#anyways time to chillax until my heart rate is slowed down
soullessjack · 8 months
if you’ve ever at any point said that spn would be better if Jack was an actual 2-3yo toddler then you owe the autistic community a quadrillion dollars and also im beating the shit out of you actually
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Hello, I saw how great you were with everyone's problem, and I don't want to be a bother, but I need to say it to someone. I was starting to have a panic attack, so I slapped myself multiple time to stop it. I struggled with light self-harm last year, scratching my thighs and face, smashing my locker on my head once, minor strangulation. I tried to talk about it, but my friend and parent were uncomfortable with it or didn't take it seriously. I stopped for a while, but now I'm afraid to relapse
Hey Nonny *hugs*
I’m genuinely worried about you; you’re not a bother, though your method of coping is troubling and I am not sure that my uneducated words are the best thing for you. I can offer you my love and support if you’ve no one else, but other than that, I really believe you need to see someone professionally. Please do not hurt yourself when you’re having panic attacks! That is not a good way to deal with anything at all, and you are too wonderful to be hurting so much. 
I am so sorry that the people in your real life aren’t helping you in the way you should be helped, I really am. Please, if you are able, even if you have to go out and do it on your own, seek out professional care; most schools and colleges offer some sort of medical help and perhaps all it will take for your family and friends to believe you is a doctor’s diagnosis. Even so, the doctors at schools are licensed (at least here in Canada) and they CAN give you referrals that are covered by insurance. Until then, on this post here (tw self harm), I’ve talked about some resources online you can access when you’re starting to feel it coming on. There’s also this fantastic website here called the Quiet Place Project that helps people with anxiety and social issues when you feel an attack coming on, by following simple and relaxing steps: Bookmark it, please! There’s also this “Bad Day Help List” that has far too little notes on it but offers some comfort techniques to use in everyday life (it also has one of my suggestions on it . There’s also a “Calming Masterpost” here too, keep that on tab
As for me, when I’m just really needing my space and when life starts to become too overwhelming, I try to find myself a dark, quiet place (or my car, LOL), preferably one where I’ve already kept something soft nearby (like a blanket or sweater) for emergency cuddling and am able to be in a reclining or lying down position, and put on my headphones and queue up my “chillaxing” playlist which has only STRICTLY instrumental songs without harsh beats and only calming melodies – last thing I need is for the beat to send my heart rate up. Grab your soft cuddle item to your chest, relax, close your eyes, and count your breaths: 2 in, 2 out to start, then gradually slow it down to 5 or 10 for each. This will keep you focussed on something other than what is panicking you. Ten minutes is all it takes sometimes, and it will do wonders. Once the breathing has slowed down, focus on the melody of your music. If you doze off easily, also make sure, once you’ve calmed down, you set a gentle timer for 20 minutes or so so that it will buzz to wake you up. 
Regardless, Lovely, taking care of yourself means to make sure you are okay mentally and physically, so if anything, harming yourself while in your panicked state will only make it worse, from my view, anyway. Don’t punish yourself for being who you are and for having your mental health compromised
Again, I’m NOT a professional, so please, make sure you do seek one. 
You are beautiful and important, Nonny, and I love you.
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