#aqua feed business
databridgemarket456 · 2 years
Aquafeed enzymes market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 7.80% over the forecast period of 2021 to 2028
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dstryvampres · 3 months
okay so...one shot inspired by song "my oh my" (by aqua) (or just a pirate au) with neil lewis?
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I do not write pirates well(I have no knowledge of them sorry anon) so I'm so so sorry that this is not very well written or long !! forgive me pleasee. this is more dnd based than realistic.
Pairing: knight!Neil Lewis x pirate!reader
Warnings: no smut this time sorry gang, mentions of violence, sword fighting, Neil is so so so ooc
Word Count: 911
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Neil fucking Lewis, if there was ever a man you hated it was him. It was him and his stupid little band of knights that seemed hellbent on following you and your crew around the continent to stop you from stealing anything. This would’ve been fine for anybody else, a lowly rogue or a petty assassin. You had a name to uphold, a ship to upkeep, and a crew to feed.
“So, we meet once again,” Neil grins, atop of his steed on the port you were just about to dock.
“How the fuck did you find me Lewis?” you hiss, looking down at him from the deck of your ship.
“Followed my heart,” Neil sighed dramatically, covering his heart with his hand.
“I’ll fucking kill you,” it’s an empty threat, you and Neil have been playing this game for years if either have you wanted you could’ve a long time ago.
“I’d like to see you try,” Neil teases, before turning around a riding away.
You hear a snicker behind you. One of your own men is laughing at you? When you get your hands on that conniving bastard– There’s more than one. Fuck. Your whole crew? You turn around, trying to shoot each member of your crew a hostile look. Like you havent raised and nurtured every single one of them, like you didn’t give them the clothes on their back, and the food on their plates.
“When are you two just going to fuck?” your right-hand man chuckles, walking up and slapping a hand on your shoulder.
What? God, you don’t have time to deal with this.
“Dock the boat, someone! Anyone! Then we try to pillage this town and leave, I don’t care if Lewis is here!” You shout, waving off the hand on your shoulder and walking off.
What does your crew even know about a good old fashioned rivalry? It’s like no one can appreciate when two people just hate eachother any more. Technically you’re a little sexually pent up, it’s hard to get any action as a constantly thwarted pirate, but that doesn’t play much into your relationship with Neil. Nope, not one bit. Just because the knight is attractive doesn’t mean you want to have anything more than a passionate rivalry with him. Sometimes you think of Neil when you get off at night, but everyone feels that way about their rival. Totally…
Before you were able to start questioning yourself on this relationship the ship was docked, and you had to lead your crew into raiding the seaside village you just docked in. You motioned and yelled for everyone to go and get off the ship, the slam of feet landing onto the dock and the running into the town mixed with the slash of swords being grabbed. Soon enough you too were running up the dock, sword in hand. 
You wouldn’t be doing any of the dirty business, merely just watching over your crew and directing your side of the chaos. Neil and his men were waiting out somewhere near, so you had to be alert to where he could be. It’s hard to see anything between the chaos in the town; homes being lit on fire, the clashing of swords with one another and possibly civilians, groans of pain, and you shouting out instructions. Through all of this it would’ve been nearly impossible for the average man to react to the slash of Neil’s blade towards you, but you managed to dodge his attack. Retrieving your own sword and retaliating.
“You’re much sharper than I thought,” Neil teases, offering a cocky smile.
“We’ve fought almost everyday for the past two years, why are you so surprised?” you bite back, aiming for his leg with your next slash. Only to be blocked by Neil’s own sword.
“Thought I did,” Neil ducks down to avoid another slash from you, “more damage last time.”
“You barely scratched me,” you say, it’s cocky despite the fact that Neil is pushing you back onto the dock with his own moves.
“I swore you keeled over,” Neil swings his own sword over his head, which you can barely block with your own force.
Neil starts to falter, allowing you to push back enough so that you and Neil are essentially face to face, breathing each other in. Only thing between you two being the metal of your own swords. Here, when you’re breathing down eachother’s necks, in the midst of battle, is the time when it starts to dawn on you that Neil is probably the only person you know who can fully understand you and your own personal struggles.
“You’re beautiful,” Neil whispers, just loud enough for you to hear. Maybe he never meant for you to hear that at all, you just did.
Those words alone almost make you lose your stance against Neil, but if you fall now you fall back into the depths of the sea. You push back against him, none of you moving from your oddly close positions in front of one another. The cycle continues as you get back onto solid land with Neil, both of you falling to the floor heaving. Neil is so far from you, but he’s always right where you are. Somehow he get every part about you, but he fucking hates you. There’s a part of you that hopes that one day you can fling yourself and Neil to the bottom of the ocean.
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Taglist: @paradiseprincesss @luluartpop @xanaxiii @galactict3a
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the-real-treasure · 2 months
Wish Wish! One Shot #1
A Picture Says A Thousand Words.
Main Masterlist: Here
Drabble Masterlist: Here
Read on AO3: Here
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Zeff discovers something about one of the kids that he had been stranded with after they all get off the rock.
(One-shot #1) [Baratie Age 8] Zeff's POV Trigger Warnings: Mention of starvation, residual trauma from starvation, issues with eating, possible eating disorder Word Count: 1493
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"What letter is that?"
Zeff looked up from the delivery slip that had just landed in front of him. The Baratie was still under construction and bills were coming in left right and centre for every little thing. He didn't much care, the gold he had kept, the sack of treasure that he had feigned as food, was more than enough to pay for all of it, as well as get those kids some new clothes that actually fit and shit while things were still being worked on. They had all lost a lot of weight over those eighty-five days, and while he and the little eggplant were slowly but surely returning to a healthy standard, he worried a lot about the other one.
The vicious freak of a thing was little more than a slip of flesh, any and all clothes hanging loose and limp over bone and sinew that he couldn't get coated in fat no matter what he feed them. Even now, a bit under a month off the rock, they still refused to eat until both he and Sanji had started their plates. They were like a feral kitten, screaming and yowling and scratching those first few days on board the ship that rescued them, stalking the little blonde boy and almost force feeding him if he did so much as offer them a crumb of bread before he began, their ringed eyes of gold and aqua swirling with unrestrained panic every time.
He breathed out a sigh. There wasn't much to be done about that but keep up the food. One of these days the kid would realise the rest of them wouldn't die if they took a bite whenever they were hungry. Instead of continuing to worry, he instead stood up from the desk and peeked his head around the corner.
Where he had set up camp in the still to be fully fitted kitchen, the two kids had made themselves at home in what will be the dining hall, in the shadow of the twin staircases that hug the opposite wall and curve with it. He could see them squatting next to the new sign, the light filled letters dull for now until they get hung outside. They really weren't meant to have arrived for another month or two, but the guys knew Zeff by name and hurried the job along to get themselves away from the, still notorious, pirate. Y/n was staring at the first one in extreme consternation.
"Yeah, told you you'd get it!" Sanji gave their joined hands a shake, pointing to the second one that was propped up against the wall, the large capital 'R' wrapped in plastic but the shape still visible. "Next one!"
"What are you two doing ever there?" He watched as the two of you leapt away from each other like you were being burnt, your h/c haired figure, long messy mop pulled into a ponytail that fell down their back before looping back up to be held in place by the same tie, spinning on him with a glare as you leaped between him and Sanji, the little eggplant snarling at him as well.
"Mind your own business, you nasty old pile of fish food!" The wee boy shouted from behind you, and he squinted down at the pair of you, hobble extra pronounced due to his still new peg leg as he walked out to meet yous.
"Little eggplant, honestly, just swear like a normal person."
"Least I don't use so much oregano I could kill a person." He snarked and Zeff presses his eyes and mouth closed and blows a sigh out his nose. He is a scared little boy trying to act brave, not a disrespectful crewmember. He doesn't need hit. Opening his eyes again, he finds your eyes burning into his skull, searching his eyes for an intention to harm. You wouldn't find it.
"I'm gonna ask again." You drop your eyes away from his, "What are you doing out here?"
"I said, mind-!"
"Eh?" Their eyes dart from his feet to theirs, scuffing the toe of their shiny new boots on the tiles floor.
"I was... practicing my letters." His eyes flick over to Sanji, the boy already glaring heatedly at him, hand clasped in theirs squeezing so tightly that their claw like nails dug into his skin.
"You haven't been able to read this whole time." Their shoulders scrunched up to their ears, head ducked down further and Sanji pulled them into him. "Fffffff-" The kid doesn't swear, Zeff, let's keep it like that. "-Fflip sake, could'a told me. Would've got you books or something." Your eyes snap up to him, and even Sanji glare fades to confusion.
"...What?" He rests his curled fists on his waist as he looked down at the pair.
"You think I would want you running about taking orders and counting stock not knowing how to read or spell? Thought you were smarter than this, come on." He turns back to the kitchen, not knowing if you would both follow, but there was no use standing and letting you struggle, just the pair of you.
"To do what?" He can hear your boots on the tile behind him and can picture you dragging a stumbling Sanji behind you.
"To learn, you little donkey. I don't have any books but I have notes and stock lists so we can start with actual words instead of fumbling with random letters."
He pushes open the doors to the kitchen and lets the pair of you pass, hands still grasping each other, with you leading the boy into the kitchen, the few counters already installed littered with papers.
"Come over here, you can show me what you can make out so far. That'll let me know what we're working with."
"What about me?" The blonde boy chirped up beside you, still not parting your intwined hands.
"Either help, or stay out of the way. It's not hard little eggplant." As you pulled a small stool up to the counter to sit alongside his chair, Sanji inserted himself between them, inspecting the papers. Zeff tugged off his overcoat, draping it over the arm as he settled into the chair and handed you a small order slip over Sanji's head. "Start with that, read it out loud and we'll go from there. I'll see about getting a couple of books ordered for yous to practise with properly. These'll have to work for now."
Your voice, which had spent the evening stuttering and stumbling over the names of different companies and construction costs, had fallen silent. Zeff was finishing up filling a few more receipts in the dying light cascading through the kitchen when he looked over to the pair of you.
Sanji's head was flat on the table, his grey-blue eyes, normally covered by the long floppy fringe, were shut and he could make out the curl on his other eyebrow with the slant of the hair. His bones and new wooden peg leg creaked as he stood, stiff from sitting for so long. Pulling the fabric at his arm up with him, he opened it and settled the warm fabric over his charge's shoulders before his eyes met yours, aqua and gold light illuminating the scene as you peered at him. In the growing darkness that crept its fingers up the walls of the room, the sight in front of him was spooky.
It reminded him of being on that rock, the light from your eyes piercing the cloying darkness at him over the ridge of rock separating you all. Now, instead of a barren expanse of rock creating distance between your eyes and his, the only thing that stood between you was a sleeping boy that had hollowed a space out of Zeff's heart for himself and completely encompassed yours.
"He knew I was embarrassed." Your voice was a whisper, not wanting to break the quiet that had fallen over the room. "The ones on the Orbit made fun of me for not reading. I can count fine, but letters and words are... hard."
"I get that." His voice is as hushed as yours, "We'll work on it. The three of us, we look after each other from now on, yeah?"
"Until we go to find the All Blue?" A smile quirked Zeff's face at your misty glowing eyes and whispers of the shared dream.
"Nah. I'll still be keeping an eye on yous even when you head out." He reached over you and ruffled your carefully tied up hair and you whacked his hand with more ferocity than he expected. "For now we'll just worry about getting your reading up to scratch." He smiled as your nose rolled up, and you followed him as he lifted Sanji into his arms and moved towards the stairs to your little loft rooms.
"You can work on chasing dreams later."
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rosie-kairi · 5 months
*Walks in with a slushie* hey so after I sent that ask it made me come up with a whole idea I've come to call the Ghost AU:
Picture this, Ephemer and Brain are the only ones from the original 5 to rebuild keyblade society and live actual lives growing up getting married, becoming masters, and having kids. Yet despite that they're both weighed down by the guilt and despair believing they abandoned their friends to die when escaping the digital daybreak town.
So at the end of their lives all they want is to reunite with their lost friends. When they die Brain and Ephemer do find each other in the afterlife (or the final world) and they're so happy and they missed each other soooooo muuuuuch. Except there's one problem, they can't find the others. So they go searching the afterlife to find them.
This eventually leads them to Strelitzia who goes on to explain that actually they're all still alive. Ven, Skuld, and Lauriam ended up in roughly the same time period just spread apart from each other but worse than that they're all in a pretty bad situation. Determined to right their wrongs Eph and Brain go back to the mortal world to take care of their unfinished business. But of course, being spirits they can't directly affect or interact with anything so they can only do so much.
Ephemer goes in search of Ventus and Brain for Lauriam, and then they plan on finding Skuld together. Ephemer unfortunately finds Ven in the clutches of Xehanort and is helpless to stop the neo shadows from ganging up on him. He reads Xehanorts heart and tries to whisper in his ear this is wrong, you know this isn't right he's just a little boy please don't. Whether Eph recognizes Xehanort as his descendant or not is up to you (personally i think it should be riku but we're not talking about that) but fails to stop the split and can only watch in horror as Ven is ripped apart and left in a cationic state on the near brink of death.
Desperate to save him Ephemer searches for a light strong enough to help, and guess who he finds? On the night of Sora's birth as his heart makes its way to the destiny islands Ephemer guides him to Ven and asks for his help knowing that a pure light will give Ven time to regather his strength. You can also imagine his surprise when he sees Ven dropped off at Eraqus' residence. The only real way for Ephemer to interact with the wayfinders is to go in their dreams and ask them to look after Ven and succeed where he failed. His messages are cryptic on purpose to keep Ven's true identity safe but also forge the subliminal suggestion to keep the younger keyblade wielder safe. And then Ven decides to journey on his own and Ephemer would've had a heart attack if he wasn't already dead and tries and fails to get Ven to go back to LoD. Only to regret that when he sees Eraqus draw the keyblade he once wielded and left to Brain be turned on Ven (it's a real good thing Brain wasn't here for this because ghost or not things would've gone from bad to worse seeing his grandson pull a stunt like that).
All the subliminal messaging pays off when Terra and Aqua go all out to protect Ven but it's still not enough. Ephemer tries to stop Ven from sacrificing his heart in the meta battle pleading for him to stop but if he couldn't stop Ven at 11 he wasn't going to have much luck with him at 16. When the battle draws to a close all Ephemer can do to stop Ven from fully fading away is to once again guide him to a heart that will keep him safe. He whispers to Sora's heart take him and protect him and over the next 10 years visit his dreams encouraging Sora to be strong and save him which unintentionally feeds into his savior complex (whoops).
Meanwhile Brain successfully locates a much older Lauriam but is unable to stop him from becoming a Nobody (and as a ghost he tries to throw hands with Luxu who he clocks instantly but he's dead so all he can do is yell insults and curses). Brain can only communicate with Marluxia when he's standing in front of a mirror or a reflective surface it's the only time he's visible and can get Marluxia to hear him. He keeps trying to get him to remember who he is, a dandelion, a union leader, a keyblade wielder. He tries to apologize over and over for failing to help him when he needed it. For giving Lauriam hope of finding his sister and then not following through with his promise to help find her.
This obviously does not go well for Marluxia too ashamed to fully face what he has become and what he has done. His heart is in turmoil and anytime Strelitzia is mentioned has him storming away or breaking the surface Brain is reflected in. This all comes to a head in CO, where Brain keeps trying and failing to get Lauriam to wake up and stop his schemes, and even though Ven's heart is currently with Roxas at that time the bond is still there and it's the closest Brain has gotten to getting through to Marluxia. But all it does is bring more anger and despair so instead of waking up he buries himself deeper and succumbs to darkness fighting Sora.
Now Ephemer and Brain truly feel like they've messed up. Ven's heart is damaged and not in his body, Marluxia is gone but Lauriam didn't show up in the afterlife so they didn't get him back, and they still haven't found any sign of Skuld. Standing in the CoW even though Ven is asleep and can't hear or feel them the boys can't help but marvel at how big he is now, they smooth down his hair and readjust his jacket and cup his cheek and even though neither can actually feel anything it just feels so good to see him again. Occasionally they both enter his dreams just to check on him and make sure he's okay but they can't bring themselves to actually talk to him.
They realize Ven is likely the key to bringing their lost friends fully back so they split up once again this time Brain trails Xigbar to see what plans he has while Ephemer tracks down Ven's heart and has the talk from the previous ask with Roxas so when Sora wakes up Ven will be safe.
When Marluxia comes back and meets Sora it's much more intense. Even though Sora doesn't remember he now has Ven's heart and his presence is reaching out trying to connect with Lauriam deep inside. Ephemer is still whispering to Sora to free him, bring him back over his shoulder which just confuses Sora. And when trying to unleash the power of waking Ephemer can directly speak with Sora guiding him through the process to release Ven's healed heart. Both Ven and Eph thank Sora for keeping him safe all these years but Sora won't remember that part.
It all comes to a head in the keyblade graveyard where both Eph and Brain try to use their keyblades to divert deadly attacks just off course enough to miss giving the others but mostly Ven more openings to attack. When Marluxia is defeated for a final time he finally remembers everything and the gold bleeds to blue and he smiles and cries realizing that he didn't completely fail and sincerely thanks Sora for "protecting him" which he doesn't understand.
Then the big attack happens with all the keyblades getting launched and Ephemer appearing proper he lends his strength to Sora and again thanks him for "keeping him safe" which just confuses Sora even more (weirdo cryptic guys never explaining anything to him story of his life).
So in the end they finally managed to save Ven so one day two more to go. They now have to find Lauriam all over again because Streli confirmed he's still not dead and he finally got his heart back so he's all complete and continue their search for Skuld. Unfortunately, 5 very unwanted individuals materialize outta nowhere 4 of which should not look like no time has passed for them at all. So despite being departed souls Ephemer and Brain ready themselves to try and stop old enemies from hurting their friends, they somehow have to find a way to make more direct contact and likely jog some old painful memories.
How the rest of this plays out depends entirely on what holes Missing Link and KH IV fills going forward.
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Ephemer and Brain when the Nightmare is never-ending.
FR that sounds like it would suck soooo bad for these guys. Universe just does NOT want them to win.
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goldenharmony · 4 months
When my busy season is over for tax, I should try writing AquaKana posts again. Mostly cause its kinda sad tht if I try to search up AquaKana meta rn on tumblr, I only get "Why Akane enabling Aqua to commit murder is GOOD actually for a relationship, Kana could never" posts in my feed OLSDJF;SF;SDF
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
I read You Headcanons of Ai (Oshi no ko) with a pregnant s/o and i want request similar headcanons but with Aqua and Ruby (childrens) to knew that gonna to have a little sibling and how they act with Ai's s/o and the baby
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• Aqua is overjoyed when he learns that he's going to have a little brother. He loves the idea of being an older brother and is excited to take on the responsibility.
• He becomes very protective of his mother, Ai, during the pregnancy, making sure she rests, eats well, and avoids any stress or discomfort.
• Aqua spends a lot of time with his husband S/O, discussing ways they can prepare for the arrival of the baby. They read parenting books together and attend parenting classes, eager to learn everything they can.
• He helps his mother with the baby's nursery, picking out colors, decorations, and toys. Aqua takes pride in creating a welcoming space for his little brother.
• As the due date approaches, Aqua becomes even more attentive to Ai's needs. He offers to massage her feet, helps her with household chores, and encourages her to relax whenever possible.
• Once the baby arrives, Aqua takes on the role of a loving and doting older brother. He adores the baby and is eager to help with feeding, diaper changes, and playtime.
• Aqua enjoys sharing special moments with his little brother, like reading bedtime stories, singing lullabies, and playing gentle games. He loves making his little brother smile and laugh.
• Aqua also becomes his baby brother's biggest protector. He watches over him whenever their parents are busy, ensuring he's safe and comfortable at all times.
• Aqua's nurturing nature shines through as he grows older, and he often takes on the responsibility of babysitting his little brother when their parents need some time alone.
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• Ruby is initially a little hesitant about the idea of having a little brother. She's unsure about sharing her parents' attention and worries that things might change.
• However, as her mother's pregnancy progresses, Ruby becomes more excited and curious about the baby. She starts asking questions and reading books about siblings and babies to better understand what to expect.
• Ruby shares her feelings and concerns with her husband S/O, who reassures her that their love for her will never change. They involve Ruby in the preparations for the baby, making her feel valued and important.
• Ruby helps Ai with organizing the baby's clothes and toys, eagerly offering suggestions and ideas. She takes pride in being a big sister and wants to ensure everything is perfect for her little brother's arrival.
• During the pregnancy, Ruby also spends quality time with her mother, doing activities they both enjoy. They go for walks, have tea parties, and bond over their shared interests.
• When the baby is born, Ruby becomes fascinated by him. She enjoys observing his tiny features, and her curiosity leads her to ask many questions about babies and their development.
• Ruby takes on the role of an enthusiastic and caring big sister. She helps with small tasks like fetching diapers, soothing the baby when he cries, and playing with him gently.
• Ruby loves telling her little brother stories, singing him songs, and playing make-believe games together. She's imaginative and creative, always coming up with new adventures for them to explore.
• Over time, Ruby grows to adore her little brother and becomes fiercely protective of him. She defends him from any potential harm and stands up for him whenever needed.
• As the baby grows older, Ruby becomes his partner in crime, creating mischief and going on fun-filled adventures together. They develop a strong bond that lasts throughout their lives.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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munsonmuses · 8 months
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Phantom Limb
Synopsis: going into the upside down is easier said than done, the journey draining, the goal unknown. But in your heart you know, you know he’s down there and you know he needs you.
Part five of spiritual reserves
Find part four here
Themes: the paranormal, grief, angst, longing, depictions of gore, vomiting, general distrust, possession
Warnings: gore, death, mentions of weaponry, medical gore, drug use, swearing, non sexual nudity
Word Count: 2.6k
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You panted lightly as you regained your breath after the scream. Clearly shaken up as Steve came in, bat in hand as Nancy held her gun high over his shoulder. Aiming both directly at you as you lifted your hands in mild terror. Fear coursing through your body as you shakily exhaled. “I had a bad dream…but I think Eddie is alive. His body was wounded but not dead like Christina Cunningham or um…William Hargrove. Both were in the conditions they were found in during the police investigation. But Eddie was able to transform? His back grew these grey and leathery wings. He was cold and hateful…he chewed through my throat…I think that he’s alive but a vessel.” You explained while people filled the doorway. Piling into the cramped room to listen as you carefully pulled at your nails, picking at the skin around the cuticles. Eddie would have typically stopped you from doing that, and redirected that anxiety. You needed him to be here so badly right now.
“Like I was?…like…I think a lot of you weren’t here for this, but with the mind flayer…I was like a living vessel. He could use me to eavesdrop, to fight…to do whatever he needed truthfully, which wasn’t easy. We essentially cooked him out of my body. We got me really really hot…we scared him out of me…and I think we could do that too? We could use his weakness against him to get Eddie out.” Will bargained as Nancy frowned. “Then…all of you are going to stay here, and us adults will go.” Nancy whispered at you. “So it’ll be you, Steve, Robin, Argyle, Ginerva, Jonathan, myself…” she listed.
Gareth immediately stepped up. “We’re coming too…we’re coming with you and we’re fighting for Eddie. He’s our brother in arms. He’s family. Family sticks together.” Gareth reasoned harshly as Nancy went to feed him some bullshit about being too young, too feeble. Being cut off by Jonathan. “You can come…we were there age when this first started…we fought like hell while also taking tenth grade English.” Jonathan backed them up as a small lull filled the room. “I want you kids by the gate. Keep close enough to help, but not so close you’ll get caught. Understood?” He asked as the kids carefully gave in, agreeing as best as they could.
A dejected sigh left your body as you frowned to yourself. Standing and going to grab your purse. “Let’s go…we need to look for shit to arm ourselves.”
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It was an agonizing drive through town, stopping everywhere possible for hairspray, lighters, and lighter fluid. Anything to produce a flame to take down the damned beasts that may be waiting for you all down there, Gareth’s arms piled to the brim with cans of aqua net. “This feels risky…” he murmured softly in frustration, earning a grunt of frustration from you, turning to face him.
“Gareth it’s stupid but it’s for Eddie…” you insisted as you drove through the access roads, stopping at the sight of Murray Bauman’s home. Remembering how much he’d done for everyone with the mind flayer. Pulling into his driveway as you climbed out, Gareth, Grant and Jeff nervously following as they frowned deeply to themselves.
“Isn’t this Murray Bauman’s place…? Isn’t he like crazy?” Grant whispered as you shushed him angrily. Knocking on the door as the buzzer went off. “State your business…oh it’s you…pain in my ass, I just got home from Russia what do you want kid?” He asked as you rolled your eyes bitterly. “I need a flamethrower. You weirdly feel like you’d have one…” you lamented, earning a frustrated sigh from the speaker. Followed by radio silence as you drummed your hands on your sides, the boys muttering in confusion before heading three sets of locks, two deadbolts, and a heavy piece of furniture move as the door pushed open.
Murray’s cigarette hung between his lips as he hummed. “Problem child…problem child’s friends…what do you need a flamethrower for?” He asked softly, earning the same spiel from earlier as he puttered his lips and nodded slowly in light understanding. Walking past the four of you and going to a small shed. Unlocking the nine padlocks and entering as he hummed carefully. Pulling four flamethrowers from the cramped room as he handed them out.
“Full of gasoline…ready to go…don’t die.” He muttered harshly as he carefully put out his cigarette and frowned. “Do not aim them at each other…” he ordered as he carefully looked the four of you over and chewed on his lower lip. Clearly stressed out at the whole situation. There was no hoax or theory to be proven…no lie. The only fact was even a stone cold atheist at could agree hell had cracked through the earth and gone to consume everyone in its wake. It was no act of terrorism, but something entirely otherworldly. Murray going back inside as you wished him luck, earning a sympathetic ‘you too kid’ from the dejected investigator.
“It looks like a heavy metal album…but so much scarier.” Gareth insisted softly as he carefully got into the car. Grant getting everything into the trunk and piling back into the car. The drive to the trailer park agonizing and silent. The familiar ache in your heart returning as your attention shifted to a memory. Humming lightly to yourself.
You dragged your bags into Eddie’s van as your mother yelled from the porch. Hurling insults, ranging from tame to truly hateful. Soon shifting to begging and apologies. Promises to get better as you sobbed softly. Eddie keeping the space between the two of you by threatening your mother with the police. Panting angrily as he watched you climb into the van, following carefully and speeding off in the van as your mother chased. Speeding along the road as he carefully reached over to hold your hand.
“You don’t have to live with that anymore…damnit you don’t have to live afraid anymore. It’s you and me now…” he insisted softly as he gently held your hand, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb as you hissed out a soft ‘thank you’, clearly still distraught as he frowned desperately. Wanting so badly to soothe your upset. Frowning to himself as he gently turned down the small road leading to the trailer park. Gently pulling into the driveway as he parked the car. Taking your hand and leading you to the back of the van.
“I believe you…” he whispered gently as he kissed your cheek lightly. “I believe you I promise. Your parents haven’t listened…nobody has. Whatever you saw at the mall I believe you. Whatever’s wrong with this town, I believe you…” he slowly sat back on the bench in the van and kept you close as he rubbed your cheek lightly. “I’m sticking by you…you’re safe now, you’re home…”
The words echoed, auto pilot driving having successfully taken you to the trailer park. The rest of the group waiting patiently by the massive gash in the earth, hissing up at you as you all carefully stared down at the chasm. Strapping the flamethrower to your back, Steve, Nancy and Robin following suit as you hummed nervously to one another. Wanting so desperately to see answers.
“The hole looks deeper…” you mumbled as you carefully took your lighter from your pocket. Tossing it down and watching it disappear as you counted the seconds. Hearing a distant ‘clink’ and nodding. Going to a nearby shed and grabbing a bundle of rope. Tossing it to Argyle who worked on tying it around the bumper of the car they’d come in. Carefully tossing the other end down as everyone prepared themselves.
“Jane…I need you to find Eddie in your mind for me please, his body…and tell us what the area around it looks like please…” you insisted as the girl frowned. “I can try…” she whispered as she frowned to herself lightly. “But no promises.” She insisted lightly as she carefully stepped back. Heading into the cramped and quiet shed as Gareth cleared his throat.
“If we die will we be ghosts too?…” he asked gently, no response from the group filling him with mild terror. Looking around. “Because I’m too young to die…I haven’t even asked Daphne Goodman to be my girlfriend…” he laughed nervously as Grant elbowed him lightly. Gentle banter amongst the boys earning a light grin from you. You could picture Eddie here right now, talking about how good Gareth was, how anybody would be lucky to have him, how wonderful he was.
Your enjoyment of the moment was interrupted by Jane carefully entered the conversation, stepping up to you as she frowned. “Big chair…a really big chair and a big square table…” she whispered as Gareth stepped forward. “It’s the uh…the game room…” he whispered. “In the high school…it’ll be by the a/v room…” he whispered as you nodded. Going back towards the hole as Argyle and Jonathan chose to stay back, watching over the kids as best as they could.
You took the end of the rope, swallowing your terror before falling back, holding tight as your weight shifted. Up becoming down and left becoming right as you shrieked in terror, side hitting the ground. The wind knocked out of you as you stared at the familiar walls of the trailer. Reeking with decay and death as you heaved. Moving out of the way just in time for Grant and Jeff to come falling in succession. Dragging them out of the way in order to keep them from being crushed by Nancy, Robin or Steve as they came down one by one. The orange-red film having been split open as you stared up at the kids.
“Don’t die please!” Dustin called as you nodded, giving up a thumbs up as you hummed lightly. Heading out of the trailer and stopping dead in your tracks.
Blood coated the ground, recognizing it from what you’d been told. How he fought a living storm till the very end. Tears brimming as you tried not to vomit, approaching the space and swallowed. A heavy exhale leaving you. This wasn’t the right spot, but it seemed as though his body had been dragged along the space. Hopefully you wouldn’t have to see where he’d died, but it felt unlikely.
“I don’t think there’s any bikes…so we might have to walk it,” you mumbled lightly as you got trudging, leading in the forefront as you noticed the eerie silence of the upside down. It wasn’t right, typically there was some sort of storm or guttural screech. The fear that came along with the upside downs typical antics was gone. Earning a whimper from yourself. Turning to face the group, you noticed the angered awe on the remaining band members faces.
“Has this been here all this time…holy fuck that’s my house…” Gareth whispered as he ran to catch up with you. Slowly taking your hand as you stopped to stare at him. You all weren’t close, so his touch was new and confusing. “We do this together…and we take him home.” He insisted softly as you pat his shoulder. Continuing the long and exhausting walk till the high school came into view.
Steve helped pry the door open, easing everyone in one by one as you carefully walked ahead. Stepping over writhing vines and demo dog corpses, Jeff stopping to look at the murdered quadruped and humming. “So you’ve all been fighting this the past three years?” He asked as Robin hummed. “Give or take yeah…”
Your focus was away from your band of misfits, taking the doorknob of the cramped little classroom in your hand. Noticing the smeared trail of blood was leading underneath. Carefully opening up the door and freezing up lightly.
His body was sat atop the throne, vines and tendrils holding tight. Keeping him propped up with outstretched arms, as if welcoming newcomers. Head limply hanging forward as you shivered harshly. Slowly stepping forward and walking around the base of the throne. The vines coming from the floor beneath as you lifted the barrel of the flamethrower. Hands on the trigger as you looked at your friends. None moving, understanding this was your own personal vindication. Your own battle.
You discharged, fire causing the flesh of the tendrils to blister and flay. Curling up and fighting to keep their grasp on Eddie as you panted, tears rolling as your breathing became vengeful, rabid even. Screaming in desperation as you kept the constant stream going. Watching as his body fell forward into the table. Moving to hold him as you heaved. Feeling around his neck before nodding. “He has a pulse…but he’s comatose. I need help carrying him.” You plead as Jeff came forward, helping pick him up before a guttural growling was heard down the hall. Eyes going wide as you frowned. “We need to fucking go, now-“ you insisted.
Steve opened the door, met by a thin but hateful demogorgon as he discharged his flamethrower, the creature gurgling and swinging back as its skin blistered and bubbled. Blood boiling to the surface as Nancy led everyone out and past Steve, attempting to make it past and out the door. Steve moving to catch up as the creature attempted to regain its composure.
“Fucking shit we need to use a car, fuck silence right now-“ you demanded harshly as you went searching, stopping at a hatchback as you wrenched the door open. Feeling along the dashboard and finding the keys. Starting up the car as Nancy held the door open, Steve leaping in as you tore off down the road. Being chased by demo dogs and snarling bats. Fewer in numbers than expected, but willing to fight for another bite to fill their desperate stomachs. Chasing the car as fast as they could as you swerved down the road, Grant’s head slamming into the window, the trunk of the car barreling through a duo of beasts that had been hot on the cars trail.
Tears rolled as you panted, not willing to let anything take this moment from you. Managing to swing into the parking lot of the trailer park and clamoring out. Everything was seemingly moving in slow motion as you went to the door, yanking it open and having everyone pile in. Slamming the door as the beasts outside slammed into the trailer. Rocking it as you all ran to the rope, wrapping portions around your fists and wrists before pulling taut. “Fucking drive Byers!” You shouted, hearing his car kick into gear as it sped forward. Your weight lurching and wrist aching as you were dragged back through just as the door was breached. Gnashing teeth just missing your ankles as you were dragged back up to the right side up. Hitting the ground and gaining a nasty case of road burn as you all heaved. Having been down there long enough to notice the sun had gone down, the dusky air refreshing on your sweaty skin.
Jeff gently lied Eddie down as you raced over, lifting his shirt to notice wounds closed but viciously scaring. Feeling his chest, weak pulsing and no breathing as you worked on CPR. Frantically working as you counted out beats. “I need you to wake up, wake up for me…” you plead as you whimper, feeling a weak squeeze on your shoulder, recognizing it as Eddie’s grasp. Likely whatever limbo his soul was in was finally letting him go, back into its proper vessel.
Your pumping was interrupted by a deep and heavy breath filling his chest, body lurching upright as he threw up. Panting and crying for air as he held his chest. Trying desperately to calm down as everyone stood back, watching what was essentially a corpse come back from the dead as you moved to hold his hair back.
“Breathe…breathe slow and deep baby…” you plead as he heaved lightly. Carefully reaching back and grasping your wrist as he weakly smiled. Licking his mucky teeth.
“Heya Sweetheart…”
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Taglist: @munson-blurbs
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skania · 1 year
Warning really long read SORRY! I'm new to the fandom I started by watching episode 1 but dropped it for weeks until I saw reels comments and pictures going crazy with Akane. I picked it back up and started the manga after, Akane and Aqua of course became my favorite characters as I was able to personally connect with them through struggles I also faced. Your post have been very helpful as theres not to many places that aren't filled with negativity surrounding these two characters. These two characters have struggled so much and I can see how much they've come to truly care for each other especially when no one else was there. I wanted to share my thoughts with you but hesitated because I feel like they might not make sense. If it doesn't make sense please dont share I'll understand lol
"Kurokawa Akane is a child who takes you there Arima Kana is a child who brings you back"
This tweet from august 2021 from the author Aka Akasaka has alot of people trying to figure out the meaning, many interpret it and paint Akane in a bad light. When I first saw read it I just found it wierd how it was worded and how everything Akane has done for Aqua is always misinterpreted and they try to make her look as a bad person when she's actually far from it. It really got me thinking and this is my interpretation..
In chapter 51 we see how Akane has figured out the twins could possibly be Ai's secret child she got from her character analysis assumptions. She saw how badly it still affects Aqua and sympathized with him she herself knows the feeling of not wanting to worry others trying to take on the burden by yourself, she knows he cant talk to no one about the incident since it would expose Ai's secret. Akane truly cares about Aqua wanting to be the one by his side and helping him share his pain wanting to take her role of his girlfriend more seriously.
That specific tweet came out august 5 2021 the same day chapter 52 was released. The title of chapter 52 is called "boyfriend girlfriend" and at the beginning the editor note says "Where and how is Akane looking after the sick Aqua?" The chapter starts with Akane cooking a full course meal for Aqua and everyone there. We see the director and his mom complimenting her cooking then the directors mom says something that catches my attention she says "AQUA-KUN! SHE'S A KEEPER, HON! EATING DELICIOUS FOOD IS HAPPINESS ON ITS OWN YOU KNOW?" We then see Akane trying to feed Aqua but he ends up eating on his own we see him thinking its good and even blush alittle. During that time Akane is thinking to herself how she wants to help Aqua with his pain/burden just like he had saved and supported her. After we see Aqua lighten up allowing her see old acting videos of his she finds out from the director how he's been having his PTSD attacks when he acts and remembers his past experiences like earlier that day. She notices his performances are prepared in advance with no emotion behind his acting. Akane then asks Aqua why he's doing theater/acting work as its connected to his trauma. He tries saying she wouldn't understand and won't tell her why but after telling him how hes being contradictory he opens up and says well "What If My Goal Was To Kill Someone?" And how the person was high up in the entertainment world had to keep climbing in order to kill them he then asks her "What Would You Do Then?" Aqua was expecting her to not understand him and probably a negative reaction but to his surprise Akane replies "I'd Kill Them With You." with a smile making his negative emotions go away from his eye and even telling her not to say that lightly. Akane acknowledges if it's him he must have a reason and even if hes truly evil she'd still accept him for who he was. She says how she'd happily carry the sin even if the relationship was only for business purposes making Aqua say she out her mind. Akane then says how she wants his help as her boyfriend against kana and himekawa as she doesn't want to lose and Aqua realizes he should help her as her boyfriend. Even tho Aqua knows emotional acting is hard for him he's willing to practice and take it more seriously to help Akane.
After reading many assume its about the revenege part but i don't think thats it..yes aqua does mention it but he never actually asked her to help him though out the duration of thier relationships Akane finds the dad by coincidence. That chapter shows how they are getting closer and wanting to support each other. So i started thinking about the editors note and what the directors mom had said "Where and how is Akane looking after the sick Aqua" shes cooking for him to make him feel better and it did! The directors mom says how eating delicious food can make you happy and though out the whole manga the word "HAPPY" has always been associated with Akane and Aqua. Even in chapter 50 before his PTSD attack when thinking about happy memories his first thought was Akane related then Kana then the idol group. In every star eye color change he's had Aqua has thought of her as part of his happiness!='( So i was think what if the tweet maybe meant "Akane will take him to Happiness" because we actually already saw she did and he was fighting so hard not wanting to leave it but had no choice to protect her. Aqua is no longer there so thats when I started thinking about Kanas part. After recent chapters i started thinking what if Kana is going to help Aqua get back with Akane in the end. I'm thinking how tho then when I think bout how she's so similar to sarina and Ai what if she confesses to Aqua making him finally understand how he truly feels. The reason i also think this is because in the play arc when princess Saya(played by akane) dies Tsurugi(played by kana) helps in bringing her back to life and reuniting with Touki(played by Aqua). The play has alot of similarities to characters and even to the story you can link stuff together. In the Spur interview mengo says how Aka is a demon of analysis and objectivity.
So to end this my interpretation of the tweet is "Kurokawa Akane is a child who takes you there(Happiness) Arima Kana is a child who brings you back(to akane)"
Hi anon, welcome to the fandom! I wonder how many of us would've dropped ONK if it weren't for Akane and Aqua 😂
Thank you for sharing your theory with me! You explained it very well, so please don't worry about it! I have to admit that it has never occurred to me to read Aka's quote that way, my own read erred on the side of caution. But I mean, if we're here to ship, we may as well have fun while we're at it, right? And your take is so much fun! It's truly a Galaxy Brain interpretation of Aka's statement, and I can only imagine how many minds would be blown by it.
It really is funny how many people interpreted that statement to imply something negative about Akane, when Aka never said that had to be the case 😂
I'm thinking how tho then when I think bout how she's so similar to sarina and Ai what if she confesses to Aqua making him finally understand how he truly feels.
I've been thinking something similar!
The reason i also think this is because in the play arc when princess Saya(played by akane) dies Tsurugi(played by kana) helps in bringing her back to life and reuniting with Touki(played by Aqua). The play has alot of similarities to characters and even to the story you can link stuff together.
Yes!! I'm expecting that scene to be foreshadowing as well. We'll just have to wait and see how Aka plays it out 😂
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
Introductions + more :D
My pronouns are she/her
I have absolutely zero thoughts in my brain and I have a heavy obsession with the white cloud man also known as Headmaster Lou
I’m also your friendly neighborhood angst giver so come to me if you have any need for it and also feed me angst by telling me your ideas in the comments or in asks. It will be greatly appreciated haha
If you’re requesting something, please put more detail in it like what exactly you want, there’s also a large chance it will take me quite some time to actually write it because I’ve been really busy recently but I will at some point maybe possibly try and wright it
I like Court of Darkness to an unhealthy amount
Give me court of darkness asks, please
I will likely only write for Court of Darkness but I may change my mind
My favorite posts so far
The one-time @onedayimgonnasnap said they would smash Jasper
If you do give me asks, here are some of my do’s and don’t’s(I will update if I think of more)
Also PLEASE. I am BEGGING YOU. Be specific about what you want. Tell me what you want, not just “can you please do [character] x reader? 🥺” I want specifics. Please and thank you ♡
Will Do
Angst(I LOVE angst)
Hurt comfort(also love this 🥰)
Yandere(nothing too graphic tho)
(Finding out about) pregnancy
Romantic stuff with Sherry, Violet, and Aqua
Will NOT do
Major character death(other then MC LMAO)
None consent
Anything illegal or morally wrong
Anything romantic with the kings
Anything romantic with the side characters other then the ones mentioned above
You can guess the rest
Nighttime comfort (Lou x Reader)
The one time in Guy’s Magical Acts of Intimacy but it’s better
108 Roses
My love.
Too late to say I’m sorry
Gone(Guy X MC angst)
Sick headcanons(warning: it’s horrible LMAO)
How I think the princes + Lou and Dia would react to MC’s death
How I think the princes would be at playing video games
If the princes would like roller coasters or not
Who I think would like haunted houses with the princes
Headcanons on the kingdom’s fashion
Engagement rings I think the consorts would propose with part one
Engagement rings I think the consorts would propose with part two
Spray bottle with the S-Ranks
MC x Roy(MC crying and Roy comforting her)
My favorite posts:
I wanna write Guy x Toa fanfiction /j
Past, Present, and Future. Their Consequences.
[Part one]
[Part two]
[Part three]
I’ll likely update this post soon so maybe probably keep an eye on that 😅
I might one day just organize most of my posts and put them here so yeah… watch out for that
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agentsketchbook · 2 years
1 AM ramblings of Zion Diamine
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Who is he? Why do we give a damn about his role in ITR?
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Zion Diamine is the current CEO of Diamine Industries, which oversees Pharmagene pharmaceuticals, Fascion design, Kewel mines, and many more daughter companies. I liken him to a 1985 version of Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos due to his influence. He’s a great business man, except for the tiny detail that his decisions have worsened a nationwide state of health emergency in Anterica for floros and cyanos of all kinds.
We are in present day, 1985, where Zion turns 65 years old and was born in 1920. He inherited Diamine Industries from his father, just like every Diamine to run it for generations before him. Zion’s approach is very critical and efficient, he does not like to slow down his work or to think emotionally. His ability to stay calm this way can be a blessing, but ultimately backfires when he cannot muster the compassion to balance business and the care in healthcare. When his former business partner and COO, Amanda Mandrake, passes from a truck related accident on site, he throws away their compromise in releasing the SD (sun drug for floros alleviating symptoms of decreased sun exposure due to the constant smog) with his original plans, gouging the price. He works alongside the Anterica government, which finds it to be too profitable at this price point. The man doesn’t realize just how influential his choice has become, or at least, refuses to see how damaging it is, reassuring himself that he is helping the issue. One very noteworthy detail is that the over industrialization from his very own companies are a huge contributor to the smog that his company’s medication is meant to treat. To say this would have never happened without him may not be true, but perhaps we wouldn’t have it on such a scale as we do. Even sunny Calitonia, where he and our main cast live, is in trouble. Since he is not a floro, he doesn’t feel the pain the way they do, but he does end up suffering eventually nonetheless when our beloved gang’s operation is busted and Zion is forced to face the consequences of what he’s caused.
In case you are curious to know more about him, here is his birth chart. Note the abundance of Virgo placements!
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Outside of his affect on the entire nation of Anterica, he makes quite the footprint in his own family.
Growing up, he was a very skittish and reserved child who was still criticized and perfection was expected of him. Raised religiously (most likely Catholic) and very studious in his teachings. He’s always had a knack for memorizing prayer and verses. This all carried with him throughout his life, expecting the most of himself and others. His own family is not safe from this criticism of his, and he is not afraid to vocalize it.
As a child, he was also a very fussy and picky eater with stomach problems. Though an angel with saying grace, he was an absolute pain to feed, and would have vicious standoffs with his parents about eating. He often went without if he did not like what was being served, stunting his growth significantly. This explains his frail stature today. Even as an adult with freedom to eat as he pleases, he doesn’t seem to gain any weight and struggles to keep it on. He still maintains issues with his stomach, as it is very sensitive.
The man has gone through countless flings and three different wives, each of which decided to divorce him. In order, we have Olivera Diamine, Bianca Diamine, and Aqua Diamine. His sons Solaire, Lucius, and Brighton, all came from these women respectively. None of these women want to stay in contact with Zion, but do well to visit their sons when possible. Olivera and Solaire have a bit of a distant relationship due to her leaving early enough that he couldn’t remember her as a child and Bianca stepping into the picture to act as his mother, but they do keep in contact nonetheless.
Zion himself is autistic, but was not diagnosed as a child. He privately was diagnosed as an adult after doing his own research and keeps this a tightly lidded secret to himself, as he is ashamed of the fact. His neurodivergent denial and masking is a HUGE driving force of his character and motivations. For me, he is a cautionary tale of what happens when you don’t respect this aspect of yourself and let it become not only your problem, but other people’s as well. His youngest, Brighton, was born with an upside down seated brain and ADHD. Zion knew from the start what this meant for his son, but refused to let him see himself as “lesser,” causing harm by preventing Brighton from having the necessary accommodation to succeed. He figured that pressuring him into belonging like his old man did would work for him as well. The reality is that this never worked for either Diamine.
Zion has a deep seated refusal to get in touch with any “soft” facets of his diamond exterior. His social skills when it comes to others is limited to schmoozing other business executives and the press and all other situations where he has to put on a persona. When it comes to actual and real emotional vulnerability, he doesn’t know where to start. After all, it’s not like he was shown how to throughout his life. In short, he is not a very comforting character, and can be very stiff and cold outwardly. Even when feeling intense emotion, he cannot seem to put it out into a way that others in his family can see or understand.
He’s a very absent yet overbearing father and too focused on work. Like I said, he’s not very much there for his family emotionally, but caters to their every other need financially. As it stands, Brighton spends the most time with him, as he is still living underneath his roof. Zion would never push his children out of the house, but Solaire and Lucius did leave on their own ASAP when the opportunity arose.
Other fun facts about him
Zion loves the color blue and is constantly seen wearing it. His signature outfit includes a sky blue cashmere turtleneck, belt, slacks, and comfortable dress shoes. He puts a huge emphasis on wearing comfortable yet professional looking dress. He makes an exception for mass where he will wear less comfortable “Sunday bests.” He donates 60-100 or so dollars every mass.
Zion, as reserved as he is, has a great sexual appetite that fueled many of his relationships and flings.
He adores music and to dance, but god forbid anyone see or know. His prized gramophone comes from his late father, which can be heard through the house from his office behind shut doors.
His famous million yard stare is a mask he put on since childhood from being scolded for his lack of eye contact.
He adores the scent of jasmine. His second wife, Bianca, was a Jasmine floro and could not get enough of her natural smell. She was also the one he loved the most dearly and thinks of most forlorned and with most fondness. He now keeps jasmine candles lit in his spaces whenever he is in the mood for it.
Zion is sensitive and later down the storyline when he is overloaded with stress, he suffers a heart condition of some sort, leading to his death.
THATS all I can think of for now, or whatever I have the patience for :P I’m sure there’s much more to touch on about this man, let me know if you’re curious on anything about him!
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globalgrowthinsights · 2 months
Gluten Free Food Market 2024: Emerging Trends, Major Driving Factors, Business Growth Opportunities
Gluten Free Food Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Gluten Free Food manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Gluten Free Food in these regions till the forecast period
North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key Attentions of Gluten Free Food Market Report:
The report offers a comprehensive and broad perspective on the global Gluten Free Food Market.
The market statistics represented in different Gluten Free Food segments offers complete industry picture.
Market growth drivers, challenges affecting the development of Gluten Free Food are analyzed in detail.
The report will help in the analysis of major competitive market scenario, market dynamics of Gluten Free Food.
Major stakeholders, key companies Gluten Free Food, investment feasibility and new market entrants study is offered.
Development scope of Gluten Free Food in each market segment is covered in this report. The macro and micro-economic factors affecting the Gluten Free Food Market
Advancement is elaborated in this report. The upstream and downstream components of Gluten Free Food and a comprehensive value chain are explained.
Browse More Details On This Report at @https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com/market-reports/gluten-free-food-market-100550
 Global Growth Insights
Web: https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com
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gate-city-schoolhouse · 2 months
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RAFFLE ITEMS AVAILABLE THIS YEAR - Thank you to local businesses supporting our Schoolhouse!
Stella-Jones - Cord of Firewood
Rochester Lumber - Jack, Pans, Window Shade
Grand Mound Starbucks - Coffee, Cups, Nuts
Fairfield Inn Grand Mound - 1 Night Stay
Nelson Furniture - Bench
Tractor Supply Grand Mound - Dog / Flag
Tacoma Rainiers - 4 Tickets
Rochester Fruit - 2 Boxes of Fruit
Scatter Creek Vet - Basket + $75 Certificate
Lael's Landscape and Stone Supply - 5 Yards of Bark
Skyzone - (5) 10 Tickets
South Sound Licensing - State Park Pass
Figaro's Pizza - 3 Pizza Dinners
VJ Bargain Barn - Door
Feed Bin - Chicken Start Kit, feed
JAGS - 5 Yards Bark
Scatter Creek Nursery - $50 Certificate
18 Dicks Sausage & Deli - $25 Certificate
NW Hardwood - (2) Board Ends
Holiday Inn Express Chehalis - (2) 1 Night Certificate
L&E Bottling - 10 cases Pop
Everett Aqua Sox (2) 4 Seat Packages
Hannah Airport Limo - 4 hr Ride
Country Corner Market - Steer Manure, Chicken Manure, Potting Soil
Brian Rikstad - Wooden Flag
Museum of Glass - 8 Tickets
Papa Diner - $25 Certificate
Flaming Pig BBQ - (2) $50 Certificate
Farrelli's Pizza (2) $50 Certificate, Hat, Shirt
Holy Lamb Organics - Pillow
Long Beach Breakers - 2 Night Stay (1 bedroom condo)
Tractor Supply Lacey - 8 Solar Lights
Papa Murphy's (2) Family Size Pizza, 1 Sides, 2 liter Soda
Holiday Inn Express Marysville - 1 Night Stay
O'Blarney's - (2) $25 Certificate
Les Schwab Centralia - Wheel Alignment
Ocean Shores Inn/Suites - 2 Night Stay
Holiday Inn Express Sequim - (2) 1 Night Stay
Lael's Moon Garden - $25 Certificate
Dutch Bro's Grand Mound - $50 Certificate, Coffee & Bottle Box
Apple Bee's - $25 Certificate
Hallmark Resort Cannon Beach - 2 Nights
Eagle's Landing Golf Portland - 4 Rounds
Spooner Berry's (2) Flat Berries
Emerald Downs - 4 Tickets, Parking, Program
Lucky Eagle Hotel - 1 Night, Dinner, Breakfast
The Power Shop - Cordless Pruner
OK Tire - Max Tire Repair Kit
Tractor Supply Chehalis - Rooster
Quizno's Grand Mound - 5 Small Sandwiches
Seattle Art Museum - 3 Tickets
O'Reilly Auto Parts - Car Wash Bucket / Supplies
The Barn Nursery - Garden Basket
Weyerhaeuser - Lot A: Large bag Soil; Lot B: Small Bags Soil; Lot C: Trees --- Several of each
Firehouse Subs - 3 Medium Subs
Starbucks Elma (2) Coffee / Cup Baskets
Satsop Nursery - 5 Blueberry Plants
Cascade Pizza Elma - 1 Large Pizza
Thriftway Elma - (2) 5 boxes Pop, 1 Case Water
Staybridge Beyond Hotel Elma - 1 Night, Jacuzzi, Suite
Big Foot BBQ - Rack of Ribs, 2 Large Sides
Alyn & Tia - Tea & Lavender Tart Basket
Alyn & Tia - Coffee & Cookie Basket
Bayview Elma - Large Crockpot & Liners
Hope to see you there!
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divya1234 · 3 months
Boosting Aquatic Productivity: The Role of VinMos in Improving Feed Conversion Ratios
In aquaculture, the feed conversion ratio (FCR) is a critical metric that directly impacts the efficiency and profitability of farming operations. VinMos, a specialized prebiotic, has emerged as a game-changer in improving FCR for fish and shrimp. By enhancing nutrient absorption and promoting gut health, VinMos plays a vital role in boosting aquatic productivity and ensuring sustainable farming practices.
VinMos enhances the gut microbiome by fostering the growth of beneficial bacteria, which are essential for efficient nutrient digestion and absorption. This improved gut health allows fish and shrimp to make better use of their feed, converting more of it into body mass. As a result, farmers can achieve higher growth rates with less feed, optimizing FCR and reducing overall feed costs.
Improving FCR not only benefits the economic aspects of aquaculture but also has significant environmental implications. By reducing the amount of feed required to achieve desired growth, VinMos helps to minimize waste and lower the environmental footprint of aquaculture operations. This aligns with the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices, making VinMos a valuable asset for modern aquaculture.
In addition to its impact on FCR, VinMos also supports the overall health and well-being of aquatic species. A healthy gut microbiome enhances the immune response, protecting fish and shrimp from diseases and infections. This leads to higher survival rates and a reduced need for antibiotics and other treatments, further contributing to the sustainability and efficiency of aquaculture operations.
In summary, VinMos is instrumental in boosting aquatic productivity by improving feed conversion ratios and promoting gut health. Its benefits extend beyond economic gains, supporting sustainable farming practices and enhancing the overall health of fish and shrimp. By incorporating VinMos into their feeding protocols, aquaculture farmers can achieve more efficient, profitable, and environmentally friendly operations, ensuring the long-term success of their businesses.
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apacbusinesstimes · 6 months
Gibran Huzaifah’s Inspiring Tale as an Aqua Entrepreneur in Indonesia with eFishery
Aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world. The fishery is essential in Indonesia as it adds value in sectors like food security, employment, income, and foreign exchange profits. Aquaculture also contributes to reducing marine resource pressure. In 2022, Indonesia’s total revenue from aquaculture was $12.6 billion which accounts for a CAGR of 0.1%
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As aquaculture accounts for profits and high income, several farmers indulge in activities like harvesting fish, raising them, and cultivating them for economic purposes. Gibran Huzaifah with his innovative idea has started the products used to feed or provide food to aquatic animals. This has improved the efficiency and productivity of local seafood farmers in Indonesia. As you follow the article, we have discussed more the initial and success story of Gibran Huzaifah, the founder of eFishery.
About Gibran Huzaifah
Gibran Huzaifah Amsi El Farizy is the CEO and Co-founder of eFishery, an Indonesian company. It was started in the year 2013 to help seafood farmers. Gibran Huzaifah studied at Bandung Institute of Technology and he had a startup in his college days, which was based on agrotechnology.
The journey of eFishery’s CEO and Co-founder with his startup venture was birthed from an incident that he went through in his college days. The incident that inspired and motivated Gibran drove him to want to be an independent and self-reliant person. Working with determination towards his goals be it by selling donuts, taking private tuition, and as an attendant in a nearby market.
Gibran found interest in the entrepreneurship field and took to learning about agriculture in-depth and was encouraged in the cause of reducing hunger concerns in Indonesia. He started rearing fish during his college days and later converted it into a business. He identified the problem in the fishery was the fish food and in turn, it was the reason for the high cost. That is when he founded an innovative tool that was designed using the Internet of Things (IoT) called eFeeder. This helps to detect fish appetites through its sensor-based technology. Since then, he is been helping Indonesian farmers across 280 cities.
eFishery Sucess 
eFishery with its eFeeder machine has helped around 200,000 farmers to build sustainable aquaculture. eFishery comes with the mission of meeting the demand for animal protein globally. Also aims to boost efficiency in converting feed to animal protein and to improve food security. Hence saving people from hunger and deficiency of protein.
There are various services provided to farmers through eFishery with the use of technology to bring aquaculture solutions. eFeeder is an automatic machine that acts as a feeder to fish and shrimp which can be controlled or directed through mobile. This will help in maintaining even harvests, water quantity, and Feed Conversion ratio (FCR).
The eFisheryku is a service that helps fish farmers cover both upstream to downstream services, provides access to financial services, and makes farmers earn a profit by selling their cultivated fish. Next is the eFarm which is a shrimp service that manages outbreaks, water quality in ponds, and diseases. Hence preventing all these helps to increase productivity and reduces problems for shrimp farmers.
Gibran Huzaifah has changed the lives of aqua farmers by increasing their average GDP by 64% and making eFishery the first unicorn aquaculture. Gibran Huzaifah was awarded with The Lindas in the year 2023.
In the journey of Gibran Huzaifah’s entrepreneurship initially, there were many rejections and step-backs of investors as they could not believe in seafood farming with tech integration. He even faced the challenge of convincing farmers to use the product because farmers were not ready to change their process which was followed by 20 or 30 years. The company during their first six to seven months aimed to help farmers with technology and then later add value. Hence rest is the story of success and a payback for their hard work.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/gibran-huzaifahs-inspiring-tale-as-an-aqua-entrepreneur-in-indonesia-with-efishery/
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marketinsight1234 · 7 months
Animal Feed micronutrient Market: Forthcoming Trends and Share Analysis by 2030
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The Global Animal Feed Micronutrient Market size is expected to grow from USD 1.75 billion in 2022 to USD 2.85 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 6.3% during the forecast period (2023-2030).
The animal feed micronutrient market plays a crucial role in supporting the health and productivity of livestock, poultry, and aquaculture species worldwide. Micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, are essential for the growth, development, and overall well-being of animals. As the demand for high-quality animal products rises due to increasing global population and changing dietary preferences, the importance of optimal nutrition in animal feed becomes more pronounced. This has led to the steady growth of the animal feed micronutrient market, with a focus on enhancing animal performance, improving feed efficiency, and ensuring food safety and sustainability.
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The latest research on the Animal Feed micronutrient market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Animal Feed micronutrient industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Animal Feed micronutrient market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Leading players involved in the Animal Feed micronutrient Market include:
Nutreco N.V., Balchem Corporation, BASF SE, Novus International Inc., Purina Animal Nutrition LLC., AG Solutions, Alltech Inc, Cargill, Incorporated, Kemin Industries, Lallemand Inc. and other major players. 
If You Have Any Query Animal Feed Micronutrient Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Animal Feed micronutrient Market:
By Product Type
By Livestock
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Highlights from the report:
Market Study: It includes key market segments, key manufacturers covered, product range offered in the years considered, Global Animal Feed micronutrient Market, and research objectives. It also covers segmentation study provided in the report based on product type and application.
Market Executive Summary: This section highlights key studies, market growth rates, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues in addition to macro indicators.
Market Production by Region: The report provides data related to imports and exports, revenue, production and key players of all the studied regional markets are covered in this section.
Animal Feed micronutrient Profiles of Top Key Competitors: Analysis of each profiled Roll Hardness Tester market player is detailed in this section. This segment also provides SWOT analysis of individual players, products, production, value, capacity, and other important factors.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Growth 2023-2030          
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The Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market has been extensively analysed in this research report, with a focus on recent developments, market dynamics, and potential growth areas. Including important regions including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and emerging countries, the study examines the global market for Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, it looks at the major variables influencing the development of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals, as well as industry problems and possible business prospects.
Request Free Sample Report @ https://www.refinedreportsdata.com/request-sample/14678/2023-2031-Report-on-Global-Aquaculture-Feed-and-Pharmaceuticals-Market-by-Player,-Region,-Type,-Application-and-Sales-Channel
This report studies the Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals market, covering market size for segment by type (Aquaculture Feeds, Aquaculture Pharmaceuticals, etc.), by application (Fishes, Molluscs, etc.), by sales channel (Direct Channel, Distribution Channel), by player (Nutreco, Haid Group, Tongwei Group, BioMar, Cargill, etc.) and by region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa).
This report provides detailed historical analysis of global market for Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals from 2017-2022, and provides extensive market forecasts from 2023-2031 by region/country and subsectors. It covers the sales/revenue/value, gross margin, historical growth and future perspectives in the Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals market.
Moreover, the impact of COVID-19 is also concerned. Since outbreak in December 2019, the COVID-19 virus has spread to all around the world and caused huge losses of lives and economy, and the global manufacturing, tourism and financial markets have been hit hard, while the online market/industry increase. Fortunately, with the development of vaccine and other effort by global governments and organizations, the negative impact of COVID-19 is expected to subside and the global economy is expected to recover.
This research covers COVID-19 impacts on the upstream, midstream and downstream industries. Moreover, this research provides an in-depth market evaluation by highlighting information on various aspects covering market dynamics like drivers, barriers, opportunities, threats, and industry news & trends. In the end, this report also provides in-depth analysis and professional advices on how to face the post COIVD-19 period.
The research methodology used to estimate and forecast this market begins by capturing the revenues of the key players and their shares in the market. Various secondary sources such as press releases, annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, governmental agencies and customs data, have been used to identify and collect information useful for this extensive commercial study of the market. Calculations based on this led to the overall market size. After arriving at the overall market size, the total market has been split into several segments and subsegments, which have then been verified through primary research by conducting extensive interviews with industry experts such as CEOs, VPs, directors, and executives. The data triangulation and market breakdown procedures have been employed to complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all segments and subsegments.
Leading players of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals including: Leading players of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals including: Nutreco Haid Group Tongwei Group BioMar Cargill CP Group Evergreen Feed New Hope Group Grobest Ridley Alpha Feed Dibaq Aquaculture DBN Uni-President Vietnam Aller Aqua GreenFeed Proconco Vitapro Bayer Evonik Biomin Holding Novus International Zoetis Alltech ADM Elanco DuPont Vetoquinol Ceva Sante Benchmark Holdings
Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market split by Type, can be divided into: Aquaculture Feeds Aquaculture Pharmaceuticals
Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market split by Application, can be divided into: Fishes Molluscs Shrimps Crabs Others
Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market segment by Region/Country including: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
Ask Queries @ https://www.refinedreportsdata.com/enquiry/14678/2023-2031-Report-on-Global-Aquaculture-Feed-and-Pharmaceuticals-Market-by-Player,-Region,-Type,-Application-and-Sales-Channel
Chapter 1 Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Overview1.1 Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Definition 1.2 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size Status and Outlook (2017-2031) 1.3 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size Comparison by Region (2017-2031) 1.4 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size Comparison by Type (2017-2031) 1.5 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size Comparison by Application (2017-2031) 1.6 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size Comparison by Sales Channel (2017-2031) 1.7 Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Dynamics 1.7.1 Market Drivers/Opportunities 1.7.2 Market Challenges/Risks 1.7.3 Market News (Mergers/Acquisitions/Expansion) 1.7.4 COVID-19 Impacts 1.7.5 Russia-Ukraine War Impacts
Chapter 2 Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Segment Analysis by Player2.1 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Sales and Market Share by Player (2020-2022) 2.2 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Revenue and Market Share by Player (2020-2022) 2.3 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Average Price by Player (2020-2022) 2.4 Players Competition Situation & Trends 2.5 Conclusion of Segment by Player
Chapter 3 Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Segment Analysis by Type 3.1 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market by Type 3.1.1 Aquaculture Feeds 3.1.2 Aquaculture Pharmaceuticals 3.2 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Sales and Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 3.3 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Revenue and Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 3.4 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Average Price by Type (2017-2022) 3.5 Leading Players of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals by Type in 2022 3.6 Conclusion of Segment by Type
Chapter 4 Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Segment Analysis by Application 4.1 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market by Application 4.1.1 Fishes 4.1.2 Molluscs 4.1.3 Shrimps 4.1.4 Crabs 4.1.5 Others 4.2 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Revenue and Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 4.3 Leading Consumers of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals by Application in 2022 4.4 Conclusion of Segment by Application
Chapter 5 Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Segment Analysis by Sales Channel5.1 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market by Sales Channel 5.1.1 Direct Channel 5.1.2 Distribution Channel 5.2 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Revenue and Market Share by Sales Channel (2017-2022) 5.3 Leading Distributors/Dealers of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals by Sales Channel in 2022 5.4 Conclusion of Segment by Sales Channel
Chapter 6 Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Segment Analysis by Region6.1 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size and CAGR by Region (2017-2031) 6.2 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Sales and Market Share by Region (2017-2022) 6.3 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Revenue and Market Share by Region (2017-2022) 6.4 North America 6.4.1 North America Market by Country 6.4.2 North America Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Type 6.4.3 North America Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Application 6.4.4 United States 6.4.5 Canada 6.4.6 Mexico 6.5 Europe 6.5.1 Europe Market by Country 6.5.2 Europe Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Type 6.5.3 Europe Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Application 6.5.4 Germany 6.5.5 UK 6.5.6 France 6.5.7 Italy 6.5.8 Russia 6.5.9 Spain 6.6 Asia-Pacific 6.6.1 Asia-Pacific Market by Country 6.6.2 Asia-Pacific Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Type 6.6.3 Asia-Pacific Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Application 6.6.4 China 6.6.5 Japan 6.6.6 Korea 6.6.7 India 6.6.8 Southeast Asia 6.6.9 Australia 6.7 South America 6.7.1 South America Market by Country 6.7.2 South America Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Type 6.7.3 South America Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Application 6.7.4 Brazil 6.7.5 Argentina 6.7.6 Colombia 6.8 Middle East & Africa 6.8.1 Middle East & Africa Market by Country 6.8.2 Middle East & Africa Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Type 6.8.3 Middle East & Africa Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Share by Application 6.8.4 UAE 6.8.5 Saudi Arabia 6.8.6 South Africa 6.9 Conclusion of Segment by Region
Chapter 7 Profile of Leading Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Players 7.1 Nutreco 7.1.1 Company Snapshot 7.1.2 Product/Service Offered 7.1.3 Business Performance (Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share) 7.2 Haid Group 7.3 Tongwei Group 7.4 BioMar 7.5 Cargill 7.6 CP Group 7.7 Evergreen Feed 7.8 New Hope Group 7.9 Grobest 7.10 Ridley 7.11 Alpha Feed 7.12 Dibaq Aquaculture 7.13 DBN 7.14 Uni-President Vietnam 7.15 Aller Aqua 7.16 GreenFeed 7.17 Proconco 7.18 Vitapro 7.19 Bayer 7.20 Evonik 7.21 Biomin Holding 7.22 Novus International 7.23 Zoetis 7.24 Alltech 7.25 ADM 7.26 Elanco 7.27 DuPont 7.28 Vetoquinol 7.29 Ceva Sante 7.30 Benchmark Holdings
Chapter 8 Upstream and Downstream Analysis of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals8.1 Industrial Chain of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals 8.2 Upstream of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals 8.3 Downstream of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals
Chapter 9 Development Trend of Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals (2023-2031)9.1 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size (Sales and Revenue) Forecast (2023-2031) 9.2 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size and CAGR Forecast by Region (2023-2031) 9.3 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size and CAGR Forecast by Type (2023-2031) 9.4 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size and CAGR Forecast by Application (2023-2031) 9.5 Global Aquaculture Feed and Pharmaceuticals Market Size and CAGR Forecast by Sales Channel (2023-2031)
Chapter 10 Appendix10.1 Research Methodology 10.2 Data Sources 10.3 Disclaimer 10.4 Analysts Certification
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