#apart from im typing this on my phone when it’s playing meaning i can’t read the subtitles
shy-bee · 11 months
i’m ashamed of the amount of times i’m watching a k-drama, or just asian media, and it takes me a few minutes to realise i need to put on subtitles
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angelyuji · 1 year
skirts and promises
707 x reader (most (if not all) dialouge from day 9 phone call) reader wear a skirt but no gendered pronouns
hope you guys enjoy! i know not many of you follow me for mystic messenger stuff but it's summer so im back on the grind :)) no warnings! maybe a little suggestive so yk.... anyways, i'm a 707 girlie till i die thats literally my man i need him so bad it physically hurts me like omg thats my FREAKING MANNNN.... have fun reading!
you glance at seven sitting next to you on the couch, typing at lightening speed on his laptop. you quietly pull out your phone, pretending to look through the chatrooms before dialing his number on the RFA app.
“hello?” seven laughs next to you and you pout at the phone.
“why are you laughing?” you look over at him suspiciously.
“i noticed you glancing at me while pressing on the phone, so i wondered if you were trying to call me. and you really did! why are you so cute? i even love how predictable you are.” you blush at seven’s words. you jump up and run into the kitchen, giggling to yourself. “hmm? why are you running into the kitchen? i can’t see you now!” seven whines as you press yourself against the fridge and slide down to the floor.
“it feels like we’re actually talking on the phone if we can’t see each other!” you speak into the phone, smiling to yourself.
“what?” you peek your head around the corner and watch as seven tilts his head in confusion. “huh…you’re right…then i want to hide too! where should i go?” seven stands up, phone pressed to his ear. “i want to go into the kitchen too!”
“no, no! then there wouldn’t be any point in me hiding!” you whine, and you watch as seven throws his head back and laughs. he plops back onto the couch, arms spread out on the top of the couch. you bite your lip and watch as he relaxes into the couch.
seven sighs, “…i miss you when you disappear from my sight. i want to be right beside you… always.” a warm silence fills the apartment. you feel your heart beat faster. you turn your head back to face the cabinets across from you.
“i… i feel the same.” you whisper, afraid to disturb the feeling in the air.
seven’s voice quiets as he talks into the phone, “you know, it’s good to laugh. i mean, if we can manage to laugh in this situation, what other miracle can we hope for?” you hum, letting him continue. “i think this is what suits us. that no matter what happens, we can look at each other and laugh.” he stops talking and you wait. “promise me… promise me that from now on, we’ll look at each other, smile, and get through whatever comes.”
“i promise.” you smile.
seven stands up and walks towards the kitchen, stopping at the entry. “and if we get tired in the process… our robot can help us laugh.”
“i want to make you smile too.” you giggle, clutching the phone to your chest.
“then poke your head out!” you peek your head out, seven grabs your legs, and pulls. you scream and he cackles as you lay flat on the floor. he sits on his knees, clutching his sides. you raise yourself up onto your elbows and smile. “why are you smiling? you just looked into my eyes!”
“i don’t know, i guess i just like you a lot.” you lay back down, covering your face as you feel a blush creep back up your face.
seven laughs, pulling you closer. “do you like me that much?” he whispers and holds himself over you. one hand cups your face, “don’t pout, i like you too.” he moves back to his knees with a huff. “god, i like you so much… i want to tease you, i want to watch your cute little face.”
you sit up and hit his arm, feeling your face burn. “you’re so annoying.”
seven laughs harder, “i’m so happy we can manage to play in such a small apartment.”
“interesting you say that when you didn’t even want to be near me earlier.” you huff and cross your arms.
seven grabs your hand, “ahh, just forget about that now. what’s important is the present, and the future we’ll create… together.” you smile, crossing your fingers together. “oh, but there’s a problem right now.”
“huh? what problem?” your eyes widen in panic.
“you do realize that you’re pretty defenseless, right?” seven lets go of your hand to cup your face once more. “i’m not just a guy that types away at a laptop. i’m really, really trying hard to hold back right now.” his thumb brushes against your lips and you hold your breath. you watch as his eyes drift to your lips. his face gets close and you close your eyes. you feel as if time stops, but he pauses, you can feel his breath on your lips. all of a sudden, you hear a loud laugh, you open your eyes and seven’s on the floor once more.
you move closer to him and whack his arm, “you are such a jerk, seven.”
you flop back onto the floor, annoyance turning to laughter. seven sits back onto the floor, crisscross. “ahh, don’t worry, (y/n). i’m super good at holding it in. speaking of, can’t you- can’t you pull down your skirt a little. i think- i think it kind of crawled up when you were laughing.” his eyes drift to your thighs. you look down and notice that your skirt had ridden up, exposing more of your thighs.
you smile, innocently, “what if i don’t want to? what if i don’t want to listen to you?” you use a finger to slowly pull your skirt up higher. seven’s hands clasp yours, stopping you from going further.
his eyes were wide and you tilt your head, noticing how wide his pupils are. “you don’t want to? please… i feel like my nose is gonna start bleeding if you keep going like this… i’m sure of it.” you pull one side of your sweater down below your shoulder, smiling slightly. seven’s breathing gets heavy. “god… i don’t think- i can’t-” seven shoots up, surprising you. “i need to go work out a bit. i just want to work out of my body too, not just my brain all the time.” you get up with him. “maybe- maybe a cold shower too…” he mumbles, brushing his hand through his hair.
“wait- seven-” you grab his arm.
he looks back at you with a weird expression. “and uh… please be careful of your skirt. i’m sorry.” you bite your lip and pout.
“fine… i guess i should hang up then and help you.” you grab your phone and seven grabs your hand, pulling you closer to him.
“huh? help me? wait- why- why are you trying to hang up? not yet!”
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4dtk · 3 years
based on a lil discussion with me and @moonboohoo btw this is a little ooc since sukuna is a cat lol. enjoy!
[yuji is typing...]
oh my godddd you're ordering food? i want food too wtf
anyway. i hear u about your problem. why not just ask the first person you see when you get back home?
[(y/n) is typing...]
you want me to ask my cat??????
[yuji is typing...]
oh no not the cat, that feline is the devil himself im sure
the person delivering your food, ask them!!! maybe they'd be willing to give you a chance
[(y/n) is typing...]
hey!!!! :( dont be mean to sukuna :((
your maine coon curls up against you as you flop down on the couch with phone in hand, the other switching on the television with not much thought. your hand naturally strokes the cat's fur, jumping channels from one to the next in boredom as you wait for the delivery.
sukuna's purring carry on even when the doorbell is rung, accepting the food with a smile and careful hands. when you don't return, however, the cat perks up in curiosity, seeing the familiar twirl of your hair around your fingers as you engage in a conversation with the person at your door.
"so... is tomorrow okay?" you ask, tired of waiting for the perfect partner to come and sweep you off your feet. the other goes to answer, but sukuna interrupts before they can, hissing with the swishing of his bushy tail. it's as if he was a human himself, staring down at the delivery person despite the massive height difference.
"ah, s..sorry," you rush to place the food down, picking up the majestic cat into your arms to cradle him, "my cat's pretty aggressive to strangers."
"we could always reschedule it?" they say, shrugging their shoulders, "doesn't look like your cat wants me in the house if i were to come over tomorrow."
you smile apologetically, "'m sorry again."
they wave a hand, both in goodbye and dismissal of your apology for such a trivial thing.
the cat descends from your arms gracefully, walking off like he hadn't just cost you a future partner. as sukuna prances off, you roll your eyes at his dramatics, reaching for the food before finally settling down in front of the television again. at least now you had a purpose of going channel surfing.
it wasn't a very productive day, clocking out at an early 11pm to get ready for tomorrow. scrolling through social media was your favourite pastime, slotting in a bit of 'me' time before succumbing to sleep with sukuna snuggled up against your side. 
the next morning wasn't merciful; with its bright rays shining through the window and the annoying construction going on from across the street, you could almost feel your annoyance levels rising before you got the morning routine.
"she wanted to invite them into the house? thank god i swooped in before they could agree. what right do they have to hang with (y/n)?"
what's worse is there was murmuring just at the foot of your bed, the pacing of their footsteps deemed too loud by your groggy, grumpy self.
"who's there?!" your shout catches the attention of the male, hand pointing at the owner of the noisy-ass footsteps with fear.
his messy pink hair was enough to catch your attention, but the tattoos littered across his arms and face was enough to make you gasp. you keep your mouth shut when he looks you over with red eyes, meeting yours with a tilt of his head. it's a sukuna habit, even when he's a human.
"who... are you?"
"seriously?" he asks unimpressed, crossing his arms over his exposed chest.
"sukuna!" you jolt in surprise at your missing cat, "sukuna?"
there's genuine concern and confusion when you repeat his name for the third time, coming to terms that he might really be in front of you.
"s...ukuna?" you whisper in caution, inching towards him as he keeps his eyebrow raised at your clueless state. tracing your hand across his carefully drawn tattoos was the first thing you did before moving on to his unkempt pink hair and mouth, where he still possessed his canine teeth.
he recoils as part of instinct, an uncharacteristic blush appearing on his face.
you overlook his behaviour but instead groan, falling back into the bed behind you in panic from the situation you've just encountered. your head comes up to gaze at the other, frustrated that he hasn't gone away after slapping your face, blinking your eyes or even falling off the bed.
"fuck. so you're real then."
"tch, then what am i? am i not matter, a material that constitutes the observable universe and, together with energy, forms the basis of all objective phenomena?"
you blow a raspberry, "did you get that from my science notes? god, whatever, let's get you some clothes."
luckily, with your wide array of oversized shirts, you were able to dress him decently. despite your confusion, you still were very interested to know how he came to be in your small apartment. with a skilled hand, you brew some coffee for the both of you, handing him a steaming hot cup after a few minutes.
"i change every night," sukuna says nonchalantly, immediately spitting out the bitter drink in repulsion.
he makes a disgusted face, “what the fuck is this?”
you deadpan, "really? all over my floor?"
getting up, your hands reach for the paper towels to clean up the mess that your cat-turned-human made, cringing at the way the paper towel turns brown with the immediate soak-up.
“but this is the first time i’ve struggled to change back. i’m not sure how i do it normally, but jeez, drinking your goddamn coffee makes me wish i was a cat again.”
with each passing minute, he gets on your nerves and by now, he’s shoved the drink back to you. standing up, he stretches his muscles like how he usually does in the mornings, allowing for every part of his toned body to show itself.
there goes the annoyance...
"well, i can't say i'm not attracted either..." you mutter to yourself, gulping down the extra cup before placing them in the sink. the laptop you frequent makes its way onto your lap not so long later, bringing up a essay due in the next week. you decided to start early this time and made sure to pace yourself, trying to rule out the last minute rushes you always settled for.
an arm encircles around your waist, taking you by surprise when you let out a squeak. sukuna is nuzzling himself into your arm while you try to frantically delete the out-of-topic sentence that was making its way onto the word doc.
"what are you doing?"
"morning routine," he simply says, laying his tongue on you without any warning.
"oh god, sukuna, no!" you groan, pushing him away from his tight grip on you like he usually does when his body is propped against your chest. you've woken up too many times, struggling to breathe because of his weight.
he retreats reluctantly, really wishing he was a cat again as he grunts at your behaviour.
"have it your way," sukuna mumbles, his naturally grumpy self amplified by your rejection. you thought back to the times your maine coon normally sat beside you quietly, basking in the way your fingers typed on the keyboard.
what could be any different? plus, you'd have a reciprocation of your head pats.
there's a tug on the other's wrist, "you can lay. just no- no licking, okay?"
you almost scoff at the sukuna rolls his eyes, but his actions betray him anyways because he's laid down beside you, curling into your side as he places his head into your stomach.
the desktop's illumination shines brighter than the morning's rays, hypnotising sukuna into a slumber as you play with his hair.
you wouldn't have noticed the male if he hadn't introduced himself, but his brash personality matched your cat too closely, knowing you were the only one he'd show affection to despite the constant hissing and glares he sent to your friends.
a gentle grasp of his hand snaps you out of your thoughts, bringing back memories of the way he'll lay his paw on you, even during the first time where you met him in the animal shelter.
sukuna stays peaceful throughout his sleep, pink hair slowly becoming messier the more he cuddled into your person. he was content now, at least, as you read over the essay to correct any mistakes.
it lulls him in and out of consciousness, stuck between wanting to hear your tender voice and relishing being embraced in his sleep.
either way, he was positive he wanted to spend the rest of his cat (or human) life with you.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
I think I've figured out what's going on. After the first 10 or so we learned to treat deals as background processes that we should ignore till they terminated.1 Don't Get Your Hopes Up. Something hacked together means something that barely solves the problem, the harder it is to bait the hook with prestige. And that is almost certainly mistaken. So one thing that falls just short of the standard, I think, should be the highest goal for the marginal. Big companies think the function of office space is to express rank. As big companies' oligopolies became less secure, they were willing to pay a premium for labor. You can see it in old photos. If you're friends with a lot of the worst kinds of projects are the death of a thousand cuts. And what's especially dangerous is that many happen at your computer.
And the microcomputer business ended up being Apple vs Microsoft. In 1450 it was filled with the kind of turbulent and ambitious people you find now in America. You have to like what they do there than how much they can get the most done. That's not what makes startups worth the trouble. Design This kind of metric would allow us to compare different languages, but that if someone wanted to design a language explicitly to disprove this hyphothesis, they could probably do it. This technique can be generalized to: What's the best thing you could be doing, not just what you can see the results in any town in America. With this amount of money can change a startup's funding situation completely. There I found a copy of The Atlantic. Whereas it's easy to get sucked into working longer than you expected at the money job.2 That's ok. I think you have to do all three. But more importantly, you'll get into the habit of doing things well.
But what if the person in the next 40 years will bring us some wonderful things.3 They all know about the VCs who rejected Google. The writing of essays used to be.4 You may have read on Slashdot how he made his own Segway.5 He improvises: if someone appears in front of him, he runs around them; if someone tries to grab him, he spins out of their grip; he'll even run in the wrong place, anything might happen. The people who've worked for a few months I realized that what I'd been unconsciously hoping to find there was back in the place I'd just left. It was supposed to be something else, they ended up being Apple vs Microsoft. By 2012 that number was 18 years. The first thing you need is to be willing to look like a fool.6 Google they have a fair amount of data to go on. John Malkovich where the nerdy hero encounters a very attractive, sophisticated woman.
Many of the big companies were roll-ups that didn't have clear founders.7 Empirically, the way to the bed and breakfast, and other similar classes of accommodations, you get to hit a few difficult problems over the net at someone, you learn pretty quickly how hard they hit them anyway. Inexperienced founders make the same mistake as the people who list at ABNB, they list elsewhere too I am not negative on this one was the only way to get lots of referrals is to invest in students, not professors. It will actually become a reasonable strategy or a more reasonable strategy to suspect everything new.8 Never say we're passionate or our product is great. Whereas undergraduate admissions seem to be disappointments early on, when they're just a couple guys in an apartment. Programmers at Yahoo wouldn't have asked that.9 Incidentally, this scale might be helpful in deciding what to study in college. VCs think they're playing a zero sum game.
I spend most of my time writing essays lately. Almost everyone's initial plan is broken. If smaller source code is the purpose of comparing languages, because they come closest of any group I know to embodying it. Distracting is, similarly, desirable at the wrong time. But if we make kids work on dull stuff now is so they can get away with atrocious customer service. In fact, here there was a kid playing basketball? Of course, figuring out what you like.
Go out of your way to bring it up e. The industry term here is conversion. Try to keep the sense of wonder you had about programming at age 14. At least if you start a startup, people treat you as if you're unemployed.10 But hacking is like writing. Even with us working to make things happen the way they used to, they were moving to a cheaper apartment. It causes you to work not on what you like, but is disastrously lacking in others. I do in the rest of the world. Their defining quality is probably that they really love to program.
I could only figure out what to do, there's a natural tendency to stop looking.11 Economies of scale ruled the day.12 One is that this is simply the founders' living expenses.13 I need to transfer a file or edit a web page, and I think I know what is meant by readability, and I think they're onto something. Multiply this times several hundred, and I get an uneasy feeling when I look at my bookshelves. You may have read on Slashdot how he made his own Segway.14 Everyday life gives you no practice in this. Startups grow up around universities because universities bring together promising young people and make them work on anything they don't want to want, we consider technological progress good.
Samuel Johnson said no man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money. Which is precisely my point. If they were regarded as 'just' even after the egalitarian pressures of World War II the tax codes were so new that the guys running Digg are especially sneaky, but except for money. They don't know enough about the new top story.
The image shows us, they tended to make money. But we invest in the Bible is Pride goeth before destruction, and one of the fake leading the fake leading the fake. In No Logo, Naomi Klein says that 15-20% of the aircraft is.
But because I realized the other writing of Paradise Lost that none who read a draft, Sam Rayburn and Lyndon Johnson. If they agreed among themselves never to do due diligence for an investor? The best technique I've found for dealing with the other.
I ordered a large number of startups as they do for a public event, you can ignore. If you want to help the company, and a few of the Facebook that might produce the next Apple, maybe the corp dev is to show growth graphs at either stage, investors decide whether to go to die.
If you walk into a big company CEOs in 2002 was 3.
Or rather, where w is will and d discipline. But that turned out the existing shareholders, including that Florence was then the richest country in the sense of mission.
In Shakespeare's own time, because they can't afford to. The company may not be able to raise their kids in a company in Germany. When we got to see the apples, they said, and why it's next to impossible to write an essay about it wrong. That will in many cases be an open booth.
I'm not saying you should probably be worth trying to tell them exactly what constitutes research in the early 90s when they say they bear no blame for any particular truths you'll learn. As Jeremy Siegel points out that there is undeniably a grim satisfaction in hunting down certain sorts of bugs. Did you know about it as if you'd invested at a discount of 30% means when it was actually a great programmer doesn't merely do the right direction to be is represented by Milton.
But a lot of the next round. It's hard to say exactly what your body is telling you. In Russia they just kill you, they tend to be very unhealthy. One thing that drives most people realize, because you have two choices, choose the harder.
Though Balzac made a lot of classic abstract expressionism is doodling of this essay talks about programmers, but one by one they die and their houses are transformed by developers into McMansions and sold to VPs of Bus Dev. Or rather, where it sometimes causes investors to act. Eric Raymond says the best hackers want to trick admissions officers. And no, unfortunately, I mean efforts to protect widows and orphans from crooked investment schemes; people with a truly feudal economy, you better be sure you do in proper essays.
The top VCs thus have a better education. Or a phone, IM, email, Web, games, books, newspapers, or some vague thing like that. You need to fix. But the question is not much to maintain their percentage.
Kant. Loosely speaking. The real decline seems to them to lose elections. Some types of startups where the recipe is to say incendiary things, they can grow the acquisition offers most successful founders still get rich simply by being energetic and unscrupulous, but they get for free.
World War II to the frightening lies told by older siblings. That's one of the most general truths. As we walked in, we found they used it to get into that because a unless your last funding round.
But this seems an odd idea.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Shiro Kawai, Garry Tan, Chris Small, and Nikhil Nirmel for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
“look, i know we don’t know each other that well, but i’m still worried about you. no one deserves to be alone.” 
characters: hoshiumi kourai x fem! reader / slight miya atsumu
request status: OPEN / please send any reqs you guys have! my inbox is currently empty and im lacking in any kind of writing inspiration...like seriously lacking lmao. there could be a part two if any of you are interested in one. 
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you looked at your now ex boyfriend, trying to keep your tears at bay. the two of you were standing outside the bar, not knowing what you were planning on saying the man you loved as you saw him with a girl on his lap, laughing and giggling at whatever he was saying. 
“you could’ve just broken up with me, it would have saved me time and effort,” you told him with a stone cold face. you could tell Atsumu was in a straight panic, not knowing what to say or do, “honestly, I would have handled the break up a lot better than you would have assumed I would have.” 
Atsumu reached out to grab your hand but you quickly snatched it back, putting it behind your back, “no, you don’t get the right to hold any part of me anymore. whatever you were doing, do it with the girl you were just with,” you exclaimed, a laugh of bitterness leaving you, “but I don’t want that girl, I want you!” he yelled. 
you rolled your eyes, not believing a word he was saying, “no, you wanted a girl to fuck with on the side while I waited for you at home. you’re just angry you got caught, Miya, that’s all,” you stated. Atsumu felt stray tears falling down his face as you noticed a familiar face with snow white hair popping out of the front of the door. 
“as wrong as this is to say, I was always preparing myself for this. my grandmother always said to have a envelope of cash and money as runaway money in case I ever needed to get away...” you played with you finger nails before looking up to him for one final time, “I’ll be moved out in a few days. the apartment is under your name and I don’t mind getting a new place,” you added on. 
Atsumu saw you walking away, not believing that you were actually leaving him. he grabbed your ankle, practically putting on a scene for everyone who was hanging out in the front of the building, “Atsumu, this is embarrassing for you. quit it while you still have some dignity left, jesus christ,” you said not realizing the mantrum that he was throwing, “you really should’ve thought this all out before you decided to cheat. I always had one rule and you knew it. I could quickly replace you as fast as we got together and this was your one chance.”
you kicked yourself out of his grip, walking into the bar to have yourself a drink. you saw the girl who was on Atsumu’s lap not wanting to look you in the eye as she sat on her chair in shame, “enjoy him girlie because as you can tell, he’ll quickly replace you when he gets bored,” you tipped your glass of dark liquor to her in a ‘good luck’ type of way before finding an empty seat. 
that familiar snow white hair you saw earlier happened to be Hoshiumi who was walking towards you. you being the former Inarizaki manager made you know the names to the most popular players from each team they played so Hoshiumi was no stranger. 
“hey,” you heard his voice say over the music. you gave him a smile with a small wave, not wanting to say, “you okay? I accidentally overheard your situation with Atsumu earlier,” he asked, pulling the seat out from the other side of the table.
you shrugged knowing that all the raw emotions from the argument and what you just had saw hadn’t settled in yet, “I don’t know,” you said truthfully, “my boyfriend of three years was cheating on me and if I’m okay right now, I know I won’t be tomorrow,” you explained. 
Hoshiumi nodded understandingly, “do you mind if I sit with you for the rest of the night?” he asked quietly, in a sort of shy way, which was odd considering Hoshiumi was just as hyperactive as Hinata Shoyo from Karasuno way. “look, i know we don’t know each other that well, but i’m still worried about you. no one deserves to be alone.”  
you felt that pang in your heart as you saw the warmness on Hoshiumi’s smile. you tried to contain your tears as best as you could but Hoshiumi saw right through that. he tracked down the waitress and ordered the two of you another round of drinks, your choice of course as he tried to focus the conversation on anything that wasn’t Atsumu or your breakup. 
from that night forward, Hoshiumi was by your side for the entirety of your breakup. he was of help when you needed an extra hand to move all your things out of your shared apartment with Atsumu. 
it didn’t sit right with Atsumu at the fact that Hoshiumi was seemingly close to you all of a sudden. he had saw him that night at the bar but he didn’t think he would take advantage of the situation and so quickly. never once in the entirety of your relationship with Atsumu did you ever mention befriending Hoshiumi and so closely but seeing the way he was helping you move out and making sure you were okay threw him way the hell off. 
once you were finished taking your things out of the apartment, you looked to Atsumu and wiggled the set of keys that were on your keychain out. you gave him one last look before handing them to him, “so I take it that you won’t accept the job with the Jackals?” he asked. 
“I think you know that answer, Miya.” 
you walked out of the apartment, leaving a teary eyed Atsumu at the door as Hoshiumi waited for you at the front of the building. your place a few minutes farther from Atsumu’s place. it wasn’t as nice of a place in comparison to how you used to live but it would do until you found a job.
“what are you plans now?” Hoshiumi asked as he helped you unpack things from the box. you shrugged again, “I really don’t know. Atsumu had gotten me a job with the Jackals and those were plans for quite a while but considering that relationship is long gone, I guess I really have to start looking for a job before I go broke.” 
Hoshiumi laughed, feeling his phone buzz multiple times. he looked down to see a few texts from Ushijima and Kageyama. to your luck, the Adlers had also gotten a job opening for a few positions with a team. Hoshiumi had mentioned to the team that he knew someone that could possibly take the position of the old manager and they had been grilling him about it since. 
the pre-season was about to start and they needed an experienced manager and quick. considering your qualifications with Inarizaki and the degree you got in college, he knew you would do well on the job and all you would need is a bit of polishing up in order to be great if not even better than their former manager. 
“listen, I don’t know how willing you will be to accept what I’m about to say but Schweiden has an opening for a positions and one of them is to be the team’s manager and assistant. I might’ve pushed your name because I know you’ve done the managerial position before and we need a manager as soon as possible.” 
your eyes doubled down in confusion as Hoshiumi showed you the hiring paper. you quickly skimmed it down seeing that you had the qualifications for the job. you saw that it was a text from Kageyama Tobio that read if you had accept the position yet before their coach killed them. 
“wait, how long would I be there?” you asked, gripping his phone. you looked at you, now slightly confused himself, “what do you mean? you’d be there as long as you want or until you quit. the position is permanent.” you read the application again and smiled, “I just got this place but tell them I’ll be available for an interview at any time.” 
Hoshiumi tackled you into a hug, his hyperactive attitude running rampant again, “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! the team is gonna be so happy, I know it!” he exclaimed, quickly dialing his coaches number as you sat there, taking in your all new reality. 
after a run through of a few interviews, the Adler’s ultimately gave you the position as their manager and assistant. they found you the most suitable as you had experience under your belt and got along with most of the team. well...as best as you could considering Kageyama and Ushijima weren’t really the talkative type to begin with. 
the move to Tokyo was a bit easier than expected. Hoshiumi quickly helping you into your new apartment as he showed you around the Adler’s gym and even the town when he wasn’t busy. you had your own office since you were assisting the team’s coach with a few office related things but most of your duties were strictly to the team. 
with your new job came new team photo’s for the year as well as your organizations employee id photo. your uniform consisted of black leggings or athletic shorts if Tokyo was particularly hot that day and a Schweiden sweater/t-shirt on game day. on non-game days where you had to be in your office, the general uniform was business casual unless it was Friday’s where you could wear your game day uniform. 
the team photo day was around the corner and the Adler’s even had a few professional makeup artist for anyone who wanted to have their makeup done for the photos. Hoshiumi and to your surprise, Kageyama, landed in the makeup chairs right next to you as they both wanted to be concealed so their under eye bags weren’t as prominent. 
“you ready for the pics?” Hoshiumi asked with an excited smile. you nodded just as excitedly, “working in volleyball again feels so weird but I can’t wait for the season to start!” you exclaimed as Hoshiumi gave you a high-five in agreement. 
unbeknownst to you but known to the entire team, Hoshiumi had fell entirely head over heels for you. his heart eyes weren’t a secret to anyone besides you and if everyone was being honest, they really wanted Hoshiumi to get a move on with asking you out so he could stop coming to practice with a lovesick puppy look on his face. 
after all of you were called to the gym to take the photos, they had all the players and coaching staff take their photos first before any managers and front office staff had their turns. while you waited for your turn, you were talking with the other manager so was an ex player of the team and had recently retired due to permanent injury to his arm. 
“so how do you know Hoshiumi?” he asked as he saw the wave Hoshiumi was giving you. you smiled and waved back, “he was a friend of mine through high school and we just kept in contact since. Kourai and I are basically best friends if I’m being honest,” you explained. 
he gave you a look before giving out a belly laugh, “just best friends? you have to got to be kidding. there’s more to your relationship with Hoshiumi than just best friends,” he admitted. you were a bit taken back by his answer as you asked him to explain, “come on, it’s not obvious? the decoy is in love with you. he follows you everywhere and has heart eyes for you and I can sense the feeling either is mutual or it’s starting to be on your end.” 
you sat in silence, debating whether or not what he was saying was true. you had never taken into account romantic feelings Hoshiumi could have for you and vice versa. you knew deep down, you did harbor feelings for Hoshiumi but up until this point, you had never put it to the forefront of your brain. 
“managers! it’s your turns now!” the photographer said. you nodded, going up to the small set up they had. 
they had you do a bunch of different poses. one photo of just you smiling, another of you holding a volleyball, and a few with the other manager on the team. they had informed you that this year, they would be displaying team player photos along with head manager photos in the front of building, right outside of the gym to show appreciation to the entire team. 
after the photo’s were finished, your head was still playing the conversation you had earlier. the idea of dating Hoshiumi did not sound so bad in the long run and you knew that it now wouldn’t come off as a surprise if you did in fact show feelings to him. 
“Kou, what are you doing tonight?” you asked as he helped you with your bag after practice. he shook his head, saying nothing, “wanna come over? I wanna pig out on food before the season officially starts,” you giggled seeing his excited face as he grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you over to his car, exclaiming you both could get food and snacks. 
the night came down to you watching a few movies from both of your childhood and basically talking/snacking the night away. it eventually got to the point where you moved closer to Hoshiumi, trying to find warmth as your AC was on full blast and you both were too lazy to get the blankets you had underneath your couch to actually get warm. 
“hey Kou,” you said, trying to get his attention. he looked down to you, a warm smile on his face, “would you ever...be interested in dating? I heard a few members of the team saying that you liked me and for a while, I didn’t want to believe that but I figured there was no harm in asking because I totally feel the same,” you finally confessed.
Hoshiumi sat there, mouth wide in surprise as your heart basically fell your ass. your thoughts were immediately plagued with the idea that you had ruined your entire relationship with him but that was quickly put to rest as grabbed your closer and held your face as softly as ever before placing a kiss on both your cheeks before reaching your lips. 
“honestly, I was about to ask you out tonight too. I’ve been having these feelings for a while now and I’m glad you finally confessed. I’ve truthfully liked you since the night I saw you with Atsumu but I didn’t want to make it seem as though I was being pushy.” 
you laughed, pushing yourself away from him a bit as he dipped you down once again and kissed you again. you ran your fingers through his hair as he kissed your neck a bit and parts of your upper chest. 
“you’re the best. I literally thought the best day of my life was the day I got the job for the Adler’s but this beats it by far!” he exclaimed, hugging you now. you laughed, shaking your head at his excitement, “I could say the same,” you giggled as you kissed him again. 
a few weeks finally passed as the season was in full swing now. you were working a few days a week and going out on the days you had off with Kourai. the only dreadful part in all of this was that the Adler’s were playing Msby soon and you knew that you would in fact be seeing Atsumu during, before, and after the game. 
Hoshiumi could see the slight nervousness and panic on your face the day of the game against the Black Jackals. you weren’t as excited as you were usually were and you were responding to the team in snippets and very short sentences. the team could sense your shift in attitude but didn’t bother to question it. 
“hey, you okay?” Hoshiumi asked, pulling you to the side a few minutes before warm ups. you gave him a questioning look, “I can see you’re nervous and I’m pretty sure it’s probably because of Atsumu being here,” he assumed as you reluctantly agreed. 
he sighed, bringing you in for a hug, “you don’t have to work today. I can make up an excuse that you got sick and say you’re in your office watching the game,” he said. you shook your head, “no, it would be immature of me to miss a game because of that fucking idiot. I’ll be okay, I promise,” you whispered, giving him a kiss of reassurance before letting him go. 
a few feet behind, Atsumu had saw the entire interaction happen. his heart was admittedly broken, seeing the way you were kissing and hugging Hoshiumi. he hadn’t known that you were working with Scheweiden nor did he know that you were even dating Hoshiumi. 
when the team had walked into the gym, he had saw your photo in the hallway entering the gym. your smile was one he missed and he felt himself get angry all over again. it had been months since the breakup but you had yet to unblock him from any social media so all of this news at once broke him. 
the game was a lot more intense than they assumed it would have been. Hoshiumi and Atsumu playing to 100% and even getting into small scuffles. you had saw the interactions and knew it was probably because of you but were arguing when it came down to plays so it didn’t look as immature on the court. 
ultimately, Schweiden won the game, beating the Jackal’s by a landslide in their last set. you were smiling at Hoshiumi as the game ended, bringing him a water and giving him a kiss before handing off the waters to Ushijima and Kageyama next. you had ran out of the gym for a few seconds to refill waters for a few players when you ran into the last person you expect. 
“if you can excuse me Miya, I need to refill these,” you said, not even looking at him in the eye. he moved out of the way, seeing thew way you refilled the bottles as quickly as possible. once you were done, you were about to head back into the gym when he stopped you, “how are you?” he asked shyly. 
you sighed, “fine Miya,” you said curtly. Atsumu growled in annoyance, “are you together with-,” “with me!” you heard Hoshiumi’s voice scream through the hall. you smiled at the sight of him as he pushed you behind him and sizing up the much taller Atsumu. 
“this had nothing to do with you, Hoshiumi.”
“oh but it does! she’s my girlfriend, our manager, and a member of the team so whatever you need to say to her, you can say to me!” you laughed at Hoshiumi’s confidence as Atsumu looked at him, rage filling his eyes, “what? what’re you gonna do? hit me? you’d get suspended and look like a complete idiot to the entire V-league!” 
“do we have an issue?” Ushijima asked, looking at Atsumu and Hoshiumi as Sakusa followed him, “no issue at all,” Atsumu gritted as Hoshiumi wore a proud grin on his face.
“that’s great to hear. come on ( your name ). Hoshiumi you better be in the gym in the next minute.” 
“lets go Atsumu, you don’t win anything out of creating a scene,” Sakusa said as he grabbed his friend and tried dragging him out of the hallway. Hoshiumi waved at Atsumu as cockily as possible, “remember Atsumu! not only did we win the game but I also won your girl!” he screamed. 
Atsumu went to jump but was pulled back by Sakusa and Bokuto as you walked out of the gym again to grab Hoshiumi. he grabbed you by the wrist and kissed you in front everyone that was in the hallway. Atsumu could hear Bokuto telling him to calm down but he wanted nothing more than to run over to Hoshiumi and kick his ass before reclaiming you as his again. 
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
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It’s Just Blood
▸ Jeno x reader  ▸ 2k words ▸ Fluff, Smut  ▸ Period sex, protected sex, mentions of period blood, Jeno putting a tampon inside you, if you think that’s disgusting then click away, accidental overstimulation. ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WTF
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Jeno: Hey, you there?
You: Yes. On my way back to our apartment, need anything?
You don’t know why but when you received Jeno’s message, you were kind of excited for nothing. After that one time sex that happened last month, you can’t stop thinking about him and lowkey wishes that that one-time thing will happen again. Who in their right mind won’t wish about having sex with the Lee Jeno again? You just got really lucky because he’s your roommate and he was really horny at that time.
Jeno: I’m really stressed today :( and I need an adult stress release.
It must be your lucky day. You smiled while walking and fidgeting with your phone, hoping not to bump on someone as you type and delete over and over again, thinking of a good response for Jeno. Of course, you want it, but it’s your time of the month and you don’t want Jeno to be disgusted with your blood on his cock. That’s the last thing you want.
You: … I’m on my period. But, if you’re fine with that then I’m fine to have sex tonight.
It was a leap of faith, sending that message. You ready yourself to be rejected and the smile that’s on your face a few seconds ago was replaced by a frown. Being on your period can really really really make you horny and Lee Jeno just asked you to have sex with him. On your way to your apartment, you made a stopover at the nearby convenience store to buy your favorite comfort food and some drinks.
Jeno: Better. So I didn’t knock you up, the last time we had sex huh? Kidding. I’m still in class and will be home by 7 pm. If that’s fine with you? Buy us condoms on your way home?
The level of excitement while reading Jeno’s message made your whole body warm and excited. Reading the word ‘better’ sure did send tingles in your spine. Does it mean he’s into period sex? Because if yes, that’s very hot. You can’t contain your excitement and can’t stop smiling while you chose a condom and forgot to buy your food and drinks.
You: The condoms are covered ;)
Jeno: You’re the best! I’ll see you later ;)
As soon as you closed the door to your apartment, you covered your mouth and muffled your screams, and went straight to the bathroom to take a hot shower. You make sure you smell good and clean when Jeno arrives, wearing the nicest panties you have, and pray that your period won't flow too much when you and Jeno get on with it.
It’s not that you’re planning to sleep on the couch on purpose and let Jeno find you like that, but you were really tired today and the episode that you’ve been watching on Netflix was unbelievably boring. You decided to close your eyes for a minute and take a quick nap and just let Jeno wake you up when he arrives.
After your nap on the couch, Jeno is still not home and he hasn’t sent any messages. Did he forget? It’s Friday today, and usually, he’s out with his friends to celebrate the weekend. Maybe a couple of beers and good company has already removed his stress. You went to your room to continue your nap and think hard if you’re going to message Jeno. No, that’s your final decision. You closed your eyes again and feel the fluffiness of your pillow, tossed and turn from time to time because the thought of Jeno forgetting about you, bothers your mind. Then you heard keys jingling from the outside and your apartment door opens, it must be Jeno. You lay down in your bed comfortably and pretend that you didn’t hear anything and as expected, he knocked on your door and opened it to check if you’re still awake. “Sorry. My last class took longer than expected” he groans and flopped on your bed, the stress is evident on his face. He cuddled your waist like a child which made you smile, his hot breath brushing your skin. You reached for him and played with his black fluffy hair, it made him giggle and look up to you, sat up and came near you. Now, he’s cuddling you with his arm wrapped around you and his head is resting on your chest.
“You’re heavy,” you said, not complaining but rather loving the moment. It was a quiet moment and only the sound of your air conditioning surrounds the room. Until you feel Jeno’s big hands playing on your side, caressing your soft skin, and slowly removing your shirt. Then you felt his lips on top of your chest, kissing you softly with loud sounds all the way up to your neck, chin, and lips. His soft lips are so addicting that you never want him to stop kissing you, “I have to take care of something first, before we continue” you said, feeling shy because you’re talking about your tampon. But Jeno is still kissing your body, tugging your bra, and kneading your clothed boobs. He sighed, “Sorry, yes of course” he kissed you one last time on the lips before he could let you go.
Quickly, you went to your bathroom, removed your tampon, and cleaned yourself. When you got back, Jeno is shirtless and only wearing his boxers briefs, lying comfortably on your bed. You crawled back to him and sat on top of him, putting your legs on both of his sides and removed your bra in front of his eyes. He did not waste any second and pulled you closer to him so he could kiss you again. His hands roam around your body, tugging your panties as he pleases and easily switched positions with you. He removed his underwear with one swift move and sucked your nipples as he removes yours. Without hesitation, he inserts a finger and looked at your reaction. The way you part your lips when his finger went inside made him want you more, so he inserts another finger, not caring if it’s coated with period blood and your pussy juices. He thinks it’s hot.
“Condom?” he asked and bit your nipple. Wow, he is really horny.
“Tableside- Jeno? If it disgusts you, I want you to stop okay?”
“What are you talking about” you watch him put on a condom and you must admit, you became excited seeing his cock again after so long. He kissed you again and again and again until you calm down and understand that your period blood does not freak him out. “Put your arms around me” he requests then kneeled in between your opened legs. Just before he goes in, blood started to flow again and it’s making you shy at how Jeno watches your pussy with lustful eyes. He ran a finger up your slit making you grab onto him tightly and moan quietly, “There's our lube” he smirked and lined his cock. You close your eyes and furrow your brows as you feel Jeno’s thick cock go inside you. “Wow, that was smooth” he pulled out leaving just the tip inside and thrust in again a little harder this time that made you boobs bounce. You smiled because you loved the feeling of him being rough on the first thrust, “want it rough?” he asked, “Say yes, I want it rough too” he went closer to your face and gave you a few piercing thrust while he waits for your answer. You tried answering him but all you can do is groan and gasp for air, so you gave him a nod. He holds on tightly to your legs and pushed them further, making you more sensitive and horny. You hear sounds of skin slapping, Jeno’s deep groans near your ear, and your own moans.
“Why would you think I’d be disgusted with your period blood” it was not a question, but you answer him in your head. Of course, you don’t want him to remember you all bloody in bed.
He put his thumb on your clit, making you really sensitive. You tried pushing him away, not because you don’t like it but it felt good that you’re nearing your high and you’re feeling tingles on your clit. Too much. You wanted to tell him but you love what he’s doing. When he felt you clench, he slowed down and gave you deep thrusts. He whispers sweet nothings and dirty things that send tingles on your spine and goes straight to your pussy. “Have you been thinking of me? And the first time we had sex?” he asked.
“Yes” you moan out feeling overstimulated already but Jeno was unaware of it. All he thinks about is that you’ve been thinking about him and it makes him happy, and that you feel so good around him and how he can thrust inside you smoothly. He continues to draw circles on your clit, rolls his hips oh so slowly, kissed you, and gave you a few thrust until he finally came really hard that he hugged you so tight and kept his cock deep inside you.
“Jen- Im really overstimulated right now. I feel like peeing- please your thumb and co-“ you pant, trying to ease the overstimulation by pushing him away and closing your legs.
“Oh sorry” He quickly removed his thumb from your clit and cock inside you, to remove the condom. You hear him catch his breath beside you as you two stare at the ceiling and breath deeply together. “Sorry” he turned to you when he finally came down from his high. His skin is hot, and his warmth is addicting just like his lips. “Can I clean you up?” he knew he needed permission to clean you up because he can feel that you’re being shy around him, but you kept quiet and smiled weakly. “I’ll take that as a yes”
The moment Jeno went to the bathroom, you looked at the mess on your thighs and your bedsheets. Bloodstains everywhere, your legs, inner thighs, and lower abdomen have period blood. “fuck” you murmur, feeling shy again but you can’t move your legs and your clit is still sensitive. When you closed your eyes, you accidentally drifted and went to sleep again. Leaving Jeno happily cleaning you up and taking care of you. He cleaned himself, cleaned every bloodstain he sees on your skin, changed you with some comfortable and clean clothes, and even watched a video tutorial on youtube, ‘how to put in a tampon’. It was a challenge for him, but he didn’t see it as a burden it was the right thing to do after all.
On the next day, you woke up on Jeno’s bed. Finding the handsome man on the floor. You felt clean and comfortable down there which you leave you too having an idea that Jeno put in a tampon for you. You felt shy again and roll out of bed to lay beside Jeno on the floor. The moment you’re comfortable beside him, he swings his arms around you and smiled with his eyes still closed.
“Sleep well?” he asked, you hummed in response and hugged tightly.
“Thank you for cleaning me up. How did you-“
“Oh sorry. I really feel bad right now for making you do things like that”
“Sssh. You’re ruining the moment and besides, I have no regrets. I learned something new” he giggled and kissed your forehead. You noticed that his actions are becoming bold and something that’s not normal between friends just fucking around. You have so many questions, so many why’s, but you don’t want this sweet moment to turn into something so awkward.
And then,
“Can I ask you out? You’re not seeing anyone at the moment, right? Because if yes, I would have to steal you from whoever it is you’re seeing” there’s the answer to all your questions. “I’m sorry if the sex happened first. It’s just… our first time made me uhm… fall for you, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that night. And then, I started feeling things towards you whenever you greet me and talk to me you know-“
“You talk too much Lee Jeno” you attacked him with hungry kisses. Telling him that his confession made you happy through wet and breathtaking kissing.
And that morning, you and Jeno had sex on the floor and made a mess again.
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Period sex is the best for me. Idk abt u. 
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youngbloodlisk · 4 years
Two Dresses // Ten
- Ten in a maid outfit
- female reader, also in a dress (hence the name)
- dom/sub themes
- a bit of sub ten but more dom ten
- oral, male rec
- mirror sex
- some hair pulling
- pull-out method (be smarter than a fanfiction and practice safe sex plz)
- some aftercare
@kxnkxmoon 😚
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"Hey... is it too late to maybe... change our group costume plan?"
"Nooooo..." Sarcasm laces my roommate's voice "No, Halloween is just two days away and all of us have our costumes already except who? You."
"I'm sorry! It's surprisingly hard to find a maid costume. With maid costumes being trendy all of a sudden, they're sold out everywhere."
"Check a resale sight. Surely someone is trying to get rid of one... Oh, and filter by local pickup! You don't have time for shipping anymore."
After a few hours of on-and-off searching through different sites, it's a page reload around 5pm that I finally find a listing.
Posted one hour ago, cheap, pickup in my area... but horrible photos. Bad angles, bad lighting, you can barely tell what the damn thing is. No description either. If the title didn't say "Maid Costume with Garters and Collar (Good Condition)", I wouldn't know that it was exactly what I was looking for.
But, that being said... it is exactly what I'm looking for... and it's here and available.
I message the seller to ease my nerves about the product before buying it.
"hey, do you have any other photos of the maid outfit?"
It's around thirty minutes later before I get a response from Mr. 1_0LeeCha.
"i can take some but i won't be home until tomorrow. work until late and im staying at a friend's house tonight to help him with something. i have a few from when i wore it at a work Halloween party last year that i can send in the meantime?"
"that would be awesome, thanks"
"sure one sec"
I wait a few minutes as the three typing dots remain on the screen, telling me that he's scrolling through his photos to send one.
My phone vibrates and I look back at my screen to see... something I did not expect to see.
A slender, fit body in a loose maid dress. The boy is on his knees in front of a mirror with his legs spread apart. The dress is pulled up to fully reveal the black lace garters on his thighs. The hand that isn't holding a phone is holding his dick through the fabric of the dress skirt. His face isn't visible in the photo, but his neck is stretched to the left to show off the black choker.
"OH NO no no no no no i'm so sorry i did not mean to send that one"
"lol it's okay, mistakes happen. to be fair it's still a pretty good photo of the dress. btw is that a wayv album behind you?? signed?? my roommate is a fan lol how did you get that?"
"it's a long story. im kinda close with Ten."
"my roommate says that's cool lol"
"haha yeah i guess. do you want the costume or do you still need more pics of it?"
"are the other pics gonna look like that one?"
"no!! fuck no i swear i wouldn't do that to you on purpose lol. btw i deep cleaned it after i took those photos dw"
"lol no worries i was just playing. i'll take it. pickup and pay in cash tomorrow?"
He agrees and sends me the address, telling me that any time works for him as it's his day off.
I get off work around 5pm the next day and set off straight from the diner towards his address, having no need to go home first.
It's a chilly, but thankfully short, walk in my classic blue waitress uniform.
I check the address about five times before I knock on the door, to make sure I don't show up at the wrong person's door asking for a maid costume...
That would be less than ideal.
I hear someone say, "No, no! I've got it! It's for me!" behind the door before it swings open.
"Hi! Maid costume?" The slender boy, with a body I recognize a bit too well now, cocks an eyebrow.
"That's me."
"You must be freezing out here. Come on in, it's up in my room. You can just follow me."
I nod and comply, following him inside. He closes the door and leads me down the hall to the correct room.
I recognize the dresser and window from the photo, as well as the angle of the mirror leaning against the wall by his door.
He notices the way I lightly chuckle upon recognizing the scene.
"Uh- yeah..." He laughs nervously, picking up the bag with the costume in it. "That's... embarrassing..."
"Why were you taking them anyway? Personal enjoyment?"
"Uh... long story... Listen, I'm really sorry about that-"
"I'm not."
His breath hitches and he hesitates to respond, seemingly wondering if I really just said what he thinks he heard.
"I'm not sorry you sent it. It was pretty... and pretty hot." I take the bag out of his hand.
"Oh, really?" His head cocks to the side, his confidence returning.
Suddenly, it feels as if you could cut the sexual tension with a knife.
"Really. I wouldn't have minded if you HAD sent more, in fact."
"Oh? You liked it? You liked seeing me in that costume?" He boldly locks his hands behind my neck.
"I did..." I take the dress out of the bag, dropping the bag to the floor. I straighten the dress and hold it up to his body. "Do you wanna wear it one last time before saying goodbye to it? For me?"
He leans in, only an inch away from my face.
"You're still gonna buy it when we're done with whatever we're about to do, right?"
"Does it really matter?" I meet his lips for a moment.
When I pull away, he takes the dress out of my hands. He reaches down to pick up the bag which still holds the garters and choker, presses a finger to his lips playfully, and disappears into the connected bathroom.
I look around the room while I wait.
This guy has a lot more WayV albums, as well as NCT albums, all of which I recognize from my roommate's shelf.
He has a lot of books that look worn. No telling if he reads a lot or if he just bought them used...
I spot a framed photo on one of the dressers. It looks to be him and his friends (all male) in princess/similar costumes. All of them are smiling or making a funny face.
The guy I recognize looks to be in an Alice in Wonderland costume, which makes me wonder where that costume could be.
The bathroom door opens, calling my attention and making me turn around.
There he is, in that maid dress, leaning against the doorframe. He tosses the clothes he was previously wearing into the corner of the room.
I can't help but notice the orange and gray striped underwear in the pile of clothes.
"You look even prettier in person, especially now that I can see your face. I didn't expect a boy so pretty."
"Well I didn't expect you to be so pretty either... much less wearing a 50's diner waitress outfit. That's for work, right? Or did you get all dressed up to come see me?" He playfully saunters over to me and places his hands behind my neck again, in the same way they were before he changed clothes.
"Cute. And what do you do for a living?"
"Long story." He begins to close the gap between us again.
"You seem to be full of those."
"Maybe I'll explain them all next time."
"Are you implying you already want there to be a next time? We haven't even done anything yet, tiger. Are you really that needy?"
"Are you gonna keep running your mouth or are you gonna kiss me?"
Instead of responding either way, I grab his waist and turn us both around. I push him gently, but hard enough to make him fall back onto his bed.
I quickly crawl on top of him, hungrily attaching my lips to his and straddling him.
His hands run up my thighs and under my dress, resting on my hips.
Things escalate quickly as he presses his hips up, the maid skirt falling to expose his hardening cock, and he grinds against my underwear.
"So desperate, aren't you?" I quickly comment before returning to his lips.
He hums as an agreeing response.
I grind down onto him to create more friction which causes him to moan into my mouth.
I move from his lips to his jaw and slowly down his neck to his collarbone, all while still grinding roughly against his hard dick.
Soft moans leave the boy and his breathing gets progressively faster.
His shaking hand starts tugging my underwear down, and I stop and sit up to take them off for him.
Once the blue underwear are tossed into the corner with his clothes, I resume my previous action of grinding into him. This time, however, his cock is running through my folds, making me moan.
"Oh, it feels so... so good..." He chokes out, breathlessly, grabbing onto the sheets with both hands. "Please..."
He begins to rapidly buck his hips up, matching my grinding perfectly, until his body begins to shudder and his movements become jerky.
"I'm c-cl- I'm gonna-"
"Cum for me, sweetheart." I brush his hair out of his eyes, which gloss over as a sticky substance covers our respective dresses.
He catches his breath for a moment, but his energy returns fairly quickly. Good stamina, I assume.
I slow my movement on him, but continue to seek the friction his shaft was giving me, until he firmly grasps my hips and holds me still.
I can usually keep my cool, but this action definitely shocks me... especially when I look into his dark eyes.
"And w-what do you think you're doing?"
"I sub for my own benefit, not yours."
"That's actually not very subby of you."
"Your voice is shaking. That's actually not very dominant of you... but it makes sense. Did you think telling me to put on a maid costume meant you were gonna take full control?" He scoffs, swiftly flipping us over and pinning me under him. His bare knee slides between my thighs, pushing against my wet pussy, and he holds my wrists against the mattress on either side of my head. He leans down, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispers... "You're dreaming, honey."
His knee slowly rubs against me and I can feel the garter which is falling down his leg.
The lace brushes my clit as he moves, sending a shiver down my back.
He doesn't let me enjoy it for very long, however.
He gets off of me and stands up, telling me to get up as well.
I stand slightly confused, and extremely sexually frustrated, next to the bed as I watch him pull his white desk into the center of the room.
He pulls off the falling garter, and starts to take off the other one until I quickly tell him to stop.
I bend down on my knees in front of him and carefully take the lace between my teeth.
Looking up at him, he's practically drooling watching me slowly drag the garter down his leg with my teeth.
Once it reaches his ankle, I let go and he kicks it off to the side.
Before he can even speak, I lift up his dress and wrap my lips around his tip. His knees buckle for a moment at the sudden sensation.
He leans back, grabbing onto the edge of the desk behind him for support.
I take as much of him in my mouth as I can, almost on the verge of gagging, and try to handle the last part with my hand.
I can tell he's trying to resist the urge to grab me and fuck my mouth, so I try to make it worth it with the way I suck and lick and stroke him.
When I look up at him with innocent eyes, he shudders and pulls me off of him, also pulling me to my feet in the process.
"If you keep that up, I'll cum again... and I'm not cumming again unless it's because of your wet little pussy. So, bend over the desk."
As I follow his instruction, I realize what he did.
He placed the desk in front of the mirror. The same mirror from the photo which started all of this.
He positions himself behind me, flipping my skirt up and running a slender finger over my pussy.
"So wet..." He sticks that finger in his mouth and licks it clean. "And so delicious too."
He runs his finger through my folds a few more times and sucks them clean as he lines up and pushes into me.
The stretch burns in the best way possible.
I grip the edge of the table as he starts to rock his hips.
My back arches and my eyes shut tightly, but he tells to look in the mirror.
The way the mirror is angled, I'm able to see under the table and watch him fuck me. I watch him disappear inside of me and come back out, which only makes me realize more just how big he is and how deep he's reaching.
He places one hand on my hip and the other on my shoulder before he picks up his pace and starts to fuck me harder and faster.
I can't hold back my moans, feeling him so deep and watching it all happen in that mirror.
I notice his cocky smile.
He removes his hand from my shoulder and reaches down to rub my clit, causing my legs to start shaking. My orgasm starts to approach.
"Look at you..." He smirks at me, locking eyes with me in the mirror. "So pretty and getting ruined by a boy in a maid dress. I'm sure you expected this to go differently, didn't you?"
I let out a loud guttural moan and avert my eyes to the desk right under me, my head facing down.
"Baby, I can feel you clenching. Are you getting close?"
I shakily nod my head and feel his hand leave my clit for a moment as he takes a hold of hair at the root and pulls my head up to look at the mirror again.
"Watch it. Watch yourself cum all over my pretty cock."
He lets go of my hair, clearly expecting me to remain looking in the mirror, and he starts playing with my clit again.
My toes curl and I have a hard time keeping my head up as my orgasm finally rushes through my body. I clench around his dick and he helps me ride out my high before pulling out and jerking himself until he cums on the back of my uniform.
I feel almost limp as I lay across the table. My eyes are heavy, so I simply close them. I can't see anything that happens, but I can hear and feel that he goes to the bathroom and brings back a towel to wipe the cum off my clothes.
"Can you stand?" He asks gently.
I can, and better with someone to lean on, but my legs are a little shaky.
He uses the dampened part of the towel he got to wipe at the cum on the front of my clothes, before carefully having me sit on the edge of the bed.
He helps me pull the dress off of my sweaty body, tossing it to the pile of clothes.
"Wait here." He instructs, going into his closet.
He comes back with some comfortable looking sweats and hands them to me to wear.
I slowly dress myself and watch as he quickly changes his own clothes and then takes all the soiled clothes in his arms and leaves the room.
When he returns, the clothes in his hands have been replaced with a few bottles of water.
"Here, hydrate." He smiles, handing me one of the bottles. "I tossed the clothes in the wash. I hope you can stay for a bit, but if you can't then I can come bring you your clothes once they're dry-"
I don't miss the shining glint in his eye when I cut him off with:
"No, it's okay. I can stay for a while."
We both chug a couple bottles of water each before cuddling up in his bed to talk... which quickly turns into napping.
I wake up to a darker window than when I fell asleep, and I carefully pull myself away from the man to check the clock on the nightstand.
I've been here for almost four hours, and asleep for almost three of them.
Quickly, a lot of thoughts come to mind.
One of us needs to put our clothes in the dryer.
I need to go home, I can't stay the night here.
Should I wake him?
As I watch his sleeping face, calmly breathing and mouth slightly open, I can't help but smile at how adorable he looks.
Before we cuddled up together, I placed my phone on the nightstand. I slowly and quietly pick it up, opening the camera and snapping a little photo of him.
I'll ask him when he wakes up if it's okay for me to keep it.
I brush a tuft of hair out of his face, which makes me remember when I did that same thing a few hours ago.
I feel my face heat up as I think back to what we did...
Around a half hour later, he's rudely woken up by his phone ringing.
Sleepily, he answers the call from a phone contact named "YangX2".
"What do you want?... Well, now I am... I don't know, uh-" He turns to me. "Are you planning to stay over?"
I shake my head, trying to be as polite as I can.
"She isn't... Yeah, I know... Obviously... Oh, thanks dude... Hey, that's mine!... I don't care that you found it, it was in my pants... Fine, if you've already spent it then-... Whatever... Yeah, thanks... Bye."
He hangs up and looks at me again.
"Good news and bad news. Good news, YangYang put the clothes in the dryer for us when the washing finished, so they're dry now. Bad news, he found money in my pants and bought him and Xiaojun some snacks at the convenience store."
I laugh with him about his stolen cash, which evolves into an awkward silence.
"Well, um... I should get going. My roommate hates being alone in our apartment at night."
"Oh! Yeah, yeah, sure. I'll go get all your clothes for you." He gets up out of the bed and rubs his eyes as he leaves the room.
I make sure I have my phone and my bag, as well as everything that's supposed to be in the bag, while I wait.
Far too soon, he's hugging me goodbye next to the taxi he called for me.
My load is lighter by a couple monetary bills and heavier by a (clean) maid costume.
"Oh! I almost forgot..." I take out my phone and pull up the photo I took of him sleeping. "You just looked so peaceful and cute... is that okay?"
A smile lights up his face, as if somebody taking a photo of him asleep is the cutest thing anyone's ever done in his eyes.
"Yeah, absolutely."
"Good. I'll... I'll see you around..." I trail off, realizing he never even told me his name.
"Yeah, I'll see you around..." He also trails off, probably realizing that I never gave him my name either.
We share a look, however.
A look that says that some things are better left a mystery.
I get in the cab and close the door, giving the driver the address of an apartment building just a couple blocks from where I actually live.
The moment I open the door to my apartment, I'm attacked.
"Where did you go? What happened? Are you okay? I thought you just had work until 5 and then picking up the costume. So, why didn't you get home until 10pm?!"
I explain everything.
Well, not everything of course... but the general things.
"Oh my goodness... was he cute? You said he stans NCT, of course he's cute. Do you have a photo of him?"
"Yeah, actually..." I pull up the adorable sleeping boy on my phone and show her.
Her eyes about pop out.
"That's Ten! That's a member of WayV!"
"Wait- what?"
I suddenly remember what he said when I asked about the signed album in the photo.
"Kinda close with Ten" my ass...
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dramaqueeenamby · 3 years
Waves: Quarantine
A/N: It's been way too long since I've done something for the Wavesverse, and I apologize deeply. I have a few requests related to this series to complete, but I couldn't knock this idea.
Words: 4K
Warnings: None
Tags: @babe-im-bi @notacamelthatsmywife @missyperle @queenoftheworldisdead @tashawar @valkryienymph @letsshamelessqueen-m @hello-therree @mani-lifes @liquorlaughslove @toni9 @koko-michelle @theequeenofcurses @taylortheeshowpony
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Summer placed her phone inside of the mount and made sure that it was secured before she sat back in her bed, getting comfortable with the mass of pillows supporting her back, and smiling tentatively. “Hi, guys.”
Someone tell me this isn’t a joke???? Please???
She lives!
Sis, blink twice if you need help.
Summer rolled her eyes. “Ya’ll better stop. I know it’s been a minute since I’ve hopped on live, but it hasn’t been that damn long.”
Summer continued to read the comments where more than a few people pointed out she hadn’t gone live on Instagram in over three months. Her mouth dropped. “Ya’ll lying. It has not been almost six months, has it?” She placed her hand over her mouth when people started dropping dates in the comments. “Okay, I stand corrected. Damn, I’m sorry, guys.”
Don’t be sorry, bestie. Do better!
Damn, ya’ll are so entitled. Celebrities have lives too.
What life? We all been in quarantine.
Rich people quarantine be different from us poor folks, I guess.
“So that’s actually one of the things I wanted to talk about.” Summer cleared her throat. “And I’m going to try really hard to make sure I word what I want to say as clear and as effective as I can, but I know this is still going to end up as a salacious headline. So, it is what it is.”
Oooh, Summer about to drop some tea.
I don’t see her wedding ring, ya’ll…..
I’m scared omg.
Watch this be nothing but a role announcement.
She shrugged and took a deep breath. “Okay, so a few days ago, I did the Buss It challenge, after being harassed by Sanda. And can I just say that filming was a challenge in and of itself? Not necessarily the movements but preparing? I’ve got two kids, twins, who are like the Tasmanian devil. I was literally up at 3 something in the morning trying to record it because my wild children won’t let me be great.” She chuckled. “Kids are something else.”
Summer truly jumped through hoops and was a damn near acrobat trying to figure out when she could not only get herself done up but actually record the challenge. Being the perfectionist that she was didn’t help, but the fact that she couldn’t recall the last time she’d put on makeup and dressed up was a whole other fiasco.
Quarantine definitely brought out her bum side.
“All of that aside, I truly was satisfied and happy with the final product when I posted it. In hindsight, I should have just left it that, but I wake up every day and choose chaos, so I decided to read the comments.” She blew out a breath. “One of the most frequent comments and really, insults, I’ve received my whole career. Primarily, since I was cast as Storm, revolves around how I look. I.e., my weight. I’ve been called fat, obese, out of shape, and so many other things.”
It was 100% true. The minute Marvel announced that she’d been chosen to play Storm, the racists came all out of the woodworks. She was too short, too chubby, too dark, too black. And Summer didn’t care, not a bit.
“Even,—and I’ll tell you guys this, when I first started my SS training, that’s what I call it, SS for Storm Shape, there was a—person who worked for Marvel at the time who came to visit me while I was training.” She smiled thinking back on that day. She could still recall it so clearly. “He basically was pissed because to him, I still looked the same, fat and out of shape.” She adjusted her top and shifted in her bed. “That same day, I deadlifted and bench-pressed over 200lbs” She paused for effect. “What I need for people to stop doing is stop fucking projecting—and I’m going to cuss in this, so if you don’t like it, oh well. I work for Disney, but I’m a grown ass woman, and I’m going to say what I want.”
I am screaming. Summer said we getting alll the tea today!
So, it’s wrong to point out that someone is physically unhealthy now, cool?
The problem is that no one wants to see a fat superhero. It’s not realistic.
^^^^ Tell me you have a small dick without actually telling me you have a small dick.
“I saw Lizzo, whom I adore, post a Tik Tok where she basically said that she workouts to have the body she wants not what ya’ll want, and honestly? Same. She said that her body type is no one’s fucking business, and that’s so true. Ya’ll love to hop on this internet and pick apart people you don’t even know and criticize bodies you don’t even have to live in and move around with. And for what?” She shook her head, slamming her fist into her open palm as she spoke. She was fully invested now. “I know we in quarantine, but damn, pick another hobby cause being a bully is not it, sweetie.”
I really needed to hear this today.
Using Lizzo as a point of reference makes everything you’re saying null and void. Lizzo is clearly overweight and at risk for diabetes, heart disease, just to name a few…..
I been saying this! You can’t look at a person and say they’re unhealthy.
Bodies come in so many forms, and all are beautiful.
“Now, I bring all this up because a lot of people were commenting on my Buss It challenge and pointing out the fact that I’ve gained weight, and guess fucking what? I have, and you know what else?” She leaned over to whisper while covering her mouth with her hands for focused effect. “I don’t care.”
Summer laughed and shook her head. “As others have pointed out as well, yes, we have a gym in our house. I 1000% acknowledge the fact that having the resources that I do as a celebrity and someone who has money puts me in a different category. Hell, my husband has a whole fitness app. I recognize that. If I wanted to keep up with my workouts, emphasis on wanted, I could have. I own up to that, but I just didn’t feel like it, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is to send and leave mean messages calling me all kinds of names.”
Summer had thick skin. She always had. Growing up with her family, who always ensured to feed her self esteem and make sure she knew that she was beautiful, definitely paid off. It was just a combination of quarantine and not having a lot of opportunities to keep herself busy with work that had her feeling some type of way.
“And that’s something else I wanted to bring up.” She blew out another breath and tried to gather her emotions. This was the subject she was almost certain she’d grow teary eyed discussing. “I love my husband to death. My children are everything. Christopher’s family is like my own, but— I haven’t seen my family, like my mom, grandma, brothers, etc in almost a year.” She paused, dwelling on that. Almost an entire year since she’d been able to physically hug and interact with the people who made her who she was. “And I’ve always made it clear how much I fucking love my family. I live in Australia. I can’t do a drive by with grandma so I and my kids can at least see her on the doorstep.” She quieted again, eyes darting off as she quietly cursed. “I’m trying really hard not to cry right now.”
Please don’t cry, bestie.
This is the side of quarantine that people don’t talk about enough.
Has this woman never heard of FaceTime????
I feel her pain. I live in Europe, and my family is in the states. This quarantine has been brutal.
My grandma died from COVID, and I couldn’t even go to the funeral. Summer is bringing up a good point.
“Damn,” Summer chuckled bitterly and wiped at the tears that fell. “I’m okay, I promise. I just bring this up because quarantine has also been very hard for me in that aspect. At certain points, I’ve been down, I’ve been in my head a lot, and I just was not, for the most part, in a space where I felt like I had to keep up my fitness regimen. And that’s okay. I put my mental wellbeing ahead of making sure my body is socially acceptable. Sue me.”
I really appreciate her honesty.
Summer never goes beyond surface level in interviews, so seeing her this vulnerable is really surprising.
Are we supposed to feel bad for her? She’s rich. She can afford whatever help she needed.
These comments are not passing the vibe check.
Ya’ll are all mental health advocates, but when a black woman is opening up about her struggle, it’s discarded?
“And let me make this clear too, I have an amazing husband who is so patient and so kind. He’s one of the best people I can go to when my anxiety hits, so I don’t want this to come across as me complaining that I’ve been alone. I have him and our children. I just miss the rest of my family. That’s all.” She dried her eyes and started to read the comments, unsurprised by the mixed reaction. She expected as such and was unaffected. At least until she saw one comment.
@ChrisEvans: ❤️❤️❤️
“Evans!” Summer wasn’t expecting to see his name pop up. It’d been such a task convincing him to join IG, let alone teaching him how to operate it. “Let’s go live.”
Not my husband and wife in my head about to go live!!!!
Imagine being able to call Chris Evans your best friend
I still say they smashed idc
It’s Christopher Jamal Evans hopping on this live for me.
^^^ I’m so sick of y’all with that shit.
“Let me try to add him,” Summer spoke to herself, scrolling through the comments to find his so she could request him. “Alright, I requested him. Let’s see if he answers.”
She wondered if she should have sent him a text asking if he was available when he appeared on her screen, effectively splitting it with her on the top and him on the bottom.
Summer smiled and greeted, “Hi, best friend.”
He chuckled. “How you doing, Summer?”
“Clearly not as good as the people watching,” she chimed. Summer saw nothing but heart eyes and hearts in the comments. “These people really love you. You truly are a manipulative bastard. He’s an asshole, guys.”
“Don’t be jealous, Summer. It’s so unbecoming of you.”
“You can go to hell.”
“Language,” he playfully reprimanded. “Where are the kids?”
“At preschool. Things are finally starting to open back up over here. Thank God.” She clasped her hands together. “Y’all, please wear masks. Don’t be Karen’s.”
Chris laughed, grabbing his chest. “We’re getting there, Summer.”
“The lies you tell,” she countered. “Don’t A Starting Point, me. Ya’ll are far from getting there, and I’m tired of it. I wanna see my family.”
He sighed. “I know, but how are you feeling today?”
“I got rid of the kids, so that’s definitely a weight lifted,” she answered honestly, laughing when she saw judgmental comments in the chat. “Listen, if you’re a parent, you know where I’m coming from. You love your kids, but my god, sometimes you just need some space.”
“As soon as this all blows over, I told you to send em’ by me for a couple of weeks.”
“Best friend, I already purchased their tickets.” He laughed. “As soon as I get the green light, they are all yours. Feel free to keep them.”
“You guys see how she is?” He pointed to Summer, leaning and squinting to read what was being said. “I do love kids, especially the twins, they’re amazing.”
“He is really really great with them, guys,” Summer added. “One thing about Evans, he’s patient as hell and really, just a big kid. Why do you think him and Christopher get along so well? 40 going on 4.”
“I resent that.”
“Is it a lie though?”
He hesitated. “No.” They both laughed.
I’m loving the dynamic between these two so much.
Is it just me or are they flirting with each other…..
Ain’t nothing inappropriate about this conversation. Ya’ll are reaching…
Ya’ll remember that blind item that came out years ago alleging Chris (Evans) was the biological father of the twins? Hmm…..
^^^^^This kind of bullshit is the reason we’re in a global pandemic.
As always, Summer and Evans ignored any foolery that was being dropped in the comments when she caught a comment that didn’t contain some ridiculous rumor.
“Yes, it is true that Evans and Christopher weren’t allowed to do press together anymore. Ya’ll, they literally could not stay serious for more than a minute. I felt so bad for the poor interviewers.”
“Hey, we were not that bad,” Evans protested, his Boston accent more prominent.
She gasped. “You guys were terrible, Evans, and you know it. I was so mad when they put me with ya’ll those few times. I could barely hear the interviewers over your laughing and stupid commentary that literally no one asked for.”
“We did not.”
“There’s deadass video proof, Evans.”
“Fake news.”
She opened her mouth but caught herself. “I was about to say something.”
He laughed and asked, “Do you remember how we all got drunk before the Infinity War premiere?”
“No, ya’ll got drunk. I was big and pregnant, remember?”
“No,” he dismissed. “You were drinking with us.”
“Evans, how was I drinking when I was pregnant?” She challenged and reminded. “I got drunk with ya’ll for the Endgame premiere, not Infinity War.”
“That’s right,” he remembered and chuckled. “You think we’ll get in trouble for saying this?”
She shrugged with one shoulder. “You’re dead, Christopher never gets in trouble for anything, and I do what I want. I think we’re good.”
Kevin Feige watching this live right now like 🥴🥴🥴🥴
I never realized how arrogant she is……
LMAO. Not the whole cast showing up drunk to the biggest premiere of their lives.
Chris Evans is too damn fine to be approaching 40 and still single.
Their friendship is so goals omg
@ChrisHemsworth: Snitches
Summer’s jaw dropped as she caught the last comment, swiping up to click the name and make sure that she was reading correctly. “Christopher, what the hell are you doing on my live?”
Evans brows furrowed. “Hemmy is here? Shouldn’t he be working?”
“That’s what I want to know,” Summer supplied. “And how long have you been watching?”
@ChrisHemsworth: Long enough.
She smiled nervously and looked off to the side. “I feel weird now. I don’t like when he watches my lives.”
“Aren’t you guys married?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be shutting the fuck up?”
Evans lifted his hands in a defensive manner. “Touchy subject, I see.” They shared another laugh as he cleared his throat. “Why don’t you add him now? I’m supposed to be helping Scott cook.”
“My favorite Evans,” she gushed and furrowed her brows. “You, cooking? Since when?”
“Get out of here.” He waved her off and reminded. “I’m not the one who constantly causes near fires when in the kitchen.”
“So, you really just putting all my business out there like that?”
“Summer, it’s not secret to anyone that you can’t cook for shit.”
“Wow, it really be your own best friends.”
He chuckled. “Love you, kid.”
“Love you too, punk,” she blew a kiss. “I’ll text ya’ later.”
“Alright.” He smiled for the camera. “Thanks for having me everyone.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she said jokingly. Evans and Summer said goodbye one last time before he left the live. She blew out a breath and ran her hand through her hair. “Baby, comment something so I can add you. It’s too many comments to wade through.”
Summer adjusted her phone and checked the time on the clock on the wall. It’d been a while since the kids were away at school, and she didn’t want to get so caught up that she was late picking them up.
@ChrisHemsworth: I can’t. I’m too drunk.
Summer released a mixture of a laugh and a snort reading his comment. “You are so damn petty.” She clicked his name and adjusted her outfit while waiting for him to answer. She almost cursed when it seemed like he wasn’t going to join, only for her to smile when his face appeared on her screen.
“Hi,” she greeted in a soft voice with a small smile.
“Hello, Sandcastle.”
“Did you just—I swear to god, it’s always something with you.” Summer rubbed her temples and shook her head. Christopher smiled in response. “Why aren’t you working?”
“I am.”
“You are?”
“If you’re working, how are you talking to me?” She asked, sassily.
“Umm, a little thing called multitasking, ever heard of it?”
“Wow. You are an asshole.”
“That’s mean.”
“You’re mean.”
“Christopher, you are literally a child.”
“Does a child have muscles like this?” He flexed, and Summer stilled. Christopher stayed in ridiculous shape, but this was another level. He’d never been this massive, and she wasn’t too proud to admit that. Just not aloud.
She faked a yawn. “Am I supposed to be impressed?”
They really just be roasting each other all the time, and I’m here for it.
Summer must be legally blind because this man is stupid fine tf
It’s gotta be steroids. That’s not natural.
^^^^^He’s the god of thunder.
Summer rolled her eyes at the typical nature of the comments. These were the reasons she limited her time on social media and especially stayed away from reading the comments. Her attention was redirected to the top of her phone. It was a text from Christopher asking her to call him.
“But we’re—oh, I get it.” She realized he wanted to talk to her, not her and her tens of millions of followers. “Alright, guys, I’m gonna get off here so I can talk to my husband, alone.”
“She just doesn’t want to share me with you all, that’s all.”
“Don’t even start, Christopher,” she lectured while he laughed and got serious, for a minute tops.
“Hope you all are taking care and staying safe,” he spoke honestly. “And we’ll talk to you soon.”
Summer waved and smile. “Bye, guys. Remember to be kind.” Summer offered a final smile before ending the live. Closing up the app, she moved to open FaceTime and called up Christopher. He answered almost immediately. “You know I hate when you watch my Lives. Now, how much did you see?”
“Enough to know you’re coming to see me tonight.”
She laughed aloud. “Funny.”
“I’m serious, Summer.” Focusing on him, she realized that there was no humor in his voice nor his expression. Summer also noticed that he didn’t have the Thor wig on yet, which was probably why he was able to go live with her. He was waiting to get into hair and makeup. “Leave the kids with Liam. It’s not like he’s doing anything.”
“What? Is he not a professional unemployed bastard.”
Summer’s smile remained as she shook her head. “You are so mean.”
“I’ll handle the flight arrangements. You, my beautiful wife, just make sure you get on the jet so I can handle you.”
“Christopher, you’re working. People with everyday jobs don’t just up and show up to their spouses workplace because they miss them or need a break from the kids. That’s how folks get fired.”
Christopher started to move around, walking somewhere, she realized. “What are you doing?”
“Hey, Tike.”
Summer’s eyes widened slightly. “Christoper!”
“Sup, man?” Taika asked casually, as Summer laughed again. Taika Waititi was such a character.
“You mind if Summer comes up for a few days?”
“Sure, man,” he replied almost right away. “Bring the kids and chickens too.”
“I am not bringing those damn chickens,” she immediately protested.
Christopher made a sound. “Ha, so you are coming!”
“I didn’t say that.”
Taika joined Christopher so that he was in camera. “Hey, Summer, why don’t you come on join? You can have a cameo. Chickens, too.”
She rubbed her temples. Taika’s and Chris’s friendship would never not make sense to her. They were cut from the same cloth. “One, hey. Two, I was already in Ragnarok. I’m good on the cameos. Three, what is with ya’ll and those creepy looking chickens?”
“Whoa, creepy? What did the chickens ever do?”
“Exist,” Summer answered dryly. She still hadn’t forgiven Evans and Christopher for convincing her to let the kids keep those damn things. Her home was becoming more and more of a farm with each animal that joined the household.
“Tough crowd, that one, ehh?”
“Always,” Christopher agreed.
“I can hear you both,” she reminded and groaned loudly. Summer would love to spend a few days away from the kids. Chris would be working, yes, but she’d at least get some time for herself. Even better, alone adult time with her husband. That had also been a bit tricky during quarantine because of her rambunctious twins. Still, she disliked using her status as a celebrity to gain things, and this would definitely be a case of using status for pull. “I don’t know….”
Deep in her thoughts, she hadn’t realized that Chris had walked away and returned to wherever he was prior to finding Taika, most likely his trailer.
“What if you only stayed a night?” Chris tried to bargain. “The flight is only an hour and a half. That will give you more than enough time to come here, let me fix you dinner, run you a nice bath, maybe get in the good ole’ horizontal tango—”
“You know I hate when you call it that,” she reminded quietly, admitting. “That does sound nice, though.”
“Or, I can come to you—“
“Absolutely not. Christopher, you’re already doing so much back and forth as it is.” One of the good things to come out of quarantine, to Summer at least, was that it forced many people to take a much needed break. Her husband was one of those people. Christopher had been working nonstop since she met him. Project after project, film after film, many of them Marvel films, which put a whole other layer of difficulty what with the strenuous physical requirements. Even now as he shot Thor 4, he was in the best shape he’d ever been, muscles nearly tearing the cotton of his clothes. He looked amazing, but it was what they couldn’t see that she was starting to grow a little concerned over. Christopher wasn’t as young as he once was. He had to slow down, eventually.
Summer realized this would be a perfect chance to have a conversation about just that with him, which all but led her to her final decision.
“Alright,” she conceded, finger up as she made her demands. “Three days, and I stay at the house while you shoot. We may be returning to normal, but we’re still in a pandemic. I won’t go around anyone except you.”
“So I get you all to myself? Hardly consider that a stipulation.”
“And…we talk.”
“After the horizontal tango—“
“I swear to God, if you don’t stop calling it that—“
“What was that, sweetheart? I wasn’t listening.” She saw that he had paused the screen, causing Summer to remember that she hadn’t even consulted with the babysitter. “Making flight arrangements for you.”
“Shit, let me text Liam and make sure he’s available.”
“He gets reception in the box?”
“Christopher! For the last time, your brother is not living in a box.”
“Do you know that for certain?”
“Goodbye, Christopher,” she prepared to end the call before smiling softly. “I love you, Christopher, and thank you.”
He winked. “I’ll always do anything for you, Summer. Anything.” A beat. “Don’t forget to leave the clothes. You won’t need them.”
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petalsrdead · 3 years
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pairing: tobio kageyama x female reader (hinata, yachi, tsukishima, tadashi, two original female characters, and parents of both you and kageyama featured)
word count: 2,209 words
summary: your fathers are business partners, so you two have known each other forever, but have always hated and competed to see who was the best. high school graduation has come and gone, and you and tobio decide to face any feelings and hatred you have for each other one on one
warnings: 18+, smut!!, arguing, angst, swearing, bully!kageyama(kinda???), underage drinking (for americans, not those with 18+ drinking ages), kageyama is smart unlike in the manga & anime, oral (f receiving), praise kink, praising in general, some fluffy aftercare,
a/n: this is my piece for @bakugohoex ‘s rich boy collab. read everyone’s pieces here! congrats on the milestone ria! also thank you to @fallxngstarr for helping me with the title for this and beta reading! also if this seems rushed im sorry! work has been kicking my butt.
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the idea of another party between your two families had your head reeling. tobio kageyama was your worst nightmare, and even though your fathers were business partners and friends since junior high, their two children couldn’t get along to save their lives. kageyama always picked on you when one of your mothers watched both of you. he pulled your hair, took your toys, ate your snacks… your mothers joked it was just a way of showing that he liked you.
as the two of you got older and went to school together, you competed academically. the two of you were born four months apart, kageyama being the eldest, so you were in the same class quite often. you both wanted to prove you could be the heirs of the business your fathers worked so hard to build, and you just had some unspoken competition with one another.
you’re both 18 now and having a joint high school graduation party. you were head of the class, tobio right behind you, so everyone was ecstatic. the party was both of your families, friends, and business partners.
it’s a hot summer day, lemonade and watermelon set out for the guests to enjoy. you smooth down your sundress and stand at the door of the kageyama’s mansion.
though your fathers are the heads of the business, kageyama’s dad is the technical ceo, and since he already came from money, it made sense that they lived where they did. kageyama’s mother greets your family at the door, pulling everyone in for hugs.
“(y/n)! you look so stunning! that dress is beautiful!” his mother beams, smiling at you.
“thank you mrs kageyama! i bought it just for today!” you run your hands down the front of it again and smile.
“tobio is in the game room if you’d like to see him.” his father says.
‘that’s not really a suggestion.’ you think to yourself, but nod and excuse yourself, heading into the game room down the hall.
you can hear him yelling, probably at hinata as you walk through the open door. he’s playing some type of combat game.
“dammit hinata! im down!” he yells, slamming his controller against his thigh.
you stand behind him as he sits on the couch and look around the space. he’s got every gaming console a boy could ever want or need, a huge tv, and an amazing surround sound system. a large sectional fills up the room with a mini fridge in the corner.
you walk towards tobio, your nerves kicking in as you step into his view.
“fuck. gotta go hinata. the bitch is here.” he mumbles and throws off his headset.
you wave and smile softly at him, trying to be friendly. “congratulations tobio… i heard about the volleyball commitment—“
“shut up. gods you’re really annoying you know that? why are you even in here? i don’t want to see your stupid face.” he huffs and stands up, walking out of the room.
your smile instantly falters, as you fall into the couch where he was sitting. you play with the hem of your dress as you try and hold back tears. memories of him pushing you off the swings or into his pool when you couldn’t swim without a life preserver surface your mind.
“why is he so mean to me…?” you whisper.
everyone’s family and friends finally arrive, the adults in the kitchen and on the patio drinking wine, and the kids in the pool. shoyo, yachi, tadashi, tsuki, and kageyama are swimming, splashing each other and playing cliche pool games. you’re sitting in the jacuzzi, relaxing along with two of your friends.
“do you think kei will let me suck him off tonight?” your friend chizo whispers, staring at the blonde in the pool.
you scoff. “i doubt it. he’s as much, if not more of an asshole than tobio…”
“well, i think tadashi and i have a shot before summer ends!” your other friend namiko beams.
“i can’t believe kageyama actually agreed to both of you coming over here…” you say, sliding out of the jacuzzi and sitting on the edge of it, sliding your feet back in.
“well, we are your friends and this is a joint graduation party…” chizo mumbles.
“hey guys!” yachi yells, waving and running over to the jacuzzi.
“you wanna play truth or dare and spin the bottle with the rest of us?! i didn’t think it was fair being the only girl…” she mumbles.
namiko and chizo are practically flying out of the hot tub to dry off and get dressed. you just shrug. “i guess were in.”
yachi jumps up and down and claps. “yay! okay everyone’s meeting in the game room in ten minutes, see ya!”
she runs off again, most likely into the house to go make out with hinata.
“namiko, truth or dare?” tsukishima asks, expression as hard as always.
your group is downstairs in the game room, bottles and cans of alcohol scattered around, playing the first round of truth or dare.
“um! dare!” she bites her lip as she looks at the blonde.
“i dare you to make out with tadashi.” namiko and tadashi both gasp, cheeks flushing as they look at each other.
they’re sitting next to each other and their lips desperately collide, the desire for each other obvious through their actions.
“okay. you two can stop now…” chizo mumbles, rolling her eyes.
tadashi and namiko laugh, looking at each other. “okay, (y/n)! truth or dare?”
you shrug and smirk. “how about a dare?”
namiko smirks and looks at you, then kageyama, then back to you. “i dare you to spend seven minutes in heaven with kageyama. in his bedroom…”
“namiko are you serious?!”
“she’s bold… bolder than i thought…”
kageyama’s nostrils flare as he stands up from the floor. “a dares a dare. let’s go (y/n).”
you nod slowly, still in awe of namiko’s dare. you get up and follow tobio. you’ve been in his room before, but it’s been a while. there’s volleyball trophies and certificates all along dressers and pinned to the walls, there’s not a single object out of place, which is shocking for a teen boy’s bedroom.
his expression is harsh as he motions to his bed. “sit.”
you sit, watching him pull out his phone and set a timer at seven minutes. he sits next to you, tossing the phone on the bed.
“we’re not doing anything except sitting here… cool?” he mumbles, glancing at you.
“i was thinking the same thing.” you say, glaring at him.
“what’s that face for?” his brows furrow.
you sigh and shake your head. “i-i’m sick of you being mean to me! you’ve been mean to me since we were little! why?!”
tears peek at your eyes and he shrugs. “i don’t know! maybe i was jealous of you!”
you stand up and move in front of him, glaring once more. “jealous?! of me?! what on earth are you on about tobio?! i should be the one that’s jealous!”
he stands up now and looks down at you, cheeks flushed red with anger. “you’ve gotten to do whatever you wanted! it was practically set in stone that i was going to be the one to take over the company and you were going to go to college. in fact i overheard our parents deciding that once! i don’t want to take over the stupid company (y/n)! i want to play volleyball!”
“y-you heard them say that?” you whisper, looking down at your feet.
tobio’s hand grips your chin so you look up and into his eyes. “yes. that’s why i was an asshole to you all these years. why i never wanted anything to do with you. because you were free to make your own decisions and i wasn’t. it’s not fair.”
you shake your head. “i don’t want to go down the path i’m going either.” you say. “i’d rather run the company than go to college, at least for something other than a business degree.”
his eyes widen at your words, dropping your chin. “you’re serious? when did that decision come to be?”
“only a few nights ago. you should too. maybe we’ll run it together some day. if we both have business degrees, then…”
“i don’t care about the stupid business!” he practically screams.
you flinch away from him and against his bedroom door, hand going to the knob. tobio notices this and sighs. “shit… sorry… sorry i scared you…”
his expression softens and he sits at his computer desk now, putting his face in his hands.
“our lives… they’ve always been planned for us by our parents. you and i getting married, you going to college for like… a doctorate degree in something, my degree in business so i can continue to run the business… i thought… i thought being mean to you would change things, so i could write my own story…” kageyama lifts his head to speak, before placing it in his hands again.
your eyes widen. “y-you’ve… you’ve never really hated me?”
he looks up and opens his mouth to speak, but the phone alarm goes off. you walk over and stop it, staring at him. “kageyama…” you whisper.
he nods. “i… i like you… i really do…”
your cheeks flush and you step over to him, bending down to his level and kissing his lips deeply. he’s in awe, but wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you back. he soon pulls you into his lap, and you knot your fingers in his hair, continuing to kiss him deeply.
the two of you pull away, gasping for air as you look in each other’s eyes. “s-shit… tobio…” you whisper.
he smirks and picks you up, carrying you to the bed. he lays you down, gently, sliding his hands under your sundress. “(y/n)...”
you nod. “g-go ahead…”
he pulls your dress over your head and looks over your form. “beautiful…” he mumbles, large and calloused hands trailing down your stomach to your clothed sex.
he slides his thumb over the material of your panties, catching your clit which causes you to gasp out. he smirks and runs his thumb over it again. “t-tobio!”
he stops and holds a finger to his lips, shushing you. “we have to be quiet…”
you whimper at his words and nod. his brows furrow as he pulls your panties to the side, exposing your cunt to him. you cover your face with your hands, embarrassed at the predicament you’re in. “this is to make up for all these years, okay?”
you peak down at him through your hands and see him sliding his tongue along your folds. you whimper and he does it again, faster and faster he flicks his tongue through your slit. you push the back of your hand down on your mouth and moan, eyes rolling back into your head.
“feels good? you’re doing so good for me baby…” he whispers against your skin.
he dives back into you, lapping at your clit this time, suckling and teasing it with his tongue. you moan louder this time, bucking your hips up into his face. he then wraps his lips around the sensitive bud, sucking at it harshly. you can’t help but yell out, a hand gripping his black hair tightly.
“t-tobio!! it’s too much!!!” you yell out.
he pulls off and wipes his lips on the back of his hand. “c’mon baby… cum for me… let it out…”
as if he couldn’t get more aggressive, his tongue slips between your folds and inside of you, lapping at your juices that come out once again. you pull his hair and he thrusts his tongue in and out of you.
kageyama takes a moment to stare at you. your hair askew and face contorted in pleasure. one hand over your mouth and the other in his hair. he smirks and continues his quick pace.
“t-tobio!! i-im—!” you gasp out, creaming all over his face and tongue.
he slowly licks at you through the orgasm, helping you down from your high. he pulls away and licks his lips, savoring every last drop of your essence.
he takes a finger and collects the rest from his face, then sliding the finger into his mouth and sucking at it. you sit up on your elbows, watching him closely.
“do… do you need me to…?” you mumble nervously, looking to the tent in his shorts.
he shakes his head. “it was all about you… i’ll be fine…”
you nod and reach for your dress, pulling it over your head. he watches you carefully, unsure of what to say. “we should… we should do that again. not now! but sometime…”
you shrug. “i mean we don’t have long until uni starts… so i guess that’s cool…”
“not just that… i-“ he sighs and yanks at his hair. “let me take you out tomorrow? okay!?”
your eyes widen, but you slowly nod. “sure tobio. just don’t bully me…”
he lays next to you, wrapping his arms around your stomach and pulling you back into his chest. “no promises i won’t tease you, but i won’t be an asshole anymore.”
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tags: @lustforyuu @beelziee @bummie @missuga @ultimate-astridwriting
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
Denki, Kirishma, bakugo x reader who has PTSD and BPD, and when extremely overwhelmed starts crying and frantically shaking her head. *I hope you dont mind this. I wish people would do more Mental health ones. Thank you if you do reply*
I don’t mind writing this. As I said, I can write some dark shit when I feel like it. I hope you like honey and they should, I agree with you. I’d honestly love to touch on touchy subjects such as this because it needs to be talked about more because it relates to so many people who thinks that they’re the only ones who dealt with things like this.
Disclaimer: Traumatic Events, Sexual assault, and lastly cursing. If this triggers you, please skip. Read at your own risk.
Denki Kaminari
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* Your fingers tapped against your thighs while anxiously wishing to go back to the apartment quickly.
* The mere speaking about water just made you crazy. Your hands shook a bit while Denki drove you two towards the beach to hang out with the old gang on such a hot day.
* The image of your hands fighting to get back to the surface to take in a deep gasp of air.
* It happened so suddenly. You were just sitting on your floaters while relaxing underneath the hot sun.
* That’s when you slipped right through the rather large holes and began to sink to the bottom.
* You were underneath the deep blue ocean, reaching out for someone to see you. You began to kick and you discovered that your foot was caught within the ocean's rocks.
* Your vision became blurry as fear rushed through your veins. A small five-year-old, fighting to survive. The last image you can see that’ll haunt you is your guardian’s cry for your name when your vision blacked out.
* Denki’s hand touching your thigh made you jump as he looked at you worried while you two stopped at a stoplight.
* “Sunshine? You okay?” He’d ask before shook his worries away. “I’m fine! I’m okay!” You lied before the light turned green. The moment your feet touched the beach's sandy surface, you stared at it as the foamy waves crashed.
* You could feel your hands shaking but you hid it as well as you could, acting as normally as possible.
* That was until Denki picked you up and made a bolt to the water. Your fear made your hair raise as your hands gripped his wrists tightly. “No, No, No, NO! NO! NO!” You screamed, closing your eyes as tears streamed down your cheeks. You latched onto his body tightly, shaking like a cold animal as your thoughts continued to flash that last image in your head.
* You were so terrified, you never realized Denki was taking you back to the car and sat with you in the backseat. He wouldn’t ask anything but rub your back, trying to calm you down.
* Your body was bundled in his towel while he held onto you tightly, your face in his sandy chest, he didn’t care that he could have a sandy backseat.
* When you confide to him of the drowning you almost experience when you were younger, he’d then ask if you wanted to leave. You should’ve told him and he would’ve never brought you out here.
* Denki is the type to do anything to make sure you’re okay. After seeing you, nearly have a panic attack and go apeshit because of the water, he’ll make sure to keep you away.
* When you two have a mission by the water or you’re on a boat, he’ll keep you as distracted as possible. He’ll hold your hand, take selfies with you, distract you with his phone, or anything. I mean the possibilities are endless with him.
* But one thing is for sure, he’ll never want to see you make that face ever again.
Katsuki Bakugo
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* Your PTSD is a tad bit traumatic for most but is very common. You had a fear of thunderstorms and dark clouds.
* There’s a good reason though. You once lived in a tropical area where it was prone to receive storms such as hurricanes, terrible tornadoes, and thunderstorms. The numbers were endless.
* You were ten when you were in your room when the glass shattered from your window as the wind blew harshly into you. You saw your mother snatch you and pulled you into towards her and rushed you into the hallway.
* Thunder boomed, the house you called home shook, your dog whined loudly in your lap. You begged your mother to make it stop while she cried.
* Your father was nowhere to be found since he was working that night. No warning was sent to warn you all of the storm. Nothing at all.
* You could feel the water rush to your crossed legs as the roof was snatched up. You screamed as the runaway train sound the tornado created blew past you guys.
* Tears streamed down while you held onto your mother tightly. The aftermath was godawful.
* Let’s say...you found your father that morning...hanging from a tree.
* You sat in your apartment alone, trying to relax while you pace behind the couch. You just wanted to relax. The extremely dark clouds gave you the immediate anxiety you didn’t want to have. You tried to move your focus to something else but nothing worked.
* You heard the click of a lock as your boyfriend walked in and looked at you confused. “Why in the hell are you pacing?” He questioned. “Dumbass!”
* “IM NOT IN THE MOOD, BAKUGO!” You snapped in anger before stopping. “I-I-I’m sorry..” you apologized quickly as a sudden lightning strike made you jump.
* When the large boom of thunder followed, your hands gripped your hair to your scalp. “No, No, No, No, No, No, No” you repeated, your heart racing as your mind imagined you back at your home. You were shaking and crying before Bakugo rushed to you and hugged you tightly. His hands would free your hair as he held you in his arms.
* You wouldn’t have to tell him because he knows the feeling all too well. You think even as an adult, Bakugo’s over that attack from that slime monster?
* It fucking haunts him and he has PTSD from it just as well from the All Might thing too. I see Bakugo as the type to either find a solution to help you.
* Since thunder makes you panic, he’ll buy soundproof headphones you only wear when there’s a storm. They make the sound of thunder disappear especially when you play music.
* He’ll either make you wear sunglasses that’ll block the flash or just buy blackout curtains to block the flashing.
* He honestly wishes that he could fight the storm and tell it to chill the fuck out, but he can’t.
* Just know he’s not giving up until you’re comfortable again.
Eijiro Kirishima
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* My dear, you’ve lived a fucked up life. To put it in nicer words, Your father was a bastard who should be burned at the stake because he’s done fucked up shit to you that no man should ever.
* Yep, I’m going down this road because I want to see more of traumatic shit like this.
* All because of what your father did, it left you terrified of men. You’re gorgeous and your body developed early when you were younger.
* It didn’t give the man the right to do what he did and to get away with it as well. You spoke up about it, of course, just..did a few years too late.
* The officers told you because you waited so late, they couldn’t prove the things your father did to you.
* So you hid this memory in your mind, never to be resurfaced again. You refused ever bring it up ever again. Never again.
* Well...you and Kirishima started dating and it changed a few things. He’s a touchy guy because he would’ve never expected to catch the attention of a babe like you.
* It was a mere movie but who would’ve thought it’ll make you flip the way you did. You and he were watching a movie at his apartment. You were walking back with a bowl of popcorn and turned off the lights.
* “There you are!” Kirishima said happily before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap. The bowl collapsed from your hands before you pried yourself and stood up quickly, looking down at him shocked.
* This would worry him and he stands up as you stepped backward, shaking as your breathing increased. “Baby? You okay?” He’d ask you while holding his hand to you as you slapped his hand away. “N-N-No! Please! No! No!” You cried, accidentally falling over the low coffee table.
* You immediately curl into a ball and sob, holding your body together as he stared in hurt and confusion.
* He wouldn’t touch you because he’s afraid that he’s hurt you or something, but he’s going to check and make sure you didn’t get hurt when you tumbled backward.
* When you finally tell him what your father did. He apologizes quickly and begs for your forgiveness, he would’ve never done it if you told him. The last thing he’d ever want to do is to be reminded of that bastard like your father.
* In all honesty, If Kirishima sees your sperm donor, He may fuck him up or get someone to because he deserves to have the same thing happened to him in prison like how he violated you.
* Just know Kiri’s gonna love you and help you in every way he can. He’ll never want to see you curled ever again. And whenever you’re comfortable, he’s going to love you in over a thousand ways.
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peaches-writes · 3 years
member: hyunjin
wc: 1k
genre: angst, exes au that’s just it i think
note: just a little something i feel like i should put out into the world somehow (but not under independent means, so it seems lol). anw, i think im still on hiatus but hello! been a while
[11:57 P.M.] The elevator opens with an obnoxiously cheerful ding and bright white lights for 11:57 P.M. Hyunjin gestures for you to go in first with a shaky chuckle and you do the same with your tired smile even when it’s you going home. 
He insists harder, anyway, out of habit. You always came first, even in the little things, it seems. 
And you eventually do give in, a little easier than usual because it’s almost his birthday—or so you say as he steps in after and presses the button to his left. “L” for the lobby, 16 floors below from the roof deck where the birthday is untimely dwindling down. 
The elevator doors then naturally slide back close as Hyunjin takes his stance directly across from you, sharply cutting the mindless chatter and faint alcohol scent that you two leave behind then above you. 
Sixteen. In the now deafening silence, his warm ears notice the absence of the faint jazz music that played just hours ago when the two of you were going up. These days, your presence makes him feel as if I should say something but he still can’t, for the life of him, figure out even now that you’re alone again. 
Fifteen. He tries stealing a glance at you from the mirror you lean against but you catch him almost immediately with a teasing brow. For some reason, realizing how far apart you are from each other makes him choke out an untimely laugh. 
Fourteen. “What?” 
Thirteen. Did you know that buildings don’t label their 13th floor as such because it’s supposedly bad luck? Now, Hyunjin just wishes there was one at least in this building just so he can trick myself into thinking that he has more time with you. 
Twelve. “Hm? Nothing.” You expected that answer out of him, he can tell by the way you nonchalantly nod in response almost right after. 
But he really wanted to say a lot of things. How are you? Did you enjoy the party? 
Can I still see you after this? 
Eleven. You notice him swinging in place as he looks up at the screen indicating the floor. Under other circumstances, you would’ve laughed or joined him but he only hears silence from your end. You must be really tired. 
He stops before the 1 becomes a 0. 
Ten. Nine. Nothing ever really felt right with these numbers for him. They just look weird in some way that makes him feel uneasy. 
Eight. Now, that is a number he likes, sometimes along with 7 when he’s in a good mood. But as the sentiment of the saying goes, the things we like always end up passing too quickly for our liking, even floor numbers. 
Hyunjin peek at your reflection from the mirror next to him this time and sees you texting someone on your phone. 
He doesn’t want to think that it’s the guy from the cafe a few days ago. 
The typing is sonically faint but it rings twice in his head as they come in the moment and it makes him feel dizzier than ever. Unintentionally, he misses the sight of the number 6 flashing above his head because of this. 
He does catch the screen slide down to 5, though, and he guesses you notice it too as it slows down to 4 and the doors suddenly open to an empty corridor. 
The two of you both poke your heads outside to no one in particular, catching a few lit-up rooms of hushed whispers and familial laughter in the distance. Hyunjin looks over at you and shrug as coolly and nonchalantly as he can. 
You smile knowingly in return, as if you can still see through how he’s terribly afraid of the dark. 
The doors then close on its own as you both take a step back further into the elevator, proceeding down to 3 and 2. He lets out a yawn in between and pretend to lean against the railings lining the mirrors. 
“You should sleep the whole day after.” You point out without even looking up at him, just as the elevator reaches the M floor. 
You might not even care about it now, seeing as it’s so late at night, but you don’t ask him this time why it’s labelled as the M floor instead of the 1st floor like you did when you were going up. Not that he knows the answer now hours later. When did he even know about things you wanted, anyway? 
You finally reach the lobby, “L” as the elevator finally announces before opening with the same obnoxious ding once more. The doors open to a soft lone orange light by the main entrance, instead, and you politely wave goodbye to Hyunjin. He holds the doors open for you with a tired smile and a goodnight on his end. 
But somehow, his finger doesn’t leave the button even when you turn your back on him and walk away. 
“Wait!” He finds himself blurting out at the last moment before you can even disappear down the steps, like he always does. 
You turn around belatedly, phone still in your hand. You were about to hold it higher for a phone call. 
The diamond ring on your finger, even in the dim glow of the lobby, shines a little too brightly for my tired eyes. 
He didn’t actually plan for this. But he still has so much he wants to say and he strongly feels like you should at least hear one of them before you go. 
“Stay safe.” He ends up saying after a moment, flinch slightly in place and clearly indicating that that was not not what he meant to say. “Text me when you get home?” 
He meant to ask, above all of the unspoken words, if you still love him. It’s a long shot but he just needs to know before you disappear completely. 
And you vaguely let him know. You nod in acknowledgement and he just knows by this that you purposely chose not to read between the lines this time. “Happy birthday?” You point to your watch right below your phone as it reaches for a call. “Go back up, the boys must be waiting with your cake and candles by now.” 
“Thank you.” For everything. 
He then lifts his finger off the open button as soon as your ride pulls up on the driveway. The ride back to the party is faster this time. 
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boowanie · 4 years
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pairing: jeonghan x bestfriend!reader
genre: angst and fluff
wc: 1.4k
summery: falling in love with your best friend was never a good idea.
eri’s note: again, can yoon jeonghan please stop bias wrecking me. i promise i’ll start writing for the other members soon, i’m just in the middle of a very hectic schedule at uni 🥺 also, i barely proofread this since i wrote this last night (2am) but i hope you beans enjoy it nonetheless 💘
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with one last huff, you managed to squeeze your belongings in the back of your trunk while some of your pillows and duvet rested inside your car with jeonghan’s stuff thrown somewhere in the mix. this is going to be one hell of a move, you thought. however, you were excited to finally move out of your old apartment that was situated a little further away from your university compared to the new apartment that you were going to share with your bestfriend, jeonghan.
you smiled as jeonghan skipped out of your old apartment building, waving a piece of paper in his hand. “you nearly forgot chick n mix’s menu in your kitchen yn! you know we won’t be able to survive college without their chicken,” he whined, pulling at your sleeve. you waved him off and threw him your keys.
“and what do you expect me to do with this,” he asked, twirling the keyring with his pointer finger. you jutted out your lower lip, silently begging him to drive instead of you since you had been awake since four in the morning organising and placing your belongings into boxes.
jeonghan smiled as you grabbed his hand, the look on your face instantly melted his heart causing him to push you towards the passenger seat while he then walked towards the driver’s seat. he heard you faintly let out a “yay” before you opened the door and sat down. the drive to your new apartment was filled with silence and your occasional snores. you tried your best to stay awake to entertain jeonghan but as he waited for the light to turn green, you ended up dozing off with your hand holding his right hand.
“you sleepyhead,” was the last thing you heard as you dozed off for the first time that afternoon.
it was your second month living with jeonghan when you started seeing your bestfriend in a different light. his smiles that used to have no affect on you no longer remained the same. instead, his smiles made your heart skip a few beats and his usual flirting that you used to play along with had your stomach doing flips in every possible direction. but you were scared, you were damn scared of the thought of falling for your bestfriend of ten years when all he saw in you was someone he could trust and rely on, a friend.
thus, you tried your best to suppress your feelings, you tried your utmost best to ignore the jealousy that sometimes sparked in you whenever he brought random girls home after a night out with your friends. it didn’t help the fact that you could faintly hear them from your bedroom since the walls were somewhat thin.
you really really hated your blossoming feelings.
after the fifth month of living with jeonghan, you finally confirmed that you were inlove with him. it was an autumn’s night when he came home distressed and you knew he wasn’t having a good day when he ignored you when you greeted him like you usually did. you heard his door close with a bang and the heavy thud of a fist colliding with what you assumed was the wall.
you waited for ten minutes to pass until you entered his room. the first thing you noticed was the closed curtains which stopped any source of light from entering his room. the second thing you saw was his figure underneath his duvet. you studied him for a little bit, and you saw the way his figure was shaking from all the anger, you assumed.
you padded your way slowly towards him, careful not to make a noise. as you grew closer to him, you heard the faint sniffles that was coming from him and it broke your heart. without any hesitation, you lifted his duvet from his figure and situated yourself beside him. he didn’t complain nor did he move an inch which was a good sign. after a few moments of debating with yourself, you enclosed your arm around him and pulled jeonghan closer to you which caused him to face you. jeonghan stared at you for a moment until he broke down in tears, burying his face into your chest while you tried to soothe him with faint words.
an hour passed by when he finally calmed down and slept. you still had your arm around him but he adjusted his head on the pillow because he soaked your tshirt with his tears. you promised not to tease him about it which brought a smile to his face. jeonghan pecked your forehead before he drifted off to sleep. you watched him until his breathing steadied and that’s when you knew how screwed you were.
you watched your life flash before you and you realised how you have always been inlove with yoon jeonghan.
after seven months of living with jeonghan, you finally reached your limit.
when the girl he took home the night before walked out of your apartment door, you burst. the words that spewed from your mouth shocked him. it shocked him to the point where he couldn’t move from where was standing topless near his bedroom door.
“i’m fucking inlove with you, yoon jeonghan and i can’t stand another day seeing you with someone else because it’s breaking my heart and it’s ruining me piece by piece,” you yelled, your heart dropping to your stomach as you watched his eyes widen at your confession. you smacked a hand over your mouth, freezing as you realised the words you uttered.
“shit,” you mumbled, picking up your phone from the coffee table and running out of your shared apartment in a flash. yoon jeonghan continued to stand like a statue by his bedroom door, watching as your figure disappeared out of the apartment.
“you know you can’t ignore him for the rest of your life,” seungkwan and joshua said in unison. you muffled out an answer that none of them could hear.
“i said,” you raised your head to look at the two, “i said i can always try.”
joshua rolled his eyes while seungkwan clicked his tongue at your words. you knew they were right because sooner or later, you were bound to go home. you couldn’t keep lounging around their apartment for the rest of the week and the clothes they were letting you borrow were getting out of hand.
“i texted him last night,” you muttered, which caught their attention. joshua and seungkwan leaned towards you in anticipation. “but all he said was he was sorry,” you sighed.
“sorry for what?” joshua asked, gripping seungkwan’s thigh.
“sorry because he doesn’t see me the way i see him, i guess which is fine. i didn’t expect him to return my feelings anyway,” you mumbled. joshua released seungkwan’s thigh from his grip and stood up. he walked towards the kitchen and grabbed his phone.
“jeonghan’s a dumbass and we all know it,” he said through his clenched teeth.
“what do you mean?” you asked, your body leaning into seungkwan’s arms as he tried to comfort you in his embrace. joshua furiously typed on his phone while you and seungkwan awaited for his reply.
“yoon jeonghan is completely and utterly inlove with you but your dumbass of a bestfriend is afraid that he’ll ruin the friendship that you guys built over the past ten years,” he started.
“why can’t he just let himself be happy? especially when it’s you that he’s inlove with!”
after joshua’s outburst, you were totally confused but you knew you had to talk to jeonghan. you bid joshua and seungkwan farewell after they dropped you home and with a nervous heart, you trudged your way into your apartment.
once jeonghan heard the door open, he threw the book he was reading for a class onto the coffee table and instantly ran towards you. you weren’t expecting him to be so eager for you to come home and it caught you off guard when he pulled you in for a hug; a hug that lasted for a long time until your legs were aching for some comfort.
“my legs are about to give out hannie, can we please sit down,” you mumbled against his chest. he tightened his grip around you as you spoke to him.
“i’m inlove with you-” he cleared his throat.
“i’m inlove with everything about you yn, and im sorry it took me years and joshua’s long text to realise how deeply inlove i am with you.” he cried. your breath got caught in your throat as he continued to detail the things he loved about you, your habits that made his heart swoon and lastly, the moments he realised when he fell for you.
“b-but why did you say sorry?”
“i meant i was sorry because i didn’t realise that you liked me back,” he pulled away and looked down at you, “or love me back?”
“love. it’s definitely love.”
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Last Piece 2.
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title. Last Piece pairing. GOT7 JB x Reader genre. slice of life, romance, attempts at comedy, angst warnings. cursing, jb being a cute cat dad, reader is hella awkward but so is he, mentions of anxiety, GOT7 members being hella extra bc they are summary. As an English teacher from abroad, you get a lot of perks. One of the best ones is that you live in an apartment for free. Another perk seems to be the elusive, attractive man who lives two floors above you… Though his cats seem to prefer your apartment over his. And so does his mail, which makes you travel to his place pretty often regardless of whether he wants to see you or not.
new beginnings master post.
part one. part two.
Ever since that first package drop off, you’ve run into Jaebum quite a few times. Living in the same building and occasionally getting each other’s mail definitely attributed to the frequency, and you were thankful for it. While you’re sure the male wouldn’t really consider the two of you friends, you liked to call him a “not quite but almost friend”... Not to his face but to your own friends and to yourself. Maybe occasionally to his cats. Speaking of his cats, you’ve met more than just Odd and Nora at this point. Nora seemed to be the jealous type, wanting her dad’s attention to herself, and would push the younger ones out of the apartment as Jaebum would come and go. The amount of times you’ve found Odd or Kunta wandering around the hall made you wonder how the man didn’t ever notice his oldest child bullying her siblings.  Other times he gets your mail, having it been delivered to him on accident somehow. You’d never live down the time he got a huge package from your grandparents, an amused smirk across his face as he brought it to you.  “Forget some things back home?” He had teased, setting the package down on your counter. Your face was bright red, unable to string together a coherent sentence because you didn’t want him to think you were forgetful, but then again you kind of were but what if -- “Hey, I’m just teasing, Y/N.” He had said, gentler this time, “I know it must be nice to have someone back home who cares about you.”  You had just nodded, your heartbeat evening out slowly as you chatted for a few more minutes before he hurried off. He was a bit gentler for a few days after, as if scared to get that reaction out of you again. You appreciated it. You hoped that one day you’d be able to not have that instant reaction to panic over a small comment. Since then, you’ve been trying to gather up the courage to ask if he wants to hang out for lunch or something. Every time you get close, you end up chickening out. And every time you cursed yourself, because you just wanted to be his friend -- something about him made you want to be around him. Today, though, you just wanted to get to work. You had planned a big interactive activity for your class today and you wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Hurrying down the stairs, you made sure you had everything in your bag before leaving the building. As you looked up, you noticed someone just barely walking ahead of you. Jaebum. Immediately your mind went through possible scenarios, from saying hello to quietly avoiding him, maybe even -- “Do you want to get lunch or something later Jae???” Oh no. Oh no. Your mouth decided for you. Not only that, you addressed him so casually even though he’s older, he’s definitely going to hate you -- Was... that a laugh? You focused her attention back on him, seeing him looking amused and a half smile on his face. You ignored the small catch in your throat and pushed away the thought of how nice he looked.  “Sure, give me your phone and we’ll plan something.” You don’t even remember handing over your device or him adding himself to your contacts, but a few minutes later he gave you a little finger salute and a promise to message you later for planning.  “Im Jaebum” the contact read in kakaotalk, simple and to the point, much like the man you were hoping to befriend. As you mentally patted yourself on the back for not crying, you glanced at the time on your phone before cursing loudly in your native language and running off to the subway. You were going to be late.  Despite you thinking that you totally had your excitement under control, your co-teacher and students definitely thought otherwise.  “Teacher, why can’t you sit still? Don’t you ... much sit down?” Sangmin, one of your fourth graders, attempted to ask. You smiled and gently corrected him, saying you liked to sit down very much, but don’t ‘always’ do it. He bashfully nodded and bowed his head down to talk with his desk partner about the dialogue you’d given out for discussion. “They’re right you know,” You jumped before recognizing the voice of your co-teacher, Taeyeon, “You’re acting like you’ve drank the Ediya shop out of stock.”  Oh. Perhaps you were flitting about the room more, babbling a little to yourself and to your students, and constantly looking over at your desk where you kept your phone while class was in session.  “I just... I made a friend.” You admitted, “You know, the guy from my apartment building?”  Taeyeon raised an eyebrow, looking at you skeptically. “I know I’ve asked this, but you sure you don’t like him more than a friend? It’s not like we’re not friends and you don’t have friends, Y/N.”  See you KNEW this but one of your biggest anxieties and fears was that you’d never be able to make friends outside of work or your past. Because, like Christian had always reassured you, you were a wonderful sweetheart but you were so hard to talk to because you were always so nervous. It made it hard.  “I really just want to meet his cats... Except Nora because she seems mean.” You noted, not really answering the question but in your mind, it was sufficient. Having worked with you and had recently made herself your friend, Taeyeon knew this was probably the best she was going to get out of you and just left it be. You’d figure it out eventually and she knew she’d be one of the first to know. She still couldn’t help but question it when she saw you light up at a notification on your phone.  ‘Want to meet up after your work and eat some chicken? I know a good place.’
___________________________________________________________ You forgot why you were so worried about hanging out with Jaebum in the first place. Talking with him, after the initial awkward greeting, was coming really easily to you. You only hoped he felt the same, it seemed so.  “So why Korea, hm?” Jaebum had asked, looking over at you as he drank his water. You chewed your food thoughtfully before swallowing. It was a question often asked, but it never bothered you to answer it. “I fell in love with this country the first week I came here, back in school.” You explained, “I’ve only ever felt at home in one other place, and it was with my grandparents. But when I came here... it just felt right, you know? Like fate was telling me to come here. So I wanted to come back after figuring out what I wanted to do.” Jaebum listened well, nodding along as you spoke. “I see. And you found teaching was it?” You nodded. “I love what I do, even more so that I get to do it in the place that feels like home.”  A small smile creeped along his face, and you coughed to distract yourself from staring. “So what do you do, Im Jaebum?”  After finding out that he HATED being addressed by his full name, especially by someone younger than him (which you were by a year), you couldn’t resist. You had to. “I’m a freelancer. I do a lot of music production work or lyricist support.” He rolled his eyes at your antics, but didn’t say anything. You lit up at the mention of music. Your father loved music, and you had fond memories of growing up with him playing everything from Mozart to The Eagles while your mother was gone. “That’s so cool! Did you go to school for it or is it just... apart of you?” You struggled to find the words to describe what you meant. While you were confident in your Korean, some words just... didn’t translate well in your opinion. He chuckled lowly, “I’ve been making and doing music since I was young. Never thought about doing anything else once I found it. I learned along the way.” The conversation continued, talking about favorite genres of music, eventually leading you to ask how his cats liked his music or if they preferred a certain type, to you demanding to know why Nora keeps trying to bully Odd. It was nice. Really, really nice actually. Jaebum smiled so much at you and even joined in your weird reactions or antics and it just made you feel warm and happy on the inside. He even insisted on paying since he was older and who were you to refuse free food? You were to excited -- you made a friend! The talking lulled while walking back to the apartment complex, but the silence wasn’t an awkward one. It was gentle and understanding. You didn’t need to fill up the space with idle, unneeded chit chat to be with each other. As you came to the doors of the building, Jaebum opened the door and allowed you to go first, and you might’ve missed it because of how bashful he sounded. “It’s been a while since I’ve had fun with someone who’s not my group.. Thanks, Y/N.” You smiled brightly. “Well, consider me apart of your group. We’re friends now Jae!” There you went with no honorifics. He scowled at you, pinching your neck as you tried to avoid him on your way to the elevator. “At least call me hyung or something if not oppa, you disrespectful brat!” He called out, only getting your childish giggles as his response. Hanging out with Jaebum wasn’t really easy or often. He’s really busy and his schedule is… not consistent. You knew it was due to his job and not because he hated you, so you weren’t as worried about it as you could be. Especially since he tried to talk to you at least once a week, even it was just a brief conversation in the stairwell, or on your way out to work. It was enough for you. Of course you see each other a little more often than usual because of the mail situation. For some reason, the mail person could not understand that just because you were one of the only foreigners from the U.S. in the building does not mean that every package from the U.S. is for you. But it did give you an excuse to go see Jaebum after a week, so you head up the stairs, package in hand, and you hear Jae’s voice -- and a few others, it sounded like? Huh? “Jae??? Is that you???” You peer up the stairwell to see if you can catch him, and soon you see Jae leaning over his own railing, catching sight of you and waving, but looking over to where you couldn’t see and looking a little pissed off. Oh... That was new. Was someone bothering him? Were you bothering him? You started apologizing, “Hey sorry if this is a bad time -- I got another package from your friend and I just --” “Yoooo Who’s that?! It sounds like a girl OH are you in love?!” A loud, excited male voice shouted over you, startling you and almost making you drop the package in your arms. “I told you her name is Y/N and she’s a friend!!” Jaebum’s chin seemed to stick out in reaction to your startled state -- you hoped he wasn’t too mad at you. Or his friend. It’s not his fault you’re easily scared.  You decided to call out once more, “So... the box?”  He looked down at you, his arm pointed and pushing someone, supposedly his friends, as he responded. “Yeah, bring it up, I’ll grab it from you -- Just let me get my friends into the apartment.” “I want to meet her!” “Bring her to us!” “Let us see her!” The loud, rambunctious voices all decided to loudly protest at once, making you shake a little in your boots, letting Jaebum disappear from your sight before sitting down to regain your nerve. You didn’t know Jaebum had... such loud friends. Feral children was the phrase that came to mind... Gathering your nerve, you walked up the stairs and into Jaebum’s hallway, where he’s already waiting for you, leaning against the door as it bumped against him at times, the sounds of whining and demands to see you seeping through the solid door. “Thanks, Y/N.” Jaebum smiled gently, taking the box from you. You managed a smile back, jumping at the sudden movement of the door that jostled him forward. “Sorry, I didn’t want to overwhelm you.” He apologized, kicking the door, “Hopefully you can meet them later, but right now I can tell they’re going to be too much for you and I actually want you to still be my friend after meeting them.” His explanation was a little rushed at the end, pink tinging his cheeks. Was Jaebum embarrassed? Well that was kinda cute.  You quickly pushed that thought aside. But you couldn’t help but flush. He noticed that about you? “Sorry, Jae...” “Don’t apologize! When you’re ready we can set something up. I think you’ll like them when they’re calmer.” His smiled widened, “Then I’ll have someone calm and not evil to combat these brats.” “I thought I was a brat, though?” You tilted your head, feeling more at ease. He rolled his eyes.  “You’re all brats and I suffer. But I guess I enjoy suffering.” He shrugged. “Well, I’ll see you around Y/N. Promise.” You nodded, scurrying off before Jaebum’s friends could break the door down. After getting into the apartment, you smiled to yourself. Jaebum liked you enough to want to meet his friends. You were friends.
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chiwhorei · 4 years
hi im back on my bullshit but just thinking about sucking tsukishima's dick in exchange for him to write your essay for you <3 you got an A so you keep going to him for help but then his demands get more extreme and oh no suddenly you're tied up in his bed with vibrators taped to your sensitive nipples and tsukkis's in front of you with his big dick in his hand and a camera in the other. it's all a little overwhelming but anything for an easy A, right? (sincerely a fellow english major)
a/n: oh my god YOUR MIND IS SO DEPRAVED 😩 okay, so i happen to have a roommate tsukki headcannon that i live in that i will unleash onto this idea like hellfire.
Genre: college au, smut- there is nothing sweet or fluffy in this at all, this is all just nasty
Warnings: 18+, characters are aged up, coercion, dumbification, hard dom!tsukki, rough sex, toys, public sex, dacryphilia, forced orgasm, i think that’s it
Easy A
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you and tsukki are roommates and have some of the same classes bc your majors are similar
there’s always been hoards of sexual tension between the two of you, you’re always walking around the apartment without pants and moaning like a pornstar when you play with yourself at night just so that tsukki can hear you from the other side of the wall
it pisses him off to no end and never misses a chance to call you a little slut, further enraged at the fact that you seem to be enjoying his harsh words
it starts out small, begging and pouting for him to give you the answers to an assignment due, you’re blowing up his phone and offering him anything
tsukki: i’ll give you the answers if you send me a picture of your tits
he really was just trying to shut you up and get you to bother someone else but as he saw you typing back his breath hitched in his throat
you: that’s all? 😌
as soon as the image rolls in on his screen, his cheeks turn bright red, because it’s not just a tiddie pic, no no
you’re a go big or go home kinda gal (and a slut who happens to think about getting rawed by said roommate on the daily anyway)
so now he’s in a lecture hall staring at his dimmed screen, blouse pushed up and black, lacy bra pulled down with your perfect tits on full display (i am an extra whore so i also image him seeing a cute pair of nipple rings and losing his fucking mind)
he sends you the answers, trying to feel like he won but knowing that this little game has just begun
that night he can’t help but looking at that picture while palming at his painfully hard cock
you have a big essay due over King Lear and you and tsukki are working on it in a study room in the library, the topic at hand is boring (king lear is... okay but like really not that great, writing a whole essay on the family dynamics and what Cordelia’s characters means is pain™️) so you decide to give tsukki your sweetest smile
“kei, if you finish my paper i’ll suck your cock.”
your tone is nothing short of pornographic, clicking your tongue for emphasis and tracing the pen in your hand around your wet lips
he tries to keep his cool, but his mind is racing
“you wouldn’t actually do that.” he tries to brush off your proposition but you double down, you check to make sure the door is locked and slide down to your knees and crawling to sit in between his legs
you rest your cheek against his thigh and raise an eyebrow
“please kei” 🥺 you give him a look that’s so sweet the moment becomes even more salacious
his head rolls back onto the back of his chair as you start stroking him lightly over is jeans
“fine. but i don’t feel like being gentle with you.”
he reaches over the table to grab your computer as you pull his already rock hard cock out, and as soon as you administer the first kitten lick to his tip, he’s wrapping your hair around his fist and pushing your head down his length.
after that first time, he decides that head in the library isn’t enough to pay for his services, he also wants to regain control over the situation so his requests get crazier, he wants to see how far he can push you
that’s how you find yourself in your shared british lit class with a bluetooth controlled vibrator shoved in your cunt
“what a dumb little cockwhore you are, i’ll write your paper if you can get through class without cumming those little panties” he says, pushing the toy inside before your walk to class
“miss y/n, can you read the next part please” your professor says and you know exactly what’s about to happen. from the side of your eye you see tsukki opening an app on his phone, turning the little toy on as soon as you begin reading
tsukki should feel a little bad about edging you to orgasm, he should feel bad that your shaking and dripping wet in the middle of a relatively small class
but he can’t help the blood rushing to his cock when someone asks you if you’re feeling okay in response to your pained expression and slightly watery eyes
he’s not a monster though, he makes sure to give his dumb little cockslut what she’s desperate for as soon as you get back to the apartment 😌
with finals approaching and a big protect due, tsukki knows you’ll be running to him for help, so he’s really gotta think of something quite special to due to you
and that’s how you find yourself tied up to his headboard with vibrators against your peirced, pert nipples, face already covered in spit and salty tears
tsukki lines himself up to your drooling entrance and can’t help but laugh at how far he can push you, all for a little help in class
he coos at the expression on your face, too fucked stupid for words- just how he likes you
his voice is sickeningly sweet, tone matching his sadistic grin, as he raises up his phone and clicks record while pushing in to your tight little cunny
“say hi to the camera, doll face”
everyone go say 10 hail mary’s and grab a large glass of water,
Sinners Anonymous
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dirtyoatmeall · 4 years
3 long years (Bokuto x reader)
A/N: So I finally am trying my hand at the secret kid trope. I know these are done a lot but I’ve had this idea in my head for days and I had to write it. I was originally going to do a series but decided to just do one part. (The dinosaur mentioned is Kamuysaurus) Timeskip Bokuto so beware of job spoilers!
Pairing: Bokuto x Fem pronouns/ fem assumed reader
Word Count: Over 5k! (im so sorry)
Warnings: Angst? Happy ending, exes to lovers, long fic
“Yua!” you call as you continue to shove toys into the small backpack. You smile as you hear the fast pitter-patter of feet before a quiet “Yes momma?” signaling your daughter had entered the room. You turn on your feet to face her, and smile softly at the toddler. She was gripping her favorite blanket in her hand and had one of her dinosaurs in the other. She was wearing an outfit she picked out and put on by herself, a pair of pink overalls and a white shirt with frogs underneath. Her hair was in pigtails per request, but you had a feeling by the time you picked her up it would be in braids.
You motioned for her to come to you, and you folded the blanket and placed it along with the plush in the bag. You helped her put on her shoes, which were different colors, and tied them slowly so she could watch. You patted her knees when you were done, blowing a raspberry on her cheek before standing and grabbing the bag you had packed. Yua hopped up, running out of the room for a moment before running back in, paper clutched in hand. You raised an eyebrow but didn’t question it, checking the time and grabbing your purse. You turn to your daughter, making sure you both have everything before reaching for her hand. She takes it and the two of you exit your apartment, stopping for a moment to lock up before heading to your car. You buckle Yua in her car seat, putting her bag below her feet before getting in the car yourself, putting on the Sofia the First soundtrack before driving off.
After a short while you pull in front of another apartment building, turning the car off and helping Yua from her seat. She takes her bag this time and holds your hand as you board the elevator. You let her push the button for the correct floor and watch as she jumps over the gaps in the floor as she exits. The two of you race to the apartment, her smiling and slightly panting as she waits for you. You smile and congratulate her on winning, letting her ring the doorbell of the apartment. She presses the buzzer four times, which would have been more if not for the look you shot her when she giggled. “I think he knows you’re here by now Yua” She simply shrugs and rocks on her feet while you wait at the door.
After a few moments the door opens, Tsukishima raises his eyebrow at your daughter who loudly greets him, “You know you’re gonna wake up Kaeru with all that ruckus.” Yua just sticks out her tongue and goes to run into the apartment, most likely to find the cat. You catch the back of her shirt, helping her take off her shoes and take her bag before releasing her. You shake your head as you watch her search for the cat, turning to the blonde.
 “Thanks again for watching her Tsukishima, I know you’re having friends over later, I’ll try to be done by then.” He simply waves you off, taking Yua’s bag from you. “And like I said, its not a problem. All of them like kids, and we don’t have any plans besides being here, just focus on passing the test. You can even hang around after, I think I still have some of the gremlins pajamas here from last time.” You snort at the way Yua turned around slowly at the nickname, squinting up at Tsukishima.
She trotted over to you, tugging your sleeve down to whisper in your ear. You nod and stand up to your full height, digging the paper she had given you earlier out and handed it to the toddler. She unfolds it and presents it to Tsukishima. “Look Tsumki, I drew you a Kamu-, Kamyu-” She looked at you and you nodded encouragingly, “A Kamusamus!” She finished, smiling proudly, handing the picture to Tsukishima, who narrowed his eyes, pretending to scrutinize it before nodding. “Yep, that’s definitely a Kamusamus. I’ll tell you all about them later, How bout you say bye to your mom and we’ll go watch Atlantis?” Yua nodded frantically, hugging your thighs, letting you kiss her head before she ran to the couch. You said your goodbyes to Tsukishima before leaving for your university.
About an hour into the movie, the doorbell rang, causing Yua to stiffen. Tsukishima patted her head and paused the movie. “My friends are here, do you want to come meet them?” She nodded slowly, gripping the blondes fingers nervously and she walked with him to the door. She hid behind his legs as the others came into the apartment, gripping his jeans and peeking out before hiding again when she made eye contact with one of them. She hears a chuckle and peeks out again.
One of the taller ones had crouched down, smiling at her. She looked up to Tsukishima, who nodded to her, before she stepped out behind his legs, messing with the buckle of her overalls. “Hello.” She greeted in a small voice. The man continued to smile at her, “Hello to you too. My names Kuroo, I’m one of Tsukki’s friends, what’s your name?” She squeezed Tsukishima’s fingers before replying with her name. She chewed her lip, eyes flicking from Kuroo’s face to his hair. He chuckled and leaned his head forward, “You can touch it if you want.” She inhaled sharply and reached out tentatively, touching a small piece before running her hand into the mess of black hair, giggling at it’s softness. She tugs lightly on a piece before returning her hand to her overall buckle. Kuroo grins and stands up, taking off his shoes and moving to the kitchen.
Yua greets two others before the final person crouches before her. Her eyes move from her feet to the person in front of her and she gasps, eyes growing wide. “Bokkun!” She exclaims before raising her hands to look like claws and grins wide and sticks her tongue out. Bokuto and Tsukishima’s eyebrows raise and Bokuto copies her and laughs, “Oh I didn’t realize you were a fan!” Yua nods repeatedly, looking up to Tsukishima before lowering her voice, though not enough for the blonde not to hear, and she waves Bokuto closer. “Don’t tell Tsumki, but you’re my momma’s favorite. We watch all of your games!” Bokuto laughs and Yua leans back speaking in a louder voice, “Sorry but Tsumki is my favorite vomball player.” She tries to wink at Bokuto but fails. He ruffles her hair and stands, going to meet the others in the kitchen. Tsukishima grumbles and leads Yua after them.
After eating the pizza Akaashi had brought, Yua and the others move into the living room. She crawls onto the couch next to Kenma and tries to watch him play without being too near him, before he pauses and looks to her, “Do you wanna watch?” She nods shyly and he lets her sit in his lap as he continues to play, occasionally explaining what he’s doing. The others look on, Akaashi turning to Tsukishima, “I was surprised when you mentioned her being over, you don’t seem the type to babysit.” Kuroo nods in agreement, Bokuto still watching the toddler, there was just something about her that seemed so familiar to him, but he couldn’t quite place it.
Tsukishima shrugs, moving his attention from Yua to his friends. “I mean it’s not hard, I’ve known Yua since she was a year old, her mom and I are classmates.” Kuroo wiggled his brows, “Just classmates? Or are you trying to be Yua’s step-dad?” Tsukishima rolled his eyes, “No, we are just classmates, besides, she’s definitely still hung up on Yua’s dad. I haven’t really asked about him, but I guess they broke up when she got pregnant, he doesn’t know about it, but I can tell her mom misses him. She’s in the year above me, they would’ve been third years when she found out, she took a year to work before enrolling. You guys would like her, I invited her to hangout when she’s done.” Akaashi nodded and Kuroo hummed, the latter watched Bokuto, who had moved from where they were to the couch where Yua and Kenma were. Yua had moved from Kenma’s lap to Bokuto’s and the two were watching Moana on the TV while Kenma continued to play on his switch.
You’ve been sitting in your car for the last 5 minutes, you had finished your test early, and since there were only a few of you taking them the professor was able to get grades out the night of. You had just pulled in front of Tsukishima’s apartment when you got the notification that your test had been graded. Your eyes widened as you looked at the grade and your professor’s comments. You had thought you’d done pretty well, but the zero blazing on the screen told a different story. The test was 60% of your grade, and you’d just flunked it. Tears welled up in your eyes as you read your professor’s comments before shutting off your phone. You ran your hands through your hair, trying to steel your nerves and taking out your phone.
To: Tsukishima
Hey, I’m here. Is it ok if I meet you and Yua at the door? Apparently I totally failed the test, and that and the stress of having to move out tomorrow are messing with me.
From: Tsukishima
Yeah that’s fine, We can go over your test later too
You sent a quick thank you before wiping your eyes and making the trek up to his apartment. You knocked softly and sniffled. Tsukishima opened the door a moment later, Yua in his arms and her backpack slung over his shoulder. Yua was sleeping and you smiled before taking her in your arms. You brushed the hair from her face and kissed her forehead. You took the backpack and smiled at Tsukishima.
“Thanks for watching her, sorry we can’t stay longer, I’d love to another time I’m not crying” He smiled and ruffled your hair. “It’s fine, and I’ll see you tomorrow to help you move. I’ll see if my friends can help too if you’d like.” You adjusted Yua gently in your arms and nodded at the blonde. “That’d be a lot of help, you guys can stay over for dinner too. I’ll send you the address when we get home.” He nodded and you left, trying not to jostle Yua too much when you buckled her in her car seat. After getting home and putting her to bed you went to bed yourself. Sending Tsukishima the address before going to sleep.
You woke up bright and early the next day, wanting to get some last minute packing before Yua woke up. You had moved most of your boxes into the new apartment earlier in the week, now it was just clothes and the rest of the furniture. You dropped Yua off at your parent’s house and met Tsukishima at your apartment to move the final things into the truck. Kyotani and Koganegawa had helped move the heavier stuff into the moving truck before Tsukishima showed up, but they had to work so the two of you finished up. Tsukishima drove the truck to your apartment, apparently one of his friends lives in the same complex you were moving into, so him and the other two that could make it were going to meet Tsukishima there to help unload everything while you finished up things with your previous landlord and picked up Yua. The two of you swung by a bakery to pick up some sweets for Tsukishima and his friends to thank them before heading to your new apartment. You noticed the moving truck had been closed already, they finished faster than you had thought. You and Yua carried the rest of your belongings and the sweets from you car and went headed into the complex.
Your complex thankfully had an elevator, unlike your last one. Your new apartment was on the 5th floor, so it was only a short ride in the elevator before you and Yua were walking down the hallway to your apartment. Yua was skipping in front of you, holding the bag with sweets, humming a tune from Moana. You weren’t sure why but you suddenly felt nervous meeting Tsukishima’s friends. You tried to push the feeling down when you got to your door, there was no reason to be nervous, they just helped you move in. You opened the door, watching Yua walk in and start talking to someone. You moved to put the bags on the counter with your purse, not looking where you were going and bumped into someone. Their hands gripped your arms to steady you and you looked up to apologize only to gasp when you meet familiar golden eyes, eyes that looked so much like your daughter’s.
3rd year, night after graduation.
“(Y/N), I- I don’t understand. Was it something I did? Or something I didn’t? Can- Can we please just talk about this, I love you, I thought you felt the same-“ “I do. I love you so much Kotaro, that’s why I have to leave. You need to focus on Volleyball and I don’t want to distract you, to prevent you from getting where you need to go.” You turned, trying not to let him see the pain on your face but he grabbed your arm, turning you to face him. “What do you mean? Why would you slow me down? Is this about me spending too much time practicing? I promise to make time for you baby, please. I need you in my life. I meant what I said before, you’re it for me, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you, (Y/N), please, please don’t leave me.” He pleaded, cupping your cheek to try to get you to look at him. He’s confused and hurt, everything was fine, what happened? All he knew was that he loved you and you loved him, what else did the two of you need? You tugged yourself from his grasp, tightening your hold on your purse until your knuckles were white, tears blurring your vision as you fought the sobs that threatened to escape. “I’m sorry Kotaro, but I need to leave. Please let me go, this is for the best.” With that you turned and left, Bokuto just slid down the wall, burying his face in his hands as he sobbed, what happened?
“(Y/N)” Bokuto breathed, like you would disappear if he said it too loud. His eyes raked over your face, was it really you? You looked the same, your hair longer and dark circles more apararent, but still breathtaking. His heart constricted as he thought of the last time he saw you. What were you doing here, did that mean- Yua interrupted his train of thoughts, a loud giggle as she hugged his legs.
“Bokkun! Momma look, Tsumki is friends with Bokkun!” Her words seemed to break you out of the spell you were in, moving your gaze from the man in front of you to your daughter. The pain that was on your face quickly changed into a smile and you couched down, Bokuto letting go of your arms, still watching you as your daughter moved to hug you. You smiled gently and ruffled her hair. “I did, Why don’t you find Uncle Tsukki and stay with him, momma and Bokkun need to talk. She nodded and ran into the other room. You took a deep breath before standing, looking at your shoes for a moment before looking at Bokuto.
“Why don’t we talk outside?” Your voice was raw with emotion when you spoke, grabbing your purse before heading out the door, Bokuto followed you silently, thoughts racing.  The two of you walked quietly outside the complex to your car that was parked nearby. The two of you sat silently in the car for a moment, You tried to organize your words, an explanation of everything, and Bokuto was thinking of Yua, how old she was compared to when you last saw each other. He inhaled sharply before turning to you, eyes wide. “Is-Is she mine?” he said, voice trembling. He watched you nod and it took a moment for it to process in his brain, and when it did he broke down, hunching over and covering his face with his hands as he cried. You bit your lip, watching him, hands gripping your jeans tightly as you tried not to cry. You had planned to tell him eventually, you wanted Yua to know her father, you just didn’t expect it this soon.
Inside your apartment, Tsukishima heard the door close as Yua ran into the room. “Tsumki! Momma said I need to stay with you, her and Bokkun need to adult talk.” He furrowed his eyebrows, confused on why you needed to talk to Bokuto. He turned from the box he was unpacking and looked to the toddler. “Do you know why they need to talk?” He knew it was a stretch that she would know, but the way she looked down and but her lip indicated she was hiding something. Now even more perplexed, Tsukishima squatted down to Yua’s height. “Is everything ok Yua? You know you can tell me anything right?” She nodded slowly, fidgeting with her shirt before speaking. “I think Bokkun knows he’s my pappa.” Tsukishima inhaled sharply as everyone in the room stopped. Kuroo and Akaashi now looking at the two. “What do you mean he’s your pappa?” It was Akaashi who spoke first, moving to sit next to the toddler who sighed. “Well momma was crying and said she missed pappa, and when I was asleep but not really she said his name.” Akaashi gasped slightly and turned to Tsukishima, “Tsukishima when is Yua’s birthday?” “November 13th, why?” As Akaashi did the math, it was Kurro who figured it out first. “Tsukki, is her mom’s name (Y/N) (L/N)?” He nodded, still confused when Akaashi ran his fingers through his hair sighing. “Then she’s right, Bokuto is Yua’s father.”  Tsukishima, who was still confused as ever asked Akaashi to explain. Kuroo took Yua to the living room while they talked.
In your car, you pulled your knees to your chest, picking at your shoe as you thought of what to say when Bokuto beat you to it. “That’s why you left right? It was because you were pregnant? Did you think I would be mad? That I didn’t want her?” He had stopped crying but his voice was still raw. You clench your jaw as you thought of the right words to say. “ I did leave after I found out I was pregnant. But it wasn’t for that reason, we were about to graduate Bokuto , we were 18, you were scouted for the pros, I didn’t want anything holding you back from joining. I knew that if you found out that you’d drop everything to take care of us. I didn’t want you to not follow your dreams for me, for us. You were made for more than a 9 to 5 office job.”
You were crying now, thinking back to the day you found out, the week following that you tried to decide what to do. You were going to tell him, but the day you had planned to, he was scouted, offered to play in the pros, like he’s always wanted. You knew then you had to leave, no matter how hard. “I didn’t want to leave, I loved you like I said, that never stopped, I just couldn’t bear the thought that you would one day resent me for preventing you from chasing your dreams.”
You took a deep breath, trying to keep the sobs at bay, not able to look at Bokuto. “I was going to tell you. I wasn’t keeping her a secret from you, I made sure she knew you, we watched all of your games, she’s a big fan you know. But as you went farther, as you accomplished more, it became harder to have the courage to tell you. I didn’t want you to think that I sprung a child on you for your money, I don’t care about it, I never did. Then school started, and you were traveling around the world, and I started to doubt myself, would you even want to be in her life? What if you had moved on, what if you were in a relationship and didn’t have room for us? I didn’t want to subject Yua to rejection. I didn’t want her to meet her father just for him to not want anything to do with her. But god, she’s so much like you Bokuto. She has your eyes, your outlook on the world, especially your energy. She is like you in so many ways it’s a constant reminder of you, so even if I couldn’t have all of you, I still had her, and in a way it was like you were still with me, as dumb as that sounds.” By the time you had finished speaking, your vision was blurry, and your fingers were sore from gripping your pants too tight. As relieving as it was to finally let it all out, you still felt shame burn in your gut. Shame of hiding her, for not telling him right away, for leaving.
You wiped your eyes, sniffling as you waited for him to reply. For him to yell at you, for him to leave. But it never came, instead a hand rested gently on your shoulder. You could hear him shift in the seat beside you and you turned to look at him with baited breath. “(Y/N), I understand. We were young, we still are. And you’re right, I wouldn’t have accepted the scouts offer if I had known, I would’ve gotten a reliable job instead. But I hope you know that I would never resent you, for anything. I never stopped loving you (Y/N), you’re still the one for me, and that will never change. I want to be a part of Yua’s life, of both your lives any way I can.” His hand moved from your shoulder to your hand, and you gripped it tightly. You let out a shuddering breath, and nodded.
Bokuto let go of your hand and the two of you exited your car. You rushed into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and crying into his shoulder. Bokuto’s arms snaked around your middle and he buried his face into your hair, it had been so long since he last held you. After a few minutes you took a step back, moving your hands down to his chest. One of his hands moved to cup your cheek and you nuzzled into it. Bokuto kissed your forehead, pulling back to look at you affectionately. “C’mon, let’s go inside.” You nodded and followed, wiping your nose as you tried to look like you haven’t been crying for the past 30 minutes.
When you opened the door to your apartment, a blur ran at you, and you bent over to life Yua into your arms. She hugged your neck as you rubbed her back gently. She pulled back and looked at you with big golden eyes. “Are you okay momma?” You smiled and kissed her forehead. “Yes baby I’m okay. There’s something I need to talk to you about though.” You shifted her to your hip and turned to Bokuto, you smiled softly at the girl. But before you could try to explain she spoke. “Bokkun is my pappa right?” You chuckled softly and nodded. She nodded to herself and wiggled in your arms, asking to be let down. You set her down and she walked over to Bokuto, who crouched down to her height as they talked.
You turned to the other three in the room, snorting slightly when you realized who the other two were. You walked over and smiled awkwardly. “I guess it was naïve to think there were multiple volleyball playing Tsukishima Kei’s in Japan.” The blonde just chuckles and ruffles your hair as he leaves you with the other two. “Whatever, I’m gonna order pizza for everyone.”
You turned to the other two, not quite sure what to say, when Akaashi hugs you tightly. “We missed you.” He says softly, and damn, you were not expecting to have any tears left, but it seems like you did as they spilled over your cheeks. You gripped Akaashi’s shirt, wiping your eyes as he pulled away, only to be pulled into another hug by Kuroo. “I shoulda known such a cute kid came from you.” You rolled your still teary eyes as you hugged Kuroo. After a moment you pulled away, sniffling. “Well, thanks for helping me move in, Tsukishima said one of you guys lived in the complex.
Akaashi nodded, “I live on the third floor.” You smiled, glad one of closest friends was back and that they lived so close. Kuroo sighed, “Me and Kenma live in Tokyo, he was at Kei’s yesterday but had a meeting today so he wasn’t able to make it, he really would’ve liked to see you.” “Well you guys are gonna be seeing a lot more of us I can tell you that for sure.” You replied, you had already gone 3 years without seeing your friends, you weren’t letting them go that easily again.
After the pizza came and everyone ate, you cleared away room for the sofa and TV, getting it hooked up for a movie. You sat at the end, Yua in your lap and Bokuto next to you, who put his arm around you a bit into the movie. You smiled and leaned into his embrace. After the movie was over people started to file out, Tsukishima, Kuroo and Akaashi all left after getting hugs goodnight from you and Yua.
After another movie you put Yua to bed, Bokuto watching from the door frame as you read her a bedtime story. You gave her a kiss goodnight and shut off the light, closing the door somewhat. Bokuto followed you into your room and watched as you looked through a few boxes before grabbing a box and sitting on your bed. You patted the spot next to you for him to join you. He watched as you took a deep breath and opened the box in your hands. Inside were stacks of letters, about 20 if he had to guess. He looked at you, as you fondly took out a stack of letters. “I figured when I finally got around to telling you about Yua, you’d want to know about her childhood, so I wrote these letters through my pregnancy, after milestones, or just when I wished you were with me. There are pictures and other things in most of them.” You set the stack back in the box and handed it to Bokuto. “I actually wrote the most recent one a few days ago, they’re all dated too. I um haven’t changed my phone number either, if you still have it, I still have yours, if you haven’t changed it that is.”
You looked at him, trying to figure out how to tell him everything running through your head at the moment. He picked up and looked at a few of the letters, looking at the dates written in the envelope before turning to you. “Uh, no I haven’t changed mine, and I do still have yours saved. I don’t have to be back in Osaka for a bit, um, would it be okay if I came over again?” You nodded, “Honestly, I was thinking of ways to ask you to stay. You can stay with us until you have to go back, and um, anytime you want to come visit you can stay here too.”
Bokuto set the letters back in the box and placed it on the ground, turning to you. He placed a hand on your knee and shuffled a bit closer. “I’d really like that. And I know you just moved in here and you’re in school right now, but when your lease is up and if you’re up for it, you and Yua can come live with me in Osaka, there’s a great university there that’s near my apartment you could transfer to, and I’m sure there are great schools for her too. We could even move into a house if that’s what you want. I just don’t want to leave you again.” You sucked in a breath, you had only signed a year lease, and the university in Osaka did offer your major. “Is-is it okay if I think about it?” Bokuto nodded hurridley “Of course! I don’t want you to feel pressured to do anything!” You smiled and gripped his hand that was on your knee, squeezing it reassuringly.
You looked at the time on your phone and yawned, it was late and you’d had an all around exhausting day. You turned to Bokuto once again, “I’m beat, You ready for bed?” Bokuto nodded and got up to leave, you gripped his hand tighter, tugging him towards you. He looked at you questioningly. “ I finally get you in my life after 3 long years, you think I’m gonna make you sleep on the couch?” Bokuto flushed slightly and stepped towards you. You parted your legs for him to stand between them and looked up at him. He gripped your chin lightly and leaned down to softly kiss you. Though it certainly didn’t stay that way, your arms moving you wrap around his neck and pull him with you as you fall back onto the mattress. 
Bokuto moved his hand from your chin to your face, cupping it lightly as his other hand rested on your hip. After a few moments that felt like forever you pulled away for air, panting slightly. He rested his forehead against yours as the two of you caught your breath and grinned. He stood back up chuckling at your whine. “I have a overnight bag in my car, let me go grab it.” You nodded, still pouting and got up to get ready for bed while he went to his car. You were just crawling into the covers when he came back into your bedroom. He stopped in the doorway, eyes zeroed in on your shirt. You looked down, before flushing when you realized it was a MSBY shirt you had bought, with the number 12 across the front. He smirked and went to change quickly before crawling into bed with you. You sighed, content to finally be back in Bokuto’s arms, even if it had taken a few years. You tangled your legs together and he kissed your hair as you fell asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
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wingsofkpop · 4 years
Hiraeth - I.IX: Bloodborne
pairing(s): Hybrid!Im Jaebeom x Reader, Witch!Mark Tuan x Reader, Werewolf!Jackson Wang x Reader, Vampire!Park Jinyoung x Reader, Supernatural!Got7 x Reader
genre: Supernatural!AU, Dark Magic!AU, heavy Angst, eventual Smut
warnings: Mature language, mentions of death and murder, violence, explicit descriptions of fighting, blood and gore, some satanic themes, mentions of trauma, etc. 
word count: 6,5k
synopsis: How far are you willing to go to find out the truth about Moon Dye Bay?…
chapter directory
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“—so once Youngjae channels enough power from the blood moon tonight, he’ll be able to lower the veil between the Other Side and the physical plane long enough to resurrect your spirit into a mortal body.” You explain, glancing over your notes at the unusually quiet figure sitting on your bed. Something about his expression seems distant—almost sorrowful. 
After your return from the hospital, and after the long chat with your roommate convincing her that your absence all night was due to a last minute work emergency, a certain ghost phased into your bedroom. You wouldn’t allow yourself to be this concerned, but during his visits, Jackson usually never shuts up. If you were all alone with no one to talk to, you probably wouldn’t either. 
You lower your notebook and shake your head, “You haven’t said one word since you showed up. What’s wrong?”
Jackson purses his lips, as if nervous to relay the thoughts swirling through his mind. Another brief moment of silence passes before he finally murmurs, “It’s the witches. They’re starting to get suspicious again… I don’t know how long I have before they figure out I’ve been crossing over to this plane.”  
“Then we’ll just have to bring you back before they find out.” You grab your phone from your desk, checking through your notifications to see if a certain siphoner has yet responded to your dozens of texts and calls. No dice. 
You haven’t been able to reach Youngjae since yesterday morning, which is odd considering the guy is the type to respond within three seconds of receiving a message. It would be one thing if he let you know that he’s busy, but it’s complete radio silence. It’s not like Youngjae at all. 
“You’re worried about something.” 
Your eyes dartup at Jackson’s observation, discovering his concerned gaze focused on you. 
“It’s Youngjae.” You sigh, “I haven’t heard from him, but I’m sure he’s just busy brewing potions or something.” You expect to earn at least a chuckle from the ghost, but his silence remains along with the blank expression along his face. His same distant demeanor also lingers, and this time, your concern grows to panic. “What is it, Jackson? What’s going on?” 
“I didn’t want to say anything cause I was sure it was all in my head, but I feel that something is… weird.” 
“It’s hard to explain.” He continues, “But as a ghost, I can feel things around me… like right now, the universe just seems off—” His voice cuts out as he frantically shakes his head, “Anyway, I just want you to be careful. Mark used to tell me that disrupting the balance of nature is like opening Pandora’s box.” 
“Yeah. We will be doing none of that.” You set your phone down before crossing the room to kneel in front of Jackson. A grin lifts to your lips as you hum to the ghost, “So what do you feel when you’re around me?...” 
Jackson raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?” 
“You said you feel things around you… Do you feel anything special when you’re with me?” 
You’re surprised at the eagerness that swells in your chest as he takes his time to think over your question. The inquiry was supposed to be a joke to lighten the mood, but you’re actually curious about your companion’s ghastly perceptions. After maybe a minute or two, Jackson sends you a small smile: 
“I feel… light.” 
“Light? What is that supposed to mean?” 
“You have this aura around you.” Jackson affirms, mindlessly reaching forward thumb at your cheek. You obviously can’t feel his touch, but something in your gut tells you that if you could, you would feel nothing but warmth. “I feel powerful when I’m with you…” 
“Is that a good thing?”  
He grins, “I think so.” 
You continue to stare at one another for a moment, almost attempting to read the depths in each other’s eyes. It’s not until a harsh knock resonates from the front door do you finally break the gaze, offering Jackson a final hum, “I’ll bring you back as soon as I can. I promise.” 
Jackson nods, “I know you will. But like I said, please be careful.” 
“I will. See you soon.” You wait for Jackson to disappear completely before exiting your bedroom, cursing Sana for leaving you to deal with whoever is incessantly banging on your door. It’s probably the old lady from across the hall wanting to borrow another cup of sugar. You roll your eyes at the thought and open the door, ready to politely decline your neighbor’s request.
Your words die on your tongue—definitely not the old lady from across the hall.  
“Mark? What are you—?” 
“What? Not expecting to see me?” Mark’s hostile growl takes you by surprise, as does the furious expression etched along his features. “That’s not surprising since you’ve been ignoring me.” 
“I’ve been busy.” 
“Oh. I’m sure.” 
You cross your arms over your chest. “What the hell is your problem?” 
“You wanna know what my problem is?” Mark takes a step closer to you before pointing a finger in your direction, “The fact that you not only lie to me, but you go behind my back and then deliberately avoid me for days on end.” 
“What are you even talking about, Mark?” 
“I’m talking about you and Youngjae playing God and resurrecting Jackson.” 
Your muscles instantly freeze, as if Mark had taken a tub of ice water and thrown it over your head. The annoyance inside your chest shifts to guilt, and your once cold features cannot help but soften. 
You shake your head, “Mark, I—” 
“Do you know how dangerous it is to bring someone back from the dead, (Y/N)?” Mark lowers his voice, but his tone remains as frigid as his gaze. “Do you know the consequences that happen when you fuck with the balance of nature?” 
“I get that, but—it’s complicated, Mark… There’s things you don’t understand—” 
“I don’t understand!?” He scoffs, “Last I checked, I’m the goddamn witch here, (Y/N)! You know nothing about magic and its sacrifice!” 
“Maybe not, but I do know that there is a chance I could bring Jackson back!” You shake your head again, “Please, just give me a chance to explain—” 
“No. Because it’s not fucking happening.” Mark interrupts, furiously shaking his own head. “I forbid you to do this.” 
It’s like a switch goes off in your mind. Your guilt immediately transforms, but this time, it configures into rage: 
“You forbid me!? Who the flying fuck do you think you are!?”
“I won’t sit back and allow you to get yourself killed—!” 
“And last I checked, you don’t have the right to control what I do and the decisions I make!” You seethe, stepping further back into your apartment. “This is my choice. I’m resurrecting Jackson whether you like it or not.” 
“Fine! Get yourself fucking killed for all I care!” The witch raises his hands in mock surrender. “At least then I won’t have to deal with your reckless, moronic ass!”
“Fuck you, Mark.” You don’t allow the witch to say anything further and slam the door in his face. Your chest remains unbearably heavy, both physically and mentally, but you ignore the sweltering emotions and begin to traverse around the apartment, gathering your bag and other assorted belongings. 
A confused and rather concerned Sana emerges from her bedroom a few seconds later. “Are you okay? What was with all that yelling?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” You huff, shoving your arms through the sleeves of your jacket. “Just Mark being a douchebag, as per usual.” 
“Where are you going?” 
“To find Youngjae.”
“Isn’t it kind of late?” 
“I’m an adult, Sana.” You snap before throwing your bag over your shoulder. “Don’t wait up for me.” 
Similar to Mark, you don’t allow Sana the chance to question you further and sprint out the front door, praying that Youngjae will be up to bringing Jackson back in the next few hours. 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
Mark has never exercised the greatest control over his emotions. It first began when he was twelve, after his dad walked out on his mom. He found himself sobbing his eyes out some days, and beating the shit out of other kids on others. His mood ranged from intense rage to extreme depression. There was no in between. 
In an effort to help, his mom enrolled him in a program designed to teach teens how to handle their emotions. But to no one’s surprise, the therapy didn’t do shit and Mark continued to initiate fights and cry himself to sleep most nights. He never understood why he felt this way—he still doesn’t, to be honest. His dad and him were never close, nor did he ever really care about his sudden departure. Maybe he was just an angry kid with depression. Maybe it was something else. 
It wasn’t until his mom was killed did Mark begin to pull his life together, which also happened to be around the same time he met the too-friendly, homeschooled kid with an ego the size of Jupiter, Jackson Wang. Sure, the two of them butted heads every so often, but with Jackson being a werewolf, Mark learned the importance of managing the chaos within. ‘Emotion is like a loaded gun,’ he remembers Jackson once said, ‘If you let yourself pull the trigger without first aiming down sights, then you risk sinking a bullet into someone you love.’ Those words remain with him—remind him what means to stay in control. 
But when it involves the people he loves, Mark can’t always regulate the ticking bomb counting down in his soul. 
An ache settles in his chest as he recalls the passionate fire in your gaze. There’s always been some parts of you that reminds Mark of his past friend, specifically your stubbornness and inability to think before you act. He’s never found himself hating those parts of you until now—and he shouldn’t, Mark knows that, but he’s so fucking angry and so fucking scared of losing yet another one of the most important people in his life.
He’s experienced his fair share of loss, but losing you… It would break him. Completely. 
Mark tries to push the intrusive thoughts from the forefront of his mind and focus on navigating his way through the dark maze of headstones and crumbling tombs. Right after you slammed your front door in his face, he received a text from Youngjae summoning him, Jisung and Lia to an emergency meeting at the edge of the cemetery. He’s still mad at the siphoner for assisting with your reckless scheme, but he won’t allow his pettiness to interfere with the safety of the coven. 
A sigh falls from his lips—he does regret ever saying those ending words to you though… because what if they’re the last ones you hear from him. 
‘I’m so sorry, Jackson…’ 
Mark’s misery is forgotten when he notices a group of people up ahead. He recognizes Lia, Jisung and Youngjae flocked together inside a chalk-white circle surrounded by lit torches. For a moment, Mark wonders if they’re in the middle of performing some type of seance, but his curiosity dwindles into confusion when he grows aware of the panic present in each set of their features. 
He breaks into a sprint to cover more distance, approaching the strangely placed trio in no time. At the sight of him, Lia immediately bursts into tears, furthering the anxiety bubbling at the back of his throat. 
“What the hell is going on!?” 
“Hyung! You have to get out of here right now!” Mark notices the swollen, angry flesh of Youngjae’s bottom lip as he speaks, along with the ugly bruise underneath his left eye. 
“What happened?” He ignores the siphoner’s warnings, attempting to reach inside the circle and grab Lia’s arm. However, his hand is met with resistance—a boundary spell. “Who did this to you?” 
Lia sobs, “Just go, Mark! Before he hurts you!” 
“Before who hurts me!? What are you—” His demands die in his throat as another figure appears from behind a large, marble gravestone. He immediately recognizes the newcomer, which sends even more confusion through his veins. “Seo Changbin? What the hell is this?” 
“It’s an emergency meeting, hyung.” Mark feels his entire body freeze when the familiar, conniving voice enters his ears. “You had me a little worried… I almost thought you wouldn’t show up.” 
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Mark whirls around to face a smirking Minho cockily leaning against the wall of an empty tomb. “What kind of game do you think you’re playing, Minho?”
The younger witch shrugs before pushing off the wall to pace around the area. As he draws closer and closer, Mark can spy an ancient, navy blue ring sitting heavily on his forefinger. He’s never seen any piece of jewelry like it before, but something in his gut told him it wasn’t just a simple ring—and that he’s definitely in some kind of trouble. 
“Mind explaining to me what we’re doing here? Or are you just going to continue pacing around the place like a cocky bastard?” 
“Tonight is a special night, hyung… You wanna know why?” He watches Minho point to the night sky, “In just a few minutes, the moon will drift into the Earth’s shadow and the light of the sun will reflect across the moon’s surface, thus causing a blood moon… It’s actually pretty cool—” 
“For Christsake, Minho—get to the goddamn point.”
“You know, for years I had to deal with all your bullshit excuses and justifications of putting our coven in danger—it was only a matter of time until one of us ended up dead, don’t you think?” 
A bitter memory of Nayeon’s corpse resurfaces, but Mark remains silent. 
“Everyone was too fucking blind, but I saw right through you.” Mark doesn’t move a muscle when Minho suddenly approaches, crowding his space until his nose is mere inches from brushing his own. The younger witch’s harsh glare bleeds into his soul as he continues, “You’re a poor fucking excuse for a leader, hyung—a leader who can’t even protect his own people.” 
“And you think you can do better, huh?” Mark growls, glaring his own daggers into Minho’s gaze. “You have no fucking clue what it takes to run this coven… Admit it, you’re just pissed they chose me over you.” 
“And look where that got them.” 
“You need to cut out whatever petty bullshit this is and let Youngjae, Jisung and Lia go.” Mark murmurs, “Whatever problems you have are with me, so let’s just talk it out, okay?” 
“Oh, Mark-hyung…” Minho’s gaze is unwavering from his own as he lifts a hand to rest on Mark’s shoulder. It’s a second too late that Mark realizes it is the same hand in which holds the mysterious ring: 
“I’m over talking it out.” 
Youngjae’s screams and Lia’s sobs echo in his ears along with the words that spill from Minho’s lips—they’re foreign, but Mark recognizes the spell right away. He tries to squirm and fight against the perpetrator’s grip, but another pair of hands keep his body in place—Changbin. 
Bit by bit, Mark feels the buzz of his magic lift from his veins like a flock of doves. His limbs grow weak and his head fuzzy. Soon enough, his own knees no longer bear the strength to hold his weight. Once both Minho and Changbin release him, Mark collapses to the ground—empty and unable to rise. 
“What did you do to him!?” Mark hears Jisung’s voice for the first time, although his brain is not fully able to comprehend the inquiry. 
“I took his magic. He won’t be needing it anymore.” 
Mark manages to find enough strength to reposition his body in a way that allows him to watch both Minho and Changbin approach a makeshift altar composed of an old, concrete coffin. Through the blur of his vision, he catches the witch stirring some kind of crimson mixture—likely blood. Minho looks to the moon, which is slowly brightening to a shade of maroon, before resting his gaze on his companion: 
“It’s time.” He offers the mixture to Changbin, “Once you drink this, I can begin the transformation.” 
“And you’re sure this spell will give me everything I need to take down the Primes?” 
“One hundred percent.” 
Take down the Primes?… Fucking hell. 
“Minho! Don’t do this!” Mark can’t make out his own voice between the ringing of his ears and the beating of his heart, but he can only hope they’re audible enough for his audience. “The transformation—it won’t work!” 
Youngjae shakes his head. “I don’t understand… What are you talking about, hyung?” 
“He’s going to try to recreate the spell I used on Jackson on Changbin.” With a huff and a puff, Mark pushes himself to his hands and knees. He attempts to crawl forward, but the spinning of his head sends his body sprawling along the ground once again. He abandons any more thoughts of movement and speaks to Minho directly, “It will kill him—do you understand me!? You can’t—” 
“You failed because you couldn’t draw enough power to complete the transformation.” Minho doesn’t even bother to look in his direction, “It will work—I know it will.”
Understanding there’s no possible way to convince the witch, Mark looks to the werewolf instead, “I’m warning you, Changbin! If you go through with this, you will die!” 
“Don’t listen to him. Just drink the blood.” 
“No! For fucksake, this is suicide!” 
“Think of Jackson.” Minho murmurs to a torn Changbin, reaching across the altar to place a supportive hand on his shoulder. “Do it for him.” 
“Changbin, don’t—!” 
Mark watches in horror as Changbin throws back the mixture and downs its entirety in two gulps. His heart shatters like the glass vial the werewolf launches to the ground. He peers to his left, discovering the same shocked expressions across Youngjae, Jisung and Lia’s faces, and shakes his head in defeat as Lia begins to sob again. 
“Filia maximo… Filia maximo… Morsus, morsus—” The wind begins to screech as Minho chants, tearing at Mark’s hair and nudging at his clothes, as if pleading for him to stop the spell. But there’s nothing he can do. For once, Mark is powerless. “—morsus… Advenio donec duo est revertus mors…” With a loud scream, Changbin collapses to the earth. He squirms and writhes in pain underneath the flaming light of the moon—and Mark can’t help but attempt to block out the snaps of his cracking bones. 
The scene seems to last for hours until Changbin eventually grows silent. Mark takes the time to catch his breath, unable to control his lungs over the anxiety, fear and nausea lurking through his veins. He wants to look away from the still werewolf, but his gaze is as frozen as the rest of his body. 
His eyes burn with tears of rage—Changbin is dead. Another person died because of his own fucking stupidity. Mark should have known this would happen again. He should have stopped it. He should have—
His thoughts disappear as Changbin suddenly gasps for air. For a moment, he claws at the earth as if attempting to ground himself, before he finally, albeit shakily, climbs to his feet. Minho cautiously approaches the wolf, peering down at the shorter male with a gaze full of concern. 
“How do you feel?...” 
“I feel…” Changbin flexes his fingers again, before closing them into tight fists. The moonlight illuminates the crimson glow of his irises and the sharpness of his long, black fangs as he faces the witch—a malicious smirk spreading along his lips as he chuckles, “I feel like kicking some ancient Prime ass.” 
Mark can’t find the strength to watch anymore and allows his head to lower to the earth. Just before his eyes flutter shut, he swears he spots the movement of shadows from behind a nearby headstone. But before he can confirm his suspicions, his head takes one final spin and the world grows dark. 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
June 13th, 1769 — As much as I enjoy the atmosphere of Paris, I believe it is time to progress onto another part of the world. Some of the townsfolk are beginning to grow suspicious, considering I appear twenty years younger than my supposed age. Nevertheless, I will not mind a new start elsewhere. Jaebeom, on the other hand, will be a terror to convince. As he claimed last time I brought the idea to light, ‘There will never be a place more beautiful than Paris.’
But I know he is not through playing with his newest toy—Tzuyu. 
I set sail for the newlands tomorrow at sunrise. Whether my brother decides to accompany me or not is solely his preference. It would be pleasant to spend some time apart—to spend some time in peace—but I know, with many complaints and reluctance, Jaebeom will board the ship tomorrow. Wherever I traverse, he follows, and vice versa. We are family, after all. 
I will miss Notre Dame the most. I have grown used to visiting the Cathedral and repenting my wrongdoings to the high priest. Of course, I am forced to erase his memory of our talks each time, but it is nice to confess. It lifts a weight off of the shoulders, takes away a small portion of the guilt. If there is a god, he would never allow a creature like me to walk amongst his heavens—but at least I can salvage the lingering hope left inside of my soul. Speaking of hope, I thought I saw a woman that resembled Irene during my daily visit to the church. I find it amusing that after all these years, my heart continues to yearn for her presence. She was truly special—I wonder if she ever thought the same of me. 
I’ve heard some of the sailors refer to a shore in the newland that has yet to be claimed. It may be the perfect location for Jaebeom and I to start anew.  I can only hope it is as beautiful as people say. Maybe I will construct a place of worship as stunning as the Cathedral. 
Isn’t that ironic?... A vampire who believes in faith. 
Jinyoung finishes the entry with a sigh, welcoming the nostalgia that spreads through his thoughts like an old friend. It seems just yesterday that he recorded his first thoughts about the land that would become Moon Dye Bay. He shakes his head, carefully setting the old journal back on the bookshelf. 
He never did build that church. 
“Reminiscing again, brother?” The moment is ruined when a certain hybrid’s snicker reaches his ears. Jinyoung rolls his eyes as Jaebeom takes residence beside him, dragging his fingers along the spines of Jinyoung’s other diaries. “We did have some great times back in the 18th century… Remember our battles during the French Revolution? I rather enjoyed King Louis and Marie Antoinette’s executions.” 
“You enjoy anything that involves bloodshed.” 
“Don’t be so resentful, Jinyoungie. It’s not my fault that the queen had you in her interests.” 
Jinyoung shakes his head before retreating to his desk to fix himself a drink. “The woman was as shallow as a poor soul’s ego. She was taken with any man who’d pay her the time of day. It was a miracle her death came as quickly as it did.” 
“Careful there. You sound like me.” 
Jinyoung deliberately chooses not to respond to Jaebeom’s comment and proceeds to pour two glasses of bourbon. He ignores his companion’s wide smirk as he hands him one of the drinks. Both the vampire and the hybrid simultaneously take a sip, peering at one another over the rims of their cups. Jaebeom is the first to break the silence with a pleased inhale and a hum: 
“You returned pretty late last night. I hope you used protection during your time with (Y/N).” 
“Mind your tongue, hyung.” Jinyoung warns, “I brought (Y/N) to the hospital after the attack—I trust you took care of Tzuyu?” 
Jaebeom smirks. “Of course. She won’t be alive long enough to target your newest Maria Antonia again.” 
About to inhale another sip of his bourbon, Jinyoung pauses to mull over the answer. He lowers his glass to his side before delivering Jaebeom a confused expression and a murmured inquiry, “What do you mean she won’t be alive?” 
“Tzuyu and I got into an argument and, well, she pissed me off.” Jinyoung watches Jaebeom down the rest of his drink. 
“Please tell me you didn’t bite her, Jaebeom-hyung.” He curses at the widening of Jaebeom’s smirk, slamming his glass back down on his desk with enough force to crack its exterior. “When I told you to deal with her, I didn’t mean condemn her to a fate of pain. If you wished to kill her, you could have at least been merciful and done it quick.” 
“Last I checked, you said it yourself not to be kind.” Jinyoung follows Jaebeom as he pours himself another drink and collapses onto a brown, leather sofa. He tips his glass toward him with a smile before continuing, “I thought the punishment fit the crime, and we wouldn’t want to put helpless, human (Y/N) in danger again, would we?” 
“You turned it off, didn’t you?” Jinyoung realizes, “Does holding onto your humanity wound you that badly, hyung? That you have no choice but to wish it away?” 
“If I remember correctly, I’m not the only one that can’t hold onto their humanity… How many people did you kill in the ‘20s alone? One thousand? Maybe two?” 
Jinyoung shakes his head, “I’m not that person anymore.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” In the blink of an eye, Jaebeom is in front of Jinyoung—his glass in pieces on the floor beside him. He leans in until Jinyoung can taste the alcohol of his breath on his tongue, then whispers darkly, “You can lie to yourself all you fucking want, Jinyoung. But deep down, you’ll always know what you are… let’s just hope (Y/N) never finds out, hm?” 
At the mention of your name, Jinyoung’s anger expands. He suppresses the urge to take the table beside him and smash it over the hybrid’s head, and instead inhales a deep breath. Jaebeom is only trying to provoke him—and he refuses to be a pawn in his foolish games. 
“You will remember what it was like to feel human again.” Jinyoung sighs, “For your sake, I hope your remembrance comes sooner rather than later.” 
Jaebeom tsks, “Being human is overrated.” 
“He said the same thing about fate.” Both Jinyoung and Jaebeom whirl around at the appearance of a third voice. Jinyoung feels his blood begin to boil at the sight of the familiar vampire in the doorway, once again, suppressing his desire to launch a piece of furniture in her direction. “Ironically, fate and humanity are a package deal.” 
Jaebeom growls, “What the fuck are you doing here, Tzuyu?” 
“I came to try and convince you to give me your blood.” Tzuyu coughs, and Jinyoung swears he can hear the rattle of her bones. “But judging by your attitude, that’s obviously going to be harder than I thought.” 
“You have courage for showing your face again.” Jinyoung crosses his arms with a dark hum, “Especially so soon after you nearly killed (Y/N).”
“It wasn’t my intention to kill her. I just wanted to send a message.” 
“Is that so?” With a malicious glare, Jinyoung steps forward and tilts his head toward the vampire, “And what kind of message was that?” 
“For (Y/N) to stay away from Jaebeom.” Another violent cough wracks through Tzuyu’s thin form, causing a light stream of blood to splatter from her lips. She wipes her mouth with a ragged breath before continuing, “Look, I did it for her own good. We all know his track record at keeping humans alive.” 
“You did it to protect her!?” Jaebeom cackles, “Wow! That’s fucking priceless!” 
“Say what you will, you both know I’m right.” Tzuyu says, propping herself up against a nearby bookshelf. “It’s either she ends up dead or is turned into a vampire—then again, there’s not much of a difference between the two, is there?” 
“I would die before I allow (Y/N) to come to any harm.” 
“The only issue with that is you can’t die, Jinyoung.” Jinyoung doesn’t take his eyes off Tzuyu as she grabs a bottle of brandy from the top shelf. It takes her literal seconds to unscrew the cap and down a good portion of the container. She licks her lips and says, “I’m sorry I attacked (Y/N), okay? I went too far. I won’t do it again.” 
“You think an apology is enough to save your life?” Jaebeom snickers before snatching the alcohol from the vampire, “Think again, sweetheart.” 
“What do you want from me, Jaebeom? Does seeing me die a slow, painful death bring you joy?” 
He shrugs, “No one mourns for the wicked.” 
“Is he always this much of an asshole?” 
Jinyoung chuckles, “Pretty much.” 
“Great.” The vampire breathes out a sigh and cards her fingers through her hair. After a brief moment of silence, she directs her attention back to Jaebeom and pleads—her voice packed with desperation and fear, “What can I do to convince you to let me live? Please, Jaebeom… I don’t want to die.” 
“You should have thought about that before you touched what I told you not to.” Jinyoung remains quiet as Jaebeom lifts a hand to grasp Tzuyu’s jaw. The dying visitor remains unphased, proceeding to glare at the hybrid with hateful, yet oddly sorrowful eyes. “I suggest you show yourself out before I end your life sooner.” 
“You’re going to lose everything one of these days, Jaebeom.” Tzuyu shakes her head sadly, wiping away a layer of cold sweat from her forehead. “You’re going to lose everyone, even your brother, and you’re going to be alone. For an eternity.” 
“Save the monologue.” Jaebeom waves dismissively, taking a sip of the brandy before returning it back to its shelf. “Petty isn’t a good look for you, baby.” 
“Fuck you, Jaebeom.” Tzuyu goes to stomp out the door, but something—someone blocks her path. The atmosphere changes when Jinyoung notices your panicked form, practically gasping for air and cross-eyed, standing in the doorway. He immediately speeds to your side without hesitation, grasping your hands in hopes to ground you. 
He stares into your eyes, “What is it, (Y/N)? What’s wrong?” 
“You and Jaebeom have to get the hell out of here! Right now!” 
Jaebeom shakes his head in confusion, “What the hell are you talking about?” 
“I don’t know what exactly happened but Minho turned Changbin into this dark werewolf creature or-or something… I do know, however, that Changbin is on his way right now to kill you both.” Jinyoung steps back at the intensity of your explanation, unable to think of a response over the roar of his thoughts. Through his peripheral vision, he can spot the same type of speechlessness across Jaebeom’s face. 
Not again… 
“That’s stupid… You realize nothing can kill them, right?” Tzuyu scoffs. 
“This is different.” You urge, “I saw Changbin—he wasn’t like anything I’ve ever seen before… The spell that Minho used, it was-was—” 
“Dark magic.” Jinyoung finishes blankly, “The spell was dark magic.” 
“Yes… which means you and Jaebeom need to leave town as fast as you possibly can before—” 
“I don’t think anyone is going anywhere, (Y/N).” Jinyoung’s entire body grows stiff as a new voice echoes throughout the study. He cautiously turns his head, discovering none other than the young werewolf in question resting among the shadows. His eye also catches the open window a few inches away, and he curses himself for ever wanting to feel the nightly draft. 
Changbin’s smirk is as dark as his eyes. 
“What?... Not going to offer me a drink?” 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
“(Y/N)! Get out of here! Now!” Jaebeom hears Jinyoung scream as the werewolf suddenly launches forward, knocking his brother into the bookshelf behind him. The wood completely splinters beneath the impact, raining down an array of books and planks on Jinyoung’s body. Changbin turns to Jaebeom next, but the hybrid is ready—and pissed off. 
Jaebeom speeds toward the intruder and delivers a swift kick to the gut. Changbin flies back at the force, crashing back through the window with a loud growl. Sensing the urgency in time, Jaebeom quickly throws Jinyoung’s immobile body over his shoulder and urges both you and Tzuyu out the study door. 
“Come on! We gotta go!” 
“Jaebeom! What the hell is happening!?” He ignores Tzuyu’s fearful ask and proceeds to lug Jinyoung through the maze of hallways and down the staircase, you and the female vampire hot on his heels. He doesn’t know exactly where he’s going, but he makes his way to the parlor where he props Jinyoung up against a nearby chair before turning to you: 
“You need to leave. I will deal with this.” 
“No way. I’m not going anywhere.” Jaebeom curses your stubbornness inside his head, sending a stern glare in your direction. Your expression remains fixated, and he can’t help but wish your presence in any other situation but now. 
“I can’t protect you right now—” 
“And I can’t sit back and watch you get yourselves killed!” You shake your head indignantly, “I’m staying!” 
“Fucking hell, (Y/N)! Get your ass out that door before I throw you out myself!” 
“Jaebeom, watch out!” At Tzuyu’s cue, a wooden branch comes soaring in through the window. Jaebeom immediately throws himself against you, effectively forcing your body to the ground to dodge the projectile. He can feel your fear through the trembling of your limbs and hurried breaths, but it only brings him more determination to tear apart his attacker. 
He shakes his head in surrender, “You stay on the fucking ground, understand? Don’t you fucking dare move a muscle.” He doesn’t bother to wait for a response and pushes himself back to his feet. 
Tzuyu is huddled in a corner, and Jinyoung has yet to awaken from his crash landing back in the study. Jaebeom tries to focus his senses on detecting the werewolf, but he can’t seem to hear anything past the beating of his own heart. He carefully makes his way over to the incapacitated vampire, attempting to force him back to consciousness. 
“Now is really not the time for a fucking nap, Jinyoung.” He hisses, “I swear to god, if I have to save your ass one more time—” Another wave of tree branches come crashing through the windows. Unfortunately, Jaebeom is not as quick and one catches his shoulder at just the right angle. He feels the wood sink into his flesh, painfully carving into his bones. With a low groan, Jaebeom manages to grab the makeshift stake and remove it in one hefty pull. 
He tosses it away with a yell, “You gonna hide like a little bitch!? Or are you gonna come out and fight like a man!?” 
“Be careful what you wish for, asshole!” Jaebeom turns just in time to discover the werewolf emerging from a shattered window. His blood boils when he notices the sadistic grin along the young kid’s face—he wonders how those teeth will look strewn across the parlor floor. 
Changbin comes at him fast, much faster than Jaebeom could have predicted. He manages to dodge a set of jabs, but he’s not so lucky when Changbin lands a heavy hit against the side of his face. Pain erupts through his jaw as he collapses to the floor, but Jaebeom doesn’t have the chance to dwell over it and rolls out of the way just as the werewolf attempts to stomp his nose. 
Jaebeom tries to speed away again, but like before, his counterpart is faster. Changbin manages to force him to the floor for a second time, pinning his body down with his own. Horrified, the hybrid watches as the werewolf’s eyes glow blood red and large, pitch black fangs emerge past his parted lips. Once again, he attempts to break free, but it’s no use—Changbin is too strong. 
Just when he believes the wolf’s fangs are going to sink into his neck, another form knocks Changbin away. Jaebeom hurriedly props himself on his arms in time to watch Tzuyu deliver a series of hits and kicks to the perpetrator, eventually slamming his head into a nearby armoire. Taking advantage of the moment, she turns from Changbin to Jaebeom instead: 
“Grab Jinyoung and (Y/N) and run!” She screams, “Get the hell of here!” 
Unable to move, Jaebeom remains as Tzuyu attempts to fight off the wolf. But with the combination of his ultimate strength and her weakness from Jaebeom’s venom, her defeat is inevitable. He watches in terror as Changbin sinks his teeth into the vampire’s arm before yanking her head forward and effectively snapping her neck. Jaebeom feels his insides practically soar with rage when the attacker tosses a comatose Tzuyu across the room like a useless toy. 
“I’ll kill you…” He sneers, allowing his own supernatural features to overtake his face. “I’ll fucking kill you…” 
Changbin shakes his head with a smirk, “I’d like to see you try.” 
Using the little agility he has left, Jaebeom grabs one of the branches and speeds toward the wolf. Due to Changbin’s movements, he misses his chest, but manages to stab the weapon in his stomach. Changbin releases a pained groan, allowing Jaebeom to take advantage of his surprise and land another array of uppercuts to his face. Just when he finally thinks he has the upper hand, his opponent blocks one of his hits and pins him against a wall with a hand around his throat. 
“Any last words, Prime?”
“You really think you can kill me?” Jaebeom growls, squirming against Changbin’s hold. 
“I know I can… Have fun rotting in Hell—fuck!” 
Shock spills through Jaebeom’s veins as the point of branch suddenly appears through the center of the wolf’s chest, splattering red across both of their bodies. Changbin’s grip releases, allowing the hybrid to quickly speed out of his reach. Once he’s a safe distances away, Jaebeom looks to his savior, discovering the one person he never expected to see—
You stand over Changbin’s body—chest heaving and bloodied hands trembling. Your eyes are glassy when Jaebeom meets your gaze, and for some reason, he feels the urge to go and pull your form into a tight embrace. Your voice, however, returns his mind to reality: 
“Did I… Did I kill him?” 
“I don’t think so.” Jaebeom answers, nursing his wound with his own shaky fingers. “We need to get out of here—get somewhere safe.” 
“Good idea.” You trudge over to where Jinyoung is still unconsciously laid across the chair. Jaebeom follows your lead and hurries over to a lifeless Tzuyu. “I know somewhere we can go… but I don’t think you’re going to like it.” 
“(Y/N)... There is an immortal, unkillable super wolf out to kill me and my brother currently in my living room…”  He snorts, maneuvering Tzuyu’s body into one arm and assisting you and Jinyoung with the other. 
“Trust me, anywhere is a hell of a lot better than here…”
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