#hopefully this is ok but lemme know if you need something changed!
XH Jungsu hcs pt.1
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Summery: just what the title says. something hopefully you find cute, fluffy, and shorter to read approximately: 10 min read
a/n: mark my words next month I WILL do a pt.2 that's more in the hcs I did for jooyeon where its about how y'all probably got together and little scenes from yalls relationship just gotta get this gyu fic out first. please comment or reblog if you liked this!
warnings/info: kissing, some sort of relationship idk what tho never really specified, cuddles, mentions of washing your face (don't forget to wash the grime off today y'all) mentions of him needing reader but noting else of the like is mentioned, talking about changing a light bulb with wet hands (don't ask), a couple misspelled words ill eventually will get to and weed out. pls don't be mean I did most of this with no sleep
~this is simply a piece of fiction. my imagination onto "paper." this is in no way meant to be taken as an actual or real representation of anyone~
ok ok ok there's so many things I don't even know where to start!!
first of all, the softest human being you could ever ask for
I dunno man he just exudes cuddly-ness to me
speaking of cuddles, while I don't think physical touch is one of his love languages, that doesn't mean the first time he gets a taste of you so close to him, he doesn't wanna have you in each others arms for eternity.
Lazy. Morning. Cuddles.
nothing more even needs to be said on that. they're his favorite with you
tangled in the sheets and each others limbs all over the place, his arm about to fall asleep because you're laying on it.... facing each other...
there's not much in life that brings him more indescribable immense joy than to wake up next to you and turn over to scoop you up into his arms.
during times like these, you'd talk, about anything and everything cause it didn't really matter. he would always listen intentively and so would you, calming whatever worries you might have and making you feel like everything would be ok.
cause to be honest, it would be with him around
that brings another thing:
I feel like he's not only the type to listen and provide good advice when he feels like you'd like or need it, but he's also the type to see something going wrong in the moment and try his best to help pull you out of it
like if he can sense someone is making you feel uncomfortable he'll go over there by you, most of the time he doesn't really do much, knowing that you can handle yourself. but at the same time him making his presence known calms and comforts you
don't get me wrong tho, if the time is right he will be saying something to defuse or help that uncomfortable situation
skincare routines together!!!!!
like you cannot convince me that doing that together wouldn’t one, be extremely frequent, and two, is one of the cutest things to do ever
it all started when he gently helped you do it when you were too tired to do so yourself
he knew you’d be mad with yourself if you didn’t get it don’t you slept with an unwashed face
so, being the great guy he is he coaxed you into the bathroom and helped you with it
”lemme help you, sweetie.” He said “I know you’re mostly asleep already”
And there…. Was born a treasure of a tradition.
From then on you’d do it together cause quote “it was kinda fun”
imagine him gently rubbing your cheeks, nose, wherever, with your facial wash! It’d be so cute I can’t—
but most of the time it just consisted of you two doing it next to each other in the bathroom or bedroom mirror
sometimes he’d lean his head on your shoulder and stare up at you, the only thought in his mind how lucky he was to have you
God, just the thought of it— the word itself, even, made his heart swell with joy
Plus he thinks it’s really cute to do that little couple thing together
he boops his nose to yours. I won't be taking any comments
prue fact
honestly he's pretty much your best friend
thinks you're the coolest human alive no matter what you do
like you could be putting your shoes on and he's still mesmerized
he's standing there like "ugh the way you put them on?? I've never seen anything like it"
for real tho, he exudes this aura that makes you feel like you can do anything
and spurs you on to do just that!
cause you can! duh!
here's something I really appreciate about some people that I feel he'd be like:
as someone who is like, your best friend, he wouldn't always act like you're always right
though most of the time you are tbh
but sometimes you need that person telling you that hey, maybe this isn't the best decision and not just supporting you just cause
like a REAL supporter ya know
at least to me, someone who like really actually supports you is someone who will actually try and help if you need it and tries their hardest to make sure you don't get hurt
like "um yeah maybe changing a light bulb with wet hands isn't the best."
idk man most people know not to do that but you catch my drift?
don't get me wrong tho he still worships the ground you walk on
he just cares so much about you that he actually wants to help
also I don't know why this came into my mind but in the words of Alicia keys: he'll "love you when you're weak and love you when you're strong"
because unlike some, he wants to help because he cares, but that's not his only focus.
if you accomplish something, then he'll applaud you, never jealous. just happy you were able to do what you did
if you need help, he won't hesitate to help you
there's no room for any type of wounded masculinity with all the love he has for you in his heart.
I don't know how else to explain it but there you go
just... you're both a voice of reason for each other
I've said this before but you're like the seasoning that makes his life better
actually wait no
not better
the best it possibly can be
and who doesn't want their life to be the best it could?
ugh oh my god his kisses!!!!!
his kisses are the sweetest fr
they can either be the softest and sweetest thing you've ever felt or the could be the hungriest
but no matter what they always will maintain that softer and sweeter than cotton candy feel to them that you can never get tired of
he's got you chasing his lips after he pulls away type shit
he does he same to be honest lmao
no matter if he needs you
or if he just, I dunno, wants to kiss you lol
they're still so soft and somehow still delicate that even feathers would be jealous
holds your face and leans his body into yours when he kisses you and it makes the both of you smile into it
there's a lot of that
just joy that not only can't help but bubble over in how smiley the both of you are together, but also the way you've become around others
taglist: @itz-yerin
again, if you liked this fic, please leave some love like reblogging and or commenting! when you like something on Tumblr it only bookmarks it for you, not helping with getting the fic around to more people. and while that's not the reason I write, it really makes my day and invigorates me to write more when I see a comment or a reblog :)
2023 copy-write or shutupheathersorryheatherr please do not steal, translate, or copy my work even if you credit me
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n4talia-chaparro · 1 year
Can you tell me bout your CU au pwease👉👈
I might be terrible and bad explaining but I don't know if you want the lore or the small info or facts then I guess I've to give it a try <:]
So lemme try to explain half of the lore cuz it's still in process and development (?)
Ahem uh here's the laziest, cringy and random summary or sum cuz most people don't take me seriously don't mind me being hella goofy and silly with the lore.
Harold and George were minding their business until they noticed that the school bell hadn't made a single sound after all the children were in class. Bo showed up a bit and George asked him what happened and turns out the bell was broken and Ms. Yewh has been sick since "yesterday" and isn't going to come back until further notice. However, Bo also mentioned that they will be having a substitute teacher since he overheard the conversation with the staff room or the meeting or whatever fucking room the school has. The boys thought it was a good moment to prank, etc. until the prank went wrong and Krupp got hella pissed so uh
The next day the substitute teacher came and surprise it was Jerry himself, then Melvin thought of making an invention and name it "smartychanger2000" or sum since he wants smart teachers to exist but unfortunately instead of shooting Jerry with it, Krupp got shoot. Did he became a monster? Nah. It took him 3 or more months for his brain to develop Intelligent and then uh few moments later the motherfucker snapped and accidentally killed Ms. Hurd only because she was talking about her time and mention something about childhood and made Krupp triggered by it causing the bastard to snap the leaving fuck out. Finding out not only his anger issue got more worst, he can also break thinks and is smart now.
So uh weeks or month has passed and no one noticed Hurd's disappearance except for Melvin who has been noticing Krupp's behavior but yet uh unfortunately Melvin was the 1st child to be fucking missing and being used as a human experiment or sum, uh not to mention that's how he probably stole Melvin's IQ or intellect. Possibly slamming the child's head harder to a wall or with a basebat, or rule book (get it cuz heavy ass book??? No ok) and uhhhh what else
Yeah, the school feels like hell and everyone in the damn school has been noticing that things were changing, more teachers and students missing, some dead as fuck and others were uh...buried alive. Idfk.
A few months went by and well.
Jerry was being called for a private meeting with Krupp. And they began arguing until...well you guessed it! Krupp attempted to kill him but unfortunately, Jerry escaped and got his left upper arm stabbed. (Now you know why he had a fucking bandage in some of my art so don't be surprised to see a Jerry with a bloody ass bandage) and things didn't age well.
More fucked up shit happened before Cap and Krupp were separated cuz idk how the fuck did they separated them? Idk the logic or sum but Krupp did wanted to get rid of him and his sidekicks too so uh--
And that's the point of the crappy au uh-.
It's so cringy that I'm dying from embarrassment ciz the au itself is bad.
So hopefully I can do proper writing about it like omg bro. I need to fix the au fr fr ‼️‼️😭😭💀💀
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
ok i know this chapter is all about jean’s feelings and that he raised concerns about being objectified by reader but … LEMME OBJECTIFY HIM A LITTLE BIT MORE 😭😭😭 like i love eren and the smut you wrote for him was top tier, but jean’s smut is so nasty in the best way like ……. the stuff that comes out of his mouth … the dick comparison to the reader’s body ,,,, I PASSED AWAY
now moving on, i LOVED this chapter and i ate up this jean pov ! it solidified jean as a main character for me. before this, even if he’s one of the main guys, he was kind of a side character only seen through reader’s unreliable perspective since she holds him at such high regard. now that we see his POV, we can also see his real and UGLY side, and a chance for the growth of his character. i love it !!!! while I genuinely believe jean is kind, caring and a hopeless romantic, he is also SOOO flawed as we saw in this chapter (even more flawed than i originally thought 😭). i loved the callouts made by eren during their argument. eren was so real for that and everything was hitting 😭 but it seems like jean still hasn’t taken the time to better himself since then. mayhaps he hasn’t felt the need to face those insecurities and flaws head on, but his relationship with reader will force him to, the same way that eren’s feelings for the reader catapulted his change??? they are forreal two sides of the same coin. i loved seeing eren’s growth throughout this arc and i really enjoyed comparing present-day eren to the flashbacks in this chapter because he’s gotten so much better. crossing my fingers that it’s jean’s turn!!! and don’t even get me started on the reader bc i could write another 5 paragraph essay on how badly i want her to improve, but i’ll stick to just jean for now 😭
anyways ,, how do you choose between eren and jean 😭 like reader is on to something when she can’t decide bc same ! can we have a throuple 🤗
😩😩😩 jean is sooooooo nasty in tbaw you have no idea!! i have another smut scene that i had to cut (because i wrote it just to fuck jean and for no real plot relevance 💀) and i can’t wait to share it as a deleted scene (or maybe repurpose it into a one shot?) because oooooooo its dirtyyy
i’m happy to hear that this chapter solidified him as a main character because that was my intentions!! w not having his perspective he definitely blends into the bg sometimes so now that we’re in his head hopefully he’ll have a bigger presence
tytyty so much for such a lovely message 💗 i loved reading ur thoughts plz don’t hold back from sending me more 🥰
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totaldramafan-lauri · 9 months
*pokes head into Tumblr*
I-I'm back.....a-after a full day of constant teetering on the edge of anxiety attacks.......nnnnnn......n-not quite sure I'm fully r-recovered, b-but.......
I-I had no idea that posting the fic would take SO MUCH outta me.....b-but.....I-I was SO nervous.....L-like....more nervous that I'd ever been posting anything before.....
A-and I think I-I figured it out....
I-it's cuz....I-I've been working on this thing for SO LONG......a-and the whole time, it's been private (outside of chapter 1). S-so many times, whenever I'd type something I was ashamed of or thought didn't flow right, or I felt like I was hitting a wall.....Th-the thing I'd always say to calm myself down was "No one's reading it yet".....A-and that's why I was able to power through any rough spots, cuz it was private and I knew I could fix things whenever I wanted....
B-but....now....I can't do that anymore.....
It's out there.....
A-and I can't change that.
I know I should be proud of myself, and part of me is....but...another part of me, the entirety of yesterday, kept running through chapters 2 and 3 in my head, and going "This is what people will hate about THIS scene, and this is what they'll hate about THIS scene, and lemme give you a whole LIST of all the parts that they'll hate while we're at it! This part right here is boring, this part over here is too slow, this scene is too long! This bit of dialogue is off! Wow, you really should've thought this through better!!"
I-in particular, there's one part in chapter 2 that I kept fighting myself over. I typed it out, thought it looked weird, but decided to keep it, but that I MIGHT change it later. So, I kept going back to it, thinking "Is this in-character? Should I change it?" but every time, I just barely decided to keep it, mainly cuz I thought it did benefit the scene, and I couldn't think of anything better to change it with. B-but....I was still never FULLY satisfied with that part....and I still kept it, and now I can't change it- UGH-
B-before I did this, I was PROUD of chapters 2 and 3, but now.....NOPE!
M-my mind just isn't very nice to me now that I did this......I-I just really wanna finish chapter 4 as soon as I can for those who actually DID like it......c-cuz chapter 4 IS where the story gets a bit more exciting, hopefully-
I-I haven't checked AO3 at all since I posted it. I've decided to let it sit for at least three to four days. Right now, I'm willing to bet that the number of people who've read through the whole thing is in the single digits....I-it's so long, it'll probably take most people multiple sittings to read through, even if they like it.
A-and yeah.....i-if you did enjoy it, then.....th-thank you so so so much.....M-my fellow simps....M-my anxiety is so mean to me, but I know its wrong. I-I know this is something to be proud of....I-I just- c-can't be right now....I-I'm embarrassed and ashamed and....
I-I'm gonna be OK....I-I just need some time to cool off....
F-FrostyFest is in a few days.....That'll help.....
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bubsub69 · 1 year
Entry 18
6/7/2023 14:53
I've been wiritng less in the diary lately, maybe because now not only is college over but i also finished my stupid report so im less stressed but also because i've written what ive wanted to and i guess theres really no point in repeating myself, but whatever in like an hour im gonna present the project and hopefully graduate since this is the only subject whos grade i dont know and hopefully those fucks dont just fail me because they didnt like my report and presentation or something but aside that this is like the last thing to do for this school year.
I've invited my cousin so she could help me demonstrate the game but i guess she doesnt care. i asked her last night hey you free tomorrow at 5 wanna help? and she said lemme check my schedule and never came back to me. then i asked her again this morning and she apparantly forgot the time and wheter she was free or not and hasnt replied again, so i guess thats her way of telling me to fuck off, you know the person who im pretty much always on call to help her telling me to get lost when i need her for a slight favor, its not like it was gonna be that boring she could just ignore my presentation and then just play the fucking game i made for like 5 minutes but i guess thats asking too much, she also didnt want to do me the simple favor of playtesting it for me which is now making me question my relationship with her, cause who knows maybe my mom was right, maybe shes just using me and doesnt care about me. I already knew she wasnt that great of a person but i guess i wasnt expecting her to be like this to me but i guess all the signs were there, we always do what she wants, she doesnt care about my stuff but i have to care about hers. i guess i was just desperate as well since shes kind of my only friend but screw it im cutting her off unless she changes or something.
This thing really reinforced the ideia that no one cares about me, especially as a person, to my cousin im just errand boy and backup friend in case im angry at my boyfriend, to my parents im just dumb child that cares about the 'puter and is student, like when was the last time someone asked my about something i cared about, when was the last time someone asked me "hey played anything interesting lately" or something like that no one gives a fuck about what me as a human being but i guess thats on me for not being able to make friends. i just.. i dont even know what i want, a friend a girlfriend, someone to cuddle, i just wish i had some company that actually cared about all of me and not just my fucking school life or something.
but enough complaining i have a presentation to get ready for
Writing from my phone cause yikes that presentation kinda sucked .Im waiting outside the room rn waiting for them to give me my grade. But while my part of the presentation I think went decent enough the next part was awful like 10 minutes of just "jesus H. Christ your report sucks so much it was an awful experience to read, your Portuguese sucks you're writing sucks..."
Ok I went back and the dude said I failed.. then he said jk I had a 17. I was about to throw hands on that man holy shit. So after days of being told the report was the most important thing he gave me one of my highest grades ever and said "it could be higher if it wasn't for the report"
So thus concludes the chase game chapter I guess, from doing the game is fun to doing the report is fun to being angry at people
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evaxsombra · 4 years
Kadeu, Heart Territory, The Circle, The Koromo
10 Februray 2021, Evening
The Koromo was loud. That’s all Eva could process upon first waltzing through the door like a child at a festival. She could make out the sounds of cards being shuffled, coins hitting surfaces, marbles clacking against wood, and the ever present cacophany of gamblers and the employees who oversaw them. It was overwhelming to say the least. But Eva had come here determined to have fun and that’s exactly what she’d do!
Chips clacked against one another in her coat pocket. There were quite a few, though she had no idea how much they were worth. The person who’d given them to her simply said “enough for a grand time,” whatever that meant. It had been as thanks for helping stop a would-be thief from running off with the man’s precious coin purse. She’d happily taken them after he’d explained where to go. Now here the Shifter was, sliding her cane against the ground until she reached what someone told her was the front counter. They led her to a table and placed her in a chair, indicating the people near her.
She offered a wide grin and then tilted her head toward where the front desk helper had told her the dealer was. “Sorry to be a bother, but my vision isn’t so great. Is there some type of setup for blind people or do I just wing it? I got these chips, but not sure how much they’re worth.” As she spoke, Eva reached into her coat pocket, grabbing as many chips as her small hand could collect and plopped them on the table. The murmur at the table ceased before turning into excited whispers. Okay, so a lot…I guess?
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shadyteacup · 3 years
May I ask a scenario with ADA dazai who falls for an agency member and she's really strong both mentally and physically and is loved by everyone in the agency? She also used to be a soldier in that war so she has seen plenty of things and she's not afraid of dark thing etc... Hope I wasn't so demanding have a nice day (forgive me for my English)
Heyyyy :>
This was such a good ask, I went all out and wrote a bit too much. So I'll be posting it as two parts. :)
And don't worry, love, you're English is immaculate!
Do lemme know if you like this... I'll probably be posting part two tmrw or in some hours... I just need to do one final touch up :D
Partners (part 1)
Dazai x gn! Reader
Tw: Lots of action and fighting, a little blood, implied death.
If u can handle bsd fight scenes, then u can read this... dw, it's not gory or too violent..
"I have your back, go!", you say as you shoot at the enemy hiding behind the car.
"Got it!", Dazai says, as he jogs to the adjacent safe place.
You two were assigned a job, one that you had initially thought was a simple task: Find the missing girl.
You hadn't expected any foul play. Apparently, the girl in pursuit wasn't kidnapped. She had run away from her home. She had a record of disappearing out of the blue, so you had figured she was just taking some time away from her family, like she usually does. The parents approached the ada when the police were unable to find her. So you guys concluded that she was kidnapped. There had been no calls for any ransom, so you chalked up the possibility of her kidnapper being a sex offender, a sadist, or a cult member. You knew you had to act quick before he hurt her. You and Dazai had worked together to collect all the breadcrumbs, and had triangulated the location of a criminal who had just gotten out of prison. He had served 6 years for various sexual assaults and rapes. You had concluded that this must be his doing. It was too much of a coincidence for a girl to get kidnapped just one week after a criminal had been released.
You both had walked right into the enemie's trap.
The man, Ito Sōta, held the girl at gun point at the center of an abandoned warehouse. The warehouse belonged to a small criminal group. He must have joined this group after being released.
The group, a small organization in need of monetary support, wanted to impress the mafia. They had arranged for this ploy to defeat a few members of the ada and hopefully get in the mafia's goodbooks.
They had used Ito's criminal record to lure the ada into the warehouse, and rain fire upon them, hoping to defeat them.
"That's the most logical explanation", Dazai had said, when you two had been ambushed by ten or so men and their many bullets.
Dazai hid behind a cargo container.
"We have to move fast. I manged to neutralize them, but I'm pretty sure there are more on the way, and some more protecting Ito.", you say, leaning against the box.
Dazai hummed.
"So, what's the plan?"
He thought for a second, then said,
"You are good at combat, so why don't you take them on, and clear a path for me.."
" I see.. I distract while you sneak an attack on Ito."
You change the magazine of your glock,inserting a fresh one.
"Sounds good."
At your count, you began running towards the guards ahead. You had a shielding ability, allowing you to shield yourself from bullets, fire explosions, and prevent it from touching you. Ofcourse, you couldn't control heat, so if you were to be near an explosion, while the fire wouldn't burn your skin, the heat radiating from it would definitely hurt you.
Your ability only worked when you activated it. It wasn't always activated, and would take quite a lot of your energy if you kept it on at all times.
A few men had noticed you, and had started shooting you. The bullets bounced off your shield, falling to the ground. You continued charging towards the center, aiming at the men that were in Dazai's path. Taking them down was easy enough; they were just meat and bones that could shoot, and desperately lacked a brain. If bullets don't work, shouldn't they try hand to hand combat? But no. These idiots were so hopelessly dumb, that they kept shooting you, standing tall and proud, and presenting themselves as easy targets for your bullets.
'Well, it works for me... so keep being stupid, guys!' You thought as you shot a majority of them down.
Dazai hid behind the containers, jogging over to the center. He handled a few men that were in his way, as you cleared almost all of them for him.
Soon enough, you approached a man and two women, clad in suits, that charged at you with an assortment of weapons. They dodged your bullets, and tried to attack you.
'These guys are smart'
The first bulky guy swung his dagger at you. You dodged; the knife brushing past your cheek in the process. It was OK, you were a master in martial arts, afterall. Taking them down wouldn't be so difficult.
You grabbed his arm, jumping off the ground and twisting your torso midway to land behind him. His arm was now twisted, and you swiped at his legs, resulting in him falling to the ground. You swiped the dagger from his palm, stabbing him in the knees and his dominant arm. The spots you had targeted were sensitive points, that paralyzed his limbs.
Moving on to the woman charging at you with a club, you threw the dagger at her. She twisted to dodge it. The dagger plunged in her shoulder. She cried out in pain. You had tricked her by throwing your own dagger a split second later, aiming in the direction of her reflex duck.
The other woman had used her partners as a distraction to sneak up behind you. She held a thick metal chain, that she wound around your neck, choking you. You tried prying it off, but she was too powerful. So you slammed back into her, your head hitting her nose, pushing her back and effectively loosening her grip on the chain. Grabbing the front, you slipped your fingers between the chain and your neck, crating some space to breathe. You then yanked it forward, bruising your neck in the process. Slipping out from the chain, you wound it on your palm, halving it. You used it as a whip on the woman, drawing blood from her nose. She dodged your next swing, punching you in the gut. She was really strong, that's for sure. You spit out blood from the impact. You were about to stab her when a bullet hit her head.
"Thanks.", you say to Dazai, who had shot her from his position; very close to Ito.
He nodded, continuing his journey towards the girl.
Fighting your way through, you finally reached Ito. You stood right opposite him.
"Well done! You successfully defeated fifty of my men!"
He said, pressing the gun against the girl's temple. He wanted to play a game with you. He wanted to make you choose whom he should kill; the girl, or you.
"But, alas, you won't be able to save her."
Ito felt a cool sensation on his head, and heard a click of a gun right behind him.
You smirked.
"You sure about that?"
He grit his teeth, raising his arms in defeat.
Dazai pushed him on the ground, handcuffing him.
"It was quite a smart plan. It wasn't elaborate, though. Such a pitiful organization you have. No wonder you're desperate for the Mafia's attention."
Dazai said.
"Did you really believe you could trick the armed detective agency?"
He glared down at the man, his face adorning a menacing look.
"If the mafia hears about this, you will be dead before you can even think of the word 'escape'. Whoever breaks the peace between the Mafia and the A.D.A, will have hell to pay."
You scoffed.
"If you had half a brain, you would know to never mess with the two organizations. Did you really think you could use us?" You laughed.
"How naive!"
You heard a whimper.
You looked at the girl, noticing her fearful expression. You deactivated your ability, now that the job was done. The girl whimpered again, but it sounded abnormal. It sounded artificial. Something didn't feel right.
"Hey, it's alright now. You're safe."
You say to the girl. She looks at you with wide eyes.
"It's all under control. We're here to take you back home. This guy can't hurt you anymore."
You move closer to her, crouching down to her level.
"Tell me. Did he hurt you?"
You place a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.
She stared at you for a second, then grinned. All the fear had vanished from her eyes. They now held a malicious gleam.
"You fell right in!"
She cackled.
"Right in the rabbit hole!"
She giggled, snapping her fingers.
All you heard was a sharp sound. A ringing in your ears. And a scream. Was that Dazai? Or was it you? Who knows.
You look down to your torso, and notice a dark red stain on your shirt.
Suddenly, you felt it. The pain was overwhelming. You had been shot before; you were a part of a war, afterall. But it was always in the shoulder, or limbs. This was your first time getting hit on the torso. You had probably broken a rib or two. You could feel your lungs being filled with something. It felt heavy.
Blood? Yeah probably. You couldn't think straight. You remember feeling tired. You didn't even register your knees giving away, or the pair of strong arms that caught you right before you fell.
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physicalturian · 4 years
[18+] Words of pleasure - Law x F!Reader - Part 5
[No spoilers] [Modern AU - College AU] [She/her pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] Words : 6269 Archive of our own
Warning : Power play / Dom/sub Dynamics / Control / Stranger / Flirting / Aftercare / Awkwardness … If you feel like I should add more warnings, send me a dm or and ask
– Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
You: Sup doc, got home safely?
[You sent an attachment]
I chuckled for a second, making myself laugh at the picture of the crazy scientist from Back to the Future I had sent. Then when I looked at it more than five seconds, I just regretted it. “I should have flirted. I should have asked him if he was free soon. But I did that. Wow.” Gathering my stuff, I was expecting him to be asleep but received an answer in no time.
 Trafalgar Law 😷: I’ll admit it’s creative real first text. But don’t send me that shit again, I’m not an old man.
You: Hey, it’s hilarious. You mad because you asked me to call you doc and now you regret it.
Trafalgar Law 😷: I just hope you won’t see that in your head when you’ll think of me, it can easily become a turn off, I think.
You: Damn, what if I’m into older men?
Trafalgar Law 😷: Lucky for you I’m older, then. Why are you still awake?
Trafalgar Law 😷: You should sleep, it’s late and you seemed tensed the entire evening.
You: You’re worried about me? How cute, I thought you were just looking to dick me down.
You: But I’m going to sleep soon, don’t worry hot stuff, I was just showering before bed.
You: Who knows, maybe I’ll dream of you 😉
 I read my message over, and over and as I saw him type and stop a few times I was quick to send another one.
 You: Yeah, ignore that. I’m tired, I’m not pushy promised. But you should sleep too, beauty sleep and all.
Trafalgar Law 😷: Depending on the kind of dreams you’re having, I’ll gladly join you.
Trafalgar Law 😷: You’re cute. I’ll sleep in a few. I still have some things to do, I’ll be sure to send you a text in the morning to ask you what you dreamed of.
You: Right, bold of you to assume I remember my dream. And that I’d share them with you.
You: But please go to bed, it’s getting super late.
[Trafalgar Law 😷sent an attachment]
Trafalgar Law 😷: I’m in bed, don’t worry.
 It was stupid, but I did laugh. He was sitting against his pillows, the simple black bed panel behind him. His hair was a lot messier than usual, but he did not look sleepy one bit. And he was still wearing his dress shirt, which clearly was in no way a pajama.
 You: Funny. You’re a funny guy Trafalgar Law, wow. You’re lucky you’re hot
You: You’re still fully dressed, that’s not going to sleep to me.
Trafalgar Law 😷: If you want to see me naked so bad, you have to work for it.
Trafalgar Law 😷: I did say I’d enjoy you on your knees, it seems like a good place to start. But, all in due time, right?
 Chuckling at his text, I bid him a good night without replying to his innuendo which was more than an innuendo, really. Hopefully, an unspoken promise of a goodtime. I left the bathroom feeling a bit funny inside and put the toy away before sitting back on the bed. I was wearing a large shirt so that I could show my legs if the HandSurgeon asked and sat with my legs crossed on the bed before typing.
 Edelweiss: Back!
HandSurgeon: Your lap is pretty red; how does it feel?
Edelweiss: it’s alright, a bit sore but I like it, it reminds me of yeah… the discipline so yeah, it’s ok
HandSurgeon: Cute, you enjoyed it quite a lot. Maybe you could take more next time if you feel like it.
HandSurgeon: But it’d mean you’d have disobeyed, which you won’t do. Correct?
Edelweiss: yes, I won’t. Sorry…
HandSurgeon: It’s alright, doll.
HandSurgeon: Is there something you enjoyed more this session? Or did not at all?
 Trying to remember the things he had said during the session, I was going to tell him that everything was good until I remembered that small thing he said, that I did not particularly enjoy. I didn’t know if he was going to tell me to just get on with it and try to enjoy it or anything but trusting he wouldn’t get mad I wrote down.
 Edelweiss: I really enjoyed your voice… that’s for sure but I didn’t enjoy being called a bitch in heat?
Edelweiss: it was alright right now though, but I don’t know, I didn’t vibe.
Edelweiss: sorry if you’re more of a degrader than praiser
HandSurgeon: I am sorry, I am indeed more used to be a bit rougher with my partner. I’ll be more careful next time, don’t hesitate to tell me if you don’t like something I do.
HandSurgeon: This is an exchange, we’re both in to enjoy it and have fun. And while I usually degrade, I am very much enjoying telling you how good you are. Even more so seeing how well you react.
HandSurgeon: You did good telling me your color, very good.
HandSurgeon: I believe edging was not in your list, but how did you enjoy it?
Edelweiss: soooo frustrating! And embarrassing to beg alright? But in a good way I guess… a very good way
 Pondering a bit more, I was curious. If we were giving feedbacks and asking questions, I could give it a go.
 Edelweiss: were you annoyed? That I touched myself.
HandSurgeon: Yes. I was. If I had you next to me, I would have brought you to my bed. I would have had you kneeling in the center, with that egg still inside you. The had you stripped down naked and would have looked at you. If you had moved, I’d strike you down. Simple.
HandSurgeon: You’d be begging in no time, really.
Edelweiss: it does sound kinda interesting though
Edelweiss: I’d definitely be up to it if you’d enjoy it
HandSurgeon: I’m sure you’d take it like very well, adding a blindfold to the mix would be even better.
HandSurgeon: You wouldn’t know when I’d strike. Jumping on the bed at the littlest touch. Goosebumps all over that pretty body of yours.
HandSurgeon: Running the tip of my whip over your skin. Barely grazing it. Then gripping the back of your neck and sliding my fingers through your hair. Pulling your head back to see that needy face of yours.
 I wanted to read more of him, see what else he’d do to me. I wanted to do something again. While my sex was sore, I could also feel the throbbing coming back and fuck was I ready to ask him if he had time to do it again. My body must have been moving on the screen, since I saw the new message from the dom.
 HandSurgeon: Stop fidgeting. There won’t be another session tonight, doll. I have to finish working, and you…
HandSurgeon: Well, you need to eat something and drink some water. Go get some food. We can hang up if you want, or you can leave the camera on. I would not mind the little motivation of seeing my girl on the screen.
Edelweiss: I won’t stay long, I have classes tomorrow. Lemme grab some food, I’ll be right there!
Edelweiss: but admit it, you just want to make sure I eat and drink 👀
HandSurgeon: I do indeed. Now, go.
 We then spent around 20 minutes on the call. I stayed with my camera on, still making sure he could not see my face, and ate up. He would reply a bit more slowly than during our session, since he was working, but when he did it was a lot lighter than usual. We talked of our lives, previous partners, preferences but it quickly turned to other topics. TV shows we enjoyed or had in common, hobbies, pets.
 I learnt he liked to sketch, mostly people, he never did art school and never wanted to but loved the human anatomy. He said he found it fascinating. I felt flattered when he suggested we find some free time so that he could draw me. I told him I’d think about it, then we changed topics but kept off the more personal ones, such as family, school and city. The less we knew, the better. It was weird, getting to know him after I had let him do as he pleased with me. But doing so made it more interesting for some reason.
 I did not feel anything much for the man, but I enjoyed his company a lot. I had no plan of meeting him at all, and if I ever found someone, I’d probably stop talking to him, which is something we both agreed on. This was just to get off, this was simply to both find that pleasure of having the power dynamic in play. It was interesting, and I never thought I’d be doing this but here I was, having hung up on a stranger I should call my dom. Here I was, exhausted after masturbating for him. Following each of his instruction.
 Having had a taste of that side I had never ventured on, I realized I liked it a lot and I could see myself doing it more from time to time. Maybe not all the time, but in bed it was so intriguing.
 I surprised myself as I laid under my covers, slowly drifting to sleep, when a thought crossed my mind, I wonder if Law would do that… I shook the thought away, but it came back just as strong, I was curious. He would look at me with the same look he gave me all night, intrigued and yet clearly expecting all those reactions of me. Knowing what he was doing, knowing the effect he had on me. Whatever I’d say, he wouldn’t be surprised, as if he could read me. He’d ask me those same questions he did that night, trying to get me riled up and I would let him. Would I imagine him as that man from online?
 Would I secretly be hoping he would be that good? Would I let him do as he pleased with me? Was I even going to go on a date with him? This last question had an answer already, we both hardly had any free time. I don’t believe we had the same schedule either, it’d be too hard. But I’d entertain the idea, it was fun. I was slightly excited if it did happen, after all he was attractive. And I could use the kind of fun he was suggesting, considering all the stress we must both be under.
 Turning in bed, I pulled my phone from under my pillow and texted Law.
 You: You better be asleep old doc, because I am hitting the sac. And ignoring your last text at the same time.
Trafalgar Law 😷: Shall I take that as a “no”?
You: Definitely not, but I want to know if your personality is as hot as your face, first.
You: For scientific purposes
Trafalgar Law 😷: Luckily, I did pretty well in sciences. I’ll help with your research then.
You: That means I can call you partner? Pardner 🤠 in research of a fun time
Trafalgar Law 😷: Partner of fun, if you want. Pardner, no.
You: Dagnabbit, sad cowboy noise.
Trafalgar Law 😷: I think you need sleep, partner.
You: I definitely do, good night pardner. You should sleep too, you looked fucking tired tonight.
[Trafalgar Law 😷 sent an attachment]
You: it’s pitch black?
Trafalgar Law 😷: Because I’m trying to sleep, and you keep messaging me.
You: no one’s forcing you to answer 😏 but good night pardner
Trafalgar Law 😷: Good night
 I did fall asleep soon after. It was a miracle I managed to keep the conversation that long considering how tired I was and yet I was able to exchange, albeit embarrassingly, with the hot guy. I did not know why I had sent him a message- who am I kidding I know why I did that. Not only was I in that post-orgasm daze but also, this little voice in my head kept considering him as a potential something.
 That something was yet to be determined, booty call? Romantic partner? Sex friend? I did not know yet, the only way to find out was that date. And perhaps, if it went well enough, the after-date part. Which I was excited about, maybe more than the date part.
 This time I did not dream of the HandSurgeon, I did however have a dream about Trafalgar Law. It was not as hot as the one I had the night before… But it was something…
 In that dream, I had called him out of boredom while working on some stuff, and he had picked up mildly annoyed. But even though he was annoyed, he kept me on the line while making his way to his office and closed the door behind him.
 Then the mood changed, the ambiance too, the lights got slightly darker and suddenly I found myself in his office. He was leaning on his desk, arms crossed across his chest and seemingly expectant. I saw myself approach him with determination, I was but a spectator to that whole scene. I stopped right in front of him and let him grab my hands before he pulled them behind his back and turned me around so that I was now the one against the desk.
 The view changed and I could see him from up close now, he was looking down at me with a smug smile. I saw his lips moving but could not comprehend what he was saying. His tattooed hand travelled to my neck, gently brushing his thumb over it before grabbing my jaw gently. He spoke again and while I did not know what he said, I felt nervous, and slightly afraid.
 I tried to ask him to repeat, and maybe I did but I could not hear myself. He leaned forward and let his other hand graze the skin under my shirt before whispering. “Edelweiss… my sweet and pretty toy. So good for me.” I let my head fall back in pleasure from his touches but the constant feeling of confusion and fear only grew. I tried to understand why I was feeling like that, among the joy I felt upon hearing his word. Then it clicked.
 He doesn’t know about Edelweiss- he’s not that man, he shouldn’t know.
 Now I’m in my bed. Looking at a screen, I can see someone on that screen, but I can’t see it really. Then I understand who it is, HandSurgeon, but this time it’s Trafalgar Law. “You want us to be the same.”
 “You wish I was real, you’re so desperate for this to happen with me, with him, we’re the same to you, Edelweiss. You should think, wake up, realize that you’re making a mistake, wake up, we can’t be the same, wake up, you just want it so bad-“
 “Wake up!” I was startled awake by Nami, who was looking at me angrily, already fully dressed. “Jesus, did last night tire you that bad?” How could she know what I had done last night? She wasn’t even home- Trying to come up with anything, I was too sleepy to be embarrassed, then she spoke and cleared my mind. “You know, if I had known socializing with Traffy would tired you that much, I would have brought him over a lot sooner. Maybe you’d finally catch some real sleep.” She explained as she kept her gaze on my, probably, sleep-marks adorned face.
 Sighing, she pulled the covers off my form without a second thoughts when I was unresponsive to her words. “This time you have more than 5 minutes to get ready but move your ass or I’ll leave you there. Come on, hurry.”  She stopped by the door and made a compassionate face, “By the way, don’t worry, he exhausts me too. It’s the smug face and the condescending attitude that just-“ she made a sounds with her tongue against her teeth, “it ticks me off, you know?” She was gone right after.
 Looking at the doorway longer than I wanted to, I started drifting off to sleep when I was startled awake once more. My phone was ringing, and I was very much aware it was not my alarm. Stretching my arm to the bed table, I grabbed my phone and was surprised when I read the screen and saw it was Trafalgar Law. I picked up in confusion, “What do you want?” With the sleepiness and the confusion, my tone ended up being a bit more aggressive than I expected.
 “How about you start with good morning?” I heard him chuckle, he was probably proud of that too. Rolling my eyes, I let my head fall back on the pillow and spoke again, “Good morning, do you need something?” I sighed and pulled my covers back on my form, hearing the blinker of his car in the background I guessed he was driving and was paying more attention to the road.
 “Good morning, did I perhaps wake you up?” He asked rhetorically but I could hear the smile on his lips. All I did was hum in return, still waiting for the reason he called me. “I’m free this Thursday, how does it sound for those… research?” He seemed reticent saying it, probably rolling his eyes at how stupid it sounded. Laughing in my throat in return, it was not charming but the way he said it made it too funny for my dazed state. “Too shy to call it a date? I need to check my schedule; I don’t know if I’m free.” Thinking he’d hang up, I instead heard him talk to someone before talking to me again.
 “Then go ahead and check, I’ll wait.” He unbuckled his seatbelt and rummaged through something while I checked on my phone, mumbling. “Can’t you let a girl sleep? Don’t you have a work to get to?” I opened the calendar but kept grumbling while doing so, “You’re lucky I’m not hanging up to go back to sleep.” While checking my schedule, I double checked if there was a time I could be free on Thursday and heard Law scoff.
 He huffed a laugh, “I think you’d have hung up by now if you did not want to talk to me, I don’t think it’s luck, but interest.” Then a sigh as he got a bit more serious, “Just answer the question, I have to get going.”
 Scoffing, I brought the phone back to my ear, “You’re just a pretty face for now, Doc. Don’t bet on interest just yet. Now, I’m free around 2 pm that day, if that’s cool with you. But add like half an hour or so, it gives me time to get back home.”
 “Give me the address of your campus, I’ll come and get you there.” I heard the sound of the car door being slammed closed in the background, and the rustle of a bag. “I’m not about to refuse a car ride, it’s a bit odd but thank you!” I quickly sat up, suddenly feeling excited for my plans on Thursday. “Don’t expect me to be dressed all chic though, if I have classes in the morning, it’ll be comfortable and only slightly fashion.” I said lightly as I made my way to my wardrobe to start getting dressed for the day.
 “Give me a moment.” I heard the phone being moved a bit, a few muffled voices greeting the man, footsteps echoing on the ground accompanied by the hubbub of phones ringing, beeping sounds and people talking. While waiting, I was able to get dressed and go back to my desk to prepare my stuff. After a few minutes, I finally heard him. “You were talking about your clothes, to be honest as long as it’s easy to remove, we’re good.” He said smoothly, I could hear the smirk, the smugness in his voice.
 I simply looked at the phone with surprise and pleasantness. That was interesting to say the least, and I was enjoying it. “You’re not saying anything, I’m assuming you agree. Good, then I’ll see you on Thursday? Don’t be afraid to send me pictures if you’re curious about what clothes to wear, I’d gladly help you pick.” I had to stand my ground, he was too smooth. Too much, too flirty, too… familiar…?
 “Just for that, I’ll wear the most intricate clothes I have. Make it worth your while, you know?” While his laugh was beautiful, it was also condescending. I kept having mixt feelings about the man. “Well, if I am in a hurry, know that I am very skilled with sharp tools, and I’d have no shame in tearing your pretty clothes apart.” The sound of the creaking chair in the background made me think he was probably leaning back on his chair. A quick thought crossed my mind, of going up to him and sitting on his lap and seeing what he’d do, but I shoved that thought away.
 Instead, I huffed in response and threw my bag over my shoulder. I tried to come up with a witty reply, making lame sounds with my mouth, but I had no matching energy. Even less this early in the morning. “Alright, sure, you win. I was not going to wear anything intricate anyway, even I’m too lazy for that. Casual it is, so don’t go looking all professional on me, please. I’ll feel off.”
 “Put it on my desk, I’ll be there in a few- it’s an important call, I’m sure he can wait five more minutes… He doesn’t have a choice, tell him to wait… Intern or not you can tell him to wait, how else do you expect to be taken seriously? …  Well, tell him I am the one who said that, then, Tony... Right, now go- And close the door behind.” I felt bad eavesdropping like that, it wasn’t a conversation I was meant to hear but it did not seem like any important information had been shared either. Except the fact that he said this was an important call when it clearly was not. It sent pride to my chest.
 Walking to the kitchen, I made a motion with my index to my lips to Robin and Nami when they started talking a bit too loud. I pointed at the phone, then wiggled my fingers before drawing an invisible circle on the back of my hand. I tried very hard to make them understand it was Law, but they seemed confused. Instead, I held my phone between my shoulder and my ear and spelled Law with both of my hands. This time they understood, I knew it from the huge grin on their face.
 “We got interrupted, sorry about that. If you feel intimated by a professional look, I guess we’ll have to drop by my place before going on that date. Do tell me if you’d rather I keep the medical coat-“ Cutting him off, I needed to set things straight. “Hey, I never said that was my cup of tea, okay? And I’m not intimidated, I’m sure you’re rocking the look- “ I never sighed more loudly than at this very moment when Nami snatched the phone from my hand, and said, “Alright asshole, time’s up, you’ve had time to work your charm… no I’m not doing that”
 Robin butted in next to the microphone and said, “She’s all flustered, Traffy, good work!” I went to grab it back from the ginger’s hands but the stepped back and exchanged a few words with Law before handing me my phone back with a bright smile. Bringing it back to my ear, I rushed back to the corridor to avoid them eavesdropping more than they did in the kitchen.
 “Sorry about them- for your outfit, wear whatever you want. I truly have no say in what you’re going to wear, plus you’ll look hot with whatever you pick so, it’s a win-win.” I quickly said, earning a laugh from the man on the other side. “I’d love to see your face right now, Robin did say you were flustered. Guess we’ll have to wait until Thursday.” He hummed, his tone having some finality to it. I knew it was my cue to hang up.
 “I wasn’t flustered, I- at best embarrassed- no wait that sounds worst doesn’t it? Anyway, see you on Thursday! Have fun at work, bye.” I waited until he bid me goodbye before hanging up. As I put my phone away, I leaned against the wall and sighed, letting my head hit the wall. “Are you okay?” Robin’s soft voice reached my ears, she was making her way towards me with a slight smile. Probably feeling a bit bad for going along Nami’s childish attitude only moments ago.
 Humming, I gave her a nod. But the words that followed were not matching the actions. “He’s like, very hot. And I really want to fuck him, right? But he’s also pretty funny, and good at flirting?”
Squinting her eyes, Robin asked, “Is that a question… or?”
“No, no, it’s facts and it confuses me! I was ready to just, hook up, but he could be more- I don’t know maybe I’m desperate.” I simply shrugged, leaving a silence between the black-haired woman and me.
 Looking up at her, she seemed to be thinking. Then she smiled, she was always the one with good advice but also a helpless romantic. “It’s a good thing isn’t it? You don’t need to worry too much, that date of yours will help you see if you’re really interested in him or not! If not, you’ll have great sex- if yes, you’ll still have great sex, and another date.” I groaned in reply, running a hand through my hair before giving her a short nod.
 “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll just- live my life until then, I have other things to do than think of a man. By the way are you home tonight?” I asked her as we walked back to the kitchen where Nami was nowhere to be found, there was simply a piece of paper with the words ‘bring your ass to the car’.
 Chuckling lightly, Robin shook her head. “I have to stay late at the library. Then Franky agreed to let me stay at his place, since it’s closer.” We talked a bit as we made our way to the door, where she wave me goodbye before closing the door gently behind me.
 When I was back in the car, Nami had one of her earbuds on and was talking more gently than she’d usually talk to someone. Which means she was talking to Vivi. I did not interrupt and instead grabbed my phone and saw a message from HandSurgeon.
 HandSurgeon: Are you feeling better? Don’t forget to stay hydrated, I’ll be a bit busy this week, but I can find time if you’d like.
Edelweiss: shit, just saw your message! Sorry, crazy morning. I am definitely sore, but it’s good, I can move so there��s that!
Edelweiss: Also, I might be a bit away from Wednesday to Friday, I am seeing someone and knowing how our session leave me pretty sore, I’d rather you know…
Edelweiss: be in good shape
Edelweiss: for a good fun
Edelweiss: a good fuck
 This time, I did not have a prompt reply. I put my phone away and it’s only halfway through my day, while I was working on something at the library, that I received a reply from him. I’ll admit, I had been expectant the entire morning for an answer. I had been deep in textbooks for so long, I was craving for any sort of interaction, from anyone. Which explained the speed at which I unlocked my phone to see the text from HandSurgeon, and even one from Trafalgar Law.
 I hesitate for a moment, then opened discord.
 HandSurgeon: It’s fine, you are allowed to have a life you know. Simply tell me if you want to stop this, or not, you know… if your someone is not the one and you still need a good fuck.
HandSurgeon: I will also be busy on Thursday, I’ll try to send you a text if I get some free time.
HandSurgeon: I just finished a long meeting, would you be up for a fun game?
 I stared at his messages, feeling a bit excited suddenly. But knowing myself, I would say yes, so I had to answer to Law first before spending my time sexting the stranger.
 Trafalgar Law 😷: I’m sorry we had to cut our conversation short, how was class? I have a bit of free time, if you’d like to talk about our research meeting.
You: That’s actually pretty cute, thought you were just a horny piece of meat but damn, you surprise me.
You: I am still on campus, drowning in work. I’d love to talk, but I need to focus, text me later? 🤠
 Going back on discord, I felt strange. I wanted to say yes, to play his game, but it felt wrong for some reason. I was double texting and it felt like I was cheating on a man I was not even dating. I ignored the thought and typed back.
 Edelweiss: I kinda wanna know, but also really need to get back to work. So, I’ll have to decline.
Edelweiss: But I’m curious, what was the game?
HandSurgeon: It’s quite alright, I was going to suggest you’d take a pretty picture for me no matter who was around. But you are busy, so I’ll leave you be. Focus on your work. I’ll talk to you later.
HandSurgeon: But for ‘emotional support’, I’ll give you this:
HandSurgeon : [sent an attachment]
 I snorted at his words, and smiled when he sent me a picture of his gloved hand gripping the wheel of his car tightly. I did comment on wearing gloves while driving, even though they were not medical gloves and it had some charm, it was very movie-like. And suspicious.
 After that, I put my phone down and got lost in work. I did not even see time fly by, what informed me that it was indeed a few hours later than I thought, was the grumbling of my stomach. “I think it’s time to call it a day.” I mumbled while packing everything up. With the books put back where they belonged and my laptop tucked away, I made my way outside and was walking through the parking lot when I saw a familiar mop of hair making its way towards me.
 I suddenly felt self-conscious and straightened my back before meeting his gaze and frowning in confusion. “Are you stalking me?” I patted my pockets in emphasis, before saying “Did you put a chip somewhere, or-“ Law shook his head as if I was being crazy. “Bro, it’s super super sus that you’re at my campus when I never gave you the address-“
“I asked Robin. I was going to ask Nami but she wouldn’t have given me anything.” He explained as if it was obvious.
 Looking around, I opened my mouth and closes it a few times. It was a bit awkward. “Why are you here, then?” I asked, still confused, my eyes squint in suspicion.
“Right- give me a moment.” He turned around and took a few long strides to get to his car and get something from the passenger seat before coming back. Even though his steps were hurried, there was still this elegance to it that I could not ignore.
 “I am very familiar with long hours of studying, so here’s a drink and some food. I used to skip meals, because I’d get too much into it. Don’t do that, eat.” While what he said seemed caring, he was not smiling or anything. But the gesture was so sweet I couldn’t help but smile.
“It’s very nice of you,” I said, tucking my hair behind my ear jokingly in faux-shyness before going back to a normal demeanor. “But I was going home. I was done for the day, here,” I handed it back to him before trying to find my wallet in my bag. “Let me, just- how much do I owe you?”
 He stopped me from rummaging through my back and ruffled my hair before handing me the drink and food back. “Nothing, I was passing by. Now I am sure to not get lost when I’ll come and get you on Thursday.” He winked, then looked back at his watch a moment. He seemed to ponder something for a moment, before looking up at me. “Would you like me to drop you off at your house? I have a bit of time before going back to work.” He asked kindly, showing me his keys as if trying to coo me.
 “Maybe you should go eat too? I’ll take the bus, it’s alright.” Smiling, the man pointed at his car with a certain pride. “Oh don’t worry, I got myself something too. It could be our first lunch date, you are so bent on traditions, so why not lunch?”
 I felt my cheeks heat up and pushed him playfully, careful not to spill the drink I had in my hand. “I’m not bent on traditions, I just barely know you, doc.” I looked to the side and shrugged before walking past him, “Let’s get lunch.” I said over my shoulder. I heard the man laugh in the back, then the jingle of keys.
 I tried to open the door but found it locked. I stated the obvious, “I can’t get in if it’s locked.” I was about to complain more, when he leaned over his side of the car and grinned. “Ask politely, and I’ll let you in.” I hated him, but the smile on my face was a betrayal of how I really felt. He was a little shit, but it was still fun. Rolling my eyes, I mimicked his action and rested my arms on the roof of the car, “Could you please unlock the car, doc?” “Good girl, was it that hard?”
 I turned my head towards him so fast I may have pulled a muscle in my neck, but the way he said it made it a lot more than just a nickname. He was testing the waters for something, and I had given him the exact reaction he wanted. “What, do I call you daddy now?” I said sarcastically while getting inside the car and buckling my seatbelt while he held everything before placing them back on my lap.
 “Not my thing, but I’m sure we’ll get to that conversation later.” He smirked as he put something in the glove box before closing it back and meeting my intense gaze as he leaned back on his seat. I was observing each and everyone of his action, feeling out of place in his car. I had met the man last night, but for some reason he felt familiar. Perhaps it was his aura, perhaps he was just that reassuring. No, clearly not, he looks threatening… “Something on your mind? I don’t know if you’re looking at me like you want kill me or fuck me,” Extending his hand towards me, he placed his index under my chin and lifted it, I quickly grabbed his hand like last time to stop him.
 “Maybe both, maybe none-“ With a short smile, he interrupted me, “Don’t be like that, I’ll ask differently. Are you uncomfortable? I haven’t done this in a while, so I’m trying to take it slow…ish.” He admitted. I could see on his face he was feeling just as sheepish as I was. Clasping my hands on my lap I chuckled nervously, “I’m good, I was just…. Observing. You’re doing good, simply put…” I trailed off and met his gaze with a playful grin, “Ye’re a looker pardner,” I then tipped my non-existent hat, which made him laugh genuinely.
 “You were just in awe?” He asked a bit surprised, hiding his bashfulness behind a laugh. “Exactly, take the compliment and don’t mention it again. Now drive, or you’ll get back late at work.” I huffed, looking at the window with warm cheeks. I felt a pull at my hand and looked at it confused, “I’d love to, but you’re still holding my hand.” I quickly let go and threw his hand back at him, “It was to make sure you weren’t going to do the whole,” Making a gesture with my hands in the air, wiggling my fingers, I continued, “Chin thing again.”
 Even though he agreed, only giving me a curt nod along with a “Right.”, I could see the smile on his face as he started the car. Looking at him from the corner of my eyes, I matched his smile discretely as I looked back at the road.
 The volume of the music wasn’t loud, I could hear the fabric of his coat as he maneuvered, the blinkers, my own nervous heartbeat. There was no reason for me to feel so nervous, we were just going to eat lunch then go our separate way. To try to calm down, I rummaged through my brain for topics to talk about, small talks was fun in social events but in one on one, it was a fucking disaster.
 Do you have any pets? Do you like cats? Maybe talk about his job? How long did he study? Or funny topics, less social, more creative? Politics is off the table, it’s not that great of a first date conversation. What’s your favourite colour? What part of your body to your prefer-
 I blurted out a question to try to fill the silence. And fuck did I regret it, I shouldn’t be allowed to speak when in that state, but it was too late. “So… what’s your favourite body part?” Wait, no, fuck, not…
[Part 6]
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themermaidsunshine · 3 years
Hello frens. Interrupt my spamming of my Poshmark $hit to discuss and ask questions about the new 2022 Girl of the Year. Hopefully everyone hasn't blocked me by now.
First, I would like to express how pleased I am that she has the Nanea mold, which is the mothereffing cutest thing there is.
I don't have Nanea yet, but I'm slowly amassing her outfits because she is one of the very few historical dolls who even HAS outfits available and omg she is just to die for.
Secondly, and I hope this doesn't offend; I'm just sharing my aesthetic preferences. I kind of am not a fan of the teal and what looks like black eyeliner/eyeshadow. I get that they are trying to keep up with what OOAK artist's started, but it looks a bit harsh combined with her beautiful snow white coloring. I would have chose something a bit more muted, like even purple would have looked better imo.
~~What do you guys think? I would love your opinions. ~~
I'm also thinking they chose the teal because of the popularity of the JLY doll with the teal hair, right? Plus it is just kind of an "icy" color that goes with the winter theme.
I haven't been diving too hard into the spoilers (so you can see my ignorance on the topic), but I am going to give you guys an asap review on her books as soon as I can get my paws on them. With thorough spoiler warnings obviously. Because unwanted spoilers upset me to no end haha. I once cried by watching a movie out of order just because of my OCD (and probably what I know now was one of my autistic meltdowns), not that I was super duper into the the story itself LOL.
Anyway, yes, haven't been diving too hard into the spoilers, but I am actually hoping she is from Alaska, not Colorado. I'm hoping she is part of a native Alaskan tribe. I had a little foster cousin who was Inuit. <3 Although really whatever her identity, it is good to see we are increasing the diversity of the GOTYs.
Speaking of diversity on another level, I think it is super flippin cool to have a winter themed GOTY! How fun! I am a Southern Gal at heart ~~(please let me know if me saying that needs to come with a disclaimer about how I hate the racist nature of the south...or wherever such attitudes exist. Is it ok for me to say this? Sorry for my ignorance, pls halp.~~ I want to be a good, loving kitty to all), grew up in Florida and almost die each winter here in Missouri. 6 months of gray skies? Pls send halp. BUT I would still love to enjoy the cold through a GOTY without having my face frozen off LOL.
~~~Oh final question. American Girl is obnoxious. Long story short, I was a berry member when the invitations to the GOTY launch party were sent out, but did not receive one. Do I NEED that email to print out or click on a link or how do I rsvp? Do I need to rsvp? Can any of you who have gone to recent launch parties (especially Kira's since covid changes stuff) share some deets about how to plan, strategize, and what to expect? I would be headed to Chicago. ~~~
IF ANYONE IS FROM ST. LOUIS AND WANTS TO RIDE THE TRAIN AND SHARE A HOTEL ROOM AND BE BEST FRENS LEMME KNOW!! Or if you are headed to Chicago lemme know. :) :) Oh and yes I have two Pfizer vaccines and am very persnickity about trying to wear my mask, sanitize, distance (not sure if that will be possible at the party) but anyway, you should be safe with me in that regard.
Thank you to everyone who has made it to the end. I appreciate you and this welcoming community.
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lovemybluebully · 3 years
Danger Room Level 1
Posted this at the beginning of the year on my DA account. Thought I’d throw it up on here. This was my first Wolverine tickle pic in 4 years! O_O
Wrote a little story to go along with it.
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Story is below the ‘Keep Reading’ line.
*/M Tickle Fic (Obviously lol) "Any other surprise challenges for me today, bub? Or is that all ya got?" Wolverine smirked confidently up at the team leader of the X-men, glancing over his shoulder at the pile of rubble consisting of destroyed weaponry and dismembered sentinels and robots of all sizes. Cyclops only sighed as he shook his head and looked down at the Canadian brawler from the control room of their training facility, having exhausted almost every combination of attacks that he could think to throw at him.
These scenarios of Wolverine slicing and dicing up every obstacle and foe were quite predictable and honestly getting a tad boring to watch over and over. Scott decided it was time to try something a little different. "No, this just isn't working. These upper level programs are just all foreseeable for you. Lets try something new. I say we scrap everything and start over from scratch. How about we start you at level 1?"
Logan's smirk disappeared as he frowned up at the other man. "Level 1? Yer kiddin' me, right? That's the program the Professor uses to train the kiddies."
"Trust me Logan it'll be perfect for you. Since you've always skipped over the bottom levels you'll have no idea what they contain so you won't be able to predict them so easily. Hell I don't even know myself exactly what is on each level, but lets give it a shot! Maybe we'll both learn something." Scott actually wasn't lying since he himself had been too competent for those beginner programs when he had joined the X-men. It was likely that Logan would just blow right through them, but he was curious and quite frankly desperate for a change of pace. "Fine. But this is gonna be just a waste o' time," Logan grumbled as he lazily stretched out his arms and cracked his neck. "Don't underestimate the Danger Room and dismiss this program so easily. It may be aimed towards the less experienced, but should still provide its own formidable experience. Remember to stay alert and don't let your guard down." Wolverine just scoffed and blew off his advice like he normally did. "Yeah whatever Slim. Lets get on with it."
"Ok great. Now just a moment here. I'm initiating level 1....," Scott uttered with some fast typing on the control board before pressing one final button, "Now." They waited for a few quiet moments, but nothing happened. Logan was about to quip some sarcastic remark when finally the Danger Room began to show some activity. A compartment on the wall opened and two gloved robotic hands being controlled by metal tentacles began to slowly make their way over to him. Logan snorted in disbelief and shook his head as he looked over the two appendages and noted that they were not holding any kinds of weapons; basically looking completely harmless.
"That's it? This is ridiculous. What's next, a pillow fight? Not that I expected this crap to be any kinda challenge whatsoever," Logan rolled his eyes as he raised his hands into the air and released his deadly claws; ready to dispatch the advancing robot hands with a quick swipe once they closed in. Not even a second later he quickly found his arms ensnared as two metal tentacles had crept in from behind to successfully restrain him much to Logan's shock. He growled as he tried to slice at the tentacles with his sharp claws, but they firmly held his arms away from each other just above his head. The distraction had been just enough that he barely had time to notice that the gloved hands had now reached him as one of them wasted not a moment to grab hold of the hem of his uniform's shirt and roughly jerk it upwards, exposing his bare stomach.
"Hey! What is...?!" He shouted in confusion; his words cut off as the other hand immediately shot forward and buried it's furiously wriggling digits right into his muscular belly.
Logan hadn't listened to Scott. He had let his guard down completely when he had seen this "threat" first enter the room. His overconfidence was now going to be his downfall for mocking the capabilities of the robot hand; the hand that was now ruthlessly tickling him. This tactic was a complete shock to him, and having not put up any of his mental defenses in preparation the laughter exploded out of him as soon as contact was made. "Ahahahaahaa! Wha-Whahahat's goin' ohohohon?! Stahahap thaaat!" He howled out at the mindless hand that relentlessly continued tickling all over his sensitive abdomen; the other hand holding his shirt securely out of the way. Scott too was in complete awe by just what method the program had decided to use, though he couldn't help but grin as he saw the situation that his normally cantankerous teammate was now in. It was already a known fact by the mansion's inhabitants that Logan was surprisingly ticklish as his female team members found it quite endearing and took great delight in ganging up on the burly mutant at times. Heightened senses did have their drawbacks. Still nothing that Scott himself would partake in, knowing that while Logan might put up with it from the ladies he was pretty sure he'd be skewered on the spot if he even made a hint at attempting such a thing. In a way he now felt that he had a sense of power in having Logan in this position. "See? That's what happens when you underestimate the situation, now get to work Logan. Tickling probably isn't a real world offensive that you're going to run into, but no harm in being extra prepared." Wolverine's claws remained out, but he couldn't move his arms enough to free himself. Unable to think straight he continued to fail in his efforts to come up with a strategy to get out of this aside from yelling up at the amused operator in the control room. "Cyyyykehehehee! Tuhuhurn thihis shihihihiiit ohahahahoff!!" Arms bulging he thrashed uselessly in the grip of the tentacles, trying to block the torturous hand from his body by lifting his knee to no avail. He'd been tickled worse than this before, but never had he been this helpless to defend himself. Meanwhile Scott mused over the scene before him. It in fact was a little stupid to be messing with one of the world's deadliest mutant's like this, and he was pretty sure there would be Hell to pay later. His hand hovered momentarily over the button to shut down the Danger Room, but then he pulled back. "No, I think you just need a little more time to figure this out. I have faith in you. I mean, this program is only used to train the 'kiddies', right?" Yup. He was pretty sure Logan was going to kill him after this. "Fuhuhuhuck yooooouuuu!!" Logan cackled as he desperately tried to regain some kind of focus though was only barely able to retract his claws back into his hands, knowing that they were of no use. "Aw c'mon Logan. You're not that ticklish, are you? Can't resist just one little hand tickling you?" Scott couldn't help but tease a bit, having on more than one occasion seen Logan nearly lose his mind from just having his stomach tickled by his teenage sidekick, Jubilee. No sooner had he said that when a third hand began to move in from out of Logan's sight before grabbing the squirming mutant right below his ribs as the fingers playfully dug in over and over again.
"Bwahahahahahahahahaa!! Noooo!! Gehehet 'em offa meeheeheehee!!" Roaring with laughter from the added torture Logan was regretting not taking the lowest level of the Danger Room more seriously. With his arms being held out of the way he couldn't even use them to help guard his body no matter how hard he pulled to free them. It wasn't much longer before his legs began to weaken as he attempted to sink to the floor to hopefully get him a split second of reprieve.
He was allowed to move to the ground, but the hands were unrelenting. With a firm tug the restraining tentacles around his forearms pulled him down onto his back as a few more hands now appeared seemingly out of nowhere to join in tickling under his arms and the other side of his ribcage.
"No!! No!! Stahahahap ihihihihit!! Lemme outtahahaha heeheeheeeere!!" The Wolverine howled as he kicked and squirmed like crazy; his armpits being one of his worst spots. Two other metal tentacles quickly slithered over and grabbed onto each leg to stretch him out and prevent him from curling up in defense. Tears crept out of the corners of his eyes from laughing so hard as so far he had made no progress in getting loose. "Very disappointing Logan. I thought for sure you'd have passed all these lower levels with ease. Well it seems we've uncovered your true weakness. Something that your healing factor won't protect you from. We'll probably have to repeat this level over and over until you get it right," Scott grinned wider, only half serious as he liked to push Logan's buttons at any given opportunity. He was hardly listening though; too focused on the incessant tickle torture. Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse two additional hands made their way over and quickly tugged off his boots, revealing his twitching bare feet as Logan's eyes bulged in panic. "HEY!! Hey hey waahaahaait a m...minute!! No don't!! Not the-AAAHAHAHHAHAHA!!" Fingers wildly scratched at his tender soles, tickling from his wide heels to up under his curled up toes with not a thing he could do to stop them. He was laughing harder than he'd ever had as the tears began to roll down his cheeks. He absolutely could not handle having his feet tickled and once had accidentally kicked Rogue for trying. Luckily she is a tough woman though she used it as an excuse to really punish him with his ankles trapped in the crook of her super strong arm while Logan hysterically cried 'Uncle'. This was more than he could stand. Being spread out and tickled in all his most sensitive spots at once with no way to guard himself was where he drew the line. He loathed the thought of what he was about to do, but he couldn't hold back the frantic pleas that came pouring out. "NAAAHAHAHAHAHOOOO!! N-NO MORE!! STOPSTOP!! PLEEHEEHEEEEASE!! I CAN'T..HAHAHAHAHAA..CAAHAAHAAN'T T-TAKE THIHIHIIS SHIIIIIT!!" Scott was just enjoying the show as he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. "Wow. Who knew? All one has to do to defeat Wolverine is to tickle him and he'll be begging for mercy. Better hope none of your enemies ever find out about this one."
And with that he finally pushed the button to shut down the currently running program in the Danger Room. He'd have been more than happy to let it keep going, but even he could feel some sympathy for his frenemy and knew once he started begging that he had had enough. Logan instantly panted in relief as the hands all stopped tickling him while he was gently released from the restraints, everything then retracting back into the chambers that they had emerged from. A giggle escaped him here and there as he still had a phantom feeling of the fingers all over on his body.
Scott slowly clapped his hands in jest from the control room as he grinned down at the seemingly lifeless body. "Not bad, Logan! I think you almost had it there, but I'm sure you'll do better next time! So what do you think? Ready for level 2?"
The middle claw that immediately popped out of Logan's fist crudely gave him his answer.
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Trade deal
Rex: what's he doing here?!
Kiryu: good to see you too.
4 masters from 4 different universes had met up in a singularity. This had been planned for some time, but it seems Rex was not made aware of the whole picture.
Val: he's here because you two clearly need some form of closure after the first time you two met.
Faye: yeah, you've been paranoid to all hell ever since you two first met up. We had hoped you two coming together again to work things out would help you with that.
Rex: well I'd love to know why the hell he just attacked us out right like that in the first place!?!
Rex's anger was apparent. Even his newer abilities were showing, long dark colored tendrils waving about.
Kiryu: that's new...
Rex: oh it's new alright! Would you like a demonstration!?
He says as he shape-shifts his arms into blades.
Kiryu: Bunyan!
The other master calls for his gargantuan servant for assistance.
Bunyan: right here master!
???: stop right there!
Bunyan: huh?!
It seemed to counter his servant, Rex called upon his own giant: Kingprotea.
Protea: don't even try it!
Kiryu: really?!
Rex: I always bring back up now! Ever since your stupid lil stunt!
Val: so literally being able to filet him without a servant wasn't enough?!
Rex: no! It isn't!
Faye: both of you knock it off! This is the exact opposite of what we wanted!
Rex: him first!
Kiryu: you promise to put the blades away if I do?
Rex: let's wait and see on that shall we?!
Val: stand down we said!
Kiryu: Bunyan! That's enough!
Bunyan: ok master!
Rex: ...
Faye: Rex!
Rex: stand down protea...
Protea: ok master!
The four sat down, only Kiryu and Rex brought their servants. Bunyan shrank back down to join the group. Tho Protea was unable to, so she had to sit down behind Rex like in chaldea. Quetzalcoatl was with Rex like always.
Val: like we said at the beginning. We're hoping you two can get some form of closure from before.
Faye: and since he started the fighting, Kiryu should apologize first.
Kiryu: I dunno if I want to...
Val: really!? You starting it like that is why we're in this situation dumbass!
Faye: just apologize! It's not that difficult!
Kiryu: *sigh* I'm sorry I nearly took out you and your goddess. I shouldn't have been so brazen at the beginning.
Val: now Rex, your turn.
Rex: ...
Faye: Rex...
Rex: I'm sorry for nearly killing you just then.
Val: good! Progress is being made.
Faye: it's a good start. Now let's just talk a bit for a while. Maybe you two can find common ground.
Rex: doubt it...
Quetz: mi amor... you really should at least try...
Rex: *sigh* fine.
Quetzalcoatl was still annoyed at Kiryu for what he did, but she knew that closure was needed and that hopefully Rex would slow down with the paranoia after this.
The four groups talked for a bit. Just like many other meetups they discussed how things went in their respective journeys against first Goetia, then the Alien God. They also discussed the various events that took place in between lostbelts and singularities. But unfortunately, it seemed Kiryu did not consider just how offensive his actions during the most recent x-mas event would be to Rex.
Rex filled with rage, slammed Kiryu to the ground with his tendrils. And in sync, Protea pinned down Bunyan just as she started to grow.
Val: Rex! Stop!
Kiryu: I should've seen that coming... but don't think Bunyan is the only servant I brought!
???: uh master...
Kiryu: huh?!
Not far off, Sakata could be seen, but he was being held back by berserker Lancelot.
Sakata: he just caught me by surprise!
Kiryu: you really are paranoid.
Rex: like I said before, I always bring backup!
Faye: Rex! You need to stop this! I understand where you're coming from, but you don't need to do this!
Rex: he went too far!
Kiryu: hey! I need to support my daughter!
Rex: a parent shouldn't blindly support their child in every decision they make! She was manipulated by Edison and because of that he manipulated you too! You need to correct her when she makes a mistake! So she doesn't do it again!
Kiryu: ok, you've made your point!
It was clear Kiryu didn't like being lectured by Rex.
Val: please just let him go!
Quetz grabbed onto Rex from behind, wanting him to stop.
Quetz: mi amor! You shouldn't be doing this!
Rex: he insulted you by switching sides!
Kiryu: you know all these precautions... haven't you gotten a bit too paranoid?
Rex: like you can say anything about that!
Kiryu: ok, I understand it's partially my fault. I'm sorry! But it seems you've put so much focus on all this... how are your other servants?
Rex: what's it matter!?
Kiryu: I just wonder how you've been treating them in this unfortunate state of mind.
Val: Kiryu! Priorities!
Kiryu: it's a valid question!
Quetz: mi amor... he has a point. Some of the others have been a bit... neglected.
Kiryu: I knew it!
Rex: ...
Rex let Kiryu go.
Kiryu, getting back up: I'd especially love to know how your Bunyan's doing?
Rex: she's fine enough...
Kiryu: anything less then gold isn't enough to me.
Rex: I only use grails for mi diosa...
Kiryu: ...then let me have her...
Rex: ...what?
Kiryu: your Bunyan, lemme have her.
Rex: why should I do that!?
Kiryu: someone needs to put her to good use.
Rex: ...then hand over your Quetzalcoatl...
Faye: ...again Rex?
Rex: out of fairness of course!
Kiryu: ...fine.
After some time, both Kiryu's Quetz and Rex's Bunyan were brought in.
Rex: I'm sorry I've been neglecting you Bunyan, but I've found a better master for you.
Rex's Bunyan: ...ok master...
Before the trade, Kiryu needed to say some things to his Quetzalcoatl.
Kiryu: listen... I fucked up!
Kiryu's Quetz: what do you mean master?
Kiryu: I was a bit too brazen when I first met this dude and started a fight before I had all the info, that along with another incident has made this other guy too paranoid. We've agreed to trade but I want you to help him get over it.
Kiryu's Quetz: how can I be of help if his own Quetzalcoatl can't?
Kiryu: I don't think it's that she can't but... it may be that his mind's a bit foggy at the moment. Just... get him down the right path. I don't know how long this'll last... hell, might be forever as far as we're concerned but still... give him a hand while you're with him.
Kiryu's Quetz: what about you master? Will you be alright?
Kiryu: hey, I got Ivan and Martha to cover for ya! And another berserker to level up too!
Kiryu's Quetz: ...ok. I'll try to help him!
Kiryu: awesome!
The two switched contracts, and the trade was officially complete.
After that, Rex was finished and wanted to leave.
Rex: are we done here?
Faye: I'm not sure if this is exactly what we wanted...
Val: it's progress atleast!
Kiryu: Mata ne Quetzalcoatl no ryu
Rex: ...adios... papa de Bunyan...
And after that... it was over.
A/N: Another Quetzalcoatl with Rex. I had this story idea for a but when remembering what happened with Kiryu in the Quetzmas event but it's changed considerably after talking with @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong so now we have new Quetz trying to help with his paranoia. Not sure what to call her yet to differentiate but I'll think of something soon...
Other masters in this: @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @hasereshdoneanythingwrong
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@hasbbdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong @has-gilgamesh-doneanythingwrong @hasnightingaledoneanythingwrong
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pmd-waveringfate · 3 years
“As I said all will be revealed in due time. Now before you embark on this journey however you must first pass this trail. Before you stand many who have face hardships and overcame them, you must glimpse into their past and learn from it to better yourself for the task ahead” Those words echoed in our young hero's head as he slowly made his way into the crowd of numerous pokemon before him looking around curious as to who he should choose first "So many pokemon to choose from...w-who should I pick firs- hm?"
The boy suddenly stopped in front of what appeared to be a greedent who seemed a bit larger than normal and had stripes down his back and tail. Upon closer inspection, it seemed like it was just staring into space with no expression on its face at all which caused some confusion for the young boy
"U-Umm hello? Hellooo? Anyone there? My name is Okko and I'm supposed to be learning something from you?" The boy, whose name seemed to be Okko, waved his hand in front of the mon's face a few times eventually going to reach over to poke its cheek when suddenly a bright light surrounded the both of them causing Okko to cover his eyes when he opened his eyes he saw what looked like a bunch of TV screens and each of them showed a different scene with the greedent as the star. "Whoa so this is what that voice meant when the voice said 'glimpse into their past'... so this is your life eh little bud-"
When Okko looked down to look at the greedent it was no longer there but instead a floating nameplate that read Nicholas "Nick" Kaluhiwa "dy?" Okko looked at the nameplate reading it carefully
"So Nick's your name huh? I wonder if I'll ever come across you someday...." Okko looked back at various points of Nick's life been shown before him wondering what could he possibly learn from all of this
"While this is interesting and all but I don't think I can learn anything that might help m-"
Before Okko could finish his sentence another pokemon appeared in front of him this time a sceptile wearing a blue hoodie
"A sceptile? And he's wearing a hoodie. Cool."
As Okko approached the newcomer the TV screens went blank for a moment before turning back on. Like the greedent, the screens show the sceptile's adventures, his ups as well as his downs all crystal clear for Okko to see
"Hehe looks like I found out how to change the channel" Okko looked back to see if the hoodie-wearing grass type only to find another nameplate, this one read Atzin "Another nameplate..... "
Okko was getting slightly frustrated not seeing how could looking at random pokemon's lives could be a trial, his frustration would only grow as more pokemon appeared. The first was a shiny pikachu that seemed to have rainbow hair that went by the name of Sterling, after that there was a falinks or rather falink by the name of Basalt, and finally what seemed to be a combination of a litleo, skiddo, and ekans each of them with their own names Beaker, Pipet, and Tongs. After what seemed like hours Okko sighs in defeat
"C-Come on already! How long has it been? I haven't learned a single thing since I started this so-called "trial" will I ever get out of here?!"
Maybe you should just give up...what if you fail them again?
"H-Huh? Who said that?!" Okko frantically looked around for the owner of the voice before noticing the small black cloud that was forming in front of him
Maybe you shouldn't continue any further..... It wouldn't make any sense now, would it? It was evident that the voice was coming from the cloud, it was an eerie raspy voice that caused Okko to shiver Your family....your friends....they probably don't even want to see you anymore..... "N-No that...t-that's not true..." The cloud soon began to separate into 4 smaller clouds the first of the four turning to a shadowy looking ekans that began slowly circling Okko who was slowly backing away Stay here....no one will ever see your pathetic face again...it's for the best...... The clouds follow Okko as he back away the second cloud becoming a skitty with crimson red eyes claws out and ready to strike at any moment, it seemed to be smiling ear to ear its razor-sharp teeth in full display "No! I-I need to go back to m-my family an-and friends!"
"Friends? Family? They most likely abandoned you by now This came from the third cloud who was now a dusknoir showing off its pearly whites as well though this one looked more sinister than normal like it was deteriorating which startled Okko causing him to trip and fall back to the ground allowing the evil pokemon before him to get closer, the final cloud turning to a kommo-o who like the others was also sporting a toothy grin. As they got closer and closer Okko frantically backed up as much as he could teardrops running down his face "N-No! Stay away! I-I..." I SAID STAY AWAY! Okko raised his hands a bright light shining from them blinding his pursuers, while this greatly confused Okko as to how he conjured the light he didn't dwell on it and quickly got on his feet once again running as he did before he even got here. Okko kept running not slowing down for fear the pokemon from before would find him, but as fate would have it history would repeat itself a second time as he suddenly began falling again "Not againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......." Meanwhile, in an unknown location, a Lucario suddenly jumps out of his sleep in a cold sweat looking around frantically before finally calming down "W-Whoever that was in my dream I hope they're ok." Prologue END (After save errors, wifi problems, and various interruptions I'm glad to be done with this! A huge thanks to all of the peeps who lent me their characters for this! I'm a bit nervous but hopefully, you guys will enjoy reading this it's my longest post ever! Appearances: @greedentstripes, @atxin1, @ask-nayden, @askprojectchimera/@ask-findingfamily, @iamyourdoubt, @asksavel, @leilani-and-kass, @gregnas-the-grouch. If I forgot someone lemme know!)
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trulivin · 4 years
On the Job
Golden Eyes Part 2 | Part 1
A/N: SURPRISE SURPRISE. Here it is! (Finally). One down, seven more to go. Sorry it’s taken so long, but I hope you enjoy this! As always, send feedback! Enjoy! I figured you guys would like this better than another update. I got a lot of this done last night so I did my finishing touches tonight. Hopefully I caught all of my mistakes! 
Also I’m thinking about doing a tag list for whenever I post imagines? Lemme know what you think.
P.S Let me know if the link works for Part 1. My computer is being janky right now. 
Kaz Brekker x Reader, Six of Crows
Warnings: Slight abuse, cursing 
*Hopefully my gif works this time*
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Y/N went straight to Jesper after she left Kaz’s room. “Well hello there Ms. Sharpshooter,” Jesper bowed, jokingly as she approached. Y/N shot him a grin before asking, “So Kaz says you have a job to do and I was wondering if I could tag along?” Jesper thought for a moment, but the mischievous look on his face told her she was already allowed. 
“Hmm? Let’s see you could take anyone’s eyes out in a moment or shoot them in the head. I think you can,” Jesper replied. “Besides, we need someone to draw our target out anyways. And with those golden eyes of yours I think you can do it.” 
Y/N’s face faltered a bit, but she nodded refusing to let the idea of playing the seductress ruin this. “Great so I’ll come get you tomorrow and fill you in before we go,” Jesper smiled before heading off to the Crow Club. “Awesome,” Y/N muttered, sulking again. Of course it had to be this type of job, she thought to herself. 
“There’s the girl I was looking for!” Inej exclaimed, dancing gracefully over to Y/N, snapping her out of her thoughts. Y/N gave her a small smile and Inej’s face dropped. “What now?” she asked. “Nothing,” Y/N said as innocently as she could. “Bullshit,” Inej pursed her lips. “Nothing I swear! Kaz finally let me go on my first job with Jesper,” Y/N said. 
Inej narrowed her eyes and prompted, “But.” 
“But,” Y/N huffed, “Jesper said they needed someone as bait. And I’m said bait.” 
A look of sympathy flashed across Inej’s face, before she grabbed Y/N’s hands, leading her to her room so they could talk in private. 
Once the girls were settled, Inej said, “You don’t have to go you know. Kaz wouldn’t think anything of it.” But Y/N shook her head. “I have to go. I just got everyone to shut up,” Y/N said. “But Y/N, we both know you got the worst of it at the Menagerie,” Inej said quietly. Y/N sighed recalling all of the horrible memories. 
“Look,” Inej started, “I’m just saying, you don’t have to do this type of thing.” 
“I’ll have to at some point. Might as well be now. Besides I’ve practically been begging Kaz to let me go, and I told him I’d be fine. Do you know how embarrassing it would be if I went to him now and said ‘oh wait I can’t do this cause I’m afraid a guy is going to try and feel me up’?” Y/N mumbled. Inej gave her a funny look but said, “Kaz wouldn’t blame you. He’s not one of the nasty men. I mean he doesn’t have a conscience I swear, but he still has some respect for women.” 
Y/N snorted, “It still makes me look weak.” 
“You aren’t.” 
“I know. It’s just time. I can do this Inej. I’ll be okay.”
Inej sighed and eventually nodded in agreement. “Okay, try and get some sleep. Jesper is a hyper one to work with so you should be fully prepared,” Inej smiled, standing up. “I wouldn’t doubt it,” Y/N laughed. “Goodnight!” Inej called before floating out of her room. 
Y/N laid awake for a few more hours telling herself she was going to be fine. “It’s been over a month and you’ve been doing great,” she muttered to herself in the dark. At last, after a long while the restless girl eventually fell into a deep slumber. 
The following morning, Y/N was immediately met by Jesper. Big Bolliger was lingering in the hall behind him and Y/N assumed this was the other guy on the job. Great, she thought to herself. The guy that absolutely hates me now for almost shooting his manhood off. 
“So, you ready?” Jesper asked with wide eyes. Y/N noticed how his leg seemed to be shaking and one hand rested on his pistol, tapping on the side of it. “Uh, sure,” Y/N said. Jesper’s face split into a grin and he rushed by her. “I’ll fill you in when we get to the spot!” he called over his shoulder. 
Big Bolliger shoved past her, obviously still unhappy over the previous day, following Jesper out. Y/N felt a pair of eyes on her and turned to see Kaz making his way down the steps towards Per Haskell’s office. His impassive expression was back, but his eyes were burning with something else. Anxiousness? Concern? Anger? 
No not anger. He’s always mad at something, Y/N told herself. Catching his eye for a moment, she silently told him she was going to be okay before hurrying after Jesper and Big Bolliger. 
Kaz stopped on the landing in front of Per Haskell’s office, finding Y/N’s eyes. Quickly, he found the girl staring at the entrance where the two boys just went through. He could tell she had doubts about going, but he knew she wouldn’t back out much to his dismay. As if she could sense his presence, Kaz saw her turn around and her golden eyes met his. He sucked in a breath and silently wished she would come up to him and say she wasn’t ready and that she changed her mind. 
Unfortunately, the look in her eyes told him the opposite. He saw her eyes soften at the sight of him, but just as quickly as they found his, they pulled away, and Y/N flitted out the door and into the sunlight. 
Unbeknownst to Kaz, Inej saw the whole exchange and grinned at the thought of Y/N and Kaz. 
Y/N eventually caught up with Jesper, having to walk at a very brisk pace. “Saints! Slow down Jesper,” she exclaimed, finally reaching him. “Keep up golden-eyes. I’m in charge today and I set the pace,” Jesper snickered. Y/N glanced around nervously. She felt too exposed weaving in and out of the hustle and bustle of Ketterdam. 
“What exactly is the plan?” She asked. “Wait no, what exactly is it we’re doing?”
“We need to get this slummy little Ravkan trader to cough up some coins he owes Kaz,” Jesper said, “But he is smart enough not to travel by himself because he knows how Ketterdam is. A real con artist if you ask me. Not a very loyal Ravkan considering he hoards most of the kruge for himself instead of actually giving it to his boss.” 
Y/N nodded, trying to dodge more bodies. It was already hot enough with the sun beating down on them. How in the world does Kaz wear a tie everyday? Y/N thought to herself. 
“So,” Jesper continued, “Your job is to get the guy away from his little friend.” Y/N looked around as her, Jesper, and Big Bolliger made their way to a table in front of a little bakery across the street from some club. Y/N was tense. It felt ten times hotter already, and she was very unnerved at how quiet Big Bolliger had been this entire time. 
“There’s an alleyway, just over there,” Jesper pointed diagonally across the street to the left, a few buildings down from the club. “You need to get him over there where I’ll be covering the backside. Big Bolliger will cover where you enter the alley and we’ll handle it from there. Easy peasy,” Jesper concluded. 
Y/N didn’t say a word thinking about how she would have to lure him away from his friend. Tante Haleen’s voice rang out in her head, “Be a serpent girl. Draw them in with those eyes and then strike. The men love it.” 
“You know,” Jesper’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts, “If you aren’t comfortable with this you don’t have to do it. We can find another way.” Y/N glanced at Big Bolliger and he was eagerly waiting for her response. She would not give him the satisfaction. 
Y/N shook her head, “No, I can do this. I’ll be fine. Easy peasy, like you said.” Jesper gave her a wary look but nodded his head. Big Bolliger, however, had a look on his face that ran shivers up Y/N’s spine. He was betting on her to fail so he could chew her out and get her back for yesterday. Y/N gulped and sunk in her seat watching the crowd roll by and trying not to vomit all over the table. 
After about thirty minutes of waiting, Jesper nudged her arm, “There he is.” He pointed to two fairly pale, slimy looking school-boys. The target was the taller of the two, but almost sickly like. The boy had absolutely no muscle on his body, but had a slight gut popping out from his stained shirt. 
“That’s the con artist?” Y/N asked in complete shock. She stifled a laugh as Jesper rolled his eyes. “Yes he doesn’t look like much, but that guy is pretty good at what he does. His friend on the other hand is just along for the ride,” he said. 
“Jesper, this guy is like our age,” Y/N burst out laughing. “Yes yes I know. But Kaz needed him to run something to another guy. Then the other guy made the mistake of telling him to take money back to Kaz and well you get the idea,” Jesper said. 
“Let’s go,” Big Bolliger snapped, interrupting their conversation and standing up, walking away before the two could say anything. Jesper and Y/N then stood up and he turned to Y/N one last time. “Look it’ll be ok. We’ll be just around the corner and will be on the guy as soon as you get him in the alley,” Jesper smiled at her before disappearing in the crowd. 
Y/N took in a nervous breath before making her way towards the two guys in front of the club. Putting up her best facade, she waltzed up to them, eyes on the taller one. “Win good, boys?” Y/N smirked, batting her eyes. Everything inside of her was screaming to run. 
The two Ravkans eyed her curiously, but the target took the bait. “No not today, sadly,” he said with a thick accent. “Oh that’s too bad,” Y/N pouted, resting a hand on his shoulder. The guy reeked. 
“I’m sure there are other ways to make up for it though,” she whispered, biting her lip. Gag. The man liked where this was heading, and allowed his hand to slip over her back, grabbing her waist and pulling her close. Y/N stiffened as his hand slid dangerously low. 
She pushed aside her fear and said, “Why don’t we go somewhere a little more private? I’m sure your friend won’t mind.” The guy smirked and turned to his friend, speaking something in their native language. She only understood bits of Ravkan, but this was surely something she didn’t want to hear. The two guys shared a disgusting look and high-fived before he said, “All set.” 
“Wonderful,” Y/N muttered as she turned her back to him, pulling him towards the alley. The guy stayed very close behind her. Y/N felt the weight of his hand on her lower back, slipping ever so slightly lower. She suppressed her shutter and kept telling herself, just a few more feet. Memories of slimy men flipped through her mind like a movie, and Y/N felt as if the walls were closing in around her. 
Every step she took, Y/N heard the comments about how such a little girl was so beautiful, but along with that Tante Haleen’s words echoed through her mind as well. Every beating, every client who made her cry, everything terrible. 
But one voice kept her walking, ignoring the man’s hand, ignoring his breath on her neck. I don’t want to see you get hurt like that again. You don’t deserve it. Kaz’s voice was the loudest of them all. She didn’t know why, but she didn’t care. He kept her from drowning, and his voice gave her that sense of hope that she could make it through this. 
Y/N felt a wave of relief rush through her as she could see the alley maybe six feet in front of her now. She turned towards the Ravkan and gave him a mischievous grin. He took the bait yet again, grabbing her waist and pulling her close. His head found the crook of her neck and started placing wet, nasty kisses. Y/N had to physically hold back her puke. 
Just as they were about to stumble into the shadows, a very familiar voice rang out, “Is that my serpent?” Y/N froze. Tante Haleen was staring directly at her with an ice cold glare. “You bitch!” she shrieked. The Ravkan pulled away from her and gave her a confused look. “You know this girl?” he asked the Peacock as she was approaching them. “Oh I know this one all right,” Tante snapped. “She wanted out of my house for the longest time. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s playing you right now! She doesn’t like when men touch her,” she sneered.
The Ravkan glanced around nervously. Y/N couldn’t move or speak. “If you’re going to act like this then I’ll just bring you back to where you belong!” Tante Haleen screeched pushing through the crowd. The Ravkan took one more glance at Y/N before bolting. Before Y/N had known what happened though, Big Bolliger’s body slammed into the Ravkan and dragged him into the alleyway, not before shoving Y/N onto the ground. Tante Haleen reached the girl on the ground and yanked her up by her hair. Memories of the night Y/N took the beating in public resurfaced. 
“I told you I’d take you back in chains,” the woman snarled in Y/N’s face. Tante’s hand ran across her cheek and Y/N could feel the tears burning in her eyes. She slapped her repeatedly and threw the girl back on the ground. You don’t deserve it. 
Y/N’s head cleared as soon as she heard Kaz’s words echo through her mind. They were as clear as day. “No,” Y/N mumbled, finally able to form words. 
“Excuse me?” 
“No,” Y/N said more firmly, meeting the woman’s gaze. “I will not!” 
Instinctively, Y/N kneed the woman in the stomach and sent her crumbling to the ground. She knew how to fight back. “I’m not scared of you anymore,” Y/N hissed, kicking Tante square in the face. The woman was knocked out cold. Y/N shook herself out and ran into the alley.
Big Bolliger had the Ravkan pinned up against the wall as he was struggling to get something from his pockets. “Thank you, thank you,” Jesper said as the guy handed him two pouches. “Alright I think we got it all,” Jesper said after counting. Y/N let out a sigh of relief as Big Bolliger let the man drop. The Ravkan immediately took off in the opposite direction and disappeared around the corner. 
However, Big Bolliger then rounded on her. He came storming at her, shoving her against the wall. She felt his hands close around her throat. Everything was starting to cave in on her again and her mind went back to awful times when men pulled stuff on her like this. “Whoa whoa!” Jesper exclaimed trying to pull him off, but he just shoved him out of the way. “What the hell was that?” Big Bolliger snarled in Y/N’s face. Y/N found herself at a loss for words again, partially from being strangled at the moment.
“You try an act all tough, but I see right through you. And you just proved it! You could’ve ruined the whole job, bitch,” his words cut through her like a knife. “All you’ll ever be is some whore that Brekker decided to pull off the streets for himself.” Ouch. 
“Dude, let her go, she did fine,” Jesper interjected. Big Bolliger glared at Y/N for a moment longer before releasing her. Y/N collapsed, coughing and gasping for air. Jesper knelt down beside her placing a hand on her back, but she flinched away from him. 
Big Bolliger snorted, “I guess I was wrong. Can’t even take a man’s touch. Looks like you can’t even be a whore right.” Y/N felt tears start to fall. Why did Kaz pick her? She thought miserably. 
“That’s enough!” Jesper snarled at Big Bolliger. “Let’s go.”
“Whatever. It’s your funeral when Brekker finds out what happened,” Big Bolliger shoved past Jesper and disappeared back in the crowd. “C’mon,” he said gently, but did not touch the shaking girl. Y/N slowly stood, feeling the throbbing in her neck from his fingers. She still felt like she couldn’t breathe. There were probably marks left too. 
Jesper and Y/N made their way back to the Slat slowly. Big Bolliger was already back by the time the pair came in. Kaz’s jaw locked as soon as he caught sight of Y/N’s face. He was not happy. Inej was by her side in an instant, “What happened?” Y/N just shook her head and made her way over to where Kaz and Big Bolliger were sitting. Jesper laid the bags down in front of Kaz as Big Bolliger said, “We were lucky I got there in time. What were you thinking sending her on a job?” 
He felt pretty confident with Kaz. “I mean, she froze and almost lost the guy cause what?” Big Bolliger faced Y/N again. Kaz noticed how she physically shrunk away from his gaze, her golden eyes wide with terror again. Kaz also saw light bruising around her neck and her face stained with tears and red marks. 
“Cause the woman from the Menagerie came to talk to her,” Big Bolliger answered before Y/N could. If she could even speak. Kaz got the sneaking suspicion that the bruises around her neck were not from the Peacock though. His hard gaze turned back to Big Bolliger. 
“What happened to her neck?” he growled. Big Bolliger’s face went pale, but he didn’t answer. “What happened to her neck?” Kaz repeated, his anger rising. When no one answered, Jesper stepped in, “This lunatic grabbed her and threw her up against the damn wall! We got the job done didn’t we?” He exclaimed. 
Y/N had never seen it before, and she was sure no one else had either. Kaz completely lost it. The table was flipped in front of him and Kaz’s cane collided with Big Bolliger’s face. “What the hell!” He cried in pain. “I stepped in when she froze up! She needed to be put in place.”
Kaz kicked Big Bolliger in the stomach causing him to hunch over in pain. “You know damn well the job got done and was successful. She got the guy over to you. I don’t care if you’re the strongest, the biggest, the whatever, you do not lay your hands on her again if you want to keep them. Suck up your pride and get over what happened yesterday,” Kaz hissed, leaning over the quivering boy, with a fistful of hair in his hand. “And get the fuck out.”  
No one dared utter a word as Kaz lifted himself up from his squatting position. Big Bolliger’s face was swollen and his eyes were now swimming with fear. Y/N had never seen Kaz so angry, and the worst part was that his eyes burned with fury much like Tante Haleen’s did whenever she disobeyed. 
“Don’t you all have other stuff to do?” Kaz snapped. The crowd broke apart as everyone scurried away like mice. Inej clung to Y/N’s arm as Kaz turned to the two girls. “Go, Inej,” he said through gritted teeth, obviously not trying to yell at his Wraith. They stared at each other for a hard moment as if she was challenging him. Eventually, his eyes narrowed and he huffed, “I’m not going to hurt her.” 
Inej still didn’t budge. 
“It’s okay,” Y/N said quietly to her as Kaz glared back. After a moment, Inej dropped her gaze and muttered, “You have a real bad habit of saying everything is okay when it isn’t.” “I know, but this time it is,” Y/N managed a strained smile before removing her arm from Inej’s and moving silently over to Kaz. For the first time in the entire day, Y/N finally felt safe. 
Too many of the wrong hands had been on her and she didn’t want to feel suffocated anymore, and with Kaz, that’s exactly what she could get. He glanced at Y/N before heading back up the steps. 
Soon enough, he and Y/N found themselves back in his room just as they were the previous day. This time Y/N finally broke down as soon as the door was closed. The horrible memories of every beating came back to her, and the stench of the Ravkan filled her nose again. Before she could stop it, she finally spilled the contents in her stomach. 
When it was all out, she felt sufficiently better and stared at the nasty puddle of puke on the floor and realized what she had just done. “I am so sorry,” Y/N looked up at Kaz who seemed to be grimacing a bit, refusing to look at the floor. “I--” Y/N’s voice died in her mouth. 
“No, no, it’s uh fine. I’ll make someone else clean it up. I’m honestly surprised you lasted this long anyways,” Kaz groaned a bit motioning her to move away from the puke. He moved her to the window sill and pushed the window open to let some fresh air in. Y/N sat down as Kaz rested a hand on the frame of the building above his head. 
The fury in his eyes were gone as he studied her tired looking features. There was a prominent bruise forming on her face and a little cut under her eye. His jaw locked again as his eyes wandered down to her neck, where an outline of Big Bolliger’s fingers bruised her neck. 
Y/N squirmed under his gaze as she felt her face heat up. But he still said nothing. He honestly didn’t know what to say. 
Finally, Y/N locked eyes with him, and she saw him take in a sharp breath. It was her eyes, gold as ever. 
“Look, I know what you’re thinking. I’m fine now. Yes I almost lost the guy, but I mean that damn woman,” Y/N started. “I don’t blame you,” Kaz interrupted. “You don’t have to do that,” Y/N hissed. Kaz seemed a bit taken aback at her outburst, but let her continue.
“You don’t need to baby me. I know I screwed up, but you babying me isn’t going to fix anything. We got the job done, I froze. That’s what happens to people like me. I’m broken, Kaz. I still don’t get why you picked me!” Y/N declared, standing up. “I’m broken. It’ll always be like this for me! Maybe I’ll get better but that pain will still be with me. I haven’t seen my family in years, I’ve been beaten, raped, tortured by the hands of disgusting men. I am completely and utterly--”
“Your eyes,” Kaz said softly, interrupting. 
“Wh-what?” Y/N asked, caught off guard at his response. 
“It was your eyes. That’s why I picked you. There was something about you that night. It,” he paused for a moment, taking a hesitant step closer to her. Y/N could feel her heart pounding out of her chest. 
“It reminded me of myself when I was younger,” Kaz admitted. They were chest to chest right now, and he was looking down at her with dark eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment and said, “It reminded me of when my brother died and who the person I was then. I--I used his body as a float. His dead body. All the way back to the mainland,” Kaz took a shaky breath, but continued, “But you. You were me. You were the little boy fighting to survive under the worst conditions. You were that person who didn’t deserve what the world threw at you. The person who didn’t have anyone to protect him. The person who had absolutely no one.” 
“Kaz…” Y/N whispered. He opened his eyes and saw tears running down her face again. Kaz brought a hand up, pausing. Taking a deep breath, he pulled his glove off revealing his slender hands. Y/N had always seen them from far away whenever it was just them, but never this close. She noticed the little scars that decorated his fingers and palm. Just like mine she thought. 
Kaz brought his hand back up to her face and she noticed he was slightly trembling. Y/N wanted to move because she knew he was uncomfortable. She didn’t want to put him in this position. But another part of her wanted to see what he’d do next. Her skin began to itch where his fingers hovered. 
Kaz wanted to do this. He knew what he did and that sick feeling began rising in his stomach without his gloves. Images of Jordie’s corpse flashed through his mind, but he stared into those liquid gold eyes. They were filled with warmth, not the cold water that nearly killed him. His mind screamed, begged him to put his safety net back on, but he wanted to feel her. And he wanted her to feel him. Not the mask of cool and rough material that could have easily reminded her of the rough hands in her past. 
Y/N didn’t dare move. She just let Kaz do what he needed. The next thing she knew, his fingertips were tracing the little scar next to her eye and down her face. For a moment, he allowed her cheek to rest in the palm of his hand while his thumb wiped away a stray tear. His hand was warm on her face and surprisingly soft. She had seen what those hands could do to a person, but  with her, they were gentle. He wasn’t the Bastard of the Barrel right now. He was Kaz Brekker. 
Kaz Brekker. The boy, Y/N had fallen hopelessly and completely in love with. 
And she was the girl with the golden eyes who he had, and would never admit to anyone, fallen head over heels for. 
He was pleased that she didn’t flinch under his touch, but as easily as those eyes melted away that drowning feeling, they still weren’t enough. He let his hand trail down to the bruises on her neck before letting it fall to his side. 
Y/N felt cold air rush around her and she longed for that feeling of warmth. But, she didn’t want to push it. 
“It’ll take time,” Kaz said quietly. She knew what he meant. And he knew she would. “Me too,” she whispered, a small smile on her face. 
Kaz’s mouth quirked up a bit as he saw the brightness in her eyes return. 
And for that moment, they were content in each other’s presence, neither asking for anything more than what they could give in that exact moment. 
I hope you all enjoyed this! That last scene with them I was listening to ‘A Thousand Years’ by Christina Perry when I was writing to it, and that LITERALLY made it ten times better so I recommend going back and reading it while listening to that song lol. 
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia CH. 8
Mentions of SELF HARM. Please be aware before reading.
“Yeah, in the end Jenna Rosencali decided that she didn't want to invite Meghhan Levei to her birthday party. And that's what started the water balloon war at eight in the morning.” Little Jo said as she scrunched her curls trying to get them to dry somewhat uniformly.
The poor eleven year old had walked into the shop soaked down to the bone. Her cousin had rushed her straight into the break room to have her get dry and change clothes. Even running across the street to Dunkin' and get her favorite breakfast sandwich and donut. Then Jo had come out not even a minute after he left and proceeded to tell you what happened, knowing her cousin probably thought she'd been bullied.
But you were different, you didn't see her as a target at all. She likes to think you see her as a little sister, one who enjoys hanging out with you. As much as she likes to think that she understands you probably just see her as the boss' kid that you have to be nice to. You don't immediately jump to her aid when things look a certain way, like just right now. You waited to hear what she had to say rather than assuming someone was mean to her because she was different. Jo knows her family just wants to protect her but sometimes she just wants them to listen to her like you do.
“It's always Megans. Lemme guess name spelt weird.” like right now, you heard her.
“Yea she's got two 'h's in the middle. Meghhan.” she laughs as you roll your eyes. She tics and yanks on her hair as she's scrunching.
“Ouch” stupid tics.
“I've got some shea moisture in my locker in the break room, want me to grab it for you? It'd help with frizz.” another reason she likes you, it took a few days before you stopped checking on her tics, so long as she didn't have scissors.
Even her family haven't mastered that and they've been dealing with her Tourettes for six years.
She follows you to the back for the hair masque. Letting her take what she needed you place the jar back in your locker. Letting her know she's free to it in emergencies like this or rainy days. It's not like your locker was ever locked with just you and Nate being here. And you're pretty sure Nate dipped into this emergency hair saver as well. You didn't have an extreme need for it here it was just a habit you've kept from living in muggy humidity most your life.
“How's your week been?” Jo asked as she finally settled her hair how she liked it, with help from the masque.
She startles at the frustrated noise you make as you both leave the break room.
“Bad?” she questions.
“Sort of...there's...this..it's...”
Shit, you hadn't thought about your response. With all the stress this week you just reacted naturally to the question. Who can blame you, what with your stalker being on your mind all week, minimal amount of sleep, plus the weird interaction you'd had with Brian at the start of it. Then yesterday you topped off your stress with a healthy portion of more frustration driving up to the lodge after work to see if Barclay would like some help with cooking or even shopping for the picnic. Stubborn man sent you off with a hearty laugh after getting you opinion on the vegetarian/vegan main course, eggplant teriyaki or tofu and pineapple chipotle skewers.
“Oooooooh a boy.~” she might not be your actual sister...but you're starting to understand the Cain Instinct.
“Half right I guess.” Jo starts bouncing waiting to hear more, she's probably expecting some juicy relationship drama. Sucks for her that you are probably the world's most boring twenty-four year old, and you're content with that.
“Barclay's just frustrating sometimes.”
“Wait! You and Barcl-”
“Nope.” you interrupt, “I asked him if he needed help with any cooking for the picnic and he brushed me off.” You know he didn't mean anything by it and from what everyone said he could more than handle cooking for the amount of people just fine on his own. You'd just thought it'd be a nice gesture to offer, though you did hope he'd accept. He'd been pretty quick to turn you down, had you been any one else you may have even been insulted by the speed of the rejection.
“That's what's bothering you?” Jo's face held a very confused expression on it. It was understandable since not a lot actually bothered you, especially something as small as this. However, it's not like you could tell an eleven year old 'Yea I'm kinda being stalked right now and this week has me looking at every shadow and movement differently but fortunately or...unfortunately no one seems to notice and just brush it off as my hallucinations.'
Yup, totally not the thing you confide to an eleven year old about. Especially now that you have your plan all figured out. You've planned to let the stalker continue stalking you, picking up clues where ever they may leave them. They're bound to slip up at least once after a month of following you through your routines. Should be able to find evidence to have Big Jo help you in no time.
“Well no...I've just had a lot on my mind...”
“We can talk about it.” kid's got a kind heart, but this isn't her problem and you won't put it on her.
“Nah, it's fine.”
There's a pause as silence settles over the shop front. Jeez how long does it take to get an order from Dunkin'? Jo is staring at you as if she can see every part of your being. Breaking open your soul so all your secrets are laid out on display for her. You really don't like it, it feels like being under the microscope and it's making your skin get that familiar itch under it.
“Stop staring.” thankfully she does as you ask.
“...you said it's fine...are you going to be ok though?” Damn Montessori schools, actually allowing children to pick up on emotions and meanings behind linguistics.
You have to pause when you go to respond with the polite 'Yea I'll be good'...because you hadn't given it any real thought. You've made up this best case scenario plan. A plan that requires time and a lot of it. But you never gave thought to the fact that you might not have much time at all. What if the situation was more dire than you thought...what if this wasn't simply a stalker but a serial killer and you happen to fit his MO. A cult who was looking for the perfect sacrifice for their god. And while those thoughts could also be far fetched so is the scenario that you've built up for this past week.
Even if this was a simple stalking case, who's to say it wouldn't escalate? You have an old steel baseball bat in the hall closet and you could use it in case things got dicey. But that would require it being on your person a lot more than it actually is. Maybe you could make it look like you took up going to batting cages...are there even any batting cages in Kepler?
'Fucking focus...stop the rambling. Am I going to be ok?' you think to yourself despite the roaring chaos of your mind. Even with all the possibilities being thrown around you don't have an answer. Maybe that's really the answer after all if you can't get even one 'yes' from any of the possibilities...maybe you wouldn't be ok after all. Maybe you weren't ok.
“I don't want to talk anymore.” It's said so plainly, in such a dull monotone that it throws Jo off.
Jo's not quite used to this but she understands from the two times she's seen it that sometimes you just shut down under pressure like this. This topic, whatever it is, must really bother you. She wishes there was something she could do to make you feel better, but you can be really volatile in this state. Easily going from shutdown mode to meltdown at the simplest action.
With a jolt joined by a 'yip-yup' she remembers something that might put you in a better mood. And if it doesn't she still needs to give it to you so you have it. Rushing off to the back as fast as her legs will take her, having the agility only years of dance can provide.
Nate comes back into the shop as she disappears to the back.
“Did you know the Dunkin' across the street does parties?” What? To the man's credit he had no reaction to your blank stare and lack of response. He clocked the eye contact aversion right away.
You've gone into shutdown mode. Sometimes you just go quiet and that's fine, you're like a robot in this state and if he sets you up with a task that should take all day you have it finished in a few hours.
Once when he asked you just said you needed to not talk at time and that the tasks were good ways to process thoughts. Nate was reasonably creeped out by this but you aren't hurting anyone so c'est la vie.
“Nate?” Jo's calls out from down the hall.
“Yea, I'm back. Brought food.” he set the bag on the counter and handed you the shitty hash rounds you like for some reason.
'It's only cuz they're bad, if they were good they wouldn't be worth eating.' you think as you pop one into your mouth.
Jo comes twirling back into the room. In a broad sweep of motion kicks her foot off the floor to do one final dramatic twirl that ends in a bow with the same leg pointed toward the ceiling. All to present to you and Nate two tickets. Tickets to what?
“Another dance rehearsal?”
“Nope actual thing this time.” she supplies passing you each a ticket.
It's such a formal looking ticket for a recital that only goes up to age twelve max. Most dancers will still be in elementary school. But they want you to treat this like the Russian Ballet. Oh it even says it's a black tie event, completely different from the rehearsals you've been too.
You aren't sure if you have anything black tie status. You'll have to make a trip further out of your normal bounds and go thrifting for an outfit. Luckily it won't be happening for another month, that gives you plenty of time to try finding something in your size that you also like. It also gets you out of Kepler and away from your stalker for a few hours. Hopefully. But there's a chance your stalker will follow you on your outings away from Kepler so you'd need to keep an eye out for familiar faces on the trip.
“YN...will you come?” Jo's looking up at you with her big puppy eyes. Unfair, even if you wanted to decline she pulled puppy eyes. What heartless monster would refuse puppy eyes.
You give a slow nod along with a smile that doesn't reach your cheeks let alone your eyes. And while Jo's a little disappointed with the lack of enthusiasm she's still excited for you to come to her recital. Nate nudges her into her personal reading nook making up a lie that you hadn't finished your task sheet today so he'd watch over her while you finished working. You'd only had vacuuming and organizing the shelves that got mussed up the previous day, needless to say you were done nearly as soon as you started. When he came back to you he had a whole stack of papers for books that would need to be input into the system. You got to spend the rest of the day on the dinosaur computer in the backroom.
The quiet was nice.
After you'd gotten off work you still weren't out of your funk. Frustrated with the idea of going home and not actually being alone with a stalker prowling around. You decided to go to the one place that can calm even your worst of moods. The stream.
There's a reason why you've never been able to do longer than a thirty minute hike through the Monongahela and that's the stream. Every time you've said you'd go further into the forest you're always drawn back into that spot along the bank right under the red spruce. It has the best smell of all the trees, you think.
Just thinking about it has you having a better outlook on the day. You hardly spare the RV a glance as you go along your usual route.
You've said it once you'll say it again for emphasis. You could walk the same path every time you came through and always find something different. Like that cool rock right there. Picking it up to inspect it closer you note the color is a deep dark brown that it almost looks black even obsidian, it reminds you of something but you can't quite place it. It's very smooth and oddly enough fits perfectly in your hand given it's larger size.
You think you'll keep it, this is a good rock. Idly rubbing the smooth surface of the stone as you trek through your trail, you can feel the tension start to ease off of you. You found a very nice worry stone, it works amazingly well. Hopefully no one lost it and it is just a naturally occurring stone that you happened on by chance. As much as you like it you'd hate to think of the chance of someone loosing something they need.
All thoughts cease once you hear the babble of the stream. As if on auto pilot you move with a fluidity through the brush and low hanging tree branches to your spot. Right under the spruce. Just as you did the last week and every other trip before you remove your shoes and socks placing them further behind you, so you can dip your feet into the cool stream. It's very refreshing on this hot summer's day.
Lying down with your feet still in the stream you close your eyes and just loose yourself to nature. All your cares and worries getting washed away by the steady moving stream. It's strange to be here without the buzzing in the back of your head. Oh great speak of the devil and he shall appear. It's fine, after all you're used to this, it's easy to ignore.
However, what isn't easy to ignore is the snapping of a branch, from in front of you just across the stream, how cliche. Cliches aside the sound rockets you back into a sitting position as you look for the source. And you find it...find him standing just on the other side of the stream emerging from the brush on that side. Toby. And he's mask less, not a weird choice considering he probably wouldn't have run into anyone had you not decided to come out for a hike.
Great you can feel your chances at friendship slipping through your grasp just like the water slips down the bend. He's gonna think you're weird when you don't respond to him verbally. Or worse he'll think you were rude for not wanting to talk to him and then never want to talk to you again in retaliation. Whatever relaxation had once been over you quickly dissipates and you are left anxious and with a tickle at the base of your skull.
Toby hasn't said anything yet. Not even a raised hand in a half wave. You also don't see Connor anywhere. Is Toby okay right now? Fuck even with that kind of thought you can't manage to move your lips let alone actually utter a sound, even ones that wouldn't ever be counted as words by anyone who was currently living. So you take the first move, literally.
Raising the hand without the stone in a mock form of a greeting. Toby doesn't seem to quite register it or you but he copies the movement. Oh he must be dissociating either that or in a catatonic state similar to the one you'd been in last weekend. That's probably how he knew he just needed to sit you down and keep and eye on you. You could do that for him...if that's what he needed.
You wave your hand beckoning Toby to come over to your side of the stream. Toby tilts his head to the side before his arms jolt up, going across his body. You assume it was a tic because he didn't keep the pose long. Tilting your head back at him, as if to say 'You coming over?', you pat the spot next to you.
Seems he registered that because he backed up a few steps before taking a running leap to cross the stream. He lands with more grace than you'd given the lanky guy credit for, normally someone with such long limbs would be a lot more clumsy. Not to mention that was a pretty wide jump, and Toby only has a few inches on you, you could probably barely cover the width of the stream. But he not only cleared it but he gave himself a good six inches of coverage away from the edge. You just hope he didn't roll or over exert anything by doing that. With his insensitivity to pain he wouldn't feel it and if he wasn't here mentally right now it's likely he wouldn't even remember he made a jump like that in the first place.
When he just stands in place staring at you, you get a bit uneasy. What's up with everyone staring at you today? You get really uncomfortable with people's stares normally, and now you're overstimulated and stressed it's not a great combination. But you can rationalize Toby is having a moment of his own. And since he helped you the best that he could you'll do the same for him, pushing aside your own issues for the moment. After all what are friends for.
He's standing within arms reach. You don't even have to get up as you gently grab his hand and give a few light tugs. Trying your best to get across that he should sit down with you. This would probably be a lot easier if you could speak right now. Did he speak to you when you were like this?
Toby thankfully gets the message and drops into a criss-cross position next to you. You start to retract your hand, now that the need for contact is over, when Toby's rough hand closes around it suddenly. Looking to Toby he's just staring straight ahead and not at you. His eyes aren't frantic or moving in any way, like yours sometimes do when you're following a hallucination. Physical closeness must help him through this kind of thing.
As gross as the feeling normally would be for you it isn't so bad right now. It seems Toby's CIPA also affects his body's temperature and his ability to sweat. Where there's usually the feeling of burning and clammy moisture coming off of another person, Toby is just tepid and dry. If anything it feels as if you're being held by a leather baseball glove.
Toby's hands are very rough, especially his palms, maybe you should let him burrow some of the goat milk lotion Dia gave you a few weeks ago. It smells pretty good and it only takes a little bit to soften your skin back up. But as you look closer at his hands you can see the spots roughest are around his nail beds. Someone has a biting problem, maybe he needs an oral stim toy. That would keep his flesh out of his mouth, and stop him from injuring himself...hopefully. There's still a chance he'd bite through his tongue without realizing, honestly you're a little surprised that hasn't happened yet.
You had completely forgotten about the stone in your hand until you went to grab at Toby's hand that still held yours in a firm grip. Seeing the dark brown rock again you remembered what it reminded you of, Toby's eyes. They were the same shade as the rock, that's funny...anecdotally at least. This rock helped you maybe it would help calm him down some. Worth a shot.
Since your hand closest to him is preoccupied you have to reach across his body to nudge the rock to his hand. He spares it a single glance before covering it with his other hand. Mission partially accomplished you guess. Now you're just sitting here, with Toby catatonic, by the edge of the water bank. Pulling your feet from the stream you mirror Toby's pose, you'll likely be here a while.
While normally you'd love to just loose your self to the sounds surrounding the stream, in the presence of another person you're too jittery to enjoy that. If only you had something to fidget with... You wonder what Toby's reaction would be if you just... Toby turns his head to watch you when he feels a gentle smaller hand on his own. Dark eyes watching intensely as you pull his hand into your lap. Turning it over so his palm is facing up, before you start tracing patterns into his palm lines and flexing his fingers individually. He watches for a moment before turning back to his original point.
Playing with his hand you noticed a few more things about Toby. From his chipped black nail polish, a look you personally think not enough guys go for even though it makes them look more attractive and approachable. To the single string paracord medical bracelet he's wearing, metal tag simply stating 'TOURETTE'S SYNDROME'. And a little further down you see scars, a few are crescent shapes easily identified as Toby's own nails. But most are straight lines, even a few jagged cuts, that run up and along his forearm.
'Tobais...what on Earth happened to you?' just as the thought rings through your mind you feel a sudden weight on your shoulder.
Toby is resting on your shoulder with his eyes close. You can tell he's just resting them by the lack of movement behind the eyelids.  With his head being on your shoulder you can smell him, not in a creepy way but he's just so close that his scent waifs your way. He smells like fresh dirt...it isn't a bad smell. It reminds you of gardening but on an overcast day. It hadn't rained today so how does he smell like it?
Moving your attention back to his hands, and away from how nice Toby smells, you catch sight of the scars again and bite your lip. Not wanting to dwell on the scars and their implications any longer. You curl and uncurl his fingers and start a rhythmic motion of curling them individually.
'You poor sweet boy.' is the only thought you can focus on. Even though the scars may be old and those wounds long healed. Toby at one point made them and it's very apparent that he is still not in the best way mentally. Once the two of you are friends, you'll do your best to be there for him. Like you are right now...you really hope it helps.
Toby didn't make even the slightest movement until the sky had begun to bleed its deep oranges across the horizon. He pulls his hand out of your grasp. And when you try to retrieve it to keep up you activity he softly pushes your hands back to you. Guess he's done for now.
With as late as it is, you'd like to go home. And Toby seems more aware of the things going on. But it isn't until you hear a call for him behind you two and he reacts looking in the direction of the call, that you decide he's safe enough for you to leave here.
Without much hesitancy you push off of the ground and stand. Toby isn't looking at you. Taking that as a cue you head back towards the entrance of the forest. Before you leave the clearing however, you look back to Toby and notice a dark colored stone resting nicely in his palm as he idly brushes a finger across it's surface.
Yea he's going to be fine.
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cristalknife · 3 years
Kadam Week 2021 Day 5 ~ Been There, Done That, Lemme Be...
This is me trying to not start something on a platform only to post solely somewhere else aka AO3 and ff.net  you can find the complete list of Kadam Week 2021 prompts and you might find more stories on the Kadam Week 2021 AO3 collection
That said, today prompt is April Fools Day While I'm not 100% sure on this story hitting the mark, it has at least some of the prompt's elements, revolving around April fools and one of the two options, namely both Kurt and Adam hating pranking... so here we go, I present to you Been There, Done That, Lemme Be... (Or how a joke between Adam and Kurt became a new Nyada's yearly tradition.) (or read on ao3)
Adam didn't mind the differences between his home country and the states that much, not on most days at least.
April first though was the exception, usually Americans' tendencies to go overboard were amusing, but he could admit that in the past few years being on this side of the pond made him look back fondly and longingly to how things were back home.
For one, back in England, the tradition of pranking lasted only till noon, which made only half of a terrible terrible day, and easier to avoid.
But here in America, the whole day was game, and Adam didn't like how easily pranks escalated.
The fact he never had fond memories of the practice didn't help much either.
It was only by a lucky chance, that the previous years, April first fell on days when it was completely ok for him to call in sick or disappear without any suspicions.
While he blessed such coincidence at the time, it was something he somehow regretted now. Because he was unsure on how to broach the subject with Kurt, nor how it would be received.
Simply disappearing for twenty four hours without a warning, was not something he could do to his boyfriend, not when he knew said boyfriend was capable of worrying over the smaller things...
He wasn't that comfortable raising the issue, but it was something they needed to tackle together.
Adam didn't want April fools traditions to be something they got upset about and potentially snap at each other over mere ignorance.
It so wasn't the kind of talk he wanted to have, but clear communication was the key and so a talk they would have.
Without knowing it yet Kurt was facing a similar dilemma.
He never had the chance to walk away from April first, so the possibility had never ever even crossed his mind, especially since in his experience it had always been one more day where it was just more of the same…
Probably with a more cruel edge to the ‘pranks’ done to him, since apparently the date gave permission even to the kinder people to just disregard anything he might feel...
So all in all it was just one more day in his usual life.
The main exhibit example of the escalated condoned cruelty of April fools had been their outside furniture being nailed to the roof...
Everyone simply laughed it out, while his dad had to have the roof repaid adding more expenses to the list of bills to pay...
In a way Kurt had always tried to appear unaffected and bored by the repetitiveness of the jokes and pranks sent his personal way.
The substance in question might have changed during the years and the occasion, but the prank itself had stayed the same. The over unoriginal and completely lacking any creative inventive of trowing a balloon or a container filled with one of the many possibly disgusting choices.
So nothing new compared to the daily slushie facial he got in high school.
In the lucky years when he was younger, it was just chalk powder and or dirt, then the boys hit their fascination for the disgusting and the pee balloons, the slimes and eggs appeared.
The seemingly most innocuous one had been a natural blueberries smoothie… That managed to destroy a complete outfit with stains that never came out.
But now that he was at Nyada, despite having found out how surprisingly similar college was to high school, he had slightly higher hopes for this year.
If the others students were as busy as he was, then hopefully there wouldn't be any time for the traditional pranks.
At least not on school ground, and since some of his professors had been grumpy dragons on Valentine's day, by simply seeing the exchange of flowers and chocolates in the hallways, to the point that the message that not such foolishness and disruption would be tolerated in their classrooms, became the daily mantra. Made Kurt held a tiny candle of hope that he might get through that day unscathed this year.
The only uncertainty came from Adam and the rest of their friends...
The Apples were a playful and excitable bunch on a normal day, though he was pretty sure that any kind of mischief from them would be geared more toward being funny than malicious.
And despite not having known them that long, he was sure that if he asked them to ease up, they all would make everything stop immediately.
But the whole idea of the day was still making him a little anxious, with all his bad experiences, while he was always the one neither amused nor laughing, everyone else seemed to find his situation pretty amusing...
With Blaine he basically never had to worry, his ex was always too needy of being the centre of attention that never bothered to follow any kind of traditions if it didn't benefit him...
And Adam was nothing like Blaine... Which made Kurt all the more worried he'd end up flip out and explode at his boyfriend, over something insignificantly small and harmless.
But it was also exactly the reason why in the end, Kurt shouldn't have been as surprised as he actually was, in receiving a text from Adam on that subject, simply saying 'Can we please talk about April first’s expectations?'
Despite the calm 'Sure, I'll be there in half an hour unless there're troubles with the subway. See you soon xxx' Adam got from Kurt, his nerves were not as calm or collected.
Hopefully Kurt wouldn't be too disappointed. Adam knew there could be pranks not meant to hurt, but he had seen too many backfire to be comfortable with the whole principle.
His uneasiness got gladly interrupted by the doorbell announcing Kurt's arrival.
"Hellu darling" Adam greeted with a smile, he was happy to see his boyfriend even if he wasn't too thrilled about the topic they were about to discuss.
To Adam's surprise and joy Kurt hugged him and pressed a light kiss on his lips before saying "Hi there"
Adam smiled back and pointed to the kitchen where the kettle was on the stove “Tea before we talk?”
Kurt chuckled but nodded following Adam “Such a British offer, I’ll take a cup of what you’re having, thanks.”
Adam chuckled a little himself. It was more a personal preference than a real national trait, he knew quite a few fellow Brits who couldn’t even stand tea, but it was a gesture still common enough that the saying hadn’t died out yet.
Once they both sat at the table with their cup in front of them, Kurt was the first to start their talk "About April fools, is there any chance we might skip the practice altogether? I'm not overly fond of pranks and if we could avoid their cruelty I'd really appreciate it."
Adam sighed relieved then smiled nodding grateful "Believe me darling, if only it was feasible I would have tackled this year's April fools like usual, namely skipping the day altogether. It is the one day a year I miss not being back in England."
Kurt tilted his head curiously and asked "How so? And by that I mean why would you miss England on that specific day?"
Adam grinned at the quick correction, apparently Kurt had already figured out to ask clearly for things he wanted to know.
He knew it was maybe a slightly petty exercise to force on his boyfriend, but it did have the advantage of promoting and teaching how to communicate better, which was a good thing for the both of them.
"It's not like the pranks were better, if that's what you're wondering, but there is the tradition that pranks should happen only until noon and if someone pranks after noon then he is the April fool... A tradition that translating in having to hide only half day instead of the whole day..."
Kurt considered it for a moment then nodded "You know, I never thought of that solution, mainly because in my experience it wouldn't matter anyway, the only real difference on April fools compared to any other day was that more people laughed when something happened..."
Adam frowned and took another sip of his cooling tea, to refrain from offering once more to burn to ashes the kind of place that would allow such things to happen on daily basis...
“I wish we could just pass through a token space, get our stamp of been there, done that, lemme be and then be free for the rest of the day. That would be a relief if only possible.”
Adam’s outburst was more on a joking note, however Kurt was looking pretty lost in thoughts, humming softly before asking “But what if we had such place, let’s say like a table on the cafeteria with an April first menu, and at the end a pin and the request that anyone wearing a pin to be left alone...”
Adam listened interested and wondered reasoning aloud “You know, if we take this idea to the Deans we might actually get the faculty behind it and have at least the school day free of worries. It would be something… I know I’d appreciate that...”
Kurt looked up, panic evident in both his voice and eyes “Wait, you mean it isn’t safe? I thought that with the majority of the faculty acting like grumpy dragons with a toothache no one would dare... Or that at least we’d all be too busy for that?”
Adam snorted and shook his head “Oh Darling, there’re times I forget you’re still a sweet innocent wide eyed freshie... On the contrary, the odds are beyond scary... But if we get the faculty behind that then we might make it happen… And believe me, most professors would love to wear such a pin for the day and delight in enforcing the safe space.”
Kurt pouted a little at Adam’s description, but in a way he knew he was, eyes were still full of wonder for the school, despite the nasty discovery about it being so similar to high school.
But he had to defend himself so he quipped playfully “So, oh wise and jaded senior, what is your take on the idea, think we can pull that off instead and get the whole school an almost prank free zone?”
Adam pondered the question a little and asked back instead “But what could we put on the menu? I can only think of a couple of tea brews that taste like something else, one like chocolate and another like coffee”
Kurt grinned getting excited “What about variations of the theme of the meatloaf cupcakes different combination of meat patty with coloured mashed potato piped on it to seem like frosting with cherry tomatoes or parmesan on top of them as decorations.”
Adam hummed interested, “Talking of cheese it could be fun to have as opposed to those the sweet grilled cheese sandwiches, where you use pound cake instead of bread”
Kurt chuckled looking mischievously “Do you think we can manage to ask the cooks to also add apples’ fries?”
Adam snorted and playfully pointed a finger at Kurt in a mocking scolding before tutting “Cheeky aren’t we? You really want everyone to know who did it with such a signature?”
Kurt laughed carefree, almost to the point of tears “As if the gossips in our school wouldn’t have passed that information through the whole theatre social circles grapevine way before lessons start on April first...”
What had started as a half joke, in front of two cups of tea, shared by a couple who didn’t care for malicious and cruel pranks, was found by the faculty as an intriguing alternative, to a day of growling and shouting at college students acting like kindergartens.
On April first the students found at the front door the announcement that complementary ‘Been There, Done That, Lemme Be, NYADA 12-13’ pins were distributed in the cafeteria for everyone wanting a pranks free day on school grounds. Any student reported or found by the faculty, pranking someone wearing the pin would be reported to their Major’s Dean for appropriate support (read additional remedial homework) for having been unable to read and understand one of the many big announcement’s signs present on the front door and in the main halls all around their school...
In the cafeteria there were multiple choices on how to earn one’s pin. Including, but not limited to, try out one of the alumni kindly sponsored ‘surprise’ food, which for safety reasons were all properly showing the list of contained ingredients.
Officially speaking the Nyada’s faculty took the credit for the event and for the prank free April fools during the AY 2012-13.
The grocery bag containing apples, a pack of sugar, ground cinnamon and an unsigned card with just the words ‘Thank You’, found in the Auditorium 2 the next day, told Kurt and Adam that someone knew exactly who was behind it.
And from the confused faces of their Apples it was not someone from their group. ~The End~
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evaxsombra · 3 years
Kadeu, Diamond Territory, The Palace, Ara’s office/dressing room
12 August 2024, Afternoon
“Okay, this one for sure this time,” Eva spoke with unfounded confidence. She held out a small, heavy ball of mysterious origin she’d bought from a vendor a few days prior. They had told her that even the most powerful Strongarm couldn’t crush these toys. It had been enough to convince the Shapeshifter to buy an assortment of said toys to gift to Little Lana who, as of five minutes ago, crushed half of them between her tiny palms.
Sadly, this ball was no exception as Eva heard the telltale crunch of metal and pelts of unrestrained laughter at the destruction of another “Strongarm-proof” toy. A sigh escaped her, but she reached out and patted the baby on her head, the soft curls reminding Eva of one of her favorite blankets back at the barracks. “It’s okay, Lana. We’ll find you the perfect toy eventually.”
Turning away from the sounds of baby babble and metal toys bouncing off one another, Eva offered an apologetic smile to Ara, though she couldn’t see the actress’s expression. She had insisted that Ara let her introduce these toys to Lana in the hopes that she and Hilo wouldn’t have to worry about broken toys needing replacing for a while. But even Eva didn’t need eyes to know she’d been ripped off. “Maybe that guy at the market wasn’t being very truthful, huh? Or,” she gestured behind her to Lana, “you have a special little Strongarm on your hands!”
Eva knew she was just trying to mask her disappointment. She’d been trying to find ways to play with Little Lana ever since the baby could crawl, but Hilo and Ara were still working on Lana’s control so it was proving difficult even for someone as creative as Eva. Crossing her arms, Eva asked for what had to be the hundredth time since the start of these gatherings, “Are you sure I can’t just let my wolf come out and play? We’ll be extra careful. Spade’s honor!”
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