#anyways the moment between lorelai and her parents was very sweet
theone · 2 years
I just watched Lorelai's Graduation Day and if I see one more hate comment about Rory....istg
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Top Five Episodes for Sophie? (With or With out context for reasons why)
These are in no particular order, but the top five!!  Some of these ended up being a lot longer than expected  because I’m just very ridiculously excited about certain plots
1. Those Are Strings, Pinocchio — it’s a very sweet episode for Sophie and Tristan (and her boys, they all come for the graduation), and as the senior class president, Sophie gets to make a graduation speech too (along with Paris as student body president and Rory as valedictorian), and while I haven’t written the entire speech yet, I have some highlight notes for the episode and I’m excited about it!
2. The Party’s Over — the kiss list!!!  You already know how excited I am for this one, it sparked an entirely new branch of our crossover!  Obviously (and tragically) Sophie doesn’t get to make out with Richie in her own story, but she does still have a really fun time flirting with Rory and the two get to bond as Sophie dedicates herself to making sure that Rory has fun despite the Emily-And-Richard of it all, and to cheering her up after her breakup!  It’s also a fun callback to the scene I talk about at the end of this (which doesn’t line up with a specific ep yet), as it has the same main group of Rory, Sophie, and the boys, and Sophie making sure that Rory has fun at a party that Emily throws that she doesn’t want to be at — which is also a callback to Rory’s Birthday Parties, and anyways I just find it very adorable how Professional Party Girl Sophie Dugray cares so much about Rory not being miserable (and you know I’m really excited for the whole “Mary” throwback that I have planned with Sophie and Finn’s passion of the christ)
3. Rory’s Birthday Parties — while Sophie and Rory start becoming friends before this, this is when their friendship is really settled!  Sophie is at Rory’s party and when she sees how miserable Rory is, she (in her totally dramatic but endearing Sophie way) commandeers Rory and puts on enough of a show of pretending to be wasted to distract everyone so that she can drag Rory upstairs and talk to her.  She promises to get Tristan to lay off Rory, offers to climb out the window with her to escape, and ends up “accidentally” dropping a bottle of champagne to give Rory an escape when Emily tries to force her to make a speech!  This is the first time that Rory feels like maybe she really has a friend in Hartford/Chilton, and she ends up inviting Sophie to her Stars Hollow Party, where Sophie has the time of her life and gets to enjoy being at a party where the adults don’t constantly whisper about how much of a disappointment she is, and she totally hits it off with Miss Patty and Babette (and, to everyone’s surprise, Luke)
(this also includes a specific bit of dialogue between the girls at Emily’s party, which is “oh my god Sophie, you’re drunk!” “shhh, I’m as sober as ever” “you’re wasted” “I know”, while Sophie pretends to be much drunker than she is to get eyes off Rory, and then grabs Rory’s shoulders and guides her out of the room — she pretends that she’s using Rory for balance but as soon as they’re out of sight from Emily, she’s totally fine)
4. You Jump, I Jump Jack — I mean, Sophie and Logan!!!  So Rory does already know the boys in this universe, having been friends with them since season 1, but she’s only really heard about them from Sophie and seen them at a few parties that they’ve been able to make it to.  She doesn’t know know about the LDB or about Sophie and Tristan being a part of it, so it’s a fun little shock for her!  It’s also a moment where Rory realizes that this is the first time she’s ever seen Sophie not putting on some sort of act for people and really seems like she belongs — it’s not Chilton where she played up her wild child party girl image because she was going to be met with derision and slut-shaming regardless so she might as well have fun, it’s not Hartford parties where she knows that she’ll never be good enough so she gives the parents exactly what they expect to see from her, it’s not even the subparties where she’s made out with every guy and wlw under 30 (and some over) because her life might not be her own but at least her body still is.  Here she’s surrounded by people who seem to get that she can be wild and reckless and want to make the most of every minute of her life and can also be smart and opinionated and can still be figuring out what she wants from life; she can be a whole person and not just one side of a box that people put her in.  We also get some fun Rory & Sophie dynamics with Sophie (once again) encouraging Rory to live in the moment and throw herself into things, and being the one to convince her to do the jump (and having the umbrella ready because she knows Rory and knows that as soon as Rory gets out of her head, she would do it), and of course we get some great Sophie and Logan content now that they’re finally in the same place relatively permanently!  I want to say that this episode is really Sophie at her best but while that’s true, it’s more like this episode is Sophie at her truest, and that’s really special to me
5. Run Away Little Boy — This episode is the entire reason that Sophie exists, it had to be on the list!  This episode is very focused on the relationship between the Dugray siblings, which I love, and I get to give some actual insight to why Tristan is acting the way he is!  We also get some fun content with Romeo and Juliet, with Paris casting Sophie as Juliet and then Sophie stepping down when Tristan joins their group (and Paris basically saying she doesn’t care if they’re siblings if they get an A).  We also get Sophie totally tearing into Dean, Sophie and Rory kissing, and we get to see a much more calculating side of Sophie than we’ve seen til that point as she plays her cards just right to make sure that her dad doesn’t send Tristan away.
Honorary mentions (ugh there’s so many but like I’m just very excited about everything that involves Sophie): Go, Bulldogs!; Always a Godmother, Never a God; Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number; Wedding Bell Blues; The Lorelais' First Day at Yale & The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton; Ted Koppel's Big Night Out; Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' The Twist; Presenting Lorelai Gilmore; Like Mother, Like Daughter; The Bracebridge Dinner; The Deer Hunters; Concert Interruptus
Also — this doesn’t line up with a canon episode yet (but eventually I’ll have to figure out when it is) but I’m creating a party that Richard and Emily throw in season 1, probably some sort of Yale reunion but idk, which is when Rory meets Logan, Finn, and Colin for the first time and immediately sees how much Logan and Sophie like each other, even if the two of them are very insistent that they’re just having fun
Send me an OC + “Top 5″ anything
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dodgergilmore · 4 years
3: after Jess came back/their argument at the Pub because Rory went back to her mom and basically 'rejects' the whole preppy rich lifestyle after getting her drive back. I think it would've been interesting for Rory to maybe stay single for the rest of the season and work on herself more (and get some actual serious therapy), it would've also been an interesting contrast to her mother finding herself in a very serious relationship that is also riddled with some serious
4: questions and conflicts (though I know that all of this goes against Amy's plan for Rory and her mom, but still. I just wish there was a more original positive ending/development to Rory as a character). Rambling aside, this makes me wonder. If you could change anything in the OG series/revival for the general plot/characters, what would you change?
Definitely agree there should’ve been more single Rory! That’s a good point, too, that after Rory goes back to Yale the story really just marches right on without really unpacking the events of 6x01-6x08. It doesn’t help that the April plot comes immediately after, so there’s not room for the Rory/Lorelai story to breathe because we’re right into the next conflict. Again, what a shame!!
I find season 7 to be a real slog to get through where it feels like those moments where you’re reading and you suddenly realise that you didn’t internalise a single word you just read, but they stick the landing with 7x22 especially with where Rory is concerned!
It’s easier for me to think about what I would change about the revival, maybe because there’s significantly less material to pull from? I always love hearing what other people would change about the series/revival, though!
With the revival.......the way for me to change as little as possible is just if the character motivations were better fleshed out or, in some cases, given at all.
I like the idea of Rory’s conflict centering around her professional life and even shifting course (similar to how it was Harvard until it was Yale) but let’s begin the episodes with more success for Rory! Let’s see the exact moment where journalism stops clicking for Rory – it doesn’t even need to be this big dramatic moment, it can be as simple as it no longer feeling fulfilling and I think there’s plenty of material there for conflict given that this was always the plan so what happens when that’s no longer the plan?
Let’s just scrap Paul altogether. Please. Please. Luke’s wifi passwords may have been the only running gag I liked?
I know people hate it but I can see how the Rory/Logan mess could fit in as a way of clinging to the past and escapism, which was how I interpreted it in the revival anyway but I need clearer character motivations!! The relationship is given so much real estate in the revival but we still know so little about what’s going on there? Instead of dropping the audience right in the middle of the affair, let’s see the actual moment they see each other for the first time after however long and see the struggle of the situation there, like addressing the whole ‘he proposed’ elephant in the room.......idk I have zero emotional investment there so I’m not too interested in delving into what that story would look like, but, importantly: let there be consequences! Again, it doesn’t even need to be this big dramatic thing but some disapproval from Lorelai’s end, even if it’s just in conversations with Luke, and some guilt on Rory and Logan’s end would be appreciated! I can actually see a path for Logan regressing in the time since Rory rejects his proposal, but I do feel for his fans here. If we see those beginning moments of the whole affair, though, we could get an explanation for how he ended up here.
More Jess, obviously! The stuff we got was good but I would especially loooooove to see some Lorelai and Jess hijinks. I can’t cook up something worthy but I want it to be an actual plot line and just be something light-hearted so we can explore that dynamic further!
Give Lane something to DO!!!!!!!! I’ve seen people mention maybe she runs the music shop in Stars Hollow or gives lessons, which I can absolutely vibe with! But I would also love some Lane/Rory/Paris fun-times! I don’t know what this would look like or where it would be but this revival needed more friendship moments.
Luke and Lorelai have moments of poor miscommunication in the original series, yes, but nine years later and they haven’t actually discussed kids? They’re only now getting married? Not to sound like a broken record but I need better character motivations here!! The kids stuff gets completely dropped after, I believe, the second episode? anyway so I wouldn’t even include that stuff – let’s get Paris involved with the plot in other ways, even though I liked all that we got of her. I think Richard’s death could’ve been used as a turning point for Lorelai – same with Rory, actually – with regard to getting married.
With the LL wedding, I totally buy that they would do a quiet little secret wedding before the big event and it was a sweet moment, but knowing that it only happened this way because of budget reasons is kind of annoying! I would think that this wedding would be, like, top priority because it’s The Ship of the whole show and also because it’s a natural way to bring all of these characters we’ve come to know into the same space: Emily, Jess, April, Sookie, the townies, etc. they all should have been there!
Also, because I am me...........Rory and Jess would share a dance at the wedding and there would be a callback to how he owes her a whole prom. Pepper in a little romantic tension from both sides, y’know?? Just a peppering, though, because I am shooting for a slow burn here and I actually like the foundation the revival sets up with them and her book writing.
The pregnancy................sigh. My feelings on this are very complicated and I am still unpacking them tbh! My biggest issue with it is that this show has a weird history when it comes to pregnancy/sex that it feels kind of......icky. Given how much the show focuses on parent-child relationships, I think there is potential there for a what would Rory as a mother look like? story. How does that change the dynamic between her and Lorelai and Emily? It would be very different from Lorelai’s experience because Rory is an adult and has a huge support system. The lack of build-up to this in the revival, though, is so questionable. Like, we see Rory with both Paris’ and Lane’s kids and they don’t really do anything with that???? I’ve decided that I don’t like it as an ending, but I can see how it could work as the beginning of a story if that makes sense? As an ending, it’s just this big, ‘gotcha!’ plot twist that we don’t know how we’re supposed to respond to, and Lorelai looks horrified! Again, it feels icky. As a beginning, though, it opens up stories to explore and I think it would allow for Rory to let go of some romantic dependencies and invest herself in a non-romantic relationship – even moreso in the actual revival, obviously, but girlfriend needs to be single for a bit, phew!
Emily is actually my favourite character so I come out of the revival feeling very validated lmao BUT I am scrapping that “Berta has an indistinguishable accent, isn’t that hilarious???” mess! I am scrapping it right out of my redux!!!
I really liked the Michel stuff! All of that stays!
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prosciuttoe · 8 years
Congrats on your milestoneeeee (and your book)! Prompt: Gilmore Girls AU with Clarke as Rory and Bellamy as Jess and all the 100 gang corresponding to some quirky character in stars hollow please :)
A|N: This ended up being a mix of bellarke being jess/rory and also luke/lorelai all at once because, well… I’m a mess. Sorry love, hope you like it! 
p.s: You guys don’t have to have watched gilmore girls to read this! Just think small-town bellarke being cute. The end.
You see, the thing is, Bellamy doesn’t set out to be the town’s asshole. It just sort of happens.
It starts because it doesn’t occur to him that this arrangement he has with Kane is permanent. He figures that it’s only a matter of time before he and Octavia are allocated to another foster family, considering Kane is single and owns a diner and basically has a laundry list of traits that makes him a less-than-ideal foster parent. He fully expects to be gone by July; August latest. And in the meantime, he’ll just go on with his life without putting down roots. Simple.
Of course, this loosely translates to him being standoffish and rude to most, hence the label. Not that he minds, all that much, since it ensures that he’s left alone most of the time. He has his books and his job and Octavia. That’s all Bellamy needs, really.
Until Clarke Griffin comes into his life, and proceeds to fuck everything up.
The first time he meets her, she’s behind the counter of the diner, helping herself to the coffee pot.
“Hey!” he barks, crossing the room in three easy strides and herding her out into the open, “what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
She blinks over at him, hands still clenched protectively over her cup. Then, suspiciously, “I’m— wait. Where’s Marcus?”
“Out.” He snaps, slinging a dish towel over his neck. “Look, I’m not sure what your deal is, Princess. But where I’m from, we pay for the stuff we get.”
She bristles at that, her gaze cold as she sizes him up. “I had every intention of paying. Ask your goddamn boss, he can vouch for me.”
“Well, luckily for you, he’s not available at the moment.” He shoots her a thin smile at that, extending his palm out. “That would be a dollar fifty.”
He’s expecting her to storm out after, or throw a tantrum, at the very least- so it definitely comes as a shock when she plops down by the counter instead, sipping at her coffee before she cracks open a book.
“You know,” he manages, once he’s composed himself. “That’s actually a to-go cup.”
That earns him a saccharine sweet smile on her part; practiced and distinctly condescending. “Well, I’m not planning on disrupting my morning routine on your account.”
“Glad to hear of it.” He deadpans, giving her a sarcastic half-bow of sorts before retreating back to the kitchen. (It doesn’t help that she’s reading Ender’s Game, which has been on his to-read list for months. He almost wished that she had bad taste so he could hate her for it.)
She comes back the next day, and the day after, too; always with a different book in hand but with the same breakfast order of black coffee and waffles. She always sits by the counter-  despite the numerous free tables available- and finds a way to get under his skin constantly. Whether it’s the incessant tapping of her nails against the countertop or folding the pages of her book or even, god forbid, writing in the margins. It drives him fucking crazy, to the point where it’s impossible to stay quiet about it.
Look, Bellamy is committed to his cause of self-isolation, okay? But not enough to idly look by as someone vandalizes a book.
“If you’re going to start defacing your book again, I’d prefer it if you didn’t sit here.” He points out, curt, the next time he spots her with a pencil clenched between her teeth. “It ruins my appetite for pop tarts.”
“How is writing in the margins considered a sacrilegious act?” Clarke points out, mild, tilting her chin over at him in challenge. “If anything, it enhances the reading experience. I get to look back at my notes and see if I think of the book any differently now.”
“You can reflect on it without actually writing it down in your book.”
She shakes her head at that, exasperated. Then, thrusting the book out at him, “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it, mister.”
(Bellamy thinks he catches a glimpse of a smile, then, but it could just be a trick of light.)
His initial plan had mostly involved ignoring her notes in the margins so as to prove a point, but he fails miserably in the end anyway. Her words are magnetic; insightful and intriguing and wholly impossible to miss, and there are times where he finds himself enjoying her thoughts more than the text itself. He finds himself writing back most of the time and it’s almost easy to fall into a routine of sorts, after that; leaving pieces of themselves in between the pages and picking out the details found in the blank spaces.
They’re well through December when he realizes that he’s not going anywhere, and that he’s pretty much half in love with Clarke.
“You should probably tell her before the rest of the town does,” Miller tells him. They’re friends- despite his best attempts at resistance- and Miller likes to drop by for breakfast before heading to his job over at the inn. “It’s not like you’re subtle, or anything.”
Bellamy can’t help but scowl a little at that. “I thought it would be a non-issue considering how half this town hates me.” He points out grouchily. “I’m an asshole, remember?”
“Yeah, but, like,” he searches for the words, shrugging, “an endearing asshole. One with a love life that a lot of people are way too invested in.”
Groaning, he drops his head onto the counter with a solid thump. “Great. Just what I wanted.”
“Just tell her before Jasper does.” Miller sighs, patting at his shoulder in what he supposes is a comforting gesture. The intended effect is more awkward than it is soothing, but Bellamy lets it slide. “That guy is a major gossip.”
He mulls over it all through the lunch hour rush crowd, fucking up several orders in the process until Kane takes pity on him and shoves him behind the cashier instead. He doesn’t do any better in that regard either considering how it all goes out of the window the second Clarke walks through the door, toting a basket in hand.
“Do I want to know?” he asks, jerking his chin over at the garland of ribbons weaved over the basket handles.
“It’s a Stars Hollow tradition,” she frowns, dropping the basket onto the counter. “Well, an outdated and antiquated one, at least. Women make the baskets, and the guys bid on them for the food and the company.” She punctuates the statement with a exaggerated roll of her eyes. “I tried asking Jaha if the guys could provide the baskets this time, and he nearly bit my head off.”
Grabbing at the mug that he’s beginning to think of as Clarke’s, he fills it with coffee, sliding it into her grasp. “So why participate, then?”
She shrugs, picking at the ragged ends of the ribbon. “It’s tradition, you know? Far be it for me to break it. Besides, I have some intel that Finn Collins is planning on bidding on mine this year, and he’s not all that bad.”
“Finn Collins?” he gapes. “As in, boyband? As in, the guy who works over at the minimart?”
“Uh, I could do worse.”
“I don’t see how anyone is worse than Finn Collins,” he declares, hating the petulant note in his voice. “That guy barely has two brain cells to rub together.”
She fixes him with a look at that, inscrutable. “It’s not like I’m drowning in prospective bidders as of the moment.”
For some stupid reason, he flushes. “Right.”
There’s a tense, awkward beat, as if she’s expecting him to say something else in response.
“So, anyway,” she says, averting her gaze. “I should probably get going. The bidding is starting up in a bit and I don’t want to be late.”
He blinks, has to remind himself to wipe the flummoxed expression off his face. “See you?”
“Yup.” She says, shooting him a tight, almost pained, smile. He watches her go for half a second, still attempting to reorder his thoughts into something comprehensible—
It all falls into place then- coming into the diner, her disappointment at his apparent disinterest- and he finds himself scrambling through the drawers of the cash register, muttering out a hasty excuse before emptying it and charging out.
“Hey!” he calls out, before she can get any further. “Shit. Clarke.”
She stops in her tracks, her expression quizzical as he draws up next to her, panting.
“Sixty.” He says, in between breaths.
Pulling out a wad of bills from his pocket, he presses it into her palm, his pulse thundering in his ears. “Sixty for your basket,” he says, swallowing. “And your company.”
She stares at him, the minutes dragging on—
Before she breaks out into a smile, bright and fucking delighted, pulling one from him as well. “Took you long enough,” she goes, beaming, before looping her arm around his. “Can you spare a few minutes?”
“Yeah,” he laughs, reaching over to lace their fingers together; planting him in place. “I have time.”
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