#gord damn
solyankapal · 1 year
oh okay so psikonauti is just art poster terf 'wtxch' rebranded lol would've been nice to be aware of that but alas I was not
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Dirges of the Damned
Here is the Fundamentalist Rut: Their answers must be right The need the Answer to Live Despite Nothing asking the Question
Seeing, "what Answers do We have?" That always brought Me more Thrill Like that Canadian bard's lyric: "We live to survive Our Paradoxes"
What greater paradox than Death? The one Absolute Certainty—yet Certainly, absolutely unknowable What comforting fun, to find an Answer
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renemesis · 9 months
Downloading pdfs of old ass books to read for freesies just as God intended ♡♡♡
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aromanticannibal · 2 years
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coal15 · 1 month
bucktommy headcanons:
Buck may be an awesome cook, but he's terrible at cakes and fancy/pretty desserts. Tommy is awesome at fancy desserts, and refers to his talent for decorating cakes as "his gayest trait" (aside from dating men.)
Buck is used to being the Big Spoon in relationships, but it turns out when the person he's dating actually is bigger than him, he loves being the Little Spoon.
Tommy's internal alarm clock almost always wakes him up at least an hour before Buck, so when they have overlapping days off he tiptoes to the kitchen and makes cinnamon rolls or breakfast muffins or something as quietly as possible. The first time Buck wakes up to the smell of fresh cinnamon rolls he loses his damn mind.
several more under the cut
They love going to couples trivia nights at bars where they aren't regulars and crushing the other couples. On the few occasions they don't make it to the top three Buck cheers himself up by making dinner the next night. Losing doesn't upset Tommy nearly as much, but he still bakes cheer-up cupcakes for Buck.
Buck forgets where he put the keys like five seconds after he sets them down somewhere. Even when he picks a dedicated spot (hook next to the door, small bowl on the counter, bedside table) it only works for a few weeks and then he's right back to tossing wherever. Tommy spends the first year of their relationship nagging him about it before finally giving up.
One day while Buck is at work Tommy has a fit of inspiration and decides to reorganize the whole kitchen in a way that makes more sense. Buck comes home already hangry and tired, and he's super pissed about not being consulted beforehand. It's their first really big 'spirals-out-of-control-eventually-veers-off-topic-what-were-we-originally-fighting-about' fight.
They agree on two pets. Dogs. A week after they adopt the puppies Buck finds a pair of kittens abandoned on the side of the road and falls in love. So now they have two dogs and two kittens.
Years ago an army buddy of Tommy's introduced him to opera and he shocked himself by falling in love with it, so he drags Buck kicking and screaming to see a live performance of The Marriage of Figaro (a comedy opera by Mozart) and by the end of the first act Buck is hooked. Tickets aren't cheap but they try to go see least one opera per year.
The only truly loving family influence Tommy had as a child was his great grandfather. Tommy was only twelve when he died, but he swore he'd name his kids after him someday. He wasn't thinking clearly through the grief. His grandfather's name was Rufus Faggert Gord the third. But Tommy adored grandpa Rufus so much he can't stand to break the promise, so he and Buck agree that two of their future childrens' middle names will be Rufus or Gord (faggert is an automatic no for oh so many reasons)
Their three favorite couple activities are the aforementioned trivia nights, playing in the kitchen, and fishing somewhere quiet away from the city.
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jpitha · 9 months
Between the Black and Gray 2
First / Previous / Next
The voice called out gruffly, and the line shuffled forward another step. Little by little, bit by bit, the line moved though customs as people tried to get into the station. Finally, they came upon a human, average height for the species, with dirty blond hair cropped short on the top of their head, wearing careworn clothes. He was carrying a large bag over his shoulder, and set it down as he approached the counter.
"Name." It was not a question.
"Gord Beaverbrook."
"Planet of origin?" The agent was bored and only half paying attention as they scanned the human's passport card.
At that, they looked up sharply. "Lying to an immigration officer comes with immediate expulsion. I must have misheard you. Planet of origin?"
The human's eyes widened slightly. The immigration officer - a Tylan - didn't notice the subtle change in body language. "Oh uh, my mistake. Orbital High Parvati."
They looked down at the passport card and grunted. "Colony Worlds eh? Leaving like the rest?"
"Something like that, yes."
One of their eyes flicked up to the human and stared just a moment longer than was comfortable. "Final destination?"
"Wait friend, is that required? Last time I came through, they just wanted to know where I came from and how long I was in town, not where I was going." The human looked back at the line and smiled - with his mouth shut - apologetically.
"Sapient, that has been the requirement the entire time I have worked here. If you are unwilling to divulge-"
"No no, it's fine. I've held up the line enough." He sighed. "My final destination is Lemilar Station."
"Lemilar? You're at least ten Gates away from Lemilar."
"Yeah, I have to ride the circuit. Can't afford to Flip over, and it's not like anyone is running a Flash. Transiting the Gates is the most affordable way to travel."
The terminal chirruped and the agent grumbled as they handed back the passport. "Damn refugees. Clogging up the place." They looked up at the human. "Forty third level is where the rest of the human and K'laxi refugees are if you want to see more of your kind." They looked past the man. "Next!"
Gord shouldered his bag, and walked past customs and into the promenade. It was wide and long, with shops on either side, and room for tables to be set out so that people could people watch. It was the same as any of a thousand orbitals, stations, and starbases he had been to in his long life. Sapients milled about, living their lives, going to work, meeting friends and living.
The thing that stuck out for Gord was the lack of humans. This station was far, far from the settled Colony Worlds and humans were rare here. He was used to being in the majority, even if he wasn't - technically - a human. These days one kept that kind of thing to themselves. Bouncing the pack to redistribute the weight, he started walking across the promenade, to look for the way up to the forty third level.
"Hey! Ape!" A Gren called out to Gord while was walking by. Gord didn't stop.
"I was talking to you, ape!" The Gren stood up from his seat at a restaurant, and approached Gord. Behind him two other Gren looked nervously at their friend, but didn't stop him.
Gord shrugged his pack off his shoulders and put his hand on it. Meeting the gaze of the Gren he sighed. "Yes, friend? What can old Gord do for you today?"
"That's an odd accent you have, Ape. You just learn Levinen?"
"No, I learned it a while ago, but I was taught by a Ivarr with a lisp."
At that, the two Gren behind the bully chuckled. Ivarr are insectoid species, they all speak with a slight lisp.
"Oh, a comedian. I see how it is." The bully turned back to his friends. "I mean, getting chased out of your own systems is pretty funny, so I do have to give you that." He tipped his head back and roared laughter, his mouthparts waggling along.
"All right then, I'll be on my way." Gord bent to pick up his bag.
"No, ape. You won't" The Gren put a large hand on Gord's bag. "You see, new arrivals have to pay an... administrative fee to get up to forty three. One hundred Stars."
Gord raised an eyebrow. "You know, if you hadn't been greedy, I probably would have just paid your extortion money." He looked around the large Gren at his two friends. "Thirty Stars? Would have paid it without any question. Even Fifty I would have grumbled, but paid so as to not cause trouble. But, one hundred stars? That's just too much."
The two Gren looked at each other for a moment. "Hey Tam, maybe the humie is right. One hundred seems like a lot to ask. Most of them are coming with the clothes they are wearing and that's it."
Tam turned back and raised a hand like he was going to cuff the Gren. Quit taking his side! I'm in charge here, I do what I want." He turned back to Gord. "One hundred Stars."
"Friend, I don't have one hundred Stars."
"Then you can't pass." Tam crossed his upper and lower arms. and glared at Gord.
"You see Tam - it's Tam? - You see Tam, that's a problem. I'm trying to get up to forty three where the other humans are, so that I can get my bearings and maybe work a bit so that I can buy passage through the next few gates. If you prevent me from doing that, then I'll be stuck here."
Tam took another step towards Gord. "One. Hundred. Stars."
Gord made a show of reaching for his wallet. "Look, I have Fifty on me - I was going to find a cot and get a bite, but that can wait-"
"Oh, you're going to pay, one way or another!" Tam roared, and his larger lower arms swung at Gord.
Faster than anyone thought possible, Gord had shuffled to the side of Tam, and the punches went wide. "Tam, really. I would wish you'd see reason and not do thi-" He ducked again as Tam wheeled around and tried to kick him with his strong, reverse articulated legs.
While Gord danced and ducked around Tam, he looked back at the two other Gren. "Look. I don't want trouble, fellas. Can I give you like ten Stars - just so you can say you shook me down - and I come back in a few demi cycles with a few more?"
The two other Gren's eyes were locked on Gord. They noticed how he was dodging every attack without seemingly putting any effort into it. "Uh Tam, maybe we should take the humie up on his offer. Do ya see how he's dodging you?"
"He's just getting lucky!" Tam was starting to breathe heavily as his swings got wilder and wilder. Gren had immense strength, but only in short bursts. They had almost no stamina. Finally all four of Tam's arms tried to roundhouse punch Gord. he side-stepped them and Tam spun around once and fell over, gasping.
Gord walked over and picked up his pack. "Uh, I'm just going to uh, go." He said to the other Gren. "Give Tam my regards, and I'll see you around eh?" Gord continued on down the promenade.
The rest of the walk he was very deliberately ignored. He found the lifts and went up to the forty third level. Here, if one squinted, one could think they were back in the Colony Worlds. Maybe Hyacinth, or Picaresque, or one of the other smaller starbases. Humans and K'laxi were around, in numbers Gord expected. He took one loop around the refugee level to get a feel for it, and sat down at a table outside an all-day breakfast place.
A busy K'laxi saw him, and waved. After a moment they approached. "Sorry! It's been a busy afternoon. My name is Ma-Ren, and I'll be your server today! What can I get you?"
Gord looked at the K'laxi and seemed to get lost for a moment. She was a spitting image. Ma-Ren's ears flicked nervously at the stare.
"Sir? Do you need another minute?"
"Oh! Sorry. I didn't mean to stare. It's just been a while since I've been somewhere with so many K'laxi. It feels like home. I'll uh, have the pancakes. Do you have any maple syrup?"
Ma-ren laughed. "My mother talked about maple syrup and how good it was. Something like that was probably left in the Colony Worlds. No, here you get regular sucrose syrup."
"Oh, okay, that'll be fine. Any chance of some coffee?"
"Sure thing. I'll bring you a cup now, while I put in the order for the pancakes?"
"That would be lovely, thank you." For the first time in months, Gord smiled widely.
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itsyoung8 · 2 months
If the greasers had Twitter
Well this time I have no excuse for my absence. I just like to be away from social networks sometimes.
Johnny Vincent:
Most of his tweets are when he quotes Derby tweets to insult him
Like ALL of Lola's tweets. Not a single one is left unliked
The hot guy from your tl. Every photo of him posted has at least more than 1000 likes
When he's not messing with Derby, he's tweeting about car mechanics or music
Peanut Romano:
For once, he's the one who likes all Johnny's tweets
He is one of the people who tried the famous date of birth bug
Well he suspended his account lol
His @ is imnotpeanut
Ricky Pucino:
RT tweets about heartbreak like "it's now that you're no longer in my life that I realize how much you used to put into it"
The boys ended up masking him except Lucky because he's his best friend
Tweet about F1 et NASCAR
Sent a picture of his toilet to Chad in DM to let him know that he does have a toilet
Norton Williams:
As soon as his account was created, he blocked Lola
Always ends his tweets with a "."
The only time he got confused on this network was when someone had spoken badly about The Outsiders. He let out a "fuck your mother" in the greatest of calms
"2 a.m., I confess: I use my hammer as a cuddly toy. That's it."
Lefty Mancini:
He dm that the girls and his friends
There is the Italian flag in its tn
Made a thread of why Italian food is above others
When he ate a sauce, he just replied "I don't give a damn, go cry somewhere else"
Lucky De Luca:
Basically he was just there to watch his group so that they didn't do anything stupid
You will NEVER see him tweet with an emoji 🫵
His account you have the impression that it's the account of a new user when he's been on it for a long time
He just doesn't give a fuck
Hal Esposito:
"There's a guy in my school, he gives you farts, it can destroy the fauna and flora"
Sent a follow-up request to Eunice, it's been 6 months that it's been waiting
He never responds to his DMS
When there is a mess in his TL, he responds with a popcorn emoji
Vance Medici:
Has another account, which is private, where he talks about his crush (it's Gord)
THE sunshine of your TL
Participates in all the # where you have to show photos of yourself
rt of One Piece content (since it's a manga about pirates and Vance loves pirates)
Lola Lombardi:
His entire account is aesthetic
Post of make-up tutorials and outfits
Sometimes she complains about guys
Blocked Mandy and Pinky as soon as she landed on Twitter
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gordismybabygirl · 27 days
Some of my random headcanons and opinions about Bully characters:
Gord is one of those, who sings in the shower, which is why he spends a lot of time in the bathroom (Don’t ask, I just know it).
In his heart, Bif dreams about a love marriage. Sometimes it is difficult for him to realize that when the time comes he will have to marry his cousin, maintaining tradition.
Ethan loves watching “Kung Fu Panda”.
Tom’s favorite horror movies are “Friday the 13th” and “Nightmare on Elm Street”.
Zoe is a fan of rock’n’roll and her favorite artist are Joan Jett, Metallica, AC/DC and Queen.
Johnny is definitely likes the song “Lola” by the Kinks, and when he’s alone he often listens this song while smoking and looking at some beautiful landscape (this is literally a picture that appeared in my head).
It seems to me that Lola feels a certain guilt and shame for her flighty behavior and deep down she sincerely wants to stop being like that and be faithful to Johnny, whom she really loves, but cannot help herself. She likes male attention, but the only one her heart really needs is Johnny (I hope that somewhere in a parallel universe they are happy and lovely couple 😔).
Angie and Christy are childhood friends. They have friendship bracelets that they made themselves.
Zoe seems like a girl who doesn’t envy anyone, especially girls. She’s just not a give a damn by a nature and isn’t particularly principled about who to be friends with (the main thing is whether she thinks the person is cool or not).
Despite the fact that Gord is studying to become a lawyer, he wants to become a model for Aquaberry clothing.
(I still have a lot of headcanons, but I’m not ready to share them, lol)
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augustusaugustus · 1 year
Six Boys Jimmy Kissed (And One Boy Who Stayed)
Kissing Trent is easy. He likes Jimmy the way he is: all scars and bruises and not just on the skin. Trent doesn't ask for anything beyond the crush of lips and the press of arms tight around Jimmy's neck. When things are at their worst, and people at their most demanding, there's a kind of sanctuary to be found in something so simple and straightforward. Trent's hot, Jimmy's hot, and for a long time, that's enough.
Kissing Gord is complicated. He's soft and fine-boned and always smells good, but the prissy passion of him cares more for what Jimmy stands for than for who Jimmy really is. Gord is broken in ways Jimmy doesn't understand, and Jimmy's not the guy to fix it, even if he did. Gord kisses him openly, ostentatiously, but it's not because he's proud of Jimmy. It's because he loves the shame.
Kissing Vance is surprising. He smells of leather and gasoline, but his touch is soft despite his calloused hands. He's vain and rough-edged but oddly tender, and when Jimmy's with him he feels protected for a while. Vance is a guy Jimmy could actually fall for, and that's enough to frighten him in a way that no bully ever could.
Kissing Kirby is a revelation. He's ashamed of Jimmy, and Jimmy knows it, but better to be Kirby's dirty secret than to take a risk on something real. It's Gord all over again, but this time it's worse because goddamnit Jimmy chose this. Maybe, just maybe, Jimmy's been the broken one all along.
Kissing Duncan is like coming full circle. He's hard and coarse and it's purely physical, but all he knows is the boy in front of him, instead of the weight of all the things now passed. He sees Jimmy, only Jimmy, just the way that Trent did, and he kisses Jimmy anyway, worthiness be damned.
Kissing Petey is terrifying. He's been there from the beginning, the one person Jimmy can rely upon, and if Jimmy took too long to realise that, well, no one ever called him smart. Petey's small like Kirby, he's kind like Vance is, and he smells far too good for a guy who sleeps in the Bullworth dorms. He sees Jimmy, too, every last fault of him, and he kisses Jimmy without shame or denial or the slightest bit of doubt. Everyone Jimmy has ever loved has abandoned him, but in this moment, Petey's there with him, and Jimmy tells himself that's enough.
Kissing Jimmy is like kissing a firecracker. He sparks and burns without warning, then settles into dull wordlessness behind his defensive walls. He finds it easier to hit out than to feel anything, but he'd never hurt or shout at Petey, not even when Petey frightens him by saying how much he cares. Jimmy expects Petey to betray him, but he kisses Petey anyway, and that's what love is, really: looking the terror right in its eyes. It's difficult at times, but Jimmy's worth it. Petey's not going anywhere. He's going to enjoy proving Jimmy wrong.
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ollieoliver910 · 6 months
Under Night In Birth: Sys Celes (The Last Game I Will Set High Expectations For)
I need to get this off my chest because how French Bread rumored UNI2 as a "sequel" still bothers me to this day.
The reason why I bring this up and why I feel it's important to discuss is because a lot of people fall into this trap of setting high expectations for a game that causes your brain to run wild with imagination.
When UNI2 was rumored to be a sequel, I thought that this game was getting a complete makeover from the ground up. An anime opening, new sprites, English voice acting, a story mode that lets more characters interact with each other. I put too much faith in this game ever developing their characters further. So much so that I REALLY wanted Hyde and Gordeau to get SOMETHING. They don't even talk a single time throughout any of their games (Though Gord does talk to Linne and Seth...huh.)
Since I write in my free time. Sometimes I go into "What if" mode when I feel characters can be developed further or can have an interesting relationship if the creators ever decide to explore it. Since parents rarely exist in UNI2 (other than maybe one or two exceptions), I liked the idea of Hyde looking up to Gordeau like a father figure since they are very similar in personality. To be fair, I always had a love for the "spiritually adopted" plot when it came to any type of story (This is what I call it unless there is an official name for this plot out there.) Anime seems to use this plot more than most. Hell, I'm pretty sure One Piece is infamous for this, but other than the redemption arc or enemies to lovers plot, the spiritually adopted plot is one of my favorite stories if done well.
I think the only reason why I felt that relationship could work between Hyde and Gord was because of BBTAG. BBTAG's story mode is the only time they are allowed to talk to each other...EVER, and it's not even in their own game and that drives me BONKERS! Things like Gordeau calling Hyde kid before fighting Blake and Makoto only for Hyde to ask Gordeau if they can stay together... I hate reading into stuff like this because it ends up with me yelling at my TV screen "Expand on it, expand on it! God damn it you have a good idea here! AAAARRGH!"
I won't go too much more into my problems with UNI2, but one of my biggest grievances when it comes to writing in general is watching or playing as a character that either should have been the main character or had the potential to be expanded on so much more. Think Diamant from Engage or Jotaro from Stardust Crusaders (I haven't watched past that so if I'm wrong, please let me know.) Diamant, for example, gets so much strong writing and character development that I felt he should have been the main protagonist instead of Alear while Jotaro has the opposite effect where, as the main character, he gets very little development, but clearly has themes centered around his family and powers that could have been expanded upon, but aren't. Stuff like this drives me up a wall where I can see the potential to get a better story from a character than what we got...but it doesn't happen. That's why fanfics exist!...I just wish it was the real thing sometimes.
Anyway, sorry for my rambling here. I definitely don't expect a lot of people to read this all the way through, but it's here if you want to see it. Lesson about not setting high expectations for a game finally learned. I hope you guys have a lovely summer.
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elwolfen · 5 months
Alfred Molinathon Day 3:
Ralph Breaks The Internet (2018)
Double Dan
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His Role: So, two minutes of screen time, so not a whole lot to go off of, huh? I know they're appearance is rather interesting for a Disney film.
He's brought in as a virus provider for Ralph to ruin Slaughter Race (a game Vanellope likes), tied by the fact they're Gord's cousins. One of the few things I liked about Ralph was his reaction to the fact that Dan had a little brother. His tone sounded like: "Awww, a little brother? He must be a nice guy, letting his little brother around his business." But soon realizes that little Dan is a bit different.
Spamley has met him very briefly beforehand, trying to be pleasant during the visit, but oh, does Dan have a temper when anyone looks at his little brother even with a smidgen of discomfort (or his assumption of it). Which I understand, he's protective and so am I, but damn is he very explosive.
Yet he can be quite professional when people focus on why they're interested in the first place. Not really caring why someone would want a virus, he only cares if he thinks you can't handle them properly. And yet somehow he let's Ralph take Arthur (one of his viruses), bugs me a bit.
Double Dan: Are you stupid?
Yes, Dan. He is, but you let him take poor Arthur. You don't even get paid for this!
Sadly, after that two minutes. Nothing. They never show up again, which to me is very disappointing. But he probably went out and found Arthur. There was some cut content with them helping fight Ralph virus with Spamley and Gord, they had bazooka things and everything! Come on! Also, I wish we saw the cousins' relationship with each other. And actually, more of Little Dan!!! I wanna see the bros just hanging out and talking (if Little D talks at all)
Not much to latch on to for any normal person right? Well, these worms have ruined my life. They're the only reason I even remotely like this movie. It's become a joke with me and my bestie. I love them your honor, thank you.
Last thing: Love the voice~
The Rest of the Movie: No, I only watched his scene. You want my opinion? I hate this movie. Bad sequel to one of my favorite Disney flicks.
Ralph actually seeing the two? Low-hanging fruit with the humor here. Like come on, guys... really?
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bitemedillweed · 4 months
4, 23 + 25 :3c
hey coma 😏
4. What were your thoughts when you first saw Bully?
i was genuinely very intrigued bc 1. rockstar games usually go hard and 2. early 2000s media usually goes pretty hard! i’m also a big fan of trying out media that i’ve never heard of before as opposed to like… what’s popular at the time. so yea 😁 i went into it with high hopes/expectations and was not disappointed!! pretty damn good considering when it was released
23. Any favorite or memorable quotes?
i always have peanut’s lines in my brain. “what does lola see in johnny that i don’t?” or “what can i do next to please johnny? i mean lola! i mean…” i love him.
lately i’ve also been a fan of gord’s lines when he’s watching a fight. “SHOW SOME SPIRIT, MAN! 🗣️” or just the iconic insult “you’re poor. and ugly.”
hal’s line “after i’m done hitting you, i’m gonna sit on you!” is also a good contender.
also hal: “i think you broke my ovaries.” WHAT??? might be my new favourite!
also just generally, the bullies’ conversations are always so funny to me. and their insults too!
25. Who’s your least favorite character?
oh man. the awesome thing abt bully is that i actually do love most of the characters which doesn’t happen a lot for me so this is hard. probably mr hattrick tbh LMFAO because… gestures to him. or probably mr burton also because… gestures to him. no one will ever make me outright hate any of the kids (yeah even earnest. i still enjoy him even though he’s him)
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renemesis · 9 months
if your f/o(s) got sick, how would you take care of them? if you got sick, how would they take care of you?
Omg wow this.fits shockingly well with the f/o I was just vaguing abt umm. Ohhhh my Goodness....
Ok well. If it couldnt be guessed I'm an Aww Mite guy unfortunately(JOKE!!)
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^aww mite emoji. Yeas I prefer him as a sickly old man what of it. OK ANYWAYS Toshinori is quite literally Chronically ill poor thang is coughing and spitting up blood always all the time he is skin and bones... unfortunately he has MANY issues and most CERTAINLY does not want to be treated as sickly or fragile ever he'd rather kill himself. Well that's ok bc I'm still making his silly as some STEW and TEA but in a very casual manner. So it doesnt come off as condescending or overbearing. I think on the flipside though he'd be great abt taking care of me (and anyone he cares for tbh) when sick!! Which is. Very hypocritical and contradictory but that is kind of just him unfortunately! His obnoxious hero/savior complex and lack of self care would absolutely drive him into ALSO becoming sick while trying to take care of ME sick so now we're both sick and miserable. But it's ok bc at least we're suffering together ♡ FJJFJSJGJDJ
Damn aorry for the aww mite rant. Anyways umm. Yeah I'll do a second one just for funsies. Yknow what I'll do the original old man f/o NANU!! If nanu gets sick I would lose my mind I think. Stress clean his little meowth filled home and make him an ACTUAL healthy meal to eat instead of like. Microwave dinner. I'm treating him like an injured animal and if wasnt so sick and tired he'd probably kick me out (no he wouldn't tho ♡ hes a lonely outwardly cynical but still kind old man who likes human interaction more than he'd ever admit♡♡♡) omg but if I'm sick... he'd definitely make fun of me for getting sick in the first place and complain that I'm giving him even more work to do but he'd take care of me regardless.,.., I think he would honest to God need to ask his ooby gooby baby niece Acerola for help though because. Hes not INCOMPETENT but hes not like a Soft and Comforting Caretaker and he imagines an energetic and kind kid would make better company while sick than an gloomy old guy yknow... BUT THEN WE ALL HANG OUT!! and it would be so nice despite the circumstances ♡ ok my gawd this is so long. Ummm. It is what it is I shuppose ♡
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In the end, I'd know it'd just be sfw callback fanservice, but it is a shame Siegfried and Goredolf never interact at all. FGO's timeline isn't in Apocrypha's timeline, after all.
And now I'll never know what kind of bread he'd enjoy with his coffee, damn...
At least there's the CE Afternoon at the Fortress. But I enjoy that simply because Gordes looks so flustered at Siegfried letting Goredolf give him a tour of the fortress.
Almost makes me wish this happened in Apocrypha, if only to have little Goredolf give Siegfried a bit of peace and insight into his master before the grail war began. Also, unintentionally reminding him of his son.
Oh, and might I curse everyone with the bit that both Kriemhild and Goredolf both worry to the point of anger? Just saying.
It really is a shame that they've never interacted, or even acknowledged each other. Yeah, I know that different timelines means different strokes, but still. Siegfried still remembers what happened in Apocrypha, so it wouldn't be out of the assumption that he approaches Goredolf and goes, "Pardon me, but are you Gordes' son?" Or something along those lines.
Also give me that Gunther Jr. closure-
Goredolf 🤝 Kriemhild, having to worry to the point of anger over idiots.
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phading · 8 months
Marks and Wings WIP ...
“Gords?” Virgil inquired, poised on an edge.
“Just lost a bit of visibility,” the aquanaut gritted. “S’fine.”
“What’s wrong with your vision?” The spike of Virgil’s concern twisted in Gordon’s mind and he responded to it without thinking.
“Nothing. Just blood. On my visor.”
“That’s it! I’m coming.”
Gordon opened his mouth to argue but his big brother’s wave of alarmed determination hit like a tsunami, leaving him breathless, tumbling, unable to speak.
"I wish the damn thing was yellow,” he heard over comms.
“Yellow?” John echoed.
“Gords’ uniform,” Virgil responded. “Can’t see a fucking thing down here! Vitals?”
Gordon found his voice. “I’m here, y’know! My vitals are fine, my uniform colour is fine, and I’m fine! Would you two please quit freaking out?”
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jpitha · 6 months
Between the Black and Gray 24
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After her meal - Fen had no idea what the local time was yet on Minaren, so it could have been breakfast, lunch, or dinner for all she knew - she said her goodbyes to Zhe and told her where she was docked. "I'm leaving in a day or two, so come and find me before that if you want a job." Fen winked and Zhe's fur rippled a blush.
As they walked away, Fen wondered why she did that. Zhe was cute enough she supposed, but she was looking at hiring her, she probably shouldn't try and date a future employee. Besides, the hole in her heart Ma-ren left hasn't healed over.
Minaren was a beautiful station and the head of the K'laxi governemnt. What it wasn't was a good place to source a crew for a mercenary group. If Zhe signed on, that was still only one other person. The manual for her frigate - she'd still have to name it - said that a crew of four was the bare minimum for safe operations. Where was she going to find three other people who wanted to sign on with a new merc with a lot of money and not a lot of jobs?
Gord had mentioned that most stations and starbases had a Basement - not literally, but sometimes yes. The name came from an illicit bazar in the mainenance tunnels of an old human orbital in Sol that had been inhabited for millennia. Somewhere that people weren't and so the kind of deals that happened out of the prying eyes of the public and the authorities took place. Finding a place like that as an outsider was tough, but Fen had a few ideas.
She walked around a bit until she came upon a less developed section of forest. The deeper she went, the less she saw the uniform of K'laxi officials and more the plain clothes of people who saw Minaren as a job, or better yet, an opportunity. After about twenty minutes she found what she was looking for.
The dive bar had a sign that was hand painted in the raised and rounded K'laxi script. She pushed open the door and stepped in and waiting a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light. The place smelled of spices and old frying oil and just a twinge of ethanol. K'laxi could drink alcohol like humans, but it didn't affect them the same way. K'laxi didn't get drunk like a human would, but alcohol would cause them to slow down and cool. Too much would induce hibernation. They were originally a forested mammalian type animal deep in their past and there is evidence that their ancient ancestors hibernated when food was scarce. Their planet rotated without a wobble and without a tilt like Earth, so they didn't have seasons per-se. Walking around, Fen could see ears slowly swivel to listen to her approach and some of the more 'sober' K'laxi glowered at her approach.
The bartender put down the mug he was drying - didn't matter where you were, there was always glassware to clean and put away - and in thickly accented Colonic said "Friend, I think you are lost." It was without malice, but it also brooked no discussion.
Fen smiled and flashed a toothy smile. The bartender unconsciously flinched as the aggression and his ears flattened. "Sorry my friend, I don't think I'm lost. I'm looking to get a glass of vikolen and nobody out there-" she gestured towards the more public part of the station "-seems to be able to make one worth a damn. Any chance you can help a girl out?" Once when a K'laxi trader had come passing through home, she had remarked how Fen's Gen'mil accent sounded thickly of the northern regions that her familial line originated from. Back on K'lax it was a source of derision for some. She sounded like a bumpkin supposedly. Fen knew as well as anyone how to turn that to her advantage.
At the rapid fire greeting and drink order in K'inmar the bartender's face flashed through at least three emotions. He went from the blank face of trying to steer a lost tourist away to surprise and then to suspicion. The only humans he knew that could speak K'inmar that well were in the intelligence corps and they did not order vikolen. It was supposed to be nearly undrinkable to most humans. Not poisonous, just bad tasting. "You want a vikolen?" He didn't even try and hide his surprise.
"Sure do. Haven't had one since I left home, and every time I tried to order one, I was told they didn't have the ingredients or that nobody ever ordered them. I figure here, on Minaren, I had better be able to get a classic vikolen." Fen's little show was gathering a small audience. Not even K'laxi ordered vikolen regularly. It was more a stunt cocktail that was for youths ordering their first drink on a dare, or for the elderly who took it as a tonic.
The bartender's tail twitched. "You know what? Fine. It's been a while since we had a show here. Two Stars, up front."
Fen took out the cash and laid it on the counter, and sat down. The bartender scooped up the money and reached under for a wood and stone mug. He dropped in some herbs and began to muddle them into the bottom while he hummed to himself. Fen smiled at the realization that he was humming the incantation to Olenar - the old god of drinks and celebrations. He was making the vikolen right. Fen joined in on the second verse when he added the spirit. The eldest in her familial line back home drank vikolen and everyone knew the song. The bartender flicked his ears in amusement, but didn't stop humming. Next was the alcohol, a clear strong liquor flavored with bitter herbs. Finally, clear water and a drop of blue Vik essence. He placed the drink in front of Fen with two hands, just as the song finished. "There. A vikolen my matriarch would be proud of. Be honored, friend"
Fen took the drink in two hands, as it was given and lifted it to her nose. As she brought it closer, the woodsy, bitter smell filled her nostrils. It reminded her of her Matriarch, Dem'iril as she would sit at the head of the long wooden table - one of the only things from K'lax they had - and she would tell stories to the kids, explaining the world. She took a sip.
The warmth spread down her throat and into her stomach. The bitter flavors activated the far back of her tongue, and she was able to taste the dryness of the drink. As she swallowed, she breathed in again slightly to get the afterflavors. She placed the mug on the bar and sighed happily. "Friend, you would make Olenar themselves happy with that draught. Nicely done."
The bartender stood back, his mouth slightly open. "Y-you drank it. You drank it like my matriarch."
Fen's head tilts slightly. "Of course I did. It was excellently made. It would be foolish to waste it."
At that, Fen turned. The patrons of the bar were all staring at her. One of them - a young kid, probably barely old enough to be in here - spoke up. "You're... not K'laxi in disguise, are you?"
Fen laughed, and that broke the spell. Everyone laughed along with her, including the bartender. "No, I was raised as an orphan by the Gem'mil line, far from here."
"Gen'mil?" One of the elder K'laxi at the bar and turned, his eyes rheumy from age and drink. "Gen'mil is a fine family, with an ancient history. They've fallen on hard times. It's a shame." His ears flattened.
"They will rise again, friend. It is the way of the world. Families rise and fall. So long as we still live, we will prevail." Fen took another large sip of the drink. It was even better the second time.
"Hah." The bartender's ears faced forward, and his fur rippled. "You may look human." He poked Fen's chest. "But you have the heart of K'laxi. You're always welcome to drink here."
"Well then, I think we celebrate the discovery of a new bar with a round of drinks for everyone!" Over the roar of the crowd, Fen reached into her pocket and took a fistfull of Stars out and slid them to the bartender. "Whatever anyone wants to drink, until the money's gone." She looked back at the crowd, and then to the bartender again. "Or until you think everyone's had enough."
The money disappeared and the bartender nodded. "Looks like I have my work cut out for me then. Excuse me." He stepped away to handle the flood of orders that came in. Fen sipped her drink again and smiled.
It turned out that it was already evening when Fen showed up, and the money lasted deep into the night. By the end, Fen was helping the bartender - his name was Ullen - with handing out drinks and singing along in the endless drinking songs that started up. She only had the one vikolen, the whole night, but that was more than enough. She felt light on her feet and floaty. The herbs were slightly intoxicating to humans when combined with the alcohol.
Late, late into the night, Fen and Ullen had chased the last of the stragglers out and he had gratefully locked the door. Fen was behind the counter taking another load of glassware out of the washer, and reading another tray of dirty glasses to wash. "Everyone's out?"
"Finally, thank the Ancestors. Thank's for the help, Fen."
Fen laughed. "Don't worry about it, Ullen. I caused the ruckus."
"Speaking of which." Ullen had a smaller, though still decently sized stack of Stars and he slid it to Fen. "This is what's left of your money, you gave me enough to have everyone drink free for almost three days."
Fen slid the money back. "Take it, Ullen. Think of it as an investment in your success... and also payment."
Ullen's ears swung back and forth. "Payment? For what?"
"Information. Can you tell me where the nearest entrance to the Basement is?"
Ullen crossed his arms and tried to look intimidating, but his tail swished back and forth, giving away his amusement. "I suppose you don't mean where I keep the extra Olenian herbs."
Fen said nothing.
Ullen sighed and walked over to the door, verifying it was locked. "Come with me." He walked behind the bar and bent down. He lifted up a slightly wet anti-slip mat and there was a silver ring inset into the floor. He pulled up and twisted at the same time, and there was a hiss and a square meter of floor rose up until it was two meters tall, supported my beams. A lift.
"You have an entrance to the Basement here? Come on Ullen. That's too much." Fen approached the lift, but did not step inside.
"I promise Fen, it's on the up and up. Honestly, when you first came in, I figured you were an out-of-your-depth merc looking for a Basement entrance, but I had no idea you were... who you are." His fur rippled again. "I promise, it's real. We've always been friendly with those... underneath. Head on down, and walk spinward. You'll come to the entrance. This week's code is "Tep'ra'fel is not immortal."
Fen's breath caught in her throat. "Tep'ra'fel was the K'laxi word for the Human Empress. 'The undeniable' was the most accurate translation. K'lax has been a vichy state of the human empire for nearly half a millennium. "That's... quite a codeword."
Ullen smiled with his teeth. "That's how you know it's a good one. If you're afraid to say it, you don't need the Basement."
Fen stepped onto the lift and it slid down into the floor.
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