calbee-add1ct · 1 year
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in crisis thinking about him
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strawberri-marbs · 3 months
…guys I’m still alive I swear
anyways here’s more nana art take it or leave it
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beea-idiot56 · 1 year
An Aphmau and Levin Onshot
I constantly think of levin and Aphmau being each other's safe haven and I constantly think about the fact that Levin was one of the only things that kept her going(for season 1 at least, I'm in the process of season 2 so I'm less sure about that during that time period)
so i decided to write a little one-shot of the two of them :) feel free to read and honestly if anyone wanted to let me know if they enjoyed it and would be interested in me writing a garroth x reader (based on if you like how I write) that would be great!
the one shot is below the cut teehee
The nights and days had always blended together, as the sun rised so would the ever-growing checklist of people to see, problems to solve, and places to go. Sometimes it was exhausting, sometimes it was exciting. However, as of late, it became unbearable. With Zane and the threat of O’khasis around the corner, the fear of not knowing when or if Garroth would be taken from her, and the pain of simply losing sleep every night Aphmau had found herself becoming weaker and more frail. Her body was screaming at her. Her limbs ached, her neck had a nick, she had enormous eye bags under her eyes, and she found it hard to smile most times. Dealing with the villagers had become nothing more than a chore. The old greetings that had put her in high spirits had now made her exhausted. Coming home, even going up the stairs had become a task. Most days she found herself walking alongside Garroth who had refused to leave her side when he saw the disheveled look of his lord. With insistent pleads he would walk her up the stairs, saying he was worried she might pass out on the way and get hurt. Then, as they would reach the top, he would pat her shoulder and wish her a good night.
“Sleep well, m’lady” he spoke, his voice gruff and muffled from behind his helm.  “You as well, Garroth” Aphmau mumbled, entering the house as she did so, a smile planted on her face but immediately dropping as she entered. Leaning back on the door she let a thick sigh come from her throat, her feet aching as she lowered herself to the floor. There was no sound coming from the home, only the cackling fire of the torches placed throughout. 
“Mommy?” a small voice rang out and Aphmau opened her eyes to see Levin standing across the way from her. He had been peering down from the corner where his door led from, holding the stuffed bunny that was gifted to him so long ago. 
“Oh! Levin, what are you doing awake? Zoey should've put you to sleep by now.” Aphmau spoke, standing quickly and heading up the stairs to go help her son with whatever had kept him up for so long.  “Oh! Zoey did! But, Levin want see Mommy! Before sleep!” he spoke, his sentences still broken with young age. Aphmau let out a little chuckle, feeling her shoulders drop a little, 
“Oh Levin, Mommy stays out too late for you to do that. You should be getting your sleep!” she spoke, her voice shaking a little. Such a small gesture, one that to most kids would be as simple as an act of rebellion and giddy mischief rather than the heart-touching feelings that Aphmau felt at this moment.  “Yes! But! Levin miss mommy. Levin see mommy sad. Smile!” his voice was loud with a child-like innocence that if bottled up it could be sold for millions of dollars to those who only knew the world's struggles. Aphmau smiled, small tears running down her cheeks as she let out a little laugh, “I miss you too Levin. Come on, do you want to sleep in mommy's bed tonight?” she spoke softly before Levin jumped about yelling ‘yay! Mommy bed!’ over and over, she only laughed and picked up the small boy and set him on her hip before unlocking the door to her room and entering. 
Aphmau lit a candle, setting Levin down on the bed before going behind the blinds to take off her heavy armor and switch into something that was slightly more comfortable. Aphamau sighed before walking over to the bed and sitting down on it, Levin looked up at her with tired eyes
“Why Mommy no smile?” he asked, his sleepy voice becoming softer and softer by the moment. It left Aphmau speechless and for a moment she didn't respond.  “Sometimes, big people have jobs they need to do, and sometimes those jobs are very hard. When the jobs are hard it can cause big people to feel…” Aphmau searched for the word, not knowing how to explain the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and tiredness that had been constantly weighing on her shoulders for the past few months, “heavy.” she finally decided on a word. Not thinking Levin would understand, but it would be enough to satisfy his curious spirit. She looked over to see him nodding, he then smiled  “Then mommy have stuffie!” Levin held out his stuffed animal, before cuddling up to the pillow next to her and against the wall, “when Levin feel tired and heavy, Levin hugs stuffy feels better! Levin knows mommy will too!” Levin spoke, before finally drifting to sleep, a small smile on his face,  completely unaware of the fact that the simple gesture had left Ahmau in tears as she held onto the bunny that Levin had “given” her. 
Aphmau looked over to Levin, before leaning down and kissing the top of his head and tucking him into the covers. Finally, she blew out the candle and lay down on her side, letting an arm rest over the small child, and the other held onto the bunny with such tightness that the fluffy cloth had pillowed over her hand. Tears streamed down her cheeks. 
This boy had been dropped at her doorstep so long ago, his mother had given him up for his safety in turn for her life of freedom. Would Aphmau be able to do the same? If it came to war, would Aphmau be able to say goodbye to the children so she could keep them safe? The answer felt so second nature it was almost painful, absolutely.
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king0fbr0kenhearts · 1 year
also theres an mcd.
of characters
who have
yay aphamau
🙃 yaaay
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yourfavwillpay · 5 years
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Garte WILL pay!
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freak799 · 5 years
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<3 wan’t a season 2! ;__;
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If Zane-chan was gay they’d be the ultimate man-bun power couple and none of you can fucking change my mind.
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ogrere · 6 years
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Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan 🐱💙 ((try to ignore that one is bigger than the other))
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plushieanimals · 2 years
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Aphamau Fairy cat and Werewolf cat plush x
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
Hey, I'm not new to the myct fandom but i did take a break for a while...
Things have been going downhill for me ever since I entered 7th grade, my parents divorced, a favorite relative of mine passed away, me and dad moved to a motel cause of his debt, y'know not too great...
Friends from elementary don't talk to me anymore because all the things we talked about back in elementary were "too old" for them and that said that i should really stop getting into these childish things. And i kinda stopped my interests so i can be able to meet new people... But i didnt.
And i wish i didnt take a break, everything has been so stressful and it felt like the world around me had collapsed because i was tired of everything... Then i saw a recommended on my youtube.
"The great potato war"
Technoblade entertained me, i havent laughed in so long that all the joy minecraft brought came back to me... I started checking all of my childhood youtube videos and well, not all good stuff like Jen and Pat breaking up and Aphamau shipping her friends thing...
But he got me into the Dream Smp, Ranboo, Tommyinnit, TapL, everything. They brought my life back during the pandemic... And I was so ready to play minecraft today and go to Hypixel, until i saw the news...
I couldnt accept it, the person that brought the light in me back was gone... But I know, i have to accept it eventually... He did so many things for this generation, he built us up and made us the people we are now, he shaped us up... The Blood God prepared this generation to be strong...
I'm moving out in a few months to go to my dream school. And I know I'll pass, with the power and support of the almighty blood god. We will never forget the things he did for this generation..
Rest Easy Techno, we'll be fine with you watching us from above...
i know he'd want to you to fucking kill it in school my dude. i believe in you. i'm glad he was able to bring so much joy to you and i hope he continues to do so with his old streams and videos. remember that you always have support in this community. best of luck at your new place and with your studies <3
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strawberri-marbs · 1 year
I have lots of critiques if mystreet
however my biggest ones i think i’ll tackle in the rewrite include but aren’t limited to—
-aphmau and aaron age gap and overall creepy factors in their relationship (this may be erased entirely)
-katelyn lowkey being an abuser
- the storage lover triangle/sqaure/hexagon/ whatever shape it is between aph, aaron, garroth and laurence. i am not a particular fan of any of these parings and have a very specific plan for the dynamic between aph, laurence, garroth and dante.
- travis and dante being creeps (hate it)
- nana being a stereotype as well as a creep (but she still keeps her quirks. don’t worry for some reason i’m most passionate about fixing nana).
- having the magic system of mystreet a little more fleshed out. as far as i am aware the world is supposed to be set in Ru’uan (maybe not the continent, but same planet ofc), so i feel those more magical aspects should’ve been included earlier on.
- werewolf and mef’iwa culture and history fleshed out along with their place in Ru’uan society
-the reincarnation thing is a but clearer too lol
-shadow knights are a bit less silly. i’ll let them actually have a purpose
-flesh out nana and zane more cause i like it!!
-villains make a little more sense, and have the breadcrumbs placed earlier in the saga rather than pick up randomly in season 4.
-relics matter more.
-inrene slander.
and more !! however these are the big ones on the top of my head atm
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kungfupandafan4ever · 7 years
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I'm just going to point out that I'm pretty sure Xane has had a crush on Kawaii-Chan for along time now. Maybe since Love-Love Paradise because almost at the beginning of Lovers Lane he blushed alot around her amd willing to help her without Aphamau telling him to do it. Just saying. #ZaneChan #MYOTP #KAWAIICHAN #ZANE #SOCUTE
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strawberri-marbs · 1 year
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guys i’ve realized something
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