#anyway. i had a really fun time with my best friend last night. we haven't been able to go to a lot of Pride events
belle--ofthebrawl · 9 months
Some plans fell through due to the flu so now I'm stuck at home thinking about the things Aether and Dew did in the two days before they went to go see Omega.
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anonymousicecream · 2 months
Rivals at School? More like on Bed Pt II (Karina x M Reader)
It's been a week after your encounter with Karina, and safe to say, you have been disappointed. Her actions on you has contrasted everything she did on that very day. That day, you thought that you can get her back again after you lost her but after a week, you realized that it'll be harder to get her back again.
"Yo! Are you coming to Giselle's party?" Your best friend, Niki, asked you while you were staring off into the distance, not looking at anything, except for a certain person named Yu Jimin. "Huh?" You asked her, blanking out. "Giselle's party. Are you going?" Niki asked you. "Sure I guess. I need to release some steam." You told him, and he nodded, signaling that he'll go with you.
(Timeskip to that night)
Since it's a party, you preferred going by car instead of bike, so someone random can drive you if you got too drunk. This time round, you wanted to drive your Pagani Zonda, but it was used by your father. So you're forced to take your bike again and ride it to Giselle's mansion, which arguably has the same size as yours, but your estate has different mansions and has a larger land, so yours is definitely bigger.
You parked your car at the side, before walking into the party, spotting Giselle as she also spotted you. "Y/N!!!!" Giselle screamed as she saw you, rushing towards you. You opened your arms out and she hugged you as you hug her back. "How has it been bro? I haven't seen you in ages." She asks you. "Great man. Life has been a bit tough, but the positives outweigh the negatives. What about you?" You replied. "Great. I'm starting my college applications, and life is getting more fun day by day. Anyway, are you still fucking random girls?" She asks you, and the two of you laughed. "Not really. I had someone, but she left." You told her, which saw her mood and face change. "Follow me." She instructed you, and you followed her.
It didn't take long before she guided you to one of the sofas, and on the sofa, you spotted Jimin, the very person you want to avoid. "So, Jimin, this is y/n, and y/n, this is Jimin." Giselle introduced the two of you and you two played it off as if you guys don't know each other.
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"So, y/n here was just telling me about how his last fling left him. Please, proceed." Giselle told you to. You felt hesitant because you and Jimin know who your last fling is, and it'll be awkward to explain it in front of Jimin. But, since Aeri wanted you to explain, you decide to do it anyway, "for an old friend".
"So, we knew each other for a year and a half by that point. It happened during an outing to Jeju. As usual, my family and I visit Jeju during the summer. She happened to go there as well. We had a chat and one thing led to another, we decided to go partying a few nights later and we fucked! That's about it." You explained briefly to the two girls on how you met her.
"So, you said it was your last fling. How did you two stopped?" Jimin asked you, and you glared at her, because she knew EXACTLY how it ended. "Well, a few months go by, and we've been constantly hooking up, almost daily. It got to the point where deep down, both of our families knew there was something, but they weren't sure what that was. One day, after I finished school, I met up with her, and she just immediately told me, "you're so fucking stupid. Let's just stop. Fuck you," and left immediately. Ever since then, we haven't really interacted much but even when we interact, it's been insults made towards me." You told the two of her, and the two of them stared at you, trying to imagine the pain you went through.
You felt stressed but at the same time relieved, so you grab a bottle of vodka on the table and started drinking it FROM the bottle. You started chugging it while Aeri left you and Jimin to be alone. "Y/n, stop. Please." Jimin told you, but you ignored her words. "Y/N!" She screamed at you, before forcefully grabbing the bottle from you.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU KNOW YOU'RE RIDING BACK HOME, SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DRINKING???" Jimin screamed at you and you composed yourself before shouting back at her. "WHY DO YOU CARE? YOU WERE THERE WHEN I DIDN'T NEED YOU BUT WHEN I WAS DOWN AT MY WORST, YOU LEFT MY FUCKING ASS. SO TELL ME, WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOUR WORDS WHEN ALL YOU DID WAS BULLY AND INSULT ME!" This left Jimin stunned and speechless, as well as the others who heard your fight, because they, especially Jimin, never saw you this mad.
You felt the need to release some steam so you decided to leave the party, with Jimin following close behind you. You got on your bike, wearing your helmet before turning the bike on and you start riding off towards your home. You noticed Jimin following you intensely on your back, chasing you off in her Ferrari SF90.
Not long after, you reached the bottom of the hill where Aeri's mansion was situated at, and you started increasing your speed, riding at a faster speed. You tried to focus on the road but the effects of the Vodka were starting to kick in. The last thing you saw was an intersection, as well as your bike's speedometer which says 135 km/h, before you started braking due to your speed. As you crossed the intersection, you felt a nudge on your right leg, before you flipped over, crashing down onto your left part of the body.
The last thing you remember was the gasps of people around you, before you blacked out.
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pepsiboyy · 2 months
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(best friends to lovers) pairing: chris sturniolo x reader summary: when everyone has fallen asleep on your camping trip, you and chris stay up and watch the stars with one another. warnings: fluff, talks about insecurities, slight angst a/n: HIIII i haven't posted an actual story in SO long. love you guys, genuinely. please love and enjoy this for the time being!! xoxo, apollo
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"are we almost there?"
chris's vocal complaints were finally coming to an end when we reached our stop.
"this seems good!" nick stated in a proud tone as he plopped the duffel bag he had been carrying into the grass beneath him.
"i still don't know why we're doing this," matt murmered to me, causing me to chuckle.
nick had insisted we go on a one-night camping trip to "get away from everything" for a little while. it was something he saw on tiktok. the triplets invited madi and i to tag along. i had become friends with the boys in high school, and i was close with all of them, but chris and i seemed to gravitate towards one another significantly more.
"i heard that!" nick huffed as he went through their belongings in the duffel bag.
chris slumped beside me, his body immediately making contact with the grass as he took a deep breath. "finally, we can relax." he chuckled as he turned to me.
"i think they um.. might need help with the tent." i giggled as i pointed towards his brothers, who were already struggling with putting it together.
chris huffed and sat up to go help them while madi sat beside me. we made fun of them along the way.
about 6pm rolled around, and nick went through the cooler bag for food.
"alright guys, chris was really excited for this, but he made us all sandwiches." nick stated with a smile as he took each one out, each covered in cling wrap with a name written onto it.
chris clasped his hands together excitedly as he crawled towards them and began to go through them.
"alright... nick, madi... matt, and.. last but not least!" he cheerfully handed me a sandwich with my name written on the plastic. "here ya go."
"what about you, chris?" i asked, cocking an eyebrow.
chris's face dropped.
"no way you forgot to make yourself one." matt mumbled.
"it's okay, i'll share mine with you. i'm not super hungry anyway." i reassured him with a smile, and chris nodded softly.
"right, okay. sorry." he mumbled as he sat beside you.
once everyone had finished eating, we all started to get ready for bed. it wasn't late, but a day of hiking was truly tiring.
it was a summer night, so there wasn't much need for jackets or sweaters. i brought a pair of sweats and a simple black tee. no need for anything more, right?
everyone had fallen asleep, and chris and i were both sitting in silence. but i could tell he wasn't asleep because he wouldn't stop moving.
but then his voice pierced the silence between us.
"you wanna go to the top of the hill?" he questioned, pointing upwards.
there was a small hill beside our setup, and it seemed to be one of the highest things nearby. i nodded softly. "yeah, sure. sounds fun."
we slipped on our shoes and walked up, giggling as we tried our hardest to stay quiet.
"look at that," chris gawked at the view of the city, his eyes widening as he shifted to take a seat.
i gently sat beside him and pulled my knees to my chest.
it was truly gorgeous. the way the lights flickered and the cars passing by looked like ants... it was so bright in contrast to where they were. was that really what they lived in every night?
i turned to chris and felt my cheeks heat up upon realization that his eyes were on me.
"sorry," he quickly murmered as he turned back to the lights in the city.
i chuckled at him and shook my head. "if you think that's pretty.." i whispered before leaning back to lay down against the soft blades of grass. "you should look up."
chris watched me shift and gave the city one last glance before he laid beside me and crossed his arms behind his head.
"wow," he whispered, smiling softly.
i looked at the stars above us... each individually twinkling and providing a sense of warmth.
we sat in silence for a few minutes before chris cleared his throat slightly. "i feel like i'm in a difficult position."
i turned my head towards chris and blinked a few times as my cheeks grew pink.
no, he wasn't looking at me this time. instead he was staring up at the sky. but the moonlight along with the light that the stars provided perfectly outlined his jaw, his cheekbone and the bridge of his nose.
he looked stunning.
"what do you mean by that?" i asked softly, my eyes not leaving him now.
chris seemed to ponder for a moment before he sighed. "i just genuinely have no idea what to do." i stared at him and let him think before he sat up and propped himself up on his arm. "i'm so afraid but i'm so certain." he whispered, but his words came out firm - like he was positive about what he was talking about.
"what do you mean?" i asked, smiling softly at him.
chris didn't smile back. he seemed to really be battling his thoughts. "i have a hard time committing," he stated blankly before continuing, "i feel like i'm useless with things like this, but... i genuinely think i have finally received that push to let that go."
i watched him as he spoke, and finally, his eyes met with mine.
"it's hard, because i can feel myself slipping every single day.. further and further." he sat up and turned to look down at me. "i'm falling in love with someone who had seem me at my best and worst, and i'm afraid of ruining what i have with the person who knows me as well as i do." he whispered.
i felt my heart drop and my eyes widen as i sat up. "chris?" i questioned.
"but it hurts me more than anything that i have to go every single day pretending she's just my friend." he whispered. "but i'm so afraid," his voice cracked.
i listened closely to him. he needed to get his feelings off his chest.
"do you know how hard it is to watch your best friend grow up beside you into the most beautiful and amazing person you've ever seen?" he whispered.
i bit my lip as i nodded and sat up, scooting towards him. i gently reached to grab his hands and hold them in mine. my eyes never once left his. "i understand. because i do the same thing. every single day." i smiled, and chris's expression lit up. "i watch my best friend go every single day, fighting his personal battles and winning every single one of them. every day he's a better person and i admire that."
chris bit his lip as his eyes danced between either of mine. he laughed softly and dropped his head to look down, his bangs covering his eyes. "i just want things to work."
"they will." i whispered, causing chris's eyes to interlock with mine. "because she feels the same way."
chris's fingers gently locked with mine, and he bit his lip as he sniffed. he then pulled me into a tight hug, his nose burying into the crook of my neck.
i chuckled and held him tightly, my fingers gently caressing his hair.
"i can't believe i confessed to you in the middle of fucking nowhere," he mumbled against the skin of my shoulder, giggling softly.
i couldn't see him, but i could tell his face was red with embarrassment.
"better now than later." i whispered as i smiled at him.
chris pulled away and looked into my eyes, his bright blue ones looking even more light with the stars.
"can i kiss you?" he whispered.
i felt my face flush, but i nodded quickly and smiled.
and with that, chris leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, his eyes fluttering shut. he held my hand tightly in one hand while the other rose to rest against my cheek.
the stars glimmered a little brighter from that day onward.
every time i looked up at the night sky, i would think of the night my best friend confessed to me and started a journey we both desperately required, but had no idea was reciprocated.
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taglist;; @sturnsxplr-25 @vampiree-555 @wh0resstuff @jetaimevous @sturnioloshacker @lovesturni0l0s
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Don’t be a stranger, stranger.
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synopsis: after being all closed up in the mole hole you call home for weeks, you decided, even though you declined your best friends’ (Choi San, Song Mingi) invitation some hours ago, to go out all by yourself for a drink. You in fact did not stay alone that night, as Jung Wooyoung, a complete stranger caught you in his eye. Two weeks after you still thought about the man that kissed you so nastily in the bar’s bathroom stalls and ,unluckily for you ,you did not have his number to repurchase anything. Unfortunately though, people are people and people know people so nobody’s a complete stranger in the end.
genre: romance (strangers to lovers?), fluff, smut, a bit of angst*
pairing: Jung Wooyoung (non idol) x Fem Reader
word count: 7,7k
content/warnings: *mentions of reader going through a tough period, pet names (dove,darling,beautiful,baby,lovebug...), alcohol consumption, switch!wooyoung/reader, oral sex (face riding-f receiving), bondage, sort of love confession?
author’s note: HELLO THERE! God this took me longer than I first expected, sorry about that! I had covid while writing most of it and I had to take a better look at it once I felt better :P I still am not sure if I like it, my friend made me post it as I kept ranting about it lol. Sorry again if there are any grammar mistakes as eng is not my first language! ALSO, as I posted some days ago already, I have many fic ideas that I haven't even started preparing yet. Truth is, I'm trying to get myself in uni, so it's exam season for me and I don't have the time nor the mental capacity to process anything. In addition, I won't be that active! Requests are still open and will probably stay open as it's a new challenge for me. Hope you enjoy this one, bye bye <3
“Oh come on Y/N! Stop fooling yourself by thinking that you’re having fun doing nothing all day and end up rotting in bed. You’re too pretty and young for that anyway. Come out with us instead! We’re best friends us three and we haven’t hang out for two full weeks for fuck’s sake ”
“Thanks Mingi but I’d rather rot in my own bed than be around anyone right now. Or at least around anyone I know and anyone that knows me. I get your frustration and I’m sorry. I promise I’ll make up for it to both you and San.”
“Okay, I won’t push you. I just hope this method you’re using is actually useful to you and that you don’t end up choking on your own misery again”
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me. Have fun and drive carefully okay?”
“Okay. See you around, hopefully” Mingi commented and you couldn’t help it but laugh at his temper.
“Okay, bye then”
“Bye!” he said in a charming voice and you hung up
You’ve been going through it all lately, absorbing pressure from everything. Work’s been shitty and you keep grieving for your unaccomplished goals in life. Your parents still making a fuss about you not being a responsible adult, which you of course are, at the age of twenty two! If you weren’t you wouldn’t have been able to survive alone in this reality.
It is what it is and that’s been your motto for the past… Wait, how long has it been since you last went out? You don’t have a single clue. Did Mingi say two full weeks? Shit. You really do need to charge your social battery.
But what will it be? Charging your social battery or relaxing in the comforts your beloved bed provides you with? ‘Why’s life so hard?’, you thought and then you felt stupid that you felt that way over a stupid dilemma.
You’ve always been like that though. Always the dramatic one. Even in your friendship with Song Mingi and Choi San all these years. You’re like their little mature baby, as they’re both two years older than you. But you being mature generally doesn’t mean that you won’t make your own life feel like a kdrama series and ,like Mingi said, choke on your own misery to feel something.
You really do need to feel something though. Something other than tiredness from overworking yourself, other than empathy for the wrong people and to top it off, something definitely other than this big bulge in your heart caused by loneliness.
Mingi was right. You do need to go out and clear your head a bit. Maybe you should give him a call, they’re probably still out at your usual spot.
It’s been two hours since you thought about going out and you’re still clenching on the possibility of you doing it, instead of actually doing it. Why’s it so hard for you anyway?! You used to be every party’s favourite party animal, along with the other two of course. But why’s it so hard now? Is it because it’s late or because you’re just too bored to even get up?
And then, right when you thought that you’d never get up, you started missing it’s taste on your tongue. All you need right now is a very serious and dirty Martini. It’s just what will do the job perfectly and hopefully help you get yourself off.
So, now looking like a 90s elegant goddess with your plump lips, your slightly curly hair and your silky black dress, you called a cab and decided to be a bit extra with everything.
The bar you wanted to sit at is a bit too wild today but you won’t let that ruin your night as you already made too many compromises with yourself to get here. So, what you did was wander around in Seoul's streets for some time, searching for a new promising spot. The music was what led you to this specific one that you decided to enter right away.
After doing so, everyone started checking you out immediately. That didn’t annoy you one bit ,as it would normally, even though you absolutely hate those horndogs living around you. That’s probably because all your remaining mind space is covered with images of your order ready to be swallowed right in front of you.
Isn’t your lust for alcohol kind of sexual? Is our little dove horny other than lonely, or is it that your horniness was beclouded by the banner of ‘loneliness’ from the start? Damn, you really want to get dicked down, don’t you?
“Move! Let the lady sit!” a drunk man shouted and emptied a barstool for you to sit on, even though the one beside it was already unoccupied.
You thanked him with a smile and turned over to the barman that was already checking you out by the moment your eyes met his.
“What can I get you sunshine?”
“I’m not sure about the sunshine part, but I’d really like a Martini.”
“What kind?” he tried to specify as there are indeed many ways to enjoy a Martini.
“Well, there’s only one option to meet up with such hour’s demands, right?”
“Dirty it is then” he understood your statement and began the process of preparing it for you.
During that one minute that made up your order’s preparation time, you took your chance and started browsing the place. You never thought you’d ever visit a place like this in Seoul. It’s classy and really close to your taste in hang-out spots. It’s a nice jazz bar, filled with people your age and older dancing around, laughing, cheering and making toasts on their future which is something you and your two best friends always do.
You’ve missed them but you know they totally understand that where you stand now is only temporary. They both really respect and trust you and that’s two things that you can feel for certain when you’re with them.
But now is the time to relax and enjoy your time alone without having to rot in bed, exactly like Mingi said on the phone earlier. It’s your time to shine like the brightest color in this bar, just you and the company of your tasty dirty little friend.
“Here you go beautiful. Your beloved Martini’s on the guy over- Where’d he-“ the barman claimed and started looking for the man that spent money on your drink
Not even five seconds later, the barstool next to you got occupied by this stunning man and his sexy eyebrow piercing. He fixed his leather jacket and smiled at the barman before turning to look at you.
“Your drink and all the possible following are on me. Hope I didn’t scare ya”
“You didn't scare me at all. Thanks for the offer, I’m having this one today and no other.”
“Whatever pleases you” he said and took a delicate sip from his glass, what looks like to contain plain whiskey. Hot. “I liked the choice you made with it” he said and gave your glass a look-over.
“Really? I think it’s pretty ordinary”
“You can never go wrong with ordinary, right?”
“That’s right!...”
“You’re making it seem rare though cause I haven’t seen the combination of a good dirty martini and a pretty girl like you here before”
He does have a way with words, you can give him that. And he’s gorgeous too. His features are elegant and precise, just how you like it. He might even be the prettiest guy you’ve ever talked to, objectively speaking.
Maybe that's because of the bar’s lighting choice that seems to expose the uniqueness of his nose and the brightness of the sparkle in his cute button eyes. Or maybe it’s his charming smile that makes everything else feel blurry in this tight space you’re sitting and enjoying your night out.
“Well, you’re right. I haven’t been here before and dare I say I’ll surely come again.”
“How come? Your aura fits this place perfectly”
“My what? Can’t hear you well sorry!” you said and made him chuckle softly
Your heart almost skipped a beat by how close to you he got so that he made sure you heard him the second time.
“Your aura darling.”
“Oh! What about it?”
“It’s catchy” he said and made a cute little shake with his hands
“Catchy?” you wondered almost bursting in laughter after repeating his exact movement
“Yeah, you caught my eye from all the way back there and I can't even see that well without my glasses. You're glowing” he bluntly confessed and increased the tension in your eye contact.
''Do you say this to every girl you meet?''
''Almost, yeah. But the aura thing is the new adaptation I made just now on my usual script'' he affirmed your point and readjusted his sunglasses to hold back his front hair strands better
''Tell me about the next victim's reaction to it when you have it proposed for the first time, yeah?''
''So, you want to meet again?'' he asked and made you laugh while you were swallowing the slightly bitter sip you took from your drink
''I can’t say that that confidently but it depends.”
''On what?'' he asked and leaned closer to you, his elbow flat on the counter and his hand balancing the weight of his head.
''On how quickly you get me on my last nerve''
''And what if I manage not to?''
''Then we'll both enjoy our time together. Perhaps.''
''Sounds good to me! So, tell me more about you.''
''What is it that you want to know, Mr.-''
''It's Wooyoung''
''Fine.'' you said with a sigh, '' What is it that you want to know Mr. Wooyoung?''
''Just Wooyoung is fine. You didn't tell me your name though''
''I'll think about telling you when I assure your business with me, is that okay?''
''Sure thing, whatever has you feeling more comfortable''
''Right... So what'd you wanna know? If you don't answer this time either, I'm going to assume it was about getting my name on your list''
''That was one part of it but there is also another. Are you waiting for somebody?''
''No, luckily for you and unluckily for me that just wanted to enjoy my Martini alone, I'm not waiting and don't need to wait for anybody''
''Okay, I shall leave you alone then-'' he said confidently and stood up, ready to actually respect your solo night out, an action which made you see your interest in him clearer.
''Shouldn't you test my patience first since you took your chance already? Unless you want to give up on me that easily'' you suggested like you were pitying him but instead you were pitying your desperately horny self.
He smiled and sat back down before removing his jacket, all left with a plain black t-shirt covering his muscular torso. Once he carefully hang it on the side rail of his chair, you noticed the exposed and veiny skin on his arms. Shit, who is this man and how is he so good looking? Are you seriously thirsting over a stranger? Since when could you not resist your touch deprivation nor your imagination?
You closed your eyes and shook your head negatively, trying to control your hormones and hopefully shake them off too. You must not fuck with someone that you met just this night, you know that's not you! But you can't help but want to, I mean, who would judge you? Mingi and San would probably agree with you on the matter of Wooyoung being the most fuckable man you've ever held a conversation with. But holding just a convo with him isn't enough for you right now. You want him to hold you against the wall and ruin you like the little slut you are. You don't want to know about him nor him to know anything about you. Fuck actual words, you just want to speak in body language. What you also don't want on the other hand, is him getting your comfirmation to 'hit it' right away. You want to test him.
''Am I getting to you?''
''I wouldn't say that. I'm a hard person to please'' you said and you did not lie. You are a very hard person to please. Mingi and San have arranged several dates for you these past two weeks just to get you off your mind and finally out of your house. Numerous guys are head over heels for you but you always refuse the deal or never show up. And now? What the heck is happening to you now? Why's this random guy, Wooyoung, and his pretty little mole under his left eye so irresistible?
''Then guide me through it''
Oh he definetly knows what he's doing and you're letting him. Girl get your shit together and go play bunnies already. Besides from letting him, you're also making it clear that you're enjoying his boldness, even if that boldness has a taste of indirection in it, making the whole situation ironic. You're both dirty talking at this point but choose to go sideways. Maybe you like the tease and the slowburn, what can one say!?
''Why? Aren't you confident in your own skills?''
''You think I have skills?''
''I never said that but I don't doubt it either. I'm a physical learner''
''I thought so''
''So glad we're both making assumptions about each other in these fifteen minutes of talking.'' you said and took another sip of your martini
''Mhm, glad we're mutually glad about the thing you said you're glad about. Moreover, I have an interesting ,I'd say, proposal to make.''
''What could that be?'' you asked while staring at the ceilling, mocking Wooyoung that way. The familiar sound of his laughter followed your mockery and made you look at him, somewhat invested.
''It involves us two, voicing our assumptions out loud''
''Where?'' you clearly misunderstood what he had just said, lost in your own dirty thoughts.
A devilish smile was formed on his face, along with an eyebrow raise and a slight head tilt.
''Wow sugar, I thought you being hard to please would make this take longer but if you insist-''
''I didn't insist pfff- what was it again? Your name?''
''Oh right that's the one! You think you have a way of getting things go your way but you're not the only brat in this bar, there's another one sitting right in front of you''
''Hm, someone will have to back down sooner or later though, won't he?''
''You're right on the male pronoun. I'm not familiar with backing down''
''What about bending down? Are you familiar with that?''
''Let's not go down that path right away. You haven't even finished your whiskey yet'' you teased and in just a blink of an eye, the remaining whiskey in his glass was consumed. He drank it all at once with a big swallow making his eyes tear a bit. Cute, you thought. He's as desperate for some pussy as you are for him to fuck you. That makes the situation more ideal and fair than it was before.
''Okay. What's the first assumption you made about me?'' he asked with a grin on his face, still wanting to give you the message that he's the one in charge of the wheel
''Hm, let's see. If I consider the fact that you're confident, a natural entertainer and that you value freedom and can’t stand being tied down, I'd assume and I think I'm rather correct, that you're a Sagittarius'' you said and ate the olive that had been soaking in your drink for so long without breaking eye contact
He got shy and scrached his nape in shock.
''You're right about all of it. Almost all of it”
''Oh my! Are you a Taurus?''
''No, you made no mistake in the zodiac part.''
''Then where was I in error?''
''Your error was found in the false fact considering me not enjoying being tied down''
''Oh c'mon! Do you really have to make everything sexual?''
''What can I say sweetheart, it's in my nature! And I think that's another thing we share''
''Maybe we do, I guess we won't be finding out soon as it's your turn to bring your first assumption about me to the table''
''I knew you'd like this game! Kinky. Mine was not as clever as yours was, I guess it was filled with more realism than cleverness. You see, what I assumed of you when I first saw your pretty figure from all the way back there, was that you surely had a partner. I still can't get my head wrapped around the fact that you're single''
''Single by choice!'' you exclaimed, surprising yourself
''I don't want to push you into saying something really personal. I'm sure you have your reasons to have acted this way. I'm also sure that there's also a reason behind you not wanting to get to know me personally, cause you haven't asked me a single question about myself yet. Again, there's no pressure, I'm really enjoying your company and our time together, we don't need to have it continue if you don't want to''
Damn. Did this man really figure your emotions out after knowing you for so little and with no content of you and your life at all? And that's when you realised... This is all you've been searching for since the night started! Someone to make the effort to understand you and actually do. What a miracle he is, truly. Is he majoring in psychology maybe? Are you suddently into getting to know more about him and his personal life or is one tripping?
''Another assumption I had about you was that you are a player and that you enjoy wilding out with random girls at bars. I don't think that's true anymore. What are you actually like Woo?'' you finally decided to be open about your interest in him and ask him a direct and personal question. You acting bratty-like isn't fit for all circumstances anyway.
His face lit up and he let out a big sigh that turned out forming into a loud chuckle.
''I'm honored by your question, really. I'm a simple guy, I enjoy making people laugh and I also love dancing''
''Do you make people laugh with your dance moves?'' you joked and he teased you by touching your nose gently
''You'd be surprised by my moves. Everyone loves Jung Wooyoung, the sexy performer.''
''I'll have to assess that myself, can't trust other people's opinions''
''Agreed, I'd also like to know about your opinion on 'em''
''Then what are you waiting for? Show me”
''Right now? I too had a question to ask y’know!''
''Save it for later then'' you said, implying that you're down for a 'get together' after today's night is over.
He smirked in understandment, got up, looked at you like he was about to devour you any moment and grabbed your hand. You laughed as he made you run your way to the bathroom stalls, making it easy for you to comprehend how badly he wanted you.
Once you reached the bathroom's doorstep and crossed it's border, he placed his hands directly on your hips and pushed a door open before attacking your lips.
Oh my! He's nasty! He surely know his ways around a woman and you're not God's strongest soldier. Of course you're mad he's stolen the wheel right from your claim, but his kisses have you so weak that you might as well let him keep it. You want him to keep it.
Another thing about him that you're now experiencing for the first time, is that him being bold is also shown in his sexual interactions. He's not shy to envelop the whole room with his filthy sounds and you absolutely love the melody they produce in conjunction with yours.
His embrace on your hips started to tighten before he reached his left hand behind and to lock the door. You broke the kiss to catch your breaths and both smiled while having your foreheads connected.
''May I?'' he asked while holding onto both your dress' shoulder straps. You nodded in agreement and he pushed them down right away, exposing your bare tits and having your dress fall on the ground, leaving you just with your pretty panties.
''Love the no bra look'' he joked and started to squeeze them, bringing your own beautiful moans on stage for him to welcome
''Slow down they'll hear us''
''Is there anyone you know out there?''
''Anyone you care about perhaps?''
''Then let's give them the concert of their lives baby, what do you say?'' he said and pinched your nipple, causing your volume to rise a couple of scales.
He pushed you further into the stall so that you were all helplessly stuck in it's corner, pressing onto you even more while sucking hard on your already aroused nipples. He got all the assurance he wanted by the way you told him how good it was in between your vocal escapisms. He then reached for your lower pleasure-seeking parts, therefore you felt his fingers trace your wet cunt above your soaked panties.
''I knew I got you good'' he said making you roll your eyes in disbelief of his still increasing confidence.
The worst part is that he has every right being confident, even on such a level. Nobody's ever made you that sexually frustrated before. It might just be that you possibly are under the Martini's spell ,but c’mon now, lying to yourself won’t work again.
You’re under Wooyoung's spell and you know it without minding at all, nor wanting him to stop. You're actually glad it's him and not some dude San and Mingi tried to hook you up with. And why is that? Because even though you trust them, you know that there's no other better judge of people than you. You were hesitant at first but now here you are not wanting to hesitate no more and wanting him to totally unravel you.
He rubbed steady circles on your clit, making it hard for you to hold still on your own. You wrapped one arm around his nape, pulling on his hair a bit, while the other slipped under his black t-shirt wanting to finally feel his muscles.
You both moaned, you on the feeling of his soft skin and his fingers pressing you harder down there and him with the way your pretty hands traced down his torso and went over to his waistline, ready to unbuckle his belt single handedly.
With a quick motion, he stopped everything he was doing and trapped both your hands momentarily in order to stop your incoming action. You looked at him full of confusion and his face got serious. He began to unbuckle his belt on his own, wrapped it around his hands and tightened it with his teeth. Finally, he sat down on the floor, head falling back on the toilet's closed seat.
He looks so pretty and slutty that you want to take a picture and keep it among your most precious jewelry. You smiled and put your hair behind your ears before bursting into laughter.
''What a good boy you are all tied up and sweeping the floor with your clothed ass! What for?''
''Sit on my face baby. Please''
Hold on. Have the tables turned already? Anyone would think that that's the case, he's begging for you to choke him with your pussy lips after all, how can it not be that?
''Please baby I need to taste you. Sit on it'' he repeated, looking absolutely stunning with his hands tied up like this and with the veins on his neck and arms becoming even more visible.
How could you say no to that nose? You absolutely adore that nose. You might as well have fallen deeply in love with it and the way it hits your clit while he sucks all your wetness off before reproducing it.
''Oh my god Wooyoung! Don't stop! So good-'' you managed to make up your sentence in between your loud moans and trying not to crush him under you, even though that's what he wants most.
His erection cannot be denied any longer if it ever could have been to begin with. His dick's so hard that it's now noticable ,not just on it's own but also by the way Woo's making slow and passionate thrusts in plain air.
It doesn't seem to cause a problem though, as his main goal is for you to cum on his face, tremble around him and choke him with your wet thighs that he so desperately wants to lay slaps on. Too bad he didn't think about it when he was tying himself up like the poor rope bunny he is.
Once he stopped tongue fucking you for a moment to catch his breath, you wrapped your fingers tightly on his hair and repositioned him, causing his glasses to fall from his head.
You're grinding on him, completely out of this world. His high pitched moans, his warm breath beneath you and his kitten licks while you're getting yourself off on him by rocking your hips in a slow and passionate rhythm, sends shivers down your spine and makes Wooyoung see stars. He's about to cum in his pants, untouched, just completely pussy drunk.
He didn't want to cum alone though, he wanted to share the experience, so he sped up the pace of his tongue on your clit. Your grip on his hair tightened, giving him the confirmation he needed that you were so close to finally letting go and reaching your highest with the stranger that paid for your Martini.
And that confirmation became a happening, an explosive one to be more precise. He twitched in his pants as you painted his ethereal face with your sweet liquids he so enjoyed devouring these past few minutes. You were both so high on pleasure that you didn't even notice the barman knocking on your bathroom stall's door.
''Hey there lovebirds, sorry to interrupt but the cops are to arrive soon due to the music being too loud apparently. I'll have to call it a night before they get here so-'' he said and placed Wooyoung's jacket on the door handle from outside ''Goodnight''
And on that note, he left and went back to his post. You looked at each other, both breathless, fucked up and dizzy.
Once you almost stabilized your system, you helped him up and freed him from his own enslavement. In return, he slapped your ass instinctively as you bent down to pick your dress.
''Holy fuck, I wanted to do that for some time now''
''Too bad you tied yourself, even though it was a pretty good sight''
''Glad you enjoyed it'' he said and smiled while helping you put your dress on.
When you crossed the bathroom's border for the second and last time this night, the barman blinked at the sight of you two and started applauding before waving goodbye. You bowed in reply and left the bar with Wooyoung accompanying you, contrary to how you first got there.
''So, I still got those questions I have to get answers out of you.''
''Yeah, I want to think of some questions to ask you too''
''I'll treat you to dinner, what do you say?'' he proposed, eyes focused on your lips again.
''I'd rather we prepared it together at my place. I'll send you the address''
''Yeah that sounds more convenient. See you around then beautiful'' he added his final line of the night and pecked your lips goodbye. “WAIT” he shouted abruptly breaking the street’s silence which almost made you piss yourself.
“What’s your name?”
“Oh. You’re right. It’s Y/N!”
“Okay! Goodnight Y/N”
“Goodnight Wooyoung.''
When you reached your appartment, it was like reality struck you down again. When you were accompanied by Wooyoung, all your problems seemed to have had drifted away.
“But now, looking back on the mountain of cigarette butts on my ashtray, I’m reminded that I can’t just keep avoiding all my problems. Instead, I have to take action and face them somehow. That’s what I’ll do starting from tomorrow!” you proudly announced and placed yet another such butt on that mountain.
“Good for you! But now that you’ve got all that figured out, will you finally let me, your favorite mountain, take some rest? It’s 5 a.m, how are you that energetic?” San let out his frustration in between sighs, since you woke him up just to state your philosophical thoughts on how life basically works.
“I’ll tell you another time. Goodnight sleepyhead, see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, that might happen if you stop clenching on your door handle”
“I will dummy, don’t worry. Sleep well” you said and he hung up without saying anything. You’re happy he even did you the favor and answered so you don’t mind at all. You need to get some sleep as well. It’s not an easy trip visiting and returning back from your highest point, heaven, anyway.
“Did your hair get longer?” Mingi looked at you surprised before sitting back down on his chair and handed your coffees over to you and San.
“Oh stop it you! Just because you haven’t seen me for a month doesn’t mean I changed that much!- Did I though? Is it bad?!”
“No, you’re the same small baby we love and cherish” San said and squeezed your cheek
“The same small SHITTY baby you mean” Mingi added in between coughs and received a death stare by San
“So… Any news?” San broke the ice and both you and Mingi laughed. For different reasons but you still laughed.
“How could she have any news to present when she was rotting in bed all day, going out only to empty her trashcan?”
“Actually… I’d like to talk about a certain topic…”
“Does it have to do with what you told me that night on the phone?” San remembered the conversation you had held two weeks ago, the night you last saw him.
It pains you and it’s been fucking your mood up for the past two weeks that you’ve had no contact at all. How could you have had any though, he didn’t even ask for your number! You really fooled yourself thinking you had saved it somewhere, that’s why you proposed dinner at your place that day. But he never tried sneaking it in your purse nor simply giving it to you directly.
You’ve been devastated and you couldn’t search for him as you don’t even know his last name. There were zero possibilities of you finding him and you thought that talking it through with your two favourite people would help you develop your new coping mechanism.
“Sort of”
“Are you going to fill me in? I have no idea what you’re talking about” Mingi said and took a disguising sip from his coffee cup, sharing a very loud noise with everyone sitting at the coffeeshop.
“Alright, remember that night you wanted to fuck that red head and then you found out that she was a lesbian?” San explained the timeline to Mingi based on their side of the story and Mingi nodded so that San would continue “Well, Y/N called me in the middle of that same night and woke me up to tell me about her remarkable life philosophies!”
“Wow! Y/N, I hate to break it to you but that that philosophical outburst wasn’t your ‘mc moment’. We all have those from time to time”
“Guys, my life philosophies are not what I want to talk to you about! Something else happened that night! Someone, to be completely honest”
“DID YOU CALL YOUR EX AGAIN?” they both shouted and stood up, forgetting about the fact that you’re having this conversation in public.
“Calm down! I did not call anyone. That’s the problem. I didn’t get his number”
“Whose number?! Do you have an imaginary boyfriend again? Are you in need of a prescription? Did loneliness turn you completely mad?!” Mingi asked angry and worried to the core but he didn’t even let you explain!
“Gosh Mingi, will you shut up and let me tell you about it?! If you want to be angry then go be angry by yourself, San will listen”
“San always listens” San said with a complaint hiding behind his wide smile
“Okay, go on. I will zip it”
“So, after I cancelled on you guys, I decided to go out by myself and I fucked this guy-“
“She’s not a lesbian San, not everyone’s a lesbian. Only the girls I like apparently. Go on little one, I’m invested in your gossip”
You let a small sigh and got caught off guard by the waitress picking up your ashtray and emptying it in the plastic bag she was holding. You gave her a soft smile and when you turned back to look at your friends to continue your speech, you were greeted by a so greatly-missed choice of styling.
Fuck, you missed that eyebrow piercing so much as if it is your alleged husband coming back home from the military. He was already hugging San when you caught your eye on him. Thus, he had exceeded your notice on him right away, wasting no time to stare at you with that beautiful smile you rode like a total slut two weeks ago.
He was wearing the shop’s uniform and had his long hair tied in a small low ponytail, his strands falling in front of his face causing a problem for him again. Too bad he doesn’t have his glasses to hold them behind this time.You laughed at the plot line of your thoughts, catching all three’s attention. You two broke contact only to just reconnect it even stronger than it was before. The other two took turns in towards who to look at.
With a deep shy and some steps to get closer to you, he decided to speak up.
“How’s the coffee?”
“Tasty” you affirmed his currently questioning disposition “Did you make it?”
“That’s right. I would’ve been more artistic in it’s making if I knew that you’d be the one having it.”
“That’s okay, just the fact that you took the energy to make it does the job for me”
“Glad you’re enjoying it” he teasingly said, repeating his own words that had you stunned that night, right after his face riding session. On that note, he turned around and went back inside as his duties as a humanised coffee machine are calling him.
San and Mingi’s jaws were dropped on the floor because they could feel you two’s tension, without being updated on the context yet.
“Y/N honey, can you explain one thing to me?” Mingi’s face got all serious as he placed both hands on the table “How do you and my beloved mate Jung Wooyoung know each other?”
That's it! That’s His full name!
“Well… I kinda sat on his face two weeks ago in that bar’s bathroom stall...” you said bluntly and San’s laugh could probably be heard from really far away
“Of course you did” Mingi said trying to cope with this amusing new information he just received
“Well, I would too. Never had the chance to” San supported your horniness’ random spike, receiving wide stares from you and your other bestie because of it “What? I’m just being honest, he’s always been hot. So what now? What are you thinking of doing now?”
“Well, I don’t know.”
“Go ask him to fuck during his break time. He’ll be more than pleased to”
“What? Why’d you think I’d want to fuck him again Mr. Song? And why now of all times?”
“Well, I talked about both of you, not just about you Y/N. You two seemed like you were ready to ruin each other right in front of us, right San?”
“That’s right” San added and crossed his legs “You have to get his number this time”
“I can’t just go and disturb him while he’s working to ask for his number! Besides, I’m sure you two can just give it to me. He’s your friend, isn’t he?”
“No. You’re not having it that easy! I’m sure he’ll give it to you without question. Just go and take it!”
“San, I haven’t seen him in two weeks and we were both drunk that night. We had just met too! It’ll look weird if I just go and ask for his number”
“So you riding his face with the view of a fucking bathroom stall isn’t weird? You passed through that phase I’m sure you can pass this one too and go fuck somewhere. Moreover, it’ll be a chance to get you out of your dump again” Mingi played dirty with that one
“Fuck stop getting me unnumbered guys!”
“What can I say, it’s duty calling us to help you get your shit together. Go claim your man before anyone else does” Mingi said and put his jacket on
You looked at San but he just gave you a little supportive push towards the door. You can’t go back now and lose this opportunity right? It’s the moment you’ve been looking forward to happening. He’s right here and you can use it to your advantage! What could possibly go wrong?
You’re just stressing over the possibility of him not have given you his number on purpose that day. Cause, how could he forget? How could he forget after leading you on so well? Were his intentions simply for a ‘one night stand’? Why’d he ensure you continuity though?
Nah, he’s not having it. You deserve an explanation, a really good one. He can’t just go and hit on you on a random Saturday, grab his portion and then not pay the deserved way.
With that on your mind, you walked towards him, watching his every move carefully as you approached his aspect.
“Missed me?” he said without even looking at you. He just so gently wiped a cup dry, your eyes focused on his grip.
Unbelievable. You’re unbelievable, so desperate for his attention that it’s making you angry. ‘He’s just another man, get your shit together Y/N’, you thought to yourself. But is he just ‘another man’ to you?
“Won’t you say anything? Not gonna ask me how I’ve been?”
“There’d be no reason to do that If you’d given me your number!” you mumbled
“What was that?” he said and finally did you the favour to look into your eyes
He completely melted in those five seconds of eye contact. He was ready to leave everything behind, grab your hand and go spend time with you, anywhere you told him to. But you, you were taken over by anger. You could feel the frustration caused by his absence drive you insane. You wanted to slap him for being so unbothered but you knew that’d turn both of you on. So what can you do?
“Huh?” he asked again as you seemed distracted and forgot to reply to his question or rather chose not to.
“Oh forget it Wooyoung. Good day” you said and sprang out of the cafeteria
Right when the air hit your hair, Mingi and San knew by the look on your face that something didn’t go according to plan. They ran after you only to be greeted goodbye as all you wanted then was to be alone and try to ‘fix yourself’ as you said.
You’re disappointed. Totally disappointed. Why? Oh, the answer’s simple. It’s that you should’ve accepted the fact that the acting in a movie is still acting, no matter how real it comes out. It’s not really life. So, what felt like a movie to you that night was fake from the start.
Hypocrisy was what bonded you and Jung Wooyoung together in your little head. What you do want is was felt real but isn’t. He was never really interested in getting to know you, he didn’t even look at you until you seemed frustrated! He just asked all these questions that day to light up the mood, that’s why he was sexualising everything. Wouldn’t he want to look at you if he’d truly missed you? You were the one who couldn’t take your eyes off of him, how could he not put the slightest effort after declaring his statement that time, that including him being so into you?
‘It’s just another man, you’ll be fine’, you thought to yourself again. On the other hand, there’s still this other part of you in your little head that keeps telling you to go back and ask him straight away, ‘Did you just want to have it served to you once and never again?’ but you won’t be doing that. Your ego’s too high to go this low with your actions.
You began to walk faster than before as you slapped yourself hard enough with your thoughts to want to have them erased.
You can’t believe it. How could he? No, the true question is ‘How could you Y/N?’. How could you let yet another man play with your feelings when you knew his intentions from the start? This one’s different. No, all he wanted was to get his portion and leave the rest to the table to rot. Fuck, how could I’ve been so stupid?
Footsteps and footsteps and footsteps and footsteps and-
“Fuck, why’d you run off like that? Do you not care about my lungs nor our situation at all??” he asked with his hand on your shoulder, breathless and with sweat dripping down his forehead.
You removed his hand from your shoulder and you turned around to do what you’ve been doing for the past five minutes, walking and avoiding your feelings.
“Oh c’mon Y/N! Are you really that apathetic?”
“Sorry? I was right there, you didn’t even look at me once and I’m the one called out for being apathetic? Please-“ you said and tried to walk away again before he sprang in front of you, stoping your motion “Will you please stop whatever you’re doing? Stop acting like you care so much to the point that you’ll get yourself in trouble, cause you don’t “
“How’d you come to that conclusion?”
“You’ve made it very clear Woo. You didn’t try to keep in touch, you just wanted your dose and that’s where you put your period when you got it.“
“I didn’t get my dose though”
“Oh, I see. Let’s blame the neighbours for calling the cops and interruptinh our private session now, that’s all we have left to blame and do anyway”
“No, we haven’t done everything yet. I haven’t asked you what I meant to ask you. That’s why I ran all this way, putting myself in trouble for doing so. I might lose my job for this but I don’t care. But for you, I do care. So, why’d you not give me your number since I didn’t? That’s the real question”
He’s got a great point there. Not once did you think about it, why’d you not do it? Were you scared? Were you humiliated? Were you anxious? Were you-
“I simply thought we’d exchanged it already”
“So how could you have the right to forget about it and forget about me so easily? I went mad all these days, waiting for you, at the bar. You never showed up. Why’d you not show up?”
You then could recognise the purity in his eyes that you fell in love with that night. That excessive desperation that made your insides tangle. You know you fell hard for him, that’s why you let it slide, that’s why he’s not in fact ‘just another man’ to you. How could one be mad at him?
“I don’t know… After thinking I’d never see you again, I got closed up in my house once more. I didn’t want to go out and meet someone else. I didn’t want to meet anyone to be completely honest.”
“You shouldn’t do that! You’re too pretty to be hiding yourself in there. It’s also unhealthy.“ he said and made you smile, finally. He looks so proud and relaxed, like he was waiting for this moment. Just seeing you smile felt like the sun finally showing up after being hidden in the clouds. In other words, you’re that small sparkle that brightened his shitty day. It worked as a confirmation for him, your smile, as he understood how much you actually lovestruck him.
“So it wasn’t just a ‘one time thing’ for you?”
“Do you think I’d sweat that much If it was just a ‘one time thing’ for me? My legs don’t work well, fuck, I have to exercise more frequently” and yet came another laugh that sounded like melody to his ears “Oh, by the way- This is for you” he said and put a small and cutely folded paper in your back pocket.
What a tease he truly is and how you love it.
“Was that our receipt?” you teased back while approaching him closer than you already were.
“It’s a surprise. I’ll tell you about it when we have that cooking session we talked about yeah?”
“Okay, I’ll call you. I promise.” you said as you knew exactly what that little billet doux contained.
“Okay lovebug, I’ll be waiting” he said and let himself completely loose once he felt your touch on his cheek, before your lips met in a tender kiss.
He really can’t control himself around you. Same problem as on your first encounter. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, not seeming like he wanted to let go.
“I’m so glad I found you again Y/N. Would you have came to the bar to find me? Did you think about it?”
“I did but didn’t have the courage to. I’d probably meet you through Mingi and San though someday. I wish I knew sooner so that I’d keep in touch”
“Yeah, but we will now!”
“That’s right but for now, you need to go back. You’ll lose your job”
“Shit, I totally forgot about that.” he said and panicked. You smiled as he kissed your hand after hugging you. “So… I’ll be going now okay?”
“Of course.” you replied and waved him goodbye, him too.
You got lost in your own thoughts again, which this time were formed with his not probable urges. Your mindset is now set in a new theme, under the name ‘Jung Wooyoung’. Wow, you really are a lucky girl.
“Don’t be a stranger, stranger!” he shouted, blowed you kisses from afar and began to run towards the cafeteria’s direction.
113 notes · View notes
I Should Probably, Probably Not
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
WC: ~2.3k
TW: swearing, mentions of sex, making out, definitely pg18, mdni, poor decisions, bar bathrooms
A/N: this song is so Steve post breakup and I legit couldn’t not write it. Hope y’all enjoy it!!!!
Haven't heard from you in a couple of months But I'm out right now and I'm all fucked up
“Robin. Robsssss.” You tugged on her sleeve. Your shirt revealed a bit more cleavage than usual, and your hair had been done up for just one last hurrah before you became a senior in college. The gang had all decided to go out, bar hopping, but after the first bar, you all ended up going to your favorite bar and staying there anyways. You were sitting in your usual booth, all six of you, well would be seven, enjoying the last night of summer together. 
Steve opted out of the night, which you were more than happy about, really. Steve had broken up with you at the start of summer, citing his internship as taking up most of his time and distance would be too hard, as if your almost two year relationship meant nothing to him. But whatever, it’s fine, who cares about him anyways. You do.
“What babes.” Robin took another sip of her beverage and looked at you, cheeks flushed with tequila and rum. 
“I have to pee and I don’t really wanna crawl under the table or go alone..”
Robin giggled slightly. “I was just gonna ask if you wanted to come with me!” 
“Fucking mind melded we are.” The two of you touched your foreheads together before bursting out into laughter. 
“Stop, stop I’m gonna pee my pants.” You were trying to catch your breath, Robin looking anywhere but you because if she did, she’d laugh again. 
“Bathroom Robin! Go go go.” The two of you hopped up, grabbing your phones and heading towards the bar's bathroom, doing your best to keep your laughter to the occasional giggle. It wasn’t gross in there, but you tried to touch minimal surfaces.The two of you sat in the stalls next to one another, talking about whatever came to mind, and when you went to wash your hands, your phone in your skirt pocket buzzed. You pulled it out to look at who was texting you. 
And you're callin' my phone, you're all alone And I'm sensing some undertone
“Oh my god.” You said, unable to stop the gasp you let out.
“What what what.” Robin leaned against you, peering over your shoulder. 
“Steve texted me.” You whispered. 
“What did he say.” Robin answered back in a whisper. 
Your phone started ringing and you dropped it on the sink. “FUCK. Robin. What do I do??”
“Don’t answer him.” 
“Don’t do it.” 
“You’re not my mom.” 
“Hello?” You had picked it up on the last ring. Robin shot you a glare, peppering her hand along with your mouth, making fun of you. Her face made you giggle a bit. You heard him exhale your name. 
“You picked up.” 
“Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah baby.” 
You rolled your eyes, trying to pretend like the nickname didn’t make your mouth a bit dry. Robin assumed it was for her and stuck her tongue out at you. 
“What’d’ya want Steve?” You hummed, 
“I‘ll text you my new apartment’s address. You should come over.” 
“I’m drunk, not stupid Steve. If you wanted to see me then maybe you should’ve come out with all of your friends tonight.” You hung up, giving Robin a small little smirk before the two of you headed back to the table. 
“What a douche.” She muttered, holding the door open as she left. She missed the way you bit your lip and looked down at your phone. 
And I'm right here with all my friends But you're sending me your new address
Steve texted you his address anyways, and you liked it, telling him that you’d be there in twenty. 
It was only a three minute walk, lucky you. 
You were sitting at the table, now on the edge of the booth, listening to Jonathan’s new ventures while Nancy was telling Robin about some cute girl that came in while they were in the bathroom. 
You sighed, content, finishing up your drink, enjoying the company of your friends, but fifteen minutes passed by painstakingly slow, and Robin watched as your interest drifted away. 
She was correct in assuming the text from Steve had made you reel into your own mind, but she was wrong when it came to how upset you were about it. 
“I think I’m going to call it first guys.” You smiled at them, slamming down five, five dollar bills—leaving first meant you paid the price for it. 
Robin gave you a quick smile and handed you your coat. 
Your goodbyes were quick and filled with promises of seeing everyone tomorrow since you saw each other almost every single day anyways. 
As soon as you were out of the bar, you took in a breath of fresh air before sending the text. 
And I know we're done, I know we're through But, God, when I look at you My brain goes, "Ah" Can't hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts) Like blah-blah-blah (blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah)
This was not your smartest moment, but you were drunk, you were horny, and you were still in love with Steve Harrington. 
And Steve doesn’t do distance well, you knew that, but you weren’t expecting him to ask you for a break over the summer since you thought Steve loved you the same way you loved him.
Steve. Steve. Steve. 
Nothing but Steve. 
Not a single thought in your head was about anything other than Steve. The ways his eyes would rake over you, that stupid infectious laugh of his, his easily pullable hair, the kisses on your forehead, his fingers grabbing at your soft thighs, the pretty little sighs that left his pretty little lips—your body shivered the more you thought about him.
You chalked it up to the cooler air outside since it was almost midnight. 
Should probably not I should probably, probably not I should probably, probably not
One singular moment of doubt entered your head as you made it closer to his apartment. Only one moment. 
“This has to be such a bad fucking idea right?” You mumbled. But no one answered.
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
“Think of the consequences here babes.” You sighed, pulling out your phone, realizing you missed a text from Robin:
"let me know when you get home babe!"
You sighed and liked the text before opening your notes app, a pros and cons list has just got to help...right?
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
Pros would include:
Sex. Obviously. If one person was good at making you feel like a goddess, it was Steve Harrington. That man knew how to work your body like a violin, just to get you to make the sounds he wanted. You hooked up with someone a week after the breakup to try and get your mind off of him, but not only did you not orgasm, this bitch was a minuteman. 
Steve’s Arms. No explanation needed. 
Seeing Steve after a couple of months. You missed him, of course you missed him. Falling out of love is a difficult process and while the post breakup glow up is real, and beautiful, you couldn’t help but wonder how it affected Steve. He was one of the prettiest people you had ever met, so why wouldn’t he get even hotter? 
Steve’s Hair.
Being able to see Steve and be held by Steve. God you were desperate, it felt embarrassing. 
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
Seeing Steve. Obviously. That was going to wreck you. If you go and see him right now, you might never be able to get over him, and while you wanted to be under him, this might be a bad idea. 
Learning to not settle for good sex because making someone else make you cum is clearly more difficult that you truthfully wanted to deal with. High expectations for sex is technically good, but not when your ex was an Adonis who literally was addicted to eating you out…that’s something you might never be able to let go of again. 
Seeing you tonight Fuck it, it's fine
More Pros than Cons. Clear winner in your eyes. 
Yes, I know that he's my ex But can't two people reconnect? I only see him as a friend (The biggest lie I ever said)
It’s not like he said to come over and rekindle your relationship. You’re just…hooking up, friends with benefits. God you were a booty call for him. 
You haven’t seen him since May, since he broke up with you. At least he had the decency to do it in person, before he left. What a great guy. 
You're not sure who you're trying to lie to, but it doesn't stop you anyways.
Now I'm gettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans I know I should stop, but I can't And I told my friends I was asleep But I never said where or in whose sheets
You double checked the numbers on the brownstone with the text he had sent you, confirming you were standing outside the right place. 
You shot Robin a quick text, hoping she wouldn’t notice that you got home too quickly this time. 
“About to get in bed! Kiss kiss bitch” 
“Sweet dreams babes ;) <3” 
“You have no idea.” You mumbled, walking into the apartment complex once you had been buzzed in. 
And I pull up to your place on the second floor And you're standing, smiling at the door And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men But I really can't remember when
“Missed me Harrington?” 
“How could I not, gorgeous.” 
“Who let you get hotter. Certainly wasn’t me.” You smirked at him, still feeling the liquid courage you had downed earlier. He looked good. You could spend all night eating him up, and you were going to. His tan was back, freckles along his face, and probably arms and back--you were surprised you weren't drooling when you looked at him.
“I could say the same for you. That’s a good look on you, how come you didn’t dress like that for me.” 
He was looking at you and you simply couldn’t decipher which emotion he was feeling. You saw lust, front and present, but there was a wave of something that kept flashing through. 
“You never asked.” You crossed your arms, grateful for the shirt you had chosen for the night, watching as Steve tried to give you the decency of pretending like he wasn’t staring at your chest. “Gonna make a girl stand in the hallway Harrington or…?” 
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
Steve took one step forward and pulled you into him, lips on yours. You could melt right then and there, letting out a soft moan into his mouth. He tasted like bourbon and smoke and chapstick, plus something you never could figure out—Steve. He tasted like Steve. 
Your hands were around his neck, yanking on his hair, earning a moan matching your own. 
His hands on your waist, pulling you flush against him, as much contact as possible. Sparks flew off your skin when his fingers pushed your shirt up slightly, giving him the skin to skin contact he desired desperately.
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
After about thirty seconds of making out like teens in the hallway, you moved your hands to his chest and shoved him lightly, making him stumble back a bit. His grip on you tightened, causing you to stumble into his apartment with you. 
You rolled your eyes at his antics, but your mouth betrayed you curling into a slightly smug smile. 
You were enjoying this, maybe too much. 
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
You kicked the door shut with your foot, kissing Steve again, wanting to get as much out of this as possible because you don’t know what comes after this. But that’s a later, sober you problem.
Steve moved his mouth down to your neck, swearing up and down how beautiful you were, how he couldn’t get enough of you, how much he fucking missed you. 
He lightly bit your neck, sure to leave a bruise in the morning, but you didn’t care, not even remotely. He sucked on another spot, knowing it would elicit the sigh he wanted. 
You felt a finger tap your ass and you took your cue, hopping up onto his kitchen counter. You’ll make it to the bedroom eventually. 
Seeing you tonight
You pulled away for a second. Steve’s eyes were lust-blown, lips kiss bitten and puffy, hair messed up from your hands tugging at it. 
“Should we…” You mumbled, watching the way his eyes flickered up and down from your lips repeatedly. “Do you…”
“Y/N. I swear to god. Just kiss me.” He mumbled, lips back on yours, sparks cascading to the floor. 
You got the memo.
Not a single bone in your body regretted your decision. 
Fuck it, it's fine
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anthemofgvf · 1 year
Endless Summer: Josh Kiszka x Reader Fanfiction
Part Four
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description: you and sammy have been best friends since you were kids, and being around his family was the norm your entire life. when invited to a trip to their family lake house during the summer, you find yourself spending more time with his brother than your best friend. and, one thing has been clear your entire friendship: brothers are off limits.
warnings for this series: alcohol and marijuana usage, explicit content (18+, minors dni), angst, swearing
word count: 8k+
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
Walking down the steps of the cabin, your legs grew sorer with each step. It wasn't unbearable pain, thankfully, but you were just satisfied that the day would be filled with relaxation.
You ran your hand through your hair, scratching at your scalp with a light yawn and fixed your eyes around the quiet morning atmosphere of the living room. It was around 9 AM; your were eyes a bit foggy from just getting up for the day. But you were quick to notice that Josh's bedroom door was open.
Your feet hit the cool wooden floors as you made your way over to his bedroom. You figured he wouldn't mind if you entered unannounced, but you chose to click your knuckles against the door anyways to notify him you were coming in.
"Josh?" You called for him, waiting for a response but not receiving one.
Your mind flicked between the idea of walking into his room or just going back upstairs. So, you scanned the living room once more before deciding to steal a guilty peak into his room and entering.
His bed was neatly made to your surprise, with his room tidy and cleaned. It surprised you that he had kept his room in a perfect condition, considering his chaotic personality. It was too quick of judgement for you to think that. Hell, it wasn't appropriate for you to be in his room while he wasn't in there.
Your eyes walked around the room, noticing a few family photos, along with some of his personal belongings on his dresser: his sunglasses, his wallet, a mala bead necklace, and his infamous camera.
The camera grabbed your attention, so you decided with another look at the empty room to pick it up and examine it. You weren't sure how old it was since it wasn't digital, so film had to be developed for it. You recognized it because he had brought it on almost every excursion, and you were excited to see all of the photos that would be produced by it.
"Searching through my things?" Josh entered the room, and you quickly fumbled with the camera and dropped it onto the dresser.
"Shit, I'm sorry. I, uh, noticed your door was open and came to see if you were up." Your eyes sprang around the room. But, with the frantic looking you did, your eyes caught the sight of his neutral-toned briefs that were similar to his skin tone.
His lips curled into a smile once he noticed you peaking at his briefs quickly. Your eyes widened and cheeks beginning to flush with your lips pressed together and turning from his gaze. But he just strode over to you, placing his hand onto the counter and leaning onto it with his other hand rested at his hip.
"I would've made myself a bit more decent if I knew you were saying hello. I'm sorry." He shrugged with a quick smile, staring at your adverted eyes.
"No, I should be. I shouldn't have snuck into your room." You huffed a laugh. "You doing anything today?"
He sighed, searching through his drawers and finding a pair of elastic brown shorts. "Not sure. Haven't thought about it much. What about you?"
"Promised Sam the other day we'd do something before we went hiking yesterday. Legs aren't killing me surprisingly, so, we'll probably go out."
"Sounds like fun." He said with a grunt and tying his shorts. "You have a good time out with Sam last night?"
"Yeah. We just sat by the lake and talked," you flashed him a smile, "I still feel bad about ditching you last night."
"Don't! It's alright, really. What, are you thinking about ditching me tonight, too?"
"Wasn't planning on it." You shook your head.
"Good," he patted your shoulder, "I'm looking forward to it."
He left you in his room, and you figured it was a nonverbal cue to follow him out. He had already made his way to the kitchen and grabbing an apple, taking a bite out of it and joining you on the couch.
Within a few minutes, Jake had woken up and joined you two in the living room. He made small talk with you both, not saying much. He was never much of a talker in the morning, unlike his twin, who never seemed to not be able to stop talking. But you never had a problem with it, in fact you liked the different dynamic. Although you knew how much Jake could talk once he warmed up to someone.
And then Sam was next and final in line to waking up, entering the downstairs with a cheerful greeting and talking over the day's plans with you at the dining room table. He had asked if you wanted to go downtown and go to the antique shops that lined the quiet streets, and you gratefully accepted the offer. Jake chimed in and said he'd like to join, and you both didn't mind the extra company.
You had asked Josh if he wanted to come along, but he insisted on letting you three go and take his Jeep, trusting the keys with Sammy and saying he was going to stay in for a bit. Despite your wishes that he would've decided on going with you guys, you knew he preferred to have some time to himself and spend the day alone doing whatever he pleased without a set schedule.
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
You three walked into the antique store, filled with racks of clothing and a few other items such as accessories and trinkets in glass cases. A soft melody played on the radio throughout the store, and it was comforting to listen to as you all began browsing.
You searched through the racks of second-hand clothing, flipping through multiple shirts and vests that were in pristine condition despite them being older than they appeared.
Sam followed you around the store for a bit, picking out shirts he thought you'd like and showing you the options.
"Having a good time so far?" He hung up a plaid shirt that he showed you, to which you shook your head with a smile.
"You seem to be asking me this question a lot. Do you think I'm not?" You looked up to him with a puzzled expression.
"Well, I just like to make sure." He shrugged with a coy smile as he walked backwards whilst you searched through the jackets. "It's nice to do something a bit different compared to what we've been doing. Was getting tired of the usual routine."
"Agreed. My legs have been killing me from all the hiking we've been doing." You admitted with a quiet laugh, making your way over to the shirts and tank tops as he followed closely behind.
"Eh, it hasn't been too bad."
"Liar. You dragged your feet up that last trail we did!" You pointed at him with wide eyes.
He shot his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright, you caught me." He put his hands down to his sides with a light chuckle. "Was surprised you didn't have one of us carry you up the trail."
"Josh told me the same thing! Jesus, what is with you boys and thinking I'm out of shape?" You shook your head and watched his face falter into a blank expression.
"We do a lot more traveling than you do." He tapped your back as he left you at the rack and made his way to the fur and leather coats.
Jake came to your side, sporting a rounded black hat and a smirk planted on his face.
"Think this might be my new look. What do you think?" He placed his hands on his hips, spinning his body on his heels and showing off the brown leather vest he had found, along with the hat.
You giggled at the sight, looking at him only for a moment before continuing your search through the articles of clothing. "I think it suits you, if you're going for a more distinguished look."
"Nothing wrong with trying to look proper." He chuckled and took off the hat. His hand ran through the roots of his hair after placing the hat on a nearby rack and finding a hanger to place the vest on.
He stayed at your side, watching as you reached the end of the rack and decided to travel to the next side.
You reacknowledged his presence. "Bored already?"
"Nah, just wanted to see what you find. I've got a pretty good collection of clothes at home, anyways." He gave you a shrug.
"Surprised Josh didn't join us. He loves this kind of stuff, right?" You flicked your eyes at him.
"Yeah, but he’s started to just stay back more whenever we go out. I think he’s sick of us already."
"I'd expect Sam to be that way instead of Josh," you pulled a pink lace tank-top out with floral patterns, "but I'll take your word for it."
You turned the hanger in your hand, examining the shirt before placing it back. You looked at Jake again, who had a knowing smirk on his face. You could only assume that he was thinking about how you mentioned Josh more than Sam, but you tried to ignore the intimidating look to keep your face from growing hot. So, you just left him to search through the accessories that sat at the beginning of the store.
"You seem to be spending more time with Josh this time around." He leaned on the glass counter as you picked through a few necklaces that hung on a plastic cylinder.
"I've been spending the same time with him as I have with all of you." You were quick to defend yourself with a shy smile.
"I mean when he goes up to your room every night." His smile only widened a bit after he saw your smile falter. It was as if he caught onto whatever was going on between you and Josh, despite there being nothing there.
"Stalking me and your brother?" You held in your hands a turquoise-beaded necklace.
"No, just notice him leave every night and hear a door upstairs close. And I know for a fact he's not paying Sam a visit every night." He mentioned to you he liked the necklace, then meeting your eyes with a cocked brow. "You're lucky Sam is a heavy sleeper. The guy can sleep through everything."
You clutched the necklace in your palms and made your way to the collection of vintage earrings. "Well, there's nothing going on, so Sam has nothing to worry about. If there was, you'd be able to pry it out of Josh."
He nodded with a huffed laugh and became busy with the collection of necklaces you were once examining before. "Yeah, Josh tells me everything. Sam's a bit of a secret keeper, though," he shrugged, "but I was just bringing it up because I know how Sam feels about the whole thing. He's always been protective over you."
"Could be because he thinks of me like a sister. Gets annoying when I try to have a conversation with one of you and he's just death staring me." You laughed, to which Jake matched. "He was just picking on me for my legs being sore from all the hiking."
"It seems like he's gotten better with it over time. Comes with growing up, I guess. And, if it makes you feel any better, I was the one who ultimately decided that would be our last hike of the trip." He set down a silver-chain necklace, then left you to roam on your own.
You watched him walk off, looking around the store for your friend and being unable to do so. So, you just kept to yourself, and picked through everything you could get your hands on. You caught yourself thinking whether Josh would like something you picked out, or if we would grab it himself. Especially when you found black mala beads, with a red tinsel hanging in the middle of the ensemble. You ended up grabbing it, along with your turquoise necklace, and went on your search for Sammy.
Sammy had picked out two patterned long sleeves, both from some time between the 70's, and you were surprised by the choices. He modeled them for you, nonetheless, and you all three decided to check out and head to another shop nearby.
"Are you sure the shirts I picked out aren't ugly?" He lifted the plastic bag in his hands and waved it in your face.
"I'm positive, Sam. Should've seen what Jake was showing me, earlier. Now, that was ugly."
Jake placed his hand on his heart as if your words hurt him physically. "You said you liked it!"
"Well, I didn't want to be mean." You giggled at his reaction.
"But you choose to be mean now? Starting to regret joining you guys." He dragged out his words with sarcasm. You just hit his shoulder with the back of your hand and made your way into the second store.
You three roamed through a few more stores after that, choosing to just appreciate what the stores held and hold onto your wallets for the rest of the day. It was nice to be downtown after staying in practically the middle of nowhere for some time, especially with the two of them. It gave you a chance to bond with Jake, which was appreciated since you two have never been as close. He resembled his brother a lot more than you remembered, and it was a nice touch to his personality that you admired.
Once the afternoon was coming to a close end, you all decided on grabbing some food for you three and Josh and head back to the lake house, hopping into Josh's Jeep and taking the long way back. The weather was cooler, the sun giving your burnt skin a rest for the remainder of the day and leaving you with a soft breeze every now and then as an apology. All you could do on the drive was breathe in the fresh air and reminisce on the scent you attached to home. You didn't care that your hair was slapping your neck with the wind; it was kind of comforting.
Upon arrival, you were the first to enter the house and noticed Josh was laid on his back on the couch, a book resting open on his clothed chest with his head rolled onto his shoulder. His breathing steady and the book rising and falling which each inhale and exhale, his eyes resting shut peacefully. His fro of hair straying in different directions. His most vulnerable state was one you didn’t want to shake, so you just chose to gawk there at him for a moment. You didn't quite see the book he was reading, because you just chose to watch with your back rested on the wall that enclosed the living room.
Jake entered next, carrying the plastic bag that held the products you bought from the first store and a brown bag with food inside. He absentmindedly set everything on the island in the kitchen before noticing you lost in thought. You seemed to have forgotten you were staring admirably at Josh, and Jake came over to see what had your attention.
He walked quietly next to you and saw what caught your eye, standing next to you with folded arms.
"Should we wake him?" You looked over to him and spoke in a whisper.
"Yeah, I got it." He said with a sigh. He crept over to Josh, kneeling down to meet the level of his brother and shaking him a few times. Unstirred by his motions, only groaning by the touch, Jake leaned into his brother's ear and whispered something incoherent to you, then shaking him once more. You had never seen him be so warm to his brother, and the sight itself made your heart melt.
Josh turned into Jake's face, eyes fluttering open as the book on his chest dropped to the ground loudly. The proximity shocked him, eyes widening and pushing his brother away from him. The motion caused Jake to fall back onto his behind, stifling a laugh.
"What time is it?" He groaned, bringing his eyes to the back of his hand.
"Around 4. Have a good nap, princess?" He chuckled as he watched Josh unravel from his sleep.
"Shut up," he groaned, sitting up and facing his brother, "is everyone else back?"
Jake looked towards you, and Josh followed his eyes. Sam had just entered the room, bringing in the rest of the bags and setting them next to where Jake had left his own and your belongings.
"Have a good trip?" Josh looked to you with a soft smile.
"Yeah. You would've loved the stores we went to. Seems like you just wanted an excuse to sleep, though."
"He's either up until 2 AM or going to sleep at 8." Sam chimed in while unpacking the sandwiches he bought.
"And tonight, I choose to stay up until 2 AM, thank you very much." He looked back to Sam, then met your eyes. Jake had watched the small exchange between you two and chose to ignore it to go join his younger brother in the kitchen. It seemed as though he was watching you guys more intently than usual, and that was something you started to pick up on.
Josh stood up with his hands stretched to the air, his shirt rising just above his belly button, then running his hands through his hair with a shake as he made his way over to you.
"What'd you guys get?" He pointed over to the array of bags.
"For food, we found a deli and decided to grab that to go. And as for shopping, I just got two new necklaces. Sam got a few shirts, and I don't think Jake got anything."
"Jake doesn't shop much, so I'm not surprised," he laughed, "let me see what you got."
You brought him over to your white plastic bag as Sam and Jake sat at the dining table, eating and chatting amongst themselves while you rummaged through your bag and pulled out your necklaces.
You first showed him the turquoise one you first picked out, and he held his hand out to examine it closer.
He admired it with a soft smile. "I like this. It'd look great on you." He set it back into your hands and waited for the next one.
"Thank you," you smiled as you pulled out the mala beads, "these just reminded me of you."
Your words had his smile rising to his eyes as you pulled out the necklace and handing it to him. His eyes lit up with awe, turning the beads in his hands and stroking the tassel at the end with his fingers. Even though these kinds of necklaces were a signature look for him, he felt appreciated that you thought of him and remembered that he loved mala beads.
He lifted his eyes up to you. "This is beautiful! God, where did you find this?"
"In the first antique shop we went to. I figured you'd like it, so I bought it for you." You threw the plastic bag away and watched his head violently shake.
"No, no, I can't take this. How much did this cost you?" His face contorted with confusion and wonder.
"Like $40. Was worth it, though." You smiled at him and nodded to the necklace. "I want you to have it."
"I can't accept this." He lent his hand towards you, and you just pushed it towards his chest, closing his fingers into the necklace and resting your hand on top of his fist.
"I insist, Josh. It's not my style, anyways."
"Let me at least pay you back." His head tilted to the side, his voice slightly lightened.
"No, you don't have to do that. Just the fact that you like it is payback enough." You gave him a satisfied smile and grabbed your sandwich to join the other two at the table.
Sam had finished the sandwich he got, crumpling the paper in his hands and joining you guys at the table after throwing it away. Josh had sat in front of you, already wearing the necklace, and eating with a wide grin on his face.
Sam leaned towards you and motioned his hand towards Josh. "Isn't that the necklace you bought?"
"Yeah, but he liked it so much, I just chose to give it to him." You looked at him with a shrug.
"He's got hundreds of those, y'know?" He furrowed his brows.
"It's fine, Sam. It's just a stupid necklace. Are you jealous I didn't buy you something?"
He shook his head slowly and folded his arms, hands pressing flat under his armpits. "Shouldn't have wasted your money. We could've bought that stuff for you instead."
You were relieved with the idea that he wasn't upset about you giving it to him, rather that it was a money issue. His demeanor was a bit tense, but you just chose to shrug it off. You weren’t caught off guard when you sensed the jealousy, even though he was trying his best to mask it. You felt like it was a regrettable decision; it would've been better to give Josh the necklace later in the night when you two were one on one, but then again, you decided to stop caring. It was just a simple gesture, and it wasn't like you hadn't boughten them gifts before.
Even though guilt punched at your gut, you just continued to eat in silence, making small talk with the rest of the group and finishing your meal slowly. You just focused on how Sam sat there, eyes fixated on nothing in particular. He was closed off. You thought about giving him the necklace you bought for yourself, but you figured he'd know it was a pity gift, so you decided against it.
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
As if the fire couldn't die down any sooner, you just bounced your leg on the ground as you watched the smoke rise, embers of ash falling every now and then off the side of the pit and warming your bodies with its flames.
Sam seemed to go back to normal after he sat next to you, joking about something that happened on your guys' trip and saying he enjoyed the time you three spent together. You let yourself feel relieved that he chose to just let it go, mainly because there was nothing to be upset about.
Jake left his guitar inside the lake house and chose relaxation for the night. Him and Josh were caught up in some sort of conversation, while you just watched the fire burn at the cardboard and wood thrown into the pit.
"Something on your mind?" Sam tapped his fingers on your own that laid flat on the arm of the chair.
You whipped your head over to him with a questioned hum.
"I don't think you've blinked for at least a minute," slight concern rested on his face, "was just wondering if you were alright."
You pressed your lips together. "Oh, just a bit tired, that's all. Nothing really to do or say out here."
"Yeah, it's more just to help wind down and get out of the house more." He shrugged. "We can ditch them, y'know?"
"I feel glued to this chair." You groaned and threw your head back into the back of the chair.
"You're lame." He said with a grunt as he stood up, tapping your shoulder and walking off without another word and his bottle raised to his lips.
Your eyes followed him disappear into the lake house, then back to resting on the fire that struggled to stay alive. You noticed Josh's eyes on you from your peripheral, so you tried to catch them, but ended up watching his eyes avert away as he raised his beer bottle to his lips. You laughed to yourself, noticing that Jake had a wide smirk plastered on his face with a shake of his head.
"What's so funny?" You sat up from your chair with folded arms.
"Nothing you should worry about." Jake shrugged, looking over at his brother before choosing to stand from his chair. "See you two tomorrow."
You cocked your brow at Josh. His eyes followed his brother, then fell to his hands. He fiddled with his fingers, clicking his teeth and bouncing his leg. He was frantic, a bit more than usual.
You decided to push yourself out of your chair and stand in front of Josh. His leg stopped bouncing, and his eyes lifted to yours with a light smile.
"You gonna tell me what you and Jake were talking about?" You let her head tilt to the side.
He examined your face for a moment. His mouth parted slightly, exhaling a laugh and looking away from you for only a second.
"Oh, just him being immature. Nothing important." He stood from his chair.
You only let yourself take one step back to allow him room to stand, but that didn't decrease the proximity between you two. You felt your heart thumping against your chest and allowing itself to be heard in your ears. Your eyes fell to his parted lips, quickly shooting them back to his eyes that lingered on your own mouth. Your mind was sent into a daze, any thought possible bombarding your brain with what to do next. How to move.
You swallowed hard, taking another look at his lips that you noticed were plumper than you thought and a shade of rouge pink. "Still want to go to the beach?"
"Yeah, yeah, let me just grab my keys." He nodded, placing his hand on your shoulder and left you stood in front of the plastic chair he sat at, with your mind still trying to comprehend the small moment you convinced yourself was an intimate one.
You decided to wait by the Jeep, replaying every detail you were able to examine of his face. You could call yourself crazy for obsessing over the way his face was sculpted, but you couldn't find it in you to care. During most of this trip, you didn't let yourself remember every part of him that your mind decided was good to memorize. Like the way he entered a room, or the way his hips lightly swayed when he walked. Or the way his tongue would peak out from his pressed lips when he was in thought. Or even how his eyebrows twisted and contorted when he spoke, especially when he spoke or told some witted joke that made himself laugh. His slight dimples that poked out with a smile followed by light wrinkles forming around his toothy grin. All these things you remembered, but all of it weren't things you'd allow yourself to forget. You didn't want to forget any of it at all, despite knowing how Sam would feel if he could read your mind.
Josh came outside, bouncing the keys in his hands and hopped into the Jeep without saying a word to you. You let yourself get into the passenger seat and watched out the open window as you drove away from the lake house.
It felt fun to risk doing something that you know Sam wouldn't appreciate, or, in a way something you shouldn't have been doing. You didn't necessarily care that you were going out with Josh, since you two were just friends, but something felt different than it did when you and him were driving off to a secluded area. It was as if the air had shifted and decided to fill your body with nervousness, but in a good, excited way. It had your fingers tapping on the window's armrest, and your eyes flicking at the scenery that passed you and Josh by on the drive. You and him didn't say anything to each other, but rather let the wind speak for the both of you.
It didn't seem like a far drive. You figured it was because your mind was just caught wandering about everything and nothing, all at once. So, when the car bumped over the grains of sand that lined the beach, your eyes immediately shot to Josh. His smile was light as he kept his hands tight on the steering wheel, parking his car close to where the waters kissed the sand. He immediately hopped out, jogging over to your side and opening the door for you with his palm opened wide to you.
"Josh, I didn't-."
"We're not going swimming, don't worry," he chuckled, "just get out of the car."
You placed your hand in his as you hopped out, keeping your hand enveloped in his when he led you to the front of the Jeep. He removed his hand from yours and hopped onto the hood. You followed right after him, bringing your knees to your chest as you watched the current smoothly rise to the shoreline with a light crash, then softly recede back.
"Oh, I brought gifts." He exclaimed, digging into his pocket and setting down a lighter between you two, and a rolled-up cigarette packed with marijuana.
"Weed, huh?" You looked down at the joint, then back to him as he gave you a proud nod.
"Been saving this for a special occasion." He picked it up between his pointer finger and thumb. "You don't have to smoke, if you don't want to."
"No, no, it's fine. I haven't indulged in a while, so maybe this is a good time to do it again." You smiled at him widely.
You watched his lips wrap around the end of the joint and lit it with his black lighter, inhaling sharply and pulling it from his lips. He held his hand in front of you with the joint as he exhaled the smoke and titled his head back with shut eyes.
You twisted it in your fingers for a moment and pulled it to your lips, taking a small inhale and exhaling with a hard cough. You quickly passed the joint back to him as you covered your mouth with your forearm and shaking your head.
"You smoke weed often?" You said with a strained voice.
"Not as often as I used to, but yeah. We all drink more than we smoke when we're on tour, but I know Sam smokes a lot more than we all do nowadays." He nodded, taking another drag of the joint.
"Guess that's another thing that changed while you've guys have been gone." You shrugged and decided one more hit wouldn't kill you.
His eyes lingered on you as you exhaled the smoke and handed it back to him. You could feel your mind overtaking your body and nerves with relaxation. Your limbs felt heavy, and you recognized the quick change to be the drug finally hitting you.
"Noticed you put on the necklace. I really do like it on you." His hand motioned to the turquoise beads that hung over your white tank top.
"Figured if you were wearing yours, maybe I should put mine on." You spoke. Silence roamed between you two, but only for a short fraction of time.
"So, you had a good time with Jake and Sam today?" He sprawled his hands on the hood of the Jeep, with the joint resting between the inner of his pointer and middle fingers.
"Yeah, I did. Was nice to talk to Jake. Don't talk with him a lot, so it was nice." You looked over to him with a smile. "Feel a bit bad I didn't tell Sam about this."
He looked at you with a confused expression, pressing his lips together and exhaling a quiet laugh.
"You shouldn't. He's not the boss of you. You're your own person, you know." He extended his hand to you as he spoke, then rested it onto the hood as he lifted the joint to his lips.
"You told Jake we were going out, didn't you?"
"Can't keep anything from him. Besides, I don't want Sam getting upset with either of us for no reason, so Jake is just gonna make up some excuse for us if Sam asks him where we're at."
You pressed your lips together and scoffed. You let your eyes fall to the ocean as you just laughed. Laughed because your body didn't let you feel upset.
"It's funny that we've got to sneak around like this. Can't be friends with you because Sam thinks there's something going on. You know, Jake said something today to me about how we're lucky that Sam doesn't notice that you come into my room every night."
"He knows I come see you after everyone goes to sleep?" He chuckled, shaking his head as he inhaled another hit of his blunt.
"Yeah, surprised you didn't tell him since you seem to share everything with him," you laughed along with him, "I told him he was a stalker."
His laughter grew as he pinched the bridge of his nose, finishing the rolled-up cigarette and flicking it into the sand. "Jake's an interesting man."
You let the laughter die down and tune into the sound of the ocean crashing. It made your body feel heavier than it already had felt. You had forgotten how peaceful the drug was, and how it had you on a euphoric high that you were glad to feel once again.
You felt his hooded eyes on you, and you let your head turn and meet them with a downturned smile.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You huffed a laugh.
He inhaled deeply, whilst exhaling his words. "Can I tell you something?"
"I'm glad we've been able to hang out a lot. I don't think I've enjoyed myself with someone with as much as I've had with you." He gave you a light smile.
Although his words were cheesy, it had your heart sinking in your chest and residing in the pit of your stomach. Your emotions had seemingly heightened more, and you didn't care that the muscles of your face hurt from your cheeks flushing red. Blame it on the marijuana for letting yourself look at him the way you always do in secret.
"The feeling is mutual," you nodded with a smile, "I mean, we haven't been able to hang out as much with you guys being on tour all the time and Sam always getting in the way. It's nice that things are different this time around."
He hummed in agreement. "Was a bit funny to see him blow up at the lake, though."
"Yeah, I still don't even know what that was all about. Stupid to be upset over riding in the same fucking kayak as you." You laughed, raising your hands into the air.
"It's because he knows that I had a thing for you." He stated blankly, as if this piece of information was something you already knew.
Your eyes widened at his words, with your brain picking at each part of the sentence. I. Had. A thing. For you. You couldn't help your jaw unhinge when he said that to you. All he did was laugh at your expression, but you felt yourself fully sober up. The familiar feeling of your body tingling, heart pounding against your chest and trying to leap out to graze his own, you going without blinking because you were in such a state of astonishment. What were you supposed to say to that? How were you supposed to feel about that?
You didn't know what part was more interesting to you: the fact that he had a thing for you, or that he had a thing for you. When was the point in time where his thoughts matched yours? Did your mind completely obliviate you to how he felt when he did have feelings for you? Or did they never just go away? It was as if he just wanted to see how you would react, as if this was some sort of joke. But he just let you relish in the new information, and let it fully consume your mind with countless thoughts and memories that were meshing together and unable to give you a coherent thought.
The only word that you were able to form and sound from your mouth was, "What?"
"You wonder why Sam started getting a bit more aggressive when it came to you and I hanging out. Or, why Jake laughs at us because he knows how I felt," he chuckled to himself, "can't believe you never knew." He kept his eyes on you and continued watching your lips trying to utter a sound.
"You never-you," you stuttered out, "you liked me? This isn't some joke, is-."
"No, no I'm being honest. Maybe it's the drugs that gave me the confidence to tell you how I felt. Figured it would come up sooner or later. Helps explain to you why Sam has been kind of childish recently." He gave you a weak shrug.
Felt, not feel. Felt. You realized you had missed your chance, as if you were given one anyways. Sam didn't cross your mind for a second. All you could think about was how there was a point in time that Josh liked you. You felt like you were granted a boost of energy, although your head began to pound with too many combining thoughts and forming a light headache. Josh didn't tell you because of Sam. Josh didn't tell you because he figured you'd choose your best friend over him. Didn't matter if you had feelings for him or not, he just saved himself the heartbreak he thought he was bound to undergo.
"Why didn't you tell me how you felt?" Your mouth continued to hang open with your eyes nearly poking out from their sockets.
"Why do you think?" He laughed at you. He didn't need to answer your question. You knew the answer: Sam.
This wasn't enough. You needed closure. That would finally set your fantasies of a possible relationship with Josh at bay and finally relieve you of thinking that you two could work it out somehow.
"Do you," you began hesitantly with a shaky voice, "do you still feel that way about me?"
His eyes lowered down to his lap, and he pressed his lips together tightly. With his tongue grazing over his bottom lip to help open his mouth, he just looked away from you for a moment before returning his eyes to yours.
"I've said too much," he swallowed, "I don't think I should've told you in the first place. I'm sorry."
So, all he could say was sorry and that he shouldn't have told you? What were you supposed to do with the lingering idea that he shut the conversation down because he still liked you? You expected closure from this. You expected him to give you the slightest bit of information to give you a straight-forward answer. But he was unable to do so.
You cocked your head to the side with your mouth finally deciding to shut. All you could do was scoff at how easily he pulled away from being vulnerable. He didn't want to hurt you, and continuing with how he felt would've made you feel as such. He ruined a perfectly good night with his feelings, and it riddled him with embarrassment. Not embarrassed of his feelings, but embarrassed that he brought up something that didn't need to be spoken out loud. A second ago he believed that it would come up in the future, but now, he figured that it wouldn't ever be talked about.
"Think you should take me back, then." You muttered, hopping off the hood of the Jeep and sitting in the passenger seat. He came into the car a few moments later and drove from the beach back to the lake house.
Just like on the way there, you two didn't speak to each other. Except this time, the air had turned to make you feel uncomfortable. You were left with this information and unsure of what to do with it. You couldn't just talk to Sam about it and ask for his advice, and you frankly couldn't go to anyone about this. You had never told anyone how you felt about Josh, mainly because of fear your secret would somehow reach Sam. Now all you could do was feel angry at yourself for not noticing Josh's mood change towards you when he liked you, and frustrated that Sam steered Josh away from you.
You let yourself out of the car silently upon arriving back to the lake house, dragging your feet up the driveway and quietly opening the door. You didn't acknowledge whether Josh had followed you in or not, but the wooden floorboards creaking behind you told you that he followed you until they grew lighter and only your footsteps were heard.
You just continued to the stairs, stepping onto the first step until Josh said, "I do."
You haltered your movements, shooting your head up towards the stairs and then turning your body towards him slowly.
"You asked me if I still had feelings for you. I do." His eyes averted from yours only for a moment before he looked up and saw your face soften.
You took cautious steps towards where he stood in the living room. It was as if he was waiting for you to meet him when you were ready, and he didn't move a single muscle to let you grow nearer to him.
"You do?" You whispered to him. Your eyes rested into a mixture of awe and shock. You were unable to pick how you felt.
"Yeah, yeah I do." He ran his hand to the back of his neck.
Any anger towards him swept away from your mind. You were filled with content and a hint of excitement. By the looks of his face, by the way he stood, by the way he spoke, he was serious. And that only made you more eager to meet him in the living room.
He didn’t tear his eyes from you as you moved closer to him, closing the proximity between you two as your hand raised hesitantly to his cheek, the other following shortly after to cup his face into your palms. His fingers wrapped around your wrist, the other hand finding your cheek and holding contact with your eyes. Neither of you wanted to look anywhere else, or blink away the moment that unfolded in front of you two.
"God, Josh," you laughed, resting your forehead onto his own and letting your eyes fall shut. "I have felt the same way about you for such a long time. I just didn't know how to tell you, or when to."
"Because of Sam." He pulled away from you slightly just enough to see the entirety of your face.
All you could do was nod. He didn't need a verbal response to acknowledge his suspicions. His reasoning for not telling you was the same as yours. So, you two just stood there and breathed in each other's air and lost yourself in each other's eyes. You both were too shy to make another move and unsure if it was right.
"I think why I didn't tell you was because I was too scared to. Didn't matter to me how you felt, because I knew in the end Sam would fuck it all up, and I didn't want to risk losing you." He cupped your cheeks as he spoke to you. "If things were different, I would've told you sooner."
"So why tell me now?"
"I just, I don't know. Figured we could forget about everything for a moment and just let things take its course. Figure out how to tell Sam and all of that shit later." He rubbed your burning cheek with his thumb. "I wanted you to know because I just thought that maybe we could work things out, despite how my brother feels. You can't control who you are attracted to, so why should it matter what he thinks, y'know?"
He had the same thoughts as you. Thinking that you two could work it out and just leave Sam out of it. After all, you were your own person, and Sam didn't control you. There was no guilt in your body when you told Josh how you felt, and no guilt in your body for wanting to kiss him. When were you going to get this chance again? You knew they would be leaving after the summer ended, and you begged the Earth to give you more time. But there wasn't enough. You just had to live in the present and ignore what the future withheld.
"Sam doesn't get to pick who I fall for." You shook your head and laughed to yourself that you were finally letting yourself make your own decisions and be your own person. Forgetting how he felt about you two, because the underlying reason for his actions and his emotions was because he knew that there was a chance you two would end up together, and he feared he would lose you to his brother. You weren't going to let him stand in the way of you and your feelings any longer, and finally give in to what your heart craved most.
Josh tilted his head to the side lightly, gazing at your parted lips before flicking his eyes to you as a silent ask to kiss you.
"Are you sure you want to do this, y/n?"
"Why would I not be okay with this?" You released a small, airy laugh.
"Because I don't want to take a step back after this and forget it happened. We can figure out how to tell Sam later, but I just want to know that you're okay with the fact that we have to be secretive about this for a little while."
"Josh, I really don't care how Sam feels right now, at least not anymore. I've been waiting too fucking long for this to happen, and I'm not going to miss my chance of doing something that I know I won't regret." You pulled your bottom lip into your teeth and watched his lips rest into a soft smile of acceptance that you were okay with everything.
You leaned into his motions to give into the dream you've wanted so desperately to occur, fluttering your eyes shut and letting yourself be surprised with the feeling of his lips on yours.
And once his plush lips finally melted with yours, you couldn't describe the emotion you felt. You sharply inhaled, letting your throat bubble out a quiet whimper of thankfulness. It was as close to true euphoria anything could be, fireworks booming in your head with excitement as a cheer that after all these years, after all the nights you stayed awake thinking about Josh, after all the time you thought he would never like you, he was finally kissing you with intent.
The taste of his mouth on yours was as addictive as a drug. It was a cliché thought, but you didn't care what you thought at this point. All you were focused on were the motions of his lips with yours, his soft breathing, and the way his hands sunk into your skin like they were meant to be there.
You felt the hand that wrapped around your wrist unravel and fall to your waist, bringing you closer to his body as his lips stayed connected onto yours. You just kept your hands on the soft skin of his cheeks to remind your palms and fingertips that his lips were on yours, opening and closing his mouth in a slow pattern to match your motions. You even let yourself take a quick peak at his face, eyes shut and brows furrowed with passion, before you let your eyes rest and just soak in the moment a little longer.
He pulled away from your lips and let his change in breathing be heard to you. He placed his hand on top of yours that rested onto his cheek, pulling it into his palm and holding it at his side. You had never felt as connected to someone as you did in this moment, and you never wanted to break away from it. Quite frankly, you weren't sure what to do or say with what had just happened. Things were now completely different between you two, and you both had acknowledged that. It was just a bit more real after the significant event that had just happened.
You finally looked at him, his lips resting into a soft smile as he admired your face with the caress of his empty hand.
"I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" He whispered to you, eyes peaking at your lips once more.
You nodded with a hum and pressed your lips onto his delicately before pulling yourself away from his touch, although you never wanted to leave it in the first place. You two just gave each other one more smile before turning your backs on one another and parting ways for the night.
You entered your room quietly, pressing your back against the closed door and covering your mouth as you let out an excited laugh. You were still in disbelief that this all wasn't a dream. You even considered pinching yourself to remind you that this was not some sort of twisted fantasy, but reality.
You had tried to fall asleep, tossing and turning in your bed with the aching feeling of missing his touch. Although it had been a matter of minutes since he kissed you, you couldn't get enough. You had fully let your feelings consume you and had forgotten that Sam would not be thrilled about this news. But you couldn't find it in yourself to care, and let it be a problem of tomorrow as you finally found yourself comfortable in your sheets that yours and Josh's relationship was changed to the better, and where you've wanted it to be for so many years.
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
a/n: hi! if you’ve read this far, i just want to give you a quick thank you for following/keeping up with this series! i adore it so much:) this marks the halfway point, so it’s a p big milestone. with this release, i plan on having at least eight parts, if not, nine. hopefully by part 7 i’ll have it figured out, and i’ll update you guys on the future and end of this series. alright, that’s all. love you, reader. 🫶🏻
taglist: @gvfleetwood @sacredjake @aureatopia @myeyehurtz @alexiagx @objectsinspvce @unhappycylinder @spinthehemmo @carbonwritingthroughtime @thecoldwind @ageofsophgvf @fakeplastiqtree @thepritchardscale @gvfpal @light-myluv @raviolilegs @jordierama @alwayskiszka
-part five-
165 notes · View notes
bqstqnbruin · 1 year
See You Again
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I'm actually posting a fic for the first time in seven months aka the first fic I've finished in seven months peace love teaching
anyway, I wrote this for the lovely @wyattjohnston's summer fic exchange! I got to write for @selfindulgentpoorlywritten but I've never written for Nico before, so I hope you like this (I was fully inspired by my own mess of a life)
Edit since I’m a dumbass thank you to @kat-hearts for reading this first and being amazing ily 😭
One of the characters, Nat is nonbinary, and I did my best to make the reader gender netural, which I haven't done before on either account, so I hope I did it justice (if something is glaringly wrong, please let me know!)
Warnings: I was mean with the ending? A little? Also, some swearing, drinking, almost physical fighting
Word Count: almost 2.8k
“When was the last time you saw him?”
You tried to shift through your memory to figure that out. In person, the last time was sometime in the first week of December about two years ago. Thinking about him, which thankfully didn’t count, would involve you giving a much more recent answer, way more recent than you would really like to admit. “I don’t remember.” 
“Well,” your roommate Nat says, looking down at their phone. “I have bad news.”
“Fucking hell,” you moan, tilting your head to hit the back of the seat of the Uber. You knew what they were going to say before the words even started to come out of their mouth.
“Nico is going to be there tonight. With all the guys.” You let out another groan, the Uber driver giving you a scowl through the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry! Jack didn’t know he was coming, or he would have told us way before we got ready.” 
You stare out the window, trying to think of all the ways that you could get out of this situation. You already paid for the Uber and didn’t want to pay for another one. You weren’t about to go somewhere by yourself, especially since the bar you were heading towards wasn’t within a reasonable walking distance if you were to go somewhere by yourself, and no way was Nat going to leave with you without Jack, and Jack, of course, wasn't going to leave without his teammates. 
“We can go back right now and I’ll tell Jack to have fun with his team instead,” Nat tells you as if they could read your mind. They put their hand over yours, trying to give you any sense of calm that was setting into your panic. “We do not have to be around Nico.” 
“What kind of person tells someone they like them but not enough to date them?” you mutter, knowing you and Nat have had this conversation many times on your kitchen floor, drunk and crying together at 2 in the morning. They had introduced you to Nico one night after a game when the team went out to celebrate. They had been dating Jack for about a year at that point, meeting him through his brother at Michigan and reconnecting when they both realized they were going to be in New Jersey together. Quinn had used the reasoning of, “he won’t know anyone in the state,” only for everyone to realize later that he knew Jack had been smitten with Nat since they met. If only you had been so lucky. 
You had known of Nico, obviously. How could you not? He was the captain of the Devils, the team you grew up surrounded by, the number one draft pick in the sport your roommate never shut up about. He covered your social media feeds without you really wanting them to and everyone you knew talked about what a great game he had the night before. You couldn’t escape the idea of him, no matter where you went. 
When you met him that night a few years back, there was something about him in person that you were drawn to. He had been just an idea to you, not someone you could think about as being real. You spent that entire night with him, your friends either wandering off or you too enthralled with Nico to notice that they were there. Nat and Jack were heading back to your place before last call, and you were left knowing that you had to see Nico again.  
He asked if he could kiss you, making you melt as his hand gently snaked its way to your cheek, pulling you close when you said yes and covering your mouth with his. You waited for his text the next day, anxiously checking your phone until he finally did after 3 pm. From then on, you told each other everything, texting each other whenever you could, him calling you and heading over to your apartment whenever he didn’t have an obligation to the team. You fell hard for him and you had believed that he felt the same about you. 
“The kind of person who doesn’t know what they have until it’s gone,” Nat tells you, trying to pep you up. “Hey, we can find you a guy that is just as hot as Nico tonight.” 
“I’m gonna move to Ireland and isolate myself with the spuds.”
“Act like you can be away from me for that long,” they tease, earning a laugh from you. “I’m serious, though. Tell me what you want to do, or who you want to do, and Jack and I will make it happen.”
You didn’t want someone just as hot as Nico, you wanted Nico. You hated the fact that there was more than one time that you had pulled up his messages on your phone, part of you unable to delete that conversation thread even though you knew it would be the healthy thing to do. But you weren’t known amongst your friends for doing what was best for your mental wellbeing, so you kept them, going back through the conversations you had in the four months you were seeing him. The last text was what haunted you the most, him telling you that he was going to be back in Switzerland for the summer and that he ‘didn’t want you tied down to one person’ while he was gone.
He said he would text you when he was back. 
He never did. 
There were multiple times when you wanted to text him, but you never did, either. 
“Yeah,” you manage to choke out. “Let’s do it.” 
You spend the rest of the ride in silence, trying to think of where in the bar you would be able to hide from Nico so that he wouldn’t see you. The guys were already inside, Jack telling Nat about 10 minutes ago that they went to start drinking as fast as they could. 
The bar was somehow muggy inside, as if the beer itself hung in the air rather than the sweat of the nearly one hundred drunk people that were crowding every square inch of the floor. Jack was easy to spot for Nat, his five foot eleven frame not the largest of his teammates, but still distinct enough that your roommate had left your side within seconds of entering to be with their partner. 
So much for finding you someone tonight. 
You tried to stay away from him, closer to Nat and Jack as best as you could, but they kept wandering off from you. The last thing you wanted to do was go with them when they were both on their way to drunk and have a history of doing slightly illegal things in the bathrooms at bars. 
You had to find someone to talk to. Any person who looked interesting. Any other guy on the team who you were friends with, but that was really only Jack, and that was really only because he’s dating Nat. Your phone was your only comfort, finding a table that had been pushed up against the wall and hoping that there was something you could doom scroll on that would distract you from looking towards Nico. 
He had the right to do what he wanted at the bar with his teammates. You weren’t together. 
“You ok?” you hear during a lull in the music, pulling you away from your phone for a moment. You didn’t know who was standing in front of you, one of the newer guys from the trade deadline that Nat definitely hadn’t introduced you to. He was waiting for you to respond, looking like he had wanted to sit down with you.
“Yeah, just, not a big ‘going out’ person.”
He lets out a nervous laugh, a smile that sends a jolt through your system that you hadn’t felt in a while. Since Nico, if you were really willing to be honest with yourself. “Me neither, honestly. I’m just here because I didn’t have anything else to do.” 
“I got dragged here with my roommate so they can be with their boyfriend,” you tell him, gesturing to Nat and Jack trying their best to sneak out of the bathroom, Jack’s shirt buttoned wrong, both of their previously neatly styled hair in a mess that you only saw after hearing them the night before. 
“So that’s the infamous Nat,” he says, taking the seat beside you. You nod as he continues, “Jack never shuts up about them. Not that Jack shuts up about anything or anyone, ever, but especially not Nat.” 
“I always knew he was a good one,” you tell him, introducing yourself so he knew you as more than just, ‘his teammate's partner’s roommate.’
“I’m Timo.” 
You spent the rest of the night bouncing between the table and the bar with Timo, him buying you every drink you wanted. There was something about him that was different, but you couldn’t focus all of your attention on him. 
He was talking about his time in San Jose while you were waiting for your next round of drinks. You couldn’t focus on a word he was saying, Nico within your line of sight talking to a girl. A really attractive girl, you might add. You felt your heart drop, feeling a lump in your throat forming faster than you could lie to yourself about that scene having no effect on you. Naturally, Nico would talk to other people. You hadn’t talked to him in two years, let alone seen him in person. Just because you couldn’t get over him, no matter how hard you tried, that didn’t mean he didn’t get over you.
“And then I got traded here, and I love it, so far,” you tune back into Timo, who is suddenly much closer than you remember. It’s just because the bar is loud, people are starting to crowd for drinks, and, fuck, you have to admit, he’s pretty hot. 
Nico was still watching. 
Timo took your hand, leading you off to the table where you were before, the drinks in your hand probably not ones that you needed to begin with. His free hand snaked its way to your waist, pulling you close to him. You could feel your heart racing faster with every inch he got closer to you. You wanted him to kiss you. 
You thought you did. 
“I’m sorry,” you pull away right as his lips were about to meet yours, tears starting to form in your eyes, leaving the drink he bought you in his hands as you ran from him. Your breath catches in your throat while you try to find Nat and Jack, just praying that they weren’t back in the bathroom or too intoxicated in general to help out. 
You heard Timo calling after you, somehow, through the volume of the music and your own drunkenness, breaking through and getting to you. You didn’t want Timo calling your name, you wanted it to be Nico. 
You needed it to be Nico. 
“Hey, hey,” you hear, feeling a familiar hand gently place itself on your arm. You turn around, Nico’s face a mixture of concern and fury. “What did he do?” 
“He, he,” you stammer, the tears falling faster the more you looked at him, every memory you had with him suddenly rushing back into your mind. “He didn’t do anything. You did.”
You yank your arm from him, trying to find anywhere to be in the building that didn’t have one of Nico’s teammates looking at you causing a scene. You knew he was following you, calling your name again and again over the music. People were starting to stare, but no part of you cared, trying harder to not let the tears that were burning your eyes fall down your cheeks. 
Nat and Jack were nowhere to be seen, the rest of Nico’s teammates trying to figure out what was going on when you burst through the front door of the bar, the cold fall air hitting your face as soon as you did. You let out a sob, trying to steady yourself against the wall of the building, sliding down to the ground while people waiting to get in tried to figure out if they should help you or if you were just another drunk person having some sort of meltdown that was none of their business. 
“Hey,” you hear, a soft voice coming from above you. “I’m so sorry if I did something wrong.” Timo slid down next to you. “I read the situation wrong, I thought you were also into me.”
“I am, I just,” you start, trying to think of what to say. 
“Hey, what the fuck did you do?” Nico yells, pulling Timo off the ground. “What did he do to make you cry?”
“Nico, stop,” you let out, Timo looking both confused and terrified by his new captain’s hand on his shirt collar. “He didn’t do anything.”
“What the fuck did I miss?” Timo asked, slowly trying to back away from Nico staring you down. 
“Why can you talk to other people and I can’t?” you ask him, feeling your sadness turn into anger. “You had no issue not talking to me for the last two years.” 
“I’m gonna go,” Timo lets out, barely loud enough for the two of you to hear and sneaking away before you could notice. 
“You didn’t want to talk to me,” Nico counters, taking a step towards you. “But you wanted to talk to TImo instead?”
“Where the fuck did you get that idea?” 
“You never texted me. You’ve spent the entire night avoiding me. You think I didn’t see you when you were by yourself on your phone?” 
“You were in Sweden. And you could have come up to me and talked to me, what was stopping you? Oh, that’s right, your new girlfriend.”
“Switzerland. And she’s not my girlfriend. I haven’t seen anyone in ages.”
“Wherever you were, you weren’t here,” you tell him, your back against the wall. How long had it been since he had last seen someone? There was no way you had been the last person he was with. “You told me you didn’t want to be tied down while you were back home. You didn’t even want to talk to me, because if you did, you would have.” 
“You’re joking,” he scoffs. “You think I didn’t want to talk to you? Every fucking day I have thought about how our conversations would go when I saw you after you get home from work. I would think about you telling me about your day, about everything you would tell Nat, or whoever you were seeing at the time. Every single person I saw in the last two years, I wanted them to be you.” 
You didn’t know what to say, letting Nico’s words sink in. “Then why didn’t you text me when you came back from Switzerland?” 
Nico took in a deep breath, closing his eyes and tilting his head up to the sky. “Because I thought there was no way someone else wouldn’t have realized how amazing you are. There was no way I could be someone who you thought was worth waiting for.” 
Nico takes a step towards you, his hand gently taking yours. This was a moment you had been thinking about since he left for Switzerland two years ago. You knew he was going to kiss you, having you pinned against the wall of the building. His free hand cupped your cheek.
“There you guys are!” Nat interrupts, them and Jack clearly having just finished up doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing. Nico steps away from you, clearing his throat, the red in his cheeks so noticeable there was no way even your roommate wouldn’t comment on it later.  “We’ve been looking for you, for um.”
“Long enough,” Jack finishes their sentence, a stupid smile covering his face. You knew he was lying, but no part of your brain was letting you focus on that. Nico leaned against the building, his arm up over your head. “The uber’s almost here. Are you ready to go?”
No. “Yes.” 
The three of you leave Nico standing there by himself, Nat and Jack falling asleep in the Uber as soon as it gets on the highway. 
You check your phone for the first time in a while, a lone notification popping up on your phone that hadn’t been there in almost two years. 
‘Nico, iMessage.’ 
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
Am I the a-hole for running away from home to avoid having to meet my relatives for Christmas?
I (12M) have never been able to smile naturally. I can force myself to with a bit of work, but it usually hurts a lot, so I'd rather not bother. Mom (40F) and Dad (38M) have always been understanding of that fact, as has my brother (12M), so normally it wouldn't be an issue. However, Mom comes from quite an esteemed family, which is accordingly very strict about our conduct. That I can't just plaster on a perfect, friendly face all the time, is a source of frustration for Mom's siblings, especially two of whom I will call Uncle G (42M) and Aunt K (45F).
The last time I saw them for Thanksgiving, G pulled me aside into the kitchen and threatened to carve my face up with the knives there if I didn't smile, because it was a celebration and we should be happy, and me not smiling brought down the mood. And then, when K caught me not smiling later (because I needed to rest my face), she threatened to pour boiling water on me so as to teach me a lesson about obeying elders.
I'm scared they'll actually go through with it for Christmas, because we were all supposed to stay in one big lodge together for a week, and I can't keep up a smile like that for such a long time. I never told Mom, Dad or my brother about it either, because according to our other uncle D (49M), who is the patriarch of the whole family and a super important politician so he's very wise, sibling relationships are really important. Telling Mom about it will make her argue with K and G, and maybe D as well, and it will ruin her relationship with all of them. And Dad and my brother would just tell Mom anyway.
So when I had just finished packing my bag, the night before we were to leave, a thought suddenly occurred to me. Everything I needed to survive the next few days was in the bag - my clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, water bottle, etc. I could just leave. I thought about Uncle G and Aunt K, and what they would do to me, and, in a moment of impulse, took my bag and left while everyone else was sleeping. I snuck onto a train and made my way to my best friend S's (11F) house. Her mother, Auntie C (older than Mom, F) let me stay at her house for as long as I needed, and offered to call CPS, but I told her not to because Mom's family is important enough that calling the cops on them would probably result in the caller getting arrested instead.
So, right now, I'm with S, we're both officially having our first sleepover (that could potentially last forever) and it's really fun! We had a movie night, and also got to play video games, and I even got to help them make traditional desserts for the solstice (which may or may not have devolved into S and I flinging flour at each other and having to clean the kitchen after that). I'm really thankful that I left and came here instead. But, my parents and brother have apparently been really worried - they even called Auntie C asking if she'd seen me, but I begged her not to tell them so she didn't. We haven't seen any missing child posters go up yet, though that's probably because my relatives don't want people knowing the family managed to lose a child and isn't quite so picture perfect.
I know I should be ashamed of myself for making my family panic so much, especially since I managed to overhear that my brother has been really depressed since I left, so much that he keeps refusing to eat. And I do feel guilty! But going back will just lead to me getting shuttled off to the lodge and getting punished even worse than before. It's selfish, but I don't want to go home. I'm happy here, I'm happy that I left, which is probably why I'm TA. It's been weighing on me, and while S insists I'm NTA, I think she's biased because spending time with friends is fun. So, if anyone out there might offer a more objective view of the situation - AITA?
UPDATE: Basically I still got found anyway, but Auntie C and a few other family friends convinced me to tell my parents about what happened last time. I did, and now Mom has cut all contact with her family. And also G and K are actually getting arrested! Good riddance - I just found out that they had been really harsh to my brother too, and he also didn't tell anyone for the same reason as me. I'm honestly starting to wonder if D's emphasis on siblings might have messed up our entire family a bit...
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
My 13 Favorite Fics of Mine in 2022
Okay my imposter syndrome is, for once, sitting the fuck down and shutting up, so I am going to take this opportunity and reflect on last year's fics. Not all the ones I wrote, but my favorites. With a bit of commentary, bc I'm extra. Most of these are drabbles lol. Just Between Us is the only fic over, like, 2k I think. And I'm gonna tag some friends because I want to see yall's too!! Pretty please!! @drarrily-we-row-along, @basicallyahedgehog, @geesenoises, @makeitp1nk, @peachpety and @lettersbyelise and anyone else who wants to play!
Just Between Us
Starting off with my Wireless. Oh man am I proud of this one. Such a pain in the ass but ultimately so rewarding.
Goodnight, and Have a Pleasant Tomorrow
I am extremely proud of the jokes I wrote for this one.
We Like Fighting Most
Another one where I'm proud of the jokes.
the I Knew You mini-series
Man, this is some of the best writing I think I did all year, tbh.
Song 4 for the 99 Songs Challenge
I will continue this challenge. I fully have at least 2 more prompts requested, and plenty more that haven't. One day lmao. Anyway I'm very proud of the ending of this one.
To the Ground
I'm gonna be so real with yall. I wrote this super late at night when I was exhausted. I am shocked this got the response that it did, especially when I am 98% sure I've written at least 2 other fics very similar to this one with similar plot; I even said so in the tags.
Takes One to Know One
Aw man. I'm really proud of this one. It's pretty angsty tho lol.
i still got love for you
I was STOKED when a Taylor song was prompted for microfic, but I was also laughing my ass off at everyone who was shocked it wasn't prompted by me LMAO. Anyway. I was very happy with how this one turned out.
I'm gonna write a longer Medieval AU. I realllllyyy wanna.
Tale as Old as Time
I tooootallly forgot about this one. Wow this one was so fun. I ought to have a better way of keeping track of my fics lol.
some things you just can't speak about
I loved writing this one!! I just loved creating this world of a War AU.
Our Song(s)
I had a BLAST writing this; getting the songs and making them fit into one story.
begin again
This feels like the right one to end it on. I was very proud of this concept, and it makes me smile.
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purplesurveys · 2 months
If you had $10,000 dollars right now what would you do with it? I'd give my parents a portion of it, then keep the rest tucked away in my savings. I'm planning to hunt for a condo by year-end anyway so that amount would honestly take me super super far.
When was the last time you consumed alcohol? Two weeks ago at Angela and Hans' engagement party.
Have you ever broken a bone? No. Sprains were the worst I've had; fortunately never broke a bone.
What type of perfume do you use the most? I don't really like perfume as I find them too strong.
What book are you reading, currently? I haven't read anything in a while.
Are you interested in creative writing of any sort? No. I dabbled in it in my younger years but quickly learned that it wasn't and would never be my forte. I couldn't even think of creative plots so there was barely anything that translated to writing either. I've always enjoyed writing non-fiction stuff much more – and am miles miles miles away better at it too.
Would you introduce the last person you kissed to your parents? They knew her.
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feeling for one another? Yes? Why is this even a question haha.
Can you ever see yourself and your ex back together? No.
Are any of your friends virgins? There may be a couple but I'm really just guessing. Sex isn't ever something that comes up except with close friends.
Who did you last go out to eat with? Family – we were at a Japanese restaurant a week ago.
Is your ex a complete loser? I'd rather not call them such names at this point. Of course, they suck for many things but let's keep it at that haha.
What does the shirt you’re wearing look like? Where did you get it from? It's an olive green shirt that's turtleneck-ish but not really? I don't really know how to explains it haha but it kind of bunches up at the neck area. Shopee.
Who is the funniest person you know? Hans.
Do you say sorry first? If I know I should.
What do you look like right now? Pretty decent, tbh. We spent the entire evening hosting dinner for our extended family who've flown in from the States, so I wanted to make sure I looked nice even if we were just having the gathering at home. They came complete too for the very first time – it's usually just the immediate family who comes but they've brought in husbands and boyfriends too, who were all American.
It was a lot of fun! This might sound weird to those who live in countries with more diversity in cultures, but coming from a homogenous country it was so fascinating to meet Americans for the first time!! They were so nice and easy to talk to! And very chatty so it really helped me come out of my shell.
Who’s bed were you on last? Mine.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? Elijah, I think.
Do you like to cuddle? Yeah it's nice but I haven't done it in years.
Is sex on your mind more than 3 times a day? Not usually.
What were you doing an hour ago? Washing the dishes.
Do you like it up against the wall? Sure.
Do you prefer girlfriend / boyfriend or friends with benefits? Continued from last night. A relationship.
Are you smiling? No.
When did you last eat pizza? Last night. The dinner-hosting was super impromptu and my mom only had time to make simple pasta, so I rushed to get follow-up pizza + mojos so that everyone was fed well.
Honestly, are things going the way you planned? I don't really plan to begin with....? I know that sounds bad, but I generally just try to do my best out of what life hands. The only things I try not to do are fuck up at work and lose relationships; and so far that has been going well.
Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? No.
Who did you spend your summer with last year? For the most part, with my family; but I also had a reasonable portion of it with my closest group of friends.
Did you wear what you are wearing today for a specific reason? I chose to wear it for a reason last night, yeah. I just haven't changed out of it since then because I was exhausssssted and just wanted to sleep.
What was the last thing you ate? A slice of pizza + god knows how many mojos.
Are you taking this survey in a place other than your home? No, I am at home.
Did you get ice cream from the ice cream truck when you were little? Do they still have an ice cream truck where you live? Every once in a while, yeah. We just were rarely allowed to – and to this day, I rarely entertain them – because the markup is bonkers. One came over during the pandemic and a popsicle that would go for ₱15-₱20 pesos cost like ₱50. So ever since then I've been wary about going out to meet them and only do when I have a very particular craving for ice cream.
*We also don't have ice cream trucks. They travel on bikes with a little extension on the side for their coolers.
What has been the most traumatic experience of your life? Does it still bother you? My breakup, because it sent me into a downward spiral in ways I had never reached before and have never reached since. If you look at my camera roll today, it literally jumps from August to October 2020 (it happened in September) as I barely ate and only stayed in my room at the time. Traumatic, but also the most emotionally exhausting thing I've ever been through.
No, I hardly think about it these days; and if anything, I only think about it when I want to be reminded to be grateful for the life I have now and the nice things I have been able to experience since. If I had let my sadness win, I never would have found BTS, witnessed my best friend get engaged, be able to travel to other countries, etc.
What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? I mean it would be a scientific breakthrough more than anything because we are both girls, so I'd worry about that part first lol.
Don’t you hate it when your cell phone dies in the middle of a convo? Sure, but I always run to plug it in so that it doesn't happen.
If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? No.
Would you run down the street naked if it meant earning $15,000? Sure.
Where was the last place you got completely wasted? 2017? 2018? idk that was the last time it went horrible, and since then I've managed how much I drink.
Have you ever changed the prices of items at a store? Wow, no.
Would your parents disown you if you got pregnant? At this point no. They'll get SUPER disappointed if I got pregnant without a legal partner (aka married lol) and will probably take it out on me but I'm sure they will be excited at least for the going-to-be-grandparents part.
When was the last time you drank alcohol? What was it? Two weeks ago. Just a couple bottles of apple-flavored beer.
Do you like where you live? Yes. It's okay, it's quiet, but I'm also looking for a change in pace.
Are you going to any concerts or festivals this summer? Nothing planned out.
Have you had sex with someone you weren’t married to? Someone you weren’t even dating? Not married to, yes. Not dating, no.
Are you under the age of 18? No.
Do you have a job? I do.
Are you going to school still? Do you plan on going to college? No more school. I graduated in 2020 and have no plans on getting any higher degrees.
Are you overweight? No. My last medical exam was very clear in stating underweight.
Would you get married at 18? Well, I didn't.
Have you ever been so wasted, you couldn’t walk? Just a handful of times.
What is the last thing that you got really excited over? Meeting my extended cousins after 8 years, and for the first time their husband/boyfriend too.
Any baby names you think you might name your future kids? I have a few favorites. Not that I'll ever have to use them.
When was the last time you had sex? A few years back.
Who did you last hang out with other then family? Co-workers.
Do you remember the last boy you texted? What was it about? Probably Hans, and I think we were just talking about proposal plans. I don't text much.
If you could go back in time and change things, would you? Nope.
Has anyone had their hand in your pants today? Uh, nope.
Do you like your dad? How about your mom? Sure. My dad's great; my mom's okay for the most part but she also has her psychopath/sociopath moments that make me question her...entire person, essentially.
Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? I feel yesterday would be better because I know we have no plans today.
Do you have anything that belongs to your boyfriend/girlfriend? I don't have one.
Think back to your most important relationship, was it all your fault it’s over? It was both of us.
Was your last kiss drunk or sober? Sober.
What’s your favorite color? Purple.
Do you drink? Socially.
Do you smoke? Kind of.
Ever had a black eye? I have not.
When was the last time you slept in bed with a member of the opposite sex? Who was it? I don't think that's ever happened.
Did your most recent kiss take place in/on a bed? No.
Has anyone seen you naked in the last 6 months? Nope.
How would you describe your current relationship status? I'm single and voluntarily avoiding relationships.
Have you ever shared food/drink off the same plate/glass as someone you like? Not just with someone I like, but with friends or family too.
Have you ever had a valentine? Sure.
Have your lips ever gone numb from kissing? I don't think so.
Last person to cuddle with? The person I was with years ago.
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jonathanbyersphd · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
For Day 3 of JancyWeek2023
Dear Jonathan, I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you when I'm walking to class, I miss you when I have to eat in the dining hall and I especially miss you late at night when I'm alone in my bed. Boston is fine I guess. It's good. I mean I really like it, it's better than I hoped. I just wish you were here too, mostly because I don't know if you know this but making friends is really hard. I get along with my roommates well. There’s Beverly from Amherst, Gina she’s from Staten Island oddly enough, and Carrie. I like Carrie the best, she's from Fall River you know where Lizzie Borden was from? Anyways Carrie's nice but kinda quiet a little like you that way. I also sorta made friends with this girl named Diana in my journalism class. There's only like five girls in the entire cohort. Can you believe that? I know I shouldn't but I'm counting down the days until we see each other for your birthday next month. Have you thought any more about what you want? I have a few ideas on what to get you but I want to make sure you don't actually need anything. Speaking of needs, I wish I had brought more of my winter clothes. I don't know what I was thinking. Boston gets colder so much quicker than Hawkins, barring the apocalypse of course. What's New York City like? How's school? How are your classes? How are your roommates? Are they from New York or out of state like you? Have you met anyone else from Indiana? Write to me soon. Forever yours, Nancy P.S. Boston is very very very cold. And I miss you, have I mentioned that? Dear Nancy, I miss you too. My bed feels lonely without you in it. I miss holding you in my arms and I'm looking forward to your touch the next time we see each other. But how have you been sleeping? Does Carrie let you leave the light on? Or are you trying to adjust to sleeping without it again? I’m glad you sorta made a friend. It is weird that there’s only five of you. How many people are in your cohort all together? Is Diana the only one you’ve made friends with? Where’s she from? What is she interested in writing? I do know that making friends is hard, but I also know there’s nothing you can’t do. NYC is good… big I guess? I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like a lot at once but not in a bad way. Does that make sense? And there’s always something to do. I think I’ve been to more museums in the last week than in my entire life. School is good too, for once I don’t feel like the weird kid everyone (at least at Tisch) has their own thing. Like my friend Les played me some stuff from a band she likes and it was weird but I don’t know it was nice not to be the kid with the weird music, you know? My roommates are mostly good, Roger is from upstate (he never says where) Craig is from Jersey, and Tyler is from Connecticut. Tyler is also an asshole, I’m sure it has nothing to do with the money though. I haven't met another person from Indiana. And every time I tell someone I’m from Indiana they look at me like I’m crazy, so that’s fun. I’m counting down the days too but all I really need is you. If you have to get me something I wouldn’t say no to more mixtapes. I never seem to have enough. Or maybe a phone card so I could call you more than once every two weeks? I miss the sound of your voice. All my love, Jonathan P.S. I write this with all the love in my heart, you are the LEAST subtle person I know. Which sweater do you want?
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Hoshina watches A Mighty Wind/This Is Spinal Tap
So this is seriously one of the most self indulgent things that I've ever written, as well as one of the most like me OCs that I've ever created because this man has ruined my entire life. It has not been the same for over a month now and my writing while not the best and won't make hardly any sense if you haven't watched either of these movies (to which if you haven't please, please do. I grew up with A Mighty Wind and it's one of my favorite comfort movies and comfort hyper fixations) this whole thing started when I rewatched A Mighty Wind the other night for family movie night and I just couldn't get the idea out of my head of Hoshina watching my favorite movies with me so this fic was born! If you guys like it I'll do a lot of my other favorite movies as well. I have a lot of favorite movies so this might be an ongoing thing for a little while but I'm genuinely happy with how this turned out for the first thing that I'm posting in.. a hot minute for my writing so it might not be my best and it might be super niche but I had a lot of fun with it.
Dot Saito pulled back from her desk and sighed heavily stretching out the kinks in her neck with a small smile on her face. Brandon looked over at his friend with a small smile on his face. 
“Are you going to have movie night with the vice captain tonight? You guys have been doing that quite a bit recently, why’d you start doing that?” Dot flushed a light pink and tried to come up with a valid reason since the only one that she had was that she liked spending time with the vice captain and he hadn’t seen hardly any movies. So as a movie nerd that made way too many references to her favorite movies when she was growing up that she’d watch with her parents during movie nights.
“I just like talking with him he’s really nice and I like hearing his laugh at things that I find funny. That was the reason that I started showing him my favorite movies when I was a little kid. Tonight we’re doing a mockumentary double feature of A Mighty Wind and This Is Spinal Tap. I think that he’s going to prefer This Is Spinal Tap honestly but I prefer A Mighty Wind because it was my first one that my dad showed me when I was a kid.” Brandon chuckled a little bit at the fact that Dot always was the first to defend herself against the feelings that she had for their vice captain. 
“You know you don’t work directly under him. We work under captain Ashido so you could tell him how you feel and nothing would be bad about it. Besides, he thinks that you’re beautiful just trust me on that.” Dot shook her head animatedly putting her things into her satchel and sighing heavily looking at her friend. 
“Please just.. don’t okay Brandon? I don’t want to talk about it it’s not something that I like talking about. I know that it’s pathetic and that I totally dug my own grave by showing him my favorite movies but I couldn’t help it. He never judges me for liking something and I’ve had too many people over the years judge me for my favorite things so forgive me if I’d rather enjoy this while it lasts.” Brandon smiled sadly at his friend putting his hand onto her shoulder since he knew that she had loved and lost a lot of people in her life.
“I just don’t see the point in denying yourself happiness when he’s right there and wants to spend all of his free time with you. Besides you’re not exactly subtle and you’re always staring at him anyways so he’s bound to notice that at some point or he probably already has.” Dot sighed heavily since she had a good idea that he had already noticed how generally pathetic she was when it came to him.
“I’ve got to get going I’ll see you tomorrow Brandon try to not get into too much trouble without me around okay?” Brandon shrugged his shoulders seeing the small wistful smile on her face as she went down the stairs towards her dorm room where she kept her television and her movies that she was planning on showing her friend. They only did this once a week every Friday but it was what made Friday her favorite day of the week because she got to show off her favorite movies. And these movies were ones that she had grown up with and she loved getting to rewatch them. Soshiro Hoshina saw Dot go skipping down the stairs from Captain Ashiro’s operations division and he couldn’t help but laugh a little bit at her antics mostly just because she was so cute when she got happy about her favorite things. 
“You excited about movie night Saito?” Dot nodded her head animatedly unlocking her dorm room door and Hoshina went inside smiling softly at all the pictures that Dot had of her family and her friends that she had made here. 
“I am actually! It’s going to be a double feature tonight hence why I wanted to start it earlier than usual. These are two very specific movies that I grew up watching probably way too young. They have a lot of adult jokes and sexual references but my dad he loved the music in them. Said that even though they were parodies of that musical genre that they didn’t really have to be as good as they were. We had a never ending debate of which one we liked more because we both had individual favorite ones.” Hoshina listened as Dot dimmed the lights in her dorm room and he couldn’t help but feel grateful that she had always remembered that he was somewhat light sensitive. 
“You’ve definitely heard me reference both of them because they’re so quotable to everyday life to me. We’re going to start with the one that was my dad's favorite of the two of them. He used to love this movie so much that he would pick it to watch for movie night at least once a month, it drove my mom bonkers but she always let him get away with it. Now whenever I watch it, it makes me think of him.” Dot got out the movies that she would be showing her friend and Hoshina looked at them. “These are parody films, they’re called mockumentaries. They’re basically actors playing characters while acting like they’re real people. One of them is a 80’s heavy metal hairband that was my brother’s favorite This Is Spinal Tap and my favorite is A Mighty Wind about a group of folk musicians coming together for a reunion concert to pay respects to their former manager after he passes away. The music is so good in both they mean so much to me and I just find them so comforting and wacky.” Hoshina couldn’t help but smile lovingly at the rambling of his friend that meant so much to him. He never really thought that he would have the time in his life to find someone that he could love as they were but when he had started getting closer to Dot Saito and got to know her love of her favorite movies and media, he was an absolute goner.
“They both sound great I can’t wait to see them. I brought snacks as well!” Dot let out a breath of relief since after the day she had she needed snacks and just some time with her friend watching her childhood favorite movies that she still owed a lot of her adult personality to. 
“Thank you for getting the snacks I really need them right now it’s been a long week. But I’m excited to get to show you these! It’s been a while since I’ve watched either of them and I love both these movies so much.” Dot turned on the tv and got This Is Spinal Tap set up smiling softly when she saw the familiar characters on the front of the case. 
“My childhood favorite character was Nigel Tufnel something that my dad often teased me about. He knew that Nigel was one of my first fictional crushes when I was a kid.” Dot pressed play on the dvd as she leaned against the back of the couch crossing her ankles and grabbing her popcorn that Hoshina had brought with him that were candy coated. 
“Well now I’m intrigued to see what kid you was interested in as your type~” Dot flushed a light pink with a small laugh rolling her eyes at her friend’s goofy antics.
“I’m going to start regretting my life decisions in five minutes aren’t I? Mostly because you are never ever in a million years going to let me live this down.” Dot whined and Hoshina just laughed brightly at his friend grabbing his ice cream pint and he shook his head at her because he would never purposefully make fun of her for something that she was self conscious of. 
“I would never tease you about something if you didn’t want me to Saito, that’s not the kind of person that I am. You should know better than that.” Hoshina playfully pouted and Dot nodded her head with a small sigh already resigning herself to her fate that she would have to deal with so many jokes because she would never shut up about how much she loved this character. 
“Do as you will, do your worst. I can’t promise that I won’t ever come back at you though once I find out what your type is.” Dot lightly joked and Hoshina couldn’t help but falter a little bit in his teasing because if Dot ever did figure out that his type was cute girls that talked endlessly about their favorite things then she would very easily put two and two together and figure out that he had fallen in love with her but was now to in deep to really do anything about it. He’d never felt this way about anyone so he had no clue how to ask someone out or how to cope with feeling this way. 
“So none of this is real right?” Hoshina asked a few minutes in just to clarify and Dot nodded her head with a small smile on her face. 
“Yeah these are all actors playing these roles, my mom's favorite is Michael McKean he’s insanely talented, he’s the blonde one the lead singer. Nigel is next to him he’s played by Christopher Guest.” Hoshina nodded his head with a small chuckle at the ridiculous and quirky lyrics. He couldn’t’t help but laugh brightly at the the idea of the New Originals and the various other genres of music that the band had tried out. 
“The drummers all died in mysterious ways- I kind of love that! A freak gardening accident, chocking on someone’s vomit, that’s so funny.” Dot laughed at her friend nodding her hand animatedly since that had been one of her older brother’s favorite jokes.
“My dad’s a drummer so he found that joke hilarious because he related a lot to that one.” Dot couldn’t help but laugh brightly when Nigel rolled up the window on the limo to tune out the rambling driver. 
“You know I can so see you doing something like that if you don’t want to interact with someone-“ Dot lightly kicked at her friend’s legs puffing her cheeks out because even if she knew that Hoshina was right that was still a rude thing to say.
“That’s so rude! I would not do something like that. Okay maybe I would if I was really having a bad day but when I was a kid that would be absolutely something that I did to my parents sometimes if they were arguing in the car that happened a lot..” Dot laughed at the memory leaning against the back of the couch and she couldn’t help but laugh brightly the goofy lyrics to Big Bottoms Drive Me Out Of My Mind. Hoshina laughed with his friend as he could help but laugh at them along with her.
“This is actually such a unique idea for how to make a movie though I can see this being something your brother would love. Is Nigel wearing a Gumby shirt?!“ Dot nodded her head with a bright smile on her face as she played with the ends of her ribbons. 
“Yes, yes he is. He wears a couple of Gumby items. As a kid I used to think that he was autistic that was probably how I related and how I fell in love with these characters. He was my comfort crush when I was growing up I guess because I related to him and his emotions that he goes through during the movie when it comes to his relationship with David.” Dot explained with a small laugh since that was always her debate that she would get into with her dad whenever they got to discussing their movies of choice. Hoshina nodded his head understandingly since that made perfect sense to him. Dot's crushes were people that she found cute and relatable when she was growing up. 
“Okay but that’s the cutest thing in the world. That makes so much sense- he’s childish but also cares and doesn’t want things to change too fast I’m realizing that now.” Dot nodded her head as the main ‘conflict’ of the movie came into play that being the introduction of David’s girlfriend who had a lot of changes that she wanted to make to the team. 
“My dad would always joke that I would probably wind up finding someone that I would be able to share these movies with. They were really important to me when I was a kid and I loved watching them with him. Even if I asked him all the time whether or not they were real when I was a kid and I’d tell him that I wanted to go to a Folksmen and Mitch and Mickey concert, he would always say that he’d take me anyways. They’re from A Mighty Wind I didn’t watch this one until I was slightly older, maybe eleven?” Dot nodded her head since she had been a bit older because her dad told her a bit later on that he didn’t want the music to be too loud for her and wanted for her to understand the adult sense of humor a bit more. 
“I can see that though because the music isn’t the stuff that you’d normally listen to.” Hoshina noted and Dot nodded her head with a small half-smile on her face playing with the ends of her hair.
“That’s because I don’t listen to this music a whole lot, I’d rather listen to the Mighty Wind soundtrack. My dad used to jokingly call me Sissy Knox one of the characters in that movie especially once I started wearing my hair in pigtails like her’s. But you’ve definitely heard me humming the music from that movie. I just thought that you would prefer this one and I do find it really, really funny but the only thing I absolutely love about it is Nigel- oh and Rock N’ Roll Creation is really, really good. You’ve probably heard me humming that one.” Hoshina nodded his head when he heard the song since he had heard her humming that one but mainly Nigel’s verse that he had towards the bridge of the song.
“I’ve heard you humming Nigel’s part of that song before.” Dot flushed a light pink and sputtered before realizing that it was pointless debating her friend on something that she knew was true. 
“Alright alright you’ve caught me. Oh here’s something funny, on the actual album it is all in black. When I showed that to my parents we laughed about it for a little while.” Hoshina chuckled a little bit at the fact that Dot was clearly raised by people that were exactly like her. Kind, upbeat, funny, quirky, a little bit odd but always coming from this place of kindness. 
“Your parents sound like they were exactly like you. You still send them a portion of your checks don’t you?” Dot nodded her head animatedly since she did send a good chunk of her paychecks back to her parents. It was her own little way of showing her gratitude for them and the way that they raised her. 
“They did the best that they could to raise me, I honestly never really made it easily but they did a lot for me. Mostly gave me my love of film and gave me that way of expressing myself because if I was going to express myself any way they would have wanted it to be through film. They often speak fluently in movie quotes so if you’ve ever wondered where I got that bad habit from I got it from them.” Hoshina laughed at Dot’s light complaints about the fact that her parents had raised her to be uniquely herself because he wouldn’t have wanted for her to be any other way than the way that she came. 
“I can’t imagine that you were a difficult child at all but I know that they must love you more than anything in the world. I mean you are a really lovable sort of person.” Dot flushed a bright pink trying to remain herself that was just the kind of person that Hoshina was. He was a chronic flirt and loved getting a rise out of people and it didn’t mean that he found her lovable in his way, it just meant that he found her platonically lovable. That was all. 
“You say that with all the personal bias in the world. I’m onto you Hoshina.” She joked just trying to deflect and try to relax after being overly flustered but she already knew that she wouldn’t really be able to fight her feelings for much longer. She would have to come forward and be honest about her feelings eventually. 
“I do not! I’m just telling it like I see it. You’re the kind of person that would give her entire self to someone that was going through something just because they needed your help. I’ve seen you do it so I know that’s the kind of person that you are. I love that about you though and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.” Dot sighed heavily using her hands to cover her face as she let out a silent scream and hoped to god that she would just get through these movies alive. She could disassociate from her romantic situation tomorrow but right now she wanted to be here but she just was getting too embarrassed to be here. 
“You okay there Saito?” Dot nodded her head animatedly uncovering her face as she shook her head animatedly crossing her ankles together and putting her popcorn, pretzels, and chips in front of her deciding that she wanted to eat everything in front of her rather than focus on her unrequited love. 
“I’m good! Yep all good over here no need to worry.” Dot pressed her index fingers together but Hoshina raised his eyebrow at her knowing that she was trying to cover something up. 
“Saitoooo you don’t have to lie to me, did that make you uncomfortable? I’m sorry if that was too flirty for you to handle. I like ya and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Hoshina put his hand onto Dot’s shoulder and she shook her head animatedly since really he didn’t be too flirty with her, she was just socially awkward at the best of times. 
“I’m really fine Hoshina, sorry I’m just.. tired but I do want to spend time with you. I love movie night Fridays they’re my favorite nights because they’re the only ones where you allow yourself to take a break and breathe for a little while. You didn’t make me uncomfortable could you just- go back to your spot please?” Hoshina sighed heavily going back to the other side of the couch even though he didn’t really want to go. Dot let out a breath of relief at the fact that she was left alone again where she could just be with her friend and not have to worry about spontaneously combusting.
“You don’t need to lie to me, I’m sorry that you got flustered and embarrassed.” Dot shook her head animatedly sighing heavily deciding that it was best to be as forward as she could possibly allow herself to be. 
“Okay, okay you got me Hoshina you flustered me with the praise alright? I know that I’m not that lovable of a person you just got me embarrassed that’s all.” Hoshina blinked a little bit with a small expression of confusion on his face his head cocked to the side. 
“But you are though? You are perfectly lovable just as you are. Pause the movie.” Dot reached for the remote to pause the movie and Hoshina turned his attention towards her. 
“Since you’ve joined the operations division under Ashiro things have been running so much smoother ever since then. You bring so much life and vibrancy into the space and since you’ve joined everyone seems to be having so much fun. You bring fun and laughter wherever you go whether it be with one of your perfectly timed movie references or jokes. Ever since you’ve joined I’ve found myself able to relax a lot more and have more fun. This is the highlight of my week because I get to spend time one on one with you. You are amazing whether or not you notice how amazing you are well I’ll just keep having to tell you that. And you are insanely lovable, the most lovable person that I’ve ever met.” Dot couldn’t help but smile softly at her friend knowing that he was being honest with her and that he wasn’t bullshitting her.
“Thank you Hoshina, that means a lot to me coming from you. I know that you genuinely mean that and you aren’t just telling me to try and make me feel better. I.. I like having this time with you too it’s a nice way to unwind.” Dot smiled softly at her friend and Hoshina let out a breath of relief since it did seem like Dot did believe what he was telling her. 
“I never really had the time to watch movies when I was growing up since I was just expected to train more and more until I eventually became good enough to be on my brother’s level and even then I feel like I never really succeeded on that. But getting to experience your favorite movies that you’re always talking about they make me realize just how good movies are and how comforting they can be. Especially the goofy ones like this one that can make you forget for a little while.” Dot laughed a little bit since she knew that her friend would be obsessed with this movie it was just something that was right u his alley. 
“Growing up these movies were how I grew to look at the world. They were something that I took life lessons from and how I better learned to understand people around me. Especially the second one that one was pretty much my entire childhood.” Dot pressed play and couldn’t help but laugh as one of her favorite jokes and references was coming up, Nigel trying to deal with the food in the green room and not being able to make his sandwich.
“I have definitely heard you reference that- that’s one that you use all of the time to make yourself laugh when you’re feeling socially awkward at group functions. Usually Brandon is the only one that fully gets the joke.” Dot shrugged her shoulders since if she had learned anything growing up the best way to make people like you was to be funny. To bring that little bit of levity to every situation if you did that then people would like you. 
“That’s because Brandon has seen a lot of the movies that I have so usually he does the lines with me to make me feel more.. at ease I guess? I learned pretty quickly growing up that if you make the people around you laugh then they would keep coming back for more. That was the easiest way to get people to like me and I accepted that I was the funny one that used my movie references to make other people laugh. If it meant that I blurt out a wha’ happen’ or I can’t do my work whenever the slightest inconvenience happens then that’s what I did. Those are both references to A Mighty Wind, I’ve been saying those things since I was.. probably around nine? Yeah that tracks.” Hoshina leaned his hand on his cheek getting more absorbed in Dot’s relationship with the movies that she loved rather than the movie that he should be watching currently. Sometimes that was just what happened though was he would get distracted by what Dot was talking about and would forget that he was supposed to be watching the movie. It wasn’t until he heard Dot’s bright laugh at the scene on screen that he remembered that he was supposed to be watching the movie. 
“Also the part where the stagehand has to help Nigel back up from the ground kills me Every. Single. Time. I see it.”  Dot laughed brightly at her favorite comfort character taking a handful of her popcorn as she poured some of the bag into her hands. 
“I also know that you quote the turn it up to eleven- that’s the cutest thing in the world.” Hoshina smiled softly at his friend leaning against the couch tying her hair back. Hoshina watched the movie and sighed heavily when he saw that David was bringing in his girlfriend just like Dot had told him. 
“You could see that he doesn’t want her there since the idea of change just freaks him out. Now they’re having a bunch of bickering sessions that’s awful- I can honestly see a lot of your reactions to things in the way that Nigel reacts to things.” Dot nodded her head with a small smile on her face since that had been one of her childhood favorite relatable characters.
“EXPLODING ON STAGE-" Dot laughed brightly nodding her head with a small smile on her face since that had been one of her favorite jokes. 
“That’s one of my favorite running ones! The fact that they’re just like dozens of people spontaneously combust each year like it’s a fact.” Dot sighed heavily seeing Jeanine and wishing that she could just give Nigel a hug since she had been in that situation more times than she could count. 
“I also say how much blacker could this get, none black sometimes just to make myself laugh.” Hoshina laughed brightly as the bass guitarist was trapped in the enclosure and couldn’t get out right as the song was ending and right when it opened they all went back into the enclosure anyways. 
“That’s just so funny to me, I’m sorry right as the song ends he finally gets out and has to try to get back in!” Hoshina laughed brightly and Dot nodded her head animatedly since that was one of her favorite visual gags in the movie. It had been one of the ones that she laughed at the most whenever she decided to rewatch it with her parents. 
“That’s one of my favorite visual gags in all film honestly, second only to when the woman picks up the wrong man instead of picking Chong she picks up some random dude in Up In Smoke.” Hoshina nodded his head animatedly since that had been one of their first movie nights that they had together. 
“Okay so I have a question Saito, do you think that Nigel has feelings for David?” Dot hummed in thought nodding her head because that honestly made so much sense to her and she’d always felt that way.
“I’ve always thought that honestly because he just hates Jeanine so much even though David says that they’re similar and maybe they are but I’ve always thought that they were too totally different people. They have a lot of tension once she gets there so I’ve always debated that with my parents of whether or not Nigel was in love with David and just thought that he couldn’t be with him. Because he was good until she got there.” Dot nodded her head with a small smile on her face this was why she loved watching movies with Hoshina since he always had interesting perspectives on things.
“Oh my god them getting lost in the arena- that’s so funny to me I can so see that happening to you-" Dot gasped over dramatically at Hoshina turning to face him and she couldn’t help but feel absolutely called the hell out. 
“It’s not my fault that I suck absolute ass with directions, I get confused! I get lost and especially when someone gives me complicated directions. I just need someone that’s not as directionally challenged as I am. Besides you’re my GPS so if I stay with you then I’ll be fine.” Dot lightly joked and Hoshina flushed a light pink as she called that a win for a win for herself since she had finally gotten her back. 
“Wait, wait is this where you take the no we’re not gonna fucking do stone henge from-“ Dot nodded her head animatedly since that was one of her lines as Hoshina watched the scene realizing that Nigel had written inches instead of feet onto the piece of paper. 
“Oh no that’s bad that’s not going to be good at all Saito he just wrote inches instead of feet didn’t he?” Dot nodded her head with a small smirk as she watched the scene play out in front of her. Hoshina couldn’t help but laugh brightly when he saw the actual stage performance play out. 
“This has to be your favorite song though because it’s Nigel’s song.” Dot nodded her head head animatedly shrugging her shoulders since it was her favorite song. She loved it because it was something that was purely Nigel’s creativity. 
“It is my favorite because it’s something that was purely Nigel. I love that scene it’s so funny and quirky.” Dot couldn’t help but feel the rage when David insulted Nigel’s intelligence and it always made her irritated. Even though they were just characters played by actors she always felt insulted by David. 
“I hate that he just undermined his intelligence though that hurts me probably because the two of you are so similar and I hate that.” Dot let out a breath of relief nodding her head animatedly since she’d always hated that David was so quick to undermine Nigel’s intelligence. 
“Thank you, thank you that always pisses me off and now they’re so far distant from each other because she shoved herself into that situation and I fully blame her for what happens to Nigel later on. I hate that he just called him out like that. And then right after she inserts herself into that Nigel starts losing his temper with David.” Dot sighed heavily crossing her ankles together as things started to fall apart with Nigel and the rest of the movie.
“Yeah this is exactly what happens when you get into a bad situation you start to get frustrated with everything going on and that just causes you to become more and more irritable which is totally understandable. And there he goes, there he goes.” Dot sighed heavily nodding her head since that was always something that broke her heart when Nigel left the band it always hurt her.
“Do I really react like that sometimes?” Hoshina nodded his head with a small smile on his face since even though Dot did react like that when things went sidewise sometimes she was easy to placate and calm back down again. He didn’t mind that about her that when she got frustrated she would lose her temper to irritation since he could always bring her back and calm her back down.
“It’s rare that it gets that bad you’re always easy for me to placate and bring back down. I don’t you losing yourself sometimes when things get irritating for you to handle, besides it’s rare that sort of thing happens anyways now that you can rely on your full team.” Dot smiled brightly when at the end of the movie things shifted to the tore in Japan where Nigel was back with the group. She loved this group of quirky characters more than anything in the entire world.
“I think that was actually a really good and entertaining, I love that so much the fact that you grew up with it only makes it better.” Dot stood up and she went and grabbed the other movie that they were going to watch and her personal childhood favorite. 
“Alright I’m very excited to see what your favorite one’s style of humor was like since I can so see why you loved that one so much.” Dot nodded her head animatedly turning it up a little bit so that she could hear it easier. She put up her popcorn but kept the pretzels and chips around her. 
“Wait wait, I’ve definitely heard you humming that song! That’s the cutest thing in the world  I have absolutely heard you humming that song while you’re working. The Folksmen are they your favorite group?” Dot nodded her head animatedly blushing a light pink and pressing her index fingers together a little bit embarrassed.
“They are actually my personal favorite but I love Mitch and Mickey as well but the Folksmen they’re the same actors as David, Nigel’s and Derek.” Hoshina blinked rapidly and the look of shock on his face caused Dot to laugh at him. Dot pointed out which character was played by which actor and Hoshina shook his head animatedly. 
“Sorry just give me a moment to process, that’s so weird to me holy moly. That’s amazing though that they were so good at changing their impressions. They are my favorite group, the joke about the records is a family running joke that we have definitely.” Dot laughed brightly with a small smile on her face and Hoshina couldn’t help but laugh a little bit at the fact that was just so cute. 
“I have actually heard you say that if you poke a hole it you’d have a great time.” Dot stuck her tongue out at her friend rolling her eyes at his antics since that was something that she would quote when the situation called for it.
“Ten years and thirty albums- that’s three albums per year! How old were you when you watched this?” Dot hummed in thought trying to think back to how old she was when she had first watched the movie that she grew up with.
“I think that I was six? But don’t quote me on that I’m pretty sure that’s how old I was.” Dot smiled softly as she got sucked into her favorite movie that she had grown up with. 
“That’s another song that I’ve heard you humming before, they’re so cute though. That’s adorable I can see them being one of your childhood favorites too.” Hoshina noticed about the romantic duo and she nodded her head with a small smile on her face. 
“They were one of my favorite sad romances when I was growing up. They don’t wind up together but it’s okay because they’ll always care about each other. They cared about each other but sometimes loving someone isn’t enough.” Dot reasoned looking over at her friend and smiling softly at him as she ran her hand through her hair putting her snacks away.
“I can’t believe you were watching this movie when you were a kid but I can see that. Did you ever think that these were real bands?” Dot rubbed the back of her neck a little bit with a small smile on her face as she pressed her index fingers together. 
“Um yes? Whenever I would watch this movie when I was a kid I would ask my dad when the Folksmen and Mitch and Mickey would be near us and he would always tell me that they weren’t a real actual band. That these were just actors interacting off of each other and playing music together. But they all learned how to play these instruments and they all sang these songs.” Hoshina nodded his head looking at the movie in front of him and seeing the way that Mitch and Mickey interacted off of each other.
“I love that though even though they’re not on good terms really they’re still coming back together to make this work. Wait this is where you took dessert talk from?!” Dot nodded her head with a small laugh rubbing the back of her neck a little bit. 
“It is where I took this might be good dessert talk from, I always thought that was so funny. She’s one of my favorite characters in this, remember her from Beetlejuice? If I’m not allowed to express myself I will go insane and I will take you with me!” Dot interpreted and Hoshina couldn’t help but laugh openly since he totally remembered her now he thought that voice felt familiar but he couldn’t place it really.
“Their love story is so sweet though I can see them being one of your childhood favorites when it comes to your favorite things. He’s so intense though and I can see why that would be a lot for someone to deal with.” Dot nodded her head and she started singing under her breath as it changed to Never Did No Wanderin’ since that had been one of favorite songs growing especially the version that The Folksmen did. 
“WAIT that’s where you took Now-Tro from?!” Dot nodded her head animatedly with a bright smile since this was her favorite role of that actor.
“It is actually where I took Now-Tro from since I found it funny as a kid. There’s a lot of things that I took from this movie because I just found it to be funny and ridiculous. It’s a comfort to me so you’ll remember a lot of lines that I stole from it.” Dot laughed openly at the fact that her friend had absolutely called her out for referencing this movie frequently.
“Sissy Knox is actually one of my favorite characters I love her so much she’s so cute. My dad often will teasingly call me Sissy Knox because he told me that I reminded him of the bright and bubbly member of the toothpaste commercial band. That’ll make more sense later on.” Dot shrugged her shoulders and Hoshina couldn’t help but laugh a little bit at the bubbly and sunshine energy that exuded from the character. Dot flapped her hand animatedly as she pointed at the screen. 
“I took so many of my references from this character, his actor Fred Willard was so funny to me when I was a kid and I just thought that he was so ridiculous.” Hoshina nodded his head with his gaze transfixed on the screen and as soon as Hoshina heard the character yell ‘Hey Wha Happen?!’ He automatically knew what Dot was talking about. 
“That’s where you took that from! I love that so much though that’s so cute, I can’t do my work too! And I don’t think so, you always say that like that I never would’ve guessed that you took that from these movies.” Dot pressed her index fingers together as she had been absolutely called out by her friend. 
“I took them because as a kid since I was something that I found comforting. I would use hey wha happen’ whenever something would go wrong around my friends. My dad especially found it funny whenever I would comedically shout I can’t do my work and he would yell back what work are you trying to do?!” Dot laughed a little bit at the memory since that had been one of her favorite jokes.
“I’m realizing something though, Mitch looks really unfocused until he’s looking at Mikey singing. As soon as she’s singing then he looks a lot more focused because he just loved her that much. And even though that didn’t work out between the two of them they still love each other.” Dot nodded her head animatedly since she’d always noticed that despite all of the mental and emotional turmoil that her favorite characters had been through they still cared about each other deeply. To her that’s what love was, it meant sacrificing some things so that the other person could be happy. And she was sacrificing a lot just so that Hoshina would stay happy for her.
“Love to me is about sacrifice if you truly love someone then you’ll let them go and be happy elsewhere even if it’s without you around in a romantic way. My parents loved each other obviously they did if they had me and they’re still together today. But I never really thought that romance was for me. I’d probably be too much for my partner honestly. I talk too much and it’s hard to keep track of everything that I say.” Hoshina looked towards his friend with his head slightly cocked to the side since that was the first time that he was hearing about that. 
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience Saito you don’t gotta tell me about it if you don’t want to but I think that if anyone’s deserving of love then you are because you are a very lovable and loving kind of person and I think that anyone that gets to fall in love with you they’re very lucky. You’re a very unique and lovable person who would do anything for the people in your life and I think that someday someone will love you as you are. Maybe someone already does and they’re just good at hiding it because they don’t really know what to do with the feelings that they have since that’s not how they were raised.” Dot felt tears come to her eyes at the fact that she was able to read between those lines and for the first time she saw it. She saw that she wasn’t the only one that felt this way and that for the first time in her life, Dot wasn’t alone in having romantic feelings for someone. She was seen where she was and that same person felt the same way about her. Now the ball was in her court and it was up to her to say something about the way that she truly felt about her friend. 
“Throughout much of my teen years and going into my adult life every single time that I caught feelings for someone it never worked out. I wound up in a lot of.. toxic situationships because of it. Where we weren’t exactly dating but there was definitely some.. non-platonic things going on. I had a former friend tell me that it made sense that I’d never get a boyfriend because I was selfish and I talked too much about myself and my own interests. So I just assumed that I wasn’t cut out for romance because of things that people told me I guess.” Dot shrugged her shoulders pausing the movie since it was clear that her friend was missing a lot of the movie because of their intense conversation. Hoshina blinked a little bit trying to understand what his friend was telling him. Even though she had always been so kind it was clear that people from Dot’s past had taken advantage of that kindness and he felt this surge of protectiveness going through him that told him to instantly just hold her and tell her how wrong her former friend and past situationships were and how they treated her shouldn’t be how you treat another person. 
“Saito-nah Dottles, your friends that wasn’t right the way that they treated ya. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way by people that you cared about. Especially ya former friend, if she had known the stuff that you’d been through then she’d know how wrong that is especially to say that to someone else who probably didn’t ask for any of that. You deserve better and ya deserve to have someone that loves ya and accepts you as you are. Quirks and all because I- I don’t mind that ya talk a lot. I like hearing you talk about the things that you love and hearing you talk about your interests and your favorite movies. I like being with ya like this when you’re not so tense and your not so stressed out. I like getting to experience these things that you love so much and getting to laugh with ya because your laugh is beautiful. Getting to see these little pockets of yer life before I met you they make me happy.” Dot flushed a bright pink at the shortening of her first name. Nobody had ever shortened her first name like that because her name was already short enough and it didn’t require a nickname out of her name. But the fact that Hoshina had thought of a way to give her a cute nickname that was unique to him anyways meant everything to her.
“I should know because.. I love ya. And I don’t want you to have to change for anyone least of all for me. I want you to be happy instead it doesn’t gotta be with me it could e with anyone. I like just sitting here and talking with ya your my favorite person to talk to. I want to be with you but I don’t care that you don’t feel the same way that I do right now. I  just want you to know my feelings.” Dot blinked a little bit inching her lower arm and wincing at the pain that went through her arm.
“You wait- you love me? Really? You love me? Soshiro don’t mess with me I couldn’t take it off you were messing with me.” Hoshina cocked his head to the side with a small smile on his face as he tentatively scooted closer to Dot.
“Of course I love ya, I thought that I was being super obvious with how I felt about you because I always wanted to be with you and talk with ya. You’re so beautiful, cute, funny, sweet, and you’re always so bright and happy. I love ya I didn’t plan on saying anything to you since I didn’t want to lose yer friendship or anything.” Dot blinked a little bit in surprise and she reached over and took Hoshina’s hand in her’s squeezing it softly. 
“I love you too, I have since I was first starting out here and started doing my work here. Even though you didn’t know any of my favorite things I’ve had so much fun getting to introduce my favorite things to you. You make me laugh every single day and I love laughing with you, getting to watch my favorite movies and experience them with you has been one of the biggest joys that I’ve ever had.” Dot ran her and through her hair with a small smile on her face and Soshiro held her hand squeezing it with a small smile on his face.
“I never really thought that I’d find someone that I loved as much as I love you. You’re just so cute.” Hoshina lightly squeezed Dot’s cheeks with a small smile on his face.
“Stop that you nutcase- you keep squishing my cheeks!” Dot protested with kicking her legs in irritation with a bright laugh as Hoshina completely ignored her and kept squishing her cheeks anyways.
“I can’t help it, you look so cute when you get irritated like that it’s too easy to lightly tease you. You’re so precious I’m sorry I can’t help but tease ya just a little bit.” Dot laughed at her friend hugging him tightly uncaring that she was being too clingy she was just wanting to be near him right now. Hoshina blinked a little bit not expecting the hug but he easily reciprocated the hug clinging to her just as much as she was to him.
“You can press play again, we’ll talk after the movie is over I know that this is one of your favorites sorry for interrupting.” Dot shook her head animatedly grabbing the remote and keeping her arms around Hoshina’s waist to stop him from going back to his original spot. He couldn’t help but laugh openly at the idea at the ‘witches in natures color’ idea.
“That’s where you took the you’d make that conclusion walking down the street or going to the store whenever somebody says something particularly nuts! I never would have known that you took so much from this movie. You comfy over there?” Dot looked up at her friend with a small half-hearted glare that Hoshina could’t help but laugh at a little bit. 
“I would be more comfortable if my pillow stopped making so much racket.” Dot smiled softly when she heard the familiar sounds of Loco Man that she loved because it reminded her of her dad’s ridiculous antics.
“My dad loves that song! It’s one of his favorite songs since much to my mom’s protesting one of his favorite instruments is the banjo and he always thought that it was a really creative idea to use the banjo in a Jamaican style number.” Dot explained with a small smile and Hoshina nodded his head understandingly hearing the familiar sounds of A Kiss At The End Of The Rainbow a song he already knew since it was one that Dot sang a lot to herself. 
“That’s where this song comes from it’s so pretty, and just the way that he looks at her even though they’re not good for each other you can see a time when they were good for each other what that would have been good for one another.” Dot nodded her head animatedly since this had been one of her favorite songs when she was a little kid it was comforting to her and she’d use it to self soothe during storms and other times of trauma when she was growing up and didn’t want to bother her parents. 
“When I was a kid I would use that song as a way to.. I guess soothe myself? It worked during storms quite a bit since I’m afraid of thunder, still am to this day. I hate thunder or loud noises in general.” Dot laughed a little bit rubbing the back of her neck and Hoshina’s arms tightened around her protectively. 
“Is that why you always flinch when someone yells into the comms?” Dot nodded her head since even though it was a silly fear it was still one of the few things that she was genuinely afraid of either than spiders.
“I’m also terrified of spiders but you know that already due to the loud screaming that I always let out whenever I see even a tiny one in the operations area.” Dot whined and Hoshina couldn’t help but laugh a little bit at his friend’s rather adorable fear of spiders. He always was there with a quick paper towel and cup method to let the spider back outside.
“This is where you took that were you planning on studying it later, just kinda academically then- you say that to some of the younger operations people when they’re still learning and won’t read the pamphlets that Okonogi makes.” Dot cackled with a small smile on her face nodding her head animatedly since that had been one of her favorite running jokes that she’d made with her dad. 
“I also use we have one brain between the two of us when it comes to me and Brandon since he’s oftentimes the other side of my brain where he’ll be thinking the same thing that I am.” Hoshina couldn’t help but laugh a little bit since he couldn’t help but smile softly at her. He loved watching Dot bond with the other members of Ashiro’s operations division.
“I love them so much though they’re still so cute even if they aren’t together romantically anymore they’re still people that truly understand one another. I think that Mickey is the only one that truly gets him even though they can’t be together romantically they still understand each other and look at each other with so much understanding and love. I think that they’re my favorite honestly.” Dot smiled softly at her friend’s perspective as he talked animatedly about why he related to this movie. 
“I totally get that though because they were two of my favorite characters when I was a kid as well.” Hoshina nodded his head animatedly and Dot leaned her head against Hoshina’s shoulder.
“My dad and I have a running joke that my mom’s anxiety is a lot like the son’s where she’s constantly worried about every little possible thing and she hates it when we we tease her about it but I absolutely inherited her anxiety.” Dot laughed a little bit as she talked more about her family and Hoshina watched as Mitch’s anxiety grew bigger and bigger as time went on.
“Oh no he’s totally panicking that’s bad- that’s bad.” Dot nodded her head since this was how she genuinely saw her anxiety. Hoshina sat there watching until The New Main Street Singers came out and instantly Dot saw the small lines of irritation go across his face.
“WAIT they’re playing the same song that the Folksmen were rehearsing how is that allowed?!” Dot nodded head since that had always pissed her off beyond all belief despite her appreciation of Potato’s In A Padywagon for it’s goofy and silly nature.
“This is also where I stole toothpaste commercial from~” Dot laughed a little bit at her friend when Mark Shubb said the iconic line that she often used to refer to modern Disney movies.
“And there he goes he’s going for a walk sometimes that’s what works best for me though too it’s just a good thing for the nerves and the anxiety to just step away for a few minutes and get some air. My dad is the same way, that sort of quiet and soft spoken sort of person. I do love Sissy Knox’s vibe though she’s so cute even though the band isn’t the best she’s so cute.” Dot laughed a little bit and Hoshina fingered one of her ribbons that she tied her hair back with every day. 
“They’re going to do Old Joe’s Place though that’s one of my ultimate favorite songs it just comforts me and I often do one of my favorite jokes with my dad where I’ll walk up to him and just say just look for the busted neon sign that flashes ‘E A O’s’ and he’ll do the laugh with me. It’s just something that we’ve always done.” Dot shrugged her shoulders humming the song and tapping her foot to the beat of one of her childhood favorite songs.
“I’ve always loved to sing this song with my dad in the car too it’s just something that we’ve done since I was a kid. What do you think that Mitch is going to bring back with him on his walk?” Hoshina hummed in thought before his eyes widened at the idea that just struck him. 
“If he brings back a rose I swear to god I’m going to bawl my eyes out.” Dot laughed a little bit when Mitch came back on to the screen carrying a red rose and Hoshina’s eyes welled up with tears as Dot’s arms tightened around him comforting him.
“Her voice is so pretty though, isn’t she also Sally in Nightmare Before Christmas?” Dot nodded her head animatedly not expecting that Hoshina would remember such a simple song in one of her favorite movies. She started humming the main theme under her breath as Hoshina couldn’t help but laugh a little bit at the quirky and outlandish lyrics.
“They’re all so good at singing though even if they’re just singing this stuff as a joke. I feel like Christopher Guest is doing an impression though? He sounds like Frodo of the nine fingers and the ring of doom guy that did the music from The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings animated films.” Dot shrugged her shoulders since she actually had no idea if Christopher Guest had taken inspiration from one of her childhood soundtracks or not. 
“I have no clue where he got that from actually but that would be an interesting fun fact if that was true!” Dot smiled softly at her friend’s thoughts since as per usual he was thinking outside of the box and coming up with his own unique ideas. Dot inwardly cringed when she heard Mickey singing songs for her husband and she sighed heavily.
“Poor Mickey honestly I love her though she’s my favorite character. Probably because she’s so strong and so funny, she reminds me of you actually quite a bit. I know that Sissy Knox is your most relatable character but she means a lot to you. Dot smiled softly at her friend since Mickey had always been one of her childhood favorite characters and she couldn’t help but laugh brightly at the last jokes with The Folksmen.
“So it’s the Folksmen and women now? That’s actually so funny though I kind of love that honestly that’s really beautiful though. It’s a really cute and beautiful story about friendship and the support that you’ll give to your friends. Even when you struggle the people that care about you they’ll still be there.” Dot laughed a little bit nodding her head since that was always her thoughts on the movie. That relationships while complicated were worth it in the end because sometimes it brought you to a special person that would understand and accept you as you are. Speaking of being accepted as she was, she was still snuggled up to her longtime crush. 
“Hey Soshiro I um what do you want to do from here?” Hoshina cocked his head to the side with a small smile on his face as he leaned against her side snuggling closer to  her. 
“Well what I want is to take you on a date as soon as possible~ cat cafe as soon as your available?” Dot nodded her head with tears in her eyes as she smiled softly since that sounded like a dream to her. A date with dream guy and cats, sign her up for that yesterday. 
“That sounds amazing A date like that I should probably be well rested for..” Hoshina sighed heavily pressing kisses across Dot’s cheeks as she giggled at his antics.
“Can I kiss ya at least before I leave?” Dot nodded her head tentatively with a bright pink blush on her cheeks hard to believe that any of this was actually happening. Hoshina leaned in and gently kissed Dot cradling her cheeks in his hands and lightly squeezing them before he pulled back and regretfully left her arms. 
“I’ll see ya tomorrow and then we’ll organize that date for once things calm down a little bit and Captain Ashido comes back.” Dot nodded her head with a small smile on her face as she pulled back from the hug giving Hoshina one last kiss before she walked her friend to the front of her room.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Soshiro, try ad get some sleep okay? Don’t just go to the training room and train for the rest of the night. Actually go to sleep, you’re still recovering from your fight with Number 10 and you need all the sleep that you can get.” Dot encouraged and Hoshina sighed heavily knowing that there was no way that he could get out of this. 
“Alright alright I love ya Nia, see you tomorrow. You get some rest too, I look forward to our date~” Hoshina gave Dot one last kiss and couldn’t contain the giddy lovestruck smile on his face even if he wanted to. Dot grabbed her stuffed caterpillar that she had brought with her from home and hugged it tightly as she drifted off to sleep. 
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skzoologist · 7 months
The weather has been very uh,,,flaky ig is the word I'll use this time round 💀 we had a day where the day started off at 32°F (0°C) with frost all over the grass and cars and then jumped up to 65°F (18°C) so that was an experience 🧍 but I'm doing my best to stay warm! Bundling up in many many layers <3 glad to hear that the weather where you are has been nice!!
Thank you 😭😭 I wish you luck in your classes when they start up again!!
Ooh you danced too? 👀 What did you dance? :O
The festival was great! But it was really loud and there were lots of ppl which kinda got overwhelming after a bit ^^;
I think I caught it from my friend who stayed over a couple nights last week 😭 cuz no one else around me in any of my classes had any symptoms 😭😭
I'm close enough to my parents that they decided to just deliver me a bunch of food and medicine when I found out 😭 I'm mostly fine now, just still a bit congested and coughing a bit although my throat still doesn't feel all that great 🧍I should be mostly fine by the end of the week though,,,hopefully 🤞
I hope that the docs figure it out and that you feel better soon 😭😭 glad to hear that Luna's surgery went well and that she's feeling better! Also happy to hear your family member is recovering well!!
Don't worry ab updating Unfamiliarity, Jinnie 😭, we understand!! 💕
- 🐹
Oh yeah, these big jumps in the weather are deadly, we just don't start from that cold here. Not going to lie, I wish it was a bit colder, I miss being able to bundle up in a blanket without cooking myself alive...
Yeah, well, I need to succeed in my entrance exam first that is probably in may 💀 But thank you.
Ah, well, at a very young age I danced traditional dances, but it wasn't my style so I changed to group dances, where we also danced some tango, waltz, these type of traditional dances. But after a few years our teacher got really strict and competitive, so we all left the group collectively, since it was no fun anymore. And after that, I haven't danced, because I have no one to dance with and my anxious self doesn't wanna go alone. Even though it would do my dying body good too...
That is something I dislike about festivals, the crowd and how overwhelming they can get. Glad you still had fun though!
Oh! Glad that your parents are close enough to take care of you. Still, take it easy, this thing is hard to get rid of.
Yeah, well, I've been living with this for a year now almost, docs always end up saying it's allergy or stress or just my nerves. And then I'm supposed to act normal and polite after that 😃 Anyway, yes, at least the others in my family are doing good now.
Eh, do you guys though? I truly know how frustrating it is when a fic you enjoy goes on a long hiatus, especially when the author is still alive and responding, just not writing. I originally wanted to finish the story last year, write the remaining chapters while I slowly post the written ones here. That was nearly a year ago...
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Best Friends Forever (Bucky Barnes X Reader) Chapter One - Divorce?!
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- I moved my stuff out last weekend!
Natasha says, taking another bite of her club sandwich. Like it was the most normal thing in the world for her and Bucky to get a divorce.
You look at her in disbelief. A divorce? Two of your best friends, you thought they were happy. Obviously you were wrong.
- Why? What happened?
You ask, moving your food around on your plate. Suddenly you lost your appetite.
- It's a long story. It's been going downhill for a while. Bucky wanted kids. I can't have kids. I want...
- Didn't you guys talk about adoption?
You cut her off. Looking at her. You still can't believe she didn't tell you before. She's your best friend. You used to tell each other everything. Why did she keep this from you?
- Yeah, we did. But given that Bucky doesn't really exist. It was impossible to get papers. And given my background I'm not exactly eligible for adoption by myself.
You don't answer. You just nod. You do understand, you do. And you knew that this having kids thing had been hard on them.
- Anyway.. How is things with you and Steve?
Natasha looks at you. How are things with you and Steve, really? Your marriage have kinda just turned into everyday life. Steve was working non stop, almost never home. His saving the world complex kinda went to his head. And you felt that he took you for granted. It's not like he didn't provide for you. His job payed well, and he made sure you had everything you needed, and then some. But you felt that he was never there for you anymore.
- Well, it's going I guess..
You answer, taking a sip of your coffee.
- You sure, YN?
Natasha keeps looking at you.
- I don't know, Nat... It's just that he's never there, you know. Sometimes I wonder if he even loves me anymore.
You look down on your plate again. Since when did things become this messed up?
- You want to spend the night at my place? Drinking wine, gossiping?
Natasha winks at you. It sounds fun, you can't argue with that. It's been a long time since you and Natasha spent time together, just the two of you.
- Sure, that sounds fun. And Steve is away on business anyway, so I'm free.
Natasha gets up. Throws some money at the table, to pay for the food.
- Great, I pay for this food, you pay for the wine. Come one girlfriend!
You have a Great night with Natasha. Talking about the good old days, and of course you talk alot about what's happening now. When you finally fall asleep on her couch, you feel like your head is about to explode with all this new information
You didn't fall asleep until early in the morning, so you still feel the red wine from last night working in your body, when you enter the home you and Steve share.
It was a typical average American house. Way to big for just Steve and you. But you were supposed to get children. At least that's what you talked about when you bought the house. That it would be a Great place to raise children. Children that never came. And Steve was almost never home anymore, and when he was.. The sex wasn't exactly something to brag about. It used to be. It was just that after 10 years, it had become an every day thing. It was like all the different ways of having sex was tried out. And you got stuck in the missionary position like an old married couple. Sometimes you actually asked yourself if you could cheat on him. If you'd be able to do that? It wasn't that you haven't had the opportunity. You had some guys looking at you, at work and well.. They thought you didn't notice, but you did. And it did make you feel good. It did make you feel pretty. But you never acted on it. You were a married woman. You could never do that.
You walk towards the shower. Letting your clothes fall to the ground as you go. You just want to shower off your hangover, grab a soft drink from the fridge, and then spend the rest of the day in bed, watching TV or something. Steve will be gone for another week. So you have the house to yourself. You'll order takeout, go to bed early, and maybe redecorate. But shower first, YN. Shower, and then soft drink.
The shower does make you feel better. You stay there for a long long time. Letting the warm water slowly but steady take away your hangover. Piece by piece your body is starting to go back to normal.
You remember the first time you and Steve were in here together. Your first night in the house. How he undressed you, placing kisses on your body. How he stood for a good four or five minutes to make sure the water was warm enough. How amazing the sex was back then. How affectionate he was. Always telling you he loved you. Three or four times a day. Back when everything was perfect. Yes, you loved him. But you wanted the good sex back. The I came home early to fuck you sex, the kitchen floor sex, the shower sex, the in the car by the side of the road sex. That you're so hot, I want you right now, and I can't wait kinda sex. You and Steve didn't have that anymore. Would it ever be possible to get that back?
You stay in the shower for so long that you don't realise that the water runs cold. Shit! Well. Time to dry off, order take out and have that soft drink. You wrap your towel around you, and exit the bathroom.
You wrap a towel around you, and walk into your bedroom to get dressed. In the bedroom you place the towel on the bed before going through your clothes. Nothing fancy today. Some black sweatpants and a t shirt. A night in front of the TV with take out and Chick Flicks. No need to dress up for that. You put the towel into the laundry basket, when you hear a sound from your living room.
You quickly get the gun you always hide in the nightstand out. It was a long time since Steve had enemies. But you could never be too careful. Then you slowly start to move towards the living room. Lifting the gun up, ready to use it on whoever just entered your living room.
You can't see anything, but you can hear someone behind your couch. Sounds like someone is unpacking something from a bag.
- Let me see your hands. I have a gun!
You yell, as you point the gun towards the couch. Then you see two hands slowly raising over the back of the couch. Before he slowly gets to his feet. You look at him for a while. Still pointing the gun at him.
- James? What are you doing here?
Bucky clears his throat. Still holding his hands up in the air.
- YN. Could you maybe put the gun away?
You look at the gun, before looking back up at Bucky. Then you lower the gun.
- What are you doing here, James?
- Why do you keep calling me James?
You walk back into your bedroom, put the gun back.
- What are you doing here, Bucky?
- Steve told me I could stay here. You know, Nat moved her stuff out. I'm trying to sell the house. Get a smaller place.
You get a soft drink out of the fridge.
- Yeah, she told me that. What happened?
Bucky sinks down in the couch.
- A lot, YN! A lot happened!
@nekoannie-chan @late-to-the-party-81 @there-goes-thefighter @here4thefanfics
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bjfinn · 1 year
"What are you guys doing?"
"Hey, Beej," Adam said. "Just catching up on some reading." He turned to Barbara. "There's a great piece in this issue of the New Yorker -- I think you'll really enjoy it."
"Okay," Barbara replied. "Let me just finish this Town & Country article first."
"Reading, huh? Sounds like fun -- not."
"Okay, then," Adam replied. "What would you like to do?"
"Oh, I don't know ..." Beej equivocated, biting his lower lip and smiling, his eyes looking up and to the right.
The Maitlands sighed -- they knew what was coming whenever Beej got that expression on his face.
"I know!" the demon said. "Hey, Babs, how 'bout showing us your tits?"
"For the last time, BJ, I'm not showing you my ... breasts. And that's final."
"Ah, come on! What's the big deal?" the demon persisted. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours -- whaddya say?"
"We've already seen yours," Adam told him. "Plenty of times."
"And you love it, don'tcha, sweet cheeks?" Beej leered. He turned back to Barbara. "Just one look -- that's all I'm asking." He smiled mischievously and wiggled his eyebrows. "Maybe a little touching."
"No! My tits are for Adam's eyes -- and hands -- only."
"Fine," Beej said petulantly. "I'll bet they're not so great anyway. Besides, it's not like I haven't seen tits before. Big tits, small tits, firm tits, saggy tits, tater tits--"
"Okay! We get the picture -- you've seen lots of tits," Adam said. "Wait -- tater tits??? "
"Like tater tots, but better," the demon replied. "Tits, tits, tits, tits --" Beej was salivating now.
"Beej --"
"I once saw a gal with three tits," the demon told them. "She was in one of them circus sideshows. Looked great, but where do you put your face? I mean, one of 'em is always gonna be left out, you know?" He put the heels of both hands on either side of his mouth and made a motorboating sound, shaking his head rapidly.
"Enough already!" Barbara exclaimed.
"But we had fun figuring it out anyway." He sighed, a dreamy look on his face. "What a night! Of course, once the monkey came in --"
"Stop it," Adam whimpered, covering his ears. "I'm begging you, for the love of God --"
"You've never actually had sex, have you?" Barbara said pointedly. "That's why you're always talking about it."
Beej bristled at that. "What??? How dare you! I've had sex lots of times -- hundreds ... no, thousands ... no, MILLIONS of times! And every time was better than the last, baby! I'm a sex machine -- belie' dat!"
"I don't believe you," Barbara said with a smirk. "I think you wouldn't know what to do if you actually got the chance -- you're all talk, Beej. Am I right? -- all talk and no action."
"Are you calling me a ... a six-hundred-year-old virgin? " Beetlejuice huffed angrily, his eyes welling up with hot tears. His hair had turned electric blue, shot through with indigo streaks. "I -- I -- I've never been so insulted in my entire unlife! I thought you guys were my friends! Well, fuck you!"
And with that he vanished.
"Wow!" Adam said. "You really hurt his feelings! I've never seen his hair turn blue before!"
"I know," Barbara replied, rather ashamed of herself.
"You think he'll be back?"
"I don't know. I -- I hope so. But I think it'll be a very long time before --"
Suddenly he reappeared, giving both of them a start.
"Miss me?"
"BJ! I thought --" Barbara began.
"That I was still mad? I know, I know -- it took a long time for me to get over it."
"It's been, like ... ten seconds," Adam told him.
"Wow! That long, huh? Must be some kind of new record for me." He put his arms around their shoulders, grinning happily as he looked at each of them in turn. "Anyway, bygones. You guys are the best, you know that? I love you guys!"
"What's that smell? " Barbara asked, her nose wrinkling. His usual swamp-water stench was overlain by something else. Something worse. "Have you been drinking? More to the point ... what have you been drinking? Rancid milk?"
"Never mind that," the demon said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "That doesn't matter. All that matters is that we're pals again! We should celebrate! I know -- let's get naked!"
"No! " Barbara and Adam chorused, trying not to laugh. Same old Beej.
Beej shrugged. "Ah, worth a try," he said affably.
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Happy sleepover Friday! I've worn out my partner talking about Boy so I'll DM you lol
Boy is friend my partner's who I've met a couple times but while partner and I were still monogamous, and before Boy grew out his hair. But we ran into each other at a wedding and I was like Oh. Okay. That's how it is lol
He's not a great texter so we haven't talked a ton but we're getting a bit closer. And one night we stayed up till 3 AM talking so there's definitely some chemistry there
Last weekend I asked him on a date bc I incidentally have to be in the city he lives in soon, and he was... a bit mixed? Half the time he sounded interested and the other half he sounded really conflicted. By his own admission he's a bit avoidant and it sounds like he's had some less than stellar reactions to needing his space, so I think he's a bit skittish. And I'm a bit worried I scared him off. But he did say he wanted to hang out, so I'm just. Doing my best to be patient. I think we'll be chill once we hang out in person, and even if we never date I'd still very much like to be his friend
So yeah there's more than that obviously, but here's hoping! He's very much a night owl so hoping we get to talk tonight and firm up plans for next weekend
Yeah! It can be really frustrating when people don’t give you a straight answer to how they feel but hopefully things go well! It’s fun to be chill and flirty without dating anyway. Being chill and flirty before dating is always the best part in my opinion. I’ve never had a scenario where that’s lasted but I don’t think I would mind one. I don’t really feel like I’m ready to sit down and commit to someone either right now so I think that would be the ideal for me: maybe he’ll be the same way.
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