#anyway. hhhhh i will criticize her but i will also defend her. i have so many mixed feelings about her
scoopsgf · 2 years
im really conflicted with lorelai because on one hand, she raised her daughter by herself after becoming a teen mom and basically got her life together on her own. on the other hand, she’s not a great parent- i hate to say it but if lorelai fed her daughter junk food and was flaky as a mom, but great as a best friend, most people around her in the real world would question her parenting style. i get that her relationship with her parents is unstable due to lasting traumas but the way she treats her parents even after they paid for rory’s school irks me. she didn’t treat max right, she wasn’t always great to sookie, and it’s just a multitude of things that make me appreciate her, but not like her.
hmm… i can see this, but i feel like lorelai gets demonized for a lot of normal, little mistakes that most parents and people in general make. coming from someone who wishes that they had a lorelai for a mom, i’m more willing to look past the tiny infractions. the junk food thing is purely for comedic effect so i really don’t take it into consideration when i judge lorelai’s parenting skills (plus we see fruits and vegetables in their fridge on multiple occasions, and while lor and rory often go out to eat, rory could easily order like, a salad from luke’s if she wanted. he’d be happy to make that for her, meaning she does have access to healthy foods, not to mention her chilton lunch meals are definitely nutritionally balanced). anyway, i wouldn’t call lorelai a flaky mom at all. in fact i’d say she’s almost overly invested in rory’s life: she always wants to know what’s going on, she goes out of her way to make sure rory has what she needs, and she’s constantly trying to maintain an open line of communication with her daughter. while she doesn’t always go about this the right way, it’s her intentions that really matter—she wants rory to know she can come to her, that she can trust her. she makes rory dresses from scratch and fills their house with books and music and goes to business school so she can make a better life for them. she puts aside her pride to ensure that rory’ll have the best education possible. yeah, she can be selfish and immature at times, and she screws up, but so does everyone and that’s literally the point of the show: all the characters on gg are meant to be realistic, they’re meant to frustrate the audience at times and piss people off, because that’s just human nature. no one can be perfect, but lorelai is definitely a really great mom. she just has deep-seated issues when it comes to things like boys and intimacy and secret keeping, which given her upbringing is kind of hard to put her down for (though it does drive me crazy at times). anyway yeah, idk, my point is that of course she can’t be perfect but compared to a lot of moms (both in fiction and irl) she does pretty damn well.
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teruthecreator · 4 years
2, 6, and 12 for the 3 songs asks?
hey, guess who forgot u sent this? i did! hgbrjbgjbrhg anyway so 
2. three last songs you listened to 
well the song i’m listening to rn as i write this is CHERRY BOMB by Tyler the Creator, off the album of the same name! fair warning, if you go to that link and you’re wearing headphones, it is advised you turn it Wayyyyyyyy down as this song will likely snipe ur eardrums if not. idk why i’ve recently become so obsessed w this bop, but it blends this like harsh, grating bass with these beautiful little soft moments and this like beat that just feels so Confrontational im just….hhhhh it’s Good. i recommend highly, i just suggest you turn it down. 
after that it’s THE BROWN STAINS OF DARKEESE LATIFAH PART 6-12 (Remix) by Tyler the Creator, off the Cherry Bomb album. i have No Idea what the title means, but this is just a hands-down bop and vibe. the beat is funky and like the little synth noises in the back are just interesting, and the cuts between the little bridges and the verses is so jarring but also it works?? idk i really like tyler, the creator,,, 
and the last one is Say So by Doja Cat off her most recent album Hot Pink! doja is just kinda iconic on her own, but this song is funky and has those sexy vibes she’s always going for, and i just fucks w it real hard man!! it slaps!! she’s also Incredibly Pretty so like yep yep uh huh ill listen to your music you are Very Pretty. also everyone thinks she says “hot and moaning” in one of the chorus lyrics, and i had to look on genius to check (it’s not, but you can hear that phrase if ur looking for it AND hear the actual lyric if ur looking for it. i found that very funny.) 
6. three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible) 
can i be honest here??? can i sit down and just be real w yall?? i don’t think i’ve ever heard a song that’s, like, Objectively terrible. it might be because my scope is extremely limited (since i find my favorites and then just listen to those for the rest of Time), or because i can find musical merit in even genres i’m not an active fan of. but i don’t think any song i’ve ever heard i’ve ever been like “oh, this is Awful and should never exist!” like if someone tells me an album is bad, i tend to stay away from it anyway, so it’s not like i can have an opinion of it Myself (bc i trust my friends music tastes but that doesn’t necessarily mean the album shouldnt Exist). also i’ll watch anthony fantano’s reviews and sort of decide if something piques my interest and seems to have critical merit enough to check out, but most of the time i watch reviews for albums i’m already a Huge Fan of (coughcoughIGORcoughcough). but…yeah! i don’t have an answer for this one! 
12. three favourite songs from video games 
Fallen Down from Undertale by Toby Fox. hands down, this is The Best song on the entire soundtrack, and i will defend that to my dying days. if you want to be transported to the fondest, rustic, most tender and emotional memories of places you’ve never even Been To, you listen to this song. if you’ve never felt the gentle embrace of a parental figure after you’ve had a nightmare, you listen to this song. if you want to cry your eyes out over the time lost in your life already, you listen to this song. if you want to think of World’s Best Mom, Toriel Dreemurr, You Listen To This Song. i once had a full-on out of body Experience playing Minecraft and playing this song on loop. this song is fucking amazing, Megalovania can suck my whole ass 
SPEAKING OF SONGS THAT WILL MAKE YOU EMOTIONAL, BUT ALMOST IN THE ENTIRELY OPPOSITE (BUT NOT RLLY) SENSE, Vs. Susie from Deltarune by Toby Fox gives you the instinct to rock out but also Cry at the same exact fucking time!!! how does this man keep doing it!!! i think i might be a Little biased bc susie is my absolute favorite character from Deltarune (and maybe even the whole franchise, if im being honest), but just that crooning guitar rift towards the end is so telling of her emotional state during this point of the game and every time i replay deltarune i just have to let this song play out a couple times bc its Such a short scene. i really hope this theme comes back when the full game gets released, it is an absolute bop and a heart-puller. 
last but not least, my absolute favorite banger from a game series is…. ASSGORE (Fingerfückung) by BotanicSage, using the songs ASGORE and Bergentrückung from Undertale by Toby Fox. yes, i’ve linked the original song, not the MMD bc i feel like this video deserves more love (the orig. has like 100k views and the MMD has over a million Come On People). on a serious note, the Undertale songs he samples from are definitely up there on my favorites from Undertale, but paired with the extra samples and the lyrics?? this is just God Tier. and the fact that this song was made out of Pure Spite is just the cherry on top. i Live for spiteful art!!! i want more of it!!! it’s great!!! we need more Fingers In His Ass!! 
(also if you’re wondering why all my favorite game songs are from undertale…………fuck you thats why jgbhjrbghjhrgh) 
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atlaslain · 5 years
the very rambly headcanon about cissnei and why zack adores her: by a crying kit
where do i start with this. i said i was gonna attempt to summarise how much cissnei means to zack and im over here like ‘HE LOVE HER V MUCH’. cissnei is... someone who makes zack question himself and his opinions, first and foremost.
their first meeting.  he’s never known a person make such an enormous impact right off. zack’s quick to dismiss the winged genesis copies as monsters, and cissnei’s quick to offer a different perspective: wings symbolise freedom, not monsters. they symbolise freedom for those who have none. and she dreamed of having them. zack’s so stuck in this idea of turks as these rigid, suited assassins and here’s cissnei, with this dreamlike view of something monstrous, telling him her childhood fantasies. he’s awed by her. he changes his views because of her, goes from ‘wings mean monsters’ to ‘we aren’t monsters, wings mean angels and freedom!’. who’s that because of? cissnei. sidenote that ‘freedom’ and wanting wings is later a very big thing for zack. HMM. 
her limit break.  ‘lucky stars’. upon adding cissnei to the dmw ( meaning she’s important to zack after one meeting ), the lucky stars limit break shows up. can we talk about how zack’s theme and imagery is blue skies, and the power he draws from his connection to cissnei is stars and fortune? the power enhances his ability to hit criticals --- takes what he already has and makes it better. hmmmmm INTERESTING. 
the beach.  their interactions here suggest a level of familiarity. he’s comfortable enough to be open with her about his frustrations and his foul mood, and meanwhile she offers him honesty about what the fuck’s going on. she tells him the truth about who aeris is and why the turks watch her. she tells him about the mess SOLDIER is in. since the implication is that she and the turks were sent to watch zack on his forced vacation, she likely wasn’t supposed to do that and chose to anyway, choosing honesty with her friend over her job. there’s a theme there with them, of making each other question what’s important to them. cissnei helps zack broaden his perspective, and zack offers cissnei someone to trust beyond just being part of her job. also can i add that them hanging out at the beach together is great and i love everything about it.
the second beach.  their meeting during zack’s time as a fugitive taking place on a beach is beautiful. whereas their first beach trip was bright and sunny and there were bikinis and swim trunks, the second one takes place in the dead of night with drawn weaponry. at this point, it’s been four years since they’ve seen each other and it’s clear that they still mean a lot to each other: cissnei is visibly upset to discover zack is her target, and zack is distraught by the notion of having to turn against cissnei or hurt her. her first instinct is to ask him what happened to him, what did they do to him? --- concern before the job. there’s such an obvious reluctance to fight that she makes one half-assed attempt at an attack and quickly stops trying, lets him escape. zack’s ‘next time, i really will have to....’ --- ( next time, he’ll fight her to defend himself and cloud ) is heartbreaking, and so is cissnei’s ‘this is my job!’, as if she’s truly in a place where she’s having to weigh her priorities and decide if she can capture a friend who’s been used for experimentation, and send him back to his death. 
‘use if it you think you can trust me’.  cissnei’s choice to give up her pursuit of zack? wonderful, 10/10 cinematic beauty. she gives him a vehicle, calls in that she’s lost him, and hopes he trusts her enough to use it. he does. he always would. once again, she’s choosing zack over her job. for cissnei, this is huge since it’s implied her job is all she’s ever known. 
gongaga.  first can i scream about how zack’s mother invites cissnei into the family. IT’S SO CLEAR SHE MEANS A LOT TO ZACK, EVEN HIS MOTHER KNOWS. zack trusts cissnei to look after his family, asks her to stay with them. he wants her there, taking care of the people important to him. sidenote, she was probably shown a lot of embarrassing childhood photos and told a lot of stories. zack asking cissnei about her family when he should instead be running away before turk backup arrives? he’s snatching this moment to talk to her as much as he can. dude’s starved for human contact, he’s been dragging around a comatose cloud for months, and cissnei makes him feel better even if she’s conflicted. the fact she’s willing to be open and tell him she’s an orphan, about her past? hhhhh.
and the rest.   he’ll never know cissnei was ultimately ordered to find and help him, and that she regretted never having told him her real name. but it’d mean everything. 
anyway, cissnei is one of the most important people in zack’s life and the fact that they always choose each other over their conflict makes me soft. 
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Complicated (Prt8) - Barry Allen x Reader
Complicated (Part 8) - Barry Allen x Reader A/N: Lmao rip. Feel free to message me if you have a question, if u would like to know more about the story, or if u just wanna talk lmao. oh also I can never find the perfect gifs 😵 Summary: After checking out the new crime scene, things start to get a bit hectic. Disclaimer: I’ve never actually watched Arrow, I apologize for that. If you notice any huge mistakes or gaps, please, message me and let me know. Constructive criticism is encouraged ! Warnings: suggestive themes, cursing, anxiety ig Word count: 2960 more or less hhhhh —
“Body was found by that bicyclist” Joe turned to the guy then back to the corpse, “Same M.O. as the first one. The victim was performing here last night. He’s a lounge singer named Julio Mendez” “Julio Mendez?” Barry inquired, “In Flashpoint he was Captain Mendez” “Flashpoint?” I cut in, “Like your parents, Flashpoint? Ramon Industries, Flashpoint?” I paused, “You and me, Flashpoint?” I raised an eyebrow at Barry. His expression changed as he seemed to remember the time he spent in the alternate timeline. It went from a sheepish look, to one of realization, to one of embarrassment. Barry turned a bright red, and I couldn’t help but wonder why. He swallowed hard before coughing. “Yeah,” he averted my eyes, “that Flashpoint” “So, in Flashpoint, this alternate timeline that you lived in, he worked at the CCPD?” Asked Julian, trying to get rid of the awkward situation I’d just created. “Yeah,” Barry answered him, he thought before speaking again, “Wait a second, the other the other vic, Stuart Holzman do we have a photo of him?” “Yeah” “Can I see it?” Barry asked eagerly. “Yeah, hold on” Julian said as he took out a his phone to show Barry a photo. “That’s him” Barry said, his face finally turning back to its normal shade. “What is it?” “He was a cop there, too” “Damn, cops gettin’ hate” I added. “So this is the second dead cop from Flashpoint?” “Yeah” “We got to figure out who this guy is” Joe obviously stated. “Well, if we hurry, there’s still a chance we can get some of the attacker’s residual DNA before this corpse disintegrates, but we’ve got to move quick” Julian said. “What are you waiting for, Allen?” I turned and teasingly raised an eyebrow at Barry. “All right,” he smiled back at me, “come on” he said to Julian. There was a whoosh and lightning trail. Before I knew it he was back and had dropped off Julian at S.T.A.R. Labs. “Did anybody see me?” Asked Barry. “Damn, I barely saw you” Said Joe. “I will never get used to that” I said. “Look, we got to get going” Joe told Barry, completely excluding me. “Where you guys heading?” I tried asking nonchalantly, but couldn’t help sound a bit jealous. Obviously, I was new here and wouldn’t be included in every hang out or get together they had, but that didn’t mean I had to be okay with it. I mean, Joe’s a great guy. Everyone here is. The thing is, they’re great together. They’re a family. They know each other. They’ve all been through so much. I’m the outsider here, and I’m making my way in one way or another. “We’re meeting up with Cecile and her daughter for lunch” Joe quickly told me and I frowned.
“Cecile?” I thought for a second, “Work Cecile?” “Uh, yeah–” Joe started, but Barry cut him off. “They’ve got this thing going,” Barry explained to me, “And we’re meeting her daughter for the first time”      “Oh,” I realized, “Oh! Wow, okay–um–well, good luck I guess. You guys will be fine. Just gotta let your true selves shine for who you are. Um–I guess I’ll see you guys later then” I smiled politely at them. “Did you want to do something?” Barry quickly asked me, “Because I can skip th–” “No! No, that’s okay” I told him, “I was just going to go check out one of the apartments–” “Apartments?” Joe asked me.      “Yeah, I’m finding a place to stay at. It’s just  that I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get around the city easily. I’ve literally been here a few weeks–but I think I’ll be fine! You guys have your lunch thing” I tried to not show my disappointment, but Barry saw through me. “I can meet Cecile’s daughter another time. I’ll help you get around town, let me just–” “You are not skipping this lunch, Barry” Joe firmly told him, “(Y/n) just said they’d be fine, so let’s get going”      Joe motioned for Barry to follow him and started walking off. Barry gave me an apologetic look before shrugging. I gave him a soft smile and a wave. “Jitters later?” He said, walking backwards. “Jitters” I nodded.
     I watched as he jogged over to Joe. I watched them visibly arguing, even from where I was at. I watched as they bickered about the lunch, or possibly me. I watched as they not-so sneakily turned around to look at me. I watched as they waved at me when they noticed I saw them. I watched as they walked off and disappeared behind a corner.      I watched as they left me alone.
“Of course not, Cisco!”      I walked down the streets of Central City while talking to Cisco on my phone through my earbuds. Which, Cisco had made and designed both items himself. He installed a bunch of apps on the phone including a Meta Human app that could notify me of an attack.      The phone had been waiting for me when I first woke up. Apparently, Cisco had a feeling I’d be needing a new one and just decided to make me one. I was grateful, but confused as to why he had made me one.      My phone was in my pocket as I spoke through the mic in my earbuds. “What? Why not?” Cisco asked on the other line, “It has an amazing view and was at a good price”      “Exactly, it was at a good price,” I told him, “until that douche bag found out I was loaded with money and raised the price on me” “But,” Cisco asked carefully, “are you loaded?”      A lot can happen in two years apparently.      “I–” I sighed, “I-I have s-some money in a bank that wa-as stored for me back when … ” I rubbed my temple as I walked, “Yes, okay? I’ve kind of been doing my own thing with the whole money situation–      ”–a-and I may have parted some money aside back when,“ I dropped my voice, "back when Oliver was running the company,” I groaned, “Of course I took some money, I knew he wouldn’t be able to handle it, so, yes! I am, kind of, loaded. Jesus, I’m such a bad person” I looked up at the sky as I continued to walk restlessly.      “Girl,” Cisco started his pep talk, “You were doing what you thought was right at the time. You’re not your family and that was your money, too. You were being cautious and prepared” “But–”
     “No but’s. Your family did the best they could and it’s up to them to decide how that goes for them. Now, you have that money for yourself so you can spend it on a nice apartment. Eat a good meal, settle down until you get your life back in check.      "It can’t be that much money, right? I mean, what do you have? A couple thousand dollars?” “More like 6,” I swallowed hard. “Thousand? That’s nothing. Maybe you should’ve taken more–” Cisco tried joking around. “Million” I winced as I closed my eyes. “ … (Y/n)” Cisco said on the other line.      “It’s not like Oliver would’ve realized I took anything! Like I said, he did stupid things with his money back then!” I defended myself. “You are so buying me pizza this week” he told me and I gave a weak laugh. “Shut up,” I shook my head.      “I just don’t understand, you liked the place, why didn’t you just buy it?” Cisco asked me in confusion as he referred back to the apartment I was checking out earlier.      “I wasn’t going to give the guy selling the satisfaction of winning me over,” I rolled my eyes, “Besides, I have a tendency to buy ridiculous things–er–that’s what my mother used to say anyways” I scratched he back of me neck. “Dude, video games are not ridiculous–they are amazing” Cisco told me and I laughed. “As great as they can be, I still haven’t found a place that I really like” I sighed, “Also, I think I’m lost” “Keep walking, another 2 blocks, and you’ll find Jitters on your right” Cisco informed me.      “Really? Thank–” I stopped myself and stood in place for a second, I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly closed it. I looked around with a frown on my face, “Cisco–” “I may or may not have put a tracker on your phone” Cisco’s voice went up a pitch.      “Dude,” I held my hands out in exaggeration and shrugged my shoulders, “don’t put a tracker in my phone without my permission” “It was just for precautions” Cisco told me.
“Great,” I started walking again, hopefully towards Jitters, “I don’t think I’ll ever find a place”      Cisco was quiet on the other end. As I walked, I felt my phone vibrate. I took my phone out and saw it was a message from an unknown number. ’Yo u think I could help me out later ?’ I frowned at the number.      “Hey, you know, if you don’t want to go through the trouble of looking at more apartments, you could just stay with me for a while?”      I was taken back by the two suggestions. I was quiet for a moment.      “I mean–only if you want to,” Cisco quickly added, “It’s just that, being here, waking up, missing everything–it just all seems like so much and I thought maybe–” “I’d love to stay with you, Cisco” I quickly said, “I’ll pay rent and I’ll buy you pizza and video games and” I smiled, “thank you” My phone vibrated again with another message. ’This is Wally btw lol Cisco gave me ur # Just wanted advice on speedster stuff thought maybe u could help idk’      I hummed at the message. “Great,” Cisco’s voice was enthusiastic, “I guess I’ll take that pizza tonight. Dinner is on you”      I could practically hear the smile on his face. I laughed at that and we said our goodbyes. As I hung up, I went to respond to Wally’s messages. ’boiii Ur supposed to be having lunch with Cecile and her daughter stop texting me !! also y me ?¿’      I sent the messages and took the earbuds out of my ears. I held the middle of the two earbud cords and swung the tips around as I continued walking. I could see Jitters in the distance. I silently thanked Cisco for putting a tracker in my phone.      I checked my phone again to see if I had gotten any new messages. Wally must type slow, huh, that’s ironic. While I was at it I went ahead and added Wally as a new contact. I started looking through my phone for things to keep my distracted while I walked. Then, I got a message. ’Idk i mean after all u did get struck by lightning, too Barry’s also telling me to pay attention to our lunch ugh u guys r the most annoying parents ttyl’      I chuckled at him comparing us to his parents. However, I was confused as to why he would do such a thing. I mean, his sister was dating Barry, wasn’t she? I didn’t bother responding, but I couldn’t stop staring at that first message.      He was right. I was struck by lightning, too. Did that make me a speedster? Does it take a while for the powers to accumulate? Since I was in a coma for longer–does that mean I don’t get my powers early on? Or at all? Am I overthinking this? Am I not thinking enough?      Questions raced through my head as I thought of the possibilities. What was to become of all this? My pace picked up as did my thoughts. I put my earbuds away and started fiddling with my hands to distract myself. I sighed, trying to relax myself, but only became more frantic.      As I approached Jitters, I wondered if coffee was the best thing for me right now. However, I didn’t have much time to wonder. People starting coming out of the cafe in a frantic manner. I sped my way towards a woman of my age. Joe and the others could still be in there. “Excuse me!” I called out to her. She turned to face me with a sour look on her face. “Hi, I’m sorry to disturb, but what’s going on?” I said, my voice shaking. “There’s a metahuman in there, you should probably run” she told me, starting to frantically run again. “Oh! Wait! No, I’m actually–” I tried yelling and catching up to her.
     “You’re actually helpless in the situation,” she said, cutting me off, “Unless you’re the Flash or Kid Flash, I suggest you run like everyone else” She then quickly ran off.      I watched as she ran off, as everyone ran off. I instinctively reached for my phone to call for help–Oliver, Felicity, Thea–anyone. I stopped myself when I realized I couldn’t call them. A wave of anxiety washed over me again. I had to do this on my own. I couldn’t fall into old habits.      I tried calming my breathing as I carefully walked up to Jitters’ entrance. I stayed by the wall, creeping my way up. If there was a metahuman attack, I’d have to be extra careful. I slowly peered over the glass doors. I saw a man in dark clothing speaking to a group of others on the second floor. On closer inspection, I realized it was Barry and everyone else.
     As the man, assumingely the meta, approached the others, Joe pointed his gun at the man. My eyes widened and I took my gun out as I quietly walked in. As I did so, Joe shot at the man.      Three bullets moved through the air in what seemed like slow motion. The three bullets disintegrated as they touched the man, and the remains fell to the ground. I stared in shock at the way the world seemed to move slowly around me. However, the feeling quickly went away as the man spoke. “Told ya,” the man said, reaching for a pillar holding up the floor everyone else was on. “Freeze” I spoke, pointing my gun at the man.      The man stopped and slowly turned to look at me. He took me in, stared me down. He looked at my shaking hands and raised an eyebrow at me. I quickly glanced at Barry, giving him a signal to get everyone else out. Barry just shook my head at me, his eyes full of worry and panic. I looked back at the man and stood my ground. “They didn’t work when he did it,” The man gestured with his head to Joe, “Why should they work when you do it?” “Because I’m not going to shoot” I calmly said and the man frowned.      I heard a swoosh and I felt a gush of wind. Oh, thank god, I thought.      I didn’t move my gun, but I noticed Barry was still up with everyone else and that Wally wasn’t. “Stop,” Wally told the man, walking towards him. My eyes flickered between both of them. “Ah, ah, ah!” The man snickered, “You can’t touch me speedster”      I noticed Wally and Barry look at each other, Barry signaling hand movements. Wally stopped and turned to me, I shrugged my shoulders. Wally rolled his eyes and gestured for me to leave. I frowned and shook my head. He gave me a desperate look and I started giving in. I backed up, not completely leaving, but out of the way.
     Wally turned back to the man and started waving his hands around, I watched as, again, everything moved in slow motion. Wally created air funnels and the amount of wind caused the man to fall back and crash through the back glass door.      I saw Wally normally run out of the room, while everything else still moved in slow motion. I felt myself shaking, a lot more than usual. Everything returned to its normal speed, and Barry came running towards me. His eyes were wide as he approached me.      I looked down as I saw my hands moving in an inhuman speed. I dropped my gun in surprise. I felt myself start to freak out. I felt Barry grab my hands and keep them from vibrating. I looked up at him in shock. “I was struck by lightning, too,” was the only thing I managed to say. “(Y/n), listen to me, we need to get you out of here” Barry began guiding me out of Jitters. “Barry? Queen!” Cecile called out as she saw us rush out.      Barry didn’t mind her as he opened the door for me. He quickly took me to an empty alley. My whole arms were shaking now, too. The rest of the world decelerated and I felt electricity run through my body. Barry seemed to be the only thing that was moving with me. “Barry, what–what do I do?” I looked at him with bewildered eyes. “We need to get you to S.T.A.R. Labs” he told me as I felt my whole body vibrate. “I can’t” I shook my head.      As I did so, Barry slowed down. He stood there, slowly taking me in. I felt myself worry again. I was alone. Not even Barry could keep up with me. My legs were starting to shake harder and I needed to move. Calm down, I told myself, you’re okay–you’re okay–what would Barry do?      I tried calming down my breathing. Concentrating on slowing down. When I did, I managed to understand what Barry was saying. “Run, (Y/n),” his voice echoed through my head, “run”
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45 development q’s or w/e
TW for car accident (mention?) and death (mention?)
also uh. fetish talk? discussion? mention? i’m not sure what to classify that as
I said I’d redo this after endgame like cue and farren but unlike cue I did not do this in advance whoops
if a question is bolded that means there’s NEW INFO WOWIE
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Nah. *typically makes his OCs only children so he doesn’t have to develop siblings bc he’s way too lazy*
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
It was good! I mean I don’t really have anything else to say about it, but they were close.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Same as above tbh
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Yes. Holly. (And for that reason maybe Michiko but idk)
New: okay so. shit I guess I’m just gonna dump the big spoiler in this question right here.
Masashi has symphorophilia. He is sexually attracted to staging and watching disasters. This is ultimately the reason he got into his talent of making rube goldberg machines.
anyway. he discovered this after witnessing his parents’ car accident that ultimately led to the end of their lives. and yeah he told holly at some point about his parents so.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
In-game, usually just his ID card. Outside of the game, other than essentials like ID, wallet, etc. he carries mints around.
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Yeah. (”What are they?” shhh)
New: i mean. disaster.
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Tbh I don’t think Masashi would ever classify any dream as a “nightmare.” So… no.
New: due to his symphorophilia and how Masashi handles things, he wouldn’t ever consider anything a nightmare because anything bad would still be... well, enjoyable for him.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
I mean… probably. But there’s no specific event in his backstory with this subject so your guess is as good as mine.
(”Corey these are the worst answers ever” LISTEN, I’M SORRY,)
New: Masashi’s probably fuckin killed someone due to How He Is but I never created any specific moments like that in his backstory, so,
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
Yes. It’s higher now.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
He typically wears “more” clothing but he’s not more comfortable with that. He’s indifferent, he’ll wear whatever.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Masashi doesn’t really… get afraid. I mean he would have during his childhood but again, no specific event.
He’s definitely experiencing something in-game that could… potentially be classified as making him “afraid” but spoilers. And it’s not really related to the mutual-killing biz.
New: Here I mean before discovering his fetish, but again, nothing personally developed by me. ha ha ha I suck at developing ocs okay- 
As for the second part, uh... I honestly can’t remember what I was referring to LMAO
but I can definitely say his feelings for Holly have made him “afraid”, at least in some sort. he’s never actually cared for anyone and he knows that he won’t be afraid to hurt her even though he cares for her, because hurting someone he cares about? delightful. but yeah he’s also rational (I mean in some cases) and doesn’t want to do that to someone he cares about, he just... knows he would.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
he always calm
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
Not at all.
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?
… Both. Neither one easier than the other.
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Both/yes? For spoiler reasons unfortunately.
New: people with money and material possessions tend to hold power and are looked up to. and if people are looking up to him he can manipulate them in the name of disaster ahyuck. so yeah he wants money and whatnot
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Happiness. That ultimately drives everything he does.
New: Sating his fetish drives everything he does.... which is his happiness, as unfortunate and awful as that is.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
One of those toy piano things.
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
I’d say either, but in-game points to ambition.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
Ha ha ha spoiler question. Yes, yes it has.
New: Honestly all the modified questions should be very predictable for you now. his biggest flaw is his lack of empathy and actually caring about anyone due to his symphorophilia. so he tends to just have his fun with people before doing something stupid. ...actually this still applies to the very rare case he actually does care about someone, like holly, because he’ll still do something stupid eventually.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Masashi would just make observations rather than compare himself to someone, although the times he ever would compare himself to others would be for both self-validation and self-criticism… for spoiler reasons.
New: if someone is well-respected and trusted, Mash is going to Copy The Shit Out of Them... because he wants to gain trust from people. ...I didn’t do this in game because I’m a moron but. y’know
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
…He wouldn’t really care either way.
22. What does your character like in other people?
Spoiler question.
(”Corey how is that even possible for this one” HEY I’M TRYING OKAY)
New: Masashi doesn’t really “““like”““ people, so what he likes to see in other people is naivety and gullibility and... y’know. things that make it easy to manipulate them. thanks
Holly is... complicated and deserves her own post. even if it isn’t long-winded, especially because it’s me we’re talking about and I don’t go in-depth with anything
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
See above.
New: people like Yuka who are very wary of others and not willing to put trust in like anyone. (sorry Yuka you were the first example to come to mind i love her tho)
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
See above, even though that probably gives away the answer to this one in some manner.
New: He doesn’t really... “trust” people? but like he isn’t wary of them... he’ll go along with a lot of things. If people screw him over, well.. he’d enjoy it. Ugh
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
He’s very quick to suspect someone else, but only because it doesn’t change his opinion of them. Like… he doesn’t care. As usual.
26. How does your character behave around children?
Same as around anyone else, really. Polite. Agreeable. Nice. hhhhh
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
It’s kinda situational depending on who’s confronting him. In most cases he’d just try to defuse the situation/appease the person. In the other cases he’d just instigate them further and generally be a smug asshole oops.
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Slow. Masashi’s a noodle, he won’t resort to physical violence unless, somehow, he’s absolutely certain he’d prevail. …I really can’t see that situation happening in a normal 1v1 type confrontation.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Being a musician à la piano (hi Ayato). It did not come true, obviously.
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Uh, pretty much nothing.
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
Anywhere with a person/people that trust him.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
The opposite of the above, I guess? But like… it’s hard to answer this and the one above like I want without spoiler so… next.
New: AGAIN, ANSWERS ARE VERY PREDICTABLE NOW I’M SURE. It’s not possible for Masashi to feel uncomfortable... I mean, like, it is, but he’d most likely be enjoying whatever the hell is happening, so... paradox, dude.
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
Unless the criticism is coming from a select few people, he won’t give a shit about it and would just blow it off/ignore it.
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
He’d stop and reevaluate whatever the situation is, and either keep trying the same solution/method after minor adjustments or move on depending on what he feels is best.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
Less stiff/formal. (only slightly)
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Hard to say. Masashi doesn’t really “““dislike”““ people.
37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
Status, I suppose.
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
Is both possible
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
I wanna say no but I guess it’s always possible, especially if he was doing something incredibly ridiculous for a Rube Goldberg machine. Clearly not affected by it in the event that it happened anyway.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
Respectfully. … Not much else.
41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
…Mostly the former, but he’s not, like… spoiled/stupid about it.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
Alright I’m dumb does this mean like Mash depending on someone or someone depending on Mash?
If it’s him depending on someone, no.
If it’s someone depending on him…… does Holly count-
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Extremely easy, yes definitely.
New: Again, if saying “I love you” helps him gain more points/trust/whatever with someone, he has no problem saying it. And he never means it.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Nothing. He’ll cease existing, that’s the end, whatever. It doesn’t scare him, no.
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