#aquia church
chirp-a-chirp · 3 months
Court of Darkness: Wedding Headcannons
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Description: A few headcannons of the princes and their wedding days with their MC, including the ceremonies, vows, and various traditions they follow and why.
Princes: Guy, Lynt, Toa
Word Count: ~1700
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Only the most lavish decorations adorn the altar and the church. It’s not as if Guy WANTS this day to be ostentatious—in fact, the pomp and circumstance rather annoy him.
Every floral arrangement, every centerpiece, every bottle of rare wine poured is a demonstration of the value Guy has for MC. Absolute power move on Guy's part to protect MC.
The largest church in Saligia is not spacious enough to hold everyone. Avari nobles, foreign dignitaries, and numerous diplomats spew into hallways and crowd windows outside trying to catch a glimpse of the momentous event. And right now, they see a visibly angry prince at the altar. 
"Nervous sir?" Jasper smiles serenely.
Guy glares at his wristwatch. A perfectly polished black shoe taps impatiently. 30 seconds late. One minute late. Guy’s hand balls into a fist at his side. “I cannot stand this.”
Guy’s younger brothers stand nearby. “Perhaps MC got cold feet! Maybe you should have given her some of prince Lynt’s socks—” Zev’s voice is cut off as the church door opens and MC walks down the aisle. 
“She’s beautiful.” Aquia tries to soothe Guy’s jitters. Besides a stylish wedding gown, MC wears a crown adorned with rubies shining as brightly as her eyes. She walks towards the altar with dignity, a soft but confident smile on her face. Aquia frowns when he looks at his wristwatch. “She’s right on time Guy.”
Guy scowls at Jasper. “YOU gave me this watch. An early wedding present you claimed.”
“Oh, the watch was not properly synced. My apologies.” Jasper looks anything but apologetic. “But your heart flutters more sweetly for MC, doesn’t it?”
Guy returns his gaze towards MC. His eyes now glow tenderly.  
Guy and MC exchange wedding rings—ancient royal heirlooms--embedded with diamonds and rubies. Guy makes a slight modification to the rings—the rubies are spelled to glow brightly to detect nearby poison. This was done after an assassination attempt on MC less than a month before the wedding.  Guy and MC write their own vows (Guy receives help from Jasper and Roy to ensure they would be received well by MC). 
"You are tenacious. Powerful. Loyal. My priceless jewel. I vow to protect you and our future.” Guy pauses for dramatic effect, particularly at a few noble families who have implied their daughters would be viable candidates for secondary wives. “I will have no other queen or wife beyond you—no matter the cost.” 
Towards the end of the ceremony, the priest asks “Are there any objections—”
Guy and MC: “None.”
Priest: “I…was not asking your majesties. I was asking the audience if they—”
Guy: “Even if they object, it does not matter. MC will be their queen. Just as she is mine.” Guy scans the crowd, daring them to contradict him. 
After the ceremony, Guy spends the bare minimal time required with the throngs of people wanting to curry his favor.
“Guy! What about my luggage?” MC asks as Guy carries her in his arms and makes his way towards a private Avari royal villa for their extended honeymoon.
“Luggage is unnecessary.” A smirk forms on Guy’s face. 
“But I’ll need a change of clothes—”
“Clothes are not required. A hinderance, if anything.”
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In terms of ceremony specifics, Lynt goes along with whatever his parents and various Akedian court advisors suggest. With one caveat.
“Whatever is planned, it must make MC happy.”
“What of your preferences Lynt?”
“Her happiness is my happiness. That is all that matters.” Lynt walks away, having said his peace. He only interjects with planning when MC’s wishes are not being considered. 
The ceremony is held in the Akedian castle courtyard. White petals from an Akedian Olive tree float in the air. The petals swirl in the breeze, surrounding Lynt. A few blossoms land in the prince’s hair in a makeshift halo.  It is a neck-to-neck competition as to who is crying more happy tears before the ceremony—Queen Norah or Tino. 
“Master Lynt is so happy!”
“I know Tino.” Queen Norah sniffles. “Our boy has really grown up.”
“Our boy? I-I would not presume to—”
“You have been with him since childhood Tino. He is such a dear boy thanks to your tender care. He’s as much yours as mine.”
Cue more happy crying.  
King Liam proudly walks MC down the aisle. She looks ethereal in a gauzy, flowing white dress with light green accents. A few petals from Lynt’s hair float and land on MC. The crowd gasps as Lynt’s eyes pop open and he suddenly walks to the center of the aisle to meet MC and his father. 
“Lynt my boy, what is it?”
Lynt removes his father’s arm from MC’s grasp, replacing it with his. “I am to be with MC for life. Let me be with her.”
King Liam laughs quietly. “I leave my son in your capable hands MC.”
Aaaaaaaaand Tino is now sobbing louder.  
Beyond Queen Norah and Tino, more than a few people have tears in their eyes as Lynt and MC recite their vows. Lynt's vows are based on ancient Akedian marriage vows per his book 2 ending.
Lynt: I will grant you and our kingdom everlasting peace. The greatest joy will be the love we share together. Underneath the green among us, I pledge to give the days of my life to you and you alone.
MC: We will overcome anything as long as we have each other. I pledge my heart unto you, my prince, my lover, my friend.
After the ceremony, there is one request King Liam and Queen Norah have for Lynt and MC during their honeymoon. 
No, it’s not for grandbabies. Though, they wouldn’t mind if that happened of course…
It’s to test out various bedding. No, really. 
In celebration of the newlywed couple, MANY Akedian shops have produced limited time honeymoon themed bed linens, manufactured to be extra soft, comforting, and luxurious. So Lynt and MC try out a new set of bed sheets every night of their honeymoon, one from a different shop per night. 
Lynt has never been more dedicated towards a project. Zzzzzzzzzz.
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Most Qelsan nobles are wary of MC, believing she is Avarian. However, since King Gilbert publicly approves the match (since he knows of her power), they do not openly object.  MC goes out of her way to integrate herself with the Qelsan people. She gets her wedding bouquet and dress from local vendors and works with local bakers to create the wedding cake and royal banquette. Quickly, MC becomes popular with the non-nobility for her thoughtfulness and open approach. Also, Toa is with her as she's working with various merchants, and they spread the word of the lovestruck looks he gives her.
Knight pulls off a miracle. He becomes the wedding planner instead of Toa’s sister Idina.
“It’s my wedding gift to you Toa.” Knight preens. Toa smiles at the strength of resolve Knights shows in making this happen. “It was either that or get you a cat!” 
“Correct choice, Knight,” Toa deadpans. A subtle curve of his lips betrays his amusement though. 
It’s Qelsum—there are SO. MANY. TRADITIONS.
Among those traditions is that the bride is not allowed to see the groom a day before the wedding. A few moments before Toa enters the grandiose royal church, Knight is straightening Toa’s tie. Absentmindedly, Toa’s fingers graze his pants pocket. He feels something not there the previous day. 
Toa finds a piece of chocolate in the shape of a heart. With it is a note from MC. “Soon, love. Until we met again, may this treat satisfy you.”
Toa’s cheeks turn faintly red. He adores how MC gently pushes tradition while keeping him in her heart.  
One tradition MC, with Toa’s support, gets rid of—the wedding ceremony is no longer closed to just top Qelsan nobility. The bakers, florists, and dressmakers that have helped her are allowed to witness the event. 
Idina scoffs that MC’s lack of pedigree and soft heart are readily apparent. A few noble families are aghast but keep their disgruntlement to themselves as King Gilbert does not oppose it.
This move—though not premeditated by MC—solidifies MC as the people’s princess for Qelsum.     
The wedding doubles as a royal procession—MC’s marriage to Toa certifies her as a princess and there are lots and lots of proclamations. Lots of scriptures to be read. The ceremony lasts for nearly two hours. At the 30-minute mark, MC gently grasps Toa’s hand and never lets go. As the wedding ceremony continues, Toa’s hand slowly becomes less frigid. When the officiant finally announces their union as husband and wife, Toa cups MC’s cheeks and kisses her, his hands the warmest they have ever been. 
From this moment forward, Toa's fingers are never cold. The anxiety that manifests itself in frigid hands dissipates as Toa realizes MC and her love will be a permanent fixture in his life.
During the reception, Toa approaches a piano and starts playing. The song is from a well-known Qelsan opera about love thawing the cold heart of the protagonist. 
To Toa’s shock, MC stands next to him and begins singing. She heard Toa practicing for weeks and wanted to surprise him. She sings along as a perfect counterpoint as her wedding gift to him. 
When the pair end their duet, there is stunned silence. King Gilbert then steps closer and nods his head in subtle approval before leaving. The crowd bursts into applause. 
When the last noble leaves the reception, Toa takes MC to his room and lays her on the bed. “I will dedicate my life to loving you. Always.”
MC: And I will bring sweetness to yours.
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Superb old photo of Aquia Episcopal Church. Thank You, Gillis Harp!
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The Unofficial Black History Book
"The crate escape"
Henry "Box" Brown (1816?-1897)
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Writer's Note: This story was a bit harder to write. While researching, I came across several sites that gave me different facts, some less than others. So, it took longer to fact-check.
The man who escaped to freedom by hiding in a crate and mailing himself to Philadelphia.
This is his story.
Henry “Box” Brown was born Henry Brown in Louisa County, Virginia around 1816.
His exact date of birth is not documented.
Although plantation owners kept records of slaves, they didn't always accurately record births.
In 1808, a law was passed in the United States that prohibited the importation of slaves, resulting in a requirement for slaves to be born within the country.
Slave breeding was actively promoted in numerous Southern states, with the enslaved being treated as commodities, akin to cattle.
Virginia was notorious for being one of the harshest slave states due to its reliance on forced labor and extensive tobacco plantations.
Slave owners in Virginia prohibited enslaved individuals from gaining literacy.
Henry, along with his parents and seven siblings, were enslaved on a tobacco plantation close to Richmond, Virginia. After the death of their first owner, former Richmond mayor John Barret, his family was sold to multiple slaveholders and forcibly separated.
John Barret's son, William Barret held Henry in slavery. Brown's narrative reveals that the horrors of slavery went beyond mere physical abuse.
His life as a slave was filled with countless trials and heartbreak.
Henry started working in a tobacco factory in Richmond at the age of 15. He also attended the First African Baptist Church.
In 1848, Brown married a woman named Nancy, another slave from a neighboring plantation. Henry needed the approval of both slave owners in order to be formally married.
Marriage was not legally allowed for slaves, and their unions did not involve any government paperwork or marriage licenses at that time.
During their marriage, Nancy was sold off more than once.
Sam Cottrell, one of Nancy's owners, accepted money from Henry in return for a promise not to sell Nancy or their children again. However, Cottrell betrayed his word and sold Brown's family in August 1848. During that time, Nancy was in a state of pregnancy.
Henry's family cannot be found in any existing plantation records, even after all this time.
This triggered Brown’s escape to freedom.
He hired Samuel Smith, a local Abolitionist and storekeeper. And James C. A. Smith, a free black man to help plan the escape.
To accommodate Henry's weight of 200 pounds, a wooden crate measuring three feet long, two feet wide, and two feet six inches deep was built. It also features two air holes for ventilation.
Henry needed to find a way to escape to the fields, but it was not as simple as it sounded.
Only extreme injuries could keep you from working, so Henry was willing to do whatever it took.
He took oil of Vitriol, also known as Sulfuric Acid, and poured it over his hands, burning them to the bone. With newly wounded hands, he found himself without any means of tending to his injuries while on the move.
The Philadelphia Abolitionists played a crucial role in helping him secure a legal freight contract with Adams Express, a freight company that had the ability to transport his package labeled "Dry Goods" to Philadelphia using both railroad and steamboat options.
On March 22nd, 1849, 33 year old Henry Brown loaded himself into the crate in Richmond, and moved via horse carriage to the to the rail depot of the Richmond-Fredericksburg-Potomac Railroad.
Henry’s freight car was off-loaded 56 miles north on the Potomac River’s Aquia Landing and then placed aboard a Potomac River steamboat and shipped 40 miles upriver into Washington D.C.
Then he was transferred to the Washington and Baltimore Train Depot and passed by railway through Baltimore, arriving 149 miles later in the port of Philadelphia on March 24th, 1849.
A local Philadelphia carting firm delivered Henry to the ‘Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society’. After 27 hours, Philadelphia Abolitionists led by Underground organizer, William Still delivered and welcomed Henry.
During the period of the transit, Henry carried a bladder filled with drinking water and a gimlet if he needed to drive more air holes into the box.
Being transported by drayage men on a steamship, he was jostled and turned upside down. In his narrative he wrote that “veins on his temple grossly distended with eyes swelling and popping pain.”
Unaware of the human cargo within, a passenger, fatigued from standing, up righted the box and seated themselves.
As soon as the crate was opened at his destination, Henry enthusiastically began singing a song.
Henry’s story of escape was published in the newspaper and was asked to speak at anti-slavery conventions, where he was given the nickname “Box”. Immediately upon gaining his freedom, he embraced the cause of abolition.
While his story made him a hero in the eyes of many, not everyone saw him that way.
Abolitionist Frederick Douglass had repeatedly voiced his criticism towards Brown's publicizing of his escape from slavery.
Douglass' dissatisfaction with Brown primarily arose from his conviction that, had Henry not publicized it, other slaves might have been able to utilize the same strategy to escape.
In fact, there were slaves who made genuine efforts to be transported in crates by Samuel Smith and James C.A. Smith, but their plans were thwarted by people who were already suspicious and knew about Henry's escape.
Henry "Box" Brown actively participated in speaking engagements and events organized by the Anti-Slavery Society to raise awareness about the atrocities of slavery.
Arthur Tappan and William Lloyd Garrison were the founders of the Anti-Slavery Society.
Prominent Abolitionists, such as Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Robert Purvis, and Frederick Douglass, were among its members.
When Henry addressed their conferences, he was regarded as one of the top members. Together, he and James C.A. Smith created a comprehensive display of scenes depicting slavery.
The panorama was made up of numerous pictures, printed on large canvas pieces that rotated, enabling viewers to see all the images without needing to move.
Henry and Smith started to call their show, ‘The mirror of Slavery’.
In his 1851 autobiography, Henry detailed his strategy to eradicate slavery in America. He desired strong action from the Northern states against what he referred to as “The spoiled southern states”.
In addition, he expressed his wish for the election of a new President of the United States. The president of the time was Millard Fillmore (13th president").
The most significant change that Henry pushed for was granting slaves the ability to vote. He held the belief that granting enslaved blacks the right to vote and hold public office would lead to the abolition of slavery.
In 1850, the U.S. Government passed ‘The Fugitive Slave Law’. In compliance with the law, any individual recognized as a fugitive slave could be apprehended in states with freedom by slave catchers, who were authorized to subsequently return them to the southern territories.
Because Henry did not have legal freedom, he was identified as a fugitive slave. He escaped to England, where he was able to avoid slave catchers. He also brought along 'The Mirror of Slavery', which caused a disagreement with James C.A. Smith.
While he was in England, Henry married a Caucasian actress named Jane from Cornwall in 1855. They had one daughter named Annie.
Henry started pursuing a career as a circus and stage performer. He and his wife and daughter all took part in shows together.
Henry "Box" Brown's last profession was as a magician or mesmerist, which is now commonly referred to as a hypnotist.
He referred to himself as the 'African Prince' and would occasionally appear on stage by emerging from the same crate that had brought him to freedom.
Abolitionists criticized Henry for ‘abandoning’ the cause for freedom.
However, after enduring the hardships of slavery and the devastating loss of his family, all he desired was to live life on his own terms and move on from his past.
Henry wrote two different autobiographies. The first being “Narrative of Henry “Box” Brown, who escaped from slavery Enclosed in a box three feet long, two wide, and two and a half high.”
Written from a statement of facts made by himself with remarks upon the remedy of slavery. Henry wrote the book with the help of Charles Stearns and published it in 1849, shortly after arriving in Philadelphia.
He titled his second memoir 'The Narrative of the Life of Henry "Box" Brown'. Written by himself and published in 1851, it contained primarily similar material to the first book.
Having spent several years in England, Henry and his family relocated back to the United States, but they ultimately decided to settle in Ontario, Canada.
During this period, the civil war drew to a close and the eradication of slavery was accomplished. Nevertheless, he found greater ease in dwelling out of the states alongside other emancipated slaves who had fled.
Until his death in 1897, Henry remained a magician in Canada.
"I entered the world a Slave-In the midst of a country whose most honoured writings declare that all men have a right to liberty." - Henry "Box" Brown.
Huey P. Newton
Bessie Coleman
My Sources
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jackobshaw · 11 months
Exploring Daycare Centers in Stafford: Your Options
Finding the right daycare option for your child is an important decision that can significantly impact their development, comfort, and education. In Stafford, various daycare centers offer diverse services catered to varied parent and child needs. This article comprehensively explores daycare center options in Stafford, providing you with the knowledge needed to decide on the best choice for your family.
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Daycare centers primarily allow parents to leave their children during the day for care, supervision, and educational activities. They cater to children ranging from six weeks old to school age. With their solid academic focus, daycare centers are favored by parents who want their children to start their learning journeys early.
Daycare Centers
Stafford, Virginia, has several daycare centres catering to different needs, capacities, and pedagogical philosophies. They offer varied programs, such as part-time or full-time care, educational sessions, and extracurricular activities. Some providers even provide pick-up and drop-off services and cater to special needs children.
Curriculum-Based Daycares
A growing trend in daycare provision is curriculum-based programs. These centres enhance learning and build foundational skills for young children. For instance, The Goddard School in Stafford uses a play-based curriculum to develop each child's emotional, social, cognitive, creative, and physical skills in a fun and stimulating environment. Similarly, the KinderCare Learning Center follows a curriculum that promotes critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, and confidence.
Faith-Based Daycares
There are also faith-based daycare options in Stafford, such as Ebenezer United Methodist Church Preschool and Aquia Episcopal Church Preschool. These facilities focus on teaching basic academic skills and instilling religious and moral values in a safe and nurturing environment. They vary in their religious affiliations and philosophies, making it crucial to research a center's curriculum and faith base thoroughly.
Home-Based Daycares
Stafford offers many family child care or home-based daycare options for those seeking a more intimate and homely environment. These facilities provide care in a home setting, often with smaller group sizes. Home-based childcare providers such as Annette's Happy Kids Daycare and Patty Cake Daycare promise individual attention and personalized care due to their lower teacher-to-child ratios.
Non-Profit Daycares
As an alternative to Kiddie Academy in Stafford, non-profit organizations like the Rappahannock Area YMCA offer daycare programs. These centers prioritize affordable, community-based care, making them suitable for families with financial constraints. Non-profit daycares often have strong ties to their communities and involve parents extensively in their child's care and education.
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Factors to Consider
Before committing to a daycare centre, there are several factors to consider. Here are a few crucial points:
Teacher-to-Child Ratio: A lower ratio means more individual attention to each child, ensuring adequate supervision and engagement.
Staff Qualification: Trained and experienced staff can provide a richer learning experience for your child: research teacher qualifications, professional development practices, and staff turnover rates at the centre.
Schedule and Flexibility: Understand the daily schedule and routine of the daycare. A good balance of structured activities, free play, rest, and meals are vital.
Safety: Ensure the centre complies with local and national safety regulations. Look at cleanliness, food safety, emergency procedures, and staff background checks.
Curriculum: An intentional, age-appropriate curriculum can significantly influence your child's development. Progressive curriculums that focus on social, emotional, and cognitive development are most beneficial for children.
Visiting the Daycare
The most critical aspect of the selection process is visiting the daycare. This will provide a hands-on experience of a typical day and enable you to observe the interaction between caregivers and children. Assess the physical environment, keep the staff's attitude towards the children, and take note of the safety measures in place.
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Finally, ask for references. Speaking with other parents will give you a fair idea of what to expect and help you understand how the centre resolves parental concerns or grievances. Knowing other parents trust and are happy with the daycare centre is reassuring.
To conclude, Stafford offers many daycare options, each with strengths and traits. Understanding your child's needs and aligning them with what different daycare centers provide is essential. The choices are varied and dynamic, whether it's a curriculum-based program, a homely environment, or a faith-based setting. Taking the time to research, visit, and consider the many establishments will aid in making the right choice for your family, setting the stage for your child's early development and learning success.
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daily-stafford-va · 1 year
Quantico Daycare
Quantico is a town located in Prince William County, Virginia, and is situated along the Potomac River, approximately 35 miles south of Washington D.C. It is perhaps best known for the Quantico Marine Corps Base, which is home to several important military institutions, including the Marine Corps Combat Development Command, Marine Corps Officer Candidates School, and Marine Corps University. The town's civilian and military residents go to Merit School of Quantico Corporate Center if they're looking for a Quantico daycare to meet their childcare needs. The preschool offers The Baby Steps Program, which is for infants through 12 months old and introduces the basics of American Sign Language and elements of Baby Yoga. It also offers other age-appropriate programs to meet the student's learning requirements.
Stafford County Preschool
Merit School of Quantico Corporate Center is a Stafford County preschool that offers a Toddler Explorers Program, which is designed for children ages 16-24 months. The program provides safe and nurturing primary care, individualized lesson plans that promote social-emotional, physical, and cognitive growth, imaginative learning atmospheres, age-appropriate activities, and materials that encourage exploration and a love of learning. The preschool also offers specially designed outdoor play spaces for toddlers, providing areas for them to explore and connect with nature. It holds parent conferences scheduled in the fall and spring and also encourages them to visit the toddlers’ classroom and observe their children.
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The History of Stafford, Virginia
Stafford is a county formed in 1664 and was named after Staffordshire, England. It was a part of the Northern Neck Proprietary, a vast grant of land given by the English crown to a group of noblemen during the colonial period. During the Revolutionary War, George Washington established his headquarters in Stafford at his farm called Mount Vernon, which he used as a supply base for his army and as a place to coordinate his troops. The county was strategically located between Washington D.C. and Richmond, and both the Union and Confederate armies passed through Stafford during the war. The Battle of Aquia Creek was fought in Stafford in 1861, and the Battle of Fredericksburg took place nearby in 1862. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Stafford became a center of agriculture and industry. Today, it is a growing suburban community with a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial development.
Stafford Civil War Park
The Stafford Civil War Park is located on 41 acres of land and offers tours of eight locations where the 11th Corps, 1st and 3rd Divisions of the Union Army were housed after the Battle of Fredericksburg in December 1862. There is a pavilion in the area and a restroom facility where visitors can stop and freshen up. You can also find 3 bunkers with cannon displays, a replica winter hut, and a historic stone quarry. The 1.45-mile hiking trail offers a fantastic view of the scenery while offering a great cardio workout. The park is perfect for anyone who is interested in the history of the Civil War.
Stafford Board to Approve Budget, Tax Rate
Tax is an essential component of any modern economy, serving several important functions. It is an essential source of revenue for governments at all levels (local, state, and federal), and is used to fund public goods and services, including education, healthcare, infrastructure, and public safety. It is also a tool for income redistribution, helping to reduce income inequality and poverty. Progressive tax systems, where those with higher incomes pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes, can help to achieve this goal. Without taxes, governments would not be able to provide the public goods and services that are essential to a functioning society. Click here to read more.
Link to maps
Stafford Civil War Park 400 Mt Hope Church Rd, Stafford, VA 22554, United States Take Mt Hope Church Rd and Courthouse Rd to US-1 N 10 min (5.4 mi) Turn right onto US-1 N 11 min (7.0 mi) Turn left onto Corporate Dr Destination will be on the right 34 sec (0.2 mi) Merit School of Quantico Corporate Center 400 Corporate Dr #100, Stafford, VA 22554, United States
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Aquia Episcopal Church Stafford, Virginia
Sometimes, when a church and a graveyard occupy the same plot of land is spiritual activity of many kinds.
This church is said to be one of the most haunted churches in Virginia. Legend says that the church and the church graveyard, which has graves dating back to 1738, are both home to paranormal activity that has taken place for over 200 years.
Built before the Civil War, this church is reportedly visited by the ghost of a solider killed during the conflict. The most haunted part of the building is the church tower. Others claim that the reason for the haunting involves a young woman who was murdered there. The eerie lights and unexplained sounds are reason enough to stay away after dark.
The early years of the church were marked with tragedy. In the mid-eighteenth century, a woman was hiding from a gang of highway men within the church’s walls and was killed. Even more upsetting was the fact that her body was not discovered until years later, when the church reopened after the Revolutionary War. No one knows exactly the details of the murder, yet there have been several claims of paranormal activity since. Her hair just as blonde as the day she died. At that time, the church had lost funding due to the Revolutionary War and that might have been the reason why no one discovered her body until later.
It’s been said that bloodstains from the murder remained on the floorboard for nearly 100 years, until it was replaced altogether with concrete. Many ghost stories worked their way through the community after the skeleton was discovered. Many parishioners refused to set foot in the church after dark. In the 1900s, people decided to seek evidence of hauntings for themselves. Many returned with chilling tales of having encountered an unfriendly presence.
Even today there is plenty of paranormal activity associated with the church grounds. Many visitors have reported hearing footsteps running through the graveyard accompanied by the sound of a violent struggle. Others claim to see the figure of a young golden-haired woman peering from the balcony window.
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cemeteryvaguy · 6 years
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The skull and crossbones death head depicted on headstones were commonly used as 'Memento Mori' symbols in the 16th to 17th centuries. ... The skullrepresents death and was influenced by the ossuaries or charnel houses of the early centuries. This is a 1760s stone in aqua churchyard in Stafford county, Virginia. #cemetery #headstone #graveyard_dead #tv_churchandgraves #graveyard_life #grave_affair #aj_graveyards #project_necropolis #grave_gallery #grave #burial #voodoo_society #headstone #graveyard_freaks #aquiachurchcemetery #fredericksburg #Virginia (at Aquia Episcopal Church)
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titleloanvirginia · 3 years
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myplacesproject · 7 years
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Day 1127: August 15, 2017 Aquia Church Many of the buildings I have featured here "look" historic, which is another way of saying they look old. But with this one, I would never have guessed that it is over 250 years old if nobody had told me. It is set back from the road on a picturesque, wooded hilltop just to the west of the Aquia Harbour community (you know it's fancy because of the "u" in "harbour"). Unusually, not only the exterior dates from the 1750s, but most of the interior, as well. Episcopal services are still held here weekly. Jefferson Davis Highway, Stafford, Virginia
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gsuttenfield · 7 years
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Aquia Episcopal Church. A lovely gem right off Rt. 1 but you'd never know it unless you leave the beaten path... #historicchurch #brickinarchitecture #episcopal #bnw_greatshots #bnw_legit #rvaphotographer #virginiaarchitecture #historicpreservation (at Aquia, Virginia)
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Nice Drawing of Aquia Episcopal Church, at Stafford, VA. What happened to the pulpit canopy, tho’?
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dennispartridge · 6 years
Overwharton Parish Register, 1720 to 1760, Old Stafford County, Virginia
Overwharton Parish Register, 1720 to 1760, Old Stafford County, Virginia
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ fullwidth=”off” specialty=”on” next_background_color=”#000000″][et_pb_column type=”1_2″ specialty_columns=”2″][et_pb_row_inner admin_label=”Row”][et_pb_column_inner type=”4_4″ saved_specialty_column_type=”1_2″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Book Data” _builder_version=”3.11.1″]
Author:  Boogher, William F. Publication date:  1899 Publisher:  Washington, DC: The Saxton’s…
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paperbacksandvinyls · 7 years
Halloween asks! 2, 6, 12
2. Would you spend a night in a haunted house?
absolutely! especially if I had friends with me.
6. Favorite ghost Story.
okay I have three: 1. Kate Morgan, the ghost of the Hotel del Coronado in California. she was mysteriously found with a bullet wound to the head on the stairs leading to the beach in 1892, 2. the Aquia Church ghost story in Virginia. after the church was built in the 1700s, a woman ran inside to hide from some highway men and was murdered. her body was left in the belfry and wasn’t discovered until a few years later and the blood is still ingrained in the floor, and 3. the St. Augustine Lighthouse ghost stories in Florida. this one actually involves multiple stories about lighthouse keepers who died but the most popular story is about 2 sisters who died and apparently can be heard laughing at the top of the lighthouse at night.
12. A TV show or movie that freaks you out.
as a kid I watched Halloween and even though I can handle it now as a 10 year old that one really freaked me out. now the creepiest movie I have ever seen is The Strangers. I love watching it but holy shit it’s fucking creepy.
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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Aquia Episcopal Church Stafford, Virginia
Sometimes, when a church and a graveyard occupy the same plot of land is spiritual activity of many kinds.
This church is said to be one of the most haunted churches in Virginia. Legend says that the church and the church graveyard, which has graves dating back to 1738, are both home to paranormal activity that has taken place for over 200 years.
Built before the Civil War, this church is reportedly visited by the ghost of a solider killed during the conflict. The most haunted part of the building is the church tower. Others claim that the reason for the haunting involves a young woman who was murdered there. The eerie lights and unexplained sounds are reason enough to stay away after dark.
The early years of the church were marked with tragedy. In the mid-eighteenth century, a woman was hiding from a gang of highway men within the church’s walls and was killed. Even more upsetting was the fact that her body was not discovered until years later, when the church reopened after the Revolutionary War. No one knows exactly the details of the murder, yet there have been several claims of paranormal activity since. Her hair just as blonde as the day she died. At that time, the church had lost funding due to the Revolutionary War and that might have been the reason why no one discovered her body until later.
It’s been said that bloodstains from the murder remained on the floorboard for nearly 100 years, until it was replaced altogether with concrete. Many ghost stories worked their way through the community after the skeleton was discovered. Many parishioners refused to set foot in the church after dark. In the 1900s, people decided to seek evidence of hauntings for themselves. Many returned with chilling tales of having encountered an unfriendly presence.
Even today there is plenty of paranormal activity associated with the church grounds. Many visitors have reported hearing footsteps running through the graveyard accompanied by the sound of a violent struggle. Others claim to see the figure of a young golden-haired woman peering from the balcony window.
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cemeteryvaguy · 6 years
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#cemetery #headstone #graveyard_dead #tv_churchandgraves #graveyard_life #grave_affair #aj_graveyards #project_necropolis #grave_gallery #grave #burial #voodoo_society #headstone #graveyard_freaks #aquiachurchcemetery #fredericksburg #Virginia (at Aquia Episcopal Church)
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brendagilliam2 · 7 years
27 world famous buildings to inspire you
Whether you’re a busy art director or an illustrator working from home, every creative needs some downtime. And there’s no better way to both relax and be inspired than jetting off somewhere you’ve never been before.
Whenever we travel to far-flung places, we’re attracted to the famous buildings. Much like a photograph, architectural designs record details of specific moments in time. But unlike an photograph, physical structures go on to have a life of their own, becoming a central and functional part of countless people’s lives for hundreds, if not thousands, of years after they were built.
Here we have picked 27 of the most famous building designs from around the world to inspire you.
01. Lotus Temple
The temple welcomes worshippers of all faiths
The Lotus Temple is a Bahá’í House of Worship in New Delhi consisting of 27 structures resembling petals of the lotus flower that open onto a central hall around 40m high. It has nine sides, nine doors, and can accommodate 2,500 people. It’s surface is made of white marble from Mount Pentelicus in Greece, the same marble used to build the Parthenon.
Since its completion in 1986 it has become one of the most visited buildings in the world, attracting over 100 million people. 
02. Cologne Cathedral
Germany’s most-visited landmark
Cologne Cathedral is a High Gothic five-aisled basilica, the construction of which began in 1248 and stopped in 1473, before the building was complete. Work did not resume until the 1800s, and it was finally finished in 1880. Later work follows the original medieval plan faithfully. 
It is renowned as a Gothic masterpiece and houses many works of art as well as the tombs of 12 archbishops.
27 glorious geometric patterns in design
03. Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
The Dome of the Rock is a masterpiece of Islamic architecture
A masterpiece of Islamic architecture, the Dome of the Rock is a 7th century building, located in Jerusalem. Built by Caliph Abd al-Malik between 687 and 691, the octagonal plan and the rotunda dome of wood are of Byzantine design. The Persian tiles on the exterior and the marble slabs that decorate the interior were added by Suleiman I in 1561.
The oldest extant Islamic monument, the Dome of the Rock has served as a model for architecture and other artistic endeavors for over a millennium.
04. La Pedrera, Barcelona
Gaudi’s La Pedrera is one of the most imaginative houses in the history of architecture
Nested among the urban streets of Barcelona are some unusual and beautiful buildings by infamous architect Antoni Gaudi. His unique approach to the Art Nouveau movement generated some of the most creative buildings the world have ever seen. And La Pedrera is no exception.
One of the most imaginative houses in the history of architecture, this is more sculpture than building. The façade is a varied and harmonious mass of undulating stone that, along with its forged iron balconies, explores the irregularities of the natural world. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognised this building as World Heritage in 1984.
05. One World Trade Center, New York
The One World Trade Center is the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere. Image © One World Trade Center
The latest addition to New York’s skyline, the One World Trade Center, is the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere. Construction began in April 2006 and the final component of the building’s spire installed five years later in 2013, making it the fourth tallest skyscraper in the world.
The One World Trade Center’s design is no coincidence, standing at a symbolic height of 1,776 feet (541m) in a direct nod to the year of the US Declaration of Independence.
Designed by David M Childs of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, the 104-story glass tower raises from a cube base before transforming from the 20th floor into eight sleek isoceles triangles. Stood adjacent to the city’s beautiful 9/11 memorial, the One World Trade Center is a shining beacon for the city.
06. St Paul’s Cathedral, London
British architect Sir Christopher Wren took 10 years to finalise his designs for St Paul’s
London’s most iconic building, St Paul’s Cathedral, was designed by English architect Sir Christopher Wren. Sitting at the top of Ludgate Hill, the highest point in the City of London, its famous dome is one of the world’s largest, measuring nearly 112 metres high.
The original church on the site was founded in the year 604AD. Work on the present English Baroque church began in the 17th Century by Christopher Wren as part of a major rebuilding program after the Great Fire of London.
Wren started working on St Paul’s in 1668, his designs for the cathedral taking a decade to complete and the actual construction taking a further 40 years. St Paul’s has played an integral part of London life ever since – as a domineering element in the city’s skyline, as a centre for tourism and religious worship, and most recently as a focal point for anticapitalist protests.
07. Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur
The Petronas Towers are an iconic landmark in Malaysia’s capital city Kuala Lumpur
Standing at 170 metres above ground, the Petronas Towers are twin skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The buildings, which held the titled of tallest in the world between 1998-2004, are an iconic landmark of the capital city.
The distinctive postmodern style was created by architects Cesar Pelli and Achmad Murdijat, engineer Deejay Cerico and designer Dominic Saibo under the consultancy of JC Guinto.
08. The White House, Washington
The White House, designed by Irish architect James Hoban, took eight years to construct. Image © Matt Wade
Irish architect James Hoban was the man behind the design of the White House. In 1792 Hoban submitted a plan for the presidential mansion and subsequently got the commission to build the White House. Constructed began in 1793 through to completion in 1801. The mansion, which has been home to every US leader since the country’s second president John Adams, is made from white-painted Aquia sandstone.
09. Leaning Tower of Pisa
Due to restoration work carried out in 2001, the tower currently leans at just under 4 degrees. It is estimated that it will collapse in the next 75-100 years. Image © Alkarex Malin äger
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most remarkable architectural structures in Europe. Most famous for its tilt, the tower began to lean during construction after soft ground on one side was unable to properly support the structure’s weight.
Building work on the tower began in 1173 and went on for over a whopping 300 years. There has been much controversy surrounding the true identity of the architect behind the tower – the design originally attributed to artist Bonnano Pisano but studies have also implicated architect Diotisalvi.
10. The Kaaba, Mecca
The Kabba is a most sacred space in Islam
The Kaaba, meaning cube in Arabic, is a square building located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. A most sacred place in Islam, the Kabba is elegantly draped in a silk and cotton veil. Every year millions of Muslims travel to the Kabba for the hajj, an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.
The small square building is about 60 feet high and it’s walls a metre wide, with it’s total size occupying roughly 627 square feet.
11. The Shard, London
The Shard is an 87-storey skyscraper, which sits in the heart of London
Also referred to as the shard of glass, The Shard is an 87-storey skyscraper, which sits in the heart of London. Construction began in 2009 and was completed three years later in 2012, making it Western Europe’s tallest building.
Designed by architect Renzo Piano, The Shard is the second tallest free standing structure in the UK. It’s exterior boasts 11,000 glass panels – that’s equivalent in area to eight football pitches or two-and-a-half Trafalgar Squares.
The building was developed to have multiple uses, described on the website as a ‘vertical city where people can live, work and relax’. This motto was clearly taken on board by a fox, nicknamed Romeo, that was found on the 72nd floor towards the end of construction.
12. St Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow
The unique St Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square, Moscow was designed by architect Postnik Yakolev
No, we haven’t included a piece of Disneyland architecture on our list. This garish, candy coloured cathedral is in fact Moscow’s most visited tourist attraction. The famous landmark, shaped to resemble the flame of a bonfire rising into the sky, is located just outside the Kremlin gates and marks the geometric centre of the city.
Built between 1554 and 1560, the cathedral was erected during the reign of Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible). Little is known about the building’s architect Postnik Yakovlev, but he was clearly a fan of onion domes, sharp spikes and polygonal towers.
13. Empire State Building, NYC
Construction of the world-famous Empire State building was completed in just one year and 45 days
We couldn’t put together a list of world-famous buildings without including this grand Art Deco skyscraper. Once the tallest building in the world, construction began on the Empire State building on St Patrick’s Day 1930 and was completed just 410 days later.
The building was designed by William F Lamb of architectural firm Shreve, Lamb and Harmon. It was declared by the American Society of Civil Engineers to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World and is known around the world as an icon of New York City.
14. Lloyds Building, London
The award-winning Lloyds building was designed by Italian-born architect Richard Rogers. Image © Aurelien Guichard
This futuristic building looks like it belongs in a sci-fi movie rather than Lime Street in London. The award-winning Lloyds building (also known as the Inside-Out building) is an iconic architectural landmark and one of the most recognisable constructions on the London skyline.
Architect Richard Rogers was the brains behind the innovative design, which has its services – including water pipes and staircases – on the outside. Built between 1978 and 1986, the building also features 12 exterior lifts, which were the first of their kind in the UK.
15. Colosseum, Rome
The Colosseum is the largest Roman amphitheatre ever built. Image © David Iliff
This elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of Rome is considered as one of the greatest architectural feats achieved by the Ancient Romans. The stadium was capable of seating 50,000 spectators and used mainly for gladiatorial games.
Built from concrete and stone, construction began on the Colosseum began around 72AD and finished in 80AD. The design and shape of the Colosseum has been the inspiration for many modern day stadiums. Today it is one of Rome’s most popular tourist attractions, attracting thousands of visitors each year.
16. Taj Mahal, India
The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. Image © Muhammad Mahdi Karim
Recognised as ‘the jewel of Muslim art in India’, the Taj Mahal was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. Often mistaken as a palace, this famous landmark was actually built as a tomb for the Emperor’s wife after she died giving birth to their 14th child.
The Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the finest examples of Mughal architecture – an amalgamation of Persian, Turkish and Indian styles. Construction on the mausoleum began in 1632 and was completed in 1648. The surrounding buildings and gardens took a further five years to finish.
17. Chrysler Building, NYC
The Chrysler building attained the title of world’s tallest in building in 1930 for just one year when the Empire State was erected. Image Joris Van Rooden
In the early part of the 20th Century, people everywhere were in a race to build the tallest building. At the time, this gorgeous Art Deco skyscraper was almost outdone by the Bank of Manhattan but its spire (which was constructed in secret) enabled it to take the title of ‘tallest building in the world’ in 1930.
It didn’t last long though. Just a year later the Empire State Building was erected. Designed by architect William Van Alen, the skyscraper was commissioned by car manufacturer Walter P Chrysler, hence its name.
18. Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House is the most famous Australian architectural icon
Sydney Opera House is widely regarded as one of the greatest architectural works of the 20th century. The innovative design came from architect Jørn Utzon, who was relatively unknown until January 29, 1957 when his entry to the ‘International competition for a national opera house at Bennelong Point, Sydney’ was announced the winner.
The beautiful building comprises of three groups of interlocking shells, which roof two main performance halls and a restaurant. A masterpiece of modern architecture, the opera house has become an iconic symbol of both Sydney and the Australian nation.
19. Space Needle, Seattle
40 years after its construction, the Space Needle remains Seattle’s best visitor destination. Image © Jordon Kalilich
The futuristic Space Needle in Seattle, Washington was built for the 1962 World’s fair. The famous landmark stands at 184m high and 42m wide at its widest point.
The design was a collaborative effort between architects Edward E Carlson and John Graham. Not only is the architecture a marvel to look at but the building’s impressive design can survive wind velocities of 200mph and can escape serious structural damage during earthquakes of up to 9.1 magnitudes.
20. Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
Now a museum, Hagia Sophia is located in Istanbul, Turkey
Once a church, later a mosque, and now a museum, Hagia Sophia is a architectural masterpiece. A perfect example of Byzantine architecture, Hagia Sophia is located in Instanbul, Turkey.
The building was built for the first time by the emperor Constantine the Great (306-337). However, due to many factors, including being burned down in riots and earthquakes, the ancient cathedral has been rebuilt many times since. Despite this, Hagia Sophia is widely recognised as one of the great buildings of the world. And if that wasn’t cool enough, the building also features in the opening scenes of the Bond film, Skyfall.
21. Buckingham Palace, London
Buckingham Palace is one of London’s most popular tourist attractions. Image © David Iliff
Originally known as Buckingham House, George III bought the property in 1735 when the mansion was little more than a red brick house. Since then, various architects have worked on the building to make it what it is today, including John Nash, Edmund Blore and Sir Aston Webb.
The palace also had to undergo extensive work after being bombed no less than nine times during World War II. However, still very much in operation, it’s one of the few working royal palaces remaining in the world today.
22. Fallingwater
Frank Lloyd Wright created this unique design for the Kauffman family in 1934. Image © Sxenko
Designed by famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1934, Fallingwater is quite possibly the most famous private residence in the world. But why? Well, the unique design makes it look like the house stretches out over a 30ft waterfall, with no solid ground beneath it.
This isn’t the case, obviously, but the innovative design captured everyone’s attention when it was finalised in 1939. It became famous instantly and is now a natural historic landmark. It’s so cool you can even get a Lego version of the architectural masterpiece!
23. Pantheon, Rome
Built approximately 2000 years ago, the Pantheon continues to inspire architects all over the world
Rome is home to many amazing buildings, and the Pantheon is no exception. And, like the city itself, it was not built in a day. Destroyed twice and rebuilt each time, the building started as a rectangular structure, which, over time, evolved into the gorgeous dome building seen today.
An inspiration to architects all over the world over the last 2,000 years, the Pantheon roof remains the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome. There is much debate between historians over which emperor and architects were responsible for the Pantheon’s design although it is known that this ‘Temple of the Gods’ was built around 126AD.
24. Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao
Architect Frank Gehry developed the unique concept for the museum after winning an architectural competition to design the building
The Guggenheim museum Bilbao is one of the most admired works of contemporary architecture. California-based Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry created the unique concept after winning an architectural competition to design the building.
Since the museum doors opened in 1997, it has been hailed one of the most important buildings of the 20th century. Now with over a decade of success, the museum has homed over a hundred exhibitions and has welcomed more than 10 million visitors.
25. Flatiron building, New York
Chicago architect Daniel Burnham designed the distinctive Flatiron building, which is instantly recognisable in New York’s skyline
The eye-catching Flatiron building in Manhattan was designed by Chicago architect Daniel Burnham and built in 1902. The distinctive triangular shape allowed the building to fill the space located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway.
Another of New York’s skyscrapers, it was never the tallest but remains one of the most memorable and has been a source of inspiration for artists and architects for over a century now.
26. Villa Savoye, France
Villa Savoye was originally built as a country retreat for the Savoye family in 1928
Designed by Swiss architects Le Corbusier and his cousin, Pierre Jeanneret, Villa Savoye is an early and classic example of the International style – a major architectural style that emerged in the 1920s and ’30s.
The property was built in 1928 and, after surviving several demolition plans, was designated as an official French historical monument in 1965.
27. Burj Khalifa, Dubai
Don’t look down! The world’s tallest building in Dubai over 800 metres high. Image © Nicolas Lannuzel
Last on our list – but by no means the least – is the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa. The mammoth skyscraper and magnificent centerpiece of Downtown Dubai stands at a whopping 828.9 metres high.
Construction began on the 160-floor building in 2004 with its doors opening six years later in 2010. The task of creating the world’s tallest manmade structure was awarded to the Chicago office of American architectural and engineering firm Skidmore, Owings and Merril LLP.
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from Brenda Gilliam http://brendagilliam.com/27-world-famous-buildings-to-inspire-you/
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