#apocalypse now redux
jeandejard3n · 6 months
Apocalypse Now: Horror has a face
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antmoy1969 · 2 years
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Some amazing artwork for Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now
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ashley-slashley · 1 year
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yes, i did go out of my way to draw wally into a scene from apocalypse now where a soldier is using napalm against a village. wally is a war criminal. change my mind
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cloud3francois · 6 months
Apocalypse Now: The French Plantation Analysis
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lounesdarbois · 6 months
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annoyingthemesong · 2 years
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‘The heads. You’re looking at the heads.’
This movie is such a crazed classic that it’s easy to take for granted. It’s my favorite Coppola film, and like the Godfather, it’s beyond comparison. His weirdest movie is one of the most enduring films of all time. 
‘I don’t see any method at all..’
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vents-anon · 5 months
should i buy some edibles and watch apocalypse now: redux for like the third and four-fifths time
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mpregemiledurkheim · 1 year
what they don't tell you about apocalypse now redux is that the scene where chief tries to stab willard with the lance in his chest (that he is dying from) is right after the scene where willard has sex with the french woman
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herbertwest · 1 year
I charged up my 3DS and finally beat SMT: Apocalypse. I had been stuck on the final boss and gave up several months ago, but I decided I really wanted to know how the game ended (since it's one of my favorites) and so I set it to easy mode and smashed the boss. It was very satisfying.
Now I'm playing SMT: Strange Journey Redux and I forgot how much exposition there is in the first hour and a half lol, but I'm excited to really get into it.
I love Shin Megami Tensei, and I forgot how GOOD these games are, because SMT V was so bad. :(
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orlaite · 2 years
i rewatched the godfather part I tonight so within a short span of time i've watched/re-watched all of coppola's 70's filmography and his output that decade is so crazy mad respect even though he's a complete lunatic
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martyarchive · 2 years
howard hampton u will always b famous for somewhere far upriver, two or three clicks past the last outpost of progress, the last figment of civilized imagination, they’re still out there. still riding the backwash of the war as as deep into the jungle as their recon boat will take them, still set on completing their mission. or simply trying to remember what the hell they were looking for in the first place - maybe in the back of their blown minds some recall “nirvana now!”: the peace-and-love slogan this war turned upside down on them. whatever it was, willard had dragged lance and the rest of them (shades now, ghosts of some american experiment, as if they were ever anything else) all this way to find it; if he was going down, they were going down with him. so the crew drifts toward the mouth of the whirlpool, the undead and the dead floating where the current takes them now, slowly circling the black hole at the heart of the world… YUM I LOVE REVIEWS
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Shin Megami Tensei NINE's demon roster consists of new designs, returning designs and REPEATED designs. And no demon demonstrates this better than Harpy, whose model appears in NINE's roster no less than 5 times. Rather than just post 5 gifs and be done with it like I normally do, I have decided to curate a short overview of the BEST Harpy appearances in MegaTen! Hit "Keep reading" (after viewing this post in my blog because the formatting gets fucked up if you don't) NOW!!!!
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Harpy and Furiae appear in Shin Megami Tensei 1 but they don't share assets yet so who gives a crap. Siren is a blue harpy, I guess.
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Furiae returns in Shin Megami Tensei II with a new sprite, joined by
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Ocypete, Celaeno and Aello! There's some slight asset resharing among them as Aello and Furiae share the same base sprite, but the others share with non-harpy demons so as far as this post is concerned they're original. Combined with artist Kazuma Kaneko's tendency to embellish demon designs in artwork and you'd never expect that all these birds were destined to be textureswaps for an underperforming 2002 XBOX JRPG.
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But they were! Now we're cooking! In Shin Megami Tensei NINE the 5 bird-ladies return in one fabulous package. If you love Harpy then you'll love Harpy being given a haircut and a dyejob and reappearing four times. You'll love how they appear alongside themselves for hours of gameplay because they're within the same 10-28 level range. As an added bonus for the asset-reuse lover, said gameplay takes place in looping CG render backgrounds arranged into dungeons so just imagine leaving the town square in Ocarina of Time and arriving in that exact town square except mirrored. By the end of NINE you will love asset reuse, because you will not make it to the end of NINE otherwise. (The harpies are also in Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE but without the looping backgrounds it just isn't the same.)
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Honorable mention to Persona 1 which squeezed in the named furies Megaera, Tisiphone and Alecto by using the same upperbody sprite as the three named harpies. Unfortunately Atlus were too afraid to include the named harpy Podarge for a total of 7 unique birdladies, so Persona 1 will only be commemorated by an opacity-reduced overlay of the six they bothered including.
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Only regular Harpy survived to the DS-3DS era, using her Soul Hackers design where her head kind of looks like a pinecone. After gracing us with her presence in Strange Journey (+ Redux) and Shin Megami Tensei IV(+ Apocalypse), the Harpy disappeared from the pages of SMT history never to be seen again. As for actual history, I think Harpies were evil birds in Greek mythology but don't quote me on that.
Special thanks to @veskscans for the SMT1/2 art of Harpy, Furiae, Ocypete, Celaeno and Aello, and @eirikrjs for the Soul Hackers Harpy scan. NINE gifs by me, other sprites from the MegaTen wiki.
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The duality of Daybreak will never cease to amaze me. I mean, on one hand, the whole show is basically just a giant shit post. But on the other hand, it touches on some really deep and personal topics. The kind of show that has you crying laughing, if you will.
They'll have this scene with Josh where he's like
And then Angelica walks in and is like
And Josh is just staring at his severed finger like man oh man.
The entire show is filled with scenes like that but it also addresses things such as
Complex parent relationships
The struggle to fit in
Mental illness
A breakdown of the manic pixie dream girl trope
Realizing that maybe you aren't a good person
Having to choose the lesser of two evils
Having to choose between being true to yourself and being the person everyone wants from you
And one of the best parts is that, yes, they do fuck up. A character makes a decision and maybe it was the wrong one. Maybe actions do have consequences. Sometimes they learn from those mistakes. Sometimes they don't. I like this. It makes it feel like an accurate depiction of a human being.
They show everyone as fucking idiots, but every episode has a different character's backstory, narrated by themselves. It makes you realize that even if you think someone's a dick, sometimes there are things going on in their lives that you just can't know about.
(Some of who narrates each episode for context):
Josh- Josh vs. the Apocalypse Part 1, Schmuck Bait!, Post Mates
One of the things most apparent from Josh's perspective, is that he loves Samaira Dean. All we ever see are good things about her. But as the plot drags on, it starts to become apparent that maybe Josh's narration is unreliable, warped.
Angelica- The Slime Queenpin of Glendale, CA
Angelica's story is a bit funny, bordering on concerning. It's clear however, that she didn't have the best childhood and all she really wants is a friend, or someone who won't leave her behind.
Wesley- Homecoming Redux or My So Called Stunt Double Life
I could go on forever about Wesley's episode, but the main dilemma is that Wesley needs to pick between two people he loves. Sam advises him to ignore both options- to pick himself instead. It really makes you think that he did too. But in the end, he made a decision and now has to live with the guilt of what he did. Present-day, he's faced with a similar situation once again, and he doesn't know how to make the right decision.
Ms. Crumble- Canta Tu Vida
Ms. Crumble was a tragic character. Her backstory reflected that as well. She had so much character growth as the series went on and I was in tears during the finale.
I honestly have no idea what I was originally going for here but at this point it's pretty much just a Daybreak themed mess. Bon appetit.
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ashley-slashley · 1 year
the avatar sequel has 3+ hours of deleted scenes? that's almost nothing compared to the 4+ hour runtime of the uncut version of apocalypse now
never seen either avatar movie, but i guarantee apocalypse now is a superior commentary on the horrors and hypocrisy of imperialism
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angel-of-the-moons · 10 months
I swear to God with that ghost x sole survivor crossover fic, you scratched an itch that I didn't even know I had, you've created an addiction for me now, I'm in love with that fic I need to download that fucking mod for f04 or I'm gonna go even more unhinged than I already am with how vicereally I NEED him
Haha I knoooow! On a whim I downloaded him as a mod because I really only use Hancock, Danse, or Nick as companions, and it's nice having a companion that can pack a punch and not go down so easily (at least in my save).
However he does say "Fuckin' hell!" a goddamn lot of you don't tell him to sit still before going into build-mode cause his ass can and will fuck around while you're doing stuff.
But the mods I use(d) are:
Modern Warfare SAS Companions - Ghost and Price (by: bohgger) They don't speak very much and aren't too terribly well-programmed, but they use actual voice lines from their respective games.
(I'm not sure if the mod is available as it's now gone and vanished from my mod list and searches; but if you're not on Xbox like me, I'm sure the PC has waaaay better mods there!)
His outfit was a mod called [XHX] MW19 Ghost Prison Outfit (it is by the author thefalllenking) but it may still show up on PC searches.
There's another outfit mod I may download called [XHX] MW19 Ghost Redux that comes with several other Ghost outfits! (Also by thefalllenking)
I may also consider downloading the Apocalypse Survival Set + Improved Textures (2k) (by LandoCummando) for a more "immersive" look in the future
Now, I also have the following mods for other NPCs (i love my Minutemen looking like actual soldiers and not homeless chem addicts toting around fatman launchers)
Unfortunately, like the first MW2 Ghost outfit mod, the PMC Operators Pack (I believe it is called, and I believe it is done by Overboss.Dragon, but I could be incorrect) is no longer appearing on Xbox searches or in my mod list but it may still be available on PC, like the previous one. It allows me to set custom faction patches for their gear! (Price is rocking the MM flag currently)
If you can't find that mod, there is also the BZW Captain Price mod (by DeepBlue93) for (one of) his outfit from MW. I just like the PMC Operators Pack because it gives me so many customization options.
For my Soul Survivor:
The BZW MW Domino Spy mod (by elfunstoppable)
I also use the NV Authority Glasses (by princesscake) but you can also just use the vanilla Patrolman Sunglasses found lying around
For her gun:
The Glock 19x Revamp (by: KingofWolves313) I recommend it since it's highly customizable!
Springfield XD Model 2 Subcompact Pistol (by: Urbanranger88)
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ross-hori · 10 days
Apocalypse Now: Redux. I have some thoughts...
I watched the Redux version of Coppola's seminal (anti-)war film again for the first time in about 5 years. When I saw the original cut on TV I thought it odd and unnerving in places. The Redux expanded on this strangeness and I thought was a better version. When I saw it today I wasn't so sure.
There were places in this film I thought it lost some impact and maybe some of its way.
The second encounter with the Playboy Bunnies was so off-key it was awkward to watch. First time out they were surreal sirens, tempting the soldiers with their "sexy" dancing and "playful" teasing. Second time I wasn't sure what they were doing there. I think I know what Coppola was aiming for (innocence destroyed after days in the mud and god knows what went on) but the bunnies were never innocent. Or was the consequence of their innocence finally catching up with them? Either way, it didn't sit right and Willard acted off-character with his sudden, "Hey, let's waste some fuel so Chef can get his rocks off" moment. And what good was diesel to the bunnies anyway? They didn't have a boat and the helicopter won't run on it. Maybe it was this that undermined the scene and had it been presented as "the sirens tempt the crew and we can see how unhinged war makes innocents" it would have worked better.
During the film, the French dinner scene drags a little, but I think it worth a second watch. There are some powerful messages in there that basically set the Vietnamese up as victims of colonialism with the Americans just being the latest. I think this echoes back to the undercurrent in Heart of Darkness quite strongly. Whether a 5 minute Ethics Lecture was needed is debatable, though George Lucas managed to get an entire film out of an Economics Lecture and he was going to direct this at one point. 
That said, I thought the sensual seduction of Willard was an interesting counterpoint to the mechanical transaction between Chef and Miss May / December.
I got the use of the cow to show how Kurtz was butchered but that really didn't need to be in there.
Apocalypse Now is a tough film to watch and I think it's one of those you can't put on in the background and hope to enjoy it. The Redux doubles down on it in parts, though I think it is (on balance) a more powerful, if flawed extension of the original.
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