mnchrmrainbow · 2 years
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Delivering Global Solutions with Microservices, Cloud-Native APIs and Inner Source
The Challenge: High level requirements were to deliver a global digital voucher solution across various retail machines, consumer devices and regions.
However, there were additional requirements. We needed to support small regional marketing teams who needed a simple and flexible solution that they could easily use. Our small development team needed to provide operational support.
We also had to consider the non-functional requirements, such as usability, compatibility, security, and performance. 
Usability was a concern for both for internal users and customers. We wanted to create a user-friendly solution that would make it easy for customers to access and redeem their digital vouchers, without any confusion. Analytics and management of the digital vouchers were another concern as we also wanted to create a solution that would provide valuable insights and feedback to the marketeers. So that they could optimize their campaigns and increase their conversions.
The Solution: was to build a cloud-based microservices with clear and robust APIs following MACH architecture. MACH is a modern approach to software development that stands for Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless.
Microservices are small independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs. This way, we could create, update, and deploy features faster and easier, without affecting the whole system. Building cloud-native APIs enabled us to scale, adapt, and reuse product components.
We chose AWS as our cloud provider. We benefited from its global infrastructure, which provided high network availability and ensured a performant solution across the globe. Using AWS cloud services, such as storage, database, and security, we reduced the overhead and maintenance costs of our solution and increased time to market.
Following an API-first approach, we created well-defined contracts for each API, so that dependent development teams can work in parallel to speed up the implementation timelines. This approach was beneficial internally too. We improved development maturity by enforcing coding procedures and defining benchmarks for performance and availability. We also followed Agile methodology, which allowed us to fail fast and learn from our mistakes. We iterated quickly and responded to the customer feedback swiftly.
In just over three months, we launched our first version to the US market. We were able to expand to the next market within a week. MACH architecture helped us to extend the solution further quickly and efficiently both with extended capabilities and brand new implementations as each cloud-based service was isolated and provided clear functionality.
We learned from each experience and shared the learnings. We used data analysis and user testing to improve our solution and meet the expectations of our customers. 
We also embraced the inner source, a software development approach that applies the principles and practices of open source to internal projects. Inner source helps us to collaborate and innovate with different teams and projects around the world.
This was a demanding project with tight deadlines and tough business constraints and was a remarkable achievement that required teamwork and coordination across borders and time zones.
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keeps-ache · 1 month
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apricot, apricot ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ !!
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iraprince · 7 months
I just wanna mention the tool "postybirb" its to post on multiple sites at the same time, so less time/energy spent typing up the same post over and over currently works for bluesky and tumblr (& more), maybe it can help you out a little bit
thank you, that would be super super helpful for me... i've been like. ambiently aware that stuff like this exists but the reminder + nudge towards a specific tool might be what i need to finally get into it :')
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theonescreencap · 2 months
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oh yeah this made me laugh. this whole part but especially usopp praying for zoro's life JFHKJSHKJ
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agir1ukn0w · 1 year
Nami and Sanji being married/parents with Apis (pt 3)
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thisispoggers · 3 months
The office siren and his punk ahh brother
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Anyways first BBB doodle post lessgooo bit too messy tho lmao
These two are THE punk and formal fit duo of the bunch I love it
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iobartach · 6 months
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somebody; oh btw nix we're ready to deploy our code to production today : )
me; excuse me you're WHAT--?
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gatorlovebot · 11 days
its taken me way too long to do it but i finally opened up a savings account lol big win of the day 🥳
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catgirlmeowska · 2 years
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honeylavender27 · 10 months
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first is the art I commissioned from my awesome friend and wifu @asm0s, and the second is also commissioned art from the equally awesome @stellawolfe30. thank you both so much for loving Apis and listening to me ramble about her and other ocs!
finally getting around to making a OC post for Apis, she doesn't belong to any particular fandom and is manly a comfort OC. she's a teddy Bear demon or Bearkin the teddy part being added due to her smaller-than-average size for her kind. (also because I was partially inspired to make her after watching clips from the Sleepy Princess anime) she knows minor illusion magic to glamor her appearance in public, her main ability is Volukinesis the manipulation of insects (specifically Bees and Hornets/Wasps) a trait she gets from her mother's side. as such she makes a living working with bees, selling honey and honey-related sweets at farmers' markets. later adding special plants and flowers after meeting her partner Chunhua and occasionally mentoring others wanting to take up beekeeping. she found that her talent could extend to hornets/wasp species and after a few years of trial and error was able to raise a colony of her own. thanks to being able to change their behavior over time, she was slowly able to get them to co-inhabit with her main bee colony as extra protection from outside pests as well as security to her home. she's married to a Monkey demon named Chunhua, and lives together on a small farm. originally their marriage had been an act to keep Apis's father from trying to arrange a marriage but the two ended up making it official. Chunhua does most of the farm work so Apis takes care of the housework and of course, handles the beekeeping. Extra Facts!: Apis is the middle child of 5 siblings, two older twin brothers, a younger brother, and a sister. her father makes his own mead, operating a small meadery with his eldest sons, with her stepmother running a connected store/bar. Apis's biological mother originally opened the storefront, and like Apis was a voluketic beekeeper, unfortunately, she passed away due to an accident. she's closest with her twin brothers and still keeps in contact, but she is in low contact mainly with her father and stepmother due to her decision to leave home, as well as marrying Chunhua. her younger half-siblings and she never had much of a relationship due to age differences and thus aren't really a part of the drama. her older brothers originally did visit and tried to convince her to return home but changed their tune after seeing their little sister thriving and happy. they were 100 happy in supporting the marriage lie and were just as happy to hear when they tied the knot officially. (although they were sad there was no wedding, but Apis and Chunhua made it up to them by letting them plan their first-anniversary party.) Apis and Chunhua honestly aren't PDA at all preferring to keep most if not all affections in privet. It's largely cause of that they preferred a courthouse ceremony over any kind of wedding, followed by a short road trip to various botanical gardens, fairs, and markets. Their "wedding bands" are literally just two painted metal rings they got at the souvenir shop at one of the gardens they visited. There are more but i feel like this post is really long so imma end it here, idk maybe if there's more i want to add i'll do another smaller post or i'll reblog an addon maybe. i will be doing a post for Chunhua soon to go with this one!
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anthyies · 1 year
computer that hates you call that HATEOAS
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parakeetpark · 5 months
Another cool thing about playing Fallen London is encountering stuff and thinking "-oooohhh THAT is what that thing in Sunless Sea was refering to!!!"
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wait i didnt realize the profiles that were "lost" due to the api migration were back ;-;
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lindenmori · 1 year
i always knew anti ai measures were going to affect human usage, and we are starting to see examples.
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cyrsed · 9 months
been so freaked out about hearing how i'm doing on my new project at work cause i thought for sure my coworkers/the client were thinking like, im slacking/not getting up to speed fast enough/i shouldn't be on the project but my manager told me pretty much the opposite TToTT which makes me feel a tiny bit better bc i was pretty convinced that i must look totally useless >.>''
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ah god fucking damn it
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