#anyway... sorry for scaring you
084392 · 1 year
ok ok WHAT are pokemon that you know would scare the ever loving shit out of you if you just stumbled on them in the wild as someone in the pokemon world?(can include legendaries, mythicals, UBs, paradox pokemon, and just rare pokemon in general btw)(or just specific not rare ones too)(also im sorry but do not give me that "none i would hug and love all of them!!" crap istg)(or try and tell me that you wouldnt be scared bc you're "not a pussy" or something -_-)
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die-rosastrasse · 3 months
I love you bad art, I love you amateur art, I love you self learning, I love you cheap art supplies, I love you journals, I love you crafts, I love you art available for everyone, I love you second hand art and objects, I love you free museums, I love you handmade gifts, I love you childish drawings, I love you art that nobody ever saw except for the artist, I love you taking time to learn a skill, I love you art history, I love you free tutorials, I love you art as a school subject, I love you things that took a long time to make, I love you art studies that are considered useless, I love you the human need to create and change the world around you to be more beautiful and more meaningful.
I hate you AI art, I hate you generated content, I hate you singe-use images, I hate you mindless consumption, I hate you stealing from artists, I hate you reposting without sources, I hate you lying about using AI, I hate you pretending like art is something unachievable and reserved only for the chosen ones.
Make art!! Make "bad" art that is actually special because you took the time to make it. Make art for yourself that you show no one. Make art for others that they'll cherish forever. See how your whole world changes, see how you start noticing beautiful and inspiring things all around you. Make things with love and devotion. Fuck AI.
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ashenberry · 5 months
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hi hey hello. you should go check out @u3pxx 's piece for the mea culpa zine I just made a fun and silly continuation of it because im normal about it <3
more fun and silly shenanigans under the cut
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britomart · 2 years
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[image descriptions: a series of posts/images about being scared.
1. a tumblr post reading: charlottan: looks around zkzm500lar: gets scared
2. a youtube comment from jigs villaranda reading "...........gets more scared" 3. a tweet reply from liam gallagher reading "im scared"
4. a tweet reply from angie @insertalterego1 reading: "did you watch sir macca at glasto last night?" liam gallagher responds: "i didn't too scared"
5. tumblr post from charlottan: "i'm so scared of everything all the time forever" 
6.  tweet from liam gallagher: "no i'm scared for my life"
7. tumblr post from peternureyev reading: [guy who forgot to take his scared-prevention pills] why am i so scared right now
8. a screenshot of a youtube video from platinum drone productions entitled "how to wash a kitten without making it to scared". the thumbnail is of a hand reaching out to a small ginger kitty.
9. tweet from liam gallagher: "still too or to or 2 or two scared"
10. an excerpt from a book reading "scared of neil young 306"
/end descriptions.]
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mirrorhouse · 1 year
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You did this? ...Yeah! Yeah, I did this.
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egophiliac · 5 months
here's the Meleanor chibi speedrun! upfront warning for some flickering and/or flashing throughout from all the sped-up zooming/layer changes.
it turns out I only really recorded up to when I exported the PSD for the first time, so I went back and recorded a bit more to at least show a little of the reworked cape breakdown and background. and then bounced her rig around so you can see a bit of it too! the parts I'm not too embarrassed to show, anyway
even sped up it's still like 47 minutes (s-she took a really long time to make okay), so there are timestamps/chapters in the description if you click through! I certainly don't expect anyone to sit and watch it through, but maybe it'll be interesting to skip around in?
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kyriaarts · 2 years
they're getting smooches smoothies your honour
( @buggachat so tell me are they getting married next or ?)
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samarecharm · 17 days
I wish the thieves had SOME kind of reaction to the Satanael awakening. Kinda wish we at least had RYUJI react to it….
I think its sooooo compelling to have Ryuji be the only person to witness BOTH awakenings; to see how much Akira and his will has grown since they first met. There was a raw, burning fury in Akiras core that recoiled at the injustice before him, and when given the tools to punish said injustice, eagerly accepted it with a wild, almost manic kind of intensity. I think it would be difficult for the others to truly grasp just how scary that was; that for a short moment, Ryuji couldnt pinpoint the cause of that rage, and the target of it. Akiras mellowed out alot since then, but its always in the back of Ryujis head; theres a side of their leader literally none of the thieves have or will ever see, and he doesnt really know how hes supposed to feel about that.
And now the airs charged in the same way he felt back in Kamoshidas palace; right as Akiras eyes widened at seeing him slammed against the wall. The blazing, untamed ferocity in his eyes from back then is replaced with a cool, calm, steely conviction. He knows his purpose; understands completely what his will screamed at him to understand back when it first started. This is the Akira the team knows, and its definitely the one Ryuji is used to now, but its insane to see the shift; insane to see the kind of power that simmered in Akiras core, literally too big and too overwhelming for past Akira to grapple with and set free.
Satanael comes down, and theres a moment, through all the excited screaming and hollering, where Ryuji can see it look right at him, and Ryuji is taken back to the floor of Kamoshidas Palace; not to the fear he felt when Arsene came forth incinerating everything, but immediately after, when Akira comes to with wide eyes and an outstretched hand- that bizarre feeling of safety, of knowing that this kid would have his back, and that hed never have to worry about where his place would be (its right beside him, obviously.)
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Apologies for my recent radio silence. I've had a lot on my mind lately.
This post isn't Earthspark-related at all, but please read it.
I need to take a second on this blog to acknowledge some things going on in the world. I should not have stayed silent on this blog before, but I'm trying to fix that now.
Genocide in Palestine + how you can help Palestinians
You can buy e-sims for people in Gaza here. Anything helps.
Click here daily to help generate funds for Palestine. It's free and takes less than a minute.
Here's a list of where you can donate to help Palestine.
(If there's anything I should add to this section, please let me know.)
The KOSA bill, what it's going to do if passed, and how you can help prevent it from taking effect
KOSA will essentially erase anonymity from the internet by requiring people to upload their government ID or other form of identification to any social media site, as well as restricting resources and information on LGBT rights, history, racism, and more. This bill will censor the entire internet and destroy privacy while violating First Amendment rights and potentially putting minors in danger.
This also could very well mean the end of Tumblr, and I'm not exaggerating here.
Tomorrow KOSA could be passed in Senate, and from there it will need to pass in the House of Representatives before being signed into law by the president. It's not doomsday yet, but it is a dangerous situation-- and here's what you can do.
StopKOSA.org provides you with a template email to send to your representatives. You can leave it how it is or edit it to say what you want, and then send it from their website.
The website also allows you to call your representatives and gives you a template of what to say.
BadInternetBills.org, run by the same people, takes action against KOSA as well as other bills like EARN IT. At the time of posting this, over 356,000 people have signed this petition.
Additionally there are several petitions on change.org to help stop KOSA. Here are a few of them.
Stop Kosa
Save Humanity, Oppose KOSA
(Again, please let me know if there's anything I should add.)
One last thing-- The evolution of AI images and video.
I don't really have anything good to say. AI is evolving fast and changing the world as we know it. We are adapting, but nobody knows how this really is going to end up.
A few quick points:
AI images are not art. That's all. AI "artists" who genuinely claim to have made something of their own just by typing a prompt into a generator will be blocked. (Which has been in my rules for a while, but I still think it needs to be said.)
I recommend Glaze for artists who don't want their art being scraped and used for data training. Especially with the recent rumors of an upcoming deal between Tumblr and Midjourney. There's also a similar program called Nightshade (haha, earthspark reference? anyone?🦉) that I haven't tested myself but have heard good things about.
That's all, I suppose. Reblogs are good, if you don't mind.
Spread the word about KOSA. Contact your representatives. Sign the petitions.
Support Palestine if possible. Donate if you can. If you are unable to donate, make sure to do your daily clicks.
Stay safe and take care of yourselves. ❤️
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
hellooo, i love ur stuff and i wannted to see u write about how Simon, Price, Alejandro, and Rudy handle having a wife who is very head strong and such? Like the type of woman who was very successful and has a sharp tongue. A very badass woman in general. Thx<33
Hello! Thank you! I tried on this request as well, but people like that genuinely scare me ^^; I wrote this with a very hot headed person in mind because I'm not quite sure I understand what headstrong means, even when I googled it! It's probably a bit extreme, the way I wrote reader and it probably usually isn't that bad, but I barely know anyone who's like this!
Price, Ghost, Alejandro and Rodolfo with a Headstrong!S/O
Price: There are a few things Price is used to due to his occupation: People taking his orders without ever questioning them, and people, smart assed as they are, questioning his every move. Some differences could be settled quite peacefully, during others, harsh words had to be exchanged in order for an agreement to come between them. So it definitely wouldn’t be the first time Price had ever met someone like you. However, he can get along just fine with someone like that. You’re his spouse, not some soldier, therefore he can bite back from time to time if he needs to. However, if you’re about to do something extremely stupid where you will end up hurt, he will try to stop you, no matter how much you protest and snarl at him. He loves you for your personality, but sometimes some risks do need to be taken into consideration. He would sometimes get fed up a bit with you, especially if you keep doing what you do without really considering the consequences or yourself. At some point, he’d probably just let you do whatever it is that you want to do. If things go well, he’ll congratulate you, maybe reward you too depending on whatever it was, but if things go sour he would have to bite back a “told you so” occasionally. But other than that, he can appreciate your sharp tongue, always biting back at the people who are trying to belittle you. It shows him that you’re not someone who needs to be taken care of at all times and that you can handle yourself when it comes down to it. Don’t sass him too much, though, since he will also sass you back. But if that’s what you like, then go right ahead. 
Ghost: If he wanted to, he could insult you in a way that could destroy your sense of worth, and sometimes, when you are being a bit more difficult, he considers saying something mean himself. He never does, though, since he doesn’t want to ruin what the two of you have. While you being harsh with others and not letting them walk all over you is something he can appreciate, he will sit you down from time to time and tell you to take it down a notch or two, especially if you’re being harsh towards him. Communication goes both ways, though, so you’re also more than welcome to give him a piece of your mind. As long as you’re both being adults about it, he won’t mind. Like Price, he lets you do your own thing for the most part, unless you’re doing something extraordinarily stupid. He will try to change your mind, knowing fully well it would be futile, in a gentle manner, but if you don’t listen to him then that’s on you. He did try to help you. As much as he’d sigh at your antics, he would help you clean up your messes. Ghost isn’t much of a talker himself, saying the bare minimum when something needs to be said, so sometimes he’ll simply lean back and let you do the talking. Especially if the other person is being an idiot. You have a way with words that makes him snicker from time to time, especially if you’re a small and petite thing. The surprise on the other person’s face is such a delight, he can’t help but love it every single time. And if you’re a rather big and scary person then he’ll wordlessly watch the other person scuttle away. It’s nice, not always having to talk to people. He can be mean too, but he usually just rolls his eyes and walks away.
Alejandro: Alejandro is a rather passionate man about many things, therefore you would often come to butt heads. He used to be far more fiery when he was younger, so these days it’s not as bad as it used to be, but your arguments might end up with both of you yelling. Alejandro can be extremely stubborn and, unless you have some good arguments, it’s not very easy to change his mind either. Unless you start insulting him first, he won’t yell any insults at you either. He would absolutely never get physical with you, no matter how scary he might seem, though. Even in his heated moments, he values you more than anything and anyone else. In your eyes, you’re both right, and that might just be something you’ll both want to work on if you want your relationship to last in the long run. He is more than willing to do so, though, as long as you put some effort into it as well. May god save whatever soul has decided to wrong both of you, however. He will give them a piece of his mind, and so will you, meaning that person has twice the amount of people to be scared of. One of the many reasons you would come to argue would be you trying to do something that might be dangerous, with him trying to convince you it’s a bad idea. He’s a colonel, so he’s used to people taking his orders without very many questions. While Alejandro may not expect you to be his poodle, he does want to see you safe and sound. Ultimately, he knows telling you to not do something won’t change anything, but he’ll try anyway. Your safety comes before all else. Unlike Price and Ghost, he will tell you “I told you so”. Even when he tells you all the reasons why you really shouldn’t have done what you did, he will still patch you up and use his power to make sure you can continue being as successful as you are. So, even while mad he’s a sweetheart about and to you.
Rodolfo: Considering he’s a quiet man, he won’t usually talk back when you have something to say. Instead, he’ll force all of his emotions down. Very rarely, he might snap at you because of it, however. Again, you’ll both have to talk it out with each other, with you having to learn how to bite back something as well. Rodolfo isn’t nearly as feisty as Alejandro, so he’ll usually let you do the talking. Think the “he asked for no pickles” meme except Rodolfo could make his opinion known, but it’s more impactful when you do it. He likes to see you successful and in high spirits, even if he sometimes would wish you would tone it down a bit. Some bad potatoes at the farmer’s market aren’t the end of the world. However, he’ll barely ever voice such a thing, simply turning away instead when you’re getting too heated. He knows trying to calm you down will only make things worse, so he’ll wait it out. Out of everyone, he’ll be the most patient as far as your personality goes. If you’re ever trying something risky, he’ll make you aware of the risks, even if you do end up snapping at him, but won’t stop you. Again, it’s futile. While he may have enough faith in you to know you likely won’t end up hurt, you’re a smart cookie after all, he will sigh if things don’t end up according to plan. You’re probably too proud to do so, but you’re always more than welcome to come to him for help if you need it, he won’t mind. In fact, he’d prefer that over you getting hurt. If you’re both buying things, though, then he’ll let you be the one to haggle, you’re the most effective haggler he knows. In fact, if he ever needs something that requires him to bargain with people for anything at all, he’ll let you do it. You’re scarier than him, on the outside, so he’ll either get what he wants at a good price, or the other person will have learned a lesson. It’s a win-win situation either way.
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zedif-y · 1 year
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aether-weather · 8 months
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
Hey, what's your fave Gabe fanart you've encountered?
Also I am very sorry about your inbox and the incident with the gnome piss anon
- kneeboiler anon
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starflungwaddledee · 2 months
this is a long shot and i'm sorry to ask, but if you don't mind, can mutuals (or contacts or regulars... just... this community) of mine who aren't jumping ship like... let me know? will any of us still be here? is it over? i'm trying to know if this really is it or what's... even happening. i hate to reassurance seek but i'm feeling pretty miserable and confused.
edit: felt like i was being really pitiful and fragile making this but everybody is being so nice to me and responding so patiently with all your thoughts and i'm in tears of gratitude thank you thank you thank you 💖
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how we feelin
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(gif by @usermeggy)
pain. I feel pain
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emry-stars-art · 4 months
I’d just like to say, I love that you make jelly Neil have it/its pronouns, even if it’s just because it doesn’t really know what gender is. I myself would love to use it/its as an agender person. but people around me definitely wouldn't understand or just wouldn’t because it’s dehumanizing in their eyes, so having a character I love use those pronouns and people respecting it is really nice for me to see. Thank you so much for doing that, you make me happy every time I see a jelly Neil drawing from you!
🥹 this makes me v happy to hear ahh I get a surge of love for anyone that's replied to it/its→it/he jellyNeil with anything along these lines. Excited to post more mers very soon hehe
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