#anyways these are my band kid OCs i didnt know they were a friend group before i started drawing but they are now
neoluca · 5 months
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Listening to: Fast Times at Barrington High - The Academy Is...
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faemen · 3 years
hey hey tell me about one of your characters!
HELLO tysm for asking :DDD youu shall get.. hmmm. mimoto kakusareta!! dont google translate those names separately they mean nothing 😏😏😏
he was a d.anganronpa oc unfortunately, but i like him anyways so. mimoto? he is just some guy. just a regular ol' dude. ult tutor, comes from some regular family, nothing really special. he is simply vibing.
or not, whoops!! i did the overused famous guy in disguise trope heh >:b
shigeru kuroda on the OTHER hand, is a different case. i also unfortunately made him during a time where i was kiiiinda having a gender/sexuality crisis so, secret and kinda fruity ult model it is then. typical sort of thing, hes the only child of a middle class family, dad gets into business, they get richer.
shigeru wasnt directly involved at first tho, until he made the fatal mistake of visiting his father at the office during bring your kid to work day. naturally, there were a bunch of other cocky guys there too, and you know how contracters are. "ohh mr. kuroda 😏😏😏 boy bands are shown to be EXTREMELY off the charts at the moment, who cares if most of them can't play or sing to save their lives? theyre hot we'll go so big with this"
and thats how BLACKBRRY LMNADE was formed. theyre all ultimates in the danganronpa world, most of them varying from the general showbiz side of things. shigeru is on drums, my friends oc is there, i havent figured out any of the other members yet tho.
shigeru didnt fully enjoy this life tho. despite technically having everything, and drumming being a passion of his, being watered down to the heartthrob model bad boy by not only his fans, but ALSO his producers, was getting to him. identity issues and what not. but since it was all in the contract, and all of the members had their own roles to play, rebellious player it was.
he didnt realize just how far he had gone into the persona, until the group was breaking apart for various reasons, his own being his excessive.. unhealthy habits he had formed over the last year in order to keep up the facade. it was all done in secrecy though, as he still had a modelling business to deal with, and the numbers piling in of profit were wayy too high to risk any publicity.
shigeru just needed a break though. being an only child, he always had too much attention, as even when his father turned to work, he always had the unending loyalty of his female fan group. it didnt really feel right at ALL tho. bc like i said, he's fruity. unfortunately though denial is a strong thing and he was convinced that its just a bro thing leftover from the closeness he had with the other band members 🙄🙄🙄
so yeah, then he signed up to go to some random highschool for his last year, then got drafted into a killing game. at least he got over his internalized homophobia and got with some other idol who's name i forget before dying. go gays ig
JGDHFBJKFJSFN sorry for the ramble i got a bit too into this but,,,, thank you for asking :DD
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lebannabell · 6 years
now for some dnd asks for you!!!! 5, 8, 11, 15
dnd ask meme!~send me qs!~
5. What is your best dice set? I love All My Dice but my first set (chessix blue-green gemini) are probably my most blessed set, they roll high (mostly [that one time i rolled a 3,2, then 3 to climb a tree is still frustrating]) but also they were my first set and a gift and they always remind me of my first character and when I first started playing - which was a really important thing to me because it was something that brought me a lot of joy in a time i was seriously lacking it;;; anygay this got sentimental but those r probably my Best set (but fr tho i love all my dice so much theyre all Significant to me)
8. What does your dream dice set look like? This is a super hard question bc i dont think theres really One Set that would be like my Ideal set? Theres so many options out there and im very weak for a lot of them ( but gods i wish i could get my hands on those kraken cotton candy dice [im gon buy some kraken dice soon but those were limited edition so i guess ill die]) 
11. Have you ever rolled a natural 1? What happened? i have rolled so many nat 1s……. the dice goes into dice jail and is shamed for its villiany.. i trip and shoot myself in the foot instead of the enemy;; Bad Things Happen
15. What is your characters background story? I have seven characters that I play/have played and i know imma write an wild amount so im gonna put this under a cut!
Wren, elf rogue - Mines of Phandelver Wren was raised a member of the high elf House of Naïlo, but as a young girl grew tired of trying to garner the attention of parents who simply didn’t care about their daughter except as a prop for conversation. At the equivalent human age of 15, she ran away from home and made a new life for herself on the streets of Neverwinter. Wren spent the next several decades making her name as a criminal, and honing her skills in thievery, until she picked up a job at the local tavern that led her to her Biggest Adventure(god im so sentimental abt wren she really derailed shit and was such a dick but she was so fun i love her)
Eldan Caridalas, half elf sorcerer - Storm About To BreakEldan grew up in a small village, and went by his child name of Taryn (meaning thunder, inspired by his Wild Magic). He lived a happy childhood, with admittedly, some strange moments brought on by his unpredictable magic, but he got through any difficulties with his best friend and essentially soulmate, Alcea (played by another player in the group! shoutout to ash for working w me to make these beautiful kids lmao). When Eldan was around 14, he had another surge of wild magic,  but this one was far worse than all the others had been (when i was workshopping this with ash and dint know what exactly it was going to be yet we called it “The Big Bad”) - He had been speaking with alceas mother when all of a sudden an intense bolt of fire sprung from him, melting the skin off his left arm, and fatally wounding alceas mother. Eldan, unable to cope with what his supposed gift had done, fled the village without a word to anyone, and spent the next 14 years travelling the land, searching for a way to try and control his magic, to avoid hurting anyone ever again. Eldan eventually found his way to the entrance to the unexplored east lands where he ran into his childhood friend once again(eldan was such a Good boy im still sad about what happened to him he deserved better give me #justice for my boy)Reckoning, tiefling monk - one shot run by my friend claudio b4 he moved interstateReckoning was abandoned on the steps of a temple as a baby once her parents saw the devilish heritage in her. She was raised by monks in a temple to The Raven Queen, and she was trained and charged to become an assassin that took down those who went against the natural order of death. She was on her way to one such mission when she ran into a group of strangers in the woods and after promptly finding out one of them was (supposedly) claiming to be a false god, and pushing them into the nearby well, was lassooed and pulled down there with them to deal with the Creature within(will i ever make a not extra character? no.)Ari, human druid, fighter, and rogue (i know) - one shot battle royaleI was originally just going to make a level 15 barbarian for this one shot (rip ragna one day u might get played) but then i was like;; i may as well make the messiest multiclass i can Ari grew up with his older brother as his guardian, but then his brother was killed in a gang accident, and ari had to learn to fend for himself on the street. After many years of struggle, and losing a younger boy he had begun to think of as family, ari sought shelter in the forests, and had just started to discover the magic held within, when he was conscripted into a battle royale for the amusement of The Council Of ChickensRisk, dragonborn barbarian - Uni one shots (lower levels)Risk is aptly named - she’s willing to do most things others would blanch at for the right reward, which is how she ended up in a mercenary business. This is straight up all the backstory i have for risk that ive nailed down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ shes hard to really conceptualise a good backstory for, esp bc i didnt know the world that the uni DMs had createdTrix, aasimar rogue - Uni one shots (higher levels)Trix practically raised herself, and by the guidance of her angelic counterpart, she was often driven to do things that left no time for friendship. Tired of living a life that wasn’t fully her own, she struck out to the wealthy area of the city to join the Planeswalkers guild, and has since become an initiate with her own housing in their extra planar facility, and does takes the odd mercenary work that comes her way from her new homeZiarda Lionheart, aasimar bard - Storm About To Breakafter what happened with eldan, i wanted to make a lighter, happier character - with a lot less emotional baggage, and so Ziarda was born. Ziarda has always been driven to do the right thing, and not just by her own morals - but those of her angelic guide. Ziarda was raised by a single mother, who taught her not only the value of beauty and joy in making the world a greater place, but also the practical application of music - in fact ziardas flute used to be her mothers. Ziarda left home at 19 on the will of her heavenly advisor, and joined a travelling carnival, where she could spread joy through her performances. She travelled with them for a few years before the travelled to the east to do a show for the soldiers guarding the entrance to relatively unexplored lands, where she was guided to join a band of weary adventurers in their efforts to stop a widespread cult from destroying civilisation. A lot of my characters backstories get more fleshed out the more i play them and have a better idea of what things could have shaped them to be the people they become? but this is their current Pre Adventure Lore
Yeehaw congrats if you made it this far ur insane i wrote so much i love my kids a lot heres a reward for reading all that, or i suppose, for scrolling to the bottom
Anyway thank u anya for givin me the chance to ramble abt my OCs i love them sm and i love You so much and everyday im so grateful that you gave me the opportunity to play this incredible game and to do the dumb cult joining, plan breaking stunts i pull
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