#aphmau modzilla
goat-guy-tm · 2 months
There isn't enough content of VP so I'll make it myself.
I think we deserved more of Laurence trying to come to terms with the idea that he was in a new realm. Yeah, he had been to and stuck in the nether before so he would accept it faster, but MMW/VP's world is so much different than both the Nether and the Overworld (which I will use to address MCD's realm in this post).
VP's world is more technologically advanced and science based than either of the former, and for some reason, Laurence was just fine seeing a computer for the first time. Like a microscope? I could understand, maybe the Overworld had less advanced versions of those, but a fucking COMPUTER?? No way he would be normal about that, cause again, THEY DO NOT HAVE CRAYONS IN MCD, LAURENCE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT CRAYONS ARE.
Also, what if because they are from different realms, Laurence's body/innards are different from what Polly and Laila are expecting when x-raying him and inspecting him? It's been fanon established that the people of Phoenix Drop would have heftier builds because wheat and meats are their main diet, so Laila and Polly would def note how his diet makes his body, which would make Laurence very astonished since they 100% have not reached that level of health research in the Overworld. Maybe his bones are tougher than what Polly and Laila are expecting, maybe he has extra or less ribs than 'normal'. Hell maybe even his heart is on the opposite side than they are expecting because he is a 'human' from ANOTHER DIMESNION.
Yes, they have encountered people from other dimensions before, but Laurence is arguably the most 'human' they have ever seen. Modzilla is...well for one a dimension hopper and a man charred by the void, Reese and Marsh are literal sentient candy humanoids, so arguably, Laurence is the closest to human they could get.
Maybe him being a shadow knight means his body on the inside exhibits sign of decay, something or anything that could make him seem dead. His skin being ice cold, maybe he lets them see his shadow knight form for scientific research.
While yes there was a plot they had to be following, there is so much we missed out on of them just addressing that Laurence is not where he's meant to be. He just woke up in this new dimension after by his account being hit over the head by someone so incredibly close to him (Garroth), and it is just breezed over. It's just a lil upsetting.
ALSO, the lack of other MMW characters returning is sad, I think it would have been funny if Laurence had to learn there is an entire dimension full of people made of candy.
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montymodzilla · 11 months
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i-dont-exis · 1 year
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happy midnight here's some aphmau who would've guessed {lol}
also tommy uses sharpie to imitate his dad, but modzilla constantly tries to help him wipe it off before bed so nothing gets stained
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lggy · 9 months
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what does modzilla do when he obtains his own little medieval era knight guy to corrupt
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jinkiesmariz · 1 year
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Okay so I started watching mod mod world (more specifically I got through all of void paradox and felt the chemistry in my brain shift and I am insane) and let me tell you who my faves are besides Polly and Laila, BEVAUSE my boytoy scientist lover boy and beloved son Tommy have made me scream and cry and lose my mind over there not being a season 2 I’m genuinely so upset
So to commemorate this take my doodle dump I decided to do instead of my very important comms hahahahahahjajajahahahahahahaha
First is like headshot of Modzilla aka Monty aka loml and then mother son shenanigans
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lodest0ne · 5 months
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Modzilla <3
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beesaysbuzznstuff · 9 months
Time for more of Bee's Rants that Literally No One Asked For 👏👏👏
Today's Topic: VOID Paradox
(DISCLAIMER: Mostly theories towards the end as most information about it has not been confirmed. not trying to come off weird, I just like theorizing, you don't have to agree with anything I say if you think different)
VOID Paradox - Knowing most of the lore from Mystreet, Minecraft Diaries, Mod Mod World, and even Dreams of Estorra, I like to try to piece together the lore for VOID Paradox. People are generally very confused on what is even happening in VOID Paradox and I am too, but I like theorizing. So let's start from the beginning. Mod Mod World was one of the first minecraft rps that J3$$ ever made. Mod Mod World talked about different dimensions, VOID burn, Tommy, and the characters in that world, some of which made their way to Mystreet (Reese, Marsh, McCloud, and Krystal). Anyways, at the end of Mod Mod World, Modzilla made his way back to his original dimension, leaving Tommy behind to stay with Aphmau. Now Dreams of Estorra. In DoE, there are characters known as Evi's or NPC's. It is revealed in the series that Estorra is actually another dimension that users from another, other dimension travel to, and Evi's are actually real people (Estorrans). Keep that in your head. Stay with me here this is a lot. Now, in Minecraft Diaries, way back in the lore we know that Irene can create new dimensions using her relic. And in case anyone didn't know Mystreet is another dimension that Irene basically copy pasted from the diaries dimension so that she can see her friends live happy lives. (copy pasted theory has not been confirmed but is heavily implied). This new dimension is causing a disturbance in the universe, a dimension that was created by an unnatural force. This is what I believe causes the VOID. (Theories here) The VOID wants to reset the universe to how it should be, so the VOID wipes it clean so the universe can start over again without this disturbance. It destroys dimensions one by one, wiping away everything. When it began to reach the Mod Mod World dimension, it wanted to recreate what started this, good vs evil, light vs dark, a hero vs a villain, Irene vs Shad. So it found hero's and brought them to the dying dimensions to fight against a VOID created villain. It brought Laurance from Minecraft Diaries after Garroth knocked him out at Ungrths grave and took the amulet from him (season 1, ep 99). And it brought Jayden, an Estorran and possibly brother to DoE character Asher. The VOID consumes everything in its path to reset and it is causing these weird things to happen in the dimensions it destroys. But hey that's just a theory, a VOID Paradox Theory.
(Again close to nothing has been confirmed)
Side thing. VOID Burn. VOID Burn occurs after someone travels to another dimension via unstable means. Prof. Modzilla has VOID Burn from traveling to the Mod Mod World dimension. In Minecraft Diaries, we see VOID Burn twice, the first time was when Aphmau was trying to get Garroth out of the Irene Dimension using her powers, but her burns faded quick. The second time was after Aaron got Garroth and Zane out of the Irene dimension, he was covered in VOID Burns before he died. Even in MyStreet, Aaron was stuck in the VOID and when Irene saved him, he was covered in VOID Burns. (this is canon information)
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mosspropaganda · 2 years
“my child is fine” your child just made themselves sad because they remembered that mod mod world and void paradox and minecraft diaries exist and will probably never come back
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aphverse-confessions · 4 months
I think garroth x modzilla has potential if Laurance wasn’t brought over for VP.
Since Ava isn’t into him lol and he’s in the midst of the betrayal thing I think he’d bond with our favorite absent father about it (while having conflicting feelings about it)
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dewdropdive · 1 year
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w4yn31ngm00n · 1 year
ok ykw im making this a separate post cuz putting it in the reblogs aint gonna do much, but this is a continuation of the post i made earlier abt laurance lolll
in my belief, laurance did NOT leave out of sheer pettiness and jealousy !! yes it couldve very well been a part of it [because honestly who wouldn't be pissed ?] but it was not the entire reason. laurance left in an attempt to protect aph, he left for not only his own salvation, but for her safety. previous to leaving, laurance had been struggling with his shadow knight form for a WHILE, it was a constant battle that he was losing. a lot of his anger likely came from that issue, because late-mcd s2 laurance acted WILDLY different from how he acted beforehand. laurance left because he knew that he could not control himself, because his first duty as a guard is to protect his lord, even if it means laying down his life and sacrificing himself. laurance gladly would have laid down his life and even gone through his experience in the nether AGAIN if it meant protecting aph [seen several times throughout the series, including in scaleswind when he's grateful to aaron for knocking him out before he could hurt aph while corrupted and even in void paradox when him and VP aph are trying to find modzilla in the other dimension]. even though it very much so would have hurt him to leave aph, he would have done what he could to keep her safe. like i said before, he still cares about her in mcd s3. it's not like he was so pissed that he left and decided to abandon his duties. in reality, he was FOLLOWING said duties by protecting her from himself. when laurance left the settlement after finding out aph was pregnant, he knew it was his time to go before he ended up hurting someone [which he literally made a promise to aph about]. this is probably a stretch, but that part where he tears up the grass in front of aph's house after hearing her announcement felt more like a "i need to release emotion and leave before i turn and do something i regret" than an expression of just anger. whether it was as a result of his proximity to the nether portal or not, laurance is in his form by the time he leaves for good. this could be interpreted, as i said, as a result of his proximity to the portal, OR as a result of his spiraling emotions. like at the wedding, laurance's form has been seen to be brought on by emotional overload [he also directly stated this when explaining corruption to aph], so it is not out of the question that the announcement could have caused him to spiral. anyways, laurance is constantly afraid of hurting aphmau, it is one of his biggest [if not his greatest] fear. he would rather never see her again than risk her death at his hands [WHICH HE LITERALLY HAD A BREAKDOWN OVER IN VP BECAUSE HE FELT LIKE HE FAILED HER AFTER SHE WAS HURT BY HIS OTHER ALT SELF] or of someone else [shad lol]. ALSO he explicitly states that he doesn't want her to end up in a realm where the shadow lord could hurt her and where he could not reach her. by leaving for the nether, he is, in a way, making an attempt to hold shad at bay. he still likely holds that fear of him reaching her WHICH HE ACTS ON IN S3 !! laurance is living what garroth did AGAIN [first was him being trapped and turned into a shadow knight, second was him being stuck in the other dimension in VP (even though we never got any sort of closure on that)], each was in another dimension fighting what could be considered their greatest enemies in an attempt to protect their lord, that being garroth fighting zane, and laurance fighting not only the shadow lord, and his VP alt self, but HIMSELF. laurance zvahl would NEVER risk his lady's life if he knew he could prevent it. he admitted to aph that he felt inferior to garroth in terms of being a guard ["but after garroth, what good am i ?"], even though he just wants to keep those he loves safe. vylad said that giving in to being a shadow knight is to stop caring, to let go, to no longer feel pain and be no longer binded by emotional connections. it would feel good. [1/2, the rest will be a reblog]
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goat-guy-tm · 2 months
I feel like the most missed out fan content that could be made is from VP. The absolute chaotic insanity of Modzilla, Aphmau, Tommy, Laurence, Polly and Laila should be spread more.
Was the writing great? Not 100 but it was okay, but I feel like the casual craziness of these fools together would have been great. Especially with the idea of Laurence having a language barrier of him only speaking old Ru'aunian and the idea of Modzilla, a dimension hopper, being the only one who also speaks it and Laurence just being like 🫵😮 at him.
Plus I think it's so sad that no one has pointed out how MCD!Laurence canonically doesn't know what crayons are, as shown in VP when Aphmau says "i'm not the sharpest crayon in the box" and Laurence just goes "...WHAT IS THAT?"
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confessmau · 5 months
I love void paradox. It's genuinely one of my most rewatched aphmau mini series. But oh my Irene it makes no sense
Why is Tommy a clone of modzilla. WHY!! It maybe could've made for an interesting dynamic but in the end it just comes off feeling lazy and unexplored. They could've taken the path of modzilla feeling jealous of Tommy for getting a good childhood, or maybe Tommy is scared of modzilla because he acknowledges that one day he will be modzilla. There are so many interesting paths you could've taken and it just feels like their relationship is nothing and it's just lazy!!
I also really really wish that the world of void paradox itself, like the one vp!aph and Tommy live in, would've been explored more. Sure there's science and stuff but what else??? It feels so boring.
That being said, void paradox my beloved. ❤️
anon if you like void paradox i recommend watching mod mod world. vp is the sequel.
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lggy · 2 months
i like fire trucks and monstertrucks
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i like to play and draw
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michielleat · 2 years
Let’s talk about how good of a series this is.
I first discovered Jess’s channel through Skydoesminecraft but the first series I ever watched was Mod Mod World. This was like 2014? That was one of my favorite series ever, I was like 9 years old and couldn’t see that it was basic as hell. Fast forward to 2018, I was leaving my Aphmau phase and I lightly skimmed void paradox. I was now 14 and saw my two favorite series characters mix but I was so CONFUSED. That was about all I touched on and went on until these last few months. I was like damn let me actually give this paradox series a try again, I watch and I’m like HELLO? Professor Modzilla comeback and Laurence content?? 🤭 obviously I went on and watched the series fully and was shocked how well developed the series was. I was also a bit upset how late I found this series-. Solid 4 years AFTER it aired.
This series does have me with some questions though.
Why did Zane have this strange alternate self appear?
Since Laurence isn’t from the current dimension, does the other Aphmau and Garroth know he’s missing? Has time passed by?
Does Laurence have a shadow knight form in this dimension?
Why does Aphmau’s void burns spread and Modzillas doesn’t?
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horse-shit · 2 years
lab assistant/friends to lovers {modzilla x aphmau x polly}
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