#anyway... I'm tired. So if I don't seem as excited or responsive
thelostconsultant · 2 months
Lunch with a stranger
pairing: Charles Leclerc x female reader
summary: You've seen Charles before, but it's only when he interrupts your lunch when you exchange more than one word.
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You were so lost in the screen of your phone that you didn't even notice the furry baby shark approaching you.
As you sat at a table on the street with a glass of ice cold lemonade and some snacks serving as your lunch, you talked to your friends in a group chat to arrange your plans for the weekend. Brunch in the morning, beauty salon before lunch, then a quick shopping trip in the afternoon.
And then you felt it; sharp teeth gently nipped the skin on your calf until they were replaced by the little creature's tongue as it licked your leg. You leaned to the side to see the criminal under the table and saw an adorable little puppy who looked surprisingly excited to see you.
But why did it look familiar? You could have sworn you had seen this dog before, and not just once, yet your mind couldn't put the pieces together to help you out. Then you noticed the leash and followed the thin line to the owner. A familiar face. That explained everything.
“I'm sorry, he likes to make friends,” the guy said with a sheepish grin.
You waved your hand in a way to tell him it was no problem, then returned your attention to your phone and lunch, expecting him to move on. But he didn't. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him pick up the dog and take the seat across from you.
“I'm Charles, by the way,” he said.
Nodding, you took a sip of your drink, enjoying the way it cooled you down from the inside. “I know. Our nation's greatest hero as of now.”
You didn't want to talk to anyone today, especially not to someone you knew from your psychologist's office, but he seemed really determined to get more than a few words out of you. You had never spoken to each other more than politely greeting the other, and honestly, you didn't even think he would remember you.
But he did, apparently. He waved over the waitress to come and take his order, ignoring your silent protest, then looked at you with an intrigued glint in his eyes. “So you watch F1?” he asked casually.
“I watch the Monaco GP since all I have to do is go out to my balcony, but that's the most I see from it,” you replied, not missing the disappointed look that crossed his face. But he didn't say anything, he just scratched his dog’s soft spot behind his ear. “What?”
Charles looked up with a questioning hum. “What what?” You rolled your eyes, but since the waitress had just arrived with his order, you didn't want to go into the details. “Okay, look,” he began once you were alone again, “I just… I see you at Dr. Brezzo’s office whenever I can go on my normal schedule, but we never have the chance to talk. So when Leo found you, I thought I should take this chance.”
He seemed like such a sweet guy, but at the moment you didn't need new people in your life, especially not ones who lived in the spotlight. You just wanted to have some quiet and peaceful months until your meds kicked in, until you were finally back to normal. You'd been doing great, it would have been a shame to risk it.
But when you opened your mouth to tell him you weren't interested in this chat, he gave you the damn puppy eyes as if he had known what you wanted to say. With a sigh, you nodded and stuffed a forkful of salad in your mouth. He waited patiently, even began eating his own food while making sure he gave his dog a bite so he wouldn't be left out.
“You look tired,” you noted, earning a surprised look from him. “A friend of mine is a huge F1 fan and he told me about how terrible things have been for you. I'm sorry. Is that why you need therapy? No, wait, don't answer this, it's too personal. Let's talk about something else.”
For a while he was just watching you with a barely visible smirk, and then he surprised you with what seemed to be an honest response. “I would go to therapy anyway, my job is stressful enough on its own, but yeah, the team's recent performance is definitely something I need to learn to deal with.”
“I'm sure there are highs and lows in every aspect of life, so maybe it won't last much longer,” you offered with a warm smile.
Charles nodded. “That's what I'm hoping for. What about you? Why do you go to therapy?” he asked cautiously.
Well, since he was honest with you, there was no reason to lie. It's not like he would go around telling everyone about it. “I have bipolar disorder. The meds will hopefully work, but I need therapy too. Makes things easier,” you added with a shrug.
He was awfully quiet, and for a moment you expected him to stand up and leave. Wouldn't have been the first time, you had already lost a friend thanks to this. But then he picked up his glass and watched the bubbles move inside as he broke the silence with a smile. “You look well to me.”
A small smile crept on your lips when you heard this. “Thanks. Honestly, I feel better too,” you said proudly. Because you were proud of what you achieved in a short amount of time.
Then you both returned to your respective lunches, but Charles had to focus on keeping a healthy balance between feeding himself and Leo for now. It was adorable, really. You felt like you should say something, anything to break the silence, but he didn't seem to mind it. To him it might have been comfortable, because when he noticed you staring, he flashed a smile at you without saying a word, then returned to his lunch.
A good fifteen minutes later your phone had begun to blow up. Your friends were sending dozens of messages into the group chat, making your phone ping and buzz non-stop. With an apologetic smile, you took a look at it, and your breath caught in your throat as you tapped the links they threw in there.
“Oh, shit,” you muttered, a painful groan leaving your throat when you noticed you'd been tagged in several social media posts too.
Charles looked at you with a puzzled look. “What happened?” he asked.
Instead of answering, you just showed him your phone. He kept scrolling, his eyes growing wider as he began to process the dozens of posts and hundreds of comments about the two of you having lunch together. It was insane how fast rumors flew across the internet, and it didn't make you happy at all.
Despite being born and raised in Monaco, you had been taught to stay under the radar your whole life. Your parents made sure no photos of you would be published anywhere, and you were trained to do everything in a way that kept you away from the spotlight. People didn't know your name, they barely even knew your parents’ name, which was a good thing.
Well, so much for that.
“Hey, it's okay. Just a few photos,” Charles offered as he gave you back the device and placed his hand on your arm. “They'll move on soon, I promise.” When he saw you were still upset about it, he spoke up again. “Look, I think you already knew I wanted to ask you out, so if you would say no anyway, this is the time to tell me. I wouldn't blame you.”
How could he be so sweet? You did have a feeling that's where this conversation was going, but you weren't sure until now. Now that you knew, you had to figure out how to decide. When he showed up, you were sure you didn't want anything. But now? Maybe getting to know him better wouldn't be so bad after all.
“It's okay. I think I can handle it,” you told him with a small smile.
Your positive response made him smile too as he looked down at the puppy in his arms. “You heard that? You'll get all the kisses and cuddles you want.” He looked up at you with a playful look in his eyes. “Maybe I will too,” he added.
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thatfandomslut · 7 months
Late Night Calls
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warning: just two in love ladies talking until 2am on a school night
Valentine's / Followers Celebration; Regina George w/ quote 18 and chocolate 10. Or: “I like you. So there’s that. I guess I have that.” w/ late night phone call
Valentine's / Followers Celebration Requests are closed.
When Regina George was at school, it was known that she was not someone who you could approach. She wore an icy glare that could kill anyone they laid eyes on, her lips were either twisted into a scowl or a sickly sweet smile, and she was tense. However, as she smiled over at (Y/n) on the other side of the FaceTime call, there was no trace of Queen Bee Regina George. Instead, Regina's features were warm, soft, and relaxed. Instead of her tense shoulder, it was obvious that she was relaxed as she laughed at a story that (Y/n) was sharing about her day.
"There is no way that happened. She fell into a trash can?" Regina asked with wide eyes and a big grin. If it wasn't for the fact that (Y/n) was discussing a story that occurred with Cady Heron, the clumsiest human to ever exist, then Regina would not believe her. "Don't get me wrong, I love Cady, but she is such a mess sometimes. At least it was only you two that saw her fall, right? Please tell me no one else saw her fall into that trash can, (Y/n)."
The corners of (Y/n)'s eyes crinkled as she laughed at Regina's reaction. (Y/n) wasn't talking bad about Cady, she was just shocked at what happened and had to tell her girlfriend about it. "We were alone, yeah. Though I do think Janis and Damian saw it down the hall, I don't think they'd tell anyone." (Y/n) said thoughtfully, adjusting on the bed to get more comfortable. She saw Regina frown a bit at the mention of Janis and Damian, and (Y/n) sighed softly. "Baby, it's okay, I actually think they are okay with Cady. They seem to kind of like her." She said, hoping to ease Regina's worries about how Cady, a Plastic, falling in the trash can might spread.
Regina let out a long sigh and (Y/n) examined her expressions thoroughly. Throughout their relationship, she got really good at figuring out how Regina felt about something with just a twitch of her lips or the way her brows furrowed. But she couldn't figure out what Regina was thinking at that moment. "I just really, really don't like Janis Imi'ike," Regina stated after taking the time to decide what she wanted to say. This was already something (Y/n) knew and there was obviously more Regina had to say, but she decided not to push it.
Instead, she leaned into the phone with a soft, pouty expression pulling at her lower lip. This made Regina smile a bit as she looked over her girlfriend with a questioning look. "Is there anyone or anything you do like, Regina?" She inquired softly as she waited patiently for her response. It was 2 a.m., and (Y/n) found herself fishing for compliments from her girlfriend playfully. They were both tired, but neither of them was ready to hang up the phone yet.
A smirk tugged at Regina's lips before she pulled the bottom one in with her teeth. "I like you. So there’s that. I guess I have that." Regina told her, her voice soft. "Scratch that, I love you. So there's that." This was how Regina chose to drop the first 'I love you.' She couldn't help it when she saw how cute (Y/n) looked with her pouty lips and puppy dog eyes that Regina couldn't find in herself to resist. She adored her girlfriend, and she knew that now was a better time than any to tell her how she felt. It felt like the right time, anyway.
Regina's words caused (Y/n)'s eyes to widen as she perked up. She smiled slowly as she looked at Regina's expression for some long moments. "You love me?" When Regina nodded, (Y/n) had to hold back a little squeal but anyone could read how excited she was on her face. "I love you, too, Regina." Happiness dripped off of every word as she looked over Regina. "And I'm mad I can't kiss you right now!" (Y/n) couldn't even fake pout again with how excited she was. She could barely hold her phone still as moved to sit up and look for her keys.
"What are you doing, babe?" Regina asked curiously. She had a hunch, but she didn't want to jinx her own thoughts.
(Y/n) grabbed her keys as she stood up and pulled on a sweatshirt to shield her from the cold North Shore, Illinois air. "I'm coming to give you that kiss, and tell you how much I love you in person, too." (Y/n) said as she quietly snuck out of the house and got into her car. Their FaceTime didn't end despite (Y/n) driving. It was normal for them to FaceTime and drive, or even to just call and drive. They were always on the phone with each other.
When (Y/n) arrived, Regina ended the call and waited for her with a wide smile. She quickly welcomed (Y/n) into her arms as their lips clashed. "I love you so much," (Y/n) said in between kisses, causing Regina to smile on (Y/n)'s lips. "I love you, too, so much," Regina would respond as she gently brought (Y/n) into her home, both sighing at the warmth that brought feeling back into their fingers.
They were both out of breath from kissing as they looked at each other. "It's a school night. You should just stay here tonight. I'll let you hold me while we go to sleep if you do." Regina teased and (Y/n) playfully rolled her eyes at the offer. As if there was any other way that they would cuddle, Regina was definitely the little spoon.
"Deal," (Y/n) said as Regina took her hand and led her up the stairs to her room.
As they fell asleep, (Y/n) held Regina close, her lips never falling into a frown. It was late-night phone calls that always ended with moments like these. They were so completely in love, and it was moments like these as they cuddled that they were reminded about how lucky they were to have each other.
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beomboomboom · 6 months
Falling for you (literally)
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genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, drunken confession
pairing: Soonyoung x reader
summary: You never would've thought that helping a drunk Soonyoung go home would lead to him falling for you both literally and figuratively.
warnings: a little bit of swearing, mentions of drinking and alcohol
note: Drunk Hoshi never fails to make me laugh 😭😂. This fic is part of an ask for drunken confession fics. Enjoy reading <33
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"Come on, let's go home," you sigh when you catch sight of Soonyoung's slumped figure in the bar, his friends nowhere to be seen.
"I don't wanna. I'm tired," Soonyoung wines in response as he leans his body weight on you, his face puffy and flushed a light shade of pink from all the alcohol.
You should've known better than to believe Jeonghan when he called saying that your best friend was feeling sick and needed someone to take him to the hospital.
When you realized Jeonghan lied and called you only because he didn't want to be the one to haul Soonyoung's drunk ass home, to say you felt betrayed would be an understatement.
"I swear to god Jeonghan I will get you back for this," you mutter and curse Jeonghan under your breath as you take Soonyoung's limbs and attempt to haul him out of the bar. "Come on Soonyoung let's get out of here."
"Nooo~," Soonyoung whines as tears begin to escape his eyes, "I never got to beat Jeonghan in his drinking game."
"It's okay, next time you can try to win against Jeonghan," you say as you try to reason with Soonyoung, while knowing very well that with his alcohol tolerance he has about a zero percent chance of ever winning any drinking game whatsoever.
"Your house is close by, so you can walk a little right?" you question as you silently asses Soonyoung's condition. He seems a bit unstable so you wrap his arm around your shoulders and let him lean his weight on you. When you feel his hot skin meet yours you try to brush off the speeding up of your heartbeat, praying desperately that Soonyoung is too drunk to notice.
"Mhmm...I can walk," Soonyoung says with a drunken giggle as he stumbles out the door of the bar and leans his head on your shoulder.
"Careful, there's stairs here," you warn, slowing down so that Soonyoung can gain at least a bit of stability.
"Okayy~" Soonyoung giggles in response before letting out a scream as he trips over his own two feet and tumbles down the stairs.
"SOONYOUNG," you yell, panicked as you quickly run down the stairs. "Are you okay?"
"hehehe~" Soonyoung drunkenly giggles. "I fell for you."
Your mind goes in overdrive the moment you hear his words. On one hand you're concerned for him after just falling down the stairs seconds ago. The blood running down his knee and forehead has you wanting to rush him home so you can quickly take care of him.
But on the other hand, your brain is stuck on his confession that seems way too fake to be real. His confession that, if true, means your feelings might not actually be one-sided after all.
It must be a joke.
After all, Soonyoung makes a ton of jokes when he's drunk.
"No, you fell down the stairs. You should really learn to hold your liquor," you respond jokingly, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible and ignoring Soonyoung's past comment.
"Nooo~ I'm being serious," Soonyoung whines as tears begin to fall down his cheeks while he clings to your body. "Why can't you believe what I say? I like you."
You swear your heart stops in that moment. Gently, you cup Soonyoung's flushed face with your hand as you let out a fond laugh. "I like you too, but let's talk about this when you're sober."
Soonyoung lets out an excited squeal when he hears your response. "I guess my seducing techniques worked. I purposely wore clothes I knew you would like and-," Soonyoung begins to ramble before being interrupted by your embarrassed scream.
"You were doing that on purpose?!" You let out a embarrassed laugh as you give Sooonyoung a playful shove. "Anyways, we should go to your house. There's blood all over your knee and forehead"
"Can I have a kiss on my scratches? I think it'll help it get better," Soonyoung pouts while looking at you earnestly.
"That's kind of dirty though. There's blood-"
"Fine. But this is only because I like you," you relent as you gently kiss his knee and forehead.
"Okay, now a kiss here," Soonyoung says as he giggles and leans in closer to you to give you a kiss on the lips.
"Not right now. We need to get you cleaned up first," you say while ignoring Soonyoung's cries of protest. "I'll give you as many kisses as you want but only if you can walk with me to your house."
The second Soonyoung hears your words he jumps up and happily stumbles after you as you lead him to his house.
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You let out a fond smile as you tuck in a passed-out Soonyoung.
"I'm falling for you more and more every day," you whisper into his ear as you give a small peck on his forehead, right where a tiger printed band-aid sits (Soonyoung cried until you let him have the tiger band-aid) evidence of where Soonyoung quite literally fell for you.
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yoredoesmore · 3 months
Ya will get tired of me- Anyway. Do you know the scene from Marie Antoinette movie when she says 'a boy would be the son of France, but you Marie Thérèse shall be mine'. I've been in love with this. So here's the thing. How about reader x hoshina (I'm sorry, I'm just obsessed with him). Man idk how to describe it. How about Mina agrees to a mini tour for kids from kindergarten? (She probably wouldn't agree but we ignore that) Reader and Hoshina gives them a tour, they see how the weapons look from closer, with a safety distance ofc and etc. Then they go to the training room and they come across Hoshina team training? Like the kids are excited, the team like plays with them yk, Iharu and Izumo would bet (more like Iharu) who could do more push ups with kids on theirs back, overall every kid has a person who would give them attention. BUT. There a shy boy who stays behind. Reader sees it and ask him if he wants to see how strong she is, she asks about his name and she takes him and shows her special moves? Hoshina watches from afar how his team is having fun with theirs little fans and then he notices that reader is talking to a boy and he hears her saying 'the kids can have attention from others but you (kids name) shall receive mine' or smth like that? AND HE SEES THAT SHE'S GOOD WITH KIDS AND IT MAKES HIM FEEL WEIRD IN THE CHEST (they are dating) and he imagines how it would be with their kid? A pure fluff is all I want. 🥹💕
Special | Hoshina Soshiro
a/n: cherry you already have a special place in my heart, your requests are amazing! sorry this took so long, i'm sick ╥﹏╥ anyways, please never stop sending requests in <33
pairing: reader & little sosuke ft. Hoshina
summary: the third division hosts a tour for a small group of kindergarteners so that they can get special insight into the work of the defense force but one little kid seems to be in need of a little bit of extra attention and love.
genre: fluff/ angst/hurt & comfort
[wc: 2,7k]
another a/n: focus here is more on reader and the child than hoshina ^^
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“A…tour? And not just any tour, a tour for little children..?” As expected, Captain Ashiro sounded more confused than convinced. Both you and Soshiro stood in front of her desk, eyes focused on your written request which she held in her hand. The Captain has been reading over it multiple times now, without giving much of a comment besides a “hm..” or a raise of her brow. A stern expression sat on her face, making it quite difficult to read her current opinion.
“Our job as Defense Force doesn't just stop once a Kaiju is neutralized. Taking care of the aftermath and trauma caused by the attacks is our responsibility as well.” You started.
“Many children have been affected by the destruction brought by the Kaiju– be it injuries, the loss of their home, friends and family or just mental trauma.” Soshiro continued.
“We want to show these children that we are a force they can trust, the people that will protect them from the terror. We want them to know that the second they see us, their life's will be in good hands.” You moved closer to Ashiro, determination glimmering in your eyes.
For a second her gaze shifted past both you and Hoshina, falling onto an empty space in her office. The woman had allowed her mind to lose itself in memories of the past, but only for a fleeting moment.
A long sigh escaped her lips as she folded her hands together and looked up at you with a serious face.
“I will ask the higher ups for permission to follow through with your..tour program, but don't get your hopes too far up. If we allow this to happen it cannot be a random group of children but rather a selected group of young individuals picked by the board itself.”
And that is how you ended up here.
Both you and Hoshina stood in front of the group of kids, each one more energetic than the other, waiting to show them around. It was a wild mixture of kids, yet they all seemed to look forward to what was to come.
Ashiro had told you that these were all children who came from special families, where at least one member was or still is part of a Defense Force. Meaning, that some or even all of them would be future soldiers.
Your husband's hands suddenly found yours as they pulled you closer, giving your fingers a soft squeeze before he clapped his hands together to address the children and caretakers who came with them.
“Welcome everyone, to Tachikawa Base, home of the Third Decision. I am Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro and we, my coworker and I, will give you special guests a top secret tour around the base.”
Cheers and chants of joy erupted from the crowd, filling the atmosphere with excitement. Watching the children caused a warm feeling to engulf your stomach. To think that Mina actually agreed to do this, you owed her big time.
“Please make sure to walk in rows of two. If you don't have a partner, my coworker and I will take that role.”
Almost immediately the children started to assemble and divide themselves into pairs, until only one child was left.
“Guess we have a lucky one!” You smiled, reaching out your hand to the young boy.
“What's your name, little one?” The boy's eyes refused to meet yours and neither did an answer find you but you did not mind.
Being in such a huge, unfamiliar place must be quite intimidating..
You thought, hands wrapping around his small fingers.
“Let's begin with the tour, shall we?”
The base had been specially prepared for today's visit. Some more intimidating and top secret projects had been moved to different places of the base (that were more off radar) and all cadets had been asked to be on their best behavior today. Despite it being such a small group, both you and Hoshina made sure to take care of even the smallest details. Everywhere the eyes of the children landed, their gazes were sure to meet with something interesting. Weapon display, old badges and special uniforms, you name it.
“And right here is our control room.” Hoshina announced upon opening the door to the large space. Countless monitors hung on the walls, the light of the panels illuminating the dark space so that the visitors could see the technologies they were unfamiliar with.
The children shone like little balls of joy as they explored the operation room, trying to understand what monitor was used for what.
“This is Konomi Okonogi, the Operations Leader of the Third Division. When out in battle and in need of information about the Kaiju or when we need special permission to unlock our suits' full potential, she is the person we turn to.” The children nodded in amaze and immediately shot their hands up into the air to bomb the woman with questions.
But while she was trying to feed the hunger of their minds, one child remained quiet – the boy from before.
“Is there anything you would like to ask our Operations Leader?” You smiled, hands softly nudging the boy's shoulder. But the child simply shook his head, eyes once again landing on his feet. Maybe it was just wishful thinking but for a second it did look like he wanted to say something but refused to.
Unfortunately, your attention was pulled away as it was needed somewhere else in that moment– by a child that had asked a battle specific question.
The tour soon progressed to the next room. With each new space you visited the children grew more fonder of the place. When lunchtime arrived you all sat down in the cafeteria to enjoy a meal together and around afternoon the group went outside to the training ground to watch some cadets train. Every moment felt magical, well, to most of them.
On your way back inside you noticed one of the children walk on its own, a slight gap between him and his peers. Averting your gaze to Hoshina you were hoping to consult him on the situation, as it was starting to bother you greatly, but he was too busy talking to one of the caretakers. Thus you approached the child by yourself once again.
“And? How are we enjoying the tour so far?” You gave the boy another genuine smile.
“It's good..” He said, yet his words did not match the expression on his face.
Despite his lack of interest you continued to try and build up a conversation with him but your efforts went in vain. The kid was as quiet as they could come, unbothered by your attempts of warming up to him and overall not very excited to be here.
Just when you were about to try again, another child suddenly called out for you, like before, requesting your knowledge on a certain topic. The boy stayed behind the group, his eyes flickering with emotions you were unfamiliar with.
“Excuse me?” Your hands slightly tipped the shoulder of one of the caretakers.
“Who's that boy over there? The little one with the black hair.”
“Oh, him? That is our little Sosuke. Not much of a talker but a very sweet child.”
You nodded your head and sighed. “I see. Do you mind me asking why he seems so..down? Did something happen prior to your arrival or..”
The caretaker shook her head, dismissing your assumptions. “Unlike the other children, Sosuke does not seem to be skilled in any type of way. All these children come, as you already know, from renown clans that are recognized for birthing the next generation's soldiers. It is a hard burden to put on the children but all of them know what they will be once they grow up. But Sosuke..his body is too weak and frail to keep up with the other children, that becomes quiet obvious during the smallest activities like playing catch or during gymnastics hour. We tried many times to explain to him that he might be a late bloomer but the boy is strictly convinced that he isn't as special as the others and therefore deserves less attention from us..”
You felt a strong force pull on your heart while listening to the woman. To think that a child, at such a fragile age, would think so little of itself already..it was awful. Your eyes lingered on Sosuke for a while, trying to think of a way to cheer him up– but nothing came to mind. Therefore you were stuck watching the boy hide away in the bubble he had forced himself into throughout the remainder of the tour..
The day came to an end way too fast for anyone's liking. Although you traveled through the entire base, the minds of the children still hadn't been satisfied. They begged to visit one more room, see one more weapon– anything to postpone a goodbye. It warmed your heart, hearing them cheer you and the other cadets on, showing gratitude for all the service you provided. How could anyone resist such sweetness?
“How about we show them the training room?” Hoshina suggested and you immediately agreed. The man led the group to the indoor training area, where some of his squad members were going at it. On your way there you made sure to keep a close eye on Sosuke, still unable to give up on the boy.
“Attention everyone!” Hoshina yelled, immediately gaining everyone's attention.
“We got some visitors.”
Kafka and Reno sat in the back of the room, occupying the lifting machines while Shinomiya sat in front of the mirror to do some post workout stretching. The entire group sat focused on their work, until they heard the voice of their Vice Captain.
That's when sweet chaos broke out.
The children climbed onto everything their little hands and feet could touch, including the cadets. Kafka soon turned into a tree for the children to climb on and so did Reno. Shinomiya found herself being trampled by four of the children, meanwhile Iharu and Izumo found a way to incorporate the kids into their workout by having them sit on their backs while performing push ups. Hoshina immediately bursted in a fit of laughter, amused by the current situation.
You yourself could not hide a smile. But amidst all the laughter and giggling your gaze subconsciously searched for Sosuke. Like before in the monitor room and the training ground, he stood in the back, watching the scene unfold– but this time something was different.
He watched his peers and the cadets with admiration in his eyes, with a tiny spark of amazement that shone like the stars in the firmament. The urge to join the fun grew with every second that passed, you could see it...yet he was still holding himself back for some reason.
“Sosuke was your name, am I right?” You tried to approach him one more time.
The boy, surprised that you knew his name, only managed to nod his head, but that was one of the best reactions you have seen from him all day.
“Wanna see something cool? I got a secret move none of the other cadets can do.” As you spoke those words, you kneeled down to the child's level, now being eye to eye with him.
“But..isn't such a special move meant to be seen by the other children rather than me..”
“No, I want you to see it.” Sosuke gasped lightly as you spoke those words, confused by the overwhelming attention you have been showing him up until now. While the boy was contemplating your intentions, you took off your shoes and placed them aside. Then, he finally nodded.
Almost immediately the boy found himself being yanked up into the air. You had wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer and somehow balanced him on your feet– with whom you threw him up into the air, of course not too high, and caught him with your hands. It all happened so fast that little Sosuke had almost no time to react but once he calmed down he was glowing with excitement.
And you threw him up again.
And another time.
You continued to throw the boy into the air just to catch him like a circus ball with your hands. Seeing his eyes glow and gleam with joy was more rewarding than any badge.
As you were both lost in the moment, you failed to notice Hoshina who was now moving closer to the both of you. His feet halted midway as he saw you open your mouth.
“Oh little Sosuke, you may not think that you are desired but you are no less dear to me.”
The boy's eyes froze upon hearing your words. His body softly slipped off your feet and landed onto the ground next to you.
“But..I'm not special..I'm not like the other kids in the group. I appreciate your kindness ma'am but I don't think that you should waste your time on me.."
Sosuke felt a cold wind hush over his skin as he recalled past memories of him trying to catch up with the other children. He suddenly felt lonely and left out, forgotten by the world…until a warm breeze suddenly engulfed him. Your arms wrapped themselves around his body, pulling the child into a long, warm hug.
“The kids can play with the other cadets and get their special attention." You poked his nose. “But you little Sosuke, shall have mine.”
Both Sosuke and Hoshina stood speechless by your words, their hearts feeling emotions they could not comprehend in that moment.
Soshiro suddenly grabbed his chest, the warmth in his heart being too overwhelming to ignore it. Could you hear his heartbeat? It was beating in irregular motions, loud and clear for all to hear. Hoshina knew that you were a good soul but never would he have thought that you were this amazing with children. But that was only to be expected, was it not?
They did not go unnoticed by Hoshina, your attempts of trying to win Sosuke over. He knew that you probably saw yourself in the small, insecure boy and therefore felt a dire need to consult him and let him know that he was already special enough, simply for being born into this world.
“Alright children, it's time to pack up now! One of the caretakers suddenly called.
“Oh my, time is already up? Alright Sosuke, let's-” Upon looking down at the boy, you were met with a view you did not expect to see today. Sosuke sat in your arms, thick tears running down his cheeks and staining his clothes.
“Don't wanna!” The boy yelled out, loud enough to alarm everyone. He was clinging onto you tightly, refusing to let go. As you looked up for help you finally took notice of Hoshina.
“Soshiro..are you seeing this?” You chuckled softly, the feeling of accomplishment washing over your skin.
“I don't wanna leave!” Sosuke continued to protest as Hoshina tried to get the boy off you.
It took your husband ten whole minutes to convince Sosuke to go with the caretakers, but that was only possible after making multiple promises.
“Yes, I will visit your kindergarten every month, I promise.”
“And..and you have to show me your special move again!” The boy cried out, both his hands wrapped around your leg.
“Yes, I will.” You spoke in a gentle voice, your fingers tapping against his shoulder to notify him that your time was up.
“Goodbye Mrs. Hoshina!” Sosuke yelled as his head disappeared behind the bus door.
“Goodbye Sosuke..”
It wasn't until the bus drove off that you felt an overwhelming surge of sadness pull on your heart. Luckily Hoshina stood right next to you to embrace you in a warm hug.
“There there.” He cooed, smiling at your fragile self. You stayed like that for a while, feeling comfort in Hoshina's presence.
The children of this world are faced with hardship and terror from an early age– especially those who come from renown clans like yours and Hoshinas. You remember it all too well, the pressure applied to you by your parents to achieve greatness and make it big in the world of Kaiju fighters. Knowing that you managed to get through to Sosuke and reassure him that he was special despite not being as strong as the others, it made your heart feel just a little lighter.
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luvleyk · 19 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ You're her type, She's your type
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| CW: fluff, Bada being all lovey dovey on reader, clingy(?) Bada x reader???
| A/N: part two I did my best on this one🤧 (long fic btw—).. And I'm gonna say this... So proud I make a fluff fic with no filth.. Just pure wholesome stuff.. Anyway this was a request fic so I hope you enjoy💙
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Dancing has been your favorite hobby ever since you were a kid, so dreaming about joining a dance academy to learn more was one of the biggest achievements that you've been wanting to reach someday.. Imagining how you'll learn, perform the choreos that you've made, in front of all the students who attends there. A dream come true.
So you did your best, saving up enough money to attend a one of the popular dance studio. Just Jerk Academy. You've been rambling about that Academy with your friends, since some of the well known choreographers went there to teach and how you're dying of wanting to meet one of them, some day..
Your friends seems like they were got tired of your rambling, so they decided to suggest lots of sidelines, that could help you save up a lot. Your work was unfair when it comes to giving the salaries so you don't have much of a choice but to take some part-time jobs. Maybe just a few, wouldn't hurt..
But you regret every bits of it, because how burnt your mind is from overworking so much.. "I... At least have enough money... To.. Join the academy..." You muttered as you slump down on your bed as you start kicking everywhere, realizing that you have enough money. To your excitement, you can't help but giggle and squeal.. At least you've achieved the biggest goal in your life.
You can't help but take your phone and have a group call with your phone. They already know why you called them... "It's the academy again, is it?" One of them asked and you giggled in response, nodding quickly even tho they wouldn't be able to see it.
"I have the moneyyy... I have the moneyyy... I can join the academy... Yeheyyy" you said in a sing-song tune and they can't help but sigh at the same time, tho they can't help but feel happy that you able to reach your higher goal and they'll support you to the very end..
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It's already your fourth day in the studio, you still feel hella nervous since you don't know all of these people and you're starting to feel like an outcast since most of them already knew each other... Damnit... You cursed at yourself.. You shake your hands as a way to cope and to calm your nerves down, taking a few deep breaths.
A woman stands out in the crowd of students tho, her height seems to towers everyone, except for the boys.. Her two tone hair, her style of clothing and her height makes her even more stand out.. And you didn't even know that she also teaches choreo??!
Her charisma and her bubbly energy, the way she jokes around with the students to make feel them feel relax and comfortable, her laugh? You and the others can't help but to laugh too... Her laugh is just like a virus that spread faster...
You shook you head to erase those thoughts as you heard her call everyone to gather around and have a "attendance". You don't know if that's necessary but she's having fun calling out everyone's name and them saying "present", at the same time.. Like a literal teacher to her students. But when she called you name, you suddenly felt embarrassed because everyone suddenly looked at you, like it's their first time seeing you there... "u.. Uhm.. Present" you said, almost like silent, as you raise you hand. She hummed as she smiled at you before calling the others... Her smile, makes you feel those fluttering feelings, inside your chest, but you quickly shook your head.. You don't even know that person and your main focus was to focus more on improving your talent and perform. Bada on the other hand, find it cute how you seemed so nervous and shy.. She let out another hum when she realizes that you're new here.. The day went as usual, everyone was having fun and you're just watching, still getting used to a lot of students attending the class.
It was break time and everyone was in their own world, regaining their energy, talking with each other or just simply resting.. You were sitting on the wooden floor, on the corner of the studio, scrolling down on your phone while drinking water from your tumbler. You feel a presence, sitting next to you, so you can't help but tilt your head on the side. Seeing her, Bada, sitting next to you with a small, yet gentle smile on her face.. "Hmm.. You're a newbie, no?" She asked as you nodded your head... "Ah knew it... I didn't see you before" she pointed out the obvious so you hummed in response..
"It's still my fourth day" you replied.
"Oh... I see." She said before chuckling... "Y/N, right?" She asked and you nodded, surprised at how she remembered your name, even tho she just mentioned it once. "Your name was so easy to remember, unlike the others.." She added.. Well not really.. She did memorize your name a couple of times before talking you. Something about you, that she took interest, even tho she didn't exactly know what it is..
"I see.." You muttered.
She tilt her head, while looking at you, her hand were resting on her knee as she thinks of something else to say. And she did.. "I hope you're comfortable attending the class.. I know it's your first time, and all... But everyone were really nice and easy to get along with.. So I hope you get along with everyone, including me, of course" she said the last 4 words jokingly before chuckling..
You looked at her before nodding as you smiled slightly... "There's a lot of people... But I'm sure I'll be fine.." You said as you hummed... "I just need to adjust"
"That's the spirit" she chuckled as she realized she forgot something... "Oh... I forgot... I'm Lee Bada.. Or just Bada if you want to.. No need to use formalities or whatsoever... Just be comfortable around me, yea?" You nodded..
"Nice to meet you then, Bada.." You said with a smile..
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| A/N : there'll part two for this since I can no longer write a bit too long and it's tiring to scroll too much so I'm gonna end it here and posting the next part next time—
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oliviablancmom · 5 months
Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Singlemom!OC
Theme: Fluff, a little bit of angst.
N/A: To my dear Pedri's Girls who voted, it's finally here. I'm sorry for not posting it yesterday, but I ended up getting very tired and with some doubts. First about being a "reader" or OC, and I ended up choosing OC because I couldn't write without visualizing someone, and because while I was writing, the image of Hande Erçel came to my mind. Anyway, this is just an introduction, there will be three chapters and a bonus. I hope you like it, and that you fall in love with them as I did.
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"I can't believe it, Fer. I can't believe it happened again. When I think everything is going to be fine, something like this happens," Pedri lamented. His brother was already upset with the situation.
"I know, brother, we will get through this, as we always do." Pedri ran his hands over his face. "I need to call mom, she's is worried." Pedri just agreed while his brother walked outside the box. At the same time he left, a little boy entered the private space. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed Pedri.
"You are crying?" The boy cautiously approached Pedri and then kneeled on the floor beside the player, his elbows resting on the sofa where Pedri was sitting. "My father says that men shouldn't cry, but my mother says that only real men cry."
Pedri laughs.
"Your mother is right. Are you alone here?" Pedri looked around looking for any adults, but it was just them. The little boy just nodded and then started looking for something in the pocket of the jacket he was wearing, and soon he was taking off his coat. Pedri noticed the name and number on it. "I liked the choice of shirt." The little boy looked at him, embarrassed.
"here" he finally takes out a handful of M&Ms from his pocket. "Mom and I always eat them when we are sad, and now that you are sad, you will feel better after eating them."
Pedri smiled at how adorable the little boy was and readily accepted the candy; he was too sad to think about his diet.
"Bye I have to go." He watched the little boy put on his jacket again, ready to leave.
"Hey, don't you want me to sign your shirt?"
The little boy looked at him cautiously and uncertainly, and Pedri could see that he was in an internal battle.
"My mother says I shouldn't bother the players"
"It's not a bother; you shared your sweets with me; we're friends now. The little boy's eyes opened so wide that Pedri was afraid they would jump out.
"Serious?" he asked uncertainly. Pedri just nodded and saw the boy's face light up.
"PEDRIIIIIII!!!" He gave an excited scream and ran to the player, hugging him. He was definitely controlling himself before, Pedro thought.
"Hey, do you plan on going to that nightclub again?" Pedri asked, trying to seem as uninterested as possible while continuing to do the exercise that the physical trainer gave him.
"What? Are you asking this? I thought these things weren't for you. Ferran mocked.
"It's because he's trying to find the woman he spent the night with," Gavi says, receiving a deadly look from Pedri.
"What, am I lying? You looked at every photo that marked the club's location on social media."
"Seriously Gavira, if you don't shut up..."
Pedri threatens, making the others laugh.
"It seems that only you were affected by the night since you woke up alone in the hotel room" said Ter Stegen, the goalkeeper who had been listening to the entire conversation in silence until now. Pedri looked directly at Gavi, knowing he was responsible for telling the details.
"Seriously, man, I'll never tell you anything again."
"What? I was just trying to help. Knowing if one of them saw the woman you were with that night. If I hadn't seen her, I would have thought it was a hallucination in your head."
Pedri rolled his eyes at the younger man's mockery.
"I know you were upset that you woke up there alone. 
"I wasn't," Pedri said defensively. "It was not a big deal." He said with a shrug, preferring to remain silent while focusing on the strengthening exercises, that it was better to forget the subject, either because Gavi was irritating him or because he had a grain of truth.
Nightclubs were not a place he normally frequented; he always preferred to stay at home watching a series or movie, but he had made an exception that night as he was upset because of the injury and the nasty comments he received, like it was his fault. It ended up that he didn't regret going at all; after all, it led to the best night of his life with the woman he would meet at the bar, and thanks to not consuming alcohol, he had recorded in his mind every detail of that night and the woman.
He remembered the exact moment she entered the place; his eyes immediately stayed on her; her presence attracted him like a magnet; and her long hair fell all over her back and down to her waist. The red lipstick and the huge, sweet smile she had. He remembered her scent and the woman's sharp tongue as he approached, not giving a damn about who he was. He had etched the dimple in her cheek every time she laughed at something he said, and God, her laughter was like music to his ears. He remembered how she pressed her body against his while they were on the dance floor and how all that tension took them both to a hotel room that night. What a night!
"Dude, stop thinking about her while you are with us." Ferran's voice takes Pedri out of his thoughts. Pedri looked at him confused.
"Your cheeks give you away, man," said Gavi, who had a small smile on the corner of his face. Pedri turned to the mirror, noticing the color that appeared on his face.
"Shit", he mumbled, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his mind.
"Although you met her in a nightclub, maybe you should look in other places, like churches or registry offices." He looked even more confused at Ferran, who had an ironic smile on his face. "You know, considering your history with women who end up being married and everything."
"Seriously, I'm done with you guys." Pedri stood up, moving away from his companions, who were laughing at the situation.
**********************************************"" Fans like to feel close to players, so we can continue investing in content with them in pairs or in groups. We can record some kind of challenge with the boys who have the most friendships about how much they know each other. Fans love knowing these details." The woman said to the social media girl as they walked down the corridor to the meeting room, where the rest of the communication team would be.
"Mom, mom, mom!" She turned, looking at the little boy who was running towards her.
"Hey, honey, what's wrong? Everything is fine?" She bent down to the child's height, who seemed to be in a hurry to be somewhere. "I'll be at the gym with my friend," he said impatiently, about to run again.
"What a friend? There is no place for children there" she said worriedly, placing her hand on her son's head.
"Mom, pleeeaaaase," he said while pulling the woman's bag, looking for something.
"Axel, breathe. What are you looking for?" She asked when her child threw all the things inside her bag on the floor.
"The cards that Grandpa gave me to show my friend, I FOUND." he said excitedly, shaking the cards in his hand.
"Bye mom, I love you." She watched as the boy disappeared down the corridor without even looking back, which made her curious to know who this friend was, and she made a mental checklist to ask when they were leaving. She also added to talking with her son about running around Ciutat Esportiva, she had the opportunity to bring him to work, but she knew it was best not to abuse the luck, even though he was normally a quiet child, these days, he always had to be somewhere.
The sound of Xavi's whistle signaled the end of training. He thanked all of the players, greeting each as they dispersed across the field. Some were already returning to the dressing room, and I remained there along with a few other guys.
"3, 2, 1...." Gavi says. Pedri raise his eyebrows in confusion, looking at him.
"PEDRIIIIIIIIIIII" Rafinha and Ferran say in a thin voice, clearly imitating the little boy who ran onto the field in our direction.
"He took so long to come this time," Gavi says, laughing at the scene. The little boy opens his arms and throws himself at Pedri, who holds him carefully.
"Hey little guy." He put him on the floor, and held out his hand for him to hit.
"Are you ready to play yet?" he asks, raising his eyebrows hopefully and looking the player up and down. It was the question he asked every day since he started showing up at the end of training to visit him, showing all his anxiety about seeing his favorite player return to the field.
"I'm almost there; I'm back to training now, but I'll be ready soon." The child makes a pout.
"My God, he have the same habit of arching the eyebrows and the things you do with your lips. It's too much Pedri for me." Rafinha says, laughing as he walks away. He ruffles the child's hair, and only then does the little one seem to realize the presence of the others. And his cheeks turn red, and then he hides behind Pedri's leg, who bends down and hugs him.
"the red cheeks and all." Are you sure you haven't been messing around?" Gavi continues. Pedri rolls his eyes at his friend, throwing the bottle he was holding at the youngest.
"Hey little guy, there's no need to be ashamed of us; we're cooler than him." Ferran says as he is trying to get the child's attention, making him hides his face in Pedri neck. The number eight smiles mockingly at Ferran, proud of the child's far-from-discreet preference.
"Don't flatter yourself; you didn't see the number he's wearing." Fermin scoffs.
"It's very good taste," Gavi says. Pedri turns the little boy in front of him.
" Axel!!! This is treason," Pedri says indignantly, as he sees the little boy wearing Gavi's number.
"My grandfather chose today. Gavi it's his favorite" he says with a shrug.
" But I like him a lot too." Gavi smiles, convinced, at his friend.
"Of course you like; you're the same size, of course you'll feel affinity." Gavi's smile dies immediately, and he raises the middle finger to Pedri.
"haha, Look who's talking, Pedri."
"Don't you think it's strange that he's here every day? " Pedri asks curiously.
"He must be some employee kid," Fermin concludes. "At most, the brother of one of the teenagers who are outside waiting for photos, he is small, manages to pass the security guards with no problem" They laughed again.
The little boy moves away from the player and looks for something in his pocket, and Pedri already knew what it was; after all, that had become their routine since they started meeting more often, whether in the CE or in the boxes on match days. Axel takes a handful of M&Ms from his pocket to share with the player.
"Just a little this time. My mother is suspicious." His eyes widen at the boy.
"You said your mother gave it to you, Axel," Pedri asks worriedly.
"Well, sometimes she gives it to me. But she says I can't eat all the time."
The boys were trying not to laugh, especially now that the boy was more welcome with them, casually kicking the ball for them.
"Great example, Pedriiiiiii." Ferran scoffs; Pedri rolls his eyes; it wasn't his fault; well, in part yes, it was him who said to the child, "Your mother won't mind if it's just a little."
**********************************************Pedri was sitting with the other players in the press room of the arena where the Barcelona basketball team was playing. They were waiting for the club president to take a photo; after all, it was important for them to see the first-team players supporting the others. While he waited, Pedri looked at the candy store's website on his cell phone, looking for what Axel had told him so much about during the week, about a new type of M&Ms with different flavors that he was dying to try, but it was still out of stock. Occasionally he would look up from his cell phone to respond to something the other players were saying. Gavi was by his side, chatting about something that Pedri could no longer follow due to the rapid changes in subject that the youngest started.
"Hey, guys," Laporta says, entering the conference room. He greeted each of the players who were there, and the staff organized them for the photo. As always, the president would hold the ball, and everyone would be on hand to touch it, in the form of support. After the photo, they start a conversation with the president until the door is opened wide.
"Oh, sorry." I thought they were already finished. Pedri, who had his back to the door in a conversation with Araujo and João Félix, freezes; he would recognize that voice anywhere, and above all, he would recognize the perfume, which hits him like a punch in the stomach. He immediately caught Gavi's eyes, who seemed as surprised as he was.
" The game is about to start, and we need to take some photos of the boys for promotion."
"Of course, we're done here" the president says, laughing. Apart from Gavi, the other boys didn't seem to notice Pedri's reaction, as he finally found the courage to turn around to look at the woman, and God, he felt his breath catch in his lungs.
"Oh, do you already know the boys personally?" Laporta asked the woman who looked up from her cell phone, looking at the other people in the room, and as soon as her eyes fell on him, they tripled in size, but she was quick to hide her surprise.
"No, not yet" she said simply.
"Boys, this is Isa Harver; she is the club's new communications assistant." Laporta introduced them, and she extended her hand to greet each of them. When her hand stopped in front of Pedri, he immediately noticed the ring on the girl's finger.
"Fuck" He heard Gavi saying behind him with a certain humor in his voice. Pedri simply couldn't believe his luck.
N/A: SOOOO, I hope you guys enjoyed it!! I revised this chapter a million times, but English is not my first language, so something must have slipped through. Let me know what you think. And for my Gavi's girls, I'm also preparing something for you."
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rosesbxrry · 2 years
Cabin fever
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Pairing: Boyfriend! Sunghoon X Girlfriend! Fem! Reader
Genre: Smut🔞(Minors DNI), established relationship! AU, 
Warnings: Hard and mean Dom! Sunghoon, unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it), cream pie, temperature play, cabin sex, fellatio (blowjob), throat fucking, ass spanking, slut shaming, degradation, Sunghoon calls you doll so much, reverse cowgirl, lots of teasing in his end, slight orgasm denial, slight nipple play. Hopefully I didn’t miss out anything else.
Summary: All you wanted was to escape the frigid December and spend more time with your boyfriend, Sunghoon, as the Christmas holiday urged you to do something together only to end up in a Ski Resort— courtesy of his idea. Still, at least the cabin you will be staying in was worth it, but Sunghoon had other plans during your trip. 
"Don't lie to me and say you never thought of us fucking while we're here."
A Holiday Special: ➜ Sunghoon
| ➜ Heeseung | ➜ Jay | ➜ Jake |
Main masterlist
Word count: 4,087 words
a/n: I can’t believe this would be the last one for the holiday special 😱 it has been a month of non-stop writing and I’m proud of myself for finishing this eventhough I’m way past the holiday mood already 🤡 Anyways, thank you to everyone who stuck around until the end 🫶
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It had to be said that— Winter is a very perplexing season, and you weren't for nor against the juncture that foreshadows spring. 
When you woke up the following day after a heavy snowfall, your world was stripped of its life. Snow covered the color of nature into a temporary slumber, depriving your surroundings of any signs of existence, minus the people living there. 
Shoveling the driveway and sidewalk was equally annoying as driving on the slippery, damp road. Doing something as simple as throwing the trash out was a hassle as you had to ensure you were dressed appropriately to avoid getting frostbite and wearing layers of clothing just to be outside for five minutes. 
The last straw was when you woke up in the middle of the night, itching to use the toilet, only to scream loudly at how cold the seat was. You didn't own one of those fancy Japanese toilet warmers, so you had to persevere with only what you had. 
The only saving grace to the coldest season was Christmas, the holiday you enjoyed the most in every aspect possible. It was the time of the month when you got to spend some time with your family and loved ones, which was why you were excited to celebrate the occasion with Sunghoon. 
As per tradition, both of you took turns taking responsibility for setting up a game plan for your Christmas dates. Whether it be a fancy candlelit dinner or a stay-at-home watching movies kind of vibe— it didn't really matter as long as you could spend some quality time together as a couple. 
You didn't expect him to book something outside the area, which you didn't mind since it's been so long since you've been to a vacation spot for a date. The problem lies when you find out that the place your boyfriend, who knew that the cold was the bane of your existence, had graciously reserved was a Ski Resort. 
Which alludes that skiing was in the itinerary or even the only entertainment there is within the vicinity. Heck, since when did he even ski in the first place? 
The place was situated on the outskirts of town, surrounded by the outdoor wilderness but more so pine timbers and mountains that seemed as frigid as the cold December. You were worried about altitude sickness at how high up the resort was, but that wasn't the case after sliding through the pistes and utilizing the ski lift multiple times. 
Although, you could get down to the log cabin where you would lodge for the rest of the trip.
It was the epitome of a picturesque accommodation, fitted for the cozy and warm vibes it provided as you lay on the woolly sofa after spending half of the day outside skiing in the snow. 
"I'm so tired." You drawled, stretching your legs and resting your head on the back of the sofa. 
Your face was numb with all the cold wind blowing on your facial skin, wanting nothing more than to stuff yourself on a pile of blankets. Still, you enjoyed the activity more than you anticipated. 
"What happened to Miss this is stupid, I don't even know how to ski and her complaints?" Sunghoon snorted in amusement, feeling the cushion deep as he sat beside you. The high points of his pale face were also flushed from the cold. 
You kick his shin with your foot lightly. "Hush, Sunghoon. That's all in the past now. We need to start living in the future."
Your shameless allude caused him to grin knowingly, and you tried to salvage your remaining dignity to prevent stroking the already big ego that he was right about the trip. 
"Can you add more wood to the fire? It's seriously getting a bit cold here." You ask, wrapping your arms around yourself for warmth. 
The words you said were to distract and send him away from the subject matter, but now that you were conscious of the drop in temperature, chills went down your spine. 
It was getting cold in the cabin, evident by how your fingers were getting tingles as you held them close to your mouth. The masonry heater that warms up the place had probably started to die out since the morning you left to go skiing. 
That was the drawback of experiencing a multipurpose rental cabin; the one-layer log walls were also built to be used in the summer, which is why the insulation was pretty much crap. 
It didn't help that you were surrounded by a secluded forest, so if you and Sunghoon didn't keep the heater well ignited throughout the day, there was a high chance that both of you would end up freezing to death in this weather. 
"Come here, let me help warm up your hands." Sunghoon said, reaching out to take your left hand in his. 
You didn't think much, guessing that he'll put your hand in the pocket of his winter jacket. So, you instinctively relax your arm and let him guide it near his body— only for him to place it right on his crotch.
"What the— Sunghoon!" You yelled, obviously not amused by his sudden inappropriate behavior as you tried to pull your hands away from his growing bulge. 
He proved to be much more substantial; his grip on your hand didn't falter at your pathetic attempts to free yourself were to no avail. Sunghoon laughed at your annoyed expression, watching you struggle as he adjusted his hands that intertwined with yours to let you grope more of his size. 
"I'm literally freezing to my bones and the only thing you could do is to succumb to your own horny ass?" You protest through gritted teeth. 
Sunghoon shrugged his shoulders. "I told you I'll help you warm up your hand…..never said how though." 
You gave him an unbelievable stare, rolling your eyes while obviously used to his obnoxious antics of railing you up. 
"I'm being serious here." You reminded him, not swayed by his little charade. 
He snorted, giving you one dark look between his bangs. You yelped in surprise when he yanked your hand towards him, causing your upper arm and shoulder to fall flush on his lap. Some of your weight had transferred to your palm as you tried to keep the leverage to stare up at him. 
This action made you realize how hard he was under your hand. 
"I'm being serious too." He whispered an octave lower as he smirked down at you with a hungry glint that made you swallow. 
"Don't lie to me and say you never thought of us fucking while we're here." He raised an eyebrow, watching your cheeks flush as his words hit a home run. 
You can't pretend that it never crossed your mind that this trip would be the perfect setting for a bad plot line of a porno. There was an outdoor jacuzzi and even a fireplace in your shared bedroom— all the proper setup ensues the wild fantasy swimming in your mind, or maybe you were just as horny as he was. 
You grunted in defeat, and he watched you with a smug smile when you began to pull on the front of his pants. 
"Not a word, Park." You grumbled. 
He licks his lower lips, stopping himself from grinning wider as he helps you tug his pants to his thighs and free his hard cock from the confinements of his briefs.
Sunghoon let out a hiss when you began pumping his length; the delicious contact of your cold hands against the hot skin of his head and the underside of his veins got him winching in pleasure at the sensation. 
"I knew you'd come around," He said as you adjusted to lay your chin on his lap, body outstretched on the sofa on your chest and stomach, hands never ceased to jerk him slowly. "My dick is just that good, huh?" 
"You know, you're so much hotter with your mouth shut closed." You said, his words getting on your nerves. 
Sunghoon crackled at your annoyed expression. "While you—" 
He grabs a bunch of your hair behind your head, tugging forward until your face is inches away from his stiff erection. His other hand rested on your ass cheeks, kneading the ample flesh roughly until you whined at the sensation.
"—look so much hotter with your mouth open, full of my cock." 
You caved in to the directing action of his grip on your hair, opening your mouth as he guided you to shove his length past your lips. 
Sunghoon was not only ridiculously long, but his thick girth stretched the corner of your lips beyond its capacity. He was throbbing against the inside of your mouth as you slowly inhaled most of his size; the remaining length left was occupied for you to jerk him off. 
"My girl just wanted something to suck on, huh?" He said, shivering at the juxtaposition sensation of your hot mouth engulfing his cock as opposed to the cold temperature of the surrounding. 
When you withdraw with only his head around your lips, you dart your tongue at his swollen slit, precum dribbling out to coat your taste bud before encasing the majority of his length again in a suckling motion. 
The cold chills you felt before had dissipated, your body warming up as you relentlessly bobbed your head up and down his length more crudely by the second. 
His groans hitched when you ran your warm tongue over the large vein on his length, hollowing your cheeks to suction him back and forth so filthily that he didn't even need to move his hips to thrust into your throat— you were already doing it yourself, and he can't help but found the sight to be pure ecstasy. 
"Such a whore for my cock." He breathed out, watching you through half-lidded eyes. "Could never get enough watching you slut your mouth out for me." 
You would love to look up and gauge his reaction, but it proved to be complicated. 
Every time his swollen tip would press on the soft palate of your mouth and poke at the back of your throat, your eyes squeezed shut as all you could do was suck harder around his cock. 
It drives you crazy at how solid and big he was, filling the cavern of your mouth to the brim and forcing you to breathe through your nostrils at the lack of space. 
Your hands wrap around the base of his cock with whatever you weren't able to fit, feeling yourself rutting on the sofa at the sensation of your aching clit pooled with your own juices. 
Sloppy noises filled the air as you quickened your pace, humming around his cock as waves of vibrations sent signals for him to let out a few low groans.
It didn't help that the movement of your chin was digging into his tight balls. 
"Fuck, that's it." He encouraged you, toes curling as his pending release was on edge. He pulled your hair tighter, melting at how eager you were to fuck your throat with his dick. "Take me deeper, doll." 
You spurred into action, loosening the tension by unhinging your jaw and swallowing him until his cock pressed on your throat incessantly. With tears stinging your eyes, you remain stagnant in your position, diving deep down until you feel like choking. 
The sensation of your hot, gummy throat on his erect head for such a prolonged duration made him lose it— Sunghoon eyes flew to the ceiling, and his head lolled to the side as he released with a loud curse. 
He defiled your opening with ropes of his musky cum. You gulped down his hot seed rapturously and pumped his length to milk out every last drop of him. 
"Fuck, you're unreal." He slurred, leaning on the back of the sofa to watch you with blown-out eyes, thighs feeling sore with the weight of your shoulders on his lap. 
The beautiful sight of you smacking your lips around his length winded him in delight. Despite the drool and white mess dripping down your chin, you lick his cum nice and clean for him to witness. 
"Messy girl, you're drooling everywhere." He cooed, putting a palm on the crown of your head. 
Your jaw was sore from sucking him off, but you opted to swirl his tip around the roof of your mouth like he was fine wine. His taste was so addictive that you couldn't help but play with him for a little longer. 
"What can I say," You mumbled with his cock still in your mouth, looking up at him with a seductive stare. "I'm a slut for your cock, aren't I?"
Letting his head poke the inside of your cheek, you made sure he saw the prominent bulge that formed on your face. 
Sunghoon inhales a deep breath. 
You knew you unleashed the beast within; his eyes turned dark and cold as he roughly held your jaw to yank your mouth away, feeling his nails dig into the skin. You almost moan pathetically at the way he swallowed hard, anticipation sending waves of enticing pleasure to your clit because you knew—
He was gonna ruin you to hell. 
"Enough." His voice tightened, his command being the epitome of dominance. His thick eyebrows furrowed, expression morphed into raw hunger. You rubbed your thighs together, excitement coursing through your veins when he pulled on the waistband of your trousers. 
"That smart mouth of yours needs to stop being fucking greedy." He asserts, manhandling your body until you are straddling on either side of his thighs, giving him a good view of your back as you face away from him. 
The cold air of the frigid cabin made you shudder as your trousers were long thrown on the floor, leaving you vulnerable with your lace panties. Sunghoon pulled the soaked middle to the side, the bundled material wedged between the crack of your ass. 
You sigh when the chilly air hits your exposed and damp folds. 
"I want your pussy to do all the fucking this time" Sunghoon squeezed a handful of the soft flesh, massaging it teasingly until it bulged between his deft fingers, enough to make you whimper in agony.
"So prepare yourself and ride me real good." He urged, hands moving to your sides. 
Still suspended in mid-air above his lap, adrenaline bristled your body as you reached back to grip his cock, positioning his tip against your tender entrance while he lowered you down by your love handles. 
Everything shifts into an upward spiral, feeling him stretch your walls deliciously as you sink down on his hard cock. 
"Ahh—haaahh— fuck." You gasp for air, chest rising and falling erratically as you take him inch by inch until you bottom out and are fully seated on his lap. 
"So fucking deep….." 
You feel winded by the sheer volume of his cock  even though you've had him a million times before. Still, your position allowed him to reach the deepest part of your crevice, already clamping around his length before he could even move. 
Sunghoon seemed delighted with your reaction, leaning forward until his hot breath fanned the nape of your neck and toned chest flushed to your back. 
"You love it when I go deep into you, don't you?" he hummed, licking the outer shell of your ear before nibbling at the wet spot. "Love it when I split your pussy with my big cock, right, doll?" 
"I love it….fuck…I love it so much….." Your voice was slurred with drunkness, head spinning with vertigo overwhelming your consciousness at his words when you finally felt the desperation to move— grinding down on your hips to slowly test the waters.  
After enduring the initial adjustment, you finally move in and out of him, and my god, did you erupt out the most euphoric moan at the sensation of his length dragging against your hot walls. 
"Look at you go, bouncing on my cock like a slut you are." His defiling praises only fueled the knot burning in your stomach, your juices leaking around him as it lubricated the movement of your drop and fall. 
In the moment of delirious high, you didn't realize that he pulled the last article of clothing to keep you away from the biting temperature. It only registered in your mind when he roughly peeled your bra off, exposing your upper body to the cold air of the bleak cabin. 
You were sure the heater had died off at this point, basking your figure in the arctic air.
Sunghoon cupped your bouncing breast from behind; his large cold hands engulfed the pair with a tight grasp. Goosebumps flares on your skin by the coldness, and it gets worse when he kneads the flesh in a circular motion, index fingers flicking your erect nipples back and forth. 
"Wait— stop!" You begged, but the male continued playing with your breast and hardened nipple, ignoring your request with a coy smirk. 
"Why? Don't you like it when I play with your nipples like this?" You could feel the teasing grin plastered on his face at the back of your neck. You buck your hips when he pinches your tits, pulling them away slightly in a torturous manner. 
"Fuck, its too cold, Sunghoon." 
The throbbing pleasure came in waves, from your stuffed pussy to your sensitive breast, and it only intensified at how icy his fingers were.
"Cold? Then if I do this—" 
Nothing in the universe could prepare you for the sensation of his cold finger on your clit, and you almost lurch forward from his lap if he hadn't held you down with a strong arm around your waist. 
The temperature change was too much for your swollen clit to handle, and strings of broken moans escaped your lips that you almost choked on your saliva. The sensation hurts enough to morph oddly into agonizing pleasure that you've never felt before. 
Fuck, this is crazy. 
While you were losing your mind, Sunghoon was enraptured by the feeling of your cunt clenching and contracting around him. You were so tight, so wet that he couldn't help but rub circles around your clit rapidly to elicit more of your sweet spasm. 
"No— stop. Hahhahh— please stop, it's too much." 
You were sobbing in deep torment at this point, trying to clamp your thighs shut to slow his pace down. You lean back on his chest as your body grows dull by the pleasure every second, your thigh burning from riding him for too long.
Sunghoon was dissatisfied with your current state, apparent with how he stopped playing with your tits and clit, baring his fangs to bite between the junction of your neck harshly. 
"Too much?" Sunghoon let out an exasperated laugh punctuated with an edge of rage that you were all too familiar with. "You really are an ungrateful slut." 
With his arms around your waist to haul you up, you were pushed down on the wooden floor on all fours. Sunghoon made sure to realign his cock to nudge you deeper, your position with your ass up and head down made you at his mercy. 
"I gave you all the pleasure you need, yet, it's too much? Don't make me laugh." He spat, pulling you closer by the hips roughly.
The drag of your puffy nipples against the stone-cold floor at his action stings your eyes, droplets of salty tears dripping down your cheeks. The complaint died in your throat— you were afraid of what he'll do beyond if he ever heard another plea from you. 
Sunghoon can be grueling and hard on you, but maybe it was the internal masochist that kept you whining in pleasure at his forceful touch. 
"Move." He commands. 
You lay stagnant on the floor; the lack of proper spatial consciousness made you unable to compute what he meant, causing him to land a firm slap on your tender ass cheek. 
The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed throughout the space, leaving a redden splotch behind. You jolt slightly from the impact, curling your toes in anticipation when you feel the wind of a second collision— only it never came. 
Sunghoon loves how your drenched pussy clings onto his cock tighter, finding amusement when he teases for a second slap. Fuck, he found solace that you wanted to be spanked by him, and he'll do it wholeheartedly until you come, but that beats the point of punishing you. 
"Don't let me tell you twice." 
You swallowed down and mustered up the last remaining strength you had in your lower half, snapping back at his cock begrudgingly slowly but enough for him to be content for following his order. 
"See, it wasn't that hard to follow my orders, right?" He rubs on the sore spot of your ass with his thumb comfortingly. "Such a needy little thing."
You cried out in your folded arms, pushing back until the head of his cock kissed the deepest part of your pussy. Persevering that your abused tits would rub the cold floor every time you move, you clench your fist and push back faster and harder to satisfy him. 
Sunghoon was at the edge of coming, tilting his head back and watching your ass jiggle with every movement. His abdomen tensed up with eyebrows furrowed, feeling you milking him dry— until you stopped moving your hips abruptly before he could come undone.
"What the fuck?" He groans, almost offended by the sudden halt. 
You could have let him have his way with you, but instead, you were digging your grave in an attempt to relinquish some sort of control over him. 
"I—I'm not gonna let you come, Sunghoon." You breathe out, feigning bravery to utter those words even with your compromised position. 
There was a pause in the air before Sunghoon outright laughed. 
"Think you're so tough now, doll? Saying I can't cum?" Rather than taking it seriously, he snides in adoration at your attempt of defiance because, in the end, what fun will it be without some challenge? 
"Fuck, you're adorable." Smoothing the curve of your ass to the arch of your back, his chuckle derives from the depth of his chest as he bit his lower lips to control his grin. "You're so cute, baby." 
Your face burned at his genuine remarks. 
The dominant energy he possessed previously dissolved a bit, holding your hips more sensually as he started pistoning his hips. The knot in your stomach rekindled, and his cock slid in and out of your cunt easily at the amount of arousal dripping out.
"My cute girl likes becoming my cum slut, doesn't she?" Sunghoon crooned, sloppily railing you slowly but slamming back once he was deep in you. "Do you want it, baby? Do you want me to fill your hole with my seed? 
"Yes, yes— Sunghoon, I'm gonna cum…." You hiccuped. 
At this point, the buildup of numerous torturous stimulation was clawing you to the brink of insanity, wanting nothing more than to cum around his cock until you could see stars. 
Sunghoon understood the immediate signs of your nearing orgasm, humping the floor and crying his name uncontrollably— he gave all his strength in one last thrust before you burst by the seams.
Your climax blinds you over with euphoric waves that overwhelm your entire being. You were burning up inside but shuddered simultaneously on the cold floor, feeling like a fever taking over your release with sweet respite. 
It didn't take long for Sunghoon to come as well, filling you up with his hot load as he promised. He fuck you through your orgasm, suspending you on cloud nine in the afterglow until you turn limp. 
Huffing and puffing occupied the silence as you lay flat on the floor, exhaustion taking over the muscles of your body. As you clench and unclench when he pulls out, the abundant milky arousal oozes out of your spent hole on your thighs. 
"Are you okay? Did I take it too far?" Sunghoon hovers over your lower body, kissing softly on the bruised spot on your ass guiltily.
"Did you?" You snort sarcastically, obviously perpetuating that it isn't with the way you're utterly numb. Sighing blissfully at the feeling of his soft lips on your stinging flesh, you had only one thing on your mind that made him laugh. 
"I think my nipples are frozen." 
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A Holiday Special: ➜ Sunghoon
| ➜ Heeseung | ➜ Jay | ➜ Jake |
3K notes · View notes
innxrvision · 4 months
So long - pt. 1 𒂭
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part 1 of 3 ------------𖦹 tags: james hetfield x reader, fluff, smut, best friends to lovers, bet, 80s james, a little angst if you squint, more tags to come in future parts ♱ a/n: i have no idea of what i'm doing actually. i never wrote anything and english is not my first language so there'll be probably a lot of mistakes, but after reading too many fanfics I simply ran out of content and also the community has been a bit dead for awhile so here's my humble contribuition to the cause (the cause being thirsting over james hetfield). anyway, this was supposed to have only one part but i felt it got too long so i chopped in half, i'll post pt 2 as soon as i can! meanwhile, i would be very happy with any criticisms or suggestions. if you find any language mistakes please please correct me, i'll be very thankful! also, i have no idea of how to work this app out 'cause all i've been doing all my life is liking and reblogging stuff so bear with me please!!
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𖦹 part 1 𖦹 part 2 𖦹 part 3
You knew you fucked up by showing up late to their gig, but in your defense, it wasn't your fault that your boss choose this day of all days to get you stuck at work.
"Well, at least I showed up!" you thought to yourself, but the cold look James gave you when he finally spotted you at the crowd wasn't so forgiving.
After the last song, you rushed to the backstage, wanting to say hi to your friends. The place they were playing today was pretty small, but the crowd was buzzing with energy and the entire show was great.
Before even entering the door that led to the small and thrashed dressing room you could hear the excited voices of the four guys. First, it was Kirk who embraced you in a thrilled and sweaty hug, then Lars, and finally Cliff. You chatted briefly with them before finally going towards James, who was pretending to not notice you while fixing something in his guitar.
You could only see his back and the messy and wet blonde hair covering his lowered face. You knew he was mad, of course, he was your best friend for years and a look was all that it took for you to get how bad the situation was, but at the same time, you couldn't understand why be so mad if, in the end, you showed up anyway.
"Hey, don't be mad at me..." You said softly, touching his shoulder to make him recognize your presence.
In response, James just rolled his eyes and let out a sigh, leaning his guitar against the wall.
"You said you would be here on time!" He complained, his expression already revealing that there was nothing you could say to convince him, but your stubbornness wouldn't let it go, of course.
"It's not my fault! I got stuck at work... What did you want me to do? I tried my best, alright?" You wanted to sound a bit more gentle, but being tired after a long shift didn't help your nerves much. You sighed, already slightly annoyed.
James crossed his arms, his gaze falling hard on you as he spoke.
"You make it seem like you don't have time for your best friend."
"Don't be unfair, I always come to your gigs and always hang out with you!" You gestured frustrated. "Sorry that I've got stuck at work today, it's not like I wanted to be late!" It was hard being reasonable when both of you were tired and stressed and you did your best to not raise your voice too much, as it could worsen things even more.
You looked around the room, checking to see if the other boys were paying any attention to your little argument, but thankfully Lars had already left the room and Kirk and Cliff seemed too absorbed in discussing something that you assumed related to the show.
"Maybe if you got the balls to look for a better job instead of working at that cheap dinner you would've showed up on time today!"
Your mouth opened in shock as you heard James' harsh words, it was clear that he was already worked up and your expression instantly turned cold.
"Now you went too far." Your voice carried a mixture of sadness and anger that made James regret his words quicker than he thought he would. "Sorry that my job isn't good enough for you, rockstar, but I can't afford to go around playing music just like you do, I actually need the money." With that you turned your back, not interested in hearing anything from him anymore, and exited the room, not even bothering to say bye to Cliff and Kirk who now looked at each other in confusion. It didn't help that now you also felt embarrassed that they heard your stupid argument.
"Wait! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that!" You could hear James' voice saying from inside the room, his anger now turning to guilt as he realized the impact of his words.
You just kept walking until you reached out outside of the building and stopped by a wall, resting your back against the cold concrete and searching up your pockets for your pack of cigarettes and your lighter.
With the cold breeze of the night, it took a few tries for you to successfully light up your cigarette and when you took the first drag you heard some footsteps approaching. You refused to look toward the sound, just kept doing your own thing and looking down until you saw a pair of dirty white sneakers stop right next to you.
James took a deep breath, hesitating for a moment before finally speaking, his raspy voice gentle and sincere.
"I'm sorry about what I said inside, I didn't mean any of it, I was just angry 'cause I really wanted you to be there for me tonight... You're my best friend and I care about you."
"It doesn't seem like you care much." You scoffed in response.
"I know I messed up and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you." You heard him sigh and pause for a moment, probably searching for the right words. "You're not just any friend to me, you're my best friend." He added.
"Then why did you say that?" You asked crossing your arms, the cigarette still dangling between your fingers. "If I'm not good enough for your 'metal band lifestyle' then whatever, just don't go around saying I'm what I do with my life is not worthy." You sighed and took a drag before lowering your voice, your tone slightly more gentle now. "I work hard, y'know? Sorry that I was late once, at least I came!"
He took a deep breath once again and ran his hand through his hair, you took this opportunity to gaze at him for a moment. You knew your anger couldn't last much longer, it has always been like that.
"It's not about my lifestyle and it's not about your job, I was just being a jerk. I got too caught up in my anger and..." He trailed away. "C'mon... I'm really sorry."
You looked away and took another drag, you knew you wouldn't hold a grudge for that.
"Whatever." You muttered. "It was a good show." You added after a moment of silence, it was your peace offer.
Even without looking at him, you could sense his smile opening up, whenever he smiled the whole place would light up.
"Thanks." He said. "Can we just forget about everything that happened earlier and go grab a drink or something? I'll pay." He sounded hopeful again and you knew this was his way of making things right with you.
You nodded and flicked your cigarette off, stepping on it.
"Sure, let's go."
There was a faint smile on your lips and in response to that James smiled even bigger, he put his arm around your shoulder, guiding you towards a nearby bar.
"Great! Let's have some fun just you and me and make up for everything that happened tonight!"
"What about the equipment and the guys?" You ask, suddenly remembering their existence.
"Don't worry, Cliff's gonna get my stuff and bring it over to his place, I told 'em I would probably not come back." He answered, entirely back to the laid-back personality you were used to.
"Right." You hummed in response, just letting him guide you as he started chatting about today's crowd excitedly.
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riswippiesx · 8 months
Love & Care | Toji Fushiguro X Fem! Reader
🌷 Part two
•The confession and aftermath🌸 Part one(headcanons)
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Theme: mild angst, fluff, slightly suggestive at the end(very mild, just some hint)
Warnings: ooc Toji, age gap(Toji is in his early 40s and reader is in her early 20s), suggestive jokes, nervousness, not proof read[I'm lazy asf😐]
Notes: Finally the part two is here. I'm sorry if Toji doesn't sound like Toji😭 I didn't want to make him a rude bratty guy here. also so sorry for the delay. This Toji has no filters and says suggestive jokes. I have portrayed Megumi's relation with Toji in a frank manner. They are like friends more than typical son and dad.
Also long stroy warning!!⚠️ I just love to write long fics! So don't mind. I hope you enjoy🦋
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Oh the nervousness! It was ruling over your mind and you hated it. Once you even decided to ditch the evening meet up and put some excuses later on when Megumi would be furious at you. You could handle it, you were great at calming Megumi down all the time. It'd be piece a cake. But again, you knew you would regret in future thinking everything was already fallen in places except for one single piece, The confession.
The dilemma was draining but a faint possibility of getting together with a man whom you actually wanted, was keeping you up and thus you decided to shrug off all the thoughts of ditching the meet up and went to take a shower.
And the shower worked like charm for you. Your mind was finally working straight and you did all the routines you needed. You pampered your hairs and your body just the way it seemed right. After all, the evening might turn into something really special. Well there were chances, at least.
You dried yourself after shower and texted Megumi if the date was still on and he reassured you everything was fine. He didn't forget to warn you about the scary circumstances if you dared to back off in the last moment and the last thing you wanted was to offend determined Megumi. So you assured him that you won't back off.
You mothered Megumi, but sometimes he turned into a strict guide towards you and this time wasn't any exception. So you chose a outfit, suitable enough in your eyes. You decided to keep your look subtle. You were almost done when your phone ringed once. It was Megumi, who texted you the address of the beautiful cafe where he decided to bring his dad. You texted him back and left for an uncertain but exciting evening.
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"Are you sure that you will be okay with me? I mean you said it was a hang out with your friend.. So..?", Toji asked, buttoned up with black shirt.
"Of course dad. Will you stop asking me the same question for like tenth time now?", Megumi looked at his dad's direction with a tired expression. He purposely didn't mention your name. He said that his friends wanted to meet his dad, since they thought his dad was so cool, which was quite a truth but Toji barely believed that. But Megumi somehow convinced him.
He felt like a dad, who was trying to set up two children. It was too much to deal with but if the whole thing turned out in the way he thought, it would be worthy enough. But he didn't have any plan about the opposite results at all.
He brushed off his thoughts soon after and hurried his dad, "C'mon, why are taking so long to get ready, dad? Hurry up already..or we will be late"
"Oh boy. Don't rush me up. I'm an old man. Spare me", Toji smirked at his son while fixing his waist belt. Megumi sighed in response.
"You? Old man? Yeah sure", Megumi mocked back. He wasn't as old as he claimed. After all, he was the one who was getting a girl, while Megumi barely had a talking phase with anyone. Anyway.
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It took you 30 minutes to reach to that certain cafe but you were the one who reached first, actually. You stood outside and noticed the ambience inside. Being honest, it was really beautiful and eye catching. The dim lights added an extra charm to it. You smiled. Megumi did a great job in finding a proper place.
You waited for near 10 minutes when you heard a familiar voice calling for you.
Yoy looked back and found your dream man with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. And that was enough to melt your heart. Moreover, he looked extremely handsome in his all black look. His black shirt, black pants and that gorgeous black overcoat— oh he looked expensively glorious. You couldn't look away.
"T-Toji san..", a smile appeared on your lips as you stated his name.
"I didn't expect you...to be that friend...?"
"....what friend?"
"The one who said that I was cool and wanted to meet me..?"
Oh so that was Megumi's excuse huh.
"Yeah..I well..actually they will arrive soon.."
"Alright...is there any other female friend?"
"I see...so here...." He offered the flowers to you. "Megumi told to give these flowers to the his female friend and since no other female friend of his is coming, I hope these are meant for you..?" He smiled and you died at pretty his smile.
"..thank you...these are my favorite.."
"Oh? Great. But Megumi couldn't give it to you..sorry for that..he said he left his phone at home and he needed it contact with that certain friend..so he went back to take it and I came here....that boy is so clumsy.." He laughed.
What a great actor you are, Gumi! You praised him in your mind and smiled. "That's okay.."
"Yeah let's wait here till he arrives."
"It's fine, let's.. Go inside if you don't mind..he will join us later..? Or...well the tables might get all booked..."
Toji was silent for while before he agreed and you two entered the cafe. If it looked great from outside, it looked heavenly once you entered. The light music in the background was putting everything together.
The two of you were guided to a pre-booked table and sat there. You had plenty of topics to chat about but this evening wasn't for chitchat. You needed to get to the point but it was scary. You couldn't bare rejection, not from your dream man. Toji was speaking to you but it was hard for you to focus when so much was going on in your head.
"Y/n..you are not responding.. Are you okay? Feeling alright?", he sounded worried and you realised that you were zoning out the entire time when he spoke.
"Well..sorry I was zoning out.."
"That's fine..you are okay right?"
"Yes", you smiled. He sounded so soft and caring. Was it real? Or were you being delusional? You couldn't tell. Then you forced yourself to engage in the conversation. You needed to divert your mind before actually confessing. It was just some basic chitchat when he mentioned.
"I can say some boys checking you out"
"Yeah but let's ignore them. But you..do look pretty." A nervous giggle was the only thing you could do as a response. Your heart was pounding so hard that it might come out. Even Toji might hear it. Shit. You needed to get yourself together.
"Y/n are you really okay? Are you feeling uneasy? Want to go back? We can..."
"No..it's fine..no worries."
"You look like I need to worry. Your forehead is sweaty..it's kinda chilly today..you must feel sick.."
"No I..I am totally fine trust me..."
"Are you hiding something? Or you want to say something?"
You looked away. Your heart rate never became this fast. You knew it was the right time. You had to tell him your hearts content. Megumi worked hard to bring you two this far. You won't let him down. You won't let your future self regret. But you wasn't sure how to start.
At that moment of extreme nervousness, you felt Toji's hands on yours.
"It's okay Y/n..you can tell me pretty much whatever you want. I know I don't mind much. So calm down first and then say it."
Your eyes drifted back to his and his eyes hinted some care. Care for you. He was trying to comfort you. He was trying to help you. And it actually worked. Your extreme nervousness reduced a bit. You grabbed his hands back and closed your eyes. Yours eyes were shut untill you were again in control of your nerves.
You slowly opened your eyes. The peace you were feeling in your heart was so soothing. Your dilemmas weren't that much bold anymore. Your lips parted to form a few words.
"Toji san...I...like you...not as Megumi's dad..as..you..yourself.."
Toji took a moment to process the words you stated. You liked him? You? Such a gorgeous woman liked him? Was it a joke? You eyes didn't seem like one though.
Both of you stayed quiet and took your time. Your hands were still in his hold. But he took back his hands. And that was the last thing you wanted to happen but you imagined this a thousand time in your head. Rejection. Rejected by your dream man. Rejected by Toji Fushiguro. Was he refusing your feelings? Of course he was. Why would he ever be with a younger girl like you? He wasn't that fallen to consider his son's friend as his partner.
Your heart and mind was getting bitter.
"..excuse me..for a bit..y/n..I need to go check if Megumi is coming..."
Part of you wanted to yell ans say that he won't come. This evening was meant for you and him and him only. But another part kept your lips shut together. You just nodded in approval and with that Toji left the cafe.
You were certain that he partially rejected you. He didn't like you. Megumi was wrong, so wrong. You shouldn't have listened to him. You could have faced the longing but this..this wasn't something you could bare. All the times you spent with Toji, made you fall even further for him. His laugh, his jokes..you laughed a lot. His eyes, so deep to even drown you. His noticable scar, which he stated to be sign of his daring younger life's stunts- you adored that a lot. His face even looked better with it. You loved all of it but it was all for your own self. You didn't have to confess it. Dumb! Really dumb!
You looked down. The bitterness was consuming you. You wanted to cry but some strong determination in you didn't let you embarrass yourself any further in a public place. You just sat there with you head on your both hands.
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Toji quickly came out. He really hoped that you didn't notice the faint blush on his face. He couldn't recall the last time he blushed like this. It was overwhelming. He wasn't sure when things turned into something more than just some chitchat about Megumi's well being. He ignored it all untill one day, when he found himself thinking about your pretty smile while working or making dinner or taking a pleasant shower.
He was ashamed of himself when he found that he had fallen for a girl half of his age, and she was literally his son's best friend. How could he? But he did and it was hard to sallow that fact. Everytime you stopped by to chat or met up to hang out, he was mesmerized by you. You brought a ray of sunshine in his dull days. His heart was filled with so much love after many years. Your memories, smell, words lingered around him for hours after you left each time.
But he thought it just one sided. Sometimes he felt you might like him back but he scolded him for thinking that far.
It was all proven actually right when you confessed. His heart stopped, ears perked up. You felt the same as he did? How could the world be so perfect. His heart told him to accept right away but a person appeared in his mind's mirror. Megumi. His son. How would he react if he found out his dad with his best friend?
And that was when a lot came in together. He got a faint clue about Megumi's consent in all this. Almost every time you two met up cause Megumi brought you two together. You two were all in meet ups while Megumi left each time with some weird excuses. He guessed something but certainly not this far. He needed to confirm if it was all in his brain or Megumi was actually involved in this. Thus he excused himself and came out of the restaurant. He knew that it was rude of him. He noticed how your face darkened when he excused himself but he couldn't afford to make a mistake in taking his further decision where you two were linked.
He brought out his mobile and dialled Megumi's number. He didn't pick up. Toji kept on calling and in the seventh attempt, Megumi finally picked up the call.
"Yeah I just got back and grabbed my phone, dad. Don't worry i'll be..." Megumi's fake statement was cut by Toji.
"Megumi be honest with me. Did you willingly set me up with Y/n?"
Megumi went silent. He had nothing to say as a reply to that.
"Megumi, I want an answer." Toji again spoke.
"Yeah I'm listening"
Megumi sighed in disappointment, "...yes...I did..sorry..."
"How many times?"
"Pretty much all the time..."
"Are you upset?"
Toji didn't reply to that. He couldn't. He wasn't upset bur he was confused.
"Sorry...if you are...just don't blame her-"
"I'm not..just tell me one thing. Why did you do all these? Are you okay with... Your best friend being with your...dad?"
"I am always okay. Even I want you two to date"
"Why do you say so?"
"Why? You two literally talk about each other all the time. You have no idea how Y/n just keeps praising you all the time. And then at home, you do the same about her. You two didn't know how to keep things up, so I did the favour. Now tell me one thing. Did she confess?"
"She did."
"I hope you accepted"
"I came out of the restaurant without saying much"
"Dad...you are a game spoiler..."
"How on the earth would I know that you were this intrigued about us.."
"I thought you would creep out if you get to know about I was dating your friend-"
"No I won't. When you two go so well with each other, why would I?"
"Right...so should I ...accept..?"
"You are asking? Yes you should! Geez!"
"You old people are so dramatic"
"Still your best friend liked me over you", Toji grinned over the call and Megumi could heard the sarcasm in his tone.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Just go back and accept."
"Sure, thanks"
And the hang up. Toji was sure about his next move. He would confess as well that he liked you, he loved you. You were the woman who made him gasp from time to time. You were the woman who fluttered his heart.
Thinking about you brought a smile to his face. He took a deep breath and turned to go back inside. That was when you came out. You looked tensed and upset. He knew he screwed up. He had to fix it.
"You were right.. I am actually not feeling well. Don't worry I talked with the manager. They cancelled the booking. You can go back. Sorry for wasting your time. Also, Toji san..forget what I said. Please. It was just a....well don't mind", you forced a smile.
"Y/n no..you're getting it wrong.."
"Please don't push yourself Toji san. I totally understand."
"No you don't. Y/n listen to what I want to say"
You were silent. He took that chance and spoke.
"Y/n.. I didn't mind. Not at all. Why would I..when I felt the same.."
You looked up at him. Your eyes were slightly widened.
"Yes..I like you too..and not just as Megumi's friend. As you. Y/n you amaze me. You're an wonderful woman. I just didn't accept right away because..I wasn't sure what Megumi would think of me..if I did..."
"Gumi knows about-"
"Yes I talked to him already. Actually I came outside to call him. Didn't expect my boy to go that far" he laughed a bit. "But I'm glad he did. Because I didn't have that courage to make a move on you. It felt so wrong to think about you as my partner at this age..I thought it was one sided. But your words cleared my thoughts and I'm really so glad that you feel the same for me."
"Are you...sure?"
"One hundred percent" he stated confidently which was enough to make you chuckle. Oh how pretty you looked with a smile on your face. "So ......is the proposal still valid?"
"It is always valid." You smiled. Toji's eyes softened a bit more as he grabbed your hand and kissed it.
"Great. Now let me ask you out this time..okay?"
"On a street side?"
"For now, yes."
"The people?"
"I don't really mind"
Toji got on his knees and hold your hands close to his heart. "Y/n..will you...will you do a favour to this old man and be his girlfriend?" You giggled at his goofy confession and replied, "I'd love to" and with that he kissed your hand once again.
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Since you cancelled the booking, Toji decided to take you to his favorite bakery and you tried some of the cookies and desserts, so did he. You two were like two birds in love. And it was actually pure love. The adoration was so content in your relationship that you both felt at home in each other's presence.
After hanging for a bit more, Toji stopped at a flower shop and bought your favorite flowers for you, as you left the previous bouquet at the cafe. Also he didn't buy that with the intension of giving it to you in with his consciousness. So it was needed. You were delighted, so was him.
You walked as you talked. His car wasn't there since he told Megumi to drive back to take his phone. Well he didn't know things were all planned anyway. So you two decided to walk to your home.
It was a long walk yet that felt so less. Distance never seems enough when you are with your favorite person.
"Well, we are here..", Toji spoke with a smile.
"Yes..thank you..for today..Toji san.."
"Just Toji.."
"It'll take some time to adjust", you laughed.
"No problem"
"Good night. Let's meet another day, soon"
"Sure.." Smile never left his lips. You nodded and turned to get inside of your apartment but he again called you. You looked back while he stepped closer
"Forgive me for this but..." He didn't finish his sentence when you felt his lips on yours. That heavenly feeling, which you imagined so many times, was actually happening to you. Your soul jumped and shivered. You were quick to close your eyes aa you got lost in that one kiss. It hold so many emotions. After so many days, you were finally being kissed by the man you loved and adored a lot, by YOUR man.
He, on the other hand, found the peace of the world on your lips. His heart raced yet it bought peace to him. Your lips felt soft on his and his hands cupped your face. He just couldn't let your lips go.
Finally he let your lips go and looked at your face. You looked even more gorgeous up close. He admired you. Your eyes were closed yet he could tell your eyes would speak of happiness and excitement.
His breath fell on your face as you opened your eyes again. You eyes met his and his gaze brought the very common yet sweet factor of love to you, shyness. Your gaze drifted to the ground and your lips were slightly swollen from the kiss. He just wanted to kiss you again but he had to control himself. He didn't want to over do it. So he slowly let you go but stayed close to you.
"Did I cross the limit?" He smiled.
"Glad to know" he kissed your cheeks and your heart just almost stopped. You wanted to hide your face. His direct gaze was piercing your through your soul. So you hugged him and hid your face in his embrace. Your action made him giggle softly and he hugged you back.
"There there..did I make you shy?"
"Didn't know you were such a tease"
"Well sweetheart, there's a lot you will learn from now on"
"..looking forward to it.."
"Yeah?" He slowly pulled you back and looked at you. "Sure?" and you nodded. A mischievous grin appeared on his features. "You will learn how far my teasing can go...soon" and he winked as he grabbed your waist. Your face was burning with shyness.
"Toji san! It's getting late...you should go back now..good night !" With that you made yourself free and ran inside your apartment with your racing heart.
The whole thing made him laugh hard. His phone rang and it was his son.
"How did it go..?"
"Very well. She is now my girl"
"Yeah I even kissed her.."
"Well I didn't need to know that much dad....but yeah good for you two" Megumi smiled.
"I know. Just a show off"
"Old man!"
"Hey! Don't insult me like that..your mom won't like it.."
"Y/n..she would certainly not like it if you insult her boyfriend and her possible future husband"
"I would never call her mom! No way"
"Someone else will..."
"Yikes. Can you please be careful about what are you saying and whom you are talking to! You are disgusting! Y/n would be so mad if she knew that you were saying such weird stuff to me about you two"
Toji laughed in response. "Sorry sorry..just kidding. Will be careful from now on don't worry.."
"Come back soon"
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Well...sorry for being so late omg💀 the college works are just..anyway..anyway...I hope it was okay? Cause I typed for so long lol☠️
Also, Requests are currently closed! I'll inform when they will open again. I'm keeping my chat box open but I would just delete all the requests if I get anything from today untill I open my request box again. sorry💗
Thanks a lot for reading!
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Reblogs and comments are always appreciated ♡
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wosoluver · 6 months
To undo a mistake
Part 9/17 - previous - next
Lena x Bayern Player!reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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"Good morning!" - You said as you sat down for breakfast.
"Good morning." - The girls said back in unison.
"I'm so tired. Thank god today is only a recovering session."
"Tactical planning too. Coach said we need to start building up the team around your playmaking decisions."
"When did he say that?"
"This morning. You have to stop arriving late everywhere."
"I am on time! I'm just the last to show up, on time!"
And it was the truth. You were always late, but always managed to make on the cusp of the time limit.
After breakfast and heading to training, which had been somewhat shorter than usual, everyone decided to spend sometime playing games or just chilling altogether.
You decided to go up to your room for a little bit. As soon as you were there you decided on calling Ana.
"Hey. Where are you?"
"Hi, I'm heading home, from training. The doctor said I can officially go back to training. Nothing too intense, but I can go back to participating on things. No playing yet though."
"Really?! This is such a good news. You'll be back to playing in no time, you'll see. Does that mean I have to give you rides to training everyday now?"
"I mean only if you want to.
How are you feeling since the game?"
"Somewhat worried. Coach wants to keep me in the middle field now, he wants me to focus on distributing the ball and deciding on plays."
"But why are you worried? This is good news, no? Your great at that!"
"It just feels like a big responsibility. As a forward I wasn't the only one, If I failed, there would always be someone else there. But if the whole team starts to depend on me to figure out what to do, If I fail the team will automatically drop in quality."
"Don't do this. Don't doubt yourself. You're one of the best in the team. I'm sure they wouldn't ask if they thought you couldn't do it."
"I know. I just worry about failing emotionally again. I won't have the space for that from now on."
"You've be-" But before she could finish it, Lena came bursting through the door.
"Y/N! Aren't you coming down to..." She trailed out seen you on the call. "Sorry."
"I'll call you later, yeah?" Trying to get out of the situation as fast as you could.
"Let me know if you need anything." She said hanging up.
"Sorry, we are doing a ping-pong competition, and we're missing a player." She was trying to keep all her feelings in, trying to keep them from showing.
"I was about to go down anyway. I'm teaming up with Syd, I want to win." You said it joking around. Everyone knew Lena wasn't the best at ping-pong.
"So you and Ana seem close. You're always on the phone." she said as you two were making your way down.
"Yeah. She gets me. We've both been going through some stuff lately." you answered simply, not wanting to get on this topic with your ex.
Did you like Ana as more than a friend? Maybe. But you didn't want think about that yet. You had just recovered from your last relationship. And if you were to talk about it, it surely wouldn't be witn Lena.
After playing around for a bit you guys decided on having a break.
"Hey, I know your not the best at this, but your hitting the ball a little too hard." Said Lea, to her team partner.
Lena didn't care much for her comment. She had spend the last half hour, arguing with herself about the stupidity of her jealous thoughts.
"Lena? Did you hear me?"
"Yeah, yeah I just have something on my mind."
"Do you want to talk?"
"No." she quickly stood straight. "I'm ready for the next round."
The closer you were getting to going home more excited you seemed. And for Lena, it was the complete opposite.
It was now Tuesday, and you got ready for the game. You were in the starting lineup this time.
After the anthems and the procedure to start the game, you were on your marks for the kick off.
We had the possession, first few minutes had you guys working hard already.
But at almost 4 minutes, Schüller had scored a header. You were coming through the midfield passing the ball to Linder who crossed the ball to Lea.
Both teams had a couple of chances of scoring. On the 22nd minute Eiriksdottir scored, the equalizer, assisted by Sveindís.
But soon she was fouled and couldn't stay on the pitch. It was bad news for her but good news for your team. She was one of their best players, so now you had somewhat of an advantage.
You didn't participate much on the plays after that. On with over 10 minutes for half time, Schüller scored once again, assisted by Bühl.
And than finally at the extra 3 minutes added to the first half, you were able to kick the ball towards the goal, but the ball went back and forth like a ping-pong, and Lena had managed to score.
As the referee blew the whistle you all went back to the locker room. On your way to the tunnel you felt someone jump on your back.
"We did it!" referring to her comment from the last game.
"You did it. And for the first time you won at ping-pong."
"Haha" she said ironically. "I'm serious."
"It wasn't actually an assistance. But yeah I guess."
Hello loveys we are 9 parts in and I have no idea when this story is gonna end. Once again I mainly used everything that actually happened in the game, just changed a little bit to fit the story.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 8 months
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Horropedia // 3 AM Thoughts
Notes// Late night moments with him- I sometimes can't or don't even want to sleep just because I wanna make a snack and binge on my fav stuff/ih
{When you can't sleep}
Usually. Horropedia is a big night owl- he definitely would go all-nighters at times just to spend his only time on his favorite hobby after a long day of work. Relying on the art of coffee to keep him awake...
But of course, sometimes he does sleep at normal hours. Especially when you come over to stay over after a little indoor date or because you both just comfortably decided to.
Knowing yourself... there are times you get hungry at night and make chocolate pudding in the middle of the night- or using whatever you have that is still in the fridge.
But well... late night snacks at Joshua's is a different story-- at first, you're not even sure if is right to just raid someone's fridge like that. Last time you tried to make lunch for him, he tries everything to prevent you from moving a finger while being his "guest"-- well, that's a very too special treatment for a typical guest at his place 🤔
Nonetheless, you gotta.... nudge your boyfriend awake??? You took a second to contemplate before "screw it, I'm hungry and that's important-"/ih
You nudge Horropedia by the shoulder lightly. His arms are wrapped around you, asleep with his face half-buried in the pillow and glasses put away by the nightstand.
He doesn't respond the first time, merely twitching slightly while still muttering random things that sound incoherent, so you try again with more force.
"Babe," you raise your tone a bit while whispering. He then grumbles under his breath, slowly rousing from sleep.
"...What?" he asks, voice raspy before he takes one hard to rub his eyes a bit. What time is it...?
"I'm hungry," you tell him quietly, whispering not to break the tranquility of the night.
'What....?" He mutters, leaning on the back of your neck as he keeps his cheekbone laying on his pillow. Small groans can be heard as warm breath brushes over your nape.
"I'm hungry.... Food, please." you politely request him, but louder this time.
Horropedia wakes up a little bit more at your request. Blinking once or twice before pulling away to stare at the back of your skull for a moment. He frowns at you. Glancing at the clock on the wall, before giving you a slightly frustrated stare once more. Carefully reaching out his hand for his glasses through the dark before wearing them. His eyes can be vaguely seen as tired and in disbelief.
"At this hour...???" he asks dryly. "It couldn't wait until breakfast at least?"
You shake your head, knowing yourself very well that you'll go more edgy by the time the sun rises.
"No... I don't think l'Il be able to sleep." You sincerely say as in slight sorry tone, "I can make you your coffee, if you want...--"
He sighs as a response, but doesn't contest further. Instead, he presses a kiss to your cheek, and then one to your lips a bit lazily... seeming to want to feel its familiar softness one more time before stretching a bit.
"You're silly..." he says it fondly though his breath, and you beam up at him tiredly. I mean, he doesn't seem to mind it much.
He slips out of bed. "I'II just make you a snack that you like, okay?" he suggests through his remaining hiarse tone, "I gotta have to get myself a coffee too anyway... you silly menace of society-"
Before walking out of the room, he throws another playful glare as he says that, obviously intending to tease you.
You can only nod happily,
climbing out of the sheets after him.
{When he can't sleep}
Sometimes, he wants to sleep beside you. And there are times he struggles to sleep because he's too excited to see tomorrow with you. Thinking about all the things he reminisces... the things he wants to talk with you.
You can feel a pair of eyes staring through the pitch-black room, windows shut closes with curtains on and the door locked.
It almost sounds like a horror movie, the typical story about monsters underneath your bed... except that you is just your lover having this strange 3am thoughts while staring at you in your sleep. Laying beside you on his bed as you're trying to keep yourself warm... Horropedia has this nature of keeping the room cold with the AC on.
"So the killer was named William Afton, and his modus operandi was to abduct a child and hide their bodies in the fursuits of the animatronic performers. Afton was never caught, and the spirits of those victims melded with the Freddy's cast — which is why they seek vengeance in the fiction.---"
His feathery voice softly rambles on as he plays around your hair. Before shifting his tiny attention on your unattended fingers, brushing your palms in slow and small circular motion before carefully interwining its fingers with his.
His eyes shifting to different angles as his hand lightly motion around. Yet, his glance never fail to look away from your sleepy face for more than a second.
The only light present is the dim-lit dot that comes from his watch. His gun is put away on his desk from afar, sloghtly blinking whole it's charging. Your eyes go heavy by the slight soothing feeling of his hands tightly rubbing your scalp, as you snuggle more into the sheets.
"Mm..." That’s what you manage to say through your groggy voice, as if unconsciously making sure that you're listening to him. So the music of his chatty voice would never stop like a radiobox.
"While the story of the ghost children remains consistent with the Five Nights at Freddy's video game lore, there's an extra component in the movie. When Mike was younger, he watched his younger brother Garrett be kidnapped by an unknown assailant...---" Horropedia goes on as he starts pointing out the lore changes and additions to the fandom by the new horror movie. He goes on and on and on with the topic... from analisis to personal theories- until he notices the silence from you.
His heads slowly gets closer to your figure, which happens to be now in full sleeping mode. He sighs silently with a warm smile before planting a kiss on your forehead and softly booping your nose goodnight.
"We'll talk more when the sunrise comes, then."
The brunette declares quietly. He still cannot sleep... So he ends up smiling like a dork as he listens to your light snoring... until his eyes decide to rest once more.
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xelasrecords · 8 months
Secrets and Sacrifices
Han Jumin x Reader
Jumin and you make sacrifices for the RFA. You don't know how much more you can take, but Jumin does not plan to let you out of his sight.
Secret Ending AU where the secrets drag on and relationships are more complicated.
TW: depression, self-harm, controlling behaviour
Words: 2.8k
Masterlist Read on AO3
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Your friends are laughing around you. The restaurant lighting has dimmed, and the lambent glow from the candle on the table illuminates their happy faces. All of you are tucked into a padded leather sofa in the corner, the live music playing behind you.
You echo their laughter. It's the appropriate response.
Seven is sharing an outrageous tale, and Yoosung is his enraptured audience, constantly nodding and asking follow-up questions. Zen chides him for believing everything Seven says but still laughs along. Beside you, Jaehee reaches over you and sets the empty plates aside in anticipation of Seven's dramatic gestures.
Jumin is impervious to the racket. He swirls his wine and watches the advertising screen outside the window, the billboard flashing bright in the evening. His grey eyes are glazed, unfocused. He's missing V, you're sure. That's all he does, aside from worrying about you. Waits for V to contact him.
Languidly, you lay your head against the cushion. This should be a pleasant dinner, but there's a damper placed on your emotion valve. You've lost the means to conjure the excitement you once felt. The knowledge of missing them is not the same as feeling it.
You look down at the corduroy skirt that has ridden up to your waist, exposing more than half of your thighs. You dig your nails into them. Five seconds and release. Little scythes are imprinted on your skin. There, a feeling. You swipe your fingers through the indents with dull fascination.
Today is one of the rare days when you are cleared to venture outside without compromising security, but showing up here feels like a farce. You're playing puppet to prove that you're fine before being corralled back to Rika’s sterile shoebox apartment.
Jumin and Seven's dutiful little puppet, that's what you are.
When you glance up, you can feel the weight of Jumin's attention on you, intense gaze shifting from your lap to your neutral face.
You don't feel guilty. He will find out anyway.
You drag your skirt down and straighten your posture, the band sitting around your hips again.
"Is everything well?" Across from you, Jumin's smooth baritone voice rises above the peals of laughter and the increasingly loud music.
The chatter halts as your friends turn to you with a concerned expression.
You crack a smile. "I'm all right. Just tired." Jaehee squeezes your hand, and you pat hers with reassurance. The friendship you foster with this little group is built on thin ice, and long cracks have been crawling across the surface. "Let's go back, I have work tomorrow. So do all of you."
Seven's shrewd eyes flash at you before he grins widely at the others. "Except for Yoosung!" He pokes Yoosung's side, which earns him a light punch on his shoulder.
"A wise decision," Jumin says. "Everyone should get some rest."
"Easy for you to say." Zen glares at him. "I don't think I can sleep a wink tonight. My skin is ruined from all my lost beauty sleep." He sighs and turns to Seven. "Is there no progress on V's secret files?"
Seven pouts and shakes his head. "I'm still trying to break through the encryption walls, but Jumin can give me Elly to boost my motivation!"
Zen instantly sneezes and curses while Jaehee hurries to pass him a napkin.
An agent with a lifetime of diversion training. You hold back a scoff.
Jumin, Seven, and you are only shrouding yourselves with more secrets because you are determined to reach the same goal: Don't let harm come to the RFA. Don't share any information unless it's crucial. Not even Jaehee. Not yet. Let them live in the almost idyllic bubble as long as they can.
For a split second, Jumin seems as if he's about to scold Seven for the deliberate mispronunciation of his cat's name, but he shakes his head and calls for the bill instead.
Jumin has changed. You wonder how much he has to pay in unravelling V's secrets. If selling his peace is worth the members' peace. But you know what answer he would give. It has never been a matter of choosing for him. He will always protect the RFA.
He will always protect you.
Along with the others, you file out of the restaurant through its gilded swinging doors. Jumin immediately arranges their transport home and reminds them to inform their arrival in the chatroom. You pretend not to see Seven exchanging a calculating look with Jumin, his mask briefly slipping. You wait for your turn, but it never comes.
You have anticipated that, though.
Jumin places his hand on your lower back, his dark hair in slight disarray from the wind. You shiver. His touch still has the power to hold you together just as it has the strength to pull you apart. "Driver Kim is already on his way. You won't have to wait for long."
You nod and stare out the parking lot. Surveillance disguised as an act of chivalry. Since Seven stopped trusting V's contingency plans and revealed your address to the members, he and Jumin have worked together to keep you safe as you help them clean up the mess V left behind.
A familiar black car pulls up before you, and Jumin holds the backseat door open. You climb in, greeting Driver Kim before giving him your address. Jumin enters after and sits so close beside you that his trousers brush against your bare leg.
You press your thigh against him a little more.
Jumin gently caresses your knee, but there's a frown on his face. "Your address is already saved in my car navigation. Did you forget that?"
You have honestly forgotten. Thoughts slip around you these days. Try as you may to capture them, it's as if you have to squint through a lattice window to make out the memory fragments and piece them together. You get away with it most of the time, the fact that you struggle to pay attention.
But Jumin always pays too close attention to you.
"I remember now." You shrug.
Jumin isn't inclined to drop the matter. "I have picked you up more than once. If there's any problem with your memories, you should get it checked out. I will arrange a doctor's appointment for you."
"You're blowing things out of proportion."
The car starts to move. Driver Kim has polished his pretence of not hearing your conversation. He taps the radio screen, and a soft murmur floats through the small space.
Jumin's hand on your knee tightens into a grip, but not firm enough to hurt. "You have been forgetting a lot of things."
"Not when they're important," you say. "I won't compromise our mission, so lay off me. I can forget things. I'm human." You huff out a tired sigh. "Don't you have more things to worry about?"
His voice is constricted. "Do not presume other matters are more important than you."
He draws his hand into his lap. "Both of you are of equal importance."
You stare out the window, yellow street lamps and glass towers sweeping past you. You're going back to a place that makes you want to scratch your skin loose. Your freedom is restricted to the apartment and wherever an RFA member accompanies you.
"I've watched the romantic drama you recommended," Jumin says after a few moments. "You're right, I did like it. It's curious how the man is always there to catch the woman when she falls. The distance and his human speed should've made it impossible."
At another time, you would have smiled at his endearing fascination and proclivity to pick apart a mystery until he understood it inside out. Now you glance at him without emotion. "Dramas operate by their own logic."
Jumin tries for a smile. "Nevertheless, it was sufficient entertainment to unwind after work. I must thank you for that."
"I'm glad it helped."
He shifts his body towards you. "How would you feel if I attempted to catch you when you fell?"
You purse your lips. "I won't fall around you."
"But if you do?"
You try to ponder over it, but it's like trying to break through rough currents that threaten to swallow you. The effort is exhausting. "You might not be fast enough," you say. "You're not armed with magical drama abilities."
"Then being there with you at all times would solve it." There's a hint of finality in Jumin's tone.
Of course.
You rest your head against the window, the glass cold against your temple. "That sounds impractical."
"It is better than watching the people I love lose themselves because they're too stubborn to ask for help."
Your lips tug up in the tiniest smirk. "Interesting. Han Jumin feels more than me. I never thought this day would come."
You glimpse at him, but he doesn't seem offended. How disappointing. You're right at the centre where his emotions are concentrated. You thought that would have included his anger.
"I would say it's concerning," Jumin says. "I know how that emptiness feels. If what you're experiencing is worse than that—"
"You'll force me to get treatment?"
His hands curl into a fist in his lap. "I'm not fond of coercion, but if you pose a danger to yourself, then I will do what I must."
You can't keep the irritation out of your voice. "Of course. Thank you for caring."
"I always care." Jumin's fingers hover near your cheek, and you think he's going to touch you, and you wait for him to—but he drops it to his side.
"And look how it ruins you."
Jumin dips his chin sharply. The shadow in the car obscures his expression, but you can make out the lines of exhaustion in the corner of his eyes. There is only so much he can put up with before it eats at him, always bracing for tragedy to befall everyone around him.
You're not supposed to be on the list of the people he wants to protect.
"Loving you doesn't ruin me. It's the best emotion I have ever felt." He runs his hand up your arm and pauses at the slope of your shoulder. "So let me care for you. Don't go. Don't go as far as V has."
You can't wrap your head around the driving force behind Jumin's obsession for your survival. You don't even care as much. It probably has something to do with how you can see right through him. He's attached to the validation you can offer him. You make him feel like a person. You're the only one who sees him as he is, now he can't let you go.
"V is your closest friend. He'll come back to you eventually."
"He won't," Jumin states flatly. "Rika is all he sees, and his range of vision has pathetically narrowed. You needn't bother with consolations. I know where my place is on his priority list."
Pressure burgeons within you like a fist thrusting into your ribcage and twisting your lungs. You hold on to the sensation, thankful to still be able to feel certain pains for Jumin. You wind your hand around his tie and press your lips somberly against his. He tastes of matured grapes and sweet memories long gone.
You have loved him until it ruined you too.
Jumin hooks his arm around your waist and pushes you against the car door, his other hand moving around the back of your head to soften the blow. His fingers trace down your ear and jaw before tilting your chin up and deepening the kiss.
His hand slides up the back of your thigh and toys with the lining of your panties. You hitch your leg up, allowing him to slide between you as he presses himself harder against you, his breathing harsh against your parted lips.
You can feel his need for you between your legs and you wish to satiate him, but it's as though your limbs and nerves are molten lead. You can burn him up with a single touch and you do it without feeling anything.
You want him, but the desire is cerebral.
Jumin pauses and pulls away when he notices your lack of fervour. He opens his mouth to apologise, but you grab his arms, feeling the lean muscles beneath the suit, and shake your head.
Not your fault.
He searches your face, then nods. This has happened before.
You don't know how you reached this point. You keep losing things that you can't afford to lose and you're tired of it. Your freedom, your fundamental need for Jumin. You don't know how to protect your senses from atrophying.
He smooths down your crumpled hair and blouse, murmuring, "I had expressed my wish not to be consoled, yet you still went against me."
"This is the only time I don't have to obey you."
Jumin stills. "I am not trying to restrict you."
"So if I ask you to stop monitoring my schedule and chaperoning me, either by yourself or someone you personally approve of, would you?"
He brushes your swollen lips with his thumb. "Can you promise me you won't get yourself killed if I decrease the security?"
"I promise." You straighten his tie to align it with the buttons and trail your fingers up his chest.
Jumin seems to consider it before shaking his head and chuckling. "You're a good liar."
You grip the lapels of his suit. "It's not up to me if the hacker decides to attack me."
"But you won't put up a fight either."
You let your hands fall and avert your gaze to the blur of passing cars behind him.
Jumin sighs. "It's only until we dissolve Mint Eye and you are safe from the threats that brought you here. Perhaps you would be happier and less inclined to throw self-preservation to the wind."
You clench your jaw and dig your nails into your thighs. Your life is getting smaller and smaller each day. There will always be another condition from him as your condition gets worse. Jumin will not stop. As long as the fight against Mint Eye goes on, you will always be under his extreme surveillance.
Jumin means well, you know it. You wouldn't have survived this long if he and Seven didn't force you to.
You carve your nails in with all your strength, clawing until they break your skin, but there's no blood. It's always harder when you mean to do it.
You don't want to be fixed all the time. Sometimes you want to shatter into pieces. Sometimes you feel safer when you're small.
"I can't breathe, Jumin," you say, desperation seeping into your voice.
He flicks his eyes down and wraps his hand around your wrists in an instant. "Stop doing that. Stop hurting yourself."
"This?" You laugh. "It's nothing more than you and Seven have been doing to me. I've always been willing to help you two with your plans, however immoral they are. I'd do them myself even without you. But I never gave you permission to track me like a prisoner."
His gaze turns hard. "You wouldn't let me if I asked."
"I'm the unhappiest I've ever been and you don't even care." You try to pull your hands away, but he won't budge. "You don't want me to be happy."
 "I deeply apologise. I never mean to cause you pain." His face contorts with guilt. "Please hold on a little longer. It will be over soon. V will provide us with an explanation, and things will return to how they were."
"You're naïve if you think it's that easy. This is not your drama with a fairytale happy ending."
"If I don't harbour hope in everyone's stead, what chance do we have in surviving?" Jumin says, and lets out a ragged breath. "We will get through this catastrophe. You can depend on me if you can't find the strength to go on. Just—stay with me. Do not leave."
You think you should cry. You can feel an emotion bubbling, blistering but never quite reaching its boiling point. It's frustrating. Breaking down under pressure is one of the most human things to do, yet the most you can muster is observational agitation.
Love changes things. He loves you and you're paying the price for it. 
You look at him with deadened eyes. "You have never made leaving possible, Jumin."
"Good," Jumin says, his voice terse. He doesn't let go of your wrists.
You sink into your seat, deep into the corner where the lights do not reach. There is a kind of loneliness that has grown into a corporeal shadow inside the cavity of you.
You yearn to make its existence known to someone.
You have no one to tell.
I couldn't flesh these out due to fic length, but I want to get them out there anyway: 1) Reader isn't in therapy because Jumin and Seven aren't well-versed in mental health and Jumin thinks he's enough to fix her for now. She just doesn't care. 2) Jaehee is excluded from the secret subgroup because reader takes over her role in task execution and more.
I... didn't mean to write a dark Jumin or include canon plot elements. I feel like my fics lately are a "how dark can I make this" challenge. The initial idea was just Jumin being there for a lonely reader and it'd be wholesome and comforting, but it got worse through each draft. It had been satisfying to write.
I'd hoped my first fic with the big cast would be one where everyone's personalities are prominent, but apparently, I had to write it from a depressed reader's POV so everything is warped and muted instead. Maybe next time.
There's a paragraph that I reworked from my now inactive IG writing account c: I guess it's not plagiarism if you're copying yourself?
I like it when my MCs are a lil manipulative xoxo
The header concept is Jumin's obsessive surveillance, shown through the clear box tracking his eyes while the rest is blurred, and the toxic intimacy of how Jumin is the one who yearns more but they're separated by a thin yet impenetrable barrier. I was so happy that this clip fits my vision, with an Asian man at that! It's hard to find good free stock footage of Asians. And tap the GIF for better quality.
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annab-nana · 9 months
Scenario: told parents about SO and now you have to rope someone into it for the holidays with Eddie!!
ooo so i did this already here, but this time, i'm going to switch it around and have eddie ask her
warnings: not proofread, a bit long for a blurb
❀ masterlist ❀
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"wake up! wake up! wake up!" eddie's voice sounded around you which was weird because you distinctly remember falling asleep at your house alone, not at eddie's. you would've written it off as a dream if you weren't feeling his hands on your shoulder and arm, attempting to shake you awake. when you cracked an eye open, you saw him standing over you, so no, this wasn't a dream.
"eddie, what the fuck?" you groaned as you grabbed your blanket and pulled it over your head to block him out.
"nope, not doing that," eddie told you, pulling the blanket out of your grasp before you could fully cover your head and placing it back where it was. you just groaned even louder and crossed your arms over your eyes.
it was too early for this shit right now.
"eddie, please don't take offense to this, but for the love of god, get out of my house right now."
"nope." you felt the bed dip beside you where he sat. then, his hands were on your arms and he lightly pulled them up to see your eyes.
"what time is it?"
he glanced at his watch. "5:47."
your eyes about popped out of your head. "a.m.?"
you propped yourself on your elbows and gave him an incredulous look. "okay, now i mean this offensively. get the fuck out."
"you don't even want to know why i'm here?" eddie asked and when he spoke, you finally took notice of the pleading look in his eyes. with that, you were a little more awake and willing to hear what he had to say.
letting out a sigh, you scooted all the way up to sit up fully and listen. "out with it, eds."
"you know how we're supposed to leave tomorrow to see my aunt in new york?"
you nodded, too tired to verbally confirm your knowledge of the plan.
"well, wayne talked to her a couple of nights ago to tell her he wouldn't be there until next week because he can't get off work, but we were still supposed to go tomorrow. but, she called last night and said that we should leave as early as we can today because they are gonna start doing some road work on the highway later today and that if we leave earlier, we'll run into less traffic. i tried to call you last night to tell you that, but you didn't answer."
"so we have to leave right now?" you inquired as you rubbed your eyes. you were glad you were mostly packed anyway. all you had to add were your everyday items.
"yeah, i'd like to. it's going to be a long drive anyway. the last thing we want is traffic slowing us down, especially christmas traffic at that."
"okay," you spoke before yawning and nodding. he didn't seem finished though. "is there something else?"
"yeah..." whatever it was, he wasn't chomping at the bit to share it.
you were getting nervous. "what is it, eddie?"
"when we were saying our goodbyes on the phone, she said that she was really excited to meet my girlfriend. i guess, from what wayne's told her, she thought that since we hang out together all the time, we're going out," eddie stated, letting his words hang in the air for you to piece together.
"but i'm not your girlfriend."
"i know that."
"did you tell her that?"
his lack of response wasn't boosting your confidence.
"eddie?" your tone was one of warning.
"i didn't realize what she said until after she hung up."
"eddie," you whined, leaning forward and resting your head on his shoulder for a moment before pulling back. "so, what now? you want me to play your girlfriend?"
when you said it, you were half-joking, but the look on eddie face read of complete seriousness. "oh, for fuck's sake," you grumbled under your breath.
"i'm sorry," eddie apologized, a begging undertone in his voice, "it's just that it's my first time seeing her since i was like ten and i don't want to look like an idiot. and she said she was excited to meet my girlfriend and i don't want to let her down, so please for me, do this. we're already pretty close as it is. we'll just have to embellish some things." when you silently looked off in consideration, eddie spoke up one more time. "come on, y/n. please. you owe me."
you cut your eyes back to him because he was right. you did owe him for saving you from a few bad guys at the hideout by pretending to be your boyfriend, but the circumstances were completely different. he was pretending for maybe a minute max. you were staying with his aunt for two weeks.
you hated that you looked back at him because it made it so much harder to not give in. his stupid big brown doe eyes were making it impossible to deny him even though you knew you were going to say yes. he knew it too.
"fine," you said softly and no less than a second after the word left your lips, eddie's arms wrapped around you tightly.
"thank you so much! i owe you big time."
"yeah, you do," you commented, a light chuckle following your words before you patted his arm. "alright, boyfriend, let me go so i can finish packing and change so we can leave."
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141trash · 8 months
What's a girl gotta do to get more of that dad!Simon you've been hyperfixating on? 👀👀👀
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Ooh bestie I'm SO glad you asked. I was going to post it anyways once I found a good spot to stop. But since you're here I'm ready to share. Thank you for the ask much appreciated
-Dad Simon whose at the toy store nervously trying to figure out what to buy his kid. The daughter he never knew he had until now. It's her fifth birthday and sure he'd had a little nephew before, but what do little girls like? -You at the same toy store to pick up a gift for your neighbor kid's 5th birthday. You see Simon, a big hulking man dithering among the brightly pink splashed aisles and offering to help, but he looks so desperately lost and out of his depth -Simon looking at you this tiny short af woman with bright curly red hair (you've got a Merida wig on, but he doesn't know that). You don't seem intimidated by him in the least when you offer to help and he really just wants to do right by his daughter so he sucks it up and agrees that yes he really needs help picking a gift for his daughter -He awkwardly explains that he's military and hadn't had any idea that he had a kid up until now, but he wants to get her something to make up for the fact that he's been gone.
You purse your lips in thought, "I don't know that there's anything that could make up for absence."
adding quickly when you see the way his expression falls a little, "But if you're not too sure what she likes yet and you still want to get her something maybe get her something that she can hold if she miss you. Like a soft toy and then add something of yours to it so that it's personal to you both. Extra tags if you have them or a shirt or something."
Your voice trails off for a moment and then it's like a light flips on. in your excitement you grab onto his forearm and had it not been for the sheer surprise of how pretty the expression is on your face, he would have flinched. He doesn't like people touching him.
"Do you have time?" You ask almost breathless in your giddiness.
He raised his brows wondering if he should feel apprehensive.
"Don't need to be there till the afternoon."
"Perfect! Let me buy this and I know the perfect place to go."
Somehow he finds himself following you to check out and then over to your car. As you walk you introduce yourself, and manage to extract, "Simon." from him as a response.
"It's a couple blocks down, at the mall. Do you want to follow me in your car or come with me?" you ask popping the trunk and dropping your purchase among the other bags inside.
Under normal circumstances he would say follow, but with the way you're buzzing with energy and just how unthreatening you seem, he agrees to go with you.
The regret is almost immediate when you turn on the engine and nearly burst his eardrums with how loud the music is blaring from the speakers. He flinches and lets out an expletive while you rush to turn the sound to a more palatable level and smile sheepishly at him.
"Sorry. It gets me sometimes too." you laugh at the incredulous look he's giving you, "I like to have a party to up my mood when I'm driving tired."
-You towing the hulking man through the cheery warm yellow entry of the build a bear and waving to a friend of yours whose at the counter. After showing him the basics you leave him to choose and go speak to your friend. -Finally after a while you find him staring at the little section of army uniforms frowning at the green camo uniform. it takes you a second to see that even though he clearly wants to choose it there's something bothering him about it. The American flag patch on the sleeve His accent was clearly English of some sort.
"Is the American flag the only reason you're hesitating?" You ask him quietly. His gaze moves to you when you speak and he nods.
Grinning you pull one off the hook by the cardboard hanger and dig through you purse to find your to go sewing kit. He starts to protest when you immediately go to work using your seam ripper to get rid of the patch.
"There." You proclaim.
"Yer gonna get in trouble." He grumbles, but seems thankful as you hand it to him to go with his other choices.
"It's fine. You're buying it and I know the people who work here. The girl at cash and I went to college together." You gesture over your shoulder at her and when he makes eye contact with her she gives a friendly wave.
-You don't even question when he ends up with a pochacho dog with the army uniform and surprisingly a helmet that has a skull and flames on it instead of the matching army cap. You also hadn't heard the message that was added, but knew he'd done it because he'd leaned down by the station and spoke in his low gruff voice.
Simon on the ride back to his car with the paper bag on his knees glancing at you humming happily and finally getting the courage to ask why you bothered to help him
You glance sideways at him and give a shrug.
"Some dads don't even try. Some kids don't have dads. You clearly want to try and make up for last time. Why wouldn't I want to help?"
He wonders if you had a shit dad too or if what you'd been buying a t the toy store was for your own kid and the father was a piece of shit. It wasn't his business though so he didn't ask. Luckily for him, he doesn't need to.
"Listen. It's not really my business and I don't want to overstep, but just don't make promises you can't keep okay? Since you're military you're probably going to be gone a lot. Kids aren't dumb. They understand a lot more than people give credit for. I think if you really want to have any sort of relationship with her and you don't want her to hate you then be as honest as you can. She deserves that yeah?" There's a slight tremble in your voice that tells him that it's personal.
"Yeah." He agrees and he means it.
When you make it back to his car he lingers trying to think of what he could say to thank you. Because more than anything his daughter meant hope. A tiny spark of hope that he could have a family even after everything that's happened, that he's done. And in his head you've just given him the best chance at not fucking it up. He almost wants to ask for your number.
But he doesn't. He just memorizes your smiling face as you wish him good luck with meeting his daughter before he ducks his head and shuts the passenger door, gripping the bag tightly. He watches your car disappear feeling oddly disappointed to be doing so.
Tiny info dump beneath the read more bc I felt the need to add it in haha :)
-Why are you wearing a Merida wig? In this reader/you are a cosplayer influencer, but also do Princess Cosplays for little kid birthdays on occasion. Your neighbor's kid is suuuch a sweetheart that you absolutely want to do a cosplay for her birthday and were half getting ready before remembering the thing you wanted to get her for her birthday (honestly I really just wanted the moment where you and Simon are talking and where he sees you in the full cosplay and of all the things he could say to you he has to tell you that your scottish accent sucks because ofc he works with Johnny so he knows what the accent should sound like. and i didn't even put that in this part orz)
-This is in my head set in the USA and his daughter is a product of a one night. He doesn't find out until after the mother dies and is contacted by the grandmother. Literally could write a whole ass one shot smut of this because i have thoughts SO MANY THOUGHTS
I made a quick image of the build a bear he chose :) because I spent hours thinking about it and it needed to see the light of day. if i wasn't on a spending ban my delulu ass probably would have considered making a physical one because think of all the COD outfits I could sew for it
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erithel · 1 month
Piggybacking off of your response to the previous ask, man can I just say what an utter clusterfuck the whole "gone" situation was follower-wise... i'm gonna make this about me so sorry about that, however i'm the kind of person that can't really articulate their thoughts, can't see through the layers as clearly as others and when people post a thoughtful analysis that reflects my feelings about the fic while the best thing I can come up with is something like "wow, fic good❤️" (which yeah I know is still fine but anyway) it makes me feel so much better because what is trapped in my head is articulated as I wanted to express it... that being said, seeing you explore ptsd and lance's grief like this stirred smth in me, I cried at times, so I was very excited to see people in your asks sharing their thoughts and all... And then they didn't seem to care so much about it (not all of them obvs) and at first it was like "hahah yeah.. we all want them to kiss xd lol" but then seeing you post about how people would essentially flood your asks for klance to KISS ALREADY™ plus with other general stuff... Idk if it was frustrating for me I can't even begin to imagine how it was for you, because this is like.. still a story, just in comic form, so yes it has an arc it need to complete. We could see the episode count from the beginning too if I remember correctly, so being so insistent about it was weird? Either way, it was a story and it was getting somewhere and spamming about when your ship will be canon is kind of annoying. So sorry this happened to you and so happy you pushed through! I binge it on the regular!
I feel like I could do a Ted Talk on the etiquette of commenting at this point, through my own experience, and also reading comments my friends have received on their work.
But essentially what it boils down to is two things:
Creators put a lot of work into their stories, and
They choose to write stories their way
The way that I write fan content (both fics and comics) is because these stories and these subjects are important to me. Some of them are very personal, too. And I know I am not the only creator who chooses to write this way.
Obviously the way I reacted to the "just kiss already" comments may have seemed like an overreaction from the outside (I thank you for being understanding in your ask btw).
But the message those constant comments were sending was a very clear one of:
All the thought/time/work you put into this story does not matter
Everyone who ever told you to "just get over it" was right
Grief can be a very physical and powerful thing.
Losing someone you love leaves you with this excess of love and affection that now has no where to go. You used to have a place to direct it, and when that place is suddenly gone, it takes a while to learn how to function again; to redistribute that love.
It's something that never goes away, it just gets manageable. And it's definitely not something you can "just get over."
I'm not saying I'm the greatest storyteller of all time, but I was tired of reading books and watching movies and shows where the characters never felt the aftermath of a loss. They all just moved onto the next episode or the next chapter like nothing ever happened.
And I do think it's important to tell stories like this in fanfiction. Because many readers are younger. Many readers rely on reading fanfiction because it's free. Many readers need hope and catharsis. And getting to read about their favorite characters go through terrible things but realistically come out on the other side is, to me, very important. Because the stories we read - no matter if they are free or published works - can stick with us for the rest of our lives.
This is why it was such a big deal for me. Because I was trying to tell a story that said "Please take your time to get over things. Please know that it's okay if you don't immediately snap back to the way things were. Please know that it's okay to feel whatever it is you are feeling." And getting comment after comment that said the exact opposite was honestly just crushing.
I would take a "wow, fic good" comment any day. Because it acknowledges what has been done, instead of demands things to speed up to suit someone else's needs.
And, on a slightly more petty note... it was a klance fan comic. It's not like they weren't going to kiss. They just weren't going to do it in the middle of an argument where it wouldn't have stuck!
(I do also think it's funny that there's a perfect comic example of a kiss happening too early, before communication which happened right around the same time as Gone. And for the record, she's gotten way more and way worse comments than I did, so that's something worth mentioning, too.)
The point is that some stories are very personal to the author and very important to certain members of the audience. Of course no single story will be for everyone, but just because it is not going a certain way does not mean it's okay to demand it be changed.
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lemotmo · 2 months
Two questions because she posted them together. All I will add is 🤣🤣🤣
Q. I screenshot that fanfic storyline nonsense you posted so when it's established fairly early in season 8 that Tommy is his endgame I can send it back to you with laughing faces. Can't believe you had the nerve to post that while accusing us of being the one to ignore the obvious.
Q. I hate you because that storyline one hundred percent makes sense and I would actually love it. I feel like such a traitor 😭
A. So I posted these together because it's representative of the current state of my ask box. Although, the responses were way more positive than negative, so yay for me! I will answer these in the order I posted them. Starting with the ever lovely first message.
I have a better idea anon. Why don't you come back to my ask box with an example, just ONE example of a scene, or even a line of dialogue, ONE tiny line, that hints at or points to Tommy being Buck's great love and we can discuss it? We both know you won't do that though because we both know no such scene or line of dialogue exists. I am more than willing to have the conversation but your side doesn't have any facts to bring to the table for that conversation. I was clear when I said that was the story I THINK they are telling. Obviously I don't write for the show so I could be off base. I don't think I'm that far off base though. And I don't think you believe I'm that far off base either or you wouldn't be as upset as you currently are. I would tell you to go order a $200 headcanon to make yourself feel better, but clearly he got tired of you all as well (please understand I actually felt terrible typing that last sentence because it's such a bitch thing to say, but your comment was so bitchy you kind of deserved it).
Now second anon, first of all thank you for saying the storyline makes sense, haha. I felt like I was answering that ask forever so I wondered if the story I was talking about was making any sense at all. Secondly you're not a traitor. You are the 95% of that fandom that I was talking about. The 95% that got caught up in the initial excitement of the newness. The overwhelming majority of the fandom that will follow to the better storyline. It's not uncommon. And no matter what any of the others try to tell you, it's okay to acknowledge that you actually want and would enjoy the other ship. Thank you for the kind message, even though you opened it with the words you hate me. 💗
Oh be sure to come back, first anon. I'm ready for the conversation!
The fact that so many people seem to be under the assumption that Tommy is Buck's great love of his life is the weirdest thing ever to me. Nowhere in canon has it been shown or said that Tommy is anything more than just a guy Buck is dating right now. They have made it clear, time and time again that it isn't going to last. So why this refusal to see the BT and Tommy scenes for what they really are?
Well, the answer to that question is as simple as it is obvious.
But anyway, as usual the anonymous OP has explained it so much better than I ever could.
Thank you Nonny for dropping this into my inbox!
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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