#aquarius tings too?
yvngbebe · 1 year
my toxic trait is isolating the second i feel even remotely off
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
How to Survive 2024 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo
What: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo
When: Aug. 4 - Aug. 28, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. Virgo, Leo, Gemini, and Aquarius
Takeaway: A forced slow down and reassessment of your writing projects, travel plans, and everyday communications. Subscribe
     There’s a decision every astrologer must make in their forecasts: to be real, to be Pollyanna, or to be doom-and-gloom. I aim to be real and proactive, with a tinge of Pollyanna optimism about astrological transits, because I don’t believe astrology is here to ruin or run your life. In fact, I believe that when armed with the themes and potential struggles of planetary transits, you can better work with them, you can use them to better your life. But above all else, I believe YOU have power over your own life. I don’t believe the “stars” dictate your decisions anymore than your Mom does (unless you’re a Cancer, of course). 
     That said, I don’t want you to fear this (or any) Mercury Retrograde. This is a transit that happens three times a year; which means it’s a normal part of the astrological cycle. That also means that it isn’t something to fear, fret over, or fuss about. (I mean, it’s happening in Virgo, so there will likely be some fussing—but you know what I mean.) Will it be a little messy? Probably. Is it still an opportunity? Abso-fucking-lutely. So, let’s unpack why this is, shall we?
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: An OS Overhaul
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     Virgo is the sign of precision, detail, and efficiency. It’s like that diligent system admin who’s always optimizing, debugging, and fine-tuning every aspect of the operating system of your life. When Mercury is in Virgo, it’s like having a high-speed processor that makes everything run seamlessly. But during Mercury retrograde? It can feel like your OS decides to install a series of untested updates. They can wreak havoc on your once-flawless system—if you ignore the notifications blaring in your face about upgrading. (That’s mostly for me, because I’m the WORST at upgrading my apps.) 
     How to avoid havoc? First, run a diagnostic check. Just as you would run a diagnostic on a glitchy OS, take time to assess where things are going haywire. Identify areas of your life that need extra attention and care. If things feel overwhelming or convoluted, it’s probably because you’re trying to run too many programs. So, close all those browser windows and clear the cache. Your mind can quickly get bogged down with too many details, too many projects, too many thoughts. Clear the mental cache by taking breaks, slowing down, or simply stepping away from overwhelming tasks. Fresh eyes can solve many problems. 
   When Mercury Retrograde hits Virgo, perfectionism panic is practically inevitable. Your inner critic might go into overdrive, spotting flaws everywhere, even where none exist. (Olympian Caeleb Dressel, who has natal Moon & Mercury in Virgo, talked about his OWN experience with this inner critic.) This hyper-awareness can lead to analysis paralysis, where decisions you usually make in a snap suddenly feel like life-or-death scenarios. And don’t even get me started on tech tantrums—your meticulously planned schedules and lists could go haywire thanks to those pesky tech glitches. But remember: it’s not all doom and gloom. This is a cosmic nudge to let go of the need for everything to be perfect. Because spoiler alert: it never will be.
Mercury Retrograde in Leo: Star Power
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     Mercury in Leo is all about bold self-expression, confidence, and a flair for the dramatic. But when it goes retrograde, expect the drama to hit a new high. Your inner diva might rear its head, leading to ego clashes and misunderstandings. Everyone wants to be the star, but there’s only one spotlight, and it’s flickering! Public missteps and foot-in-mouth moments become almost inevitable, making you feel like you’re trapped in a never-ending blooper reel.
     Indeed, Mercury Retrograde in Leo can feel like an unscripted reality show where everyone’s vying for the spotlight. Ego clashes are probable. Misunderstandings fueled by pride will be the main act. And that brilliant creative idea / creative project you’ve been nursing? It might feel stuck in your head, leading to frustrating creative blocks. The likelihood of having public missteps (or metldown) is higher than average, so beware of saying something cringe-worthy in the heat of the moment—or worse, on social media! With Mercury Retrograde in Leo, it can seem like you’ve been handed a microphone with a faulty connection, and your words aren’t coming out as intended.
     So, how do you survive this two-week cosmic drama without becoming a meme-worthy disaster? First, think before you speak. Save yourself from unnecessary drama and embarrassing slip-ups by pausing before you open your mouth (or penning that post). Next, channel your creativity and mental heat constructively. Leo is a fire sign, and fire signs can get overheated FAST. Meltdowns, either mental or technological, could happen; but they can also be avoided when you channel your frustration, anger, and/or irritation into creative / playful / performative acts. Sing. Dance. Play tennis. Do SOMETHING physical. Oh, and be sure to revisit and refine your creative projects. That stuck idea? It’s a chance to polish it to perfection. That frustration? It’s a sign you’re not expressing yourself the way you’d like.
This is a condensed excerpt. Get the FULL SCOOP on Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo on The Cosmic Almanac:
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Astrological heads up for Wednesday the 22nd
Moon conjunct Jupiter [[exact at 2:47 PM PST]]
The moon is newly in an Aries transit, gracing us with determination and strong willed motivation. We are more able to face things head on during the moon in Aries, and with a conjunction to Jupiter this is doubled. Jupiter is highly supportive of the moon, somewhat coddling it so that harsh things don’t have to be felt in majorly detrimental ways. We may feel confident regarding our capacity for perseverance at this time, and speed may be more desirable than deliberation. Jupiter exaggerates, and so our feeling-states may temporarily feel huge - whether that be the excited, happy and jubilant emotions that Jupiter strives for, or the more touchy and sharp cornered feels. Either way it’s possible we’ll be able to be in touch with our emotions without being overly hindered by them during this transit. 
Moon conjunct Chiron [[Exact at 7:54 pm PST]]
Even while the moon keeps within a conjunction with Jupiter, it’s also going to be wrapped up tightly with Chiron later in the evening. Chiron represents shortcomings and perceptions of weakness, as well as the things we feel we deeply miss out on. When Chiron interacts with the moon, the moon takes on a somewhat difficult tinge. There can be difficulty melding comfort with vulnerability and there can be a general feeling of lack. With Aries the themes are passion, motivation, initiation of desires, and strength. We may feel a sense of falling short regarding these themes and it may be a moderately heavy evening. Luckily Jupiter will still be there to cushion some of the heavier energies around this conjunction.
Mercury maintains square with Uranus 
While this aspect continues it can be difficult to pinpoint reality, to some extent. Things can seem to just slip out of our hands, and definitely outside of our control. Uranus refuses to let the mundane play out in lackluster and predictable ways, but Mercury still does its best to organize and define. When the two aren’t working harmoniously life can get sloppy or “whacky”. As Mercury represents news and communication, we may hear some very unexpected tidings of events. Mercury in Aquarius has us riveted on the unusual, seeking different avenues of mental stimulation and potentially feeling as though we’ve outgrown certain aspects of our environment, while Uranus in Taurus spends its 7 year cycle changing up the things we’ve clinged to possessively for too long. In the square it’s possible that we want to simply toss out a lot of things that don’t serve to excite us - things that no longer feel luxurious or indulgent (Taurus) may now have their place in the past.
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floatingessence · 2 years
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The Many Lives of the Writer: Carpe Diem
Name: Ching Xiuying Nickname: Xiaotu (Little Rabbit) Birthday: January 20, 2000 (Capricorn/Aquarius Cusp; Earth Rabbit) Birthplace: Tai'an Village, China Current Location: Gorey, Serong Occupation: Reporter (Intern); Aspiring Novelist Languages: Mandarin, Cantonese, Serog, English
The Chings were descended from fishermen that came to Serong in the 1000s. They settled in a small village.
Her father, Niaoka, went to China for work in the 1990s, where he met Xiuying's mom, Liu Ting. He always had big dreams, but he put them aside for her.
The two got married and moved to her home village of Tai'an. Then, one day when Xiuying was six, she packed her bags and left in the middle of the night.
Even Ting's own parents didn't know where she was. Though they never liked Niaoka, they were still horrified at her actions. Still, that didn't stop them from becoming infuriated when her father decided to move back to Serong.
After all, the pity stares were awkward and it depressed him to see so much of Ting's family around.
The move to such a large city was a big culture shock for Xiuying.
She's always been a bit of a tomboy and very close to her single dad. She hasn't seen her mom in sixteen years.
Recently, her father has started dating a nice woman and Xiuying is happy for him. It took a very time for him to realize Ting wasn't coming back and now, they can both move on.
Because of the trauma, Xiuying is still working up the courage to return to Tai'an to visit her family. Her maternal grandparents are really the only ones she keeps in contact with and they come to Serong to visit her (albeit, reluctantly).
Her dad calls her Xiaotu because she has always been a fast runner and a bit too energetic. As a kid, she apparently used to scamper.
Her dad is a craftsman and runs an antique store that also carries his own work. It's a popular local spot. Xiuying often helps out, but mostly, she just enjoys getting inspiration from the patrons.
She is currently working as an intern for a local newspaper. Xiuying is considered their best intern, as she works hard and has a knack for words, but also, a troublemaker. Xiuying never lets anything get between her and a story.
She likes writing stories, particularly about some of her strangely vivid dreams. She's also fond of journaling.
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rosesastrology · 2 years
Hey Rose 💜 I hope that you’re doing great & that you had a great Christmas and a wonderful new year 🤍
If asks are still opened for horary charts, would you mind telling about how my future spouse’s characteristics would be like? I saw you interpret similar charts in other asks and it looked super fun and interesting!
I thought about this question at 08:10 pm, On Friday 7th of Jan 2022, at 08:10pm, Location: Port Louis, Mauritius
Thank you so much 💫✨ hope this isn’t too boring or cliche!
This is quite fun to do and actually hard as well, so don't worry!
This is quite a long one but read if it interests you~
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I first look at the 7th house, which is in Aquarius. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn (modernly by Uranus). So I'll take a look at Saturn first.
Saturn is in 12°38 Aquarius, which is the beginning of the 2nd phase of the sign. It's in the 7th house (its own house). It's in the term of Venus and in the face of Mercury. It's in the triplicity of Mercury and Jupiter because this is a night chart (the sun is under the horizon).
Saturn in the 2nd phase tends to show a nose with a downturned tip, possible with a little line down the center of the tip. It also consistently shows a wide (though not to extremes, per se) and straight nose bridge. Usually, there is unevenness when it comes to the skin. This means moles that stick out, scars, acne, wrinkles, etc. The forehead tends to be long and sloped rather than straight. They tend to naturally have average brows but hairier, as in, not thicker per se but just appearing more bushy. They are sometimes more hairy in general, too. The upper lip usually has a strong Cupid bow shape and is thinner than the lower lip. Their lips go from thin to average at most in terms of thickness (unless the term and face/aspects say otherwise). Regardless of thickness, they'll appear tight-lipped usually. A long face, often angular with a average to long chin. The eyes are sometimes hooded, especially in the middle of the lid. Their eyes tend to be on the downcast and the eyes naturally have a yellow tinge to them, resulting in a hazel tone. In terms of build, they're average to slightly above average for their race and ethnicity. They tend to have long arms and a long torso, with strong and generally thicker legs. As for hair, it's naturally dark (brown or black) and if they have a beard it's usually thin. They tend to be lean, and may have issues with their legs. They may be bow-legged, too.
Saturn's in the term of Venus. Venus is in Capricorn. I associate earth-sign Venus with a well-proportioned body, usually with (soft) curves. The face will be a bit less angular under this influence, it will soften the edges but not diminish them. The skin tends to be better under this influence. Their skin may appear more fair, too, because Venus rules the color white. This influence will make the lips go towards the more plump side. The hair tends to be straight and smooth under this influence, also blond or brown. If the predominant color in the area is black, like in Asia, this will not count. But even so, the hair will appear smooth, healthy and have a shine to it. The lips of this person are naturally a reddish color, or a darker pink as opposed to a nude. They may also like to wear make-up. Venus tends to make the person appear prettier/more handsome and just pleasing to look at, well-proportioned and appearing bright. This influence tends to make the individual have a pretty smile, and/or dimples.
The face is in Mercury. Mercury is in Capricorn. Mercury adds some height to the base testimony in this case, general mercurial influence equals to tallness (though not necessarily extremes, that's usually Jupiter or the sun). The hair tends to be dark, or fawn brown. Long face, possibly a long chin, usually the jaw slopes down towards the chin and the face is long as opposed to broad. They have a long or high forehead. The complexion/undertone of the skin tends to be neutral. The eyes tend to be dark under mercury: grey, brown, or black. If they have a beard, it's thin, they tend to have little to no facial hair. Under Mercury, the individual will be slender and perhaps a tad muscled but usually not extremely so unless Mars, the sun, or Jupiter have a say in it, too.
Considering Jupiter in the 7th house, they are taller than average and probably heavier as well. They may be well-built (muscled) or overweight. Seeing as Jupiter is in the term of Venus, they wear their weight well and look good.
With all this testimony, I'd say brown eyes are most likely. But, with Aquarius showing up, there is evidence for blue eyes as well (though I'd guess the chance at being smaller, also because of real life statistics, not impossible ofc.). In terms of clothes, they prefer dressing in black, blue, white, and shades related to those. Like denim/dark blue, grey. They may like purple, too. I don't know your preferences, but looking at the planets and signs, I'd guess them to possibly be female. If that doesn't align with your sexuality, feel free to ignore it, because only looking at the planet Saturn and the sign Aquarius it'd be male. Anyway, here are some interpretations!
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All come from this picrew by makówka!
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cjlothecastle · 6 months
let me in
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its febuary, but not the good part (pisces season). we are deep in the trenches of airhead aquarius (no hate but, y'all). two-parter show live on the 8th and the 16th, i am desperately trying to find an apartment it's the only thing i can thinktalkdream about. landlords suck, and brokers discriminate. this picture is from an apartment i was able to visit. what do u think that weird hole / windowsill leads too? basement access i hope.
full episode here ;;;; full playlist here
gold lion - yeah yeah yeahs gold soundz - safeword oh no! - physical congas xxx hungry baby - kim gordon the pest - washing machine loser at best - wallice good guy - crossed wires bring back my dog - this is lorelei steamroller - feeble little horse xxx SNAIL’S PACE - frost children  great DJ - the ting tings gone (clarence clarity remix) - charli xcx, christine and the queens xxxxxxxxxxxx Seether - veruca salt He wasn’t - avril lavigne Loser dust - hole xxx Daddy - baby bulldog Lift off - paris texas Hall & oates - idles Look at my phone - hot garbage Dream death - feeling figures Ripped sheet - motherhood Backyard - leggy Freak - feeble little horse Confusion wants - physical congas Birthday blues - grrrl gang HFCS - PACKS Cat calls - ghost vines Xxx All my exes live in vortexes - rosie tucker Reign - thy slaughter LOSER - frost children Eat you like a pill - cherry glazerr
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bivht · 2 years
Observations: Mercury in the Persona Charts (kpop edition)
🦑 People with Aries Mercury in the moon persona chart have it-boy/girl energy! They don’t try to get attention, they just *get* it. Definitely icons.
Examples: Rosé Blackpink, Felix Skz, Jinni Nmixx, Sullyoon Nmixx, Wonyoung IVE, Danielle Newjeans, Jessi, Sunoo Enhypen.
🦑 Leo Mercury in the moon persona chart are natural performers that effortlessly attract viewers.
Examples: Jeongguk BTS, Soojin ex-member G-idle, Dino Svt, Hanni Newjeans.
🦑Having multiple earth mercuries in various persona charts might make you one of the best at what you do. They’re detail-oriented and have sooo much stability, patience and resilience to accomplish long-term goals. They’re overall stability and control is what makes them stand out from the rest. i.e. control over their voice, body, or facial expressions is top tier.
Examples: Taehyung BTS (performing), Haewon Nmixx (singing), Hoshi Svt (dancing), Yujin IVE (everything tbh).
Note: I find it wholesome that Hoshi’s natal chart is filled with Gemini, then his persona charts are just encompassed with Taurus Mercuries.🥰
🦑Pisces Mercury in the moon persona chart has the cutest eye wrinkle when they smile. They have silly, contagious laughter. Also very bouncy hair; cutee.
Examples: Jin BTS, Chaeyeon ex-member Izone, Yeseo Kep1er, Yuqi G-idle, Tsuki Billie.
🦑Aries Mercury in the Mars persona chart have dynamic🔥 dancing.
Examples: Yeseo Kep1er, Hyunjin Skz, Vernon Svt, Soojin ex-member G-idle, Niki Enhyphen.
🦑Whereas Virgo Mercury in the Mars persona chart have really clean, detail-oriented dance moves. Very good control over their bodies imo.
Examples: Lisa Blackpink, Momo Twice, Lee Know Skz, Lily Nmixx, Lee Taemin Shinee.
🦑Multiple Air Mercuries are effortlessly charming and unique. Especially if there’s lots of Libra; angel-like aura.
Examples: Jeonghan Svt, Hyunjin Skz, Hyuna.
🦑Individuals with Aquarius Mercury in the moon persona chart can be recognized for their unique personality and intellectual, sociable energy.
Examples: Jisoo Blackpink, Lily Nmixx, Jaemin NCT, IU, Lia Itzy.
🦑Sagittarius Mercury in the Mercury persona chart are- wow- very powerful voice!
Examples: Jihyo Twice, Miyeon G-idle, Sullyoon Nmixx.
🦑Cancer Mercury in the Mercury persona chart have great memory. The type to feel like they know someone’s personality before even knowing them. Great intuition. In kpop, I find that these people have a very soothing, pleasantly sweet voices.
Examples: Yeseo Kep1er, Kyujin Nmixx, Mark NCT.
🦑Leo Mercury in the Venus persona chart and their smiles.🥺🥺
Examples: Yuqi G-idle, Tzuyu Twice, Hanni Newjeans.
🦑Leo Mercury in Mercury persona chart are naturally entertaining. Natural comedian.
Examples: Jaemin NCT, Bora Dreamcatcher, Wonwoo Svt, Jeongguk BTS.
🦑Aries Mercury in Jupiter persona chart- a natural center.
Examples: Xiao ting Kep1er, Hyunjin Skz, Lee Know Skz, Tzuyu Twice.
🦑Having multiple Fire Mercuries in your persona charts will give you a lot of attention (as demonstrated in my multiple fire notes above). They have a knack for entertainment and are super humorous and energetic- so much fun.
Examples: Hikaru, Xiao ting Kep1er, Jinni Nmixx etc. and lots of people mentioned above.
🦑The ones without Fire mercuries in persona chart get less recognition for their skills. Aspects, degrees, natal rising sign should also be taken into account i.e. sun in the 1st house and Leo rising always get attention no matter what their other placements are.
Examples😪: Yeseo, Mashiro Kep1er, Chaeyoung Twice, Jhope BTS, Yeri Red velvet.
🦑Scorpio Mercury in moon persona chart- they really go hard. 110%. Their energy and intensity is unmatched.
Examples: Jihyo Twice, Chaeryoung Itzy, Yujin IVE.
🦑Scorpio Mercury in Mars persona chart: just too powerful, I love it. It’s in the way they dance and move in general, like they know they’re hot lol.
Examples: Jeongguk, Jimin BTS, Shim Mina, Tzuyu Twice (slays sexy concepts ;))
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rosie-x-rose · 3 years
Hello Winter, may I ask an Astrology question? I've seen "degrees" in Astrology, and I wonder how that may affect a natal?
I have Aries Midheaven, and they say Aries like to take risks without thinking.. but for me I actually overthink way too much 😳 like.. alot.. alot.. For example: Gambling involves taking risks. Gambling is something I'm not too fond about.. (But my Capricorn sun is in an Aries degree)
My Aries MC is in 22 degrees, and I heard this can be a fatal degree? 🥲 I don't believe it, but I'd be curious to know
Thank you, I appreciate the help
Degrees of Signs
The degree in which a body on your chart resides gives a tinge of the sign that specific degree rules to the areas the body affects. Here are the signs the degrees rule.
ARIES: 1°, 13°, 25°
TAURUS:2°, 14°, 26°
GEMINI: 3°, 15°, 27°
CANCER: 4°, 16°, 28°
LEO: 5°, 17°, 29°
VIRGO: 6°, 18°
LIBRA: 7°, 19°
SCORPIO: 8°, 20°
CAPRICORN: 10°, 22°
AQUARIUS: 11°, 23°
PISCES: 12°, 24°
The areas that the bodies in these degrees are present will have a taste of these signs.
For example: Aries MC at 22° i.e the Capricorn degree. Because of this Aries MC will appear a lot more grounded and practical than a typical Aries. The approach to the public matters and career related decisions are taken with much more care and systematically rather than a hasty approach that we may typically expect from an Aries MC.
The degrees may also tell us the "age" of an astrological body in that particular sign.
For example: A Leo Sun in the later degrees will have a lot more mature view towards their self. They will shed their immature need for attention and will have a rational approach towards it. Remember they will still have the Leo vibe to them but a lot more "old soul" kind than a early degree Leo.
These degrees will affect all the bodies in your chart. Taking these degrees into consideration may explain why you may not completely relate to a sign.
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sungie · 3 years
hello love so excited to see your req box open☺️❤️ could you possibly do jealous megumi or inumaki when they see you talking to your ex?
a/n: ahhh hello!! <3 omg thank u for requesting i had a lot of fun writing this one // AJKJD;AJFD it’s so funny to me bc normally i don’t like jealous people blame my aquarius BUT um ,,, say less ,, mayhaps jealous fushiguro would be okay  
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[𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢]
“Can I ask you something?” 
Fushiguro’s voice is unusually strained. His words sound strung around the edges, yet there’s still something strangely vulnerable about what he's implying.
“What’s up?” Despite your nonchalance, you’re relieved he's broken the silence.  It was clear something was wrong ever since he'd closed himself off, an irritated frown pulling at his lips.  When you originally asked him about it, he shrugged it off as being tired, but you knew Fushiguro. It was obvious that he'd only responded to you out of polite necessity.
There's a brief pause as he struggles to find the right way to go about this. And then he's sighing, his gaze setting in resolve. "Who was that?"
You turn, casting your gaze toward the retreating figure. He's upset about that?
Fushiguro shifts in his stance.
"Oh," you blink, "you don't have to worry about it."
It's clear Fushiguro doesn't like your answer, and he glowers at his feet. "They seemed to know you well."
You can't help the amused breath of air that leaves your mouth. If you didn't know any better, you'd think Fushiguro were jealous. There's a bitter tinge to his voice, one that's all too clearly matched with his prickly attitude. You're not quite sure how Fushiguro manages to appear extremely disconnected while also obviously upset.
"I guess so." You chew on your lip, gauging his reaction. "They're my ex."
Fushiguro’s head snaps up. His eyes widen, disappointment quickly clouding over his expression. And then as quickly as it comes, a practiced stillness glides across his features and erases any trace of emotion, carefully preserving a mild, disinterested facade. "Oh."
You stifle a laugh. "Oh?'
Fushiguro sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. He leans his head against the wall in exasperation. "They still like you." The moment the words leave his mouth, he scrunches his face like the very thought leaves a bitter aftertaste, citrine and unwelcome. "It's so obvious."
"They don't."
"They do."
"And how would you know that?"
"Because they made a fool of themselves," Fushguro sends a pointed look your way, almost as if you're the one he's irritated with. "Like, they'd do anything to get your attention."
"Fushiguro," you start.
"It's so stupid," he mumbles, dropping his gaze, "it's just like how I"--
You tilt your head. "How you?"
His mouth parts in realization, and he sighs. "Forget it. It doesn't matter." He sticks his hands in his pockets, lips drawn to the side as he processes. It's something you've seen him do often.
Except, you're not expecting to witness regret flicker across his face. It's gone as soon as you see it.
"Would you?" When he looks back at you, a trace of desperation fills his voice.
It's almost as if your next words hold the answer to some long, puzzled over question that only he knows the words to.
"Would I what?"
"Go back," Fushiguro mumbles. "Would you go back to them if you could?"
Fushiguro blinks. "You didn't even think about it."
“I don’t need to think about it.”
"They'd take you back," he says helplessly.
"Do you want me to?" You tease, shaking your head. "I don't have feelings for them."
Fushiguro can't look away. It's at this moment where it seems as if there's no disconnection between what he's saying and what he's expressing.
"So, I still have a chance." It's murmured softly, phrased so delicately that it feels like a question and a realization all at once. You're not even sure if he intended for you to hear it.
"I told you, Megumi. You don't have to worry."
As soon as you say it, Fushiguro flushes. It's not just his ears--his entire face. "I'm not worried," he mutters hotly, assuming a haughty expression and turning away. "I don't know why you'd think that."
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[𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞]
Inumaki’s upset.  His violet eyes turn perfectly dead-pan with no trace of the gleeful recognition that normally lights across his expression whenever he meets your gaze.  Neither is there any trace of indifference.  In fact, upset might be an understatement.  He looks furious. 
It started off as a pout when he met your eyes from across the grounds.  He’d waved, arm thrown over his head in an exaggerated sort of way.  He’d tilted his head, too, physically whining about why you couldn’t finish up and join him and the others already. 
That was before your sparring partner slammed their polearm into your stomach, sending you sprawling to the ground.  It’s harsher than supposed to be, and you cough, clutching your ribs.  You’re not hurt, it just stings a little. 
It was then that you’d risked a glance at Inumaki, and witnessed every fluctuation of emotion that crossed his face.  Even from here, it’s easy to tell exactly how angry he is.  And judging from his reaction, you’re all too aware that he’s finally noticed who the person is that just violated sparring rules.  
Inumaki’s usual reaction when you fall during training is that of amusement.  He likes to tease you, as long as you’re not seriously hurt, especially since he knows that everyone means well. 
But this is very different. 
You grimace, trying to somehow communicate that it's fine, but --
It’s the rudest greeting you’ve ever heard from him.  And it’s directed at the person sparring against you.  
“Toge,” you hiss, “go away.” 
Inumaki turns his gaze to you.  His eyes soften, and he crouches down next to you, tilting his head to the side.  “Salmon?”  He presses a hand against yours, the one clutching your side.  
Are you okay?
You nod, gratefully accepting the other hand he offers to help you stand.
Except, when you try to resume training, Inumaki doesn’t let go.  His hand remains slipped into yours, and he even interlocks your fingers with his for good measure.  His hand is trembling. 
He meets your gaze quickly, stopping himself from stepping forward.  And then his anger defuses, and he sighs, tugging at your arm.  He gestures toward the tree a few distances away, the same one you usually relax at with everyone in-between meals, missions, training, whatever. 
You shake your head. 
Even though you can’t see his mouth, you know he’s pouting.  Except this time it’s not just out of wanting to spend time with you.  It’s a childish pout, an angry pout, and you’re all too aware of what it means.
He doesn’t understand why you're letting your ex get away with this.
But it’s when you pry his hand off yours, that Inumaki glowers at you. 
He wraps his arms around your waist, gentle enough to avoid pressing against your ribs, and he pushes you away from the sparring grounds.  And more importantly, away from your ex who he visibly bristles at.
“Stop, we’re not finished --”
“Salmon, salmon,” Inumaki mumbles in sympathy, but even you can detect the obvious glee behind his voice, as he presses his cheek against yours. 
You want to smack him. 
He lets go when you’ve reached where he wants to go, and he gazes at you with bright eyes.
“You didn't have to do that, you know.” 
Inumaki looks at you blankly.  A sarcastic eyebrow raises. 
You sigh, already knowing why it bothers him so much.  “I’m still mad at you.” 
Inumaki just shrugs, tugging at blades of grass and letting them blow away in the wind.  He rests his head atop your lap, gazing at the leaves breezing back and forth.
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People as wishes:
Shooting star: special for being rare, hates to be like anyone else. Probs an Aquarius. glittering, bubbling and effervescent. can feel a little hollow when no one is around. night owl. loves a good spotlight, and dancing(both literally and in and out of peoples lives). temporary view by Sampha vibes. Endlessly restless. Secretly harbors some sadness.
11:11 - person next door type beauty. someone you would fall in love with from having known them all your life. Thinks they’re ordinary but are actually extraordinary. Quiet but perspicacious and really funny. Good listener, never forgets your birthday. endlessly, tirelessly hopeful and optimistic. Knits you scarves and writes you letters. cinnamon roll person. Seen every anime you can think of.
birthday candles: colorful, vibrant and tinged with a soft glow in your memory. Always off somewhere doing the unexpected. hard to get ahold of - you never really know where this friend is, but if you ever truly need them, they’ll be there. wild hair. kind and loyal, surprisingly sentimental. excitable and occasionally a little too gregarious. Surprisingly measured in idealism. Doesn’t believe in soulmates. loves lana del Rey and upbeat music.
Fallen eyelash: makes art they claim isn’t any good (it’s phenomenal, btw.) probably was a goth in middle school or high school, kept the black boots and the eyeliner. Politically minded, brash. tough on the outside, soft on the inside when you get to know them. cynical with surges of hope. wittiest person you know. good shoulder to cry on
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discoidal · 2 years
as a fellow aquarius i wud like to ask what are UR aquarius slay perks <3
HI BENJI!!! a friend and i are making plans to go to the fishermall in quezon city to roller skate on wednesday :)) i'd love it if you were available but if not we should still sched something!
so im not too savvy with the zodiac ting tings but everyone who's into it has said that i am SUCH an aquarius. i think its bc i sound smart and also like i am a little bit of an insane person <3 also im very much qUiRkY and as soon as u get past my bitchy exterior i turn into the nicest little chihuahua <3 its so swag that we are both aquariuses (aquarians?) its like... our souls are intertwined <33 love u MWAH
ask me anything!
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blackvelvetallure · 4 years
The sign in which Mars resides in the birth chart shows the expression of energies. Mars suggests the projection of self. Your energies must be evaluated in four different ways, and the sign that Mars occupies at birth largely signifies the type and degree of energy in all four. These four are first, Physical energies, which might show how hard or diligently you work, aptitude for sports, and just generally having the go power to get what you want in life. Next is mental energy; the energy spent thinking, communicating, and pursuing intellectual goal and ambitions. Then, comes the practical energy that is necessary to make your way in life; planning and organizing, holding down a job and padding the old nest egg, being responsible and dependable. Finally, Mars defines emotional energies which usually show up first as sex drive, but may include other aspects of emotions such as feelings, and setting emotional boundaries, and drive toward artistic endeavors. The Mars position suggests whether your energies are going to be largely physical (fire signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), material (earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), mental (air signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), or emotional (water signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Here then is Mars in the twelve signs: 
Mars is at its strongest in Aries, its natural sign. This placement represents high energy, initiative, courage and impulsiveness. Most of the energies seem to come out as the physical and emotional type, but in Aries, Mars is very active and assertive in demonstrating enthusiasm for all four types of energy. This is a very powerful position for Mars. 
You have an unrestricted drive to get projects done, to start new projects, and to act decisively. Your enthusiasm is contagious. An individualist with quite an ego, you always want to do things your way. Based on the influence of this planet taken by itself, you are not good at compromise or teamwork. There is a major part of you that always wants to charge out ahead of the pack and be the leader. Despite your apparent leadership abilities, you may function best when you are working alone and independently because of your demand to have your own way. If you are in a group, you will aspire to be the leader. Headstrong and independent, you won't tolerate opposition or interference and your temper can get you into trouble at times. Mars in Aries makes you very competitive in a variety of ways. This is perhaps the most courageous and enterprising Mars position.
You have a very strong sex drive which is spontaneous and easily aroused. Self-control can be a problems in this regard. As on the physical side, you are often unrestrained and very demanding emotionally.
The negative side of Mars in Aries is a lack of patience and discipline. Self-control and humility can be hard lessons, and often they are never mastered.
Mars in Taurus denotes plenty of practical and emotional energy, while the physical side is often rather flat, and the interest in the intellectual is also a strain. 
The planet of energy is not very active in Taurus, as the physical drive is reduced to a low gear. You may lack thrust and mobility, but make up for this deficiency with outstanding endurance. You are obstinate in many ways, yet practical, determined and very stable. You pursue your material goals with intent determination. Results are based on dogged persevering after a course of action is determined. Once you finally get rolling in one direction, it is nearly impossible to change your course. In Taurus, the energies of Mars are indeed channeled into a practical mode that may center on acquiring money, creature comforts and material possessions. Much your energy is apt to be aimed at securing wealth and a very comfortable lifestyle. Patient and precise in all that you do, you are a natural crafts person and the fruit of your efforts is likely to produce a quality product.
Also high on your list of priorities is the satisfying of physical desires. You are very sensual and sexual partner. Your approach to sex is straightforward and uncomplicated, without fantasies or fetishes; never rushed or over-anxious. Emotionally stable, you are apt to be a devoted and loyal partner.
The negative side of Mars in Taurus is often the lack of flexibility. Taurus is a fixed sign and energies expressed here sometimes come out looking like stubbornness. Even emotions can be held on to too tightly and then released with a major blow up.
In Gemini, Mars produces mental assertiveness and mental energies are highest here. As wonderful as this seems, on the practical side, you may be somewhat lacking, and emotionally, this placement is prone to big swings and is best defined as erratic. 
You have an active and critical mind that may be inclined toward going off in many directions at once. You love to debate and engage in all types of intellectual contests. A satirical wit is often a hallmark of this Mars in Gemini. Frequently, this placement attracts persons to careers as reporters, journalists and critics. Periodic job changes or handling a variety of jobs simultaneously, are not uncommon with this placement since there is much restlessness in your nature. Since so much energy is channeled into mental and verbal activity, you are apt to be quite a talker. You may make use of this strength by becoming a teacher, a lecturer, or a related field that takes advantage of your ability to express yourself. You pride yourself on your intelligence and verbal dexterity. To you, a person's worth is based on their intelligence, and you want to be respected as a formidable thinker.
Several of your romantic relationships may be superficial. You eagerly pursue new experiences in romance, but it may be difficult for you to remain constant to any one special partner. You're apt to be an incurable flirt. Your mind, however, is your most active erogenous zone.
Mars in Gemini is high-strung and produces much nervous energy, but it is lacking in physical vitality or endurance. There is a tendency for you to burn yourself out through stress and mental strain. You may need to force yourself to get more exercise as a way of balancing the physical with the mental.
In Cancer, the Mars energies are largely of the emotional sort. While physical endeavors and practical affairs may find the energy to function satisfactorily, mental energies are apt to struggle. 
This placement often causes actions to be tinged with a very sensitive flavor. You express your energies in a very emotional fashion. Much of the assertiveness of Mars is turned toward the domestic scene. There is a cautious side and much defensiveness in your nature. This placement of Mars is not very physical or competitive, and not inclined to any sort of combat, physical or mental. Mars in Cancer has a very positive side, as it often shows a quiet, peaceful nature. While being very protective of your "turf," you are never too assertive or demanding. In your work, you rarely compromise your views, and prefer working independently and in control of affairs. You are ambitious, and a hard worker. Since you are not, by nature, an aggressive person, you pursue your desires in a round-about or start-stop manner. You frequently change your direction and your goals. You strive for security, and a good deal of your energy goes into this effort. In this regard, you are fiercely protective of family, co-workers, organization, or to whatever you devote yourself. You may be known for the strength of your patriotism and loyalty.
Because of these strong moods and feelings, you are a very sexual and sensual person. You are also very loyal in relationships, and certainly demanding of the same from your partner. Infidelity threatens your sense of security and is therefore unacceptable.
There is an intensity of these emotions that often results in moodiness and discord in your domestic relations. Your digestion is strongly affected by your moods and feelings. With energies tied to feelings, you are prone to become very angry inside. If this anger is suppressed it can result in ulcers and stomach upset.
Mars in Leo is noted for its physical energy, and it manages reasonably well in the mental and practical departments, as well. The ego and need for recognition make the emotional energy somewhat restrained. 
In Leo, Mars displays exceptional will-power and creativity. With this placement, you project an air of confidence, self-sufficiency, and vitality that cause people to sit up and take notice. Activity is expressed in a dramatic fashion, suggesting that you may be well suited for the stage. You love being on "center stage." You are confident in most roles before an audience. This position couples positive initiative, with stability and determination, producing excellent leadership qualities. You have a definite charismatic and gregarious flair. This also makes you a natural leader. Ambitious and maybe a little egotistic, you want to lead. You'll do whatever you need to do to be recognized and appreciated.
You take pride in your sexual prowess. Affectionate and physically demonstrative, you enjoy the drama and excitement of a passionate affair. As much as it bolsters your ego to have several sexual partners, you're constant in love while your partner pays plenty of attention to you and is devoted. In romance, jealousy and possessiveness are often by-products of this placement.
The strong, fixed opinions and the overbearing manner of this placement may often stir opposition. The pride and need to dominate others, often sets up a degree of stubborn egotism. Excessive pride can be your pitfall, if you haven't learned to control it. The emotional side of Mars in Leo can cause to you to periodically over-react with anger when affairs don't go your way.
In Virgo, Mars focuses its energy into the job, and thus, the energies are primarily practical and useful. This placement will also produce high or at least adequate mental energies, reasonable physical energies, but on the emotional side, there is a severe limit to the energy and the interest. 
As one possessing this placement, you are usually considered a very conscientious worker. Much of your energy go into careful planning before you charge ahead on any project. When you do act, it's usually based on practical reasons, with every detail carefully thought out. You are highly critical, and very exacting in all that you do; in many respects, the perfectionist and the organizer. Painstaking and dedicated in your work, you may lack imagination and innovation, but never attention to detail. In the work place, you can be a difficult person because you are so particular about everything being done correctly. But indeed, you are the one that can be depended on to get the job done right.
Virgo is associated with the health fields. Doctors, surgeons, nurses and social workers often have Mars placed here. There is much associated with this placement that involves helping people. You may be especially concerned with helping the sick and handicapped. You need to feel needed, and you can be very tireless in such a role.
Mars, the indicator of passions, is not very passionate in Virgo. Your sex drive may be strong, but your willingness to express it can be somewhat weak. Sometimes Mars in Virgo can even be a bit puritanical. You also may be a little bit afraid of letting your passions loose, and even be critical of those that do.
The negative side of Mars in Virgo may be the sometimes lack of tolerance. It's hard for you to get emotionally worked up over anything, but you can be very demanding of yourself and others. This placement often holds force and aggressiveness in check, releasing it as irritability and nervous habits. And finally, you have to be careful not to become the classic workaholic for this is a real possibility with Mars in Virgo.
In Libra, Mars is curtailed by the rules of social behavior and the need for the cooperation and approval. Energies are very controlled and overwhelmingly favor the mental. A reasonable degree of physical energies may also be present, but this is not what this placement is noted for. Emotional and practical energies are usually rather low, if noticeable at all. 
You are charming, generous, amiable, and cooperative owing to the persuasiveness of Mars in Libra. The normal assertive behavior of Mars is tamed down in Libra, and passions are never allowed to rule thinking. Yet you can become upset when your perception of justice is not served. You aren't one to push matters to extremes, but you do become very assertive when you experience injustice. You are ready to take up arms against anything that would destroy harmony, or that appears wrong or unfair. Your objective, unemotional approach could enable you to be a good judge, manager, or diplomat. 
You are likely and wise to select a very assertive and energetic partner. You may need someone to push you along, as Mars can be somewhat lazy in Libra. You often need motivation. Though you are never pushy or very forceful, you do exert gentle and continuous efforts toward a solid relationship. Although you are very affectionate and romantic, your sex drive is somewhat low, and you expect more emotional satisfaction than physical passion. 
You are not the type of person who goes after what you want with much conviction. You have difficulty asserting yourself at times, and it can be hard for you to be decisive. Aggression in any form threatens you, and you don't deal well with confrontations, arguments, or physical combativeness. You want to make friends, not adversaries. 
In Scorpio, Mars displays powerful emotions and desires. Mental, physical, and practical energies are are, likewise, also very high. Indeed, the level of energy with this placement is high in all respects. 
You are strong, self-reliant, extremely efficient, and highly self-disciplined. An intensity of purpose surrounds all that you undertake. This position illustrates the "do or die" principle very well. You may have an innate ability to transform other people in some significant way. You think of yourself as a "take control" person and a force to be reckoned with. You probably are.
Intensely passionate and sensual, you put much of your energy into sex. You are apt to be especially attractive to the opposite sex, whether or not you physically attractive. You may be fascinated with sexuality in all its expressions, certainly your interest is always keen. You're jealous and possessive of your sexual partners. Being trustworthy yourself, you expect the same from others. You're a loyal friend, or a bitter enemy, you never forget a betrayal.
Slow to anger, you rarely loose control, but when your ire is raised, you get even, and you can do so with frightening detachment. Proud, dignified, strong-willed, and stubborn, you have the sort of presence that is always felt by others even when you say nothing.
Mars in Sagittarius produces some of the highest levels of physical energy and enthusiasm. The mental and emotional side seems to function fine as well, but unfortunately, this is not the most practical of Mars positions.
In Sagittarius, Mars often produces strong philosophic convictions. You are one to stand up and fight for any cause you believe in. The sense of justice is very strong. Your idealistic motives always seek to be improving society and those individuals in your immediate environment. 
You are an outspoken debater, often lacking diplomacy or appreciation of the opinions of opponents. Nonetheless, your ever-cheerful presence makes you welcome in any social gathering. For you it is unrestricted freedom at all cost, with rhythm and tempo that comes naturally to you. You are a person with a zest for adventure and having a good time. You have trouble sitting still for very long, and you want to be on the move physically. 
The hallmark of this position is the feeling that you are invincible. Your irrepressible confidence and optimism usually gets you through tough times. You may have been born under a lucky star. You often succeed because you don't think much about failing. In many respects you are a born gambler.
Mars in Sagittarius is not known for being particularly constant in love relationships. You approach sex as though it was a sport, and it's hard to tie you down to one person. You may be afraid of serious love affairs and being "trapped" in a relationship. This is a position that really likes sex, but at times can be too bold or crude in asking for it.
The negative of this position is a lack of endurance and consistency. Because your attention span is so short, and your interests are so many, you start many projects, but often fail to finish them. And even when you do get finished, the work can be a little sloppy. You have a tendency to scatter your energies and try to take on too much at one time.
In Capricorn, the energies of Mars are channeled into the arena of personal attainment, and thus, the practical energy is highest here. Physical and Mental energies are sufficient, too, but emotionally, this placement may lack spark. 
You are hard-working, very determined. Since much of your energy is focused on your career, you have a tendency to become something of a workaholic. There is a drive to satisfy professional ambitions. This is likely to manifest with innate managerial skills and good old-fashioned common sense. You have strong material urges, but even stronger is the need to get status and recognition. To attain these ends, you use your energy in very practical and profitable ways. You have little use for laziness or a lack of ambition.
Your sex drive is strong and you have a full appreciation of sensual pleasures. It's likely you conceal most of these feelings behind a stiff and conservative demeanor. Your public image is very dignified and reserved. It is as though you feel you must always be in control of yourself and your emotions. Mars in Capricorn is known for the ability to retain sexual vitality until very late in life. In these later years, you are apt to be less restrained than in your youth.
Your weakness in the action department is the tendency to be too cautious and skeptical. You are apt to miss some real opportunities on this account. You have difficulty breaking out of old habit patterns and you are slow to pick up on new ideas. Somewhat pessimistic, you go looking for problems and expecting the worst. You take responsibility seriously, often too seriously.
In Aquarius, the energies of Mars are focused on intellectual pursuits, and therefore, mental energies are highest here. While Mars is focused on theory here, practical energies are usually found in adequate levels. The physical and emotional sides may struggle a little when Mars is in Aquarius. 
The placement suggests the presence of very high principles and a modern outlook. You are concerned with the world of ideas, particularly those of an unconventional or progressive nature. Here the powers are independent, aggressive and enterprising.
You have good organizing abilities and calculated direction. You are a very good leader who can meet challenges with serenity and poise. Aquarius is a fixed sign and you are stubborn most of the time. If you believe in something, you put the idea forward with the zeal of an evangelist. You think of yourself as open-minded; willing to discuss the issues. Yet your discussions often get to be heated arguments, and you rarely give in to an opposing view. You can never work well under authoritarian direction, being one who is always out to upset the establishment. You are an active reformer with little respect for traditional ways. You can even be contemptuous of tradition unless it is substantiated with logic. You demand the freedom to speak frankly, and operate in your way.
Like the many other aspects of your life, sexually you are intrigued by anything new or unconventional. For you, variety is the spice of life. Yet somehow you are usually stable and dependable once you have found a mate.
The negative side of Mars in Aquarius resides in nonconformity. Indeed, you tend to lecture more than discuss, and you tend to demand compliance with your agenda. Your way is sometimes way out of the ordinary. At the same time, your energies are apt to produce more thought than action. You are the rebellious type, and you can become very impatient.
In Pisces, Mars produces emotions that are unpredictable and often intense. Emotional energy is high, sometimes too high. Mentally, Mars in Pisces does well, but on the physical and practical side, this placement often comes up short. 
The strength of Mars in Pisces is found in the arts. You may find yourself very much attracted to music and the arts. You may relate to many of the world's fine artists who need the isolation and introspection so much a part of this placement. You have a natural sensitivity to color, tone and rhythm that may be of benefit to you in artistic endeavors.
In this sign, Mars responds in a confused manner. Assertive action is drowned in this sign that is so receptive, emotional, sensitive, and even psychic. The result of the placement is often a quiet exterior, but with much restlessness inside. Physical strength is rare with this position. Resentment runs high. Excessive emotions are a constant problem and a good deal of solitude is frequently necessary to sort matters out. Mars in Pisces has trouble asserting itself, and it is likely that you are somewhat shy and withdrawn.
Action is expressed in "behind the scenes" roles where you can work with subtlety, and your naturally intuitive sensitivity. Much of your attitude stems from your keen sensitivity to the feelings of others. You clearly know what the other person is feeling, and therefore you are always ready to render assistance to those who are most in need. You are apt to express the energies of Mars most actively in support of the defenseless or the underprivileged. In this regard, Mars in Pisces is often found in fields such as psychology and medicine.
Mars in Pisces is not a highly sexed sign. Certainly, you are romantic, but in order for you to be satisfied, the greater need is emotional rather than physical. You're very idealistic about love and relationships. In many ways, you view of sexual matters is more like a fantasy with such high expectations that it is rarely achieved in real life.
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motionbound · 2 years
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hiyo!! it’s melo again with a second muse, sad human dude seong uihyeon who’s been going thru it since the festival 😭 he moved recently from jeju to work with the aeternals as a therapist, only to lose his wife during the festival to a berserk aeternal. he’s always idolised eden’s aeternals as true superheroes but their response after the festival has totally cracked his worldview & he’s still grieving so 😔 pages here ( stats, bio ), tldr & plot ideas under the cut! hit the ♡ if you’d wanna plot, this is a sideblog so i can’t follow/etc but u can call me beep me at @iinksplit​ or ask for discord!
*tw death mention—much of his backstory is tied to his wife’s death & the impact it has on him, so this is a general warning for the tldr & plots under the cut!
just a dude from jeju; he grew up reading lots of comics & generally believing in the good of people, the world, the superheroes out there!
he’s always wanted to come to eden to work with the aeternals, despite being a human. one of those 'i dont have a superpower but i can help the ones who do!! so they can help more people!!’ kinda people, so he went into counselling and found himself a job with the aeternal psych unit once he graduated
uihyeon had it all: working with the aeternals to help people, married the girl of his dreams, started building a life in eden & all that
at least, until pax centennial festival
his wife died during the event, one of the many? few? casualties while the aeternals were going berserk with their powers. in my head it was probably something pretty instant & irreversible, and he’s entirely traumatised from witnessing it
the aeternal who killed his wife simply slapped an nda down & sent him off with a whole lotta money in exchange for his silence. it’s confusion & uncertainty & a considerable amount of pressure placed on him to sign that’s the reason he agrees to it, but now that the dust has settled, he’s starting to question... everything, really
so now he’s struggling to reconcile what he believed about the world, his trust in aeternals & the good of people shaken up totally. it’s starting to affect his job too, questioning what he’s told in his sessions with aeternal clients & having to pull himself back from it, because he still wants to do good somehow & he used to think this was the path for him but—is it?
huge chara insp is hughie from the boys w a tinge of butcher!
personality / misc facts: aquarius sun, cancer moon, capricorn rising. before the festival, he was honestly a really friendly, chill dude. helpful & accommodating, with a whole lotta idealism packed underneath his sensible sweater vest. prone to withdrawing & bottling things up, which has only become worse since his wife’s death. right now, he’s very much in the anger/depression stages of grief, sharper around the edges. easily frustrated, mostly at himself, but also at the world in general. grasping at what used to be familiar instead of processing the feelings like he knows he should, & not coping well at all
lil notes on his wife! in my head they were childhood friends & he had a crush on her for forever, finally got the courage to ask her out way too late when they were already basically in love & they fast-tracked their way through dating & marriage after that hehe she had a similar sort of occupation, wanting to help people too? a lil more practical than him, the half who had all her shit together. i’m so sorry for fridging her rip she’s gna pop up occasionally in his thoughts but more a manifestation of his grief than a real representation of her!
the aeternal who killed his wife—lots of plotting needed for this but i’d love to have this connection
the boys / anti-aeternals agenda—part of his ( non- ) healing has been thinking about taking revenge on the aeternals & he entertains thoughts of actually seeking help, until. he actually does contact them & now he’s not sure what to do
siblings—i don’t see him as an only child, though he was quite an independent kid. as his now only family in the city, though, i think he’d rely a lot on his sibling
good friends—someone who knows just how badly he’s doing & checks up on him once in a while / is trying to help him process this healthily, even tho he’s fighting accepting their help
aeternal clients—i imagine it’s a small-ish psych unit, so he’s familiar with a lot of the aeternals, even if he doesn’t work directly with them! might even just see a couple as work buddies instead of clients? although their interactions now are tense & often angrier than they’re used to him being...
meta friends—he believes ( believed? ) really strongly that meta abilities have a purpose. that they can do good. he’s not sure about that anymore, but someone he used to help out / attempt to learn more about their ability to help them?
people who knew his wife—maybe they knew her better than him, or vice versa? super open to different kinds of dynamics stemming from this! or maybe even a sibling-in-law?
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a little thread on self-care apps
in honour of Saturn and Jupiter doing their ting in Aquarius, here’s a thread of some free apps you can try out for self-care.
I hope this provides a lil bit of value for you. 
has three different options for meditations you can do such as a mindful meditation, a loving kindness meditation and an unguided meditation. I personally like the unguided meditation because I can have a bit more control by putting an interval timer, changing the background noise and time duration. plus there’s a countdown option too before you begin, which I love so that I can try and prepare before the meditation actually starts. so many times mediations start right off the bat, and well, I just wasn’t ready ha. as well as that, it gives you personal stats on how you’re doing and also the community who have download this app are doing. you can see how many people are mediating/breathing right now which I find motivating. also has options for breathing exercises and for winding down to sleep. 
eternal sunshine
this app really has a lot to offer. so many guided meditations including ones to aid you in developing your chakras, or help you with anxiety before a test, or do when there is a full or new moon. I did a pre-ritual meditation which included tapping into the elements and let me tell you, the tea I got from the upcoming monthly tarot spread was scorching. we love to see it. it has affirmations for the chakras for example, and then affirmation exercises which allow you to get even more involved. for people who want more accountability they have seven day meditations, too. you can opt into little tidbits of prayers and wisdom to show up on your phone throughout the day. but what I really value about this app is the inspirational talks they offer. it covers a range of topics, like gratitude, dealing with anger, suicide, not giving up. real life shit. 
a mood-tracker app where you can post how you feel at any time. the great thing about this app is you can be totally anonymous. people from around the world can ‘feel you’ on whatever you post, and reply with support. the feelings options you have are calm, anxious, happy, sad, terrible and amazing. stats are provided too so you can see percentages of how many people with the app feel the same as you. there are communities you can join or make too. there’s a huge variety on there, from LGBTQA+ groups, BTS groups, cosplay groups, gratitude groups, cancer support groups and cooking groups. I even saw a group titled “I’m here to listen.” and for me, that was poignant because for someone, that’s all they want at the end of the day. 
the. cutest. app. right off the bat, it will remind you to bring awareness to your body. where you’re keeping tension. it will remind you to breathe. accountability. it will ask you questions that encourage you to reflect more. the apps background is that of a bedroom with a person under the covers whose skin colour can be changed. but it’s interactive. you have an altar, you have tarot cards which you can pull a daily pull from. there’s a candle you can use to aid you in setting intentions or do candle gazing. for some people, I know even before COVID-19 happened couldn’t or didn’t want to leave their bedroom. the act of tidying up their room was something they found difficult. in the app, you can tidy up clothes on the floor which to me is a very satisfying little feature. there’s a journal option which you can customise, as well as a tape recorder so you can vocally get what you need off your chest. there’s so many other features, but get this. there’s a lil baby black cat you can interact with too. what more could you want? this app holds space for you. 
aloebud (only available on iPhone)
designed in a teal (?) colour in a grid layout, for me this app is aesthetically pleasing. the whole point of it is that you choose activity cards of things such as hydrating yourself, breathing, connecting with others, taking a break. you can customise it so you can have reminders to do these things at a set time/day of the week, too. the app gives you an option to check in to keep accountability or to reflect on the theme of an activity card to gain more presence. there is a “people” activity card too, and one of the prompts it gives you is to write an encouraging message to your future self. that screams Saturn in Aquarius to me. there’s an activity log which allows you to congratulate on yourself on things you’ve done throughout the day. 
stoic (only available on iPhone)
this is another app that just screams daddy’s home. (Saturn rules Aquarius in traditional rulership) based on the concept of stoicism, the colour scheme is black and white. very fitting. also very fitting that an aries stellium introduced me to this concept. like most self-care apps, it has a range of exercises you can do but what makes this one different is that they have something called “fear setting”. a three-step exercise that encourages you to go deep into what is holding you back right now. as well as that, there’s an option to do negative visualisation which is meant to further build up gratitude in your life. in the journal entries you can complete, there is an option to draw/scribble/doodle something along with your words which is fun. lastly, with every exercise they provide, they really get to the nitty gritty of what it does for you. they provide links to ted talks, or give you example scenarios so you can better relate. it’s all laid out for you. 
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snarkywrites · 4 years
Mercury in Sagittarius: The Philosopher
Mercury enters the sign of Sagittarius on December 1st, 2020 and will be there until December 19th 2020.  This is a Mercury transit that will not be as intense as the Scorpio one. Mercury wants to find the truth, but there is also a sense of optimism and joy that is associated with Sagittarius that can truly change our outlook (even briefly). Here, Mercury is sharp, funny, and blunt. Mercury is not afraid to let other people know what it thinks, which can make people admire and respect it, but others might wince. It can be polarizing. However, we need more of the fire as we get ready to see the Cardinal Earth energy from Capricorn switch into Aquarius later this month. Mercury in Sagittarius has us all preparing for the next chapter and most importantly, unafraid to embrace what it is to come with that tinge of hopefulness it tends to bring.
Aries – As this change in Mercury signs makes you feel livelier, you must remember to not cause too much offense. You can provide great insight to others and feel confident in your self-expression, but you need to make sure that your words do not cut. Mercury here brings back confidence and optimism to your life. This is a great time to pick up on some projects you abandoned and try to finish them since the trine with Mars, your ruler, will have you motivated.
Taurus – You will feel as if you are revisiting the past with this transit, trying to let go and move on. With this shift in Mercury signs, your concerns are still pertaining to relationships and how they have impacted you in the last year. Mercury in Scorpio taught you what you needed and who to appreciate. Mercury here will make you more reserved and analytical, a benefit needed as you wait for the new year.
Gemini – Mercury in Sagittarius lights up your relationship house, making you more charming and confident in your mannerisms and self-expression. Words might come from a more diplomatic standpoint as you opt to keep the peace instead of bringing conflict. The people you will attract during this period will be likeminded to you and will keep you extremely engaged. Have fun.
Cancer – Your focus now will be on self-care and relaxation, as both Mercury in Sagittarius and the Full Moon in Gemini bring a much-needed reminder to take breaks for yourself, especially after this intense year. This can be a period of growth and innovation as well, as you dive into things that bring you peace and harmony spiritually. Prepare to receive inspiration from dreams.
Leo – Excitement is in the air for you this much anticipated Sagittarius season in fellow fire sign. You are in your element, shining brightly and this is the moment you have been waiting for. Mercury lights up your mind, heart, and spirit. You will be more apt to reach out to people, engage in romance or just focus on creating big things. This energy is lighthearted for you, giving you back some control.
Virgo – Discovering things from the past or just an overall focus on what keeps you stabilized will be a major theme during this transit. The impact of the Full Moon will make you strive for balance at home and work. You will continue to pursue and fuel your dreams, but first, you will consider resolving any pending issues in the home front before setting your sights towards the top.
Libra – A need to learn and explore will stimulate your mind and spirit during this transit. It will bring us all a sense of optimism which is very much needed as we wait for the New Year. Mercury makes things a little more lighthearted for you and your partners. Friends and business partners will be intrigued by what you want to say and do. Speak your truth and do not be afraid to seek new knowledge that will contribute to your growth.
Scorpio – There will be a focus on work and finding a balance with your own stability and care. Mercury in Sagittarius will allow you to bring the confidence you need to make bring more grounding in your life. This is the season to “treat yourself” but remember to consider what is truly worth binging on. Consider how can you find ways to budget more efficiently.
Sagittarius – Mercury in your sign is a great transit, especially with the Sun already there. This is a period of reenergizing as all these Earth placements might have made you feel a little off in the last year. You are now ready to take charge and control, especially with the trine Mercury will be making to Mars later in the month. Prepare to be center stage.
Capricorn – This can be a period of reflection, calm and seeking spirituality with this transit. You can feel the guidance that this transit will bring since it is Jupiter ruled. Think about all that you have accomplished in the last few years and commend yourself. The road has been tough, but you have managed to overcome, even if you do not feel satisfied, it all still matters. Take things easier as we get closer to the new year.
Aquarius – This will be a good time to socialize on social media. Mercury in Sagittarius will make you more charismatic and many people will notice. This can also be a period of reflection when it comes to your intimate relationships. As the Full Moon brings a close to past relationships, this cycle has you looking ahead to the future. You will no longer be inclined to repeat the same mistakes and be more willing to let go of relationships that don’t work for you.
Pisces – A focus on building and perfecting will be on your mind with this Mercury transit. You feel the fire and passion to make your goals a reality without feeling fear or being held back. Mercury in this sign might cause some tension with your sign, but you will still benefit from the abundant optimistic energy Sagittarius tends to offer. Set your sights and shoot for the stars.
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dani-of-the-cosmos · 4 years
*how the signs are acting during quarantine*
~with a touch of unsolicited advice: my venus in cancer’s specialty~
<3 pick your sun, moon, rising, mars, mercury, venus, or dominant sign <3
overall, restless. the day seems to drag on and on, and they cope with it by playing video games and snapchatting someone every 20 seconds. self-hatred lingers in the back of their mind, because of all the time they have to analyze themselves. at random times (usually at night), they may be hit with big waves of profound emotions, where they just need to cry it out and acknowledge how lost they feel. may wonder what their purpose is, or where they fit in in the big scheme of the world. gets philosophical, but not in that condescendingly vague, optimistic way--they truly want answers, because the nothingness is just getting to be too much.
is actually doing pretty okay. is reading a lot about how they can improve themselves, and probably have a few google docs open with plans on how to upgrade their life. they’ve probably started a garden of some sort, or bought some plants to take care of. the day may seem to pass by quickly for them. they fill their time with watching movies and discovering new recipes to cook. has started getting more sleep, which makes their alluring eyes even more beautiful. the downside is that they may feel a bit groggy, or their head feels heavy, because even the most security-loving, routine-oriented zodiac sign needs some variety. 
getting really excited about all these new methods for self-improvement: exercise, mental health, new projects, clearing their skin, etc. is consistent with these newfound activities for a few days, then gets annoyed when they don’t have 45 inch hips, a 22 inch waist and graceful, 11-shaped abs after less than a week of the chloe ting hourglass program. talks on the phone as they sit on the toilet. watches youtube videos about how to achieve the glow-up that they crave, but can never commit to a single video’s advice. wants something exciting to happen in their life, so they lean into their big emotions and taboo curiosities to compensate for the lack of stimulation. on their phone a LOT.   
has gotten even more beautiful since the quarantine started. loves the simplicity they’re getting accustomed to, but also constantly worries if they’re “making the most” of all this free time. probably will scold themselves after all this is over for not being more disciplined during self-isolation. goes on walks outside a lot, and finds that connecting with nature significantly boosts their mood. observes the quiet beauty around them as a way to cope with the universal chaos of our world. since cancer tends to be a very empathetic sign, they may feel like a sponge for fatigue and suffering whenever they read the news. being aware of the world is great and necessary, but take care of yourself, cancer. know when to take a break from the news.
is really excited about reinventing themselves--they want it all! new clothes, improved mindset, cleaner room, a kinder social circle, new hair--the works. they want to bust out of quarantine looking even more striking than before, with a wardrobe reflecting their new style. probably has either already done something drastic to their hair (like dying it, or the dreaded 2 am impulsive bangs cut), or is at least seriously considering it. really wants to get out of their house and camp out on the beach or something--they miss seeing their friends face-to-face, and try to make up for it by calling them to hear their voices. is irritated that they happened to be born at a time where the pivotal years of their life are being wasted by such an awful series of world events.
has upgraded their bedroom to look as aesthetically pleasing and soothing as possible. their social life has most likely downsized to 2-3 super close and genuine friends that they call, text, and/or facetime with daily. since virgo is a mutable sign, they’ve probably done a great job adjusting to their surroundings and are helping their family with domestic tasks. however, they may feel anxious, and unsatisfied with their current mindset and resources, so they feel the urge to expand their horizons and feed their genius mind as much as possible! it may be hard to find motivation, virgo, but the world needs a physical manifestation of your potential right now. if you have an idea you want to pursue but are too scared to, take the plunge. this sounds cheesy and cliche but, this is your sign to start!
reminisces a lot about the past. thinks about how they would have handled past situations differently, and mentally shames themselves for it. is probably doing a lot of self-reflection, which is good for their sweet hearts and furthers the progress of their mental health, but also depresses them, as libra energy tends to be highly critical of itself. sleeping in too late and talking aloud to themselves at ungodly hours of the night. finds their mind going on the philosophical route more often than usual. might be posting passive-aggressive mood quotes on instagram
is actually exercising pretty consistently like they said they would. their body has been getting curvalicious and toned, and to that i say WOOHOO GO SCORPIO! however, they’ve probably completely messed up their entire sleep schedule, and may be practically nocturnal some days. probably feels really emotional at the moment, and is overwhelmed with the amount of pain in the world that they wish they could singlehandedly stop. may be pretty loner-ish at the moment, and is probably not very active on their social media, because they’re realizing who their truest friends are. scorpio does well with transformation (they’re ruled by pluto, the planet of regeneration) so rest assured, they will emerge from quarantine new and improved! 
is eating too much junk food. sagittarius, if you’re reading this right now, PUT DOWN THE CHIPS BUDDY BOY. is probably finding ways to hang out with their friends in person, like yelling across the sidewalk to them while wearing a mask. has been super active on social media regarding current social justice issues. feels enormous compassion for the oppressed and has been signing petitions at the speed of light. probably getting in fights with their family and being a little feistier than usual. i can’t blame them though...sagittarius is a sign that needs entertainment, so they’re gonna be a little punchy in this stagnant yet catastrophic time. 
has established a daily routine that keeps them feeling grounded and stable. they may realize how little they’ve actually prioritized their own joy in the past, and they’re using quarantine as a way to get to know themselves again. purchases luxury pajamas and is most likely drinking a hot beverage in a mug right now. probably on a health kick. is getting even closer with their closest friends, and basically forgets about acquaintances. cuddling their pets a lot (or fantasizing about adopting a pet if they don’t have one). misses putting on mascara and stepping into that cute skirt, because that sPeCiAL pErSoN isn’t there to see it lol
thinking about ways they can make money. getting bursts of hyper inspiration to flip their life around and start working super hard for their dream life. is masking hopelessness, and finds themselves pondering the fragility of human life. may experience thoughts of nihilism that they don’t act on, and is increasingly worried about the state of their environment. is stuck between feeling motivated and believing in their ability to positively transform, and getting depressed and detached from their earthly obligations. 
probably painting their nails a lot. is finding ways to put a little spice of excitement in their life--like making a nice breakfast (at 4 pm, which is like an hour after they wake up lately), giving their pet a concert of them, naked, singing ski mask the slump god songs into a hairbrush they’re pretending is a microphone. stares at themselves in the mirror for too long, letting their insecurities get the best of them. has probably gotten in touch with their grandparents (or any other relatives they usually don’t keep in close touch with) over the phone. may be dealing with worsened anxiety and feelings of depression at this time, and sleeps a lot to try to escape it. their room might be pretty messy at the moment as well, which they’re overly hard on themselves for. pisces: you are such a uniquely sweet and tender soul. take it one day at a time and never underestimate the power of reaching out to someone <3
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