#anyways the gunshots were going on for at least an hour so im pretty sure it was target practice
kazookat · 7 months
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I loveeeee living in america (lying)
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enderwoah · 3 years
(this is really long ENJOY :gun:)
he is phil's son smile
phil's most recent son at least
he's got like one more somewhere
he picked this one up off the dangerous streets a few years ago and he's been sticking with phil ever since
his wings are small- not too small to fly, but they're untrained to the point where it would take a lot or work to get him off the ground
but at first, he didn't really seem to want to learn all that much?
(he has three scars on his face- all from trying to learn how to fly when he was younger)
(he gave up after the third one)
("if at first you don't succeed; try, try again" is his motto, and he tried all three times)
but!! phil and wilbur are very persuasive :) and now that he knows he can fly, he's not going to rest until he does
he's a little manipulative to get what he wants sometimes, but can you blame someone that lived on the street for so long?
he had to do that to survive! it's not his fault.
(it's a great excuse.)
he laughs like a kookaburra amen
he squawks when he gets scared
he chirps. he tries not to because it makes phil go absolutely bird-brained but he does sometimes and he hates it.
god he is. so fucking annoying (/rp)
he simply does not know when to stop
he ignores social cues to see when someone is annoyed
(see: he can read social cues. he does read social cues. when you get annoyed that's when he starts being more annoying, because you're more likely to give him what he wants to get him to shut the fuck up.)
he loves talking to (at) people, especially people he doesn't really know that well
so he's trying to be friends with ranboo, but the absolute prick keeps trying to avoid any actual conversations, so that's not working
he buzzes when he gets excited-happy
his fingertips are completely blackened and horrendously sharp, functioning as ten individual stingers
they don't do any actual damage but he's working on that
wither hybrid (??)
how can you be a wither hybrid?? nobody got down and dirty with the wither
he's an experiment
the reason we haven't seen him yet? he's staying away from the main area of the smp
he doesn't want to ruin its natural beauty with his withering effect, so he keeps to himself on the outskirts of the smp
which sucks
withers get health from killing things
he's not fully a wither, so he gets energy from being around people and sort of draining their life force a little bit
he feels terrible when he's with just one person because they are Literally his life support and it makes the person feel like shit
when he's with a big group of people its great!! he only has to take a little bit from everyone and its barely noticable!!
but then there's the wither part. so he has to stay away.
he's always tired
always exhausted
he's a farmer, so taking it from animals works, but god does he miss people
but he can only visit a few times and for very short
(he's afraid that one of these days he'll get so bad that the next time he sees someone he'll accidentally kill them)
(it already happened once. he's blessed that he's been forgiven, even made friends with by the victims, but he doubts he'll be able to pull that off again with no consequences like last time)
phantlings are dead elytrians, and given that wilbur was phil's son...he's a phantling
he died in the late 50s and was a librarian when he was alive, so he's very possessive (ha) over all of his things
you should never ask to "borrow" anything from him, he will hound you about it until you give it back
it's best to just say that you want something from him to keep
even if youre going to give it back
just for your own peace of mind
phantlings can feel fear and get a genuine feeling of elation from scaring people
of course, sometimes its unwelcome (feeling large amounts of fear from someone they care about in a bad way just makes them pissed)
but for the most part, wilbur loves appearing in the corner of people's visions just to jumpscare them a few minutes later
all in good fun, of course!! it's just hilarious :)
being the lighthearted, fun guy he is, he's not particularly secretive about his method of death
"how did i die? well, it all started -- ended -- on november 16th, 1958!"
"i walked out of the library late, since i took the shift for my wife since she was feeling sick and i worked there anyways,"
"the streets were dark and only lit up by gaslamps...and out of an alley...appeared..........."
he didn't mean it. wilbur isn't at all mad at him (anymore)
he was starving. he didn't know that one touch would be enough to fully revitalize him...
and murder wilbur where he stood.
has details on everyone on the server
you Cannot Hide Shit From Sneeg
its impossible
if you find of his any shittly little mouse holes then you're doomed
you find one and there are twenty more
he's under your floorboards while you're having your important discussion about trapping the nether roof
sucks to suck ig??
he seems to be the favourite of many, which is weird since he rarely goes out of his way to actually talk to many people
he's the only person that tubbo doesn't actively try to annoy (or maybe he just doesn't find tubbo's antics all that annoying)
he's the only person that ranboo stays around (or maybe he stays around ranboo- he and Phil seem to be the only ones not off-put by his slightly sadistic and whiny demeanour (not counting tubbo, who annoys him anyways)
phil seems to be more protective of him than he thinks is normal (he lets sneeg ride on his shoulder while travelling, so he doesn't really complain)
niki is completely protective over him (again, not complaining)
contrary to popular believe, he does not get high from sugar
if anything he gets
(get it)
he's literally just a nine-year old getting a sugar rush leave him alone
take the normal "bird-brain" headcanons and multiply it by like sixty-four
and you've got origins phil
he can't see glass- or, rather, he can, but it doesn't register that 'hey, this is a solid surface i am going to slam into'
its very funny for everyone else but he's pretty sure he has permanent brain damage from the blunt force trauma
if there is ANYONE on the server who dares to chirp, bird or no, they must understand that they are signing away their privacy and giving phil the right to go absolutely bonkers over them momma bird style
(shoutout to tommy, wilbur, ranboo, and fundy for having to suffer through this)
"oh??? you don't have wings?? you don't have feathers?? omg?? then what's this im preening?? what do you mean im just braiding your hair?? nono this is preening smile"
god help you if you dare to have wings
poor tommy, wilbur, sneeg, and tubbo
phil can't help himself alright
do you think he wants to be any sort of protective over sneegsnag?
no!! but he cant stop himself!! sneeg might damage his wings if he keeps flying those super long distances!!! nnnno! carry the bug man!!!
it's weird, he's always had that protective sense over ranboo, too
but ranboo very obviously doesn't have wings, so he doesn't get it...
yes ur a peasant
yes ur poor
yes im cooler than u
what r u gonna do about it
the enderdragon's son! partially a dragon, partially enderman, partially human (don't ask, his other mom is a hybrid), all spoiled brat!
given that he has a ton of dragon genes, he's extremely possessive over his stuff and Yes He Does Do The Hoarding Thing
he has a pile of rings and gold chains and necklaces and most of his jewellery hidden underneath his bed
(if you ask him, no, he doesn't)
not to wear
just to Have
one time, fundy stole one (1) bracelet from the hoard and ranboo was sent into a panic for a good 24 hours
he wouldn't leave his cave and kept counting and recounting as if that'd make the missing piece reappear
(when fundy had to give it back because of the guilt, he expected to get his face bitten off)
(instead, he just watched as the prince was flooded with relief, telling him to get the hell out and nothing more)
it's weird, he has so much gold and even a crown, and yet here he is
living with all those people ^^^
truth be told, the enderdragon isn't a very nice dragon
nor is she a very kind queen
nor was the other queen
nor was her son
there was a mutiny in the end, leading to the dragon queen and her wife being killed brutally by the crowd of angered people
they went after their son next, who had ordered executions and worked servants to the bone just as much as they had
they cut off his wings in the middle of the square
he was sure he was going to die until a random person (a peasant) jumped up and yelled at them for publicly torturing a child
but ranboo didn't really catch all of it, given he was delirious from pain
he got to get some stuff quickly and escape with his life
this wasn't too long ago, either, so he's still trying to...adjust...to people talking rudely to him
(he's also trying to adjust to not having wings)
(hence why he hurls himself off the edges of cliffs and then has to teleport to the bottom instead of glide. he keeps forgetting.)
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whumptober day 6
prompt: dragged away
whumpee: kyle valenti (probably literally no one else whumps him but oh well) 
fandom (figured i should probably start including this): roswell new mexico
i kinda really super hate this but at least its something right? anyway there’s a little bit of mylex bc i would fucking die for that ship ok
Losing a patient is something that most surgeons have to experience at some point. Sometimes complications arise. Sometimes they make a mistake. Sometimes, despite their best efforts, there’s just nothing that can be done.
Kyle Valenti knew what it felt like to lose a patient. He’d dealt with a lot of bad situations, and usually he managed to come to terms with the loss. Some guilt remained with him, of course, but he tried to focus on his successes. He’d saved a lot more people than he’d lost. He knew it was important to remember that, but it didn’t make dealing with the losses any easier. 
Today had already been a long day, and it was only just lunchtime. Kyle had completed a risky surgery on an elderly patient, and she was currently in recovery. It was impossible to tell for sure at this stage, but it looked as though she was going to be okay. So he was currently trying to relax in the cafeteria, a task that was proving to be impossible as he was paged back into surgery.
He knew it was going to be a rough one as soon as he heard the description- “gunshot wound to the abdomen, potential organ rupture.” He and his team prepped for surgery. The victim was young-seventeen at the most, and apparently the injury had been sustained in a shootout of unclear circumstances. 
Kyle hated it when the hospital received cases like this-no kid should be the victim of a gunshot wound, and yet, this wasn’t the first time he’d had to do an operation like this. 
They began the surgery. It quickly became apparent that this was going to be an especially difficult one-there was, indeed, an organ rupture, not to mention a lot of blood loss. 
The team, led by Kyle, worked tirelessly, trying to save the boy, whose name, they had learned, was Sam. His mother had arrived half an hour into the surgery, frantic. The hospital staff had explained that they had a team of their best surgeons doing all they could to save her son. Kyle had been asked briefly about his condition (“his mother just got here and she’s panicking. How’s it going?”).
Kyle knew how it was going. Bad. He and his team were doing absolutely everything they could, but the fact of the matter was, there was too much internal trauma. After about two hours, his heart started flatlining. Kyle had been working frantically, trying to stop the internal bleeding while avoiding causing more trauma to the boy’s organs. 
At the sound of the steady beeping tone, one of the surgeons grabbed the defibrillator, and managed to restart the boy’s-Sam’s-heart. Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief as his heartbeat returned to the screen, faint but there. Kyle continued his precarious work-and then everything fell apart. Alarms started going off, resuscitation failed, and finally, at 3:14 p.m., after nearly three hours of desperate work, Samuel Gonzalez was pronounced dead. 
Around him, Kyle’s team began cleaning up, each of them looking miserable. Kyle himself, the leader of this surgery, the one who was supposed to save this kid, couldn’t tear himself away from Sam’s body. “There has to be something…” he whispered. “I can’t...I can’t have let him die.”
He heard a wail from outside the door. Sam’s mother. He had killed her son! If he had just been better, faster, more observant! He should have done something, should have saved him! It was his fault this kid was dead, his fault, his fault…
“Doctor Valenti, you need to exit the room, please,” said a nurse from the door. He knew her-Lydia, a recent graduate of nursing school. She stepped into the room when he didn’t respond. “Kyle,” she said softly. “Come on.”
He just stood there. He couldn’t make himself move. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Lydia walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. “You did everything you could,” she said. 
“No, no, I should have...should have…”
“There was nothing else you could do for him.”
He grabbed onto the edge of the operating table. “I couldn’t save him…”
“Come on, Doctor. We have to clear the room.”
He still didn’t move. Lydia gently grabbed his arm. “Kyle.”
He still didn’t move. She walked out of the room, returning shortly thereafter with another, taller nurse in tow. “Doctor Valenti,” this nurse said, crossing her arms. “You have to leave the room.”
When he didn’t reply, she sighed and picked him up around the waist. 
“No! Wait!” he yelled desperately. “Wait…” he said, pleading. 
The nurse pulled him away from the table, his fingers desperately grabbing at its edges as he was peeled away. “No! No! I should have saved him...I should have saved him.”
Out in the hall, the boy’s mother was being comforted by one of the surgeons on Kyle’s team, who was reassuring her that she would be allowed to see her son soon, explaining how they had done everything they could. She was shaking, and she looked so small and so broken. 
The nurse set him down as she closed the door behind her. He sunk to the ground next to the door and stared ahead blankly. 
A shadow stood over him. Slowly, Kyle looked up. “You were the one in charge?” He nodded.
“They say you did everything you could.” He nodded again, numbly. She nodded back at him, then took a deep breath and opened the door. He could hear her whimper of grief as she saw her son’s body.
He sat in that hall, staring at the wall, until someone came to find him and inform him that his shift had ended. He walked to his car in a daze and somehow managed to make his way home without getting into an accident. 
As he reached his door, he realised there was someone in his house. The lights were on and he could hear the muted sound of his TV playing. He found he didn’t really care too much and opened the door anyway. 
Alex and Michael stood up from the couch as soon as the door opened. Kyle stood there, looking utterly devastated and empty. They shared a quick look before approaching him, enveloping him in a hug. 
“Why’re you here?” he asked quietly.
“One of the nurses called me,” Alex explained. “Lydia, I think? I met her a couple weeks ago. She said you’d had a pretty bad day and asked if we’d come visit you. So here we are, of course.”
The three of them settled down on the couch, Kyle squished in between them. Alex grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and pulled it over their laps, and Michael slid an arm over Kyle’s shoulders. 
They fell asleep like that, at some point, tangled together in a pile of blankets, an old movie playing quietly on the TV. In the morning, there would be lots of stiff limbs and heavy hearts, but for now, at least, there was nothing.
i know this really fuckin sucks i hate it too im so sorry
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pseudonymfox · 6 years
A Widow and the Outlaw
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Cowboy AU)
Summary: All alone in the woods Bucky finds a griefing widow and decides to save her life. Both of them showing each other there worlds...
Warnings: mentions of killing/violence/death, fluff, guns?
A/N: Enjoy! I really like it :) Yes I had to take this picture hehe
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Up in the hills was supposedly live a rich couple all alone in a cabin, sleeping on their piles of cash he heard from a fella. And if it’s one thing Bucky and his outlaw gang needed than it was money so he prepared everything for a long ride with food and munition to get over the next few days that it would take.
The tip he got about them was better be something good otherwise it would be nothing but waste to ride this far into the mountains. Through different terrains and weather changes he rode about three day until he could see his destination in further distance. He wanted to take one quick look before going in to make sure he wasn’t going to walk into something he couldn’t handle. He didn’t have much of a plan, it was just a quick in and out.
As he got closer he could make out small whimpers and cries from a woman that was sitting on ground, a grave in front of her. She looked like she’s been through a lot, her hair disheveled, the clothes she wore dirty and wet from the rain. Must been sitting there for a few hours he thought and got off of his horse, closer to her.
“All we needed was each other..that’s what you always told me” she mumbled under her breath.
“Uhh..- You alright there Lady?” he asked her carefully trying not to startle her.
“Who are you?” She asked surprised and stood up, taking a few steps away from him.
“Sorry..I don’t mean no harm” he replied, holding his hand up in surrender to assure her that Bucky wasn’t one of the crazy ones out here. People around here could be cruel and disgusting, he couldn’t say he was a good man but he kept his sympathy around most people. Not always thinking to kill or steal from people.
“Well it doesn’t make a difference anymore if I get killed from an outlaw, from wild animals or simply from starvation” she sighed quietly, picking up flowers and placing them gently on top of the grave.
“-We came out of the city in search of something different...something where we could be free..something true” she added as Bucky decided to stay silent for a moment.
“-We were a pair of fools” she chuckled softly.
“Is there a train station or somewhere else I could bring you to?”Bucky asked hoping to help the lost lady.
“No I..he wouldn’t want this...I am gonna do this for you Elijah” she stood now up again and starting to walk away, something about her seemed to catch his interest.
“I am gonna leave you to it then” he replied and wanted to walk back but felt like he couldn’t leave like this. Somehow he felt guilty for something he wanted to do to them even tho he never did.
“-Is there anything left for you to get over the days?” he spoke up again and she turned around again.
“Nothing. We didn’t have an idea about hunting. Couldn’t even catch a darn mouse, just found some poisenes berry’s” she told him grinning sadly.
“Well you won’t last much longer if ya don’t know how to hunt...Come on I’ll show you” he suggested her. Bucky wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he would leave like this. It would be her death, he didn’t want more undeserved deaths that laid heavy on him which followed him every day, plaguing his mind.  
“Alright but you better not try any funny business. I may be weak but I know how to stand up for myself” she said proudly and followed him down the path.
“I don’t doubt that” Bucky laughed leading the way.
“You ever skinned an animal before? or learned how to read tracks?” he asked quietly as the got further between trees, trying not to scare the animals away.
“No but as I told you I haven’t catched much before” she told him, her voice low as well.
”You gotta learn how to if you want to survive out here” he let her know, the city wasn’t really far away but still.
“I am aware of that. Where are we heading? Do I need to look for something?” the women stopped by his side kneeling into the ground, gazing through the wood.
“We try it a bit more down, near the river. Look for movement and listen closely” he explained her and she nodded following along again.
“What happened to your husband? If you don’t mind me asking” he asked carefully choosing his words thinking that she must be still grieving about the loss.
“A bear got him. Came out of nowhere. It was horrifying to watch, he survived only a for a couple days after that...Buried him two weeks ago” she told him looking to the ground.
“I’m sorry” he let her know.
“That was more his dream then mine.” she said, Bucky slowly stopping and going more carefully.
“You seeing something?” he asked and looked at her taking the bow and an arrow ready.
“No just lots a trees and the river. Stuff like that” she sighed out looking around more crunching her eyebrows together, concentrating to see something.
“Alright. Close your eyes for a second” he told her really softly.
“How is that supposed to help?” she mumbled back but did it anyway. Maybe he is robbing her now or knocking her out she thought and stepped a bit back, after all they just met and she was pretty sure that he is an outlaw and that mostly never meant something good.
“Just do it, concentrate on sounds. Tell me what you hear?” he whispered and saw the smirk on her lips growing.
“You talking. That’s what I hear.” he breathed out a chuckle.
“Open your eyes again and look again” he instructed so she did and looked around until her eyes widened and she pinched his arm and pointed towards. “There is a rabbit” she whispered smiling from ear to ear.
“See you concentrated on the forest instead of thinking and looking to hard for something specific.” he said and pointed the arrow at the rabbit, breathed another time in and out deeply before letting the arrow go and hitting the rabbit letting it fall over dead.
“Impressive” he heard her mumbling, probably to herself and catching her watching him closely, like she was taking notes in her head about this for later. They both got closer to the now dead rabbit and he pulled it by it legs up taking the arrow out again before holding it towards her.
“You got a knife?” he asked her as she took the rabbit by both legs like Bucky did.
“No not right now. Should I get it?” she raised her brows, the cabin wasn’t far but it was better she learned it without one first.
“No just try to skin it like this. Hold it tightly by his legs, grab his fur and just pull downwards really strong..it will come right off” he explained and nodded doing what he said, she pulled and pulled til the skin came right off, easier as expected as she got right grip for it. “I did it!!” she laughed out proudly showing the rabbit up to him.
“Yeah see. Not that hard” Bucky rested his hands and on his hips.
“Ok I think that was enough for one day I think I should get back now” she bit her lip from grinning so proudly. With the rabbit slung over her shoulder they made their way back up the path.
“Thank you for showing me that. I wouldn’t make it if you wouldn’t showed up” she said after a few moments of silence, looking at him as he nodded.
“No need to thank me. The rabbit should at least last a few days before you have to catch another one”
“Well now I know how to” she winked at him letting him blush faintly. Bucky tried to hide it as they got up the stairs but she noticed it.
“I would invite you in but I look like a mess and in there is one too” she took a fallen out hair strand behind her ear and opened the door just a crack so she fitted through it.
“I’ll be on my way then” he tapped his hat and turned around to leave. She watched him get almost to his horse before she got a few steps out again.
“My name is (Y/N)” she called out.
“Bucky Barnes” he smiled back, getting on his horse again and riding away down towards the city.
A week has barely gone by as Bucky was riding around in this area again and thought that he could check in and see that how you were doing already. In further distance he heard gunshots sounding through the forest so he made his horse running  a bit faster just in case something was going south at your cabin and as he took the path up his breathing and heartbeat slowed down again as he saw you with the gun shooting or well trying to shoot some bottles you stood up.
Concentrating on the bottle you wanted to hit you pressed the trigger again but missed once again, the gunshot letting you flinch a bit. Not one of the damn bottles broke or even came in the slightest distance of the bullets.  If it would go like this longer you had to go to visit the gunsmith again for new muntion. Sighing out frustrated you let the gun drop, wanting to give up as you heard a horse coming closer. You immediately turned around and held up the your rifle to the visitor. Bucky was surprised but didn’t even flinch, he was used to be getting pointed at with all kinds of weapons.
“Bucky! Good lord I could’ve shot you” you rolled your eyes and took the gun down.
“But you didn’t” he chuckled and watched you turn back around to the bottles just pointing at them. “You wanna learn how to shoot?” he asked and you looked back.
“How are you always around when I need help sir?” she raised her eyebrows at him and all he could do was shrug and walk to her side.
“I was around and heard shootin’ so here I am..wanted to check in anyways” he confessed, having (Y/N) on his mind now for the past couple of days. She looked better now, more relaxed, cleaner with new clothes and all. Like a new person. “I guess I could use a little help..again.” you sighed out, clearly not happy about it. You usually didn’t like to get help all the time but out here you needed it, it was still all so different than to your life before.
“Nothing to be ashamed of..It’s simple.” he said and came up to her side standing closely to her side, she could already feel his hot breath against her skin as she tried to concentrate on his instructions and on the bottles.
“Make sure you stand right so you don’t pulled back to much, hold you arm a bit up and lean the end against your shoulder then just point out, concentrate, take a deep breath and pull always the trigger after you breathed out” he explained showing her and as he stepped away again she pulled the trigger but missed letting her breath out frustrated. “I’ll never understand that.” she said.
“Here I’ll show you and then you try again. You can learn, not that hard. I promise” he took one of his rifles from his horse.
“You have experience from years of being an outlaw”She said shaking her head and as he did it it all looked so easy as he did it and fast, he didn’t miss.
“Try again” he said as he turned back to her so she did even if it was the last time before she would get to frustrated with this or lock any more people to her.
Pointing the gun, doing what she was told and then pulled the trigger as the bottle exploded into shreds. She hit one.
“I did it..Who would have thought?” she laughed out and he applauded her as she bowed  like she knew a lady would do.
“-You know I actually cleaned up a bit and was just making dinner...You want to join?” she asked and laid the gun away.
“Sure. Would be my pleasure.” he grinned and followed her into the house. It was pretty simple just from the outside but had just her touch something he didn’t often when he got into cabins that are as far away as this one.
“Just take a seat. It’s almost done. It’s with Rabbit, one I catched myself” she told him stirring in it and preparing two dishes for the both of them. Handing one Bucky who digged in right away, he was a interesting men cause he clearly didn’t have manners which you liked. You thought that this was probably one of the first times he had like a dinner inside at a table like “normal” people around these days but after all he is a outlaw so you weren’t surprised the way he acted.
“I guess it tastes good?” you chuckled as he stopped himself and put the plate down trying now not to eat like a animal.
“Yeah it does great quite delicious” he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and sat up.
“I think that might be also the first time that the food I made doesn’t taste awful. Cooking was also new for me. I was raised with a silver spoon in my mouth so I practically had to learn everything for myself after we moved up here so I am even more grateful that you showed up” she told him and poured him something in a glass to drink.
“Really? Well if it’s make this easier I don’t know either how to cook” he whispered like it was a secret making her giggle, which must be the most wonderful sound he ever heard.
“Well I guess we have to learn a lot more from each other” she smiled at him from across the table.
“I guess so”
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xoxo Sophie <3
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But we've got good news for you: Just because you have dry skin doesn't mean you can't have a radiant complexion. Even better, it doesn't need to cost you a fortune! Technique coupled with a few essential products can help you achieve your desired look. Learn how with these five tips for applying makeup to dry skin.. $5.99 Total Perfecting Blender by EcoTools This works just as well as the Beauty Blender, but it much cheaper. Real Techniques also makes a good one, but it a bit firmer and I definitely prefer a softer sponge. Lots of people love the Morphe sponge, but it feels way too hard for me.. One was from a woman who was watching tv with her husband of many years. He left the room and went upstairs to his den. Almost immediately she heard a gunshot and he had blown his brains out. But now with even less character development (16 hours vs 2). There is no way I'm going to watch it. I love myself too much.. On today's Formula One cars, the front tires must be between 12 and 15 inches wide and the rear tires between 14 and 15 inches wide. Four continuous, longitudinal grooves must run around the circumference. The grooves must be at least 2.5 millimeters (0.098 inches) deep and 50 mm (1.97 inches) apart. Nevertheless, the communication tools of yore cups on a string, war drums and even the old fashioned love letter are relics. Today's society uses smart phones, e mail, social networking, texting, IM, online shared access software and video conferencing to interact. Whether these tools increase or decrease productivity is a matter of intense debate. I assuming she talking about CTE and not the obese players. More and more NFL players are seeing the risks of playing the game long term and are choosing to retire early in hopes of saving themselves. CTE is very real 거제출장마사지 and autopsies of deceased players are 거제출장마사지 pretty shocking. That's kind of my point. If I take my time then penalize me but let me work my way out of that penalty. Another good example is the Mungok giant. They told her "ya no este llorando viejia, le estoy disiendo esto para que no se pase la vida pensando que les paso" it translates to "stop crying old lady, I only telling you this so you don spend your life wondering about what happened to them". They did report this to the police, I can say for sure they even looked into it. There was a search at the River consisted mostly of family, nothing was found, they only searched small areas. The d to remove necrotic tissue a few months later would have been cheaper at the abortion clinic, but we only have one in the state and it was booked out weeks on end because of demand. I have dogs and couldn't really afford time off work so I worked out a payment plan with the hospital just like with my induction. Anyway. Wow, as someone with a chronic disease that undergone multiple surgeries, you summed up exactly how I feel too. If I was lucky enough to have a completely healthy body I wouldn do anything to risk messing that up. And I really like your last paragraph too; it such a good point. I remember the first online review. Gamespot gave it a well deserved 8.8 out if 10, and the fan base lost their minds. People that had never played the game before were shitting on and threatening Jeff Gertsman over the review.
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imagine-korea · 7 years
Only Human - Wonho
Word count: 1222
Warnings!: mention of blood, violence, ... zombies? ... yeah, also rather grotesque descriptions of fighting said zombies. 
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I really hope you like it and I’m so sorry this is late but I have a few ongoing fics right now and I’m kind of having a writers block. But I hope you enjoy the story either way.
I also noticed you requested a similar plot on another blog and find it interesting how writers can have such a different creative view on such a similar plot. Anyways, I hope you like mine and theirs just as much! :D 
♥ Thanks for the request @prinxessouo ♥
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Am I the only one that thinks almost every idol would be pretty screwed in a zombie apocalypse? :p anyway, lez do this!
Hope has become such a futile thing in this world.
You felt like there was none but still carried on.
Not having hope but your own determination to carry you further.
You trailed across the empty road.
You always wondered why people thought the roads would be deserted when an Apocalypse actually came to be, but now realised it was because of the army’s attempts to contain this plague. So there you walked, alone. The once crowded city now barely containing a living soul. Seeing the bodies scattered around had become a normal thing. At first, you’d try to pay your respects in some way, like covering them with white sheets or some kind of blanket you’d found, but there was no point in it anymore. You were starting to turn cold.
The sunlight was starting to soften, and you knew the zombies would soon be more active. You had been able to avoid them pretty well that day but knew that never lasted long. You were so sick of having to travel alone after some time being in a small, rather bothersome, group. It made you more afraid even though it should be easier travelling on your own, but there was no one to have your back. And you knew that sooner or later you would first hand find that this was true.
You noticed more and more zombies piling into the streets from wherever they did hide, and you kept close to the buildings, trying to find a place to stay the night.
Across the street there seemed to be a hotel of some kind and you decided that that would be your best bet. The only problem being that more and more zombies were wandering the streets by the second. The only possible way of getting inside was to just make a break for it and get through the door as fast as possible. But as you actually reached the door, having caught quite a few zombies’ attention, you found that the door was locked. You cursed to yourself, grabbing a glass bottle that littered the street, throwing it far from you as a form of distraction as it made contact with the concrete with a loud clatter, pulling some zombies’ attention off your presence as you ran to find another way in. You ran into the alleyway next to the building, hoping that there would at least be a door, a way through or up, anything. Yet you were only met with a brick wall blocking your path and a few dumpsters. Another curse word left your chapped lips as you saw at least 6 zombies joining you in the alleyway. You made your way onto one of the dumpsters knowing that it would be harder for them to get to you, but this also went the other way around. A crowbar isn’t exactly the easiest thing to swing from above. You downed merely two zombies before one of them was able to grab at your ankle. You let out a loud shriek as your crowbar clashed with its head, seemingly wanting to stay fixed in its skull as no matter how hard you pulled, it wouldn’t come out. Adrenaline pumped through your veins at an intense rate and you were quite certain you were done for. You felt something else graze your jeans and you let out another yelp, your head whipping to its direction, only to see the zombie fall to the floor, the others following soon behind as heavy gunshots echoed through the air.
You looked over at their owner, to see a toned man standing at the end of the alleyway, gun in hand. He ran towards you, helping you off the dumpster, not so subtly checking for any bites or scratches. “You okay.” He wondered staring down at you.
“Yes” You nodded, “And I am extremely grateful for your help, but you basically just lured them all here, so we need to get to safety right now.” You rambled, taking his hand and pulling him out of the alleyway but as you were about to run to another building you felt him pull you back. “My group and I already found shelter for the night, come on.” He smiled. “You guys better run! They’re right on our ass!” A man you didn’t notice before yelled from several meters away, another man accompanying him as they ran towards you. They had seemed to have left a trail of downed zombies behind but even more following them. The man pulled you along, running faster than your feet could actually carry you. He pushed open the heavy door of what seemed like warehouse, banging against it with his shoulder as he led you through. He let go of your hand as soon as you were inside and you held the door open for those who were clearly following behind.
As soon as you were able to let go of the door, you doubled over, having to catch your breath from being forced to run at such a pace. “Are you okay?” The man who had saved you asked, placing a gentle hand on your back. “Yeah … fine … just … hmpf” You huffed before slowly straightening yourself out, only to bow your head at the man a second later. “Thank you for saving me.” You said but he placed a hand on your shoulder as to tell you not to bow. “Any time.” He smiled. “Come on, you should meet the others.” “Others?” You mumbled to yourself, following close behind.
“Wonho, do you not understand the difference between food and a girl.” One yelled as soon as you walked into the dimly lit room. Six men were seated  on worn out looking chairs in the middle, two of which you had already seen.
“Oh shut up Jooheon! You were the one scared to go out at this hour.” The man, who you now found out to be Wonho, retorted with a slightly joking tone to his voice. “Hey, with good reason, you guys nearly got gnawed on.” “Guys, can you stop bickering and let us introduce ourselves.” One of the men butted in as he walked over to you. “Hi, I’m Shownu. These idiots are Jooheon, you’ve met Wonho, Minhyuk, Hyungwon, IM and Kihyun.” You found that the ones you had seen before were Kihyun and IM. “I’m Y/N” You grinned, bowing slightly at the men. “She has a mad swing.” Wonho added, lightly shoving your shoulder with his. It was only now that they all noticed the crowbar that still rested in your hand.
“Have you been alone all this time?” Hyungwon suddenly asked and you shook your head. “I’ve was in a group for a while, just tagging along really, but shit went down and I’m not really sure who survived after that, so I just stayed by myself, not really having much of a choice seeing you’re the first normal beings I’ve seen in a long time.” You shrugged and looked over their astonished faces. “Well you won’t have to worry about being alone anymore, you’re one of us now.” Wonho wrapped an arm around your shoulder, a bit tighter than was comfortable. “Right hyung?” “Yes, of course. You’re free to stay with us.” Shownu smiled. ”Welcome to the Xclan!” Some of them yelled in union making you all laugh.
You could not thank them enough.
Part 2
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lucislilangel-blog · 7 years
Family reunions suck
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(Gif not mine)
A/N: Yay thanksgiving is here! Its time to eat til you are about to burst and be grateful for everything😊 But anyway im just going to leave this Fanfic here hope you enjoy it and your thanksgiving! 😀😊
Pairings: None maybe some Dean x reader
Warnings: Nothing really it just gets awkward and maybe some Fluff
Characters: Dean, Reader, Sam, Castiel
Summary: Being a hunter doesn’t really give you much liberty on doing anything especially having Special bonds or ties to non-hunter people especially knowing the Winchesters. When it came to family you didn’t want them in danger so you didn’t get with them a lot. But what will happen when you are forced to go.
Y/H/C = your home town or city (Didn’t want to just put a random state makes it more fun \__( ’-’)__/)
It was a casual day at the bunker and you were just looking for a case as usual when you received a call from your mom. You just stared at your phone as it rang and tried to remember what day it was, oh no no no nopety nope. You knew why she was calling you and the thought of it scared the hell out of you.
It was going to be thanksgiving soon and your parents always want you to come but you end up making up excuses to not go, they have always tried convincing you to go or for you to host it. But it wasn’t an ideal place for you to go everyone always asking about your job which of coarse you can’t tell them about or about you having a boyfriend it was just a lot of stresses.
Hosting Thanksgiving had its own set of stresses of course its the people asking about your job or if you have a boyfriend but you lived in a men of letters bunker not very ideal and besides how could you tell your parents and family that you live with three men and you aren’t dating anyone. As you were staring at the phone and decided to ignore it and got back to looking at cases Dean came into the library and said “you gonna answer it or” you looked up at him and said “like hell I would”.
He only rolled his eyes as he grabbed your phone to check who it was and finally sighed and looked up to you “ Its your mom shouldn’t you answer it” with your eyes still glued on the laptop screen you replied “Not today I’m not” Dean just put your phone down and sat right across from you to look for some more cases too.
After ten minutes of your phone ringing Dean had enough of it and said “you know you have to answer it sometime” you only shrugged with your eyes on the laptop. Dean stretched his arm across the table to grab you phone so you only said “what are you doing” “ well if your not going to answer the phone then I will” without hesitation he clicked answer and you only screamed a short “No!” Before she answered.
You shook your head at Dean as he said “Hello” as Dean looked at you you had a face of pure horror “No, yes you have the right number” now it was Deans turn to have a face of horror and utter panic. You only mouthed the words “You idiot” as he continued to talk “my name is Dean” he looked at you and mouthed “what the hell am I supposed to do” both of you still panicking he said “Oh okay” and hung up.
“Dean, what the hell!?” Were the only words that came put of your mouth, he had blown your cover all he said in a very panicking tone “She says she wants us at dinner for thanksgiving” “What no! Damn it” “W-w-what are we supposed to do she thinks we are dating” he stuttered “What have you done” was all you replied. Just then Sam came in and said “Hey I found a case in Y/H/C” Sam was surprised when you screamed out “No! Chuck what have I done to you to deserve this!” As you fell back to your chair with defeat.
Soon after that you were in the back seat of Baby next to Cas and looking at the rain pouring outside of you window. Your thoughts started racing you were going to stay at you parents house with Sam, Dean, and Cas. You started coming up with ideas of what to say over the phone you said “Can i stay at the house with three of my friends” didn’t say any specific details.
A voice forced you out of your thoughts “You need to stop overthinking this” cas said “You need to stop reading my mind” was all you said not even looking at the angel. “I would but your thoughts are so loud to me right now i can’t even ignore them anymore”. After that you didn’t say a word until you got to your parents house around midnight.
Dean parked Baby in the driveway and looked back at you “You ready” “Nope” you stared at the house and took a deep breath as you said “Okay fine” you got to the door step and hesitantly rung the doorbell with Sam, Dean and Cas behind you.
The door opened and without any warnings your siblings where all over you. “Huh I’ve missed you guys too” you said hugging them back as the guys stood behind you.
You took a step inside and motioned them to come inside as you dragged your siblings with you and your parents were making their way towards you “Im home!” you said as you hugged both of your parents “we started to think you weren’t going to come”
You laughed nervously “Yeah well i just really missed you” “Well enough about us who are these handsome three men?” your mom asked you “Oh this is Sam, Dean and Castiel” you said pointing at them. “Dean its nice to meet you” your mom said enthusiastically “Oh no mom we are not dating” you explained as Dean just whispered in your ear “You know we didn’t have to tell her that” with a wink.
They each took turns saying hello and your parents led you towards the rooms you were staying at. There were two large beds probably queens and there was a small sofa and a few paintings not much but it looked nicer than any hotel you guys spent at.
“I hope you all four of you wont mind sleeping in here the other room is for your grandma and grandpa” “No its okay we are a used to it”. It was going to be at least a week to get done with the case and finish with thanksgiving dinner so you prepared to leave as soon as you could.
After unpacking you spent the time with research in the room and talking with your family, your little sister that was a few years younger than you said “Are you sure you aren’t dating anyone because the guy in the leather jacket Dean was it? Is just staring at you and i would like to show him to my room if you know what i mean” you didn’t know what was up with people telling you thins but at this point you didn’t care and said “Yeah sure go for it” you had to admit it hurt you a little but it was your sister you didn’t want to get in the way of anything.
After a few hours of talking you decided to go to sleep Sam got his own bed, you asked Cas would sleep on the couch and Dean would probably sleep with you. You didn’t think much of it you would always switch positions with the three of them so it was pretty normal “Alright guys im gonna go to sleep”.
As soon as your head hit the pillow you were pretty much dead asleep. You woke up to a heavy sensation on your chest, you slowly opened your eyes and adjusted them to the darkness and saw Dean holing on to your waist with half of his body on you. Looking over to Cas you found him unexpectedly passed out with his tie loose and Sam was dead asleep. You couldn’t do much so you decided to go back to sleep.
The next day you went to check out the body with Cas and concluded it was a werewolf while Sam and Dean talked to the locals. You were driving back and met the guys back at the house. “Where were you this morning?” your mom asked as she walked in the room your eyes still glued to the laptop you just said “I went to show the guys around the city” right now they were making a beer run and trying to track down the werewolf. It was a long day but night finally came and all of you went to sleep.
For the next few days you woke up in the middle of the night with the older Winchester clinged on to you and one day whispering something you couldn’t make out. You always tried to get out of his grasp but always failed.
On the night before Thanksgiving Cas woke you up “Y/N we found the werewolf today is the last night they are going to turn” you just sighed as you got up. The boys were already ready so you just changed and got your gun with silver bullets.
It was a cold night as you walked through the woods with your gun held closely to your chest. Crunch! You spun around to face the once human wolf staring at you with drool dripping down his neck, he pounced on you digging his claws into your arms and holding you down as he tried taking a bite out of your chest with you struggling.
Fortunately Dean saw you and shot the werewolf before someone died. “Y/N are you okay?” he said rushing towards you “Yeah im fine just a few scratches” you looked at your arms and there was blood running down both of them. With the gunshot Sam and Cas came running and all of you went home.
You slowly opened the door and started making your way towards the room. As soon as you got in the room you got dressed and tried to clean up the claw marks.
After 5-6 hours of sleep you were woken up by the sound of giggling and once again the large weight on your chest and stomach. Goddammit my cousins are here you thought to yourself as you opened your eyes to see Cas and Sam still sleeping. Your cousins were always very girly and would be the type to giggle at you and one of your male friends sleeping in one bed. Your eyes shifted towards the clock as it read 9:00 am ‘everyone is probably here’ you also thought to yourself trying to get out of Deans grasp.
You only managed to get a groan as he Hugged you tighter. It took you a while but you finally got out of bed and Dean just rolled around. You got dressed and prepared yourself for all of the judging while checking your bandages. “Hey cas wake up” you said to the angel and almost immediately he woke up “Hey wake up we gotta get you ready” by 'get ready’ you just meant fix your hair and your tie then proceeded to wake up Sam and then Dean.
It had to be at least 40 minutes before you came out of the room. As you walked into your kitchen you could see your grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews etc. “Looks like you have a big family” sam said jokingly. You greeted everyone and they all asked about your job and if your dating etc but soon it was time for dinner. As all of you sat around the dinner table it was time to give thanks.
All of your family took a turn then it was your turn at first their was a long pause then you finally spoke up “Well, im thankful for my friends and family and the fact im still alive” after you your family insisted that your friends went. Sam said he was thankful for his friends and family as well and that he has a home and food, Cas so went and he was thankful for a place to call home and family and finally it was Deans turn at first he didn’t want to say but he ended up saying Family and that he was fortunate enough to meet you and Cas.
After that you got through the dinner without any problems, you were staying over night and would leave early tomorrow. Everyone got settled and the four of you went to your room the boys fell asleep before you and you just stayed up and decided to go to your roof. It had been a really long time since you had been up there but it didn’t discourage you.
The stars always seemed so beautiful to you they were the light to guide people in the dark. You were up there for about thirty minutes before you felt someone come up there with you. Surprisingly it was Dean “looks like you have quite a place up here” he said sitting down next to you still staring at the sky you said “Yeah” with a chuckle.
You spent some time up there with Dean until you fell asleep. You woke up to the sun rising and both you and Dean close together you couldn’t imagine a better way to wake up.
Ps: sorry this one was incredibly long but have a great day anyways :)
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wonhosbun · 7 years
Through the Lens Mafia!AU Pt 5
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Pairing: Reader x Mark
Warnings: Some explicit language, some violence 
Word count: 1.6k
It had been a couple hours since Lisa had arrived and had been been in the medical room with Mark. The others kept trying to calm you down, telling you he’ll be alright.
After what seemed like eternity, Lisa finally came out, “Don’t worry he’ll be fine he just needs time and rest. I know how much of an important role he plays but please, let him take his time to heal.” All of the boys nodded in agreement.
“Can we see him?” you asked, the worry kept eating at you, all you wanted was to see him. It’s honestly really surprising how fast you’ve come to care and fall for him. But it didn’t matter because all you wanted to do was protect him from anything that could ever harm him.
“Yes he’s awake, he was actually asking for you.” Your heart fluttered at her words. On the outside you seemed fine but on the inside you were squealing like a little school girl who just found out her crush liked her back.
You made your way into the room, there he laid, hooked up to a bunch of machines. The sight made your heart hurt, how did this even happen to him?
“Hey you, how are you feeling?” He looked so weak and so fragile that you felt his bones would break with any slight movement, his face pale, lips dry and parted.
“Besides the fact that I’ve just been shot, lost a shit ton of blood and almost died, I’m doing pretty well actually,” he said in a sarcastic voice, you playfully pouted and clenched where your heart is pretending to be hurt. “If this is how you’re going to act then i best be on my way,” you turned on your heels and made you way towards the door. You knew he wasn’t going to let you go that easily.
“Alright bye,” you stopped in your tracks completely dumbfounded. How dare he you thought. Turning around you placed your hands on your hips, “Are you seriously about to let me go Mark?” his lips turned into a slight smirk. “I knew you weren’t going to leave if I told you that, and look I was right.”
“For someone that almost died you seem awfully cocky.” you said while walking towards the side of his bed, pulling a chair next to him. While grabbing his hand you noticed how cold he had felt. How much warmth he lacked throughout his entire body. Would it have been too soon to ask him what had happened to him to even be in this position? You hesitated for a bit, but made up your mind.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how did this happen to you?”
“Okay Jackson and Jaebum you two go that way and I’ll go this way.” Mark said while also signaling his fingers.
“Nuh-uh dude we’re not splitting up, at least not here, you know how it is here.”
“Yeah Jackson’s right we stick together no matter what.” Mark let out a defeated sigh as he agreed with the two other boys. “Fine, but I’m going to lead I’d rather have something happen to me than to have either of you hurt.” Jackson and Jaebum only nodded, knowing they weren’t going to be able to change his mind.
“Tell me again why we agreed to do this? We’re literally asking to be killed.”
“Oh for the love of God will you please be quiet? Someone could he-“ The sound of a loud gunshot had interrupted Mark, but what also interrupted him was the bullet that went right through the side of his stomach.
Both boys cursed, then turning to the direction to where the shot came from, successfully shooting the man down. Luckily there was only one, they picked up Mark’s body trying to hurry to their car. Jackson got into the driver’s seat while Jaebum had Mark in his lap, holding his head.
Mark’s eyes started to roll to the back of his head, “No no Mark stay with me we’re almost there please just hang in there.” He started to mumble words, unfortunately Jaebum couldn’t seem to make out what he was saying.
All he could do was apply pressure to the wound, hopefully stopping the bleeding a little bit, at least a bit.
As he finished explaining you hadn’t noticed how wet your eyes were, how there were tear stains on the side of your cheeks. Memories of Wonho flooded your head, seeing his blood covered body made your heart ache. It made you feel useless, sure you didn’t have any feelings for the man anymore but that didn’t mean it still didn’t pain you when you saw the life being sucked right out of him, that didn’t mean he didn’t hold a place in your heart.
Mark’s face softened when he realized you had been crying, he hated seeing you cry. His protective instincts led him to draw you closer, and he did so by reaching out for your arm and pulling you in. He didn’t ask why you were crying, knowing how he wouldn’t get an answer assuming from the amount of sobs you were letting out. His arm was kept around your waist, pulling you closer.
“Shsh it’s okay I’m here, let it out Y/N.”
“I already lost one person, I can’t lose another one.” you said in a whisper but loud enough for Mark to hear.
“I’m not going anywhere Y/N, I promise you I’ll always be by your side.” he said while kissing the top of your head.
You tilted your head to look at him, he gave you a reassuring smile, both of you stayed in that same position for what seemed like hours but had only been a few seconds.
Mark licked his lips while looking down at yours, your mind went blank as soon as your heart started racing, filled with anticipation, the butterflies in your stomach made you want to kiss him then and there, and just as soon as you had the guts to, the door flung open, a very concerned looking crowd busted through.
“We heard crying is everything okay?” you knew who’s voice that was, it was Youngjae’s. His voice was laced with genuine worry and concern. “Yeah everything’s okay, she just got a little emotional that’s all.” They all sighed in relief, thinking something was wrong.
“It’s getting pretty late, we should all let Mark rest.” Lisa was right, he didn’t look too well he definitely needed some rest. Everyone agreed and said their goodbyes to Mark, “I’ll come see you in the morning okay? Please go to sleep and get some rest Markiepoo.”
“Markiepoo? I could get used to that but don’t tell any of the boys you called me that, I’d get teased for as long as I’ll live,” he let out a slight chuckle and flashed his beautiful smile, “Alright I won’t, goodnight.”
As you made your way towards the room you saw rest of the boys sitting on the couch, however they were whispering to one another, why were they whispering?
“She’s going to have to take his place for however long he’s going to be out. We need 7 because if there’s not 7 then there’s someone that’s not doing their job and if someone’s not doing their job then that can put our lives at risk.”
“Jinyoung our lives are already at risk considering we’re in a fucking mafia!”
“Oh fuck off Yugyeom you know what I meant asshole!”
“Both of you keep your damn voices down she could walk by any second.” you were tired of hearing them bicker like 10 year olds so you decided to make your presence known. You coughed, a little bit too loud, as you made your way towards the couch and squeezed yourself in between Youngjae and Yugyeom.
“So guys what’s up?” they all looked at each other, all of them mumbling trying to come up with an excuse. Knowing they weren’t going to say anything you let them know that you knew about their plan, “I heard you guys talking about me and how I have to take Mark’s place.” Jackson let out a groan, “ See I told both of your asses to keep it down why doesn’t anyone listen to me?” he while throwing his hands up, you started to giggle at this whole situation.
“She’s giggling why is she giggling why are you giggling?” BamBam said with a confused look on his face. “Because it’s cute how you all started to freak out because I heard, did you guys think I was going to get upset?” all of them nodded, “well I’m not, I mean I’m stuck here aren’t I? Might as well make the best of it.”
They all stared at you with a confused face, not knowing how to reply. “Do you know how to fight?” asked Jinyoung, the question took you back but then started thinking about it. You hummed to yourself, thinking of what to say.
“Well this one time in highschool I fought this one girl i’m not sure if that counts?”
“Shit are you serious? What happened?”
“It all happened because my bestfriend at the time was having a problem with a girl she absolutely hated, so she decided to fight her and as she was fighting her the other girls best friend tried to jump in, and I couldn’t allow them to double team so my ass jumped in.”
“What the fuck thats badass, did you win?”
“Lets just say blood was spilled but certainly not mine.”
All of the boys started yelling ‘ohhhh’ and ‘ohhh shitttt’ hyping you up, BamBam even dabbed which made you cringe but you loved it at the same time.
“But that was years ago, I don’t know if I still have it in me.”
It was true, you haven’t fought in a while and you certainly weren’t as strong as you used to be.
omgfkgmdfjgsfbsdhjbd im so sorry i took forever to upload, also this probably isn’t the best chapter but hey its something \: ): anyways i hope you enjoyed part 5 <3
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artsyld · 7 years
Juria and Risto: A Short Story - Part 2
Part 2 of my story starting Risto and Juria, the two fascinating OCs of @risto-licious and @julls , respectively.
  A figure in a heavy coat, dark colored hat, and glasses hurried through the rain from the forest, and into the city. Clutching an open umbrella The darkness, coupled with the falling water disadvantaged him. That is, until he found what he was looking for. The silhouette looked above himself at an archway that welcomed him to the local park. Normally alive and thriving with families of various specifies, it proved to be dead quiet, with only the putter patter of raindrops for sounds. It was exactly the way the stranger wanted it.
  The park boasted a long trail surrounding a duck pond, benches to sit and stretch at, and an amphitheater that appeared empty and depressing in the storm. He found close by the entrance and took a much needed rest on the top bleacher. He flared his coat a little to get some air circulation through his shoulders. Aside from the occasional glance at his watch, he just sat there and kept to himself. As he sat there pondering, the sound of nearby footsteps made him look up. Coming towards him was another figure in a coat. An imp with skin the color of blood approached, revealing his face under a wide umbrella of his own.
"Hey, Darnel."
"Hey, Ari." Ari sat down next to Darnell and closed up his umbrella. "Perfectly dark and rainy, just like you thought," Ari observed. "Yep." "How've you been?" "Not very well," Darnell sneered. "Ahh, same as usual," Ari confirmed. Darnell grunted. "Alright, listen, sassy, I have a new target for you," Darnell announced quietly. "Yeah, what IS this job anyway? You didn't specify in your email," Ari asked. "It's about my Boss." "Risto, the King of the Black Market? That Risto?" "Yes, him." "What about 'im?" Ari asked.
  "I can't stand him anymore. He's nothing like I thought he'd be. It's ridiculous!" Ari was taken aback. "Weren't you the one who, just a year and a half ago, was simply praising this guy? 'Oh what I'd give to get a job with his gang. I could be committing the crimes of a real demon of the world.' What happened to that, Darnell?" he asked.
  "Hmpf! It's faded. That's what happened. Getting a job as a big time member of his gang was everything I'd hoped for. But I see how Risto really is and it frustrates me! Everyday, I gotta come in and see his fat, ugly face, putting our interrogations and ransacking on hold for that-that-"
"That what?"
  "That girl! That squirming, squeaking little elf he wanted oh-so-badly. I figured he'd just hire some nanny to look after her, but he takes her everywhere! Keeps her in a funny looking red sweater with a pocket he knitted himself, while she sucks on some bottle."
  "Well, Darnell, he IS her father. Can't condemn the guy for giving a damn about his kids." Darnell glared. "But every time she cries or makes a fuss, he always steps aside to check on her, while the bums we do business with just sit there. No one dares to object because of-" he almost couldn't say it.   "He's the head honcho?"   "Yes! Our revenue may have increased a bit after he ate that weasel, Rockford, and took over his bar, but not by much, the way I see it. He spends a pretty penny on guns, knives, and that kid, and it just seems so unnecessary. It's irresponsible!"   "Well, you know, cuz, he's been committing crimes and spreading chaos for centuries. I'm sure he's loaded!"   "That's part of the problem! Doesn't he care about his image? Doesn't he know how ridiculous he looks when he steps away to waste time on a crying baby when his prey is just sitting there, waiting for a moment to escape? Granted, they never do. He always catches them in the end, but still-"   "Why do you care so much?" Ari asked.   "Why? I'll tell you why!" Darnel exclaimed. "Because he's risking our reputation! Spending our precious time and money on a kid that needs a nanny, making himself seem nice and soft when he's anything but! And he doesn't care! All he cares about is a kid that never stops crying! Doesn't he know that crime is a 24 hour job?!"
"Calm down, Darnell," Ari whispered. "Have you ever considered voicing your thoughts to Risto? Maybe ask him how he does it?" Darnell chuckled. "Me? Approach THE Risto himself? The Devourer of Souls? The monster who devoured a delivery boy just for being two minutes late, sending one of our own to return the car anonymously to keep people from disturbing him? I'm not risking MY life in that way! That's why I need your help."
"Why me?"
"Risto's priorities aren't in check. I used to admire his abilities and success. I don't care if he's still going strong. I don't care if he still 'reigns' as the 'Black Market King.' He needs to forfeit control to someone who will always put the Mafia-OUR Mafia-first...someone like me." Ari shifted away from him. "You'd be willing to commit mutiny towards the most powerful crook in the land? Risto might not be as powerful as he once was, but he's still a dangerous creature. He'd eat you alive in two seconds flat!"
"...not if we can get rid of him quickly and quietly. He may have the best assassins on this side of the world, but you-" Darnel explained, gesturing to Ari. "-are the best on your side of the world."
"You want me to assassinate Risto himself?"
"You're ludicrous." Darnell smirked maliciously. "Am I, though?"
"Yes! Yes, you are." The green imp frowned. "Well, think about it this way: the fat oaf loves a good ol' fashioned glass of vinegar. If a gunshot doesn't work, a healthy dose of arsenic should do the trick."
"And what will happen if he catches me, and swallows me whole? What then?" Ari asked sarcastically.
"You're the best hider and climber I've ever seen. You can sneak from corner to corner without so much as a trace. If anyone can do it, you can. Think of YOUR reputation. Become the man who offed the Demon King of the Underground." Ari rolled his eyes. "Darnel, I love you, but much like you, I ain't risking my life to that Risto either. And that's that!" He stood up and turned around. "The answer is no!"
"How much?" Darnell asked with an ambitious gleam in his eye. Ari stopped, freezing in his tracks. "What was that?" Darnell grinned. "If we keep the deed quick and quiet, I can take over the entire mob. With me in charge and the baby in foster care hundreds of miles away from here, we'll be more the most efficient mob in this country's history. No one would dare mess with us again! And because I love you, cuz, I'll give you half of our earnings from the first 365 days I'm in charge. Would you like that?" Ari was silent. His eyes swerved left, then right, then they closed. "Procuring a gun lethal enough for a eight foot tall demon won't happen overnight."
"Take the time you need." "I don't target minors though. You need to promise me that the baby doesn't get hurt." "You and your morals...I promise."
"I-I can't say it." "Yes, you can. Try again." "No, sir." "Yes, sir?"
  At two years and three weeks old, Juria had proven to be quite the smart, excitable child. Though she'd been with him on jobs involving interrogation, robberies, and smuggling, just to name a few, nothing about her beaming face suggested that she'd seen anything that could eat at her long term. If anything, her very presence had become quite the motivator for the old kingpin. From her earliest days of merely watching him as he held her delicately in his arms, to now, running about on her wobbly legs and trying to speak at least a little more clearly, having a little one in the house again made him work all the harder to stay successful and remain a dangerous force to be reckoned with.
"A-B-C-D-E-F-G-How I wonder what you are..." Juria sang in a still, little voice. Risto chuckled. "Princess, you're getting them confused again." "I'm sorry, Daddy." "No, it's fine. Both of those songs have the same tune. Makes it tricky," he explained. While he sat in his huge leather chair and Juria sat in the carpet on her personal blanket. Sitting at a considerable distance from her crime lord father, it gave him a chance to assemble and toy with some of his favorite tools.
A man of considerable taste in weapons, Risto had formed a 'passionate hobby,' as he once described it, out of collecting guns and knives and extensively studying them. He loved each one for different reasons and preferred to know everything there was to know about them. Because Juria was in the room, the guns were in a separate box in a locked compartment. As Juria mumbled to herself, and tried to arrange her blocks by their different colors and letters, Risto pulled out a long cleaver knife with multiple spikes. A screw held together the blade and the cold metallic handle, making for a formidable weapon. Naturally, he adored it. He put a black cylindrical magnifier to his eye, as he unscrewed the handle. Black saliva seeped from his lips in excitement over what he might find. Removing the screw, he hummed approvingly at a tiny collection of gears that turned backwards and forewords as one retracted the spikes from the blade with a button on the handle. Before he could admire the illegal utensil, something in him bit at him. As if his stomach was trying to touch his rib cage without his permission.
"Hmm...something's coming..." he whispered, looking over at the curtained window of his office. He curved a suspicious eyebrow and glanced at Juria while she studied a red block in her hands. Risto walked to over the window, opened it slightly and leered at the view he got from his mountain. "What nuisance is wandering around in the rain?" He said to himself. He promptly held a red button down. "Gailen, get in here." Juria looked over as the blue henchman entered the office warily. His face suggested the possibility that perhaps he'd done something to warrant a punishment. "Yes, sir! Called for me?"
  "I sense something; a strange presence that's never been here before."   "Is it a human?" Gailen asked, both a little relieved and alarmed at the same time.   "I'm not sure," Risto replied reluctantly. He looked down and smiled at Juria as she toddled over to hold as much as she could of his ankle. She looked up at him to try to see his face, but all she saw was his thick arm, black hand, and immense stomach. He plucked her from his leg and held her comfortably in his arms. "Gailen, come with me. I will round up the men and have them surround the property."
"Yes, sir!"
  Ari maneuvered his way through the tall pine trees of the forest, ignoring the pouring pounding onto his ski mask. Darnell had told him everything he knew for a fact about the Boss, and with this information, the assassin had made sure to bring everything he figured he'd need. A good rifle, a pound of some genuine arsenic, and a long knife, and black clothing, just to name a few. As the sun set behind Risto's peak, Ari intentionally bared to the left before he could reach the forest clearing, where the path began to incline up the mountain. He kept running until he saw Darnell, also dressed in black, and his blinking flashlight. Ari hurried over to him, put his hands to his knees and exhaled several breaths. "Sorry I took so long," he whispered. "It's fine. Some of us minions are apparently out and about outside the house." "How could they have known?" Darnell thought to himself. "Where's the opening you told me about?" Ari asked. "Follow me," Darnell replied, beckoning him to follow him up an incline. He led Ari to a spot on the mountain, that he could push away like a door. "It's a secret passageway. I'll tell you where to go, so I can go distract the guys." Both imps found their way into a deep cavern, with walls lined with steps made out of stone. "What is this place?" Ari asked.
"The Boss's special cavern. He uses this place to transform into his more beastly forms. Pity he won't get to do it again," Darnell explained. He stopped him and pointed to the steps. "Go up these stairs. It'll take you straight to his office. If he's there, use the rifle. If he's not, get creative," Darnell grinned. "The ol' glutton could never resist a fresh glass of human blood or vinegar. I'm sure you'll find some sitting around." "Gotcha, thanks." "Sure," Darnell replied with a tiny smile.
  Risto took Juria to her room, wide and pink, just as the girl liked it. The crook was glad she had bathed that afternoon instead of that night, because he was quick to change her into her nightgown, have her brush her teeth, and tuck her into her light pink bed.   "Daddy, where you going?" she asked almost incoherently. He handed her a detailed rag doll that looked just like her.   "I need to go check our front yard. Something's going on and Daddy's going to find out what it is," Risto explained to the child.   "Can I go see?" Juria asked curiously. "No, no, Princess, it doubt it'll be very pretty. Besides, it's a little past your bedtime." Juria's face fell. "Mr. Gailen will be right outside, so if you need anything, you tell him."
"You're the Boss."
"And don't you forget it," Risto replied, admittedly smugly. "Now be a good girl and sleep." He nuzzled her nose, pecked her, and left her there to sleep. "I love you." "Love you too," she whispered as she laid down and tried to relax. When he quietly closed the door, he yanked Gailen by his collar.
"Guard her with your life." His thug nodded frantically.
  Darnell climbed up the trail as the rain pounded down on him. Momentarily worried that he might contract a fever, he swallowed a lump in his throats and pressed on. He could always take some cough medicine after Risto was dead. Once he made it to the wide cliff that held the house and the minions, he hurried over to grab their attention. "Guys! Guys! What are you doing?" he asked as innocently as he could. The cluster of men, a group full of various non-humans, looked over and lowered their guns. "Darnell, you're the one the Boss sent us out here for?" a skinny lizard in brown asked. Darnell blinked for a second or two.
  "What do you mean?"   "Gailen mentioned something about the Boss sensing something new around here. He sent us all out here to stand guard. Maybe he sensed you?" another asked.   "Nah, the Boss wouldn't make a mistake like that! If he sensed something foreign to him, he'd have known for sure," the first minion replied. Darnel glanced at the mansion, and fluttered his eyes from the stress. "M-Maybe it's the rain. I'm sure the water's not doing much for my smell," he tried to explain.   "No, I'm pretty sure I-well...maybe. It-HEY!" the second tried to say. Darnell had pushed him aside mid-sentence, and dashed to the front door of the mansion.      "Darnell, where are you going?"    "To find the Boss!"
  Ari crept lightly up the long winding steps. Surrounding him was rough cavern halls that could've been ages old for all he knew. As he pondered over this place he found strange to say the least, his thoughts drifted to the Boss himself.
  He almost couldn't believe it himself. The idea of poisoning or ripping off the demon's head certainly sounded exciting, but deep down in the pit of his lean stomach, he felt doubts. On one hand, this could be his last night alive. But on the other hand, he thought of the notoriety that could come of it. A handsome revenue in his pockets for a whole year, because he managed to overcome the King of Crime himself. His cousin happy and content again as certainly nothing to sneeze at either, knowing that procedures were running the way they needed to. He just had to try. He just had to win.
  He found a door at the top of the steps that appeared like a closet door, except far wider than any he'd seen. Painted in white and with a golden doorknob, he examined it, took one final glance at the darkened cavern, and opened the door. "Good evening."
  Ari twitched at the sight of Risto himself, sitting in his leather chair by his desk, cross legged and sipping blood from a champagne glass. Apparently, Ari deduced quickly, the door from the house to the cavern was at the Boss's left. Additionally, Risto's neutral facial expression confused the bounty hunter. "Bit of a storm out there, isn't it?" the Boss asked. "...it is."
"Care for a glass? We've got water, tea, vinegar, blood?" Risto asked, pulling out an identical glass. "Mine is Type O; the most compatible of all the blood types. I picked this up from a very portly gentleman, and that means something coming from me," he said with a chuckle. He picked up his glass again and extended his sickly looking tongue, like an anaconda yearning for prey. He dripped some of the blood onto it and grinned at the taste. Ari looked him up and down, trying not to cringe. "Well, you are much fatter in person," he admitted.
"It comes with the territory of being 'The Devourer of Souls'. It's very thrilling, I say. Getting to eat whatever & whomever I want, and how much of them I want. The more souls I eat, the more of my old power I unlock." He extended his ringed hand, and the cane lifted itself towards him. He stood up and stepped towards the hunter. "Aryeh Drimmer, professional assassin, am I right?" he asked. "Yes, sir."
"Hmm...you know, Aryeh, many mortals I've had the pleasure of tasting are the same. Proud, stubborn 'knights' who should've stayed home and used their souls for good, instead of leading themselves to destruction. Not that I mind. I love humans (especially when they're shaking). In fact, a changing world isn't the only reason why knights don't exist anymore." Black saliva dripped from his lips as he plucked a match and a thick cigar from his red vest pocket. "Cigar?" he asked. He brushed the match against the wood of the desk and lit it up, before taking a long drag. "No thanks," Ari replied.
"You won't have a drink. You won't have a cigar. You must be a busy imp," Risto deduced. "You're here to kill me, aren't you? Why wouldn't an assassin come to my doorstep and find my passageway up to my office? Someone helped you, didn't they?"
  Ari focused in on Risto's heavy eyes. "Aren't cigars addictive, sir?" he asked, trying to change the subject. The mob boss smirked at his audacious tone. "To some; I control them. They don't control me. Now, answer my question. Who was it, Aryeh? You can tell me. I will believe you." Ari said nothing. "Hmm...I'm aware of your blood relation to one of my men. Your cousin, my Darnell Drimmer. He sneaked you in, didn't he?" The red imp blinked twice. "Thought so." In a fit of desperation, Ari swiped out a rifle and pointed it towards Risto's head. The Boss dodged the bullet, allowing his champagne glasses to tip over onto the wooden table. The crime lord threw a fist into Ari's nose, causing a long thick stream of his own blood to fall down his lips and chin. As he fell, Ari swiped the knife from his jacket pocket and reached out his hand clenched to the handle. He managed to nick Risto on the cheek, before the demon yanked at the knife and bit down on Ari's hand. The imp yowled in pain and shuddered at Risto's sharp teeth penetrating his firm inhuman skin.
  A deep growl came from the Boss's throat and his grin was positively wide and sadistic. The assassin tried to kick and push himself away, but he couldn't. Risto pinned him down with his muscular arms and wide belly, as the monster heaved up and down like an animal. "There...that was fun, eh?" he said in a raspy voice. "I must admit that your efforts were valiant, but at the end of the day, a soul is a soul." Ari closed his eyes. 
"So do me a favor and hold still. This won't take long."
  Darnell hurried up the steps and down the hall until he found Gailen standing by Juria's closed bedroom door. He hummed at the coworker and sped over to him. "Gailen, what's going on?" he lied. He almost collided with Gailen, who shushed him quickly. "Miss Juria is sleeping."
  Darnell rolled his eyes, causing a small scowl on Gailen's face. "Where's the Boss?" Darnell asked. "I'm not sure. He thinks something's trying to get in!" A loud thud and a cry caused Darnel to look behind him and glance back at Gailen only for a second. "Excuse me!" "H-Hey where are you going?!" "I can't tell you now!" Darnell could smell the faintest traces of blood coming from the office. He could safely say that it wasn't human. This excited him, so he barged into Risto's office, expecting his corpse. Instead, he found Risto, and plenty of blood stains on the carpet. Dark red, almost black, blood dripped from his Boss's lips. Darnell's heart practically leapt to his throat as he watched Risto sit at his desk, looking much larger than the last time he'd seen him. With his glass of blood in his hand and cigar held down by his teeth, he looked positively kingly. "Ah, my good clean floors. I'll have to get them replaced."
  Risto's tone was nonchalant as he dabbed his mouth with a silk handkerchief. "Now, where was I?...Oh yes," he continued, picking up his cigar from his ash tray to finish it. After a drag, he sealed his lips, letting the smoke fall from his nostrils.
  "Darnell, if I'd known you'd invited your cousin into town, I'd have treated him to dinner," he said with a grin and a snarky tone. His henchman appeared visibly shaken, and it made Risto grin. "I...I bet you would," Darnell whispered, clenching his fists. Risto smirked. "You sent him here to destroy me. Very commendable, old friend. I haven't had a bounty on my head for a long time." The green imp appeared confused at Risto's calm tone. He briefly scanned his Boss and glared. "You've eaten him, yes?" he asked. The crime lord teasingly put his tongue at the left corner of his lip. Darnell's teeth clenched, but he wouldn't dignify him with a response. He felt his heart sick further and further inside him as his eyes moistened. "Why?" the Boss. "All I want to know is why. From what I understand, we were getting on quite well." "...I..." "Yes?" "...I didn't-I don't think you're an efficient Boss." "Don't you?" "No." The imp was bold enough to look up at Risto in the eye. "Our time and resources aren't-...I don't think..." "You don't think I use them wisely?" "...how did you know?" "You're not that hard to figure out, boy. You're ambitious, passionate, and discontented some of the time, very much like me." "I'm nothing like you." "Are you sure?" Risto asked, rising from his chair. "Yes!" "How so?" the Boss asked sharply. Darnell took a step forward. "You waste our precious time and resources on-" "Yeah?" Risto responded, leaning forward. The imp closed his eyes. "On-On guns and knives and take out and-" "Yeah?!" "And you don't care about the mob as you should. What matters most to you is that-" "YEAH?!" "THAT ANNOYING KID OF YOURS!"
   Silence filled the room. When Darnell opened his eyes, Risto had froze, with eyes wider than dinner plates for a good few seconds. Darnell's bottom lip quivered in shock. He covered his mouth and shuddered. Risto blinked, stood up straight and tall and looked at him with a stone faced look.
"Your tongue has dug your grave. Allow mine to nail the coffin."
   Darnell yanked a gun hiding behind is long jacket, and pulled the trigger on Risto. The Boss, however, stepped away, snatched his knife of spikes from the desk, and flung it towards him. Darnell had grasped his own knife before a sharp pang of unbearable pain punctured his side. Coughing violently, his trembling hands tried to grab for the wall, but as his fingertips touched its surface, he could feel his body lifting up. Risto had grasped him by the collar, lifted him above his mouth and held his tongue out as blood dripped from Darnell's side. The mob boss removed any other weapons from him, and pushed him inside his maw.
  Juria moaned a little as the morning sunshine peered through her window's blinds. Tossing and turning just a bit, she sat up, and yawned. The first thing she saw as her senses woke up with her, was her father, sitting in a corner, snoring loudly. Unlike his well dressed appearance last night, he now appeared semi-casual. He had apparently taken off his buttoned shirt, red vest, and green and pink necktie, revealing his hairy chest and arms and his gold chain. He looked a bit bigger than usual, which made her curiously slip out of bed. The two year old sucked on her fingers as she approached the sleeping behemoth, curious as to what he could've eaten the night before.
  As she often did whenever he'd sit there with her watching, she grasped his undershirt shirt with her little fists, and pulled herself up. Climbing had proven to be a hobby of her own that she quite enjoyed, particularly when he was the one she had to pull herself up on. The beast seemed unresponsive, which excited Juria just a little. Perhaps this time, he wouldn't see her and try to help her get on top of him. The little girl grunted in her usual high pitched voice as she held his shirt as tightly as she could. As she struggled, a long black hand, wearing a Rolex watch, placed itself below her to catch her, should she slip. She hadn't noticed. Juria beamed when she finally made it to the top and gasped when Risto's right eye opened. "I got you!" "...you got me."
  "Good morning," she squeaked, crawling to his chest. He held his hands towards her as she got closer. "Good morning, Princess. Good news, I caught the creatures that tried to bother us last night." "What were they, Daddy?" "A couple of rats," Risto explained. "Yucky." "I agree," he confirmed, stroking her pink hair. "Did it hurt?" "No, sweetness, it didn't hurt, not me." "Oh, OK."
  Risto held onto her, sat up, and cradled her in his bulky arms again. It was a little bit of a struggle with his enlarged stomach, but it didn't bother him too much. He was used to it at this point. Juria's bare foot touched the very top of his distended stomach, and her cheek rested on his chest. As he walked down the stairs with her, his phone rang, so he plucked it out of his pocket, glanced at the caller ID, and answered. "Alright, Gailen, what've you got?...The shipment came through?...good. And how many came in the order?...Perfect. With those rifles, we'll surely double our profits in our little gun market, maybe even triple. I knew I could count on you. Bring them straight here."
  He hung up his phone and rubbed Juria's back. She looked up and smiled. "Who's that?" "Mr. Gailen. It seems that I was right." "'bout what?" "One of the rats I met last night; he truly was worried for nothing."
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zoromance · 7 years
bulletproof (ch. 10)
Bulletproof: a BTS ‘Grand Theft Auto’ AU based on this post
Genre: drama, humor, angst, romance
Word count: 4241
Warnings: mature content, graphic violence, non-graphic sexual content, strong language, drug/alcohol usage
Summary: Min Yoongi owns this city, and he doesn't take kindly to death threats on his loved ones. Min Yoongi can, and will, make you hurt.
Chapter: Prologue / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
A/N: dude,,,, im so sorry about this insane wait
Read on AO3 // Read on Tumblr
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Two weeks later
“So Jimin’s been helping you out with hand-to-hand combat, huh? The guy’s always had a knack for it,” Hoseok spoke, leaning back and taking a swig of his beer. He spared a glance around the sitting room, eyes lingering over the priceless vases and ornate furniture. The feeling of being a bull in a china shop never really went away in this house. It didn’t matter how many times Hoseok came over to Jimin’s place, the sheer size of the mansion never failed to astound him.
Jungkook paused, cheeks flushing, before averting his gaze. The reaction confused Hoseok slightly – it had been a simple enough question, nothing to get flustered over.
“Yeah, he’s a good teacher,” Jungkook mumbled. “Says I’m getting pretty good at it, especially for a beginner.”
Chuckling, Hoseok slapped a hand on Jungkook’s back. He wasn’t surprised – everything the kid touched turned to gold. Makes sense Jungkook would be a naturally good fighter.
“I’m glad,” Hoseok replied, touches of a smile at the corners of his mouth. “Cause pretty soon you’re gonna have bastards coming at you from every direction. Better to establish yourself as a qualified fighter before some son of a bitch gets the drop on you.”
Jungkook nodded and tapped rhythmically on the lip of the beer bottle in his hand. His behavior was still throwing Hoseok off; something seemed to be out of place, and he couldn’t put his finger on it.
This was the first time in days that Hoseok had gotten to spend time alone with Jungkook. Earlier Jimin had run off to the grocery store, claiming he needed agave nectar or some healthy shit like that, and Hobi decided it was an opportune time to kick back and have a couple beers with Jungkook, just chat with the kid, try to give him a sense of normalcy again. God knows he probably needed it after the stress of the last couple of weeks.
“How did Jimin get so good at fighting, anyway?” Jungkook ventured after a few moments of silence.
Hoseok let out a breathy snicker, leaning back on the couch. “Excellent question,” he spoke. “Thing you have to understand is that there’s more than one reason Jimin is so commonly known in this city. Not just for being a party boy socialite, there’s more to it.”
Jungkook cocked his head, almost like a puppy, inquiring further.
“Jimin used to do street fighting. Quite a lot of it. No gloves, no rules, no supervision – underground brawls, sometimes to the death. It was completely illegal and all very hush-hush. Absolutely brutal stuff; he’d come back and we would have to patch him up and wash the blood out of his clothes. He wanted the money for drugs, mainly. But he also got high off the rush,” Hoseok explained.
“It was dangerous, but Jimin was insanely fucking good. People’d underestimate him cause he’s tiny, but the kid sent guys to the hospital on a regular basis. The whole thing got way out of hand, and we finally convinced him to drop the habit before he ended up brain-dead.”
Finally Hoseok spared a glance over to Jungkook. The guy looked absolutely stunned, eyes wide and jaw slack.
“You’re telling me that Jimin… was in the Fight Club?” Jungkook stuttered, taken aback.
The statement, combined with the completely flabbergasted look on Jungkook’s face, caused Hoseok to let out a bubbling laugh. “Pretty much, that’s the gist of it,” Hoseok responded between giggles.
Then Hoseok froze.
Years of living in this city would instill a person with a kind of sixth sense. It wasn’t fictional, it wasn’t exaggerated, it was undeniably real. Hoseok has developed an uncanny ability to predict when shit’s about to do down.
And in that split second, something was horribly off.
All of his hair stood on end, his stomach went ice-cold, his fingers gripped tightly around the forgotten beer bottle in his hand.
“Jungkook…” Hoseok whispered tightly, not daring to move a muscle.
“Hobi?” replied Jungkook, hesitantly, as if he could immediately sense that the atmosphere had changed completely. The boy’s eyes were blown wide, staring at Hoseok with a startling air of concern and confusion.
Hoseok didn’t respond, merely shifted his gaze to the nearest window. Not a muscle in his body moved, and he could hear blood dully thudding in his own ears.
Something was so wrong –
“Get down!” Hoseok shouted, grabbing Jungkook’s shirt faster than lighting and dropping to the ground. A splitting crack sounded in the distance and suddenly there was glass everywhere, raining down in shards on the pair, splitting tiny gashes into Hoseok’s face and arms. Head pounding from the sudden cacophony, Hoseok struggled to blink his eyes open. Jungkook was lying on the floor next to him, stunned but unharmed, completely still from the shock.
Hoseok wasted no time in grabbing the boy’s sleeve, hauling him to his feet.
“Come on, get up! Run!”
The pair stumbled to their feet as more cracks sounded through the air. Hoseok felt the bullets whiz alarmingly close to his head, one shaving off a strand of his hair. He gripping the front of Jungkook’s jacket like it was a lifeline and blindly stumbled to the entrance of the room, unable to even think straight enough to watch where he was going.
“Hobi—” Jungkook started to shout, before his voice morphed into a yelp of shock. Hoseok whipped around to find a bullet graze oozing fresh blood from Jungkook’s cheek.
Shit, shit—
“Come on!”
They stumbled into the hallway, taking off at a full sprint as shattering glass and whirring bullets filled the air directly behind them. Panic and adrenaline flooded Hoseok’s entire body as he raced to the only safe room he could think of – that bomb shelter in the basement that Jimin’s mother was paranoid enough to demand be built.
Rounding the corner to the game room, Hoseok pulled Jungkook close and put his finger over his lips. The boy was clearly panicking, his whole body shaking from the shock of what had just happened.
Hoseok reached one hand down to pull his glock from its holster on his thigh. He quickly checked the cartridge for ammo (a full round, thank god) and switched off the safety.
“Jungkook, take this,” Hoseok whispered as he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out a smaller revolver. He placed the cold, steel gun into Jungkook’s shaking hands and looked the kid in the eyes. “Don’t fucking shoot unless we get separated, do you hear me?”
Nodding shakily, Jungkook slowly took the revolver from Hoseok’s hands. “Hobi, how…”
“I don’t fucking know how they found us, but we need to get to the basement. Jimin’s got a bomb shelter down there. We can stay there until—”
Hoseok immediately stopped as he saw a flicker of movement over Jungkook’s shoulder. With reflexes faster than he even knew he had, Hoseok whipped his glock up and fired directly into the approaching man’s skull. The bang sliced through the air and Hoseok flinched from the recoil.
The man dropped to the ground, remnants of his brain dripping from the wall behind him.
“They’re in the fucking house. Follow me, don’t make a sound, and be alert,” Hoseok whispered into Jungkook’s ear.
Jungkook snapped out of whatever trace of shock he had been stuck in, and crouched behind Hoseok, shaking hands clutching his pistol. From the corner of his eye, Hoseok saw the boy swallow harshly, eyes blown wide. Poor thing was freaked as hell. Hoseok followed Jungkook’s gaze to the end of the hall, where he saw bits of gore and blood littered in every direction, coating the walls in a macabre kind of Pollock painting.
“Now, Kookie,” Hoseok breathed out, careful to keep his voice and his crouch low.
As quietly as he could, Hoseok crept down the hall. Alarm was rolling off Jungkook in waves, and it was almost distracting. Rounding a corner, Hoseok peered into a nearby room to see figures moving inside.
Hoseok swore under his breath and jerked to a halt. Footfalls were distantly approaching behind them, and the room they were headed towards was occupied by at least three armed thugs, from what Hoseok could see. There wasn’t any option, they would have to shoot their way through that room—
Hoseok’s train of thought was broken by a sudden cry of alarm inside of the room.
It was nearly impossible to get a good look at whatever the hell was going on in that room. Hoseok heard gunshots, yelling, crashing… then silence. Jungkook was frozen at his side, too still to even risk breathing. A faint voice came from inside.
“Xiumin, did you get the guys around back?”
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Relief washed over Hoseok and he slumped down, letting out a long sigh. Clearly confused and still terrified, Jungkook silently looked to Hoseok with apprehension on his face. Hoseok simply smiled and softly wiped the blood from where Jungkook’s cheek had been grazed.
“It’s Jung Hoseok, I’ve got Jungkook with me. We’re coming in, don’t shoot,” Hoseok calmly stated, cracking open the door to find Xiumin and Kai surrounded by dead bodies.
Hoseok grinned. He wasn’t sure who had hired them, maybe Taehyung or Namjoon, but Hoseok was in no position to be complaining.
The Exorcists had come.
Hopefully Namjoon’s shop wasn’t locked up.
Jimin quietly drove through the city, probably about halfway to the auto shop by now. As much as he adored Jungkook, he figured the kid could use a break from his presence for a couple of hours. He’d already made a run to the grocery store with some dumb excuse about needing healthy shit (which he kind of did, to be completely honest) before leaving Hoseok to look after the younger.
There was something about Hoseok’s presence that could just make a person feel at ease. Considering all of the stress that Jungkook had been through in the last few weeks, Jimin figured that it was a good idea to leave the two of them alone for a while.
The car radio was silent. Jimin’s phone had died earlier, in the middle of looking up nutritional information for some fancy granola brand. Honestly, he usually hated whatever was playing on the radio – he’d prefer to drive in silence than to listen to a bunch of commercials for things he didn’t care about.
People always underestimated how much Jimin loved complete silence. It was an extremely rare treat in his life, flitting around from party to party and always hanging out with the guys. Dance studios. Raves. Government events. It was all characterized by an excess of noise.
He’d been feeling much better in the last week or so. Hadn’t even touched any drugs, besides some weed that he hit with Jungkook and Namjoon a couple of days ago. The effects of cocaine detox had absolutely clawed at him for the first week and a half or so, but Tae was always there by his side. Encouraging him, telling how he needed to be strong and healthy for the sake of the others.
Jimin was still sometimes caught off guard by how considerate and intelligent Taehyung could be.
Finally, he turned the last corner onto Namjoon’s street. The shop appeared to be open, a couple of stray cars parked out front. The lights inside weren’t on, but that didn’t mean much – Namjoon often would close the front of the shop and just meet with customers in the back garage. It wasn’t exactly typical protocol for an auto shop, but then again, Namjoon’s shop wasn’t exactly targeted towards typical customers.
Jimin pulled into the parking lot smoothly and killed the ignition. There was a slightly odd feeling in the air, but he shrugged it off as his typical post-withdrawal paranoia. Harder drugs have a way of fucking with your sense of security, and coming off of them multiplies that feeling infinitely. Still feeling wary, Jimin unbuckled and stepped out of the car.
It was then that he noticed the store was oddly still. There wasn’t a soul inside, no noises coming from the garage, not even a stray bird or a passerby on the street.
Maybe this wasn’t just paranoia.
Calmly, Jimin slammed the car door shut and began to stroll towards the front door. He was on high alert, eyes scanning the parking lot, checking the reflection behind him in the glass windows of the shop. Still, not any sight of another person.
He took a shaky breath as he approached the front door. Every muscle in his body was tensed as he raised a hand to the glass and pulled.
Jimin yelped and jumped at the sudden sound of the welcome bell. Fuck – the thing had scared him half to fucking death, Jesus Christ—
Chuckling at himself, Jimin pushed down his anxiety and entered the shop. Nothing looked out of place, at least; maybe Namjoon had just run out to do some errands. Still, that didn’t explain the cars out front…
Before Jimin could even finish that thought, he felt an impossibly strong arm snake around his neck from behind.
He cried out in shock and pain as the arm tightened itself around his throat. Instincts kicking in, Jimin stamped on his attacker’s foot as hard as he possibly could and dug his nails into the muscular skin of the man’s bicep.
Jimin gasped for breath and lurched forward as the attacker cried. He grabbed the nearest weapon he could find – a tire iron – and whipped around to face the man.
Shit. Two men. Two men.
What the fuck.
As hard as possible, Jimin swung the tire iron at the taller man on the right. It let out a satisfying whump as it impacted the man’s chest, probably at least cracking a rib.
“Fucking bitch!” the man howled as his friend made a move to tackle Jimin. Jimin was panicking by this point, so much so that he accidentally dropped the iron in an attempt to dodge. The man caught his ankle and dragged him down to the floor – god, shit, where was Namjoon? Where the fuck was Namjoon?
Jimin yelped as his head hit the hard tile floor, sending stars across his field of vision. The pain in his head was throbbing as the man began to try to pin him down. Jimin twisted around just in time to land a right hook straight into the guy’s jaw. Another punch, and kick to the groin – and Jimin was frantically crawling out from underneath the attacker.
Guy Two had recovered from the blow to his chest, and was coming straight for Jimin.
“Namjoon!” Jimin screamed as loud as he physically could, backing up desperately and trying to find some other kind of weapon.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you for that, kid,” the man growled as he stepped over his friend.
Jimin felt a pang of fear in his stomach. It was easy enough to handle one guy, but he wasn’t used to fighting two at a time. He had absolutely no idea what to do. Lunging for the man, Jimin dodged an incoming punch and landed a swift jab to the area of the man’s broken rib. The guy howled, doubling over so that Jimin could grab him by the hair. With all of his strength, Jimin lifted the guy’s head and smashed it down against his knee.
Blood splattered all over his pants and on the floor as the attacker’s nose completely shattered. He let out a guttural howl and stumbled backwards, falling to the ground.
Without warning, the other man shot up and clenched his fists around Jimin’s throat. Jimin could feel the life being squeezed out of him as he was shoved to the ground. The man climbed on top of Jimin, straddling him, pinning him down, hands clenching tighter.
Oh God, Jimin was gonna die. He was gonna die.
“You alright, Kyle?” The man on top of him asked.
“Fuck, the bitch broke my nose,” Kyle growled in response, slowly rising from the floor. “Oh, looks like Yeon finally fucking showed up.”
A third man entered Jimin’s blurry field of vision, towering over him in a dark mass.
“You sure this is the right kid?” the new man – Yeon – asked with trepidation.
“Yeah, it’s him alright.” The man on top of him answered. There was a thick pause, and Jimin clawed at the hands against his neck hysterically. He was gasping for any kind of air, his vision beginning to tunnel in.
“Fuck…. He’s pretty.”
Jimin’s blood ran cold and his heart dropped into his stomach.
“Don’t go there, Mike. You know the boss doesn’t want him as damaged cargo.”
“The boss doesn’t have to know,” Mike replied in a low voice, fingers tightening around Jimin’s throat. “Shit, just look at him, Yeon.”
Jimin tried to scream, tried to fight back, anything. The oxygen was leaving his brain at a terrifying rate. Utter silence filled the room.
“…Fine. Fuck him if you want.”
Jimin’s eyes shot open and he let out a pathetic squeak. He’d never been so fucking terrified in his life. He felt one hand release itself from his throat, and he hear the sound of a belt being unbuckled – fuck, fuck, shit,
With the last of the energy that he had, Jimin shot his hands up to Mike’s face, sinking his thumbs into the guy’s eye sockets.
The sound that came out of the man’s mouth was entirely unhuman.
It almost made Jimin vomit, the feeling of how squishy and bloody the eye sockets were. He felt one of the eyeballs pop out, hanging from Mike’s face, oh god, don’t throw up, don’t throw up.
Mike was screeching, falling to the floor, a strangled gargling noise coming from where the blood was beginning to pool in his mouth. Jimin faintly heard the other two men yelling in a panic, but everything was so blurry, he had lost so much oxygen to his brain.
Before he could even form another thought, Jimin felt a cloth being violent pressed over his mouth and noise. An overwhelming chemical stench permeated his nose, and everything was black.
Yoongi should have expected that this would happen sooner or later. Things had been far too quiet over the last couple of weeks. Bosang had been way too quiet.
Five dead bodies were scattered around the warehouse, each in their own little uniform pool of blood. Three of them were his dealers, two of them were his informants. He was supposed to have been meeting them here to discuss the last shipment from Tijuana. And now they were all fucking dead.
“Little overkill, don’t you think?” Yoongi deadpanned, his flat voice echoing through the warehouse. He faintly heard light footsteps to his left, and his eyes flickered towards the noise.
“That’s an interesting accusation, coming from you,” Bosang replied dully, stepping out from a shadow in the corner.
Well, Yoongi couldn’t really disagree with him on that one.
Chuckling darkly, Yoongi stated, “I take it that means you got the package I left you.”
Bosang continued ambling towards Yoongi, expensive dress shoes clicking lightly on the concrete floor. “You’d be correct.” He came to a stop in front of Yoongi, face stiff, suit cleanly pressed – everything about him screaming professionalism. “Can’t say I really enjoyed it, but it’s the thought that counts.”
A smirk crossed Yoongi’s features.
“Severed tongues? That’s old school, Yoongi. How did you do it? Did you track down every single one of my Crimson Dragons, one by one, and watch them scream while you sliced the tongues from their mouths?”
Yes, that’s actually exactly how Yoongi did it.
“A bit harsh, don’t you think?” Bosang asked, playful mocking lining his tone.
“Why are you here?” Yoongi interrupted, cutting to the chase without any more dumbass theatrics from Bosang.
The man didn’t respond, simply leaned forward and raised an eyebrow. After a moment, he responded quietly, “Why do you think I’m here, Yoongi?”
“To admire my perky ass.”
“You’re funny.”
Every single pore in Yoongi’s body was seething with hatred, just wanting this man to get the hell out of his face. “You got your damn drugs, Bosang. I told you to leave Jungkook out of this. Don’t make me start slicing off dicks instead of tongues.”
“You of all people should know that I don’t quit once I find someone that I want. You have no idea how much that kid would get me on the black market. Hell, even just renting him out to some locals. You’d be surprised how high the corruption goes, Min,” Bosang said flatly, leaning back away from Yoongi’s face.
Yoongi snarled, barely holding himself back from reaching his hands up and strangling the life out of the man.
“I’ll cut you a deal, Yoongi. I take the boy, and I pinky promise not to hurt any of your other buddies.”
“I don’t fucking make deals with serial rapists,” Yoongi hissed.
“Your loss,” Bosang replied. “You might be reconsidering that offer pretty soon.”
He couldn’t fucking take this anymore. Yoongi darted forward, his hands grasping Bosang’s collar and clenching tightly. “You come onto my fucking territory and make threats again my people? Do you know how easily I could end you? How easily I could bring your entire empire down? Three minutes, and I could make everything you know crumble,” he growled into Bosang’s ear. “But do you want to know why I don’t?”
Yoongi paused, heaving breaths.
“Because innocent people would fucking die. So many people would die. This entire fucking city would be in chaos. And I’m not you, Bosang. I don’t get off on other people’s pain. I value human life and I’m not about to let innocents die in the crossfire. But don’t think for one second that I’m afraid to murder you.”
He let go of Bosang’s collar, shoving the man backwards. For the first time in a very long time, Yoongi saw a jolt of shock cross Bosang’s features.
“It would be in your best interests to fuck off,” Yoongi threatened, his body quivering with rage.
He didn’t care anymore. Bosang was skirting along that line again, testing Yoongi, seeing how far he could go before the rope snapped.
The brief look of fear fell from Bosang’s face and left behind a self-satisfied smirk. “I’ll see you around, Yoongi,” he calmly stated, turning on his heel to stroll towards the exit. He was being entirely nonchalant, but Yoongi didn’t miss the unsteadiness in his tone.
Yoongi stood and watched, completely still, as Bosang paced away from him and finally out of his sight. He heard a car driving off in the distance, all screeching tires and thrumming engine. He stared long and hard at the exit of the warehouse, completely lost in thought. His eyes wandered from one bloody body to the next, taking in their features, observing the gunshot wounds in their heads.
With an uncharacteristic gentleness, Yoongi approached the nearest body and kneeled down. The woman’s name had been Boyoung – she was always bright, friendly, despite this hellhole of a city. Of his dealers, Boyoung had been one of the kindest.
With soft hands, Yoongi reached forward and shut her glassy eyes.
He pulled out his phone, called the number of another one of his trusted informants. “Get down to the warehouse on 40th. Bosang left bodies,” Yoongi spoke softly, his tone gentle. “Five of them. Tell the families that the funerals will be paid for.”
He hung up, sliding the phone back into his pocket and running a weary hand down his face. Shit like this was inevitable in such a dangerous job, in such a dangerous city. But Yoongi still fucking hated it. These had been good people, who died for no other reason than unfortunate timing in an unfortunate place.
Yoongi walked around the room, closing the eyes of the rest of the victims, taking silence stock of who had been lost.
He walked out of the warehouse simultaneously enraged and numb.
It was a long walk back to Yoongi’s apartment. In all honesty, his didn’t even want to go to his own apartment – he wanted to stay at Hoseok’s, Jin’s, he didn’t care. He just didn’t want to be alone right now. In all honesty, Yoongi felt weak for the first time in a long time. Some days, this lifestyle was easier to cope with than others. This was a bad day. This was a really bad day.
As if on cue, his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. One look at the caller ID put a slight smile onto his face. It was almost like Hobi telepathically just knew when Yoongi needed him.
He tapped the pickup button and held the phone up to his ear. “Yeah?”
“Yoongi,” Hoseok panted, sounding stressed and tense. Immediately Yoongi’s hairs stood up on the back of his neck. Something had gone wrong.
“Hobi, what happened?”
“They attacked the house.”
Yoongi stopped dead in his tracks, blood running ice-cold.
“Jungkook and I are fine – the Exorcists came, Tae apparently hired them. Everyone is alive, but we’re all really shaken up. I took Jungkook to my apartment,” Hoseok spoke, sounding exhausted.
“Good, stay there,” Yoongi responded, his heart racing. “Where’s Jimin, was he with you guys?”
“No, he was out shopping when they started shooting at us. He’s not answering his phone, Yoongi.”
Yoongi cursed loudly and paced back and forth on the dark street, running a hand through his hair. “You’re telling me that you have no fucking idea where he is?”
“I’m sure he’s fine, Yoongi, his phone might have died. There’s no way they could have known where he was going,” Hoseok said, sounding more like he was trying to comfort himself than anything. “I have to take care of Jungkook, he’s got some minor injuries. Get some people searching for Jimin and tell me immediately if you find anything out.”
“I will,” Yoongi replied tiredly. This was the last fucking thing he needed right now. His gut curled in fear of what could have happened to Hobi and Jungkook, in fear of what happened to Jimin. “Look after him.”
Yoongi hung up, beginning to walk down he street again and scrolling through his contacts to find Jin’s number. His finger was hovering over the number to dial it, when a sudden jarring noise from the shop to his side caught him off guard. It was the window display of a television store – all of the display TV’s had abruptly turned on, displaying static and playing white noise. Yoongi was about to shake it off when suddenly, the screen changed to a sight hat make his stomach hit the floor.
Glaring down at him from seven different screens was a live video of Park Jimin, limp and bound to a chair, covered head to toe in bruises and blood.
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