#applying for indefinite leave to remain
novelcsanchez · 1 year
Applying for Indefinite Leave to Remain in UK? What do you need to prepare?
“Union Jack flying at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, UK” by Roy Tanck/ CC0 1.0 If you have been living and working in the UK for more than 5 years, you can now apply for “settlement” or “Indefinite Leave to Remain”. This is the next step before applying for British citizenship. ILR will allow you to live and work here in the UK for as long as you like! A lot of Filipino nurses, like myself,…
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visaand-migration · 6 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK
Applying for indefinite leave to remain (ILR) in the UK can be a significant milestone for individuals seeking to settle in the country permanently. Whether you're on a work visa, a family visa, or any other category, obtaining ILR provides stability and opens up a plethora of opportunities. However, navigating the application process can be complex and daunting. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about applying for indefinite leave to remain in the UK.
Understanding Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
Indefinite leave to remain, also known as settlement or permanent residency, allows individuals to live and work in the UK without any time restrictions. It signifies a person's long-term commitment to the country and their eligibility for certain benefits and services. Once granted, ILR holders can access public funds, apply for citizenship, and enjoy greater freedom in their residency.
Eligibility Criteria
To Apply for indefinite leave to remain you must meet specific eligibility criteria, which may vary depending on your visa category. Generally, you must have lived in the UK for a certain period, demonstrated a commitment to the country, and met the necessary language and financial requirements. Additionally, you must not have breached any immigration laws during your stay in the UK.
Preparing Your Application
Before applying for ILR, it's crucial to gather all the required documents and evidence to support your case. This may include proof of identity, residency, employment, and finances. It's essential to ensure that your documents are up-to-date, accurate, and properly organized to avoid delays or rejection.
Completing the Application Form
The application process typically involves completing an application form, which can be done online or by post. The form will ask for personal details, immigration history, and information about your stay in the UK. It's essential to fill out the form carefully and truthfully, as any discrepancies or inaccuracies could lead to your application being refused.
Meeting the English Language Requirement
One of the key eligibility criteria for ILR is demonstrating your knowledge of the English language. Most applicants can meet this requirement by passing an approved English language test at the required level. However, certain exemptions may apply, such as if you're from a majority English-speaking country or have a degree taught in English.
Meeting the Life in the UK Test Requirement
In addition to the English language requirement, applicants for ILR must also pass the Life in the UK test. This test assesses your knowledge of British customs, traditions, and institutions. It's essential to prepare thoroughly for the test by studying the official handbook and taking practice exams.
Submitting Your Biometric Information
As part of the application process, you'll be required to provide your biometric information, including fingerprints and a digital photograph. This information is used to verify your identity and conduct security checks. You can usually do this at a designated service point or visa application center.
Paying the Application Fee
Applying for ILR incurs a significant application fee, which must be paid at the time of submission. The fee may vary depending on your visa category and whether you're applying from within the UK or overseas. It's essential to check the current fee schedule and ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover the cost.
Waiting for a Decision
Once you've submitted your ILR application and biometric information, you'll need to wait for a decision from UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). Processing times can vary, but you can typically expect to receive a decision within a few months. During this time, it's essential to keep track of your application status and respond promptly to any requests for additional information.
Applying for indefinite leave to remain in the UK is a significant step towards securing your future in the country. By understanding the eligibility criteria, preparing your documents, and following the application process carefully, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome. Remember to seek professional advice if you're unsure about any aspect of the application process, and good luck on your journey to settlement in the UK.
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What Else to Know About Indefinite Leave to Remain?
Indefinite leave to remain means how you settle in the UK. It’s also known as ‘settlement’. It is the right to live, work and study here for as long as you like, and apply for benefits when you’re eligible. You can use it to apply for British citizenship.
Indefinite Leave to Remain after 5 years or 3 years means that a person does not need to apply to extend their permission to reside in the UK. They can stay here indefinitely - they are 'settled' in the UK. It is considered to be the most secure immigration status in the UK except for British Citizenship.
In most cases, you must live legally in the UK for 5 years and there should not be any long absences if you want to qualify for Indefinite Leave to Remain. There are certain types of visas that do not allow you to apply for Indefinite Leave on this route, for instance, Student visas or Senior Specialist Worker visas.
Once your application is submitted, you have to visit a visa application center near you and have your fingerprints and photo taken. It will take six months for the decision to come from the Home Office and they will send you a Bio metric Residence Card. It proves your new Indefinite Leave to Remain status.
If you want to apply for an indefinite leave to remain after 5 years in a hassle-free way contact Intime Immigration Limited. Their Immigration Lawyers are dedicated to supporting clients, guiding them, giving them advice, and representing them as per their cases.
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horseforeplay · 1 year
hi, is the long covid and basically what youve been talking about recently applies worldwide or its the us issue? i didnt see much about it in like disabled groups or in general in my country but now im concerned i mightve just not dig deep enough? are there any resources i can look into? youre welcomed to tell me to fuck off but also thank you in advance
hi! yes, c19 has gone endemic globally. i'm not sure what country you're in, but if you believe that covid is no longer a problem where you are, chances are that your government is deliberately minimizing a deadly disease. leaders want you to get back to work. disabled people are forced to shelter-in-place indefinitely (just like the rest of the world decided was a nightmare to do temporarily). if you look around and only see maskless people, it may be easy to conclude that no one is masking anymore because they don't have to. the reality is that high-risk people have been pushed even more deeply into the fringes as the virus is free to mutate and become more transmissible. even countries that had more effective shutdowns than the US are seeing an uptick in cases, though those numbers remain less steep. i hope you don't mind if i use this ask to say a lot of things.
here's one link: did u know the spanish flu was called the spanish flu because spain was neutral during WWI and therefore was the first country to break the news? it didn't originate in spain. it was all over europe. the allied powers did not want to "ruin wartime morale" by telling anyone living in those countries that a deadly virus was in their midst. we're in a surreal fucking situation, where the death count was alarming enough in the first year of c19 that governments were forced to react at first, but have now successfully propagandized the majority of the world into believing that it ended. it never ended. (and world leaders and billionaires know it -- they are still protecting themselves. nobody gets to meet joe biden without a PCR test. temporary air filtration systems get installed at high schools where he makes speeches, then taken down when he leaves.) it's not "like the flu" (though the flu kills and disables people every year!). there's no such thing as a "summer flu". it's not like a cold. it's now been able to mutate to look more like a cold (dominant variants no longer have the hallmark fever or even coughing symptoms), but it is a disease that attacks every system in the body. even a mild case can give you organ damage you won't know about until something goes wrong with your body. we are only in year three of this thing. we (and i mean everyone) are flying blind. we don't have any idea what people's life expectancies are going to look like down the line. certainly not for long covid patients.
regardless of pushes to "return to normal", it is becoming abundantly clear (right now, mostly only to those most greatly affected by c19) that there is nothing to go back to. we are puppeteering the limbs of a dead world. now that we understand how masks mitigate the spread of disease, why are nurses cheering and fucking clapping when we remove them again from hospitals? as climate change becomes worse and worse, we are staring down a world where we are meant to accept that the death of "some people" (see: other people) is inevitable. it is not. the preventative action that you take against c19 is preparing you wildfire smoke and the next virus the warming planet helps spread.
resources? resources. here is a great political breakdown of what is happening, called let them eat plague. good reading if you consider yourself a communist or would like to be one. here, too, is an archived version of an atlantic article on what CE/MFS looks like (one of the long covid health outcomes i am living with).
most of my resources center on US handling of the pandemic, but eugenic capitalism is a global problem. unfortunately, i'm not a great collector of links to things i've read even under the best of circumstances. it's just not a strong suit. adding this to the reality that i have been close to bed-bound by long covid for the last three weeks, and i'm just not gonna transform into a great link guy. i'm sorry about this. there are covid activists who are much better at sharing external resources than i am, but we are in the phase of c19 now where most of the people organizing right now are also sick themselves. so, many of them have a tendency to disappear, or struggle to keep pages up-to-date. some key phrases i might search for on social media for local groups might be "covid aware" or "covid safe", to see if something for your location pops up. i know there are groups in the netherlands, ireland, and australia pushing for covid education and a better world for those disabled by the pandemic.
i think many people are having difficulty understanding how many people have died of c19. for scale, an accepted figure for total global AIDS deaths (as of 2017) is 940,000. that's just under a million. it would be a whole hell of a lot more if not for continuous direct political action (thank you ACT UP), but people (especially in sub-saharan africa) continue to die today. C19 deaths in 2020 alone were at three million. in 2023 we are at over 6.9 million. the crisis never fucking ended. that is over 6.9 million deaths, and counting, in a "post-vaccine" world. (a vaccine is not a fucking cure).  i think part of what we are seeing right now is that the people who care the most are fucking shaken. most of us are just stunned. estimates show TEN MILLION people are living with long covid in the united states alone. TEN MILLION!!!! JUST IN THE STATES!
vaccines are not a cure. i will keep repeating this until somebody understands it. vaccines are not a cure. vaccines do not cure c19, no matter where you live in the world. vaccines are also becoming less and less accessible as the public "learns to live with" the virus. some people will never be eligible for vaccines. vaccines make many people living with long covid much sicker (as happened to me). i will continue advocating for vaccines, as i advocate for all precautionary measures (like nasal sprays which i am also allergic to since long covid can cause MCAS), but it needs to be said that many many people cannot access or safely use these measures. world governments would like you to believe that a high tech intervention (vaccines) have saved us from having to bother with uncomfortable low-tech measures (masking). resist this. i was double boosted and healthy when i had my first (and only, to my knowledge) covid infection in september of 2022. i am 27 years old and this virus has disabled me.
i was also masking frequently in public when i caught covid. masks are a bit like car seatbelts; it's a smart fucking idea, but you can still crash. this is an imperfect comparison, though, since then your seatbelt would also be protecting your passengers and other drivers. when the burden of masking falls only on vulnerable people, everybody gets fucked. one-way masking is safer than not masking, but it's not half as effective.
there is no known cure for long covid. that means that doctors will tell long covid patients that they do not know what is wrong with them at every turn, oftentimes disbelieving, minimizing, and recommending treatments (like exercise and weight loss) that can leave patients bed-bound or dead. any covid infection can become long covid, in any person, at any age, and your chances of developing long covid INCREASE EXPONENTIALLY with each infection --building immunity with repeat infections is an insidious and deadly myth. covid infections compound. how many times are people expected to get this fucking virus?
when you are in public, the chances that you are either around a high-risk person or around someone who is in close contact with a high-risk person is almost 100%. break every goddamn transmission chain you possibly can.
invest in an N95 (or better) mask. here is a link to where i buy mine. governments should provide these, as well as free access to vaccines and testing sites and medicine for acute infections, but we are in the phase now where major pushes for activism are only barely getting their land legs while the majority covers their ears and goes on laughing and drinking and dancing. be there when the screams get loud enough. add your voice, help the day come sooner, so less children get long covid at school and less friends get heart attacks at 30 and less grandparents disappear and lovers you used to enjoy dining with lose their sense of smell and taste forever. there will be greater collective action as this moves closer to home for more people. but in the meantime.
live compassionately. as the world moves on, we need people everywhere to start fighting back. take action for people who can't (cuz people who should be in bed resting or processing all this fucking grief are being forced to act and can feel very alone).
this is one ask and i will probably post more later but tumblr dot com is just not my primary outlet for activism or expression lol. i have mainly used this page to vent a few times because i am quite literally trapped in my house unable to work. but it's my silly blog where i go to be silly. i hope any of this was helpful to you or anybody reading.
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aronarchy · 1 year
i think there are some belief sets that are shoved into the category of “just thinking about The Future(tm)” & thus assumed to have zero bearing on your present values, and thus anyone who gets “pushy” about those/has a stance & sticks to it is assumed to be problematizing/politicizing an apolitical issue and thus ruining the party for everyone else
for example I remember some time ago I was posting about transhumanism/deity-abolition stuff & how I believe it is unethical for any sentient, agentic being to be capable of stopping vast amounts of suffering but still choosing not to just because, and maintaining a vast power imbalance btwn them & other beings. & that “natural” biological death is, if caused by/enabled by a superior agent, just functionally equivalent to ppl being drugged unconscious/put to sleep permanently against their will (or at least, without them being able to say no). a christian responded by saying death is compatible with her philosophy bc she believes in heaven & saved souls after and whatnot. i pointed out that (even if that’s true, which is unlikely, & not reasonable to subject ppl to the risk of given how that cannot be verified rn & is logically unlikely) that would be functionally equivalent to drugging someone nonconsensually, dragging them off to somewhere else against their will or without their knowledge (or at least ability to say no), and then policing a border so that they are forcibly cut off from loved ones & huge swaths of the sentient universe & the like for eternity. a friend dm’ed me on her behalf later to ask me “but why did you block that woman over her christianity comment.” just, did not understand why I think that was an issue, and did not like being derailed like that, and that I view this as an actual ethical issue w/genuine ethical weight & that matters. bc all spirituality is automatically assigned “apolitical” & “a valid belief” even if it’s passing down real ethical mandates that negatively/would negatively impact lives.
some progressives cede that yea doctrine is wrong sometimes but only when it’s Real Political Issues That Matter like christianity being used to justify misogyny/adultism/queerphobia for example. but, there’s a lot they leave uninterrogated (including the fundamental premise). or, they care about death-advocacy-bc-heaven but only when it becomes Really Bad Enough, like actual suicide cults or telling people to kill themselves or others. but they have a point at which they stop, like indefinite life extension upon request.
I wrote an analysis once abt how belief in all-powerful deities & positive moral assignations to them can be considered analogous to certain scenarios where a human was extremely socially/economically powerful & controlled much of the world or your resources & you can’t see them but they might be able to make demands and the like, and still restrict your agency but in ways too normalized to really notice. I don’t think it can be anarchic, on principle, to believe that choosing to be/remain a powerful deity, taking control over numerous ppl’s lives, is ethical. and I don’t think you can hold that + anarchism as opinions at the same time without running into contradiction somewhere down the line when you try to reduce/apply your philosophies.
some ppl argue that transhumanism isn’t rly an issue that has ethical weight that actually matters bc it doesn’t matter, it’s all for the future, we can’t do any of that right now so leave it (and the arguing!) for later. that’s not really right though; transhumanism, first off, isn’t just some discrete set of alterations, but a principle, and nature essentialism is often used right now to disagree w/sex-modification surgeries or certain types of accommodations for disabled people. some ppl try to shove the later into a category of “unproblematic” bioalteration but that’s not really coherent, is it; it relies on aesthetic/political convenience to judge, not analysis. likewise for primitivism discourses--I’m not saying that working together on some things sometimes is impossible, but that taking a stance is ethically relevant (and also primitivists seem to have a much easier time accusing us of “disunity”/imposing unimportant beliefs than vice versa). is it as immediate as now? no, but it does matter to at least some degree.
somewhat similar dynamics wrt state communists who don’t support any presently existing or past examples of oppression, but still support it as a hypothetical, and make it a future goal. it does bleed into their actual present theory & practice at least sometimes, even if they’re willing to work with anarchists in the present. and also, again, they have an easier time accusing us of caring about irrelevancies than vice versa.
also (this seems like a very different issue, but i’m just putting my own thoughts/experiences out here) this seems like a similar line of thinking to what’s applied to contact discourse a lot of the time. “well that’s about the FUTURE but we can’t say anything about the future post-youthlib or post-“destigmatization” & whether or not it would be ethical then so let’s not care now and fuck you for caring.” bc first of all, 1) “youthlib’d societies” existed in the past, and 1b) pro-c’s like bringing up “noncolonized ‘non-adultist’ pro-c societies” so it’s just completely unaware & irresponsible imo to act like it is just needed “for the future” not for anything in the past or the present; 2) post-youthlib ppl would deserve to have their trauma recognized too if they experienced csa, and the epistemic injustice of abuse being denied (or relativized) is, well (bad, obviously); 3) they wouldn’t be an entirely different species even then, and contact stances wrt that “future world” would involve debates around biopol. & psychology & physiology and frameworks, and which when used now for current debates (bc they are used, yes) do actually influence how we would conceptualize the answer to that future problem, so it’s kind of not a good idea to think that the two are just, like, completely disconnected & discrete.
also just bc it “can’t matter now” isn’t an excuse for arguing it will/should never matter (which is smth claimed by some of such aforementioned individuals).
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helenmarie95 · 9 months
Petition Against Raising the Income Requirement for Family Visas in the UK to £38,700 (Only Sign if You are a UK Resident)
So among the other awful things the Tories are doing to this country, they have decided to raise the minimum annual salary requirement for a UK citizen to bring their foreign spouse to the UK from £18,600 to £38,700 from next April. They have more than DOUBLED IT.
This is incredibly fucking stupid for an number of reasons, chief of which is that the median salary across all British jobs is £35,000 if you are a white man, and even worse if you are not that.
On a personal note, this does affect me as an American living in the UK with my British spouse. Luckily, since I changed jobs in October, we JUST BARELY clear this income requirement - and if I hadn't done that, I would be frantically searching for a new job anways. And we have to hope that our situation does not drastically change before I apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain next September.
Here's the thing: I am INCREDIBLY LUCKY. It's also took me five years to get to this point, including over a year working remotely for my parents' business because no UK company would hire me for 'reasons' (my fave being that I didn't sound sophisticated enough. lol.) I'm thinking of so many of my friends right now who suddently have to come up with another £20,000 in the next six months, which is absolutely insane. I'm thinking of my friends who have just had children and are counting on their parter's income to support them during this time who cannot afford to do that anymore. I'm thinking of university students who fell in love on a study abroad like myself, and had everything all planned out for their spouse to move here, only for everything to go up in smoke. I'm thinking of everyone who through no fault of their own are working essential jobs that they enjoy that are suddenly not enough. The NHS, which at this point is built on the backs of immigrants, is going to get even worse.
The government is forcing poor people to choose between the UK and their spouse. And these people are going to choose their spouse, because DUH. And people are going to leave. For some people that means moving back to their spouse's country and hoping that country lets them in. But what if they are LGBT and they cannot go back to their spouse's country because queerness is punishable by death? What are they supposed to fucking do?
It is high-key xenophobic to force British people to ignore foreigners and expect them to marry British spouses. And it's even more heinous considering that this new rule does not apply to the rich. Our own bloody PM has a gajillionaire wife who is not a citizen.
I made a video at the start of this year about my feelings being an immigrant in this country, and so many of my points still hold up and are even more true today.
Heck, I just got an autism diagnosis but because I'm not a citizen I cannot get disability benefits because I am not allowed public funds - the SAME PUBLIC FUNDS THAT I PAY FOR THROUGH TAXES ON MY PAYCHECK. And don't even think about protesting, because you can be arrested for 'being a nuisance', whatever that's defined as.
But I'd still rather be here that in the U.S. where health insurance and student loan companies would rob me blind and there's a high chance of getting shot walking down the street.
More and more, merely existing in the UK as a person had the gall not to be born here is one of the most radical things you can do.
And I'm going to continue to do it. And so are the rest of us.
So if you do happen to live in the UK, please sign the petition in the link. If you don't, please consider phoning your country's representatives to ask them to condemn this move. Moth and I and all of the others affected by this new rule are extremely grateful for any support you offer
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onenettvchannel · 1 year
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DEVELOPING STORY: Manila Central Post Office explosion halts new ID Applications for both UMID and Postal IDs
MANILA, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION -- A car battery explosion at the Manila Central Post Office (MCPO) was led to a temporary or indefinite suspension of new ID applications for two widely used identification cards in the Philippines - the Unified Multi-Purpose ID (UMID) and the Philippine Postal ID. The late incident occurred on Sunday (May 21st, 2023 -- Manila local time) causing significant damage to the post office building and disrupting its operations. Several reports by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) indicate that a faulty battery caused the explosion.
In a text message obtained to OneNETnews, the officials of Social Security System (SSS) and Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) releases a disclosed statement: "We would like to inform the public that the new ID applications for both UMID and Postal IDs are temporarily unavailable at the Manila Central Post Office (MCPO) following the car battery explosion incident", the said statement read.
SSS and Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) manage the UMID card, which provides beneficiaries with access to various government services. The program was introduced in 2010, a decade before the CoViD-19 pandemic years to streamline services. National media reports say that the government agencies like the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth-IC) accepts UMID cards.
The Postal ID however, is a convenient alternative to a primary ID that is both convenient and affordable. It is accepted by the Philippine government and private institutions for various purposes such as proof of identity as E-Wallets and banking, transaction verification and eligibility for discounts on certain products and services. Applicants who were planning to obtain neither the UMID, Postal ID or both are advised to temporarily seek alternative options while repairs and investigations are ongoing at the affected national post office. Residents can explore other government-issued identification cards such as the Driver's License, Passport or the Voter's ID to fulfill their identification requirements.
Officials from PHLPost have yet to announce an estimated date for when new ID applications for UMID and Postal IDs will resume sooner at the MCPO. It is recommended that individuals to stay updated through official announcements from the aforesaid government mailing company regarding the availability of the services affected by the incident. Post office facilities should prioritize safety measures to prevent such incidents from occurring again. BFP investigators are currently investigating the cause of the explosion and addressing any potential negligence or lapses in safety protocols.
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(via Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelance Photojournalist of OneNETnews)
Here in Dumaguete alone, new ID applications of UMID confirms that the contract was expired indefinitely with no potential date of resumption on SSS. While the PHLPost branch office in Santa Catalina Street completely goes out of order, leaving no applicants were applied and to pay a one-time fee either the Regular or Rush applicants.
As authorities work towards restoring normal operations in 2024 or later and ensuring the safety of postal facilities, the public is urged to remain patient and cooperative with the necessary adjustments implemented during this temporary or indefinite suspension of ID application services for both UMID and Postal IDs.
SOURCE: *https://www.rappler.com/nation/car-battery-explosion-caused-manila-central-post-office-fire-bfp/ [Referenced News Article via Rappler] *https://www.facebook.com/100070122185864/posts/556609080019827 [Referenced FB Captioned Post via PHLPost] *https://techpilipinas.com/umid-card/ *https://techpilipinas.com/postal-id-requirements-application-process/ *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Multi-Purpose_ID and *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PhilPost_Postal_ID
-- OneNETnews Team
*UPDATED with Photo Representation for a government service disruption (as of July 29th, 2023).
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ukvisanews · 2 years
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UK Visa support is still available for Ukraine nationals.
Ukraine nationals with family members living in the UK can apply to join them in the UK. However, the family member be a British Citizen or a Settled Status in the UK i.e Indefinite leave to remain (ILR)
People without a family member in the UK can also apply under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine).
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theedgeofnothing · 2 years
Well, I have been very lax with this blog. I used to update very frequently, but at some point, I just stopped. The last few years have passed at lightspeed. We survived the Pandemic and bought a house outside of Edinburgh. I applied and received Indefinite Leave to Remain and much more recently, I applied for British Naturalisation. This was granted about 2 weeks ago and now I have a British…
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grandhotelabyss · 4 days
Thoughts on Sontag's The Aesthetics of Silence?
A great essay: the kind of performance—impeccably well-read, meticulously thought through—that gets lost in the discussions of Sontag as icon or celebrity. Also a master class in how to describe, critique, evaluate, and contextualize without ever seeming to debunk, to exert a blatant will-to-power over the works under scrutiny—
To describe silence as a rhetorical term is, of course, far from condemning this rhetoric as fraudulent or in bad faith. The truth of myths is never a literal truth. The myths of contemporary art can be evaluated only in terms of the diversity and fruitfulness of their application.
—a decorum or tact totally lost among today's smug sociological and historicist academic critics. I am broadly unsympathetic to the art she discusses—Duchamp, Cage, Stein, etc.—but she brings alive its impetus and urgency, makes me see it anew for the spiritual ambition it represents. Speaking of decorum and tact, this is my favorite observation in this essay every line of which is quotable; it bears on the discussion of humor on here earlier:
But viewed as a spiritual project, a vehicle of aspirations toward an absolute, what any work of art supplies is a specific model for meta social or meta-ethical tact, a standard of decorum. Each art-work indicates the unity of certain preferences about what can and cannot be said (or represented). At the same time that it may make a tacit proposal for upsetting previously consecrated rulings on what can be said (or represented), it issues its own set of limits.
And the end of the essay, early as it comes in her oeuvre, belonging to the late 1960s, where she rounds upon irony as a strategy of silence, and implicitly upon the project of silence as the dissolution of consciousness—
From Socrates forward, there are countless witnesses to the value of irony for the private individual: as a complex, serious method of seeking and holding one's truth, and as a method of saving one's sanity. But as irony becomes the good taste of what is, after all, an essentially collective activity—the making of art—it may prove less serviceable. One need not speak as categorically as Nietzsche, who thought the spread of irony throughout a culture always signified the floodtide of decadence and the approaching end of that culture's vitality and powers. In the post-political, electronically connected cosmopolis in which all serious modern artists have taken out premature citizenship, certain organic connections between culture and "thinking" (and art is certainly now, mainly, a form of thinking) may have been broken, so that Nietzsche's diagnosis no longer applies. Still, there remains a question as to how far the resources of irony can be stretched. It seems unlikely that the possibilities of continually undermining one's assumptions can go on unfolding indefinitely into the future, without being eventually checked by despair or by a laugh that leaves one without any breath at all.
—contains the seed of her later move toward humanistic rather than revolutionary politics and the "Romantic realist" novel instead of the nouveau roman.
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sahijustin · 6 days
Skilled work visa
Skilled Worker Visa UK: A Comprehensive Guide
The Skilled Worker Visa UK is a key pathway for international professionals seeking employment opportunities in the United Kingdom. This visa enables individuals with a job offer from a UK-based employer to live and work in the country. It replaced the Tier 2 (General) work visa and is designed to attract skilled talent to various sectors.
To qualify for the Skilled Worker Visa UK, applicants must meet certain requirements. These include having a job offer from a licensed sponsor, meeting the minimum salary threshold, and demonstrating an appropriate level of English language proficiency. The job must also be on the list of eligible occupations under the UK’s points-based immigration system.
One of the key benefits of the Skilled Worker Visa UK is that it allows individuals to bring their family members, including spouses and dependents, to live with them in the UK. Additionally, visa holders can eventually apply for permanent residency (Indefinite Leave to Remain) after five years, provided they meet specific conditions.
In conclusion, the Skilled Worker Visa UK offers an excellent opportunity for skilled professionals to contribute to the UK economy while enjoying a vibrant lifestyle. Properly understanding the eligibility requirements and application process can make the journey smoother for those seeking a fresh start in the UK.
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intimeimmigration · 10 days
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Are you planning to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK? Ensure your application is flawless by avoiding these common mistakes:
Inaccurate Documentation
Insufficient Financial Evidence
Inadequate English Language Proficiency
Overlooking Continuous Residence Requirements
Ignoring Changes in Immigration Rules
Intime Immigration Solicitors are here to streamline your application process. With our extensive expertise, we offer comprehensive support to help you gather the necessary documents, check your eligibility, and avoid errors. 
Contact us today for expert advice and ensure your ILR application is handled with precision and care. 
To know more, visit https://intimeimmigration.co.uk/5-ilr-application-pitfalls-to-avoid-a-comprehensive-guide/.
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uncloseted · 20 days
I'm an American wanting to move to the UK and eventually become a citizen. I have a college degree, I'm saving up, and I work part-time right now.
If I moved to the UK as an au pair (after getting the proper visa and filing the paperwork etc.) would I eventually be able to stay in the UK and apply for citizenship?
I know the au pair visa is only 2 years, so would I be able to work as an au pair, find a new job before the two years are up (or pending like the period after where I'd need to find a new job), and then switch over to a skilled worker visa (an au pair visa is a tier 5, I think). And then since I'm already in the UK working as a skilled worker, stay until I can apply for citizenship?
I know you lived in the UK and I thought I'd ask since all the info online can be a bit much and overwhelming/confusing.
Your help is appreciated, thank you so much <3
I don't know from personal experience, as I was a student when I was in the UK and wasn't there for long enough to need to fill out a visa, but my understanding is that it's quite hard at the moment for people from the US to move to the UK. You can apply for indefinite leave to remain after living in the UK for five consecutive years, and then apply for citizenship 12 months after that.
Your best bet is probably to apply for a job that will sponsor your work visa while you're working as an au pair. If you're licensed to work in healthcare, the Health and Care Worker visa seems comparatively easy to get. Skilled Worker visas are typically more difficult to get, as companies can only sponsor a foreign worker for a visa if they're unable to fill the role with someone who is already a UK citizen. That said, some companies will offer to sponsor visas for their employees - for example, the company I work for now has offered to do that if I'm interested.
If you have family that you can trace back to a country that's not the UK, it's also worth looking to see what their citizenship eligibility laws are like. Some countries will allow you to apply for citizenship if you have a grandparent, great grandparent, or other descendant that's from that country. In Europe, these include Ireland, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Slovakia, and Portugal. If you can get an EU citizenship, then you can live and work in the rest of the EU without needing a visa. The UK is excluded from that due to Brexit, but it's a nice option if you'd like to live abroad.
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guiderichess · 29 days
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UK Visa Consultants: Expert Guidance for Your Immigration Journey
Navigating the complexities of UK immigration can be a daunting task. With constantly evolving regulations and stringent requirements, securing the right visa often requires expert knowledge and careful planning. This is where UK Visa Consultants come in. Whether you're seeking to work, study, join family, or settle in the UK, a professional visa consultant can provide the expertise and guidance you need to successfully navigate the application process.
Why Choose a UK Visa Consultant?
Applying for a UK visa involves more than just filling out forms. It requires a deep understanding of the immigration system, the ability to interpret legal requirements, and the skills to present a strong application. A UK Visa Consultant offers several advantages:
Expert Knowledge: UK Visa Consultants are well-versed in the latest immigration laws and policies. They stay updated with any changes and ensure that your application complies with all legal requirements.
Personalized Advice: Every immigration case is unique. A consultant can assess your situation, understand your goals, and recommend the best visa option for you.
Documentation Assistance: The visa application process requires extensive documentation. Consultants help you gather, prepare, and organize all necessary documents, reducing the risk of errors or omissions.
Application Management: From initial consultation to submission, a visa consultant manages the entire application process, ensuring that everything is completed accurately and on time.
Appeals and Challenges: If your visa application is refused, a consultant can assist with appeals or reapplications, increasing your chances of success.
Types of UK Visas We Assist With
UK Visa Consultants can help with a wide range of visa applications, including:
Work Visas: For those seeking employment in the UK, whether it's a Skilled Worker Visa, Intra-company Transfer Visa, or Temporary Worker Visa, we guide you through the process.
Family Visas: Reuniting with loved ones is a priority for many. We assist with Spouse Visas, Partner Visas, Child Visas, and more.
Study Visas: If you're planning to study in the UK, we help you secure a Student Visa, ensuring that you meet all the requirements.
Visitor Visas: Whether for tourism, business, or visiting family, we assist with Visitor Visa applications to ensure a smooth entry into the UK.
Settlement Visas: For those looking to make the UK their permanent home, we provide guidance on Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) and British citizenship applications.
Business Visas: Entrepreneurs and investors can benefit from our expertise in securing visas such as the Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa.
The Application Process: How We Help
The UK visa application process can be complex, but with the right support, it becomes manageable. Here’s how UK Visa Consultants can assist:
Initial Consultation: We start with a detailed consultation to understand your needs and assess your eligibility for various visa options.
Tailored Strategy: Based on your unique circumstances, we develop a personalized strategy to maximize your chances of success.
Document Preparation: We guide you through the process of gathering and preparing the necessary documentation, ensuring everything meets the required standards.
Application Submission: Once your application is complete, we handle the submission process, ensuring all details are accurate and submitted on time.
Follow-up and Support: We keep you informed of your application's progress and provide support for any follow-up actions or additional documentation requests.
Why Choose Our UK Visa Consultancy Services?
At Immigration Lawyers UK, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and our client-focused approach. Here’s why you should choose us:
Experienced Professionals: Our team consists of experienced visa consultants with a proven track record of successful applications.
Comprehensive Support: We provide end-to-end support, from initial consultation to final decision, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
Transparent Fees: We offer clear and competitive pricing with no hidden fees, so you know exactly what to expect.
High Success Rate: Our meticulous approach and attention to detail have resulted in a high success rate for our clients across various visa categories.
Get Started Today
Whether you're applying for your first UK visa or need assistance with a complex case, our UK Visa Consultants are here to help. Contact us today for a consultation and take the first step towards achieving your UK immigration goals.
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zrvisas · 1 month
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🇬🇧 Another Success Story: 100% Success Rate since 2006 for UK Spouse Visa Extension Applications,Fiancé Visa and Switching to Spouse Visa Applications. https://zrvisas.com/spouse-visa-fiance-visa-getting-married-to-british-citizen-sponsor-partner-to-uk
Our immigration team at ZR Visas, UK successfully represented spouse visa applications from 41 countries. See latest success stories from around the world https://zrvisas.com/our-success-rate.
Dreaming of starting a new life in the UK with your British spouse? The UK Spouse Visa allows you to join your British partner and build a home together in the United Kingdom. This guide simplifies the application process, addressing key questions about eligibility, requirements, costs, and timelines.
Who Qualifies for a UK Spouse Visa?
To be eligible for a UK Spouse Visa, you must be legally married to a British citizen or someone with settled status in the UK (such as indefinite leave to remain). You must also plan to live together permanently in the UK.
Applying for a UK Spouse Visa has never neen easier and stress-free with full professional legal representation from ZR Visas, UK Team.
Renewing Your Visa: Spouse visas are initially granted for 2.5 years, with the option to extend and eventually apply for permanent residency.
Visa Refusal: If your application is refused, you have the right to appeal the decision.
Additional Considerations:
Marriage in the UK on a Visa: If you're not married yet, you might consider a Fiancé Visa to enter the UK and get married.
UK Spouse Visa After Divorce: In some cases, you might be eligible for a Spouse Visa even after a divorce under specific circumstances.
How Much Does it Cost to Apply for a UK Spouse Visa for a US Citizen: The application fee varies: https://zrvisas.com/spouse-visa-fiance-visa-getting-married-to-british-citizen-sponsor-partner-to-uk
What Documents Do I Need to Prove My Relationship for a UK Spouse Visa? Provide a variety of documents showcasing your genuine and ongoing relationship.
Our full application service encompasses all aspects of spouse visa process, including extensions, switching applications, and entry clearance from any country around the world.
Success Rate: Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our remarkable success rate. Since our inception in 2006, we have maintained a 100% success rate in various visa categories, including fiancé, spouse, and dependent children visas. This stellar record stands as a testament to our unwavering dedication.
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