decide to keep me in the dark? I couldn't understand that. Maybe he just didn't want me to know he actually had feelings for Seaver. Maybe he had asked her out, and because he knew I hated her (though he really didn't know why), he decided not to tell me what was going on.
I had been wasting all that time in love with Spencer. I knew I would never act on those feelings, and clearly, he didn't have feelings for me. So... maybe it was time to let him go.
How could I let Spencer Reid go when I never actually had him?
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Next update: June 16th, 2021
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Serenade (Daniela Dimitrescu/Reader) Pt. 8
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for language? Warnings: None? I think? Please let me know if I missed something Notes: Bit of fluff with some anxiety/update on primary conflict. Next chapter will be a cute date with Dani, the one after that will be maximum h*rny, and then what will likely be the finale. Music for this chapter here. PS this one is a bit on the shorter side, but I hope y'all still enjoy it. Past Chapters: Pt. 1: Nocturne, Pt. 2: Overture, Pt. 3: Accelerando, Pt. 4: Toccata, Pt. 5: Poco a Poco, Pt. 6: Elegy, Pt. 7: Harmony
Chapter 8: Obbligato
(Obbligato: An instrumental part which is essential in a piece of music)
“Okay, okay, serious this time, please? I’ll give you a kiss if you try hard enough,” you promised, grinning up at Daniela as you did. A week had passed since your talk in the library, with the two of you spending most days together, and you were progressing nicely with the musical lessons. Still, your girlfriend (you would never get tired of saying that word) was prone to getting a tad ‘distracted’. By you, usually. Not that it was intentional by any means. There was only so much you could do to keep her focused when the two of you were this close together.
“I could just kiss you anyway,” Daniela teased, leaning in with familiar intent. Right before your lips touch, however, she pulls back and smirks. “But if you insist, I can handle the challenge.” Then she’s turning back towards the piano, carefully finding the starting position. Even with her prior experience, you were impressed with how much she had already learned, and couldn’t help but be immensely proud of her. If anyone could meet Lady Dimitrescu’s expectations within a three month timeframe, it was the two of you. Except, of course, you still had to double-check just what her expectations were.
In the meantime, you were excited to hear your girlfriend play through the sheet music you had written up. Most of what you were working with had come from the family’s storage room, but you had also found some blank sheets, and figured it couldn’t hurt to create songs of your own. This particular one was relatively simple. It had been based on a song from a game you had played years ago, and only posed a moderate challenge due to its interesting rhythm. Daniela had seemed to enjoy playing it, with you even hearing her practice the song outside of your lessons, but had so far today refused to play it seriously.
Finally that was going to change. Once she found the starting notes, she nodded to herself, then started playing. For the first time today her expression is stern, focused. Seeing her like this was nice. She was always cute, you just thought that she was extra cute like this. But you tried not to let yourself get too distracted, knowing that you couldn’t give her feedback if you didn’t pay attention. In your head you “play along”, fingers miming the movements, knowing that it would help you catch any possible mistakes. Throughout the piece there are only a couple that you catch, none of them being severe enough to ruin the experience. Finishing with a little flourish, Daniela returns her gaze to you, grinning expectantly.
“Well? I seem to recall you promising me a reward,” she said, perking a brow. Laughing a little, you roll your eyes, before moving in to give her exactly what she wanted. Both of you are smiling into the kiss, enjoying every moment of it. Soon enough Daniela is running a hand through your hair, and pressing against you more, tilting her head just enough to deepen the kiss. You’re blushing hard now, thoughts going everywhere other than music. It’s not until you pull back for air that you remember what you’re supposed to be doing right now.
“As wonderful as this is… we still have a few more songs to go over,” you murmured, despite how much you wanted to keep kissing Daniela. By the way she groaned in frustration, you figured she felt the same way, more or less. “Hey, don’t fret too much. Think of this as an opportunity to earn a few more rewards,” you teased, gently patting her on the shoulder. For a moment she simply pouts, but eventually she sighs and gets ready to play another song…
Rushing up the steps, practically two at a time, you desperately hoped that you wouldn’t be late. This was your third “update meeting” with Lady Dimitrescu, which by itself was enough to make you a nervous wreck. Add in the fact that this was the first time you’d be meeting alone? And in her personal study, no less? Well, it was safe to say that you were terrified. You hadn’t even been told why things were different this time. No, you were about as clueless as could be, given the circumstances.
By the time you make it your Lady’s study, you cannot tell whether your heart is racing due to stress or physical exertion. Regardless, you make it there in short time, arriving precisely at the scheduled hour. After taking a moment to settle your nerves, you briefly knock on the chamber door. There’s the sound of movement from inside before the way opens. Lady Dimitrescu has to bend a little to see out, but quickly smiles when she meets your gaze. Which was rather unexpected. The last time you had met with her she had been distanced, although still polite. Then again, Daniela had also been with you, and the focus was, as always, on her.
“Lady Dimitrescu,” you greeted, giving a short bow per customs. Then you were being waved in, brought over to a small sitting area, where you waited for permission to sit down. Once it was given, you relaxed a little. Maybe I don’t have as much reason to be nervous as I thought, you muse.
“Please, make yourself comfortable. There are no reasons for you to be unsettled, as far as I am aware,” Lady Dimitrescu said, smile disappearing for a moment at the end. But it’s back as quickly as it had vanished. Did she suspect something? Perhaps she had seen the way Daniela looked at you, or even overheard the whisperings of your roommates. Both thoughts do little other than renew your anxiety. Noticing this, Alcina frowns and shakes her head. “I was merely joking. Now, let us get to the reason for our meeting: How are Daniela’s lessons fairing? There is only so much I can glean from listening.” Glad to have something to think about other than your secret relationship with your boss’ daughter, you nodded and began explaining.
“Lady Daniela is making outstanding progress, in my opinion. Even with her occasional… lapses in attention, once she puts her mind to something, she’s quick to master it. At this point she can sight read nearly as fast and accurately as myself. However, we’re still going over vocabulary, as well as keys and their corresponding chords,” you answered, barely able to maintain eye contact with your employer. Thankfully, she seems to have accepted the inevitability of your nervousness. You were especially thankful now that you prepared to ask her a question. “My Lady, may I inquire about what specifically you expect from my teachings? If there are certain genres you wish for Daniela to be familiar with, or techniques-... I must admit I am unsure as to how to best meet your requirements.”
Slowly reclining in her chair, Alcina appears to ponder your question. In the meantime she sips at her beverage, holding the cup as if it were a fragile heirloom (which it could very well be), eyes looking into the middle distance. Then she gives a soft hum, setting her cup down and returning her attention to you.
“I suppose I can understand your concern. In some ways you have already exceeded my expectations,” she said, expression oddly plain in comparison to her positive phrasing. “My daughter has rarely invested herself in anything as much as she has in your lessons. For this, I am left wondering what she finds so captivating- the music, or the one who pulls the strings?... But that is not the answer to your inquiry, is it?” In that moment, you are incredibly still, willing yourself to keep a straight face, despite the racing of your heart. At your silence, Alcina perks a brow, expecting you to respond. You can’t, your mouth suddenly dry. “What I expect is a passion to educate, a drive to see my daughter flourish. I expect you to teach her exactly as much as she wants you to, focusing on whatever brings her the most joy. But I expect professionalism. Your duties come first, above your health, happiness, and all other desires. Am I understood?”
“Yes, my Lady. Of course, my Lady,” you replied, stuttering, eyes wide. Did she know? Or merely suspect?... There’s another thought, one you try desperately not to voice, only to hear the words fill the room before you can stop yourself. “May I ask where Lady Daniela’s desires fit into this?” Silence hangs heavy over the room for several seconds. Your employer has narrowed her eyes, lips curled downwards into a sharp scowl, watching you with thinly-veiled anger. All you can do is gulp and wait for her response. When it comes, you are surprised by the stability of her tone. It was almost as if she respected your gall.
“She is young still, with the mind of a lovesick maiden. Daniela does not know what she wants, not really, nor does she understand what she needs. If her… flirtatious nature begins to interrupt your instruction, then your response must be swift, and uninterested. Regardless of how unkindly she takes your rejection, I will ensure that she does not harm you,” Lady Dimitrescu said, giving a stern nod at the end. Though her tone was reassuring, you hardly felt better, considering you were far past the point of turning Daniela down (if anything, you had only turned her on). “Now, with that settled, I believe I should let you return to your duties. Oh, and do tell Cynthia that the tea she brewed was perfect, should you happen to see her.”
Then she looked away, practically ignoring your continued existence. So you rose to your feet, gave another bow, and left before your panic could devolve into a breakdown. Daniela is not going to be happy about this.
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fundy-simp · 4 years
Fundy/GN!Reader - Two Days [11,010 words]
Fluff! For this anon! You were lucky enough to join your European friends on their trip to England and in the process you got to meet your wonderful boyfriend Fundy. Oh, you also got to get the wrath of TommyInnit witnessing his friends in a relationship. (/lh I love Tommy) I have so much fluff for this idea guys, I’m going to write some really cheesy bits for this and I’m going to love it >:] Also there’s a very intimate scene in this, not spicy or heated but idk I felt like I should mention it just incase. Ignore the botched plane stuff, lines that are off from the vlog, and the slightly rushed ending, I was getting a little frustrated with how long this was taking <//3 I promise tho I still love the request and I’m very happy I could fill it in a way that I’m at least mostly happy with. Anyways as always please feel free to scroll past if anything about this makes you uncomfortable :)
Your fingers tapped on the arm rest, leg bouncing as you grumbled, how long does it take a plane to land? Immediately you laugh at yourself, it takes a while. You need to calm down, it’s not like your one plane landing away from your closest friends and the man you quite honestly see as the love of your life! Of course not. It’s just a normal first ever trip to England. This is absolutely fine.
You’re entirely lying to yourself, your heart feels like it's going to explode as it beats in your ears. Fundy’s going to be there, the man who’s brought you endless hours of joy and smiles. The man who’s pulled you out of countless panic attacks. The man who you’ve had to lovingly bully into making sure he eats and drinks enough. The man who you’ve fallen asleep in call with countless times. The man who all you’ve ever wanted to do to is yank into a kiss and never let go.
Fidgeting with your seatbelt for a second, you groan and you pull your hands up to your face, resting the heel of your palms on your eyes. You all have known each other for months and logically you know it’ll go fine. But your brain isn’t known for listening to logic, or you for the matter, so when anxiety starts to boil in your stomach you’re not surprised. So many things could go wrong you couldn’t even begin to list them.
It took the plane actually touching the ground to land for you to pull your hands off your face and realize you didn’t hear a single thing the pilot just said. Quietly you waited for them to say your good to go as you readjusted your mask. Good god, your fidgeting is starting to annoy you, what are all of your friends going to think? You sigh as you feel the plane finally stop, waiting till you see other people standing up before standing up yourself.
Slowly the passengers started to leave the plane and carefully you followed behind, trying not to get too close per social distancing and all. Nervously you pat your hands on your thighs, waiting patiently while the flight attendant checked your temperature. Once you got the okay you shuffled off the plane, your eyes scanned over everyone in the airport, looking for any of your friends.
After a few scans you finally spotted Wilbur, how it took multiple tries to spot a man who towered over everyone is beyond you, but aside the point. As you started to jog towards him you see Tommy pop up next to him, "Ayyyee y/n!!" he basically yelled and Niki shushed him, whispering something to Tommy before you see him huff. The scene made you smile, he was definitely just as loud as you expected him to be.
“Hey Tommy!” you replied, you’re still anxious but actually seeing your friends in its own way has calmed you down. Once you get over there Niki pulls you into a quick but tight hug before Wilbur flung an arm around your shoulder.
You couldn’t see his smile, thanks to his mask, but you could recognize the way his eyes were crinkled. “Hey, y/n! How was the flight?” he asked as he started walking, pulling you along with him.
“Oh it wasn’t-” You looked around for Fundy, frowning slightly when you didn't find him, “It was okay. Where- Where’s Fundy?” You asked, unconsciously rubbing your knuckles together, you know he wouldn’t lie to you but a lot of previous relationships made an uncomfortable pit grow in your stomach.
Tommy from the other side of Wilbur let out a bark of a laugh, “That dumbass overslept and missed his flight!” he shrugged, “Don’t know why he still bothered getting another flight but he should be here soon.”
“Yeah, he’ll be here. We’re gonna go get your luggage then we’re heading to his terminal.” Will said as he gave your shoulder a couple of pats, “Don’t worry your lover boy will be here soon!” he couldn’t help but laugh at his own lighthearted teasing while you turned red.
You could hear Tommy gasp as Will said the second part, oh god. You guys never told Tommy you were dating, you both managed to keep it under wraps for an upwards of five months. “You and Fundy are dating?!?!” He yelled, earning himself another glare from Niki that he ignored, too lost in his own laugher, “Oh my god, this is gonna be so great! I’m going to make this so awkward.”
Groaning at the sound of Tommy’s ‘I’m definitely causing mayhem and you can’t stop me’ voice, you sigh and pull Wilbur off of you before looping around to Tommy. He was definitely taller than you but that didn’t stop you from hooking your arm around his neck and pulling him down to your level “Tommy. My main man. My good friend. My best bud, if you will... I swear if you ruin anything within the first thirty minutes, I will personally assure we leave you in an alley after 9 pm.” You gave him a stern squint as he just stared at you. After a few seconds and Niki and Wilbur giggling, you give him a noogie before letting him go, “I’m joking, I’m joking! But, seriously, at least thirty minutes.”
Tommy huffed as he ran his hand through his hair a few times, “Bro what the fuck?” He stopped for a moment, seemingly remembering you asked something of him “... Fine. But you owe me one!” He insisted, you just rolled your eyes and agreed.
By now you had all made it to the baggage claim and you carefully looked for your backpack to make sure you didn’t grab someone else’s by mistake. Once you spotted it you quickly ran to grab it before returning to the group who had moved and sat on one of the rows of benches in the middle of the room. You could see Niki mumble something to Wilbur before he nodded, “You guys whispering gossip without me?? God, my own best friends would really hurt me like this huh?” you say dramatically as you pulled your backpack on.
The two immediately shook their heads, “No, no! Of course not, how could we live with ourselves if we did?” Niki replied, her voice sounding just as dramatic as yours. You both cracked into giggles, them falling into her words as she spoke “But anyway, Fundy might be a little longer so we’re just gonna wait here.” she patted the seat next to her and you happily plopped down.
The next ten minutes were filled with Tommy talking about basically anything he could get away with, future video ideas, Dream SMP plot, at one point you're pretty sure he started talking about SMP Earth, but you couldn’t be sure. It was a nice filler conversation, sometimes one of the others would jump in and say something but you just stayed quiet for the most part, stuck in between the weird middle ground of anxious and very, very tired from your trip.
When you accidently started to doze off you felt someone carefully wrap their arms around your shoulders. “Oh, Fundy...” You say quietly, leaning into the touch for a second before almost jumping out of your skin, “Holy shit, hey Fundy.” You said pulling yourself out of his arms before jumping over the bench to tackle him in a hug. “You’re actually here. Oh my god.” you are trying your damnedest not to cry as you finally learn just how comfortable his hugs really are.
Fundy holds onto you a little tighter when he hears little hics come from you, changing his stance just enough to be sure you both don’t fall, “I'm here, y/n. I really, really am.” he said quietly, burying his face in your hair. “I love you so much.” he pulled you away from him, pulled down his mask so he could place down light kisses everywhere on the exposed skin of your face, making you giggle.
“I love you too, dork.” You reply before pulling your own down and tugging him into a kiss, it was a slow one, full of unfamiliarity and so much love. It made your heart flutter more than he already did and you honestly didn’t think that was possible.
When you both pulled apart you were forcibly reminded by Tommy making very exaggerated gagging noises that you two were, in fact, not alone. “My eyes! Wilbur my eyes!! It’s so gross it's blinding me!” The teen jokes, still fake gagging. You and Fundy just rolled your eyes while you pulled your masks back up, neither you expected anything different from him.
Wilbur just sighed and lightly shoved Tommy, “Great job, you lasted almost five minutes, that’s a record I’d say.” Tommy just replied by flipping Wilbur off which sent the whole group into hysterics. He tried to defend himself but all his sentences just devolved into laughs so he gave up. All you can think about is how this is home, laughing so hard with your friends that you cry while you lean on your boyfriend.
Once everyone calmed down Fundy made sure his backpack was on fully before stepping over the bench. Niki let out a laugh as she jokingly scolded him, "The bench really isn’t that long, you could have just walked around, you know?"
Fundy just shrugged, "I mean, y/n just did it! I'm just following their lead!" he said, a shit eating grin on his face that made Niki sigh.
You chuckled as you walked around and the rest of the group got up, "Well, who's hungry? I know y/n hasn't eaten in at least five hours so why don't we go get pizza or something?" Wilbur suggested, fishing his keys outta his pocket.
“Fuck yeah, pizza!!!” Tommy yelled excitedly, quickly stealing Wilbur's keys and sprinting away.
Will stuttered for a second before running off after Tommy, "Motherfucker, not again! Get back here, you aren't even old enough to drive!!"
You, Fundy, and Niki followed after the two, laughing at their antics. Fundy softly entangled your guy's fingers, placing his forehead on the top of your head for a second in place of a kiss. "Oh my God, you guys are already attached at the hip-" Niki said, laughing more, you know it's lighthearted teasing but it still makes you blush.
"Aw, come on Niki! I thought you'd be the one to not tease us!" you said in a joke whiny tone, hiding your face in Fundy's shoulder.
Niki started to laugh harder, "Oh- Oh hell no, this is just the beginning!" she said, you couldn't see her face but you could absolutely hear the devilish grin. You lightly bonk your head on Fundy's shoulder a few times out of embarrassment which caused him to giggle. Oh. That's so much cuter in person, holy shit.
Sighing, you hear Tommy scream making you snap your head in his direction, Wilbur had him by the wrist, wiggling his keys out of his fingers. Tommy let out a loud laugh as he basically sprinted away from Wilbur to the doors of the airport. “Oh, we got outta here faster than I expected....” you mumbled mostly to yourself, watching Tommy fling the door open at full force and quickly close behind him.
“It was probably longer than you think, you were just too distracted by a certain Dutch to realize it.” Wilbur said while he pushed the door open with his shoulder, lingering long enough for the rest of you to walk though.
"Shut your dirty crime mouth, Soot." you say through a groan, you weren't actually mad, of course, but if they were going to be like this this entire trip your pretty sure your just going to stop existing.
Fundy let out a quiet laugh at your behavior before responding to Wilbur, "I don't know, I feel like this is a win for me! I get all of y/n's attention and you called me 'a certain Dutch' instead of other things." he smirked, still laughing a little.
Wilbur snapped his fingers, "Oh yeah! Of course my bad, a certain furry was distracting you y/n!" he said happily, as he directed the group towards his car and Tommy who was basically already there.
"Noooooo!!!" Fundy grumbled as he brought his free hand up to his face.
Tommy stood at the car now, trying to open the front seat door “Shut up furry boy, I want pizza!” he shouted, trying the door again.
A mischievous grin crossed your face as you lifted his hand up near your face, "It's okay babe, I love you even though you're a furry!" you teased him, which made him groan.
"No no no no no! Stop it!!" he pulled his hand out of yours, causing you to frown, before he crossed his arms and stopped in the middle of the parking lot "I'm not a furry and you know it y/n!! My own partner for fucks sake." You could tell from his high pitched voice that he was joking but you still felt a twinge of guilt in your stomach
Carefully you grabbed his wrists and tried to pull his hands from his face but he pulled against you, “Noooo, sweetheart I’m sorry.” You say in a soft voice, now trying to pull his hands away with a good portion of your body weight. “Baaaaabe, please...” you pleaded, you could feel him tense and shuffle his feet to better support your weight, his hands still not moving. “Oh, this is just unfair now!” you say exasperated.
Fundy tried to keep his pouting bit up but quickly broke into a laugh, it was the fox esque laugh he normally did, it still makes your heart flutter “Unfair!? You’re the one supporting, like, all your body weight on me!” You giggle as you start to lean down towards the ground more, making him wobble for a second before steadying out.
“Holy SHIT, I was supposed to make it awkward but you guys are doing a fine job on your own! What the fuck guys?!” Tommy complained. You turned his way to see him grumpily crawling into the back seat of Wilbur’s car, “Now stop being in love, it’s gross and I want pizza!” He shouted as he slammed his door.
You immediately let go of Fundy, almost stumbling to the ground out of embarrassment, “Listen! In my defense this is the first time I’m meeting my boyfriend! I feel like this is warranted.” you said as you got up and made your way over to the car.
“Y/n you’re gonna have to sit in the middle seat, I’m pretty sure the other two tall bastards would die if they sat there.” Wilbur said as he checked everything up at the front.
You shuffled into the middle seat, trying your best to not get into Tommy's bubble too much as Fundy sat down next to you. The drive was relatively short, only about ten minutes, and he felt even shorter when you absentmindedly cuddled into Fundy. He happily wrapped an arm around you as he rested his head on yours.
Tommy tried to complain about being stuck in the back with you two but Wilbur derailed him and got him to go on about their trip to an arcade yesterday. If you’re honest you weren’t paying attention at all but he seemed very excited about his vlog guns and you were glad he was having fun. Sighing, you lean into Fundy just a little more and he hummed quietly, if the car ride was any longer you’re pretty sure you both would have fallen asleep like that.
When Wilbur pulled the car to a stop you both begrudgingly leaned up from each other and everyone filed out of the car. Quickly you guys made your way into the restaurant, you and Fundy ordered your pizza first, just a simple medium where it was half his favorite and half yours. After they handed you your table marker you went and sat down, you and Fundy had your own both while Niki and Wilbur had one near and Tommy sat at a table by himself.
Fundy looked at the table marker in disbelief, “OH- Y/n, y/n. Holy shit, look at what table number we have.” he looks at you, quite literally making the pog face at you, which makes you giggle.
“What is it?” you ask, trying to push your giggles down as he showed you the table marker, it was bright yellow and had 69 written on it, “YOOOOOOOOO!” you said much louder than you meant to, making him break out laughing.
“Guys- Guys, you need to see this.” Fundy insisted as he turned towards the rest of the group, presenting the 69 table marker. Everyone fell into a heavy giggle fit, laughing more at another’s laugh causing a laughing feedback loop.
You bang a fist on the table a few times, struggling to breath, why were you laughing so hard? You had no idea, but man, the serotonin it gave you was wonderful. Eventually you all calmed down, the other three going back to their conversation while you and Fundy finally calm down. Silence grew between you two, it was comfortable but you’d be lying if you didn’t want an excuse to hear your boyfriend’s voice. You dig into your mind, looking for a conversation topic for a few moments before finally finding one. "So how was the plane?" you ask him, absentmindedly putting your hand on the table to tap some random tune.
His eyes flicked to your hand, smiling a little as he recognized the tune, one of Wilbur's songs, "Terrible if I'm honest, I'm unbelievably exhausted but it's okay. I'm here with you so it doesn't bother me at all." he said softly, his eyes full of love.
Blush creeped onto your face, something about him prioritizing you always made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Before you could reply Tommy spoke up from his table, "That is the worst and cheesiest shit you could have said, you fuckin’ Simp." he was deadpanned for about two seconds before he cracked up in his bark of a laugh.
"And what about it Child Innit? You couldn't talk to someone you were interested in if you tried." Fundy retorted but his words lacked any bite to them, still it made you giggle as you heard Tommy sputter. Your friends bickering has always been the funniest and oddly coziest things.
You stop tapping the table and lean over it to lightly smack his shoulder, "Come on that was just uncalled for!" you say though a laugh, which makes him laugh.
Finally your food gets there and you both dig in, it wasn't until you took the first bite that you realized just how hungry you were. Thanks to that, the pizza didn't last long and soon the space was filled with your friend talking again. Wilbur was asking what to do next, since he really didn't have a plan, Niki suggested they go walk around town to find something to do while Tommy suggested that you all go to Wilbur's and watch Hamilton since he hadn't seen it yet.
A little to your surprise, Wilbur agreed with Tommy, mentioning how Fundy looked like he was ready to drop like a bag of cinder blocks and you had to agree with him. So once you all were fully done, Fundy paid for your pizza, Niki insisted on covering all of them but he wouldn't let her. As you all packed up to get back into the car you watched Fundy slip the table marker into his pocket, putting a finger to his lips while you both giggled. Finally, you all piled back into the car and headed to Wilbur's, which was a much shorter drive than you expected, you were much too used to America's commute times for this.
Once you were they're you all followed Wilbur up to his apartment, carefully you pulled your shoes and mask off before flopping down on his couch and getting comfortable. Fundy followed after you like a lost puppy, a little tell tale of when he got tired is that he got clingy, it was undeniably really cute. Once you sat down he sat down next to you and cuddled into you, wrapping an arm around your waist and craning his neck slightly to rest on your shoulder.
You pulled an arm up to ruffle his hair before turning and placing a soft kiss on the top of his head. He just hummed, stifling a yawn. Pulling your arm down, you turn to Niki who sat on the other end of the couch, "So how have you been Niki?" you ask, it's been a while since your last one on one conversation with her.
"Oh I've been okay!" she said happily, her eyes vaguely watching Tommy and Wilbur fight over the TV remote, "Been thinking about getting into art again, I'm not really sure yet though." she continued, trying not to laugh when she saw Wilbur basically sitting on top of Tommy, remote in hand.
A smile spread across your lips as you also tired not to laugh, mostly not to disturb your almost sleeping lover, "Oh really? That's great to hear!" you say as Tommy curses Wilbur out, insisting that he should have just let him pull Hamilton up, "I think you should go for it, especially if it makes you happy! I bet your fans, especially fanartist, would love it." you encourage her, you didn't interact with the Minecraft Youtuber fan community often, but a hunch told you that you were right.
"Maybe, maybe..." she nodded, it was hard to explain but you could tell she seemed at least a little more sure of herself now. By now Wilbur had let Tommy off of the ground as he pressed play on Hamilton. You've never seen the actual musical but you've heard all the songs enough to know them by heart, whether that was a good thing or not you couldn't tell.
Once the musical started playing the Wilbur and Tommy scrambled to the two recliners on either side of Wilbur's couch, getting comfortable for the long show. You frankly didn't watch it all that much, mostly just listening as you closed your eyes and rested your head on Fundy's. All your movements were deliberate, you were being very careful and highly aware just to make sure you didn't jolt him awake. Not that you were sure he was asleep, but you'd rather be safe than sorry.
You basically spoke it into existence because within the next five minutes you notice his breathing even out and the hand on your hip becomes loose, limp even. You silently curse to yourself as you realize just how badly this is going to hurt his neck. After debating with yourself for what you would call way to long you decide to catch Niki's attention, "Psst, Niki, Nikiiiiii," you say quietly, dragging out the second 'i' till she looks over at you, "would you mind if Fundy rested his feet, well legs- he’s fuckin’ tall- his feet would be more on the arm rest- on you? I don't want him to hurt his neck." you say gesturing to him.
She gives you a quick nod and you lightly shake Fundy's shoulder, "Hey baby, lay your head down in my lap, I don't want you hurting your neck." you whisper, he grumbles some but listens to you. Once his head is in your lap he pulls his legs to his chest and seemingly falls back asleep. Noticing this you look up at Niki and shrug, she shrugs back with a soft smile before turning back to the musical.
Carefully you run your hands through his hair and he unconsciously leans into the touch making you smile. He's a lot more fox-like than he'll ever admit but that's okay, he doesn't need to admit it for it to be cute. With your boyfriend much more comfortable you happily turn your attention to the screen, absentmindedly messing with his hair as you sing along to the songs under your breath.
When the musical ended Tommy let out a loud cheer, which caught everyone off guard and definitely made you jump which in turn made Fundy jump awake. “Oh shit- What happening?” he asked as he sat up and straightened his legs while rubbing his face.
“You passed out during one of the best musicals ever, dickhead.” Tommy replied deadpan and all Fundy replied with was a very confused and tired face. Tommy scoffed and looked away, making you laugh, how and why that boy was always so dramatic you don’t know but it was undoubtedly entertaining.
Shrugging, Fundy leaned over and placed a soft kiss on your cheek, “Hey, babe.” he said, lingering just long enough for you to place a kiss on his cheek back before leaning away again. “So what’s the plan now?” he asked, yawning.
“Well, Niki did suggest we walk around and just look for stuff to do, so why don’t we do that?” Wilbur asked, “Especially since now Fundy’s had a nap and all.” he stood up and stretched, groaning quietly.
Fundy followed after him, much to your surprise, and as he stood up he looped his arm in yours and pulled you up with him. You halfheartedly groan but don't stop him, "I'll be honest I've barely seen the ocean, let alone literally any other country." you mostly mumble, processing just how embarrassing that is to say to a bunch of Europeans.
Tommy shot up from his seat, "You've never seen the ocean??" he basically screams, getting a lighthearted smack from Wilbur, "Guys. Guys. We gotta go to the boardwalk, y/n would love it, it's considered-" he faked gagged, "-romantic."
You roll your eyes but don't argue, slightly leaning on Fundy for a few seconds before you lean up and gently place a kiss on his lips. There was a slight second of surprise on his face before it melted into a lovestruck look as he looked down at you. Your heartbeat was in your throat, that is a look you'll never get used to, a look that says you're the only person in his world, or at least the only one right now.
Before you could kiss him again Niki lightly shoulder checked you, oh shit, when did she get up? "Get your shoes on lovebirds." she said, you looked around to see the other three were basically already to go and scramble away from Fundy, your face going bright red.
You quickly make your way to your shoes, pull them on and put your mask on, and open the door for the others. The other three filed out, Wilbur waiting by the door frame and once you shut the door he locked it. “Aye, y/n, do you mind if I vlog? I’m a vlogger now!” Tommy asked as you all made your way to the street, he dramatically dragged out how he said ‘vlogger’ making you laugh a little harder than you meant to.
“Go for it big man, I don’t care if Fundy doesn’t.” You reply, threading your fingers in Fundy’s while the group starts walking, Tommy and Wilbur leading the group.
Fundy shrugged, “Since y/n’s okay with it, go crazy.” he agreed, Tommy let out a cheer and shoulder checked Wilbur just to mess with him. You can’t help but chuckle, “What’s so funny?” Fundy asks.
Waving your free hand you laugh a little more, “Oh, just seeing Will and Tommy in person reminded me how I thought they were actually brothers before we all got close.”
He looked at the two in question, squinting his eyes for a couple of seconds before he nodded, “Yeah! I see it, they definitely act like it.” he said as they burst out into a Hamilton song, Niki laughing as she joined in. Before you knew it Tommy had pulled out his phone, recording their shenanigans with a bright smile on his face.
It was all really loud and energetic so you and Fundy just quietly watched as the chaos unfolded. Tommy picked random times to start vlogging, catching half conversations and shots of the town. It all felt familiar even though you were the only one who didn’t really stream or do youtube, but it reminds you of when you just chill in their streams, mostly in the background to vibe. After a bit of wandering around you all ended up at a little food stand, getting a small snack before you went onto the boardwalk.
Once you all finished your snacks, Tommy started recording again, “I never know what I should record with these things.” he said, turning to look at Wilbur who just shrugged.
“The trick to making a good vlog is to just record everything, like just go up to people and ask ‘Hey, can I vlog?’“ Wilbur said, talking slightly with his hands.
Tommy groaned, “But then I look like a dickhead-!”
“Not if you ask!” Wilbur insisted, interrupting the teen. “Record your feet as you walk and go up to people and ask them random questions.” he continued, you watched the look on Tommy’s face turn mischievous as he turned the camera to Fundy and you.
“Hey! Fundy! What do you think of women?” Tommy asked, the phone all too close to Fundy. He stumbled for a slight second before pulling up the 69 table marker, barely holding a straight face as he tried to not laugh. “Oh- Oh my god! That is so incredibly offensive. Is that- Is that all women are to you Fundy?” Tommy asked while he cackled, causing everyone else to laugh with him. “Sexist Fundy!! Sexist Fundy and his sexist by association partner!” He joked.
That made you lose your mind, something about being sexist by association was the funniest goddamn thing you’d heard all day. You leaned onto Fundy as you struggled to breathe, instinctively you repeated the joke under your breath as you laughed which somehow sent the group into another laughing fit as Tommy tired to move on with the bit.
Eventually you all dropped the bit and happily spent the next two hours just wandering around the boardwalk and talking about whatever came to mind. Around the hour mark NIki had to leave, giving you all light hugs before she left on her own. The other hour was basically Tommy’s podcast, not that you were complaining, it was nice to listen too as the topics naturally jumped between each other and you did make sure to add your input when you felt like it was needed. It wasn’t until Tommy had gone on a long ramble about the youtube algorithm that you actually started to tune out. You swung your hand that held Fundy’s with a little bit of force, a smile in your eyes as you looked out at the ocean. “Really pretty, huh?” Fundy asked, knocking you out of your thoughts.
“Oh yeah, I’m so used to fields I never thought oceans would look this pretty...” You say quietly before you turn to Fundy and squeeze his hand in yours, “But I’d say you're still the prettiest thing I’ve seen by a long shot!” You whisper to him, your voice soft with adoration as you watch his face go red under his mask.
He quickly looked away from you, ducking his head a little, “Then you should really start investing in mirrors if you think I’m the prettiest thing.” he replied just as quietly, his voice a little unsteady. It was cute to watch him flirt, how he tended to tiptoe the line of stuttering, rarely looking you in the eyes when he said it.
Your face heats up as you tilt your head, “Oh, really?” You ask, “I feel like I nee-” you go to continue before Tommy screams, making you jump and everyone to stop in their tracks. Your head snaps in his direction as his phone starts to ring, which true to his brand his ringtone was able sisters.
The rest of you stayed mostly quiet, absentmindedly you teetered from leg to leg while you tried your best to not eavesdrop on Tommy's conversation. Which was a much harder task than you’d expect, whether Tommy had his call volume all the way up or his dad is where he gets his loud persona from and you could hear his dad say he’d be at Wilbur’s to pick him up in a little under an hour. Tommy said okay and quickly hung up, probably to avoid his dad saying anything that embarrassed him which made you chuckle. He swiped at his phone a few times before holding his phone up near his face, “Okay, we gotta finish this vlog up! Wilbur, it was nice hanging out with you and-” He turned the camera to Fundy, laughing at his annoyed look, “-and sad Fundy.” He turned to the sky in front of you guys.
Quickly, Tommy and Wilbur devolved into banter as they ended the vlog and Fundy drags you to a bench on the side of the boardwalk. “Tommy was right though,” he says quietly and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you to rest on his shoulder. “the boardwalk is pretty romantic.”
You giggle as you lean into him more, “And you’re pretty cheesy.”
“Oh, so you get to call me the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen, but I don’t get to say that walking on a boardwalk with the love of my life is romantic?” Fundy grumbles but there’s no bite to it.
“Well yeah! That- Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.” You interrupted yourself, finally processing the words he just said, you bring your hands up to his face and cup it lightly, “Fundy- Fundy did you just call me the,” you swallow thickly, it’s not a problem if did, it’s just. You weren’t expecting him to care as much as you did already, multiple past relationships had taught you that you fall too hard and too fast for others to keep up, even if they wanted to. “The love of your life?” your voice drops to a whisper, like you hadn’t been dating for five months already and he could reject you right here, right now.
Fundy couldn’t help the light chuckle that left him and he brought his free hand to rest on one you had on his face, “Of course,” his eyes soften as he watches shock and blush spread across your face, “I had fallen in love with you the first time I heard your voice and I only fall more everyday.” He rubbed his thumb on your hand, you thought you’d pass out with how your heart soared at the lovestruck look he gave you, “Hell, y/n I’m pretty sure I’ve fallen in love with you more every second of this trip.” he moved to kiss the top of your head before remembering the masks and just resting his face in your hair.
Any and all words had completely dropped out of your head, “I… I don’t know how to respond to that…'' You mumbled, moving your hands from his face to wrap your arms around his waist as you bury your face into his body.
He hummed quietly, rubbing your shoulder, “And that’s fine, I already know you love me, don’t worry.” he yawned at the end of his sentence, snuggling into you more as he closed his eyes.
“How are you still tired?” You ask in a mumbe, surprised.
Shrugging, Fundy holds in another yawn, “Maybe you should just stop feeling as comfortable as home does, then maybe I won't be so tired.” He replies, while his words held weight his voice was soft.
Lazily, your gaze fell to the horizon, then to an arguing Wilbur and Tommy, you couldn’t hear them but you could assume they were arguing over something trivial. “Never,” you reply quietly, “if feeling like home to you means I get to hold you in my arms, then I never want to change that. I can deal with a clingy sleepy Funs for the rest of my life, frankly I think it’s cute.” you can feel him tense from embarrassment under you.
He quickly relaxes and grumbles and hides his face in your hair more, “I’m going to never be tired again out of spite now.” he said, mumbled by your hair.
You can help but laugh, your entire body bouncing with it as you replied, “Yeah, sure love. Whatever you say.” As hard as he tried he can’t keep a straight face and he quickly falls into giggling with you. After a bit you both calm down, simply enjoying each other's company while you don’t have any of your friends to, albeit lovingly, bully you. Neither of you are really sure how long you sat there, but before you knew it Wilbur was shaking your shoulder.
“Get up lovebirds or the offer to my guest bedroom is void.” He said in a dead tone, if you couldn’t see him you possibly would have believed him but his eyes said the opposite.
Sighing, you wiggled your way out of Fundy’s arms and tugged him up with you, intertwining your fingers. “Oh nooo! Whatever should we do! Fundy, my love, he’s going to make us sleep outside on this cold Brighton night!” You dramatically lean on him, bringing your hand to your forehead, suppressing a smile as you watched him try not to laugh.
Wilbur smirked as he puffed out his chest and touched it with just his finger tips, “It is all going to plan! Thy shall perish by sunrise!” his voice sounded like a rich british person making it impossible for any of you to keep a straight face, Fundy was the first to double over in laughter, you and Wilbur followed close behind.
Slowly the wheezing calmed down and you all came back to your senses, wide smiles plastered onto your faces, “Wait, did Tommy leave?” You ask, frowning some.
Stretching his arms above his head, Wilbur nodded, “Yeah, his dad picked him up while you and Fundy were having your moment on the bench. He didn’t wanna interrupt you guys.” he shrugs.
You can’t help but grumble, “Damn, I at least wanted to say goodbye to him!”
Reaching over, Wilbur lightly pats your shoulder, “Ey, don’t take it personally. You know he’s a busy guy, plus you know he cares for you.”
Nodding, you lean into Fundy again as you all silently come to the decision to start walking home. It was nice to listen to Fundy and Wilbur ramble on about things together, going from DreamSMP lore, to Wilbur's new album, to Fundy's new plugins, before looping back to music as Wilbur opened his front door. You didn’t really pay attention to what they were saying, just enjoying the noise of their voices.
As you all step in you pull off your shoes and masks, moving into the living room, “You can play my keyboard if you want Fundy.” You hear Wilbur say, visibly perking up at the idea, which Wilbur noticed, snickering as moved further into his house, “Seems like y/n very interested in the idea of you serenading them with your piano skills.”
Now they’re both laughing and you’re pretty sure this is where you sign your will and accept your fate. Quietly grumbling, you bury your face in your free hand, “Both of you shut your ups, I swear to god, I’ll go sleep in the airport.” you threaten, even though you’re all aware that’s an empty threat.
Fundy just laughs, letting go of your hand to wrap an arm around you “All you had to do is ask, you know.” you could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke which only made you blush more. Stupid cute boyfriend and his cute laugh and smiles and kind touches and- You pull your other hand up to your face and drag them down before pull them back up and through your hair.
You looked at Fundy with a loving but exhausted face, “You’re going to be the end of me, you know that right?” You say, only a little exasperated, you can still feel the heat on your face.
He smiled at you, it's warn, genuine, as he replied, “That’s okay, you’ll be the end to me too” he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. Smiling, you snaked your arms around him and pulled him into a kiss as he moved so that his hands so that they rested on your hips. Before you pulled apart you both could hear Wilbur yell something from his bedroom, office? Broffice. Chuckling as you finally did pull apart, Fundy pulled you to the broffice, Wilbur sat in front of his keyboard before noticing you guys and getting up.
He dragged you over with him and sat down, patting the seat for you to sit with him and you did, leaning on him lightly as he played a few short things to get used to the keyboard. It was nice to listen to, the small mistakes made you smile as you watched his hands, “Will, you should tell me where you got this, my keyboard is all wobbly. Makes playing certain songs hell.” he said, starting to play C418 Sweden.
Sighing, you close your eyes, sinking into the music and the warmth of Fundy pressed against you. Fundy switched through songs he knew carefully playing to be sure not to jostle you too much, you’re not sure when it happened but at some point you could hear Wilbur’s guitar. Quietly you hummed along while the two played, in the back of your mind all you could think about was doing this more often. Weekly would be nice, just a bunch of your friends get together and you listen to your boyfriend and best friends play.
Before you knew it Fundy was lightly shaking you awake, “Babe, come on, come with me to our room.” He says quietly. You let out a hum, letting him pull you up and along to your shared room. You hear some shuffling and zipping of bags as you halfheartedly try to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “Here, go change out of your jeans, sleeping in those isn’t exactly comfortable.” he said softly, shoving a pair of sweats and a t-shirt into your arms. You move over to the bed and set them down before stripping to change, which immediately makes Fundy squeak, “WOAH- Woah- I- Hold on!” Fundy stuttered out as he turned around.
You can’t help but giggle as you pull off your shirt, “Why are you so embarrassed? You’re my boyfriend, you know?” you tease him as you slide on the shirt he gave you, the first thing you notice is how big it is, had to be one of his shirts.
You watch him bring his hands to his face, you could see how red his ears were from here, “Well, I mean, yeah but I’m being polite.” He mumbled, ducking his head as he moved his hands to the back of his head.
Pulling off the jeans quickly before slipping on the sweats, you walk over to Fundy and loop your arms around his waist, resting your face on his back. “Okay, Mr. I’m Very Polite and Nice, I’m all changed. It’s time for bed.” You say, tugging him slightly towards the bed. He nodded and pulled himself out of your grasp, headed to the bed as he dragged you along. He flopped down and you soon followed, quickly he shuffled the blanket over you both and pulled you into his chest.
The two of you sat there quietly, relishing in each other's touch as you listened to the other’s heartbeat. It was almost overwhelming how much Fundy felt like home, how his touches brought a sense of calm you didn’t you could get to. It was weird, new, exciting even, in its own way.
Then the fact you were leaving tomorrow hit you like a ton of bricks. Your brain starts to spiral, unconsciously your grip tightens on the front of Fundy’s shirt. You feel like you can’t breathe. Your eyes blur as you feel Fundy grab your hand, steadying it- wait when did you start shaking? He rubbed soft circles on it, his other hand felt grounding on your back as you curled into him just ever so slightly more. Two days wasn't enough. One night wasn't enough. You don't know how you're going to breathe now that you've learned what it feels like to actually have him by your side. "It's not fair." you quietly grumble, the words barely comprehensible.
His grip on your shirt tightens as he places a kiss on the top of your head, "I know, I know babe..." his voice was soft as he spoke, "Let's just enjoy it while we have it."
All you can do is nod, your brain too busy trying to memorize what it felt like to have your head tucked under his chin and your arms around his waist. After a couple of cozy silent minutes Fundy started to hum a tune, you couldn't recognize it but you know he's sung it to you before. You could feel the hums in his chest, the scene felt surreal, like every other part of this day. You didn’t bother stopping the tears that pricked your eyes.
You fell asleep like that, him humming quietly and rubbing calming circles on your back. Trying your best you committed every touch to memory as you slowly faded into sleep, just barely catching Fundy whispering "I love you, y/n." as you feel into one of the most comfortable rests of your life.
When you woke up your arms and legs were entangled with Fundy’s gangly ones, his face softly tucked into the crook of your neck. You didn’t want to move and unless someone had a real good reason you weren’t going to. You’re pretty sure this is what heaven feels like, holding the love of your life close as the sun poked through the half drawn curtains making the whole situation feel all the more unreal. That moment was cut short as Fundy started to wake up, instinctively pulling away from you as he did so. You whine quietly and weakly try to pull him back, after a few seconds he listens and reburies his face in your neck.
The two of you laid there like that for a while, probably around an hour, before you begrudgingly tell him you both should get up. Fundy let out a loud groan as you slipped out of his grasp, you sat up and stretched your arms over your head, looking over at him who now laid with his arms stretched out from his body.
Wait. When did he take his shirt off? Of course you've seen him shirtless before but something about seeing it in person is fundamentally different. It felt so much more, intimate, than before. You hadn't even realized you were staring till Fundy spoke up, a laugh in his words "If your gonna stare might as well touch." his voice was low, still laced with sleep.
"Wh- I- Uh. Well. I mean-" you stutter out, looking away making him laugh more. After a few seconds you look back at him, he didn't move at all, which didn't surprise you. Silently you turn towards him, you glance up at him holding his sleepy gaze as your hand hovered over his waist. He gave you a small encouraging nod and you lightly touched him, his muscles involuntarily tense at your touch, shit your hands were cold weren’t they? You internally cringe at yourself but just as quickly as he tensed, he relaxed, letting out a quiet hum as your hand started to warm.
You felt so dumb, looking at Fundy like you were a child seeing fireworks for the first time holding the same hesitation, even as if you could burn yourself or worse, you could hurt him. Of course, you knew you wouldn’t hurt him but unfamiliarity and anxiety boiled in your stomach no matter how many times you tried to tell yourself it was okay. Looking up at Fundy you can see his face soften, a smile on his lips as he leaves you to your own devices, not wanting to interrupt whatever process you were creating.
Silently grumbling at the lack of direction and you go to place your other hand on him, only to realize just how weirdly you were positioned. You pulled away from him, earning yourself an eyebrow raise from your boyfriend which you just wave your hand at. Carefully you straddle his hips, earning a soft grunt from him but he doesn't stop you, somehow you manage to just completely blank just how close you are as you continue to run your hands over his chest.
Despite how inherently not innocent the scene looked out of context, in context it was the exact opposite. Your movements were filled with both boundless curiosity as you tried to commit the feeling of his soft, pale skin under your hands and endless hesitation as you tried not to do something wrong. "You know, you are really, really handsome..." you say quietly, it's still hard to believe you're actually able to touch him if you're honest.
Softly you cup his face, leaning down and placing soft kisses all over it, making him quietly giggle. Pecking softly at his lips before you moved on to his jaw, then his neck. It was odd, to get to this point of intimacy without there being some sort of sexual motive threw you off, but it was a much welcomed change of pace. Something about leaving light kisses on the neck and collarbone felt different when it was just reassurances of love.
As you sit up away from him he hums quietly, finally awake enough to really process what's happening. After another minute or so he sat up quickly, knocking you off balance and sending you back towards his legs. Before you hit his legs he grabbed your waist, pulling you close, the situation happened so fast that by the time you realized he was fully awake you were already in his arms, both of you giggling messes. Fundy rested his nose in the crook of your neck, you could feel the smile he wore pressed against your skin.
It was a calm and serene scene, one you hope to have again and again and again when you guys can be together more. While you were lost in thought he smirked as he blew a raspberry on your neck, making you let out a loud laugh, "WH- Wait- Hold on! I! Fu-Fundy, what the f-uck??" you struggled to ask through your laughter as he continued to assault your neck with raspberries, moving in between each one.
You pushed against him, trying and failing to get away from his attack. After multiple failed sentences, giggles, and barks of laughter he finally let you go, his face plastered in a smug but still genuinely happy grin. You wanted to ask him what that was all about but air was not being your friend so you just rested your head in his shoulder, struggling to catch your breath.
"I'm sorry, but after I let you pamper me while I was half asleep I thought I'd just keep the train rolling." he said as if he read your mind, his hands resting comfortably on your hips as he placed a kiss on your cheek. "I couldn't resist your laughter, I love it too much!" he said happily.
You let out a quiet defeated sigh, moving so now your cheek rested on his shoulder, your nose nestled in the crook of his neck. "Did Wilbur have plans for us today?" you ask quietly, part of you wished he did but another part of you is completely okay with laying in bed with Fundy till you needed to go to the airport.
Fundy thought for a moment, fingers tapping lightly on your hips, "No idea, honestly." he finally said, shrugging ever so slightly. "I should probably text him." he pulled one of his hands off of you and leaned to grab his phone off the bedside table. He moved his hand to your lower back and he leaned over you to see his phone. Melting into his touch you let out a quiet hum as you placed a hand over his heart, feeling his heartbeat through your fingertips as he typed away on his phone. You two sat like that for a few minutes before he spoke up, “Wilbur said he was gonna go get drinks with Niki, Phil, and Tristin later today, around four pm. We’re free to join but he also understands if you don’t wanna drink before your flight.”
Silently you thought, tapping your fingers lightly on his chest. On one hand it would be nice to chill out with Phil, especially since neither you or Fundy had met with him in person yet. On the other you know you, and if you were hanging around a bunch of people who were drinking you’re going to end up drinking as well. “As much as I hate to say it, I really don’t wanna drink before my flight.” You say sighing, Fundy just nods as he shoots a message back to Wilbur.
“Well since we’re gonna lay in bed all day…” Fundy started as he turned his body and flopped you both down onto your sides, both of you giggling messes. Carefully you moved your hands from his chest to his face, cupping his cheeks softly. “... You know you’re really, really pretty?” he whispered, grabbing one of your hands and placing a soft kiss on your palm.
You sputter and duck your head, trying to hide the blush on your face. “You may have told me one or two times…” You say quietly, mostly as a joke.
His head perks up, “Only once or twice?” He asked, you chuckle and continue the bit nodding. He gasped as he softly makes you look at him, he holds your face as he gives you a serious look, “You’re pretty, you are so goddamn pretty, y/n. I every fucking day think about how you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Any time my mind wonders it finds its way to you because- because, you just- y/n you feel like home. Whenever I’m with you, whether that’s in person or in some form of call, I feel like I should pinch myself and remind myself that I’m actually awake.” He stops for a second, taking a few breaths as your face gets redder making him chuckle slightly. “God- I am so in love with you. I- To quote you from last night: You’re going to be the end of me, you know that right?” he finishes his spiel.
You’re on cloud nine. Point blank. “Damn it, how the hell do you always know what to say?” you mumble before you snaked your arms around his neck and connect your lips. It wasn’t heated but it was passionate, full of emotions that didn’t have proper words but still needed to be communicated. Pulling apart you both were panting, only a few microseconds before you started laughing, “We are so cheesy, oh my god.” you say quietly through laughter, he joined you with a large smile on his face.
“Maybe we are cheesy, but we’re cheesy together so who cares.” he replied, placing a soft kiss on your nose.
You laughed harder, fingers messing with his hair by the nape of his neck, “You’re proving my point you fuckin’ nerd!” You basically cackled out, when you looked up the in love look in his eyes almost knocked the breath out of you. You tucked yourself under his chin, hiding your face as a hand still carded through his hair.
You two sat in bed for a few hours, scrolling through different platforms and showing each other funny or cute things. It was nice, cozy even as you fell into a simple routine, every once and a while you’d switch positions and continue with your scrolling. All too soon five pm rolled around and Fundy reluctantly brought it to your attention, “Hey love, your flight’s at eight right?” he asked quietly, you two were spooning, you as the little spoon as his chin was tucked over your shoulder.
Groaning, you nodded, “Yeah it is.” you say quietly, sinking into his touch more.
It was quiet for a few seconds before he continued, “We need to get up..” he slowly pulled away from you, making you whine but inevitably listen. Groggily, you make your way to your bag, pulling out a simple t-shirt and jeans. You stripped and Fundy did the same thing as last night, making you chuckle but you don’t say anything this time.
Once changed you walk over to him and lean up to give him a kiss on the cheek, “How mad do you think Wilbur would be if I made us some breakfast? Well, ‘breakfast’.” You asked, making air quotes around the second breakfast.
He hummed, thinking for a second before shrugging, “Probably not at all, but if he does it was my idea.” he said as he turned around and placed a kiss on your forehead, “I’m gonna shower real fast so just come knock on the door when it’s done.”
You nodded and peeled yourself off of him, making your way to the kitchen. You make some simple eggs and toast, not wanting to use too much food from your friends kitchen and when you finished fifteen minutes later Fundy was walking into the kitchen, “Aw man, you put a shirt on.” you say in faux disappointment.
He sputtered for a second before shaking his head, “We are literally about to leave and go out in public.” he said, grabbing one of the plates from the counter as he looked through the drawers for a fork.
Rolling your eyes, you lightly bump his hip with yours when he finally finds the forks, dropping the subject in favor of some comfortable silence while you both ate. Or at least partially comfortable, the fact of the plane ride still hung in the air, uncommented on but there. Fundy finished before you, placing his plate in the sink and giving you a kiss on the top of your head before heading into the guest bedroom. A few minutes later you finished your own food and you washed the dishes that you guys used, eyes falling to the stove clock: 6:30 pm. Sighing, you placed the dishes into the strainer and made your way to the guest room, “Fuuuns,” you whine more than really say, “we probably should go soon, since I wanna still say bye to Wilbur.”
He jumps at the sound of your voice, zipping up the bag in his hands on instinct, “Oh- Hey y/n!” he said quickly.
You walk over and lean on him as you look at your bag in his hands, “Whatcha up to, big man?” you asked, grabbing the bag from him.
“Oh I just, I wanted to give you something but I thought it’d be better for you to find it when you got home…” he said as you opened your bag up, smiling as you see one of his hoodies folded on the top, “I was just gonna give you one of my hoodies but it didn’t feel special enough, sooo…” he dragged out his words as you pulled out his iconic hoodie, “I gave you the hoodie.” he finished with a large smile.
Your face goes bright red as you pull it on, it smelled like him, like home, you’re too lost in the gesture to notice when Fundy pulled you close and kissed the top of your head. “You’re… You’re.” You didn’t know what words you were trying to find, you knew he loved this hoodie, he wore it all the time even, it felt weird, both very wrong and very right for you to take it, “Are you sure?” you asked quietly.
“Of course,” He hummed, “what better thing to remind you that I love you and that I’m here for you than my favorite hoodie?” you just stuttered in response and nodded, “Plus you look very cute in my clothes.” he said as he leaned away from you before he pulled you into a kiss, it took you a few seconds to kiss him back, the cogs in your brain fighting between stopping entirely and going twice the speed.
When he pulled away from you, you were breathless, “Man. I’m going to die without your kisses, what the hell…” You mumbled as you buried your face into his chest.
“Nooo, don’t die,” he replied dramatically, “if you die then how am I gonna kiss you when you come back?” he jokingly held you tightly, but a small part of you knew it wasn’t a joke, that he fully processed just how much he’s going to miss holding you.
You let out a sigh muffled by his chest, “Well, guess I’ll just live forever.” you said quietly, which made him chuckle slightly. You know it’s a joke but if you could find a way, you would. Just for Fundy. After a few seconds you reluctantly pulled yourself out of his grasp, zipping up the large hoodie before putting the backpack on.
Fundy let out a sigh as he patted his pockets, “Wilbur’s letting me drive you to the airport using his car.” He said as he pulled out Wilbur’s keys, showing them to you.
You nodded before you cupped his face and placed a soft kiss on his lips, “I love you so, so, so goddamn much, Fundy.” you whispered, placing your forehead on his.
“I love you too, y/n. And the distance between us doesn’t change that in the slightest.” he whispered back, his voice slightly shook as he spoke which made your heart hurt. Slowly he pulled away from you, grabbing your hand with his as he dragged you to the door, you both slipped on your shoes and masks before heading out to the car.
The car ride to the pub Wilbur was at with Phil and Kristin was quiet, not a bad quiet but quiet nonetheless. The radio played soft classical music as Fundy carefully drove the car through the town, you can’t tell if you’re surprised by that being Wilbur’s default station or not. Once you guys got there you quickly got out of the car, telling Fundy you’ll be back soon as you ran in and told Wilbur goodbye. It wasn’t all that much, you gave him a hug and promised to text him once your plane landed to let him know you were safe. You quickly said hi to Phil and Kristin, apologizing that you couldn’t stay longer, which they brushed off, saying that there’ll always be another time.
By the time you and Fundy were finally on your way to the airport it was a quarter past seven, the drive there was viscerally different than the drive to say bye to Wilbur. He drove with one hand, his free one resting carefully in your’s as he rubbed the back of it with his thumb. The silence was almost oppressive as you sat there but neither of you knew what to say, so you both stayed quiet. The silence stretched on into the airport, it was odd but somehow fitting. It was the first time neither of you could really bring yourself to break the silence.
Fundy eventually did, though. After you had made it through security, you two sat down on the benches waiting for them to call your flight number. It started with a laugh, a sad one, followed by a quiet apology, “I’m sorry I haven’t said anything y/n…” He basically said to himself, you’re pretty sure if you had even an ounce less of self control you’d start crying right then.
Carefully, you cupped his face, a sad smile in your eyes, “Don’t worry love. Trust me, I understand.” you replied as you rubbed your thumbs over his cheek bones. He silently nodded, wrapping his arms around your torso as he pulled you close. You moved your hands from his face and wrapped your arms around his neck, “It’ll be fine, just like Phil said to me in the pub today, ‘there’ll always be another time.’ I’ll visit again when this is all over, next time for longer.” You promise him, voice hushed so that only you two can hear it.
“Yeah, yeah. Of course, next time.” he said, it was so soft, as if he said it too loud something would curse against it. The two of you sat like that for a few minutes, enjoying the last time you’d hold each other for at least a long while. All too soon they called for your plane and reluctantly you pulled away from him. Quickly he pulled down his mask, looking at you for a long second before you do the same, softly he connected your lips, it was a slow and desperate kiss. One that knew you had to leave but so strongly wish you didn’t that you could have mistaken it for tangible.
When you pull apart, you smile at him, pressing a light kiss on his cheek before standing up, “I’ll see you soon, yeah?” you ask, fixing your mask.
He nodded, probably much more aggressively than he meant to, “Yeah, definitely.”
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