#anyways thanks for the ask! it was fun rambling/interacting!
2smolbeans · 4 months
Hi there long time lurker first time asker, before everything else I just think you are a fantastic writer like you do the horror elements really. I genuinely feel suffocated some times reading your work.
Yesterday I realized 'Yandere best friend x obstacle reader' is my Roman Empire and I was just thinking about you explaining how Marco is a giant and defeating him is almost impossible but that what you are not understanding about, I don't have to win we can both lose. When I kill Marco and lay dying in a puddle of my own blood, I'd atleast be able to look at Angela with a shred of dignity on the other side.
Also I need to know did Marco poison Mila against us?
Can I be squid annon?
AKDKWJSISIQAAAA?!?!? Thank you so much?!?!?! That means a lot!?!? 😭💖
Im happy to know that you enjoy my writing and that it can convey a certain emotion haha!
And yes ofc you can be squid anon lolol ^^
Okay now that you mentioned Marco (one of my fav ocs), my neurons are activated and I'm gonna happily go on a long ramble ^^
Marco surprisingly didn't plot Mila against you! If anything, he only encouraged her habits of being anti social!
With you and Mila, you two were never really close in that friend group during your college years. You would only talk to each other when there were others like Angela or Matheias to hype up the conversations. Otherwise, when it was just the two of you alone, you just never clicked with each other. Conversations with Mila never seemed to go anywhere, and hangouts with you didn't feel as fun as it did with the others.
Now don't get me wrong, the two of you didn't hate each other! You were just awkward together..
So Marco didn't really have to do much with what the two of you already had (which was nothing). So really, all he had was not mention your name to Mila, and that was it! Mila simply just forgot about you ever since she moved on from the friend group.
Now, will he try to poison your relationship in the present? (The present being that the two of you are kept hostage in his apartment.) Probably, but not intentionally. He will play favorites which will cause the both of you to feel a discomfort towards each other. (Either due to stockholm syndrome or just a general disgust of "The way they are together is gross").
And yeah..Regarding fist fighting Marco and dying in the process, you would die a idolized warrior in the eyes of his previous victims- hell you'd be given a medal for being able to sucessfully take him down by the them! Unlike poor Angela..
Like everyone who's crossed Marco's path has been defamed, at the brink of death- fighting for their life as he inflicts the most gruesome beatings to their body- giving them a dramatic death as the cops have to fight the urge to gag when they see the aftermath..And Angela just dies by a bootleg foreign brand convience store snickers bar.
(I'm not joking, this is canonically how she dies in the og timeline and obstacle au)
He was literally like, "Nah she's not worth the effort." Got the bar from his local shady convience store, knowing full well that it had some form of peanuts and that the text on the wrapper was in a another language (she wouldn't know what was in the bar at the moment or bother checking at the moment since why would Marco give her something with peanuts, right?) while making sure to take her Epi-pen away, then geniuely forgot about it the next day.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Just to say!!! Anyone who has sent an ask!!! I swear I have got it and I’m not ignoring you I’m just taking a stupidly long time to answer them but I have them!!! And I’m holding on to them!!! Like a golden retriever with an egg!!!
ALSO ALSO!!! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on here because it’s such a nice place to be. Anyone that has interacted with me, sent asks, sent a dm, followed, replied to my dms or asks, not blocked me when I’ve gone overboard in the tags, not blocked me because of inane shit posting. Just thank you!! Everyone is genuinely so nice and easy to be around and I don’t think any of you appreciate yourselves enough. I have never been an active member in fandom before and that’s all changed because of how Kind and Funny and Supportive you all are!! And not only that!! You are all so Skilled in your creativity! You can see the fun you are all having with it!! And the friends people are making! I just!!!! Am glad to witness it all so Thank You. And I hope you continue to enjoy yourselves in this community
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
You reblogged "tell me about your toons" post so here I am, about to spill the beans :3c
Airell doesn't refer to himself as a sylvari nor mordrem. He always corrects people who call him that. "Not a sylvari", "not a mordrem", etc. In my writing I avoid using these terms either until Airell's identity as a dragon scion/dragon is fully established to the characters around him and the reader.
I sure did!! :D And hell yes, please always feel free to spill beans if you want to!
Ooh, interesting interesting!! That's very fair, and I love how you handle it in writing too. I imagine he has to make that correction pretty often as well, which has gotta be a little unpleasant for him. Hope he hasn't run into too many people who are insistent even after he corrects them.
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
The Amityville Horror (1979) The Innocents (1961) Peeping Tom (1960)
hi hi hello amata!! Thank you for the ask, it always gives me a fun excuse to ramble on and on, which is always very enjoyable ^^ I’ll answer the first two questions for Sylph and then (attempt to) answer the last one for both her and Ghostie!!
The Amityville Horror (1979): Give a basic run-down of your s/i. What should we know about them right away?
(Utilizing a placeholder name) Sylph Plagued is 13 at the start of Homestuck and 16 by the end of it, of which she dies at least two times during the main timeline. Her screen name is awkwardGhost (hence the AG acronym), she types in the #7a249e hex color, her strife specibus is axekind and her planet is named the Land of Plants and Wonder (LOPAW). She’s a god-tiered Sylph of Life and a Derse dreamer (making her a Lesces), and she’s the unofficial white mage of her session.
At first, her powers are primarily defense based, spawning plants and roots to shield and delay attacks and threats, and she has the ability to heal injuries and illnesses. Eventually, she learns how to make the powers more offense based, utilizing the aforementioned roots and plants to work against the enemy and actively attack them rather than just protecting herself and her other server mates. She also strengthens her healing powers, working up to being able to cure any status, including death, as long as she hasn’t overused the power and exhausted herself. As most life players do, her blood is also capable of being used to heal.
Sylph is, as her screen name describes, awkward: she’s a bit more difficult to get close to compared to the other beta kids, and she often puts too much effort into pleasing the people she tries to get close to and can trust too easily. Despite this, she’s capable of holding a grudge and being stubborn, and is often a bit nosy, but this is all because she has the best intentions with her thoughts and beliefs, thinking that they are for the betterment of her and the people close to her. She can get confused and overwhelmed easily if she’s unfamiliar with something or someone.
During her time on the meteor, she becomes a bit more sporadic and prone to impulsively speaking out (likely from the influence of spending so much time with Dave and Karkat), and she becomes (slightly) more comfortable talking with people, considering she has to meet so many individuals during the three year journey. She also gains an unexplainably strong amount of determination once the main timeline splits from the doomed one, and, when needed, she’s able to be very focused and dead set on the things she does and believes she needs to do.
Her interests include typology, astrology, hoarding a stupid amount of books, horror movies, varying genres of music, random obscure facts and topics and formal debates. Sylph tries to form a friendship with Gamzee, having him as her patron troll, before he inevitably snaps and goes on his murdering rampage (of which she blames herself for not preventing). She aids with helping breed the genesis frog, dies from her injuries with Jade, before being god-tiered with Dave and Rose and getting stuck on the meteor with them and the trolls. During the Game Over timeline, she dies protecting Karkat from Gamzee, and during the final battle, she’s running around healing and reviving her teammates when Jane or Nanasprite aren’t present.
During the epilogues, she gains the status of Ultimate Self in the meat timeline and begins hearing totally not suspicious narration from a certain someone. She gets with Dave and Karkat in this timeline, going with them and the others to chase after Dirk when he leaves Earth C, and while her health hasn’t deteriorated as fast as the other ultimate selves’ health has due to being the essence of life itself, she has definitely been undergoing some kind of decline while on the spaceship.
Meanwhile, in the candy timeline, she remains at the normal god-tiered status and gets with Jade and Dave, eventually joining Karkat’s rebellion and adopting a kid with Jade. Her relationship with both Karkat and Dave becomes more or less strained, and her healing powers begin to waver due to the constant overuse in the rebellion.
this is definitely a basic overview please ignore how it is seven paragraphs long sgdkshs
The Innocents (1961): In canon, was your f/o the first person your s/i met? Or did your s/i encounter someone else first?
As to be expected, it was actually Egbert who Sylph interacted with first out of the beta kids. She met them through Pesterchum, and from there she was introduced to Rose due to them having similar interests. She then meets Dave through Rose, and lastly she meets Jade.
Her first few conversations with Dave were more or less her being very confused and lost on how to talk to him, due to his spontaneousness and quick changing topics, along with his complete lack of tone in his typing, so this causes their chats to rarely ever go anywhere. Dave inevitably catches on to this and tries to be a bit less all over the place when talking to her lol, and they talk about the different bands they like, which helps them bond.
Jade is very patient with her when they first meet and often talks to Sylph about her dreams on Prospit and her various interests, most specifically farming, physics and animals, since Sylph gets the most engaged with those topics. Jade gets really happy when she opens up easier because of this <3 she talks with her a lot about Bec, and Sylph does the same with her pets, which later brings them closer together when they both lose their dogs and have to prototype them with the kernel sprite.
Her first interaction with Karkat was obviously when he tried to troll her. However, due to being a bit of a mess when socializing, she doesn’t really pick up on that when faced with his screamy grey text, so their first conversation is full of a lot more of Sylph being confused and taking things a bit too literally, before she gives up trying to understand anything Karkat is saying and blocks him. Their first actual interaction outside of this was during the Sburb session when he approaches her about “stealing his moirail”, in which more confusion ensues. Sylph has no idea what is happening ever lol
However, Dave and Jade are the first people she sees in person during their Sburb session, so I suppose that could count here.
Peeping Tom (1960): How would your f/o describe your s/i?
Dave would want to describe her the way he thinks she deserves to be described as: she’s saved his life twice during their game session, grown even while in an environment that normally wouldn’t let her: surely that makes her more put together than him, someone strong and steady, someone he wants to protect even when he knows she doesn’t exactly need it. But a Strider hardly ever shares something so personal, so he’d probably say something cheesy about how Sylph is cool, but obviously not as cool as him. Would proceed to drop a surprisingly deep line about how she’s “like the sunshine”, wavering and ever changing but warm and almost always present. Continues to not provide any further explanation afterwards lol
Karkat would probably say some sort of half-affectionate insult at first (likely comparing her to an “INCONSOLABLE GRUB” or whatever), but would then stop to genuinely think about how he’d want to describe her. The feelings he has for her go beyond any of the quadrants, so he can’t just quote something cheesy from one of his red-romcom films. How could he ever describe something that goes beyond everything he was ever told about these kinds of emotions? How would he ever explain how he views someone who changed his views on all sorts of things? That’s just it. He can’t. He’d probably follow up the insult with saying that she’s “different”, that she’s stronger and braver than him and yet somehow so much more vulnerable, and that’s what makes her so confusing to him. Follows that up by saying she’s maybe the second most sane person on the meteor (meant to be a compliment).
Jade would get ecstatic over describing how she sees Sylph: she thinks she’s courageous and smarter than she knows and yet so stupidly impulsive and flighty — that’s what makes them so alike, but while Sylph is only capable of focusing on the small things, on one point that she thinks she has to fix, Jade is capable of seeing the whole picture as a Space player. She thinks they balance out each other’s impulsivity and flightiness because of this; they fill in the gaps together to get the full, detailed picture. Jade thinks Sylph is what brings everything together for her. She thinks she’s her rock, the one that keeps her thoughts straight when she needs it most, and she tries to be just the same for her <3
As for Ghostie…
Where does Marik even begin to describe Ghostie? He’s been inside her head before, surely it can’t be that difficult to come up with some easy, short answer. But when is anything ever that easy for Marik Ishtar? And even if it was easy, of course he’d want to go completely over the top with it. Marik thinks Ghostie is peculiar, but in a good way — a way he hasn’t been able to see before. He admits that he thinks she’s a little bit too inside her own head, prone to thinking more than she is to acting, but that’s what makes the moments when she does act all the more important. He knows she’s capable of herself and smart, and he sometimes thinks she’s almost too quick to forgive or understand things. He thinks she’s a sensitive thing, but all the same he’s seen her shoulder stress and still stand despite it. Overall, Marik would probably describe Ghostie as steady, thoughtful and intriguing.
Ryou thinks Ghostie is sweet and understanding: he would probably agree with Marik on how she’s too quick to forgive and understand things, seeing as she’s one of the only people who actively tries to get through to the spirit possessing him despite the danger written all over it (and the amount of times he’s put her in harm’s way — that only helps to add to the underlying want to protect her, even when it seems like Ghostie is trying to protect him). Even though he’s probably the closest to her, he doesn’t even know what goes on in her mind half the time, and this causes her to come off as aloof and sometimes even obscure (and if Ryou’s adamancy with learning more about the Millennium items shows anything, it’s that he loves a good bit of mystery and attempting to uncover things). Ryou would describe her as interesting and smart and as a good friend, if not a bit mysterious (not that that’s a bad thing — quite the opposite for him).
Bakura’s first response would be “annoying”, which isn’t necessarily wrong despite how sharp it might seem: it is pretty tedious when Ghostie is constantly getting in the way of his plans or escapades, even when they’re only for harmless fun at best. He thinks it’s admirable in a weird way, however; it takes a hefty amount of determination to continue catching him over and over before he actually does anything. Bakura finds her tedious and annoying, yes, but he also thinks of her as strong willed and genuine. He’d probably throw “sensitive” into that description, before scrapping it for a more accurate (and softer, less insulting) “caring” — he’s seen her get emotional time and time again, be it about him, or Ryou, or anyone else in her circle, but it’s not always through tears: sometimes it comes from a place of concern and care more than weakness.
Melvin is probably the only one who wouldn’t have an immediate, in depth answer to provide. He does know that Ghostie was the first to sympathize and try to understand the reason for his (Marik’s) actions, and that just counts for another fatal flaw of being too quick to forgive — obviously she must be foolish to think there’s more to his motives than getting revenge, but deep down he knows she’s right to think that. It makes her, yet again, intriguing to him: everyone else is visibly upset or frightened with him, and while Ghostie isn’t exactly excluded from that, she still sees that he’s completely human, not a ghost like the other two. Melvin would probably describe her similarly to Marik: intriguing (if not confusing), maybe a bit intuitive, an oddity. He doesn’t know as much about her as the others, but he does know that he wants to get closer to her <3
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tubbytarchia · 9 months
Thoughts on the dynamic between TIES Tango and BB Jimmy? Or even the silly rivalry they have in SL? There’s just so much adorable fluffy potential there and I’m just 💭
- 🧚🏼‍♀️
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YOU'RE RIGHT THERE IS AND I LOVE THEM. SL ranchers are SO cute and precious its off the charts. Limited Life however...
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Ok drawing that hurt a bit so I'm immediately following up with this
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Limited Life is so carefree in general it's SO fun and probably the least angst material out of any of the Life series to me (of course there is still plenty, can't underestimate the traffic fandom's ability to find angst in everything) including Tango and Jimmy. They're so fun and you're right that it's a lot of fluff potential, mostly because Jimmy being a "bad boy" is so funny. BUT THE, MAN. TH The fact that this is the one after DL, after Jimmy so desperately wanted to apologize to Tango for how they went out and who knows if he got to do that or not. I love the idea of them reuniting in some temporary afterlife game or dark void following their deaths, but also what if they didn't get to talk... maybe it was only Tango's distant messages "you're still here? It's over. Go home. Go" that reached him and then he just didn't dare to talk about it other than the one time he instinctually called him "rancher" again. I can't help but be filled with angst when I think about LimL ranchers but I trust that where there is angst, hurt/comfort is sure to follow.... If not then I just die I guess
The bad boy sunglasses are very convenient to hide the look with which he gazes upon Tango from a distance... But then oop Tango hops through the nether portal on top of bad boy mansion and Jimmy decides to go for it, to try and harken back to how they used to be to gauge how Tango will react when he goes "The boogie's being chosen, you're here with us now, we have to look into each other's eyes!" (paraphrasing) and then he's like "oh Impulse is here too" lmao and then that's just kinda it. And then TIES blows up bread bridge and auughhghhh you know??? I'm so bad at expressing how I feel, sorry this is a ramble. But I love them so very dearly and I could absolutely imagine inconspicuous moments between them. Like whenever I think of potential LimL rancher fluff my mind goes to this one fanfic about Jimmy being sleep deprived and he just kinda ends up at TIES and Tango puts him to sleep. Stuff like that
And idk what more to say about Secret Life. Their little rivalry is so funny and literally idk if it's the fanart that has absolutely fucked with my head but every time I think about them I imagine them awkwardly flirting on complete accident and just being kind of weird but. very lovable. They had only two notable interactions and those two interactions left me permanently deranged
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pretty-little-mind33 · 3 months
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Ask: hiii, i have a dave lizewski request. it would be so nice to see headcanons for dave dating a nerd like him, except shes more quiet and sarcastic. like she and dave r the epitome of loser in the body of a hot person lmao. we need more loser x loser representation in dave fanfics HAHAHAH. hope this makes sense 😭😭😭
~ loser x loser is so real. i hope you like this! it's short and sweet 🫶 ~
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• Dave knows he's a loser and sure, sometimes, it bothers him but mostly? Mostly he doesn't mind. He likes the things he likes! (Plus being Kick-Ass does make him feel better about himself—he feels badass!)
• You also know you're a loser but unlike Dave, there isn't really any time when it bothers you. You have your friends and you're happy! So what if you're a little weird? Being weird is fun!
• Of course, neither you or Dave are in any way ugly—which makes things easier. Still, people don't ask you guys out because they're intimidated by both your niche interests and quirkiness.
• You met Dave in class when he'd sat behind you and asked for a pencil. You handed him one with small cartoon figures of various comic characters, not thinking much of the interaction, but for him it was as if an arrow had stuck his chest.
• Love at first sight!
• Or just a really really really deep infatuation.
• He asked around about you, which of course ended up fruitless because no one is school knows much about you. You're shy. And anyways, the ones who do know just say you're guarded and that he shouldn't mess with you.
• Dave wasn't planning on messing with you! He just wanted to talk and ask you about comics (he's overjoyed to find out a girl seems to like comics like he does! A cute girl!)
• When you finally talk to him, you're directly sassy with him. "What do you want from me, Lizewski?"
• Dave's cheeks turn pink and he's blushing SO hard. "I- thank you for your pencil—" Of course he'd forgotten to give it back but he hands it to you now, his hands shaky, "I- I also like comics. Do you like DC? Marvel?"
• Your eyes lit up. Opportunity to talk about something you love?! YES PLEASE.
• Boom! Immediate friendship! You guys go on little dates to the comic book store (platonic in the beginning). If you're an artist, he likes watching you draw fan-art and if you're a writer he'll read your fanfiction lmaoo he's supportive like that.
• Dave will also cosplay with you if you're into that (only he won't cosplay as Kick-Ass, which you think is a shame considering he'd look soooooo good in the suit 😏😉)
• Your first kiss? Awkward af. If you have glasses, 100% your glasses hit his and he freaks out. You both mess it up but in the end you end up laughing SO hard.
• He's really sweet to you and his friends all joke that you and him are like the IT couple—but for nerds. He'll flip his friends off but kiss your cheek.
• Dave loves that he can ramble with you and you listen to him without complaining. He's SO comfortable around you because you're so similar.
• You both kinda feed into your interests and delusions and have the BEST laughs. He's really your best friend!
• Friends to Lovers duhhh 😜
• Dave would do the cringey/cute holding hand in the back pocket thing from movies and shows…yk the one! You'd pretend to hate it but secretly you'd love it and you want him to continue doing it!
• Dave is a big movie nerd. So movie nights every friday, including drive-in's if possible (you drive lol). He's also a big movie talker so he'll yap and yap but you don't mind.
• And if you do you'll throw popcorn in his face to shut him up.
• Overall, bbg is so boyfriend material for a nerd!reader! He just gets you and he's a silly guy who wants to make his gal happy 💞
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astrxq · 2 years
Cosmic feelings
ethan landry x fem!reader
words: 3.2k
notes: idk if i like this 😭 not proofread so there might be some mistakes &lt;3
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Here's the corrected version of the text with grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary improvements:
There was no one in the world as oblivious as Ethan Landry when it came to girls. Seeing his roommate Chad get flooded with girls crushing on him really made him question whether he should step out of his shell or rather stay in it to save himself from the embarrassment of rejection. He was an attractive guy, at least that's what Chad kept reminding him, but he was such a mess when he had to strike up a conversation.
He'd tried once with you, the girl sitting next to him in economics, but you were so pretty to him that he ended up blabbering out that he needed to borrow a pen, when his purpose was to ask how your day had been. You were sweet, though; you offered him a small smile and the pen even though he had one sitting right next to his notebook. You didn't question it.
He tried not to overthink the small interaction, but he felt like some kind of force from the universe hated him because ever since that day, he'd been seeing you everywhere. Talking to his roommate, outside of campus, at the movies, the park—everywhere he went, he seemed to bump into you. You'd usually offer him a smile and a small wave, and he'd return it, trying to avoid Chad seeing him, because he knew he'd get made fun of if he was caught blushing because of a simple wave.
You had tried to make it obvious that you wanted to talk to him. It seemed odd how a boy so gorgeous could be looked past by so many people. He'd caught your eye the moment he sat next to you. He didn't even look your way at first, but as the teacher explained, you could feel him glance. It was adorable how he'd scratch the back of his head when he was solving a problem on his impressively neat notebook or when he bit his nails awaiting the teacher to notice he was having trouble with something he'd just explained.
Ethan wasn't dumb; everyone knew he was one of the few who understood economics. So when you reached out to the professor about needing tutoring, his name was quickly brought up. "Mr. Landry could help; you'd have to ask him, but I assume that will not be an issue as you already sit together in my classes."
Well, that wasn't as easy as the professor had made it sound. Four months into the year and only one conversation was had where he looked like he so badly wanted to stand up and run out before you even handed the pen to him. He was a fast walker, you realized, catching up to him as he made his way out of the building while keeping his head down looking at his phone and his free hand holding onto a strap of his backpack. "Ethan!" you called.
Once he heard his name from such an unfamiliar voice, he turned around, his backpack colliding with your cheek as he faced you. "Shit! I'm so sorry; I didn't see you. Are you okay?" he rambled, his cheeks going into a deep shade of red as he examined your face with a panicked look while you rubbed at your cheek. "I'm okay, I'm okay."
"Mr. Thompson told me to ask you for help in economics; I'm not really getting the hang of it."
His mouth twitched, and you weren't sure if it meant that he almost smiled or that he was extremely uncomfortable with the idea of tutoring. "You don't have to, of course. But since we sit together in class already…" He kept quiet, staring.
"Okay, I take that as a no. I'll ask someone else then. Thank you anyway," you smiled sweetly at him as you made a move to turn back, but his hand stopped you by grabbing your wrist and turning you around gently. "Sorry—yes. Yes, I'll tutor you." The blush on his cheeks had gone away a little, and the few freckles on his face stood out as you beamed at him with a grin. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
He took your excitement as a huge step in his 'try to get closer to Y/N' plan that, well, wasn't really his plan; it was his roommate's. "When's the best for you?" he asked. You shrugged and fixed the strap of the bag that had slipped off of your shoulder. "I'm free most of the time, so whenever works for you is great."
He took a moment before nodding and checking his phone and looking back up to you. "Well, Chad isn't in our dorm; if you want to come by now, I could explain today's lesson, and we can get to the rest once I sort out my notes," Ethan offered, surprised at himself for inviting a girl to be alone with him in his own dorm room.
You found his nervousness endearing. On the way to the dorms, he'd kept glancing down at you as if he were making sure you were still there, and his hands were a little shaky as he tried to get his keys from his jean pockets. "It's a bit messy, I'm sorry," he looked embarrassed and he moved a few sweaters from his desk chair to the mattress. "You can sit here; do you want something to drink?" The boy pointed at the small fridge that sat across the room, and you shook your head before sitting where he'd just signaled.
Eventually, Chad came back into the dorm, and after a few teasing looks from him to Ethan, you took that as your cue to leave. "Thanks for explaining it to me, Ethan," you made a move to stand up, and he mirrored you, standing at the same time. "You're leaving?"
"Well… I assumed we were done," you pointed at his now closed notebook, and he nodded twice before meeting your eyes. "Yes. Yeah—that's everything that was explained today." He had gone back to the nervous, shaky self he had been at the start of the afternoon, and you couldn't help but wonder why his demeanor had changed so quickly. He'd eased up during the tutoring, and he seemed far more comfortable by then.
"Do you need me to walk you? It's kind of late," he suggested, and even though you'd wished for nothing else but to spend more time with him, you shook your head with a smile. "I'll be okay; thanks for today, though. I owe you." Ethan seemed to shy away as he offered a smile and reached his hand up as if he were to wave but stopped. "I'll let you know when I have my notes sorted so we can do this again."
He widened his eyes a bit at his own words and quickly covered, "-if you want." Looking up at him sweetly, you nodded and made your way out of the dorm room with a grin plastered on your face. Who knew he could be so adorable?
Weeks went by, and Ethan had gotten more and more comfortable around you. He'd look for you in hallways and even came up to you when you were with your friends or he was with his. His roommate, Chad, had stopped not being around during your tutoring lessons so you couldn't really get there yet. Chad was nice, but his presence kept stopping you from attempting to make a move, and it seemed like it was stopping Ethan as well.
After what seemed like years,
Chad was busy, and you were finally left alone with Ethan. Even if it was for tutoring, he seemed nervous when he opened the door at your text, his face flushed a bright shade of red and a beaming look on his face. There were at least three shirts of Ethan's laying on Chad's bed as if he'd changed a few times before deciding on the shirt he was wearing at that moment. "Hey."
"Hi, sorry if this was too sudden. Chad just left, and I didn't know if you'd feel comfortable with it being just us two," he cleared his throat as you rolled your eyes at his obvious overthinking and walked yourself in to sit on his bed, legs crossed one over the other. "Well, I like it being just you and me." Ethan could feel his ears burn at your comment, and he tried to look put together as he sat in front of you, his notebook on his lap.
"Are you going to the Halloween party this weekend?" you asked before he could get started with economics. "Uh… I think so, yeah." You smiled, and he suddenly felt way more at ease knowing that you wanted him to go. "What will you be dressed as?"
"I don't know yet. Chad said something about wanting to be a cowboy, but I hate most costumes I've seen in shops," he shrugged, biting his lip anxiously as he pretended to read his handwriting to hide his nerves. "I was thinking of going as Anakin," you chirped.
His eyes shot up to look at you, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Skywalker?" You made a face. "Duh! He's so cool, and it's so easy to find costumes of him since no one else is going to wear them because—let's be honest—they're scared of looking geeky. But that's the fun of Halloween." Ethan felt like all those negative thoughts had left his head the moment you mentioned what seemed to be your nerdy secret. "Chad said I should do a knight but suggested I craft it since it's last minute."
"Oh my god!" you exclaimed, reaching to hold onto his hands as he gripped the notebook. "I could help you; you'd look so cute as a knight." He was going to throw up, surely; his stomach felt like it had flipped over at the thought of you wanting to spend time with him outside of tutoring, and even though you'd gotten a lot closer, he didn't feel like you guys had gotten to the hanging out point.
"Would you?" he asked, his eyes lit up. "Of course! Put that away; we'll start right now!" Just as you finished your sentence, Ethan stood excited and reached into his closet to pull out a big piece of cardboard. "I suck at this; I sure hope you have some hidden artsy talent."
You proudly held up the pencil and let your silence answer his own question as he read instructions he'd found on the internet for you to follow. If he was asked, he'd say he helped, but truly all he did was 'sit back and look pretty' as you'd told him to do while you did the work after he accidentally messed up painting the helmet and freaked out.
Once finished, you begged for him to try it on. "Come on! Just to see if it fits." He hid his face in his hands, groaning. "Oh my god, Y/N. This is embarrassing." He let you fit the boxy costume around him, and you put the cardboard helmet on his head before knocking on it with a proud look on your face. "See? Talent."
"Can I take it off now?" Ethan felt like his cheeks were going to explode as you stared at him with a grin, and he struggled to pull off the costume. "Will you go with Chad? Or do you want me to come get you?" He looked at you like he'd just seen a ghost. "Get me?"
"Like—pick you up." He mouthed an 'oh' and shrugged. "I think Chad will want to go together." He moved the notebook to his desk and stared at it for a few seconds, as if thinking when to actually tutor you.
"Great. I'll see you there, then." Before he could answer, you reached up on your tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek and softly smack it before turning back and, with a quiet 'bye,' closing the door behind you, leaving Ethan dumbfounded and with a tingly feeling on his chest.
"Couldn't you add Velcro on this or something?" Chad complained for the fifth time as he attempted to help Ethan put on the costume. "I didn't think putting it on by myself would be so hard," he admitted, and Chad smirked.
"Who put it on you when you tried it on?"
"No one, just—help me." Chad pretended to believe that Ethan had managed to make the costume himself, and once they'd finally put it on, they made their way to the party.
Ethan wasn't a party guy, so standing by the door the whole time was his plan for the night, but his roommate refused to let him bore himself to death. As Ethan mimicked Chad's dancing in an attempt to 'just feel the music,' as he'd quoted, you and your friend walked in, bumping into him. "Sorry."
At his apology, you smiled softly and reached to fix his helmet. "Mighty knight," you greeted, moving the cape to the side to show him the plastic lightsaber you'd stolen from one of your friends. "Anakin," he mirrored.
"I'm leaving or I'll vomit," Chad fake gagged while he walked away, waving the two of you off as your friend took her cue to also go. "Did you just get here?" you asked, and the boy shook his head. "Like half an hour ago." He looked horrified at the scenery of the party, hearing a fight break out in the kitchen between two guys who wanted the same drink. "Wanna go on a walk or something?"
You took him leaving his water-filled cup on one of the tables as a yes, so when he came back to where you stood, you didn't hesitate to hold his hand and pull him through the door. "Parties aren't my thing," he said. "What is your thing?"
"Fair enough, mine's napping."
"What? So… sleeping?" he stopped his tracks once he saw a bench near the house party, he watched you sit down and looked down at his chest in confusion. "No way! Naps are so much better than a night's sleep." He tilted his head in amusement as you rambled. "Or… you could just wait until it's bedtime."
"You just haven't tried to nap. It's the best thing ever. You're missing out, Ethan. You know I hate my friends missing out on fun stuff," he rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't call napping fun."
"Well—maybe sleeping isn't your thing."
"Maybe it isn't."
You both fell quiet, and Ethan counted to five before trying to get the chest piece off, but he failed. "How'd you even manage to get this on me?" he asked, lifting his arms a bit so you could help him. "Ethan, there's some Velcro here," you pointed to the side of his torso,
and he suddenly felt a little dumb, which he was sure was a feeling he would share with Chad, who could also not find the Velcro. "Oh."
You laughed, feeling him stare down at you as you helped him anyway. Finally being able to sit down, he reached for your forearm and softly tugged you to sit next to him. "I love it, besides how uncomfortable it is to sit with." He'd kept the helmet on, and you reached to take it off and fix his hair, which had gotten messier because of the costume. "Beauty is pain," you sighed, dramatically ruffling his hair in an attempt to fix it back to how it usually was.
"You don't seem to be in pain," he said, quickly covering his eyes. "Fuck—that was so bad; pretend I never said that—oh god." You broke into a fit of laughter at his shitty line and the immediate regret. "I'm sorry," he mumbled more to himself than to you as he rested his elbows on his knees and his hands in his hair. "It was sweet," you held back a laugh.
"Don't lie."
"Okay. That was horrible, Ethan. Is that how you pick up girls?" he could sense your smile through your voice, and he exaggerated a sigh as he sat back, arm spread on the bench's backrest, near your shoulders. "No, I usually let them craft me a Halloween costume."
"Eh, look at you! Are you drunk? You're flirty tonight."
"I did a shot with Chad but spit it out immediately. Does that count?" he made a face at the reminder of the taste, and you couldn't help but admire the way his face scrunched up so incredibly adorable. "Sure, it does."
"If you'd told me you wanted to go as Anakin earlier, I would've gone for Obi Wan," he admitted, reaching to play with the hem of your cloak. "Maybe next time," you shrug. "You'd repeat a costume?" he fake gasped, moving his hand up to his chest; you mirrored him. "If we're going to dress up together, I will." Ethan put his hand out for you to shake, and you happily took it. Neither of you wanted to let go, so you let the linked hands fall onto your lap.
"To be fair, the lightsaber isn't even mine, and I think I broke it," he broke out a laugh and covered his mouth at your glare. "It fell."
"Sure, sure," he waved you off with his free hand, and you wondered if he was thinking about your held hands as much as you were. "Ethan," you said, tightening your hold. "Yes?"
How does one tell a guy they want to kiss him?
Taking a slow breath in, you asked, "We've known each other for a while, haven't we?" Ethan looked taken aback by your question, thinking for a few seconds. "Uh… yes."
"Are you ever going to kiss me?"
Ethan was so grateful for the dimmed street lights because if you were to see the shade of his face and neck at that moment, you'd think he was having a stroke. "Yeah, yes. Yes, I will," he managed out.
You hummed, moving in closer to him, practically leaning in. He took a few seconds to process this, but once he let himself take over, he leaned closer and closer until he could clasp his hand on your cheek, pulling you in to kiss you. Your hands moved up to his chest, feeling his heart speed as fast as yours, and one of your hands tangled in his previously messy hair while he took ahold of the back of your neck.
Pulling back for air, Ethan panted out a smile so close to your mouth that you could feel it form on your own lips. "Maybe kissing is your thing."
He hummed, leaning in to press a short kiss onto your lips again. "Maybe."
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After many, many years of not having played any Fire Emblem, I asked my friend to recommend me a game to start with, and he recommended me Fates. I have been playing it for the past few days on the holiday and safe to say, I'm hooked xD absolutely obsessed with unlocking support events more than progressing the story AHDFKAJHFAK
I am still early in the game so no spoilers, please!
Anyway, as a humble shipper and inhaler of character interactions, I love plenty of the friendship/etc dynamics I've seen so far. Orochi is currently my favorite, she has such a wonderful fun auntie vibe,,, her playful personality is delightful and I am obsessed.
I shipped her pretty hard with Silas at first because I unlocked their support story first (he is another big favorite of mine), and I was pretty sure I was going to marry them until,,, well. Until I unlocked her support stories with Kaze and fell head over heels with their dynamic.
So far, as far as romantic synergy goes, they definitely take the cake for me and I,,, well, I couldn't resist and married them right away KJAHGFKAJGJKA
i havent even unlocked all of the units yet 😭 they were simply too perfect for each other, dont look at me. Anyway, because of my luck, i found out they are apparently one of the rarepairs in the franchise and have,,,, no ship art, no fics, no nothing. NOTHING!!
So I have hereby claimed myself as ceo of Karochi and am going to start my own kingdom //silly
I have more stuff cooking as far as fanart goes, stay tuned for more gay rambling in the (hopefully near) future.
That's it, thanks for coming to my ted talk xD
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critterbitter · 9 months
Hi there! I wanted to preface this by saying that your submas and Nimbasa trio art are awesome, and I adore the way you draw them and write their interactions ❤️ . Their expressions, the way they move and interact with each other and the world around them, it's great 👍.
There's something I wanted to ask regarding your comics, and I ask this with the utmost respect 🙏, because it's something I've been wondering: where are their parents? It's awesome that they do all this stuff together, but the parents are, like, never brought up. Not even Elesa's after her introduction to the twins. And Ik that in the Pokemon verse, you're free to do whatever at age 10, but I still wanted to ask in your comics, at least, since they're still so young, if there's going to be any mentions of them.
I don't want you to feel pressured to draw designs for their parents or anything like that! It's perfectly understandable if you've never thought of the subject, I just wanted to know if they're still in the picture or if, for drama effect, they're orphans adopted by uncle Drayden in your lore. (Ofc, if you believe in the uncle Drayden theory, that is).
And once again, thank you for all the work you do! You're awesome, and your art is awesome 👌. And I really hope this ask doesn't come off as mean or offensive, I'm just really curious about anything you'd be willing to give about submas parents. Thank you 😊 for everything once again. Your work is greatly appreciated 🙏.
Going to be honest, I didn’t really think about them parents much— pokemon treats most parent figures as non-entities, so… yeah. Feral teenagers running around.
If you want to hear my rambling though! (Note that this is all work in progress! Things are inclined to change.)
Worldbuilding for this iteration, I like to think it’s cultural that everybody has a pokemon starter/ ace that they grow with, but it depends on individuals to decide how close their lives intertwine. That in mind,
Ingo and emmet have two moms! Their ma’ is drayden’s twin sister— Kaita, haxorous ace, and a dragon specialist. And their mother, Lucielle, a stoutland ace, works as a full time trainer. The ladies are a bit absent from the twin’s life because they have their own business, but like to send Ingo and Emmet stuff from wherever they roam. (They tried their best when the kids were younger. But talking about having kids, and actually raising kids are two different topics in life.)
Drayden serves as an uncle figure for the twins, but he’s a bit bitter he got two patrats dumped on him.
((Does the lack of parent figures and a distant uncle have lasting effects on ingo and emmet? That’s up for your interpretation. Though it would explain latching onto each other and then later litwick and tynamo…))
As for the pachirisu child—
Elesa’s parents are separated. Her dad, Rin, works a full time desk job. He means the best, but he’s never home. He lost his staraptor a while back and is still dealing with the grieving process, and isn’t really equipped to look after a kid on top of all that. Elesa’s mom, Himawari, is still in Sinnoh and works as a ranger. Her ace is a solrock.
(Why are they separated? That’s for you guys to postulate! I am simply throwing ocs at the wall.)
Elesa was moved to unova partially due to her dad’s new job, and partially due to that Entire Nebulous Situation. She adapts fast, but it’s not a fun adaption.
Anyways, the twins and elesa in turn grew up very independent as a result.
And that’s the barebones!
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backwardsbread · 7 months
Hi!! I loved your Hazbin character proposal headcanons for Lucifer, Alastor and Vox! I was wondering if you could do the same for Angel dust x gn! reader and how Angel thinks about the idea of marriage and how he would propose? Thank you love!!❤️
The support in my last two writings was OVERWHELMING- I have a ton of stuff saved in my drafts that I’m finishing up, so more is to come. But I’ll never turn down an opportunity to write more fluffy scenarios.
They heal my soul— ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoy~ I had so much fun writing this- this is my first time writing AngelDust, so bear with me!
AngelDust x GN!Reader
~Marriage proposal~
Warnings‼️: Mentions of past trauma, established relationship, mentions of harassment, working for the V’s, swearing, fluff, Gn!reader, toxic work environment, mentions of Valentino?? I think that’s it?
~Not proofread~
Angel Dust:
The thought of marriage very much unsettled AngelDust.
Sure, on the inside, Angel was a complete sap. He loved pure sentiments, mushy couple clichés, the thought of loving somebody as much as his heart and soul would allow.
It all made Angel’s heart skip.
But in his head, all of that was just fairytales. Stuff he only saw on screen. The real thing was ugly.
Messy, uncomfortable, and painful. Throughout his life and throughout hell, romance didn’t come as pure and joyous.
It came as rough, forceful, and sad. So he threw his hopes and dreams of being swept off his feet to happily ever after out the window.
Besides, it threw off his entire persona of who he was in Hell! His face was on every other build-board, showing off a lewd expression or erotic poses.
It’s who sinners knew him as. AngelDust. The porn demon who fell for Valentino’s tricks.
You were a film assistant, not exactly an actor/actress, but you did more work behind the scenes.
You helped AngelDust with makeup, scripts, costumes (that were absolutely useless in your opinion when most got torn to shreds during filming)
You were there to offer water to him, a rag when needed, overall you were pretty much a silent helping hand. An oddly comforting presence for Angel.
Whenever you would help Angel with production, he would find a sense of relief knowing he wouldn’t be rushed or harassed before working. He could sit in comfortable silence with you or rant about his long day.
You didn’t speak back a lot to Angel, only giving occasional hums of acknowledgement, or quiet directions for helping put on his makeup.
You weren’t trying to be rude or anything, you just knew that Angel needed a listening ear more than anything.
The first time Angel heard you add to his ranting was when Angel was telling a story about Valentino. One of his favorites to tell, when the moth man couldn’t count up the cash Angel had just earned for him, despite it only being three bills.
At the mention of the overlords name you mumbled a quiet, ‘blind moth bitch’ under your breath, that clearly caught Angel off guard, as he stopped his rambling immediately.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment and you fear for a moment that you crossed a boundary. That fear quickly fades when AngelDust bursts out into a fit of belly laughs and snorts.
His laughter was so contagious.
You find yourself giggling, then full on wheezing along with Angel.
You can barely finish his makeup properly that day because of the back and forth banter the two of you engaged in. Constantly in a fit of giggles or telling stories about a certain moth overlord.
Angel and you exchanged numbers after that interaction and the rest was history.
From that moment on you and Angel were texting almost everyday despite if you saw each other.
Texting turned into routine late night phone calls and occasional hang outs outside of work.
Sure, Angel would slip into his flirty persona every so often, but you had a way of bringing who he really was out.
And to Angel, it was scary, but it also felt amazing. To have somebody see him.
But Angel had walls he had built up over years and years that he had worked hard to keep stable and it would take time to tear those down.
It took time to build trust and to know you were there for no ill intent, just to be his friend and enjoy his company.
To be there for who he was and not who he had been made to be.
It was a long process getting Angel to open up to you, for you to tear down the brick walls he had surrounded himself in.
To Angel, it felt like you had done it so easily. It felt like you could see right through him!
Did Angel feel those fuzzy bubbly feelings towards you because of this? Of course he did. Was he 100 percent going to ignore them? Absolutely.
Love isn’t easy, that’s what he always knew. Yet it felt so easy to love you and that slightly terrified him.
He tried to bury his feelings for you. He cared too much about your guys’ friendship to attempt to peruse anything romantic at first.
He appreciated the friendship you guys had too much for that.
So the beginning of what you guys had together was definitely a situationship in my eyes.
Mutual pining at its best baby.
However, gossip was popular in the studio. So if one person finds out about your crush on Angel, or his crush on you, EVERYONE knows.
Once the information gets back to either one of you, depending on who got outed, you guys talk it out and decide to give a relationship a shot.
You guys aren’t really fond on telling other sinners your an item,
(Can you imagine if that information got out to Valentino?? Oh boy-)
But you most definitely aren’t ashamed to be with each other. Angel LOVES romance. He’s a sucker for it.
Cheesy love notes, bouquets of flowers, chocolates, dates, picnics, movie nights, etc.
Any mushy gushy thing on the list is all there babes.
One of Angel’s love languages is quality time. So while you guys aren’t particularly all over each other at the studio, any moment in private together you have is cherished.
Whether it’s sitting in comfortable silence cuddling with you or going out to a club together, spending time with you is important to him.
Regarding Angel’s job, you understand it’s still something he has to do. While you’re not a fan on how he’s treated, he is under a soul binding contract. There was nothing you could really do about that.
Besides, you worked for the V’s as well. It was a sticky situation.
You could only be there for him as he was there for you. Through the ups and downs that the Overlords put you two through, you guys supported each other the best you could.
Now, the thought of marriage to Angel had popped up in his head a few times. It honestly gave him the jitters.
A sort of nervous excitement. Intense anxiety that he couldn’t place in the category of positive or negative.
He knew he loved you of course. More than anything. He’d sell his soul all over again if it were for you.
But in the back of his mind, he couldn’t shake the thought of this all being too good to be true. You were in Hell after all. Couldn’t all be cupcakes and rainbows.
Communication was important in your guys’ relationship, so Angel did bring up this topic to you once or twice.
You could always tell how much it stressed Angel out whenever he brought up the topic, assuming it made him wildly uncomfortable.
You always made sure to reassure him that no matter what, you would be his, even if you didn’t wear a pretty halo on your finger to represent that.
And each time you gave your reassurance, he would cover your face with kisses, showering you in affections for your understandings.
When Angel told you about moving into Charlie Morningstar’s little hotel, you were a bit skeptical. But hey, anything was better than staying with the V’s 24/7.
It was a sort of escape. Of course you didn’t take the Princess’s cause too seriously, but she gave the both of you a place to crash rent free, so you played nice.
Besides, the hotel was a place you and Angel could be more open about your guys’ relationship. It opened a new world you guys didn’t have back at the studio’s in a toxic work environment.
It felt more domestic. It felt comforting. It was more private and intimate for you guys. It felt like the two of you were taking your relationship to the next level.
But moving was a hassle.
Having to haul all of yours and Angel’s belongings into one hotel room seemed impossible and was exhausting.
Especially with Angel’s extensive wardrobe and his pampered pigs lavish lifestyle.
(Seriously, that pig had a bedazzled water bowl)
You had just arrived back at the hotel from grabbing the last of your belongings.
Hauling the box down the hallway, your door feeling like it was getting further away as you dragged your feet down the extensive hallway.
You fish your key out of your pocket while balancing the box against the wall and atop your knee, trying not the drop it.
You fiddle with the lock, slowly turning the key counterclockwise, then pushing down the door handle. You bump the door open with your hip, letting the box crash to the floor with unintended aggression.
Looking around the room, you’re confused when you don’t see your partner right away, he was meant to be at the hotel still. Perhaps he was downstairs and you had missed him.
You close the door but hear the sound of paper crinkling and soft crunching.
Your heart nearly skips a beat when you see Fat Nuggets on your shared bed, eating fresh flowers that were laid there. He’s clearly enjoying himself, not a care in the world as he munched away at the beautiful bouquet that was no doubt meant for you. It had all your favorites arranged beautifully while Fat Nuggets saw it as a free buffet.
You’re quick to wrap your hand around the pigs torso, pulling him back from the bouquet. You grab the greenery with your other hand, lifting it off the bed away from the troublemaker, who was letting out dissatisfied squeals, upset he didn’t get to finish his snack.
You scold the pig, looking at the damage he had done to the gift your lover had gotten you. You frown a bit, feeling bad that it was a bit ruined, but nonetheless, your heart melts at the gesture. Seeing as Angel went out of his way to get you a gift with no special occasion in mind.
The pig squirms in your hand, that’s when you notice something foreign around his neck. Anxiety shoots through you and you’re quick to drop the flowers, trying to coax the pig into allowing you to take off whatever was on him.
Fat Nuggets put up a bit of a fight, annoyed at the sudden tussle you had started with him, but you succeeded in pulling off the piece of twine that was wrapped around his neck. Once it’s off, you release him, mumbling an apology to the pig as he retreats to his plush pet bed.
You sigh, adrenaline high falling as you hold the piece of twine in your hands. You look down at it, assuming it was part the bouquet he was feasting on.
When examining it, you see a piece of silver/gold tied in the middle. You pick up the band, twisting it to look at it from each angle. When it dawns on you what it actually is, you don’t have time to react.
Your lover is now walking into the room, holding a bag of your guys’ favorite takeout in one hand and a gift box in his lower set of arms. His phone is pressed up against his ear with his one free hand and you can hear Cherri’s voice booming from the other side of the phone.
The two of you make eye contact and it becomes an intense staring contest for what feels like the rest of eternity. Cherri’s screaming fading into background noise while Angel’s face contorts into panic as he sees the display in front of him.
Torn flowers, a very grumpy pig in the corner, and ring gripped in your hand as if you were trying to hide the fact that you knew what was happening.
Without breaking his gaze from you, Angel hung up on Cherri. He finally looks away from you, trying to find anything to relieve the tension in the room.
“Soo.. uhh.. how much did Nugs tell ya?”
He asks nervously, sitting down next to you on the bed.
You stare at him dumbfounded for a moment.
Was he making a joke now of all times??
You can’t help but grin and snort, covering your mouth. You smack him lightly before laughing at what he had said. Tension completely melting away by your lovers remark.
Angel relaxes and smiles, adrenaline in his body still running high. He sets down the food he had brought in on the bedside table and the gift box on the ground.
He gently grabs your hand that held the ring tied in with twine, causing your laughter to calm down. You slowly open your hand, revealing the piece of jewelry. Angel slowly takes it from you.
Realization of what is happening dawns on this man WAY too late. He fidgets with the ring, trying to undo the twine from it, his fingers trembling slightly. He swears under his breath while trying to explain himself.
He stumbles over his words, explaining how this subject had been a constant in his mind for a long time now.
He knew you had said you would be fine without a ring, but he wanted to get you something special for staying with him. A symbol on your finger that you would always be his, whether you be near or far.
He didn’t want to be with anyone else. It was you and it was always going to be you.
His proposal was slightly awkward, butchered, and god was it cheesy.
But it didn’t fail to make you emotional. It was so intimate and personal. Despite it not going quite as Angel had planned, it was perfect in your eyes.
If you could have hearts in your eyes, you totally would
Angel fidgeted with the ring, unsure on what to say next. He started to ramble a bit, saying something along the lines of if it was too soon he would totally understand.
Which you respond by quickly plucking the ring away from him, and sliding it onto your finger. He looks at you, blinking a few times before blushing brightly at your acceptance.
You chuckle at his reaction, gently holding one set of his hands, and pressing a gentle kiss against his lips.
Angel melts into you, reciprocating your embrace and cupping up your face in his other set of hands.
You smile, leaning into your lover. Feeling absolutely enveloped by adoration.
Before the two of you can fall too much into each others embrace, you’re interrupted by the sound of curious snorts and snuffs.
The two of you pull away from each other, looking down to see Fat Nuggets with his head in the gift box Angel had brought into the room. His curled tail wagging away excitedly as if the gift was for him.
Angel bolts up, quickly lifting up the pet pig who lets out an alarmed squeal. You can’t help but laugh as Angel scolds Nugs, who had spoiled another surprise your partner had set out for you today.
Yeah.. this was something you could definitely get used to.
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gojonanami · 6 months
I just hit a very unbelievable milestone yesterday and I still can’t quite believe it—
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10,000 feels like a number I can’t quite even fathom and I truly thank every one of you for being here. truly I started this blog because I had jjk brainrot and I was going through a lot of difficult life changes and writing has always been my coping mechanism
so the fact so many of you enjoy my work has made it so much more fun and so much more rewarding 🥹 and I don’t want to ramble too much (because I feel it’s very self congratulatory) but thank you for every reblog, comment, ask, and like you all have sent my way. it’s meant the world and this blog has been my oasis from just difficult life situations.
especially your asks — they never ever fail to make me smile or laugh—I still can’t quite fathom the amount of asks I get but I’m so glad I get to interact with you all so much. it literally is everything to me.
I will definitely do another follower celebration event (once I finish my 2K one because wow I’m still working on that one somehow 😭).
I want to also thank every mutual I have on here - I will only not list you because I am afraid I will miss someone and it will haunt me forever lol. but you know who you are and I love all of you.
also a very very special thanks to @laneysmusings and @gaylatteart who literally put up with beta reading and listening to me ramble about my fics and ideas and jjk in general (even though they are not really into jjk at all haha). I love them so much and truly my writing would not be the same at all without them and I cannot thank them enough for dealing with my shenanigans 💕🥹
anyway I said I wouldn’t ramble so I won’t so!! thank you all so much and I’ll be here still writing away!! 💕🥹 and I hope you guys will stick around.
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Hi! Gotta say that your writting is so, so amazing!! It's so in character and the way you work with descriptions and words is really beautiful! <333
It's so very impressive and inspiring that you post almost every single day(like WOW), I hope you're not overworking yourself and take breaks!
I'm not sure if your requests are open(if not, feel free to ignore it pls!!), but I would've liked to request pretty much anything with either 2007 or 2003 Donnie if that's okay :D
Timeless Love (Fluff)
FastForward!Donatello x reader
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A/N: Thank you so much!💕 I’ve been writing for years, but actually sharing my writings is still pretty new to me, especially in English💚 It’s so sweet of you to think of my well being. I do not feel overworked just yet😂 Anyway, I already had this idea floating around for Fast Forward Donnie, so I thought this was the perfect time to get it done. I might continue it and have some more fun with it in the future, but I’m not sure yet. But until then, hope you enjoy💜🐢
Donatello and Cody make a device that can freeze time, but does it work?
Warnings: None that I can think of💜
Donatello had been eager to show you and his brothers, his and Cody’s latest project. At night when the two of you were about to got to bed, he would start rambling on about how it might be one of the greatest innovations ever made. This left you very interacted, as you had thought Cody’s accidental time machine was the greatest innovation ever made.
It didn’t take long before that day came. In the depths of Cody’s lab, Donatello and the young Jones proudly presented the small top rounded machine to you and the rest of the turtles.
“That’s it?”, Raph asked, looking at the clock-like machine in front of him. “All this for a fashy stopwatch?”
“I think Donnie finally lost his mind”, Mikey whispered to Leo, causing the oldest turtle to roll his eyes.
“It is not a stopwatch”, Donnie said. “It’s a Temporal Interruption Device - or TID for short”.
“Donnie, sweetheart”, you said, using that nickname that made Donnie churr whenever the two of you were alone. “You know I love it when you tech-talk, but I have no idea what that means”.
Donatello sighed before pointing to the machine with a deadpan look. “That thing can stop time. Pause it, you can say”.
“So I was right!”, Raphael laughed. “It is a stopwatch!”
“Kind of”, Cody smiled, finding the banter amusing. “I have to admit, when Donatello first came up with the idea I thought it was strange, impossible even. But then Donnie reminded me that if you can travel in time, then it should also be possible to stop time”.
Leo hummed in thought, rubbing his chin. “It sounds pretty amazing, Donnie, but is it a good idea to freeze time?”
“Well, just like time travel can have its consequences on the space time continuum, I would speculate that freezing of time would most likely have some of the same”, Donnie said in thought, looking through his notes on his holographic tablet. “But we got time to figure that out, no pun intended. The Temporal Interruption Device isn’t ready yet. It still has a few bugs we need to smooth out, before it even can freeze water”.
“But if it worked”, you started, your curiosity peaked like it did so often when Donnie talked about his work. “How do you use it?”
“It’s very easy”, Donnie said, beaming bright at your interest in his invention. He took your hand and led you close to the machine, causing Mikey and Raph to make gagging noises behind your back, only for Leo to give them a light scolding. He took your other hand, making your stomach tingle slightly, before putting it on top of the rounded machine. “You just put your hand here”, he said, his face close to yours as he did so. You turned your head to smile at him, almost forgetting his brothers and Cody being nearby.
“Gross, they’re doing it again”, Mikey said. “They are doing that weird tech PDA thing!”
“Be nice, Mikey”, Leo said, just as Donnie put slight pressure on your hand.
“And then you just push”, he said, ignoring his younger brother. The machine made a small click as it was pushed down. You didn’t think anything strange of it as the lamps lit up, but when you saw Donnie’s confused expression, you knew something was up. Your boyfriend never looked confused at his own inventions.
Before you could ask him what was going on, the machine made a small thing. Then all sound stopped. The small background hums of the machines in Cody’s lap, Splinter’s soap opera in the living room and the song Serling had been singing in the kitchen, all stopped.
The other turtles and Cody were stuck in various poses, mid-action, all in the midst of moving towards the two of you, in what seemed like a hurry. You and Donatello however remained unaffected.
"Oops”, he said, in an almost unintentional comical manner, as he took in the others' appearances. “This wasn't supposed to happen".
You looked around at the frozen scene, a mix of awe and amusement on your face. "This is so cool, Donnie", you said, grabbing onto his arm.
“I guess so”, Donnie said, turning his head to the side as he looked at his brothers, a small smile spreading across his face once more, when he turned to you once more. You loved whenever he adorned that smile. Slightly mischievous but never any less than sweet and bright. Typically a smile Donatello would show, whenever he had an idea he thought to be good. “Wanna take a look around?”
“Of course”, you smiled back.
You and your boyfriend walked from the lab and into the living room, where you found Splinter frozen in front of the television, shock spread across his face, taking in the character on the screen, that was in the middle of telling her cousin she was actually her stepsister.
In the kitchen you found Serling in the middle of his cooking. Food on the stove while he stood at the kitchen counter, a knife slightly raised over the vegetables he had been cutting.
“Okay, you were right”, Donnie chuckled. “This is pretty cool”.
“It almost feels wrong”, you said, making your way behind Serling so you could get to the fridge. “To be walking around without them knowing”. You opened the fridge and took out two juice boxes.
“You’re once again right”, he said, accepting the juice box with a grateful smile, letting his hand linger on yours for a bit. “But I have to be honest, I do like how quiet it is”.
“There’s something about that”, you giggled, bringing the straw of your juice box to your mouth so you could take a sip. But before you could manage that, Donatello put his juice box on the kitchen counter and brought his arms around your waist, pulling you into a quick sudden kiss. You kissed him back, but couldn’t help but giggle against his lips. “What was that for?”
“With my brothers frozen in time, I can kiss you as much as I want without them acting up”, he joked, dipping in for another deep kiss. You smiled against his lips, enjoying the nice and quiet moment, knowing that no one would come and interrupt you. Maybe the Temporal Interruption Device would become way more handy than you originally had thought it would.
When the two of you pulled apart, you had already forgotten the presents of frozen Serling in the kitchen, causing both of you to jump a bit.
“Maybe we should go back and unfreeze them”, Donnie said, still with his arm wrapped around you, his hand making soft circular motions on your back.
“That’s probably a good idea”, you said, handing him his juice box once more, before finally taking a sip of your own.
You and Donnie went back to the lab, chuckling at the sight of his brothers and Cody, frozen in the same position you left them in. Still with your juice boxes in hand, you went over to the machine, where both of you placed your hands on top. You gave it a good press, watching as the world around you got unpaused. The humming of the machines came back, followed with the sound of Splinter gasping at his soap opera.
“Bianca, no!”
The turtles and Cody came back to life, hurrying forward, only to stop in their tracks when they saw you and Donnie happily drink out of your juice boxes. They stared at you, confused by the sudden appearances of the juice boxes, let alone who the two of you managed to get to the other side of the Temporal Interruption Device in less than a second. But before they could ask any questions, Serling came into the lab with a heavy sigh, metallic hand rubbing the place where his nose should have been.
“Master Donatello, Miss (Y/N)”, he started, sounding very strained. “I understand the need and appeal of getting affectionate with no interruptions, but please refrain from doing it in front of me. Even with time frozen, my picture memory and motion sensors can read any interaction”.
“Don’t say it like that, Serling”, you sighed, trying to ignore the expression on the boys’ faces. “You make it sound like we had sex in front of you”. Donatello almost choked on his juice by your forwardness, causing the boys to burst out in laughter. Even after such a long time together, it still managed to surprise Donatello every once in a while.
“I am just happy you left before deciding to do so”, Serling sighed, before turning towards the door so he could return to the kitchen. “That mental recording and terabyte trauma just wouldn’t be worth it”.
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localsharkcryptid · 19 days
ur staged duo mer au looks rly interesting! can u explain how Dream and Punz met :0
Honestly this wasn't something I had thought about yet so thanks for throwing something at me that I actually wasn't ready to answer! Admittedly the au itself is actually a bit more of a general story than focused on Staged Duo alone, but they are a focal point and Dream is one of the main POVs - but regardless after a bit of thinking, I think I've figured out how the two met! (Pardon the rambling here)
All in all Sirens and Mermaids don't cross paths all that often - mermaids tend to be an ocean fairing species and greatly prefer deeper waters. They avoid conflict with humans by staying out of reach, generally avoiding inland areas most of the time. Sirens, due to lacking gills, often keep closer to shore and a fair few have a preference for setting up territories within swamps and estuaries, as it gives them a bit more security than living by the coasts in terms of avoiding human conflicts.
Due to Dream tending to be adventurous and Punz most likely dwelling within a more brackish water area their paths crossed numerous times before properly meeting. Simple cases of 'being aware' that the other was there or witnessing the other from afar. They never spoke, mostly due to a slight difference in language (namely just the fact that Sirens can't communicate underwater like Mers - who click and chirp much like whales and dolphins) as well as Punz being well, Punz and generally keeping a lot of distance between him and Dream. Though this finally changes when Punz unfortunately ends up struck by a boat - the siren is left injured and frankly not in the best of states when Dream happens upon him again.
The interaction is tense and Punz definitely is defensive, hell it probably takes a couple of days of trying to help on Dream's end before he can actually get close enough to do anything. So their first 'official' meeting turns into a few weeks of Punz begrudgingly accepting help and by extension Dream's company, which he grows to like more than he would ever admit out loud. (Both of them have been alone for like 70% of their lives, probably more on Punz's end, so their relationship probably develops rather quickly from that point honestly - also just differences in culture, the marine people do not know what dating is your honor)
Also I've never actually gotten to do this but I did also make a little doodle to go along with this- honestly imma probably try and write a one shot of sorts for this whole idea cause it's just really wholesome
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ANYWAYS ty very much for the ask!! It was really fun to figure this bit of backstory out <3
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 11 months
Hi! I'd like to ask if it's possible to have a scenario where the reader is a time/dimension traveler trying to escape the yanderes just to find herself/themself having more yandere? Thanks!
I keep coming back to this ask, and for good reason. It’s a really fun one honestly, I don’t think it’s enough to have a single scenario for this. (not an insult btw this idea is just that exciting I believe it needs more than one bit to it). It feels like a complex idea in my head, bits and pieces I want to add and expand on.
The thought of multiple Yandere people after you, villains/Joestars no matter where you hop to sounds terrifying. I’d probably have to condense some things with certain characters since there’s so many of them. (Doesn’t mean I’d ignore them completely) A big highlight would be the main villains/Jojos/Jobro characters.
Reader/Darling definitely has a stand (you’d certainly need one to not go completely insane in this scenario). I already have the name “King Diamond” down and a vague idea of a couple abilities for it. This will probably sound ridiculous but time travel will be some sort of sub ability. I’ll be upfront it maybe a bit OP with how I write, though the point of you utilizing the stand is more for running/hiding/defense and using wit than anything else. I’m hoping with that I can still make it a fun read.
Don’t mind me rambling on below, this is a rather large thing for me to speculate/maybe plot out.
Anywho another interesting bit with this concept would be characters who reoccur later recognizing you. Starting off with Part 1, with Dio who returns in Stardust Crusaders. Joseph recognizing you from interacting in Part 2. Etc. (which probably won’t make it easier for you in the long run)
Involving requiem in one form or another. (Again I feel this is more for reader’s sanity).
Characters potentially working together/not falling for infighting (or going after you, themselves). Looking forward in particular to writing Pucci for this since he’s pretty on top of changing plans usually. Valentine is another contender (just with you potentially hopping universes)
Anyway I think I’m going to call this the Yandere JJBA Singularity project or something like that. This will probably be a big undertaking for me, with maybe rewatching certain bits to get a refresher.
might not do this right away but I thought to put this out there finally.
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allysafantasy · 2 months
A swamp filled with Goomys.
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Astra was on her way to a nearby city to earn her second gym badge, but there was a problem. To get there, she had to go through a swamp, which she didn't realize would be a headache to get out. Lost in the swamp and growing frustrated that she couldn't find a way out. While wandering, she was startled by an Ampharos holding an Oran Berry. This Pokémon didn't belong in the swamp which grew Astra's fears of it attacking her, especially being the final evolution of Mareep. Ready to run away, knowing her Rowlet and Eevee couldn't defeat it, Astra caught a glimpse of a sparkle on its neck—a Mega Stone. This lessened her fears as Ampharos offered her the Oran Berry. "Aww, thank you, Ampharos!" As Astra said that, she thought its trainer might be nearby. She didn't like the thought of talking to another person but she sucked it up and asked Ampharos where their trainer was so she could find a way out of the swamp. Ampharos nodded and started to search for its trainer, with Astra following behind.
They arrived at a part of the swamp filled with Goomys and Sliggoos, and Astra was in awe of how many there were. Ampharos then led her to a guy playing with the Goomys. Ampharos made a happy "mehh" sound as it's red gems on its head and tail glowed. Astra smiled at Ampharos. She nervously approached him and said, "Hi." The guy looked up to see who was speaking to him. Astra panicked a bit as she recognized him—it was Beleth, an Elite Four Member. 
Astra was confused about why an Elite Four Member was there but then remembered that Beleth likes to wander around different places. However, she didn't expect to meet him in a place like this. Panicking, she thought of many ways this interaction could go wrong, but her thoughts were interrupted by Beleth's response.
"Oh! A new trainer! Hello, do you need anything?" Beleth smiled at her while petting a Goomy next to him.
"Y-yeah, umm, I really want to get out of the swamp, but I got lost. Can you help me?" Astra said, twiddling her thumbs nervously.
"Sure! I don't mind. This swamp is pretty big, you can easily get lost inside it, but I know this place pretty well! Since I usually come here to see the Goomys. They are all friendly with the trainers that visit." Beleth held and showed Astra the Goomy he was petting. The Goomy squeaked.
"Huh, why are there so many Goomys and Sliggoos in this place? I-I thought they lived deep within the swamp."
“Well… it’s a long story, but you don’t want to hear me ramble about that. Hey, look! A Goomy is coming up to you.” Beleth pointed at a Goomy that was emerging from the water and approaching Astra. It squeaks at her. “H-hello,” Astra said, still twiddling her thumbs. “Umm, do you want to see my Pokémon?” 
Goomy stretched its body up and down while it squeaked happily.
“Goomy seems to like that idea! You should bring out your Pokémon. Some Goomys really like seeing new Pokémon from outside the swamp,” Beleth responded happily.
Astra, starting to calm down a bit, brought out her starter, Rowlet, from its Pokéball. Rowlet let out a chirp. Goomy went to talk to Rowlet, and Rowlet talked back. Goomy stretched its body while Rowlet flapped his wings happily. Astra seemed to enjoy watching them chat and preferred to take a small break for a while despite wanting to get out of the swamp. Beleth seemed to enjoy just playing with the Goomy that came up to him.
================================================ If you wanna see more info about Beleth here although it has some old art -> Beleth and Miya This whole drawing took a long time and I don't know how I survived that long plus making a story that was pretty much accidental and is probably bad and grammatically bad. Anyway I made this for extra stuff. I thought it would be fun to do my ocs teams. (Also, I found the background from pokecharms.com, cause I can't be bothered to make my own) Here are Astra's and Beleth's Pokémon.
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Beleth likes to nickname all of his pokemon. The names of the Dreepy on Launcher's head are Blast and Rocket)
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nerd-cat-rambles · 2 months
please ramble to me about hinazumi i’ve never met someone who shipped this specific pairing so hard and i need to Know i need to experience this too
Hinazumi is in my eyes, the PERFECT AMAZING AWESOMEST ship of sdr2. I can understand why you'd like other ships though.
For starters, many people assume it's a rarepair because they haven't many interactions in the main game, with Mahirus death early on and all. I feel like if she lived longer this would totally flesh out the relationship, and she would be a sort of Chiaki kind of character, but we already have a Chiaki, so bye bye Mahiru *hits with a metal bat*
Spoilers from her on I guess
The main reason I ship this is because of mahirus ftes, if you play all of them in order you'll see EXACTLY what I mean.
"MAHIRUS A LESBIAN MAHIRUS A LESBIAN!" No??? She loves Saionji, yes, but she also has canonical attraction towards Hajime.
In her Ftes she starts as a tsundere. Well she's a tsundere until she dies, and technically I'm pretty sure hajime is too.
As the time she spends with Hinata grows, so does the personal connection that they have. Mahiru reveals that she had a bad father figure and her mother got her into photography, this shows that Mahiru doesn't really hate males at all. She just dislikes laziness and because of her father's actions in her mind all males are lazy. (This is entirely different to Tenko by the way).
Mahiru begins to act nervous in her final FTE and Hajime asks her if she's alright, she tells him that it'd be better to "do it" somewhere better and so she takes him to a beach.
Hajime pretty much assumes that its a confession of love and Mahiru tells him "no nevermind ill tell you when we're off the island" and with that they begin to take photos.
As they do so she promises that she will give him her camera once she gets off the island, which is because she trusts him (gift giving is a love language is it not? And based on Mahirus experience with other men it all seems to match - she assumes men are greedy and lazy, so if she liked one itd only make sense to give them something)
She also says that photos are the best way to see people, and that Hajime taking a photo of Mahiru is the equivalent to how he sees her as a person. This is both personality-wise and physically. She seems disappointed (something along the lines of "wow am I really that bland") which is something that usually wouldnt bother her because she's all about hard work and less about presentation.
Hajime promises to get off the island with her and be friends together, and then the FTE ends. That chapter she dies. That's very doomed isn't it? Like... danganronpa doomed lovers? Like?????
Anyway, throughout the game Hajime never loses his temper at mahiru for assuming things (but he does with Nagito) which might be a possibility to show his affection towards her.
Im also pretty sure they have interactions in the dr3 anime which I haven't seen.
I haven't played the games in a while so this is all from memory, but that's all the Canon proof of the main game that i can think of to why I ship Hinazumi.
I totally respect people who ship komahina, hinanami, mahiruxhiyoko, mahiruxsato etcetera. But hinazumi is just adorable and she should've lived longer to get the development she needed.
Its such a fun fluffy ship that I'd totally reccomend getting into. And her ftes make her a much more likeable character so check those out if you can!
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