#anyways. i told one of my friends like ‘yea i’m a casual fan just bc i watch mc.yt (dodging tags) haha’
mars-ipan · 2 years
it’s so funny keeping my friends who have NEVER ONCE talked abt dream updated on the situation now that he’s face revealed and it was everywhere. i’ve had to tell them i was a “casual dream fan” :|
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peligrosapop · 2 months
Are the footballer players really sluts? Have you met any? How are they in real life?
Hello! I’m kinda late on replying on this. I’ve gotten questions similar to this but not exactly this. In short the answer is; mostly.
I’ve met only and talk to a lot of a LA Galaxy player in a party in a hollywood hills house back in like 2009-2010 and they did coke (the drug) in front of me and my friends LOL. Coke is great for athletes that will get tested later bc it is out of your system in 24 hrs. He was nice but a partier for sure, his friends were meh. I also quicky met some MLS playees back in Puerto Rico and they were nice but also roasted me for being a casual fan of my local team instead of a hardcore fan like I was of FcBarcelona (fair!).
Besides that I’ve met professional Basketball players (tall ass freaks bc why the fuck are you 6’7” /200cm hahahaha) and lots of baseball players bc one of my oldest friends married an MLB player (I got free tickets to see Dodgers one time and Angels as well) bc of it . The basket players I met were nice and respectful (even the ones who were a bit flirty) but it was bc I was their bartender, so, obv lmao, don’t mess with the person serving you. And Baseball players? sluts. sluts. BUT some are just married and behave well or looking to settle down. My friend got one of those. He was shy, nice and liked her, they met through mutual friends, so yea, that worked out, still married 10+ years after.
But like, most people, if you are just getting people constantly trying to get with you/date you, you will probably date around, see what’s up. Some who are married cheat on wives on away games, like they pay for their current side chick to fly and stay at the same hotel as they are and all sorts of tricks😅. Currently,single or otherwise , they also hook up with girls they text on social media, even only fan models get messages from athletes. We had a girl on here tell us she’s an OF model that got hit up by a famous tennis player to meet up, but she said no at the time🤷🏽‍♀️ Some don’t tell girls they are married and sleep with them and then the girls find out when they try to add them on socials😅 which is rude even if it was good fuck, rude.
I think is pretty normal if they are in/from where casual sex is normal but even in countries where it is not, I assure you: it happens.
Funny story: A younger friend of mine met Marc Guiu in person during the last weeks of the season ( he is even more beautiful in person and quite shy) and he said “sure” to her asking him if she could text him (she’s pretty and quite confident, bless her) and I was just told by another friend today that he has a girlfriend soooo lmao. 🤷🏽‍♀️
In general: sluts? most likely than not but just like everything, some guys truly are a one woman guy or want to settle down, some date around but are decent guys, some wanna party and sleep around, some are married but in open relationships, some will have a slut phase and then settle down, some will date and marry and sleep around anyways; just like everything IRL but just with numerous access to people that wanna hook with them unlike most people in normal circumstances.
the end.
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sofhyuck · 6 years
Terrace House!AU Yuta
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Genre: fluff, bullet point scenario
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N Please read the introduction before reading!
when you first received the email that Terrace House wanted you to audition for their new show
you were obvi sketch as hell because your friends hadn’t actually told you they signed you up yet???
but when you texted the gc they were like oh yea we signed your single ass up for that so you’d stop complaining and make!! New!! Friends!!
and tbh you’re not completely against the idea 
and you figure you won’t be cast anyways
so you go ‘what the hell’ ad audition
but what you did not expect...
was to be cast...
and even more unexpectedly...
was to find out on the way to the house that  a member
of hecking NCT 127 was going to be on the show with you???
so now you’re hella freaking out in the car and the driver is like u good 
and you’re just like no how am i going to live with NCT my favs askjdhj
you get to the house and there’s one other person there
and she’s really nice and pretty and dammit competition
more people are arriving and finally there's one more left 
obvi the NCT member
and you’re sitting there at the dining room table the entire time sWEaTiNg 
luckily no one notices, or they just don’t say anything
the doorbell rings and by this time your anxiety is through the roof
the first contestant you met gets up and answers the door and you’re suddenly blinded bc holy shit mister healing smile Yuta Nakamoto himself walked through the doors
and everyone is busy greeting him and you just let out a small “hello” for fear of literally fainting
and lucky you the only seat available is across from you
so he sits down and smiles and you just,,,mELt
you’re face goes so red and he probably thinks you’re insane bc all you can do in return is let out a weak grimace
he notices your blush and grins at you so cheekily
you are so terrified he’s gonna call you out but,,,
he has the aUDaCITy to WINK at you and turn back to talk with the other members
and now your face is on fiRE someone call a firetruck
you all talk about yourselves, families, jobs, past relationships, etc
and eventually your face cools down and you can enjoy the conversation
but yuta continues to give you teasing looks and you want to sLaP him but also kiss him he’s too cute
another member (they cast a professional chef thank god) offers to make dinner but you guys need to buy groceries
and you volunteer to go and guess who FUckINg oFFeRS to go wITH YOU?????
yuta ofc but another girl around your age offers too
and you’re like oh no she’s been making eyes at him fsss but you can’t exactly tell her not to come,,,you all just met and you’re here to make friends not enemies!! sure reader tell yourself that
so you all get in the car and luckily you can drive and yuta sits up front with you 
and you plug your phone in to play some music and ThE FIrsT SoNG that comes on is Back 2 U my fav don’t @ me and he’s just like
“oh I’ve got a fan I see” and he WINkS agAIN and you blush and you’re trying to stutter out a reply
when girl in the back just goes “I’m a huuuuge fan!” and tries to sing along but homegirl doesn’t even know the words LMAO 
and while she’s off claiming to be the biggest fan (she doesn’t even know the fandom name smh) you and yuta make eye contact 
and start laughing but like you don’t want to hurt her feelings so try and keep it on the dl
finally you pull up to the supermarket and you have a list of what to buy so you decide to divvy up who gets what for efficiency
but in reality 5 seconds after you split up yuta automatically comes back to you 
and you’re like ????? this wasn’t the plan
but he just shrugs like
“the other girl probably would have found me and done the same. Besides, I like you”
and guess who becomes a tomato again yep that’s right it’s you
and so you go around the store
yuta trying to make a cheesy pick up line with every. fucking. fruit.
no matter how amusing it was you have dinner to make!
so now you’re yelling at yuta bc
and he just laughs at your second hand embarrassment but he puts the peaches down anyways 
and you collect all your ingredients just in time for the other girl to some storming up to you guys
and you and yuta are like ‘oh shit what she gonna do’
and she opens her mouth but then realizes there are cameras,,,everywhere
so she just “got the ingredients hehe ^^”
and you’re both like ‘sounds fake but ok’ 
and you buy the ingredients and head home and the car ride is almost awkward if it weren’t for yuta just,,,not being able to shut up LMAO
you get back to the house and sit at the table bc you’re exempt from cooking since you bought the groceries
half expecting him to hang out with the other guys you’re startled to see yuta sit down across from you
he continues the conversation you had going on in the grocery store, asking about your family and occupation
occasionally opening the conversation up to the other people in the room but his main focus is you
and you get to ask him some, but not many, questions about nct, dorm life, etc
and a few days pass by, you’ve grown friendly with the rest of the cast but you and yuta always seem to gravitate together
and ofc everyone else notices and they’re always like,,,what’s up with you two...
and obviously you have feelings for him but,,,
he’s an idol,,,
and while most fans wouldn’t mind you are wary of those who would rip your head off for how close you’ve already become with yuta
he’s barely in the house half the time due to his schedules but he always manages to spend time with you
so one day you’re both chilling watching nct life inn osaka bc he high key wants to show off how responsible and funny he is
and when the takoyak scene comes up you make some off hand comment about how you’ve never had any and he just!!
“HoW??? OMG wE nEEd tO GO gET sOmE NOW!!!”
and you’re like yuta no it’s almost midnight asjkdh
so he takes the oppurtunity to be like,,,
“we have some free time on thursday,,,if you’re not busy i can take you to this takoyaki place,,,not as good as ones you can get in Japan but it’s great none the less”
you’re high key bouta faint but you manage to nonchalantly be like ‘yea i’m free that day’
and you both settle back and continue watching and making funny commentary but on the inside you’re both
thursday comes and yuta had to leave early for rehearsal but he’ll have the rest of the day off
so you and the other girls are getting your pretty self ready
the other girl who liked yuta left the show for...reasons so now he’s all yours hehe
yuta comes back and takes a shower bc no one wants to be sweaty and smelly on their first date
you’re just waiting in the dining room chatting with someone else
and  he finally comes out and you’re just kind of frozen in awe bc when is the boy not beautiful it’s not fair
little do you know he’s also in shock bc ‘wow you’ve always looked beautiful didn’t think it was possible to look even more beautiful but here y/n is proving me wrong’
the person you were talking with stands up and breaks the spell and you both get all blushy 
yuta offers to drive and you’re like yes pls do i’d probably crash us with how nervous i am
the drive to the takoyaki place is filled with your usual conversation and yuta’s flirting
you get to the restaurant and yuta insists on making the takoyaki bc he iS the tAKoYaKi PRiNCe
and you let him do his thing bc a) you’ve never made this before and b) he looks so cute concentrating and trying to show off
finally they’re done and, you guessed it
boi has to feed you 
and your whole face lights up like holy shit this is delicious you are the prince of takoyaki
and he just smiles so wide askjdh
when you’re both all done he insists on paying
when you’re like ‘i feel bad making you pay for everything’
he just ‘well i’d feel bad having you pay for our first date’ 
and you just,,,
“so this is a date?”
he get s a lil blushy and is just like,,,yea
and you smile and he smiles and on the way back he just casually asks you out again and ofc you say yes
you guys just...go on a lot of dates and all the other cast members are high key jealous but also ship you guys so much bc so cute young love
one day after your fifth date yuta just...
“I like you a lot y/n, and i know i can be hard dating an idol, but i was wondering if,,,you’d be my girlfriend?”
and you’re like asjkhkjhf ofc??? why would i not??? you are the takoyaki prince
and he’s all fake offended
“you only like me for my takoyaki :(”
he’s all pouty so you just giggle and give him a lil peck on the lips
and now yuta’s all blushy bc asjkdhkjhd they kissed me???? what is life??
the show eventually comes to an end, but you and yuta still hang out all the fucking time
and tbh fans aren’t even that mad bc they were able to see your relationship grow and develop on the show
you guys go on lots of takoyaki dates
fans dub you guys the takoyaki prince and princess so cute askjdhh
overall good experience 10/10 would recommend thank your friendos for signing you up for that show
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hyunjin-writes · 7 years
photographer!kihyun au
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i,,, have had a thing for photographer kihyun for like,,,eVer sinCE i started stanning him,,,
and since there’s not much out there fics/aus about photographer kihyun
/rolls sleeve/
ok but photographer!kihyun would be both cool and cute i kid u not
the type to always???? ALWAYS!!!! have his camera by his side; either slung on his arm or in his backpack
there was this one time he forgot to bring his camera along and his friends thought something happened to him or the camera
“is ur camera oKay??????r YOU okay????” “why wouldn’t they be okay and im here aren’t i?”
turns out he just forgot to charge the batteries overnight shdsdsj clumsy
but how much do you wanna bet he can’t sit still without his camera by his side?
“yOo kihYUN sTop FidgEting” “i cant help it!!!!i’m so used to have my camera with me i-”
his camera is basically his wife,, but anyways moving on,
the type to be gone during the weekends to take short trips to the beach or countryside for pictures
“hey kihyun are you free this weekend” “can’t im going to the beach” “hey ki-” “CANT i have to go to the neighbouring city”
but his pictures ended up being to die for so it’s forgiven ;;
his phone wallpapers,,, would mostly b pictures of sceneries he took. Only on rare occasion it would be faces of people,,,, prob mainly bcs it was him who took it.
imagine him putting a picture of minhyuk because he loved the way the pic turned out and minhyuk saw,,,
“omg ki i didn’t know u liked me that much ;”^ )” “i  DONT. the pic just turned out nic-” “AWWW SHUSH I Like Me Too ;););)” “sdhjsdhjskajhskja remind me to not take a pic of u ever again”
“no way u like the way he poses for pics too much to not take pics of him” - prob shownu
“,,,,,, riTe”
its tru tho kihyun is picky when it comes to his pictures, especially potraits and he always complains about how its so hard to take pics of shownu
“shownu u do know you can breathe like normal, right?”
but anyways,
his instagram!!!!
god his instagram would b aesthetically pleasing nd like, low quality-ly hq,,
pics from his trips? pics from his coffee stops? pics of mx hanging out? you got them all!
but like,, what’s hard to see in his feed is probably his selfie since he takes bad selfies according to wonho and minhyuk
“i  DO NOT. take bad selfies” - says kihyun as he poses the same pose for 2938482 selfies with the same angle
so instead of uploading his selfies, the only pictures that would have his face in it would be the candids the boys took of him
from when he’s drinking coffees, or from when he’s taking pictures,,,
mostly r pics of him taking pictures w his camera since he find himself looking extra cool doing those
but like,,, since most of his pics r candids, u can hardly see his face since it’s always being covered w camera or looking down
also since most pics r from  the boys, u could expect to see minhyuk or wonho annoyingly commenting on his pics
“omg what a cool pic i wonder who took them” “i bet the photographer’s good looking tell him i’m a fan of him!”
“im  Blocking. both of u”
ok but you,,,, you do know kihyun, sort of
that is if u consider being friends with changkyun and hearing changkyun bragging about how good this one photographer friend is then yeah you do know kihyun
you follow him on instagram, but like,,, u never actually met him before??
tho judging on his ig pics he seems attractive but also seems like a snoob?? or a bit cocky?? based on his comments so idk,, u just dont really like those type of guys
but anyways, you’re studying filming major in school so you’re always standing behind the camera or screens instead,
but you’re been told a handful of time that you have enough visuals to be a model,, it DID crossed ur mind but like???me??? a model??? must b mad enough to do  That,  so u didnt
so you’re a close friends with changkyun, and you two are always hanging out when kyun ain’t hanging out w mx
so when you’re out together, it’s always u who takes kyun’s pictures and you’re no photography student, but you could say your pics r decent (since you actually like photography as well,)
changkyun loves!!!! ur pic and he always say that you would bond well with kihyun since the two of you have similar taste
youre like  “naaaaah no thx” and kyun just shrugs bcs like okay then sure no fOrcing u
so u continue to hangout with changkyun with him mentioning about wanting the two of you meeting up but you always refusing
one day you two were hanging out at the park, just casual and being a bunch of goofs when kyun said some of the mx boys r here and wants to meet up nd if its okay with you
“yeAH??? i mean i would love to meet them anyways especially minhyuk! i heard he’s kinda cool,,”
“yeah but there’s gonna be kihy-” changkyun before his words being interrupted by a hollering minhyuk from afar
you immediately recognize minhyuk based on his jumpy attitude and also wonho who’s following behind a sprinting minhyuk
minhyuk immediately pounced on changkyun and you like,, laughed at how done kyun looked
u suddenly heard some clicker sound beside u and when u turn, ur eyes meet w a pair of very??? beautiful??? eyes???
it took a few seconds but u then realized it was kihyun,, with his camera his hand,, like OF COURSE kihyun would b around taking pics
immediately introducing yourself to the boys, changkyun immediately said, “ah ki hyung, she’s the one who always took my cafe an d ootd pics”
youre like ?? but when u look at kihyun he was like O-o and was saying “yeah i sorta figured?? since u hardly hang out w anyone else anyways” but he wasnt even looking at u or anything,,,
“wow he really /is/ snobby,,,,” was what u thought at first since even after a few mins of hanging out at the park, he still wont meet ur eyes??? even when he’s talking to you or something??? wow   rood.
but like yea you guys hanged out for a while longer before u decided to leave the boys alone
so when you excused yourself, changkyun was like “yeah yeah sure i’ll see you later” but
kihyun seemed weirdly and surprisingly disappointed for someone who hardly made any eye contact w you through out the hour of hanging out
nd judging on his personality around the boys and on what changkyun told you, you doubt he’s actually  SHY
(in which he is but we’ll get to that later)
but anyways, kihyun was like: “you’re leaving already?”
“????y ea??? i have early classes tomorrow so,,”
“o right your filming classes”
???? ?you’re actually surprised that he knows??? but okay then
so like u go home and attend your classes like normal for almost a whole week, nothing unusual happened, and u doing ur usual routine,
like going to classes, having lunch w your friends and changkyun when he’s free, studying in the library,, and even going out during the afternoon for an hour of,,, walk
so here’s the thing
even when you’re a film student, you have a huge interest in photography, so,
every afternoon you would go out for an hour or two, just to walk around town, stopping once in a while to just take pictures.
people thought you go out for some exercises but l mao n O
you always have your small handy little camera by your side,, your loyal best friend.
so like it was a week??? after that meeting with kihyun and the other boys, but nothing happened,
you did saw kihyun around the campus once in a while,
but everytime your eyes locked, he would blin k for once or twice then quickly look away,
in WHICH, helped u to think that he’s really a snob
(u gH HE IS REALLY NOT but we’ll get there anyways,)
so like one afternoon you’re just walking around town, taking pictures like normal,
and you’re at this small park at the end of town,
its small, and not packed, just like how u like it,,
so you ended up just spending your afternoon there, taking pictures and stuff
nd after a while u spot a cute little kitten playing around, and of course u took pictures of it
the cat spotted you and it just ran towards you and soon,,
your camera was forgotten and you’re there,
just sitting on the ground and playing with the little kitten,,,
it was really peaceful, with just you and the kitten, and maybe some one or two people passing by, a couple sitting on a bench nearby,, but that’s just it
it’s not noisy or anything, just the way you like it,,
at least until u heard some sound of the flicker of a camera
looking around, you were expecting to see someone taking photos of views or the trees,, BUT
what you wasnt expecting was seeing a camera lens being pointed directly towards you,, just a few feet away from you,, and the kitten
you just stared at the camera,, nd the person behind the camera since you’re not really sure what to do
because like you’re not sure either to be mad or not?? since yea, it’s not nice to take other people’s pictures without permission but like,
you yourself have taken so many candid pictures of others,,, so??? u’re not exactly sure??
realizing they were caught, the person quickly lower down their camera and bow down their head slightly
but like you managed to catch their face and you just,,,: “kihyun???”
the person look up at you and with his round glasses on the bridge of his nose, his beanie covering his black hair, a simple round sweater hugging his figure,
you could easily tell it is indeed your campus’ infamous photographer, Mr. Yoo Kihyun
“what are you-”
“look, i’m sorry for taking your picture without permission it’s just that the settings was all so nice and the sunlight was on point, the kitten was active and you look really pretty so i just had to,, and like i hope u dont ask me to delete them??? because it’s really pretty,,, like i could show u if you don’t believe me it’s ReALLy nice!!! and-”
“l mao kihyun you’re babbling and yea of course you can keep them,”
“please dont tell me to- wait, what?? reaLLy???”
“yea h, i mean, as long as i look good in them tho”
“o- oh,, well,, u do look decent i guess???”
“don’t lie, i heard it when u said i looked pretty.”
“o h sh OOt”
CUE a cute blushing kihyun scratching his nape, trying to figure out how to cover up his honest words he blurted out a while ago,
but when he looked up trying to spit out some words about how it was the sun that helped you looked nice,, he sees you grinning at him while the little kitten still playing with your fingers,,,
and he thought,, oh screw it
“y-yeah,, well you always look good anyways, so nothings new”
and when he sees your cheeks slowly growing red, he was glad he said those words,,
he’d always thought you’re cute anyways, only he never actually brought up the guts to approach you properly
and now,, with you here for once smiling at him instead of looking at him as if he’s some kind of snob you hate, which he knows you thought of him that way before this,,
he decided he’s gonna be a  Man and not waste this chance with you
“but like, do you wanna see it though? the pictures, i mean.”
a/n : i might do a second part of this, who knows since i have a major big fat love for photographer!kihyun anyways! Also, newton was released today and photographer!kihyun made his appearance!!!! 
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