#anyways i love stucky and their beloved cat
alpine being one of those cats that doesn't like their owners partners. constantly scratching steve, screaming at him when he tried to kiss bucky and when steve and bucky are cuddling? instant death for steve. steve is a sweetheart and tries to buy earn the effection by treats and gifts but nope alpine isn't a dumb cat bffr.
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
Ok Mikey thoughts, I was reading that convo between you and Cass about stucky at a dinner party and I am now convinced that Steve has to work EXTREMELY hard to stop himself from behaving like an actual toddler when they’re both out of the house and Bucky isn’t paying attention to him (or just talking to other people). Like I’m convinced he will fully yank on bucks sweater sleeves like a CHILD
related to this post by @somanywords
No no see, anon, Steve isn't all itchy at dinner parties because he wants Bucky's attention. Steve's all itchy, because he DOESN'T want attention. In fact, amongst the crowds, surrounded by people he doesn't know and expected to be the Captain America that shakes hands continuously and has to smile for a bunch of cameras is Steve's least favorite place to be.
Bucky's always been the extrovert between them. He loves going out, making new friends, charming people and shooting the shit with his self-deprecating jokes. Steve loves that about him, and he loves that people love Bucky, because that's as it should be. But that doesn't stop him from totally spiraling when they're at big group events, his discomfort spanning back before half of it was clocking exits all the way to just general social anxiety. He's an introvert at heart. He needs quiet, he needs space, he needs alone time to recharge, and at these events, not only does he have to Be Social and Amicable, but he has to wear a mask the whole time (not that Cap is entirely a mask-- the morals and actions are all Steve-- but the fame and flashiness, yeah. That's a mask). Which... is draining to say the least.
And Bucky knows this isn't Steve's crowd, but he also knows Steve would never hold him back from existing in his element. In fact, Steve probably wouldn't say anything until he was about ready to blow a fuse, in which case he might tug on Bucky's sleeve simply to hiss through clenched teeth, "Can we get out of here soon? I'm about to hit my limit" or "Everyone here is pissing me off, can we go?" and then probably go hide in the bathroom or by the hor d'oeuvres for the rest of the night (Tony's by the hor d'oeuvres, too, which is honestly a recipe for disaster because Bucky can see the little vein poking out of Steve's forehead as Tony doesn't pick up that he's at his limit and keeps talking to him)
Anyway, prickly introverted Steve my beloved. Cat man. Hiss
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menatiera · 6 years
My 2017
My fics masterlist:
According to my Ao3 statistics, I’ve written slightly more than 100K in this year! :)
Still alive - Winteriron Big Bang story - 62K The Winter Soldier escaped from Hydra, and on the run, It needs a Mechanic to maintain the very efficient weapon attached to its body. It decides the best person for the work is the world's best weapon expert: Tony Stark. Abducting him goes unexpectedly well. Then, complications come. with awesome art by araydre and neutralchaos, check them out!
Command me to be well - Stucky Scary Bang story - 17K Prompt: "Necromancer Steve is going to anger management because every time he gets pissed off dead people start crawling out of the ground." That's it, that's the story. A creepy tale involving zombies, therapy, and - yes, you guessed it right - love. Beware of treating death as a joke. (But hey, for a necromancer...) Artwork is by Brooklyn_bisexual.
My roommate is a monster... really?! - Stucky Scary Bang story - 8.7K "Steve makes sure his breaths are deep and even as he listens to Bucky's footsteps. He's barely made it to their dorm room when Bucky's screams started. He almost made the huge mistake of waking him up, but he stopped himself the moment he touched Bucky. He was pretty sure Bucky wouldn't appreciate teethmarks on his forehead." Sharing a room with your childhood best friend in college is great. Even if one of you is a war vet with only one arm, and the other isn't exactly run off the mill either. This should be a funny piece. Written for the Stucky Scary Bang. The wonderful Arania made a beautiful piece of art to accompany this fic.
Inktober ficlets - starkspangledwinterhawk drabbles Day 12: Instrument (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1K Day 7: Confusion (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1K Day 6: Water (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1.3K Day 5: Fallen (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.5K Day 4: Compliment (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.8K Day 3: Warmth (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.8K Day 2: Barefoot (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1.3K Day 1: Searching (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.7K
Avenging the galaxy - Pod_together ficlet - 2.7K „All right, everyone! Assemble!” Cap called them with a shit-eating grin. „Time to continue playing!” The Avengers already had a succesful table-top RPG campaign where they saved the world as the Guardians of the Galaxy. The second game seems to be as much fun as the first. The amazing podfic is by Opalsong, who jumped into place in the last minute and made magic!
Little ficlets and drabbles: Calidoscope - gen - 1K The first Avenger and his best girl (also superhero) - Steggy shorts - 3.8K In the end we'll find our happiness (or fight for it) - Stony shorts - 1.7K
And here comes my summary of the year :) Fandom things in the beginning, personal stuff (under the cut) in the end.
I fell this hard into the Marvel fandom in the summer of 2016. I've always been a fangirl, but with other stuff earlier. I can't remember the exact thing that hooked me - I have some recollection about a Bucky CW meta, but not sure -, but one it catched my attention, there wasn't a thing in the world able to stop me. I started in hungarian, but the base is almost nonexistent, so... I've started to read english fanfics that fall. It was hard because I haven't practiced my english knowledge since high school, and I've never been particularly good in it anyway. But I've read A LOT, and I got better...
Fast forward: in the beginning of 2017, I made this tumblr blog (thanks for my helpers @saturnabouttomakelove and @cabeswaterfoxes), and in February I wrote my first english drabble. It was garbage, of course, and nothing original, and I struggled with the language so much... but from time to time I tried to write a drabble or one-shot, because I needed to be a 'maker' to feel myself part of the fandom.
I think I had a great development by now, and I hope to have it as well in the future. There are many people who helped me a lot through hard times or with problems I had, and I appreciate all of them and all of their work! I won't try to name everyone because it would be longer than this whole post, but I hope you all know who you are - thank you!!! If we talked even just a few words during this year, then my heartfelt thank you is yours as well, my introvert heart beats for you in gratitude.
The remaining stuff is the personal part, so it's under the cut for the ones interested, but skippable for everyone else.
I can't resist the opportunity to summarize my last year either, so here we go! I had a good run in mostly every sense of the word. Okay, I had my ups and downs and rough areas, sore spots and stuff, but in overall, I think I did good.
I spent 9 out of 12 months with therapy (and only not more because my therapist changed jobs so she had to quit, sadly), and I learned and achieved a lot.
I am still happy with my bf. He's my complete opposite, but he supports me all the way, happy for my successes, encouraging even in things he can't and won't understand or like. I love him dearly.
I moved out from my parents and in together with my sis, which is not ideal, but way better than staying there in a place that I felt toxic. (And made me ride public transportation 3-4 hours each day. Now I have to ride only around 2-2,5 hours. Improvement.) She got two cats, which means I have them as well, and they make me so, so happy. They might not sit in people's laps or love anyone unconditionally, but they have unique and beautiful personalities and they care with us. They try to cheer me up when I'm upset (and they're in the mood for it, of course), they demand attention, they play, they... oh, and they're also beautiful :)
I met wonderful people. I joined a Marvel club, which is awesome. I still feel out of my element most of the time with them, I still don't have that 'I belong here' thing. At some parts it's rational since I don't do cosplay like the rest of them, or since they know each other longer than I. But on the other hand, it's fully irrational and I have to work harder to not only realize they accept me, but also feel myself accepted, and to not let my insecurities ruin this social thingy for me.
I participated in GISHWHES, and had a mostly fun time with it. (Again: my insecurities can fuck themselves because they try really hard to ruin things for me, but I'm battling them actively.)
I met with wonderful hungarian fangirls and -boys in an awesome fandom camp, which meant 4 days of games and fun to me. (Kudos and acknowledgement to the hard-working organizers!) It was the best 4 days of my summer.
I did Nanowrimo as an ML which means I had the opportunity to met all my wonderful wrimos either personally or online, get the honour to help them out, to organize events for them, and in return I became part of the best community I've ever seen, people who understand each other deeply and support each other even more - including me. I'm the luckiest for being part of that. (And also, I’ve written 50K in a month. Yaaay!)
But above all, first and foremost, I'm grateful for meeting my soulmate. @cpt-winniethepooh, you are a truly amazing, awesome person, sunshine in my life. I can't even say how much your friendship means to me. And also, you became my beta, my muse, my best fandom friend as well, and the fics I've written this year mostly happened because of you. I'd be so lost without you. You make me a better person and a better writer as well, you help and encourage me in every way and form, and I want you to be part of my life until we're old and grey. (So, you'll have to meet my bf, and you might as well mean this as a threat. :D) What could I say? Thank you feels not enough, but that's the most I can offer. Thank you for being amazing, for deciding you want to be amazing next to me, and for letting me see the moments when you don't feel amazing at all. (Don't worry - you still are, even during those times.) Thank you, my beloved darling.
And you, dear readers and mutuals and friends, thank you for bearing with me, for following my tumblr and reading my fics, for being awesome and enthusiastic and kind and all.
Keep going in 2018! :)
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