#apex legends mentioned!!!!
ptanalo · 11 months
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some quick conduits
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monkiinart · 10 months
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finally started playing apex, im having fun despite having the spacial awareness of a blind horse
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symply-sym · 1 year
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probably my favorite thing i ever made. took forever to glaze all this.
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agilident · 1 year
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finally drew the rev prestige skin (after meaning to for a bit) . can u tell what noticeable trait i decisively chose not to draw. curious to know
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revenant-dumpster-fire · 10 months
Okay, I came up with a reason why Revenant may have "changed his mind", although it's a little bit of a shot in the dark:
(explanation below the cut for those interested)
TW: death mention & suicide mention below
So, for initial context:
When biological bodies (animal or human) take near-lethal damage or perceive they are about to die, there is a very strong chemical neurological kickback to fight like hell for one's life. Adrenaline is part of it, but people fail to realize how strong it can be and how severe that kickback can be.
In the very taboo documentary called The Bridge—which is a film about people who successfully and unsuccessfully committed suicide by throwing themselves from The Golden Gate Bridge—survivors are asked about their experiences during the fall. Consistently, during the fall to their perceived death, they state that everything that made them want to commit suicide in the first place becomes negligible. Suddenly, every seemingly unsolvable problem is solvable. Every bit of despair is vanquished. Every close tie that was severed can be tied back together. Suddenly, they don't just lose the want to die, they are rushed with the will to live. Many of these survivors give some of the most compelling testimonies as to why suicide is not the real solution, despite being paralyzed and permanently traumatized by their jump.
So that context given:
Revenant seems fine with his decision to die during the opening of this cinematic. He rolls his head to Loba and lets her (for some reason instead of shooting it), break the glass slowly with her staff to drive the equivalent of a stake through his eye.
Duardo teases his upgrades, which provides new power to him.
But also, the snap decision also occurs at a prime moment: Loba stabs and penetrates his eye, meaning she's one more blow away from killing him. (A stake into the eye will hit the brain, which with some rare exceptions is a killing blow.)
If Revenant still has any connection to how his biologics react (which it is heavily implies he does), that is the prime moment he would have the neurological kickback to live. Not just live, but fight to live. And Duardo just gave him new power to solve every problem in his head that might have led him to be so suicidal for so long.
He can claim this was always just him wanting to control himself, but I don't think he was playing 4D chess this whole time: I think that realization was the solution to his suicidal feelings mixed with the biological feralness to cling to life.
He is giving himself another chance.
What will that lead to?
Hard to say, but that is how I perceive the sudden change of heart he has.
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seerofmike · 3 months
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alter confirmed ace and also they left bangalore out of their pride post AGAIN 🫠
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He’s in his Kaleb era
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marsbar17 · 9 months
Hi! So we both know Revenant would never admit feelings, but he'd show it in his own way. What about a thing where it finally clicks in the readers mind and confronts him about it :3
Honestly I had a lot of fun with this one. I hope you don't mind that I made it sort of unrequited, really depends on how you look at it though.
CONTAINS: Nothing nsfw, just some anger and yelling, and gun fights
Being in the presence of Revenant was always terrifying. You could practically feel murderous intent dripping off of his every word as he talked. He only helped people when it was beneficial to him, only saving people so they could have his back later on. So, you assumed you must be very helpful to him, and it terrified you. He always picked you back up, handed you shields and syringes, and pointed out ammo you could take. All so you could save his skin later on, right? It wasn't for your sake, surely. He must have some plan for you. Somehow, he would use you to better himself. Why else would he do it?
"There's light ammo here, come get it before you run out." Revenant grumbled, pointing it out before staying in the area while you came to get it. How did he know you only had 9 bullets left? You had no clue. Either way you were grateful for the loot, and told him so.
"Thanks, who knew you could be thoughtful for once."
"You can't survive without bullets, and I need a full team to win." Of course his answer was bitchy, what did you expect? For the Revenant to be nice one time in his life? Dream on.
It was duos, half the teams were gone, and the ring wasn't in your favor. Closing in 10 seconds and across the whole fucking map? Yeah, not in your favor in the slightest. You quickly topped up your r-99 and tucked the rest of the bullets in your backpack.
"It's time to go unless you wanna wake up in the medbay with 3rd degree burns." You said into the mic in your ear, and the only response from your teammate was grumpy mumbling before you saw him start the dash to the ring. Rolling your eyes, you slung your gun across your back and followed. The jog to the ring was long, and it gave you time to think. Too much time to think.
As your mind was occupied with thoughts of Revenant and what he could possibly want with you, you didn't process the gunshots slowly getting louder. Seems like a couple squads were fighting, right at the border of the ring. Great. You would've ran straight into the line of fire if a hand didn't grab your backpack and pull you into a building.
"Stop zoning out, you're gonna get yourself killed." The familiar voice of a murderous simulcran said behind you. He had pulled you into a small house, sitting you down on a box against the wall. He put his hands on your shoulder, cold, drawing you back to the present.
"I wasn't zoning out, I meant to do that." You crossed your arms, turning to look out a window at one of the teams crouched behind a wall. Your heart raced, fully realizing that if Revenant hadn't grabbed you you would've been dead within seconds of them spotting you.
Why? Obviously he wanted to keep you alive, but you thought the satisfaction of seeing you shot to pieces and being able to nag you about it later would've overshadowed that. No time to think, there were more footsteps approaching the house. You pulled out your r-99, but your sight was blocked by a big metal body.
"Rev!" You whisper shouted. "You're blocking my view!"
"I'm protecting you, dumbass." He whispered over his shoulder, raising his own flatline and aiming at the door. You were stuck, if you stood you'd be pressing against Revenants metal back, if you stayed sitting you'd have no line of sight of the enemy. Ah fuck it, you stayed sitting, but held your gun at the ready anyways.
Well you ended up dying anyways. Bangalore and Newcastle ended up barging in and annihilating Revenant before dealing with your now exposed form. Stupid soldier siblings. You woke up in the medbay, muscles aching but otherwise no injuries. By the door of the room stood Revenant, leaning against a wall. Closing the curtain around your bed, you changed out of the paper thin gown they gave everyone and into your casual clothes.
"Waiting for someone?" You asked, opening the curtain and walking towards the door.
"Waiting for you." There he goes again, with his caring words. You bet they meant nothing to him, he didnt know how weird it sounded.
"I already know I fucked it up for us, there's no need to yell at me." You walked past him, opening the door and stepping into the hallway. He followed, not walking beside you like a normal person but behind you by a few steps.
"I'm not here to yell at you."
"Oh yeah, I forgot you've got a fucking screw loose or something. You're being really weird, you help me out, you block me from gunfire, you show up not to yell at me? You’re acting like you actually fucking care about me... wait."
And then it hit you. You'd said it as a joke, but it was seeming more and more like the truth. Surely not though. That was just the part of your brain that saw him as a human, right? He doesn't care. He doesn't care. He can't care. It's not what he does. He doesn't care.
Revenant was weirdly silent during your haze of confusion. You expected something like "don't flatter yourself, skingbag," but he said nothing. Like he was ashamed to admit you were right, but didn't want to deny it either. It just made you overthink even more. He doesn't care, surely. He can't care. He doesn't feel love. He can't be in love with you. But he was, his silence conveyed that.
"This is wrong. This isn't what's supposed to happen. You don't love me. Tell me you don't love me. Tell me now! TELL ME!" Your confrontation had turned to yelling as he continued to stay silent. Thank god the hallway was empty. "Rev," you sighed out his name as you calmed down. "Tell me you don't love me."
"I can't lie to you." His voice echoed in the hallway, and you just couldn't stand it any longer. You turned away from him and walked away to your room.
"Just stop loving me."
Requests are always appreciated and really help me out with writing. So please request anything on your mind! Thank you for reading!
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basement-buddy · 1 year
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My apex oc
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spook5hadow · 7 months
In Apex, there's nothing more insulting than playing as Fuse and getting killed by a Bloodhound with the "For Boone" voice line equipped.
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bloodiedrogue · 8 months
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the-mechanica · 1 year
the 3 states of Rev as a sim
Original Revenant - Unself-aware, 100% Plato's cave. Believes he is living a regular life as Kaleb Cross.
Self-Aware Revenant - The man who used to be Kaleb Cross realizes and recalls that he has been dead for a few hundred years and turned into a virtually immortal simulacrum revenant of that man. Due to this, he develops effectual Depression as a result.
Revenant Reborn - Self-aware (currently), but not entirely in control of his actions. Effectively put on a leash, but worst of all, now even more aware of the cage his own body has become to his mind. @daralamalice posted a really good question on X Twitter about what Rev's talking to himself in the lobby was about. I mentioned that I think it's his fractured programming, fluctuating between earlier versions of him between 2 and 3 since he is still self-aware. However, his actions have been taken over by an outside operator. This leaves him helpless but to listen to older versions of his programming in a similar, but more disjointed, fashion than Ash and Leigh.
(the links go to wikipedia)
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iamprometheus · 1 year
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August Brinkman go to therapy challenge!!!
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cryptonite-exe · 2 years
"i and walter question the council as of late" STOP IT GAY
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Nice to me!?
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
"Just A Volunteer" (Book 1) | "The Lost Files" (Book 1.5) | "Of Feathers And Venom" (Book 2)
Merry Carcasses and have a Happy True Fear!
(Warning: this chapter is NSFW so hit the mature version below the cut if that is your preference!)
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dragons-eat-people · 1 year
I don't know about you lot, but this is pushing all the right buttons.~
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I wanna post more. I've been done with things that have kept me busy for a while, so for now it's just coming up with ideas. But this lovely little image here makes me wanna make a short story out of it. we'll see.~
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