#anyway. anyway. back to cleaning my apartment I guess 🙄
juniperhillpatient · 9 months
it’s me & my early 2000s emo scene kid playlists against the world sometimes
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blessingmaxxer · 6 months
some things I love about my perfect CR (aka the reality I'm going to live soon):
• revised my entire life to my desires; revised my age to 16, and went back to September 2020 from March 2024 (well I guess it's 2020 right now so... I made it so that this year was 2020)
• my skin is never bumpy or pimply, or itchy (this was Hell for me in my past reality)
• my room is big, Baroque-style-fancy + whimsigoth, light blue, and looks a lot like the room in time princess; with lots of pretty furniture, a balcony, a reading nook, two altars for the deities I worship; and a huge gorgeous, gaudy four-poster bed (think princess-like), etc. (I used to have a small, white room that I had to share with other too many other people 🙄 I had to keep my altar in a miniscule cabinet, and only had space for one... my room is now the size of my OR apartment, so I no longer have that problem lol) + decorated with my fave fandom stuff/interests + full of amazingly beautiful furniture
• life like a fun teen movie or slice-of-life anime (in a good way, not the racist, fucked up way... Anyway, I used to barely go outside for fun, and didn't have much money to do stuff, and sure as hell didn't get invited anywhere... still salty about that)
• I never get headaches, stomach aches, cavities, most pains, etc. (I left period cramps cuz I wanna feel human... But yeah in my past CR I was sick and in pain a often, it was almost a personality trait at a certain point 😭 But not anymore!)
• I'm always hygienic and clean no matter what + I have the most perfect skincare and hair care products for me + I always smell like cotton candy and/or caramel (I used to be stinky and had weird shit going on w/ my body... Embarrassing)
• I have lots of Hot, Rich and Intelligent friends who absolutely adore me and listen to me and low-key worship me (let's just say this was very much not the case in my OR; most of my friends were NOT ride-or-dies for me... and most we're hot HRI...)
• homework is extremely easy for me because I just revise/wish it done + extremely high IQ, even though IQ is technically bs (I was only book smart in my OR, and even that started the die w/ age cuz of short attention span) + kid genius to adult genius pipeline
• family is super kind to me and are emotionally intelligent and perfect + spoil me and dote on me endlessly w/ money and affection (my OR family were nice 60% of the time, but were 40% toxic and stingy, which is still too much... 60% is barely a passing grade!)
• gigantic mansion.
• no but like, GIANT MANSION. It's literally something out of a fairytale, it's interesting and magical and full of secrets, lore and history (and, as I've stated before... My room. Is now. The size. Of my. OR apartment.)
• well-behaved younger siblings (they barely exist rn, but they will, and I'm excited to have younger siblings that don't make me want to kms when watching them)
• I was never parentified or had to raise anybody's kids
• immediate family won the lottery so we never run out of money + I have a magical, interdimensional job (it's fun but I won't share any details cuz it's top secret... Just know I make bank)
• really great and talented artist + great at the all the arts, whether sketching, painting, musical, performing, martial, etc. (in my OR I was barely so-so at drawing, and DEFINITELY behind my peers + I didn't know how to fight or play instruments)
• I have a HRI, kind, responsible and brooding bodyguard/personal assistant around my age (he's not in my life yet, but he will be... I shouldn't simp for him, but... 😩)
• now a triplet (I remember seeing a success story where anon manifested being a triplet, so I was like, yeah! I want that, too! I used to be a twin in my OR) + I have good relationship with all of my family
• me and my family are super intelligent + my parental guardians now have their dream jobs and are super educated (one's a lawyer with their own firm and the other is has their own restaurant and is now studying to be an engineer, plus we make a lot from stocks w/ 0 losses)
• me and my siblings have amazing singing voices (amazing range)
• I go to an extremely beautiful, fancy high school (my OR high school was super mid)
• manifested a fancy, wealthy and fun town into existence (used to live in a good but unwalkable town in my OR that is now next to my CR town)
• fancy walk-in closet and my own fancy bathroom (trust me when I say this; your jaw would drop at the beauty, just as pretty as my room)
• full health, whether mental or physical, for my immediate family
• perfect and ideal hair + skin
• I have everything from my desired scripts + everything I want that I haven't written down
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clatterbane · 8 months
That was fun. I woke up to what in context I was guessing were likely plumber noises. (Yep!)
Can't actually find when I posted about it the first time our persistent drain problem (which is down to the building plumbing 🙄) really needed professional intervention. But yeah, the main sewage drain has kept getting blocked up through nothing we can control, and it was pretty bad again when I went to bed.
(Weird backflow keeps blocking things up where our plumbing meets the main line. It's apparently at a terrible angle or something. We are also on the bottom floor, just to make it better.)
After working on it pretty much the whole time I was gone last night (not least with a bunch of drain cleaner, after going out yesterday evening to get more before the store closed). No luck, and we were hoping it would unblock overnight like it's done before.
No such luck. He came out this morning, and accidentally left one of the toilets running after flushing it again. (I think that needs a valve replacement or something, because it keeps sticking open and needing the flusher jiggled.) He can't really hear it when it is running, though the noise drives me crazy. Anyway, then he came back a little bit later to find nasty water starting to spill out into the hall. 😱
For context, this is indeed a basic Swedish standard wet room setup we're talking about, with a slightly sloping floor leading toward a big floor drain that the bathtub empties into and a lip at the threshold.
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Every previously dry towel in the house is heaped in the tub now. He has actually gone to IKEA to buy more, because Out Of Towels Error. Those sodden filthy ones will also need to be hauled to the basement laundry room whenever we can book a time. 😩
That's how we get Sewage Lake going whenever that drain backs up. It just comes up that floor drain under the tub.
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Similar deal in the current wreck of a small bathroom, though it doesn't have a floor drain which is why there is still some standing water after the plumber came. Otherwise a wet room setup, and (thankfully cleaner) water managed to start overflowing the sill because that was the stuck-running toilet culprit.
At any rate, he saw that little flood and was going "oh shit, we really need a plumber STAT!" when apparently some essentially condo association staff person came a'knockin' to see if we had a leak. Because someone had already reported water dripping in the laundry room right under us.
So yeah, at least this time they did arrange to get a plumber in stat! Dude apparently had to pump the horrible water out into an outdoor drain, and no wonder they were here so long.
The blockage did get successfully rooted out, and Mr. C already cleaned the big bathroom floor out with bleach so it's vaguely usable. The small one still has a bit of standing water for the moment, because Out Of Towels Error. I may have to thoroughly clean them both myself before my actual OCD feels relatively OK with not treating them like particularly nasty public restrooms in my own house.
With the disgusting flood actually breaching containment and leaking through outside our apartment, hopefully this will make them more inclined to fix that plumbing junction which is causing the issue. Can't say I'm holding my breath, though. 🤨 This has to be a long-term thing already, and I would be amazed if previous owners hadn't kept having the exact same issue. And possibly getting nasty floor water dripping down to the laundry room, which frankly may have been considered lower priority since it isn't somebody else's apartment under there.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend to (belatedly) celebrate the success of our "zero expectations" attitude for 911 this week!! We got a lot of fussing over Buck and a whole Buddie scene on OG (honestly I would easily skip most 6x11 and go straight to this episode if I could) and some amazing backstory for Marjan and family moments over on LS. So yay to keeping our expectations in the ground!! I have nothing to expect for the next OG episode since every plot line seems kinda closed right now (I guess not the Denny stuff but its barely been around so 🤷‍♀️) so keeping that up when it returns seems easy enough (knowing KR I'm sure we'll get some promo eventually to sink them) but I'm actually looking forward to seeing a paramedic focused episode on LS (not that there's been much of a firefighting focus lately 🙄) so I should start tempering that.
Anyway, the main point right now is that its finally song time!! And look, I know we've done this one a LOT, but you cannot convince me that the Buddie of last episode was not the literal embodiment of Two. Its almost word for word perfection from "sweetheart, you look a little tired" to "calm waters if that serves you best". The way Eddie doesn't push, just gives the space he Buck needs and says what he needs to hear when he wants to hear it, and the little hints of their shared traumas and both want to "get around to fixing myself too", I couldn't resist, so enjoy!!
Hello my friend! I'm glad there's no episode today because between having my niece visiting and the head cold I have, there was no way this was getting done before tonight. 6x11 letting me down SO HARD in regards to Buddie/firefam focus and feels meant that 6x12 was so much sweeter when I was watching. (It still had some issues, one of which being that after telling us all about how Bobby and Buck are father and son we got nothing with Buck being worried or concerned about Bobby. I swear the pacing and planning is just all over the place with no consistency, but that's for another post.) I'm also confused about what we're doing for the rest of the season because everything but the Denny thing seems to be in a good place (I'm steadfastly refusing to think about the sperm donor thing because it's stupid and I hate it and IDK what the point even was if they weren't going to have Buck struggle at all. Still manifesting it's not his baby because I need this plot to GO AWAY and NEVER. COME. BACK.), but I know we have Ravi's return and some good Madney stuff to look forward to! Aside from the whole thing about L coming back (seriously, that more than anything else TANKED my excitement for the season. I hope they cut absolutely everything possible. Zero dialogue, just let her be present in the background and then fuck off forever), there looks to be some exciting stuff and the finale looks good! So it's a mixed bag. (I'm still not convinced that Buddie poker picture is real and not something that person did to show off some editing skills 🤷🏻‍♀️
For LS, oh man that was an EPISODE! I think I would mind less about them doing one-character focused episodes if they were more spread out so we got lots of everyone, every week and then once in awhile we got a "begins" type episode but I'm taking all the Marjan content where I can get it because we never get enough! And I'm excited to get back to the team responding to emergencies and tomorrow's episode looks really exciting on that front!
Okay, song time!! And look, it's not our fault Two is such a banger! It's just sooooo good! And if the show would quit robbing us of opportunities to do songs like Learning Curve and January White, we wouldn't be in this position, but here we are 🤷🏻‍♀️ So lets get to it!
sweet heart, you look a little tired. when did you last eat? come in and make yourself right at home- stay as long as you need. tell me, is something wrong? if something’s wrong you can count on me. you know i’ll take my heart clean apart, if it helps yours beat.
it’s okay if you can’t find the words, let me take your coat and this weight off of your shoulders.
Okay but YES this is EXACTLY the kitchen scene!! Eddie noticing Buck looks tired and welcoming him in, letting Buck make himself right at home, and not minding that it's already late and dark out. Then the whole "Am I allowed to ask how you are now?" because Eddie was going to give Buck space, but he is also desperate to know and to help and to be there for Buck like Buck was there for him after the shooting. AND THEN you have Buck bringing up the shooting and Eddie being willing to confront that memory, to take his own heart apart, to give Buck some peace of mind, and being willing to listen as Buck struggles to find the right words, and helping carry the weight for a bit so Buck can rest. I just... *screams into pillow* this whole first verse just...perfectly captures that whole scene. And there's something to parents often mis-typing as Twos because that's the state they revert to in times of stress and needing to protect their loved ones, and the Chris of it all being present in the food Eddie is making and Eddie taking that care and applying it to Buck too. Hold on a minute, I need to go cry about this scene again.
like a force to be reckoned with, a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss, i will love you with every single thing i have. like a tidal wave, i’ll make a mess. or calm waters if that serves you best. i will love you without any strings attached.
Ahhhhh, this is the 6x10/6x12 parallel just laid out in front of us too! When Buck was suspended in air, Eddie was a force to be reckoned with, fighting to get him up and when that failed, getting him down to safety, and forcing Buck's heart to beat until it could do so on it's own. When Buck spent the whole day hosting people and putting up a front that he's fine (because he doesn't want to be a burden), Eddie is the calm waters Buck retreats to where he can rest. Eddie sees what Buck needs and makes sure he's able to give what serves Buck best in the moment. And how "love me anyway" coded is "I will love you without any strings attached"?!
it’s okay if you can’t catch your breath, you can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest.
Oh man, we were just missing a scene of Eddie giving Buck mouth-to-mouth and this would have fit PERFECTLY but they knew they would never recover from that 🤣 This also fits the shooting conversation scene (both this one and the one from season 5 at the stables but in reverse), where Eddie sees that Buck is struggling and pulls his memory of that horrible day from himself to give Buck a moment to breathe.
i know exactly how the rule goes: put my mask on first. no, i don’t want to talk about myself- tell me where it hurts. i just want to build you up, build you up ’til you’re good as new and maybe one day i will get around to fixing myself too.
Oof oof oof. I'm thinking about that little wrinkle in Eddie's brow after he says "you DIED, Buck" like he can't bare to think or talk about that moment. Which is fine because right now it's NOT about him and how he's feeling, he wants to get to the bottom of where Buck is hurting so he can help him feel better. I would LOVE if this comes back around later because Eddie has been doing so well, but I would strongly suspect something like this, especially with him being the one holding the rope, to throw him for a loop. I don't expect to see it, but it's what makes sense in the narrative.
i don’t even know where to start, already tired of trying to recall when it all fell apart. and i just want to love you, to love you, to love you well. i just want to learn how, to somehow, be loved myself.
This is just...the Buddie thesis statement. I want to love you well, I want to learn how to somehow be love myself. That's it! That's Buddie in a nutshell.
like a force to be reckoned with, a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss, i will love you without any strings attached. and what a privilege it is to love, a great honor to hold you up.
like a force to be reckoned with a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss, i will love you with every single thing i have like a tidal wave, i’ll make a mess. or calm waters if that serves you best. i will love you without any strings attached, i will love you without a single string attached.
While 6x12 made this chorus very much fitting for Eddie, it's also just so true of both of them like, all the time. They are always there to balance each other out, to give what the other is needing in the moment, whatever serves them best, and they love each other. Full stop. Without a single string attached, that love is there for the other's taking. Aaaaaaand now I'm crying again.
PERFECT choice this week with everything we got! Fingers crossed we can get at least one more song out of this season!
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nearestend · 11 days
i'm restless and taking a break from my project so here's some little kate headcanons that aren't important overall but they're important to ME:
does things to stay organized like keeping stuff in folders, having boxes for any stationary on her desk. always ends up abandoning them really quickly and proceeds to have a messy desk that she feels overwhelmed by but can't make herself tidy up again until she really has to. makes a lot of to-do lists, usually for shopping — always forgets about them and ends up not getting any of the stuff she went into the shop for.
there's probably like a general assumption that she is very orderly and organized with things because she seems really put together a lot of the time. unfortunately, she has deceived you and actually lives mostly in a state of chaos. her apartment appears to be really nice and clean, but as soon as she opens one of the closets or cupboards, everything is going to go tumbling out.
she's very picky with food textures and smells and probably has some minor sensory issues. not a huge fan of too many fried foods for that reason. despite being a very popular in oklahoma, chicken fried steak is something she's not that keen on. (yes this is based on that one interview where d.aisy said she didn't like it that much and texas boy gl.en lost his mind about it.)
also on the topic of food, i think she and cathy would have gone strawberry picking every year when she was a kid. they probably didn't have strawberries on their own farm. (i'm just assuming they weren't because berry farming can sometimes be more specialized from what i know.) torn between whether or not they would go to a local berry farm or if there's a wild patch they'd frequent. either way, i think that would be one of there things.
does not like being called "katie" or most nicknames unless it's coming from her mom, definitely jeb, and i guess tyler (because he's going to call her them anyways 🙄). no one else though.
likes country music but more like old school country — dolly parton, johnny cash, loretta lynn, willie nelson, etc. less interested in the more modern country artists. will usually fight with tyler for control over the radio; they go back and forth until one of them gives up, but they're both really stubborn about it. (asher and i have an ongoing thread where they are currently doing just that.)
hates air travel, but will do it if she has to. loves a road trip, loves staying in motels. i think it's just something to do with her not wanting to make the bed.
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narrie · 3 years
I have a feeling this film is the exact type of film where people really like it or hate it and no invetween. I take people who have said they have seen it with a tiny grain of salt and don’t exactly believe them. However someone I partly know that saw the first screening way before it was even leaked that they had a screening (when that Florence Pugh account leaked it which led to the influx of fake reviews from larries) said she really liked it but did say the version she saw was still rough and not fully finished as the scoring and sound effects for example were not there yet plus other cuts would be made to make it more streamlined. She gave the reviews for the ending after the film which is what they were focusing on for the screening but apart from that she said if it was cleaned up at the end it should do well. There was one person on Reddit that I know for definite watched it and they said almost the same as the person I know plus told me what I figured out about his accents was a spoiler. They had a fight with an obvious Larrie about the film and told them to ignore the mass of negative reviews and said she can tell they are fake as people were calling the characters wrong names as IMDB has some of the characters names listed wrong to the actors so they could tell they hadn’t seen the movie and were spreading the false reviews Harry fans were spreading. They said other things that can be classed as a spoiler so I won’t post them here but overall they were adamant the film should do quite well and they really liked it. This is the same information people on podcasts and the verified inside film accounts on Twitter have said. They have all said the film had really good feedback in the screening and it was mainly the end people had mixed reviews on. One podcast said those they knew that have seen it said it was really good to the point the podcaster can’t wait to see the movie. The plot has been changed from the original script and that is what Olivia said back on Twitter months ago. All the legitimate reviews that you can trust have said almost the same thing and it was just the ending people have the most feedback on (that closest mean it was all negative feedback either) I have hopes for it as they still would have edited it since the last time people saw it. I believe the plot is one that some understand or they might need to re-watch a couple times to understand and that isn’t exactly a bad thing, plenty of good movies and movies I personally love have a complex or “messy” story line that I needed to watch two or three times to understand and fully take in such as interstellar, midsummer and tenet. Yet some of my friends hated them as it was too confusing or gloomy or Fed up for them and made them uncomfortable. Movies, especially the plots are very subjective and I think Harry fans need to remember this. They are forgetting it is not a romcom or a quaint story.
def been hearing that side too but yeah again, it's all subjective in the end! i personally LOOOOVE a thriller and i love a movie that isn't straight-forward, e.g. nolan movies, like i know loads of ppl hated tenet bc it def wasn't easy to follow/understand and i had to watch it twice too but i actually like that??? i can guess plots of movies so easily sometimes (to the point where ppl watching it with me accuse me of having seen the movie already 🙄✋🏽) and i'm not a fan of it bc what's the point thennnn. however my concern with dwd is, from what i've seen, it's gonna go in a direction in the end where it's just like...going off the rails ya know? like the initial movie has nothing to do with the conclusion of it and it's just cheap or sumn idk like for example i wasn't a big fan of the conclusion for the behind her eyes series (spoiler ahead) bc it just goes too much into science fiction all of a sudden in the end there rip ANYWAY we’ll just have to wait and see
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