#when i have time also work through my stuff-to-dos
chosolala · 2 days
𐙚 ⋆˚。⋆ jjk guys crushing on you
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pt 2!! this is just some of my headcannons on how i think the jujutsu kaisen characters would act while crushing on you :]
characters: yuji, megumi, inumaki, yuta, todo, noritoshi, kokichi
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yuji itadori
he probably would wait a while before he tells you but there are MANY signs before he actually confesses
he always calls you pretty and always wants to be near you
he also shows off on missions a little when you guys go together
he is constantly talking about you and asking you if you want to hang out
he is so sweet though, always paying for your food, making jokes to keep you laughing, letting you win when you guys play video games, holding doors for you, all that jazz
when he finally does confess he’d probably do something stupid like make todo stand outside your room with a boombox while he break dances
don’t break his heart he will never recover
megumi fushiguro
he doesn’t want to have feelings for you because he knows it’ll end with one of you getting hurt with the whole jujutsu sorcerer thing so he pushes you away a lot
he actually makes you think he hates your guts so you guys go a long time not talking unless you absolutely have to
when you guys do talk he is always blushing and looking away
over time you manage to crack him though and he starts treating you like a human being with emotions
he probably buys you a soda or some sweets as an apology for being an a-hole to you
you find out he likes you through nobara or yuji but he would never confess,
if you want things to work out between you guys you’d probably have to confess to him and hope for the best
toge inumaki
he also makes fun of you but in a WAY more light hearted way
like friendly picking on you, like he’d somehow find a way to make fun of you for being pretty
he likes to invite you to help him cook just so he can hang out with you
panda never hears the end about you
on your off days he always invites you to go out and do stuff with him, like literally anything, he’ll invite you to run errands with him or to go to the arcade
when he finally confesses to you it’s no surprise to anyone, yourself included,
he slips a note into your bag and it’s literally just the cutest confession ever like that note could bring a man to tears
inumaki may be a man of few words but he knows all the right ones
yuta okkotsu
he is actually terrified when he realizes he has feelings for you because of rika so he waits a while before he even talks to you because he wants more control over her, yk so she won’t bite your head off
since he’s never around anyway he decided to just talk to you once he got back from one of his missions about how you guys have so much catching up to do
he is very observant though, he watches you and he knows what you get up to and who you hang out with, what kind of shows and music you like but he doesn’t want to be creepy about it
he is very sweet though, you mentioned running out of your favorite candy and he surprises you with a new bag that you guys eat together
he is a very vanilla guy, if he likes you, and he’s able to express it, he’ll do things like ask you out on a date or bring you chocolate, open doors for you,
he also covers your eyes from certain things on missions, he knows you’re used to seeing stuff like that but he just doesn’t want you to see what HE does to curses
he would probably confess by inviting you to the park or something and asking you to be his <3
aoi todo
he is NOT slick about it at all
first time he sees you his jaw is on the floor
he is borderline harassing you but in a…. caring way?
like he’s the type of guy who would throw himself over a puddle so you don’t get your shoes wet
he wrote a song for you except he’s a terrible singer
he probably also got yuji to help him confess to you with said song
he’s honestly like your night in shining armor though, it’s almost like he can sense when your in danger because whenever missions are looking rough he busts in out of no where to save the day
whenever you guys actually get together you always catch him shamelessly admiring you, whenever you’re together his eyes are only on you
noritoshi kamo
also in denial about his feelings towards you, he would never confess to you first or even tell anyone he liked you, yourself included
he can’t stop himself from being near you or constantly doing favors for you though
he doesn’t invite you out or anything but he just likes being near you and being able to see you i guess
like he’s always looking out for you
he likes meeting you outside late at night and just talking to you
one time during your convos he let it slip that you were the prettiest person he’s ever seen and you ended up confessing to him after that
and they lived happily ever after
kokichi muta (sorry in advance)
this is a tough one since he’s kind of a robot for most of his screen time….
i think if he wasn’t mechamaru and he was an actual person he would be kind of cold but still soft towards you
like he wouldn’t necessarily be mean or nice to you but he’d bring you ice cream or something as a ‘here just so you know i actually like you’
he’s the type of guy to bonk u on the head
i think he’d probably confess with like chocolate or a flower but he’d be so nervous that he can’t even look at you while he does it but if you accept his feelings he can’t stop smiling
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pubbamoon · 2 days
Venus in houses and how you might create your music
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Hi again! Do you remember when I said that my previous post could be the last one? This was just a joke. Hahaha! Never mind, welcome to my second astrology observation about Venus! This time I'm going to write about how can you create your own music through Venus in houses from you natal charts. This observation might be great for someone who wants to be musician. This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I was working on something else and I was too tired later on. This observation can apply for both western and vedic astrology. Again, if you resonate with this observation, take it. If it doesn't, leave it, this might be for someone else then. But nonetheless, enjoy it!
Venus in the 1st house: I think that you guys with this placement can be inspired about your own life while creating music. Of course, it all depends on your Rising sign/Ascendant. The 1st house represents our personality, body, self and our life path, so you might make music that is related to your overall life or that is tied to your persona. You may create all of the music on your own, 'cause 1st house is associated with being independent too, but it doesn't have to be the case for all of you. It seems to me that you can basically live your music or you already live music in general. Your discography could be your autobiography, period.
Venus in the 2nd house: You may value music a lot and you may prefer to make music that is valuable, since the 2nd house does represent values. The 2nd house is also related to the business and money, so you might have this business mindset when it comes to creating music or you can make the type of music that gives you money. I think this is a great placement to monetize your artistic abilities in general. Since the 2nd house also represents the throat, which is related to singing voice, I feel that people with this placement prioritize their vocals over anything. It reminds me of singers who just come to the studio and record already made song/demo, written and produced by someone else and I don't think that's a bad thing at all.
Venus in the 3rd house: This house rules over the communication and self-expression, which means that you can express yourself through the music easily. Your mind is very creative with this placement. You may focus on writing skills while making your own music. Lyrics are first, and then there's ten blank spaces. You might write really beautiful songs about your life circumstances, but it depends in which sign your 3rd house is placed. The 3rd house is also associated with siblings and neighbors, which tells that you can create music with your brother or sister or just with people who are close to you. This placement can also indicate having multiple inspirations or ways to create music or write lyrics, because the 3rd house is being ruled by Gemini which is an air, mutable and dual sign like I just said in my previous post.
Venus in the 4th house: You can create music in your own house, since 4th house is related to home or a place which is familiar to us. When it comes to making you own music, you might work with your family member, especially with your mother who can help you and teach you how to make/write music. You may also have an innate talent from one of your parent or from both parents. Maybe you create music when you feel like it, because the 4th house represents emotions, so you don't force yourself doing anything related to music when you lack motivation or ideas. You may wait for idea to come to you first and then you start making stuff. This placement can indicate practicing traditional/old school ways of making music too.
Venus in the 5th house: My God, this is just a fun and creative placement! Seriously, you should practice any kind of art you want everyday if you have this placement in your natal chart. You might use music as a hobby or have a lot of ideas out of nowhere, because the 5th house is one of the most creative houses in astrology and is related to the entertainment. You can turn your hobbies into a career, especially if your Venus is your 10th house/MC ruler. But when it comes to creating your own music, your way of doing that could be a joyful experience and you can really have a lot of fun while making the music, 'cause you might see the music as a hobby. You can also make music with children, since the 5th house in associated with children if you like children as well.
Venus in the 6th house: This placement might not indicate a great talent of music or anything art related, 'cause the 6th house does represent our daily routines, 9-5 jobs and doing something that we don't like to do. But it doesn't mean there's no good side of this placement. You can be a type of musician who practice writing or production almost every day, which makes sense because this house basically represents something we do everyday. The good part is because you practice creating music/art everyday, you can become a better artist than someone who has a natural ability to create music. You may also make music about working class, 'cause that's what 6th house is all about. If you have this placement in your natal chart, I encourage you to do something creative everyday, 'cause there's a potential for you to become skilled in this field.
Venus in the 7th house: Venus is all about love, while the 7th house is about team work and partnerships, so they work well together. I feel that the best way to create you own music is working with others/collaborating and just being a team worker in general. I'm not saying that you can't do anything on your own, but if you struggle with making your music independently, then you should engage other people. Thank me later. You can make art with you partner or be inspired by your partners, because the 7th house represents our partners and how you interact with other people. It could also mean that your partner is artistic and pushes you to create music with him, her or them. Overall, I think working with others can fulfill you somehow.
Venus in the 8th house: You may create your music when you feel intense emotions, such as grieve, sorrow, sadness etc. The process of making music might be challenging for you and you'll likely have to deal with ups and downs while creating your music, because the 8th house is one of the hardest houses in astrology to deal with and is basically associated with challenges in our life. This placement can also tell me that you're someone who lock the room and make/record the music in silence or in places where there's no many people. The 8th house is a very mysterious house, so it makes sense.
Venus in the 9th house: This house is about religion, luck, happiness etc. You may be inspired by the experience with your religion or with your overall life. Making music could be an adventurous process where you can expand your horizons. The 9th house also represents foreign land and higher education, which may indicate you collaborating with people from abroad or being inspired by international music from foreign culture. It can indicate you studying some form of artistic major too and that's where the association of the 9th house with the higher education comes.
Venus in the 10th house: If you have this placement, I want to tell you that you may be blessed when it comes to your career path (it depends on your Venus sign and its aspects, of course). You can basically make the whole career based on music with this placement. Your co-workers might be artistic and they might push you to navigate your talents and gifts as much as they can. The creating process of yours could be very professional and you may take that seriously. I feel that you might make the certain type of music that the general public expects to hear, because the 10th house is associated with reputation and how people perceive you.
Venus in the 11th house: This is another placement that can indicate you making music with the bunch of other people, especially with your friends, 'cause this house is about friendships, connections and networking. If you want to be a musician while having this placement in your natal chart, please find someone who can work with and share your artistic vision, because I don't think you can do everything on your own. I'll also encourage you to post your songs on any internet platforms if you can, because the 11th house represents internet and social media too. It seems to me that you may follow the music trends or even start the new one while creating your music. The 11th house is also associated with your finances and how can you make money, so you can make money with you music as well. Lucky you!
Venus in the 12th house: You're likely someone who is naturally talented in music or in any kind of art, but you mostly hide this side of you or you just make music in private and do everything by yourself. It's so sad if you hide your talents and gifts from anyone else, because I feel that you're so creative musically and you could make a good piece of art if you acknowledged your talents. I can also sense that you might create your music when you're emotionally in tune with yourself or when you have an adequate vision about how should the particular song sound. Hope that makes sense, lol.
Well, that's it! I really hope that you all can resonate with this observation. This is basically the second part of my astrology observation about Venus and to be honest, I got a little bit tired of Venus planet. So, if this astrology observation flop, I will not be surprised, haha lol. Overall, I hope you enjoyed it.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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d4yl1ghts · 2 days
Heyo, hope ur having a lovely day! I saw ur requests were open and was wondering if u could write smthn for Benedict with a partner who doesn’t want kids? I just think they’re kinda overwhelming (also pregnancy scary)
If u don’t feel comfortable writing this then just general fluff is also good, I’ve just noticed that a lot of Bridgerton fanfic has pregnancy/childbirth and it’s basically impossible to find stuff for a reader who doesn’t want kids so. Yeah
Thanks in advance :))
happy with just the two of us
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benedict bridgerton x wife, fem!reader
summary: benedict knows of your attitudes towards society yet he doesn’t see your guilt caused by it
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, guilt
A/N- sorry that this is so short
You and Benedict had been married for six months and you were yet to properly took about the idea of children. After Benedict had proposed to you, you had mentioned that you disliked the idea of having children but you doubted he would remember. You found yourself getting eaten away by guilt every time you saw him smile as children ran around the park whilst you were promenading.
After weeks of dreading the conversation, you decided that it was finally time for it to occur. You couldn’t deal with the guilt any longer. Slowly, you made your way along the intricately designed corridors that lead to Benedict’s art studio. Upon seeing the entrance, you noticed your husband delicately painting a new piece of artwork.
You admired the way his back muscles clenched as he glided the paint brush across the canvas. You admired his ruffled hair: he must have run his hand through it a few too many times in indecisiveness. You shook yourself out of your trance and cautiously walked up behind him. Carefully, you placed your hand on his shoulder, signalling to him that you were there.
He instinctively jumped slightly which caused you to let out quiet giggles to which he followed with his sweet chuckles. He glanced up at you with his angelic eyes. “Was there anything you wanted, my love?”, he allowed his eyes to rake over your features. You nervously played with the hem of your dress as you avoided his eyes. “Yes, actually.”
A short silence followed as he awaited on your upcoming words. You found yourself unable to form your thoughts as words. He patiently watched as you worked to say what you wanted to say. “Well…”, you began as you waded into dangerous waters. “I have something that is incredibly important to tell you.”, you admitted rather shamefully. “What is it, Y/N?”, he reached out to gently touch your hand. “I, personally, do not see a life with children for myself in the future.”, you confessed as you dropped your head down.
“My love, look at me.”, he coaxed as he moved his hand to underneath your chin to lift your gaze up to him. “I do believe that you told me before we were to wed.”, he recalled. You let out a long breath in relief. He had remembered. And he still remained with you. “And you were still willing to marry me?”, you asked shyly. “Of course. I do not require a life with children. What I do require is a life with you. I could not live without you, my love.”, he assured you.
“So… you do not care of what society will think when we’re old with no children?”, you questioned for confirmation. He nodded. “If you had not noticed yet, my love, I do not typically abide to the rules of society.”, he chuckled as he thought of himself. You laughed along with him in appreciation for his certain words. You silently moved so you were seated on his lap before you placed your lips against his. He moved his hands to the side of your hips as he passionately kissed you back.
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gglitch1dd · 2 days
There's a question I've been thinking about
We know that Izuku no cannon went through a war, right? Right. And until the current chapter of the manga, he's not doing very... well. As being visibly more depressed, not sharing your thoughts, once again lying and saying he's fine when he clearly isn't, a few more things.
So I've been wondering, did your Izuku go through all the cannon stuff? If so, did he have any after-effects? After all these years, are there still things that bother him? Did it take him a while to deal with everything?
I am not gonna comment on the new chapters, but I have seen them and understand what you are saying.
First off, I hate tiktok and Tumblr for spoiling MHA for me. Genuinely. Like i have no will to continue past season 4/5 in the anime that I am at because of all the spoilers and everything going on. I already know what's going to happen and all the juicy bits so why bother. so honestly, I have very little to say on it because i prefer my fictional timeline to Horikoshi's.
But yes.
He has gone through those canon stuff, but Izuku realises that he was just a kid that was robbed from him from horrible inhumane villains and incompetent adults that were relying on children to win a war.
Izuku never wanted Toshinori to dorm at UA. He wanted him to go there for school but not live there. Just cause he wanted to be able to see and make sure his son was fine, so that Toshinori never felt the pressure he felt all on him like Izuku did.
Izuku never allows UA, as well as the other hero parents, to allow the kids to do more than a level D/C threat villains, so petty thieves and bank robberies is for them. Anything higher than that is for their parents to do and for them to do only once they are adult sidekicks at their parents side. Even when interning with their parents, anything higher than a B level threat, they are sent right back to the agency to watch from the side-lines like everyone else.
Izuku doesn't sleep well after the war, and I think he's on medication for a long time but he learns to get off of it.
However, when he starts a family with Y/N Izuku becomes paranoid. But not bad paranoid. Like he does EVERYTHING to ensure his family's safety. Its the reason why he NEVER talks about when reader is pregnant to the media.
He also sincerely, hates the public. He feeds into them, makes sure he looks good, makes sure that he gets their approval to stay top of the charts, but Izuku quickly pushes for legislation to protect heroes against the public and keep their rights as human beings.
For example,
Something in my The Contract universe is that Izuku was the one to pitch the idea of the Horikoshi Heroes' Hospital which is ONLY for heroes and their families to give them guaranteed privacy.
I also have a headcanon that the public gets angry over government spending particularly, how much heroes get paid and Izuku literally comes out as the Number One hero and says.
"If you don't like how much we get paid to risk our lives to save yours, that's fine. Every hero in japan will be granted paid leave for the next week by the Deku Agency and the Hero Commission. No hero services will be available and only the police, EMTs, firefighters and other none hero emergency services will be available."
Leaves the press briefing and he goes back home, switches off his phone and takes a long nap.
Does he care that after he comes back downstairs after only 4 hours of being off on forced leave, that Japan is already in upheaval?
Does he care the next day that his phone is blowing up with people begging heroes to come back?
Not at all.
That man only comes back to hero work sooner than planned because you force him to.
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artdcnaldson · 16 hours
In part 2 you mentioned Patrick x reader having makeup sex after they got into stupid argument…. Can we get a flashback to one of those moments🤭🤭 domestic Patrick starting an argument with reader and reader calling him out about it but they end up making up in a cute way. Like Patrick making it up in a corny but cute way??? Just a suggestion, part 2 was amazing btw!
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Rating: T
Warnings: just a minor argument, language ofc
A/N: thank youuuu!!! No smut in this little blurb, just a snapshot of domestic Patrick x reader in the changeover au 🫶🫶🫶
Also working on art x reader first time and also Patrick x reader first I love you blurbs for the changeover au :) so those will be coming sooooon
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It was easy to let the stupid arguments devolve. It started with a facial expression when you brought up your college roommate’s wedding. An eye roll, an I-don’t-want-to-fucking-deal-with-that. And that became your, “why do you treat my friends and my life as less important?”
“I can’t fucking believe you got that out of me wanting to ditch Katie’s wedding to her dickhead loser fiancé.” Patrick’s words came out so flippant that it infuriated you further. “You don’t even talk to her outside of Facebook comments.”
“I’m sorry, Patrick. I didn’t realize that you’d be so fucking opposed to free food and booze considering you live off of it.”
Patrick set his jaw, glaring at you. It was a low blow, one you knew would sting. “I’m opposed to wasting my time flying out to bum fuck Iowa to because Katie— who has always hated me, by the way— is marrying some dickhead who’s a shill for a corrupt asshole in congress.”
You rolled your eyes. “Maybe she would like you, Patrick, if you ever put in an ounce of effort with anyone besides me.”
“Right, because I need to be friends with the kind of people whose proposal was a flash mob.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Right, because you’re just too cool for stuff like that.”
It was so fucking like him— making fun of the lame proposals your friends got, or their baby names, or their engagement shoots. Sometimes they were lame— flash mobs were fucking stupid— but sometimes they were sweet, and romantic, and there was Patrick acting like he’d rather blow his brains out than ever publicly admit he cared.
“Yeah, I am.” He said back.
You rolled your eyes and stood. “Whatever, Patrick. I’ll RSVP for one, again, and you can bum around my apartment alone.”
You had slammed the bedroom door before he could respond, which left him alone and seething in the living room.
You heard the front door open, then slam shut, signaling that Patrick was going out for a smoke, or a walk, or something.
You opened Facebook and scrolled through your feed. Katie’s engagement photos, a coworker’s new baby, a college friend’s bachelorette weekend. And there you were, fighting so your boyfriend would finally be your plus one to something.
It wasn’t always his fault— he had tournaments, and commitments. But a lot of the time, it was an active dismissal of things you found important— engagement parties, friends visiting the city, the increasingly common baby shower.
You didn’t blame him. Adult stuff sucked, and it was almost always boring and agonizingly slow. But you just wanted him to show up with you for things that were big.
It would be stupid to break up over Katie, who you genuinely weren’t even that close to. She’d been a decent friend Freshman year, you supposed, but that was the extent of it. The invitation to the wedding was probably a formality.
All you wanted was an excuse to show off your super hot, super cool boyfriend. To get tipsy over free booze, then leave the wedding early to fuck in the shitty Best Western hotel room that wedding guests would get a discount rate on.
A few hours later, the front door opened, and you sat up against the headboard, waiting eagerly to see if he’d be the first to break, or if you would.
You heard four gentle knocks against the door, saw Patrick’s sneakers beneath the door. “You can come in,” you said softly.
Patrick slipped into the room and joined you on the bed. He kept space between you, just in case you were still mad, but met your gaze with the sad eyes of a kicked puppy.
“I bought a suit,” was all he said. “And I tried to buy you a huge bouquet of flowers since I was a dickhead, but my card declined since I just bought the suit, so…”
His hand was resting on the empty expanse of mismatched bedsheets between you. You moved your hand into his, tangling your fingers together. “You bought a suit, huh?”
He nodded, squeezing your hand lightly. “I’ll stop being a dick about Katie’s wedding.” He paused, turning away from your gaze. “I think… I’m away so much that when I’m home, I just want it to be me and you.”
You leaned forward and kissed his nose. “I just want to show you off to everyone I know,” you said lightly. Your forehead stayed pressed to his, and you relished in the closeness. “I don’t give a fuck about Katie or her ugly loser fiancé’s stupid wedding.”
Patrick grinned. “Oh? So you just want a hot, professional athlete to be your arm candy, huh?”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re always cheapening the moment.” You leaned forward kissing him sweetly, which always seemed to devolve into a hungry mess of tongues and spit when Patrick was involved.
“Wait—“ you said suddenly, right as Patrick began peeling off your top. “You said your fucking card declined? You drained your bank account for this stupid wedding?”
He paused, his hands warm on your bare skin. “Uh… it felt like a grand gesture kind of moment.” You leaned in and kissed him, pulling your shirt off the rest of the way.
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Not smutty but I neeeeeeeded to write some domestic Patrick x reader 😁🫶 my pookies my babies my loves
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majorproblems77 · 1 day
Alrighty Linked maze fans I hope you're ready, part 1 of 3 for catch-up analysis!
So our good friend Frulleboi has been absolutely cooking with these update's with three in quick succession and I am loving it cause I love it and is great.
This is for the beginning of the Soul Stone chapter. Soul stone part 1.
Now a link to the comic page can be found Here. Please go give it some love :D
For the important stuff!
Linked Maze belongs to @linked-maze and its wonderful creator @frulleboi. (You should follow them, they are wonderful) And as a heads up, Linked maze is for more mature audiences! :)
As usual, you know the drill, Grab some water, Grab some popcorn and prepare for me to ramble at you for however long it is!
Here we go!
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Half an hour? So all the areas around with the environment that I spotted before won't help me for the moment?
Ohhhhhh boy
(I've got my eye on this)
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Four... Four please.
Like wolfy has a good reason he is preoccupied but like you can just turn around for like 1 moment.
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Wolfy really is the real mvp of this little team, he out here doing work! We love him.
Guarantee that the team will fall apart without the wolf who goes 90% of the work and has 90% of the team's brain cells.
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"It was at this moment, he discovered..."
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This panel made me laugh because of Four's shadow.
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The disappointed look on his face, I think the shadow is literally me inside of this universe sometimes. He Craves chaos but also is just like 'Four what are you doing?' at every available opportunity.
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Nooooooooo, Whatever do you mean four? God I love him.
And wolfy here is just like, 'My man can't you see I am busy I can't do everything.'
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(Me taking notes of this tree on the left here. 3 branches, thin band and a thick area... thinking it's going to be a major landmark)
Then all of a sudden.
Hold up, I recognise this.(I think)
I'm probably looking WAY TO far into this as we dont know how this maze works but)
This area here.
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A thin band/wall with a larger area and moss on the wall looks KINDA Like the area where Sky meets Wild from back in Waking up PT5.
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I know there's some differences between the grass and the tree, but the tree could be off-frame.
I'm not saying that Four (His looks like a newer version of the one we see here) is now in the same area as these guys, but I'm thinking he might be getting close to that region of the world map.
This could also be a clue as to how the maze works. Each region could look near on identical in layout while feeling so much different because of the changes in the environment. (New vs old walls, Tree's VS rock etc)
I feel like I need to get a pen and paper to explain this better, let me know if I do and I will do that.
While it might not be the exact same location, I think there might be more hints as to these guys being the ones we get the group up with next.
Moving on.
Oh man, again with Shadow this man just looks so disappointed with four i love him.
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He's like, Are you for real?
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There are so many thoughts going through his head. But I think these two do the work for me.
"My friend! Is he okay!" And thennnnn "Oh god im alone with Four"
Wolfy's facial expressions are top-tier in these updates and I love him sm okay.
Short and sweet. But it works either way!
Thanks for hanging out with me on this one, Hope to see you again soon when we hit the next one! :D
Have a great day!
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toriangeli · 2 days
2.05 thoughts
Armand relaying messages from Lestat to Louis like one of them is a hostage. Or both of them are.
Louis inadvertently ruining Daniel's life with the best of intentions.
I hope people get that Louis wouldn't have said that stuff to Armand if he wasn't high. He would have thought it, but he wouldn't have said it. Even Armand tries to cling to this, with "Here come the drugs" and trying to talk over Louis as he gets crueler and crueler.
Speaking of, I absolutely adore the balance we got with Louis and Armand both. We saw the ugliest sides of them both, but also some of their redeeming qualities. Armand is indeed, as Louis put it, "the gremlin or the good nurse," while we see Louis taking aim at some of the worst trauma it's possible to experience (things that are so hard for Armand to share in the first place) but also having great mercy for Daniel, the one innocent in all of this. While they fling each others' absolute worst traumas in each others' faces, to the point where one has to drag the other out of the sun, they somehow manage to scrape together enough control between them to spare the human.
Something I adore so much about Armand is the fact that his emotional dysregulation comes out in such an eerily tranquil manner. But don't be fooled. Just because he isn't shouting after that fight doesn't mean he's controlled. He won't even know he's dysregulated. Everything seems perfectly clear to him, viewed through the warped lens of his broken emotions.
I want to marry the entire "Am I boring/Teach me to be fascinating" thing because not only is it the most Devil's Minion shit we've had so far, it dips straight into Armand's entire "alien learning human behavior through observation and mimicry" vibe.
I was not convinced until this episode that Armand has meddled in Louis' Paris memories, mainly because the way some fans talked about it seemed to scapegoat Armand and attribute abilities with no limits or boundaries that didn't exist in the books. But they've kind of worked it in such a way where it has rules that make sense in-universe, as a combination of hypnosis and the spell gift, and I buy it. More than that, it seems like as soon as (a high) Louis has that memory (of Claudia not loving him), he hears her calling him and goes straight into the sun. Yeah, I think when Armand is banished from the table, when there's no one around to manage Louis' emotions as he confronts the darkest moments of his life, we're getting the Merrick ending. And I think when Armand is banished, since we've established he can find Lestat, he's going to tell him to go help Louis. And, no doubt, get pushed off a roof. Which. Fair. And if he's pushed from this tower, he and Lestat may actually venture closer to being even, unlike in TVL.
The vibrating eye effect was much better this time. They remembered to keep the catchlight steady while his eye moves.
"Armand, put me in the coffin!" Oh my god I think they are setting up a reveal about "Put me in my coffin, Louis" from Murdernight. Setting up that the coffin is the safest place for them to heal, shut away from even a hint of sunlight, to sleep for however long they need to. So I am more and more sure that Louis has been lying about who slit Lestat's throat for so long, and had so much paranoia about his mind being read, that he has come to believe it himself.
If Louis is being smart, he chose to stay with Armand so he could find out where Lestat is. If he's not being smart, it's nothing new. Louis makes his choices with his heart, like many of us do. We love him for that.
This is a true codependent relationship. One needs the other, the other needs to be needed. Assad is so right about it not being love, and Armand not even knowing what love would look like. Armand thinks love is serving, worshiping, a sacrifice of the self with nothing in return, no reciprocity. In reality, Armand doesn't think he can be loved, so he settles for being needed. And the cruelty a codependent is capable of when the person dependent on them spits in their face, the enabling, the self-hate--I really could write an entire lengthy meta about this, as someone who used to attend Codependents Anonymous (like Al-Anon, but for people who learned it outside of relationships with addicts). This is rather different from the books, where Armand's dependence on Marius was semi-inadvertently reinforced, but...considering the kind of emotional support Marius expected him to be at his age, multiply it by six times as long as the relationship lasted in the books, it makes a lot of sense this way.
Loumand. Is. So. They both wanted out in this incident. I absolutely believe Armand was going to leave--he left in the book over a far, far less horrible confrontation, and he looked crushed with just a hint of happiness when Louis wanted him to stay (god, Assad, you're so fucking good). Once again, wanting out, but he can't cut the cord himself. He's too weak to being wanted and/or needed. Louis, meanwhile...I think he made his offer partly to save Daniel, but there's also so much apathy.
Preview for next week. I'm surprised at how Louis is talking about Claudia, about her being a burden. And once again, I'm reluctant to fall back on the "it's Armand fucking with brains again" explanation because there's clearly a limit to what Armand will do with his power, or else he would just hypno-spell Louis into all sorts of shit. There is too much Louis knows and resents, the coven is too out of control, and there's too much defiance from Claudia for him to be using it enough to explain everything that makes me go "hm." I think part of the point in the turn Louis and Claudia's relationship has taken is that sometimes, our closest relationships go bad, and we don't always have a chance to make things right before we lose them for good.
I love all these messy bitches.
They are so setting us up for Marius.
Yes hugging Yarnmand helped.
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Recently, through Twitter, I have become aware of the fact that modern American parents have been very ignorant of their parental duties when it comes to their children. Parents are banding together to complain about the schools their children attend because their kids are getting bad grades in class, or they're getting detentions for doing bad consistently, or they're being held back because they're just not at the same level as their peers.
There was an entire thread of some woman whining about how the school was failing her kid, because his English class grade was so bad. There were thousands of comments agreeing and various reposts with anecdotes from other parents with similar experiences.
"My 26 y/o son can't even write a check for God's sake!"
And one single person finally replied with, "Do you guys not teach your kids anything at home before they start going to school?" Which then spawned people with actual common sense questioning the level of involvement these people had in the lives of their kids.
This is what led to a large surge of people complaining about how it's the school's job to teach them everything and they did their job just keeping them alive.
Now, I don't want to be mean, but it's gonna come across that way.
Parents are lazy these days.
When I was a child, my Nana and mom had me learning with Hooked on Phonics before I entered pre-K. I was 3 years old and already sounding out words that rhymed. I was practicing how quickly I could say them in under 30 seconds so I could progress to the next lesson.
mat hat sat that cat vat pat bat fat lat rat brat
When I was in pre-K(4 years old), they had a single, really old computer that had a bunch of Winnie the Pooh CD-ROM games. Because I always got my work done faster than everybody else, they let me use the computer because I could actually read and follow Pooh's instructions, and it kept me busy.
And when I entered kindergarten for the first time, I was really surprised to see that Hooked on Phonics was actually part of my curriculum and I was already very well ahead of everyone else. My mom and Nana took traching me very seriously. They not only read to me, but they would also get me Madeline books and cassette tapes from the children's library downtown. And then I would listen to the cassettes telling the story while reading the book at the same time to get used to the words.
At three years old, I was helping out in the kitchen, learning all of the different kitchen utensils and types of measurement. My mom often went between English, French and American Sign Language at random times so I picked up a lot of stuff that way. We never had a computer in the house for the first 12 years of my life, but I did have an old keyboard to learn how to type. Nana gave me basic piano lessons for a couple years. Mom taught me how to hem my clothes because she would buy me bigger clothes, hem them to size, and then let them out as I grew. Hell, Sperm Donor taught me how to write a check when I was 8. He was also a Financial Adviser, so I got a lot of lessons on money management, investments, and 401Ks and shit.
All these incredibly simple things ended up benefiting me later on, because I was so far ahead of all of the other students that it consistently put me at odds with them. I was better at reading, cooking, sewing, music, languages, etc... I was allowed time to do whatever I wanted while the rest of them had to catch up.
There is a lot more to being a parent than just making sure your kid eats three meals a day and doesn't die in a stupid way. And it seems like a lot of parents these days have completely forgotten that they have a duty to their kids beyond the feeding and clothing thing.
Certain things SHOULD be taught in schools, like how to balance a checkbook. But if it's clear that the school won't cover it, why aren't YOU doing something about that? And why do so many parents have no clue what the hell their kids are even getting up to in school? Why don't y'all get involved in your kid's lives?
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lynxgriffin · 9 hours
Hey lynx have you watched any gravity falls, TOH, amphibia, samurai jack, TAWOG, hazbin, helluva, murder drones, tadc, lackadaisy, adventure time, billy and mandy, ppg, spooky month, simpsons, futurama, fundemental paper education, star wars, coraline, invader zim, rick and morty, and mlp? (sorry if it's a long list, mate)
UHHHH GEEZ that's. That's quite a list, there! I guess I'll go through this one by one...
Gravity Falls - Yes, and it kicks ass
TOH - Yes, also kicks ass
Amphibia - Yes, it kicks ass part three
Samurai Jack - Yes, but not the newer ones. Old eps were awesome
TAWOG - Haven't seen it
Hazbin and Helluva - Only saw the pilot of Hazbin and it didn't do anything for me. Maybe I should give it a second chance.
Murder Drones - Nope
TADC - Yes, it's great!
Lackadaisy - Yes, it's also awesome; I have some of the printed comics
Adventure Time - Only saw a portion of the first season
Billy and Mandy - Nope
PPG - Used to watch eps for the original series when it was airing; have not seen anything new.
Spooky Month - Maybe the pilot? Otherwise no
Simpsons - Yes, or at least, would frequently watch it with my family when it was on TV when I was younger. Not caught up with anything new.
Futurama - No, not really
Fundamental Paper Education - Never heard of it
Star Wars - That's uh...a massive cultural keystone franchise?? Kind of hard to give a solid yes or no there?? Yes I've seen the main movies, but no not all of them; yes I've seen some of the TV shows, but no not all of them
Coraline - Yes, it's good
Invader Zim - Just a couple episodes
Rick and Morty - Just a few episodes here and there
MLP - I literally worked on MLP for several years, so I've seen stuff for that show that most people have not!
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kingshovelbug · 2 days
Hii what is your best advice to younger adults trying to make it independently and make a living? In art, savings or anything you think of. Thank you in advance!
dont be too hard on yourself. its tough out there right now in regards to like everything regardless of what old people say. also this is going to be a lot so im slapping a read more on here
⭐️ first thing id recommend for anyone is to start figuring out a budget. figure out how much youre making monthly. keep all your food receipts for a month or two to see what youre spending on food. find out what youre paying for thats necessary like utilities and whats not
the goal for a budget (or at least mine) is to find a good balance of earning vs spending. im paying off my credit card right now because i ran through all my savings after we had to move last year but my goal used to be to save 1/4 of what i earned after bills and putting money into an emergency fund (usually an emergency fund is 3 months worth of expenses). but it depends on how much you can comfortably put away. if you can put more away do it. but if you never spend money and deprive yourself of joy youre going to burn yourself out regardless of what your job is
⭐️ if youre not already buy store brand for as much shit as you can. if its an ingredient i promise as someone who cooks and bakes you probably wont notice the difference. if its an actual snack it depends. again both from a money perspective and to boycott pro-isreal companies we get a lot of snacks from aldis and theyre awesome. i dont miss anything from mars, oreos etc when i have my chocolate coconut wafers
⭐️ if you have any subscriptions and you need to get rid of something you can probably cancel them. for *most* things theres some kind of free alternative. but again just like with a budget. there are going to be some subscriptions that make your life easier and while youd save money without them it would lead to extra work and burning out. ex willow has kofi gold because it has really cool extra features that help with running the shop. but for streaming services? im going to be so honest. both to save money and with how cheeky streaming companies (in a bad way) have been getting… you can find whatever you want to watch online for free
if you need to use anything from the microsoft office suite, but youre not required by youre job to specifically use microsoft, libreoffice is a free alternative that i actually like better. its what i use to help willow run their shop and its free
for art programs. if you still have photoshop switch. not just for money reasons. adobe is getting bold with what they can claim as their content and use from what people produce in their program. the switch isnt the easiest but there are a bunch of alternatives. some free some like csp offer one time licenses which are so much better than subscriptions. will has spent almost $2k on photoshop and after effects from using it as long as they have. when csp is $50 and they like csp better anyways. i also know of krita and fire alpaca which are free
⭐️ also theres stuff about being an adult that i thought you had to pay for but you dont? like for car insurance i went through an independent insurance agent and they found me a cheaper plan than i could find myself. i didnt pay the guy. they get a cut from the insurance company for finding them another customer. some banks or credit cards offer financial advising sessions to users. its boring but if you can get a copy of your health insurance see if they have any free shit on there thats available for you. my brother gets free doctor finding? like i can call them, tell them what specialist he needs and instead of me calling around to find one that can take him, they connect me with someone. my work offers 3 free therapy sessions (better than nothing) and free food that i take advantage of
⭐️ i think one of the biggest things that makes an impact for us is researching before buying stuff. sounds like a no brainer but you dont just want to find the cheapest deal. you want to find the best bargain, the best bang for your buck. whats the best quality thing you can get that you can also afford? itll prevent your from having to replace stuff all the time and by extension spending more than you need to. we have nonstick pots and pans that are scratched and starting to peel (which apparently can cause cancer??) that were cheap because of being on sale. now after looking into what makes quality cookware i know i should of just slowly bought stainless steel
⭐️ last big one. credit cards. unfortunately we need them so find one with a low apr and that offers decent cash back. use it up to like 20% of your limit and pay it off every month. focus on using it on things that will get you cash back so you can essentially get free money
im sure i could ramble more but this is already super long
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echobx · 19 hours
I feel like high school sweethearts jj maybank fic would be so cute if you need jj ideas
author's note: okay so,,, bc this is so close to the OC!fic I've been working on for over a year now, I'm gonna give you HCs also bc my brain isn't letting me write at the moment
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you meet in detention, you're first time in detention, JJ's not so much. he knows his way around, how to sneak out especially and when he proposes the idea you decide to just do it, to follow him out.
from that day on he will always try and get you to move more out of your shell, be more poguey than you have been ever before.
he doesn't even realize that he's falling for you until a guy from the football team asks you out on a date.
JJ tries to convince you to not go, but he doesn't have a good enough reason, because surely being in love with you won't convince you to stay.
but the date goes well, and you don't know why you hate that it does. maybe you would've liked it more if it went horribly.
JJ introduces you to the Crew after knowing you for just a month, and they all welcome you with open arms.
so when you come almost crying to Kiara about how weird everything feels, and she has a hard time to not laugh in your face for how oblivious you are, it all starts to dawn on you.
but risking your friendship with JJ? you aren't sure if it's worth it.
and when John B dares him to kiss you in a game of Truth or Dare, he can't find a good answer to not do it, and you can't either.
when you officially start dating, nothing changes much. sure you go out with him, and your alone time is now split into friends stuff and making out, but other than that it's the same.
you have a few rough patches, especially while in school because people start to make up rumors of JJ cheating on you, and even though you know he would never, it still gnawes on your ego.
college is better that way, although the distance doesn't feel so good either. but you get through it with weekend visits or fully focusing only on JJ when you are on break and can go back home.
and at your graduation dinner, JJ finally decides to propose, not having wanted to pull your focus away from studying if he had done it earlier, he says.
of course you say yes, he's the love of your life after all.
the ceremony is rather small, just your family and friends, at the beach.
and when you find yourself pregnant JJ takes care of everything, even going so far to be the stay at home dad for the first two years, and then the next two because two kids are better than one.
he does everything in his power to let you have the family and the carrier you always wanted.
and there isn't a single day that you ever regretted skipping detention with him.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
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hello! could you do headcanons of BoB mens with a nurse?? 💕
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Hi sweet Nonny! I have a soft spot for this particular idea, so I hope you enjoy! As always, my requests are open and I don't mind spam!
Cut for length, more under the cut, light spice sprinkled in:
Dick Winters:
-Winters has a lot on his mind and falling in love with a field nurse is admittedly not on his radar....so that being said, it's a gradual thing that he's barely even aware of
-But you know who is totally clocking the way that he checks on you, takes the time to talk to you even when he's busy, and always is super kind to you? Lewis Nixon. Lew picks up on this and brings it to Winter's attention.
-He's not exactly trying to start anything with the war on, but once he's aware of the feelings, he tries to maintain professional decorum and courtesy.
-However....he can't help but be worried about you, especially during the winter months. It's probably at this juncture that he lets you know that he's thinking about you and worried often.
-He's very sweet and definitely needs a partner where there's an equality in taking care of one another, so this balances out beautifully.
-Also loves when you medically info-dump, he finds it adorable haha
Lewis Nixon:
-Immediately becomes besties with you in Toccoa because his brain cells told him you'd be the best person to be friends with. He was right, he just didn't expect to have a thing for you amidst his divorce.
-The friendship is honestly a lifeline to him and you keep him going for a while—there's just a lot of being there for one another and checking in on one another.
-It's not just friendship stuff though; he's a chronic flirt and can't help that the two of you already act like an old married couple (in the most positive and great way possible)
-When the divorce goes through near the end of the war, he realizes that it's all working out for the best anyway; you've been by his side the entire time anyway
-Has a really sweet confession with you when you're in Austria and expresses that he couldn't have done any of what he did without you
-Also is super supportive of career and life goals that you have for when you get back to the states
Ronald Speirs:
-Honestly, he sees you as one of the few people that he trusts implicitly because you're just good at your job anyway and you're there to help the men, not to gain glory
-It automatically endears you to him in a way that literally no one else (sans the medics lol) will ever understand
-I think the relationship honestly is a bit back and forth/will they-won't they for a while....and that leads to some hooking up casually in between missions or whenever you two can get a free second
-And he does want to make things official, but he also doesn't want you to feel committed to him and then have something happen
-So he doesn't commit to admitting how he feels until after the end of the war, at which point he romantically shows up at your home and confesses everything
-Please just say yes, he's been in love with you FOREVER
Buck Compton:
-Probably meets you when he takes one of his friends to the aid station and you're there
-He's immediately lovestruck with practical heart eyes....and yes, Donald Malarkey has to hear way too much about you from this point onwards haha
-Writes home about you to his family and starts making little visits to the aid station unannounced when there's precious little downtime to see how you're doing
-Things are a casual sweet thing and nothing really happens between the two of you since it's war and there's really not time for that
-But then he ends up at the aid station after Bastogne and is so mortified about everything and doesn't want to talk to you at all. He's ashamed of how he left things before he ended up back at home because he didn't really tell you goodbye or anything.
-Once the war is over though, he tracks you down to tell you that he's sorry and that he loves you.
Carwood Lipton:
-Honestly? You're a source of light during the hard times and just as much of a mom as he is a dad haha. The two of you are such mother hens over all of the men in Easy Company, no one can win if the two of you team up.
-That being said, you're also obnoxiously trying to get the other person to take care of themselves.
-He's not about to say anything to you, despite his many letters home to his sisters and his mother about you
-But when he gets pneumonia? After Bastogne? Just take care of him and coddle him and love on him a bit. All bets will be off the table as to when he tells you that he has feelings.
-Probably starts a relationship with you once you're both in Austria and asks you to marry him before the end of the war
-Everyone in Easy Company regards you two as the mom and dad since Nixon and Winters aren't around as much haha
Joe Liebgott:
-Doesn't wanna go to the aid station, doesn't think he needs anyone to help him, doesn't even wanna have medical attention—and all of these complaints literally shut him up the minute he sets eyes on you
-And suddenly he's very chilled out and okay to be there?? Yeah, he's chill now.
-Some light flirting and touchiness here or there, but nothing too serious
-He probably even convinces you to have a fling in the hospital closet or something—war is war, after all
-But doesn't consider anything you two have serious until after episode 9 and then he realizes just what you mean to him and he has a whole revelatory period where he treats you like you're God or something
-Absolutely proposes before you make it out of Austria haha
Donald Malarkey:
-This sweet man? Who constantly is taking his friends to and from the aid station and hanging out and checking on people? Absolutely and easily makes friends with you.
-It's not necessarily flirting, per say. He's very respectful and very sweet about mentioning that you're low on supplies to higher ups or asking if the aid station is still doing okay.
-Doesn't even realize he has feelings for you?? Probably not until the very end of the war.
-And then he's freaking out because you're all gonna be going your separate ways in the next few weeks and how is he gonna find you then??
-Well it's quite simple really, you already gave him your address haha. So he spends some time at home before making a trip out to see you.
-It's not a "date date" but it's definitely a date and it just progresses from there lol
Eugene Roe:
-Literally Easy Company's shining ship of dreams?? Like if you and Roe don't make it, then there's no hope for anyone else haha.
-You two have worked together since Toccoa and were always close, speaking in your own practical secret language and exchanging smiles, stealing moments with one another
-In fact, they wouldn't be surprised if the two of you aren't already married. Except for the fact that you're not and the two of you are being SLOW AF about your feelings.
-In Bastogne though? It's a whole catalyst for him telling you how he feels because you narrowly make it out of the church before it collapses and it's a whole shitshow.
-And he's thinking about the fact that he almost lost you and you would've never known how loved you are or how much he'd miss you
-Yeah you two are getting married in Europe before the end of the war haha
Bill Guarnere:
-This man is an escapee from the hospital wing multiple times. And those multiple times, he struck up a pretty good friendship with you.
-He wasn't happy to be there initially, but once he found out you were from Philly too, he chilled out completely and the two of you became great friends
-Bill writes you when he's in the field since you're always back in the hospitals at London
-And Joe knows that he may or may not have a crush on you, and is always prodding him to just admit things to you
-But it isn't until they show up together in the hospital, both missing legs, that things are admitted
-He's pleasantly surprised and shocked when you kiss him and tell him that he took way too long and you're too committed to him at this point haha
Joe Toye:
-A sweet man like this ends up at the aid station and isn't too happy about it—but he takes his medicine like a man and is very respectful.
-You don't really want to clear him to go back into the field but you do, somewhat begrudgingly.
-And when he ends up back in the hospital, leg missing and in total distress, it's you that keeps him centered and keeps him going.
-He doesn't realize until he gets back to the states that he misses you, so he starts writing you letters. He doesn't expect anything to come of writing you—who would want to end up with him, after the accident, after all?
-And slowly, the letters from him stop. And so you just roll up one day?? Like SIR, I LIKE YOU—WRITE ME BACK!
-The wedding is the cutest thing ever and only a few members of Easy Company are invited.
George Luz:
-He hits on you from Day 1 in Toccoa. And when you give him a shot in the butt, it shuts him right up and he does not flirt with you (verbally anyway) anymore after that haha.
-He becomes your most vocal supporter and parrots your instructions back to the men because you know what you're talking about
-Checks in on you after each jump to see how you're doing and make sure that the men aren't treating you rudely
-You two probably hook up after Bastogne and his near-death experiences, leading to a budding relationship between the two of you
-Don't worry, Lipton ignores it so he doesn't have to deal with the consequences lol
-And George? He's absolutely ready to marry you and proposes the same day that the war ends
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tarasmithshifts · 2 days
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐑. 3 years 𝐀𝐆𝐄. 17-20 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏: sirius, remus, james, lily, peter, dorcas, marlene, mainly people from gryffindor and ravenclaw
「 ✦ 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼 ✦ 」
— ୨୧₊˚ click here to read part 1 of my last update
— ୨୧₊˚ click here to read part 2 of my last update
i will write this storytime in 3 parts probably, i am noooooooot ready. NOT AT ALL.
be ready for 2 next parts because in this one nothing really happened, there was nothing crazy or something. let's say it's an interlude to the next 2 parts 🌷🌷🌷
「 ✦ 7th year ✦ 」
𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 - 7𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻
summer - sirius got his own place to live
summer- i bought a house in yorkshire
september - june -> final school year
july - odd proposition
okay so as we know we are in year 1977!! my last year at hogwarts with marauders :'( literally one of my best shifting experiences was hogwarts with my boys and girlssss
okay let's go because this is gonna be crazyyyyyyyyyy
— ୨୧₊˚ last shift update ended in may and here i just wanted to say that i of course graduated!!! i just don't like wasting space for that info bc it's so obvious lmaoo
okay soooo i bought my house, as well as sirius!!! we got money from Alphard, who passed away and we split the money in half. i afforded a cottage in yorkshire, where i moved on in july, i was contacting with remus through letters, also because war intesified. then one day in the beginning of august he appeared at my front door and i kneeeeeeeeew something was wrong. and i was like "what is going on???" he asked if he can come inside, i said he doesn't have to ask and that he can ofc come inside, we sat in my living room and HOLY SHIT
lyall lupin is dead y'all.
my jaw was on the floor. and he didn't show any emotion while he was saying me that. and i was there. DEVASTETED. apparently death eaters killed him when he helped some aurors with their job outside of london, and he said that he just got the news from ministry.
and we sat there.
in my living room.
in silence.
gosh you should've seen him. i was not prepared to this at ALL. AT ALL.
so uhhh we decided that he will stay at my place for few days (he stayed with me all summer hahaha) the next day we went over to sirius to tell him, as he knew lyall as well. during next week remus planned, but it was right before full moon so i said to him that i will take care of it. i didn't want him to stuggle even more. full moon happened on 16 of july, remus was in worse state that i expected but we got through it :') the funeral happened few days later, it was a small ceremony, without anybody around us. in documents it was stated that lyall had a heart attack so there wasn't any problems with people thinking about how he actually died. he was buried next to hope lupin :(
we spent whole summer at my house, sometimes visiting his to clean up or move some stuff, and sometimes we visited boys and i went over to lily 💗 i don't have much to talk about here so i'm not going to describe anything lmao
and one of the things that we do at my house is listening to remus mum records from the opera 🥲🥲🥲🥲 it’s so cute and i can confirm, his mum was AMAZING
also i forgot to say that during summer sirius and james encountered two Muggle police officers on FLYING MOTORBIKE. are you kidding me LMAO 😭😭😭
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in this school year most of the time we spent learning for our finals :')
i needed to pass 5 N.E.W.T.s so i had a lot of work to do, as i wanted to become auror in the ministry.
also many people we knew from ministry was dying because of war, all of them were mentioned in daily propet, we read it DAILY. we didn't care for it earlier, but from that moment we read it religiously.
i think that we were also scared that there will appear a name of someone that we knew personally.
hogwarts was not the same that year.
also james and lily were made head boy and girl of gryffindor! james was super proud of himself and at the beginning he was telling EVERYONE around how cool he is. and lily is super happy with him which i'm so THANKFULLLLLL they are so cute you need to believe me lmao 💗💗
me and remus were helping each other A LOT during this school year, because of n.e.w.t.s i saw that he was super stressed about them :/
alsooo we had inter-house quidditch cup!!! we had some changes in positions, me and sirius took beaters positions (which is pretty funny because years later fred and george weasley had this position too, and they are also twins lmao) arthur browne took the keeper postition, james, geoffrey fawley and marlene were chasers, and phoebe dawson was a seeker.
also regulus became captain of slytherin team, and gryffindor lost match with them, so we were super angry but it is what it is lmao 😭
also boys did not spend that much time with each other, all of them became more serious about their future (okay, maybe except sirius lol) so they were not doing that much pranks etc. i spent more time with lily, she helped me a lot with potions too, also we sat together on potions because slughorn LOVED HER. literally she was his pearl in the eye,he invited her to his partys etc, gave her books she could learn from even more, which helped me not her LMAO 😭😭😭😭😭😭
ALSO from funny things that happened, one night after mine and sirius' birthday, we were sitting down in boys dormitory, me, ofc marauders, marlene, lily and dorcas, there was silent moment and sudenly dorcas went "is it only me or dumbledore is gay" AND WE WERE LIKE "WHAT" and we had full debate if he is gay or not LMAO and yup the verdict was that he is gayest of all gays ever LMAOOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭
DADA - i totally slayed this one HA
POTIONS - it went better than i thought, so i'm safe with this one
CHARMS - it went even better after dada exams because i was sure it will be easier than dada one, and i was right
TRANSFIGURATION - thanks to mcgonagall, without her i would be screwed with one lmao
HISTORY OF MAGIC - okay this one went worse than i expected but i still got E
CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES - this one was HELL. literal HELL TO ME because i did not like this subject and learning it for n.e.w.t.s was a torture, but i passed it with E
me and remus decided to move into my house together :')) so did lily and james, they bought a cute house at godric's hollow 💗💗💗
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me and remus lived in yorkshire, we used teleportation to see sirius, peter, james and lily from time to time. in the middle of july sirius appeared at our door. we were at home, so we let him in. and he started yapping about some kind of order, he was talking so fast we literally had no idea what he was saying. when we sat him down, he started from the beginnig, and he told us about the order of pheonix. that dumbledore is looking for people that are talented and brave enough to fight against voldemort. and that he wants to prepare us before dumbledore will appear at our door. he said that he already joined the order, as well as peter. he started telling us who already is there, and that he wants to give us more time to think because albus wants immidiate decision.
so after sirius left me and remus were talking for HOURS about what should we say to dumbledore after he will appear. and we both agreeded that joining order will be the best decision for us. we could finally help in war, and not only help other wizards but also save muggles.
in the evening somebody appeared at our door. we heard the teleportation sound outside. out there it was very dark, like every light on the street disapeared. remus told me to stay inside and opened the door by himself with his wand raised, but he only saw dumbledore, and immediately lowered wand. dumbledore looked at him and just said "if it wasn't me, you would be dead already remus."
i stood in the kitchen but observed the whole thing, and finally stood outside so albus would see me too. "you should ask me a question" said dumbledore, still not coming inside. i just stood there and waited for remus to say something, and remus finally spoke "who told severus snape about the secret" obviously he was telling about the prank, dumbledore only smiled and said "oh of course mr. black" and came inside. he looked around and i showed him the way to living room. me and remus sat on the couch, while dumbledore sat on huge armchair that we bought recently. "you need to be more creative next time" he said "they can get such and information" and after that he started to TALK and when i say talk, he talked for like about 30 minutes NON STOP. about the order, about his trust in us, about the need of our magic, about the importance of defeating voldemort. and after he stopped talking, he just looked at us, and we both immediately said "yes".
and from that moment, nothing ever will be the same.
「 ✦ end notes ✦ 」
gosh i finally published this
HELLO IM SO BACKKKKK and i can't wait to tell you more, because this was super short and it was just the beginning of spiral chaos that will happen, so BE READY.
anyways, IM SO HAPPYYYYY and i can't wait to tell you moreeeeeeeeeeee 🌷💫💗
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babygirl-diaz · 2 days
Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls (Omegaverse)
Eddie always wondered what was in the little sketchbook Buck carried around with him. The alpha was so protective of it, that he growled and flashed his eyes at anyone who dared to touch it. Granted, alphas are territorial about their stuff but Buck was taking it a tad too far. Eddie was a little jealous of the damn sketchbook. Ever since Buck had picked up the hobby, he was so hyper-focused on it, that he wouldn't even pay attention to Eddie. But Eddie would sometimes catch the alpha staring at him before looking away quickly and going back to his damn sketchbook. Eddie was almost tempted to hide it but then he knew Buck would walk around with those sad puppy eyes that would break Eddie's heart and have him confessing in no time.
But then one day Eddie came across the sketchbook by its lonely self. The worn-out book was just sitting on the couch in the firehouse loft with no Buck in sight. Eddie casually approached the book and looked around to see if anyone was looking. When he was sure he was by himself, Eddie slowly picked up the sketchbook, like it was going to explode, and opened it to the first page. He frowned when he saw that there were just stick figures on the paper, but something under them caught his attention. The stick figures were called Eddie. Eddie smiled and turned to the second page, and then the third, then the fourth. The sketches were getting more prominent features now. But they had a common theme between them. They were all sketches and drawings of Eddie. The drawings kept improving as Eddie went on. There were pictures of Eddie eating, and Eddie playing pool, and there were also pictures of Eddie and Chris. They were gorgeous. Eddie was in awe. But then he turned to the latest drawing and his breath caught in his throat. It was Eddie once again. But it was Eddie a couple months pregnant. He was gently cupping his pregnant stomach while looking down. Eddie felt himself overcome with feelings over that. What did all this mean?
Eddie heard someone clear their throat behind him and he turned around to see Buck standing there, looking panicked.
"I'm sorry!" Both Eddie and Buck said at the same time.
"Wait... What are you sorry for?" Buck asked.
"For opening your sketchbook without your permission!" Eddie apologized, panicking a little.
"Tha- that's okay." Buck came closer and took the sketchbook out of Eddie's hand. "I'm sorry- for you know- being such a stalker," he chuckled nervously and looked down.
"That's okay," Eddie assured Buck and looked at him. "Um... Can we pretend this never happened?"
A look that Eddie couldn't quite decipher passed across Buck's face before he nodded. "Okay, yeah, let's pretend this never happened."
***Four Years Later***
Eddie was sitting on the bed, rubbing his pregnant belly while browsing through his phone. When he looked up, he found his alpha and husband sitting on the armchair with a sketchbook, drawing something intently.
Eddie smirked when he was suddenly hit with an idea. He got out of bed and slowly and silently took off his clothes, tossing them aside. When he was fully naked, he got back into bed, propped his head on his hand, and cleared his throat.
Eddie's alpha looked up and his eyes widened. "What the hell?"
"Draw me like one of your French girls," Eddie said in a low, seductive voice.
"What are you doing?" Eddie's alpha asked.
"What were you drawing there?" Eddie asked.
"Trying to get the layout down before work on Monday. This kitchen is going to be hell to complete," the alpha replied and then raised an eyebrow at Eddie. "Now back to my original question... What are YOU doing?"
Eddie scoffed. "WELL, there used to be this alpha, whose entire sketchbook was filled with drawings of me."
"He sounds lame," the alpha replied. "You thought I was drawing you?" He got up from the chair, came over to the bed, and sat down. He leaned in to kiss Eddie but Eddie pulled away.
"You're the lame one!" Eddie huffed
Buck laughed and quickly kissed Eddie before showing him the sketchbook. "Okay, I lied."
"Wait... You were drawing me?" Eddie asked pouting at him. He kissed him again before asking, "What about the layout of our kitchen? The contractor will throw a tantrum on Monday when you tell him you have no idea what our kitchen should look like."
"Oh no, I know what our kitchen should look like," Buck replied. "It's all in here," he added touching his head.
"Oh yeah, because the contractor can see inside your head," Eddie teased.
"The contractor will live. Right now, I need to draw my man like one of my French girls," Buck said pressing Eddie to the bed and kissing him thoroughly.
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berenwrites · 1 day
The Giveaway - Stranger Things - Steddie - G
A/N:  I’m definitely supposed to be doing other things, but this popped into my head and would not leave, so I wrote it down 💖. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for any likes/reblogs/comments in advance – hope you are having a great week. Don’t forget to check out all the other fun entries for this month over at @steddiemicrofic.
Written for prompt: STUFF | wc: 483 | Rating G | cw: none
(Also on AO3)
The Giveaway
In the end, it wasn’t anything obviously romantic that gave them away. There was no accidental use of pet names, because Eddie did that all the time with everybody anyway. There were no lingering looks or linked hands or unfortunately timed kisses. Or if there were, no one said anything.
What outed them to their friends and extended-trauma-family was Eddie’s hair.
Contrary to popular belief, Eddie had had a hair care routine. Well, ‘care’ might have been going a bit far, but he had known how he wanted his hair to look and how to do it. He had stuff he washed it with, stuff he put in it, and a very abused comb he used to add volume when needed. However, Steve had tried to run his fingers through Eddie’s locks the previous day as they made out, become horribly stuck, and declared that would not do.
Eddie had thought his boyfriend was kidding, but not for long. As it turned out, Steve was very serious when it came to hair. When Eddie had protested, Steve had tried bitching at him, which admittedly Eddie found incredibly hot, but this was his hair, so he’d still held out. It had been the puppy eyes he hadn’t been able to resist. After that, he’d let Steve do what he liked.
“What did you do to your hair?” Dustin demanded the moment Eddie walked into the BBQ at the Byers new house.
“Um … washed it,” Eddie tried.
Even he had to admit Steve had worked magic. Not that he expected Mike to walk right up to him and grab a strand.
“It’s soft!” was the boy’s incredulous opinion, even as Eddie smacked the kid’s hand away.
Dustin stepped into his personal space and sniffed, eyes going wide.
“That’s Farrah Fawcett spray,” Dustin said very loudly. “You let Steve do your hair.”
As if on cue, Steve walked into the backyard. They’d come separately so as not to arouse suspicions yet. As it was, many eyes turned on him.
“Why did you let Steve do your hair?” Lucas asked.
“As if that isn’t obvious,” Erica commented as she walked past.
Eddie sent Steve a ‘help me’ stare. Like the knight in shining armour he was, Steve immediately walked over.
Since the spring break disaster, Eddie had become very good at speaking Steve, so when his boyfriend sighed and lifted an eyebrow at him, he knew exactly what it meant. They had talked about when and how to let everyone in on their secret after all. With his heart beating in his throat, he gave a small affirmative shrug back.
Ever a man of action, Steve leaned in, threaded his fingers through Eddie’s hair and kissed him, before pulling back with a smile. He then levelled his bitchiest ‘I dare you’ glare at the boys. Eddie was too busy melting inside to worry about anyone’s reaction.
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biconickyoshi · 11 hours
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Been wanting to do some updated character model sheet thingies for my ongoing longfic The Avatar and the Fire Prince, so here they are! :) Up until now I'd only drawn Zuko and Aang, but I thought it was about time I added Iroh and the Water Tribe siblings to the lineup as well. Right now all I've done this for is Books 1 & 2, but I really want to get started on the Books 3 & 4 versions so I can add Toph and Suki (and possibly Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee) to the lineup!
As usual, for anyone who has not read my fic but is curious about the premise: this is an AU in which Zuko and Iroh discover Aang in the iceberg just 3 months after Zuko is burned and banished at age 13 in 96 AG, 4 years prior to the return of Sozin's Comet. It is also an enemies to best friends to lovers slowburn in which Zukaang is endgame (since Aang was released from the iceberg 3 years early in this AU, he is only one year younger than Zuko). This fic is heavily based in canon, so I try my hardest to ensure that everything is canon-compliant at least when it comes to lore and character behavior despite the different circumstances.
Book 1: Air's premise: after finding and capturing Aang, Zuko and Iroh are forced to escape with him on Appa when Zhao interferes with their plans to return to the Fire Nation. This Book focuses on Aang desperately searching the Air Temples for any remnants of his people he can find, dragging Zuko and Iroh along in the process. Eventually, Zuko starts to question everything he was raised to believe, while Iroh is forced to face the mistakes of his past.
Book 2: Water begins with Aang, Zuko, and Iroh traveling to the South Pole after Aang starts to have recurring nightmares about an impending attack on Wolf Cove (Sokka and Katara's village), and eventually follows my adaptations of several storylines from canon Book 1 before ending with the Siege of the North in Agna Qel'a. During this Book, Zuko begins to realize his feelings for Aang are more than friendship, while Aang remains oblivious (lol).
Book 3: Earth is the Book I am currently working on (the most recent chapter was my adaptation of "Avatar Day") and so far follows Aang, Zuko, Iroh, Katara, and Sokka as they search for an earthbending teacher for Aang - so far, it has followed the general canon plot of Book 2, though of course, as always, there are differences due to this being an AU. No spoilers, but I have some really interesting things planned for this Book, particularly as we get closer to the Ba Sing Se arc. I also have a lot of fun stuff planned for the Zukaang romance in this Book.
Book 4: Fire will be the last Book of the fic, and will of course revolve around the Gaang in the Fire Nation. This is all I will say for now since I don't want to spoil the plans I have for the previous Book (which will heavily influence what happens in Book 4, obv).
When I finally finish this fic (I'm about halfway through at 33/65 chapters), I plan to start writing a direct sequel that adapts the events of the comics, as well as a Korrasami-focused Legend of Korra rewrite fic that is set in the same AU as TAatFP.
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