#hehehehe i cant believe i actually finished this
neoluca · 5 months
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Listening to: Fast Times at Barrington High - The Academy Is...
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evanescentdawn · 11 months
i meet you across time and touch you and hope to take your skin with me
pairing(s): han sooyoung/yoo joonghyuk
tags: alternative universe - normal, reunion, drinking, not quite angst with some humour, and undercurrent of pining
rating: teens
One thing leads to another and Han Sooyoung finds herself in Joonghyuk’s house, sitting at his table.
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hhblizzad · 1 month
Hey ya @calicocatsarecute
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Your food is ready. (Btw for the other fic- i would do it tommorow)
Lee: lute
Lers = Adam and sera
Enjoy your meal.
It was a boring day in heaven. Emily: "seraa! This is getting boring..". Sera: " well... How about You go hanging out with some of your winners friend then? Its your position to bring joy in heaven anyway."
Emily: "i mean... Your right! It would be fun to see Molly and the others!". Sera then ask Emily something, sera: " Emily have you see Adam and lute around here? Its been an hours since we see them. They better didn't cause any trouble...."
Emily: "no, i don't.. They probably still hanging out together! Whats wrong? Is there a meeting or you just wanna punish them because something happend or-". Sera:" oh! no no no! I just want to make sure they didn't do anything illegal and also cause many trouble..."
Emily: "okay! Byeeeee!". Sera: " bye!"
Sera stop being soft. Then she sees Adam and lute. Adam: "oh hey there sera!".
Sera: "where have you two been!" she said. She look kinda Angry. Adam: "chill out sera! Also stop being soft to Emily, i mean you only show your soft self to her"
Sera: "that's because how innocent she is and also she is not a troublemaker like you. But i guess you didn't do anything wrong this months.". Lute: " well all the Trouble we did is just Adam ideas."
Adam: "hey sera! You wanna know something?" sera look at Adam she look curious. Sera: "what is it?"
Adam: "i think my lieutenant here is a little ticklish!". Sera: "or is it just some fake thing you said!". Lute: " wait a second... What do you actually mean adam!"
Adam: "you don't believe me? I will show you anyway!". Lute: " Adam! Don't you dare tickle me. If you did it i would punch your face-"
Adam start to tickle lute's sides that make lute squirm and giggles. Lute: "a- ahah- ahahahahadahaham! d- don't you dahahahaharehe!".
Adam: "see? I told you that she is ticklish!" Adam continue to tickles lute's sides
Lute: "e- ehehehehe! Ahahahadaham- i- i- hahahahatehehehe youhuhu"
Sera: "this is kinda stupid". Adam: "come on! Just have some fun". Sera: " i mean.. Sure?" sera start to tickles lute's neck. They can See that lute is trying not to giggles.
Adam: "come on lute!" he said. He is starting to tickle lute faster. Lute: "A- AHAHAHA! AHAHAHADAM- SEHEHEHERAHAHA.. STAHAHAHAHAP!"
Sera: "well... I guess its kinda fun!" sera continue to tickle lute. This time it was faster
Adam: "looks like someone is to ticklish that they cant even finish their sentence!"
Lute: "sihihihihir! Pleheheheasehehe mahahahake heheheher stahahahap.. I- i cant tahahahahake it anymohohore!"
Sera: "well.. You kinda look like you enjoy it! I mean really."
Adam: "yeah!" he then start to tickle lute's belly. Lute: "GAHAHAHAHAHA! ADAHAHAHAHAM NOHOHOHO! I- ITS TOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH!"
sera: "good to know!"
After they stop...
Lute: "its... Not really the best way you know"
Adam: Adam chuckle "chill out lute! Let's just go get some soda."
Lute: "yes! Let's go sir!"
The end
Btw @calicocatsarecute did you enjoy your food :D?
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cerebrobullet · 2 years
Sharpe's Eagle Daily Book Report
(I have finished listening to The Flight of the Heron which was super gay and fun! But i am so eager to return to the sharpe universe, i have missed it!)
🥹🥹🥹🥹 me when sharpe's eagle starts with talk about harper and sharpe being inseparable and hogan declaring that wellesley is fond of sharpe. fantastic start, love it, A+
wellesley making sure sharpe is safe by giving hogan command over him :3c god what a special boy
HOLY SHIT THE INCIDENT WITH GIBBONS IS 10X BETTER THAN THE SHOW. fucking yeeting him off his horse, amazing. and hogan walks up all 😃
"harper saw his job as keeping sharpe alive and amused" oh, amused you say :3c. god this is great, i love paragraphs of harper thinking about how much he likes sharpe hfhhdhss good fucking food
wait hgwb wait originally harper was 24???? i ..no. i refuse. like... god, no.
yaaaaay lawford is back! i've missed him! :D. hgsgsggsgs him looking at sharpe and literally saying "you're an idiot (affectionate)"
hhhh harper knowing sharpe's tells for when he's nervous. cornwell stop i cant love them any more ;u;
dad!sharpe when it comes to baby pendelton (sp?) heheheh very good.
hogan and sharpe yelling across the broken bridge all "haha simmerson is arresting us. i cant wait for wellesley to punch him." imgnshnim gonna cry with gibbons asking for the sword across the bridge and sharpe looks down at the river like "... come get it?"
idk why but lenox's death seemed more impactful in the episode? like i feel he and sharpe shared more Secret Exasperated Looks or something.
but anyway the interrogation in front of wellesley is about to begin and i'm SO excited for emotional vindication. especially since sharpe got arrested this time teehee :3c
HEHEHHEHEE oh yes that was enjoyable. love the extra of lawford smiling happily at sharpe after playing up being cold towards him
i cant believe hogan forced money on sharpe and told him it was so he'd have a chance to fuck a girl. what a wingman.
it also feels like wellesley is... not exactly friendlier here, but a bit less, like, violently cold. which is fun! or maybe it just comes mostly from getting a bit more of his pov for things? hmm dunno. but i'm loving eagle! more than rifles, actually, oddly enough. it is still funny to see harper go from "i'll kill you" to "i'll kill for you" lmao, though that effect also happened in havoc
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ravenveenova97 · 6 months
Paldea Forbidden Fruit
Sunset mistakes
I was happily walking around the scorched trail with sky in toe looking around to every pokemon I saw "the vast amount of pokemon out right now is unreal, I don't know we're to start hehehhehe" I had my art pad in hand with a bag sling over my shoulder holding in my art supplies, I was looking around and found a nice spot by a pond with an amazing View looking out into the Paldea sea and from there I could see multiple pokemon around "well sky this looks like the spot wouldn't you agree" she smiles happily at me and nods.
I settle myself down by laying out a blanket and took off my art bag then opened it to get stuff out, I was looking amongst the things I brought and I couldn't think what I should use "hmmm i have water paints and pencils......but I also have oils too......maby I could use my coals......or my pencils" I was looking amongst them and Sky points to the water colours "hehehhehe you think I should do a water painting" she nods at me and I giggle "ok, water colours it is now.........what pokemon do chose to paint" i look around and i can see tons of Mabostives, maschefs roaming around but one pokemon walks up to me and i look into its eyes and address it "would you mind if i paint you.....Zoroark" the pokemon eyes widen as i saw through its ilution it was a Mabostive "hehehhe its ok you dont need to be scared" i pulled out some chocolate and snapped it in half and leaned fowerd handing it out to him "its chocolate, you might like it" he cut off hes ilution and reached out for it and brought it up to hes nose sniffing it, i giggled "its nice trust me just eat it like this" i broke a bit off for me and sky and we ate it to show him its ok.
Zoroark opens he's mouth and ate some and after he swallowed he's face grew bright, I took in every detail how he's eyes squinted and how he's smile carved, even he's ears perked up and did a little wiggle "heheheh see tould you it was nice, so can I paint you Zoroark" he finishes the chocolate and was licking off the remains of it off hes claws then looked at me wile giving a sweet but happy cry saying yes, I smile at him and nod and open my pad designed for water colours and started to paint him "I cant believe im actually painting a Zoroark hehehhehe" i was so happy with myself as they dont show there true form around humans due to not trusting them, but me hading out that chocolate gave him the courage to trust me "you know Zoroark, i find your species fascinating" he looked up at me as i looked down at him from the small hill i was sat on, he gave me a little head tilt like he was confused.
I softly smiled at him "I think all Zoroarks are stunning and beautiful pokemon......your eyes stand out the most..... beautiful and pure and as clear as the sea......how they shine in this light and how warm they look shows your not a bad pokemon as people make you out to be" i was painting hes fur wile i continue to talk to him "i meen look at you....your the definition of beautie and mystery.....your by far the most breathe taking pokemon iv ever seen" i was happily smiling and when i looked up i saw a glint of happiness in hes eyes.....like someone finaly saw him for the amazing pokemon he truly is.
I soften my facial expression and look at him "I mean it Zoroark.....I see beauty in this world and I see more than most don't.....I'm able to look past stereo types and see the soul for what it truly is" he eyes teard up and was smiling happily at me, i smiled at him and he walked up the hill and sat down next to me and looked at my pad and pointed at it "yep thats you" he seamed happy and i raised my hand up to hes cheek and gave it a little scratch, hes face turned into pure delight and i giggled "hehehhehe like that do we, well what about under here" i moved my hand away and strated to scratch under hes chin, this made Zoroarks leg start to go and i laughed "hahahahah dose that feel good zoroark" he was loving the attention i was giving him, after i stoped he had the biggest smile stretching from ear to ear.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and Sky handed me some water "ow thanks Sky" I turned to Zoroark and handed it to him "would you like a drink" he took the Cup out of my hand and happily started to drink it, never in a million years I thought I be sat like this with a wild Zoroark.......but it's nice.....I wish more people saw it as a stunning pokemon.....but like I said stereo types run thick with Dark types.....but I'm so happy i can be that one human that looks past that and see them for what they truly are.
I continued to paint Zoroark and I even let him do some painting of he's own hehehe, I love spending time with pokemon....it's why I chose to be a pokemon researcher....I love to make meany pokemon friends and bring there story's to light.....just like Zoroark here, time was moving on and I just finished the painting "and it's done, so Zoroark what do you think" I tilted my work to him and he looked at it and smiled nodding "hehehhehe I'm happy you like it" I had a big smile on my face and that's when he showed me he's painting, I looked at it and my eyes soften "is that me and Sky" he nods and me and hands it over for me to keep "realy....but you painted this.....dont you want to keep it" he shook hes head and waved it gently up and down for me to take, i slowly reached my hand out and took it off him looking at it with the most gentle smile iv done in years "thank you Zoroark i love it, you did sutch amazing job" he was happily crying out and i ruffled hes fur and scratched behind hes ears "and you keep Amazing me Honan" I turn my head up and I see Jacq lent over and I'm looking into he's breath taking eyes.
I end up blushing and my body shivers in nerves "Jacq what you doing here" he chuckles and stops leaning over me "I was just doing a bit of research over here, but bumping into you was a surprise" he looks at Zoroark that had its ears back sceard and Jacq kneeled down so he was Zoroarks hight "its ok im Honans friend" Zoroark looks at me and i nod, hes ears returned to natural as he's fear left hes body, Jacq saw the painting i had in my hands and he warmly smiled "did you do that for Honan"
Zoroark nodded at him still a little uneasy "I see it's painted beautifully good job" Zoroark worried face turned into a cute smile and he sat down and relaxed, Jacq moved he's hand out to scratch him under the chin and Zoroark melted "hahahah so you do like this" as soon as he said that I relised he was around even then "Jacq how long have you been watching me and Zoroark" Jacq looks at me and scratches the back of he's head "i guess from the very start" Zoroark scooched up so Jacq could sit next to me "start of what" he warmly chuckled and looked at me in the eyes "I saw you giving him Chocolate to make him trust you" I blinked a few times and all the blood rushed to my face "you have amazing skills with Wild pokemon Honan hahahhaha what other surprises are you hiding"
I look away quickly and scream internally "nothing there nothing" Sky giggled at my reaction and I felt Jacq place he's hand on my shoulder, I look round to were he put it and back up at him "you ok" I gulp a little and nod "hahahah that's good, but there no need to be embarrassed, just be yourself around me, ok" I nod and fidget a little wile playing with my hands "so did you come out here to do more of your art" I nod wile looking at my hands, but Jacq tilts he's head at me "are your sure everything ok Honan"
I was feeling my heart race a mile a minute in my chest and my body started to grow hot again, I was looking down still and Jacq moved infrount of me and placed hes hand on my thought head, I snap out of it and look up and when I do hes got a worried look on hes face "your quite warm, are you not feeling well" I'm looking into hes gentle eyes and i end up getting lost in them, it was like staring into fields of lavender...... beautiful and breathtaking.....I cant seem to look away.......there hypnotizing, i end up softly smiling as i could stair into hes eye every day and never get bored on how memorizing they are they truly are stunning, it was then the softest smile Iv ever seen on Jacq spreads across he's face, as he's eyes grow even more gentle "Honan you keep looking at me like that I'm going to start blushing" he averts he's eyes to he's side as he removes he's hand and sheepishly smiles "I'm sorry i didnt mean to" i blushed super hard and looked away, Jacq ended up lathing at me reaction and sighed "it's ok Honan don't worry about it"
I end up feeling my hands start to get clammy again and I'm starting to lose myself a little "I am sorry Jacq but...." I turn to him and raise my hands out and gently take off he's glasses "Honan?" I stear deeply into them and I smile softly "has anyone tould you that your eyes are breathtaking" Jacq cheeks started to turn a pretty pink hue and he averted he's eyes from me "no.....not really" I smile at him and hand back he's glasses "sorry I just wanted to see them better, I know there was a reason why I draw you a lot........I'm just mesmerized by how they look and how you smile....I love how the ends curl and how soft your face is when you do" my cheeks were red but I felt at peace being like this with him........even now with him not looking at me I can tell he's a softie with a pure heart.
Jacq ends up putting he's glasses back on and turns to me about to say something but he withdraws it "Jacq everything ok" he looks at me and he smiles but Its different like there pain behind it "yer I'm good....just surprised is all" I can tell he wants to say something but he's stopping himself, I end up changing the subject and stretch "well at least I won't be alone to watch the sun go down" I giggle and Jacq smiles at me again "I take you like watching the sun go down" I nod at him wile putting away my paint and pad back into the bag "yer when ever I get a chance i will go out and find some were to watch it, but so far iv not found that one place were it looks beautiful"
I zip up the bag and stand up moving off the mat then rolled it up "i see......well i can show you my favorite spot" i stand up and look up at him "really....you show me where you like to watch the sun set" he nods at me and holds out hes hand to me but he relised and laughed sheepishly "ops sorry.......I keep forgetting that I'm your teacher" I blush but walk next to him and take he's hand in mine "it's ok but I would have taken it eather way" Jacq sigs and tightens hes grip on my hand "your going to get me in trouble one of these days Honan" he laughed warmly joking about and i giggled "well nothing wrong with friend holding hands......right"
My eyes looked at him as I longed for he's touch........I can't seem to see him as a teacher to me anymore.....I guess what the girls said could be true......I do think I have a crush on him.....how could I not, not with gentle fetchers like that "I guess your right and it's not like the director be this far out given he's age hahahhaha" I let out a laugh and Jacq chuckled "well follow me I hope your ready" i nod and i say good Bye to Zoroark and we make our way to Jacq special location close to Casseroya lake, when we reached the area jacq sat down after letting go of my hand we peard out to the lake, i was stunned this view was stunning "Jacq how did you find this spot" he takes a deep breath and leaned back on hes hands "it was by accident, i was doing my research around this area a wile back, back before i became a teacher for Uva academy.......I was just checking on the pokemon in the area and I started to get a little sleepy, hahhahaha i may have fallen asleep with my research notes........but when i woke up i realised the sun started to set then........well i saw this" he looked out on the lake and closed hes eyes, he looked at peace and relaxed "this is my special little spot i come to every now and then......but there two other things that makes this location one of my treasures" i smile at him and look back out to the view "what two things are those" he looks at me and smiles warmly "the starts here at night are enchanting you can see them clear as day.....but the other thing you have to be lucky in seeing it"
He turns round and sees the sun hit the waters surface "if your lucky you might be able to see it tonight" I turn my head round and look as the remaining glow of the sun sunk into the water "but I wanted to show you the one miracle that happens here" just then as I looked into the sea I saw a hue of green and then as the sun set there was a flash, I looked at it on awe, taken in by this phenomenon "seams were in luck, we were able to see the green flash" my eyes started to well up a little and Jacq looked into my eyes and hes soft smile came back "what that the first time you saw the green flash" I wipe my eyes and look at him "yes it was.....I never thought I would see something as amazing as that......thank you Jacq"
He smiles brightly at me and pats my head "hahahha your welcome, IV never brought anyone here before.....so that makes you the first person" he looks at me and then away, my heart starts to beat faster and faster in my chest and I start to get butterflies.......I'm the only person he's shown this too........could the time be right, I move myself a little closer to him and im super red in the face "I don't mean on the lips, I ment on the cheek" I recall what penny said to me and I swallow my shyness and go and make my move, even tho im sceard right now, well I'm petrafide but......I need to know if he feels the same way.
I mean in and close my eyes and I'm inches from hes cheek, but Jacq turns round at the worst time and I end up kissing him on the lips, time stood still for us both for that moment and I felt sparks flying, I got lost in it so when I pulled way I was mesmerized for a moment but I snapped out of it and realized I kissed him on the lips, my face turned bright red and I pulled away so qwick "IM SORRY" I was freaking out and Jacq was dum founded for a moment "Honan did you just....kiss me"
I couldn't even look at him but instead I took off running "HONAN WAIT" I didn't stop running till I was out of sight and ear shot from Jacq "why did I do that" i was panting out of breath and tears started to drop from my eyes "why did i think kissing him prove any thing im so stupid.......iv messed up" i was feeling deep regret for what happened to the point I felt sick "what have I done"
That was one of the most emotional days iv experience in a while I kissed my teacher and I messed everything up.......its going to be hard being around him now.......I'm such a fool.
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cloudystevie · 4 years
moral of the story is to not take strong drugs and to instead take tylenol because tylenol probably wouldn’t have made me feel like this jahdkfjf i was going to tell my dad too but knew he would just tell me to sleep hehehehe what have have you been doing today also? idk if i asked that before maybe i did idek
I ACTUALLY CANT BREATHE I STILL CANT BELIEVE U GOT HIGH OFF OF PAIN MEDICINE😭😭😭 i don’t remember either so ill answer anywaydkdhskd i finished and submitted my last assignment this morning and was waiting patiently for the teacher to mark itskfhjdjd and then i ate a bunch of poop food and now im gonna lay here until i fall asleepdjdjjd did u have a good day?
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twas tagged by both @parallelmarvel and @tare8chan. i actually cant believe i was hhaha i’m aiming to be the legit writer worthy of this tag game other writers participated in. think u for thanking of meh 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Author Name: smellycinnamonthundahfudge on tumblr, AND JUST IN, I’M petertheparkerpus_mjmonogram ON AO3 YALLLSSSS. I FINALLY CAME THEEERREEE YYAAAYYYYY
Fandom You Write For: predominantly mcu’s spideychelle. (i also wrote tz stuff back then heh). but, i have also written (but not posted) for hiccstrid, got, darejones, simmosa, incredibles 2, and bughead hahaha.
Where You Post: i started on tumblr, so literally all of the works i wanted to share are on here. buuttt, like i said, I JUST GOT AN AO3 ACCOUNT YALLSSS. i’ve posted my first pj fics on there for now, but i havent posted em all yet so i am now beginning the process of importing em. im excited :’’’)))
Most Popular One-Shot: Take Flight (peter & mj’s flight home from the ffh trip, click for a nervous jelly peter hehehe)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: hhmmm, ok, so i’m not even sure if it classifies as a multi-chapter haha but i think so cus i wrote them as a continuous story in mind haha. i posted the “chapters” separately but i like to imagine it was just one story, Safehouse Sleepovers (consists of Safehouse, Safehouse Singalongs, and Hot chocolate). it’s my only multi-chapter story (not even sure if it classifies as one haha) so de facto most popular one hahaha. oh and it’s essentially a canon compliant post ffh fic bout pj bonding in the parkers’ safehouse hehe. (oh but i guess maybe the newly named airports could also be considered multi-chapter, is 2 chaps enough to call it that? haha so dunno maybe i take back the only mc story thing haha. it’s still the more popular one tho cus airports i wrote before ffh even came out haha)
Favorite Story You Wrote:  oof this is a hard one... ooohhh, i feeelll like i gotta, just gotta go with 5 + 1 gifts and Just Breathe cus they’re just so precious 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 but tbh i luv all of em. just as whole fics, they seem better to me haha
Story You Were Nervous to Post: ALL BRUHHH i mean im just not that confident with my works yet haha. buttt the one i was rlly the most nervous about was Home for the Holidays cus it was my first time writing with an actual person in mind to write it for haha. plus, it was the first fic i wrote after pj month so oof gods was i rusty by the time i wrote it hahaha haaysst. i think it was ok enough tho. plus they said it was good so yay. im just glad i actually did it haha.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: eh just whatevs i feel is catchy and is a good concise nice indicator of the plot heh. hhmm i feel like i usually come up with titles during the brainstorming process for the fic, like before actually writing it or while writing it.
How Many of Your Stories Are:
Complete: if im counting the “chapters” i mentioned earlier as one story each, then probs round 24. i say probs cus there’s some fics i wrote somewhere, where i feel like i finished em but i dont have access to them currently so im not 100 if it’s complete by my standards or nah haha
In-Progress: hhhhmmm im not sure if it’s write to call these in-progress. i’d rather call em unfinished, like i have 16 unfinished stories, or just written out story outlines. im not sure if i should call em in progress cus im not sure if i even still rlly plan to finish em, yknow? haha like they really are genuinely fun interesting n creative story ideas n plans thus far, i feel. but i just- lazy, yknow? haha i have to build up to writing a story for A LOONGG TIME haha
Coming Soon: hehehehe. technically it’s completed already, all i have to do is just make the post on tumblr hehe (as of the moment i wrote this post). im so excited for yalls to read The Bathroom hihihi <333
Upcoming Story You’re Most Excited to Write: oofff im not even sure if im actually gonna wind up writing these buuuut, dancing pj still seems so cute n pure n fun. and also, in addition to the countless other aus my annoying brain came up with on pj month, my brain annoyingly got even more fic ideas rolling around it now:
a moulin rouge au (peter’s the famous singer/dancer known as the spider-man who attracts men and women alike in the famous moulin rouge run by liz toomes with a gallery of other colorful rogues, heroes, villains, and just other sorts of attractive characters based on the comicbooks of old. mj is a young new budding writer looking to gain world experience to write about. she winds up in the moulin rouge, meets the infamous spider-man and gets to know the kind man behind the alluring and mysterious mask. im imagining tom’s lsb, laura’s hollywood, and z’s halloween euphoria ep costume for the aesthetic im going for haha. im still torn on whether to keep the og ending or not hahahaha)
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maybe a friends with benefits fic. where it’s not so angsty or full of drama. and genuinely just keeping it cool and chill til they inevitably just decide to actually get together/stay friends. it’s all up in the air and they’ll figure it out when they figure it out.
producers inspired, roommates au. the kdrama did the trope well and it made me want to see it applied to my two dorks 🥺🥺🥺🥺 
lastly, a first time fic for our two dorky virgins hahaha. i kinda like the idea of them planning out their first time to the most minute of details and just the actual process of figuring out what they want to do n stuff haha just seems real cute to me 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Do You Accept Prompts: hahahhaha look, i’m never one to say no ok? i mean, if i just straight up say no, im possibly saying no to potential ideas that are so inspiring i wind up writing it immediately. so yes, i’d like to say im willing to accept prompts. however, there is absolutely no guaranteed follow up and for that i’m sorry. i can just never know how i’ll react to an idea so there ya go. that’s my honest response haha.
im taggin the fic writers ive read over the years that havent been tagged by the ones that tagged me. hold my juice box. @spideymjlove @jediparkers @itsjacobperalta @thatsnicebutimmarried @bookishandbossy @thefudge @galaxy-parker @spideychelle-romanogers @spiders-n @petty-parker  @smalltreenergy @dead-end-street @softboyholland @mamgt @justanotherfangirlpassingthrough @machiavelien @peterjonesparker @blaisezabini @thegreenwomanswalkman @crazy4dragons @dragonydreams @attachedtomybookshelf @haddocksortails @dyannehs @funkytoes @jenni41 @rebelcaptaindaily @starxdust22​ no presh obvi. just thought dis might peak yalls interest. thanks for all that you’ve writtteeennnn 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (btw some of yalls might have just written hcs for all i know, i literally dunno anymore, but like i said iz nbd. just also wanted to give my thanks since im not entirely sure i was able to do so before)
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In which I play maddening classic with only Byleth and Dimitri and liveblog on discord 1/15/20 - 2/2/20
because if I’ve got to see a character die repeatedly, countless times, it might as well be dimitri.  
So I'm on maddening and classic with only dimitri and I’m going to kill off every other character. I heard if they reach 0 hp in part 1 they stick around the monastery and you can talk to them they just aren’t a part of your class anymore. Give me your blessings.
I died on the prologue! ... i dont have a healer... Death count:2
I am definitely new game+ cheating this for professor level and skills. I was thinking magic focused but she can't be too squishy... Gremory would help that. Also why do all the magic classes have bad growths. Give me a moving fortress of magic!
Ashe went down, 7 to go. Ch3 turned into a survival horror... but i made it out
Ch 6 is hell. Any idea for how to kill every last one of them in 25 turns with only byleth? Or alternately get to and take down the death knight. Only byleth and dimitri run. And no dimitri this chapter, Byleth's a thief
My main problem in crowd control. If i had infinite turns then i could agro them 1 by one... Maybe I've built byleth wrong and just don't have the stats. Is the warp route faster? Haven't tried that yet. In hindsight this was a bad idea for my first maddening run. I'm so used to not using byleth much that this is very different. Damn archers...  Got done in by chip damage the first time...
I I dont know what happened... but I beat the death knight.... I was expecting to die becausr i accidentally opened the door so i skipped what actually happened.... Next thing I know game is telling me i got a dark seal What  Did I crit? With a silver sword? Im in shock I DONT EVRN I dont even know if it was a crit! But byleth is thief so lethality is out of the question Maybe I should go give a sacrifice to rng god
so I was in shock but yeah I used the warp route and avoided fighting most of the enemies.
So i'm now at the winter ball chapter and felix is still alive (i've decided to off one character every chapter so Miklan downed sylvain. oh and first time through ch5 i accidentally stepped into range of one of the center archers so every unit rushed me and i died) and i tried felix's paralogue and wowo its impossible. Rodrigue dies in 2 attacks, outruns my healing and likes to charge headfirst into the enemy. My record so far is 3 turns before he dies. Might give up since this is optional.
(i eventually finished the paralogue but gave up saving anyone else so i didn’t even get anything good out of it)
The ally A.I. is sooo bad. Jeralt. Dad. Please stop getting yourself killed
Almightly Father in Heaven preserve me. I'm making dimitri learn reason.  maybe his rationale will start making sense no more moon logic for you boy
Hey. Why wont the game let me make dimitri a dark bishop
I need dark mage certification first? Or is the internet lying to me
Well dimitri is at c+ reason but I'm tired of grinding.  
got dimitri from c+ to b+ in a battle. But the boredom makes me want to cry.  Also might have miscalculated.... Fighting an assassin in a forest.... i have 35% hit and no other weapon. They have like 18% hit....  When will i be free...
I made dimitri into a dark bishop and he beat lysithea in the magic tournament.  Also just the thought of dimitri in slithers is funny to me
wrath is how i survived the sothis paralogue. crit everything
chasing the empire around in the hold tomb with 2 units was actually kinda fun
I cant believe that worked... Final battle of part 1. I charge down the middle. And it works 4 turns for infanty to cross the field... and it worked ... Welp i somehow made it to part 2 intact. Endless waves of reinforcement here i come
(Oh yeah and rng is punishing me right now by giving terrible level ups)
For the bridge is it best to go straight for the commander?
bridge wasn’t too bad but I was convinced to spare dedue so i had to fend enemies off him like ants to a dropped ice cream cone. if dedue reaches 0 hp or you don’t do his paralogue he dies in fhirdiad and I’m trying to get everyone off my party but not dead, soooo he’s along for the ride
I'm stuck on am ch 14 ... how do I defend 4 spaces when I have 2 units... Those pegasus knights keep dodging too... Damn pegasus knights.... without them i could just hold a choke point with 1 unit. I have 4 gambit uses maximum... Another thought I had is to out fly their flyers so I can shift byleth over quickly. if I take out randolf in delusional prince the map doesn't end. It just stops reinforcements right? 
Soo I tried to kill randolf but my movement is too low. It takes 3 turns to reach him...
Yup this is possible. But because I can't do things the quick way. I'll have to do the long way of waiting out the right side and then heading for randolf with byleth all the while holding out with dimitri in the center and hoping rng favors me for lije 20 turns
ALRIGHT WhIcH oF yOuSe a LIAR Sooo .... killing randolph does not stop reinforcements nor does it get you a victory, the fire attack is the only way. Time to go guard another npc with a death wish. Also Gilbert is unkillable in AM
FEAR ME The only way to beat a pegasus knight to to out pegasus knight the pegasus knight Falcon knight bae-by! I am unstoppable I. Am absolute (I am never doing this again)
Finally got past that defend 4 spaces with 2 units and endless reinforcements
I've figured out how to level grind since same level enemies are giving like 7exp each
Alright. Taking suggestions, on how to keep hilda and judith alive in golden deers plea.  Alternately, how to kill arundel in 2 thurns without archers destroying me.  With only byleth and dimitrti.  Right now I'm thibking retribution-> byleth and gunning it. Suggestions for abilities/battalions? My current thought is vantage, alert stance+, renewal, wrath, pavaise, and evasion ring and bridgid hunters
Well i can get to arundel before hilda dies but not judith. I'm starting a campaign to save judith. Please pledge your support on the indiegogo page below
whew judith and hilda and both alive! Stride was a good idea. just make a run for arundel. Kinda sad i didn’t get the aurora shield but eh I got the stat increases at least. I also tried propping up judith with byleth healing them but tanking doesn’t exist in maddening so that didn’t work.
I've been skipping cutscenes because there’s no one else there but gilbert
Things I have learned this playthrough: how to grind skills, how to grind levels, how to save scum level ups. 
I’m actually getting a lot of dialogue I missed before just because Byleth and Dimitri are taking down every single enemy unit
At fort merceus, and i want the black pearl.  And i'd like to avoid lindhardt and caspar.  I'm thinking 1: fly over nab the pearl and kill death knight.  2: wait it out and eliminate every last unit ob the map.  What turn does death knight start running? Or is when you get to a specific part of the map?  Or am i thinking of an entirely different map...
New plan. Forget everything else and kill death knight
I have beaten the death knight. I have beaten the impregnable fortress. 44% crit rate.  But I didn't get the black pearl in the treasure chest and i want my item so... i might redo the battle
Got my pearl. for an idea what the battle is like each turn each of the 2 units needs to be on one specific tile for the best chance of survival, if they die i usually had to restart the battle or change something to get a reroll. and you do this for like 5 turns learning the combinations with a mix of guesswork and trial and error. you also need to move quickly because if 4 units surround you, you’ll be stuck until you’ve defeated every single enemy unit on the map or more likely you die.
Ok story time.  So I'm on ch 21 of AM now and aux battle no longer give me exp so my only way of leveling is healing (the exp curve is brutal). Even with the double use of bishop, i'm running down to the wire getting 1 level up/battle (plus the next battle where they gain stats for its more like 1 level/2 battles). I ran out of healing with like 500exp left to go so i restarted but by the end of the 20 heals and 10 recovers I had a different number and now I’m confused Reddit is telling me turn count? Affects exp gain?
Anyways I'm in enbarr.  One of the many wonderful things about playing with only dimitri and byleth is that you can't change their starting positions in battles
Wow i did that on my first try. O.o  Huh that actually worked... Good thing hubert is squishy. spared dorothea and petra too. huh.
I just had a realization... on the last map of AM. If I apply retribution to everyone... could I kill edelgard with that without having to cross the room? Hmmmm must try it out
Nope cant counter attack. Good thing enemy units on this map are acting defensively and only attack when you go into range.  If they swarmed me I'd be dead (again)
Once you reach a certain tile they do swam... i lasted like 4 turns... need to clear the room to stop reinforcements...
(its impossible to stop reinforcements with 2 units on maddening. once you get to the throne room a new wave comes each turn. but clearing the rooms before hand buys you time before you are overwhelmed). To give an idea of what’s going on aux battles are aprox 10 levels below my units. regular enemies are about the same level (so each is a threat and my 2 units can die on any turn) and bosses are usually a couple levels higher.
Hehehehe I am so powerful I have beaten maddening with only byleth and dimitri (Dedue came along for the ride too but was never deployed to battle)
The final AM wasn't as hard as some of the others (defending garreg mach) but boy is it long.  I think my final turn count was in the 50s.  Also the credit screen character battle  count maxes out at 999
I think I got dimitri and byleth up to like 70 base crit last playthrough. Plus wrath and defiant crit almost garunteed each hit was a crit.
nope it was more like base 120 crit
In the end for both dimitri and byleth I used rng based builts around avoid and critical hits (after i figured out what the hell i was mid way through part 1). dimitri went through the brawler line and then split time between war master and great lord. Byleth went up the thief line to assassin and then falcon knight. for both of them i also got most of the class skills.
considering this was my first maddening or classic run, I looked at 0 strategy guides (like an idiot) and had no idea what i was doing in the beginning, I’d say I did pretty well for myself.
oh and I was mistaken about something, if a unit reaches 0 hp in part one they die off screen during the timeskip (except gilbert to my despair) so there was no real point to sparing dedue. I really do hate gilbert, it seems no matter what you do you are stuck with him all of AM. there is no salvation. and this is why i skipped all the cutscenes this time around.
Dedue didn’t have much if any influence on the playthrough. Dedue was never deployed in any of the chapter battles but he did tag along as an adjunct (no weapon equipped) in aux battle sometimes because I felt bad for leaving him out all the time (that and dedue pops up later in battle on the map in part 2 and if he was still a level 1 commoner i would have 0 chance of beating the map since enemies rush him). so him leveling up was to negate the consequences of keeping him alive. If i had gotten him killed i wouldn’t have to worry about keeping him alive later. By the time I got to part 2 the skill gain from tutoring was negligible compared to the amount gained from grinding in battles, also both units were starting to max out on skills (S+) so choosing to explore the monastery gave little benefit. Interestingly, you can’t do a lot of the monastery activities if you only have 1 student (choir, dining, etc). So even after Dimitri stops loafing around, having dedue there for eating meals and stuff wouldn’t have helped and I’d choose battle anyways.
I now know more about how the game works than I ever wanted to... For example the calculations for any probability check (hit/miss, crit, level ups, pass/fail) are long done by the time you see them. so to reroll the dice so to speak you have to go back a certain amount of time (varies for each thing. Level up stats are determined before you enter the battle field so you have to reload a save on or before the preparations screen. Whether you pass/fail a certification is already determined by the time you reach as given calendar date, so you have to reload to before that day. If you divine pulse a 95% hit rate that your unit missed to right before any action is taken with that unit, they will still miss. With only 2 units you will probably have to rewind to the previous turn, but with a full party you need to go back at least a few units but I don’t know the exact number. More or less forcing the game to run at least one different probability calculation than your target will reset whatever result was determined for your target.
When you have an infinite number of iterations, even the most unlikely outcomes eventually come to pass.
This run was  60% luck, 35% perseverance,  4% "grinding", 1% skill, 100% pain
edit: 5/1/2020: looking back, i was a stubborn idiot (as usual) for refusing to look up strategies or other solo maddening runs that people had already done. i can definitively say omegarevolution dealt with the defend map far better than i did. i never even considered +20hit to deal with falcon knights
oh yeah and i don’t have dlc or the nintendo online subscription so i couldn’t use any of that.
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heeracha · 3 years
THEY'RE SUCH IDIOTS BUT THEY'RE CUTE IDIOTS. "for me" is such a good smau omfg im so sad that it ended- but i'm also excited to see more of your works!!
PLS I WANT TO BE AN IDIOT IN LOVE TOO LMAOOO,, thank you so much honey !! 🥺♥️ pls im kinda sad too but i cant believe i actually finished it lmAOOOO,,, anyway thank you so much !!! <3 HEHEHEH
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svgarzaddy · 6 years
omfg yall this is happiest ive been this entire week bc 
i have no school tomorrow
i finally finished the gif and im so satisfied w myself!!! 
i cant believe i did it heheh now i have no excuse to procrastinate ksksskks
i was initially planning to do it frame by frame on photoshop but...... well....... oof. a friend told me u could use after effects to animate it instead!! (nd it doesnt have to be frame by frame god bless)
heres a pic of the final draft on illustrator!! 
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screams the astronaut was suggested by a friend!!
so ye i imported my ia file into after effects and looked up tutorials. its been 4 hours and im proud to say...... i kinda like it uwu so here it is..... in all its glory......
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i worked rlly hard on it uwu heheheh im just so...... happy. like i feel good about myself after seeing this. its not the best, but it isnt the worst either!! for once i can actually say im rlly proud of something ive done!! aaaaaa
shoutout to the people who helped me out. u guys dont know about this post, or this account even, but ily !! and thank u to everyone whos been so nice and supportive of me!! im just so happy my child is born.... ksksks
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yuniixoxo · 7 years
Tagged by @multikverse​  thank you, I love you 💕
The last….
- Drink: Water
- Phone call: My mom
- Text Message: My mom 
- Song you listened to: Wolves - Selena Gomez ft. Marshmello
- Time you cried: I dont remember actually... 
Have you ever….
- Dated someone twice: Nope 
- Kissed someone and regretted it: Aaaah yeess
- Been cheated on: Nope 
- Lost someone special: Yup 
- Been depressed: Lol, is this a trick question 
- Gotten drunk and thrown up: Lmao yes
Three favorite colors…
Purple, blue, yellow (more pastel colors tho) 
In the last year have you….
- Made new friends: Yup 
- Laughed until you cried: Hahah yes, many times 
- Found out that someone was talking about you: Yup 
- Met someone who changed you: Uhm, I dont know lol 
- Found out who your friends are: Nope, found it out waay before
- Kissed someone on your facebook list: Nope 
- Do you have any pets: Kind of. I have goldfish if that counts. 
- Do you want to change your name: Hmm, never thought of it. 
- What did you do for your last birthday: Wha-What did I doo? 😂  LMAO WHAT DID I DO, WHY CANT I REMEMBER ON MY LAST BIRTHDAY BRUH. 
- What time did you wake up: I woke up at 11am today. 
- What were doing last night at midnight: Just laying in bed and listening to all of the BTS albums and scrolling through their tag on tumblr. LOL WHAT A BTS TRASH. 
- Name something you can’t wait for: I really, reaaallly hope that Im going to travel to South Korea next summer with my friends, so Im excited for that! 
- When was the last time you saw your mom: 15 minutes ago. 
- What are you listening to rn: Still Wolves - Selena Gomez ft. Marshmello 
- Have you ever talked to someone named Tom: Hahah nope 
- Something that gets on your nerves: when my parents dont close the door after they have left my room. Hahaha this is the first thing I thought of, when I read that. 
- Most visited website: Tumblr lol
- Hair color: I have like balayage, its like dark brown mixed with some light brown/blonde highlights. 
- Long or short hair: Long. 
- Do you have a crush on someone: Right now? Ye, its actually seven people tho. They are currently in USA and making history 😏
- What do you like about yourself: I dont know tbh 
- Blood type: O 
- Nickname: Yunii
- Relationship status: Single and ready to mingle (lol no) 
- Zodiac: Gemini 
- Pronouns: She\her
- Favorite T.V. Shows: I watch a lot of kdramas if that counts 
- Tattoos: None 
- Right or Left-handed: Right-handed
- Surgery: nope
- Sport: Does dancing counts? 
- Vacation: Dream vacation? I´ll take that. My dream vacation is Japan and South Korea. 
- Pair of shoes: Im in bed so nope
- Eating: Im currently eating chips, because Im so hungry lol 
- Drinking: Nothing 
- I’m about to: finish this, heheheh 
- Waiting for: uhm, nothing? lol 
- Want: I dont know. Nothing i can thinking tbh
- Get married: Yes
- Career: My dream career is to be a photographer, but I know its hard to get a job on that so .... idk. 
Which is better?
- Hugs or kisses: Both 
- Lips or eyes: Eyes
- Shorter or taller: Taller
- Older or younger: Older lol
- Nice arms or stomach: Uhm, both I guess lol 
- Hook up or relationship: Relationship 
- Troublemaker or hesitant: Lmao, dunno 
Have you…
- Kissed a stranger: Nope 
- Drunken hard liquor: Hahahaha yes, lol I died 
- Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope 
- Turned someone down: Yee
- Sex on the first date: Hah no bro
- Broken someone’s heart: Yee
- Had a broken heart: Yeeees
- Been arrested: Nope
- Cried when someone died: Yeah 
- Fallen for a friend: Nope 
Do you believe in…
- Yourself: No, I actually dont
- Miracles: Hmm dunno 
- Love at first sight: No
- Santa Claus: lmao uhm, sure? 
- Kiss on the first date: Hmm, meh 
Tagging @jhhixtape @jungkook-kookie @vulpi-xing @sucrebiscuit @ppippii
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rayonfrozenwings · 6 years
17, 30 and 32 for the ask thing 💖 I hope you're having a good day 🤗
me: posts ask game forgets i posted ask game gets ask confused searches blog to find said ask game.hehehehe.I think because I hardly ever get asks I’m like - wait what someone wanted to play! :D ok anyway...I’m having a great day, 10minutes then I get to go to the park with my kids and be a big kid so that should be fun. anywhooo....17.  What do you love? love is a weird thing for me. im learning that there are many different kinds of love and that its ok to love things other than a partner. so top 5 - i love my fam, i love my computer and phone, i love that feeling when you are soo hooked in a book you cant believe what is happening, i love where i live and i love food. 30. Watch the movie or read the book?
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the books often have wayyyy more back story and the movies are sometimes incredible at bringing things to life where the author might have let you imagine. like music! My fav movies have rocking soundtracks. 
32. Favorite show?oooooo I’m not sure. our tv sucks so i dont actually have a fav. I only record 3 shows (because they are on at stupid times/days) and thats Vanderpump rules, The real housewives of Beverly hills and B99... also has that finished????? it just stopped last week... but wasn’t sure if it was because of “events” here.send me some personal shit asks if you are interested...thank you nonnie
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yamicos · 8 years
About me!
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers, put in yours, and when you are done, tag people and the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
@em-i-ko​ tagged me again LOL 
a - age: 707 :^) 
c - current time: 9:39pm 
d - drink you last had: Water 
f - favorite song: ECHO feat.Gumi, Tsukiuta (any songs from them bring me to heaven), Translucent and 水の中の雲 by Yanagi Nagi, mysme op song (i dont know what the song is called OTZ) and many other that i dont remember hahaha 
g - ghosts, are they real: YASSS THEY ARE (thats just what I believe XD) 
h - hometown: Qc, Canada (no i wasnt born there) 
i - in love with: Saeyoung Choi (OMG U DONT KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM ok bye) 
j - jealous of:  anyone on earth who still has the desire to live 
k - killed someone: OHHH YESS I DID!! (eh.. nah) 
l - last time you cried: when i finished reading Out of Control (manhua) it was beautiful (i was like sobbing at 5 am NO JOKES)  
m - middle name: dont have 
n - number of siblings: one sis (older)  
o - one wish: MAKE THE 2D CHARACTERS REAL (or just make me go to them that works too) 
p - person you last called/texted: last text was my mom and last called was a lady that got the wrong number LOL 
q - questions you’re always asked: Did you drink water today? (sometimes i dont drink water for a whole day;;; yes i want to die)
r - reasons to smile: Cosplay (tbh thats pretty much the only thing that keeps me away from dying n an other thing.. BL :^) ) 
s - song last sang: Flying away! IDOLiSH7 (I WANT TO SEE AN ANIME OF THIS GAME TT^TT) ((btw i can play all the mobile japanese games thanks to Qooapp hehehehe))
t - time you woke up: 9:30 i think.. (normally i sleep at 3am and wake up at 12 during holidays that is) 
u - underwear color:                (white like this blank space) 
v - vacation destination: ok actually for my next vacation (IM TALKING ABOUT SUMMER VACATION!! cant wait hahaha) im going to visit Hong Kong and Japan!! (it has been five years since i last went to Hk TTT^TTT Missing all the good food) 
w - worst habit: not cleaning my room... and procrastination OTZ 
y - your favorite food/drink: Good food hahaha any thing edible cuz im just a pig 
z - zodiac sign: Taurus (I always enjoy reading stuff about my zodiac sign)
hmm this time im tagging @whiterabbitcl (u not often there but make sure to do it when u see this *^*) 
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