#anyways to tie this into lily lore
rosykims · 8 months
lvl8 assassin astarion just casually dealing 72 dmg to yurgir in a sneak attack. its actually so embarrassing for the rest of this party who are managing 40 dmg on an exceptional day 😐
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turniparts · 12 days
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So... Life series winners as Omori characters anyone? Individual ref sheets and more info under the cut :D
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Okay SO, for starters I will just say that I am biased towards Scott Smajor and that is why I made him the main character. However, I do believe that in the end he does kind of make the most sense for Sunny considering that everyone else fits better as the other characters imo. Also I used tints of blue instead of black and white bc drawing Scott in black and white just simply feels incorrect. Anyway, Scar and Pearl are just 100% Hero and Aubrey respectively. A lot of Hero's character revolves around his charming personality, which he uses in headspace to get people to do him favors. I feel like this matches up with Scar's "too charismatic for his own good" schtick that usually happens in the life series. Aubrey reacts to a negative experience where she was abandoned by IMMEDIATELY lashing out at everyone and becoming a social outcast, hanging out with delinquents. I don't think it's rocket science to see that Pearl, who reacted to negative experiences where she was abandoned by going crazy and lashing out at everyone, matches her character really well. Going from there, Scott as Sunny makes sense because of his abandonment of Pearl in double life mirroring Sunny's retreat from Aubrey and his friends in how the latter reacted. Then Grian as Mari because 1) Desert Duo(not necessarily romantic, just in how they are inextricably linked), and 2) He was the first winner and with Watcher stuff I feel like his character is best suited to Mari's role in headspace. That left Cleo and Martyn as Kel and Basil. These two were the ones I debated the longest, because I feel like they both suit both roles. I went with Cleo as Kel because she's the one who stuck with Scott throughout every life series, like how Kel never gave up on knocking on Sunny's door. Martyn and Scott were of course the mean gills, and Martyn won through attacking Scott despite all they'd been through together. Basil experienced the trauma with Sunny but still ended up attacking him in his fear. Plus with listener lore I feel like Martyn being the only other person to know the truth makes sense. Also, whether you look at it in the celestial bodies interpretation(Grian Sun, Scott Stars, Pearl Moon, Martyn Mars, Scar Earth, Cleo Pluto) or tarot cards interpretation(Grian Sun, Scott Stars, Pearl Moon, Martyn Tower, Scar World, Cleo Fool), the omori characters also match up to those.
Sorry that was a lot of explanation for why I linked the specific characters I did. Onto the flowers! Scott as a poppy actually makes a lot of sense even w/out flower husbands, as it's a flower that symbolizes sleep, due to its use in sleeping gas, as well as death, which both match up with how Sunny acted in game. Pearl is a Datura becuase of its ties to the moon(Moonflowers) as well as its other name(Devil's Trumpet) referencing her Double life character. It is also a very spiritual flower for many cultures, which ties into Aubrey and how she attends church. Cleo being a succulent feels self explanatory, much like Kel's cactus in game they are easy to take care of and grow under many conditions. Scar is lavender because of its associations with calming and devotion. Hero acts as the group's peace-keeper, and Scar with this role would do the same. It also has some medicinal properties like soothing headaches and having anti-inflammatory effects, which I feel fits well. Martyn is a water lily because the season he won was the mean gills season, which I wanted to tie in. Their meaning being rebirth(which also matches the poppy) fits the way that Sunny can only face the truth after Basil nearly kills him. They also symbolize enlightenment, which again aligns with how Basil/Martyn is the only character to know the truth other than Sunny himself. Grian is the red zinnia because firstly, I wanted him to have a red flower, and secondly its symbolism matches pretty well. Familial love, of course, represents how Mari(Grian in this case) was not only Sunny's big sister, but also acted as a sisterly figure to the other kids. While they are tough flowers, they also symbolize remembrance, pointing towards the death of Mari/Grian. I probably could've kept everyone except Scott and Martyn's flowers the same, but I actually had a lot of fun looking into flower meanings and stuff(sorry if it's not al 100% accurate).
I was honestly surprised with how many parallels I was actually able to find here. This really started as a silly thing I played with in my head because I enjoy both of these medias, but the more I thought about it, the more I went "huh, that actually does make sense", so now here we are.
@easily-distracted-by-fandom , I hope you enjoy the ramble. I also hope that I find more people who know what the heck I'm talking about lmao
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cerulianvermillion · 1 year
Seelie Guizhong. Crack theory but also like. not really?
Right, okay. So ya'll have heard of the "Descender Zhongli" theories, right?
So. The gist is that this theory states that Zhongli might've remembered Rukkhadevata, therefore he might potentially be one of the four(?) descenders that came to Teyvat. This is supported by his Character story 5 voiceline (According to WEi on youtube, check out the video) never changing the number 2. But, of course, other possible evidence include the fact that we don't know his actual age, and he was actually never mentioned to be born 6k years ago, just (and I literally quote,) Descended. His burst is a meteor. might make another deep dive into this theory sometime.
What do we know about Guizhong? She sings a lot, mentioned several times. she made the cleansing bell, which is like. robot music???? idk maybe Guizhong invented techno or something. Her favourite flower is the glaze lily, which reacts positively to singing- she sings to the flowers often. The point is that She is girlboss, first of all, and she is musically inclined.
Why is this relevant? Because we know the seelie are also musically inclined. One might argue that being musically inclined is not special, to which I say: every music-related deity we've met in genshin has been sus. Istaroth, Nabu Malikata, sus. Venti is related to istaroth, sus is a given.
Seelie were known to be wise, and guided humanity, something Guizhong preached. Other than that, nabu malikata was possibly a seelie, according to the Aranara, she was a survivor, implying that yes, survivors exist. Guizhong might've been one. Nabu malikata was also known as the "goddess of flowers", and the story is that paradisarahs went extinct when she died. Note that Paradisarah lore holds many, many parallels to Glaze Lily lore, although glaze lilies didn't actually go extinct courtesy of zhongli and the adepti. GoF and Deshret lore actually holds quite a number of parallels with Guizhong and Zhongli. We do not know guizhong's origins, either.
So- how does this tie in to descender!Zhongli?
Seelie lore states that a long time ago, a Seelie married a traveler from afar. days after, disaster struck- the tried to flee but it caught up with them. They were punished by being separated and their memories wiped. In the game, MC is referred to as Traveler. MC is an outlander, a descender. therefore, descenders may be referred to as travelers.
Zhongli might have been this Traveler, and Guizhong the seelie he married.
A long time ago, they might have been separated and had their memories wiped. This is not impossible for descenders, because such a thing happened to MC, where they are unaffected by irminsul, but a celestial might be able to mess with their memories. If this is the case, then having their memories wiped might've even be a precedent for Guizhong to create the memory of dust. If they lost their memories, it would make sense that Zhongli would only remember their first meeting way after the seelie fell- then again we never did know when exactly did they meet so there's that.
And (getting into major crack theory stuff here) it might even explain the mysterious circumstances of Guizhong's death... If they were never supposed to meet again, death was to separate them eternally. Or, the mere fact that she might be a seelie race survivor could have painted her as a target.
Here's a detail I noticed. Mondstadt, Liyue, and Ay-Khanoum are all named after the moon. They're the only cities with this, as far as we know. Ay-Khanoum translates to moon maiden. Mondstadt is german for Moon City. Liyue literally means Glazed Moon, or Jade Moon, using the 玉 (jade) in Liyue's Li 璃.
But anyway. thoughts?
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thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
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And here we see Lily once more, trying to tie anything people call her out for, into, "Its just because I insulted their favorite media-" Because lord knows, that's a favorite tactic of hers to pull, since she can just act like its upset fans then, though this time with the addition of her latest fanfiction: everyone is suddenly incapable of just being against Lily on their own after reading everything about what she's done and such and instead, they all somehow kids pulled into stuff by Brittany and Courtney... ...It probably makes more sense in Lily's head then it does in reality.
Though I am curious how the fuck Percy Jackson got pulled into this, since last I checked, Lily not liking Percy Jackson wasn't really that huge of a deal (it's really not that surprising Lily dubs a white male led book series she hasn't even read the first book off, as bad), given she doesn't like a-lot of shit really for so many varying reasons (hasn't checked it out but hates it anyway, plot/lore/continuity, it did a crime only Lily considers a crime, etc) and therefore, it just joined the pile of Lily's bad media takes and was called a day. Can only assume Lily's been seeing Percy Jackson show gifs all over the place and is annoyed by it, hence throwing it into her latest rambling attempts to act like anyone who calls her out is a bad guy.
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I mentioned the cut line about Timothy's placeholder actor talking about a brother and a Vault Key in the tags on another post recently and now I can't stop thinking about it because the line itself + the person saying it just didn't sit right with me since I found it so. Here's a thing I wrote up to make sense of it in my Swiss cheese platter of a brain
Here's Timothy's (and Jack's) placeholder actor talking about a Vault Key and someone's brother
"For losing control of your brother when we had him locked down? Yeah, we're square. But last I checked, you still owe us a Vault Key."
And here's his placeholder actor saying some other lines that are actually from the dlc so ya know I'm not joshing u abt this being Timothy's placeholder guy
So anyway I was thinking about who Timothy's actually talking to who has a brother, right?
Naoko Katagawa maybe? I can't imagine Tyreen would wanna listen to Timothy. Maybe someone in the casino dlc was supposed to have a brother. He could be talking to Aurelia, but then he'd have to be on the side of the villains, no?
Yeah so um.
My theory is that this is actually Troy's line and a different placeholder actor was used for him here. Then it makes sense why he's telling this mystery character that a) mystery person has their brother locked down (Hammerlock in the Anvil? Weird way to say he's imprisoned, buuut it's what fits) and b) they owe the speaker a Vault Key (Aurelia does indeed owe them a Vault Key during Eden-6).
The biggest thing against this is that Troy's placeholder sounds way different to me.
For example, here's a line from Troy talking about Tannis to the Vault Hunters:
Maybe I'm as bad with voices as I am with faces, but this sounds different to me. This will be so hilarious if everyone is like "cruddy. Bro. Those are the same guy." like I'm sorry!!! I'm bad at this lol
It could be that they just had whoever was available recording lines when they were introduced so they could fit them in on time- we know the casino dlc was already in development before the game shipped, so maybe they just grabbed Timmy's VA to do a quick line or two for Troy until they could get Troy's VA in. It is funny to me that (if this is the case) Timothy's was the one chosen for it, cuz he even says the line the way Timtam would. Meanwhile, you can hear Troy's placeholder guy absolutely Going For It in his lines and being sassy as hell. But maybe Timothy's placeholder was the only one available at the time.
All THAT said I'll still hold that saying "losing control of your brother when we had him locked down" is an extremely weird way to say he was broken out of prison by his friends. It sounds less like a "dammit you lost the brother we kidnapped" and more "this powerful person escaped our trap and we're fucked now" and I mean if this were H2O AU and Hammylocks was a werewolf in canon I'd be all over this, but he's not?? And that's why I originally thought this line was directed at someone like Naoko or Tyreen, who DO have powerful brothers that warrant keeping them under control and 'locked down'. Not that Hammerlock isn't strong in his own right, he's a badass hunter, but. You know what I'm saying? Compared to other characters featured in the story, he's not so scarily strong.
Maybe I'm reading into it wrong, I tend to do that frequently lol. If I'm right though and this is a weird way to express what happened in-game, then I think it makes sense why this line didn't click for me.
It is fun to try and figure out what goes on behind the scenes of this game. I'm really excited for the cut content stuff. I hope we finally get an explanation for those Evil Tyreen and Evil Troy portraits and the whole story where Troy flips out after Tyreen either gets hurt or dies and demands the cameras be shut off. And Scooper!!!! I want Scooper, he's so fuckin cute and he had a quest with a bully and 😭. Also the Eridian Gates, those seemed so goddamn cool.
I'd also love answers as to why a Guardian started talking and why Lilith asked us if we heard that after we killed Tyreen in the subtitle files. I assume that was gonna be a tie-in to the Overseer (same voice actress for the mystery Guardian line from the Vault of the Destroyer and the Overseer) with her trials since she and that whole situation is obviously very important to the lore if the Guardian Takedown had anything to say about it, but they went with the other method of finding each area? Which is fine, just a bit confusing cuz it does then make the Trials feel like side content when they appear to be main-story stuff.
And why originally Ava was supposed to ask Lilith to teleport them for noodles on Athenas instead of Lilith just yeeting Elpis across the galaxy!!!! Like I'm 90% sure the original ending had Lilith sticking around after she gets her powers back. And she was totally supposed to join us in the final fight against Tyreen, there's no reason she was suddenly holding her stomach and limping in that final cutscene. Plus her voice lines there, PLUS the Sanctuary drop pod right next to the vending machines. Also you can find Boom Town right above the portal to the Vault of the Destroyer if you noclip out of the area and that was probably there because Tina, Brick, and Mordy were also going to join us. I found their fightin/encouragement lines in the subtitle files.
Oh, also, I'd love to know more about the Bug Smugglers TV show. Annnnd the Second Stars cuz I love them. And can we see some Junpai-7 content pls 👀 it's mentioned soooo often between Commander Lily and BL3 that I wanna believe it was planned at least a little bit. Beach resort planet hoooooo! God imagine if we get to see Krieg and Maya together on Skywell-27 with like concept art or original scripts or something. I'd genuinely cry.
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yazzydream · 5 years
yazzy, i trust your taste so much now, since i found both russian roulette and heae the silence by your fanarts, so please rec' fanfiction
Oh maaaan. That’s so flattering. Lol. 
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Since you haven’t specified for which fandom, I’ll just post my very favorites in general:
As you’ve mentioned we’ve got
Hear the Silence by EmptySurface - [Naruto, SI OC]
Russian Roulette by Vixen_Tail - [KHR, SI OC]
(For those who don’t know them.)
Harry Potter
Prince of the Dark Kingdom by Mizuni-sama - [AU] This one is… my all time favorite fic ever. It’s unfortunately not been updated since 2014 ;_; But still has 147 chapters. This is a ‘Voldemort won’ story where Harry stumbles back into the British Wizarding World and somehow Voldemort becomes his mentor. NOT Dark!Harry. That’s what’s so wonderful. You can see how the circumstances and changes in history led to everyone becoming the way they did while still being true to themselves.
Timely Errors by Worfe - [Harry Potter] A short sweet Harry-travels-to-the-Marauders-time fic. This actually has my favorite version of Harry.
Across the Universe by mira mirth - [Oneshot, time travel] This is… totally tropetastic and great. lmao. Like, you’ve got cynical Harry dimension traveling to a world where their Harry died that fateful Halloween night and James and Lily survived. The BWL is Neville. But it’s all from James’ pov who is simultaneously happy to have his first son back but is incredibly aware that Harry’s not what they expected to be.
Full circle by tetsurashian - [HUMOR, Harry/Voldemort] An absolute blast. This fic is so so fun. Harry and Voldemort/Tom have been in a neverending cycle of rebirth until they ended up in what seems to be their original timeline. There are all these amazing omake snapshots of their previous lives at the end of some chapters which are seriously amazing. My favorite so far is the life where they’re both girls who end up ruling their strict all girls-boarding school with an iron fist. lmao.
Ibex by AgeOfAlejandro - I will never get over how relieved I am I stumbled upon this fic again on AO3 after I thought I’d lost it forever years ago during one of FF.net’s purges. Uhh… how to explain this one. It’s Dark Lord Potter. The best version of dark!Harry imo. He’s manipulative and ruthless, but he still loves. All those things that make him care about people is still there. It’s just taken a backseat to what he feels is necessary. Last updated in 2012, so I’m not sure the author will come back to it, but it’s worth reading all the same.
Icarus by budchick - [Oneshot, Harry/Tom Riddle] It’s been a while since I read this. But Harry ends up in a world where Tom Riddle is raised by Tom Riddle Senior. It’s… well. He’s trying? But having a witch-boy who does some really scary shit and keeps traumatizing the servants is very stressful. Lol.
Ghost by cywscross - [time travel] I am a trope whore. loool. So. We’ve got adult Naruto (aka Yuurei) time traveling to when his younger self was still with the original Team 7 to start off.  And, I gotta say I love it when the older self mentors the younger version of themselves trope. This is all from younger Naruto’s pov.
The Guardian Crow by dianamoth - [SI OC] SI is reincarnated as a summons. It’s such a good idea that makes way for a less complicated life when compared to other SIs honestly. So It’s good to relax with. 
With Nothing On My Tongue by sunshineinwriting - [team 7-centric] Naruto’s use of the kage bunshin changes a lot of things in how he absorbs information and matures. It sends a ripple down to everyone. Badass little child soldiers everywhere.
Claws Amidst the Cracks by Undead Artist - [OC-centric] Not quite self-insert, but OC-centric. And INCREDIBLY BRUTAL. Definitely heed the warnings. It’s super intense and fucked up, and made me cry so many times. OC wakes up as Sasuke in the aftermath of the massacre. OC, who is from our world, did not have a great life either. Anyway, it’s brilliantly written and I love it, but I know some people just cannot with how graphic it can get.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Chroma Diamonds by Brick - [KHR, R27, 2772, R2772, AU] Slow burn, best burn. We’re nowhere near the romance bits, and it’s fantastic. The set up is: No one came to train this universe’s Tsuna (and yes, other dimensions existing is a plot point) and he grows up kind of twisted with his Flame sealed. Tsuna’s not… a bad person per se. But without anyone there to kick his ass into gear, he makes decisions that would probably freak out canon!Tsuna. Lots of Flame lore and culture. Namimori is a mafia retirement town. Ayye.
Colorire by The_Plot_Bunny_Whisperer - Just a feel-good SkyArcobaleno!Tsuna fic, good to relax with.
Welkin by Shivani - Another SkyArcobaleno!Tsuna fic. This one’s… huh, actually the only bashing fic on this list actually. Lol. 
Sidelines by esama - In one of those other universes that taken over by Byakuran, this Tsuna is the only one who remembers it when things are returned to “normal” by canon!Yuni.
For the Love of the Game by metisket - [Yamamoto-centric, character study] This snippet covers it pretty well: “It strikes him as weird that he’s had to struggle not to kill people, that it’s been such a challenge. He’s pretty sure that for most people, not being a murderer is way easier than being one.“
Metamorphose by tuesday and The Great Boondoggle by Masu_Trout - [Oneshots] These are written by two separate authors but they follow similar themes and characterizations of Frisk which I adore. Which is that Frisk isn’t some sweet baby angel. All those possible choices that the player can make in Undertale? Yea, that’s part of their history. Frisk made those choices to kill or be killed, to commit genocide, or be a pacifist. Chara isn’t a separate entity that exists as a convenient scapegoat who possessed them. All those awful and wonderful things are part of their personality. It’s great. That said, neither of these fics are heavy/angsty. 
Orot by MiniNephthys - [Oneshot] Post-neutral ending. Frisk returns to the Underground.
The Warrior & The Wolf by worldtravellingfly - [HP x Naruto Crossover, Oneshot, Fem!Harry, Harry/Kakashi] Kakashi reincarnated as Sirius’ son.
Somewhere Far from Victory by ewfte - [Naruto x BnHA Crossover] Kakashi is reincarnated as Todoroki Shouto. I’m not really into bnha, so I usually have the wiki open to me as I’m reading. Lol. But it’s so entertaining. It’s fascinating (and sad) seeing what Kakashi makes of the world where he isn’t required to kill for his village from age 6, but still has to deal with… you know, Endeavor.
Whispers in Corners by esama - [HP x Sherlock, Harry/Mycroft] Harry makes a living as a “psychic” calling up the spirits of the dead. Mycroft hires him to tie up some loose ends, and they end up building a relationship.
Impetus by Crunchysunrises - [BtVS x Hunger Games] Buffy ends up in District 12. Which implies there’s more to life outside the Districts which is a no go for the Capital. So barely even understanding each other’s language, Buffy is “chosen” for the Hunger Games. It’s amazing. Because Buffy’s this sweet delicate looking valley girl who likes makeup and looking good, but she can still kick the ass out of anyone in the Districts, and they don’t see it coming.
Apples Equals Cyanide Equals Light by Silver Pard - [Death Note] A highly entertaining introspective by Ryuk about Light. Who really really was very different from other humans.
Brightly Burning by Aishuu - [Hikaru no Go] For want of nail. Basically, what if Hikaru hadn’t joined the Go world until after Sai disappeared? Hikaru is fucking terrifyingly strong and depressed, is what. This last updated in 2009… so probably discontinued. Lol.
No One Left To Blame by Wix - [Oneshot, Team Iron Man, Not Team-Cap Friendly] A one-shot that pretty neatly encapsulates what I think Team Cap deserved post-Civil War.
A Disturbance Beside Him by ghuune - [Daria, Daria/Trent, Smut] It’s sexy definitely, but it’s their characterization during and about sex with each other that really really sells it.
THIS ENDED UP SO MUCH LONGER THAN I EXPECTED. I guess I had a lot more on my rec list than I thought. Or rather, when it comes to my favorite fics I always have to say something about it, don’t I? Whoops.
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perkoform · 7 years
Opinion Piece:globalisation & Art
It’s still not good enough: art is made about the internet, international trade relations and the use of trade resources, colonialism, environmental changes, waste management, sustainability of all kinds, feeding people, housing people, gender equality, ethnic rights, helping P.O.W., freedom of information and so on and so forth. These are all issues that globalisation both created, and could also remedy. Although we are living in the technology/information age, there are still problems in many non-westernised countries.  The internet is the ultimate representation of positive globalisation. All the positive things that happened due to colonialism are called globalisation. The only good things about colonialism were trade and the swapping of cultures however one sided that might be i.e. where Europeans adopted tea, roses and cumin, elders in tribal cultures around the world were slaughtered and no longer able to pass on their lore, although they did offer to replace nomadic shelters with foundations and replace sling shots with guns…
What is the difference between globalisation and colonialism? When and why did the whole world decide to come out? Why now and not earlier, what killed the fear in all the little captain cook’s eyes? What rendered the frightful, genocidal beast of colonialism into globalisation? Is globalisation negative as well? There is a lot of ocean trash generated by globalisation, but also a lot of mixing of cultures, and just endless access to EVERYTHING. I can hear the right wing saying ‘well you agree with globalisation, right, that’s like the same thing as colonialism right?’ Who lets these scrooge McDuck-style types come into power in the first place?
Why is there a massive firewall in china and you can’t access photos of Tieanaman Square in China? Because China is a frog on a lily pond contemplating the western world, and secretly, Europe still doesn’t want to share your country with you. Or America, because America is just a bunch of European Spanish imposters. So no. So, to keep up with the rest of the world China decided to censor some shit aswell, have a go. Considering that the rest of the world singularly ALWAYS treats china like its own entity and NEVER sides with them in wars, that is, they fight alone, there’s no special or particular allegiance, I honestly think that ‘the westerniser’ is being mocked. Hard. Also, when did China ever start a fucking war seriously?
And another thing, when it comes to waging war which so many countries do (like America, I know a real American aswell, not a Spaniard ha), no Chinese in joke-hoax firewall that is a symbol of the colonialist ignorance more than anything, is a small statement, really. That makes china the biggest psycho-analyst, they even try it for themselves, censoring I mean. Hey China do have the bombs, the trade agreements, the frog skin, the religion, the unity, the jade and the sweet sweet moolah. That’s the biggest free Tibet statement everskies. Is China particularly homophobic or racist historically? It’s seriously singularly the reason everyone came out, because China started growing heroin, and homosexuality is like ancient health lore in China. Once the rest of the world started eating poppy, pot, cumin and mustard, they got it. The mustard cut it. They certainly don’t push themselves on you, Chinese people, even though you might complain about the cheap Chinese trash you wasted your money on. If I was china I’d tie a carrot to a string and just hoard everyfing. Fuck ‘em. They can get their soy fish locally produced.
I made a good point there about a real American starting the war, and besides, Syria started the whole thang anyway, unless you believe it’s a hoax. Which I actually do, believe that. Actually. They were just saying take a day away from filing, take a break from that shit! Digitalise, paper copies are so redundant.
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