#aoba jousai oikawa
rjhpandapaws · 6 months
High King
Oikawa Tooru
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reineyday · 1 year
love how furudate takes every spare moment seijou has to show us how the other third years humble oikawa. 😂 left, right and centre it's like, "look at oikawa, he's so great and scary!" and then you cut to him with iwachan, mattsun and makki, and they consistently make oikawa look like a clown. love them.
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wholesome headcanons (seijou edition)
kyoutani absolutely loves all types of animals
if someone needs to get ahold of kyoutani, their best bet is to start with animal pics
for all their insults and teasing, seijou is very protective of their captain and will fight a bitch for him (even the first years and kyoutani; especially iwaizumi)
one time one of the second or third years spotted him at the end of a crying session and they were ready to commit a war crime
praise from iwaizumi = the best thing you can ever get inside and outside the court and turns everyone into puppies wagging their tails and waiting for head-pats
even oikawa is aware of the power of iwaizumi’s praise
iwaizumi is not aware of the power of iwaizumi’s praise
kunimi is so perpetually tired so when a pillow found itself a home in the clubroom, nobody was surprised
kunimi is not the one who put it there but it’s got his name written on the tag, he doesn’t know who did it but he uses it consistently
watari is extremely chill. like he’s down for anything. chaos? sure. group nap? absolutely. beating someone up when they mess with kindaichi? why not. stealing someone’s dog? hell yeah
kindaichi is the baby of the group 
pretty much everyone has the contact info for each member at oikawa’s persistence, so when mattsun & maki notice someone is having a rough day, they spam them with memes and aggressive praise
movie nights are a thing, at least every other week, typically at a third year’s house
everyone loves kindaichi’s mom
everyone loves kyoutani’s dad 
oikawa’s nephew attends oikawa’s practice sometimes and iwaizumi knows that oikawa’s worried abt what takeru thinks of him, so he gets with the other third-years to makes sure to hype oikawa up and make sure he Looks Cool in front of takeru (complete with extra praise from yahaba)
watari regularly brings baked goodies to practice, he loves to bake and share
one time oikawa was having a bad day, so the next day watari brought milk bread per iwaizumi’s request
just. just non-toxic iwaoi and non-toxic seijou, okay
kyoutani has a pet snake named Honeycomb (any pet of Kyoutani’s has a cute name and yahaba thinks this is so hilarious and low-key adorable)
yahaba goes to oikawa for romantic advice (and for all his bravado and confidence, oikawa is secretly touched and gives him genuine advice)
yahaba goes out of his way to make sure yachi gets an apology from what happened during the warm-ups for their match in s2
any requests for different pairings/teams?? sibling relationships?? let me know!! here’s the karasuno edition!
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sliceofhotsoda · 2 years
Oikawa asked, "So, y'know how Kunimi takes it easy during games?"
"Yuh huh," Iwaizumi grunted his assent.
"I was thinking," Oikawa paused to dig a chip out of the bag, "he might really shine in the later half of the game when everybody's exhausted."
Oikawa popped the chip into his mouth, and Iwaizumi watched him expectantly. His friend's face twisted around the taste like a big baby. Iwaizumi felt his face wobble with mirth. Oikawa loved salt and vinegar chips--but he always, without fail, made a face when he ate them.
"Ya think you're so smart, don'tcha?"
"I do!"
Iwaizumi kept a straight face, but his chest warmed.
"Glad ya realize Kunimi is good enough to do that."
"What kinda setter would I be if I didn't, Iwa-chan!"
Iwaizumi couldn't help his smile.
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oinkawater · 2 years
So, your oikawa fics are honestly amazing! I was hoping I could request one based on the song heartbreak hotel by Abigail Barlow where oikawa is trying to woo the reader but she rejects him constantly. Thank you!
oh no it’s been so long since i’ve posted
i stopped watching haikyuu for a while and i kind of fell out of writing! but here i am, and i am back with big plans!
i’d just gotten over a breakup earlier this year so this piece is actually pretty relatable for me haha... 
keep the requests coming!!
You stare wide-eyed at the bouquet of flowers that were held to your face. Your attention slowly focuses on the man holding them. It had just dawned upon you, after two long weeks.
Oikawa Tooru had been flirting with you. How could you have been so oblivious?
"Oikawa-kun," you trailed off.
Almost immediately, the hand falls to his side. His fist clenches over the stem of the flowers. “Have I misread the signs? Did I misinterpret the vibes between us?”
In all honesty, you had just gotten broken up with nearly three weeks ago. Oikawa came prancing into your life over a common interest when you bumped into each other in the gym. You enjoyed the company, if you were going to be honest.
The one thing you hadn’t intended on doing was leading the poor guy on. It hadn’t occurred to you that you might have while you were busy keeping your mind off of your ex.
“No, it’s not like that at all!” You quickly came to your own defence. You threw your hands up to shake them to dismiss his doubt. “It’s just that...”
As far as everyone knew, you had just woken up one day and shut yourself out from everybody else. You’d come into the gym and ignore everyone. You would go to class, do your allocated work and go straight home - the entire day without talking to anybody at all.
You just started coming out of your shell after you’d bumped into Oikawa. You’re even getting proper sleep again, and you’re eating as much as a normal college student should be.
He tilts his head in confusion. “What is it?”
You sigh, “I’m getting over a breakup right now. It’s only going to be a month.”
He raises his eyebrow. “Do you want to get back together with him?”
Just three days ago, you were still lying in bed crying over the loss you’ve been mourning over for weeks. But today was different. You’d woken up feeling better than the other days that followed getting dumped. Things just seemed to be a lot brighter than before.
“Of course, I don’t.”
He folds his arms over his chest and rubs his chin. He pouts his lip out as he goes into a deep thought.
Now you start to feel like you should defend yourself. “It’s not that you’re not a great guy, Oikawa-kun! It’s just that I’m not fully over my ex yet and I simply don’t think that you deserve someone who is unsure of their feelings right now.”
You angle your head in a way to catch his gaze. To your surprise, he only continue to look further down to the ground where it would be impossible for you to make eye contact. “I just don’t know exactly what I feel for you right now. I like being with you and spending time with you is always the highlight of my week. I just don’t think you deserve someone who is not sure.”
He hums and nods, seeming to understand what you’d just said. “Do you want me to take a step back?”
You like the attention, if you had to admit. You love the warmth he gave to you every time he was there to keep you company. It’s just that you are not sure of anything right now. 
It’s only just starting to come back together for you.
How were you so sure that this wouldn’t end up with you in a fit of rage and a puddle of tears in a few months?
“I really enjoy being with you. I just don’t want to be the one that keeps you waiting when there are other opportunities out there. People who are ready for you.”
He shakes his head. “If you can’t say to my face confidently that you do not want me, then I’m not letting you out of my sight.” He grins, takes a step forward and then held up the flowers to your face again. “You’re too fucking good for me to let go of.”
You snatch the flowers from his hands and grumble under your breath. “Okay, fine. But we go at my pace, got it?” You raise an eyebrow fiercely. “I have too much going on and having a boyfriend is a lot of commitment that I’m just not all for right now.”
His lips stretch into a wide smile. “Anything is worth it for you.”
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kitsumirae · 1 year
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Iwaizumi & Oikawa (from Haikyuu!! Season 3)
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spilt-ash · 22 days
Eve!!! You read the Inarizaki match??? AWESOME!!!!
I'm assuming that's gonna be aoba jousai and whatever team atsumu is on
but no I haven't I just think about haikyuu characters too much and thought about oikawa and atsumu being friends
it'd be truly life changing
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haikyuufanficwriting · 5 months
Chapter 2: Oikawa
Prompt: Reader and (Character) go to an amusement park. (Character) gets scared to go on a rollercoaster and clings to reader for dear life. Character: Oikawa ____________
The boys of the Aoba Jousai Volleyball needed a break. You knew it, the coach knew it, and the boys did too. All the constant practices and never-ending games had started to take a toll on them. While most didn’t show it, you could tell that it was getting to be a little much for them. So, as the team manager, you felt it was your responsibility to do what was necessary. Just a simple day off, where they could just relax and have a little fun too.
And, as coincidence had it, there was an amusement park only a half hour away from Miyagi.
What better way to take a break than a day of thrills, screams and games?
With an idea in mind, it only took about a week to get the preparations ready. Once the coach agreed to give them a day off, it was smooth sailing.
The boys were ecstatic when they heard the news, giving you endless praises and thanks until the fateful day arrived. You were quite relived when the day came to be honest, you were never able to accept compliments properly.
The bus was buzzing with anticipation as you and the team arrived at your destination. You managed to get them through the gate with little to no problems, with only a few fights to solve. The big one being Oikawa wanting to stop the group and take pictures, while you had to talk down Iwaizumi from punching him for being annoying.
Once everyone was settled, you go to stand in front of them. As coordinator, you had already created a full plan to maximize as much fun for them as possible.  
“Alright boys listen up. We’ve got about six hours here, and since our group is too big to be together, we’re going to spilt up into two teams. You’re free to do what you want, but by three o’clock I want all of us to meet in the food area for lunch. We’ll plan from there. Everyone here has a cell phone so if you get lost call the others. Got it?” You hear a chorus of agreement from them, so you take that as understanding.
“You ever think (Name)-san could’ve been a drill sergeant?” You hear Yahaba murmur to Kindaichi, who is now snickering. You snap your eyes to the pair, narrowing them.
“Yahaba, Kindaichi, got something to share with the rest of us?” You ask, making your voice as intimidating as possible just to see the two jump. You try your best to keep your face serious, as Yahaba stutters.
“No, (Name)-senpai.” Kindaichi doesn’t meet your eyes as he mumbles. You hear the rest of the team laugh quietly. You nod, before breaking out into a light-hearted smile. It was just too easy sometimes. “That’s what I thought. So, who’s going to be with who?”
You expected this simple task to take less than five minutes, but to your disappointment, it took more than fifteen. With most of it being Oikawa bashing. Though you weren’t opposed to some Oikawa bashing, you were getting slightly impatient. Yes, this trip was for the boys, but you’d be lying if you said this trip wasn’t the least bit self indulgent, and you weren’t going to stand there for the next half hour watching the team (mostly the third years) bully their captain. You already had enough to last a lifetime at practice. At the twenty-minute mark, you regretted giving these man-children the responsibility.
Eventually, with you voicing your opinion here and there, they managed to separate themselves. With Kindaichi, Kunimi, Yahaba, and Watari in one group and the third years in the other.
“(Name)-san, what about you?” You hear Watari ask. You just wave him off. “I’ll just join the third years. I’ll need to make sure that Iwaizumi doesn’t beat up Oikawa. I doubt Makki or Matsun would stop him.” You eye the third years, as they try to defend themselves. The look you give them simply tells that it would probably be better if they didn’t say anything. They all look away in defeat. You say your byes to the group before turning to yours.
And so, starts your day of relaxation and thrills.
Well for the most part it was. It started with you guys playing some simple carnival games, diffusing the multiple arguments between the boys (Turns out they were just as competitive in these games as they were in volleyball), but you did have your fair share of yelling if you were being completely honest. You couldn’t be the most sensible all the time. Though, you did spend more time laughing than you did arguing, so you were grateful for that.
After you all got tired of the games, you went to get some snacks from the booths that lined the streets. You made sure that the team didn’t get anything too heavy, because you wanted to them to be prepared for what was to come.
Despite your quite calm and reasonable nature, you were quite the risk taker. To you, there was nothing like the feeling of adrenaline that coursed threw your veins as you teetered the edge of danger. So, when you saw the biggest rollercoaster in the park, you gasped. Immediately, you had your heart set on it.
It was like love at first sight.
“Guys! We have to go on it!” Like a child wanting a toy at a store, you pointed to the rollercoaster, practically jumping in anticipation. You were met by indifference and amused looks from Makki, Matsun and Iwa.
“Why not?”
“I’ll go. What about you, Oikawa?” Iwa asks, looking at Oikawa with the biggest smirk you’ve seen on him, ever. It confuses you, at least until you look at Oikawa.
He stood there like a terrified toddler. His eyes wide and bulging, looking at the ride in straight up horror. You could even see him flinch when he heard the screams on the people on the ride.
Was he… Afraid of heights?
Oikawa didn’t even register the question until a few seconds later, whipping his head to the ace. He picked himself up rather quickly and composed himself. “No thanks. I’ll stay behind for this one.” He manages to say evenly. You hear the third years behind you snicker.
You had a feeling there was an inside joke you didn’t know about.
Well, now you had to find out.
“I didn’t take you to be one that’s afraid of heights Oikawa.” You comment. His response is immediate. “It’s not the heights I don’t like. It’s rollercoasters in general!” He defends, pouting like a child. You raise a brow; you could tell there’s definitely more to the story. By his response, you doubt that he would tell you if you asked. So, you turned to the next best thing.
“Hey Iwa.” He gives you a smile. He knows exactly what your about to ask. Oikawa, looks to his best friend, slightly pleading.
“Why’s he so afraid of rollercoasters?” As Iwaizumi goes to open his mouth, Oikawa, out of pure desperation, tries to basically tackle Iwaizumi. But Makki and Matsun are faster, holding their captain back, not even trying to hold back their laughs as they leave Iwaizumi free to tell you. You drown out the setter’s pleas to not listen, as you focus on Iwa.
“When we were seven, we went to this movable carnival, and they had this little rollercoaster. They had this little drop – no more than two feet – Oikawa got so scared he was going to die, he started screaming bloody murder. Crying non-stop. It was so bad, that they had to stop the ride for him. When they got him out,” Iwaizumi paused as he literally wheezed. You could see tears threatening to spill out of his eyes, as he laughed at the memory. From afar, you could hear ‘Iwa-chan don’t!’ from Oikawa, still being held back by Makki and Matsun, who were now also dying of laughter.
“They found that he pissed his pants!” Iwa finishes, now doubling over in laughter, not being able to stand. You almost choked on your spit, as you too began to laugh. It was like you could picture it, and that made it even funnier. The four of you laughed for a long while, all the while the captain stood, both pissed (you couldn’t help yourself) and embarrassed. You could hear him mumbling distantly about doing nothing to deserve this.
Eventually, your laughter died down, and you were able to look at the setter without bursting out again.
“So, you’re really just never going to go on one again?” You asked, giggling every so often. He glared at you. “Did you not hear the story? I’m not going to relive that trauma.” He crosses his arms. Suddenly, you had a new goal.
You needed to see Oikawa on that rollercoaster. No matter the cost.
“But that was when you were seven. Surely, at eighteen you have a little more courage than that.” You tried. Oikawa found out what you were trying to do very quickly. He was not amused.
“I’m not going on that thing.” You feel your shoulders slug. You turned to other third years, silently asking for help. You were met with nothing but shrugs.
You weren’t going to give up that easily.
“What will the team think if they see all of us up there, with you sitting down here like some chump?” Oikawa clicked his tongue.
“It’s not that uncommon for people to not like rollercoasters. They wouldn’t question it.” He did have a point. You let out a sigh. You really didn’t want to have to use this, but he left you no choice. You march right up to him, with your head up high. Well, you had to when you looked at him anyway, but that was besides the point.
“You either come with us on this ride, or I’ll tell the entire team the rollercoaster piss story.” Oikawa literally gasps. There’s a ‘Oh shit’ from Iwa. “You wouldn’t dare.” You smirk.
“Try me.” You two hold a staring contest for a while, with the other third years just watching the two of you. You hear a distant Makki mumble ‘I forget how (Name) can be so evil sometimes’ with Iwa and Matsun humming in agreement.
After a minute passes, Oikawa realizes out you’re not going to cave. You watch in victory as he bites his lip and looks away. “… Fine.” You cheer out loud and receive high fives from the others. Before he could change his mind, you grab Oikawa’s hand and rush to the line. It was a long line, but not the longest you’ve seen. You estimated a twenty-minute wait, which was totally fine with you. It gave you and the others time to tease Oikawa, who was quite literally, shaking.
The teasing consisted of asking him is he needs to use the bathroom, talking about how deep the drop was, and your personal favourite, Matsun offering him some water. All of which Oikawa didn’t appreciate.
Finally, after relentless teasing, you decided to give him a break. You were evil sure, but you weren’t a monster. As you were just about to enter the ride, you gave him some words of comfort. You pat his shoulder sympathetically.
“There’s nothing to fear. It’s completely safe. Get what happened before out of your head and who knows? You might actually have fun.” He can’t find it in himself to say something, so he just nods.
Conveniently for your little group, the rows were five seats each, so allowing some people to go ahead of you, you managed to all get a row together. You sat in the middle with Makki and Matsun on your left and Oikawa and Iwa on your right. The employees checked your seatbelts and made their way down the rest of the rows. You cast a glance at Oikawa. He looked seconds away from death if you were being honest. He was the palest you’ve ever seen him, sweating profusely and gripping the armrest so hard his knuckles were white. You felt your heart sink for him, poor guy really was terrified.
Pitying him, you placed your hand atop of his, grabbing it gently. He returned the movement, and only tightening, when he felt the ride start to move.
“Bet you two hundred yen he pisses himself again.” You hear Matsun, cackling. Makki only gives him a wry smile. “You’re on.” You lightly smack Makki, and glare at Matsun since you couldn’t reach him. They only smirk in response.  
The ride up to the top was silent for the most part, with yells of both excitement and terror from the other passengers, you had your attention to Oikawa the entire time. You couldn’t help but to smile when he closed his eyes and started taking deep breaths. It was cute, seeing him so nervous. You hadn’t seen a lot rattle the captain. Who knew rollercoasters were enough to break him?
When you reach the top of the ride, Oikawa finally opened his eyes again. Just like before, they were blown out wide in terror. “I can’t believe you guys made me do this. I hate this. I hate you all. I’m going to die.” He spills, gripping your hand so hard it started to hurt. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Shut up, dumbass. You’re not going to die.” You heard an annoyed Iwa huff. Oikawa watched in horror as the ride edge closer to the edge and stopping right before the drop. All of a sudden, the hand that was gripping yours was gripping your side. His fists clenched around your shirt; the fabric being pulled to his side.
“Oi-Oikawa, what are you-” Then the ride drops. Air fills you mouth as the coaster plummets, leaving you do anything but speak. You hear a mixture of both excited yells and one completely petrified one, as the ride pulls you for loops and constant falls. You feel a hand not only gripping your shirt, but now the flesh of your side. And shocking absolutely no one, terror mixed with the strength this man had, equaled pain for you. You couldn’t even enjoy the rest of the ride with this man clinging to you for his dear life.
After two minutes of complete agony, the ride was done. The coaster pulls safely into the boarding area, with everyone taking off their seatbelts for the next passengers to enter. Instead of doing just that, you spent those precious seconds, smacking Oikawa’s hand from you.
“Let go, you’re hurting me.” You hiss the last bit, pulling his hand away from your side, immediately fixing your shirt in the process. You realize you haven’t even looked at him yet, and when you turn to see if he was alright, you paled.
The man looked absolutely wrecked. His hair flown back from the wind; face still white as a ghost. If you hadn’t known him, you would’ve thought he was dead. Still, he could be traumatised off the ride, you needed to get him up.
“Hey, Get up. The other people need to get on.” Oikawa doesn’t respond, still acting as if his soul has escaped, not even turning to look at you. You attempt to get his attention, waving your hand, snapping in front of him; nothing.
Finally, you give up and turn to Iwa. He nods, not needing to say anything as he unhooks Oikawa’s seatbelt and pulls him up from the seat. Eventually, Oikawa finds the ability to walk, legs trembling as he descends from the ride. Only mumbling the words ‘Never again.’ Over and over again. To be honest, you were completely fine with it, but you couldn’t help but feel bad.
“I broke him.” You whined, with the other guys only looking on in what can only be assumed as disappointment and entertainment. “Well he got his revenge from the looks of it.” Makki states, pulling your shirt up slightly to reveal a red blemish on your side that will only continue to darken as the day continues. You bat his hand away, as Iwa goes to check on him, all the while muttering how ridiculous he was being. The three of you watch in silence.
“Our captain…” Matsun comments, as he watches Iwa slap him in the back of the head, telling him to pull it together. Makki hums.
“He didn’t piss himself by the way, you owe me.”
“Yeah, yeah…” You could only roll your eyes. Matsun pulls his wallet out, ready to give the victor of the bet his reward, when his eyes widen.
“Don’t they take pictures of the drop?” You can literally feel your heart plummet. Makki smiles evilly. “I think I know what I’ll use that two hundred yen for…”
And to think all you wanted was a day of fun and relaxation.
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miyamorana · 2 years
August Fic Recs
Here are the fics that I’ve really liked this month. All of these are complete. Enjoy!
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia (1), Haikyuu!! (2), Harry Potter (1)
Find July’s Recs here.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Title: The Density of Fog Author: ive_been_losing_sleep Pairing: Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi Rating: Teen Word Count: 76,218 Summary: Aizawa Shouta hasn’t seen or heard anything of Shirakumo Oboro in over a decade, mostly by design, but he’s thought of him every day since his death. And then he watches Shirakumo Izuku, younger brother of Shirakumo Oboro, take down the zero-pointer, and he knows he’s already identified one problem child of the year.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: Sprout Author: boomturkey Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Oikawa Tooru Rating: Teen Word Count: 9,077 Summary: When Hinata is fifteen he discovers true love is suspension in the air, a moment of connection, perfectly in sync before his palm strikes the ball. And who better to have a connection with than the best-worst-best person he's ever known Three snapshots of Hinata during his time at Aoba Jousai.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: The Witching Hour Author: ive_been_losing_sleep Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Kozume Kenma Rating: Teen Word Count: 14,009 Summary: The Witching Hour: The time of night in which the world is at its quietest And the demons walk amongst mortals
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: Things Gained in the Chamber of Secrets Author: Blueseabird2 Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 21,437 Summary: Harry finds out that the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets might not be particularly happy to be acting against students. Turns out, a hatred of baby Dark Lords and a tendency towards being over-protective makes an excellent basis for friendship. Harry gains a new mother. She has several opinions on how people are treating her hatchling.
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
i sometimes wish i'd never been born at all
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZnayJI7
by asking_me_to_shine
All Hajime has seen in his life is tragedy, so when good things start to happen, he's cynical. Even more so when Oikawa Tooru barges into his life unexpectedly. He's friendless (Kyoutani is a sort-of-friend and Suga and Wakatoshi don't go to Aoba Jousai) and unpopular, where Oikawa is popular and surrounded by friends, they couldn't be any more different.
OR, when all your life, all you see is tragedy, it's hard to expect something positive to happen.
Words: 1417, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of is this the real life, is this just fantasy?
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Iwaizumi Hajime's Father, Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hanamaki Takahiro, Matsukawa Issei, Kyoutani Kentarou, Aobajousai Volleyball Club, Karasuno Volleyball Club, Shiratorizawa Academy Volleyball Club
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Mute Iwaizumi Hajiime, Fluff and Angst, Sugawara Koushi is a Little Shit, Iwaizumi Hajime doesn't Play Volleyball, Minor Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Minor Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Romance, Slow Burn, Not That Slow Though, I'm Bad At Tagging, Pining Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru is a Mess, Iwaizumi Hajime is Bad at Feelings, Iwaizumi Hajime Is So Done, Minor Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZnayJI7
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reineydraws · 3 years
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hbd to the king of blue castle and his god-given face 🎂🎉💞
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wholesome headcanons (oikawa edition ft. iwaizumi)
in honor of oikawa tooru's birthday (7/20) i'm doing another round of wholesome headcanons, this time specifically for our favorite ✨ sassy jellybean pretty boi ✨ i've got a request in my ask box for kagehina headcanons so that'll be next!! <333
despite having a huge fanbase in & outside of his school, oikawa is an absolute bi disaster
he gets flustered really easily (you can't tell me he didn't have some kind of bi panic when he first met suga)
oikawa has a pretty solid skincare routine and if he doesn't do it every day he gets self-conscious; it's such a good routine that ppl approach him to ask what his secret is for his clear skin
iwaizumi was there for all the experimenting and also follows a similar skincare routine, at first to show his support but then he admires the difference in how his skin feels so he continues to follow it
for all of his insults and teasing, oikawa doesn't actually hate kageyama—more like he sees him as an annoying little brother
this means that if someone hurts kageyama and he finds out abt it, there will be hell to pay
oikawa is very flexible with the concept of gender & sexuality and has no problem supporting any of his teammates or fellow classmates
imagine there's a non-binary kid in his class and that kid gets bullied for their form(s) of self-expression? disaster bi oikawa to the rescue
oikawa gets cold easily and so he's drawn to warm things (i.e. hot chocolate, sweaters, blankets, heaters/furnaces, iwa-chan)
oikawa is easily bribed/cheered up with the promise of milk bread
oikawa keeps up with the sci-fi subgenres of alien invasion/conspiracy & space opera and could write entire essays on the proof of aliens and it's just really endearing to hear him talk about it cos he's got that level of passion that rivals his love for volleyball
he's really good at calming people down when they're in a state of panic or distress
oikawa is perpetually sleep-deprived due to staying up late practicing, watching movies/anime/youtube/vb game recordings, studying, etc., and so sometimes he dozes off during the day and if that happens around any of the team, they get respectfully quiet
one time ushijima bluntly agreed that oikawa is attractive around other ppl, including oikawa ("yes, why wouldn't he know he's attractive? he owns a mirror" - a snippet of dialogue from @thursday-26, posted with permission) and oikawa was so surprised he couldn't do anything but stare and blush like the disaster he is
oikawa still has the little plushie takeru gave him when takeru was like, 3 or 4
sometimes oikawa watches the sunset and sends the pics he takes to iwaizumi, mattsun, and/or makki
that's it for now!! <33 happy birthday, oikawa. you deserved to go to nationals.
seijou edition // karasuno edition
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miss-cigarettes · 3 years
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for the one who does not wear his heart on his sleeves (feat. oikawa tooru's onee-san)
❝ oikawa tooru does not wear his heart on his sleeves. oikawa toura, his older sister, knows this well. ❞
characters. oikawa toura, tooru’s onee-san; oikawa t. x fem!reader
genre. drama, comedy, slight romance
word count. 4.8k words
warnings. themes of teenage pregnancy
a/n. i wanted to delve a bit into tooru's character and thought, "who else would let us get to know him better than his older sister?" reblogs are appreciated. and as always, i’d be happy to hear your thoughts.
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及川 Oikawa reaching the river
Oikawa Tooru was not one to wear his heart on his sleeves. This didn’t stop girls from clinging on to them, however.
Oikawa Toura contemplated on this every time her younger brother got himself a girlfriend.
She figured that his handsome looks, good grades, athletic talent, and irresistible charm make up for it. (Not that she would ever admit it to her younger brother. Even then, Tooru wouldn’t be able to get all the credit. The Oikawa genes were impeccably attractive, so they all possessed the same assets anyway.)
The girls started to flock him when he was really young. Tooru was a cute and energetic kid. He was always running around with a volleyball that he loved to toss and a unique boyish charm that made him beguiling.
It was no wonder that his first grade classmate in elementary always lent Tooru her princess stickers-filled pencils whenever he “forgot” to bring his own, that Tooru weighed surprisingly heavier one time in elementary school because he always had extra to eat during meal times (courtesy of his third grade seatmate), that Tooru went home blushing one time during pre-school because a cute girl kissed him on the cheek. Toura, herself, was amused by his early puppy-love kind of escapades.
But as leaves changed color and as the siblings experienced more that life had to offer, Oikawa Toura found herself concerned about her brother. Tooru, as a kid, was a fluffy cinnamon roll that everyone wanted to devour. As a teenager, he was something else. He was growing well into the magnetic Oikawa looks, with the towering height, the playful grins, the captivating russet eyes. Partner it with his fastidious methods of fixing up, he was practically teenage royalty.
But as all teenagers were, it was easy for all the attention to get into his head. So Toura took it upon herself to keep him on his toes and to give him a few slaps back to reality.
“Ouch!” Tooru recoiled from his sister’s hand. “What was that for?”
“Stop acting like a superstar!” Toura hissed, her eyes molding into the famous Oikawa glare that she inherited from her mother. She sneaked a glance toward the flock of girls they passed by a second earlier. “You’re not only embarrassing me, you’re also embarrassing yourself!”
Tooru raised his hands in defense. “I was just waving! Is it so bad to be polite?”
“Being courteous and narcissistic are two different things!”
“Me? Narcissistic?” Tooru put a palm to his heart.
“Yeah! I’ve heard a few things about you lately!” Toura accused.
“Ya!” Tooru fished for his phone. “When did Iwa-chan become so talkative?”
Toura swiped his phone away in a flash. “You think Iwa’s the only one who notices your obnoxiousness? A lot of different people come to me just to put you in your place! Do them a favor and turn it down a bit, huh?”
Tooru huffed in disbelief. “You? Just who would do that? Everyone’s scared of you!”
Murder. That was what Toura was going to do. “What did you just say?”
Toura most often gave her brother tough love. It really couldn’t be avoided with a sibling as exasperating as Tooru. It was what his thick head needed. At first, the elder sister was frustrated whenever her brother would brush her off, would be so defensive, would grumble blatantly to the side, and sometimes would even run away at the very sight of his “nagging” sister.
Later on, these younger brother tendencies would put a knowing smile on Toura’s face. Toura thought that she would be forever pulling Tooru by the ear, yapping at him to “be nice” to his juniors or to “treat that girl well.” Apparently, forever was a bit too much. She realized this once during a phone call with her brother’s best friend.
“Iwa!” Toura called into her phone, as she exited her the room of her son, who was finishing his homework.
“Hai, onee-san!” the person on the other line coughed.
“How are you?” she chirped, entering the kitchen. “I heard you’re one of the main players for the team this year! Congratulations!”
Talking to Tooru’s friends was one of the joys of her life. When they first met her, she might have gone overboard with the fierce act and left them terrified. Through the years, they slowly got over it but she was still her mother’s daughter who inherited her temper. Tooru’s friends became witnesses to her losing it a couple of times so she couldn’t really blame them for being careful around her. Toura used their wariness to have fun once in a while.
“Ah, thank you very much,” Iwaizumi answered, brief and respectful.
Toura grinned, whipping out some strawberries from the fridge. “Iwa! You’re so polite, unlike some people I know!”
Iwaizumi hurried to reply. “Don’t worry, onee-san, Oikawa’s on his way home.”
Such loyal friends, Tooru. “Hmm? I didn’t ask for him.”
“But you were going to… right?” Iwaizumi’s hesitation was too adorable.
“Yes, sorry to bother you all the time, Iwa.” Toura tried to keep her tone sweet. “Let me just ask, is there a particular reason as to why this onee-san has to make excuses for her little brother’s lateness?”
If he was bullying the first years again…
“He’s helping the first years with their serves,” Iwaizumi said. “Sometimes with their spikes too.”
Huh. “Really?”
“And how’s that been going so far?” Toura asked.
“Hmm… I can’t say really…” Iwaizumi said. “A few days of practice won’t really show much results but somehow the first years don’t seem too lost. Though sometimes they do seem irked by Oikawa’s stupid perso—”
The other line went silent.
Toura laughed. How cute.
“It’s okay, Iwa! I have firsthand experience with that stupid personality of his. Totally understandable.”
She could hear his breath of relief.
“Okaa-san!” Takeru’s voice echoed from the hall.
“I have to go, Iwa. I’ll cover for him but tell him he has to wash the dishes for two weeks.”
Toura hung up, shaking her head at the thought of her (not so) agitating brother.
Though Tooru put up a prickly front, deep down inside, Toura knew her brother always listened to the important things she said. With this, Toura was relieved. At the same time, she was concerned. Rivers looked shallow from those who viewed it from afar. A closer look would let people’s eyes see the depth of its waters. What Toura worried about was that people only saw her brother for the things that were skin deep. Worse, that they only loved him for these things.
Tooru was more than those. If only people looked a little closer and deeper.
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冬麗 Toura winter, beautiful
Oikawa Tooru was not one to wear his heart on his sleeves. Oikawa Toura felt she was partly to blame.
She was eighteen, just about to enter college. It was the spring of life. New beginnings. New opportunities. Adversities would come her way. That was inevitable. She expected them to come like light rainfall, showering her days with just enough raindrops to make every color vibrant and with just enough trouble for her to appreciate the good and to grow steadily as she went. She was an Oikawa, adept with the woes of the water. She would conquer it just like she did all the other times, with the cutting russet eyes of her father and the fiery disposition of her mother.
At least, she was supposed to.
Spring was the season of new life. She was prepared for all of the changes that were coming, all except for the birth of the new life growing inside of her. Toura was eighteen when she found out she was pregnant with Takeru. Tooru was nine.
The light drizzle she was anticipating was nothing compared to the storms that came.
The strongest downpour surged one night in the kitchen of the Oikawa household. Lights all around the house were dimmed. Windows were shut. Doors were locked. Tooru was tucked impatiently to bed earlier than usual.
All throughout the night until the wee hours of the morning, the usual sanctuary of home-cooked meals and family banter became a cold court of trial. Eyes were bloodshot: Toura’s from crying, her mother’s from exhaustion, her father’s from anger. Hands were shaking: Toura’s from hopelessness, her mother’s from pity, her father’s from disappointment.
Toura had never seen her parents the way they were that night. Her mother was normally the raging one, with all the scathing beration and the matching fiery gaze. That time, it was her father, her typically sarcastic laid back father, who was blazing with fury.
By the early morning, all backs were slumped. All voices were hoarse.
As Toura crawled her way back into her room, she heard the hurried shutting of a door.
Tooru was awake.
At that time, Toura didn’t have the energy to dwell on it. She just dragged herself to bed and hoped to forget, even just for a while.
As much as her parents tried to act ordinarily, Tooru was an intelligent kid. He heard the raised voices at midnight when they thought he was asleep. He heard his sister’s muffled cries as she crawled her way back into her room. He noticed her carefully hidden swollen eyes in the morning. He saw through everyone’s strained smiles the weeks that followed.
Keeping true to his family name, as the river followed the path the soil has carved for it, he followed the flow that his family had created. He never questioned the changes that happened within their home and their family. Yet, he never remained idle either.
The season was spring. However, it had never been more winter for Oikawa Toura. The sun was still high and shining down on the secluded playground near the Oikawa household; even so, Toura had never been so cold. She was donning her favorite sweater and held tightly toward her father’s coat (for comfort or for warmth, she was not sure) but it was to no avail.
Toura was seated on a park bench, with a child blooming inside her womb and the father sitting beside her.
The “father.”
Among the excellent genes of the Oikawas were some not-so-pleasant ones, such as sarcasm or hot tempers (this comes from the mother’s side though). Stupidity was not one of them. Oikawa Toura could take a hint. Hints, to be more accurate.
After dropping the bomb on her boyfriend, after having a long crying session with him, after listening to all his promises of “we’re going to figure this out,” after seeing him off as he shipped himself to Tokyo and she stayed in Miyagi, after weeks of pruned text messages, and after complete utter silence in the end, Oikawa Toura knew that he did not want to be a “father.”
Toura sighed. “Just get to the point.”
She did not even turn to know that he had whirled around to face her. That was how much she knew him. Loved him.
“I—can’t.” The crack in his voice broke her. Or maybe it was the meaning of his words. Or maybe, she had been long broken, way back from the moment he first chose to leave.
Well, this time, I’m the one leaving.
“Okay,” Toura whispered. It was the most difficult thing to do, to pull herself up and walk away from him.
Toura halted. She almost turned back and buried herself in his arms.
If not for the whirling volleyball, the sound of the collision, and the groan.
She did pivot her head a bit, just enough to see her boyf—ex-boyfriend crumpled on the floor, his hands clutching at some very painful goods.
Before she could do anything, her hand was tugged by a familiar grasp and towed away from the scene.
Right there, Oikawa Tooru, with one arm clutching a volleyball tucked and the other on her sister, was walking briskly, a resolute look on his face.
Toura did not exactly know the right response. She had always been a slave to her emotions. She knew, because she was going to become a mother soon, she had to let this go, but to hell with it, there was still time.
“Hey,” she found herself saying. “Nice kill.”
Tooru swiveled in surprise. Just as quickly, irritation morphed in his features. “I was aiming for his head actually.”
“Well then, actually aim for what you hit next time.”
After a long while, Oikawa Toura found herself grinning.
At eighteen, Oikawa Toura had to face the consequences of her actions. She had to endure their relatives’ disappointment and mocking. She had to put up with the whispers around their town. Sendai’s golden girl was ruined. The girls who used to want to befriend her disappeared. The guys who ogled at her never looked at her again.
Spring, summer, and autumn all felt like winter to Toura. How symbolic. She finally lived up to her name.
Oikawa Toura. River. Winter.
What exactly happened to the river during winter? It went cold. Sometimes, it even froze. That was how she survived it all. Oikawa Toura chose to harden herself to everyone’s frigidity, to life’s cold harsh truth.
Tooru was aware of it all. At nine years old, he learned that if he showed vulnerability, he wouldn’t leave the battlefield intact. Especially in their world. If he showed his heart to the wrong people, he was bound to get hurt.
So at nine, Oikawa Tooru buried his heart deep within himself and only allowed a few people in.
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徹 Tooru to go through, committing to one thing to the end
Oikawa Tooru was not one to wear his heart on his sleeves. His love was rare.
When it came to love, Tooru was one who used his head. He only gave his love to the people and the things that he knew would be worth it. This was why he revealed his heart only to a few chosen.
To his family: his nonchalant father, his fierce mother, his headstrong sister, his cute nephew.
To his close friends: his reliable Iwa-chan, his bright Makki, his good-natured Mattsun.
And of course, to volleyball.
However, even with all the preventive measures her younger brother had taken, Oikawa Toura knew that it could not protect him from heartbreak.
“I’m going to bed. Already ate.”
Toura watched as Tooru climbed the stairs with heavy feet, sagged shoulders, and defeated eyes.
She gave an inquiring look to their mother. “He got benched today. In their game with Shiratorizawa.”
“Oh,” Toura replied.
She heard her son’s light footsteps running towards the stairs. “Toowu! Toowu! Let’s pway!”
She caught Takeru before he managed to reach the second floor and shushed him. “Tooru-ojisan isn’t feeling well today, Takeru.”
Toura watched her son pout. She mussed his hair and said, “You can play with him tomorrow. Hopefully, he’ll be better by then.”
Toura was frantically scrolling through different contacts on her phone when Tooru came in and announced, “I’ll take Takeru to his volleyball lessons.”
His older sister stared at him, dumbfounded.
“On Monday, right?” Tooru said, rummaging through the fridge.
Toura was confused. “I thought your girlfriend was going to introduce you to her parents on Monday.”
“Nah,” Tooru answered, his fingers shifting back and forth from the banana milk to strawberry milk.
“What do you mean ‘nah?’ I thought you really liked this girl?” Toura said.
“Apparently, I liked volleyball more and she grew tired,” Tooru replied, finally getting his hands on the banana milk.
Toura scoffed. “Well, I never even liked her in the first place.”
“I know.” Tooru drilled his straw through his drink. “Don’t worry about Takeru, nee-san. I’ll take care of him.”
Tooru moved to leave the room. Toura called him back. “Oi. You okay?”
Her younger brother paused for half a second—half a second too long—before turning back. He waved his hand as if to disregard the entire thing. “Of course. Onee-san, I’m Oikawa Tooru.”
Toura rolled her eyes at her grinning brother. It was when Tooru left that his older sister felt more unsettled.
He was Oikawa Tooru. He tried to show everybody that he just brushed off his worries. He had inherited their father’s devil-may-care façade and his tendency to mask his problems by joking about them. But when he’s alone, Toura knew that Tooru took everything hard.
Toura wished she could spare her brother the pain because she knew how cruel life was. She knew she could not.
Oikawa Tooru was not one to wear his heart on his sleeves. Then you came along.
Out of all the girls Tooru had had, you were different. First of all, you weren’t even his girlfriend. You were just a friend. Someone who lashed out on him for punching a vending machine and later on, found your way into his inner circle.
Safe to say, Oikawa Toura was quite alarmed, skeptical, and just a little bit curious.
“So you mean to say that you really didn’t know who he was?” Toura asked you. The two of you were sitting beside the makeshift court on the backyard of the Oikawa household, watching Tooru and his friends play volleyball with Takeru.
You buried your head into your hands. “He told you?”
“Psh.” Matsukawa appeared in front of you. “Mr. I’m-Better-Than-Everyone-Here? Of course not!”
“I told her!” Hanamaki said, taking a swig of the tea you and Toura bought.
Toura held her palm up for a high five. Hanamaki eagerly returned it.
“Ya! My own friends! How could you?” Tooru barked, hurling a volleyball towards them.
Iwaizumi easily dodged it, choosing carefully among the pastries laid out. “How could we not?”
“Aww, was wittle Toowu’s pwide hurt?” Toura teased.
Tooru made a face and turned to his nephew.
“Look Takeru, this is not something you should copy from your mother!”
Toura retaliated, hugging her son close to her. “Takeru, unlike your oji-san, you should stay humble, okay?”
Takeru, used to her mother and uncle’s banter, wiggled free of his mother’s grasp, ignored the two of them, and dug into the pastries you bought.
Toura tried not to be hurt by her son’s actions and diverted her attention to you instead.
Resting her cheek against her palm, she asked, “How did the two of you actually, well, talk to each other then? I mean, YOU DIDN’T KNOW WHO HE WAS.” She added the emphasis just to irk her brother.
Effective. He was staring daggers at her.
Lifting your face from your hands, you answered, “Well, he was out punching vending machines by the gym—"
Toura wheeled towards Tooru’s direction. “You punched a vending machine?”
“I was having a bad day,” Tooru muttered, suddenly preoccupied with snacks.
Briefly, his gaze shifted to you. You looked back at him with sympathetic understanding.
Mornings were hectic in the Oikawa household. Everyone had somewhere they needed to be. Movement filled the house and a string of “ittekimassu” followed. On this particular Monday, the two siblings were the last to go.
As they were putting on their shoes, Toura was intrigued by the two bento boxes Tooru had packed.
“How hungry are you?” Toura remarked.
“The other one’s for the smart girl of the group,” Tooru said, standing up and fixing his hair in front of the mirror. “She’s too engrossed in her books that sometimes, she forgets to eat.”
Clicking her heels in place, Toura asked, “Just who is she to you, Tooru?”
Tooru’s hands froze. “What kind of question is that?”
Toura gave him a pointed look.
“She’s my best friend!”
“I thought Iwa was your best friend.”
“He is!” Tooru exclaimed. “This is different!”
“I’ll say!” Toura turned her back to him. “Ittekimasu!”
“Ya! Onee-san!”
Toura rushed into the halls of her former alma mater. Her steps quickened as she caught sight of the infirmary.
“How’s my brother?” Toura nearly shoved her face into the school nurse’s. “Will he still be able to play?”
This was Tooru’s second knee injury. It would excruciatingly break his heart if his volleyball dreams ended here.
“I can’t say,” the nurse said, breaking the news softly. “He needs to see a doctor first.”
Toura’s breath hitched. “Where is he?”
“In the other room.” The nurse pointed to the door of the adjoining room.
Toura nodded. She turned the knob slowly and quietly, just in case Tooru was asleep.
He wasn’t. Toura heard his muffled sobs before she saw your figure tightly holding on to her younger brother. His shoulders were shaking. It seemed like you were the only thing keeping him together.
“This is the one thing I’m good at!” Tooru cried. “Hard work! And even in this, I failed!”
“Shhh,” you say. “It’s not a failure. It’s a setback.”
“Yeah, right.” He pulled back from your embrace. “What if… What if this is the end for me? What if all those years of proving I’m worth something, of chasing after Ushiwaka, of outrunning Kageyama… What if it all just ends here?”
Toura remained before the door. She waited to hear what you would say. Personally, she didn’t know how to respond. How does one answer to that?
“Then let it end here,” you said. Toura gasped.
Tooru’s eyes bulged.
“Chasing Ushiwaka, beating Kageyama… Let that all end here. Why did you choose to play volleyball?”
Something dawned in Tooru. “I… love to play volleyball… Always have…”
“That’s right. You love volleyball. It sharpens your senses. It makes you feel alive. I’ve seen it. This is why you play volleyball.” Your voice was as unwavering as you gaze.
You softened. “It’s not going to end here, Tooru. No matter what happens, even if it takes millions of therapy sessions, I know and you know that you’re not going to let it end here.”
Toura carefully closed the door, not wanting to intrude in their intimate discussion. Before she did, she saw the change in her younger brother’s previously defeated expression. It was now hopeful.
She did not know what would happen next. Perhaps, hope was what he needed most. Toura felt most grateful for your presence in that moment.
The crowd screamed as one of Tooru’s serves reached Shiratorizawa’s side of the court unreceived. First set won by Aoba Jousai!
Toura joined them with her own set of cheers. “That’s my baby brother right there!”
Takeru pretended as if he wasn’t related to her. You erupted in laughter beside her.
Toura faced you, flashing you a broad smile.
“I think he heard you!” you shout, pointing to the scowl on Tooru’s face, evident even from the stands.
Toura stuck her tongue out at her brother. It was obvious where he got that from.
To add fuel to the fire, Toura gestured to his jersey and tilted her head towards you, as if to say, “So you gave her your jersey, huh?”
Tooru reddened and avoided his gaze, running uncharacteristically towards his teammates.
Toura smirked. Best friend my ass.
“I told him his hard work would pay off,” she heard you whisper. “He sells himself so short sometimes.”
Toura watched as you mumble things to yourself, touched by your affection towards her brother.
Out of all the girls that Tooru had had, you saw him for who he was, not for who he was trying to let everyone see. You weren’t starry-eyed for him. You didn’t let him off the hook from all of his pettiness and faults. Somehow, you inspired him to rise above his inferiorities and become better. Remarkably, you were able to let him break down all the barriers that he put up.
It was safe to say that out of all the girls that Tooru had had, you were the one his older sister liked best.
Oikawa Tooru was not one to wear his heart on his sleeves. Because he knew that love was pain.
“Tadaima,” Tooru called softly.
It was the night before his flight to Argentina. A few minutes ago, the Oikawa household was a boisterous place, filled with Oikawa relatives and Tooru’s teammates and friends. The clamor earlier was the opposite of the silence that echoed as Tooru slipped in.
“I’m here,” Toura called from the backyard.
“What are you doing here?” Tooru asked, taking a seat beside his onee-san.
Toura puckered her lips. “I was waiting for my favorite baby brother.”
“I’m your only brother,” Tooru pointed out. “And will you please stop it with the ‘baby?’ I’m an adult now! I’m even going to Argentina tomorrow.”
“I know.” Toura sighed. “Can’t you be my baby brother a bit longer? It feels like you’re running further and further away.”
Tooru was torn between repulsion and affection. “Who are you and what have you done to my monster onee-san?”
That earned him a smack.
“Just tell me you’re going to miss me,” Tooru said, rubbing the spot that his onee-san hit.
“Tch.” Toura rolled her eyes and diverted her gaze toward the makeshift court the two of them had built back when they were younger. How time flew. Now, he was off to play in bigger courts.
“So…” Toura started.
“So?” Tooru asked.
“I’m guessing, you’re still friends?”
“With the girl you walked home earlier, your best friend, the love of your life.” Toura raised her hands in exaggeration.
Tooru had a solemn look on his face. “I’m eighteen, onee-san. I don’t even know what love is.”
Right then and there, she caught a glimpse of the nine year-old fear that had been plaguing his heart. Toura always thought that people can only inherit things from their parents. Apparently, they can inherit things from their siblings too. Just like hand-me-down clothes worn out through time, Tooru had witnessed his elder sister’s experiences and acquired her pain.
Because of this, she knew he was mistaken. He knew too much about love. That love wasn’t just stolen kisses, first dates, holding hands, and smiles. It was pain too. It was the fear of not being enough, of being left behind.
It was true that love was anguish. But after nine years, Toura was able open her eyes to different aspects of love. She found it in her son’s laughter greeting her after a tiresome day. In her father’s jokes during tense moments. In her mother’s complaints about anything and everything. In her brother’s steadfastness especially when she needed it.
She saw it in the way Tooru looked at you.
“I doubt that,” Toura said.
“I doubt a lot of things,” Tooru replied.
“But never anything with her,” his elder sister said softly, looking at him in her periphery.
Tooru shook his head.
“You love her,” she said.
Tooru whispered, defeated. “I do.”
The next day brought a sense of déjà vu to Toura. She felt like she’s lived the scene before. A boy was leaving, off to chase his dreams. A girl was being left behind, to make do of what she had.
She had to remind herself that this was different. It was her brother, always keeping true to his name. He would go through everything life had to offer and he would commit to the things that he loved until the end. He was kind in his core, loyal to the ones he loved. He was not the scumbag who couldn’t make up his mind nine years ago.
It was you, the wisest and most understanding person Toura has ever met. You thought of everything carefully and thought of everyone deeply. You were not the naïve girl who acted impulsively and just hoped for the best.
“Just try and forget me, smart girl. I’ll come for you when you least expect it,” Toura heard her brother say.
Toura always felt the need to guard her brother from the world, especially after all the brutality that she has experienced. No matter how hard she tried, this was something she could never accomplish.
When it was time for Tooru to enter his gate, Tooru looked back, just once, just at you. You returned his gaze and offered an exaggerated smile. Tooru laughed.
This was the last image of himself that he left in the minds of those he loved before he left. You made that happen. Toura wished that you were there to make him laugh all the time, even when it was difficult for him.
So before the world shifted again, while you were still within Toura’s reach, she made a silent plea, an older sister’s prayer for her little brother—
“Oikawa Tooru was not one to wear his heart on his sleeves. But he had given you his heart. Please, keep it safe.”
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—this is somehow related to my other oikawa fic HERE
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tobitobios · 4 years
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will they ever comeback...
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pinkheart623 · 2 years
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