francescoacquafit · 2 years
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#acquafit Lugo 👉 Martedì e Venerdì ore 20.30 AcquaBike… Info338.2079612 #lugo #lugodiromagna #piscina #acquafitness #aquagym #aquagym #aquafitness #aquafit #aquabike (presso Piscina Comunale Lugo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clx0975gTJW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hopefuless · 2 years
Comment choisir le bon centre d'aquabiking ?
Comment choisir le bon centre d’aquabiking ?
L’aquabiking, également connu sous le nom d’aqua-cyclisme, est un entraînement qui combine le vélo et la natation. Il s’agit d’un excellent entraînement pour les personnes de tous niveaux de forme physique, car il est peu contraignant et peut être pratiqué à votre propre rythme. Si vous envisagez d’essayer l’aquabiking, la première étape consiste à trouver un centre d’aquabiking réputé. Mais avec…
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aloysiusrpg · 7 months
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (forum camping/low fantasy)
inspiration the white lotus, hsmtmts, the odyssee, gossip girl.
“lundi, c’est aquabike,
mardi, c’est randonnée dans les bois,
mercredi, c’est bronzette sur la plage,
jeudi, c’est cours de poterie avec les amis,
vendredi, c’est initiation au tai-chi
samedi, c’est soirée au camping,
dimanche, c’est pic-nic avec les voisins
et après ?
et après c’est la même chose,
lundi, c’est tournoi de volley-ball,
mardi, c’est veillée autour d’un feu de camp à faire griller les chamallows
mais on repart quand ?
pourquoi tu veux repartir ? on est pas bien là,
on est bien là, oui”
tel un cirque itinéraire, le campus du lotus blanc s’était installé ici-là pour une durée de quelques mois. Il attirait les foules, offrant un complexe et des infrastructures sans pareilles et les gens restaient, sans trop savoir pourquoi, goûtant les mets les plus somptueux à base de lotus. et puis lorsqu’il y en avait plus, c’était la fin des vacances, tous pliaient bagages et reprenaient leur vie jusqu’à ce que le lotus blanc apparaisse à un autre endroit du globe.
Le camping, c’est le théâtre de la découverte de soi, de la découverte des autres, des rencontres amicales ou amoureuses, des drames soudains, du divertissement sans borne, des limites franchies allant jusqu’aux plus noires envies.
vous aussi, rejoignez le lotus blanc parce qu’on sait pas jusqu’’à quand ça durera, ni où ça nous mènera.
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (MIAB) est un forum de type camping se voulant être éphémère, c’est-à-dire qui dure entre 4/5 mois et après ? si ça marche, l’endroit, le décor, tout change, vous pourrez conserver vos personnages ou en changer car le lotus blanc se veut être itinérant.
c’est aussi un forum qui se veut être chill, pas de mots ou de lignes exigées, on répond quand on veut, à son rythme. Les rps courts sont plutôt privilégiés, en plus des différents moyens de communication qui seront mis en place. Des animations inrp seront là pour satisfaire à la fois celleux qui n’ont pas trop le temps de se consacrer au forum ainsi que celleux qui veulent s’investir à fond. le but (même si c’est toujours une douce utopie) c’est que chacun.e y trouve son compte.
Je lance l’idée, je suis seul à bord avec mon petit imaginaire et mes petites mains pour écrire, évidemment, je cherche un à deux compères qui seraient partant.e.s pour se lancer dans l’aventure (à savoir que je vise personnellement une ouverture fin avril). Je cherche aussi quelqu’un qui serait prêt à coder/grapher, sans forcément être dans le staff s’iel ne veut pas. évidemment avoir déjà administrer est un plus et se montrer communicatif aide aussi.
bref si ça vous intéresse, go go go et mpottez moi.
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kirklandsheartsecrets · 2 years
Having an adoptive son like Alfred and him finding out that she's an awesome swordswoman, he would probably gift her a toy- maybe even real lightsaber for Christmas or for her b day.
And since swords became old fashioned, she's probably ecstatic about it and start doing tricks with it.
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england x reader || married au || bonus, water park fights
this made me think about that skin in league of legends with a really good dualist. I will mention it later.
🤍 It started at the water park, you were with Alfred, Arthur and Matthew. 
You hid your face from the sun, your hand over your skin and roots of your hair still damp from the pool.
Walking with Alfred towards the main entrance, you two went to walk around in need of the warmth.
Being in water for hours, swimming around  and often sleeping on the fake plastic grass where you found a spot in the shade this morning occasionally made you cold.
The warm water from the special pool wasn’t warm enough anymore and neither Arthur’s body and his embrace could warm you up.
Even with a beautiful blue sky and a mid day sun, the wind occasionally gave you chills, only your towel as coverage.
So now you’re walking around with the American around the water park. You carefully walk bare foot over the designed path so the travertine tiles being exposed all day to the sun would bring heat to your feet and bodies.
As your feet take every step it burned, but rapidly the heat became comfortable.
The same heat earlier absolutely burning your skin now feels incredible against it.
You notice the main pool facing the entrance, few life guards standing around the fake rocks and high chairs surrounding the different areas, all connected to the same pool. However only random lines separated the areas, many people just walking over them to jump in another pool.
The lifeguards, mostly students on their summer jobs have been the same ones over a week now. They were really nice to you  and Arthur. They occasionally talk to families or say hello to the kids asking them random questions. 
“Is there an event today ?” 
You stopped, making the blue eyed American next to you also stop, few steps after. 
Alfred looks up at the main pool and takes a step closer to the fake orange-pink rocks. Many people were sitting down in the pool, with aqua bikes below them.
“Aqua bike event— I think”
Alfred’s head turns to you.
“I didn’t know, I thought it was only around 11 in the morning.” You said.
“Maybe they changed, happens” Alfred added.
You two put your forearms over the rocks, the heat radiating from their fake materials making the most uncomfortable place in the park suddenly the best spot to lay on. 
You two leaned, watching curiously the group, it just looked interesting to watch people do aquabiking, specifically when you were facing-laid against this warm rock.
“Your birthday is tomorrow Alfred— do you want me to sign you up to the aqua bike morning session ?” You joked, still looking over the kids, older people and many randoms trying to follow the instruction of their “coach”.
The woman keeps screaming, instructions from her bike, out of the water and blasting electro, dubstep songs for people to get into the activity.
You were amazed by how the instructor skin was glowing under the sun, her job being, biking under no shade, almost in a full gym outfit, only sunglasses covering her eyes, screaming over the blasting electronic music and doing the same amount of exercise as the people in water, but outside from the pool. However, when the music became a bit less louder from a minute ago, your heard clicking sounds.
The clicking sounds could be anything. You didn’t turn around at first, thinking that it could just be someone fighting with their beach umbrella and the wind, or trying to hold their whole’s family umbrella and bags in one trip. Casual family water park problems you experienced in your life already, specifically with all the colonies, and still with Alfred and Matthews sometimes. 
The clacking sound sounding like plastic kept going, you didn’t notice Alfred leaving your side silently as you were fully staring at the people biking in water to the music beat.
It’s only when you noticed his silhouette missing from your side that you turned around, looking for his familiar figure. 
Quickly you did notice him, arms crossed over his chest looking at kids, fighting with plastic light sabers, known from their design in the movie Stars wars. 
Kids aged around 6 to 12 were in pairs, fighting for fun. 
You approached the American, three steps away from you, now concentrated by the kids activity.
Yoh kept your towel tightly around your body, noticing the families around the kids laid on their towels sleeping, tanning or just sitting there watching over nothing. 
Alfred sees the woman giving the light sabers to kids coming up to her, she walks over to the him and you.
“What’s happening there ?" Alfred asks, pointing to the light sabers and kids,
“We just got these for people who wanna play around, we can teach you quickly how to fight with those, obviously it’s all for fun,” the woman says, looking behind her to the pairs fighting around, nothing serious.
“Do we have to pay or something?” The American asked,
“ Absolutely not, it’s all fun and games, just don’t run and hit the people laying around—“ she laughed, earning from you and Alfred childish smiles.
“Can we try?” You blurted out, the woman nodding, handing you light sabers.
“Don’t hit your eyes or the head of course— you should be fine!” She warns, but her vibe becoming more friendly as she looks at a dad playing with his daughter behind.
“Thank you,” you and Alfred thanked the woman before walking in an empty spot, near all the pairs but not too far away from the people laying around. 
“It’s just like fighting with our pool fries—“
Alfred teased, starting to make moves with the green lightsaber in his hands.
“I did beat you with those, lightsabers are no different—“ you commented,
“You have more experience and did fought with real swords— it’s not fair—“ Alfred fake cried, still hitting your lightsaber lightly. 
You two were barely fighting, keeping it playful, to not go overboard and hurt a someone.
Alfred was smiling, really happy to be able to share this moment with the woman he saw as his mother figure. 
He was happier then, he was a child, but he is happy and grateful now. 
This smile over his face gives him a glimpse of memories he has with you. When you would fight for fun with Arthur in the living room or telling pirate stories before bed to him and Matthew playing the fights described in the stories. 
He remembers the costumes Arthur would take out from his special closet, how he would love with amazement your fake duels. Furthermore, your feet work and how each of you would dodge the others swords. 
When you thought it was time to go back to Arthur and Matthew, probably either sleeping on the plastic grass with two towels on top of their heads, laid over their stomachs. Alfred told you he’ll join you in a few minutes. Saying he wants to check out something.
“I’ll be back with them then, at the towels.” 
You announced to the blonde, earning a nod from him as he walked away.
You walked back to your husband and the Canadian next to him, chuckling over their tans forming on their skin, when you could clearly see from their swim trunks their original skin color. 
“Alfred says he is coming soon,” you announced, now sure that they knew about your presence next to them. The towels over their heads did block their views, plus they couldn’t really know from the sound of your steps if it was you or any other stranger walking around instead of taking the right walking path.
Later on, Alfred came back, hurriedly walking to you. By then, Matthew sat back up, his back against the wall behind him, phone in hands looking at pictures you took of them.
You noticed the plastic grey package in Alfred’s hands immediately,
“What did you bought again ? We already have pool fries and water guns—“
“Happy early birthday—“ he cut you, shoving the object in your hands.
“Oh well, thank you but what is it— ? A lightsaber— why ?”
You smiled as you asked and looked up to Alfred, his talking figure in front of your sitting on, hiding the sun perfectly.
“You’re the most amazing swordswoman I met, plus the old man right there,” he points to Arthur, still head fully under his towel and mumbling insults to his own “son”,
“Said you didn’t have any lightsaber from Star Wars— so I got you one!"
Alfred finished,
“No need to Alfie, oh but thank you— I’ll try it now if you want—“ you thanked and opened the plastic package, trying the lightsaber in your hands. This one being bigger and heavier than the ones the woman gave you earlier, obviously for kids. 
You felt the lightsaber in your hands, the sounds coming from it and vibrations, faking the movie effects. When done doing pretty tricks with it and turning it back off, you hugged your older son. Thanking him again for the lovely gift, it wasn’t much, but the thoughts and memories associated with this plastic toy meant more than a real sword and meant more duels with your boys.
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dynamitehq · 1 year
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you are all officially invited to our first group trip. this trip will take place from thursday 4th - sunday 7th may and it will be to puerto rico which is also the location of wwe's backlash ppv. everyone attending will have the chance to rent a villa but are more than welcome to group up and rent one together with friends or family.
since smackdown will be in puerto rico, it will be live. same with wwe backlash.
below you will find a list of activites available each day, there is no limit to how many people can do what activity but you will be resposible for deciding what activity to do and maybe even finding others that are doing the same activity that day as you.
flavors of san juan food tour.
hiking and nature waterslide tour.
aquabike hire.
snorkeling tour.
san juan atv adventure tour.
day trip to the tropical rainforest of san juan. (including ziplining)
breakfast of champions ( starts serving at 10am - // )
( a huge breakfast/brunch will be available for everyone attending ahead of the ppv )
the activites will be light on this day due to the ppv happening and a lot of people preparing for that but with plenty of pools, bars and the beach right there, we don't think anybody will be bored for long.
all day party cruise. (starts at 2pm - ?? )
after the craziness of backlash has ended, all superstars will be invited to a party cruise on their last day in puerto rico. the cruise/boat will travel around for the day, sporting food, drink and music with a built-in pool to guarantee the very best time!
tags to use: dhq.prtrip, dhq.event
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messageinabottlerpg · 6 months
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE. (forum camping éphémère)
inspiration the white lotus, hsmtmts, the odyssee, gossip girl.
“lundi, c’est aquabike,
mardi, c’est randonnée dans les bois,
mercredi, c’est bronzette sur la plage,
jeudi, c’est cours de poterie avec les amis,
vendredi, c’est initiation au tai-chi
samedi, c’est soirée au camping,
dimanche, c’est pic-nic avec les voisins
et après ?
et après c’est la même chose,
lundi, c’est tournoi de volley-ball,
mardi, c’est veillée autour d’un feu de camp à faire griller les chamallows
mais on repart quand ?
pourquoi tu veux repartir ? on est pas bien là,
on est bien là, oui”
tel un cirque itinéraire, le campus du lotus blanc s’était installé ici-là pour une durée de quelques mois. Il attirait les foules, offrant un complexe et des infrastructures sans pareilles et les gens restaient, sans trop savoir pourquoi, goûtant les mets les plus somptueux à base de lotus. et puis lorsqu’il y en avait plus, c’était la fin des vacances, tous pliaient bagages et reprenaient leur vie jusqu’à ce que le lotus blanc apparaisse à un autre endroit du globe.
Le camping, c’est le théâtre de la découverte de soi, de la découverte des autres, des rencontres amicales ou amoureuses, des drames soudains, du divertissement sans borne, des limites franchies allant jusqu’aux plus noires envies.
vous aussi, rejoignez le lotus blanc parce qu’on sait pas jusqu’’à quand ça durera, ni où ça nous mènera.
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (MIAB) est un forum de type camping se voulant être éphémère, c’est-à-dire qui dure entre 4/5 mois et après ? si ça marche, l’endroit, le décor, tout change, vous pourrez conserver vos personnages ou en changer car le lotus blanc se veut être itinérant.
c’est aussi un forum qui se veut être chill, pas de mots ou de lignes exigées, on répond quand on veut, à son rythme. Les rps courts sont plutôt privilégiés, en plus des différents moyens de communication qui seront mis en place. Des animations inrp seront là pour satisfaire à la fois celleux qui n’ont pas trop le temps de se consacrer au forum ainsi que celleux qui veulent s’investir à fond. le but (même si c’est toujours une douce utopie) c’est que chacun.e y trouve son compte.
Je lance l’idée, je suis seul à bord avec mon petit imaginaire et mes petites mains pour écrire, évidemment, je cherche un à deux compères qui seraient partant.e.s pour se lancer dans l’aventure (à savoir que je vise personnellement une ouverture fin avril). Je cherche aussi quelqu’un qui serait prêt à coder/grapher, sans forcément être dans le staff s’iel ne veut pas. évidemment avoir déjà administrer est un plus et se montrer communicatif aide aussi.
bref si ça vous intéresse, go go go et mpottez moi.
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disbudparekrafsumut · 10 months
Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2023 telah sukses terselenggara di 4 Kabupaten kawasan Danau Toba. Semoga kedepannya makin banyak event internasional di Indonesia khususnya di Sumatera Utara.
Jangan lupa tetap Berwisata Disumutaja
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tripeakathlete · 2 days
11 Week Beginner Triathlon Program - 2 days
Do You Want a Challenge? Finish the Year Strong! Are you looking for an exciting challenge to close out the year with a bang? Have you ever considered pushing your limits and picking up a new challenge? Look no further because Clash Endurance Daytona is hosting an exhilarating Triathlon Racing weekend, featuring a variety of events including Duathlon (Run/Bike/Run), Aquabike (Swim/Bike), and…
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toughgirlchallenges · 1 month
Theresa Frost: 68-year-old Ironman, European Aquabike Champion, smallholder, wife of over 40 years, mum of 2, and grandma to 3. Proving age and a double hip replacement are no reasons to slow down.
In this episode, we have the privilege of chatting with Theresa Frost, a remarkable 68-year-old athlete who shatters stereotypes and redefines what it means to stay active and competitive at any age. 
Theresa's list of accomplishments is as impressive as it is diverse, including:
European Aquabike Champion 2023 
Team GB Athlete 
Barcelona Ironman Finisher 2022 
70.3 World Championships Competitor 2016 
Theresa's journey is a testament to her incredible resilience and determination. A retired teacher and smallholder living in Cornwall, UK, she balances her athletic pursuits with her family life, being a wife of over 40 years, a mother of two, and a grandmother of three.
In this episode, Theresa shares her fascinating life story, from her active childhood on a farm in Gloucester to her impressive achievements in the world of endurance sports. She talks about her initial foray into running after the birth of her daughter, Harriet, and how this led to her participation in multiple London Marathons and ultimately, Ironman competitions.
Listeners will hear about Theresa's triumphs and challenges, including overcoming double hip replacements, her rigorous training schedule, and her philosophy on staying active and healthy. 
Whether you're looking for inspiration to take on a new challenge or tips on staying fit and motivated at any age, Theresa Frost's story is sure to captivate and inspire. 
Tune in to learn how Theresa continues to defy expectations and live life to the fullest, proving that age and obstacles are no barriers to achieving greatness.
Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast, released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of strong women.
 By supporting the Tough Girl Podcast on Patreon, you can make a difference in increasing the representation of female role models in the media, particularly in the world of adventure and physical challenges. Your contribution helps empower and inspire others. Visit www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast to be a part of this important movement. 
Thank you for your invaluable support!
  Show notes
Who is Theresa
Retired teacher and small holder 
Being a GB athlete and competing in standard, middle and long distance Aquabike (Swim and bike of a triathlon)
Being European Distance Champion for the 65- 69 age group
Based in Cornwall, UK
68 years young
Reflecting back on her childhood and growing up on a farm in Gloucester with her 3 siblings 
Doing all of the team sports at school, from hockey, netball, rounders, tennis and gymnastics. 
Outside of school, doing Judo, fencing and sub-aqua
Spending time outdoors exploring, and playing in the woods
Being inspired by her sports teacher at school in both sports and education
Becoming a PE teacher and meeting her husband at work
Being married to Peter for 41 years, having 2 children and 3 grandchildren
Not being active during her pregnancy's 
Getting into running after her daughter, Harriet was born
What her running journey looked like
Starting with 10ks and half marathons and entering the London Marathon in 1990
Running London Marathon 5 times 
Deciding to take on a Ironman and not knowing if she had the potential to achieve it
Doing an Ironman with Harriet
Having 2 hip replacements 14 years ago - August 2010
Doing the London Triathlon in 2013 at 57
Getting more confident and training better
2015 doing an half ironman 
Finishing first in her age group to go to the World Championships in Australia 
Being retired and working on her smallholding
Speaking with and working with a coach in 2021
Deciding to commit and do a full Ironman in October 2022
What a typical training week looks like
Training 13 out of 14 days (not always taking a day off)
Strength and conditioning class with Ruth 
Not being a fan of stretching
Being a member of a running club
GLL Better Leisure Centres, Cornwall
SNUGGs Wetsuits
Liking the thought of running  
Feeling pain while running
Running on her terms 
What is Aquabike? https://www.aquabike.world/ 
The European Aquabike Championships in Portugal
The mental side of races
Being inspired by the Eileen’s in her life
The distances involved and fuelling during the race
Food and meat from the small holding 
Needing to eat more protein
Being a baker but not a cooker
Food before a race and after
Recovery and not being a fan of stretching
Dog walking and active recovery
Not being good at sitting down and doing nothing
Turning 70 and looking forward to it
How to connect with Theresa on Instagram
Final words of advice for other women who are in their 60s and want to try new things
Starting with one thing and why moving is so important
Take opportunities and try new things
  Social Media
Instagram: @theresa.frost 
  Check out this episode!
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prentlss · 2 months
I want to get into road biking if I want to do an aquabike next summer but let me know why bicycles seem really intimidating all of a sudden (I haven’t bought a bike since like early high school)
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carter84262 · 2 months
Sylvania Triathlon/Duathlon/Aquabike, Sun 28 2024, Olander Park 6930 W Sylvania Ave, Sylvania, OH 43560, USA.
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francescoacquafit · 2 years
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#acquafit Lugo Il venerdì sera perchĂ© è un buon momento per allenarsi.. 👉 dopo una settimana di lavoro ora prendo un po’ di tempo per me.. 👉scarico la tensione di tutta la settimana.. 👉 mi voglio bene !!! Info e iscrizioni 338.2079612 [email protected] #acquafitness #acquagym #aquafitness #aquafit #aquagym #aquabike #salute #benessere (presso Piscina Comunale Lugo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckz9OL4o9xY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hopefuless · 2 years
Quels sont les bienfaits de l'aquabiking ?
Quels sont les bienfaits de l’aquabiking ?
Ton de la voix : Informatif et utile Vous êtes à la recherche d’un nouveau programme d’entraînement qui ménage vos articulations tout en offrant une excellente séance de cardio ? Si oui, vous pouvez essayer l’aquabiking ! L’aquabiking est un entraînement qui peut être effectué dans une piscine et qui consiste à faire du vélo contre la résistance de l’eau. Continuez à lire pour en savoir plus sur…
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turisiancom · 3 months
TURISIAN.com - PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia, yang lebih dikenal sebagai InJourney, berhasil membukukan laba bersih sebesar Rp1,1 triliun pada tahun 2023. Kenaikan ini mencapai 211 persen secara tahunan (year on year/yoy). "Di tengah tantangan ekonomi yang beragam, InJourney mampu membalikkan keadaan. Yakni, dengan meraih laba bersih hingga Rp1,101 triliun," ungkap Direktur Utama InJourney, Dony Oskaria, dalam keterangan resminya di Jakarta, Rabu 26 Juni 2024. Tak hanya itu, Earning Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (Ebitda) atau pendapatan sebelum bunga, pajak, depresiasi, dan amortisasi, juga menunjukkan performa gemilang. BACA JUGA: InJourney Group Genjot Infrastruktur di Mandalika, Bangun Hotel Bintang InJourney mencatatkan Ebitda sebesar Rp8,828 triliun, naik 73 persen dari tahun sebelumnya yang sebesar Rp5,101 triliun. Sementara itu Dony menjelaskan, laba yang didapat merupakan hasil dari kinerja impresif perusahaan BUMN ini, yang didorong oleh pemulihan industri pariwisata dan penerbangan Indonesia pasca-pandemi COVID-19. Pendapatan usaha sepanjang 2023 mencapai Rp23,347 triliun, meningkat 47 persen dibandingkan tahun 2022 yang sebesar Rp15,855 triliun. BACA JUGA: Laba Konsolidasi Perusahaan Pariwisata Negara Injourney Rp355 Miliar Kategori AAA Lebih lanjut, Dony menyebut tingkat kesehatan InJourney pada tahun 2023 berada di kategori AAA atau sangat sehat. Rasio keuangan perusahaan juga mengalami perbaikan signifikan, dengan penurunan belanja operasional terhadap biaya operasional (Bopo) sebesar 16 persen. "Rasio keuangan InJourney semakin sehat. Ke depan, kami akan terus berupaya menjadikan InJourney sebagai BUMN yang sehat, efisien, dan menguntungkan, disertai dengan akuntabilitas tinggi," tambah Dony. BACA JUGA: Logistik Peserta Event Aquabike Jetski World Championship Mulai Toba Selain itu, Dony mengungkapkan bahwa InJourney telah meluncurkan dua sub-holding di industri aviasi. Yakni InJourney Airports dan InJourney Aviation Services. Ini, sebagai langkah transformasi di sektor penerbangan dan kebandarudaraan. InJourney Airports akan menangani 172 juta penumpang per tahun. Dan berpotensi menjadi perusahaan operator bandara terbesar kelima di dunia. Mengalahkan Vinci Airports dari Prancis dan GMR Group dari India. Sedangkan, pembentukan sub-holding ini diproyeksikan memberikan dampak positif. Khususnya,  terhadap peningkatan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) dari sektor pariwisata, naik dari 5 persen menjadi 10 persen. ***
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adk-almanack-mirror · 3 months
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dynamitehq · 1 year
our four day event to puerto rico has officially begun! feel free to have your characters arriving whenever you want, we hope you have a lot of fun with this event! any characters that join the group during the event are more than welcome to jump straight in and get involved.
day one activities:
flavors of san juan food tour
hiking and nature waterslide tour
aquabike hire.
these activities will close at 7pm where characters will be given the freedom to reside at any of the many restaurants or bars for dinner.
tags to use: dhq.event, dhq.prtrip
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