#anyways I love Anybodys
september1st1899 · 2 years
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critterbitter · 4 months
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Thinking about pokemon teams helping coparent… ahh.
Masterpost for more of my shenanigans!
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GabV1el Week // Day 4: AU/Flight/Flesh
gabriel carrying v1 around so they can experience flying with him... yay <3
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valfeathers · 1 year
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happy birthday worstie <3
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wonboos · 1 month
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quirkle2 · 4 months
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he likes being dramatic
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
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How do you feel?
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[There's little details in most of these pics, so click/tap the pics to see those better :)] [ Names, Colors and Emotions/Feelings under the cut ]
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Red - Anger Nirvana represents Anger, Rage and Strength
Orange - Fear Hero represents Fear, Danger and Caution
Yellow - Joy Ithuriel represents Joy, Comfort and Happiness
Green - Jealousy Onia represents Jealousy, Envy and Possessiveness/Possession
Blue - Sadness Kyneva represents Sadness, Pessimism and Fragility
Purple - Mystery/Mysterious Roo represents Mysteriousness, Confusion and Frustration
Pink - Love Leo represents Love, Passion and Desire
Brown - Security/Secure Carter represents Security, Resilience and Responsibility
Black - Grief Phoenix represents Grief, Guilt and Isolation
White - Ease Nanel represents Ease, Calmness and Hope
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autisticaradiamegido · 6 months
thoughts on dave and aradia (<>)?
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day 356
BIG fan tbh. in this house we love and respect timerails
truly yall read this log and tell me theyre not cute
#day 356#year 4#dave strider#aradia megido#aradave#homestuck#she really saw this kid and was like OH YOU HAVE ISSUES WITH YOUR MORTALITY?? :D#boy do i have some relevant life experience and wisdom to impart on THAT ISSUE SPECIFICALLY#and then she just. very gently and kindly makes the subject more approachable for ghostdave#the pesterlog i linked is literally my FAVORITE aradia moment. to me it is THE character defining moment for god tier aradia#yes she is being kind of ominous and trickstery at first#but it VERY quickly becomes clear shes got genuine concern for this kid she's had very little to do with up until this point#she really wants to connect with him over their shared time aspect stuff#and she really DOES care about how he feels about everything. she wants to help and she wants to put him at ease#because she KNOWS from experience that being dead and having to cope with what that means for you is like VERY UPSETTING AND TRAUMATIC#shes not just like. 'hee hee i think death is great and awesome because im edgy'#shes like 'no dude being dead is scary if you dont have anybody to explain this shit to you. so im going to explain it-'#'-and hopefully by the end of this conversation you will have some new things to feel relief and maybe even joy and excitement about'#'not just in spite of the death thing but BECAUSE of it'#i know shes spooky and has weirdgirl swag and we all love that about her but like#at her core she is a very KIND person. she may occasionally struggle to connect to people through the Death Special Interest Haze#but she WANTS to and when she DOES she is like. a genuinely very warm and comforting presence for her friends#ANYWAY. if andrew hussie or i guess james roach now want to give me an honorary doctorate for my 12+ years of intensive aradia studies#i will be here waiting patiently#timerails
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soft-cristobalite · 4 months
Put 6 queer people in a room and see what happens
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shima-draws · 4 months
One Piece where everything’s the same except Cora doesn’t die but Law’s still determined to absolutely beat the shit out of Doflamingo anyway. Cut to post Dressrosa where Law gets a VERY frantic phone call from Cora who’s like what the actual FUCK I saw the newspaper this morning you went up against Doffy all by yourself?? You promised me we would do this together you little SHIT do you have any idea how fucking scared out of my MIND I was when I saw the headline and I thought something happened to you, Law I swear to god, and Law’s like yes Cora I went up against him by myself, like HELL I was going to let him lay a single finger on you. And Cora’s like THAT’S MY LINE!!! You’re MY kid and I should be the one protecting YOU!! And Law’s like what with your shitty devil fruit powers? What could you have done? You would have fallen on your ass and gotten hurt or shot or worse and I’d be too fucking worried about you to focus on anything else. And Cora’s like this conversation is NOT over but I’m so so glad you’re okay. And he starts crying and he’s like oh my GOD Law you know how insane Doffy is I could have lost you. And I wouldn’t have even known until after the fact. And Law goes all quiet and he’s like I know I’m sorry but I could have lost YOU and I couldn’t handle that. I couldn’t. And Cora’s sobbing and he’s like I love you so much Law and Law’s like yeah. I love you too 🥺
Meanwhile the Strawhats witnessed this entire conversation and they’re like. Wow okay that was a lot to unpack. Law’s got a dad and they’re very protective of each other and apparently his dad is Doflamingo’s brother?? And Law literally dismantled Doflamingo’s entire criminal organization and DIDN’T bother telling his dad about it?? No wonder he’s pissed. And they’re also like awwwww we’ve never seen Law so soft and vulnerable before 💕 and Law looks at them and he’s like. You repeat ANY of what you just heard and I WILL kill you. And they’re like ‘Mhmm okay yup we hear you loud and clear. Btw what’s your dad like’ with the BIGGEST shit eating grins and Law’s like Okay! Killing you now!! And proceeds to chase them with his katana
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Me this whole week
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r0achezz · 1 month
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RAHHHH hatsune legend dtiy!
this one is mostly for fun, but there still will be a deadline and barely any rules :D
The rules:
The deadline will be July 15th!
Any type of media is allowed!
you can change the poses or expressions however you want, but place stay with the pinks and blues color scheme :)
Please use #roachydtiys and @r0achezz to make sure I see it!
have fun!
1st place will get a full body character of their choice (flat colors)
2nd place gets a bust with any character of their choice (flat colors)
3rd place will get a bust sketch with any character of their choice :3
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scratchlock · 7 months
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titled in my computer as "i told him this would happen if he didnt cut it out with the jesus parallels.psdc"
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transkingcobra · 10 days
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I never look up scenes so I didn’t know his full reaction to Arabella dying, nearly choked hearing this come out of his mouth, my gods
Playing my asshole sun elf and he ignored the grove nearly entirely - only went in to interrogate Zorru for Lae’zel for his cure (who is now dead from Shadowheart), but wiped out the goblin camp for fun on the way and found Halsin who is now his best lead to a cure
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pettyprocrastination · 7 months
Gym Crush!Ghost
when he's on leave? he's at the gym. damn near (if not) everyday.
it's a way for him to sort of dull the noise within his head, honestly. Just putting on a pair of headphones with a long ass playlist and working his body until he's drenched in sweat and enough time has passed that he can go back to his little apartment feeling a bit calmer at night.
and of course to keep up his endurance, muscle, and stamina for when he returns back to the field.
and maybe he feels a bit of macho pride as the physique. the man has earned it afterall.
He isn't somebody that talks much at the gym. The space between each set is full of the music flowing through his headphones and his resting face is enough to keep the more timid members from asking him questions about his routine or physique (this isn't his intention, he will say. his face just looks like that).
But of course. Simon knows what he looks like. He's worked hard for the body he has and is not stranger to gym rats asking about his max benchpress or women asking what he's doing later.
Something he never takes them up on in earnest. He's more than content to find a fling at a local pub that he may visit once in a while but the gym is a regular stop in his routine when not on duty. He lives by the "don't shit where you eat" motto when it comes to entertaining a potential flame.
But part of him was incredibly tempted to break that rule when he began to notice you.
You must be new to the area. Moved here when he was in service because he's never seen you before. You give the desk workers a polite nod and hello as they scan you in before putting your things away in a locker to begin your own workout.
He spares you a quick glance before returning back to the weights in his hand and not giving you another thought for the rest of the day.
Until he sees you tomorrow.
And the day after that.
And the day after that.
It's a slow process for Simon. Each time he sees you there's a quick moment where he admires you before returning to himself. Taking note of the lack of a wedding band or perhaps a new shirt your wearing before turning away.
If you happen to catch his glance you offer him a quick smile he'll give you a polite nod of his head but won't go further than that.
If you want to talk to this man you have to be the one to make the first move.
You know that quote about how everybody has silent admirers in the world? yeah that's him.
He won't say anything but he'll keep his eye out for you in gym. Watch your reflection through the mirrored wall as you set up for a new PR.
watching you from afar with a soft mumble of "c'mon, c'mon. you got it" as you push the weight up from your body with a grunt.
Something about seeing the excited smile on your face as you re-re-rack the weight after hitting a new PR makes him want to come back the next day to see you keep pushing yourself.
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mccromy · 8 months
Character: *is canonically violent and abusive but has a sad backstory*
Normal people: he isn't real and it's cool and fun to explore his character in different scenarios
Freaks: he was right actually AND he is a poor little boy, he was MISUNDERSTOOD. actually those children were abusive towards him first but the narrator was unreliable so :/
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