#anyways 🥱
solyankapal · 1 year
oh okay so psikonauti is just art poster terf 'wtxch' rebranded lol would've been nice to be aware of that but alas I was not
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jeonwonwoo · 11 months
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f1shart · 6 months
normaltown pt 2 also HOW HAS IT ALREADY BEEN 1 YEAR
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i had the brilliant idea to combine the personality swaps with my anniversary post, so bam. the ship that got me playing the sims 2 in the first place and instead here i am frolicking the fields with tanmeric and tycutio every single day 😭 sighhhh i have tarnished their name, their reputation... how will they ever recover... i'm sorry pasnerv nervscal pavorious anxious-curiosity pascal x nervous i love you i love you
neways. it's been a rocky 2023 irl, but on here everyone was literally so damn kind. there was such COOL inspiring art i saw (i literally would not have improved as much as i did without it) and i ended up making the bestest buds ever and met other awesome people too ^_^!! so thank you to everyone in this gay ass fandom 💝💘💗
here's the og art btw OMG DON'T LOOK!!!!!! 🤢🤢😬😓
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who gave this old man the camera smh
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HE'S SO 😞😞💓💓💓💓
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hawkeyeslaughter · 2 months
sits in my dining hall and sips my coffee in an insanely hunched over position like i’m hawkeye pierce
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t4t-scout · 1 month
well since i actually made a fancam it's safe to say i'm officially a tf2 scout guy™ now
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lotus-pear · 3 months
no disrespect but how does shipping chuuaku make you any better than dazai/aku shippers
OH MY GOD. SIT DOWN BOY. ok so now that we've both been seated i'm going to go over both rq just so that we're on the same page
chuuaku is very realistic in the sense that they both took dazai's absence the hardest and likely sought comfort in one another (or rather chuuya sought akutagawa out and forced him to talk and not bottle things up💀). they also hold a great deal of respect for each other and despite being executive/subordinate they have a good relationship that surpasses hierarchical boundaries which you can clearly assume from their interactions in dead apple/official art. also, chuuya was never akutagawa's mentor. he never offered that role of mentorship, nor did akutagawa ever ask him to be dazai's replacement. so no, this isn't me justifying mentor/student relationships bc those are disgusting. and anyway it would be cute in a sense where it's literally the epitome of sun and moon and chuuya helps aku grow and heal from his past, helping him branch off from dazai and live for smth other than his approval. chuuya doesn't need to be his mentor bc he states himself that aku has always been strong and doesn't need someone's expectations holding him back. romantic or platonic they have one of the healthiest dynamics in the series and that can't be argued
not rly sure how this compares at ALL to dazai/aku since their relationship is toxic asf and literally built on condoned abuse and aku's horrible dependency on dazai to have reassurance that he is allowed to live. also dazai admits to making his training brutal on purpose in dark era, so like if the character themself admits they were abusive idk what else to say tbh. not to mention they have a mentor/student relationship and those are already disgusting as is so ermmm yea. no go. if you ship this you condone abuse idrk what to tell you💀
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queerstudiesnatural · 4 months
"you can't change your gender" right. our point exactly. your gender is your gender. you can't force yourself to change your gender and you can't force someone else to change theirs. what you can do however is change your appearance to fit your gender and feel better in your skin. we've all done that and we will all continue to do that one way or another. if someone is a man then they are a man. if someone is a woman then they are a woman. if they're nonbinary in any way (ranging from agender to multigender and everything in between) then that's what they are. it's quite simple. no amount of transphobia is ever going to change someone's gender. but your kindness and understanding can help people feel safer expressing their gender and thus lead a generally happier life.
you can't change your gender. that's the point trans people have been making. your calculations were correct but your transphobic ass conclusion was off. please go back to your seat and work on that some more :)
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
"Nandopoleon this, Nandopoleon that." What's this then??
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citruscas · 1 year
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suchawrathfullamb · 17 days
You can always pull a Will and send a serial killer to Adam or your husband, or maybe have them battle it out together? I have a feeling your husband will win tho 🤣
Adam's really bringing out the kicked puppy Mathew Brown vibes to your ask box 🤣
lmao I might kill everyone myself
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minbinchan · 3 months
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Me every morning
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kindahoping4forever · 11 months
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Just another normal post
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omppupiiras · 8 months
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why go to sleep when i could do a quick crappy drawing of these sunnies
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hawkeyeslaughter · 2 months
and what say you jaybird !!! does it rain in southern california ?
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lemongogo · 2 years
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make her playable rn or i will kill somebody
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caityrose · 6 months
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