elementapothec · 2 years
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A powerful nighttime tincture formulated with broad spectrum hemp phytocannabinoids (CBD + CBN) and beneficial botanicals that support relaxation and promotes a deep, restorative sleep. This incredible tincture helps relax even the most stressed individuals, creating overall calm and a restful night's sleep. Visit here to buy - https://elementapothec.com/collections/all-products/products/500mg-botanical-infused-broad-spectrum-cbd-cbn-tincture?utm_source=organic&utm_medium=social+media&utm_campaign=spokes
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houseonsaturn · 2 months
guys… if you want to start an herb collection, start here.
this is an incredible product. the seller is incredible and very courteous. you can tell it is packaged with good intentions and clean energy.
my package was lost in the mail due to an issue with the mailing system (at no fault to the seller). the seller stayed in contact with me through the process and gave me plenty of updates. he DOUBLED my order in the package he resent! in total, i received 40 different herbs to use in my spellwork. i am incredibly grateful!! and you know what? the package may have been late but it came just in time for my birthday!
the herbs are potent and packaged beautifully. the baggies are absolutely stuffed with product. my kitten tore open the box to get to the catnip inside! and oh, the lavender in my package was delicious. opening the box was like entering a shop that sells the finest teas.
overall, my experience with the seller was more than positive. i am wishing him so much success and happiness for the wonderful service he’s done for me.
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hemp-pot · 2 years
HEMP.gg : Hemp-Derived Wellness and Beauty Brand, Element Apothec, Enters Southeast Asian Market - Benzinga
Hemp-Derived Wellness and Beauty Brand, Element Apothec, Enters Southeast Asian Market  Benzinga source https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiigFodHRwczovL3d3dy5iZW56aW5nYS5jb20vcHJlc3NyZWxlYXNlcy8yMi8xMS8yOTg4NzYzNS9oZW1wLWRlcml2ZWQtd2VsbG5lc3MtYW5kLWJlYXV0eS1icmFuZC1lbGVtZW50LWFwb3RoZWMtZW50ZXJzLXNvdXRoZWFzdC1hc2lhbi1tYXJrZXTSAS1odHRwczovL3d3dy5iZW56aW5nYS5jb20vYW1wL2NvbnRlbnQvMjk4ODc2MzU?oc=5
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bladewarde · 3 years
❝ Some shitty luck I ‘ave for trying to get through the Frostbacks -- ❞ Laera complains about something else, just loud enough for herself to hear. It makes her feel better -- whining about how everything hurts, and how a mountain essentially fell on her -- or it almost did. Another day or so and she would be in the Hinterlands to complete her deal, and with coin in hand, back on her way to Denerim. Naturally, things never happened quite as easily. ❝ Is it bad? Y’keep staring at me like I’m about to die... ❞
@apothecates / plotted!
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divinesleft-a · 3 years
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@apothecates​ said: [ 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 ] -- maybe he's examining it for her? i doubt he'd just go around touching bruises on people LOL non-sexual acts of affection accepting!
     it’s tender to the touch, and she jumps just slightly as his hand touches the bruised skin. but once subsided, she relaxes again, instead focusing on the seemingly MONUMENTAL task of making small talk with the man looking over her wound. 
“i doubt i am the worst of what you have seen today... or the worst of what is to come.” 
it’s been a few hours since the attack on the pride demon, and leliana had seen those worse than her enter the apothecary’s shack before she had entered herself. 
“i’m sure this is not what you imagined when you offered your services. thank you for all your help... that is, as long as you do not need to amputate my arm.”
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trevelyann · 3 years
😡 for an anger headcanon
headcanon meme! accepting.
🤲 for an anger headcanon
The Trevelyan house motto is this: Modest in temper, bold in deed. 
The second part is always true. The first? Well...it’s true most of the time. Evelyne is slow to anger, because she’s remarkably level-headed. She likes to imagine the whole picture before she paints a single stroke. She tries her best to disengage her emotions when making difficult decisions, though always tries to make those decisions as beneficial to as many parties as possible. She doesn’t yell, kick her feet around, or flip things. Even in battle, she’s strategic -- not the kind of warrior that rushes in without a thought.
She gets annoyed or irritated like anyone else, but the feeling goes as quickly as it comes. She finds that anger can cloud her judgement. Besides, there are bigger things to be angry about. 
There are things, of course, that seem to bypass all of that and go right for her heart, and when that button’s pressed, the anger can only most accurately be described as righteous, and bold indeed. She will relieve her enemy’s body from their head with a single swipe of her greatsword; she’ll use her mark to swallow them whole before they get the chance to see what’s coming. 
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sacredwatersrva · 5 years
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Are you missing our candles and soaks from @shopapothec ? No need! Her beautiful apothecary is available for you...stop by APOTHEC and inhale a whole new feeling about life! #apothec #apothecary #essentialoils #handmadeinrva (at APOTHEC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3uNp32lyIM/?igshid=1uctfqcj5vxg1
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swampchild · 5 years
Sometimes I am Apothec River,
And the world is a fair which drinks from me
There is no challenge, no worry insurmountable
And each moment is one of joy blends into the last.
Sometimes, I am K'zihva Taj
And I sit at the bottom of the lake
With moss for hair and moonlight for eyes
And my tears water the Shroud.
Sometimes, I am River.
Sometimes, I am K'Zihva
But never
Am I Jia
Never the waif who's mother's light failed to reach
Never the sickly thing which waits upon the bed.
Sometimes, River
Sometimes, K'zihva
Never Jia.
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obsoletelibrarian · 6 years
Hello, friends, family, countrymen!  I am off on a new adventure!  I am trying to keep a better track of this year than the one I spent in Toronto.  I did better in Oxford, so I will try to go back to that dedication.  For those of you who don’t know, my husband Dan was recently offered a position working as an instructor and researcher for ETH Zurich, a position where he will earn a full salary, and also leave in 3-ish years with a PhD.  Not a bad deal!  I always knew he was a smart one.  A real keeper.
Anywho, I am therefore now in Zurich, Switzerland.  We just decided to pack up and leave in fairly short notice.  We had to fly to San Francisco to get Visas, which was a terrible process which involved me at 3:00 am demanding that an airline give me a flight so that their delayed flight wouldn’t prevent us from reaching our consulate appointment, and several other such hiccups.  Especially difficult was the fact that while we tried to prepare to move, I was working very hard to participate in a version of Comedy of Errors in Clement Park, Colorado.  Brutal.
But we have made it!  I have now been here a little less than a week.  It has been about 94 degrees or hotter all week, which is insane, particularly with the humidity.  I feel like I have been just damp forever.  The Swiss spend their summer weekends in the lake and the river, but due to the airline accidentally leaving part of my luggage in Minnesota for the time being, I have no swimsuit.  I just bought the cheapest swim top money can buy, so that I can wear it with Sofi shorts as a bathing suit next weekend, to cope with the heat.
Our new apartment is nice.  350 square feet is more than I thought it was.  Our kitchen is actually quite nice, although the appliances are all half sized!  Food is in smaller portions here anyways, so it actually all fits.  This complex is actually for both students and retired individuals (it is government-run housing).  So our bathroom has a shower seat for a more elderly person than either of us.  There’s also a tiny cot/bed that smells strange.  We only use it for storage.  We sleep on an air mattress we brought with us.  We have a small issue with cockroaches, but it is nothing our boot soles cannot handle (thus far).  The two windows are open until we go to sleep, and we bought a rotating fan to deal with the heat.
Getting settled has been difficult.  The immigration office didn’t want to accept us without our marriage license, which was hard.  I was praying harder than I’d ever prayed that the guy would let us off easy on that one, and he did, so thanks to God for that one.  We still have to have our biometrics taken to get residency, and we are really worried that we won’t get full residency until our current entry visas run out, so we’re just moving as fast as we can and praying for the best.  We got Swiss health insurance, which also took some doing, but was necessary to get residency.  
At the immigration office, we were also mandated nuclear medication, because Zurich is so close to many nuclear sites.  It is a weird thing, and we still have to go to the “Apothece,” or Pharmacy, to get those pills.  This goes with the missile barn (not nuclear missiles, I think it’s just anti-aircraft or something--the nuclear is from power plants) we saw just in the city.  You can tell that it’s a missile barn because of the large “VERBOT” (forbidden) signs and the roof the comes off with a pulley system.  We had read about these before arriving here.
We just got Swiss bank accounts, but it’s taken some doing.  They are really worried about Americans doing illegal offshore stuff out here, so we really had to prove our poverty and good intentions.  But we ended up with the nicest banker of all time, who had learned German and English in the past couple of years, after having to learn Italian first when his family moved from eastern Europe.  His dream is to move to America and become a painter.  He was so nice, and gave us espresso, mineral water, and chocolates on a fancy tray as if we were the rich clients he normally works with.  He did a great job, and I hope he gets to paint someday.
We both bought year long bus passes for the greater Zurich area, which are great.  I hope onto any transportation I want and get wherever I want to go in no time.  Yesterday, Dan was at work, so I went over to the Altstadtt, the Old City, where you can see the Alps across Zurichsee, the big lake here.  I walked around the lake, and also saw more of Bahnhofstrausse than I saw from our banking time.  
I also went to the two old churches in the Altstadtt:  Grossmunster and Fraumunster.  GM was founded by Charlemagne himself, and FM was founded by his grandson, so you can imagine that I was absolutely elated to visit them.  They both have been redone many times, so actually the coolest part to me about each is the crypts underneath.  In GM, there is this ancient medieval statue of Charlemagne that used to be on the roof, but it weathered away too much, and there are these very old drawings/pictures on the wall from medieval times.  In FM, they actually have taken cross sections out of the floors in the crypts, because you can see all the levels of church buildings that have been erected at the cite, from old nun housing to waterways, all intersecting each other with different-aged stones.  They even have parts of columns from the era when Charlemagne’s grandson started the church.  Truly breathtaking.  FM also has a Chagall window, which is just gorgeous.  It is actually 5 panes, each a different color and scene from the Bible, and I just sat in the church, staring up at them and crying, because there is something about that beautiful old church with those beautiful new windows that is holy.
Dan actually couldn’t buy those bus passes before I got here though, because he made the mistake of speaking English at the counter.  They told him, “We speak German here” and turned him away.  Whether it was my meager amount of German (we eventually spoke English at the counter anyways) or our newly stamped paperwork from the Swiss government, it was much easier to get passes the second time.
Overall, we hear, “You are in Switzerland, and we speak German here,” a lot.  It’s like karma for every USA person who has mocked someone who speaks Spanish.  The older man in the apartment next to us told us that right away, and then explained the rules of the apartment complex, eying us warily.  He took us to the mailroom, and asked us where the name “Hammerland” was from, sighing that “you never could tell where people were from, nowadays.”  At first, I was worried that he didn’t like us at all, because we were Americans.  But he warmed right up to us, and now I believe he is the best friend we have out here thus far.  He gave me a book of German “Weisheit,” or wise sayings, and a card to get into Fraumunster for free (it is normally 5 franc).  He also has given us tips for everything from fashion to tourism to life.  His English is excellent, because in the 60s and 70s he was part of the music scene in New York.  After that, he studied Renaissance art and music in the Sorbonne!!!  How cool is that?!  
Dan hasn’t met many people at school thus far, but that’s because his group mates are on a trip, and he is going to get to hang out with them much more when they get back!  And we did make some friends at church.  We went to the IPC, the international protestant church, where they speak English and are very welcoming.  They offered us friendship and help, and one of them attends Dan’s school in the chemistry department.  Additionally, the assistant pastor’s wife is from Colorado, with family in Minnesota, she left her career to follow her husband here, and her name is Jenna.  It was such a relief to have a person who understood me well so immediately.  So we think we might make some friends here.
Dan and I have been having some good adventures, finding good places to buy groceries (the main stores are called Migros, Coop, and Denner, but boy, are they all expensive!), walking by the river and seeing all of the people in intertubes or swimming in the dammed sections, seeing art in the Wasserkirche (the Water Church), and trying to adjust to the very cheese-and-small-bits-of-bread diet we have out here (Dan has to adjust.  I think I’ve been eating Swiss accidentally all along!).  So things are starting well, despite some setbacks.
Some things you may not know about Switzerland, because I surely did not:
1) They don’t believe in air conditioning.  Ever.  They only have it in supermarkets and banks (and some busses, but rarely).  So most stores, churches, and our apartment are approximately a billion degrees at the moment.  And sticky.  Swiss women (especially the elderly and pregnant) all carry these white collapsible fans with little flowers painted on them in the Swiss style, and the bus is filled with the sound of little fans going back and forth.
2) The Swiss are all SO TAN.  Every single person has a golden summer glow.  I am about eight shades whiter than anyone here, which definitely sets me apart.  Dan looks much more like a Swiss person than me, but he dresses American so it is a dead give away.  Luckily, in public, I keep being mistaken for a Brit (unlike poor Dan who has been really lashed out at for his USA heritage), which is overall less of a problem than being an American.
3) Pretty much all bottled water is sparkling, or “mit gass”
4) It doesn’t look like pictures.  Most of Zurich is a bunch of concrete apartments, trying to fit as much as possible into the smallest space.  It reminds me a lot of London in that way--there are beautiful old buildings, but a lot of the city is just overcrowded and overbusy.  I kind of like it, though.  The bustle reminds me of Toronto.
5) They don’t get married in Switzerland.  People hardly date, but if they do fall in love, they just live together until they die.  People literally cannot comprehend me and my situation when we explain it.  Get married?  And then move somewhere without a job prepared, simply because of a partner?  As one person curtly informed me when I suggested it, “Well, the Junge do not do that here.  Here, we are all supposed to function.”  That has been a little disheartening.  Only that other Jenna at church understood my predicament.
6) The healthcare isn’t free.  Indeed, we will be paying quite a lot for it.
7) There are no taxes on food!  What you see on a pricetag is what you get!  Huzzah!
8) Swiss croissants are called “Gipfeli” and are delicious
9) Swiss German is a cross between half of the world languages, I feel like.  There are signs in French talking about hair stylists, advertisements with English puns, Italian menu items, and weirdly almost-German greetings.  When you meet someone, you say “Gruezi,” and when you bump into someone you say “Ӓxcusi,” and if someone bumps into you, you say “Scho guen” (it’s all good).  None of these things is German, but they are all quite Swiss.
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elementapothec · 2 years
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REST RELAX RECOVER | TINCTURE 1500MG A powerful nighttime tincture formulated with broad spectrum hemp phytocannabinoids (CBD + CBN) and beneficial botanicals that support relaxation and promotes a deep, restorative sleep. This incredible tincture helps relax even the most stressed individuals, creating overall calm and a restful night's sleep.
Visit here to buy - https://elementapothec.com/collections/all-products/products/rest-relax-recover-1500mg-botanical-infused-broad-spectrum-tincture-element-apothec?utm_source=organic&utm_medium=social+media&utm_campaign=spokes
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italianaradio · 4 years
AIGA CALABRIA Nominato il nuovo coordinamento regionale
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/aiga-calabria-nominato-il-nuovo-coordinamento-regionale/
AIGA CALABRIA Nominato il nuovo coordinamento regionale
AIGA CALABRIA Nominato il nuovo coordinamento regionale
AIGA CALABRIA Nominato il nuovo coordinamento regionale Lente Locale
R. & P.
Lo scorso 6 dicembre si è svolto a Lamezia Terme, presso il ristorante Apothec Cavallino, con grande partecipazione delle diverse sezioni, in uno spiccato clima natalizio, il primo coordinamento regionale guidato dal neoeletto Coordinatore Avv. Caterina Giuliano che ha dettato il passo associativo per il biennio 2019/2021, prevedendo un’importante suddivisione di ruoli e compentenze, per ciascuna sezione, volti a migliorare i rapporti associativi e l’efficienza delle attività di formazione e politica forense. 
“L’idea di una struttura articolata, afferma il coordinatore, è volta ad intensificare il lavoro e permettere a tutte le sezioni di essere parte attiva nei lavori del Coordinamento”.
Sulle base di tali criteri venivano comunicate le seguenti nomine: 
– Vice Coordinatori: Avv.ti Francesco Giordano, Presidente della Sezione di Castrovillari, e Vincenzo Barca Presidente della Sezione di Palmi.
– Segretarie del Coordinamento: Avv. Isabella Monaco, Presidente della Sezione di Rossano, e Avv. Serena Perri, Vice Presidente della Sezione di Lamezia Terme. 
Il Coordinatore ha poi nominato:
– quale Addetto stampa del Coordinamento Regionale Aiga Calabria, l’Avv. Nancy Stilo, Vice Presidente della Sezione di Reggio Calabria;
– Responsabile per i Bandi l’Avv. Davide Barberi, Presidente della Sezione di Reggio Calabria; 
– Responsabile degli eventi conviviali e di aggregazione: l’Avv. Fabio Verre della Sezione di Catanzaro. 
L’avv. Giuliano ha, inoltre, istituito tre Dipartimenti Regionali e nominato i relativi componenti:
1. Dipartimento Equo Compenso:
Avv. Valerio Zicaro, sezione di Cosenza;
Avv. Domenico Zaffina, sezione di Catanzaro;
Avv. Michelangelo Pasqua, sezione di Vibo Valentia;
Avv. Natalina Giungato, sezione di Crotone;
Avv. Davide Barberi, sezione di Reggio Calabria;
2. Dipartimento Pari Opportunità e Legittimo Impedimento:
Avv. Ilaria Oliva, sezione di Castrovillari;
Avv. Irene Trocino, sezione di Crotone;
Avv. Gloria Severino, sezione di Catanzaro;
Avv. Valeria Cortese sezione di Vibo Valentia;
Avv. Concetta Mercuri sezione di Palmi;
3. Comitato Scientifico 
Avv. Antonella Chirico, sezione Locri;
Avv. Gregorio Casalenuovo, sezione di Catanzaro;
Avv. Vincenzo Santoro, sezione di Paola;
Avv. Vincenzo Tracuzzi, sezione di Palmi.
Nel corso della riunione sono state, inoltre, annunciate le sezioni che ospiteranno il consueto evento regionale annuale, ovvero, la Sezione di Paola per l’anno 2020 e quella di Crotone per l’anno 2021: un momento associativo di fondamentale importanza per le sue finalità aggregative e di formazione.
Nel corso del coordinamento hanno poi preso la parola i Presidenti di ciascuna sezione relazionando sulle attività e i progetti in corso nonché su quelli in programmazione presso la propria sezione di appartenenza.
L’Avv. Valeria Cortese, Presidente della Sezione di Vibo Valentia, ha ricordato che il prossimo luglio si terrà Tropea e Capo Vaticano il Consiglio Direttivo Nazionale estivo: un importante riconoscimento per la nostra regione che ci spinge a cooperare per la migliore realizzazione e riuscita dell’evento.
Ha preso, infine, la parola l’Avv. Ester Ruffo per lo spazio dedicato alla rubrica “Aiga si racconta” fornendo la sua esperienza da Coordinatore Regionale Aiga Calabria del biennio 2015-2017, nonché le sue ulteriori esperienze in Aiga Nazionale, “sempre a servizio della fascia più debole dell’avvocatura: la giovane avvocatura”.
Il coordinatore, Avv. Caterina Giuliano, invitando tutti i colleghi e amici a intrattenersi per un piacevole scambio di auguri natalizi, ha dato appuntamento al prossimo coordinamento regionale che si terrà il prossimo 18 Gennaio a Locri.
AIGA CALABRIA Nominato il nuovo coordinamento regionale Lente Locale
AIGA CALABRIA Nominato il nuovo coordinamento regionale Lente Locale
R. & P. Lo scorso 6 dicembre si è svolto a Lamezia Terme, presso il ristorante Apothec Cavallino, con grande partecipazione delle diverse sezioni, in uno spiccato clima natalizio, il primo coordinamento regionale guidato dal neoeletto Coordinatore Avv. Caterina Giuliano che ha dettato il passo associativo per il biennio 2019/2021, prevedendo un’importante suddivisione di ruoli e compentenze, per ciascuna sezione, volti […]
AIGA CALABRIA Nominato il nuovo coordinamento regionale Lente Locale
Gianluca Albanese
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johnsaye · 7 years
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Just pinned: The Mystical Apothec, from http://ift.tt/2fi9pl9. My home on Pinterest
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trevelyann · 3 years
🤲 for a religious headcanon
headcanon meme! accepting.
🤲 for a religious headcanon
At the outset of DA:I, yes, Evelyne’s an Andrastian, but it’s a “I go to church because it’s just what my family does” type of belief -- it’s just what she does. It’s duty. Everyone she knows believes in the Maker, or at least they say they do, so it becomes like a fact or piece of knowledge for her: Maker exists, sky’s blue, snow’s cold. She’s had the privilege of not really having to be concerned about it one way or the other.
The Conclave and events following -- everything seems so...ordained. She doesn’t like the idea of her destiny being made for her, but so far, she’s repeatedly survived the impossible and been able to save people along the way (sidenote -- during the attack at Haven, she saves every one of the six villagers you can in that quest which is the most difficult thing oh god). She’s had the strength, will, and heart to take on the mantle of Inquisitor, a gift given to her by people she trusts. Her belief starts to change -- perhaps the Maker isn’t out there somewhere, but here, in her friends. 
There’s one glaring thing, though: Solas. Not him, exactly, but his gods. She wonders: if her Maker is real, what’s to say that his gods aren’t? Or what about the Avvar gods? Or the dwarves and their reverence for the Stone? Or the Qun? Aren’t they all real in some way -- doesn’t belief in them make them real because it propels their actions and will?
She realizes this is controversial.
Throughout her time as Inquisitor, she’s confronted with so many different points of view that she settles on the belief that it could all be real. Hell, it probably is. Or none of it could be real, and people just need something to believe in -- like her, as the Herald of Andraste. Religion becomes less fact-based and more belief-based for her, but above all, she has faith in people. The people she fights alongside, the people she protects, the people she loves.
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sacredwatersrva · 5 years
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#Repost @shopapothec ・・・ SOAK stress away. . . . . . . . . #treatyoself #apothec #parfumerie #apothecary #smallbusiness #shopsmall #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #supportsmallbrands #crueltyfreebeauty #localbrand #smallbrandbeauty #indiebeauty #smallbatch #holidayseason #modernapothecary #naturalbeauty #ethicallymade #ethicallysourced #fairtrade #rvaapothecary #essentialoils #vegan #sustainableliving #crueltyfree #holistic #crueltyfreebeauty #ilovecarytown (at Sacred Waters Holistic Spa & Boutique) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtqS0ZolsYB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tw1azjuh1thr
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tranimegirl · 7 years
I have a new follower on Twitter!
Vrael Pissy Scotsman | @Apothecate [alt] Scotland, United Kingdom Following: 676 - Followers: 579 September 02, 2017 at 04:30PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/Bjartadurna
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octoberner-blog · 7 years
High fantasy and science fiction with Gothic, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk dystopian flavors of dark smooth, rough, biting, liquefying, archaic, apothec, alchemistic, bone crushing, potion consuming, aberrantic cybernetics, flowing through darklight worlds of the endless mindscape.
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