#rpg camping
aloysiusrpg · 7 months
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (forum camping/low fantasy)
inspiration the white lotus, hsmtmts, the odyssee, gossip girl.
“lundi, c’est aquabike,
mardi, c’est randonnée dans les bois,
mercredi, c’est bronzette sur la plage,
jeudi, c’est cours de poterie avec les amis,
vendredi, c’est initiation au tai-chi
samedi, c’est soirée au camping,
dimanche, c’est pic-nic avec les voisins
et après ?
et après c’est la même chose,
lundi, c’est tournoi de volley-ball,
mardi, c’est veillée autour d’un feu de camp à faire griller les chamallows
mais on repart quand ?
pourquoi tu veux repartir ? on est pas bien là,
on est bien là, oui”
tel un cirque itinéraire, le campus du lotus blanc s’était installé ici-là pour une durée de quelques mois. Il attirait les foules, offrant un complexe et des infrastructures sans pareilles et les gens restaient, sans trop savoir pourquoi, goûtant les mets les plus somptueux à base de lotus. et puis lorsqu’il y en avait plus, c’était la fin des vacances, tous pliaient bagages et reprenaient leur vie jusqu’à ce que le lotus blanc apparaisse à un autre endroit du globe.
Le camping, c’est le théâtre de la découverte de soi, de la découverte des autres, des rencontres amicales ou amoureuses, des drames soudains, du divertissement sans borne, des limites franchies allant jusqu’aux plus noires envies.
vous aussi, rejoignez le lotus blanc parce qu’on sait pas jusqu’’à quand ça durera, ni où ça nous mènera.
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (MIAB) est un forum de type camping se voulant être éphémère, c’est-à-dire qui dure entre 4/5 mois et après ? si ça marche, l’endroit, le décor, tout change, vous pourrez conserver vos personnages ou en changer car le lotus blanc se veut être itinérant.
c’est aussi un forum qui se veut être chill, pas de mots ou de lignes exigées, on répond quand on veut, à son rythme. Les rps courts sont plutôt privilégiés, en plus des différents moyens de communication qui seront mis en place. Des animations inrp seront là pour satisfaire à la fois celleux qui n’ont pas trop le temps de se consacrer au forum ainsi que celleux qui veulent s’investir à fond. le but (même si c’est toujours une douce utopie) c’est que chacun.e y trouve son compte.
Je lance l’idée, je suis seul à bord avec mon petit imaginaire et mes petites mains pour écrire, évidemment, je cherche un à deux compères qui seraient partant.e.s pour se lancer dans l’aventure (à savoir que je vise personnellement une ouverture fin avril). Je cherche aussi quelqu’un qui serait prêt à coder/grapher, sans forcément être dans le staff s’iel ne veut pas. évidemment avoir déjà administrer est un plus et se montrer communicatif aide aussi.
bref si ça vous intéresse, go go go et mpottez moi.
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terkmc · 6 months
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Far-Field Genghis
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(may or may not become canon im using this to help figure out the plot) (pretend you at least kind of know her by now) (tw for gore kinda, being abused and otherwise really hurt, transphobia, being misgendered, gender dysphoria, being held captive, all that fun stuff)
You, for whatever reason, were on the search team trying to find Kiara, along with Amaia and some other Hunters of Artemis. There had finally been a solid lead as to where exactly she was being kept.
And so you found her finally, in one of the few moments where there wasn't someone— something near her. She was barely recognizable from when you last saw her. She was injured and bruised all over, and that look in her eyes... the fear. She didn't often have an expression like that.
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prokopetz · 1 month
In addition to Sword and Sorcery stories, there's other popular culture - the Blob movie is an infamous example from 1958. I also found a 1968 Conan story by Sprague deCamp (Curse of the Monolith) that features a slime monster almost identical to how they're portrayed in DnD, down to having an acidic touch.
(With reference to this post here.)
Oh, definitely – I was aiming for the earliest example of the trope in its modern form that I could think of with my Lovecraft example, not necessarily the most proximate inspiration for D&D's slime monsters. For the latter you'd almost certainly want to look at sword and sorcery literature from the late 1960s or early 1970s, which places the de Camp example around the right time-frame.
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drmapzo · 9 months
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Hello, everyone!
War has reached the snowy mountains, and the people are now getting ready to battle the enemy. The mountain people know they have the advantage: they know the terrain and they're going to use it to turn the tide of battle.
Besides, they have an ace up their sleeve. A group of brave heroes has joined the preparations and they will also be ready to fight until the end to defend the mountain from the invading armies.
The creature tokens for this map are a Dreadful Rat, a Horror Cyclops and a Walking Ooze. Emerald tier gets the Walking Ooze while Diamond tier gets all three. In addition, Sapphire tier gets extra creature token variants. 
You can see a preview of all of this week’s Patreon content here.
Thank you very much for taking a look and be sure to check out my Patreon where you can pledge for gridless version, alternate map versions as well as the tokens pertaining to this map.
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thelovelycircusau · 2 months
> Furry Forest
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Your head is spinning… “I… uh…” your mind keeps shifting between the locations he mentioned, you try to focus, but even then your head hurts! You can’t decide between the Spooky Forest and the Furry Forest- your eyes glaze over as you have visions of the Spooky Forest and what might have been, but alas, the words that come tumbling out is “F,furr..-“ not even finishing your sentence and you’re digitized out of where you were then suddenly finding him and yourself in the Furry Forest-
It takes you by surprise, not so much by the means of travel (tho that doesn’t help either) but that you feel… soft. Soft and furry. Also your clothes are different- still cute tho. Also there’s a new storage thing, a… Captachalogue Deck? Where’ve you seen that before? You could have sworn you knew where it’s from…
Soon your attention is brought to the Stats - you’re Lv 1, meanwhile your delightful Tour Guide Prince Caine are a Boss Lv double-tailed Tomcat. His jaws are gone, but now she has black cat ears and now he has a dark grey tuxedo w black tie. You can’t help noticing his sharp claws.. huh.
Caine watches you as your head finally stops spinning..
Once you’re finally able to stop seeing double you’re able to get a look around- it’s… kinda nice, actually. You see a grand forest, tall trees, mostly pines, you see several anthropomorphic creatures of all shapes and sizes, colors that make sense and others that don’t.
“Welcome to the Furry Forest my lovely princess! Full of Furry Friends of all kinds! Don’t be afraid to say hi, climb a tree or explore this wondrous land! Tho to keep things simple might I suggest the Cabin in the Woods? Or purrhaps the Pagan Festival far up north? Or would you just like some good ol’ ruffing it in the Camping Sites? Night or day, it’s all okay- the choice is yours, a heavenly buffet!” the feline prince exclaims- then leans down, crouching, smiling? You’re not sure but somehow you swear you can feel hushed breath.. it smells nice oddly enough. Like.. red velvet and chocolate.. too bad you can’t kiss - wait. What? Why’d that come across your mind? Your cheeks turn bright red. You could swear there’s a sparkle in his eye, you can’t hide it, he’s right there! In front of you! You cover your face to hide it- this makes him chuckle, he’s purring deeply, he pets your head then stands up. Your whole face is red.. he assures you he’ll be right by your side, the paths without teleporting can take days to reach- but it should be a grand time! He offers his black clawed paw, you gulp, glancing up at the tall dark bast-…nice guy. Tentatively you place your own little paw in his, “So- which way my dear?”
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Open starter!
(TW SA) (This is when she first arrived at camp, so around the time of Chalice of the Gods, so her and Kiara aren't dating yet cus shes only been here for like a day)
You spot a girl who just arrived at camp who you've never seen before. At least not for long. She is just sitting by the lake with a rather distint look in her eyes. Her hair was wet like she had just taken a shower, and some spots of her skin were red and raw from scrubbing too hard.
She could still feel it.
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@the-gods-abandoned-us @arisdaughter @mache-of-greece @demigod-jack-hearth @kaiaalwayswins @unhinged-waterlilly @yourlocalfallenstar @son-of-the-moonlight @luci-likes-dinoss @elixs-mythology-corner @bast-the-best26 @emdabitchass @if-chaos-was-a-boy @luck-is-crucial @dolorem-et-chaus
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Angie had headed to the lake for a swim to clear her head. While she was swimming through the clear waters of the lake, a sudden panic attack came over and she started struggling under the water, unable to breathe.
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videogamepolls · 2 months
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Requested by anon
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toskarin · 4 months
btw, what about the thirst mechanic in e+? i saw many people recommend to disable it, is it that bad? Doesn't disabling it breaks balance??
the thirst mechanic in e+ is something that's mostly controversial for two reasons:
it's anoinu (the mod lead) nerfing a style of play on very subjective grounds, which he is a bit infamous for doing. the justification for the nerf is that being able to play as a non-magic-focused build which supports its magic side with potions isn't intended behaviour for playing e+. it isn't especially overpowered, but is a style that ano didn't like
it adds a piss mechanic as part of this balancing, under the theory that forcing players to apply the [wet] status effect regardless of how they approach heavy potion use in combat (because the other method of using potions is to throw them) is a fair trade for not building into magic user stats, significantly decreasing the viability of those builds. this is controversial because it's a nerf taking the form of a fetish mechanic, with a positive buff for playing in the "risk" zone of hydration where your character can piss themself
so in short, you can disable it if you want and it won't really "break" balance unless you agree with ano's opinion that melee classes making heavy use of potion effects to avoid including certain stats in their build are questionable in terms of balance -- which you might!
if you have no opinion on that, it really just comes down to how you feel about the presence of the mechanic itself
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silver-horse · 1 year
baldur's gate 3 is weird because I genuinely like and care about every single companion character and I think that must be a first for me
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half-blood-community · 4 months
Riordan Roleplay | May 14th, 2024
Hi half-blood homies! It's Praetor Rose here with the first Roleplay Prompt here. I hope everyone enjoys it and doesn't forget to tag us @half-blood-community if you do it.
Don't forget to read the rules: https://www.tumblr.com/half-blood-community/750456213885616128/riordan-roleplay-prompts-intro?source=share
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PROMPT: It's your (oc/characters) first day at Camp Half-Blood, you've been placed in the Hermes cabin. What happens
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moghedien · 6 months
put Minthara and Halsin in my party last night and realized if I stuck Astarion in there too we’d be a 100% elf party and the vibes would be absolutely RANCID
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suffertime · 6 months
oh shit forgot i had this thing, anyway
if you guys remember a little while back i did some advertising of a horror rpg podcast that im a part of called Camp Moonmirror!
Do you like shirts of rare internet podcasts you (probably) know nothing about? Do you like posters of characters from said podcast that is (maybe) a mystery to you? Do you like stickers that are really cool regardless of your knowledge of the source material?
@studiooutthere presents: MERCH!
Backing our kickstarter would mean so much to us, and it would help keep the podcast going! All products are hand made by us so we can assure quality and precision. Even if you can’t support us monetarily, check out our show on YouTube & Spotify, or even spreading the word to your friends who may enjoy our stuff means the world to us!
We are a studio of five queer internet kids who have a dream and a passion for our creation, and this is only one small step in our journey to bringing beautiful & meaningful stories to life, and we’d love to have you along the way!
Here are some of our links!
(We’re still catching up to current episodes on YouTube, but we have a bunch of bonus content there for you to enjoy!)
(We started season 2 in October of last year, so there’s plenty of episodes to catch up on over on Spotify! Our next episode releases on April 1st!)
(We are most active over on Twitter, but we also do have a Bluesky account @ studiooutthere.bsky.social if Twitter isn’t your thing)
Thank you so much!
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drmapzo · 7 months
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Hello, everyone!
Along the coast there are some old ruins that could offer some protection against attackers at night.
Your group, tired from a day of fighting and casting spells, decides to set up camp there. Using the old stones as cover the eagle-eyed among them could use them as a great hiding spot.
Let’s see if they’re able to sleep well tonight or if it’s going to be another one of those restless nights.
The creature tokens for this map are a Devastating Boar, a Fierce Seal and a Giant Carnivorous Plant. Emerald tier gets the Devastating Boar while Diamond tier gets all three. In addition, Sapphire tier gets extra creature token variants.
You can see a preview of all of this week’s Patreon content here.
Thank you very much for taking a look and be sure to check out my Patreon where you can pledge for gridless version, alternate map versions as well as the tokens pertaining to this map.
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rubyvroom · 2 months
Am playing Baldur's Gate 3 now. It's... a lot.
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