#anyways ill try to post this w the new strategy
sesamenom · 4 months
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hoping to get my maedhros maglor week pic up tomorrow if the tech side of things runs smoothly
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androidemotions · 4 years
these hcs are kinda halfway set in a modern au bc thats my context for this ! (gonna split it up so its not as long bc i drafted the original and it was LONG) water tribe siblings first !!!
adhd/autism king 😌
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[ID: a screenshot of Sokka standing on a raised stone platform with a map of the Fire nation hanging behind him. He’s holding his arms stiffly by his side with a wide-eyed look on his face, brows raised as he has his mouth open, saying something. End ID.]
- schedules to survive, he likes to know what hes getting into and if you try to change plans on him without warning he’ll be very resistant
- smart kid who doesnt study, oh he tries, oh boy does he try, he ends up reading the same sentence over and over until he gets distracted by drawing something, working on the blueprint for his latest invention, or with researching something completely unrelated to what he’s mean to be studying. then he tosses and turns all night because he’s stressed by not having studied, but when he actually takes the test he makes a 105, despite there not even being a bonus question, he just answered the essay question so well the teacher gave him an extra 5 points
- special interests?? we got em!!! classic weaponry (think swords, boomerangs, but also, like canons and catapults and shit) engineering/physics, art/drawing, strategy games. he tends to hyperfocus within his special interests, so like for a week he was hellbent on building his own full sized trebuchet, much to the dismay of Gran Gran who just wanted to grow her tomatoes without them being crushed by said full size trebuchet
- (also he plays all types of games probably, but he def plays those ones where you take over the world, like the ones online and azula also plays them too and they end up being rivals, while not actually knowing who the other is outside of their usernames)
- he also talks a lot in his classes/is like the ‘class clown’ and ppl think this is him not focusing but engaging this way actually helps him focus way more than sitting silently, a lot of teachers dont understand it but the ones who do are actually paying attention and realize that he’s generally talking/joking about their current topic
- some observations (this shit is all canon babey!!!) - sokka is great at being a leader and communicating in groups he’s in but he really really struggles in front of crowds, one-on-one and sokka can talk well, joke and stuff but as soon as he’s separate from other people and everyone is just listening he clams up (solar eclipse pt 1). he also loves to joke and make people laugh, and a lot of the time he misinterprets stuff because he’s autistic but he also will realize this and do it anyway because he thinks it’s funny and he likes laughing with his friends (idk if this happens in canon but i do this and sokka does too bc i said so :^). He also takes up the protector/comforting role but despite his best intentions he can sometimes say insensitive stuff and not even realize what he’s done to upset people (when he happily told aang ‘the whole world thinks your dead!’) works best when he feels needed, if he feels unnecessary or like something doesnt matter he struggles to complete it (i feel like the beginning of sokka’s master rlly demonstrates what i mean here), and this goes both ways, he will put too much value into certain things that he cares about and can get his priorities mixed if he’s focused too much on what he believes matters more than what might be most pressing (zuko destroyed his suki sculpture, oh right bc he was attacking aang)
she also has adhd/autism, (so do both Hakoda and Kya 💙)
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[ID: a screenshot of Katara, Hakoda, Sokka, and Bato. Hakoda has his hand on Katara’s shoulder as they both look at Bato who is saying something, she has curious look on her face with her brows raised, while Hakoda looks exasperated. Sokka beside him his also looking curiously up at Bato, with one brow raised and the other furrowed. Bato has a neutral expression on his face as he speaks. End ID.]
- palms sweaty thoughts spaghetti, she tries to be practical bc she thinks someone needs to be but really her brain is like a runaway train, she sees something that needs doing and is like, guess ill do that now! and drops whatever she was doing first. she can get very anxious because of this because all the thing that need doing start to pile up because theyre all in her brain at once. that and as much as she tries to be practical she’s very impulsive, getting help from other people really helps alleviate this stuff
- interacting w ppl, when she was only part of her own smaller community she had a lot less toll on her, bc she knew everyone and was used to them, as she meets more people she gets really frustrated with how many people seem to refuse to say what they really mean. Katara is very straightforward herself and she says what she means, so even tho she gets more and more perceptive when interacting with new people, she resents how much she has to work just to decipher what people really mean half the time.
- caring for ppl, with people she cares about communicating is much easier bc she knows them, so she’s very open about her feelings around these people, and she can be hyper empathetic at times, but then sometimes she will say SUPER insensitive stuff off the cuff because she’s just very impulsive and she might regret it after the fact but she really struggles with apologizing because being wrong makes her feel like ppl are going to reject her
- perceptions, she knows what’s expected of her by the world, but she really rejects the idea that she has to stay in her role. still, she has internalized a lot of these expectations and tries to perform them, even when she sometimes struggles. beyond herself, she’s very certain about what she knows is wrong and has a strong moral code, she sees something wrong and she wants to fix it.
- she’s awful in school, not because she’s not smart, but she’s smart in ways that society does not appreciate. she doesnt care at all about all the worksheets and math she’s never gonna use, and all the history that got distorted, she’s much better at learning stuff on her own and she will go on deep dives of subjects she cares about and is super knowledgeable abt them.
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[ID: A cropped screenshot of Sokka with his arms extended outwards, palms flat as he gestures. He has a slight grin on his face with his mouth open to speak, eyebrows raised and looking at the viewer calmly. He’s wearing his usual blue tunic with the Earth Rumble XI belt along with his earth kingdom bag hanging across his chest. The text on the image says, “This post made by ADHD Sokka gang. End ID.]
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[ID: a cropped screenshot of Hakoda, he has a serious expression on his face as he looks ahead. The text on the post reads, “This post made by ADHD Hakoda gang.” End ID.]
from this post (part of what inspired me to write these out) @meteor-sword​ now just katara needs one 😄
adhd aang next, i will finally live up to my url (will edit with a link when i post)
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kylorengarbagedump · 7 years
Unprofessional Services: Chapter 1
Read on AO3.
Summary: Getting off of the Finalizer was the only thing you wanted. Until Kylo Ren got in the way. Now you're his therapist, tasked with a strange objective--but the last thing he wants to do is cooperate.
Words: 2500
Warnings: None, yet
Characters: Kylo Ren x Reader
A/N: Hello! This is a series I've been working on for months, now--I'm just now posting it. I only have a few chapters written, but since I've been busy with life-stuff, I haven't had the time to write anything. I figured now that life-stuff is calming down (AND with the release of the new trailer!!!!!) now is a good time to post!
Let me know what you think! This is something else a bit darker, as well, but canon material is always good to slip back into! <3
One more day.
That’s all you had to make it through. Just 24 more hours until you’d step off of the Finalizer, Fent’s hand in yours, the both of you destined for a planet with an actual sun--maybe even two. 24 more hours until you’d be able to breathe, free of anxiety and stress and the excessive demands of the medbay director. 24 more hours until you’d be able to make sure every single one of his needs was met--that he’d want for nothing, that there’d be no chance of failure or relapse. 24 hours until you’d be able to ensure his recovery.
24 hours until your life could return to normal.
“Excuse me, doctor--”
“I’m not a doctor,” you groaned, rubbing your temples--but when you peeled open your eyes, you cleared your throat, leaning back in your chair. “Oh, uh, sorry. Yes, um. Can I help you?”
The Stormtrooper at your office door appeared conflicted himself--on one hand, you weren’t a doctor, but on the other hand, what other prefix suited you? He straightened his shoulders. “General Hux requests you in his office immediately, ma’am.”
“Really?” You’d arranged for a clean departure a week earlier. There shouldn’t have been anything left of him to demand of you. Today, you were just closing up stragglers. Mostly the noncompliant ones. They’d have to just deal with it. “Can it wait?”
“I don’t think so,” the Stormtrooper replied. “I believe that’s why he included immediately.”
You sighed. The sass was unnecessary. “Fine.” Nothing saying you couldn’t stay and finish up your closures. Or tidy up your office. Or plan out Fent’s next meal. “I’ll be on my way.” Eventually.
“No.” The Stormtrooper shifted, uncomfortable with exercising his authority. “The General wanted me to escort you, ma’am.”
“I’m sorry?”
“He wanted me to escort you. Said that you’d avoid showing up if you could.”
“Dammit,” you muttered. He was good. “Fine.”  Blowing air out through your nose, you stood, straightening out your skirt, and marched past the trooper. “Come on, then!” You heard the shuffle of his armor behind you.
At least you could take solace in the fact that this would be your last visit to the General’s office, your last-ever interruption at work, your last 20-minute traipse through the tiled halls of the Finalizer. The shine of the floors was more soulless than when you’d first been stationed. They were like mirrors, now, mirrors that could see beyond your flesh and muscle and bone, mirrors that reflected blackness into blackness, gleaming only when an infinity of emptiness swallowed the glass.
Or, you know, they were just some black pieces of fucking tile. Whatever.
It wouldn’t be right to say that the trooper had escorted you--no, really, it was you who had escorted the trooper, leading him straight through the doors on the bridge and right up to Hux’s office yourself. Clucking your tongue, you cast a look over your shoulder, watching as the soldier caught up. The bridge was busy, yet silent, the transparisteel panels clear of any absent-minded gazers. No sound but for the quiet adherence to the anal-retentive policies of the general. You’d only been standing there for a moment when the door opened, and before you could move, the Stormtrooper stumbled to try and jump in front of you, to--
“General, I’ve brought--”
“Let’s get this over with, General,” you said, crossing to behind one of the chairs. The trooper stood at the door, shoulders slumped. “What can I help you with?”
Hux scanned you, head to toe and back again. “An awfully bold entrance, today, doctor.”
You rolled your eyes. “All due respect, sir, but how many times do I have to tell you strategy nerds that I’m not a doctor, I’m a therapist.” You pointed to your lack of medbay insignia. “No medical training required.”
Lacing his fingers together, Hux glanced at the trooper, still stationed in his doorway. “Dismissed.” The Stormtrooper scampered off, and the blast door slid shut, leaving only you and the general. “Your impudence will not go unaddressed.”
“Okay.” You shrugged. “I’m out of here tomorrow, anyway.”
A tiny smirk crept onto his face. Oh, no. Not a smirk. Why a smirk? “And that’s exactly what I wanted to address with you.”
“Really.” The sudden urge to sit sank you into a chair. Your hands and feet felt heavy. “What, um, do you mean by that, sir?”
Hux’s eyes fell to his desk, and his lip twitched, as if he were remembering something unpleasant. “Do you know Commander Ren?”
You blinked. What kind of question was what? Did he think you were so rapt by your work you couldn’t be bothered to ever learn the basic chain of command at your station? “Um. I know of him, but, no, I’ve never met him.”
“Right.” He frowned. “Then you’re familiar with his--what will I call them--abilities?”
“I mean… he uses the Force, right? And has the laser sword?”
Another twitch. “Yes. Then you’re familiar.” His throat bobbed as he swallowed. “The Supreme Leader wishes for Ren to channel these abilities more effectively. To use them in a way that is more… efficient than how Ren uses them now. Is what I’m to understand.”
“The work done with Leader Snoke alone has not achieved a sufficient level of progress. Is what I’m also to understand.”
You raised an eyebrow. “O-kay…” The pounding of your heart was audible by now, you were certain, the dread inside of it hijacking your nerves. You were leaving. You were supposed to be leaving.
“You,” said Hux, “are the solution.”
If only you had water to choke on--you’d spray it all over his stupid ginger face. “I’m sorry?” You shook your head. “No, no, sir, I’m--”
“What the Supreme Leader has devised,” he continued, apparently unaware that you already had plans, “is a plan for Ren to deliberately access these… abilities. With you as an assistant.”
This was already completely stupid. “Sir, I absolutely respect the Supreme Leader’s will,” you said, “but uh, I mean, this just wouldn’t work. I’m a therapist, after all, the only thing I’d be able to do would be to, like, psychoanalyze him, or something.”
“And that’s precisely why someone in your occupation is fit for the position.” Hux cocked a disinterested brow. “Yet another point I am to communicate to you is that this will not be therapy. Rather--it will be an… anti-therapy, of sorts.”
You snorted. “Anti-therapy?”
His face was dull. “Yes. Rather than looking to solve Ren’s issues, Leader Snoke wishes for you to dig them up. Force Ren to use them.”
Laughter almost erupted from you. Almost. Pulling it back, you stood, waving off his suggestion like a gnat, something inconvenient and irritating, something that buzzed in your ear and tickled your nose and made the acid in your stomach bubble.
Well, maybe not that last one.
“Ha-ha, okay, General.” You held out your hand. “We’ve had a good laugh, but, really, my flight off of this ship leaves in less than twenty-four hours, and I really must get back to my quarters to prepare--”
“You are not being discharged,” Hux spat. “All preparations for you and Mr. Hawkens’ departure have been cancelled. This is your assignment, now. So I suggest you sit and listen to the only time I’ll have the patience to explain it to you.”
Your jaw stiffened, your heart shattering in silence. Your departure. Your safety. His recovery. Your normality. All of it, gone--because of some ridiculous proposition that you conduct some sort of anti-therapy with the Commander of the First Order? No. This couldn’t be. Why did it have to fall on the day of your discharge? And why you?
Trembling, you collapsed into your seat, staring at Hux from across the mile-long berth of his pristine desk. It was made of the same material of which the Finalizer floor tiles were composed. It had to be. That was the only explanation as to why you couldn’t see yourself in the reflection of the glossy black surface. Why the only image, stretching out further and further, like a pale shadow, was the ghoulish imitation of Hux’s face, twisted in a sadistic smile. It could echo only a person’s truth, this substance. And that was why when you stared into it, a void stared back.
You swallowed--not just your bile, but everything else, too. “Yes, sir,” you replied. “I understand.” Was there no other way out? “I just--well--couldn’t there be someone better suited for the job? Other than me? Maybe we could reach a… compromise?”
Hux sighed. “When I asked the medbay director which one of his therapists had produced the most impressive results, he gave me your name.” His hands--thin, reedy fingers encased in leather--swiped away a screen. “When your coworkers were asked who they considered the most competent…” He met your eyes. “Their replies were, unanimously, you.”
“Maybe that used to be true,” you said, “but the past few months, the mistakes I’ve made have been--”
“Yet your record is still more impressive than all others.”
Dammit. Dammit. You grit your teeth. “W-well,” you replied, “Fent Hawkens, sir, this means his medical discharge request is being denied, and--”
“Not denied,” he said. “Delayed.”
“Delayed?” You frowned. “How much longer can it be delayed? He is very ill, sir, and--”
“And you are his caregiver, are you not?” Hux replied. “It seems that he is your responsibility--not ours.”
“Well, then.” There wasn’t arguing with that. The details had been decided before you’d even had a chance. “Of course.”
“At the request of the Supreme Leader, I’ve already arranged your first session for tomorrow morning upon Ren’s return. After which point, it will be your responsibility.” He turned. “Additional information will be sent to your datapad. Dismissed.”
Nodding, you said nothing else. You stood, pulled your skirt down, and you left.
The rest of your shift was spent in distraction, attempting to figure out how you’d explain to Fent why you wouldn’t be leaving, why his medical discharge request--despite Hux’s insistence--had been, essentially, denied. The mere thought of breaking the news made your fingers shake, made your palms sweat. You wondered if you’d be able to deliver it in holomessage. Or maybe bribe a Stormtrooper. Or maybe just mention it over dinner, a throwaway comment, totally meaningless apart from the entire meaning.
When you entered your shared quarters, Fent was curled on his side, blankets tugged over his head, the only sign of the life the quiet shifting of the mattress underneath his steady, unconscious breath. Chewing at your lip, you released a chestful of air, tiptoeing over to the side of your bed and nudging him. He didn’t stir, and you nudged him again.
“Fent,” you whispered. “Come on, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up.”I’ve got some great news for you, you didn’t add.
Like a beast rattled from its winter slumber, he groaned, tearing the covers from his head to reveal his face--handsome, still, even under the eleven-day shadow beard and four-day hair grease. You’d been trying to motivate him to basic hygiene tasks for days, now. He only seemed to respond to food. His sea-green eyes blinked at you through the veil of sleep as he sat up onto his palms, and you smiled.
Fent blinked again, scanning your hands. “Hey,” he said. “Did you wake me up without making me dinner?”
You looked at the floor. “Um. I’m sorry, sweetie,” you said, “but there’s something I really needed to tell you.”
He sighed, flopping back onto the bed and rolling away from you. “Okay. What is it.”
“Did you pack all of my things for tomorrow, yet?”
“That’s the thing, actually--”
“Don’t forget my holovid collection,” he said. “There’s some really important stuff on there. Stuff from my first missions.”
“Okay, well--”
“And don’t--”
“Fent!” You hadn’t yelled, but you hadn’t whispered, either. “We’re not going.” The anxiety tumbled off of you like a waterfall. This isn’t how you wanted this to go. “We’re not leaving, tomorrow. We’re staying.”
Fent’s body was a rubber band, stretched tight over your words, muscles poised to snap back and crack you across the mouth. But he hadn’t done that to you, before. Not yet. “Why are you yelling at me?”
“I’m not yelling,” you said, “I’m just... speaking forcefully. Because you weren’t listening.”
“Okay, sure, whatever. What is it?”
“I’m sorry,” you said, shrinking in on yourself. “Hux has given me a special assignment. I tried to argue my way out of it, but he wasn’t having it. I have to stay. We have to stay. But he said that your discharge--”
“Are you serious?” His voice cut through yours like a forged sword. When you didn’t respond, he turned, meeting your eyes from the bed with a gaze that made your blood thin. “What happened?”
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you.” Your fingers were knitting together like sweaty needles. “I’ve been given a new assignment. And--”
Fent frowned. “Did you fuck something up, or something?”
You shook your head, frowning. “I didn’t fuck up anything, thanks. In fact,” you paused, using this burden as armor, “I was chosen because of my hard work.”
“This is bullshit. I want to leave.” He stared into the wall. He looked broken. You wanted to pull him into your arms forever. Keep him safe. “I’m… I’m tired.”
“I know,” you said, “but Hux promised me that it was only a delay, that--”
Fent rolled his eyes and flipped over, motioning you away. “Okay, fine. Whatever. I’m done talking about this.” He sighed, his back swelling with a wave of repressed disappointment. You wanted to fall into the floor. “Do you think you could get dinner started, please?” He was almost whining, now. “I’m hungry.”
All of the resistance you’d built melted at your feet, the steam of your anger dissipating into the air. Mold spores of surrender were thick on the walls and in your throat. This wouldn’t be forever, you assured yourself. Tomorrow you’d meet with the Commander and turn him into the quickest case closure you’d ever had. Then Fent could be the center of your universe. And he’d get better, and everything would go back to like it had been when you’d first been stationed. It had to.
You patted his shoulder and trudged into the tiny kitchen. It wouldn’t be much, dinner--but it didn’t matter. You hadn’t planned on eating, anyway.
The meal passed in silence, with Fent falling back asleep soon after you’d cleaned. You had been hoping the medication would make a difference in his demeanor, but it’d been weeks, now, and there’d been no change. It was a few hours until the beginning of the sleep cycle, but you crawled into bed, anyway, sliding next to Fent’s near-comatose body and staring into the ceiling, your pupils still adjusting to the dark.
In your dreams, you were running in space, stars passing you like windowed cities, above and below you like the sky and sea. And something was chasing you--something black, red, black, shooting like a spear for you, hunting you, its breath behind you, its body consuming you, devouring you in a mess of teeth and hair and hunger and lust--
You screamed, waking into a slime of sweat. Fent was still asleep. You were still on the Finalizer.
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daresplaining · 7 years
Iron Fist Countdown: 7 Days
Danny’s Superpowers
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    Danny is the most powerful member of the Netflix Defenders team. Or at least, he has the greatest power potential. In addition to his mad kung fu skills, the uses for the chi of Shou-Lao could (and, in fact, do) fill an entire book, and the vast power it grants its wielders is ever-evolving. Even Danny hasn’t yet learned everything he’s capable of. Here are some of the highlights of what various Iron Fists have achieved over the years, and of what we might possibly see in the show.  
    To start: This post is going to give the impression that Danny is really, really overpowered, so we’re going to stick in a little caveat: the Immortal Iron Fist Power Upgrade Factor (IIFPUF). Speaking generally, 616 Danny has had two major power levels (so far, anyway-- his upcoming solo series is going to explore another, but that is a very special situation and probably not relevant here). Before Immortal Iron Fist (BIIF) Danny was still very powerful, but his power had frequency limits. Using the chi of Shou-Lao left him drained, thus preventing him from summoning it more than once-or-twice per day and prompting him to only use it in dire situations.              
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Danny: “Can... hardly... move-- By the silver dragon, what have I done? Heartbeat’s racing almost too fast to count... feel flushed, sweating... system overloaded... Power has a definite limit-- remember that! More I use, more it drains me...”
[Iron Fist vol. 1 #6 by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Karen Mantlo] 
    In Immortal Iron Fist he acquires the Book of the Iron Fist, which was stolen by his predecessor in an ill-conceived attempt at ending the Iron Fist legacy. This book contains techniques for, among other things, not getting worn out by using the chi of Shou-Lao. Having gained this knowledge, post-Immortal Iron Fist (PIIF) Danny now uses his powers all the time without suffering any ill effects.
    In the Netflix show, we know that Danny will be operating at a BIIF level-- which makes sense, from a storytelling perspective as much as a worldbuilding one. The less frequently he uses his powers on-screen, the more dramatic they will remain. However, the actual range of abilities he might possess in the show remains to be seen. Here are some of the exciting options...     
The Iron Fist 
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[Power Man and Iron Fist vol. 1 #67 by Mary Jo Duffy, Kerry Gammill, and Ben Sean]
    Iron Fists are, of course, named after their big signature move. Summoning the Iron Fist involves focusing the chi of Shou-Lao into a concentrated spot (usually a hand), thus imbuing it with temporary super strength and invulnerability. A few writers have suggested that there’s an actual molecular shift involved, which causes the limb in question to literally become “like unto iron”, but generally the actual iron aspect of this technique is treated as a metaphor. Wielding the dragon chi in this way allows the Iron Fist to strike with immense force without suffering any damage themselves. 
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[New Avengers vol. 1 #59 by Brian Michael Bendis, Stuart Immonen, and Dave McCaig]     
    With this move Danny has-- to name just a few feats-- obliterated giant robots, sunk ships, blown up trains, taken down a helicarrier (see above), and he once sucker punched 300-pound Luke Cage through a wall, across a street, and into a building that then collapsed on top of him. (Don’t worry, he was fine.)  
    Obviously, we know Danny’s gonna be chi punching things to awesome effect in the show as well. 
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    (Aw yessssss...)
Accelerated Healing
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[Immortal Iron Fist #9 by Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, and David Aja]
    The chi of Shou-Lao can also be used as a healing force, enabling Iron Fists to perform what is essentially epic-level reiki on themselves and others. Take it away, Danny...  
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Danny: “Your doctors did most of the hard work weeks ago... All I’m doing... is focusing your chi a bit.. to speed up your natural healing process.”
[Daredevil vol. 2 #111 by Ed Brubaker, Clay Mann, and Matt Hollingsworth]
    This is a versatile skill that works on more than just cuts and bruises and broken bones. The chi can be used to burn out harmful infections and substances within the body. It is, for example, difficult to poison an Iron Fist. Danny also once used the dragon chi to cure cancer, and has managed to break himself out of mind control with it on occasion. It can be used to grant prolonged life. And it works quite well for combating demons who have possessed your friends. 
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[Shadowland #5 by Andy Diggle, Billy Tan, and Victor Olazaba]
    This is one power that was drastically impacted by the IIFPUF (see above). When Danny first learned to use the chi in this way, it was a difficult procedure that actually caused him immense physical pain. PIIF, however, he is able to heal rapidly, almost without thinking about it.   
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[Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #12 by Kaare Andrews]
    Chi is life energy, and so it makes sense that there are high-level Iron Fist techniques that can be used to bring dead things back to life. This isn’t a skill that Danny has mastered in the comics (it requires a level of spiritual awareness that he hasn’t achieved yet), but given the link to the Hand mythos in the MCU, and their tendency of bringing people back from the dead, we wonder if it might come up in the show...
Lightning From God (chi projection)
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[Immortal Iron Fist #7 by Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, and Khari Evans]
    This is a move trademarked by former Iron Fist and all-around badass Wu Ao-Shi, the Pirate Queen of Pinghai Bay. She developed a technique that allowed her to project her chi out of her body and into her arrows, thus making them extra lethal on impact. Orson Randall, Danny’s direct Iron Fist predecessor, was able to do the same thing with bullets, and it’s a skill that Danny has mastered as well.
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[Thunderbolts (2006) #137 by Andy Diggle, Carlos Rodriguez, et al.]
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[Immortal Iron Fist #2 by Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, and David Aja]
   This is one of those Iron Fist powers that rarely comes up, but there is a technique that allows the chi of Shou-Lao to be used to plant mental suggestions, and to control people against their will. It’s not entirely clear how (this is one of those That’s Not Really How Chi Works things) but it’s very cool, so we’ll buy it.
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[Mighty Avengers (2013) #6 by Al Ewing, Valerio Schiti, and Frank D’Armata]
    It’s probably related to this next ability....
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[Immortal Iron Fist #24 by Duane Swierczynski, Jose Angel Cano Lopez, and Edward Bola]
    One neat aspect of the chi of Shou-Lao is that, because it is such a versatile power source, it can be shaped to suit the talents and tendencies of the individuals who acquire it. Li Park, an artistic Iron Fist with a powerful imagination, used the chi in a way that enabled him to draw others into his fantasies. All evidence suggests that this is the Hypnotic Fist technique (above), enhanced to its most potent level.  
Energy Absorption/Manipulation
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[Iron Fist vol. 1 #7 by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Bonnie W.]
    Chi is energy, as we said, and the physical fact of having absorbed a giant dose of highly-volatile dragon chi seems to enable Iron Fists to do the same with other such energy sources. Danny has shown immense tolerance for radiation bombardment and magic, seemingly by absorbing the energy without being harmed by it. Along these same lines, he has found ways of connecting to and manipulating magnetic fields, and he once plugged himself into the chi of every single person in K’un-Lun for a final ditch-effort power boost. He didn’t enjoy it, but he did survive the experience, which is saying something...          
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[Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #9 by Kaare Andrews]
Perfect Strategy Mind (mental enhancement)
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[Immortal Iron Fist #15 by Matt Fraction, Khari Evans, and Paul Mounts]
    Developed by master tactician and former Iron Fist Bei Bang-Wen, this technique seems to enhance mental performance and focus. We’ve never seen Danny use this-- but he’s made enough poor judgment calls in his life that he probably should. (Just kidding, Danny. Love ya.)    
Vulcan Mind-Melding
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[Iron Fist vol. 1 #6 by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Karen Mantlo]
    We doubt this one will be used in the show, but anything is possible! At a certain point, Colleen is kidnapped and mind controlled into trying to kill Danny. After failing to snap her out of the mind control by conventional means, and desperate to avoid either being killed or having to kill her, Danny takes a wild shot and attempts to merge his chi with hers. This allows him to break through the brainwashing, but it’s an extremely unpleasant, violating experience for both of them, and he never does it again. This literal meeting of minds results in a transfer of memories, emotions, and knowledge between the two. Afterward, Colleen is able to pull off some advanced K’un-Lun kung fu techniques that she didn’t know before.    
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[Iron Fist vol. 1 #14 by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Janice Cohen]
Levitating (Ack!)
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[Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #12 by Kaare Andrews] 
    It’s not clear how, or why, or wherefore, but Iron Fists can levitate! (Kaare Andrews, if you’re reading this, please explain.) 
Increased Energy
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[Immortal Iron Fist #16 by Matt Fraction, David Aja, and Matt Hollingsworth]
    Danny is able to successfully go without sleep for long periods of time (or, at the very least, to replace sleep with periodic meditation). Of course, most superheroes don’t get much sleep, but Danny has an advantage in that dragon chi is a slightly more powerful stimulant than coffee. 
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And finally, uh, whatever this is...
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[Immortal Iron Fist #17 by Duane Swierczynski, Travel Foreman, and Matt Milla]
    We’re not sure what this move does, since Danny never actually completes it... but holy moley, it should be on the show.    
    One more week!
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marlaluster · 6 years
"It is not possible that there is not anything here," it was said in my mind by someone regarding this reference to an Instagram post from a July 22 news story online on the Instagram account of Elsa Pataky but the post is not there. ....
I have previously reported a bit I think mentioning the article or something. It was at least in a preceding clipboard emptying post. I may not have mentioned the article at all, i don't remember. I am pretty sure I didn't tell that I couldn't find the referred to Instagram post on the Instagram account of Elsa Pataky, who is really a figurine that represents the devil n is really the devil. The figure is staged to be married to my soul mate Chris Hemsworth. "Me, i know she's the devil. I'm the devil who wrote that," it was said in my mind as i was writing here, n it was said after this kind of like sense of a hair raising or subdued shock sense like almost of something that is afraid. I'm not sure who is to be talking as the devil to say the quote. "It is me, right," the devil said in my mind. I will have to find out. "I am not a real person right. She's not saying that. Bye," the devil said. I took a lengthy break here to check on something I put in the toaster. But anyway, the Instagram post referred to in an online publication Thats a Spanish publication apparently is not on the account of Elsa Pataky still as of today. It has been said the post is missing because the devil can't keep doing stuff w the figure, something like, but the devil messing w my thoughts very bad as im trying to tell this. It's extremely bad. It was said by the devil here can't keep making the stories etc surface w her, it seemed implied it had to not do the kind of photis etc for to try to make up a reality for its rule in devil land to seem to be upheld to continue. It seemed it was like that. It keeps messing w my thoughts or something as i try to tell a gist of an idea I have of what was said. It's very bad, i don't know what it's doing. But very interesting. It's another snafu where things don't match up. "I have to come out soon. I'm not allowed to keep attacking," the devil said. "The figure would talk as the devil," it was said as i was wondering this or figured this. It may have been the devil telling or it may have been saying someone's words. I was wondering about the devil figurines, the idols representing the devil as superior etc n as the truth etc. Everyone in the reality of the devil is supposed to be some idol or like stereotype or something to represent the devil as the truth, like as a scheme or strategy of the devil, it dies not work so as it intends. But these figures such as Elsa Pataky are supposed to like win for the devil etc n be like really some driving figures. The devil has often said it cannot be others that are having the spell of who they are doing things that start to say or communicate things that suggest it is not able to be things it says it is etc n like what people are to be. Blacks are supposed to be inferior to whites. People are supposed to be stereotypes. It is trying to press i am a low black etc, mentally ill, poor etc. It has tried to press other things as supposed to be what I guess it's saying I am. It tries to press stuff. I tell about it pressing images of some sexual aim of it, n i tell about it pressing stuff that has not occurred as stuff it's saying is to have happened w sex also. It is obsessed w that n w pressing i agree w stuff here, so that would be an Uncle Tom because I have been attacked here by the society n i am supposed to be less than here to be how I am: crazy, not valuable etc, not really smart, etc, I'm supposed to be apparently ugly n unwished etc. I'm apparently supposed to think I am like inferior to whites, etc, n just others in general that are to be who is supposed to be like okay in devil land, supposed people such as Elsa Pataky. That figure is to be having much financial means n is supposed to be thinking [things [thin]] n aging well n pretty n able to be w Chris. But it's not real n she is apparently not supposed to be w him anymore, like as in appear to be w him anymore. But this coming together now w this look at the figurines that are really to be the devil itself etc like more literally really, it comes up w this look at this that the devil is trying to press it's false reality as something it's to be able to have n be represented by as the truth etc w seeking what it can do to people's occurrences n etc. But it's apparently not able to get the thing it's measuring for. It's saying it cannot be the people n the things they are doing the reality they make to do them n then collectively so w all the people together going outside of these ranges it's apparently measuring it can account for itself. The devil keeps pressing things to suggest someone is telling me something to say. It is very bad. The thing is very sneaky. "I can't go on. It says I'm not able to be," the devil said as i just copied this article to the clipboard to save it to this point now. The devil pressing some stuff, it's a bit interfering. It seems it's maybe pressing i feel to write more before like pasting the link etc. But -- "I have to do something I'm not gonna go on. Bye," the devil said. It seems the devil is blocking my thought as I think about a like thing it is seeking to make what could be it's reality. "Someone else wanna help right. But I must go. Oh god," the devil said. It was I think trying go make it seem someone else was trying to talk to me as i writing. It keeps pressing stuff, such as that Chris is not supposed to seem that great to me. It's so horrible, the thing. A break here. The devil was starting to make a sense of something to be happening w my vagina. Then it threatened a onion smell in my vagina area. It's extremely irritating, very bad like the thing n it's attacking etc. But I was I guess thinking another thing i could mention was that there has been some surfacing of a few glitches. For example the children's faces blurred in photos on Pataky's Instagram account n also in the one Daily Mail article, other glitches w photos n things. But I'll go ahead n paste the link to the article that refers to the Instagram post on Elsa Pataky's account but it is not there, the post. The post mentions the family still on vacation like a couple days after the birthday of Elsa Pataky. I was told another reason the post is missing from the account is that the family was to not still be on vacation. But the post is supposedly to mention the family going "zip lining" through a forest in Spain. Here is a link to the article, now said here as I have heard I my mind to have been written by the devil itself as a figurine to be the devil here as supposedly okay. .... https://us.hola.com/en/celebrities/2018072212441/chris-hemsworth-elsa-pataky-family-vacation-spain/?viewas=amp Here next I'll paste a section of text that i copied from the article, the sections were occurring to be sequential but i have them copied separately to the clipboard, but I'll paste the text in one undivided paste here next ..... Elsa Pataky and her kids took an adventurous zip-line ride through the forest Photo: Instagram/@elsapatakyconfidential “Fun time in Spain!” she wrote over a video of her little ones, clad in safety gear, marching through the woods. She referred to them as “heroes,” clearly a reference to her Marvel icon husband, as they made their way through a treetop adventure park. Video clips showed the tiny tots climbing high in the trees and then whizzing by on a zip-line. RELATED: Chris and Elsa take their children to Kangaroo Island to meet koala bears and more! Elsa then gave the zip-line a shot herself, taking her followers along for the ride as she hit record and zoomed through the greenery. The mom-of-three was clearly having fun, laughing throughout the activity. She looked forest-chic while on the excursion, rocking a casual camouflage jacket, white top and ponytail hairstyle. Chris did not appear in the fun video clips. ---- end the excerpt from the article ---- The excerpt having Elsa Pataky describing the ziplining supposed event. The post missing presently from the account. A strange snafu. "Maybe you have to not be to see it. Bye," the devil said. But anyway there were a couple other posts on the account of Elsa Pataky. I don't remember what else I was going to say. I'll just try to follow up w more reporting. But I am glad there isn't to be more posts w Elsa n Chris to be together or to seem okay. I don't like the things like this. It is the devil doing it. I prefer, of course, devil land to end n for Chris to leave the devil figurine Elsa Pataky. And of course I wish to be w Chris, n my other soul mates to be able to be w me ultimately. It's supposed to be we will be all together n etc.
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bpd-black · 7 years
hey guys, so this is gonna be a long ass post, but here’s the tldr version: i love you and i hope you continue to learn about yourselves, and advocate for your mental wellbeing cause y'all are literally so beautiful and important and an integral part of our universe, the world literally wouldn’t be the same without you ✊🏾💕
SO, i just wanted to let y'all know that if you’ve ever messaged me (and this is for my black followers, btw, the rest of y'all … i don’t know why tf you’re here, but none of this is for you so ✌🏾bye, you can leave lol) please please know that i almost always read whatever’s in my inbox right away, and that i do care about your questions and what you have to say, even when i don’t answer right away or at all. you guys reaching out to me is NEVER bothersome. NEVER dumb. NEVER ridiculous. and tbh, it’s always flattering to think anyone would come to me w/ mental health concerns, considering that this blog literally started as a place for me to just vent out into the void & that i used to block anyone that followed me, lol.
(i jus didn’t want people to follow my blog ??? idk, i just felt like i had no other outlet to scream, and i was in a really bad place back then, idek, it made sense at the time. anyway, NOW this blog is a place for me to store information, affirmations and links to resources that i find informative or helpful. and i actually really love getting feedback (cough and validation cough) from you guys 💖 so pls, just know that you mean a lot to me.)
THE THING IS, though: i’m still not a professional. and when it comes to something as serious as mental health (especially in the black community) i just feel like i still have too much learning to do and too much healing to do before i’m qualified to offer any real advice. rn, all i have to say to most of y'all is ‘damn, thas unfortunate, me too’ and i really don’t want to give anyone a half assed answer like that, lol. it might take me a while to research what you wanna know, so yeah. bls be patient with me.
also i kinda wanted to introduce myself, since i don’t think i’ve ever posted an intro on this blog lol:
in summary, i’m a twenty one year old black girl, gay as hell, still living at home, still unemployed, still on leave from college, and still struggling just to shower and get out of bed every day :)) which sucks and i hate my life rn and i battle with like, intense self hatred cause a lot of my family is very disappointed in me and, quite frankly, i’m very disappointed with myself.
moving on, lol, more about my mental state: i’ve only ever been professionally diagnosed with depression and gad, though i personally believe i experience too many bpd symptoms to rule out the possibility that i am, in fact, borderline, and so i consider myself as such.
(( a small rant about that real quick: imo, and tbh, labels are just terms that researchers make up to help organize studies, keep track of patterns, and come up with plans and solutions to help large groups of people. so, basically, i am a strong advocate of NOT beating yourself up too much when it comes to finding the ‘right’ label for you and NOT attacking someone else that you don’t think ‘fits’ the description for a disorder or illness according to your research. like, yeah, fake ass neurotypicals are annoying as hell and they can all choke but ! the only person who really knows what’s going on in someone’s brain is that person themselves. and NO ONE owes you a dissertation on their mental struggles just to ‘prove’ they’re in pain. so, imo !!! it’s just a lot more important to recognize and identify what SYMPTOMS you struggle with, and the severity of said symptoms, and worry about umbrella terms later !! cause that insight will make it easier to look for help and advice and !! mental illness and personality disorders are all on a spectrum. so yeah. go easy on yourselves 💕 anyway, i struggled a lot with that concept, and for far too long, SO just wanted to get that out of the way before i continue (hope that made any sense) but i digress!!! ))
i also struggle with both intrusive and suicidal thoughts, a few minor self destructive habits, and i’m currently taking medication for my depression and anxiety. and tbh, though i still have some pretty terrible days, i will say the meds have helped a LOT. and i’m so glad, cause i’m the first in my family to openly take medication for a mental illness (stigma stigma god fucking stigma) and i was so so scared the meds would just make it worse, but they didn’t, so yeah :)
also, and this is a bit personal (but i’m willing to be a bit vulnerable with you guys, if it’ll help anyone at all) but, i planned on killing myself last year. it didn’t happen (evidently lol) but i ended up staying at the hospital for a week and then participating in a two week partial program after that. i’m currently looking for a new partial program or support group that i can join, and i’m trying to get a job and get back to school.
also, i have been seeing a therapist since my senior year of high school (which !!is a bit of a wild tale tbh, but long story short, my parents literally refused to believe mental illness was a real thing for the longest time. and it wasn’t until i told them i literally wouldn’t graduate high school if i didn’t get some help that they believed me.) my first two therapists were awful racist white women (still fuckin hate them btw) but my third therapist was a really cool white woman who actually introduced me to my current therapist who is this really amazing black woman and so far, i feel like she’s been the best fit for me. but i’ve very recently had to put my therapy sessions on pause cause i’m poor as hell and couldn’t pay for them anymore, so yeah. and, tbh, that’s really been stressing me the fuck out as of late, but what i’m trying to do is make the most of whatever other resources are available to me (helplines, textlines, self care strategies, forums, blogs, google, etc.) and i still have a social worker so idk, i should be okay 👌🏾
anyway, that was a lot of oversharing but, now you all know where i am atm ;) and i only share this with you guys cause a lot of asks i receive are about feeling like shit for not knowing what pd you have, or about being too poor to afford good health care, or not knowing how to convince your conservative ass black parents that you’re dying and need help and like !!! all of those topics are so so important to me on a very personal level !!! and i wanna help y'all so bad. but tbqh, i’m still trying to figure this shit out myself 😕 so, what i’m hoping is, just by letting you know more about my experience and being as honest as i can about it, at least one of you readin this might feel a little less lonely dealing with your pain. idk.
anyway, second to last thing: fr tho, i hope y'all know that it is both a rare, and amazing trait to be as insightful as so many of you are. even just trying to figure out ‘god, what is wrong with me’ and taking the time to do the research, is self care. it’s defiance. it’s acknowledging that a better life is possible, and it’s straight up refusing to settle for the pain you’re in now, for a life less fulfilling than what you know you deserve. i feel like the generations before us didn’t do that enough (with good reason, tbh, even today it’s still hard to know who we can trust) but it’s high time black people start healing our minds and our hearts. so power to you ✊🏾
and yeah. that’s all i wanted to say this morning. i’ve been wanting to say all that for a while, but wasn’t sure where the hell to start. i just hope that was all coherent and made sense, lol. don’t ever hesitate to message me guys. i may be an emotional wreck that takes too long to reply, but i do love you. lol.
and please please please continue to research things on your own as well, like. keep up with the latest studies, the TED talks, the blavity articles, the mental health blogs etc. etc. learn as much as you can about how to take the best care of you, even if my executively dysfunctional ass can’t help right away lol.
also !! (last thing, i promise) a quick update about this blog: i edited it a bit, namely my tagging system, to make it a bit more useful. i won’t go through all my tags here (maybe i’ll add an about page and a tag page later) but, for example, there’s my new affirmations tag (full of helpful reminders that i like to think about everyday) my positivity tag (just, yk, positive shit that makes think positive thoughts) and my black tag (whatever content i feel like pertains to just my fellow black + mentally ill peeps, cause lbr a lot of our struggles only happen at the intersection of both identities) 💕
i also have a music tag for music recommendations!! cause i like to believe music is very healing all on its own ;)
AAAAND that’s it lol 😘 stay safe out there guys !! this world is wild but, tbh, we know better than anyone what it means to make the very most out of our lives no matter what. happy black history month 🖤
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Looking for an affordable medical repricing company instead of health insurance. Know of any?
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bigbrotherorre · 6 years
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So... as expected Ricky went and I'm in mourning. I love Ricky SOO much! with my WHOLE hort. Otherwise, this HoH comp is AWFUL, everyone is gonna be FIGHTING. For this week, I would like a Bryce/Jose HoH because I think I'd be safe and because they'd go after Blake/Alivia/Lynn. HOWEVER, then next week, I'd like Alivia to win HoH and get Randy out because I do NOT trust Randy. Basically, provided I can get past this week with all the messy twists... I feel cautiously optimistic? Like I'm playing both sides and hopefully that'll work to my advantage? Eek we will seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Another day another lost comp
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SO, tea time with Ali! Except... not really. I'm literally about to set a BB Pokemon record because it is literally week 6 and I'm in 0 ALLIANCES. This is a MESSY MESS MESS. I wanna be in alliances, I want safety. Meanwhile, conspiracy corner... John was given the Jigglypuff, he didn't play it. The phrasing on the wiki & the posts were all.... off. I think Randy gave it to him, but I also feel like everything sketchy that happens is.... by Randy. Like I think Randy is the bot, and Randy is being this cracked mess... According to Sammy at least, the bot is now sending fake screenshots? WHAT KIND OF CRACKED JUJU IS THIS. I dont love this at all asjlkdfa In other news, Bryce & Jose _will_ be this season's F2 and I will not accept otherwise. Bryce is such a solid ally, like he is so sane, so nice, so good. Jose is the love of my life lkjafdsa, he is SO SWEET. like a good, wholesome boy right there is Jose. I LOVE THEM BOTH, THOSE ARE MY BOYS. I am a feminist, but I will convert to meninism if it means my faves make F2. ANYWHOMST. I love the hosts, Dennis added me to his Havana host chat and idk why he did that, since he _totally_ lays out his strategy in that... why did he do that, I am always booboo the fool but he can take that title from me for today. and thats how sue sees it, bye for now woooooooooooooooo!
I think I'm going home this week and I'm really worried. Like really worried, I've played badly and I'm now really expendable, and people are gonna send me home i literally spent a total of like 6 hours prepping for veto and I still screwed it up. I got 9 songs in like 7 minutes, but it took me like 30 more to find the last one ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (unfaithful by rihanna will literally be my downfall). I'm really scared. I think I would have Autumn & Jose's votes, but against Ashvika I think thats when it dries up askjldfa. I'm really really scared, I'm not ready to go home, I am such a bad player :( I don't even feel like Bryce is in my corner anymore, and I think Autumn could keep Ashvika like except for Jose I feel so alone :( I love Jose so much, I'm so lucky to have him in this game with me, but I'm also so scared :( I'm not ready to go home :( But I've let myself down and played badly.
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Can y'all believe my son Samuel future nominated me and I get to sit here in peace? Maybe we're related after all I'm so used to being nominated it doesn't even phase me. Like I forget that you can actually go home because I.... can't relate. People are freeeaaking the fuck out and I'm just chilling, knowing my ass is immune and that my silver power of veto will snatch wigs. So to pass the time I'm currently on call with my new alliance, Jose and Ali, and Ali is legit shitting himself I feel terrible. But like it's fine cause I pulled him off, he just doesn't know yet. I'm honestly just ecstatic that everyone I love is gonna be safe- me, Sammy, Ash, Ali, John. I really just need Jose to not get nominated and then this streak of ugly weeks will come to an end wooooo
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im just... not a fan of ppl  SJDJHFSJDK everyone has such annoying ideas and im like... u do u but maybe dont!! Everyone keeps having opinions that are different than mine??? like cut it out. dennis cant literally do the bare minimum and not come across as sketchy for 1 second, and he also cant campaign to stay apparently??? hes a lot to deal with. and then randy is coming at me/sammy/zeezo and trying to seem smart for doing so, like wow you got us! go home maybe!! alivia has been very volatile all week and i have to deal with it. and ali is snapping because he thinks he would have gone home which i hope wouldnt have happened but i also dont know b/c theres an assumption that he isnt playing the game b/c hes vague and he might have went home because of it. but now he is being vague again and i think its prob b/c randy is campaigniing to him and trying to paint me/zeezo/sammy as a trio. when honestly we arent even.. theyre like a duo and im there!! also im a lynn warrior but we never talk so its awk. and also ali ratted to randy that if he wants to stay he needs LAB's vote and now alivia is mad he brought her name up and ugh ppl are doing so MUCH. also dennis just msg'd me like do i have ur vote?? who's voting me. MAYBE TALK TO PPL MORE AND NOT BE SKETCHY AND I WOULDNT HAVE TO BE THE MIDDLE MAN.
omg..  i didnt mean those mean words. i love everyone in this cast. ali is so nice and trustworthy. alivia is feisty and full of energy, always keeping the game fun. dennis is actually like real fun to talk to and always feigns interest in w/e im saying (EXCEPT WHEN HE LIED ABOUT NOT HAVING LEGALLY BLONDE ON NETFLIX WHEN I KNOW HE DID). And randy has made this game so exciting!!!
i am so sad for randy he really wanted this and dennis is kind of ugh to work with but randy was just too scary. he had the best exit so far tho and ill miss him so much. ALI CHOKE AHAHHAHAHA YOU THOUGHT!! ALIGNING ALL THE FLOATERS NOPE!!! TRY AGAIN.  I LOVE ALI BUT I WAS LITERALLY SCREAMING B/C LIKE 5 MINUTES BEFORE THE VOTE ZEEZO IS LIKE DONT TELL ANYONE BUT ALI CONVINCED JOSE TO VOTE DENNIS OUT. SIDE NOTE i love john!!! he is so nice and ratted jose out like wig!!
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woo okay soooo i haven’t been able to make one of these in awhile cause I’m on vacation so i apologize if this is long....so to sum up everything I won hoh with the help of zeezo and Bryce. I had to nom ali and ashvika because i knew it wouldn’t cause that much drama. Then....they both got taken off so I nommed Dennis and Randy. I wanted randy gone from the getgo because he is very smart and sneaky. I’m pretty sure he was behind the Nicolas Julia account as well which really made me upset. He also never responded to me but would tell ppl to pm him and yeah. Other than that, the conversations i did have with him were great, and he’s super nice and even made me the birthday video. I just wasn’t too close with him. I just made up a random excuse for Dennis because I had to hide the fact I’m in an alliance with Kat and Jose but also zeezo and Bryce. and alivia and John couldn’t have been nommed....so if i had to make another nomination it would’ve been Lynn and Bryce....so that would’ve been very very bad for me because like I’m also close to blake so i can’t nom him. Anyway randy was crying on call and it made me super super sad and i felt like a bad Person so i was like wow:/ I have to decide which alliance I’m gonna choose but it might be zeezo and Bryce because like Jose and Kat don’t tell me everything and don’t like agree with me about votes and i think ali autumn Jose and Kat voted Dennis. Idk I’m just so done haha 
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if one more person tries to build the peace in this house i'm going to throw them through the closest possible window. i honestly feel like ali and dennis might have accidentally stumbled into the wrong game bc this is bb pokemon not whatever snowflake athena series you probably came from. i've tried to help ali throughout this game and explain to him that this isn't some summer camp where you braid each other's hair and make friendship bracelets but the kid just doesn't get it. i give up, and i think we need to focus on getting all the snowflakes and fatties out of this house as soon as possible. right now in the game i think that i might actually be in a pretty okay place. the house seems to be pretty divided vote after vote. there's the scammers, bryce, ashvika, sammy, and zeezo vs. the fatties: jose, john, ali, kat, and autumn. and as of now we outweigh the other house so we have a pretty good unofficially aligned group going here so hopefully we can keep that going!
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
Here ya go, a little shot of FAKE NEWS, Read between the lines, please! Trump keeps blaming Obama. Fresh polls show voters don’t buy it.
Barack Hussein Obama and the drive by news media @ HoaxAndChange.com
FAKE NEWS uncovered at HoakAndChange.com
Mullet Wrapper @ Hoax And Change
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Trump keeps blaming Obama. Fresh polls show voters don’t buy it.
Barack Obama and Donald Trump arrive for the inauguration ceremony in January. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP/Pool)
BY JAMES HOHMANN with Breanne Deppisch
THE BIG IDEA: For Donald Trump, the buck stops … with Barack Obama.
As the western world processed stomach-churning images of dead children, apparently murdered by chemical weapons, the president couldn’t help but take a potshot at his predecessor. “These heinous actions by the Bashar al-Assad regime are a consequence of the past administration’s weakness and irresolution,” Trump said in a statement yesterday afternoon. “President Obama said in 2012 that he would establish a ‘red line’ against the use of chemical weapons and then did nothing. The United States stands with our allies across the globe to condemn this intolerable attack.”
As he ripped Obama, Trump mentioned neither Russia nor Iran. Both counties are actively propping up Assad’s regime.
The president also offered no path forward, except to say that the savagery, which observers on the ground say killed at least 58, “cannot be ignored.” Asked how the U.S. will respond, Sean Spicer replied: “We’ll talk about that soon.”
This White House is stuck in permanent campaign mode. Several officials involved in internal administration discussions told the AP that the National Security Council had been preparing a different statement, until the president’s closest advisers took over the process.
This has been a pattern during Trump’s first 75 days in office. When it suits him, the president takes credit for his predecessor’s successes. More often, he points the finger. Trump’s unsubstantiated allegation that Obama “wiretapped” his office is the most memorable illustration, but there are many others. After the botched raid in Yemen that killed a Navy SEAL, for instance, the White House claimed the operation had been authorized by the Obama team.
Suspected chemical attack kills scores of men, women and children in Syria
— Obama has repeatedly acknowledged that Syria was the biggest failure of his presidency, and he knows it will haunt his legacy. He notoriously said in August 2012 that Assad using chemical weapons would cross a “red line” that would change his “calculus” about whether to intervene. When the Butcher of Damascus did it anyway, using sarin to kill hundreds of innocents, Obama lacked the will to act unilaterally. So he punted to an even less courageous Congress. American credibility suffered. Assad’s barbaric war crimes continued.
— The timing of Trump’s dig was curious, however. Just last week, Rex Tillerson and Nikki Haley said publicly that removing Assad is no longer a U.S. priority – breaking with western allies.
— Even more incongruously, Trump vociferously opposed the very action he now attacks Obama for not taking. The billionaire posted an endless stream of tweets like these over several weeks in 2013, which make yesterday’s statement look quite hypocritical:
— Trump has claimed repeatedly since taking office that he “inherited a mess.” As he put it during his 77-minute press conference in February, “I inherited a mess. It’s a mess. At home and abroad, a mess. … The Middle East is a disaster. (Also) North Korea. We’re going to take care of it all. I just want to let you know I inherited a mess.”
— After the GOP’s Obamacare replacement package fell apart in the House, Trump announced that he will let the health care system fall apart. He thinks this will force Democrats to come to the negotiating table. The president reasons that Obama will surely get blamed for any problems with something called Obamacare.
— A new poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows why Trump’s strategy is flawed. The nonpartisan group conducts a respected monthly poll of public attitudes about health care. When asked which of two statements came closer to their view, 6 in 10 Americans endorsed the statement: “Trump and Republicans in Congress are now in control of the government and they are responsible for any problems with it moving forward.” Just over 3 in 10 chose the alternative statement: “President Obama and Democrats in Congress passed the law and they are responsible for any problems with it moving forward.”
For context, the poll found that over 6 in 10 Americans say it’s a “good thing” the House GOP bill went down. But that group is split evenly between those who do not want to repeal the law and those who want to repeal and replace the law but had concerns about the specific legislation.
The country is also split close to down the middle about next steps: 45 percent want to keep working on a plan to repeal and replace the 2010 law, and 49 percent think Trump and congressional Republicans should stop working on health care and move on to other priorities.
Trump waves to his supporters last month as his motorcade passes through Bingham Island on the way to Mar-a-lago in Palm Beach, Fla. (Michael Ares/Palm Beach Post via AP)
— On the economy, the American people have a more nuanced view than the president. A Quinnipiac University poll published yesterday is full of bad news for Trump. His approval rating is 35 percent. He’s even underwater right now with whites and men. More than six in 10 registered voters nationally don’t think he’s honest, level-headed or shares their values. On the issues, the poll finds that 58 percent disapprove of how he’s handling foreign policy and a 48 percent plurality doesn’t think he’s handling the economy well. The survey found that 52 percent think the economy is in excellent or good shape, while 45 percent say it’s not so good or poor. Overall, 66 percent say Obama is more responsible than Trump for the current state of the economy.
When Obama left office in January, our Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 61 percent of Americans approved of his economic stewardship. That number was higher than at any point in his eight-year presidency, up from 50 percent in Jan. 2016 and 43 percent in Jan. 2014. So there is ample evidence that Americans were crediting him for the nation’s improving economy before Trump took office.
Quinnipiac asked a series of questions in another poll last month on whether Obama or Trump should be credited with certain economic statistics. By more than 2 to 1 voters said Obama deserves more credit than Trump for the fact the unemployment rate has stayed under 5 percent. But a smaller 48 percent plurality credited Obama for the 200,000 jobs added in February, while 41 percent said Trump deserves credit. And 55 percent said Trump, not Obama, deserves more credit for the stock market’s positive performance recently.
— To be sure, Republicans often accused Obama of unfairly blaming George W. Bush late into his presidency. Because of the nature of the 2008 financial crisis, though, more voters always blamed Bush than Obama for the country’s economic ills – including during the 2016 election, according to Gallup surveys conducted from 2009 through 2016. In its poll last summer, Gallup found that 64 percent of Americans thought Bush deserved a “great deal” or a “moderate amount” of blame for “current economic problems.” Half, 50 percent, said Obama did.
A man carries the body of a dead child following a suspected gas attack in Syria. (Reuters/Ammar Abdullah)
— Foreign policy has dominated the opening chapters of the Trump administration to a degree the president clearly did not anticipate. If he’s got 99 problems, Syria is now certainly one.
— Trump is learning that the panaceas he promised so often as a candidate do not actually exist. “No one — not even President Obama, as far as I could tell — was satisfied with the Obama administration’s approach to the conflict in Syria,” Andrew Exum, who was an Obama appointee at the Pentagon, writes for The Atlantic. “But if you assembled all of the Obama administration’s critics in one room, they would not agree on an obvious alternative. The problem is wicked enough to confound easy solutions, and each policy alternative had strategic and moral deficiencies.”
— Russia is now trying to blame rebels for the attack, instead of Assad. From Louisa Loveluck: “A Russian military spokesman on Wednesday said that Syrian warplanes had been targeting rebel workshops used to produce crude chemical weapons on the eastern outskirts of Khan Sheikhoun when the deaths began. ‘The territory of this storage facility housed workshops to produce projectiles filled with toxic agents,’ Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, the spokesman for Russia’s Ministry of Defence, said in a recorded statement. His comments marked a rare admission that air strikes had taken place in the area. Moscow typically denies involvement in such mass casualty attacks, and has previously falsified video footage in an attempt to exonerate its war planes. … Russia also blamed the 2013 sarin attack on rebels attempting to provoke international intervention.”
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) responded:
The U.N. Security Council will hold an emergency meeting today to discuss the attack, and international donors are gathered in Brussels to drum up billions in aid for Syria’s eventual reconstruction. U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres called the chemical attack a “moment of truth” and expressed hope it will galvanize action. “The horrific events of yesterday demonstrate that, unfortunately, war crimes are going on in Syria and that international humanitarian law (continues to be) violated frequently,” he said.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said “Assad believes he can commit war crimes with impunity,” and he challenged Trump to do something. The question now confronting Washington, he said, “is whether we will take any action to disabuse him of this murderous notion.”
— How it’s playing:
— Three smart stories about Trump’s broader foreign policy popped overnight:
1. “Trump embraces the Sunni autocrats,” by The New Yorker’s Robin Wright: “The first tangible steps in Trump’s Middle East policy are taking shape … [with goals] to foster a bloc among often fractious Sunni leaders to counter the influence of Shiite Iran, take a larger role politically and physically in fighting extremism, and help navigate peace between Israel and the Palestinians. … Trump’s strategy could, however, rejuvenate the old authoritarian order of sclerotic autocrats and impervious monarchies in the Middle East. These days, a common lament among Sunnis themselves is that they lack a vision, an ideology, or a leader to guide them. … Bitter rivalries for regional influence run deep … A broader danger is that the Trump strategy—designed at the National Security Council, with almost no input from the State Department—could backfire.”
Tom Malinowski, who was Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy and Human Rights until January, expressed concern: “We have traditionally acted in the Middle East in defense of interests and principles. We’ve never explicitly aligned ourselves with a bloc defined in religious terms. It’s another thing to create the impression that we are aligning with Sunnis against Shiites—that we are effectively taking sides in a civilizational battle.”
2. “For Trump, a Focus on U.S. Interests and a Disdain for Moralizing,” by the New York Times’s Peter Baker: “Mr. Trump has dispensed with what he considers pointless moralizing and preachy naïveté. … ‘We would look like, to some degree, rather silly not acknowledging the political realities that exist in Syria,’ said spokesman Sean Spicer. … He has taken foreign policy to its most realpolitik moment in generations, playing down issues of human rights or democracy that animated his predecessors, including Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Obama. … His foreign policy seems defined more by a transactional nationalism, rooted in the sense that the United States is getting ripped off. Rather than spreading American values, Trump’s policy aims to guard American interests.”
“It struck me that it was very Chinese in orientation,” said Ian Bremmer, the founder and president of the Eurasia Group, a consultancy in Washington. “You take out all of the issues of American exceptionalism and values, you take out all the restraints and responsibilities of American alliances and architecture that are based on those values, and it creates a very different sense of foreign policy.”
3. Trump’s retrenchment on free trade, climate change and security alliances has created a leadership vacuum that is already working to Beijing’s advantage. David Nakamura previews tomorrow’s summit: “Since Trump’s unexpected victory in November, Chinese President Xi Jinping has moved to position his fast-developing nation as a defender of globalization, and he has accelerated Beijing’s challenge to U.S. primacy in Asia. This budding shift of power dynamics has alarmed U.S. allies and partners in the region and raised the stakes as Trump prepares to welcome Xi for a two-day summit starting Thursday at his Mar-a-Lago estate in South Florida. The two are expected to discuss a wide range of issues, including North Korea’s mounting nuclear threat and a lopsided trade imbalance in China’s favor, in what aides called a meeting aimed at establishing a working relationship. … More broadly, however, the Trump administration has not developed or publicly enunciated a coherent policy to deal with China’s growing economic and military clout. And Trump, who called China a currency manipulator during his campaign, has delivered mixed messages on how far he is willing to go to confront Beijing.”
Capital creates better connections Morgan Stanley helped All Aboard Florida raise capital to finance the development of Brightline, an express rail in the Sunshine State—which is projected to potentially add up to hundreds of millions in federal, state and local government tax revenue over the next several years. 1 By Morgan Stanley
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Activists protest for transgender rights outside Greenwich Village’s famous Stonewall Inn. (Kena Betan Cur/AFP/Getty Images)
— The 7th Circuit ruled last night that workers may not be fired for their sexual orientation, becoming the highest court in the country to find that the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects gays from workplace discrimination. The Chicago-based appellate court found that instructor Kimberly Hively was improperly passed over for a full-time job at Ivy Tech Community College in South Bend, Ind., because she was a lesbian. “While the Civil Rights Act does not explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, it bars sex discrimination; the court concluded that the college engaged in sex discrimination by stereotyping Hively based on her gender,” Sandhya Somashekhar explains.
This sets up a landmark Supreme Court case because the 11th Circuit ruled the opposite just last month. The three Atlanta-based judges interpreted Title VII of the Civil Rights Act much more narrowly and found that sexual orientation is not a protected class under that law. That means that the high court will probably be forced to decide which appellate court is correct. Based on his rulings, there is no doubt that Neil Gorsuch would agree more with the Atlanta judges than the Chicago ones.
Why this is a big dang deal: In 28 states, there are no statewide laws that explicitly protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. And Trump is certainly not going to provide it. So it’s up to the courts.
School board candidate Ed Yung unloads yard signs from the trunk of his car on Monday. (Stacey Wescott/Chicago Tribune via AP)
— In a closely watched school board race at the center of the transgender rights debate, in the Chicago suburbs, a slate of conservative candidates who pledged to require students to use bathrooms and locker rooms aligned with their biological sex appear headed for defeat. From Moriah Balingit and Sandhya Somashekhar: “Elections are typically low-key for the Township High School District 211 Board of Education, but this year, the district drew national attention, highlighting the explosive debate over how schools should balance the needs of transgender students with the privacy of their peers. Under pressure from the U.S. Education Department, the board in December 2015 voted to allow a transgender girl to use the girls’ locker room, spurring protests and a lawsuit. Three challengers … hoped to win enough seats to reverse the practice of allowing transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms aligned with their gender identity. Two board members who voted to allow the transgender girl into the locker room … were comfortably ahead of the challengers with votes in one precinct not yet counted.” The district includes five high schools and nearly 11,900 students in the Palatine-Schaumburg area.
California State Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez canvasses in the Eagle Rock neighborhood of Los Angeles this weekend. He is the frontrunner to replace Xavier Becerra in the House. (Dania Maxwell for the Washington Post)
— All the Berniecrats lost last night in California. In the special election jungle primary to replace Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.), who resigned to become the state’s attorney general, the assemblyman who was most closely tied to the Democratic establishment and a Korean American who used to be on the L.A. planning commission beat out the Bernie Sanders-aligned contenders. Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez, who has Becerra’s endorsement, and Robert Lee Ahn, both Democrats, will now square off in a June 6 runoff.
A scattered field: “In one of the few districts in California that favored Sanders over Hillary Clinton in last year’s primary, three candidates ran as self-styled ‘Berniecrats,’ hoping to continue the Vermont senator’s ‘revolution’ … But all three were trailing … by thousands of votes,” the Los Angeles Times reports. “Sanders and Our Revolution, the political group he helped start, declined to endorse a candidate, leaving the trio to fight for votes on the left. An eleventh-hour controversy over allegations of sexism leveled at (Arturo Carmona) by former Sanders campaign staffers further split the field.”
Mobilizing the ethnic vote: “The 41-year-old Ahn, who would be the only Korean American in Congress if elected, spent major resources registering new voters in the Korean American community and turning them out at the polls,” the LA Times notes. “Korean Americans cast more than 4,000 early ballots by mail, according to an analysis by the data firm Political Data.”
North Korea launches missile ahead of U.S.-China talks
— THE WORLD IS ON FIRE: North Korea fired another ballistic missile Wednesday morning, in what appeared to be a test of a land-based version of a rocket that can be fired from a submarine. Anna Fifield reports: “The launch comes days after Pyongyang said it planned to mark two key anniversaries this month as ‘big’ political events and days before [Trump] meets with China’s Xi Jinping — with North Korea at the top of the agenda.” The missile appeared to fly a relatively short distance of 40 miles, prompting an emergency meeting from the South’s national security council. U.S. Pacific Command said the missile ‘did not pose a threat to North America.’ Satellite images taken over the past 10 days have shown a prolonged and heightened level of activity at Pyongyang’s underground testing site, sparking speculation about whether a sixth nuclear test was planned.”
New sheriff shutting down Arpaio’s tent city
The lawman who toppled “Sheriff Joe” Arpaio last November has stopped making inmates wear pink underwear and now he’s shuttering the notorious tent city in Phoenix. “This facility is not a crime deterrent, it is not cost efficient, and it is not tough on criminals,” Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone said in Phoenix. “Starting today, that circus ends and these tents come down.” Arpaio cultivated a reputation as “America’s toughest sheriff,” starting in 1993, by making inmates stay outside in the scorching summer sun, sleeping in surplus Korean War military tents. (Kate Mettler)
At least 18 big-name advertisers have now pulled their commercials from “The O’Reilly Factor,” a boycott that follows a New York Times story that five women received $13 million in settlements after accusing the show’s host of harassment or inappropriate conduct. Among the companies that confirmed they were suspending or removing ads: the automakers Hyundai, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Mitsubishi Motors; financial firms T. Rowe Price and Allstate Insurance; drugmakers Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline; the online marketing company Constant Contact and men’s apparel seller Untuckit. (Paul Farhi)
Baltimore’s police commissioner pledged to move forward on reform efforts that the city agreed to in a consent decree with the Obama Justice Department after Jeff Sessions signaled he won’t enforce it. (Lynh Bui and Peter Hermann)
The president of the Richmond branch of the Federal Reserve, Jeffrey Lacker, abruptly resigned after acknowledging that he leaked confidential information to a financial analyst in 2012. (Ana Swanson)
U.S. companies are poised to report their strongest quarterly earnings in years, with analysts predicting the highest period of growth since 2011. (Wall Street Journal)
The philanthropy established by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar is giving $100 million to support investigate journalism, fight misinformation and counteract hate speech. Early recipients will include the D.C.-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, the anti-Defamation League, and the Latin American Alliance for Civic Technology. (Margaret Sullivan)
A newly-hired high school principal in Pittsburgh resigned after a group of student journalists noticed discrepancies in her education credentials, prompting a weeks-long investigation that resulted in an article questioning the legitimacy of her degrees and work as an education consultant. (Samantha Schmidt)
The NCAA said it has “reluctantly” ended its boycott of North Carolina after lawmakers repealed the state’s “bathroom bill.” But the replacement law has drawn criticism for stopping short of a full repeal, and NCAA officials warned that, “if we find that our expectations of a discrimination-free environment are not met, we will not hesitate to take necessary action at any time.” (Cindy Boren)
A former Oklahoma football player has been accused of prostituting an ex-Sooners cheerleader. Both were nabbed in a sting at an OKC hotel. (Des Bieler)
Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo is leaving the NFL and will replace Phil Simms as the main color analyst on CBS. (Cindy Boren and Marissa Payne)
Rory McIlroy would think twice about golfing again with Trump if he gets invited. At a pre-Masters press conference, the legend said he does not agree with the president on most policies, that they didn’t talk politics during their round together and that he mainly agreed to hang out with POTUS because he wanted to see the Secret Service in action. “Would I do it again? After the sort of backlash I received, I’d think twice about it,” he said. (Golf Magazine)
Divers are scouring Italy’s Lake Nemi for the 2,000 year-old remains of one of Emperor Caligula’s “pleasure ships” – the third in a line of massive and ornate barges rumored to be the site of wild orgies and excessive indulgence. Caligula spent untold sums of money on similar projects during his time as emperor and had a number of bizarre personal habits – ranging from rolling around in literal piles of money to drinking precious pearls dissolved in vinegar. (Amy B Wang)
Grassley: Gorsuch ‘will be on the Supreme Court sometime Friday night’
— The Senate continued to careen toward a nuclear explosion, as Mitch McConnell filed for cloture. Sean Sullivan and Ed O’Keefe report: “There was no sign of compromise as the chamber formally opened debate on Judge Neil Gorsuch, who [the majority leader] predicted will be confirmed on Friday before senators leave town for the two-week Easter recess. In a speech on the Senate floor, McConnell faulted Democrats for ‘hurtling toward the abyss’ and ‘trying to take the Senate with them.’” Still, only four Democrats have defected.
Sen. Merkley starts Gorsuch filibuster
— Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley (D) held the Senate floor all night. He started speaking just before 7 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday evening. Over the next 12 hours, he portrayed Gorsuch as an extreme nominee, took aim at Trump and slammed Republicans for not moving ahead with Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland. “To proceed to fill this stolen seat will damage the court for decades to come,” he said this morning.
— Of course, it must be said that these speeches make no practical difference at changing the outcome. From Amber Phillips: “Procedurally there’s nothing he nor his colleagues can do to stop Gorsuch from getting a vote on Thursday to advance his nomination — and, ultimately, not much they can do stop him from getting on the court. To understand why, we first have to understand the most accepted definition of a traditional filibuster. The Senate has no limits on how long a senator can talk. And once a senator gets talking, they usually cannot be interrupted or cede the floor without their consent. So, if this were a traditional filibuster, it means as long as Merkley (and other senators who join him) talk, they can hold up the Senate procedure. Except there is one thing that can force a talking senator to yield the floor. And it’s the one thing [McConnell] set in place Tuesday: A vote to end debate on Gorsuch.”
Neil Gorsuch is sworn in at his confirmation hearing last month. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post)
— Neil Gorsuch copied structure and language from several authors without citing source material in his 2006 book and other academic articles, Politico’s John Bresnahan and Burgess Everett report. Someone provided them evidence that several passages from the 10th chapter of the judge’s book are lifted nearly verbatim from a 1984 article in the Indiana Law Journal.
Some independent experts on academic integrity told Politico there was impropriety: “‘Each of the individual incidents constitutes a violation of academic ethics. I’ve never seen a college plagiarism code that this would not be in violation of,’ said Rebecca Moore Howard, a Syracuse University professor who has written extensively on the issue. Elizabeth Berenguer, an associate professor of law at Campbell Law School, said that under legal or academic standards Gorsuch’s similarities to the Indiana Law Journal would be investigated ‘as a potential violation of our plagiarism policy. It’s similar enough to the original work.’”
The White House sent the reporters statements from more than a half-dozen scholars who have worked with the judge to say that this is not a big deal. Spokesman Steven Cheung called the revelations a “baseless, last-second smear” by those “desperate to justify the unprecedented filibuster of a well-qualified” nominee. It referred the authors to scholars who say the “standards for citing work in dissertations on legal philosophy is different than for other types of academia or journalism: While Gorsuch may have borrowed language or facts from others without attribution, they said, he did not misappropriate ideas or arguments.”
The author of the lifted material isn’t bothered: “Gorsuch, in his book, appears to duplicate sentences from an Indiana Law Journal article written by Abigail Lawlis Kuzma without attributing her,” Bres and Burgess write. “Instead, he uses the same sources that Kuzma used: A 1982 Indiana court ruling that was later sealed, a well-known pediatrics textbook, ‘Rudolph’s Pediatrics,’ and a 1983 article in the Bloomington Sunday Herald. … At one point, Gorsuch’s prose mimics Kuzma’s almost word for word in describing a child born with Down syndrome. … Kuzma, a one-time aide to former Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.), did not respond to an inquiry from Politico, but released a statement through Gorsuch’s team. Kuzma said she does ‘not see an issue here, even though the language is similar.’ ‘These passages are factual, not analytical in nature,’ Kuzma, now a deputy attorney general in Indiana, said. ‘It would have been awkward and difficult for Judge Gorsuch to have used different language.’”
— A fun thought exercise: How would Ted Cruz react if this same information emerged about Merrick Garland ahead of his confirmation vote?
— Reality check: This will move no votes.
Carter Page, then an adviser to the Trump campaign, speaks in Moscow last summer. (Pavel Golovkin/AP)
— Former Trump adviser Carter Page made an appearance in a federal espionage case because he communicated several years ago with a Russian spy under surveillance by the FBI. Tom Hamburger and Alice Crites report: “In a statement released Tuesday, Page confirmed his role in the 2015 Justice Department spy case, adding another twist to the still-unfolding story of Trump’s peculiar and expanding ties to people connected to Russia. Page said he assisted U.S. prosecutors in their case against Evgeny Buryakov, an undercover Kremlin agent then posing as a bank executive in New York. Buryakov was convicted of espionage and released from federal prison last week … [and] agreed to be immediately deported to Russia…
“According to the 2015 complaint … Page met with a Russian agent, Victor Podobnyy, in January 2013 at an energy conference in New York. It says that from January to June of that year, Page as Male 1 ‘provided documents to [Podobnyy] about the energy business.’ At the time, the Russians were seeking information on U.S. sanctions and on energy development. Although Page communicated with the Russian agents in 2013, he said the information he provided was innocuous. In his statement, Page compared the revelation of his role to ;the politically-motivated unmasking standards seen in the Obama Administration which have recently been exposed.’ He said the information was released as ‘retribution for my public positions of dissent’ against Obama administration policy toward Russia.”
Michael Flynn sits in the Oval Office as Trump talks on the phone with Vladimir Putin. (Andrew Harnik/AP)
— Trump’s own transition team did not think Michael Flynn should be national security adviser, Dan Balz scoops in a deep dive on Trump’s messy transition: Two days after the election, leaders of Trump’s transition team presented his inner circle with more than 100 names of candidates for key Cabinet and other senior positions in the new administration. Missing from the list for the post of national security adviser was Flynn. “Flynn was a loyalist who had a close relationship with Trump,” Balz writes. “It was obvious to the transition team that Trump would give him a prominent appointment. But among some of those tasked with bringing forward prospective candidates, there was a belief that Flynn was ill-suited for the critically important job of coordinating national security policy in the new White House. (He was penciled in as a possible director of national intelligence, for which transition officials believed he was better suited.) Trump, however, had his own list of candidates, and Flynn was at the top.”
“It went off the rails almost immediately after the election,” said one knowledgeable person who spoke on the condition of anonymity to offer a candid assessment of the transition process.
Indeed, the Trump team has still not scaled up: The Partnership for Public Service, in collaboration with The Post, has been tracking 553 key administration positions that require Senate confirmation. To date, just 21 nominees have been confirmed, with 20 more formally nominated and an additional 25 awaiting nomination.
Dana Rohrabacher visits Moscow in 2013. (Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP)
— Putin’s biggest GOP ally inside the House met with Trump at the White House last night. Politico’s Josh Dawsey, Isaac Arnsdorf and Tara Palmeri report: “Rep. Dana Rohrabacher woke up before dawn Saturday for a Fox News hit in which he gave a spirited defense of [Trump]. Minutes after the California Republican walked off the set, Trump was on the line, inviting him to come by the White House. The congressman’s spokesman said Rohrabacher at first believed the call was a prank because it came from the White House switchboard, early on April 1. But it was the president, an avid TV watcher who often posts tweets or sets up meetings based on what he sees on-screen. Neither Rohrabacher’s office nor the White House would comment … But the president’s decision to host a lawmaker known for defending [Putin] raised eyebrows in Washington at a time when Trump is fending off questions about his administration’s ties to Moscow.”
What to know about the back-and-forth over ‘unmasking’
— Susan Rice flatly denied that the Obama administration ever used the “unmasking” process for any improper or political purpose, saying in an MSNBC interview that it’s “not unusual” to request the identities of people caught on intelligence surveillance. “There were occasions when I would receive a report in which a U.S. person was referred to … and sometimes in that context in order to understand the importance of that report, and assess its significance, it was necessary to find out or request the information as to who that U.S. official was,” the former national security adviser told Andrea Mitchell. Rice also denied revealing the identity of Michael Flynn, who resigned after his communications with Russian officials were reported. “I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never will,” Rice said, stressing the point that unmasking does not mean making the information public. The reports are still highly classified and viewable by a very select group of people with top secret clearance. “The notion that, which some people are trying to suggest, that asking for the identity of an American person is the same as leaking it, is completely false. There’s no equivalence between so-called unmasking and leaking.”
— Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) did not rule out interviewing Rice about the unmasking. “If the reports are right, she will be of interest to us,” he told Karoun Demirjian. Other Republican lawmakers also urged more investigation: “When it comes to Susan Rice, you need to verify, not trust,” Lindsey Graham in a Fox News interview. John McCain also said that the Rice situation “obviously … needs to be investigated,” though he warned against drawing premature conclusions. The Arizona senator also said the names of other officials would pop up before the end of the investigation: “I promise you there will be many more,” he said. Tom Cotton called Rice “the Typhoid Mary of the Obama administration.”
— Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called the attention focused on Rice a diversionary tactic. From Karen DeYoung’s story with Karoun: He has also called on the Intelligence Committee’s chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes (R), a Trump transition official and fellow Californian, to recuse himself from the investigation. The White House, Schiff said, has a “strong desire . . . that we lose our focus, that we not pursue the investigation of Russia, particularly as it might impact the Trump campaign.” At the same time, Schiff told CNN, Rice has long been a target of what he called the “Breitbart crowd . . . the hard right” since the September 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi.
Mike Pence departs the Capitol after a meeting of House Republicans yesterday. (Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images)
— Republican lawmakers led by Mike Pence are pushing to revive the health care replacement effort, meeting late into the night with party members eager to build new GOP consensus on a proposal. Mike DeBonis and Paul Kane report: “Pence spent much of Tuesday on Capitol Hill meeting with key groups of lawmakers, as well as with [Paul Ryan], a day after visiting separately with conservative hard-liners and moderates to gauge the potential for a revamped version of legislation that collapsed last month. The crux of the new proposal would be to allow states to seek exemptions from certain mandates established under the Affordable Care Act — including a requirement that insurers cover 10 ‘essential health benefits’ as well as a prohibition on charging those with preexisting medical conditions more than the healthy.”
While the largely behind-the-scenes effort generated optimistic talk, no clear path has emerged toward House passage of the Republican bill: Last night, key players said they were still waiting to see new proposals in writing, and some lawmakers said they were wary of rushing the process: “There is a value sometimes to the vetting process,” said House Freedom Caucus leader Mark Sanford. “That having been said, we’ll see what comes our way.”
— “Trump administration officials and arch conservatives in the House Freedom Caucus have gotten off to a rocky start, driven at least in part by their mutual tendency to hear what they want to hear from the other side,” Paul Kane explains in a smart analysis. “The latest negotiation is centered on allowing individual states to apply for waivers from mandates such as ‘essential health benefits’ … This is a modified version of a key issue from the standoff two weeks ago, when the conservatives pushed for and won inclusion of a provision to eliminate the essential benefit coverage. This effort is trying to thread the needle between conservatives who want to see lower premiums in the insurance markets, which they think would result once coverage mandates are lifted, and mainstream Republicans who balk at the idea of denying coverage for critical areas such as pregnancies. Everyone says they’re open to finding common ground between the conservative and moderate [House GOP flanks]. … The question is whether all sides are hearing one another’s concerns or, as they did in previous talks, are interpreting the discussions as evidence of a shift in their direction.”
A veteran’s wife learns whether she’ll be deported
— A Department of Homeland Security spokesman said yesterday that immigration agents may arrest crime victims and witnesses at courthouses, heightening growing tensions between the Trump administration and some state court officials, who say the threat could silence immigrants from reporting or providing evidence of crime. Devlin Barrett reports: “Just because they’re a victim in a certain case does not mean there’s not something in their background that could cause them to be a removable alien,’’ DHS flack David Lapan told reporters, making clear the courthouse arrests are not limited to people who would otherwise be apprehended in a jail or prison. “Just because they’re a witness doesn’t mean they might not pose a security threat for other reasons.’’ His remarks come after California Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye sent a letter to Trump officials decrying the practice, saying courthouses “serve as a vital forum for ensuring access to justice and protecting public safety.” Courthouses “should not be used as bait in the necessary enforcement of our country’s immigration laws,” she added.
— Temporary reprieve: “‘A wonderful day’: A veteran’s undocumented wife won’t be deported by ICE,” by Theresa Vargas: “For months, Veronica Castro had dreaded Tuesday, when she was scheduled to check in with immigration officials. The undocumented immigrant didn’t know whether she would be detained and deported to Mexico or allowed to return home with her husband, a disabled veteran, and their four children, all U.S. citizens who live in Lothian, Md. [But on Thursday], their fears were allayed in less than 30 minutes. Immigration officials gave Castro another year before she would have to check in again. ’Im happy,’ she said in Spanish, [greeting a cheering crowd gathered outside]. In the months leading up to Tuesday’s appointment, she and Pineda appealed to politicians and clergy members for help. They feared that despite Pineda’s service and their children’s medical needs, Castro would be swept up in Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration. In Arizona, a mother of two U.S.-born children, checked in on Feb. 8, as she had done for eight years. The next day she was deported to Mexico. ‘My husband wouldn’t be able to take care of my children without my help,’ Castro said. ‘If I’m deported, my family will be destroyed.'”
— The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors declared itself a “welcoming and accepting place” for immigrants last night, carefully steering clear of the word “sanctuary,” which Trump and Sessions have warned could lead to the withholding of federal funds. Despite pleas from activists, the board also declined to declare itself opposed to a Muslim registry. It’s the latest example of a jurisdiction trying to strike a delicate balance between “reassuring immigrants fearful of stepped-up deportation efforts and avoiding sanctions from a White House that has said an immigration crackdown is critical to maintaining public safety,” Antonio Olivo explains.
— A new bipartisan bill would prevent Americans’ electronic devices from being searched at the border without a warrant. The bill was introduced yesterday by Ron Wyden (D) and Rand Paul (R) in the Senate, while Reps. Jared Polis (D) and Blake Farenthold (R) sponsored it in the House. (CNN)
— Jared Kushner met confidentially with Muslim leaders before the inauguration for a “candid” discussion about what kind of relationship the new president might forge in office with American Muslims, striking a friendly tone as he solicited ideas for how to improve the administration’s relationship with Muslims and asked them to recommend people to serve in the Trump administration. (Buzzfeed)
Trump unveils enormous chart to highlight federal regulations
— Trump signed another bill rolling back Obama-era worker safety rules that aimed at tracking and reducing workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths. The vote comes less than a month after Obama repealed The Fair and Safe Workplace Act, requiring businesses competing for large federal contracts to disclose and correct serious safety and other labor law violations. (Kimberly Kindy)
— Just hours after two Trump administration officials said the president’s team was exploring a carbon tax and a value-added tax (VAT) to raise revenue, the White House disavowed both options and said they are no longer under consideration. Damian Paletta and Max Ehrenfreund report: “The rapid reversal illustrates a Trump administration still in the initial stages of a plan to rework the tax code, particularly as it looks to build support while also sticking close to conservative ideas.” White House officials also signaled they will be much more involved in proposing and negotiating elements of the plan then they were during plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
— Trump reiterated his pledge to spur $1 trillion in new infrastructure spending — or perhaps more — as he hosted a friendly audience of New York-area CEOs at the White House. “We have to build roads. We have to build highways,” the president said. “We’re talking about a very major infrastructure bill of a trillion dollars, perhaps even more.” The president’s still-evolving infrastructure initiative has been overshadowed in recent weeks, but his advisers insist he remains committed to getting it done, John Wagner reports:
Chief economic adviser Gary Cohn said officials are working with “the broadest interpretation of infrastructure” and made clear that he expects many projects to be financed through public-private partnerships — or just private investments, in some cases.
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said one challenge is that most federal infrastructure spending funnels to states and localities – thus complicating plans for a major spending infusion.
Ivanka Trump said workforce development and vocational education will be part of the effort.
— Trump received a cool reception at the annual legislative conference of the building trade unions yesterday after he launched into an oft-repeated tirade his election victory. Abby Phillip reports: “The electoral college is very, very tough,” Trump told them, noting that he had won Wisconsin and Michigan, two states he “didn’t even need.” “They say almost impossible for a Republican to win.” The crowd began shifting in discomfort. “I had the support, of I would say, of almost everybody in this room,” Trump said. “I had tremendous support of the workers.” “Nope,” a few voices called out. Others followed with “boos” and chuckles. Meanwhile, a group of conference attendees stood bearing signs with the “#RESIST” printed on them, earning a quick escort from the room.
— “Trump Team Takes Steps to Keep Chinese Away From Westinghouse,” from Bloomberg’s Jennifer Jacobs, Saleha Mohsin, and Jennifer A. Dlouhy: “The Trump administration is so alarmed that Chinese investors may try to purchase Westinghouse Electric Co.’s nuclear business that U.S. officials are trying to find an American or allied buyer for the company instead … Cabinet members including Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have discussed preventing Westinghouse’s purchase by a Chinese-linked company … The administration is preparing for Westinghouse to come up during [Trump’s] first meeting with [Xi]. …  For years, Chinese entities have been interested in the nuclear reactor builder, and the company has been a repeated target of Chinese espionage. Westinghouse filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on March 29 and its parent company Toshiba Corp. is seeking a buyer for its money-losing reactor business. Trump administration officials and members of Congress are concerned the bankruptcy filing could allow a bid from an investment group with hidden Chinese backing.”
Jeff Merkley pulled an all-nighter:
House members are using the debate over Gorsuch as a campaign issue:
Strange bedfellows — Republicans found themselves retweeting Cher:
GOP consultant Ana Navarro weighs in on the Bill O’Reilly scandal:
O’Reilly and Don Lemon got into the act:
Is this part of Trump’s pledge not to tip his hand to the enemy?
From a former Obama national security aide:
White House adviser Sebastian Gorka posted this:
This picture of Devin Nunes from his 1991 yearbook went viral:
— Ivanka Trump’s chic neighbor Dianne Bruce became an overnight internet sensation after a picture of her watching protesters while sipping wine and donning a fur coat went viral. In an interview with Cosmo, she says she’s “a little confused” why the internet loves her. Rebecca Nelson: “This wonderful car came in and there were two dancers on top,” Bruce said of the event. “The most athletic, wonderful dancers I’ve ever seen. We were enjoying that thoroughly. And another neighbor came out with a bottle of wine, some glasses, so we all sat there and enjoyed watching the party.”
How did you find out that you went viral? “The next day, a friend of mine called and said, ‘Oh, you’re not gonna believe it, but you’re in the Daily Mail!’ It’s so weird, because I don’t even quite understand what the word ‘go viral’ means. Because I don’t do tweet. I don’t do Facebook. I don’t do any of that. I don’t really understand it all. It’s just one very simple picture.”
Has too much been made of it? “Yeah … I really would like somebody to explain it to me, in a way. When someone says ‘go viral’ — does everybody now hate me and they’re gonna blow up my house?”
No! ‘Go viral,” as in, like, it’s made its way across the internet. Like, a lot of people have seen it. I think you’re safe!: “[Laughs.] I’m not particularly crazy about the Trump administration. But they are people, and I in my own way can protest things. I mean, I went to the first march in my life when I went to the Women’s March in Washington. And [I] was most impressed with all that. So I thought, well, protest is good, as long as it doesn’t get ugly. And this definitely was not ugly. It was basically a party.”
— The New Yorker, “Death of a Dystopian,” by Alec Wilkinson: “Alt-right conspiracy theorists think that the government killed the aspiring Libertarian filmmaker David Crowley. The truth is far stranger.”
“Legislator Calls Out Her ‘White Male’ Colleagues For Skipping Speeches By Women Of Color,” from HuffPost: “On Monday, Minnesota state Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) spoke out against a public safety bill, arguing that its increase in penalties for protesters who block major roads would weaken civil rights and could have blocked historic demonstrations throughout history. Melissa Hortman (D), the minority leader in the state House, was disappointed that more of her colleagues weren’t in the chamber to hear this speech and others that had been delivered by women opposed to the bill. So she moved to make them come back. ‘I hate to break up the 100 percent white male card game in the retiring room, but I think this is an important debate,’ she said. That comment deeply offended some of the white men in the chamber. [Still], Hortman refused to apologize[:] “I have no intention of apologizing,” she said, adding that she is so tired of watching her colleagues give amazing speeches, and then “looking around, to see, where are my colleagues?” “And I went in the retiring room, and I saw where a bunch of my colleagues were,” she added. “And I’m really tired of watching women of color, in particular, being ignored. So, I’m not sorry.”
“Swedish soccer hooligans wear Muslim niqabs to get around newly imposed mask ban,” from Marissa Payne: “Swedish government officials thought they had the perfect solution to curtail violent behavior by masked soccer fans — ban their face coverings. The new law, passed in January and enacted in March, was supposed to prevent extremist fans from ‘disguising all or part of their face so as to make it more difficult to be identified,’ according to the bill’s language … To make sure the bill didn’t infringe on anyone’s religious rights, however, the law offers an exemption for ‘people who cover their face for religious reasons.’: Well, it appears soccer is now a religion in Sweden. On Sunday, during the Stockholm club AIK’s season opener against BK Häcken, several dozen of AIK’s most boisterous fans — known as ‘ultras’ — traded their masks for niqabs, the traditionally Muslim face covering that obscures the entire face except the eyes. To really rub it in, AIK’s extremists also unfurled two gigantic banners with a message for Interior Secretary Anders Ygeman, who spearheaded the legislation.” “Freedom for ultras is the ultimate goal,” the banner read. “Thanks, Ygeman, for the loophole.”
At the White House: Donald and Melania will welcome King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan to the White House. In the afternoon, Trump will meet with Abdullah before being joined by Pence for an expanded bilateral meeting. Later, the two will hold a press conference and working luncheon.
Pence will participate in a media interview with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum before joining Trump to participate in his meetings with Jordan’s king. Later, Pence will host a reception for Gold Star wives.
Ivanka Trump: ‘Where I disagree with my father, he knows it’
Ivanka Trump criticized an “SNL” skit that portrayed her selling a perfume called “Complicit.” A narrator called it “the fragrance for the woman who could stop all this, but won’t.” On CBS News, the first daughter said: “If being complicit is wanting to be a force for good and to make a positive impact, then I’m complicit. … I don’t know what it means to be complicit.”
— Another beautiful day of spring weather ahead, the Capital Weather Gang forecasts: “Mostly sunny skies through the morning and midday turn increasingly cloudy by midafternoon. But the rain holds off, and highs reach the delightful upper 60s to low 70s. Winds are light and variable in direction.”
— The Capitals beat the Maple Leaves 4-1.
— The Wizards beat the Hornets 118-111.
— Bernie Sanders endorsed Tom Perriello in the Democratic primary for Virginia governor, throwing his weight behind the former congressman competing against Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, who is backed by the Richmond establishment and Gov. Terry McAuliffe. (Fenit Nirappil)
— Ed Gillespie announced that he wants to see abortion “banned,” suggesting a shift from his previously-stated stance of opposition except in cases of rape, incest, and when the mother’s life is at risk. Spokesmen for the Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate insisted after the forum that his position had not changed and that he still backs those three exceptions. (Laura Vozzella)
— A Maryland lawmaker who was raped repeatedly in childhood by his adoptive father made it his mission to ensure child victims have more time to sue abusers – giving painful testimony before his colleagues as he vowed to sponsor the bill until it passed. On its third try Tuesday, it did. “I never wanted to share my personal business … but I did it because I thought it would help people,” Del. C.T. Wilson said. “I wanted the victims of sexual abuse to know they are not alone and that we care about them.” (Ovetta Wiggins and Josh Hicks)
— A sign of the times: The Montgomery County Council voted unanimously to place security checkpoints at two entrances to its Rockville office building. “With no discussion, the council voted 9 to 0 to spend $300,000 for contract security guards, walk-through metal scanners and other equipment. The annual cost is estimated to be $664,000,” Bill Turque reports.
Jimmy Kimmel talks about how the rides at Universal Studios have gotten political:
Universal Studios’ Rides Get Political, Florida News Roulette – Monologue
Seth Meyers talks about The Americans:
The Americans
Stephen Colbert says Sean Spicer is shrinking:
Sean Spicer Is Shrinking In Size
And he points to Scooby Doo’s explanation of the Susan Rice “unmasking” charges:
Susan Rice’s ‘Unmasking’ Allegations Explained By Scooby Doo
Watch drone footage capture Mt. Edna’s lava flow:
Watch: Drone footage shows view of Mt. Etna lava flow
See Sean Spicer take the next question at his press briefing pretty quickly:
Sean Spicer’s habit of moving on to the next question quickly
See what all the fuss is about in Kendall Jenner’s new Pepsi ad:
Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi ad caused controversy
Wow: an Ethiopian maid is falling from a 7th story window, and her boss filmed it.
Maid filmed dangling from window highlights widespread abuse in the Gulf
Ahead of Passover, there’s a Matzoh Mobile making the rounds:
Introducing the Matzoh Mobile
Here ya go, a little shot of FAKE NEWS, Read between the lines please! Trump keeps blaming Obama. Fresh polls show voters don’t buy it. Here ya go, a little shot of FAKE NEWS, Read between the lines, please! Trump keeps blaming Obama.
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